How to organize heating tents: step-by-step instructions. Tents with stove

Are you going to sleep in a tent in the forest or in the mountains? Then you need a good sleeping bag. It will take a certain place in your backpack, but will provide you with warmth. And it is best to purchase a special tent heater. With it, you will create comfortable conditions in the tent space for a long night and no less long-lasting stay. Industry produces many heating devices of a portable view, so there will be no problems with their purchase.

In this review we will look at:

  • The main varieties of tent heaters;
  • Features of certain heating devices;
  • Criteria for choosing equipment.

After reading the material presented, you can choose and acquire excellent technique for heating tents.

TALs for tent

Portable heating devices are divided into three main categories:

  • Liquid;
  • Gas;
  • Catalytic.

Alcohol heaters can be done by itself, for example from cans, but it is not the safest way to warm up.

Liquid models operate on alcohol or on purified gasoline. Alcohol is small candles burning with a bright flame and giving heat. The disadvantage of such a candle is the presence of no covered flame - in fact, we have the simplest burner, like those that are found in chemical, biological and medical laboratories. Therefore, for heating the tent in which people will sleep, such a burner will not fit - the likelihood of fire is too large.

Gasoline tourist heater for a tent, which can be bought in many specialized stores, is a combination of a heating device and an ancient kerosene lamp. This symbiosis of two devices allowed to create miniature devices, giving good results - they quickly create a comfortable atmosphere in tents of almost any volume, by filling their space by life-water warmth.

What are bad gasoline models?

  • Low gasoline quality leads to unstable work;
  • Liquid fuel may accidentally shed, creating additional problems;
  • Even the most pure gasoline gives a very pleasant smell.

Nevertheless, gasoline stoves remain quite popular tourist accessories.

The emergence of compact gas cylinders led to the rapid development of all sorts of heaters, used not only for heating tent volumes, but also for cooking. What can we find in specialized shops for tourists?

On the gas infrared heater you can easily, not only warm up food, but also prepare it.

  • Ceramic gas heaters for tents working on the infrared principle of action;
  • Heaters with classic metal emitters;
  • Heaters with embedded and plug-in gas cylinders.

Ceramic emitters give a powerful heat flow (due to infrared radiation, absorbed by the surrounding objects), demanding the minimum gas costs for the heating of the tent. First time, these heating devices work at full capacity, and then the intensity of burning can be removed. Approximately the compact absences with metal emitters (they are less fragile, but less efficient). Both those and other devices are performed in the outdoor performance or are nozzles onto the balloons.

Also, there is also a gas cylinder advocate - there are heaters for a tent with embedded cylinders and connected (through a collet or flexible hose with a gearbox).

All of the above devices in one way or another create the products of combustion of gaseous or liquid fuel. therefore tents must be ventilated. As for catalytic models, they warm at the expense of an exothermic chemical reaction of fuel decomposition in the presence of a catalyst. Gas catalytic devices do not differ compactness and are more suitable for heating large camping tents, but a gasoline catalytic heater for a tent can fit even in his pocket - it is focused on small tent volumes.

Conventional ovens and burners, in which there are no radiating elements, are not suitable for heating - they are focused on cooking. In addition, food can be prepared on some ceramic outdoor models.

What tent heater is better

Such devices are excellent for heating tents. They are mobile, and their power is enough with interest.

You can buy a heater for a tent in any store where goods for tourism are being implemented. If there are no normal points of sale in your settlement, take advantage of the help of online stores - there are many online shops in the network, in which you can have anything, ranging from shoes and ending with multickest camping tents. And how to choose the right gas heater for the tent?

Choosing any products, first of all it is necessary to answer the question - in what conditions they will be operated and what is required of them? If you have a task to warm a small one-room tent, boldly choose a floor gas heater or a model for fastening on a cylinder. The first are more powerful and safe, but the second is distinguished by mobility - their operation requires caution. But they won compactness, which is very important in long autonomous campaigns.

Here the essence of the choice comes down to the next - if you travel by car, boldly choose the outdoor model. But for advanced and avid tourists, wandering over the forests and mountains, more compact samples are suitable.

Floor gasoline and alcohol models We will advise fishermen and those who live in a campsite, where there is always access close to the fuel. But in long autonomous events, their operation will lead to the need to carry the solid reserves of gasoline. If you do not want to bind to gas, we recommend using a catalytic heater for the tent. What is it good?

