The story of Peppy Long Stocking. Peppy Long Stocking

Summary: "Peppi Long Stocking" - a modern Tale Astrid Lindgren composed a fairy tale in the evening about the peppy girl for her daughter Karin, who at that time was sick. The name for the main character, the long and difficult-to-person for the Russian man, came up with the sherself of the writer. The brief content of the Peppi Long Chullaughta Tale in 2015 was sixty years old, and we present her brief content. Peppi Long stocking, the heroine of this fantastic history, loved in our country since 1957. A little about the author Astrid Lindgren - the daughter of two Swedish farms and grew up in a big and very friendly family. She settled the heroine of fairy tales to a small dull town where life flows measured, and nothing changes. The writer itself was a man extremely active. The Swedish Parliament on its demand and support of the majority of the population adopted the law on which domestic animals cannot be offended. Your attention below will be presented the topic of fairy tales and its summary. Peppi Long stocking, the main characters, Annik and Tommy will also be characterized. In addition to them, we also love the baby and Carlson, who invented the world famous writer. She got the most cherished for each storyter award - Medal H.K. Andersen. What Peppi and her friends peppy just nine years old. It is high, thin and very strong. She has bright redhead and flaming in the sun. The nose is small, potatoes, and all covered with freckles. A brief content of Peppi Long stocking on the chapters walks Peppy in stockings of different colors and huge black shoes that she sometimes decorates. Annicon and Tommy, who made friends with Peppi, are the most ordinary neat and exemplary children who want adventures. At the "Chicken" villa (chapters I - XI), Tommy's brother and sister and Annik Nettergegen were lived opposite the abandoned house, which stood in the launched garden. They went to school, and then, having done her lessons, played in their yard into a crocket. They were very boring, and they dreamed that they had an interesting neighbor. And now their dream came true: the red-haired girl was settled on the villa "Chicken", who had a monkey named Mr. Nilson. She brought her real sea ship. Her mother has long died and looked at his daughter from the sky, and Pope, the sea captain, washed away during the storm wave, and he, as Peppi thought, became the Negro king on the lost island. A short content of Peppi Long stocking on the chapters very briefly for money She was given by the sailors, and it was a heavy chest with gold coins, which girl was carried like a gun, she bought a horse she settled on the terrace. This is the very beginning of a wonderful story, its summary. Peppi Long stocking - Girl kind, fair and unusual. Familiarity with Peppi New girl walked along the street back forward. Annicon and Tommy asked her why she does. "So go to Egypt," the strange girl brought. And added that in India they go on hand at all. But Annika and Tommy such a lies did not bother at all, because it was a funny fiction, and they went to the pepie to visit. The main content of Peppi's long stocking is the main characters, she drilled her new friends pancakes and treated them to glory, at least one egg she broke Himself on my head. But I was not confused, and immediately came up with that in Brazil, all the eggs make their head so that the hair was growing faster. Of these harmless stories consist of the entire fairy tale. We will only retell a few of them, since this is a summary. "Peppi Long Stocking", a fairy tale, full of a variety of events, can be taken in the library. As Peppie surprises all citizens of Peppi knows how to not only tell, but also act very rapidly and unexpectedly. Circus arrived in the city - this is a great event. Together with Tommy and Annica, she went to the presentation. But during the presentation she was not sitting on the spot. Together with the circus, she jumped on the back of the horse rushing around the arena, then climbed under the dome of the circus and went through the rope, she also laid on the blades of the strongest strongman in the world and even threw it several times in the air. They wrote about it in newspapers, and the whole city found out what an unusual girl lives in it. About it did not know only thieves who decided to turn her. I had the bad thing! And Peppi saved the kids who were on the top floor of the burning house. A lot of adventures occurs with Peppy on the pages of the book. This is only their brief content. Peppi Long stocking - the best girl in the world. Peppi is going to the road (chapters I - VIII) in this part of the book, Peppi managed to go to school, to participate in a school excursion, punish a hooligan at the fair. This shameless man scattered from the older seller all his sausages. But Peppi punished a hooligan and made him pay everything. And in the same part it was returned to her dear and favorite dad. A short content of Peppi Long stocking Reviews He called her to travel along the seas. This is a completely fast retelling of the story about Peppi and her friends, the summary of the "Peppi Long Stocking" on the chapters. But the girl will not leave Tommy and Annik in longing, she will take them with them, with the consent of their mom, in hot countries. On the island of the country of Chelli (chapters I - XII) before departure to the warm edges of Peppi, Synyny and Solid Mr wanted to buy her villa "Chicken" and destroy everything on it. Villa Kitageppi with him quickly dealt. She also "planted in a puddle" a harmful Freken Rosenblum, which distributed gifts, by the way, boring, the best, as she thought to children. Then Peppi gathered all offended guys and presented to everyone with a large caramel. All except the evil Freken was satisfied. And then Peppi, Tommy and Anika went to the country of Cheering. There, they applied, caught pearls, dealt with pirates and, full of impressions, returned home. This is a completely brief content of "Peppi Long Stocking" by chapters. Very briefly, because it is much more interesting to read about all the adventures yourself. Reviews All parents who have 4-5 years old, assure that children with delight listen to the story about a girl who does everything on the contrary. They almost memorize her adventures by heart, very much like the illustrations and the quality of the publication. For all, we can hope that those who are not familiar with the fantastic girl who sleeps their legs on the pillow, will interest the brief content of "Peppi Long Stocking". The reviews say that children are asked to reread the book again and again.

