What dreams of a big ball. Drew the ball - what can it mean? What is not at all

Regardless of what kind of ball you saw in a dream, look at the dreams as soon as possible. The ball in a dream is considered a good, encouraging sign.

Most often he foreshadows joy, good mood and fun. Also, this sports equipment is a symbol of good health.

To see him

If in a dream you saw the ball, be sure to remember which it was (children's, football or basketball). So you will be able to decipher your dream more specifically.

1. Children's

Children's balls often dream before meeting with childhood friends or former classmates. Dream Interpretation writes that you will spend your time, learn a lot of new information. And if you saw the babies play, then you are waiting for a carefree, a fun holiday in a pleasant place.

A slosted toy can dreamed when you are lonely, or something bothers you. And bursting - means failure plans. Big inflatable Ball Dream interpretation treats how the approximation of something light and joyful. And a bright toy is a sign that you follow.

2. Football

If you dreamed a football ball, then in most cases such a dream means a quick recovery. But if you consider other details of the night dream, you can learn many other nuances.

For example, sports inventory of unusual color dreams of success in love. And if you saw the autograph of the famous football player, then in the future you are waiting for Glory.

  • The ball in the gate is to victory.
  • Behind the field line - to intrigues.
  • See how it flies, - think about the future.

Fucked football ball warns of possible illness. After such a dream, it is necessary to carefully monitor its condition. And if you saw the ball of unusual size, then soon you will make an interesting offer. Dream Interpretation recommends not to rush with the answer, and everything is pretty thinking.

3. Basketball

Successes at work and improving the material situation is what the Basketball Ball is dreaming. Especially favorable is the dream in which the ball flies in the basket. Such a dream is a harbinger of fast take-off on a career ladder and other success in life.

  • A basketball player skillfully leads the ball to accept the right decision.
  • Sports inventory with a pattern - to a gift.
  • See him in the hands of a friend - ask him for help.

If you dreamed that the ball lies in the corner of the sports hall, then soon you will fall into a delicate situation. And if it is stuck in the basket, you are waiting for a stagnation in the affairs. Hear the ball of the ball about the floor - learn important news. And to see that he is spinning on the spot, - in the dream book means to plunge into work with your head.

Your actions

Play in a dream to football - it means to take care of your health. If your team won, then contrary to seasonal epidemics and communicating with sick people, you will not get sick. Sleep, the ball in which you were scored in the gate, means victory in all spheres of life.

  • Play with the child - to merry.
  • Buy the ball - to a joyful event.
  • Get it as a gift - find a new friend.
  • Kick him - find an unusual solution to the problem.
  • Twist on the finger - to be confident.

If you played a basketball in a dream, this is a sign that it's time to do career. A favorable period has occurred to implement its hidden talents. If you work for conscience, the bosses will definitely increase you in position. And play and throw the ball in the basket - in the dream book means to take a high place in society.

If you seek an interpretation to Miller's dream book, then play the ball in a dream - it means to meet a person who have not seen a long time. This meeting will bring you a large number of positive emotions and will give new opportunities.

When you determine what the ball dream is, be sure to consider all the details of sleep. Only so you can get a competent, truthful interpretation. Posted by: fractional vera

The ball in a dream - symbolizes uncertainty in affairs and relations with partners.

If you have in reality, you start some kind of game with your companions - prepare for the fact that it will be more complicated than you see.

Ball on the newest dream of Ivanova

Ball - Personal Accounts.

Ball on the spring dream book

Throw the ball - to a lightning solution and action against you.

Summer Dream Ball

Return the ball in the basket - to a successful deal.

Ball on the autumn dream book

Relief the ball in the basket (basketball) - to the accuracy of your calculation.

Ball in the dreams from A to Z

To see a children's ball - a favorable confluence of the circumstances, in which you cannot be lucky in the exercise of a long-time dream.

Throwing the ball air - means you risk losing your share of income or inheritance.

The ball fell into the water - foreshadows an unsuccessful deal and financial difficulties.

Jumping or rolling in a dream the ball - Sulit soon get a pleasant news from a distant friend.

The volleyball ball is predicts that, by giving a work with his head, leave the children and her husband and launch the house.

Kick in a dream soccer ball - will become the leader in its team due to energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Ball in the dream of Simone Channel

The ball is a meeting with a friend of childhood.

Ball in the dream of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you throw a ball - a close friend will be offended soon.

If you have dreamed that you plow the ball - soon you will challenge someone from your friends, but the challenge will take, and you will find yourself the winner.

