How to adjust the interroom door yourself. How to regulate door loops: Features of adjusting ordinary and hidden loops How to adjust the door to

Perfect and accurate design Metal-plastic doors, but it starts not clearly function. In the case of wooden doors, except loops, it can be caused by deformation of the canvas itself or box, plastic doors begin to "capricious" exclusively due to the malfunction of the mechanism. How to adjust the plastic door with your own hands, let's understand in detail.

Possible troubleshooting options

The normally installed and functioning door should be easily open and closed, do not pull the box in the target, and the adjoining should be uniform around the perimeter. The open door in the absence of drafts should be in a steady position.

The clamping mechanism is obliged to "bring" the door without a gap between her and a box. Check simply - a sheet of paper, squeezed between the entrance of the door and a box, should be pulled out along the entire length of the feed with some effort.
Failure to comply with any condition means that the geometry is violated.

Located a balcony plastic door or a shift displacement occurred relative to the box. All defects are corrected by adjusting accessories.

If the warranty period has not yet expired

this should make the company's service service that installed the door. Otherwise, you can call the masters. But those and good modern designs, which in the presence of instructions, independent adjustment of plastic doors is quite forces to anyone and requires a minimum set of tool - hex keys, screwdrivers and passage.

This article discusses the most common cases of adjusting swing plastic input (interroom) and balcony doors.

For pendulum or sliding systems, there are their methods.

Adjustment of plastic door with three loops: entrance

The interior entrances are distinguished by the profile thickness and glass package, but they have a loop like. And from balcony differences more significant. This is the type of loops, and the absence of a folding mechanism (for venting). Let's figure it out how to adjust the plastic door with three loops yourself.

Usually, three loops are installed on such doors - upper and lower, and the third can stand next to the top or in the middle of the canvas. In principle, this is the usual arrangement and the number of loops so that they normally "kept" the weight of the door. Differences may be in the design of the loop and the presser mechanism, and therefore in the adjustment.

Patch door loop (according to the type greenteq TB 100.ZD.K)

This loop with a decorative plank and the possibility of adjustment in three planes.

The horizontal and vertical offset occurs with the help of two screws, and the clamp is adjusted using the screw and the bar between the loop and the box.

1. To adjust the skew:

Adjusting plastic doors relative to the vertical axis horizontally (right-left), it is necessary to remove the decorative bar on the loop installed on the canvas. Initially, the door must be opened and unscrew the screw that holds this bar. Then the door is closed and the bar is removed. Under it there are 6 fastening screws under a screwdriver (perpendicular to the canvas) and one adjusting screw under the hexagon - parallel to the canvas towards the loop.

Screwing or unscrewing it, you can adjust the displacement of the door relative to the vertical of 5 mm in each side along the X axis.

2. To raise (and even lower)

the sash is used by adjusting screw turnkey, located in the lower end of the loop. It is closed by another decorative plank, which is simply "disassembled."

They can be lifted by 4 mm or lower the door per 1 mm, relative to the factory installation along the Y axis.

3. Plastic door mode: fine adjustment

(within 1.5 mm) is carried out with the help of a screw located in the upper end of the loop.

For the "coarse" adjustment, you must remove the door with the loops, and then the part of the loop that is installed on the box. It is attached to it through the planks that can have a thickness of 1 mm to 5 mm. Thus, you can additionally adjust the door to the door (along the z axis).

Door loop type WX

it has an adjustment horizontally to 6.2 mm, vertically up to 4 mm, clamp can be adjusted by a screw to 1.8 mm (if necessary, clamps can be improved by additional sleeves at the location of the loop mounting to the box).

1. Horizontal adjustment occurs with the help of a side screw located under a decorative lining on the loop that is attached to the door. Initially, it is necessary to unscrew the screw that locks the position of the loop relative to the "0" level. It is located in the body of the loop and runs parallel to the door canvas. Then you need to unscrew the screw, a stopping outer decorative hinge body, screening which, you can access the adjusting screw.

With its help, you can shift the position of the sash to the right or left.

2. Adjusting the clamp runs on the retaliatage of the loop (fixed on the door frame). It is necessary to remove the decorative cap from the end of the loop. Under it you can see eccentric with slots.

