How to paint drywall boxes on the ceiling. What paint paint a drywall ceiling

The painting of the ceilings concerns today many average inhabitants of Russia and precisely the average, since this question does not get up for homeless, and the oligarchs have other concerns. So the question is: "How to paint the plasterboard ceiling?" affects the bulk of the population.

Answer definitely on this question - it means not to answer at all, since, firstly, it is possible to paint the plasterboard itself and the pile ceiling itself and, secondly, the painting option, in any case, is far from one (see).

How to paint the ceiling and what is needed for this

Painting tools

  • The most demanding tools during painting of a plasterboard ceiling, of course, can be called a paint bath and a paint roller. And the roller can be made either of the foam rubber or from wool and have different sizes. It can easily be removed from the holder and change to a new one, but the roller must be the same size.

  • A very useful tool when painting the ceiling can be Maclavica, as is the name of a large natural or piping brush. It can be like rectangular and round shape and have a different amount.. This tool is used for painting the relief sections of the ceiling, for example, a decorative rosette under the chandelier, as well as masters often use McLavitsa instead of a painting roller, for the ceiling primer (see).

  • For hard-to-reach for painting rollers, for example, in the corners of the room or when painting the ceiling plinth, they use kapron brushes from 20 to 50mm width. Now you know how to paint the drywall ceiling and it remains only to apply this question to the paint.


  • The most popular paint for plasterboard ceilings today can be called water-free paints with the addition of colora or without it. Also applicable for such work latex, alkyd and waterproof paints. I would like to note that there is a difference between the water-level and waterproof paint, since the first is the smallest particles of oils dissolved in water, and the second is based on the aqueous dispersion of polymers (see).
  • It is extremely undesirable to use oil paints to paint drywall, as they are more suitable for wood or metal.
  • The structure of paint is also of great importance, that is, you can hide or highlight the irregularities of the ceiling. So, matte paint will hide the small errors of the putty, while the glossy coating will emphasize the slightest surface relief, as if the mirror. The emphasising of the irregularities is acceptable if the wallpaper is pasted on a plasterboard ceiling or it is a crust, and in all other cases, that is, with a defective relief, it is better to use matte paints.
  • First of all, the ceiling should be cleaned from dust, as it will necessarily gather there during the repair and make it possible to a conventional soft brush on the handle or simply accelerate the ceiling by a broom.

Painting process

  • Type to the painting bath primer and boil the ceiling with a painting woolen or foam roller. For this work, also use McLavitsa. Before painting, give the primer to dry completely, it can take a few hours to this, so the painter itself can be postponed the next day.

  • If there is a waterfront paint for ceiling from drywall, it is desirable to strain and ordinary caproic tights can be used for this. The first layer of paint on the ceiling of the drywall can be slightly diluted with water, but this is only if the spatlet on the ceiling without any stains or points, since with such defects the ceiling can be painted up to five times.

Roller with fur coat

  • Take a roller with a fur coat (not foam!) And swing it into the bath with paint, and in order for it not to flow, shake the roller about the shelf of the bath. Apply the paint should be longitudinal movements, first in one and then to the other side. Make sure that the ceiling does not remain bad - they are easy not to notice when the color of the paint coincides with the color of the ceiling, so it should be painted with good lighting.

  • For painting the ceiling plinth, use a brush with a long handle, in which case you can get to it from the floor. The next layer of paint is applied only after complete drying of the previous one. If the ceiling is good, and you paint with high-quality paint, then there will be two layers.

Recommendations. If you know what the ceiling is painted, but it needs to be done on the old layer of painting, then, firstly, pay attention, whether the old paint is not lagging behind, and if it is so - we will screame it, and secondly, do not neglect The primer ceiling for normal adhesion.

If the ceiling is buried, then it must be primed it first, and then sharpen a thin layer of liquid stengips. After that, to be primed again and only after it is, since otherwise, soot will come out all the time.


