How to sow walls at home with lining inside and outside? How to strifting the walls with your own hands: Choosing a tree breed, profile, mounting a beautifully sewing the house with a clapboard.

The finishing of the room is an optimal option for those who want to perform repair without spending time on tedious and very dirty work, which are associated with alignment of walls. The design of the lining has an excellent appearance, reliably protects the building outside of purge.

Compared to other materials for finishing, it creates an environmentally friendly, healthy climate in the room. The article will tell you how to lifting the lining room.

Types and advantages of lining

Before losing the lining room, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its advantages and features, learn about possible varieties.


  • It does not require the finish of the draft surface.
  • Panels can be easily assembledAt the same time, an absolutely smooth surface is formed without traces of the installation of fasteners.
  • When forming between the wall and the lining of the gap, you can freely hide all wires and pipesIn addition, this gap exceeds the noise and is an additional thermal insulation.

For the sheat, plastic, wooden lining or based on MDF.

The advantages of plastic are:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • It does not require special care. Pollution can be easily and quickly removed with a damp cloth.
  • A wide range of. Plastic is easily cutting and any color, which allows you to choose the desired design of the design without much difficulty.
  • Affordable price. This is due to low-cost raw materials and low-cost material production.

The disadvantage of plastic lining is not a high degree of environmental friendliness.

For the manufacture of wooden panels when finishing the indoor room, wood is used:

  • Ash. It has small vessels on its surface, and the slice is a kind of original ornament.
  • Maple. It has a noble texture and a wide range of colors.
  • Out. It has sufficient hardness, it is easily mechanically handling. The color gamut and the structure of the material is determined by the region where it grows. When operating, deformation is not exposed.
  • Cherry. The noble shade is easily recognizable, and over time, the wood starts to darken.

Unlike plastic, it is a natural material with high environmental properties. In addition, the wooden lining is strong enough, possesses an aesthetic appearance.

The disadvantages of the material include:

  • Not a rather high degree of moisture resistance.
  • It is subject to negative impact of mold and the appearance of fungus.
  • High cost of products.

Molding based on MDF is a budget analogue of wood panels. For its manufacture, wood sawdust is used. According to naturalness, the material is not inferior to the tree, synthetic resins do not apply during its production.

For gluing elements, a special substance is taken - ligin, which performs when heated from sawdust. On MDF plates from the outside, paper is applied with a pattern that imitates a wooden surface. From above the details are covered with varnish, which gives the paper strength.

How to prepare lining to install

The lining room covering should begin with its preparation.

For this:

  • The material is covered with special means to prevent all damage to wood, which can lead to:
  1. rot;
  2. the appearance of mold;
  3. the accumulation of harmful insects.

Tip: Wood can be processed by azure or a special verse, which will protect its surface and give the desired color to products.

  • The lining is well dry.
  • Reclaimed for 24 hours to the house. It will be needed so that the boards from such material can be adapted to the temperature, which is available in the room, did not disappear and did not give in the subsequent shrinkage.
  • Installation is performed on the crate, which serves as a supporting design for the entire trim.
  • On such a framework, the rail can be purchased ready or cut into their own hands from an inch boards with an electrical saw with a small cross section of the desired length.
  • The shapper with self-draws or screws is reliably fixed to the wall with a step of fixing elements up to 60 centimeters.
  • During the construction of the crate, the carrier structure is equalized. This uses a plumb or construction level.
  • To increase the durability of the trim between it and the wall, the gap is left, which will become a kind of ventilation hole.
  • If it is necessary, the surface of the walls are insulated, which increases their noiselessness. For this:
  1. the insulation is stacked;
  2. parobarrier is covered.
  • Conducting a lamp for mounting lining.
  • The design is covered with primer, which will protect it from the occurrence of fungus, mold.
  • The installation process of the crate can be seen on the video in this article.

What ways the cladding is attached

How to shelter the room with lining?

Video shows which methods for fastening the material. After reviewing it, everyone can choose for itself the most comfortable and familiar look for its fixation. The lining is a plank, with a deepening on one side, and a spike on the other, which is inserted when installing into the deepening of the next item.

Fasteners happens:

  • Outdoor.
  • Secret.

Fixation can be performed:

  • Nails.
  • Decorative screws.
  • Stapler brackets.
  • Kleimers.

Tip: With any method of fastening, you must try to do everything carefully, so as not to damage the lining, do not split the wood, it can spoil the appearance of the surface. At the same time, the Dobochnik Nail Hat is clogged completely into the wood, but you need to follow, so that the groove does not make, it can weaken fasteners.

