How to glue ceiling plinth. How to glue the ceiling plinth with your own hands? How to glue ceiling plinth

A few centuries ago ceiling plinths were decoration of aristocrats. They are in demand to this day.

The main task of cartoons is masking joints between the wall and the ceiling. The aristocratic tradition has been preserved in our time: in many houses and apartments, plinths have become a real decoration of the room.

Types of ceiling plinths

Before gluing, you need to choose it correctly. The modern building materials market is saturated with cartoons of different species and textures. First, the plinths differ in the form:

  • Baguettes with recesses and grooves;

  • Laminated type of cartoons - the surface of the part is smooth and smooth.

The greatest information on how to properly glue the ceiling plinth, give the characteristics of the material from which the baguette is made.

  1. Polyurethane profile. It is characterized by high strength, resistance to temperature drops, flexibility, moisture resistance. Profile installation is simple: the plinth is glued to the ceiling with a special composition. By minuses include the cost of products, their weight. Mounting baguettes to stretch ceilings will be difficult.
  2. Styrofoam. Such a kind of cartoons establishes most: attracts price accessibility, appearance and operational qualities. The foam profile weighs a bit (can be used for stretch ceilings), easily processed. There is the possibility of multiple surface staining. Polyfoam interact well with any surfaces: wallpapers, plaster or tree. Thinking over how to properly glue, it is necessary to consider that the adhesive composition should not contain solvents.
  3. PVC plinth (plastic). Most often used with plastic panels. Falls are distinguished by relative cheap, simple installation, large number of different colors and imitation. In terms of moisture resistance, PVC cartoons exceed polyurethane. The plinth is glued with a universal adhesive composition. The lack of plastic baguette refers to the inability to staining the surface.
  4. Wooden profile. Rarely used in the modern interior for a number of reasons:
  • Cost of material. Even the most common profile is worth a lot. Some stores have inexpensive wooden profiles, but they are distinguished by low quality.
  • Treatment. Wooden cartoons are installed on a perfectly smooth surface, you need to trim very carefully, as defects will be visible even under putty.
  • Complex installation process: you need to prepare the surface in advance, select the mixture for fastening, additionally use the fasteners to fix the part.

5. Real aristocratic luxury, which is found in mansions, but used in modern interiors - gypsum cartel. Material Durable and very durable. Prepared options are offered stucco workshops, as well as shops specializing in modeling. Gypsum plinths are more expensive at cost, installation is carried out only by specialists.

Selection of the width of the product and adhesive mixture

Ceiling plinths are divided by the width of the product, taking into account the height of the ceiling in the room. Annter 35 mm width is installed for low ceilings. If the average height (from 2.5 - 3 m), it is advisable to use the plinth 40, 50 mm.

The rooms with a height of 3 m suggest installing baguettes 60, 70 mm. To acquire the correct number of parts, it is necessary to measure the perimeter of the room. For example, the perimeter of the room is 20 meters. Given the average plinth length of 2 meters to work, 10 parts will be required. It is recommended to purchase 1-2 baguette more.

Glue for plinths happens:

  • acrylic;
  • polymeric.

The selection of glue depends on the purpose of the room: for a children's optimal option - acrylic adhesive, for the kitchen and bathroom, preferably the use of polymer composition. Acrylic adhesives are characterized by safety, lack of caustic smells.

Polymer glue, on the contrary, suitable for wet rooms. In the polymer composition there are chemical solvents, so the smell on the repair facility will be felt over the past week.

The gluing of the ceiling plinth is carried out by the adhesive compositions of "Titan" and "moment". They are able to quickly and securely fix bugs.

To install, also use a putty, which is preparing with their own hands. The mixture is prepared by mixing 1 volume of finishing putty, ¼ volume of PVA glue and 1 water volume. It is used to install gypsum and foam baguettes or grout cracks. The mixture is not suitable for wet rooms.

Baguette sticking is impossible without appropriate tools:

  • roulette for measurements;
  • pencil for applying;
  • stuslo;
  • a sharp knife for trimming parts;
  • spatula - help remove the remnants of glue and putty.

Before placing the ceiling plinth, it is necessary to free the cartel from the packaging and leave them on the object for a day. The ceiling must be smooth and clean. Each item should be shrinking at an angle of 45 degrees.

To do this, we will need a stub - a tool that helps cut the parts under the desired angle. Polyfoam cuts easily, you can do the sharp knife.

Before installing, you need to prepare work:

  • We take one part and a pencil with a line at an angle of 45 °, cut a corner.
  • With the second plinth, we do the same. If the angle is incorrect, the mounting will end with the formation of the gap. Hide the gap will help decorative corners.
  • Attach ready-made items to the ceiling. Must be perfectly shied with each other.
  • The ceiling must be clean and dry. There should be no fat spots on a plastic or wooden profile. The walls at the installation site of the plinth must be smooth and, if necessary, covered.