If you dreamed that you were looking for a ball - you will challenge someone from your acquaintances.

If you dreamed that you were looking for and found a ball - you are waiting for a duel (perhaps, a verbal duel) with someone from your friends.

Play with someone in the ball - to a quarrel with someone from acquaintances.

In a dream, you lost the ball - get ready for a big loss.

If you dreamed that you bought a ball - soon you will get yourself a new friend.

You gave a ball - soon renew acquaintance with someone from your distant relatives.

Esoteric Dream Ball

If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do it.

Ball in modern dream

To see a children's ball - to successfully eliminate obstacles that will arise on your path.

If you have dreamed of a sports ball - a competition is waiting for you in any matter. Whether you win in this competition depends only on you.

If you dreamed that you play the ball with a child - in the near future your children will give you considerable problems.

To see a squealing ball in a dream - means you have to know the mountain and joy at the same time.

East dream ball

If you see how the ball rolls on you - wait for the news of some unexpected event.

For a young woman, a dream in which she missed the ball from his hands, which he gave himself quickly from her - Means: Her jealousy is. However, it is not necessary to disperse this feeling, it will not be easier for anyone.

If you dreamed that you went down the inflatable ball in your hands - you risk committing a deed, which in the future will be bitterly regret, but something will be changed late.

Ball in the dream book Catherine Great

What does the ball mean in a dream - you see a children's ball in a dream - you are with dignity, and at the same time no one offense, eliminate all the difficulties from your way. You see a sports ball in a dream - a certain competition will revive the sleepy atmosphere of your team; Moreover, this competition will not transfer the boundaries of reasonable and will not fall into an annoying rivalry, in unhealthy competition; Your fun will be innocent.

Ball on the noble dream book N.Grishina

The ball see is a breaking.

In the ball play - infidelity, surprise, chaotic life, a brief happy meeting.

Ball in modern dream

Ball - meeting with a friend of childhood

Ball in the dream of Artemidor

You dreamed of the ball - play the ball - to the hopes who are unlikely to come true in the foreseeable future. Smash the ball window - undeservedly offend a good person.

Ball in the dream of the sorcerer of Medele

The ball - personifies the game of life. Golden ball symbolizes wisdom and unusual knowledge. Play the ball is an unstable situation. Winning will change loss. The ball see is hope for success, so ambiguously decipher the sleep that you dream.

Ball in the dream of E. Erixon

What does the ball mean in a dream - the memory of childhood, play the ball - remember children's pranks.

Ball for Dreamhouse Housewives

The ball is unexpected affairs.

You dreamed of the ball - a memoil of childhood; Meeting with a friend of childhood.

Maja's Dream Ball

Good denied you dreamed that you play the ball, you chose gods. In order not to lose their support, firstly, tell them thanks: Draw on a sheet of paper a yellow circle, a black square, blue oval and a white triangle and put in the centers of these figures gifts to the gifts; Secondly, find the rubber ball and keep it under the bed.

Bad denied you dreamed that you make the ball, you do not do what you need. To understand what you need to change, go for a few days to relax.

Ball in Italian Dream Meneghetti

The ball (football, billiard) - denotes life or in CE. Lose or to receive, lose or win with their help means the relationship between our ego with our potential expectations, desires and reality, in other words, ZGU and its relationship with internal and external life.

To see the ball to play - means multiplication of wealth; The ball is rolled back and ahead marks the troubles empty.

Ball in Dream Svuvalova

The ball means an active, movable, full life in which we are completely and very cheerfully implemented. Please note that in a dream happens with the ball: you lose it, or get, lose or win the match (if there is some game with a ball). In this way, you can understand how your life matches your potential, expectations and needs.

Ball on Italian Psychoanalytic Dream InterTroberti

Football ball, billiard - denotes life or "In CE".

Lose or receive, lose or win with their help - means the relationship of our "ego" with our potential possibilities of expectations, desires and reality, in other words, "ZGU" and its relationship with internal and external life.

Goroscope Dream Ball

The ball is a long fruitful trip. Discard all doubts and go.

Ball in online dream book

If you saw the ball in a dream - in the near future you will fight for the fact that you are expensive.

Playing the ball - it means you will solve the problems of children.

It dreamed that he was blown away - you will worry, but the sadness will be changed with joy very quickly.

Throw the ball up - be alert, someone claims to your property.

We saw that he fell into the water - your hopes in business will not be justified.

The ball, which in a dream rolled or jumped - the old buddy will please you with news.

Dream interpretation interprets the ball to which you play - as a warning that soon the fate is flying to you a unique chance, and you just have to notice it.