Lindgren A., "Peppi Longs"

Genre: Fairy Tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Peppi Longs" and their characteristics

  1. Peppy long-range. Girl 9 years old. Redhead, with freckles, pigtails, mischievous and restless. Very strong, kind, extravagant. No one is afraid of anything, does not go to school, cooks perfectly, and loves adventures.
  2. Anniki, Sister Tommy. Cheerful girl, very calm and obedient.
  3. Tommy, Brother Annici. Good and responsive boy. Often a coward, but knows how to overcome your fear.
  4. Efroim long fillings. Captain and King, father Peppi. Very fat, strong and cheerful.
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Peppi Longs" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. When Pope Peppi washed the wave, Peppi settled in the villa "Chicken and became friends with Tommy and Annica.
  2. Due to its strength, Peppi easily went out of different situations, helped weak, and laughed at the thieves.
  3. Peppie becomes the heroine of the city, after the kids saves on the fire, saves the girl from the tiger, and punishes the local hooligan.
  4. When Peppi's father arrives, she is going to go with him to the island of Holly, but remains unable to part with friends.
  5. Peppi goes to the island of Cheerle, along with Tommy and Annica, talking with shark and punishes two robbers.
  6. Peppi returns to the Villa "Chicken", celebrates Christmas, and decides never to become an adult.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Peppi Longs"
Childhood is the best time in a person's life, and therefore it must be rich in adventures.

What does the fairy tale "Peppi Longs"
The tale teaches to live full life, have fun, play, seek adventure. He teaches not to give up and not to retreat, teaches not to be sad and understand humor. Teaches the benefits of knowledge and education.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Peppi Longs"
I really liked this wonderful story. Peppi is just a miracle what a girl with which you will never get bored and from which you can not be afraid of anything. But I myself would not want to be such as Peppy, because it seems to me that she still was too lonely.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Peppi Longs"
Volong to this, who does not bit from youth.
Do not hang a head, not sorrow of comrades.
Who knows how to have fun, that grief is afraid.
I would be glad to cry, yes laughter overcome.
Childhood is golden.

Peppi settled in the villa "Chicken"

CHAPTER 1 Like Peppy settled in Villa Chicken

Mom Peppi died a long time ago and the girl did not remember her, but she thought she was an angel. And her father was a captain of long-range sailing, which during the storm was washed off wave. After that, Pppi took her monkey, a gold chest and settled in the villa "Chicken". She immediately bought a horse and often endured her in the garden, because Peppi is very strong.
And in front of the villas, Tommy and Annik lived, very obedient children. And they were very surprised when they saw the pepi at first came out of her home and went fine, and back returned backward. Peppi explained to the guys that she walks like she likes, because she lives in a free country. Then she introduced children with Monkey Nilson and invited them to her breakfast.
The children were very surprised that Peppi lived alone, and there was a big mess in the house. But they even liked it.

Chapter 2 How Peppie is involved in a fight

The next morning, Tommy and Anniki immediately went to Peppi, which was preparing a tortine. Then Peppi decided to put order on the streets, and collect things that people lost or thrown out.
The children went to the street and Peppi found a tin can, and then an empty coil. But the girl ran out on the street, followed by five boys. Peppi stood up for the girl and MiG scolded the boys whom in the flowerbed, and who is right on the tree.
Then the children returned to the villa, and Peppi lay down, legs on a pillow.

Chapter 3 As Peppy Playing with Police In Salochki

When they learned in the city that Peppi lives quite alone, she decided to send it to an orphanage. And two policemen came to the villa who began to convince Peppi in what she needed to learn.
But Peppi decided to play with police officers in the salting, climbed onto the balcony, then to the roof.
The police officers were climbed up, but Peppi jumped onto a tree, descended and took the staircase.
Then she of course she returned the stairs to the place when the police politely asked her about it. But the police turned out to be cunning types and grabbed Peppi.
However, Peppi took them for the belt and put out on the street.
The city decided to leave Peppi alone.

Chapter 4 How Peppie goes to school

Tommy and Annikon told Peppi about Christmas holidays and Peppi, too, wanted to study at school. She came to school on the horse and behaved in the lesson very unleashed. Peppi did not respond to the questions of the teacher, drawing on the floor, told funny stories.
And then announced that she was bored at school and she would not come there. And for a piece of sale Golden bell gave a teacher.

Chapter 5 How Peppi climbs in a hollow

This day began with the fact that Peppy told the story of the Chinese with the big ears, who had the Son of Peter, and then answered the girl who was looking for his hairpiece that today did not pass any bald.
Then Peppi offered friends to climb into the oak, where it was a very comfortable place. Children settled in it like in a halate, and Peppy brought a coffee pot and buns.
And then Peppi found in the woods in the woods and climbed into it. She liked so much in the voupel that she lowered the stepladder into him, and told Tommy and Annik, too, climb in the hollow.
The children decided that they had a cache in the voupel.

Having learned that a sanitary day was announced at school, Peppi also washed the floor on the villa, and then all the children went on a tour.
They went to the meadow, followed by an excellent lawn. Peppi pushed the cow, which prevented and frightened the amansor. By catching a piece, she threw the mushroom, and the children rose to the hill.
There Peppi laid out his picnic supplies and children were perfectly snacking.
Then Peppi tried to fly, but fell from the hill and hurt the knees. And at that time Nilson ran away. Children went to look for and Tommy ran into a bull.
Bull thrown into the air into the air, but here Peppi arrived at the revenue. At first she beat the bull of the horns, then saddled him down and made him gallop over the clearing to fall. Only when the bull fell without his strength, Peppi left him alone.
And Nilson descended from the tree and the children went back.

Chapter 7 How Peppi goes to Circus

Tommy and Anniki called Peppi to the circus, and the girl agreed to look at the presentation. She bought friends the best and expensive places near the Arena. When the horse jumped down on the arena with an acrobat on his back, Peppi jumped onto the horse and entertained well. Then she walked around the rope and jumped from him on the back of the circus director.
He was in a panic, but no one managed to bring Peppi.
Then the most powerful man of the planet Salacha Adolf came into the arena. But Peppi easily put it on the blade, then the second time, and at the end just carried on one hand.
The audience were delighted, and Peppi fell asleep and slept the rest.