How to glue the ceiling plinth? There are two answers to this question, or rather two methods for installing the ceiling cornice:

  1. Baguette is mounted after the room pasting with wallpaper.
  2. The cornice is installed on smooth walls and ceiling.

The second method is preferable, since there is no need to remove the plinth at the wallpaper crossing and you can close the gaps between the wall and the eaves, without fearing to stain wallpaper.

Installation Instructions:

  • Experts recommend starting installation with corners. Two strips of adhesive makeup are applied to each detail. We are waiting for a couple of minutes while glue thickens.
  • Attach the plinth on the ceiling, the plinth to the ceiling must be tightly fixed. Then proceed to the installation of the next corner.
  • After the docking of angular cornices will remain installed direct eaves. Baguette with a pattern or pattern should be shown so that the drawing coincides. When installing, it is not necessary to put on the cornice, it must calmly lay down to the wall.
  • With the help of a spatula and solution, it is necessary to correct irregularities, and.

  • Mount the ceiling plinth is needed to the wall, and not to. The attachment procedure is normal, however, the adhesive solution should be selected special. Choose low weight plinths, easier to mount them.
  • If you want to set the decorative room backlight with the help of the ceiling cornice, the installation process will not differ from the standard installation. Just launch the electrician before installation and close it with molding. Baguettes necessarily attached to the wall. There should be a small gap between the wall and the ceiling.
  • Before installing a baguette, moist fastening sponge. The glue makeup dries slower and facilitates the installation of plinths.

If you clearly follow the instructions and recommendations, the installation process of the cartel will not be difficult. It will take careful attitude to the details and knowledge of all the subtleties of the installation. Different profiles are fixed using different compositions. If you consider all the nuances, the result of the work will certainly please.

Ceiling plinth - how to glue ceiling plinth video instruction


The final stage of any repair in housing is the installation of decorative elements, such as ceiling plinth. It is necessary to approach him no less responsibly than to other repairs, because the decor attaches to the room a finished look, and affects the visual perception of the entire interior. Therefore, in this article I decided to tell you how to glue the ceiling plinth so that it looks neat and beautiful.

Stages of mounting

First of all, I note that currently ceiling plinths are performed from various materials. Moreover, depending on their type, the gluing process can be somewhat different. However, in any case, the work is performed in several stages:

Below I will try to tell about all the nuances of work on each of these stages.

Preparation of materials and tools

First of all, it is necessary to determine which glue to glue the plinth on the ceiling. The choice depends on the type of plinth and other some factors:

Sometimes wooden plinths are used in the interior or made of MDF. For their installation, the wooden widows were installed between the ceiling and walls to which the slats are attached using self-tapping screws. After that, the hats of the self-tapping screws are sweeping and then the kits are covered with varnish.

As for other materials and tools for mounting plinths, you will need:

  • mounting knife or handwheel for cutting cartel;
  • joiner stub;
  • roulette and pencil;
  • narrow spatula;
  • start putty;
  • painting brush;
  • acrylic primer;
  • water-dispersive paint.

In addition, you will probably need a stair staircase that will allow you to comfortably work under the ceiling.

Preparation of plinths

The sacred operation itself relates to the training of cartery is a roaring corners. If the angles of the walls are ideal, i.e. Corresponds to 90 degrees, then the edges of the planks for docking must be cut under 45 degrees. To accurately perform this operation, you should use a joiner stub.

This device is a P-shaped with propyl speaking at different angles.

Instructions for cutting angles with stusl looks like this:

  1. position on the workbench or table stubo in front of them and put the bar in it. If you kill the left of the corner of the plinth, then you need to put it on the left side so that the edge turns out to be right. If the plinth is right, then put on the contrary, i.e. on the right side;
  2. now you need to turn the barso that its lower part is from above, and the upper, respectively - from the bottom;

  1. after that, you need to securely fix the carter, pressing it to your neighbor from you, and cut off According to the scheme above.

Unfortunately, not always the corners in the room is 90 degrees, as a result of which it becomes difficult to glue the plinth on the ceiling, since the gaps are formed on the angular joints.

You can get rid of them in two ways:

  1. slip the slit;
  2. cut the joints under the corners, cutting them by manually.

You can find ceiling plinths, which contains decorative corners. Thanks to them, it disappears the need to overeat and customized cartoons on corner joints.

For many beginner masters, the adjustment of the corners turns into a real problem, although in reality there is nothing complicated in this procedure. The main thing is to observe a certain sequence of actions.

If the internal angle is seen, then the work is performed as follows:

  1. attach the cartel to the corner (no matter, the left or right), in the position in which it will be installed, and read the line along it on the ceiling;

  1. then attach the second bar and read another line. As a result, both lines will cross;
  2. next, again, attach to the corner the left or right bar and transfer the lines intersection point to it, as shown in the photo above;

  1. then you need to just also place the second quilt;
  2. now on the planks, the lines of the line from the points obtained to the lower corners;
  3. at the end of the work, cut the cartel on the planned lines of the mounting knife or other tool.