See that he rolled to you

If the ball is small

Ball on Universal Dream

Surprisingly, such a simple item is such an important part of our holiday! It is difficult to call the sport in which the ball or ball would not be used.

Who plays the ball in your dream - do you think this person is clever, he copes perfectly and does everything right? Or does this man ineptly drawn with the ball and drops it?

The ball is associated with you with joy and happiness: you are pleased to spend time - perhaps the ball is associated with you with energy emissions. Are you in a tense and emotional state?

What form is the ball? Is it round or oval? Solid or soft? It jumps exactly or hardly falls - relate myself with a ball.

What he does in your dream will tell about how you behave in the game called "Life".

Ball in the female dream book

If you dreamed that you were inappropriately dropped the ball, which instantly gasped away - you can not avoid jealousy. And yet it is not recommended to focus on this feeling, because it will not be easier for anyone.

A dream in which an inflatable ball in your hands unexpectedly descended - he foreshadows that you will do an act, about which you will regret all my life, but nothing will never succeed.

Ball on the snorker of 1829

Player play - means multiplication of wealth; The ball is rolled back and ahead marks the troubles empty.

Psychoanalytic Dream Ball V.Sammukhalova

Eggs. Breast or belly pregnant. Circle and integrity.

Playing tennis, kegli. Game with eggs and, therefore, erection.

Hit the ball with the foot. Erection, fear of castration.

The ball rolls into the angle. Incorrect direction of sexual excitation.

Golden ball in the dark. The flickering of the inner light illuminating the unconscious.

Ball Break

The ball is an unexpected joyful meeting with a friend of childhood and youth.

Ball in the dream of the XXI century

Play the ball in a dream - means to get a favorable possibility that you can not miss.

If the ball rolls you under my feet - it means you will receive a late inheritance or returns an expensive friend.

Play in a small ball - to a happy meeting with a friend of childhood.

If you have dreamed of the ball - do not take cardinal solutions at work, engage in secondary affairs, transfer trips to a later date and pay attention to the state of your health.

Ball in Slavic Dream

The ball is a football - to the gossip. Children - to a meeting with a friend of childhood.

Ball in Dream Longo

The dream in which you played the ball - predicts an ambulance with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old acquaintances, with whom the warm relationship had once connected you, but then in connection with his or your departure you stopped video. Many years have passed, you almost forgot that this person meant a lot for you. However, the dream seeing you, says that forgotten feelings will revive again to manifest themselves with more power. This time you can enjoy each other's society, nothing hurts you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever. How to be if there is no one in your memory, who could approach this explanation?

Everything is very simple: it means that sleep symbolizes a quick acquaintance with someone who will be connected with your life for a long time. The still lying ball speaks of your calm, peacekeeping, which will finally come to you after predicted by your sleeping meeting with a good person. Everyday troubles, vanity, trouble of various kinds - all this will leave your life, and you will be happy to rejoice and serenity for a long time.

Ball in detailed dream book Deniz Lynn

Ball - can symbolize the game.

Play the ball - it means to enjoy and enjoy life.

"The ball in your gate" means that your turn has come to make a response step. There is a sexy poverty here. Do you have "balls" to do everything as necessary?

Ball in Dream Wellez

Ball - happy meeting with friends, love date / obstacles.

Ball in the Ukrainian dream book

Ball in a dream - a happy meeting with friends or a love date, sometimes - obstacles.

Ball in Gypsy Dream

Ball - to some difficulties.

If the ball rolls away from you - you must work hard to advance by service.

If the ball rolls to you - wait for rewards.

Ball on the alphabet of dream interpretation

The ball - personifies the game of life.

Play the ball is an unstable situation. Winning will change loss.

The ball see is hope for success.

What dreams ball? In a dream, this is a symbol of a rare and extremely favorable possibility that cannot be missed. However, the complete interpretation of the image depends on the set of details. First of all, the type of product itself and personal actions towards it.

Ball in a dream - interpretation of popular dream books

Did the ball dream? Collection of dreams are confident that you are waiting for a very interesting and fruitful trip. The Ukrainian dream book considers the subject to the omen of a happy meeting or even a date. Sometimes this subject warns about minor obstacles.

The dream book is associated with pride and ambitions. If the ball dreamed, you are waiting for troubles, some tasks or condemnation. For a while you will literally turn into a "whipping boy". According to Medele's dream book, the object is a symbol of a life game. If you played with him, then the situation will be extremely unstable.