Material fixation methods:

  • With a hidden method of fixing the elements, the lining is mounted to the crate from the other side where the grooves docks with a spike. If it is allowed so that the fasteners are visible, the table is nailed with cloves with small hats, chaotic scattered throughout the facing. This is a quick and easy way can be used when wearing utility rooms.
  • It is usually a more complex, but neat way: nails are nails in the existing grooves on the clapboard. In this case, the attachments will almost not be visible, and the method itself received the name of the hidden editing.
  • High-quality fastening of material to the crate is performed by special devices that are metal klymers for lining. Captures made of galvanized tin, have different shapes and sizes. Their choice depends on the type of material and the thickness of its grooves. On the one hand, the details of the teeth are crashed into the grooves on the board, on the other, they are attached to the crate. Kleimers for lining are usually purchased with a set of nails.
  • The lining room clapper is performed using staples with a special pistol. The rigid bracket pierces the grooves on the lining and fixes it on the crate.
  • Reliable attachment method - the use of decorative screws. It can neatly do even newcomer.

Tip: Before building a supporting structure, it is necessary to determine the direction of cladding. This is due to the fact that the lamp is constructed perpendicular to the material of the material.

Installation of clapboard

There are two ways to cover with clapboard:

  • Horizontal. This method is used to expand the room, which will make it possible to create a feeling of space indoors.
  • Vertical. Allows visual ceiling to raise and make the room higher.

The house is scented, a planning plate for a skip.

How to make horizontal trim

Starting the molding is always followed from the ceiling to the floor, and the grooves should be directed down. This will not accumulate moisture, Musor, who can clog the grooves in the board, which will lead to premature destructive processes during operation, and the sheath will quickly deteriate.

Instructions for performing work:

  • With horizontal installation, the claymers clay meters are inserted into the recess for the previous board, the carnations or the self-tapping screws are fixing it to the brushes of the crate.
  • For high-quality installation of the lining, it is necessary to check the liplice of the wall in each installed ten elements.
  • Before fixing the last facing plank, it must be adjusted in the width of a hacksaw or circular saw.
  • The item is nailed, and the gap is protected by a special plinth.
  • To cover the walls with a clapboard, a block house, with imitation for a rounded log, installation should be started upwards, which will allow you to hide the docking spaces.
  • Fitting parts to each other to prevent the formation of slots, it is necessary to produce a hammer, and to eliminate the damage to the material, use the cutting panel.
  • The block house is fixed with a self-tapping screw to the lattices at an angle of 45 degrees, and the hats are closed with a groove of the next element of the lining.
  • To decorate the angle between the block-house panels, you need to insert the processed timber. In this case, the gaps will not be visible in the opening, and there will be no drafts in the room.
  • It is not necessary to paint such a wall, an interesting natural flavor and comfort will give the room a natural color of the tree. It is enough to clean the outer surface of the trim from the dust formed during the operation. But it is possible to cover it with varnish (see), which will protect the wood from pollution.

How does the block house run the lining room with a wagon? Video shows with all the details.

How to perform vertical clapboard

Vertical lining room starts from the corner.

In this case:

  • On the back wall of the part, the groove is installed a kleimer to fix the wall paneling and nailed on the launch of the crate.
  • In the corner, the first board is attached by nails, their caps will be closed with a decorative corner. If there are no such decorative rivers, the nail caps need to be bored with rapid.
  • The installation of elements continues inserting one plate to another. When fixing the material, the kleimers fasteners must jerk the boards between themselves, they will form a single canvas.
  • Installation of the wallboard on the wall ends, as at the beginning, the board installed by the latter is nailed.
  • To make a complete type of type, the trim is equipped with the help of rails.

Tip: All joints that are available external and internal angles must necessarily close with special decorative slats, plinth and corners.

Installation is performed in the direction of the window opening to the wall opposite to it, as shown in the photo. This will reduce the shadows between the material panels.

The sheathing of the room with a lining gives him comfort and extraordinary natural warmth. The house, erected from brick, stone and other materials is distinguished by a fortress, but with cold beauty. His covering with a wooden clapboard outside (see) and inside allows you to close the structure to natural and fashionable eco-style, create the impression that the house is completely built of wood.

How to sow wall with lining? In this question, people who have identified repair on the loggia or balcony are most often asked. But this material will also be an ideal finish for a country house. The tree attaches to the house, allows the walls to "breathe". Natural material always helps the brain to relax psychologically.

List of necessary tools and materials

Getting Started, prepare the necessary tools and materials in advance.

This will allow you to save time, as you will not be distracted while mounting on the search. That's what we need:

  • Lining;
  • Wooden timber or metal profiles for creating a crate;
  • Kleimers for fastening;
  • Stapler or hammer;
  • Roulette (necessary for various measurements)
  • Electrolovka or hacksaw (to customize the lining under the desired size);
  • Building level;
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver (for attaching boards);
  • Dowel, selflessness or nails;
  • Sandpaper or grid (need to put the surface);
  • Pumice or rigid rough brush (needed for cleansing);
  • Grinding machine (preferably, but optional)
  • Primer;
  • Impregnation;
  • Insulation and vaporizing film (if insulation is assumed).