In the same way, the fitting of the outer corners is also carried out, the only thing, in this case the lines are not applied on top, and below. Accordingly, the slice is made from the bottom point to the upper angle.

Preparation of walls

Speaking about the preparation of walls, first of all, we'll figure it out that at first glued - wallpaper or plinth, as this question is most often interested in this question. It must be said that the opinions of specialists in this issue are diverged. Some argue that at first it is necessary to glue the plinth, and then, others hold the opposite opinion.

The only one, almost everything converge in the opinion that before gluing the ceiling plinth from the foam, it is advisable to stick the wallpaper. The fact is that these pockets are light, so they can be glued directly on the wallpaper.

As for others, heavier cartoons, then, of course, it is not worth glue on the wallpaper. However, personally, I think that it is still expedient to initially stick the wallpaper, since they are easier to cut it easier than customized under the plinth in the blending process. In addition, in this case, the edges of the canvases can be hidden under the plinth.

The process of preparing the wall in this case looks like this:

  1. attach the plinth to the ceiling, and lift the connection line of the plinth and wallpaper;
  2. then you need to trim the wallpaper with a sharp mounting knife slightly above the battered line;
  3. next, the strip of wallpaper should be carefully torn off the wall. To do this, you can use a narrow spatula;
  4. before proceeding with the preparation of the surface, turn the painting tape on the edges of the wallpaper;
  5. the peeled segment of the walls should be wiped with a wet sponge and, after driving, gently project to the painting brush. The soil is applied with a thin film in two layers. It is possible to attach to applying the second layer only after drying the first.

This is completed on this wall preparation. According to the same scheme, the preparation of the ceiling is performed.

As for other options for finishing the ceiling and walls, for example, if you plan to use paint or liquid wallpaper, then the preparation work is carried out like this:

  1. initially, the standard preparation of the whole wall under the finishing and sticking of the plinth;
  2. then you need to mark the position of the plinth;
  3. after that, on the site where the plinth will be located, the laminate tape is placed on the marked line;
  4. next, walls and ceiling are separated, after which the plinth is pasted.

Here, in fact, all the nuances of surface preparation for further sticking cannon.


So, with all the preparatory stages we figured out. Now consider how to properly glue the ceiling plinth.

The work is carried out in such a sequence:

  1. work should be started with corners. Apply the adhesive composition on the back side of the cartel. If the plinth is wide, the glue is applied point in increasing about 10 cm. If the plank is wide, the composition is better to apply zigzag;
  2. then attach the bar to the wall and the ceiling. If glue is used for gluing, the plinth must hold for some time in such a position until the adhesive composition grabbing. The putty immediately records the cartel, which is its advantage;
  3. if glue or putty came from under the plank, it must be immediately removed;
  4. next, on this scheme, all cartoons are glued.

Finish finish of plinths

If you glued plastic plinths that are well fitted in the corners or even have decorative corners, then in no further finish they need. Another thing is the foam kallers who look unavoidable, especially if there are cracks on the junctions.

Correct the situation as follows:

  1. first of all, cover the painting tape along the cartoons from below and on top;
  2. if there are cracks in the joints of the joints, as already mentioned above, it is necessary to fill with putty. You can do it with your own hands with a narrow spatula or even your finger. The only thing, the cartel is immediately carefully wipe with a wet sponge so that there is no putty for them;
  3. now the plinth must be braced under the subsequent painting. The exception is the foam cartoons that have a rough surface. On them, as practice shows, paint is well held even without soil.
    The primer is applied according to the scheme described above in two layers;
  4. After drying the surface, you can start painting. To do this, use the interior waterproof paint, for example, acrylic. It can be applied by an ordinary narrow tassel, as shown in the photo above.

If the cartoons have decorative corners or angular joints are highly fitted, they can be painted before gluing, as the spatlement in these cases will not be required.

It must be said that often the patterns of plinths are decorated with gold paint, cause patina effect or decorate in another way. For these purposes, special coloring compositions are used, which are called globes. True, they are quite expensive - the price for a small tube, on average, starts from 400 rubles, but they allow the Plintus to be a completely different look.


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With the sticking of the plinths can cope even beginner. The main thing at the same time comply with the technology at each of the stages of work. In addition, you will need accuracy, as actually, and to perform any other finishing works.

Additional information contains video in this article. If some moments of sticking ceiling plinths are not fully clear, ask questions in the comments, and I will gladly answer you.

Speaking of plinths, we mean most often those that are intended to mask the place of connecting walls and gender. However, in urban apartments and country houses in recent years, such plinths, which are located under the most ceiling and framed the room throughout the perimeter. It is a ceiling plinth that combines a lot of advantages, begins from hiding the wall defects and ending with the ceiling of a special charm. Today we learn how to glue the ceiling plinth, and how to plant a baguette on it.

Purchase ceiling plinth

The junction of the walls and the ceiling usually requires decorative design. The most common type of decor is the installation of the ceiling plinth. The ceiling plinth is called a lodge, it represents the standards of standard length - close 2 meters. The hallings can be polyurethane, wooden, gypsum and foam, but regardless of this, the principle of their installation remains unchanged, only some nuances in the working process appear.

