How to sew a bath with lining inside: stages and technology of trim. Interior decoration of the bath: options, choice of style and materials based on the type of finishing with steam lining

Imprint of centuries not only by Slavs, but also Finnish, Ugric and even nomadic tribes made a considerable contribution to the creation, which eventually began to call the Russian Bath. In those days, the technology was very simple: a massive log house was used, not having inside any insulation. In our technological world, this option is not very practical because there is a significant amount of firewood and a lot of time for the bantas firebox. Once the wood was the cheapest material - now it is not so. Modern bath is easier to seize. Information and photos for this have enough. How to make it inexpensively and beautiful? This will be discussed further.

Quick Guide

What kind of bathing for the bath is used and is it necessary at all? An important question for paired owners. We'll figure it out for the beginning in what functions it performs. The main objective task is to reduce the flow of heat and reduce the heat meters from 4 to 1-1.5 hours. Although, perhaps, this does not concern the bath, competently built on old technologies - from a solid bar. In this case, no insulation will need. However, the construction costs will be completely different.

So, when choosing a material, first of all, you need to think about the properties that it must have. Of course, he must be nonsense, vaporistful and, undoubtedly, harmless to your health. It is not recommended to use unnatural materials to cover the inner walls of Bani.

Favorite material for the interior decoration of the room is the lining, a little less frequently prefer a block house, or only developing in the magnet market. What is still, preferred? Consider all the options in more detail.


The lining of the builders is associated with beauty, practicality and acceptable cost. High quality lining partially regulates air humidity in the steam room, prevents the appearance of fungal mold and condensate, gives the walls to "breathe".

Council. There is a small secret when choosing a lining, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of its purchase. Very often in the building materials market, the lining length is up to 1.5 m standing much cheaper than from 2 m and above. And to strip the bath material of such a length is simple enough - you just need to make a rack in the middle.

Most often, the lining is preferable for finishing the indoor room of the bath, as it has a number of undoubted advantages:

  1. Saves warmth. The lining significantly reduces heat leakage, respectively, and the number of firewood used (electricity, gas).
  2. It gives the room an aesthetic look, hiding communications and irregularities of the finish.
  3. Prevents the formation of dampness.
  4. Long serves.

It should be seriously approaching the choice of wood for the lining, because the level of reliability of the material and the degree of financial cost depends on it.

  • Linden - Perfect option for the steam room. Essential oils produced by it have a disinfecting, anti-inflammatory effect. It enhances the sweating, without burning the skin and respiratory tract due to low thermal conductivity.
  • Less financially expensed alternative lipa will be aspen. It pulls out the organism of the disease, is not susceptible to rot after long-term contact with water. This tree is very soft, it cuts without problems.
  • The best option for the walls of the shower will be larch. It has a positive effect on well-being, increases the resistance to infections. And the floors from this tree will be extremely durable and reliable. Even various small rodents and bugs will not be scary.
  • The leader in strength among woody breeds is undoubtedly white promotion. It is even stronger than oak and over time will only grate. Acacia is not subject to deformation and rotting. Products from this wood will be very durable and wear-resistant, so the acacia is perfect for the finishing of doors and floor in the steam room.

Choose a block house

A block house for a bath is an optimal combination of price-quality. This material is so close in its external characteristics to the cut, that it is almost impossible to distinguish the trimmed block house of the bathhouse from the log. This material passes a special drying, so it is not terrible deformation or cracks. But here is the periodic (once a few years) bactericidal processing is still desirable.

There is a classification of block house by quality:

  • Class "C" - low-quality material, processed only superficially. Various kinds of deformation (cracks, bark residues, etc.) are allowed;
  • Class "B" - average quality block house, allowing only a limited amount of deformations (small cracks, bitch up to 3 cm, etc.);
  • Class "a" - excellent material processed, without any irregularities (with the exception of small bitch - up to 3 cm);
  • "Extra" class is the highest level of material quality with perfect surface treatment.

For interior decoration, the Bani is recommended a block house of the last two classes. As a material for block house, the wood of deciduous and coniferous rocks is used, with the exception of spruce and pine (since they have high thermal conductivity and can cause a burn when touched).

Council. In no case cannot be used in the steam room and DVP, since they allocate toxins during heating.


Confident newcomer in the building materials market - a sheet of glass chamfer. It is made from fine wood chips, magnesium and other components reinforced with a fiberglass grid. This is an acceptable, but not the best material for interior decoration. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny certain advantages of this material:

  1. Immaintable to the temperature difference and burning.
  2. Not subject to rotting and immune to moisture
  3. Easy mounted.