In order to free it, you need to unscrew the stopping screw (it is located on the side in the hinge body from the door side). Then, using a special key inserted into the eccentric slots, you need to deploy it to the desired angle and stall. Thus, it is possible to strengthen or weaken clamps.

You can use the usual plate or a wide flat screwdriver, but it will interfere with the adjusting screw vertically. In this case, it must be completely unscrewed.

3. The vertical adjustment passes using a screw screwed in the loop from below, through the clamping adjustment eccentric.

How to adjust the plastic balcony door

The adjustment of plastic doors passes on the same algorithm as the plastic window. Each manufacturer, accessories may have differences in adjustment methods, but in many respects they are similar.

Adjusting the plastic doors horizontally (x axis) to the right or left can pass with two screws in the lower and upper loop (depending on which part of the door is "lifting").

Both screws are visible with open sash. The bottom is located in the support part of the loop on the box.

The upper is in the retissure of the loop on the sash.

Spinning or unscrewing the screw, you can achieve a shift of the sash from the box or in its direction.

The vertical adjustment (Y axis) passes using the screw located in the bottom loop behind the decorative bar, from the outside of the door on the sash itself.

It is located in the end. Screwing it or unscrewing, the door raise or lowered.

Adjusting the climb passes by turning the eccentrics located in the vertical end of the door sash.

Initially, it is necessary to find out in which part the clamp is too free or strong. Eccentrics "work" in a pair with shut-off plates on the box. If the eccentric is located along the sash - the press is minimal, perpendicular to the maximum. Turn the eccentric with the help of the passage.

Another type of pressure adjustment of the door does not occur with the help of eccentrics, but with the help of a shut-off pin on the end of the sash.

It has a hole for a hex key and a checkpoint (risk). Depending on the position of this point, the clamp may be stronger or weaker. Adjustment of plastic doors and very similar.

There is a third type of adjustment of the climb, which occurs with the help of a response (shut-off) plate located on the box itself. It can shift relative to the box, thereby reinforcing and relaxing the adjoining door.

In addition, it is possible to adjust the plastic door of the balcony not only from the side of the loops and eccentrics, but also adjust the clamp from the folding mechanism.

First you need to learn open sash

But turn up the handle at the open sash does not give the mechanism itself. To remove the fixation of the handle, you need to press the "tongue" (checkbox, clip) in the door of the door, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe handle itself.

It can look different, but the principle of operation is one - in the closed form, the sash presses it and unlock the handle that you can turn up by installing the door to ventilating. If you open the door and press the "tongue" with hand, then the door in such a state can be folded at the top. But at the same time it is better to hold it on the weight - it will still be held at the bottom at the bottom of the lower loop.

The inner part of the mechanism of the upper fittings will open (usually "closes" the door). There will be one (or two) eccentric with adjusting screws under the hexagon.

With their help, you can press (or squeeze) the door in the loop area.

By pressing the "tongue", return the sash to the vertical state, after which the door can be closed.

These are the main methods of adjusting the mechanisms of different types of doors.

Information on the note : .

Adjust plastic doors independently video.

During operation, some loads act on the door, the doors begin to creak, badly close or open. Many similar symptoms are very easy to eliminate themselves, however, if the doors are installed by masters who have provided a warranty for installation and the term has not yet passed - it is better to call them. In other cases, interior doors can be adjusted independently, which will allow them to last longer with a constant appearance and the process of operation will not deliver special problems.

What instruments may be needed to adjust the interior door

  • Screwdriver Set
  • Lubricant, preferably graphite
  • Plane
  • A hammer
  • Set of styers
  • Reference or laser rangefinder

Defects that arise during the operation of the doors and how to eliminate them

Doors do not close at all or closed with difficulty. If the doors are not closed or for their closure, it is necessary to apply force - the doors require adjustment. We consider the most frequent causes of this situation further:

  • Door box installed incorrectly or as a result of a natural shrinkage at home, the door box twisted. In this case, it is necessary to check the joint mount of all the bars of the door frame. If one or more nodes of fastening the bars are unreliable - the door frame is best removed and enhance the connection with self-draws.
  • When carrying out installation work, the door loops were installed incorrectly. If the door loops are not enough deepened, the effect of pulling out the door cloth back. In this case, it will be necessary to dismantle the door leaf and remove the loops. Next, it is necessary to double-check the correctness of their installation and, if necessary, deepen them to the required distance.
  • Weakened fastening loops. Be sure to check the reliability of the fastening of the loops to the door canvase and frame. Sometimes during the operation of the doors, they are weakened and disturb the trajectory of the movement of the door canvase relative to the box. Tighten the door loops screws, and if they are often weakened - use the threaded lock. If after that loop doors weaken again - dismantle the loops and install them in new places. This procedure is performed only as a last resort.

Doors are easily closed, however, they are very difficult to open. Such an effect in the people is called the "felt" of the door canvase in the box. This suggests that the door cloth under its weight violates the correct trajectory of the doorway with the result that it is incorrectly closed and opens. Most often, this situation occurs in the following cases:

  • Do not tighten the bars of the door box. In this case, the box must be stretched towards the preliminary timber. First you need to check the curvature of the feigned bar - this will allow you to understand what parties must be tightened. After, the door frame is removed and tightening the necessary sides of the box. If necessary, the box is completely dragging with self-draws, with a passing check of the work of the doorway, which, after all the work, should be freely moved relative to the frame, as well as tightly and without effort to close.
  • Perhaps in the process of assembling the door frame, when installing door loops, they are too deepened inside. In this case, you can relax a little loop fasteners, and if it did not help - the loops are removed and the thin sheets of cardboard are installed in their seats, after which the loops are mounted back to the installed cardboard.
  • The loops could be installed at a shallow depth. In this case, the loops can be pulled, and if it does not help, with the help of the chisel, a thin layer of wood from the seats of loops is removed, after which they are installed back

Half the open door closes or opens independently. Such a situation may occur as a result of incorrect installation of the door frame. In this case, the box will need to reinstall, guided by some rules:

  1. If the half-open door opens independently - then the top of the door frame is tilted forward.
  2. If the doors close - the top is tilted back.

Guided by these observations, the doors will need to be set in the correct position. In this case, you will come in handy a plumb, according to which it will be necessary to install the door frame. Usually, such an adjustment is required only for a bar on which door loops are installed. After all necessary work, be sure to check the door securing - it must be securely and firmly fixed in the doorway or false box.

During opening or closing, a characteristic creak is heard. This fault is eliminated easier - it will be necessary to lubricate the door loops. For this, the door leaf is removed and the loops are lubricated with solidol or graphite-based lubricant. You can also use the People's Method: Instead of lubrication to the jigsaw of the door loop, a piece of a simple pencil is a piece.

As can be seen from this article - work on troubleshooting interior doors can be performed independently. However, when performing any work, especially those works that relate to the door box - do not forget that interior doors consist of two elements, the main of which is the door canvas. It is under it that all sizes are cooked and with it, all test works are performed. The geometry of the inner surface of the door frame must with a small gap to repeat the door canvase contour. Only in this case the doors will work correctly and throughout the considerable time time.

Since the weight of the steel canvase is significant, even after professional installation of the structure, problems caused by weakening (deformation) of canopies occur. As a result, a loose fit of the door, it is loosened, jamming of castles, riggers and a number of other flaws. In most cases, the defects arising are eliminated by banal adjustment of the metal door.

Using the cause of the fault, it is possible to eliminate it yourself. And depending on what the problem is caused, the necessary techniques, tools and materials are selected.

Gloss formation

Simply put, gaps appear between the block and the blade. The main sign of this malfunction is drafts in the room, even with a tightly closed sash, although the gaps are easy to detect visually. There are several probable reasons.

  • Worn sealing. Only adjusting the entrance door to the problem does not solve: replace RTI. Make it is easy - the old material is removed, the place of its fixation is thoroughly cleaned, degreases and the new tape or tube is glued. The nuance is that it is previously necessary to check the position of the canvas. Perhaps increased rubber wear is just caused by its distortion.

  • Proviscribes. To eliminate such a defect, it is necessary to adjust the hinges of the inlet door. For this, the fasteners of canopies (lower and top) are slightly screwed / unscrewed. Since their limit of their movement along the axis is limited, it is advisable with increased wear of the loops under the screws, the bolts put the washer or grover.