If you are not satisfied with the result of painting after the overlay of two layers - this does not mean that you did something wrong, since even experienced masters have to impose additional layers to achieve a good result. The reason for the defect may be a poor-quality plaque ceiling.

The last stage of any plot of repair work is the finish finish of surfaces. The process of sticking wallpaper or applying other coatings is very important, as it determines the appearance of the premises for a long time. So, "answers" for the comfort of the house and the mood of all family members. The ceiling painting has long become the most significant and convenient option to complete the perfect room design.

Modern paints are easy to apply, they perfectly fall and easy to care. In addition, there is a huge selection of colors and coating options for every taste and wallet. What kind of paint to choose for the ceiling, how to properly prepare the surface and apply the coating - here are the main questions that are worried about the novice wizard. The simple tips below will be answered.

Types of ceiling structures

During repair, the ceiling can be left in original form (wood, reinforced concrete) or use materials that close the basis. For example, plasterboard, rails, modules, mineral plates, fabric or PVC canvas, as well as a wooden board ("lining"). From non-standard solutions, you can offer to sash on the ceiling parquet or mount the cork coating.

Concrete and plasterboard can be painted or hooked by wallpaper. Wooden ceilings look beautifully if they are covered with varnish. Stretch, from PVC-canvas, have many colors already in the finished form. But mineral plates, rails, metal modules finish finish are not subject to.

Conventional overlaps from reinforced concrete have one significant disadvantage - an uneven surface. Therefore, before the color of such ceilings, serious initial preparation will be required. Suspended design from drywall is deprived of such problems. Of course, the surface to paint in any case will have to be prepared, but the complexity of the work is incomparable with the processing of reinforced concrete.

Standard preparation of the plasterboard ceiling to paint provides for a number of operations:

  • seaming;
  • putty;
  • grinding;
  • applying primer.

But since the surface with the right installation should turn out to be smooth, without cracks and savings, then the painting of the ceiling of plasterboard on the teeth is even a novice. The main thing is to carefully prepare the basis and choose high-quality coverage. Fortunately, in modern construction stores you can find a full range of colors from various manufacturers.

Ceiling paint selection

With all the variety of assortment, the question will still arise: "How to paint the ceiling of plasterboard?". In order to answer it, you will have to analyze all the options that the construction and finishing materials offer. There are several types of paints that are suitable for these ceilings:

  • water-emulsion;
  • water-dispersion;
  • silicone;
  • acrylic;
  • acrylic with latex;
  • silicate;
  • enamel.

The perfect paint for the ceiling of plasterboard should have a number of qualities: to go well, to provide a flat coating, be easy to care, affordable and safe. Therefore, it is worth analyzing all kinds of paints from the point of view of the above requirements.

One of the most popular options for finishing the ceilings are water-based paints. They do not harm health, safely dry, almost no smell and are easily applied. In addition, mixing white paint with a special dye, you can get almost any tone and halftone.

Coatings based on water-dispersion compositions are more durable than based on "water-emulsion". In addition, they are very moisture-resistant and well fall. An essential disadvantage is a limited color scheme. For those who want to create a curly ceiling using a few tones, the water-emulsion paint is more suitable. Especially since it is very available at the price.

What else can you paint the plasterboard ceiling? A successful solution will be acrylic paint or acrylic with latex. The latter creates an ideal smooth coating, masks small cracks, perfectly withstands the impact of moisture, but the price of such compositions "bites". In wet rooms you can use silicate or silicone paint. Silicone will help hide enough deep cracks and create a fully waterproof film on the surface of the plasterboard. This option is advisable to use in the bathroom or kitchen, and in other rooms there is a water-free paint.

Increasingly, various enamels can be found on the ceilings. But with their help, it is possible to obtain only a brilliant, glossy surface. It looks good, but emphasizes the slightest irregularities and flaws. In addition, this beauty will cost quite expensive.

Of all the above, the following conclusion suggests: For painting of plasterboard ceilings in a dry room (living room, bedroom), water-oulamations can be used. But in the wet (kitchen, bathroom, balcony) - silicone or latex paints.