Colding is better stocking in advance, as it is necessary for the time for her drying. On average, you need from 3 weeks to 3 months.

How to calculate the number of lining

These simple calculations will easily make you every manager in a construction store. But let's talk how to do it yourself.

To begin with, we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. To do this, you need to multiply the length to the width. Such measurements are made on each planewhich you are going to seize.

From the area obtained, we take the area of \u200b\u200bdoor and window openings. Then we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bone board. It is made up: thickness from 12 to 25 mm, length from 1 meter to 6 meters, width up to 15 cm.

For example, we take 2.5 meters long panel and 0.1 cm wide. It is then 0.25 sq.m.

Calculate the amount of material for the room (it is taken into account that we are wearing only the walls) 4 by 4 meters and 2.5 meters high. To begin with, we calculate the area of \u200b\u200bone wall, and since we have a square room - we multiply this number to 4.

The height (2.5 meters) is multiplied by the length of the base (4 meters). It turns out 10 sq.m. The total covered area is then 40 sq.m (10 sq.m multiply by 4). To find out the number of skiing, which will be needed for finishing, you need to share the total area to the area of \u200b\u200bone board. It turns out that it will require 160 pieces to work for work (40 sq. M. Delim on 0.25 sq. M).

When buying, consider that when working, and in the package itself, marriage is possible. Always take more.

Device crate and location of bars

In order to secure the trimming material to the wall, the lamp is used. It can be made in two ways:

  • From a metal profile;
  • From the bar.

Talk about the second version. In order for the tree to be spoiled when operating it, it must be coated with a special solution.

Video - Creating a frame:

What does the segment size depends on? As a rule, if you have a flat wall, then the first option is suitable. It will not take a lot of useful space. In the event that you have an uneven wall, you will have to use a large thickness of bars. It is necessary to align the problem areas.

Thin rails are attached to the surface predominantly glue or cloves. Thick - dowels or self-drawing.

Sometimes, especially on the balcony, the bottom walls are a little wet. To avoid this, apply a layer of waterproofing on the wall or waterproof composition.

ImportantSo that air circulation was carried out inside the design. This will increase the service life of the material. For this, if you use lining bars, leave a small gap. This will prevent the formation of sharpness and dampness.

Before, start mounting the frame, make markup. To do this, you will need a pencil and construction level.

When installing clearly extrude the fastening angle guides. The aesthetic side of the structure depends on this.

If the insulation is supposed to use wide bars. The distance between the rails should be no more than 60 cm. The direction of fastening of the structure depends on the selected plane of the location of the panels.

If you want to increase the width of the room - use a horizontal direction, vertical applied to create a high ceiling effect. Racks are perpendicular to panels.

When installing the shabby on the wall, where there are windows or doors, you need to install bars and about them. The lining will be attached to them, and not to Ramam. Watch that when mounting the single distance is complied with the entire frame.

Plumber of walls

How to squeeze the walls with lining? This question is asked almost everyone who first starts the type of work.

It is not at all difficult if you follow all the rules and sequence.

For fastening panels, the following methods are used:

  1. With kleimer;
  2. Fastening with a nail to the side of the tongue, driven it under the tilt;
  3. Using an additional clip;
  4. When using slats of lining with a displaced profile.

Using the clip gives us an indisputable advantage When dismantling. We can disassemble the design, while the lining will not be damaged. It can be used again for other works. When attaching, do not forget that the method of fixation will not be visible. It overlaps the next board.

If you start from the corner, it is better to do it from the most uncomfortable, as the trimming is inevitable. If you have chosen a horizontal direction, it is better to start with the ceiling.

The last strip is usually not fully included. Disadvantages are easy to hide using a plinth.

One more advice if you chose a horizontal direction. So that dust did not accumulate in the grooves, the spike plank is advisable to position to the top.

Installing the first element is very important for subsequent work. Use the level to ensure that the panel is fixed as soon as possible. Fix it with the help of a cup first. The latter is fixed to the design with three nails. Kleimer should be near the board at the most closely as possible.

Video - How to Sew Wooden Walls:

When fixing, watch the panel not shifted from the installed level. Subsequent elements are inserted into the groove and are fixed in the same way.

For the sheat, most often used. But an excellent option for interior decorations also panels of the following trees:

  • More maple;
  • Ash;
  • Cherry;
  • Nut.

Maple wins thanks to the extensive color scheme. Clear ash forms an attractive drawing. Walnut is durable. Well, the cherry is a noble tint.

The answer to this question lies rather not even in the form of wood, but special impregnating compositions that protect the surface in such harsh conditions of this room.

Video - How to Slide Block House:


Calculating the cost of work, it is necessary to include in the list as the price of the materials and components and components, and the rates of the brigade, if you do not install on your own.

