How to get rid of mosquitoes in an open arbor. In Nature without mosquitoes: Ultrasound dischargers, traps and other means to combat bloodsowing insects on the street

If you have long worried about the mosquitoes during the summer holiday, then surely imagine how much life can ease comer discreteners from Thermacell.. They are convenient to use and do not cause any harm to human health nor it surrounding it. One of the most interesting models from our company is a repeller with a built-in lamp, in its appearance resembling a beautiful lantern ( Outdoor MR 9L6-00). Acting on the surface of 4.5x4.5 meters, this device will reliably protect you and your loved ones from insects. Try to use it if another mosquito repellent You did not suit or worked too slowly - and compare the results. And in the meantime we will imagine what part of your home is better to put the scarecher to work as efficiently as possible.

Veranda of a country house

Scales lantern - This is a device that the most advantageous will look exactly in your country house, in a rustic house or cottage. It can even hang around the door, instead of a conventional lantern - you won't feel a big difference. Lantern, of course, a little revitalizes the design of your urban apartment if there is a place for the discharge. In the city, however, insects annoy us less than in the country, therefore the device is likely to come in handy there. In addition, in the apartment you will have to search for a separate table or a special place - do not put it on the table with business papers and wenger business card holder . But on the veranda of the country house, this mosquito repeller will look very beautiful - and the room will be lit, and the mosquitoes round. Even if your home has no veranda or an extension, then you probably have a gazebo or a separate table - there is, where to relax in the evening after working with a surgery. You can and put it next to this place to escape from the attention of insects. And if you like to collect guests or arrange funny family tea drinking, the value of this device for your family rises several times - everyone will be satisfied and protected from mosquitoes.


However, in your house there is another place that I would like to make inaccessible for insect times and forever. This is, of course, the bedroom. Often we wake up in the middle of the night due to the fact that mosquitoes or other moshcars decided to use the darkness and snack a little ... We. From this unpleasant awakening, you can get rid of a lamp repeller. And since the light from this device is very strong, then turning on the flashlight, you can also do our usual things: to clean up, read the book, work at a computer, etc. When you want to go to bed, it will be enough just to turn off the lamp so that the bright light does not interfere with your rest.

Living room / large room

Room in the house, in which you are most often going, as well as your family and close friends. Such a room, of course, need to furnish as it should. I would like to put there the best furniture, cabinets with books, hang beautiful pictures and frames with photos, and also to buy and put the purse on the table from the skin - so that all guests know about the high social status of the hosts of the house. In this room, the whole of your family is usually going to relax, watch TV or play board games. It would be very angry if this holiday was broken by the invasion of insects, right? Mosquito Repeller as lanternfamily holiday will save and give you the opportunity to relax. You can even open the windows in the room, if it is too hot - besides your friends, nobody will not fly to visit you.

... and other rooms

In fact, put a lamp repeller can be in any place of your home - the main thing is to be comfortable! And everything else depends on your imagination. The kitchen is not the most suitable place for the discharge, but if insects prevent you from cooking, then it is better to put the device there. In the bathroom too wet, but you can still experiment with the toilet. If you have a separate room, the dining room, then you can place the flashlight there - it will look very nice. And if you did not decide, much better put a scarecher from mosquitoes, just take it with you to any room of your home - at the same time check, how the lantern works and how well it illuminates the room.

Nowhere from them there is no save. Fly and fly ... Itchy and oculate nasty zzzzzzzzzzz ... biting and biting ...

So got that I decided to devote them a whole post.

First, I suggest see how these vampires drink blood. Cute little, but it is necessary to know. "Song from this movie" also interferes a little, but the essence of the process does not overshadow ...

And now - a mosquito bite in HD quality, macro. Brrr ... I would never have thought that it was going on.

I did not find words to this, the emoticon did not come up with this - something between "tin" and "crazy, what a nightmare"

People's methods of scaring and rejuvenation of mosquitoes

After what the concept of "I love the world" gave another crack. Therefore, he remembered all those folk methods to scare off these bloodsows that ever used or about which heard. About chemical somehow, if any of the people does not help.