Preparation of the surface under painting and selecting tools

A few words about how to put the ceiling to paint. The preparation of the surface will become a basic quality painting. From this will depend on the appearance of the design. It is important to accurately make a putty, sealing seams and primer.

For these purposes, the following tools and materials will be needed:

  • putty (finish and start);
  • two spatulas (big and small);
  • reinforcement grid;
  • sandpaper;
  • primer;
  • drill with a mixer.

Subsequent painting will also require the presence of roller, tassels, peel for paint and paint itself.

Several recommendations for how to prepare the ceiling under painting: first of all, you need to close all the seams between the sheets of HCL using the starting putty. For the main surface it will take the finish. The layer will be about 1 mm. Important: Complete drying of the putty occurs only in thin layers! Therefore, each subsequent can be applied only after drying the previous one.

For more efficient acquaintance with the process of putting off the seams and the entire sheet, you can watch the video painting and putty the ceiling of the plasterboard. For rooms, it is recommended to use a gypsum putty, and only cement is suitable for the bathroom. Gypsum is not resistant to humidity and poorly tolerate temperature difference. The polymer putty is universal, but also the price has a higher.

When the putty is over, and the surface is completely dried, you can start grinding. The grinding process will complete alignment and make a sheet almost perfect. Clean the influx follows sandpaper using circular movements and only with artificial lighting. The directional light of the lamp will give the opportunity to see all imperfections and eliminate them.

The last stage of the preparatory work will be primer. But the primer mixture can be applied before putty. This will give additional adhesion to putty and make the coating more durable. For drywall, acrylic primer will be an ideal option. It dries quickly and provides a long service life of the entire finish.

Stages of applying coating on plasterboard

The painting process has several nuances:

  • paint application must be carried out in one reception, otherwise the appearance of divorces is inevitable;
  • roller can only be used one, since it is impossible to find a fully identical tool;
  • staining should be made only one side of the roller;
  • without careful preliminary preparation of the surface of flaws, painting can not be avoided.

Regardless of what the ceiling is painted, first handle the angles with a small brush, and then go to the entire surface. The first layer is applied horizontally, and the second - vertically. You can produce painting and in three layers, then the "Vertical Layer - Horizontal - Vertical" scheme will be used.

If the question nevertheless arises, the better to paint the plasterboard ceiling, you can always go to the nearest building supermarket and seek advice from the manager. Indeed, even in the segment of water-leveling coatings, you can meet several options from different manufacturers. And the result will be directly dependent on their choice.

The finishing finish of standard ceilings from GLC will not be particular difficulties. However, now in the trend, multi-level structures with smooth lines and unusual forms. How to paint a curly plasterboard ceiling? Are there nuances inherent in this type of finishes only?

The perfect alignment of the ceiling surface is possible when using sheet carcarter sheets. To give such a ceiling design of a completed type, one of the possible options is painting. How to do it - our article about it.

The content of the article:

Painting of the plasterboard ceiling is the most flexible method of design design: except for paint a variety of color schemes, any drawing or application can be applied to its surface. Nevertheless, with its simplicity, such work requires special attention in compliance with a number of rules, the execution of which will lead to the desired result.

Selection of paint for plasterboard ceiling

The choice of one or another paint for the ceiling of plasterboard depends on the purpose of the room and its operating conditions - humidity, temperature, etc. In most cases, an acceptable option is the use of water-emulsion painting materials.

Usually they have absolutely white color, and various pigments are used to give such compositions of the desired shade, which are added to the paint in certain proportions, depending on the desired color intensity. However, the colors of the paints of liquid and dried on the ceiling will be slightly different. Therefore, specialized stores use apparatuses for the preparation of paint compositions of the specified shades. They independently select the amount of the necessary pigment, while the final result of this operation is taken into account in the form of a dried ceiling coating.