Work is usually estimated from 300 rubles and higher over the square meter. It depends on the volume and complexity of work. The average price per cubic meter is 11,000 rubles.

Now and you know how to sow walls correctly. A little patience and skill, and you will succeed!

Finishing works are always associated with dust and dirt. There is a lot of money and time for repairs, and not always the result satisfies the owners. The lining is practical and environmentally friendly material, with which you can quickly separate the room.

To seize the apartment with a clapboard, you will not need to spend a lot of time and building materials for alignment of the walls and the ceiling. The material looks neat and attractive, is an additional thermal insulating material, with which you can create a flat surface. In addition, it is environmentally safe.


Before losing the lining room in the country, as in the case of the urban apartment, it is necessary to decide which type of lining will be used. Each variety of material has certain advantages and disadvantages.

In the construction market you can purchase the following types of lining:

  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • from MDF.

The highest quality is the natural material - from wood. However, it can not be used for all rooms. For example, for a bathroom, in which a high level of humidity is always supported, it is better to choose inexpensive plastic, which is not destroyed with constant contact with moisture.


Children's room, covered with clapboard, looks simple and universally. No need to separate the walls with other materials, glue the wallpaper. The panels are easy to assemble, forming a smooth surface, and all fasteners are hidden inside the design. If there is a clearance between the material and the wall, then the communication can be hidden.

Plastic panels have the following advantages:

  • resistance to moisture;
  • pollution is easily washed off with a sponge;
  • you can purchase material with different patterns and patterns;
  • low cost.

Material made of natural wood is distinguished by higher indicators of strength and environmental friendliness, reliability. The lining has a pleasant fragrance that creates an atmosphere of heat and comfort indoors. MDF - no less durable material. Wood sawdust is not harmful to humans. However, in the manufacture of such panels, synthetic resins are used that can be separated toxins.


Rooms, covered with wooden clap, have a lot of minuses. First, at least the material and looks attractive, it is boring and the same type. The only way, with which you can refresh the interior slightly - it is painting wooden panels.

As for plastic, it is unsafe from an ecological point of view, is not durable enough. Plastic panel is easy to deform. The material from the natural tree is rapidly destroyed with constant exposure to moisture, is inclined to form fungus and mold, and it is expensive wood.

The MDF panels are also susceptible to rapid destruction. Products from such a material are more original and diverse, but wooden chip panels are much less than similar products from a natural tree.

Important nuances

The lining can be made from different breeds, has a different length and width. Before proceeding to buying a material, you need not only to take into account the features of the room, which is planned to be finished, but also the conditions in which the panels will be stored:

  • products do not get out of the packaging before the start of work;
  • store them on a special substrate in a horizontal position;
  • indoors should not be raw;
  • products are not placed under direct sunlight.

It is important to remember that the material has a shelf life, and before buying you need to get acquainted with it. Calculations are pre-conducted, the scheme is drawn up. It is necessary to acquire lining with a stock at least 10%.

How to prepare the material?

How to enjoy the room with lining so that there are no problems in the future? To do this, competently prepare for finishing work. You need to prepare material and walls.

The lining must pass the following processing:

High-quality processing of material helps not only improve the aesthetic characteristics of the material, but also to extend the service life of the panels. If there is no desire to engage in such manipulations, you can buy already processed material, only it will be much more expensive.

Room preparation

Before losing a room in an apartment with clapboard, you need to prepare for the walls of the wall. If you skip this stage, then with the panel time they may not withstand a permanent contact with moisture, and you have to correct errors.

If there is a fungus on the wall, it needs to be treated with an antiseptic. After that, the walls will become resistant to fire and mold. The prerequisite for the preparatory stage is the use of a water-repellent solution.

Additionally, it is possible to lay a layer of heat-insulating material. As a heater, mineral wool can be used, and the polyster will perfectly protect the room from outsided sounds. To protect against steam, a vapor barrier film is used.

Methods of fastening

How to shelter the lining room at the cottage? There are many options for fastening and materials, with which you can work. Small planks are attached to a special frame, while fixing can be outdoor and hidden. Decorative screws, conventional nails, klyamimers and staples can be applied to work.

Regardless of what type of fasteners will be applied, all work must be performed as much as possible. Otherwise, chips and cracks may appear on the wood, which will spoil the appearance of the panels.

The easiest way to fasten is through. All work is carried out as easy and quickly as possible. Through the front part, screws are fixed, pre-make marking and drill holes for fastening elements. It is necessary so that the wood does not cracked. The self-tapping screws so that it "drowned" a little in the wood.

Then the location of the fastener is either covered with special plastic plugs, or shit. If you entertain the room with clap, using this method, it may not look like the best.

The most attractive option is considered to use decorative carnations. However, they are very fragile and work with them is extremely careful. Significant nails are very popular, which have no hats. They clog them at an angle, so the fasteners are invisible.