So, what we need to do so that the mosquitoes do not get to us:

  • Decompose near the windows and rave bouquets over the door fresh Pijmasor walinkles. After drying, change (frighten)
  • Decompose the room finely chopped leaves of cherryuhi
  • Sprinkle valeric
  • Score Comarich Sok. basilica, castbreet And smell fresh carnations
  • Before bedtime in the headboard, you can drop a tiny droplet kamfar oil
  • Apply a few "points" anisov, kedrov, natives or eucalyptus oil On naked parts of the body.
  • Or drop the droplet from the above oils on the light bulb, and then turn on the light. Fumigator, however!
  • Well helps scare away
  • It is said that mosquitoes do not like blooming pelargonium and rosemary
  • Advise on the window to put fresh top Tomators, flowers and leaves black elderry or lavender, leaves mint., kotovnik Lemon, medicinal melissa. And a pleasant fragrance in the house, and mosquitoes must fly to the neighbors)
  • Divide in a small amount of water vanillin, Before going out to the street, rub my feet-hands (I generally simply with my hands all the open parts of the body completely "wash") helps!
  • "Sold" cologo "Gozdika". All childhood passed hand with this smell - probably helped if they sprayed them;)
  • You can ourselves make Lotion: clove oil - 1 part, cologne - 5 pieces, alcohol - 25 pieces
  • Make a decoction out roots of dusty (boil the handful of chopped roots in 1.5 liters of water) and handle their face and hands (here it is - another property of weeds !!!)
  • Grasp the open parts of the body with juice dwarm nettle
  • Wipe open parts pork Salom (Introduced ... ok))
  • If you have to sit at the lake (river, limana) on fishing, then a good tool - apply berezov Degtem Martial coloring on face, neck and hands. And be sure to put on the body a T-shirt made of volumetric yarn, and from above - a free shirt with a high collar and tightly fastened cuffs.
  • Old Ural way: dry horse manure To set fire to a tin can, let it flare and slightly. Gear smoke to lay down the country rooms, close the door-window tightly, and after 10-15 minutes to ventilate. The day three is the hungry komarich in the smoked room will not fly! Do not be afraid, there is no smell from manure too, but if something and remember, remember Maurice Gerald and Louise Pontrexter)) Ndaaaa ... I clarify the heroes of the Roman Main Reed "Rider without a head" ... Maurice was Mustanger, From here and inspired that the most romantic feelings of the smell of horse manure did not interfere with ... Uff ... who needs, he will understand ...
  • In the fire in the country can throw some plants chamomile pharmacy, mosquito, either do not like
  • Also scares Komarov smoke from cones (pine and fir) and needles juniper. (By the way, you need to try the bursts of the Tui! Who will try - tell me how the result ???)
  • Yazhnes are advised to fall spray Willow with leaves or lavender shoots
  • I heard that mosquitoes are afraid of smoke from settled leaves bosnes black
But the fresh smell of pine and fir mason like, so do not hide from them in the forest!

Trap for mosquitoes

I understand that everything you read can be boldly forget, because the trap for mosquitoes, which we can make it for 10-15 minutes, will reliably protect us from night vampirities without any additional conditions :)

We look, in delight, rejoice in the folk smelling and the non-real mind of our compatriots!

And for those who did not have time to read everything and remember while watching a video, duplicate with sleepy standing letters.

How to make a mosquito trap: instruction scheme

The shelf life of the trap - up to 2 weeks. It can be used both indoors and outdoors.

This is an antitomarine monologue. For all the rules of drama - from the terrible beginning to a happy end))

I would be grateful to replenishing piggy banks of folk useful "anti-sobs" of advice. For it will mean that mosquitoes are afraid of more and more herbs, oils, smoke and cologne ...

Yes, their troughs will be afraid and weakened the itchy wings!
Let only boys be born!

Cottage is a very multifunctional place. There go to work, relax, returned and so on. Therefore, the unequivocal council, how to get rid of mosquitoes, no. In principle, it would be more correct to even say that it is impossible, but it is quite realistic to protect yourself from these little bloodsicles, and in different situations the ways are also different for this.

If for the premises, tents and even the arbors a complete getting rid of mosquitoes possible in the presence of a mosquito net, then on the street you will not forbid them to flock to your food. And yet there are ways and tricks, allowing you to leave all your blood with you.