CHAPTER 8 How to pepai thieves

Once, thieves saw how Peppi recalculates gold coins and decided to rob it. At night, they climbed into the house, but Peppi did not sleep. She decided to play with the thieves and first threw them on the closet, then cried in the corners of the room.
Finally, she forced the thieves to dance with her twist to fall.
And then fed the thieves and gave everyone along the coin, saying that they honestly earned them.

Chapter 9 How Peppi is invited to a cup of coffee

Mom Annici and Tommy invited Peppi to a cup of coffee and the girl was very worried that he would be bad. However, everything went wonderful. Peppi ate all the sweets, scattered on the floor of the Sugar, one ate a huge cake, and when her mother had planted children aside, gladly intervene in conversations of adults about the servant, talking about his grandmother's servant.
Mom Annexes and Tommy decided not to invite Peppi to visit, saying the girl that she behaved very badly.

Chapter 10 How Peppi saves two kids

One day, when Peppy was on a walk, a fire happened in the city. He caught fire, on the attic of which two kids cried. People were afraid that they could die, but could not help them.
But Pppi sent Nilson to a tree with a rope, and then he took a long board and also climbed on the top of the tree. She shouted the board to the balcony of the attic and easily pulled out kids.
Then she danced on the board, shouting that the fire was simply magnificent. And people at the bottom of the heroic act of Peppi.

Chapter 11 How Peppi celebrates his birthday

One day, Tommy and Annica received a illiterately written invitation to the feast on the occasion of the birthday of Peppi, and were very delighted. They bought a gift, dressed up and went to Peppi.
Everything was ready there. The table leaned from delicious food, the oven was warmly trembling, and on the floor lay a new carpet.
The children presented the Peppy Music Casket, and she reproed to give them small gifts. Then all ate chinese cookies and played. At the end of Peppi proposed to go to the attic to catch the cast.
Ghosts in the attic did not turn out, but the children found a sailor chest, with a saber, gold and pistols. Peppi immediately shot the pistols and came delight.
And when Dad took Tommy and Annik, Peppi shouted to them after it would definitely become a marine robbery when he grows.

Peppi is going to the way.

Chapter 1 How Peppi goes shopping

Once in the spring, Annik and Tommy came to Peppi, they did not know what to do, there were no lessons at school. Pppi offered to go shopping and took the handful of gold coins from the suitcase.
Peppi decided to buy a piano, but the first thing came to the store, where they sold the cream from the freckles and asked the cream that increases freckles. In the next store, Peppi broke his hand from the mannequin and immediately bought the entire mannequin, but took only a torn hand.
Then Peppi went into the pastry shop and bought a hundred kilograms of candy, who immediately began to distribute to children on the street. Then Peppie also immediately bought all children around toys, and then looked into the pharmacy and scored different drugs.
Then Peppi plunged all purchases in the wheelbarrow and went home.

Chapter 2 How Peppi writes a letter and goes to school

Tommy and Annik said they wrote a letter to grandmother, and Peppi decided to write a letter to himself. She wrote something for a long time, then sealed the envelope and gave the postman who immediately threw the letter to her mailbox. Peppy got a letter and read with joy.
In the letter there were many mistakes and Tommy with Annica advised Peppi again to go to school. Saying that then she will be able to go with them on an excursion.
The next day, Peppi came to school, but refused to enter the class. She told how in Australia, the lessons of cheering and children jump out the window.
And the teacher allowed Peppi to go with a class on a tour.

The guys went on a tour of a wonderful forest on foot, and only Peppi was on her horse. In the wonderful forest, the children began to play the monster and the monster of course was Peppi. She hid in a cave and hunted children. Everyone was very fun.
Then the girl named Ulla led the guys to her home on compote. On the way, they met a loaded horse, whose awesome was ruthlessly whipped animal.
The teacher was indignant and demanded to stop the animal to stop, but the Arenucky threatened the teacher to the whip. Then Peppi approached him and began to throw it into the air. Then she forced the healer to drag the bag with flour, and the horse took a stable.
The teacher praised Peppi.
But at dinner, Peppi behaved terrible again, all had enough without demand and ate most of all combined.
The teacher tried to explain the Peppie as a rapid lady should behave, but Peppi looked in his stomach, that she again wanted to become a marine robbery.

Chapter 4 How Peppi goes to the fair

Fair and Peppi came to the city decided to inspect it. Children passed along the shelves, then entered the shooting gallery. Little Mr. only with the fifth time got into the target, and Peppi easily hooked the target five bullets in a row.
Then the children circled the carousel for more than an hour, and then they went to the Balagan to watch theatrical performance. Peppi took the History of the Unfortunate Countess Aurora to heart and when the countess was going to kill some kind of guy, jumped out on stage and threw a guy in the lie.
After that, the children went to the nurse. Peppi interested fluffy and she put on one on the neck. He became angry and tried to strangle Peppi, but of course he had nothing.
Suddenly, the cry came - the tigers broke out from the cage.
However, Peppi and there was not late. She grabbed a tiger for the shake and how the kitten attributed it back into a cage.
At this time, local Julian Loban stuck to an old man who sold sausages and began to juggle the sausage. No one dared to say words against, and only Peppi boldly came forward and began to juggle Loban.
After that, she forced the bully to pay for the sausage and sent him home. And people shouted that they do not need a police, since they have Peppi.

Chapter 5 How Peppie Turns Shipwreck

Peppi often told Tommy and Annice about the sea, about the storm and shipwreck, and the children decided to play shipwreck on the island at the local lake.
When schoolchildren were dissolved on vacation, Tommy's parents and Annese left, and the children went on a boat to a uninhabited island.
They began to look for cannibals, but those on the island did not turn out. Then they spread the tent and burned the fire. Eating and playing, the children lay down to sleep, and in the morning the first thing was good for themselves.
Then Peppi tried to catch Craakatitsa, and when it did not work out, the children began to swim. Since the water was cold, they tied the rope to the tree, which grew over the water, and they sculpted into the water.
The next morning Tommy found that the boat was disappeared. The children were frightened, but Peppy did not lose. She forced Tommy to write a letter and threw a bottle with a note in the water.
Then she remembered that herself hid the boat in the bushes and the children went home.