  • Multi-job work per 100 grams of gasoline;
  • Compact sizes - such a heater is something like a small flask;
  • No flame - work is carried out due to the catalytic oxidation of fuel.

Bay into the device of grams 50 purified gasoline, it is possible to secure cozy and warm nights away from civilization. But for spacious camping tents of such a heater will be not enough, there will be outdoor portable models.

The experienced tourists know very well that the rest in nature is good only to him. This primarily concerns the night when you have to go to bed in a tent. Good shelter, a warm sleeping bag is a classic. But more recently, tourists began to use the fruits of scientific and technological progress, taking with them a gas heater for a tent. What is this device, as it works, what requirements for it are presented - about all this in today's review.

Read in the article

Constructive features and principle of work of a portable gas heater

  • gas-burner;
  • power regulator;
  • reflector;
  • protective valve;
  • fan thermal action.

All these nodes are located in one case made of metal. Today, these devices are sold in all stores, the benefit of tourists in our fatherland is enough.

Gas ceramic infrared burner

This is the most compact device from all of the above. In fact, it is just a burner enclosed in the housing, on top of which a ceramic mesh is installed. It is the latter and is a source of infrared radiation after severe heating. The burner is convenient because it is simply connected to the gas cylinder through the hose. With its help you can warm up a small tent on one or two people.

Safety in operation

In independence from the modification of the gas heater, this is a device in which fuel is on. So, the safety technique during operation should be strictly observed. What needs to be taken to not occur in irreparable consequences:

  1. The distance from the apparatus to the walls of the tent should not be less than half a meter.
  2. Organization of ventilation to remove propane combustion products. Periodically, the tent must be ventilated.
  3. You can not direct the burner and its reflector on the walls of the tent, clothing and other combustible items and materials.
  4. It is impossible to leave the heating unit on the night turned on when nobody controls it.
  5. Cutting gases cooling, lowered down where they can concentrate. Therefore, the sleeping place should be above the floor at a level at least 25 cm.
  6. Special attention to gas cylinders. For heaters of this type, it is better to use special containers with automatic leakage protection and in the event of a burner flame repayment.
  7. Changing the gas cylinder should be made out of the tent on the street strictly according to the instructions from the manufacturer
  8. Sew clothes over the heater is prohibited.
  9. Install the device next to flammable or explosive materials is prohibited.

Attention! Under the gas heating device, it is necessary to install the delivery from non-combustible material. The device must be 30% more than the area than the heater itself.

Requirements for the choice of a gas heater

Most importantly, what should worry the user, this is its own security. Therefore, purchasing the device, you need to pay attention to two positions:

  1. Automatic protection system. It is intended for the case if the device will accidentally overturn or exceed the maximum allowable slope. In the cramped conditions of the tent, the likelihood of such a situation is great.
  2. The presence of a gas analyzer that will monitor the concentration of carbon monoxide gases. You want this or not, but even well-working ventilation can not guarantee the one hundred percent removal of fuel combustion products.

Compactness is an important selection criterion. The smaller the device, the easier it is to wear it. Although for fans of winter fishing fish, which move on cars, on the contrary, the more powerful the device, the better.

Overview of popular models

The modern market of heating equipment is simply littered with gas heaters from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Here are just two popular models.

Infrared gas heater "Pathfinder-hearth"

Let's start with the fact that this is not the most compact device. Its dimensions: 275 × 275 × 180 mm, but it weighs 1.8 kg. To wear such a device in a backpack will be uncomfortable, besides, he has a rectangular shape. But with it, you can heep a tent with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 15 m². And this is a decent size. And his fuel consumption is small - 108 g / h.

Additional name "Foci" suggests that this model can be used as a stove. To do this, it is placed horizontally reflector and grid up, by the way, on the last and put the dishes. The backup for stability uses the handle.

And other positive qualities of the model:

  • flame does not fill in the wind;
  • the package includes a special adapter that can be connected to a large gas cylinder;
  • minimal burning of oxygen;
  • the smell of carbon monoxide is not felt.

Feedback on the Gas Heater "Pathfinder-hearth", Maksimc, Tomsk: Gas heater tracker Foci PF-GHP-IM02 - perfectly suitable for the garage and a small house

Advantages: Light. Powerful. Economical. Not expensive. Gas cylinders are sold at any construction store.