The water-level paint can provide both glossy and matte surface on the ceiling. Methods of care for such coatings are slightly different, it must be considered when their device in a particular room. A feature of such paint is the possibility of providing various textures of the finished surface when applying the last layer of material. It can be decorative irregularities applied by a pile of a paint roller, or drawings made by its carved rubber analogue.

With independent preparation of the paint composition with the addition of pigment, it is recommended to check the future result of working on the trimming of a plasterboard leaf treated with putty. After a couple of hours you can see the column of paint after drying it.

For coloring of plasterboard ceilings of residential rooms, any water-dispersion and water-emulsion materials are suitable. However, when carrying out painting works in the bathrooms and other wet rooms, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to the durability of paint in relation to water condensate. For bathrooms and kitchens are used special water-resistant compounds.

An alternative to them is enamel or oil paint, but in this case it is necessary to take into account that they have a specific smell, and their some species are toxic.

In addition to paints based on water emulsions, acrylic enamels are often used. They also give a glossy and matte surface, but to diversify its texture to such a composition will be problematic. Acrylic enamel is the perfect option for the bathroom, if you consider the periodic appearance of condensate on its walls and the ceiling during bathing. Such paint is already obviously stable not only to moisture, but also to the effects of water. Its use also allows you to use various pigments to create the color of the surfaces of the surfaces.

The flow of any paint depends on the method of applying it. Detailed information about this is indicated on the packaging of the goods. On average, 1 kg of paint is spent on 5 m 2 of the ceiling area or walls.

Methods for applying paints on plasterboard ceiling

The color of the plasterboard ceiling can be performed using a paint-sprayer or painting roller and brush. The use of the sprayer greatly facilitates the painting process, its use should be carried out according to the instructions attached to it.

The work of the roller is also quite productive, but they should not use if its working surface is made of foam rubber. Otherwise, bubbles and divergers of paint on the ceiling can not be avoided. Therefore, when performing painting works, rollers with a natural or synthetic pile are used, the length of which is selected depending on the type of paint and the desired texture of the finished coating.

The pile of roller up to 4 mm long is suitable for working with a glossy coating, a pile of 4-8 mm long is used to create matte surfaces, and a long pile from 8 mm and more gives a noticeable and clear texture of the paint material on the ceiling. In the design of the painting roller, it was possible to replace the pile on the working part of the tool, the length of which is 150-200 mm.

With the help of the roller, it is very difficult to paint the protrusions, the corners and the edges of the ceiling, it is indispensable when processing only solid surfaces. In other cases, an ordinary brush comes to the rescue. Thus, for high-quality and fruitful work on painting the ceiling of plasterboard, you need to use the symbiosis of these two tools.

Features of the painting ceiling of plasterboard

The quality of the painted ceiling surface directly depends on the technology of painting works, the correct sequence of its stages and the selection of quality materials. So, proceed to work.

Materials and tools for applying paints on the ceiling of plasterboard

When preparing a ceiling of plasterboard to paint, attention should be paid to the necessary materials and tools for the work, with a list of which can be found below:
  • Shpaklevka. Experts advise the use of fine-grained finish putty, which, after drying and grinding, allow you to achieve an ideally smooth surface.
  • Ribbon or Fabric "Serpentanka". Used for reinforcement of seams between plasterboard sheets.
  • Acrylic primer. It serves to increase the adhesion between the coating layers, is distinguished by deep penetration into the pores of the material.
  • Paint water-emulsion. It does not smell, allows you to achieve smooth staining. On packaging with the material always indicates, for what type of room it is intended.
  • Coleler (pigment). It is used in paint to create its desired color.
  • Roller. For the color of the ceiling, it needs to be put on a long handle. The roller is bought new in the fur or velor execution.
  • Kyuvet for paint. This is a bath, made of plastic. The design of the painting cuvette allows you to dial to the roller paint and press its excess. Naturally, its width should not be less than the length of the working part of the roller.
  • Brush. Used in those places of ceiling, where the use of roller is difficult - joints, angles, etc.
  • Metal spatulas. Designed to apply putty on any surface.