Chapter 6 How Peppi takes an expensive guest

Somehow, a thick sailor came to the house of Peppi. They were Dad Efroim. He embraced with Peppi and they immediately started measuring by force. No one was able to take the top, but Peppy promised that he would soon be stronger than his father.
Ephroim said that he was blown up by the wind from the ship, he fell to the island of Holly and became his king. And now he returned to Peppi, because he promised his subjects to bring the true princess to his subjects.
Peppie arranged a festive dinner, then there were dances to fall.
And in the evening, the Annica snapped to sleep.

Chapter 7 How Peppi is suitable for a farewell feast

The next day, Peppi declared sad friends that he was sent with his father on his island, and decided to arrange a farewell feast.
Children from all over the city were invited to the PI. Captain Efroim beat the drum, the children dodged into the twin, and everyone had fun.
After lunch, everyone played fun games, and Ephroim and Peppi showed their strength, breaking the crowbars and a lot of people. The day ended with a solemn firework.
Peppi offered Tommy and Annice to come to her villa to play when she wakes up, but the children were too upset to agree.

Chapter 8 How Peppi goes down in swimming

Peppy closed her house and went to "Pumping", the ship of his father. Tommy and Annika accompanied her, silent and sad.
When Peppi climbed along the ladder, Annika could not stand and burst out. Peppi tried as he could cheer friends, but she had the most treacherously slapped her eyes.
When there was a ten minutes of Peppi suddenly declared the Father that he could not throw his friends who were so bad because she was leaving.
Ephroim sadly supported the decision of his daughter, and Peppi came down from the ship and rushed to the horse towards the Villa "Chicken".

Peppy in the country of Cheering.

Chapter 1 How Peppi buy a chicken villa

One day an important gentleman arrived in the city, and seeing the pointer to the villa "Chicken" decided that the villa was sold. He drove up to the villa and saw a launched garden and an old house, which was easier to demolish.
Mr began to estimate where the repair began and decided to cut the old oak first. Mr began to ask the owner and Peppi offered him to wait. Mr behaved brazenly and defiantly, and Peppi began to tease him. Mr. smashed, and Peppi climbed into the oak. Then Mr. grabbed Annik to ask her a whirl.
But Peppi immediately descended and began to play Mr. in the ball, throwing him into the sky.
Mr. Panic went, and then he learned from the policeman that Peppi and there is a hostess of the villa "Chicken" and she is the strongest girl in the world.
Then Mr. started his car and left this town forever.

Chapter 2 How Peppi is encouraging a laura's aunt

Aunt Laura came to visit the mother of Tommy and Annese, and Peppi decided to cheer it up. She told about her grandmother who was very nervous, but began to take fox fours and after that months sat quiet and calm.
Then Peppy told how the cow flew in the train coupe. Then Peppi told about two two-meter twins. And the aunt Laura got up and decided to leave.

Chapter 3 How Peppi is looking for Kukaramba

On that day, Peppi announced to friends that he found a new word - Kukarymba, but herself does not know what it means. Peppi really wanted to know what this word means, and the children went to the store. In the food store, the Kukarymba did not turn out, there was no shelter in the bench of hardware.
Peppi decided that Kukarymba was some disease and went to the doctor. But the doctor stated that there is no such disease.
Then Peppi climbed on the third floor of some kind of home and went to Kukarymbah there. But there was no mysterious word.
On the way back, Tommy almost crushed the foot of the bug and Peppi realized that this beetle was the desired Kukarymba. Kukarymba turned out to be very beautiful and peppy her very loved.

Chapter 4 How Peppi is inventing a new sport

Summer holidays ended and Tommy with Anniki invited Peppi to call them to school, because on this day Freken Rosenblum distributed gifts to obedient children.
Freken Rosenblum, dry old woman, put the children in the ranks to spend the survey and reveal those who are worthy of gifts. And at that moment Peppi rushed. Freken Rosenblum began to ask Peppi questions, and she answered with her inherent in her humor and fantasy. The old woman was angry and said that Peppi is the most ignorant and nasty girl in the world.
Then Pppi decided to play questions with those who were dropped by Freken Rosenblum. She asked for children funny questions, and then distributed coins and lollipops. And children who did not receive gifts from Freken Rosenblum, rejoiced more than those who received them.

Chapter 5 How Peppi receives a letter

In winter, Tommy and Annica got sick, but Peppie came to visit friends every day and entertained them every way. Finally, the children recovered and Peppi began to feed their porridge, telling instructive stories on this topic from their lives.
At this time, the postman brought a peppy letter.
Tommy read a letter out loud, and it said that the King Ephroim immediately demands his daughter to Penelotto, and has already sent a ship for her.
There was a dead silence.

Chapter 6 How Peppi is sent in swimming

The next day, the port entered the port and King Ephroim was met with large honors. Peppi was terribly glad that he would soon go to swimming, and Tommy and Annik opposite the sadness and gloomy.
Peppi decided to take his friends with him, and her friends were amazed by the offer and were afraid that her mother would not let them go. But Peppi said that with their mother I have already agreed about everything.
Early spring Peppi, and with her, Anniki and Tommy rose to the deck "Pumps". All children of the city are scary to envy them, and Mom and Dad Tommy and Anneshiki wiped her eyes. But the doctor advised them to change their climate after illness and parents decided that this journey would be beneficial.
"Pumping" despair, and Anniki admitted Peppi that when he grows up, would also become a pirate.