Disadvantages: not found.

I have not traveled for fishing yet, but I managed to try it in the garage. On the street it was -18 in the garage (capital) in the area of \u200b\u200b-10. Heated for 30 minutes (standard garage of 18 square meters), to quite tolerant +18.

More details On Ozzovik:

Heater "Pathfinder-ion"

Most likely, this device is a burner. Compact - dimensions: 200 × 215 × 120 mm, low weight - 370, but with a sufficiently high power - above 1 kW. Such an appliance can be pulled out a tent with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 m². At the same time, fuel consumption is not more than 100 g / h.

Feedback on this model, Huntsman 47, Nizhny Novgorod: Heater Gas Pathfinder-ion - Powerful heater

Advantages: Powerful, you can adjust the heating.

Disadvantages: Gas cylinders are expensive.

With a small weight, only 370 grams and gas consumption from 50 to 110 gr. h and power up to 2 kilowatt is able to heat the room up to 20 square meters. They can warm at least a lanetus at least a small hunting house, also dried raw clothes.

More details For Ozzovik:

Hello, dear readers of the site. The topics of the heating of the tent in the winter is extremely relevant for lovers to go fishing from ice - as they say fish fish, and no one has canceled comfort and pleasure from the process. When frost hards, and the wind tears so that warm clothes do not save, many fishermen make a decision .

The first fishing trip with the tent will bring to the thought - how to heat the tent on winter fishing? How to insulate what heathered devices are better to use? This article is aimed at revealing the topic of heating and respond to these questions.

Setting the overseeness challenge for fishing tents in winter

The selection of a heating device is a two-level task:

  1. Determine with the size of a heated tent - It will be single or the team of fishermen (as often tents are made square, then 4 people are standard). The required power of the heater specifies many possible versions of burners, tiles and other devices.
  2. Selecting an aggregate for winter tent heating - the stage is the most responsible, as it is associated with the financial costs and the hope of a fisherman for a happy, safe and most importantly long use of the heating device.

Personally, I have experience in operating winter tents for fishing of both sizes, so briefly tell about each type of tent and possible heating devices.

Heated single tent for winter fishing

I started with a self-disstaining tent for 500 p (traditional purchase in the Chinese market) presented in the photo:

Immediately I will explain: although this tent is double, but it is enough to fish in it only one. The tent was finalized by three-meter zipper, allowing to unbutton and bend the bottom segment to access the wells. As a rule, two wells and freshwater reservoirs and the sea, for and cambals were used. There is enough such a tent for one - three seasons. I tried in this tent a lot of heating options and came to one, but everything is in order.

Heated tent tiles and burners based on gas springs

In Primorye and the surrounding entities (up to Vologda), Chinese gas portable cans with liquefied gas were mounted as cockroaches. Prices for cannon grow, but sticks do not bend - the popularity of tin does not fall.

Gas cylinders and burners for heating tent in winter

Tempting the cost of burners and simplicity - here is a panacea for heating in winter fishing tents! But it was not here - in the garage and houses of the gas and the burners of this type are relevant, but as soon as it goes below -10-15 degrees Celsius, these devices will be submitted. The cartridge freezes and requires heating to work.

I share the experience, and before the eyes of the memories of how at 5 in the morning after installing the tent on a mad wind, he laughed on heating from the gas burner, and it was laughed in vainly - chills takes.

Burners give a lot of heat, but extremely fires!Even in mild conditions (10 degrees of frost and above), the burner can sneeze the gas emissions and the fire, respectively. When transporting, the burner should be carefullyroidered from other things - they can fall into it. Sorink and heating will end without starting. In my eyes, one comrade tried to clean his burner, and eventually disappeared the eyebrows ... it could be worse.

Gas tile on the ballot - a great option only in summer

There is a seductive version of the gas tile in a comfortable black suitcase - and it is possible to warm up and boil the coffee, and you can fry fish. But the gas cans attract the same troubles that with burners - do not work in the cold. Cylinders require systematic heating, while sinister is hissing when heating on an open fire.