Preparing for painting of plasterboard ceiling

To obtain a homogeneous surface of the painted ceiling before performing painting work, it is necessary to prepare it.

It is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to close the seams between the sheets of ceiling plasterboard. This uses the reinforcing serpentine ribbon. Its use will exclude cracks in the drying layer of putty and reduce the consumption of the paint and varnish material.
  2. You should not leave the fastener caps sticking above the surface of plasterboard sheets. If any, screws need to be checked. All locations of the fastening of sheets to the ceiling frame are carefully spacked.
  3. After sealing the seams and places of fastening sheets, they proceed to a solid putty of the entire ceiling surface. Work begins with an angle, it is necessary to move towards the opposite wall, applying a 2-millimeter layer of putty with a wide metal spatula. To dry out the first layer, it is necessary 24 hours. After this time, a second layer of finishing putty is applied.
  4. After complete drying, the surface of the ceiling is preparing with a grater with a finely abrasive grid. This process is accompanied by circular motions throughout the design plane. The quality of the grouting determines the smooth surface. This moment is the most responsible in all preparation of the plasterboard ceiling under painting. Before starting this work, the window and the floor of the room is recommended to cover with a film.
  5. Dust-like putty, tempered on the ceiling, you need to remove with a damp cloth.
  6. The preparatory process is completed with the priming of the surface. It will speed up the color and makes the consumption of its material more economical.
If there is only a ceiling in the room, the upper edges of the walls must be protected from random roller smears with paint. For this, the strips of a polyethylene film, glued to the wall with painting scotch, will be used. It can help when painting a design in different colors by separating the sections of its surface. This is especially true when painting a two-level ceiling of plasterboard.

The separating lines are applied to the plane with a pencil or chalk. Then, from the outside of the site to be paint primarily, the rapid tape is pasted. After drying the painted zone, its edge is covered in the same way, and the process is repeated for the rest of the ceiling.

Application of paint on the ceiling of plasterboard

The color of the ceiling is performed in several layers of a water-level, acrylic or other material. After applying the first layer of paint, the ceiling sections that differ in color or texture will be seen. Subsequent layers will equalize the color of the ceiling and form its final appearance.

The work is performed sequentially:

  • It is necessary to open the container with the paint and thoroughly mix its contents with a drill equipped with a special scaffolding nozzle. If the instruction allows you to dilute the paint with water, it can be done.
  • At the initial stage of work, a brush is used. It should be flat and have a width of 60-80 mm. On the perimeter of the room of the walls of the walls of the walls to the ceiling is scratched with rippled movements. This will exclude the appearance of the strips after drying the ceiling. The traces of the brush provide some reserve for the future passage of the painting roller in order to avoid the tight of the parts of the ceiling, not subject to color - the base of the chandelier, protrusions of the ceiling levels, etc.
  • Then use roller. The paint is poured into a greasy cuvette, in which it is convenient to run. With a portion of paint and roller, it becomes convenient to move around the room during operation. The ribbed inner surface of the cuvette contributes to a uniform distribution of paint on the roller and removing its surplus. The coloring of the ceiling begins in a parallel direction relative to the location of the room window.
  • The second layer of paint is applied after drying the previous one, while the movement of the roller comes from the window to the door. Such a mutually perpendicular location of the painting layers provides homogeneity of the coating.
Painting technology provides for the following rules:
  1. Large surfaces are painted with strips with a width of the grip of 60-80 cm.
  2. For uniform paint distribution, it is enough to roll the roller with a strip 3-4 times.
  3. It is not recommended to process the roller those sections of the ceiling on which the paint began to filure.
  4. Each new painting layer must begin with painting the chain of the ceiling perimeter and protrusions.