We have acquainted you in this material with possible options for finishing the inner premises of the bath, ranging from natural wood and ending with modern materials. Now, knowing about the benefits of certain materials, you will be easier to make a choice depending on your wishes and financial opportunities.

What is not worth the baths: video

What to seize the bath: photo

The quality of the interior decoration in the bath consists not only in an attractive design and pleasant aroma, but also in the practicality of the structure itself. In the Russian bath, the humid air temperature sometimes reaches +120 degrees, so the correct steaming can not only protect the walls from the aggressive effect of steam, but also to protect a person from burns and allergic reactions.


Many home masters are confident that all the work on the trim of steaming from the inside is reduced exclusively to the stylish design of the walls, gender and ceiling. This widespread misconception, in practice, the organization of many other processes is required: hydro and vaporizolation, warming of overlappings, carrying out engineering communications, coating treatment with antiseptics, fungicides, antiprens and much more.

The temperature in the traditional Russian bath is usually from +80 to +120 degrees, and the level of moisture is over 30%. Such operating conditions are considered extreme for any finishing materials. That is why, with the internal arrangement of such premises, only the strongest and environmentally friendly materials are used, which do not emit toxic substances and do not distribute any unpleasant odors.

For decoration, only such raw materials are suitable for a maximum of up to + 50-60 degrees, only ceramics and wood correspond to this requirement. A place near the furnace, like the furnace itself, as well as places that can come into contact with the skin of a person are facing only natural materials with a low level of resinity. Therefore, coniferous varieties of wood are suitable only for the finishing of auxiliary premises.. Otherwise, the probability of burns and the development of the spasp of the respiratory tract, which leads to a sharp deterioration of well-being to a sharp deterioration.

Wood must be processed by fungicides, as well as solutions that increase its hygroscopicity - this is necessary to protect the coating from the destructive impact of moisture and preventing the appearance of mold and fungus.


Many wonder what material it is better to separate the room inside the bath. The most widely used lining is small panels used for cladding vertical surfaces. It is made of wood of different breeds. The main advantages of the lining are as follows:

  • prevents the formation of condensate;
  • is a "breathable" material that does not interfere with the circulation of air;
  • has aesthetic decorative appearance;
  • simple in installation;
  • it has a relatively low price.

For decoration indoors of the bath is allowed to finish the unedged board.

  • African oak (Abachi). It is easily ease, but at the same time a strength and high strength, has a small weight, does not secrete resins and practically does not contain bitch. Finishing materials from Abachi do not burn skin. However, this is a very expensive material, so not everyone can afford such a facing.
  • Cedar. In the decoration most often used Ussuri and Altai breeds. They are resistant to high temperatures and excessive humidity, and are also a medium in which fungi does not multiply and the mold does not appear. In this case, wood has aesthetic appearance and exudes a pleasant fragrance.

Cedar is widely used in medicine, where it is famous for its healing properties due to the soothing and anti-inflammatory effect on the human body.

  • Linden. Linden hill are often stining a bath. Its advantages should include high strength and fortress with relatively lightweight weight. The tree of this variety is well tolerating temperature fluctuations and the frequent impact of moisture, has an interesting texture and highlights the healing aroma, which has a therapeutic effect on people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Alder. This is the optimal material for the interior of the bath, it is pleasant for the skin, and in addition, when heated, the color changes slightly, and after cooling it is returned to the original one. This interesting effect creates additional aesthetic pleasure and contributes to the improvement of comfort when making banal procedures. From a practical point of view, it is worth noting that alder does not distinguish the resin and contains very few knots.

  • Larch. This tree refers to pine, is distinguished by a fortress and a pleasant texture. When heated it highlights a pleasant fragrance, as well as healthy and microclimate phytoncides. Larch can serve quite a long time.

  • Aspen.This material has a low cost, therefore refers to the fiscal options. The advantages include zero resinity and simplicity in processing, however, this coating is prone to a variety of fungal diseases.
  • Birch.It is characterized by a homogeneous strong structure and an attractive appearance, but in conditions of elevated temperatures it may be slightly deformed. In order not to have happened, when buying it is worth a preference to carefully dried materials.
  • Ash.This is a very beautiful wood grade, with which you can achieve a stylish decorative effect.

Very good for finishing baths such rocks such as Meranti, Cedrölla and ones are expensive wood varieties.Their main difference is that even when exposed to high temperatures, they retain the temperature equal to the temperature of the human body. Therefore, they are very convenient to use. However, their cost is quite high.

Not all wood is good for the inner lining of the bath. For example, pine and fir can only be used to finish the shower room and recreation area. The design of them in the steam room is not allowed, since the material under conditions of elevated temperatures is distinguished by resins, which, when contacting the skin, can burn it.