At the place will be clear what exactly needs to be done, since the loops are distinguished by constructive features. Perhaps one of them (or both) is advisable to replace, and only then think how to adjust the entrance door.

Tight Font

And in this case, the causes of poor door closing can be different.

  1. New seal. This occurs if the block structure has just been mounted. RTI has not yet been "broadcast," and therefore, when closing / opening the web, you have to make some effort. Not necessary to do anything here; Literally a few days later, this defect is leveled by itself.
  2. Large tape thickness (cord). As a rule, the result of improper selection of material in size. If the canvas does not have breakdown, it is hardly worth waiting when RTI is emotioned. With a significant exceeding parameters (thickness, sections), you need to correct the error and replace the seal.
  3. Relief tongue behind the plate. As a rule, with such a defect, the adjustment of the input metal door is made using a file. But under the condition of the right position, without distortion. The plate is only needed to apply a bit, and in the process of closing / opening the difficulties will not arise. If it has a mustache, then enough to be slightly adjusted, and the part position will change.

The appearance of violin

Adjustment here is unlikely to help. Most likely, this is the result of maintaining service issues. Like any device with moving parts, it also needs regular inspection and that. What needs to be done?

  • Clean the canopies from the old lubricant, dirt, metal dust.
  • Rinse loops with gasoline or blow with compressed air.
  • When signs of rust are found to handle the WD -40 tool, which is more often referred to as "liquid key".

Attention! WD -40 - not lubrication, as many believe in the error. This composition is used only for softening solid fractions (salt deposits, rust and so on).

  • Remove the remnants of metal oxides and rinse the canopies again.
  • Apply a special composition on rubbing parts is a rust converter.
  • Carefully lubricate all the details of the loops. The manufacturer's instructions indicate recommended tools. If the door is made independently, it is enough to produce with machine oil.

  • Before you make hinges, you need to carefully inspect the frame. The creak can be caused by the door replication. It is easy to determine the characteristic gloss of metal in a separate area. If so, then you first need to adjust the position of the web, and then serve canopies.
  • The loops are distinguished by execution, and some models are collapsible. In this case, it is advisable to dismantle and sash, and canopy. The time will need more, but the cleaning of its component parts will be as high as possible.
  • In the hinges of the old execution, the creaking can be caused by the limit wear of the sealing washer. Recommendation unambiguous - replace.

It remains to add that if there is a cheap door "Made in China" at the entrance to the dwelling, then the adjustment may not help. The soft metal is often deformed, which causes the screens, hooks for the frame and the likelihoods. Even professionals are not taken to eliminate them and recommend changing the canvas. And although this is an extreme case, but you need to know.

To less often encounter problems of incorrect door functioning, it is necessary to systematically monitor its condition. If necessary, perform adjustments. But at least twice every six months, during the periods of so-called off-season, lubricate and loops (oil), and RTI (technical vaseline). This significantly extends the life of their suitability and service.

]]\u003e]]\u003e Most of the problems that occur in the operation of interroom doors (creak, difficulties when opening or closing) are very easily eliminated by adjusting. If your door was installed by the masters that provided you with a guarantee, it is better to take advantage of them again. If there is no guarantee, then you can adjust the interroom design yourself.
Tools required for adjusting the interior door

The process of adjusting the interroom design can not do without:

Main ways to eliminate the main defects

1. The first defect is a loose closure of the door canvase. As a rule, in this case, the door is either impossible to close at all, or excessive physical strength is needed for its closure. In most cases, this phenomenon may be caused:

disposal of the installed box. In this case, check the degree of fastening of all BRUSEV. If at least one of the bars is securely secured, the box must necessarily remove and perform the individual fixation of each of them with a pair of self-tapping screws;
Insufficient bulleting loops. This is the reason for creating the effect of pulling the product back. In this case, you must qualitatively do all the tapping screws. If it does not help, then it is necessary to remove the loops and bu in the niches;
Disrupting the deepening of the loops in the interroom door or in the box itself. To solve this task, you need to move the loops in the right place, as well as do all the remaining self-tapping screws.

