Sources and methods for alternative heating in a private house and an apartment. Alternative heating for a private house: species and characteristics Non-traditional heat sources

Alternative heating is heated at home with the help of so-called alternative energy sources, which primarily applies to the inner energy of the planet Earth. At a certain depth, depending on the geographical location of the area, its temperature is almost constant and positive at any time of the year.

A simple example: in the middle lane of Russia at a distance of 170 cm from the surface of the Earth, the temperature is 8-10 degrees Celsius. The same temperature is groundwater, and rivers and lakes even in winter under the thickness of ice have a temperature of 3-4 C.

In the area located in the north, "warm" soil can lay deeper, and in the southern regions, on the contrary, closer to the surface of the Earth. This means that even in strong frosts of the land of the earth have a supply of thermal energy, sufficient for heating of the dwelling. The problem is only to properly use it for alternative home heating.

To do this, it is necessary to solve a difficult task: to transfer heat from the less heated body to a more heated body: the heat carrier used in the heating systems (we recall that the temperature of the subsicing of the earth at an acceptable depth is 8-10 seconds).

A simple solution to the complex task of heating in a private house

It was possible to do this only in the middle of the last century, after the invention and the widespread distribution of household refrigerators, the device whose device pushed the Swiss "Kulibin" Robert Weber on the idea to direct the thermal energy of the thermal energy to economic needs and use it to heat the hot water.

That is how the modern thermal pump was invented, which is nothing but a "reverse refrigerator", figuratively speaking, "selecting the cold at the heated room and transmitting its mass of the earth."

Of course, it is more correct, from the point of view of professionals, we are talking about the use of the reserve of thermal energy of a less heated body and transmitting it to a heated body.

In a primitive form, this process can be described using simple formula:

  • Q \u003d cm (t2-t1), where
  • Q-got warm
  • C-heat capacity
  • M mass
  • T1 T2 The difference in temperatures on which the body was cooled

This means that the amount of thermal energy transmitted when cooled by a particular body does not matter, it is about the heated Russian oven weighing a few tons or a heating radiator that weighing a couple of tens of kilograms, which is directly proportional to the heat capacity of the material from which it is manufactured, its mass and The temperature difference on which cooling occurs.

It is easy to guess that when cooled by one kilogram of a substance by 50 degrees, the same amount of thermal energy is highlighted, as in the cooling of 50 kg of the same substance per 1 degree.

In other words, with a decrease in the temperature of the soil weighing several hundred tons of only a fraction of a degree, you can get the amount of heat, quite sufficient for the heating of a private house. At the same time, it is possible to cool, not only soil, but also water in water bodies, as well as air, the mass of which also has a colossal margin of thermal energy.

Heat pump as a source of alternative heating

For alternative heating of a private house, it is enough to buy and install a heat pump, a device specifically designed to use low-temperature energy for heating and hot water supply and working on the principle of modern air conditioner or refrigerator. By the way, externally, the heat pump resembles the usual household refrigerator, and there is little different from the dimensions.

In order to understand exactly how the heat pump works, it is enough to recall the device and the principle of operation of the refrigerator, in which the heat is "selected" in products and is "emitted" into the environment. That is why it is recommended when installing refrigeration equipment to create a free space around it, providing timely heat removal.

If the refrigerator takes heat in products and generates a cold, then the heat pump takes it away from the mass of the earth, water or air and sends the resulting heat energy to heating at home. In it, as well as in the refrigerator, there is an evaporator, choke, compressor and condenser. The main difference in operation in these devices is created by settings.

The principle of operation of the heat pump is described using the carno cycle. It is possible to consider it using the example of a home heating system with a heat pump pumping low-temperature energetic energy.

How does heat pump work

The refrigerant, circulating on a closed contour, enters the evaporator, where its expansion occurs, accompanied by an increase in volume and a decrease in pressure level. At the same time, the refrigerant evaporation and the decrease in its temperature occurs. During this process, the refrigerant actively takes the thermal energy from the evaporator walls connected to the heat exchanger, which moves the coolant, called in the system of thermal pumps "brine". At this time, the thermal pump of the mass of the earth is received into the heat pump system.

The refrigerant is then entered into the compressor, where its compression occurs, and then pushing into the capacitor, during which the refrigerant temperature is raised to 80-120 C.