Wood stones not only walls, but also floors. However, it is also possible to use ceramic tiles for the finishes of the latter, and the place where the furnace is placed, is lined with bricks. Directly under the floor covering, perlite is used - this is sand, characterized by good thermal insulation properties. This material is very light, so it is optimal for use in indoors of a closed type, where there is no wind, otherwise it will swell.

Materials that are taken to cover the steam room should not contain any bitch, one should not mount the protruding metal parts - all the handles and holders are performed only from wood. Even the shelves are made without the use of nails, as any item from metal under high temperature conditions very much heats up and can cause burns. Some consumers separate the baths of clay, brick masonry, salt tiles, scroll and stone.

It should be selected on materials that cannot be used in the bath finish, especially around the stove. Fiberboard and chipboard are flammable products that are also well absorbed moisture. The only place where their application is permissible - this is a dressing room.

Regardless of the material used, it is impossible to be covered with varnishes and enamels, as well as by the veneer and other organic compositions. Under the influence of high temperatures, they begin to highlight harmful substances that can lead to general intoxication of the body.

Step-by-step instruction finish

The internal decoration of the bath includes several technological processes, each of them contributes to the protection of the structure from the aggressive effect of hot steam and forms a favorable microclimate in the sauna. At the same time, absolutely all work can be performed with your own hands without attracting specialists.

To start the room, it is necessary to warm and install vaporizolation in them. For this, basalt cotton wool is used everywhere, which is characterized by good thermal insulation, and foil that impedes the accumulation of condensate. The sequence of actions and stages of work are standard.

Heat ceiling

You can start work from the ceiling finish. At the first stage of the internal arrangement of the bath conduct its thermal insulation. To do this, it is fixed with a foil film with a reflecting side down, while the coating is superimposed with a mustache, and the joints of the joints are isolated using aluminum tape. The lamp is mounted from wooden bars, for fixing screws. It serves as a frame for the finishing facing of the steam room.

By the way, do not forget to protect overlaps from the attic. Before falling down there layer of the insulation, it is worth taking care of laying a plastic film that will not miss dust and trash inside the bathroom.

Heat insulation of walls

The principle of insulation of walls in the bath is the same as the ceiling. The only difference is to insulate the walls, it is necessary to thoroughly smear all sorts of slots and joints, only after that you can start directly to laying. The heat insulation material is mounted below, perpendicular to the floor in three layers.

The first layer is a waterproofing that is applied to ensure that the condensate does not sunning on the walls. The second is directly insulation that helps maintain the necessary temperature regime. Vaporizolation is needed to effectively protect the heat insulating material from moisture.

Floor insulation

The most practical and durable is the floor made of concrete. However, such a coating is quite cold, which leads to discomfort in the pair. That is why the major consumers are preferred to finish the floor in the bath. To begin with, the foundation is placed on which the beams and lags are placed. The voids formed between them are filled with insulation, as a rule, a layer of sand or clay is applied to this. Some isolate sawders, but this material in conditions of high humidity will last long.

Then the vaporizolation and the "first floor" are applied, the insulation, a layer of waterproofing, and only then the base "finishing" floor. The first floor is a coating made of concrete and rubble, it is applied with a layer of 10-15 cm. To ensure efficient waterproofing, referenced is used, and as a heater is to give preference to mineralizing or clay. The finishing floor is shuting out of the lining so that it serves for a long time, it is treated with special antiseptic solutions.

Guide to the finishing of the bath has its own nuances. As already mentioned, the optimal option for facing the steaming and washers is considered lining, it looks stylish and aesthetically in any interior. It can be made independently, however, the modern market offers a wide selection of a product from any wood, so everyone can choose the finished coating to its taste and wallet. The main advantage of the lining is easy to install. To lock it on the wall, it is enough to use simple nails without hats or klyamimers.

Paul, ceiling and walls are separated in a single style. If the walls are lined with clapboard, then the ceiling is better to mount from the same material. Fasten it with a small gap, which avoids the deformation in the event of swelling the coating.

Such a gap protects against the need to alter the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe coating. It allows the lining to move if this will require this situation.

As for the floor, it can be done wooden or use ceramic tiles. Wood floors can be flowing and non-pending. In the first case, the boards are mounted on lags with a gap, which, as a rule, is 5-20 mm. The unintellive coating boards are placed tightly to each other, so they should take a t-shirt material.

If the choice stopped on the clay tile, then keep in mind that after the steam room, it is not very comfortable for a coating. In addition, it can be easily slipped on it. That is why specialists are recommended to lay the flooring from a tree, made in the form of a narrow crate or use a cork coating. The tile is placed on a pre-aligned surface on special glue, and all the seams are treated with a sealant or grouting suitable color.