Assessment of the result after painting of plasterboard ceiling

After the ceiling acquired the painted form as a result of painting, it is necessary to remove extra details from it. Malyary Scotch need to tear off very neatly, trying not to damage the painted surface. If the paint holds it strongly, the procedure for separating the scotch can be performed using a stationery knife. The joints of the painted sections of the ceiling for need are closed with decorative platbands. Ceiling plinth can be installed on the upper perimeter of the walls.

To control the quality of the ceiling coating, a portable lamp is used. Lighting them under a slight tilt the ceiling surface, you can see all its flaws. If there are significant drops, they are localized, combed and repainted again. Therefore, it is better from the very beginning to monitor the quality of installation, putty and painting of a plasterboard ceiling.

How to paint the ceiling of drywall - Look at the video:

That's all! We hope that our material will be able to encourage you. After all, the painting of the ceiling of plasterboard, ideally performed with its own hands, can become a decoration of the house, and for some - and the subject of envy.

The decoration of plasterboard of residential premises is very common and practically not separable from the concept of renovation. In order for the appearance of the surfaces of the surfaces of the surfaces, a finished and aesthetic appearance requires its finishing finish. For this purpose, various methods are applied: pasting wallpaper, varnishing, trim tiles, applying colorful compositions, etc. In this article we want to tell about what you can paint plasterboardWhat kind of paints or enamel for this will fit and what tools you need.

To begin with, we note that in order for the painted surface to be perfect, it is necessary to carry out a number of preliminary work on the preparation of a plasterboard surface.

So first you need to spend the spitches of the seams, places of fastening of drywall on the self-tapping screw and the corners of the plasterboard design. This is done with the help of various types of starting putty. Special perforated corners are used to align angles.

The next step is the finishing finish of the drywall surface. This is performed using the finish putty. It is applied to the entire surface of the drywall with a thin layer, and after drying, it is thoroughly rubbed by sandpaper.

As a result, a very smooth surface should be obtained.

If you do not quite well perform this type of work, it is not worth it for staining at all. The painted surface will never be beautiful and it will have to redo it - for example, it is possible to clean over the wallpaper.

Before applying paint to the surface we applied primer. This is necessary so that the paint is well cloudy with the surface of the wall and did not lag during operation.

So, all the wall surface defects are eliminated and can be determined with what formulation will be painted.

What to paint plasterboard

The choice of the type of painted composition for drywall is not difficult.

With proper preliminary preparation for staining of the drywall surface, any paints or enamel are suitable for coloring. There are no contraindications. Everything will depend only on your preferences, knowledge in the field of paints and their use, as well as how much you can spend money on the paint. Maintaining drywall can be produced by any tool: brush, roller or spray paint.

For dyeing drywall apply three types of colors:

1. Water-emulsion paints

Firstly, she has many positive qualities in demand by consumers. So, the surface painted with water-level paint has a pleasant velvety, matte surface.

It is also worth noting the unlimited number of colors of this material. When using these paints, it should be remembered that they are bright in the process of drying on several tones.

In general, the water-emulsion paint is produced in white, and the color gamut is attached to it with the help of various calves sold separately.

Accordingly, color or shade you can create any. During the addition of the koller, remember that its content should not exceed 5%. The positive qualities of databases should be attributed to the ease of its application, as well as the fact that it is easily washed off, while not required special liquids and solvents.

As the backs of this composition, one should be noted:

The water-making paint has a significant consumption compared to others and this paint is not suitable for staining of walls in rooms with high humidity.

Oil paints

Paint data are suitable for any rooms. They are well idle on plasterboard, resulting in a durable, glossy surface. Oil colors are extremely resistant to moisture and aggressive media.

They are also very economical on consumption. Of the minuses of oil paints it should be noted that their composition includes many chemical components of dangerous people.

Coloring of drywall data can be used only in well-ventilated premises.

3. Enamel

These types of painting materials of drywall are also well suited. After drying, enamels create a beautiful smooth and durable wall surface. Of the advantages worth noting a wide variety of colors, as well as shades. Enamel can pick up both glossy and matte. After drying the enamel, we get a solid, resistant to moisture film.