So, proceed! The first thing to be done is to determine the material of the ceiling plinth. Foam and polyurethane baguettes are considered the most economical and convenient for products. They are among themselves similar, as they perform polymer compounds. Ceiling plinths, which are made of polyfoam, are not so high-quality as polyurethane.

If you compare polyurethane moldings with foams, the first are heavier and expensive, but at the same time they are inherent and sufficient elasticity. But foam baguettes are not completely flexible, they can not be bent, because with the most likely they burst. This is all a fairly important point when installing baguette. If the ceiling design has different bending radii, then the high elasticity of polyurethane will have to be by the way.

Polyurethane is more durable than foam, which is crumble, and breaks. Polyurethane plinths can be used not only in rooms that have normal humidity, but also in those rooms where the humidity is high: in the bathrooms, in the kitchen. But the products from foam moisture do not like too much.

The next thing you have to do before sticking the ceiling plinth is to measure the perimeter of the room to find out which you need the number of plinth. Suppose the overall dimensions of your room make up 4 by 6 meters, therefore, its perimeter is 20 meters. Since the average length of the cartoons reaches 2 meters, respectively, you will need 10 cartoons, but it's better to buy another ceiling plinth additionally.

Now you should decide on the width of the baguette, because wide moldings on low ceilings will not look appropriate, reducing the size of the room. No less important is the combination of plinth and walls. Monophonic walls will look more interesting if you pick up a baguette with a pattern or some kind of texture. And to the walls that are decorated with an ornament, absolutely smooth plinths are suitable without any drawings.

Plinth Glue Selection

All glue for ceiling plinths, which is presented in today's market, is divided into acrylic and polymer. Solving what glue you will use to fix the baguette, you need to proceed from the functional purpose of the room. If you make repairs in the nursery, then give preference to safe acrylic glue. And for the ceiling in the kitchen in the bathroom you will have to consider the polymer sample.

Acrylic adhesives are manufactured on a water basis, so it is not characteristic of a pronounced smell. But they are not suitable for use in premises with high humidity. Polymer compositions, on the contrary, moisture resistant and durable, but contain chemical solvents that support them in liquid state. And before drying the composition, which can last up to one week, a specific unpleasant smell will be felt in the room.

However, polymer adhesives - "Titan" or "moment" are most popular when installing the ceiling plinth. Buyers appreciate these substances for reliability and versatility. Different modifications differ from each other differ by the setting speed and the level of resistance to low temperatures.

Also on sale there are samples that are intended for gluing practically wet parts, there are those that are able to grab in seconds, which is very convenient if under the ceiling. But the wooden cartel can be fixed not only on the adhesive composition, but also on screws and nails.

Cooking glue with your own hands

In addition, you can knead the glue from the girlfriend. Gypsum and foam plunths are taken to glue on a spheolding solution, while this solution will also be used to seal the gaps, which are formed when the profiles are adjacent to the walls with the ceiling.

For the preparation of this solution, take 1 volume of water 1 with a shallow finishing putty of any production and 1/4 of the volume of the adhesive composition of the PVA. Mix all, eneous to obtain a homogeneous mass, which has a sour cream-like consistency without lumps and clots and let it stand a little - a few minutes. Immediately before use, the mass must be mixed well.

Such a composition you can also use both glue, and as a putty, gluing baguettes and shuffling the gaps between the walls and plinths for two hours. The resulting glue is based on a water basis, therefore it has the properties that inherent in acrylic glue, and is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Preparation for the installation of baguette

Before mounting the ceiling plinth, get the material from the package and leave it in the room where the installation will be made, for a day, only after that you can start working. One of the difficulties that occur when the baguette is glued, serves slicing cartials from the end. After all, each plane of the plinth should, on the other, docile in the corner of the room exactly at an angle of 45 degrees.

To cope with such a task, you should be stupid, which is necessary to direct the knife or saw at a given angle. The stusla has several slots at various angles of inclination - by 90, 45, 60 and 67.5 degrees. Place the cartel in the installation at an angle of 45 degrees and cut the piece with a knife, then lay the ends of the cut. It is very important at the beginning to cut the angle of the plinth and only then customize it in a midway.

But if you cut the angle incorrectly, you will have to cut it again and the length of the bar will have to be smaller together with this, which will lead to the formation of a clearance in the ceiling. In order not to suffer with cutting the plinth and docking the corners, you can always purchase decorative corners and set them subsequently on top of the baguette in the dock.

Carefully prepare the ceiling surface - it should be necessarily dry and clean. If the base is wooden or plastic, there should be no fat spots on it. The ceiling should be sharpened, and to fill the walls where the plinth will be placed. The use of putty allows the alignment to perform better. And therefore, the connection of cartoons in places where they are adjacent to the wall and ceiling, it will be almost imperceptibly. Sometimes for the preparation of the ceiling you need to just make a couple of movements with a wet sponge!