2. The second defect arises as a result of "felt" product in the opening. This indicates the fact that the canvas becomes hard or very difficult to open, while its closure occurs arbitrarily and very quickly. As a rule, this may be caused by the following reasons:

the presence of an uncomfortable box.

In this case, it is stretched toward a bar who is responsible for the adder. You can accurately determine the self-tavering screws with the help of a visual inspection of curvature of the feigned timber. If necessary, stealing the entire box with self-draws;
Strong deepening loops. Fasteners are weakened to eliminate this problem. And, if necessary, remove the loops and put a thin cardboard under them;
Far down dismisses outwards. In this case, the loops are adjusted and cheated fasteners.

]]> ]]\u003e 3. The third defect is that half open doors are either closed or open. This can be caused by the presence of problems with the verticality of the installed box. If the product opens yourself, then this suggests that the top of the box is tilted. The unauthorized closure of the door can be caused by the rope of the right of the right vertical. Both defects are corrected by setting the box strictly vertically. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the product in this position is securely secured. In most cases, only looping timber needs in reference.

4. Fourth defect - creaking product. As a rule, it is possible to eliminate this problem using conventional lubrication. For this, the product is removed from the loops, the loops are lubricated by lubricant based on solidol and hang back. It is also possible to solve this problem, thanks to the use of a simple pencil tray, which is simply putting inside.

Obviously, the elimination of most door design defects is a very simple procedure. But at the same time, it is necessary to ensure that all installation work is carried out slowly, and the values \u200b\u200bwere carefully extinced.

How to adjust the interroom door. detailed instructions

Almost any problems associated with the interior door, such as creak, difficulties when opening or closing, can be eliminated by adjustment. If the door was installed the store masters and at the same time gave a guarantee, it is better to call them again and just watch the process. Otherwise, try to adjust the interroom door yourself.

You will need

- lubricant based on solidol or pencil trash;
- planer;
- a hammer;
- chisel;
- plumb or laser rangefinder.

]]> ]]\u003e Instruction

If the door does not close, check the installation of the box with the help of a plumb and a laser rangefinder. Perhaps when mounting there was a skew. In this case, remove the box out of the doorway and install it again, at the same time screwed at least two screws into each bog.


Consider the door may also not close due to the fact that the loops are planted too deep from the outer front plane of the door. To fix it, dismantle the loops and secure them again, shifting closer.
Perhaps the door is badly closed due to the fact that the loops are not deepened enough in the box and protrude above the surface. In this case, unscrew the screws, holding the loop, and increase the depth of the grooves.
If the door "widespread" in the box and clings, the reason may be in too closely attached the loops to the edge, look, do not "look" the hinges above the facial plane. Correct this by re-fastening.
It is quite possible, the reason for a loose door shutter is that the grooves under the loop were too deeply cut. In this case, put inside the laying of fine cardboard.
If the housing of the latch or the door handle lock clings to the lining on the receiving side and performs above the end door of the door, correct this defect, increasing the depth of the groove under the lock or latch.
If the door slightly touches the upper or lower joint, to put a copy paper in the place of the intended contact and close the door. Then see where the stain was formed. A small irregularity on a wooden box can be simply "stripped" with a hammer. If such a way it was not possible to cope with the problem, you should have an excessable planer and paint the door again.
To get rid of the door squeak, remove it from the loops, then lubricate the loops by any solidol-based lubricant or put an inside of a small piece of a simple pencil stylus and hang back.

How to insert and adjust the interroom door

]]> ]\u003e If after installation does not close the interroom door or, on the contrary, it opens, if after installing the doors of interroom with the threshold, the door sheet clings for it or a jamb - you need to adjust the interroom door.

The adjustment process requires certain skills and rather time consuming: fix the installation defects are much more complicated than to do everything correctly.

How to adjust the interroom door

So, if the door is not closed, then the reason why this happens:

Most likely, when installing loops on interior doors, they are planted too deep from the outer front plane of the door. Fixed by offset and re-fastening loops.

The plane of the loops (or one of them) protrudes over the end surface of the door or box. Fixed by increasing the depth of the groove floor floor.