Ultrasound from Komarov

We can safely say that this is the most modern version to protect yourself and your family from itchy bites. There are compact devices that are scared by insect sound, inhalesable human ear. Some of them are designed for one person, hang on the belt or put in his pocket and operate in a two-meter radius. Others, more expensive and darkened, are able to protect the whole room from mosquitoes. Third, the most expensive, at the request of manufacturers will get rid of you from the presence of bloodsicles on the square of 50 meters and are suitable for evening holidays on the street.

Such devices today are manufactured by several firms. Their quality depends directly from the price due to the fact that the development is still new. However, it is worth noting that even the best devices do not cope with the declared effectiveness.

Fuligators and liquids from mosquitoes

For premises, here for several decades the leader among the methods of combating insects are electrical fumigators and cigarette lighters with liquid. They do not make a tangible smell and can be quite effective (with the fluid better coped with the task), but some people the quality of their work is not satisfied.

In this case, the plate that needs to be inserted into the fumigator is simply ignited and extinguished in a few seconds, and they emphasize the room with caviar smoke. The mosquitoes fall right on the fly, but there is a big risk to poison smoke and in humans. Worst of all that it will not be possible to ventilate the room after that - the mosquitoes will fall out again.

Note! If the means for the fumigator seems to be not effective for you, you should not resort to aggressive methods, simply change it to another, from another manufacturer's company, and be sure to see the shelf life.

Mosquito repellents in the country

Another popular remedy is repellents from mosquitoes and other insects. These substances are manufactured in the form of cream, liquid or spray and applied to the skin. They possess a rather sharp unpleasant odor, but it is often less unpleasant than to feed the flocks of mosquitoes with their blood.

However, it is not worth each fluid with an unpleasant smell in the department of funds from mosquitoes to receive for repellents. There is a popular bike that one company in the campaign was stolen from the head to fifth insect liquid with instructions on an unfamiliar language and returned from the hike all skirting.

Only after they translated the method of use, and it turned out that the fluid had to be poured nearby, so that mosquitoes flew on it and did not touch people.
Minus repellents - a fairly high risk to cause allergies or problems with breathing paths.

Traps for mosquitoes

A good way to get rid of flying bloodstairs is to place the traps for them. On the street or in a gazebo, they will be able to reduce the number of insects, and in the room and get rid of them at all. As a liquid that people accepted for a repellent, the trap distracts the attention of the mosquitoes on themselves, and hacked, the insect almost does not have a chance to get out.

Traps can be made with their own hands. To do this, take a plastic bottle and cut the top from it. The lid can be thrown out. In a bottle, you can simply put a piece of banana or pour a half-cook of warm water, pour out 1-2 sugar spoons and add 1-2 grams of yeast. After that, the upper part of the bottle turns over the neck down and is inserted into the bottle - the trap is ready.

You can purchase ready-made devices that run from electricity. They act, lining insects to the light of ultraviolet lamps. However, the effectiveness of purchased electric UV traps for mosquitoes of positive feedback is significantly less than about the work of self-made.

Spirals from mosquitoes in the country

There is another proven way to get rid of insects on the street - this is a spiral. They cost quite inexpensively, sold in packs for several pieces. The minus of this means cannot be used indoors and closed space.

The spiral is installed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from the person and is set on fire to 10-15 seconds. After the flame you need to pay off, and the tool will start actively, highlighting caustic smoke. Inhale it and be in close proximity to the spiral is categorically impossible if you do not want to earn problems with the lungs. However, with the correct operation of the spirals from mosquitoes do not harm your health, by 5+ coping with the task of scareting insects.

People's methods from mosquitoes

Almost all the means described above are modern. However, people fought with bussy insects before, and they did it mainly with the help of plants. Moreover, no rare colors for this will not have to search for: mosquitoes do not like mint, support, tomato tops, carnation and wormwood.
Other folk methods of combating mosquitoes in the country are described in the video on the next tab.

Cozy gazebo in the shade of old trees, and even overlooking the river or a beautiful grove nearby - an excellent element of a country estate. This is the place of collecting the whole family to tea drinking, an open living room with wicker furniture or just a corner for a secluded relaxation on the lap of nature. Such buildings require labor, time and investment, so at the design stage it is worth thinking about how to close the gazebo not only from annoying insects in summer, but also from snow and melt water at another time of the year.