Separately, I would like to pay attention to the processing of clapboard and other materials that are used for the interior trim. In order for the skin to serve for many years, did not lose his aesthetic appearance, did not crack and did not be covered with fungus, it is treated with special antiseptic compositions. The tree has a loose structure in which the microbes love to "decay". If we neglect processing, then rather fungi and mold simply populate all the wood and destroy it.

Certain requirements are presented to impregnations: they must protect the raw materials, however, should not interfere with it to "breathe." In addition, the material must be carried out from environmentally friendly components that do not release toxic substances in conditions of elevated temperatures. In addition, the impregnations covering the shelves, benches and the table must withstand regular wet cleaning.

The shelves are additionally treated with deep absorbing solutions. They are produced in the form of gels, solutions and sprays.

Design options for premises

Designer design interior design concept can embody the ideas of a wide variety of styles. The most common is Russian classic. This is the perfect option for the design of the wood bath. Its basic advantage is that such a decor does not require high costs and can easily be equipped with their own hands.

The main components are wooden walls, boardwalk, laconic shops and necessarily a large wooden hospitable table. Such interior complements the Russian embroidered tablecloth and all sorts of trivia in Russian folk style (wooden dishes, brooms on the walls and other elements). In such a bath, there will always be cozy and comfortable.

Very close to Russian Country style design. This is also a "rustic" bath model, but with the national motives of other countries. Light wood furniture, usually skillfully aged, dishes with the image of rural landscapes and bright textiles are the main features of the country style, which is under power to any owner of the bath.

Lovers of the East can be recommended to bring the features of Hamam to their Russian steam room. From the point of view of the decor, a mosaic is considered the main feature of the Turkish bath, which is used in this country to clamp all the premises or rooms with the pool, because it is there that such a design will be as impossible by the way. In addition, the rest room can be converted to the hookah, place a low table and scatter the pillows of bright colors.

Fashionable Today, the Scandinavian style got to the bath. This is not surprising, because the main feature of this direction is simplicity and natural chic. Proactive rudeness is combined with classic design, and all decor elements are characterized by simplicity and functionality. Scandinavian style can be separated a rest room. For this, the surface is plastered with light shades and create a pair of bright accents, for example, a saturated color lamp or unusual patterns on the walls.

The elements of the classics can be brought into the design of wetting. If you build a few arches, decorate the ceiling stucco or install a multi-level floor.

The modern style is less common in the interior of bathrooms. It implies an abundance of curved lines, abstract images and bright paints. This solution for those who do not like stereotypes and is not afraid to experiment. Most often, this design is used in saunas made of foam blocks.


The pair is considered a fundamental element of any bath, so only the highest quality materials should be used for its finish. At the same time, as a rule, it has small dimensions, so the internal layout should be carefully thought out in such a way that there are enough space for everyone, as well as for all necessary shelves and sun beds.

Separately, it is worth focusing on lighting. Usually, small lamps are mounted in the ceiling, which will give non-latched muffled light. A good visual effect is achieved if equipped semicircular ceilings and combine them with sun beds and oval bedrooms.

The steamer is just that built in a country house where the presence of the most natural materials is required. This requirement is justified not only by decorative considerations, but also environmental. The selection of steam and high temperatures are able to strongly affect the materials that are lined with the wall, gender and ceiling. And if the materials turn out to be not high-quality enough, they will be distinguished by harmful substances. What tree to sow a steam room better?

Figure 1. Scheme of the plating wagon wagon.

The main and best pair of steam room is wood.

It is convenient to mount, it is easy to care for it. The tree will influence extremely positively on the health of visitors. But the tree breeds are quite a lot, therefore it is necessary to determine what kind of wood to finish. Consider the most common and practical wood breeds intended for this purpose.

Wood view overview for steamroom

From wood to date, two such basic material as a block house and lining are used for trim. But even they are of different wood species that have different properties. The best breeds for baths - linden, larch, aspen, aspen, oak, acacia white, spruce, pine and cedar.

Figure 2. Installation scheme block house.

Many wood specialists are constantly arguing with each other, which breeds to choose better: deciduous or coniferous. On the one hand, coniferous are good because they do not change their color over time, so they always remain in this form in which they were originally during the installation. On the other hand, deciduous rocks are considered more resistant to temperature fluctuations and a high degree of humidity. But those and others have their own characteristics.

Large breeds of trees

The best deciduous tree for decoration is considered to be a lip. This tree at the same time perfectly retains heat, but also not heats up, due to which the skin does not occur if they have to be touched even to highly hot walls. Lipa has a property to highlight two times more essential oils than other trees. Therefore, it is ideal for the body. And due to the fact that its pairs increase the sweating and are hypoallergenic, the effect is enhanced.