What else is the ball? Dream Interpretation of the 21st century believes that you should abandon the cardinal change. Especially in the workplace. Try not to try the grandiose projects, if possible, give up business trips and make health.

What does it mean in a dream - the ball in the hands

The ball, who accidentally fell into the hands of promises a major chance. If you specifically caught it, but achieve a minor goal. If the girl kept the ball in his hands, and then dropped and he rolled back, he will rebuild her with jealousy.

Did you dream that the ball was blown right in his hands? Make an action, which later will regret. See in front of you the drop-down object can be changed to a changeable setting.

What dreams to play with the ball, throw

Went, how was enthusiastically played with a ball? The long-awaited meeting with a person known to you will definitely take place. The same plot symbolizes the ability to live and enjoy this. If I reached some kind of impetus, the dream warns: it will be harder to implement it than it seemed.

Well, if you throw the ball to the basket or wall. This is a sign of accurate calculation. If he got there, where he was aimed, then enter the welcome deal. In the inverse situation - in real life only spend strength. The game of an indefinite character symbolizes as uncertain relationship with your loved one or a business partner.

Dreamed Ball Big, Small, Children

If a small or obviously children's ball was breeding in a dream, then in the real world, see the old friend. Detect the children's ball in a dream is also possible before the favorable coincidence that will help to realize a long-standing dream.

A large product in Gresses hints at the successful elimination of obstacles that will very soon come true on you. What dreams sports ball? Get ready for confrontation, competition. Moreover, the outcome depends only on the correctness of its own actions.

Ball in a dream - what else symbolizes

In fact, to interpret this round object can be the most incredible ways. The main thing is to pay attention to the accompanying details.

  • the ball rolled to you - reward, profit
  • from you - misunderstand an important chance
  • there and here - empty troubles
  • jumped - nice news from afar
  • volleyball - family problems because of work
  • football - Leadership
  • inflatable - unstable position
  • multicolored - Rainbow Period
  • play with the ball alone - life improvement, wealth
  • with someone - quarrel
  • throw to earth - offense from each other
  • in the air - cash loss
  • in the water - an unsuccessful deal, financial problems
  • plow something sharp - successful confrontation
  • search - adventure
  • find - conflict
  • buy - acquaintance, new friends
  • lose - loss in reality

Why dream that the ball gave you or presented another character? In the diluted world, the relationship with the surrounding people is significantly improved, first of all with relatives.

Learn from online dreamnik, what dreams ball, reading below the answer in the interpretation of interpreter authors.

Dream of the XXI century

What dreams ball and what means:

The ball is playing the ball in a dream - means to get a favorable possibility that you can not miss. If the ball rolls you under my feet - it means you will receive a late inheritance or returns an expensive friend.

Play in a small ball - to a happy meeting with a friend of childhood. If you have dreamed of the ball, do not take cardinal solutions at work, engage in secondary affairs, transfer trips to a later date and pay attention to the state of your health.

New Family Dream Interpretation Hope Sobolev

How to understand what the ball is in a dream?

The ball is unexpected affairs.

Modern dream book


The ball is a meeting with a friend of childhood.

Astrological dream book

Ball to see what means?

Football ball - to the gossip. Children's ball - to a meeting with a friend of childhood.

Small Velezov Sonnik


Happy meeting with friends, a love date // Obstacles, so this dream is interpreted.

Vintage dream book

Dreamed Sleep - Ball

Ball to see in a dream - a breaking. Playing the ball is infidelity, an adulter (surprise), a happy meeting.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of the ball from your sleep

Ball - pride, ambitions; hassle; Hazard, a kind of scapegoat, "Boy" for beating. The ball is kicking and "send" in different directions (Idioma: "I fell like a ball").

ABC Interpretation of dreams

See a dream about the ball, what does this mean?

The ball - personifies the game of life. Golden ball symbolizes wisdom and unusual knowledge. Play the ball is an unstable situation. Winning will change loss. The ball see is hope for success, this dream is so decrypted.

Esoteric dream book

Ball in a dream:

Ball - If you take part in any games or disputes, then win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do it.

Simone Kananita Dreamnik

The ball to what is dreaming across the saint:

The ball is a meeting with a friend of childhood.

World of Images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the ball dreamed

Football, billiard ball - denotes life or "In CE". Lose or to receive, lose or win with their help means the relationship between our ego with our potential expectations, desires and reality, in other words, ZGU and its relationship with internal and external life.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams O.Adasky

What dreams ball in dream

The ball is a rolling ball - to get the inheritance. Play the ball, throw and catch - a pleasant chance, an unexpected luck. Little ball - to a meeting with a friend of childhood.