Sometimes at the time of closing the door there is a blocking box due to inaccurate and weak bonding when assembling. Corrected by removing the box from the opening and re-attachment is not less than two screws in each joint.

How to insert interior doors

]]> ]]\u003e If the door clings or "jits" in the box, then most likely you did not correctly installed it, below the reasons:

The loops look over the front plane of the door. Corrected by offseting deep into and re-fastening.

During the fastening of the interior door, the box curvatures occurred. Corrected by tightening side screws or adding new ones.

Too deep grooves under the loop. Corrected by lining under the loop of fine cardboard.

When installing the handles on the interior doors, the latch (or lock) housing protrudes over the end surface of the door and clings to the receiving overlay. Fixed by increasing the depth of the groove under the latch (lock) and re-installation.

As you can see correctly insert interior doors, it is much easier to eliminate the defects.

In addition, problems may occur after repairing old interroom doors.

Adjusting interroom doors

After installation, the door design needs to be adjusted. To understand how to adjust the interroom door, you will need knowledge of the main defects that could occur during the installation of the product.

What is the adjustment of interroom doors begins? First, you need to check if the box did not twist. Make it very simple. The door must be closed and check all the places of its joints with the box. If they are uniformly in width, it is not worth worrying. It is better to move to a more detailed test check.

What tool need to have at hand to carry out measures to regulate the designs of the described type? First of all, it is a plumb or a laser rangefinder, a screwdriver, a stiffelen pencil, a hammer, a revealed screwdriver. In addition, there will be a grease based on solidol.

Defects and methods of their liquidation

The first and most important problem - the canvas does not close. That is, it is either impossible to close it, or it has to make excessive physical strength. There are three reasons due to which a similar phenomenon may occur:

The second defect is associated with the rolling of the product in the opening. In other words, it is impossible to open the web or very difficult, but it is closed without any problems. Here you can also distinguish three "diagnoses":

  1. uncomplete box - it is necessary to stretch it towards the bar, which is responsible for the adder. Completely understand which self-tightening needs, as a result of visual verification of the curvature of this very feigned timber. If necessary, you need to adjust the entire box with the help of screws;
  2. strong deepening loops - "treated" with the weakening of fastening elements (self-tapping). But this action may not help. Then you need to remove the loops to put on them on a piece of cardboard (thin);
  3. false rendering of the loop outwards - need to adjust the loops and the doors of the fasteners.

It may happen that half the open canvas either closes or opens. This indicates problems with the verticality of the installed box. If unauthorized opening occurs, this means that the top of the box is inclined (and is the right vertical). The cause of unauthorized closing is tilted to the right vertical bottom. Both defects can be corrected by setting the box strictly vertically. It is important to ensure reliable fastening in this form. As practice shows, the reference is required not to the whole box, but only a looping bruster.

The interroom door is not only a product with which you can close the opening in the wall, but also the necessary element of the interior. Being in his house, sometimes I want privacy, silence. And only such an element as an interroom door creates this atmosphere of calm. Choosing this product, you need to take into account quite a few points. But the main thing is the correct installation and adjustment of the doors. Adjust the door with your own hands is not so difficult, as it seems at first glance.

  1. Swing products. Such canvas can be opened both in both directions and one. They are the most popular among the other doors. Swing doors can be outer or inner, deaf or glazed. They are made from any material, therefore, and the designer's exposure in the design of the door is huge. The only drawback of the swing doors is that they need a space for opening.
  2. Sliding products. With the help of sliding doors you can redecessing the apartment, at home or even an office. Most often they are found in the cabinets. Also large plus is that when they are installed, you can save a considerable area indoors. They can be both internal and outdoor. The canvas move parallel to the wall or go inside the wall. Fastening takes place on the bottom, upper or both guides. If the door is fixed only on the upper guide, then during drafts, it is possible "walking" of the canvas, therefore, two guides are reliable. When finishing sliding products use more modern materials.
  3. Stable products. Stable doors consist of two halves, top and bottom. Each has its own loops and castles.
  4. Folding products. Folding doors are a good option for small rooms. Such structures save residential space, in addition, they are less costly than, for example, sliding. As a material for their manufacture, plastic is mainly used. They open easily, look like a trolley buse type "Harmoshka". Most often used as doors in a dressing room or storage room.
  5. Swinging products. Swing doors swallow in both directions. They can only be found in specialized stores, since in our country they are not very popular.