An excellent alternative for linden can be considered an ushin ordinary. For its healing properties, it is the same. And this tree also has the property of changing the mood on a positive and calm. The spray gun is not subject to rotten, and in the work very easy due to the fact that its fibers are quite soft and obedient.

Ash with oaks have approximately the same properties. These are pretty strong trees that are little defeated rotting and deformation under the action of high temperature, especially oak. They highlight less antiseptics in the air, but are good enough in practical terms. Oak over time changes the shade to the darker, but it does not spoil his appearance.

If you want the most practical and useful steam room, then it is better to separate some elements from oak or ash that is most susceptible to heating. After all, the ash and oak, despite the fact that they are persistent, they have a very hot. Remember that the ash must be treated with special means more carefully, since the risk of fungus is slightly higher.

Another excellent wood breed for steaming is white. In the case of its proper pre-processing, acacia may, in its strength and resistance to deformation, surpass oak. Due to the fact that boards from acacia are less common, it is advisable to separate the floor of the bathhouse, since it is exposed to more.

Coniferous species of trees

From coniferous species of trees, it is advisable to stay separately on larch. This is the most durable and stable coniferous tree for the bath. It highlights a lot of useful oils into the air capable of increasing the human immunity. And if you make not only walls from larch, but the floors, you can be sure that every year they will become only stronger. Note that such a tree does not attract koroedov, which is another positive point.

Approximately the same properties have cedar. It costs a little more expensive, so if you do not have the opportunity to separate the steam room completely, you can use its wood for installation only in some individual parts. Especially good to position the boards from the cedar where the greatest number of steam accumulates. This increases its utility and antiseptic effect on the body.

Spruce and pine - also the common trees breed for steam room in the house. They are fluent in the air to the air, more prone deformation. But at the same time stand several times cheaper, and if you correctly make their processing before installation, they will serve for quite a long time.

Finishing with clapboard, block house and conventional boards

Now we will deal with the better to wash the steam room: the usual board, block house or clapboard. So that you can decide what to choose is better and cheaper, consider some features of these three finishing materials.

Cleaning wrappers (Fig. 1). This is a good material, as it is easy to work with it and pleasant. Due to the fact that on the sheets of the lining there are already places for compounds, they will be well shied, without delivering inconvenience. Small gaps provide minimal circulation of clean air, which is necessary for greater stability of the material and preventing its deformation in the future.

No need to choose the lining for the pair of steam from pine or ate, as it will constantly distinguish a lot of resin, which will be broken between the gaps and will not give the air to circulate freely. Optimal type of wood - linden or aspen. Even if the air in the gaps can be not enough, the lining will not be deformed, these breeds are stable to all influences.

The second finished material for finishing the steam is a block house (Fig. 2). This is the most modern material that is capable of exceeding a very thick log in its characteristics several times. Due to the fact that the elements of the material are not flat, but a bit rounded, to deform the tree will not be, even if it is produced from wood inexpensive varieties.

Another feature is to reduce with the time of secretion of resin from block houses that are made of pine or ate. At the same time, wood does not lose its useful properties at all. Technology provides over time only improving the quality of the breed of these trees.

But with severe heating, even such a finishing material becomes quite hot, if it is made of pine (ate). Therefore, it is not fully recommended to get carried away and separate the pair in this way. In general, the block House is good from any tree - both deciduous and coniferous.

Perhaps, perhaps the economical option will be the plaider with ordinary wood boards. It is cheap, since this type of board you can find and cut themselves, practically without spending money. Especially thoroughly, it is necessary to refer to the processing process by antiseptics.

But the finish of the wage this method has one significant minus: it is quite difficult to produce it yourself, as you have to use the screws, a frame, follow the joints. Therefore, the guarantees that such a cover will be perfect and will serve for a very long time, no. This finish is good for temporary steam room, where large waste is not provided.

So, when choosing a material of the trim and method, how to sew a steam room, you must necessarily take into account that the result of the work does not disappoint. This is especially true for the capital finishes of pairs where considerable funds are invested.

The lining is considered an ideal solution for the steam finish, because it is the natural tree that creates the necessary atmosphere and keeps warm well. When planning the clapboard in the bath with their own hands, all the necessary nuances should be taken into account. Even minor deviations from the rules threaten the fact that the coating will not fulfill its functions and quickly come into disrepair.