Molding sticking procedure

When repair, as a rule, two methods of installing the ceiling baguette are practiced. The first technique is that the plinth is glued after the acclaiming of the room with wallpaper. In the second method, molding is installed after the ceiling and wall alignment and their priming. More preferable, definitely is the second method, although it is more laborious.

First, you do not have to change the ceiling baguette during the change of wallpaper. Secondly, in the presence of uneven walls, it will be very ugly to look around the gap between the alert and the wall, which are much easier to pasting with wallpaper, as there are no concerns that they are staining the walls. Therefore, before glue ceiling plinth, you should not glue wallpaper, so you can get a much better result.

Before mounting the plinth, it is necessary to pay attention to the choice of the place of gluing the first strip in the corner, because the neighboring one will be glued. Blue and the angle and will look. The plinth is better glued in such a sequence: for starters, turn the segments in the corners and only after that can be glued to the perimeter. If the strips in the corners are smoothly, then there will be no difficulty in direct sections of the wall.

In the case of tensioning canvases, it is definitely better to glue the plinth before you get the surface with wallpaper. Choose better PVC plinth, which has a small weight. Do not secure baguette to the stretch ceiling - exclusively to the wall. It is better to pre-protect the cloth with polyethylene. Otherwise, the fastening technology of the plinth is similar to those described above, with such an amendment, which is better instead of sealant or putty to take a special glue.

If you decide to equip the decorative backlight of the room using the ceiling plinth, then remember that the radical differences between the blocking the plinth stickers without backlighting and with it, in general, does not exist. If you want your room to decorate in this way, then the electric wires of the backlight will be laid before fastening the ceiling plinth.

As a rule, LEDs are used. Next, the wires must be closed by a plinth, while remember that glue ceiling plinth is not to the ceiling, but to the wall. A certain distance should remain from the ceiling baguette to the ceiling surface. That's all the techniques in the sticking of the plinth in different cases.

For the stickers of Moldins, you can use the finish putty or glue. In the first case, the manufacturer does not matter much importance. If you want to hide communication communications under the ceiling plinth, then attach them to the wall or ceiling. In this case, as with the arrangement of decorative illumination with the help of the ceiling profile, the baguette will be attached only to the wall. If the wire is to delay the profile when installing, it will be very difficult to glue it.

Immediately before mounting, moisten on the ceiling and the wall of the place of fixing with primer or water. So you can prevent rapid drying of the substance and facilitate the fastening procedure. Next, cast a putty and apply a thin layer with a small spatula for the entire opposite side of the cartel, so that there is no emptiness in the corner when adhere.

Plinth attach to the ceiling one side, the other - on the wall and press it. Remove the spacing remove with a finger or spatula. After that, remove the remnants of putty from the baguette with a dipped cloth. Moldigree connection sites also wake with putty and closed with a wet rag.

In addition, you can glue the ceiling plinth glue. The sticker of the ceiling plinth with glue is easier than using putty, but needs an additional fundamental. The putty almost always remains after leveling the ceiling and the walls almost, and the glue will have to buy. For example, for the room, two packs of acrylic sealant are needed for a meeting to 20 square meters.

Remember that for fastening the plinth on the glue walls and the ceiling should have a qualitatively decorated surface for adhesion. Glue accepted to apply a spatula or gun. Glue extinguish a thin strip on the opposite side of the plinth, which is intended for adjacent to the ceiling or wall. If you have a stretch ceiling, the adhesive composition must be applied only to the lower part of the baguette, which will be directly pressed against the wall.

After the ceiling plinth was glued, wait a bit, and then press the strip tightly to the place of gluing. Glue sets up quickly. On the ceiling plinth after pressed, traces and dirty stains can remain during the attachment. In order to avoid the appearance of the prints, you need to wash your hands more often.

Speaking excess composition must be wiped with a dry cloth. To make the block of plinth, use a cropped piece of cartoons in such a way that it repeats the profile is already cut off, and glue them with each other. Repeat gluing technology until you glue all the slats throughout the ceiling boundary.

Masking joints and painting

If, after gluing the ceiling plinth, there were small gaps between the straps, it is absolutely not scary, because they can be easily eliminated by rubbing white sealant. If you have not twisted and did not paint the ceiling, then the best option will be the next option.

A light putty must be walking through all the glued straps, missing them as a color composition, and after drying, it is necessary to remove the surplus with the help of fine skins or a special grinding sponge for work on the plaster. After such a final finish, the ceiling and moldings will become one, and you, in turn, do not find a single gap.

After you glued the ceiling plinth and eliminated all the flaws, you can proceed to the color of the plinth. The process of staining the plinth is considered optional, but if you want to give your ceiling to finish and more attractive form, then the plinth is still able to paint.

But if the plinth has a white color, then it is necessary to paint it, otherwise it will begin with time to acquire a yellowish hue. For this purpose, we usually use water-emulsion, acrylic or latex dyes. You can also take a nitrocracy, but the surface of the baguette before they should be printed.