Recreation area for people: insect entry is prohibited

When using a gazebo in summer days, the most relevant to close it from flies, mosquitoes, OS and other uninvited guests. The easiest way for this purpose is to use Tyul, which can be chosen in color and drawing under the main decor of the building. So that insects do not find loopholes, you can take one large web of this fabric, pulling it on a special string throughout the inner perimeter.

For the entry to the entrance, you need to cut off a separate rectangle of this size so that it comes into contact with the rest of the mustache. If there are not a lot of insects, then Tulle can be taped to the side columns and decorate the garter with flowers from wide satin ribbons.

Protection against insects

In cases where the question of how to close the arbor from mosquitoes is more serious, it is recommended to use mosquito nets, which are available on sale in the following options:

  • rolled mesh is convenient and unmaking, especially for buildings of non-standard dimensions. A pieces of the required sizes are cut from the roll and attached either on the string or the construction stapler to the walls. You can arrange the grid segments in the bagent frame and hang on the hooks;
  • frame grid of factory production is similar to what is supplied complete to the plastic windows of urban apartments. Such meshs are fixed, as a rule, outside, on special brackets;
  • roller design is more expensive than previous ones, but if necessary, the mesh is easily removed into the box.

A mosquito net can be supplied with a gazebo

Preparation of gazebo to winter: types of protective structures

Eating those or other structures on the household plot should take into account seasonal changes in nature. The main test for the stationary gazebo is undoubtedly the winter. Strong wind, blizzards, temperature differences and sharp thaws can damage the decoration of the arbor and the objects in it. Therefore, it is better to think about the ways to protect the weather from the whims of the weather and take care of the safety of sex, internal skin and furniture. In such a closed building, you can even spend time in winter, for example, to celebrate the New Year.

For such glass and guests to meet not ashamed in winter

Glazing - the perfect version of the protection of the arbor in winter

Double-glazed windows on a metal profile frames are used not only for balconies and loggias. They are great in order to close the gazebo from the wind, snow and rain, as they have aesthetic modern appearance, durable and durable. By the ability to save heat, glazing is divided into two types:

  • "Cold" - beless or with one camera, cheaper, but almost eliminating the possibility of winter use of the gazebo;
  • "Warm" - two- and three-chamber, allowing the fireplace and ceiling insulation in the presence of fire, walls and ceiling sufficiently warm the room.

Darkened glass also covers from the sun

The most expensive and at the same time beautiful is a frameless glazing. The adjacent fruit glass does not block the overview, fully opening the panorama of the surrounding landscape. Tempered glass withstands not only the strongest wind with a hail, but also hitting stones, and the lack of frames facilitates care of the surface.

Wonderful opportunities to do without glass

If budget options are needed, and the building is used only in the summer, then you can consider the possibilities to close the gazebo on the winter by other materials, which include:

  • plywood sheets - they are nailed to vertical racks and protect quite reliably;
  • the reinforced film - it is possible to bite the whole gazebo, lasts two to three seasons;
  • polycarbonate shutters - they can be left for the summer, because they are transparent and passed inside the arbor dispelled;
  • vertical marquises or curtains from PVC - are used in areas with soft winter, since PVC from frosts quickly comes into disrepair;
  • building tarpaulin tent is ideal by the parameter "price-quality", but does not differ in decorativeness.

Marquises and are smart, and practical

Curtains from PVC.

It is possible to cover the gazebo on your own, however, if the choice is made towards expensive durable options, it is better to resort to the help of specialized companies that will carry out the necessary measurements and will establish protective adaptations qualitatively and on time.

In the warm season, each dachnik begins to think about how to get rid of mosquitoes in the country area. After all, in the spring and summer work in the garden and garden is a lot, and annoying insects can turn outdoor stay in this hell.

There are different methods, and, most likely, they will have to be used in the complex, process the area with different means to achieve the desired effect.

