An interesting fact from the life of Yesenin. Interesting facts about Yesenin

Educated, vulnerable, amorous - many interesting facts about Yesenin refute the myth of his naivety and simplicity. He called himself a "bawdy and brawler", "the last poet of the village", he seemed to be in plain sight: joking, drinking, brawling, swearing. But he remained incomprehensible, which, undoubtedly, hastened his death. So what was Sergei Yesenin really like?

  1. In childhood, Serezha was raised by his grandfather, in addition to his mother.... Fyodor Titov, despite his peasant origin, was an educated and intelligent man. The boy's first playmates were adult uncles living in the same house with his grandfather.
  2. Yesenin was erudite and persistent, had a good education at that time: graduated with honors from the zemstvo school, then the parish school. It is noteworthy that while studying in Konstantinovo, he was left for the second year in the 3rd grade due to bad behavior.
  3. Yesenin could become a teacher, but the pedagogical field did not appeal to him. Even as a teenager, he firmly decided that he would become a poet. Sergei wrote the first verse when he was 8. At the age of 15, his poetry became systematic, he sent some of his works to a lyric competition and, in the end, moved to Moscow.
  4. In the capital, Sergei first lived and worked with his father in a butcher shop... Then, in order to be closer to literary circles, he got a job as a worker at a printing house. Among the interesting facts about writers is Yesenin's meeting with Blok. The aspiring poet, working in the printing house, tried to make useful acquaintances, but this did not give a tangible result. Then he, having learned the address of the Blok, came to him for an audition.
  5. In 1913, Yesenin had an office romance with Anna Izryadnova, which ended in a civil marriage and the birth of his son Yuri. Their family did not last long: a year later, the poet packed his things and left for Petrograd. As Izryadnova later recalled, the last time she saw Yesenin before his death - he came to say goodbye. A tragic future awaited their joint son: in 1937, Yuri was shot, accused of preparing an attempt on Stalin's life.


  6. During World War I, Yesenin served as an orderly on a military field train, under the patronage of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Together with other poets, he repeatedly performed in Tsarskoe Selo in front of members of the imperial family.


  7. In 1917 Sergei signed with actress Zinaida Reich... The new marriage lasted four years, during which the couple rushed between Orel, where Reich's parents lived, and Moscow, did not live together for a long time. Then a painful break followed, which led Zinaida to nervous exhaustion. A year later, the actress married director Meyerhold. He also adopted Yesenin's children - Kostya and Tanya.
  8. Crowded literary evenings were common in the early 20th century... Yesenin recited on them not only his poems, but also the works of Bely, Blok. While reading, he gestured expressively, tried to imitate the speech manner of the authors.
  9. Yesenin had a very difficult relationship with Mayakovsky.... Both were intolerant, publicly criticizing each other, often not shy of expressions. At the same time, the reverse information has also been preserved, where each of the poets recognizes the talent and importance of an ideological opponent.
  10. For a while Yesenin was a vegetarian... According to eyewitnesses, he had two phobias - fear of police officers and infection with syphilis.
  11. The second official wife of Yesenin was Isadora Duncan, a famous American dancer... Accompanying his wife during the tour, Sergei traveled all over Western Europe, visited the United States. A tragic love story with jealousy, scandals, and assault ended in rupture. Yesenin fell in love with another and stayed in Moscow.
  12. The poet's new passion was secretary Galina Benislavskaya... After the death of the poet, she committed suicide at his grave.
  13. Yesenin's last companion - Sophia Tolstaya, the granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy.
  14. Before his death, the poet lay in a neuropsychiatric clinic for a month.


  15. There are a lot of assumptions about Yesenin's death - from suicide due to depression to murder for political reasons. Marina Tsvetaeva often thought about the poet's death, suggesting that he was ruined by the need to adapt to modern Soviet realities.

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Sergei Yesenin is perhaps one of the most famous poets of the Silver Age. Thanks to the large number of diaries, essays and articles, a lot is known about his life at the moment. But, as you know, it is impossible to know everything about a person, albeit a public one. Therefore, we decided to open the veil of secrets and tell the most interesting facts about the poet's life.

Almost everyone knows the poet's homeland - this is the village of Konstantinovo in the Ryazan province. But not many people know that Sergei Yesenin was born on the day of the 800th anniversary of Ryazan.

It was on October 3, 1895 that the whole city was incredibly decorated, music sounded everywhere, laughter was heard. Even the correspondents of the Moscow newspaper noted that they had not seen such a scale anywhere in the country!