Bath clapper cover provides for the use of materials that carry out certain conditions that are characteristic of this room. These include:

  • High temperature indicators.
  • Permanent moisture drops.
  • Fit water and various substances.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of products. It is believed that the best version will be the Eurovantia. This is explained by the following factors:

  1. Reliability of fixation due to the large size of the system of the daschy.
  2. The presence of compensation slots located on the invalid side. They warn cracking elements.
  3. Good quality impregnation with the means of protection performed directly in production.

Eurovantia - the most reliable material for trimming a bath

On a note! For work, the material of the first or top class (varieties) is used. It does not have damage and knots that will fall out over time.

Selection of wood breed

The bath consists of several rooms that perform certain functions. It is advisable for each room to provide for a certain breed of wood. It must be borne in mind that not every species can be used for this kind of finish.


Lipa - often applied version of the wallboard for trim

One of the most popular options. Lipa is capable of creating a microclimate in the room, which will be saturated with purity and comfort. We must not forget about the excellent qualities of such a material. The boards are obtained by durable, resistant to different impacts, long retain the color and structure.


A feature of this species is that it becomes only stronger. With such a product it is easy to work. Even after a long time, when the tree darkens, it is enough to take it to return the saturated color of the surface.

The above options can be used in all parts of the bath, but most often used in the steam room.

Osin's lining is most often used in the steam


It is allowed to use even in parilots, but this breed is heated much more deciduous, so at high temperatures discomfort from contacting.

The product from the cedar has a property to heat

Pine and spruce

Such species are used primarily for the washing and pre-banner. The fact is that these breeds are releasing the resin and quickly heated. But it is impossible not to note that this option is much cheaper than the previous ones and has a wide decorative range.

On a note! Coniferous breeds need additional processing - desonylation, otherwise the likelihood that the surface of the walls and the ceiling will be covered with numerous drifts.

Woods made of coniferous varieties of wood most often used to finish the pre-banker and washing

Choosing a fastening method

Facing the bathroom with their own hands begins with the selection of the element placement scheme. There are two main ways: horizontal and vertical. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Horizontal option

The horizontal option has the following advantages:

  • It is assumed that the fastening will be carried out in spike, which will reduce the likelihood of entering and staring water.
  • This method is good and the fact that the frame for it is performed vertically, which means that the air will be more evenly circulated in the resulting space.
  • It is also impossible to exclude the fact that the boards, even the highest quality, are susceptible to rotting. Especially quickly this happens at the bottom. Horizontal fastening technology makes it possible to replace only the material that is really subject to destruction.
  • With this version of the stacking less noticeably resulting drying.

Horizontal Fastening Option Lining In Ban

We must not forget that the oak wood is considered one of the highest quality, but its cost is very high.

Vertical option

The internal decoration of the bath with a vertical way is made quite quickly and simply. This technology has its advantages:

  • Any moisture flies faster on vertical elements.
  • The "groove-comb" system is less susceptible to water and destruction.
  • This scheme retains the temperature indoor.

Interior decoration of the bath vertical way

It is believed that this option is most suitable for bath with dry steam.

Installation of clapboard

Covering with lining from the inside bath or sauna is carried out on the crate. It is performed solely from a wooden bar, which is pre-treated with various antiseptics and ground.

Important! It is impossible to use a metal profile for a frame, even galvanized options in the steam room will quickly come into disrepair.

Creating a crate

Technology is as follows:

  1. The bar is carefully prepared. It may not be lagged for operation, but necessarily treated with impregnations.
  2. Fastening the racks is performed clearly perpendicular to the location of the lining. Naturally, if a combination of a vertical and horizontal scheme was conceived, then it is necessary to calculate the correct location of the bar in advance.
  3. The profile is attached to the wall on the dowel. It is taken into account that the size of the timber must be greater than the width of the insulation, if an option is applied that fits into the free space.
  4. The distance between the racks should be 50-60 cm. The correct mount is checked by level and plumb.
  5. If irregularities are detected, then the cutting board are additionally put. In case of severe curvature, suspensions are used for the framework of plates of GCL.

Installing the crate in the bath under the lining

On a note! It is necessary to take care of high-quality ventilation. It is suitable in two places. The first hole should be located under the ceiling, the second - at a distance of 30 cm from the floor.

Fastening lamellae

How to mount the lining in the bath? The most effective way is the hidden fastening (carnations and kleimers). There are several explanations for it:

  • If the fastener is screwed through the front part, then the likelihood of touching this place is large, which will lead to unpleasant feelings (small burn).
  • Metal is subject to oxidation, which means that spots can appear, spoil the whole decorative look.
  • The visible fastening suggests that the master is too hurry to complete the work, neglecting the appearance of the premises.

Installation of lining through hidden fasteners

Works occur as follows:

The first stage is the ceiling casing.