How to protect yourself and your house from insects

To fight mosquitoes, you need to study their habits. This small insect insect delivers a lot of inconvenience. In addition, it can be dangerous. It is believed that only tropical insects are dangerous, but also prosaic domestic mosquitis can be carriers of serious infections.

Interestingly, only females are dangerous for a person - they bite.

It is necessary for them for normal reproduction of offspring, since in their very body, protein and iron are practically not produced. And the males at the same time can extradite meal in thick grass. In order for the fight against annoying mosquitoes in the country site successful, it is necessary to approach it comprehensively.

In particular, the site itself needs to be protected, and the house. In the latter case, it is recommended to put protective grids on the windows. Depending on the design of the arbor, the grid is worth closing it. Moreover, the device can be soaked in oil eucalyptus or lavender, cloves or juniper - mosquitoes equally do not like all these smells.

The grid is called barrier protection, and it is quite effective, but only as an obstacle to penetrate these insects to the house.

At the same time, the question of how to deal with bloodsuckers in the very plot remains open. Indeed, in street conditions, velcro, and aroma lamps with essential oils are useless.

Popular funds such as electric dischargers are also useless.

First, because not all models are characterized by a large radius of action. Secondly, it is necessary to connect to the electrical network for their work, which is also not always possible on the site itself. And when turned off, this repeller becomes completely useless.

So, if the owners want to know how to get rid of mosquitoes in the country, they should figure out the main types of funds against them. The most common option is the use of fumigants. They, in turn, are divided into two large groups.

These are pyrotechnic and electrical models.

With the latter, everything is relatively clear. These are classic devices that are practically in every home today. Such a means of mosquitoes in the country is a device whose design is provided by heating platinum. When the device is turned on, the plate is heated, and it contributes to the evaporation of the insecticide from its surface.

As a rule, they are used indoors.

But they can come in handy on the terrace or in a gazebo, provided that there is a source of energy. Much more often, combating mosquitoes in the country is carried out with the help of pyrotechnic fumigants. They are several species, but the most popular version is a spiral that you need to set fire. The material from which it is made is not lit, and smolders. At the same time, smoke stands out, which not so much destroys insects, but they just scare them.

Unfortunately, such funds do not give a sufficiently long effect. If this day on the street there will be a strong wind, then such a fumigant will be practically useless.


Such traps are embarrassed by mosquitoes, and then kill them due to insecticide or other method.

These devices are desirable to put in some remote corner of the garden so that the insects are flying there.

As for electronic dischargers, their effectiveness seems to be dubious. Most often we are talking about ultrasound instruments.

It is believed that they publish waves of a certain frequency that insects perceive as a signal of danger.

In fact, there are no confirmed data that mosquitoes really hear such a sound, and also react to it accordingly.
All of these means, with the help of which the processing of the site from mosquitoes is processed mainly due to the simplicity of its application.

However, all this synthetics, which is also positioned, as harmless to humans and animals, but in fact it can still cause allergies. In addition, the insecticide is capable of falling on vegetables and fruits, so the owners prefer natural defense methods.

Natural insecticide is a pyrethrum.

It is made from several types of chamomile (for example, Caucasian or Dalmatian). The cultivation of these plants on the site is in itself helps to reduce the number of insects in the territory. Dry stems and leaves of this plant are crushed into powder and scatter it on the terrace or summer kitchen. Right under the windows you can put pots with small tomato bushes.

However, it is possible to make not only insecticide, but also the trap itself. To do this, you will need an old plastic bottle, not very big (liter is suitable). Approximately a quarter of this bottle, that is, the neck and a noticeable part of the tops are cut. This bottle pours a mixture of water and sugar, pre-mixed.

Then another 2-3 g of yeast add to it, it is not necessary to stir. Then this bottle is turned over and put on the surface of the neck down - the mosquitoes themselves will strive to cover into the container, and they will not be able to get out.

Of course, you can also purchase lipids traps in the form of serpentine.

They are easy to hang next to the summer kitchen or at the entrance to the terrace. They are useless as an independent way of struggle. But in the complex with something else can work.

How to get rid of mosquitoes with natural funds

Dacha owners, thinking about how to get rid of mosquitoes in the plot, seek to do only by natural methods.

Such measures include the use of plants that scare insects.

There are certain rules regarding plants that are planted as insect protection.