At the same time, heat transfer to the coolant circulating over the heat exchanger connected to the condenser. Chilled refrigerant enters the evaporator and the process is repeated. It works the heat pump from the electrical network, but the consumption of electricity and the costs of it are negligible compared to the resulting effect, which is especially important for alternative heating of a private house.

During the heat pump operation, the coolant can heat up to a temperature above 100 degrees Celsius, which is quite enough for heating and hot water supply and allows you to create certain heat reserves, heating, for example, a thermal battery.
To ensure comfortable conditions and reduce electricity consumption, heat pumps are equipped with thermostats, with the help of which the required heat carrier heating temperature is supported.

Types of thermal pumps

Thermal pumps are classified depending on the type of thermal energy used for their work. In this regard, distinguish:

  • Geothermal pumps, vertical and horizontal, using heat groundwater. At the same time, heat transfer comes according to the water-water scheme
  • WaterSeating the heat of lakes, rivers and seas. At the same time, heat transfer also goes according to the water-water scheme
  • Airusing heat of air masses. Heat transfer comes according to the "Air-water" scheme
  • Soilusing heat soil thermal energy. Heat transfer comes according to the soil-water scheme

Advantages and disadvantages of heat pumps

Alternative heating on the basis of the thermal pump has a number of advantages:

  • It is safe for the environment and man. You can be sure that the house does not face a fire from faulty equipment, flue gases will not receive into the premises, and the environment will not suffer from carbon dioxide
  • The heat pump allows you to get cheap thermal energy
  • It can change operation modes and in summer to be used for air conditioning.
  • He is reliable and durable

It is not by chance in developed countries, for example, Japan, it is the use of thermal pumps is considered the most promising direction in alternative home heating.

Such a term is called alternative types of heating of private houses, the principle of operation of which is based on the use of energy relating to renewable, for which there is no one to pay.

Here are the types of heating, with the implementation of which in a similar way it is possible to work out at least some kind of heat.

Alternative heating of a private house with their own hands is often satisfied with the use of infrared heaters. There are more and more of their designs in retail chains. Products are very simple and easy to operate, offered at quite reasonable prices.

The basis of such heating devices is an infrared film. The most common options: warm floors and warm plinths.

Alternative heating sources can be used and connected as:

  • additions to the central heat source (for example, a gas boiler);
  • the main source of heating of the whole house.

Personal household owners pay a lot of attention, considering alternative sources of heating of a private house. Moreover, this category of devices is interpreted more widely.

This includes traditional boilers operating on biological fuel, infrared heating, wind generators, solar panels, collectors and thermal pumps.

Consider alternative heating methods in more detail.

Application of heat pumps (TN) for heating rooms

Such alternative sources of heating at home, as thermal pumps, are most often used as a source of heating of premises, which is alternative.

The reason for this lies in the fact that the specified technology is most worked out.

The principle of operation of the product, in two words, is characterized as the "refrigerator on the contrary". This device absorbs heat from the environment (air, ground or water) and redirects it to an alternative heating of the premises. The basis of TN is the physical principle of carno.

The refrigerant refilled in the closed circuit of the refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator, where it is expanding with the simultaneous decrease in pressure and increase volume. In parallel, the refrigerant partially evaporates, in connection with which the temperature of the latter falls.

Chilled, it begins to intensively accumulate energy, selecting it at the walls of the evaporator connected with the heat exchanger. In the latter, the coolant is intensively moved, informally referred to as "brine". During these manipulations, heat energy accumulated in the depths of the Earth is in the system.

Manufacturers and trading networks offer alternative sources of private house heating in the form of TN of four major groups that differ in thermal energy, which they attract for heating of the room:

  1. Geothermal pumps (both horizontal and vertical) are heated due to the use of groundwater heat. The so-called water-water scheme;
  2. Thermal pumps operating at the expense of thermal energy obtained from open reservoirs of natural origin (sea, lake, river, etc.). Implemented the water-water scheme;
  3. The accumulation for heat heating contained in the air is carried out according to the air-water scheme;
  4. If the pump extracts the energy of the soil, then the work goes according to the scheme "Soil-Water".

Solar energy or heliosystems for home heating

The energy of the Sun, thanks to the development of new technologies, from the discharge of exotic options, heating is transferred to the category "Alternative heating of a private house with their own hands", which is actually used as heating systems.