Childhood nickname of the poet

Despite the fact that Sergei Yesenin studied at a church institution, he was an atheist. At the age of twelve, the poet took off his pectoral cross, for which he received the nickname "atheist".

It is also surprising that his grandfather was going to devote his whole life to serving God, but then changed his mind. After that, he and the entire family of the Yesenins were nicknamed "monks".

The first work of the poet

Alexander Nikitich Yesenin, the poet's father, worked in a Moscow butcher shop from an early age. The young poet also followed in his footsteps, but his patience only lasted for a while.

In relation to S. A. Yesenin, many biographers use the term "peasant grip". The poet's subtle nature was complemented and moved forward by incredible energy, coupled with innate stubbornness. Sergei Alexandrovich did not hesitate to work hard to find his place in the city and take place there.

The dog Seryozhka is the poet's favorite pet

The favorite of the Yesenin family is a red mongrel named Seryozhka. The dog was the most ordinary - not purebred and ill-mannered, but this did not prevent the poet from loving her with all his heart.

Yesenin, all his sisters and Seryozhka lived together with Galina Benislavskaya, a personal secretary, on Bryusov Lane. Parents could not leave Seryozhka after the death of their son, so they took the dog to their place in Konstantinovo.

Sergei Yesenin and the gendarmerie

Not many people know that the poet had many fears. One of them is the fear of gendarmes and other guardians of the law. According to Wolf Ehrlich, the Russian Soviet poet, when meeting with law enforcement officers, Yesenin changed his face: he was immediately seized by panic, he turned pale, then turned yellow and breathed heavily. Later, the poet always asked his friends and acquaintances not to tell anyone about this.

Apparently, in addition to fear, the well-founded fear of the servants of the law also played a role in Sergei Alexandrovich's attitude to the gendarmerie. As you know, he loved to have fun, make noise, drink, so he often had to deal with law enforcement agencies in the role of a troublemaker.

"Labor artel of artists of the word"

In 1918, Sergei Yesenin, Andrei Bely, Lev Povitsky, Sergei Klychkov and Pyotr Oreshin set up an organization of Soviet poets called the Labor Artel of Word Artists. Overflowing with ideas and thoughts, the creators were hindered by only one thing - the lack of paper, which at that time could only be obtained from the Presidium of the Moscow Council.

Yesenin tried to show his determination, so he changed into simple clothes and went there. The council took him for a "peasant poet" and gave him the necessary paper.

The only close friend of the poet

Not many people know that Sergei Yesenin had a personal literary secretary - Galina Benislavskaya. For five years she was engaged in all sorts of affairs of the poet and corresponded with the editors.

Galina Arturovna was very devoted to Yesenin, therefore, a year after his death, she shot herself at his grave. Later they found Benislavskaya's posthumous note there: “In this grave, everything is most precious to me…”.

Konstantinovo or Yesenino?

In 1926, a year after the poet's death, the residents of Konstantinovo submitted an application to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee about their desire to rename the village to Yesenino. The first attempt was unsuccessful. The second took place in 1965, when Yesenin could have turned 70 years old. But this petition was also rejected, therefore the village is called Konstantinovo to this day.

Relationship between two great poets

The dislike of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Sergei Yesenin is just a myth. It is known that in public they could argue and swear. However, far from human eyes, each of the poets praised each other, and sometimes even read out excerpts from works!

However, the aggressive dogma of the futuristic movement, to which Vladimir Mayakovsky belonged, demanded the rejection of the classical examples of art with which Sergei Yesenin associated himself, touching upon eternal themes and using folk motives. In addition, the political views of the poets differed: if our hero doubted the new system and its justice, then his antipode became famous for his party poems praising the new time. Therefore, the very nature of their relationship in public demanded a confrontation.

The truth about Yesenin's death

What is hidden in the work of the famous Russian poet? Almost every work by Sergei Yesenin is an ode, a hymn to a complex, unpredictable, but wonderful life. In each poem, the poet appears before us as a brawler, a bully, a sage and a philosopher. But his latest works clearly convey not only this: they show disappointment in the new political system of the country. On the eve of his death, the poet distanced himself from the authorities, trying to defend the originality of his work. However, as we know, he did not have to defend her for a long time: he was found hanged in a hotel. The investigating authorities recognized his death as a suicide.