Those cultures that possess a pleasant smell are usually planted in containers or pots, and then they put them around a holiday location - these are pergolas, gazebos, terraces. Such plants in the pots need to be placed in all entrances to the house. An important property of such crops is that they can simultaneously be used and as spices, and in the form of decorative material for a bouquet, and they also exude phytoncides, health and strengthening immunity.

One of these plants is a nobility basil - an annual plant, which is most often used as a spice.

In addition, he scares the mosquitoes and attracts butterflies. Basil is growing well both in sunny areas and in a half.

Lavender has proven perfectly. It is quite widespread in warm regions. From lavender make essential oil, the quality of which is carefully checked before use.

Correctly assembled and dried lavender can be used to scare off bloodsuckers.

You can use lemon sorghum with its pretty panicles. This spice is widely used in cooking. It is often grown closer to home. To the smell be stronger, you should spend your fingers on the grass.

Practically any velity protects from mosquitoes.

Popular their variety - Mexican mint. In salads, they often apply instead of Tarkhun (Estragona), and this fact itself speaks about how they possess.

Similar properties demonstrates a male marsh - a long-term culture that can reach a height of 30 cm, although the soil grades are also found.

This is a plant with a strong smell that can be used in cooking.

Mint pepper helps against mosquitoes. It is useful to grow it on its plot anyway, since the grass can be added to hot and cold tea. People like me, but insects are trying to avoid. This also applies to such a plant as a pitcher (the second name - non-Tentes).

Unlike previous perennials, the pitcher is grown in suspended porridge, but not in beds. But the pots can be placed on the terrace or in a gazebo.

Another plant that protects insects is the eucalyptus ash. But this is not grass, but a tree that can be in an average of 6 m, so that its cultivation is far from every plot.

Lemon Verbena is similar to a small tree (the second name is a three-lines alone).

This perennial plant can be distributed independently or contact a specialist. Lemon Verbena prefers outdoor sun plots. It is often used in aromatic tea mixtures, which periodically come into fashion among consumers.

Fragrant perennials

Some dacha owners to protect against mosquitoes are ready to grow even those herbs on their plot, which in other conditions would consider weeds. In particular, it is a traditional tool as Pijm is a perennial who grows well in sunny sites and attracts butterflies to the garden.

In addition, around the perimeter of the site, you can plant a bitter cauldron.

This is a perennial plant with a subtle preceding aroma. At the same time, it is nectarone attracting butterflies and bees. Halfweight bitter scares almost all insects, including ticks and ants. There are other types of wormwood, and they all have a similar effect.

But Rosemary is not a weed, but a popular spice, although it looks like such a long-term shrub is not too attractive. There are also soil grades. This plant loves open sunny sections. Rosemary, with its fragrant leaves, is used in cooking; In addition, it helps to attract butterflies into the garden. This is a drought-resistant plant, there is no particular thing with him.

Kotovnik - the plant is not the most attractive, but it has a multitude of useful properties, mainly associated with the scary of insects.

The smell of Kotovnik is strong enough, and many people consider him not too pleasant. To use it not only in the warm season, but also in the fall, you need to take care of the preparation of its branching roots.

Preventive measures

In order to protect against insects in the country, you need to comply with certain rules. First, all the cranes available in the garden need to check for leakage, it should be fixed. Such water sources attract insects. Secondly, if there are drinkers for birds in the garden, then they need to regularly change the water. The fact is that it is in such a congestive mosquito liquid to lay their eggs.

For the same reason, it is necessary to drain the water from the scenes once a week, which stand under flower pots on the windowsill.

Thirdly, all empty containers in the garden need to keep upside down to the bottom so that there is no moisture there.

If all of the above methods, including the preventive measures taken, were not effective enough, the destruction of mosquitoes on the site should be instructed by a specialized company. Employees of companies for combating insects use insecticides, safe for humans and pets. These funds are sprayed by the method of cold fog, which allows to defeat mosquitoes, while spending a very slightly poisonous substance, especially with regard to the coverage of a large area.

The measures that professionals use are treating the territory of carbon dioxide. In addition, artificial water bodies are also often treated with insecticide or spray with similar drugs even potential locations of these insects.