Today, it is most often used to heat the room one of two options:

  • Solar energy is transformed directly into electricity. The accumulated electricity is then used for the operation of the Tan.
  • Solar energy goes on direct heating of the coolant. The last EC, or the PC passes through heating devices, warming up the rooms at home.

The minuses of similar systems are cloudy days, and, inevitably replacing the day, night. Therefore, solar collectors are used in parallel with a variety of electrical heaters.

Alternative heating with your own hands in this version provides that the real temperature of the coolant is controlled by the built-in sensors and, if its value is lowered at night or in cloudy weather below the fixed minimally allowed, the electrical heater automatically turns on.

As a rule, any solar battery is completed not only by an inverter and controller, due to which U \u003d 12/24 V (according to I const) is formed, but also the tank of the battery, which accumulates the excess electricity produced in the daytime.

Alternative sources of house heating, made according to the specified schemes, with the necessary area of \u200b\u200bphotocells and the corresponding capacity of the AB, is possible an embodiment of a fully autonomous heating system.

Application of boilers on biofuel

An independent device of heating systems consisting of a complex design of pipes in soil or solar collectors on the roof of the house can be replaced by the installation of a special boiler operating on an eco-friendly biofuel.

Heating a private house with electrical or gas boilers is not always justified and cost-effective.

For extracts, biocot can be used:

  • firewood;
  • briquettes and pellets (for example, from sawdust or peat);
  • biogas;
  • wood granules and chips, etc.

Briquettes are considered the best fuel for a similar boiler, as they burn for a long time and keep warm.

Using wind energy

In trading networks today, you can meet quite workable models of devices producing thermal energy due to the use of wind energy (wind generators), which represent alternative types of heating.

They have quite a decent performance and a weighted ratio of the efficiency of the device and its cost.

Such alternative systems of heating a private house have a significant disadvantage, have large sizes. For example, a wind generator, designed to produce 4 kW of electricity, has very large wings (up to 10 meters). Alternative types of heating using wind fully possess all the shortcomings that are "sick" currently available heliosystems.

This option alternative heating can be practically implemented only in areas that are inherent in constant wind. First of all, it is the steppe, the coast, the mountains.

The alternative types of heating of private houses, implemented with the records of wind generators, have a minimum of one lack more than the Heliosystems discussed above. Here it is impossible to use the resulting wind energy immediately for heating the coolant. It is pre-transformed to transform the resulting mechanical energy into electricity, and only then use the latter to heat the coolant, and this reduces the efficiency of such systems.

Most of us have normal gas, coal or combined heating. Of course, there is an electric way of heating the room, but it is not very common due to the high, but what to do if the heat suddenly disconnected, the pipe failure, de-energization, etc. Do not freeze in the winter day! Of course not, because in this case, alternative heat sources come to the rescue. This is a mandatory attribute in an extreme or even catastrophic situation. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Gas and electric heating

It is safe to say that today is extremely restless and difficult for many times. With the gas highway, anything can happen. For example, a large accident is eliminated long enough, and if there is no alternative supply paths, then people will freeze. As for the electrical option, first, it is expensive, secondly, not very reliable. Conducted by possible overloads on the network when connecting a large number of consumers. Nevertheless, gas and electricity are today the main sources of heat. All we can do is to protect themselves, installing emergency equipment. Sometimes you can make alternative sources of heat with your own hands, we will talk about this a little later.

Boilers on solid and liquid fuel

This is perhaps the two most common decisions today. This is due to the great availability of equipment. Of course, the laboriousness of installation work makes itself felt, but the cost of solid fuel (coal, firewood, etc.) is quite reasonable. But about such a heat source need to think in advance and install it together with gas equipment. Of course, the water system can be carried out in parallel with the electroconvector, so, in fact, it is better and proceed. As for liquid boilers, this is a good solution, but in recent years the popularity of such a heating method is lower. This is due to an increase in the cost of fuel. As the latter, vegetable and machine oil is suitable, and testing. If you work in the production, where dozens are poured every day, or even hundreds of such fuel, then it's time to think about this issue. Such alternative sources of heat for home are extremely relevant, especially if there are oil reserves. Let's go further.