As a rule, painting for the best grasp adhesive should be made no earlier than a day after the accumulation procedure. The most practical coloring composition is acrylic or water-emulsion paint. Gently squeeze each quilt with a tassel so as not to be painted everything around. The best will be if you make it before the wallpaper stickers.

We now found out how to glue the ceiling plinth. Take into account all the subtleties of installation, be sure to install until the final finishes of the walls, start with the corners, and then fasten the baguette in a straight line. When attaching molding under the decorative backlight or tensioning web, the technology will be different, but not fundamentally, it is important to remember some nuances, and work will go like in oil.

During the repair, the need to attach plinths to the floor often arises. You can do this in different ways - screws, cloves, self-drawing with dowels or clip, anchor fastening. But it is easiest to glue the plinth on liquid nails.

Advantages and disadvantages of gluing plinths

The plinth is needed to conceal the ugly gap between the wall and the floor material. It is he who gives the room a finished look after repair. The choice of the installation method for floor baseline depends on the set of factors. Among them is the degree of flattening walls, the type of material of the planks.

Installation of wood products, plastic is easiest to carry out liquid nails - quick-sparing glue. This type of gasket is universal, can be applied even newcomers.

The advantages of the method are:

  • the elimination of the risk of mechanical damage to the wall, gender, the appearance of dents, which is very often observed when award;
  • reliable fixation of the element in a strictly designated place;
  • high speed mounting;
  • the possibility of using liquid nails even with high humidity in the room;
  • economicity of the composition - low price, low consumption;
  • elasticity of seam, lack of crumbling, complete waterproof;
  • fitness for any materials - from wood, natural stone to artificial.

The cons of this technology is also there. It is not possible to glue if the wall is uneven. The view of the plinths will be non-psychic - they will be done by wavy, they will quickly go away, water will fall into the hole during the floor washing. Even the highest quality adhesive compositions will not help avoid such troubles.

Of course, you can additionally use nails, but the view of the room will suffer. It is better to immediately align the walls, especially if a wooden plinth will be attached. In addition, the bar can be plastic, MDF, and the latter for properties, the fastening technology does not differ from wood.

Blinding procedure

Before starting work, it is important to choose a high-quality glue composition. It is liquid nails that are considered universal, with their absence, it is allowed to replace glue 88. It can also glue most of the well-known materials, and intensity has moisture resistance. Among the liquid nails are worth choosing such as "Tytan", "moment of installation", "Antia", "Dragon", "Crass", "Master Klein" in cylinders. Also well established a "Profimaster", implemented in banks of 1-3 kg.

In order to glue the plinth with floor and wall, a number of instruments will be required:

  • roulette;
  • pistol nozzle for liquid nails in the cylinder;
  • hacksaw;
  • a hammer;
  • rubber rubber;

To facilitate the task of knocking cartoons in the corners, you can purchase stub, but it is not necessary. It can be replaced by an independently manufactured template for which markup is applied. There are self-adhesive cartoons, they are even easier to mount them, the process takes a minimum of time.

Is it possible to replace the plinth without damaging the wallpaper? Yes, to attach it between the floor and the wall is possible without harm to wall decoration. If it is planned to cross the wallpaper in the near future, it is better to postpone the fastening of the plinth. Otherwise you have to tear off, which can be irrevocably spoiled (this is especially concerned with wooden products).

To prepare, it is necessary to completely clean the area of \u200b\u200bthe joint wall and floor, remove dust, other contaminants. Plinths are measured, make the mark in accordance with the length of the walls. Be sure to take into account the protrusions, angles, otherwise in the installation process there will be big problems.

Wooden plinths

Now wooden products use much more plastic. It is desirable that the material be the same as the floor, natural plinths are ideally looking at the floor of the same type of wood. If you wish, you can perform their laying on the board, laminate, linoleum. After purchasing glue and tools, the plinth can be properly cut. For this purpose, the hacksaw is suitable. Do it immediately after measuring the length of the walls of the room.

Plinths cut on the bands of the desired size. When external or internal angular joints are cut, it is necessary to do it at an angle of 45 degrees. First, cut off from the first piece, after joking it with the neighboring. Holding the hand, drink the edge so that the gap does not appear when the angle is formed.

  • take one piece, turn it over to yourself with a side that will touch the wall and floor;
  • apply glue drops at a distance of 3-5 cm from each other, it concerns small in the width of the elements;
  • the waves are wider with adhesive composition, without separation, it will make adhesion quite reliable;
  • if specified in the instructions, it is necessary to wait a certain time for the "temptation" of glue, but it is not always required, more often, liquid nails allow you to immediately lean the product to the surface;
  • begin direct gluing follows from any angle, best - from the largest walls in the size of the wall;
  • it is necessary to glue on the wall carefully, it is advisable to do it immediately, especially in height - otherwise glue stains will remain on the wallpaper;
  • press the plinth, hold it for a few seconds (as indicated by the manufacturer), this will speed up the fixation;
  • usually in 10-15 minutes, it sits tightly, the composition dries;
  • next, repeat the installation for the remaining parts around the perimeter.