Like oil paints, enamels have a small consumption per unit area. Compared with oil paints, enamel dry faster.

Methods Coloring ceilings made of plasterboard plates

Ceiling trim with plasterboard allows the interior to become unusually attractive and unusual. But without further processing or dyeing, even the most original ceiling will look unresolved. The methods used for the color of the ceilings from plasterboard are slightly different from dyeing wood or concrete, so do not be faster in color, not getting acquainted with them. Only the right painting will make your ceiling flawless, and you will learn all the nuances and secrets of this process in this article.

What colors are suitable for drywall

The finishing materials market now offers a huge selection of colored materials, but not all of them are suitable for materials such as dry cleaning.

You can use these colors:

  • alkyd enamel;
  • dispersible water;
  • water emulsion;
  • acrylic;
  • silicate or silicone.

However, oil paint can not be processed in dry walls. All types of dyes listed in the list are fully grouped with a gypsum cardboard, but in this respect the most popular is water-based paint.

It is easy to apply, quickly dry, cover the ceiling with a flat thick layer and maintain it well.

Another important shade: For drywall top limits, you must choose a matte color of light shades. First, the matte colors are perfectly hiding small irregularities on the ceiling, while the glossy color emphasizes any bulge or lameness, even the most discreet.

Secondly, bright colors make a room more spacious, adds comfort and ease. So, if you have already decided which color will be a ceiling of plasterboard, you can go to the next level.

Preparation of ceilings

After plastering plasterboard structures on the ceiling, the entire surface must be appropriately prepared for painting.

Often on such ceilings it is located between parts that are processed by whales, and then they immediately paint. The consequence of this is that a white line appears through the color, which gives the ceiling a very subtle look. So do not do it.

If you need a high quality image, first check the entire ceiling on the absence of shocks, scratches, irregularities and other defects. All this should be carefully sealed by whales. After drying the coated areas, the entire surface should be coated well. Preparation is necessary, and if plasterboard is fully flat, and you did not find any errors.

This is necessary for uniform absorption of color. Raw gypsum cards in different ways absorb dyes, and then on the ceiling.

After applying the powder it is worth waiting for complete drying.

And now you can start drawing the ceiling of plasterboard.

Proper ceiling image technology

Quality visualization requires care and compliance with technologies. First of all, you must prepare everything you need in your work:

  • color;
  • color bath;
  • reliable staircase;
  • more brushes of different widths;
  • small tray for images;
  • sprayer or cylinder;
  • work gloves.

If the color is too large, it should be diluted according to the instructions.

White selection for ceiling, only color color, but if you want to be a color ceiling, you need to add the desired color color. Mixing is necessary until the paint becomes completely homogeneous, otherwise the ugly spots will remain on the surface. In addition, the color is also recommended for filtering to get rid of possible lumps. It often happens that movies appear on the screen. Then you can not mix the contents of the glass: the film will be divided into small pieces, which will remain on the ceiling and hopelessly contemplate the entire appearance.

Painting of the ceiling of plasterboard

When everything is ready, continue to use the first layer.

Please note that the beginning of this process cannot be interrupted: irregular drying will create unwanted patterns on the ceiling.

How to apply plasterboard drywall

In addition, you cannot replace the cylinder while working or replace it with a brush, otherwise it will all noticeably affect the finished surface, and the ceiling will be painted. For the same reason, you can not return to the painted places. Each layer is homogeneous, in one direction, with one tool.

Begins to draw a plasterboard ceiling with a small brush from the corners of the regions.

Go to the periphery, draw them in these areas, and then lower it with a small roller on the periphery and remove several centimeters. Now that you draw a large roller or spray gun, do not fall into the wall.

The cylinder is evenly impregnated with paint, so do not be afraid to fully immerse it in color, since all excess can be cleaned in a colored bath.