How to install interroom door design?

Start installing the door is suitable with dismantling the old design. First you need to dismantle the old door: open it and pull up until it takes off the loops. Next, remove the old box. To do this, you need to find and unscrew the nails fastening it with the wall. After the nails are extracted, you need to cut the box on one vertical side and pull it out of the opening.

We prepare the opening to the installation of the new door design. In order to clean the surface for further work, it is necessary to remove the old insulation, fastener and construction trash from the opening. If there are any damage when dismantling, defects need to be corrected using a building mixture. After that, check the verticality of the opening level. If there is a deviation more than 1 cm, then they are corrected by a hammer or chisel.

Sometimes in old houses in the opening, wooden bars built into the wall can be found, they must be removed and seeled with a break with cement. In order to install the box in the doorway, it must be collected. Doorframe is a frame of P-shaped or rectangular bars. Collect it most often accounted for the door canvase. To do this, lay the canvas to the floor and on it is performed by sawing the elements of the box, while leaving the gaps of 3-4 mm, then component.

When installing a P-shaped door frame between the floor and the bottom edge of the canvas make the gap of about 12-15 mm. After all measurements are made, mark the location of the entire door fittings. All prepared bars for the box are collected in the right position and fasten with self-drawing (3 pcs. For each joint). To install the loops on the labeled places, it is necessary to cut three grooves with a chisel.

Fasten the loops on the canvas with self-draws, the same thing to do on the door frame, while not in a loop! Next, install the box in the prepared opening. To begin with, insert it into place. In order for the design does not shift, it will take to align it strictly vertically by means of a level or plumb. After that, the box must be fixed with anchor bolts or self-stakes with a dowel.

For good fastening, you can embed three screws on each side. Next, fill the emptiness by mounting foam. After the foam freezes, excessive cut by the mounting knife. The last stage lies in fixing the platbands. They are cut down at the joints under 45 degrees. For attaching platbands, or plant on special glue, either on nails without hats.

How to adjust the interroom door?

After installation, interroom should easily close and open with the same ease. The door should not hang on the loop, creak or touch the floor. Therefore, after installation, it must be adjusted. The door does not close or closes with difficulty. Causes and correction of faults.

  1. Door box overwhelmed. For the correction you need to check whether the bars are well fixed. If not, it is recommended to remove the door frame and secure each boll with two three screws on each side.
  2. Weak loops. To eliminate this error you just need to touch the loops. If this did not save the situation, you need to remove the loops and deepen the grooves or, on the contrary, to put something under the loop.
  3. The loops are too deeply mounted in the door frame or in the canvas itself. In this case, it is necessary to move the loops in the proper place and attach to self-drawing.

The uneven clearance between the door canvas and the door frame, which creates difficulty when opening, but at the same time the door is very easy to close. Causes and ways to solve problems.

  1. Poorly tightened door box. To eliminate such a defect you need to pull the box towards the bar. Determine which screws should be twisted, you can visually or with a level.
  2. Plugs are deeply planted. To correct the error, you need to weaken on the hinge screws. If the weakening did not help, you need to remove the loops and put cardboard for them.
  3. The loops are turned out too much - pull the entire door frame using self-tapping screws.

The open door is independently closed or opens. How to adjust the door in this case? Business in the vertical box. If she is tilted, the door will open. If the door frame is tilted down, then the door, respectively, will be closed. To eliminate the defect, you need to set the box strictly vertically using the level, most often only the looping bar is quite aligned. Next, it is necessary to securely secure it in this form.

Door canvas tight up the top door box. This means that an uneven door in size. It happens that the new canvas has an irregular form of a rectangle. To do this, you can put a copy and close the door. After that, should be imprinted by the place where the canvas hits the part of the door frame. Found irregularities to compose a plane, then paint and cover with varnish.

In order to eliminate the door creak, you need to remove the web with the loops and lubricate them with a lubricant that contains solidol. Adjusting interroom doors is finished. If you have any questions, you can see the video footage and adjustment of doors located here.