But there are also those people who believe in a different version of what happened: a secret reprisal by the authorities, dissatisfied with the activities of the freedom-loving poet. Some eyewitnesses who saw the body of Sergei Alexandrovich claimed that numerous marks of beatings were found on it. This fact gave reason to think that Yesenin resisted in a death fight, and then the killers staged suicide. However, the investigative data on the death or death of the poet are still classified, so there is not enough evidence to accuse the authorities.

We hope that our article helped you get to know one of the greatest poets of our country better.

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Is there at least one person in the world who is not indifferent to poetry who does not know about Sergei Yesenin? It is unlikely ... The great poet has received recognition all over the world, his poems are studied by literary scholars, and in general, his work has served as an example to follow for many generations of poets. Yesenin forever inscribed himself in the history of world literature.

  • In his native Ryazan village, he successfully studied at the church-teacher's school, but after a year and a half he dropped out of classes, as he did not feel drawn to pedagogy.
  • Having moved from the hinterland to Moscow, 17-year-old Yesenin pursued a single goal - to become the greatest poet in Russia.
  • In Moscow, Yesenin earned a living in a variety of activities - he managed to work both in a printing house and in a butcher's shop. In his spare time, the future poet was a volunteer at the university for a year and a half.
  • During the war, the poet managed to get a job as an orderly on a train under the patronage of the empress. The poet also had the opportunity to recite poetry several times in front of the imperial family in Tsarskoye Selo.
  • In the early 1920s, Yesenin, who had turned from a village youth into a libertine and rowdy, met Isadora Duncan. The poet was 18 years younger than his chosen one and did not know English, and she did not understand a word in Russian, but this did not prevent Yesenin and Duncan from getting married. However, this marriage soon fell apart. The dancer survived the poet by only a few years, tragically suffocating herself with a scarf.
  • Yesenin's son from his first common-law wife, Yuri Izryadnov, was executed on false charges - it was alleged that he was preparing an attempt on Stalin's life.
  • Mayakovsky disliked Yesenin, and the poet reciprocated. True, each of the rivals recognized each other's indisputable talent.
  • Blok, on the contrary, considered Yesenin to be a genuine talent. He introduced the village boy to the literary environment and helped him make a career (facts about Blok).
  • It is known that Yesenin did not eat meat for several years.
  • Zinaida Reich became Yesenin's first legal wife. The two children, born to her from the poet in three years of marriage, were raised not by Yesenin, but by the second husband of Reich, the famous director Meyerhold.
  • Yesenin loved to drink, and during drunken carousing he entertained the audience with obscene verses - obscene and obscene quatrains were instantly born in the poet's head and were immediately forgotten by him.
  • In the mid-1920s, the poet became a defendant in several criminal cases - he was accused of hooliganism and anti-Semitic statements.
  • His last wife was Tolstoy's granddaughter. This marriage also did not bring the poet family well-being, but it was this woman who then became his widow ().
  • Shortly before Yesenin's death, his wife agreed on his treatment in a private mental hospital. Coming out of there, the poet withdrew all the money from his accounts and went to St. Petersburg.
  • Soon after arriving in St. Petersburg, Yesenin was found hanged in his hotel room. The day before, he gave his last work to a friend - the poet complained that there was no ink in the hotel, so he had to write the lines with his own blood.
  • The circumstances of the death of the 30-year-old poet are still shrouded in mystery. Officially, it is believed that the poet committed suicide due to deep depression, but there is also evidence that the poet was killed because of disagreements with the Soviet authorities.
  • Yesenin was buried with great honors in Moscow. Soon one of the poet's beloved and his secretary Galina Beneslavskaya committed suicide at his grave.

Yesenin Sergei Alexandrovich (1895 - 1925) - Russian poet. Born in the village of Konstantinovo (Ryazan province) in a peasant family and during his short life he wrote many wonderful poems, some of which later even became songs. In this article, we have collected 10 interesting facts from the life of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin which, we hope, you will like!

1. For the first time, the poems of Sergei Yesenin were published in the magazine "Mirok" in 1914. And the first collection of poems was published in 1916 and was called "Radunitsa".

2. in 1909, Sergei Yesenin studied at the parish teacher's school with Spas-Klepiki. Today it is no longer a school, but a museum of S.A. Yesenin.

3. After leaving school in 1912, Yesenin went to Moscow, where he worked in a butcher's shop.

4. Yesenin was married three times. His last wife, Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, was his own granddaughter.