Alternative sources made - it's just

Sometimes we ourselves can make something for heating. The easiest option is burzhuyka. Most often, a barrel or steel pipe of a large diameter is used as a housing. Two holes are made in the housing, one more - the furnace, the second is less - the asolnik. It is advisable to make doors. A little lower than the level of the furnace of the furnace, it is necessary to make brackets to which the grate will be placed. The latter can be made of ordinary welding reinforcement. If you make a burzhuyku from the pipe, then you need to brew the upper and lower parts. But do not forget that you need chimney. To do this, the small hole is cut on top, and the pipe is inserted into it. In fact, such alternative sources made are quite capable of warmting up a large room during the cold season. Coal or firewood is used as fuel. Do not forget that you need to connect to the chimney.

Furnaces of long burning

This option of heating over the past few years has become more common. This is due not only to good advertising, but also the high efficiency of the method. The essence lies in the fact that there are two stages of fuel combustion. On the first, the separation and separation of wood gas occurs, and on the second - the combustion of the latter. As a result, we have a fairly effective, but at the same time economical heating. But it is necessary to carefully follow the humidity of the fuel. If this indicator is above the norm, the amount of heat will not be so big, sometimes there will be no such fuel. Therefore, more attention should be paid to storage. It is better to give preference to a garage or any other indoor dry room. Leaders for the production of long-burning furnaces with air or water contour are considered "Breneran" (Canada) and "Buleryan". In principle, such alternative sources of heat for the apartment should not be left without attention. Especially since this is the only available solution.

Heat pumps - Alternative heat sources for a private house

Many of this method of heating the premises did not even hear. But today, if we consider alternative heat sources, this is one of the best options. This is due not only to high efficiency, but also safety. The essence lies in the fact that the heat collected from the soil or water is transmitted to the heating system. In the summer, the opposite principle (cooling of the building) is most often used. As you can see, one heat pump allows you to solve several tasks. In winter, this is a heating system, in summer - air conditioning. As for the effectiveness, heating costs will be lower by about 10% rather than gas. But often the problem lies in the fact that heat pumps are not everyone can afford, because it is expensive equipment that requires accurate professional installation. Yes, and too this system is dependent on electricity, therefore it does not make much sense when the problem with electricity.

Install tech or fireplace

Hydrodynamic installation (heating), it is tech, is a new source of alternative space heating. The design of the installation includes an expansion tank (hydroaccumulator), pump and electric pump. The principle of operation is based on the separation of energy from two streams of water, which face with each other when entering the tank. Often, simply connects to the heating system of the apartment or at home and does not require the installation of additional equipment, such as a circulation pump, a mechanical filter, etc.

As for such a decision, how to install the fireplace, then this is not available to everyone. But if you live on the top floor or the building has chimney, you will not have problems. Of course, it is quite expensive pleasure and requires a lot of space indoors. But in return, you will get an excellent heating. In principle, these are the most popular alternative sources of heat for giving, where much space and it is possible to independently make chimney. The main thing is to properly work out the air heating system so that air flows passed through the entire room.

Basic information about Heliosystems

Heliosystems, despite their difficulty, are quite popular. But if their use is difficult in apartments, then for the cottage or country house, this is exactly what you need. Such a source of heat consists of (vacuum). A collector is installed on the roof, where he collects the energy of the Sun. When the rays fall on its surface, the room is heating. It is noteworthy that the system works even at minus temperature or cloudy weather. But do not forget that it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the plates, to clean them from snow, leaves, etc. Since the result is in the heat exchanger, it is used for the heating and water heating system for economic needs. But in places where the Sun is almost never, such systems are impractical.

So choose

We looked at the bulk of alternative sources of heat. As you see, there are a lot of them. But you only depends on you. So, the heliosystems are preferable in the southern and central regions, and in the northern it is almost useless. A fireplace is suitable for a country house, and in the apartment it is better to put the best alternative sources of heat for the garage - these are burzhuyki, since here you can steal the use of oil, without experiencing a specific smell.


Here, in principle, all that can be told on this topic. The choice is very large, it is necessary to be guided not only by its own preferences, but also soberly assess your financial capabilities, as well as the feasibility of one or another choice. If you come to the cottage a couple of times a year, it is unlikely that it makes sense there to put heliosystem there, it is equivalent to to mount the bourgeois in the apartment with renovation. Of course, the solution is for you, but do it deliberately and first of all think about security, as well as not to freeze in a difficult time.