If you dreamed that you were inappropriately dropped the ball, which instantly gasped away, you can not avoid jealousy. And yet we do not recommend loaning in this feeling, as the jealousy has not yet relieved anyone.

A dream in which an inflatable ball in your hands unexpectedly descended, foreshadows that you make an act, about which you will regret all my life, but nothing will never succeed.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why dream balls by day of the week?

The ball is to play the ball - to teach himself by the hopes that it is unlikely to come true in the foreseeable future. Smash the ball window - undeservedly offend a good person.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What dreams ball?

To see a children's ball - a favorable confluence of the circumstances, in which you cannot be lucky in the exercise of a long-time dream. Throw the ball into the air means that risk losing your share of income or inheritance. The ball fell into the water foreshadows an unsuccessful deal and financial difficulties. Jumping or rolling in a dream, the ball of sulitis soon get a pleasant news from a distant friend. The volleyball ball predicts that, by distinguishing the cause with his head, leave the children and her husband and launch the house. Kick in a dream soccer ball - will become the leader in its team due to energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Big modern dream book

Ball - What dreams of a dream?

The ball - you see in a dream a children's ball - you are with dignity, and at the same time no one is offended, eliminate all the difficulties from our way. You see a sports ball in a dream - a certain competition will revive the sleepy atmosphere of your team; Moreover, this competition will not transfer the boundaries of reasonable and will not fall into an annoying rivalry, in unhealthy competition; Your fun will be innocent.

Lowish dream book

Domestic interpretation of a dream about the ball

To see the ball in a dream, means that in the near future you will want to change your life, bring more positive emotions into it, but it should be careful, because such a desire can lead to sad consequences.

If you dreamed of a dream in which you play the ball, then he can foreshadow you difficulty working, which will be exacerbated by your fatigue, your reluctance to work. In addition, you will notice that the result achieved will not match the efforts that you attached to achieve it.

If you have dreamed of a ball that rolls at you, then in the near future you will get unexpected news. If in a dream you in your hands goes down the inflatable ball, then in reality all your attempts show yourself, as an extraordinary, original person will not be crowned with success. In addition, such a dream can be interpreted as an act that you will do thoughtlessly, and about which you will subsequently regret.

If a young woman dreamed of a dream in which she launches the ball from the hands, then in reality she needed to restrain the gusts of jealousy, otherwise the family life can end in collapse, especially since there is no reason for such jealousness.

Dream Interpretation White Maga Yuri Longo

If the dream dictated the ball

The dream in which you played the ball predicts an ambulance with a long-awaited person, for example, one of your old friends, with whom the warm relationship once was connected, but then in connection with his or your departure you stopped video. Many years have passed, you almost forgot that this person meant a lot for you.

However, the dream of the ball, seen by you, says that forgotten feelings will revive again to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you can enjoy each other's society, nothing hurts you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever. How to be if there is no one in your memory, who could approach this explanation? Everything is very simple: it means that a dream about the ball symbolizes a quick acquaintance with someone who will be connected to your life for a long time.

The still lying ball speaks of your calm, peacekeeping, which will finally come to you after predicted by your sleeping meeting with a good person. Everyday troubles, vanity, trouble of various kinds - all this will leave your life, and you will be happy to rejoice and serenity for a long time.

Support points:

Which ball dreamed in a dream

The dream of the ball is most often interpreted as well-being, which is given in great difficulty. If you specifically seen soccer ball, you will be able to succeed, unless you enjoy your principles. Basketball or volleyball - indicate that your strong quality is perseverance and exposure, use them, trying to goal. Color ball, which children usually play - predicts an obstacle that will overcome luck with time. Tennis ball - a pleasant meeting. Beach ball - your hopes will not be justified.

Game in the ball

You played the ball by throwing it to each other - children will not justify your hopes, you will not be able to find a common language with them for a long time. Game where you throw the ball back or up - symbolizes the difficulties with the real estate, on which other people will apply. About good news about a person who has long disappeared from your life, says the ball that bounced, bounced out of the ground. Playing basketball - you can successfully choose a direction that will make a profit, football - we can walk a strong opponent, volleyball - your problems are contrived.

Ball trouble

If the air left the ball across the hole - then the trouble that have recently be resolved by itself. Filingless by the ball - a sign of failure. In which the ball fell - the plans will not be implemented. If he fell into a pit - then in the future you will fight every day for your happiness.

Bought or received as a gift

A new acquaintance warns the dream that you bought the ball. Get it as a gift - your business partner will be a person who you will greatly appreciate.