It happens that a little glue falls on the front side of the wooden products. Liquid nails after frozen are poorly reproached, so it is necessary to remove them immediately with a wet rag. It is also possible to promise the composition with a rubber or other rigid spatula. The same tool take glue at the end of work and fill them with joints of the joints.

Plastic plinths

Glue plastic plinths accounted for much more often, they are popular decorative elements in apartments and houses. The products are very functional, in most of them you can hide the cable or even beams of wires. There are such types of plinths:

  • universal - for laminate, wood, tile, linoleum;
  • for carpet (have a M-shaped shape, a coating is tightly pressed, without giving it to roll).

Plastic plinths are different in hardness. From the foamed PVC is not too durable, quickly break. Even less reliable hollow out of the same material. Products from semi-rigid PVC are more flexible, they are implemented in the form of ribbon in a roll.

Mounting plinths of any kind is needed by one technology. It differs somewhat different from the installation of wooden elements. Before gluing, it is necessary to thoroughly measure the length by imposing plinths to the floor, place. This makes it taking into account the decorative fastening elements (joints) that should be immediately installed on the plinth. Similarly come with corners - they are immediately planted on the bar.

Attach the part of the plastic parts like this:

  • on very thin, narrow pieces dripped in every 10 cm;
  • with a small length of the plinth, there are enough gaps of 4 cm, in the presence of protrusions, complex transitions - 1-2 cm;
  • on broad or thick applies glue by waves;
  • the joints and corners are necessarily missing - with mechanical exposure, they are taken off first;
  • when the plinth is made up of two parts and latches, glue is handled only the main part.

It is important that the wall and gender in the place of the gluing were clean, the dirt worsens the quality of the clutch. Start work from the angle, they continue until the end of pasting the whole room. At the end, the plinth is wet with a wet sponge to remove all traces of the adhesive composition.

This type of plinth appeared in the construction market recently, but has already gained popularity. It is intended for beginners in repair, for those who wish to save time on the flooring. Even smooth walls are not needed for its installation, it can be attached at moderate "waves" of the surface. The best finish of this type looks with linoleum and laminate.

The distinctive qualities of the self-adhesive plinth are:

  • base material - aluminum or polyvinyl chloride;
  • can be applied in offices, apartments, houses, it is better to use in large premises;
  • the installation is very simple;
  • coloring all sorts, there are materials for different types of wood, natural stone;
  • the cost is low, the repair will be budget.

Thanks to bending, the plinth can be pasted in any, even hard-to-reach place. Its separate parts are attached using conventional connecting elements. Some manufacturers produce products that require additional attachment by painting scotch. Others have a protected adhesive strip on the reverse side. It is necessary to glue right away, separating them from the wall problematic.

The order of work is as follows:

  • clear surface, remove dust, dirt, if necessary, degrease with alcohol;
  • make marks location of plinths;
  • remove protection from a small area;
  • press the wall, smooth your hand, immediately adjusting the position relative to the floor and wall;
  • continue the installation, gradually taking off the protective tape, pressing the strip;
  • at the end of the work, cut the material;
  • some plinths do not even require angular connections, they are easily bend.

After the room passes, you can wash the floor with such a plinth in the usual way. On the surface of the product there is a durable protective film. The service life of products is long, with a partial disconnection, problem areas can be removed with liquid nails.

You want to cut and glue the ceiling plinth correctly, but do not know how to do it? At first glance, it seems not difficult, but if you consider more and more details, then everything is not true. The photo below shows how to properly cut and glue the inner and outer angle of ceiling plinths (cartoons) from foam or polyurethane. The whole instruction is painted in stages in understandable form with examples.

Ceiling plinths usually do when it is necessary to close the gaps between the ceilings and finishing materials on the wall. For example, you decide, and the farther on the wall, the more and wider the gap between the ceiling and wallpaper becomes. I know one person with whom such a situation happened, he did not listen to experienced people and in the end result it turned out what he had least wanted. And he had to run to the nearest store and buy the cartel.

How to glue the ceiling plinth

So let's start. For starters, measure the position of the perimeter of the room and determine how much the cartoons need. Length usually follows 2 meters standard. But it is best to purchase with a reserve, just in case. Also decide with the width that will suit you. They can be glued to the wall in different ways.

Before installing the ceiling plinth, it is necessary to prepare a ceiling or a wall - their evenness is checked. If defects, then align and scratch, with a mandatory primer surface. If there are small irregularities, for such a case, you can use cartel with soft edges that will not create strongly noticeable differences.

The first way: on a special putty or acrylic (until the wallpaper sticking). And the second: immediately on the wallpaper and the sealant.

Most prefer to fasten right on the wallpaper. We advise you as an option to glue on silicone sealant, it is perfect for this work. The manufacturer does not play much of much importance. Everything will be perfectly held. But this method is even suitable for those who have a wall curves, since gaps can form between the wall and cartoons, they will need to be lured by the same sealant. It is white, so it turns out less normal.