Chapter 7 How Peppi goes to the shore

Many days sailed ship by sea. Children tanned and gratened. But the shores of the cheerful, a small cozy island appeared.
All the inhabitants of the island poured aside to meet their king Efroim, and he put on the shoulders of Peppie and the islanders shouted loudly. And then Peppie puts himself on the shoulders of Ephroim and the screams intensified.
Ephroim showed a monument, which was put on the place where the waves thrown out. Then he took his place on the throne, for Peppi, there was a smaller throne.
The islanders fell NIC in front of Peppy, and she was angry, her throne was needed only for the game.

Chapter 8 How Peppie is talking to Sharul

The next day, all children went swimming, and local blacks asked Peppi, as white children live in their country. Peppi explained that all white children love to learn and the worst punishment for them are vacation.
The King Efroim announced his daughter, which goes with men to another island, hunting boars. And Peppi with children went to coral caves to search pearls.
Tommy suddenly fell into the water and shark rushed to him. She managed to wear a teeth boy when the peppy arrived.
Peppi raised shark over the water, stuck it and threw back to the sea. Shark hurried to float.
And Peppi coming to the coast burned bitterly, she was sorry for the shark, which remained without breakfast.

Chapter 9 How Peppie is explained with Jim and Buk

The children found a wonderful cave, in which coconuts were folded and could be lived a few weeks. They looked at the sea and spoiled when the ship appeared in the distance.
Two gangsters were sworn on it, Jim and the beech, who learned that there were a lot of pearls on the island of merry, and wanted to take him to her hands.
They landed just near the cave, where Peppi hid. And Peppi certainly talked to them. She told the bandits about Shark and her grandfather, who has a wooden foot and a long nose.
But the bandits did not believe Peppi and began to swim. Akula appeared. Bandits hurriedly climbed ashore and decided to engage in pearls. Having learned that in the cave children keep a lot of pearls, they began to ask him to sell it, and then climbed into the cave.
But the entrance to the cave was high, and the gangsters were constantly broken and fell into the water. Aclaus hurried to them, whom Peppi fired at coconut nuts.
So there was a day, the gangsters are tired and wet, and the children ate coconuts and went to bed.

Chapter 10 How Peppi learned bandits

In the morning, the monkey Nilson and the horse went in search of Peppi. Bandits caught the horse and began to threaten to kill her. Then Peppi jumped down and began to throw the bandits into the sky. At the same time, she said that the bandits behave badly.
Then she delivered them to the boat and pushed the boat from the coast. Bandits hurried to float away from the terrible island.
And when the father of Pppi returned, the girl told him that nothing interesting was happening.

Chapter 11 How Peppi leaves the country cheerful

Days went. The children played in the caves, played in a bamboo house, played in the gangsters and went to the jungle. Approached the rainy season. And one day, Peppi asked Tommy and Annik, not at least they return home.
Peppie said goodbye to the islanders and the "janguya" the children were lucky. Only at the beginning of January, the children were in their hometown.
In the house of Annezi and Tommy burned the light, they were waiting for their parents. Villa "Chicken" was listed in the snow. Tommy and Annicon called Peppi to themselves, but the girl stubbornly went to her villa, saying that a lot of work had accumulated there.

Chapter 12 How Peppi does not want to be adult.

Tommy and Anniki were very happy with their parents, but they were very sad that Christmas missed.
The next morning they went to visit Peppi and froze in surprise. The house was brightly lit, a candle was burning on the terrace, and Peppi herself congratulated his friends with Christmas. She said that her villa was a little behind in time, and the children exchanged the gifts that Pppi prepared.
The children began to talk about how they do not want to become adults, because adults do not know how to play. And Peppi pulled three magic pills, which could forever leave the guys with children.
The children accepted the pearlings and Tommy with Annica went home. They thought that it was so cool that they would never be adults and would always play with Peppi.
And Peppi looked at the Christmas spruce for a long time, and then blew the candle.

Drawings and illustrations to fairy Tale "Peppy Longs"

Astrid Emilia Lindgren
Production "Peppy Long Stocking"

Peppi Longs - one of the most fantastic heroines Astrid Lindgren. She does everything he wants. He sleeps with his legs on the pillow and with his head under the blanket, returning home, forth the whole path as the back, because she does not want to unfold and go straight. But the most amazing thing in it is incredibly strong and prompt, although she is only nine years old. She wears his own horse, who lives in her house on the veranda, wins the famous circus silver, scatters

On the parties, a whole company of hooligans, who attacked a little girl, deftly exhibits a whole detachment of police officers from his own house, to force her to the orphanage, and lightningly throws up the wardrobe thoroughly, who decided to rob her. However, in the sprauls of P. D. there is no malice, nor cruelty. She is extremely generous with his defeated enemies. With a torn police, it treats just baked buns. And confused thieves that work out their invasion in someone else's house that they dance all night with P. D. Twist, she generously rewards with gold coins, this time honestly earned by them, and it is warmly treating bread, cheese, ham, cold veal and milk . Moreover, P. D. not only for the rarity strong, it is also incredibly rich and powerful, because her mother is an angel in the sky, and Dad is the Negro King. Same, P. D. lives together with a horse and monkey, Mr. Niels-Son, in an old dilapidated house, where she is satisfied with truly royal pies, raping the rolling dough right on the floor. P. D. Not worth buying nothing for all children in the city of "One hundred kilo lollipops" and a whole store of toys. In essence, P. D. is nothing but a child's dream about strength and nobility, wealth and generosity, power and dedication. But here are adults P. D. For some reason, do not understand. The urban pharmacist simply fierce when P. D. asks him what to do when the belly hurts: chew a hot rag or pour cold water. And Mom Tommy and Annezi says that P. D. does not know how to lead himself when she is alone in the entire cream cake. But the most amazing in P. D. is her bright and violent fantasy / which manifests itself in those games that she comes up with, and in those amazing stories about different countries where she visited with dad, a captain of long-range swimming, which she is now tells your friends.

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Year of writing: 1955

Genre: story

Main characters: Peppi., Tommy, Annika


In a rainy evening at the Villa "Chicken", which stood next to the house, where Tommy lived and Annik, a girl came. She had no parents, she lived alone and was the most extraordinary girl in the world.