All events begin with the ceiling construction. The fact is that it is here that the necessary thermal clearances are left.

  1. Stacking starts from the entrance to the room. Klymer applies as fastener. It reliably fixes each element, which cannot be said about nails.
  2. The lamellas are located at a distance of fifty millimeters from the walls, which will allow to compensate for possible deformations. And it will also be a ventilation gap that allows air to circulate.
  3. The first fragment is laid in its place and is fixed by sweaty cloves. Next, kleimers are installed.
  4. Products are sick. Only kleimers are now applied.
  5. It is difficult to lay the last element, so it is fixed on hidden carnations.

Stage Second - work with walls.

Technology exactly repeats the one that is used for the ceiling. But the following is taken into account:

  • The presence of capillaries in the wood allows water to rise to a certain distance, and therefore it is advisable to leave the technical gap. For this, 15-30 mm retreat from the floor.
  • It is close to the ceiling of the board closely, but for the walls of the lamella can be connected through the groove until it stops. The fact is that the tree is in constant movement, therefore space should remain.

It should be borne in mind that the violation of such simple rules leads to the fact that there are swelling and deformation.

The lining of the walls of the walls involves compliance with uncomplicated rules

The technology used allows you to cross the battle in all rooms.

You should know! Lining can not be accommodated next to the furnace and the chimney tube. But the place around the Kamenka can be sewed to lamellas from hardwood.

Stage Third - Additional processing.

After the installation is completed, it is carried out additional processing of lining. This is necessary in order to protect the tree from destruction. Works are performed by various impregnations on a natural basis. The best fit is suitable - when the surface is carefully covered with wax. The number of layers depends on the type of room. For the steam room, enough and one, and for a washing - at least two.

To protect the lining from destruction, carry out additional processing

It is important to acquire high-quality impregnations that have the necessary certificates.

Everyone wants to know how to lifting the room of the bath and save a little. For this there are some options:

  1. For each room you should pick up different wood. For example, places in the steam room, where it is supposed to lie or sit, we are lining with deciduous rocks, the rest of the cedar. The pre-banker and washing - ennoble exclusively coniferous options.
  2. You can also lower the grade (class) of the lining. If the rest of the premises need a quality material, the pre-tribader looks great with the surface on which there are traces of bitch and spreadshell.
  3. It is better to spend all work independently. This will not only significantly save money, but also to be sure that all the events were carried out extremely qualitatively.

For the interior of the bath, it is not recommended to use unnatural materials. High temperature and permanent humidity are forced to use for finishing only stress-resistant skin types. One of the classic is the lining. How to shelter a bathing with a lining inside you can find out after reading the article to the end. We will help the reader not easy to fulfill the inner finish but also tell me how to choose the material.

Wood-plated linden steam-covered oil

Lindening from Linden must lie in front of the unpacked finish

The lining for the interior decoration of the bath is chosen depending on the purpose of one or another room, the degree of humidity in it, the temperatures used, etc. All material is divided into several features: size, made of wood, type of wood.

Separate material can be in size :

  1. Classical. It has non-sized size, it is better to fix it upright, since the horizontal location opens the ceiling of the already low in the bath. In addition, the horizontal mount prevents the water freely to drain down, and it accumulates in the connecting locks.
  2. Eurovale. These are wider and heavy panels, more interesting in the design of the premises and have the topic of high-quality characteristics as thin lining. From the back of the Eurooval, there is a special propyl, which removes the tension in the product and eventually the finish is not cracking.

In terms of its composition, the material is divided: vinyl, plastic, wooden and metallic. For the bath is the best version of the wood, the rest for the facade finish.

Types of wood for the manufacture of trims for a bath

Parsted with aspen clapped looks attractive

It is important from what type of tree a product is made. For a bath, the wood finish with the lowest thermal conductivity: linden, aspen, abashi, cedar, alder. Moreover, cedar can not be taken any, but only the northern. It is less resin and when heating the wall and the ceiling will not start crying. Larch species have a smaller density of wood and with tactile contact in the bath lining will be more pleasant, even at high temperatures in the steam room. It is worth such lining more expensive, but expenses will be justified. Each of the views under consideration is better suitable for various rooms of the bath.

Aspen: It has a beautiful reddish shade and increased moisture resistance. By their resilience, we can only compare aspen with larch. Upon contact with water, the aspen wood is not destroyed, but the opposite hardens. It is better to use to finish a rest room, a washing office. The only minus is a high price, due to which they do not recommend applying a branch and pre-banker.

Original version of the wagon wrappers

Lipa: The lining has become traditional to finish the bath from the inside. Lipa does not heat at high temperatures and has a pleasant whitish color. But Lipa has a serious drawback - if not to handle with antiseptics and protective compositions quickly begins to darken and rot.