It is advisable to align the walls. The masters advises to glue ceiling plinth on putty, that is, before the wallpaper paste. Thus, the cracks are closed through a putty. And accordingly, drive wallpaper to the kallers themselves. This option is suitable more experienced.

Basically, the masters prefer to glue a foam plinth on an acrylic white sealant, it can be easily applied, it holds well and dries quickly. Its main property you can close the gaps, angles and it is painted well. Cost of sealant acrylic within 100 rubles. And there is no particular sense to buy expensive.

In general, each for itself decides what method to use it.

How to make an installation

You need to start with the corner of the room. And it is here that problems may begin. At first glance, it seems that the corner of the ceiling plinth is simply, believe it is not so. You can purchase ready-made corners in the store, they are sold along with cartoons. If you can't find, you will have to cut the angles.

It is necessary to cut with such tools: stood, hacksaw, sharp knife. Insert a piece of material into a stood at an angle of 45 degrees and press me. Now it remains at the desired angle and from the right side to cut the ceiling plinth.

Do not rush to glue eaves along straight areas. First deal in the corners - in this case, you can cut them if necessary, or polish before getting a good joint.

Now we'll understand in more detail how the installation of the ceiling plinth is made with the photo examples.

How to cut the corner of the ceiling quilt inner and external with a photo

Thus, cut the plinth, if you need to get an external angle.

As a result, these edges of the quilt are obtained.

Then the inner corner. Pay your attention, but then, at what angle and from which side of the stub, you need to cut the ceiling plinth.

Tip: When cutting any of these materials, you should use a handheld with a small tooth. Otherwise, an uneven end of the part may turn out. A large tool tool will eat material.

This is what happened in the end, after cutting and gluing on the wall ...

The site advises to begin to practice on pieces, if everything works out, then go ahead, cut internal and external angles.

If you did everything right, then cut the first angle it turned out. You can glue two angular plinths to the wall. If you have chosen the way, glue on the wallpaper, then wake the cartel with glue and attach the floping to the wall. The remnants of the adhesive can be removed with a soft cloth. Also ignite the slide of the slot between the wall.

If you chose the way to mount the ceiling plinths before sticking wallpaper, they need to be attached to a putty. Put the putter on the pile with a spatula. And attach a floppy to the wall. Remove the remains with a spatula or wet rag. The slots can also be lured by putty.

Tips facilitating the installation of ceiling dumbbells:

  • To correctly perform measurements, the bar is measured between two angles. At the same time, for internal angles, the length is measured from the internal elements, and the distance from external angles is measured from the point, which is the internal distance equal to the width of the plinth of the room.
  • When installing foam plinths at the junction between the wall and the stretch ceiling, the glue is applied to a part of the plinth, in contact with the wall, and not with the web.
  • The final fixation of the plinth is performed after fitting the angle of the adjacent plank.
  • If there is a wall, ceiling and floor of a direct angle, the planks are easier to customize at thenime, laying out parts on the floor or on the prepared table.
  • Small slits remaining in the corners, put off.
  • Special attention should be paid to the installation of ceiling plinths from the tree of rare rocks. In this case, the spacure of the gaps is the expected result, most likely will not give. A bright stain appears on the texture background.

Well, ready internal and outer angle? So the mounting of the quilt you make it right. Now take the following bar and attach the wall to the wall to the glued plinth and do not forget to wash the angle bog. When you start the next corner, it is pretty measured the distance left, and cut the missing part, everything should be very accurate. The party remains unchanged, which is a joint in the joint with a plinth. So cut each angle. When everything is glued, they can be painted under. Good luck of the Lord and remember that it is necessary to cut after determining the exact size.

Masking joints and painting

If, after gluing the ceiling plinth, there were small gaps between the straps, it is absolutely not scary, because they can be easily eliminated by rubbing white sealant. If you have not twisted and did not paint the ceiling, then the best option will be the next option.

A light putty must be walking through all the glued straps, missing them as a color composition, and after drying, it is necessary to remove the surplus with the help of fine skins or a special grinding sponge for work on the plaster. After such a final finish, the ceiling and moldings will become one, and you, in turn, do not find a single gap.

After you glued the ceiling plinth and eliminated all the flaws, you can proceed to the color of the plinth. The process of staining the plinth is considered optional, but if you want to give your ceiling to finish and more attractive form, then the plinth is still able to paint.

Method, Guess

A simple "collective farm" option - cutting "on the eyes" under 45 °. For this, a joined part is taken, which is adjusted under the previous angle in fact.

You can try on the design on weight, the matter is quite a long and painstaking. Need maximum accuracy!

When fitting, constantly try the resulting pairing in place. Only after several fittings you can achieve a good result, and then glue the plinth on the base. In short, you can not do without experience :)

Way to fit the plinth without the use of stusl

Video tips to help you glue the ceiling plinth