A familiar fisherman when heating the tent found such a way out: he took two cylinders from the package - one inserted into the tile, and the second was hidden for the sinus. As soon as the fire on the burner weakened, replaced. However, an ice lounge is formed on the gas clinror at the level of the gas level, it can "subscribe" your well-being, and in general, sitting with a wilderness under a winter suit.

There are options for solving a problem with the freezing of a gas can. Look at the short video about the heating of a fishing tent in winter using a gas from a small cylinder with one of these options:

Summing up: The burners and tiles are pampering, for heating the tent in the winter you need something more reliable.

Let us turn to the next option - liquid-fuel primuses, alcohol, burners.

Heated tent with liquid-fuel primus and burners

Many devices on kerosene and gasoline produces industry. Wide distribution found domestic (often Soviet) "Shmel" and "Spark", as well as import "Coleman" and of course, Chinese.

Gasoline and kerosene burners and primuses for heating tent in winter

I used a bumblebee - orange in the picture. Everything in it is wonderful: it burns well, frost-resistant, convenient food to cook and warm the tent. Perhaps I would recommend and you acquire them as other narratives on the topic "How to warm up the tent." But there is an experience of not a sofic nature, and fishing, and the sea and on the river. He says that flaws of gasoline and keroseneels are strong:

Kerosene lantern warmer winter tent

  1. There is a need carry a canister with fuel (I do not tell you about the price of good, reliable canisters). Outdoor, five-liters - a temporary solution that brings the smell of gasoline (kerosene) and the non-zero probability of leakage.
  2. Inevitable contact with fuel hand. In gloves, work with preims details is practically fantasy, which means that you will blame gasoline or kerosene !!! No, not for fishermen (wiped hands and it seems fine), but for fish. Regulated the light, corrected the bait (worm, scallop or shrimp) and start to tell: " At first, I did not slander, and then how cut off ...«.
  3. Gasoline and kerosene - higher hydrocarbons than gas, combat often with Soch and Nagar on saucepans and teapots. Yes, and smacks in tents with such heating, let's say not very much. You get used to, but an outside observer smell will feel right away. Houses from clothes and all fishing jackets of equipment will carry so much that it is not necessary to tell.

In a separate seductive category, kerosene lanterns are separated. A single tent will warm up and the light on the hole will give - just fantasy! But they are fully inherent in all the above disadvantages. Not from the finger, these problems were sucked, it came across. No matter how carefully you did not use gasoline and kerosene heaters for the fishing tent in winter - fish learns about it!

Heating tent devices based on dry fuel

Dry fuel is suitable and cooking a tent and cook, however, if you are not the head of the warehouse with drunks and an unlimited stock of fuel tablets, you will have to acquire quite large volumes of tablets (briquettes) in order to warm up all night. It is trally uncomfortable and dangerous to use, constantly pushing, control ... I'm sinking - yes, it's not to pump a tent - no.

Application of candles for heating tents

We reached a very interesting, trouble-free and fairly effective way of heating a single tent. The candle is ideal for heating small tents in any conditions of the setting. If the frost is not strong, then Gelendzhik in the tent will create an ordinary tea or paraffin candle.

If the frost is stronger -15 degrees, then such a candle is enough to create a buffer heat zone at the top of the tent. I got fish, knocked hands - raised a few seconds up and ready. There will be objectors, of course, but I checked myself - grabs in -30 to warm the limb, and what else needs? After all, not in sneakers on the ice came.

While I went with a single tent, always enjoyed such candles for heating - it is inexpensive, they burn for a long time, there is enough warmth. Many devices are invented to accumulate heat from candles. For example, here are short, but Cream video about manufacture of heater based on candle with their own hands:

I did not do the stove, I took the candles of paraffin and candlestick - and the lights have enough light and warm.

A gas tent gas lamp is a source of bright non-directional lighting. Such lamps today are also used tourists, hunters, and fishermen.

How is the gas lamp?

The gas lamp device and the gas burner are identical, with the only difference that the head of the gas lamp is a rod on which there is a catalytic mesh, providing a bright glow of the device. From the external effects, the grid is protected by a glass beam, which has a metal cover attached to a metal frame on the gearbox. To hang the device there is a chain or a rug of wire. Complete can also be spare nets and a transport case.