Cedar lining in combination with Lipova looks great

Cedar: This is a coniferous tree, but its structure of the reduced density is therefore used to be used for the bath. Cedar has excellent antiseptic properties and it highlights a pleasant smell when heated. But it is not recommended to use it in the steam room, since some percentage of resin in it is still there.

Olch lining in the bath interior looks original and modern

Alder: It has a pleasant pinkish shade with a pleasant velvety texture. It keeps the temperature well and is not afraid of moisture. In the baths can be used in any part.

Choosing the lining for the trim of the bath is better to take the chamber drying of Extra or AV varieties. Since the change in temperature and humidity in the bath is constantly happening, then the material cannot be used with inaccurate or curved forms. And in the upper grades it is unacceptable.


Wallating from aspen is marveling to the ceiling

Before finishing, you need to decide only the walls or the ceiling. To do this, you can see photos of finished works and stop on the design you like.

Singing the bath inside you need from the ceiling. Only after this wall. But pre-walls need to be hydroizing and insulated.

Wall insulation and bath ceiling

Scheme of a simple case of cladding wagon steam steam

It is not necessary to warm all the walls of the bath, especially if it is a summer small log house in size in 3x3 m. Only the steamer is insulated in these. In other cases, the whole Russian bath is from the inside including a pre-tribbon and a rest room.

As a insulation, you need to choose a fire-resistant material, such as a Basalt wool. All materials, like foam plastic, do not even even consider. The insulation is attached to a pre-prepared clamp of one that the vaporizolation is fixed. Because of the big temperature difference on the walls, condensate can accumulate, steam insulation will protect the insulation.

On top to this design, pergamine should be fixed. It will play the role of waterproofing All seams are sampled with special water-repellent glue. Then everyone is tightened by foil, it will reflect warm and will not give a couple to go out. Folgu is installed between the crate using a construction stapler or a 10-15 cm buttons.

Processing material

Bath walls begin to sow from the opposite corner from the entrance

The lining before the fastening should be unpaved and hold in the bathroom 1-2 days. The fact is that manufacturers to protect the material after chamber drying are sealing it into hermetic film. And falling into the natural environment, the tree absorbs moisture out of the air and swells a little.

After that, you need to choose than to process the material. It is better to take the composition intended right for baths. Such in the composition have antipyrins and moisture-proof components.

Fastening on the walls and ceiling bath

Bold the lining start with the ceiling finish. The first bar should be attached opposite the door. Fastening the links in the bath can be in two ways:

  1. Small carnations to the main cut in the groove at an angle of 45 0. This fastener will be unclear and the ceiling will look at a single system. Do not bring the lining tightly to each other with a moisture content, it will sweep the whole design or it will simply go away from the wall with separate links. Leaving the Cleaning Clearance receives space for natural movement.
  2. Small cloves through the cladding to the crate. This method is more suitable for Eurovantia. Previously in each attachment, the link is drilled by small recesses, and then the nail is driven. These places are closed with trims from wood and plow glue.

Since the lining is thin, then nail the nail with the help of a hammer is inconvenient. To simplify the instrument - Dobochnik

To the wall of the link, you need to start mounting from the most visible corner to the door. Mounted it in exactly the same methods as on the ceiling.

Between the clap and walls should remain a ventilated gap of 4-5 cm. Between the walls and the ceiling, also leave the gap of 3-4 cm. In order for the air well under the flooring on the main crate, the planet tonic is fixed. The finishing material will be mounted on this second crate. The shap shave is 40-50 cm. The direction is perpendicular to fasten the trim.

After attaching the bath warm and look at what will happen after cooling. Incorrectly fixed links are additionally strengthened with cloves.

Substones finishing inside a bath

  1. Do not mount the lining horizontally in the washing and steam room. The water splashes will fall into the castle, and the lining will quickly darken. But if the design you need a horizontal mount, then the spike should look up.
  2. All fasteners need to be taken with a zinc coating, since with moisture iron quickly rusts.
  3. All fastening angles and planks at the top you need to sharpen the bottom, so water droplets will be faster down.
  4. Planks are fixed by 4-5 cm from the base, so as not to overlap the ventilated clearance.
  5. Think up a ventilation system in the bath, so moisture will be faster and the lining will last longer.
  6. If the lining turns around it, it is necessary to immediately treat whitening compositions, for example, Senezhese sauna

We looked at how to perform the internal trim of the bathroom with their own hands. Observing all the technique and reviewing the thematic video, in this article, even the newcomer will be able to cope with their own hands.