Not only was she had a whole suitcase of gold coins, and she had an unprecedented force, but she was kind, caring and very lonely.

The guys raised quickly and did not cease to be surprised every day with new fudges of her girlfriend. She went on her arms or back, then smeared his head with an egg, then the flowers had watered in the rain.

Tommy's parents and Annexes first reacted to their new girlfriend, but soon they understood what she was faithful and devoted friend, although sometimes she shocked adults to their behavior and manner.

Conclusion (my opinion)

And adults, and children like the stories about an extraordinary girl who does not do everything according to the rules, but it is always fun and interesting with it.

"Peppy Long Stocking" Summary You can read 20 minutes by chapters.

"Peppi Long Stocking" Summary by chapters

As Peppy settled in the villa "Chicken"

On the outskirts of one small Swedish town is a launched garden. And in the garden it is hand-writing home. Here in this house and there is a peppy long stocking. She turned nine years old, but she lives there quite alone. She has no dad, nor mom, and, frankly, it has even its advantages - no one drives her to sleep ...

Mom died for a long time when Peppie was still in the stroller and so terribly shouted that no one was silent to approach her. Peppie is sure that her mother now lives in the sky and looks from there to her. Therefore, Peppy often waves her with her hand and whether he sentences it every time:

Do not be afraid, mom, I can't disappear!

But the father of his peppy remembers very well. He was a captain of a long-range swimming, his ship Foresting the sea and the oceans, and Peppi never separated from his father. But one day, during a strong storm, a huge wave washed him into the sea, and he disappeared. But Peppi was sure that one day her dad would return; She could not imagine that he drowned. She decided that his father had hit the island where negros live and became king. Peppie was very proud of this, because she will be a Negritan princess!

This old house surrounded by the launched garden, the Father bought many years ago. He was going to settle here with Peppi, when the ships would not be able to drive. But after the dad disappeared into the sea, Peppi went straight to his villa "Chicken" to wait for his return there. The rooms were furnished, the utensils hung in the kitchen - it seemed that everything was specially prepared for Peppi could settle here. Once a silent summer evening Peppi said goodbye to the sailors on a father's ship. They all loved Peppi so much, and Peppi loved them so much that it was very sad to part.

Only two things took it with me: a little monkey (Mr. Nilson - a gift from the dad) and a large suitcase stuck in gold coins.

Sailors considered Peppy a strange girl. The most of them were hit by her extraordinary physical strength, and there is no police officer, who would have coped with her. She might be joking to raise the horse ... which she bought on the very day when settled in his villa. Peppi always dreamed of a horse. The horse lives at her terrace. And when Peppie wants to drink a cup of coffee after dinner, she, no longer thinking, puts the horse in the garden.

Next to the villa "Chicken" lives a family with two children. The boy is called Tommy, and the girl - Anniki - well-brought up and obedient, tidy children. Tommy and Annik played together in their garden, but they still did not have enough children's society, and they dreamed of finding a comrade for games. At the time when Peppie was still swimming with her father in the seas and oceans, Tommy and Anniki sometimes climbed into the garden of the Villa "Chicken" and dreamed to settled the family with children.

In that clear summer evening, when Peppie first crossed the threshold of his villa, Tommy and Annik were left away. Mom sent them to swim the week at the grandmother. Therefore, they did not know that someone settled in the next house.

Peppi Longs went to the morning walk. Here's how it looked: her hair of carrot was braided in two tight pigtails, who were sticking out in different directions; The nose was like a tiny potato, and besides, still in the speck - from the freckles; White teeth sparkled in a wide wide mouth. She had a blue dress, but since she was not enough, she was not enough, she sewed into him in some places. On very thin and thin legs, she pulled long stockings of different colors: one is brown, and the other is black. And huge black shoes seemed to be about to put together. Dad bought them to her in South Africa to rise, and Peppi never wanted to wear others.

When Tommy and Annicon saw that a monkey sits on the shoulder at the shoulder, they simply froze from amazement. Little monkey was dressed in blue trousers, yellow jacket and white straw hat.

Tommy and Anniki did not descend from her, but she disappeared behind the turn. However, soon the girl returned, but now she was already back in advance (she was lazy to turn when he decided to return home.

Peppi invited them to have breakfast, and they gladly agreed. Then they met Monkey Nilson and with a horse Peppi. Children could not understand why the horse lived on the terrace, and not in the stable, as Peppy lives without parents.

The children entered the kitchen. (...) Peppi took three eggs out of the basket and threw them over her head, broke one after another. The first egg left her right on his head and searched his eyes. But then the other two she managed to deftly catch in a saucepan.

I was always said that the eggs are very useful for hair, "she said, rubbing her eyes. - You will now see how the hair will quickly begin to grow. Hear, already creak. Here in Brazil, no one will go out on the street, without smearing the whole head of the egg. I remember, there was one old man, so stupid, he eaten all the eggs instead of pouring them on his head. And he was so half that when he left the house, a real stir climbed in the city, and had to call police cars with loudspeakers to bring order ...

Peppi spoke and at the same time chose an egg shell from the saucepuls. She then removed the brush hanging on the nail on a long handle and began to beat it the dough so hard that he spat all the walls. She prepared pancakes. When the damn battle, Peppi rolled it across the entire kitchen directly on the plate, standing on the table.

Eat! She shouted. - Eat soon, until it has cooled.

Tommy and Annice pancakes really liked. Then Peppi invited his new friends in the living room, which was only a chest. Peppi showed Tommy and Annice all treasures - rare bird eggs, wicker seashells and multicolored marine pebbles, carved boxes, elegant rims in silver frames, beads and many other things that Peppi with her father bought during their round-the-world travel. Peppy gave Tommy dagger with a pearl handle, and Anniche is a casket, on the cover of which a lot of snails were carved. In the box lay a ring with a green stone.