So, the device gas lamp for tent It is pretty simple and reliable. Its weak elements (ceiling and mesh) are always available on sale and cost inexpensively. They can be purchased in our online store, where a wide range of various recreation goods and tourism is presented (for example, here you can purchase gasoline burners for winter fishing, tents, mats, tools, etc.).

How to operate gas lamps?

When using gas lamps, there are features, among which you can emphasize the following:

  • it is important to observe the state of the mesh - if the holes began to appear or it starts to crumble, then it should be replaced urgently, since further use of the device is impossible;
  • to work such a lamp or flashlight you need a small pressure, so if you use gas infrared heater For heating a tent or gas tile for cooking, then for a gas lamp, semi-empty cylinders can be used (gas residues in the cylinder are quite enough for normal lighting);
  • it should be purchased for gas lamp only branded gas cylinders and prevent the use of alternative fuel options to avoid clogging and breakdowns of the lamp;
  • if there are no piezoejig in your chosen lamp model, then you should take a lighter or match.

What can be purchased in our online store?

In our online store you can choose the gas equipment of the company KOVEA, which is suitable for use on fishing, hunting, rest in nature. Gas lamps from this manufacturer occupy leading positions on the market due to the excellent quality of products and the convenience of their use. Most recently, the main problem of Kovea gas lamps was bad work in winter conditions. But with the transition to propane, gas lamps can safely work up to - 40 degrees, thereby starting to outpipe gasoline burners and a lamp from everybody.

Presented in the store catalog and gas lights Orgaz, which are connected to a gas gag domestic balloon. Such lamps will be well suited to those people who go to the destination by car. For fishing in Russian conditions, such lamps are just perfect, as they can work with local propane cylinders, and at the same time the cost of using them is low. However, such lamps are somewhat inferior in brightness of KOVEA lamps.

In addition to gas lamps, lanterns and heaters in our store, you can purchase various tourist equipment and items necessary to ensure comfort in hiking conditions. For example, tourist knives online store "On seven winds" offers to purchase various forms, colors of the handle and at attractive prices. It is worth only to choose the goods you like, put it in the basket and wait for a call from the store manager to clarify all delivery details.

Portable gas heaters are used for heating tourist tents, tents and other temporary facilities during the cold season. Popular portable heaters and among fishermen as a heat source in tents for winter fishing. Also portable heaters can be used for heating garages, household, country houses, greenhouses and other residential and non-residential premises.

The power of most popular portable heaters varies from 0.5 kW to 5-7 kW, there are more powerful gas heaters, but it is hardly possible to name portable.

Tourist gas heaters differ in the type of cylinders used:
Operating from cylinders with pressure valve (the so-called "collet" cylinders), from cylinders with a threaded valve and from household cylinders.

The most compact in working mode is heaters running from cylinders with a threaded valve, for example, the TRAMP TRG-035 heater - even together with a cylinder will take less space than a sleeping bag or a five-liter bottle of water. At the same time, almost all heaters running from the cylinders with a threaded valve are equipped with a power regulator and a piezorge. The disadvantages of heaters can be attributed to the high cost of cylinders - on average, the "threaded" cylinder is 3 times more expensive than "collet".

Heaters on the "collet" cylinders are less compacts, but at the same time they often have the function of the plate, which makes it possible to cook / warm up food, boil the water for tea or cook coffee - you see, this is a pleasant and useful bonus. By the way, the presence of power regulator and piezoroca is valid for this type of heaters.

The most "noncompact" portable heaters are heaters running from household cylinders. This is due to the presence of a gas supply hose, gearbox and, actually, a domestic balloon, whose volume is from 5 to 12 liters (heater can be connected to cylinders and more volume). Of the advantages: cheap gas, the ability to fill a balloon at any refueling; can be used for cooking; high power; Simplicity of design, which provides relative "unhappiness" heater.

Cons: the presence of an overall gas cylinder; The absence of piezoeznigns and the ability to adjust the power of the heater.
Separately, I would like to note the Perun heater and the TRAMP TRG-036 heater - these devices combine compactness, the possibility of cooking, and the mainly presence of an adapter on a household cylinder, thereby you can use or inexpensive "collet" cylinders or cylinders of 5-12 liters.

Using heaters in tents or other residential premises, remember the safety rules! When combustion of gas is also burned and oxygen + CO (carbon monoxide) is formed, so the use of portable gas heaters is safe only in the ventilated rooms, remember this!