The rise in price of traditional fuels (gas, firewood, electricity, peat, etc.) causes cheaper heating methods. Traditional boilers gradually displaces alternative heating of a private house, which allows to obtain thermal energy and at the same time save funds.

A few words about alternative heating

Everyone understands the term "alternative heating" in its own way. Someone includes it exclusively the use of renewable energy sources, others add infrared heaters, film floors and many other options.

However, classical alternative home heating as a thermal source uses precisely spontaneous-replenished natural resources to which the wind, the sun, the heat of the Earth belong. It is implemented with acceptable costs for each cost, but in the future there is no need to pay suppliers.

One of the most affordable traditional heat sources is gas. But its cost is also constantly growing, increasing heating costs. The exit from the situation is the alternative heating of a private house, which can be implemented by numerous ways. You can call the most common:

  1. Wind energy
  2. Heliosystems (solar panels)
  3. Heat pumps
  4. Bioflee boilers

Visual video example

Wind Energy

The energy generated by a special windmill is one of the most sought-after, since the movement of the air masses will never stop. Today, installations are available to everyone, but they did not receive due propagation on objective reasons:

  1. High cost of equipment and installation
  2. The need for a large free area to accommodate a large-sized product

In areas where the wind is exclusively impressive and infrequent, the use of windmills is economically inappropriate. The resulting mechanical energy is directly used to heat the coolant, it is impossible without a special transforming device.


The greatest distribution was solar batteries that can be used as an alternative home heating. The simplest scheme consists of a circulating pump, manifold and solar module.

It is possible to implement heating using solar silicon modules with one of 2 ways:

  • With a water collector
  • Through electrical heaters

The greatest distribution was obtained by the first method in which the energy of the Sun is accumulated directly into electrical energy and is used to power the heating elements - the Ten. The latter, in turn heated in a special container (collector), a liquid coolant, which is circulated by the pump through the heating system. To prevent overheating, the thermostats controlling the temperature of the fluid and the operation of the heating elements should be installed.

The second method is to operate as heating elements of electrical devices:, heaters, film warm floors, etc. Thus, solar energy is converted to the electrical and through the inverter and the controller are sent to feed the heating devices.

The use of solar energy to many may seem the most optimal and simple options, but do not forget about the change of day or cloudy weather. At such times, the modules may not produce a sufficient amount of electricity.

There is a way out of the situation - it is necessary to purchase and install expensive batteries. They will accumulate energy and supply it during periods when solar modules are inactive. The disadvantage is in a short service life - 5-6 years.

Heat pumps

The most universal alternative heating of a private house -. They work on the well-known entire principle of the refrigerator, selecting heat from a colder body and giving up in the heating system.

It consists of a complex scheme of three devices at first glance: evaporator, heat exchanger and compressor. Options for the sale of thermal pumps are a huge set, but the most popular are considered:

  • Air-air
  • Air-water
  • Water-water
  • Soil-water


The cheapest option is the "air-air". In essence, it resembles a classic split system, but electricity is spent only for pumping heat from the street into the house, and not to heat the air masses. This contributes to saving funds, while the warmth of the house throughout the year.

Efficiency of systems is very high. On 1 kW of electricity can be obtained up to 6-7 kW of heat. Modern inverters work perfectly perfectly at temperatures -25 degrees and below.


"Air-water" is one of the common implementations of the heat pump, which has the role of a heat exchanger playing a coast of a large area installed in an open area. Additionally, it can be blown in the fan, causing cooling water inside.

Such installations are characterized by more democratic cost and simple installation. But they are able to work with high efficiency exclusively at temperatures from +7 to +15 degrees. When the column goes down to a negative mark, the efficiency falls.


The most universal realization of the heat pump is "soil-water". It does not depend on the climatic zone, since the temperature of the soil throughout the year is available throughout the year.

In this diagram, the pipe is immersed in the ground to the depth, where throughout the year the temperature is held at 7-10 degrees. Collectors can be vertically and horizontally. In the first time there are several very deep wells to be drilled, in the second - put a serpentine at a certain depth.

The disadvantage is obvious: Sophisticated installation works that will require high financial investments. Before you decide on a similar step, you should consider economic benefits. In areas with short warm winters, it is worth thinking about other options for alternative heating of private houses. Another limitation is a large free area - up to several tens of square meters. m.