5. Yesenin's second marriage was remarkable in that his wife (American dancer) Isadora Duncan practically did not speak Russian, and Sergei Alexandrovich himself did not speak English at all. As a result, their marriage lasted just over a year. In 1968, a British-French film dedicated to this dancer, which is called "Isadora", was released. The role of Yesenin went to a certain Zvonimir Chrnko.

6. Sergei Yesenin is one of the many Russian poets whose poems were used to make songs. At various times, songs to Yesenin's poems were performed by Alexander Malinin ("Fun"), the Alpha group, Lyudmila Zykina ("Hear, the sleigh is racing"), Nadezhda Babkina ("The Golden Grove Dissuaded"), Galina Nenasheva "Birch", Nikolai Karachentsov (" Queen "), Oleg Pogudin, Nikita Dzhigurda, gr. Mongol Shuudan ("Moscow"), Vika Tsyganova, Zemfira and many others.

7. Being married, Sergei Yesenin had an affair with the poet and translator Nadezhda Volpin. From this union, their illegitimate son Alexander was born in 1924. To this day, he still lives, lives in the United States and bears the double surname Yesenin-Volpin.

8. On December 28, 1925, Yesenin was found hanged from a heating pipe in his room at the Angleterre Hotel. Also found a farewell note written in blood in the form of a poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye ...". Sergei was buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

9. Many people still argue about the death of Sergei Yesenin. It is said that he could not hang himself because there was no reason for that. Contemporaries note that on the eve of his death he was cheerful and cheerful, in addition, he was so impatiently awaiting the release of his new collection of poems.

10. Sergei Yesenin had his own Literary Secretary Galina Arturovna Benislavskaya, who for five years dealt with all Yesenin's literary affairs, and negotiated with the editorial staff. She was very strongly attached to Yesenin and, according to Sergei's friends, she wanted to be Yesenin's only close friend. She even accused the poet's friends and even his sister Catherine of trying in every possible way to destroy their relationship. Almost a year after Yesenin's death (December 3, 1926) Galina Benislavskaya shot herself at his grave at the Vagankovsky cemetery. She also left a suicide note containing the following lines: "In this grave for me everything is most precious ..."

Reading time: 3 minutes

We know Yesenin from school as a hooligan and drunkard, praising blue Russia and women. But there are interesting facts about Yesenin that remain outside the scope of the school curriculum. The genius poet always surprised his friends and family with risky actions that lifted him to the top of Olympus and dragged him into the abyss of hopelessness.

From childhood, Yesenin stood out among his peers, he was not particularly eager to be a worker, although he anxiously loved his homeland, he could wander through the fields for hours, enjoying the natural splendor. From the age of 5, Titov's grandfather was engaged in the upbringing of the poet, he was distinguished by high intelligence and education. It was he who instilled in Yesenin a passionate love for literature, and his grandmother constantly told folk tales, sang ditties and taught her grandson interesting sayings and parables. In such an atmosphere, it was impossible not to grow up to be a sensual and loving person. Later he was brought up by his mother.

He went to study at the Parish School, graduated with honors and left for Moscow, to his father. The father worked in a butcher's shop, but the son could not withstand this activity for six months. He declared himself the future great Russian poet and set off to conquer the fatherland. First - service, then - readings with the empress, later - final fame throughout the country.

  • The main idol of the poet was A. Blok. It was this writer who appreciated Yesenin's first poems from the point of view of professionalism. And the young poet amused Blok with his persistence and country manners.
  • Yesenin was married 4 times (not counting numerous hobbies).
  • Yesenin considered Galina Benislavskaya a friend and companion, and she loved him. After the death of the poet, Benislavskaya shot herself at his grave and was buried near Yesenin.
  • Yesenin had two interesting phobias - a terrible fear of the police and a panic fear of contracting syphilis.
  • At one time, Sergei Yesenin was a vegetarian.
  • Isadora Duncan - Yesenin's most famous woman saw in him her son, who died in infancy. Duncan did not speak Russian, Yesenin did not speak English, but in passionate quarrels, their dialogue consisted of a linguistic mixture of swear words. Friends were very amused by this.
  • After Yesenin's death, Isadora died tragically and absurdly: she got out of a taxi, and her long scarf pinched the car door, the car started and strangled the great dancer.
  • Yesenin and Mayakovsky, although in public and showed disdain for each other, in fact, each admired the talent of his opponent. An interesting fact in Yesenin's biography: Mayakovsky, once reading his poems, exclaimed loudly: "Damn talented!" But from everyone in the room, he sternly demanded that they never tell anyone about this.