Tommy and Annicon went home and waited for the following meetings with a new girlfriend.

How Peppie is binding into a fight

The next morning Tommy and Annica went to Peppi, they played in the "Diektors". The game was to carefully look around and find something. Tommy and Annik could not find anything, and Peppi found a rusty cans and an empty coil in the grass. Her new friends could not imagine how to use such finds. And Peppi quickly found them use.

(...) Just at that moment, the wicket was opened in the fence that surrounded one of the houses, and the girl ran to the street. She had an extremely frightened look, and this is not surprising - five boys chased after her.

The boys surrounded her and pressed to the fence. They had a very advantageous position to attack. All five immediately became in the boxing rack and began to beat the girl. She cried and raised his hands to protect her face.

When the boys saw Peppi, their jarred from laughter. All the boys MiG surveyed Peppi, and Villa, rubbing tears, quietly walked aside and became near Tommy.

No, you just take a look at her hair! - did not learn Bengt. - Red, like fire. And shoes, shoes! Hey you, lent me one - I was just going to ride a boat, but I didn't know where to get it!

And all five boys began to jump around Peppi and tease her.

And Peppi stood in the ring of fissal guys and laughed merrily, which no one expected. And when one of the boys pushed her, she threw him into the air so high that he was hung on a branch of the growing nearby Birch. Then she grabbed another boy and threw it on another branch. The third she threw at the Villa Gate. The fourth transferred through the fence right on the flowerbed. And the last, fifth, she squeezed into a toy stroller standing on the road. Peppi, Tommy, Annik and Villa silently looked at the boys who lost from amazement, can be seen, the gift of speech.

So Peppi showed that five boys should not attack a small defenseless girl.

Peppi waited a little, then took a tin jar into one hand, to another coil and left, accompanied by Tommy and Anneshiki. When the children returned to the garden of Peppy, they resumed the game of the directional.

Tommy pulled out a small notebook in leather binding, with a silver pencil.

Annika under the penis found a red coral necklace. Brother and sister even revealed the mouths from surprise and decided that henceforth they would always be the director.

Suddenly, Pppi remembered that he went today only in the morning, because he he played into the ball, and she immediately wanted to sleep. She always slept, putting his legs on the pillow, and the head under the blanket.

Annica and Tommy went home, they were happy that there was a peppy in their lives, who knew any event to turn into the game (even with the police ran into the salting, when she came to pick her up in an orphanage and recognize them that "Peppi is not suitable for Children's home ").

Also did not work out from Peppi to study at school: it was not clear to her how to behave at school.

Most of all Tommy and Annica have fun when they went along with Peppi to the circus. The girl surprised all the audience at how skillfully jumping on the horse and fearlessly made tricks on the rope. The real triumph and the love of the towns of the town came to Peppi after the victory over the sprayed sweet adolf.

How Peppi saves two kids

(...) In the small town of Peppi on the main square in the highest house began fire. On the street with a fire truck was used. And two girls on the sidewalk, which first seemed to look at the fire very fun, suddenly we were crying - they were afraid that their home will light up. Soon, a huge crowd gathered in front of the skyscraper. The police tried to dispersed her, because the fire could turn into neighboring houses. From the windows of the skyscraper, flame languages \u200b\u200bhave already broken. Firemen continued to courageously fight with fire. And suddenly people standing on the square wet down from horror. The attic window under the roof itself opened, and two little boys seemed in it. Unhappy workers cried and prayed for help.

We can't get out of here, "the elder boy shouted," someone dismissed the fire on the stairs!

The eldest passed five years, his brother was per year younger, and they were at home alone.

The crowd was worried about the kids, the fire stairs did not take to the attic.

Peppi decided to save the children, and asked the rope. In front of the skyscraper, the high tree grew, its upper branches were at the level of mansard windows. Peppi jumped off the horse and running toward the tree, tied the rope to the tail of Mr. Nilson.

Mr. Nilson climbed the smooth trunk to the crown, and abandoned the rope on the bitch.

Peppy found a long board. Hagted with a free hand for the rope and leaning on her legs about the trunk, she began to quickly and crawl up. People on the square from surprise stopped crying. Reaching the crown and putting the board on the branch for a texture, she carefully began to promote it to the window. Finally, the board reached the window, lay down on the windowsill and formed a peculiar bridge between the tree and the burning house. People on the square were silent, no one could extract the word from the tension. And Peppi went on the board, to the attic, took the hands of both boys and moved on the board back.

And now we are shooting a little. Balancing with you on the board - I don't care what to dance on the wire.

Peppie safely reached the boys to the tree, and lowered them from the tree.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! - shouted all the people standing on the square.

How Peppi Turns Shipwreck

(...) Peppi, Tommy, Annicon, Horse and Mr. Nilson went to a uninhabited island. Peppy brought the boat, holding her on his hands stretched over her head. On the back of the horse she peeled a huge bag and a tent.

And what in the bag? - asked Tommy.

Food, weapons and blankets, and even an empty bottle, - explained Peppi. "I think that for the first time we will better suffer a comfortable shipwreck." When I happened to tolerate the shipwreck, I shot any antelope or lobe and ate raw meat, but we will not work, because on this island there are hardly antelopes or Lama, but it would be ridiculous to die there with hunger.

Why did you take an empty bottle? - Anniki was surprised.

Have you ever heard about bottle mail? - Surprised Peppi. - Write a note, ask for help, sealed in a bottle and throw in the sea. And then she gets straight into the hands to those who should save you ...

Soon the guys saw a small lake ahead, in the middle of which was seen a little island. The sun just looked out because of the clouds and wrapped the young greens.

Perfectly! - Exclaimed Peppi, - Perhaps this is the most cozy uninhabited island, which I have ever seen.

Peppie quickly lowered the boat on the water, took off the bag and the tent from the horse and laid it all on the bottom of the boat. Annik, Tommy and Mr. Nilson sat down in a boat, and Peppi approached the horse and poured her back.