If the panels are placed on top down, you can carry out the lining room with a bracket with a bracket. However, for this you need to purchase a professional stapler. When the lining is fine, for example, in the case of plastic material, special klimers can be applied. They are invisible, and the installation is carried out as quickly as possible.

Installation of crates

Handling the room with their own hands, pre-make up the scheme and only then the grid for fasteners of the panels securely fastened on the wall. It is from it that the reliability and quality of the whole design depends. When performing work, you need to remember several important rules:

  • The wall must be dry, the ram for the crate is treated with water-repellent and refractory impregnations.
  • Rake places perpendicular to wooden panels.
  • The distance between the rails should be approximately 45 centimeters.
  • Between the floor and the ceiling necessarily need to leave a small gap.
  • With the help of a professional construction level, the flatness of the frame is checked.

Installation of clapboard

The work begins with the fact that the boards bring to the room and leave them there for 1-2 days. It is necessary so that the lining is used to the microclimate in the room. Otherwise, the product can be slightly deformed. It is important to carry out work in the warm room with a low level of humidity.

Most often, the installation is made horizontally. In this case, the first panel is placed so that the spike watches up. Start work from the corner of the room. The very first steps must be carried out with the construction level to eliminate the occurrence of irregularities. After installing the first element and check it in terms of the level of the remaining panels. First they felt and only then fixed.

To rinse the room with a vertical way, act in the same way. All actions repeat only changing the position of the panels. For a vertical way it is better to use wider boards, then the finish will look more attractive. Experienced employees can carry out the installation of lining in just one day.

How to arrange corners

Many are wondering what the room is covered with clapboard. Photo examples of work is in our article. This room has a harmonious, neat and modern look. However, the overall picture can spoil ugly and poorly treated corners.

To solve the problem, you can buy special "boats" in the construction store. These products are specifically designed to finish the corners. They perfectly hide the place of the joint and gap.

If a gripged bar was used for decoration, then there is no need to buy special plinths. The material is reliably and tightly attached to the bars, thanks to which the angle looks more attractive and professionally.

Finish stage

After the lining is securely fixed, you can move to the decorative component. Such material needs to be covered with varnish, which will extend the life of the wood and make it more attractive.

Pre-lining should be degreased, the dirt, dust, soap divorces should not be present on it. For the application of varnish, use a conventional painting brush. First, it is recommended to carry out the preparatory impregnation with a verse, after which the varnish is applied in two layers (even three).

How to update the room, covered with clapboard? To do this, you can simply paint the walls of the paint. If we are talking about a youth room, you can choose even the most extreme shades. If there are chips or cracks on wood, they are masked by a wooden putty, the material is painted and covered with varnish. As a result, the room becomes modern and stylish. On the wall you can also portray a beautiful pattern or pattern.

Instead of imprisonment

So, we found out how to enjoy the room with the help of such a material like lining. Experts note that it is a qualitative and relatively inexpensive building material. It is easy to work with it, but even newcomer can do all works. It does not need to carry out dust and dirty work, long leveling the surface, priming and put it. All flaws are hiding inside the design, while the walls look perfect.

Among the diverse finishing materials, the role of lining is often underestimated, and the design of the room on the cottage with the clap is considered as outdated. The article describes the current trends in the use of natural and painted panels in the design of various interiors. You will get acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages, as well as varieties, classes and varieties of lining.

Classic use of wooden sheat

Pros and cons of the trim tree

Recently, the lining has been associated with the modest repair of cottages or trim. Modern design opened her wide decorative potential; The trim board took a worthy place among other finishing materials. The ubiquitous use of an undervalued material is explained not only by its excellent aesthetic qualities, but also a number of functional properties, which include:

    Budget price.

    Simple montage. The lining is profiled in the factory conditions; Thanks to the spike-groove system, the lining trim inside the house takes little time.

    Additional features. The decoration of the panels helps to hide the irregularities of the walls, as well as wiring and communications.

    Additional heat and sound insulation.

    Long service life. Qualitative material will last 40-50 years (with proper care).

Interior Cabinet

Like natural material, the lining is not devastable:

    Wall panels are attached to the frame that reduces living space.

    Reduced moisture resistance. In the conditions of excess moisture and frequent temperature drops, wooden material begins to collapse. Improved danger helps impregnation-antiseptics and competent installation.

    Low fire resistance. Before use, the board is recommended to be treated with antipiren - substance that slows down the spread of fire.

    Additional expenses. For the subsequent care for the wooden surface, protective antifungal impregnations, Laco-colorful materials, will be needed.

Choosing lining: varieties, classes and varieties

Wooden lining - classic material for finishing the premises; Due to the ecology and natural surface structure, it fits into most interiors. The most common material has the form of wooden rails with a standard 8.8 cm wide and length from 1 to 6 meters.