The implementation of the heat pump "Water-water" is practically no different from the previous one, but the collector pipes are packed in groundwater, non-freeze throughout the year, or nearby reservoir. It costs cheaper at the expense of the following advantages:

  • Maximum depth of drilling well - 15 m
  • You can do 1-2 submersible pumps

Biological fuel boilers

If there is no desire and ability to equip the complex system consisting of pipes in the ground, solar modules on the roof, can be replaced with a model that works on biological fuel. For them are necessary:

  1. Biogas
  2. Straw granules
  3. Granules peat
  4. Chip, etc.

Main advantages

Deciding on the installation and subsequent operation of alternative sources of heat energy, it is necessary to answer the question: how quickly they pay off? Of course, the considered systems have the benefits of which:

  • The cost of the resulting energy is less than when using traditional sources
  • High efficiency

However, it should be remembered for high initial material costs that a dozen thousand dollars can reach. Installation of such installations can be called simple, so work is trusted by an exclusively professional brigade, which is able to provide a guarantee for the result.

Let's sum up

Value acquires alternative heating of a private house, which becomes more profitable against the background of the current traditional sources of thermal energy. However, before starting to re-equip the current heating system, it is necessary to calculate everything, considering each of the proposed options.

Refused the traditional boiler is also not recommended. It must be left in certain situations where alternative heating does not fulfill its functions, it will be possible to warm your home and do not freeze

Under alternative heating, you should understand systems that use free natural resources for their work. Among the most popular options for such systems, installations operating using the energy of the sun and wind can be distinguished. For the device of such heating, with other things being equal, there will have to spend less money than on the construction of more familiar heating communications, and in terms of the cost of operation, alternative heating is in undoubted leaders.

Back in the middle of the last century, people learned to use wind energy to produce electricity. The basis of the systems under consideration is the wind generators. The total windmill consists of several blades and connects to the generator directly either through the gearbox.

There are rotary, speed and low-speed models of wind generators.

  1. Safety windmills They are equipped with a large number of blades, practically do not make noise during operation, but are relatively ineffective.
  2. Design high-speaking wind generator Usually includes 3-4 blades. This installation is designed for wind speeds at the level of 10-15 m / s. High-speed windmills are quite noisy, but differ in the high efficiency, for which they got the greatest distribution in the world.
  3. A rotary windmill looks like a kind of barrel. The blades are installed vertically. The advantage of such a wind generator is the absence of the need to orientation in the direction of wind. The motor models are characterized by the lowest noise and at the same time as the most modest efficiency. Dry the private house with a rotary windmill is extremely problematic.

It is the sun today to consider as the most promising source of alternative energy. On average, the star coming to our planet for our planet gives 30-35 thousand more heat than the entire population of the Earth consumes.

World scientists are continuous on improving the efficiency of various helix and photoelectric converters.

At home, you can collect the mentioned settings and use them for water heating, i.e. Construction of water heating on alternative energy is quite real. However, the manufacturer of homemade installations rarely reaches even 50% of the manufacturer of full-fledged factory manufacturing units. Therefore, it is better to buy ready-made solar panels and all related elements, and you already make them assembling and installing them.

What is noteworthy, industrial aggregates allow you to get warm water even frosty weather. It is only necessary to shine the sun.

There are solaring of indirect and direct heating.

  1. As an example of objects working using direct heating, greenhouses and water boilers installed on the street can be brought. Even glazed veranda is a kind of helix with direct heating. However, the situation is overshadowed by the fact that the heat is consumed irrational.
  2. The indirect heating gives the user the ability to set the unit to receive solar energy where it will be as comfortable as possible, for example, on the roof. The functions of the coolant in such systems typically perform special non-freezing fluids. Heat is transferred from water drives, warm water is closed on the domestic needs of the user, its place occupies a cold liquid and the cycle is repeated.

Also, helix are classified on flat and tubular.

  1. The first type has a view of a box with a spiral heating element, usually manufactured from copper. On three sides, such a helix is \u200b\u200bheat insulated, it is covered with glass from the sunny side. Flat sets Without problems gather with their own hands. This is a budget and easy-to-use option, but the efficiency of flat installations leaves much to be desired. The function of the coolant in the system under consideration typically performs non-freezing fluid, water can also be used.
  2. Tubular blocks are collected from several tubes with a height of 400 cm. The tubes are placed in parallel to each other. The system may consist of any needed number of tubes. The function of the coolant in such a system performs a special fluid with a low boiling point, so that it is possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the aggregate. Compared to flat helix, tubular approximately 30-40% more efficiently.
    It is possible to increase the manufacture of the installation under consideration by inclusion in the system of a special pump, heat exchangers and thermally insulated x pipes. The panel is installed under the tilt, as a rule, in 30 degrees.