My dear horse, I am very sorry, but you can't sit in a boat, "she said. - I hope you know how to swim. This is very simple. Look, a horse, I'll show you now.

With these words, Pppi rushed into the water right in the dress and swam seedlings.

Swim is very nice, honest word. And if you want to have fun, you can play whale. Look, I will teach you now.

Peppi scored a full mouth of the water, lay down on his back and released this water fountain. It was difficult to say that she was a funny horse that she found this game, but when Peppi jumped into the boat, he took himself to leaf and despair, the horse also entered the water and swam. True, it did not play in China. (...)

When the boat swam to the island, Peppi behaved as if they really suffer shipwreck. She saved the Food first, and then their friends. The monkey and the horse themselves climbed ashore. After some time, Peppi decided that it was time to put a tent.

(...) Soon on a high shore, a tent was already spreading near Pppi tent folded the focus of large stones and quickly scored dry branches.

Soon the fun fire was stuffed, and Tommy said that he had never worried so cozy.

Peppi welded coffee at the fire and poured it in cups. The guys sat around the fire, drank coffee, ate sandwiches and felt very happy. Mr. Nilson was noticed by Peppi on his shoulder and eating with everyone, and the horse from time to time poked his face to someone in the back and immediately got a httop of bread or a piece of sugar.

Peppi remembered how to swim through the southern seas, and fell with a hoarse voice a sailor song. Children were terribly and at the same time fine. Tommy and Peppi decided that they would become marine robbers.

(...) - Fine, - Pepsi picked up. - Thunderstorm of the Caribbean - this is whom we will be with you, Tommy. We will select all gold, jewelry, diamonds, will arrange a cache in some grotto on the uninhabited island of the Pacific Ocean, I hide all our treasures there ...

And I? - Anniki asked plaintively. - I do not want to become a marine robbery. What will I do one?

You will still swim together with us, - reassured her pepi. - You will wipe the dust with the piano in the cabin company.

The fire was extinct.

Perhaps it's time to go to bed, "said Peppi. She laid out the floor with a tent by Yelanik and was stuck it with several thick blankets.

Three guys and Mr. Nilson lay in a tent, accumulating with blankets. Water softly splashed on the shore.

In the tent it was dark, as in the bag, and Annik, just in case he kept Peppi by the hand - so she felt more safe. Rain is coming. Drumped dribbies on the roof of the tent, but inside it was warm and dry, and the noise of rain was pleased. Peppi jumped out of the tent to throw another blanket on the horse. The horse stood under the tree with a very thick crown, so she also did not interfere with her.

How good to us! - whispered Tommy when Peppi returned.

Still would! - responded to Peppi. - Looking, what I found under the stone: three chocolates.

A few minutes later, Annika was already sleeping, although her mouth was still full of chocolate. She didn't let pepi's hand out of his hand.

We forgot to clean your teeth, "Tommy said, and fell asleep.

When Tommy and Annik woke up, Peppi in the tent no longer had. Children looked out. The sun shone, and Peppi had already spread the fire: she fried the ham and cooked coffee.

I sincerely wish you happiness and cheerful Easter, "she said, seeing Tommy and Annik.

Yes, Easter has long passed, "Tommy said.

Of course, Pppi agreed, - and you will save my wishes for the next year.

From the smell of fried ham and fresh coffee flared up appetite. All three sat down around the fire, pursing her legs, and everyone got a piece of ham, a poured egg, and potatoes. Then they drank coffee with gingerbread. Everyone agreed that there was never a tasty breakfast in life.

Peppy agreed, but said that it would be even better if she would be able to catch fish to dinner. She quickly built a self-made fishing rod. Soon the perch saved her, but she did not catch him. I decided to cook pork and pancakes on dinner than Tommy and Annika very pleased. Then she offered to swim. The water was very cold. Peppy offered to dive into the water, swinging on the rope, which tied to the tree.

(...) Tommy and Annice was first difficult to decide to flip into the water from such a height, but it looked so tempting that in the end they still dare. And it costs to slip out from the rope, as I already wanted to do it all my life, because it turned out to be sliding even more interesting than to look from the part. Mr. Nilson also wanted to participate. He very cleanedly descended down the rope, but at the very last minute, when it was necessary to let the end and fluttering into the water, he changed his mind and quickly quickly up. Then Peppi realized that it was possible to sit on a skip and move on her with a sheer cliff right into the water. And it turned out to be more fun, because every time the whole fountain of splashes was raised.

Peppi with an unimaginable splash plunged into the water, and only two red pigtails were shot on the surface. When the guys have crumbled plenty, they decided to examine the island. All three sat down on the horse, and she smoothly ran ahead. They raced up and down the slopes, made their way through the bushes and thick thickets, poured on the swamps and on beautiful green lawns, the militant wildflowers. Peppy kept a gun on a platoon and came from time to time to the air, and then the horse from the frightened stood on the piles.

I killed a lion, "she said happily ..." "I would like this island to be our forever," said Peppi, when the guys returned to her camp and began the stove of pancakes. Tommy and Anniki also wanted it. (...)

Children with pleasure have lunch. Fit evening. They went to bed.

In the morning, the guys remembered with sadness that it was time to return home. And then they found that the boat was disappeared. Annika so upset that he began to cry. Peppi had to resort to bottlenet.

The letter in the bottle was thrown into the water, but it was stuck at the shore. The children were waiting for the Savior, and they were not all. Peppy became angry and suddenly remembered that herself hid the boat during the rain. They floated home.

Mr. And Mrs. Settergren arrived home for half an hour before children. Tommy and Annici was not visible anywhere, but in the mailbox they found a piece of paper on which it was written:

"You just do not wonder that your children died or rapidia Wiggda Ani will not suffer non-bipper shipwreck and Soon Vornutz home with the pret of Peppi."