Bedroom in modern style

Installation of panels can be carried out horizontally (which helps to visually expand the room), or vertically (this location makes the room above). In addition to the wooden board, the cottage trigger is also performed using other finishing materials:

    PVC profile (Plastic panels). Plastic products are trimmed with ceilings and rooms with high humidity (kitchen and bathroom). The material is distinguished by moisture resistance and fragility. The disadvantage can be considered a small color variety - the panels of white and several additional simple colors (blue, brown, yellow) are produced, which narrows the prospects for the original design.

    MDF panels. The finishing material produced from wood fibers and externally very resembling wood. Such panels are mounted both on the walls and the ceiling; Manufacturers offer panels are varied in color and texture. As with wooden, the main minus MDF panels - sensitivity to moisture, which somewhat limits their use.

MDF panels

On our site you can find contact with the construction companies that offer an internal redevelopment service. You can directly chat with representatives by visiting the exhibition of the houses "Low-rise country".

Wooden lining offered in building stores can have different profile options:

    American. Material with such a profile has increased resistance to moisture and therefore used in external design. Due to the features of the design, the installation is carried out "Vanchila", which provides additional protection for the seams and the original appearance.

    Eurovanda. Perfect for both external and internal facing. From the rest of the varieties is characterized by a large size of grooves and spikes; Such a constructive feature provides good coating ventilation.

    Calm. In the place of attachment of elements with such a profile there is no decorative deepening. The surface is performed absolutely smooth, acquiring the effect of full seamlessness. Fillying similarly profiled is conveniently used in decoration and walls, and ceiling; It is characterized by a small percentage of marriage (chips and cracks) in work.

Eurovantia from pine

    Blokhaz. Such material is also suitable for external, and for interior decoration. Unlike other types of finishing panels, the front side of the blockhasis is not flat, but convex, which allows you to successfully imitate the log wall.

When choosing the lining, it is important to pay attention not only to the scope of use and form of profile; For interior decoration, the class of material becomes great importance. Wooden lining for finishing at home inside quality is divided into the following classes:

    Extra class. For the manufacture of panels, high-quality wood is used, often from valuable trees. The lining of this level is characterized by increased strength, the ideal appearance, lack of defects and the corresponding value.

    Class A.. The material has a well-ground surface. A minor percentage of defects is allowed - on one panel of no more than two. It can be a small light bitch with a diameter of up to 1 cm, but not a crack or resin pocket. By the price / quality ratio, the classes of class A is the leader of the remaining varieties.

On the quality of visual

    Class B.. On the front side, any swirls are allowed, except for rotten and dropped, as well as small cracks and jar. The material is less attractive in appearance, but quite durable and can be used to finish the balcony, veranda or bath.

    Class S.. It does not differ in strength and loses to other classes in appearance and the number of defects (external and internal). This material includes all types of bitch, cracks (including through), resin pockets; Frequently and processing defects - chips. The most fiscal option, but you can hardly want to separate your living room with such a clapboard; The scope of its use is the finishing of economic premises.

For interior decoration, it is preferable to choose the material from the following wood varieties:

    From cedar. Wood of this tree has a high density, attractive and, due to resinness, has a pronounced antiseptic property. Cedar lining is famous for a long service life and cost that you won't call budget.

Video Description

About the lining in the interior of a country house in the following video:

    From Duba. Luxury finishing material, good and beautiful on appearance. Oak panels are rightly considered the most durable and are suitable for designing any interiors. The cost corresponds to the level.

    From larch. The larch wood is comparable to the oak, but has another important property - moisture resistance. Larch and larching are used for external work and indoors with humidity and temperature fluctuations.

    From pine. The most common type of finishing panels whose popularity is due to low cost, good performance and attractive appearance. The lack of pine material, resinity, can manifest itself due to poor-quality wood treatment.

Pine in the lounge

Painted lining in the interior

Room finishing with lining in a private house includes preparation and painting of material. The appearance of the panels (A, it means, and the interior as a whole) depends on the quality of painting, and painting - from the quality of preparation; The process includes the following types of work:

    To extend service lifeThe lining is impregnated with antipirens and bactericidal compositions. Damage and small defects are closed with putty.

    Panels are cleaned of contamination, if necessary grind and covered with primer.

    For decorations are often used colored and transparent varnish compositions With different properties. Polyurethane varnish does not allow bright wood, water-based lacquer will dry and environmentally friendly. The use of varnish on an acrylic or alkyd basis reliably protects the surface from moisture.

    For staining lining in residential premises it is preferable to use water or acrylic paint.

    About painting lining in the following video:

    Video Description

Initially, the walls decorated with clapped, preferred to leave in kind. Modern trends offer to make interior using painted lining, indicating several significant causes of such a solution:

  • Protective role of Laco-colorful coatings. The coating protects the wooden board from premature making under the action of solar ultraviolet. In the house with insufficient ventilation, the layer of varnish or paint will save the wooden surface from the fungus and the formation.