Tubular installations are perfectly suitable for water heating and can take an active part in the heating of the house.

Installation for solar heating at home

An elementary collector will be based on the solar heating system of the house, which can be collected with your own handicrafts.

First step. Remove the coil from the refrigerator and rinse it thoroughly with clean water. It is important to remove the entire Old Freon from the serpent.

The second step. Collect the frame from wooden plates. Frame dimensions, select individually according to the sizes of the coil. It is necessary that the serpentine will notice without any effort between the rails.

Third step. Apply markup. Cake a snake to the rush frame and apply the labels where the pipes will go.

Fourth step. Install the bottom frame rack. Between the finished frame and the rug, you need to lay a foil sheet.

Fifth step. Increase the rigidity of the system. To do this, recreate the rail to the rear wall of the design.

Sixth step. Clear the gap sticks between the previously laid foil and the base of the installation. Such sealing will not allow the cold outer air to enter the system.

Seventh step. Install eyewear pipes. For water connection, simple plastic water pipes are perfectly suitable.

Eighth step. Seamize the joints of the coil and plastic pipes with the same tape.

Ninth step. Finally fasten the coil to the body. You can use clamps from the old refrigerator for fixation. Additionally, the product should be fixed using screws.

Tenth step. Cover the system with glass and deal with scotch all over the perimeter.

solar collector

On this, work on the assembly of a solar collector can be considered complete. It will only be asked to fasten the supports so that the rays of the sun fall on the plane of the collector at a right angle. Additionally, at the bottom of the carcass you need to fix several screws. They will not allow glass to move when heated.

The homemade collector is connected to a storage tank with water. The capacity is connected to the water pipes and / or heating pipes. To improve the efficiency of work, the system is equipped with a pump.

Build and connect the wind generator

The second most popular source of alternative energy is the wind. Homemade wind generators allow you to provide a house with a warmth with minimal cost.

First stage. Select the appropriate design type and its power. Newcomers are advised to give a choice in favor of the most popular vertical wind generators. Pick the power individually. Increasing the power of the wind generator is carried out by increasing the size of the impeller and add additional blades.

However, remember that the more powerful the device will be, the more difficult it will be balancing. The optimal option for self-making is a windmill with an impeller with a diameter of about 2 m and 4-6 blades.

Second phase. Make a foundation for the wind generator. A fairly elementary three-point base. Determine the depth and area of \u200b\u200bconstruction individually, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the characteristics of the climate at the construction site.

Install the masts do not previously froze the base, i.e. About 1.5-2 weeks. Instead of foundation, you can use stretch marks. This is an even simpler mast installation option. Having a small cutting depth of about 50-60 cm, install the wind generator mast and secure the design securely using ordinary stretch marks.

Third stage. Make a blade. At home, a metal barrel is perfect for this. You need to divide the container to the same parts in an amount of equal to the number of selected blades. Preferably apply noted, it is important that the blades have strictly the same size. Move the blades of the future wind generator. In this you will help Bulgarian. In the absence of a grinder, you can do without metal cutting scissors.

Fourth stage. Fix the workpiece on the generator with bolts, and then remove the blades. From how much the blades will be rented, many parameters of the wind generator will depend on. Some specific recommendations in this regard can not be given. You can only determine the appropriate angle.

Fifth stage. Connect to the electrical generator and connect the system elements to the chain. Fix the generator on the windmill mast, then connect the wires to the mast and turn on the generator and battery chain. Give the load using wires. On this wind generator is ready. You can connect it to the water heating system by all the same accumulative containers.

If you wish, you can assemble and install several wind turbines, if one device is not enough for full-fledged home to heat.

Thus, the use of alternative energy is a very promising direction that definitely deserves attention. Now and you can feel like a part of the modern world and significantly save on heating, having collected a simple chickenpox or solar installation. Follow the instructions, and everything will turn out.

Good job!

Video - Alternative home heating with their own hands