    Creative solution. The decorative advantage of the lining (both wooden and plastic) is the possibility of its tinting or painting. In this simple way you can create as an unobtrusive, muted background, and add a bright accent.

    Uncomplicated update. If you have bored for the former kind of walls in the living room or bedroom, it is easy to update it with a simple repaintance.

Emphasis colors and textures

Lining in various rooms

Even if you are not a fan of using a tree in the interior, do not rush to completely refuse wooden panels. The lining can be an original decorative element in any room of country housing, the embassy options for decoration of walls in the house with the clap are pleased with their diversity. The following options for its use are popular in the internal design:

    On the ceiling. Budget option in order to diversify the interior in any room. In non-residential rooms, the finish is performed by plastic material.

    On the walls. In some styles (Country, Provence), complete wall decoration with wooden panels with preservation of natural structure and color is allowed. Also relevant will be the reception of the wooden surface; The interior will look like a special cozy. Wooden coating with ease will fit into modern design.

Toned larch ceiling

    Partial use. Applying lining for the zoning of the room is a proven reception. The division of the living room (or another room) on the zones with the help of wooden panels looks always stylish and relevant. Another partial use is the creation of an emphasis wall. In this case, the surface lined with clappers, sets the tone to the rest of the decor. For decorations, they use both paints and varnishes, sometimes transparent, with a pearl effect.

Living room zoning

    In the bathroom. For decoration, the wet placed more often use PVC panels. Wooden finish will add the interior of the comfort, and, painted in an unusual color - also originality.

Wooden panels in the decoration of the bathroom

    In the kitchen. Collapsed lining on the peak of fashion. Therefore, it can be safely used to create an impressive design in the kitchen, without forgetting about the additional processing of wood.

White kitchen

    On the balcony and in the hallway. And also on the veranda or terrace wooden (more often pine) panels look invariably stylish, while not inflating the budget before indecent.

Video Description

About the Japanese way to decorate the lining in the following video:

Lining in various interiors

Gradually, the facing by wooden panels ceases to be used only for the dacha, gazebo or bath finishes. By changing the established opinion, the interior trigger of the wooden house is converted into demanding designers. A relatively inexpensive natural material is perfectly combined with other cladding and becomes an indispensable element in the finishing of the premises. The lining is used when designing interiors in the following styles:

    Rustic styles. Country, Provence, Chalet and Russian Styles are widely used by wooden materials, and lining (especially aged) will be likewise. You may not limit yourself to the palette of natural shades. In the living room in the style of Provence, the walls may have soft beige, olive and lavender shades, which is perfectly combined with plastered surfaces and floor of a natural tree.

Kitchen in style Provence

    Japanese style. Associated with severity, modesty and minimalism. With the help of wooden panels, you can make a bright accent on the ceiling or walls, if you use the material of dark shades.

Wooden Panels in Japanese Style

    High tech and loft. Surround decor and restriction in the choice of colors do not at all exclude the use of lining. It will be appropriate as an accent on one of the walls or as an element of zoning space. To smooth the texture of the tree, the surface can be sealing or covered with glossy paint, so it will acquire a modern look.

Loft Living Room

    Scandinavian style. The interior in the Scandinavian style includes a boardwall and ceiling, as well as walls, covered with horizontal lining and painted white paint. The combination of white with gray and pastel shades makes the space of the room sophisticated and visually expands it.

Scandinavian motifs

    Eco-style. One of the modern directions where the use of wooden lining is welcomed. Unlike also close to the nature of the Scandinavian style or Provence, here wooden surfaces are trying not to paint. All that is allowed is a primer, a verse and varnish.

Natural beauty of a tree


The lining allows you to create an interesting texture that does not achieve in other ways, and this is its main advantage. Full design of walls with wooden panels in modern interiors is applied more and less. A more successful idea is considered partial overflow or the use of an accent wall; Often it is painted in the same color as the rest of the walls. The diversity of textures is enough for the interior looks stylish and elegant. Also interesting result can be achieved if you use different colors and combinations thereof, or limit ourselves to several shades of one color.

Lining - high-quality, aesthetic, and most importantly, environmentally friendly material, which is often used to design walls of residential buildings. In modern conditions, when there are so many synthetic materials on the market, it is the lining that makes it possible to create a very pleasant, warm atmosphere, a good microclimate. In this article, we will consider in detail how the inner finish is carried out by the lining house in accordance with all the rules, reliably and competently.

Basics of Montaja technology

Mount the lining in a wooden, brusade, a frame house is quite simple with your own hands, you can perform such a finish and in a cottage built from bricks in frame buildings and other residential structures. In order to make the surfaces of the surfaces made of wood, it is important to comply with the installation technology and carefully select the material. Also, you need to decide in advance exactly how the molding will be installed: in the horizontal direction or vertically.

Usually, the material created from the following types of wood is used inside in a wooden building or in other types of residential buildings:

  • birch;
  • larch;
  • linden;
  • aspen;
  • pine.

There is also a modern synthetic material - plastic lining. It is easily mounted, it weighs little, it is cheap enough, but to create the same favorable atmosphere as a natural tree, of course, it will not. The only condition in which the plastic analogue will be the preferred material, this is a high level of humidity in the premises. For example, in the kitchen, the toilet or bathroom is plastic, imitating a natural tree, will become the best option. And in the residential premises, the lobby of your house is worth using an exclusively natural tree. Undoubted pluses of wooden lining are excellent sound insulation, long-term operation, heat retention and, of course, a favorable effect on human health.

The lining made of wood is divided into several types:

  • variety "Extra" - the most expensive and high quality;
  • variety "BUT";
  • variety "B";
  • variety "FROM".

If you want the finish in your home to be durable, beautiful and high-quality, give preference to more expensive material.

Interior decoration of a residential building

Step 1. Preparation of material to the walls of the walls inside. Before starting to install in a wooden and any other structure, not only walls should be prepared, but also, first of all, the lining itself. It must be coated with special means for bioprotection, which will prevent rotting, the appearance of mold and other factors unfavorable for wood.

Step 2.. If you want to get the lining of an unusual shade, ideally suitable for your interiors, treat the material by the veneer or special compositions that will give the desired tone.

Step 3. Well dry the lining, hold it in the room where the repairs will be made. It is necessary that the panels are "accustomed" to the temperature and humidity conditions of the room and after installation did not give shrinkage. In addition, such "adaptation" is also the protection of the material in the future from drying out.

Step 4. Preparing the crate to install the boards. Installation of panels will be made on a wooden crate. In order to make such a supporting design, you can buy ready-made slats for the frame, but they can be made to save themselves. It is easy to do this: with the help of electric saws, the rails are cut from boards with a small cross section. Next, with the help of self-samples, the lamp is attached to the wall in 50-70 cm increments.

In order for the frame to be durable, and its service life - as long as possible, there should be a slight gap between the facing and the surface of the walls: it is necessary for good ventilation. If necessary, the insulation material is installed in the framework, a parobararier. It is also important to handle a primer lattice to protect against mold or fungus, which can spoil the appearance of the lining, and most importantly, to reduce the service life of the material.

Step 5. Fastening lining. Before starting the trim, you should choose the optimal method of fastening the material. It can be mounted nails, kleimers or brackets. You can make fasteners secret or outer, use ordinary nails for fastening or special decorative screws, staples, etc. The main thing is to try in the installation process not to apply any damage (with careless circulation, the surface of the tree can be cracked).

If you prefer the hidden fastening method, the lining is fixed to the frame side of the groove, where it is joined with a spike. The method is most often used as much as possible, but the most complex: nails neatly nailed into the grooves of the lining. At the same time, the locations of fixation becomes almost imperceptible.

Make the installation of the wallboard will help and special devices for such material - metal kleimers. Kleimer's teeth crashes into the lining groove, on the other hand it is nailed or fastened to the crate. Mounting wooden finishing material using kleimers is very convenient.

Important rules cladding on the walls of the walls of the house

  1. It is necessary to determine in advance with the direction in which the finish will be mounted: it depends first depend on how the framework will be equipped - horizontally or vertically. The material is attached perpendicular to the crate. The horizontal lining of the clapboard will help you significantly expand the room visually, vertical - contributes to the fact that the ceilings will become visually higher.
  2. When horizontal trim, the fastening of the material starts from the ceilings - to the floor, the grooves of the boards are preferably directed down. In this case, it is excluded in the grooves of garbage, bullets and dirt, and the absence of such negative factors will significantly extend the timing of the lifting service.
  3. When the internal walls are vertical, start assembling an angle. In the grooves, on the rear walls of the boards, kleimers are installed, which must be knit to the rake of the frame. The first board is fixed in the corner with the help of nails, and the fasteners will be subsequently closed with decorative slats. Further, all the work is carried out as well as with a horizontal mount: the boards are fixed on each other, standing in a single, smooth cloth.
  4. The installation ends as well as begins: the last board must be nails, and the fastening places close with decorative straps. With the help of such slats, as well as decorative corners and plinths, be sure to cover all the joints and angles - internal and external. This will make it possible to make the walls of the walls completed.

The video clearly represented all the installation technology:

The decoration of the wooden and any other house is a wonderful way to make interiors spectacular, fill them with an extraordinary sensation of natural heat and comfort. The house, erected from stone or brick, has a "cold" beauty - and such a finish can completely change the atmosphere. Give preference to high-quality natural materials for the design of walls inside the house - and enjoy the comfort and beauty of your country housing!