Pull the cylinder into the tray, start paint the ceiling with even parallel stripes. The width of these belts can be from fifty centimeters to one meter and avoid the formation of joints between them, one strip must go to another about ten centimeters.

After dyeing the entire surface, let the color dry. Thus, during drying, dust does not sit on the ceiling, the space should be tightly closed. In addition, make sure there is no cylinder villa on the surface of the surface. All this can slightly damage the appearance of the ceiling.

The following layer is also used. But the direction of the bands should be perpendicular to the previous layer. Thus, you can completely draw the plasterboard ceiling. If you need a third layer, it is used equally.

As you can see, the visualization process does not contain any specific problems, the main thing is to follow the recommendations.

If some points are not completely clear, the video about the color of the ceiling of plasterboard will help you understand the details. Even the most difficult for construction of the ceilings from plaster boards can be painted independently and efficiently. Remember Safety during operation - the staircase should be strong, stable and reliable.

Correctly painted ceiling will ask you a long, seamless and attractive appearance, creating a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

Together with this material he also reads:

How to paint the ceiling and walls

In order to evenly paint the ceiling and walls, you need special paint and rollers.

To begin with, choose paint. Paint should be for walls and ceilings, paint, which is only for the ceilings - often dirt (like whitewashes) and has low quality. Types of paints are either acrylic paint or a water-emulsion.

There is no difference in these paints, no work.

Paint should be liquid as (for example) kefir. If the paint is thick, it should be stabbed with water with a drill and a construction mixer. Also, before painting, it should be stolen with the help of a construction mixer, because Paint wishhed at the bottom of the sediment. To interfere with manually (chopsticks, etc.) - it will not work, because You will not be able to wash the paint well and make it homogeneous.

The roller is better to use velor with a pile of up to 6 mm.

Only such a roller can apply paint evenly, without heights and other defects.

For painting wallpapers, foam rollers and rollers with a fur coat are not suitable.

In the bath (tray), for paint, pour not many paints and, dipping a roller there, roll it on the ribbed surface of the bath, so that the paint, on the roller, lay down completely and removed the surplus of paint from it.

The first layer of paint, on the ceiling, applied parallel to the window, and the second layer perpendicular to the window.
The walls are sliced \u200b\u200bfrom top to bottom, also 2 layers.

How to paint the ceiling of plasterboard: step-by-step guide

2 layer is painted after a complete drying of 1 layer.

Despite the fact that wallpaper manufacturers are allowed to repaint wallpaper up to 15 times, I would not advise it to do more than 10 times. Moreover, if for the first paint wallpaper, it is enough to apply 2 layers of paint, then you will need to apply 3-4 layers. This is due to the fact that with 2 layers you do not repaint wallpaper in a new color, if only the old color is very similar to the new one.

Painting of walls or ceilings in two colors

Painting walls or ceilings in two or more colors, a painstaking process that requires maximum accuracy and attention.

And so, when your walls are ready under painting (shtclowing and priming), proceed to the laying of the surface under painting in two or more color. Draw a pencil the necessary areas of painting.

The pencil should be not too soft and leave not too fat, it is necessary so that it can paint.

Gently, along the pencil line, glue the tape on the one hand. It is necessary to, accidentally do not get the paint of the same color to the surface intended for another color, as well as to obtain a clear boundary between the two colors of the paints. Scotch must not be very sticky, otherwise you will shoot it with a layer of paint or shtklanie, which will stick to it, the best scotch which is used for auto-airbrushing, it is expensive (400 rubles), but it is perfect and removed, it is important when You glue it to the painted surface.

Then racite the glued surface.

If you use the usual, greasy, tape, it is not desirable to leave more than 2 hours to the glued surface, otherwise it can damage the plated surface of the wall or ceiling when leaving.

Then, also neatly and accurately, along the painted border, glue the tape to the painted surface and paint again.

Sometimes it happens that you removed the scotch, and there, in several places it is not a clearly smooth line, somewhere badly attacted or has occurred to another paint. Take a small (artistic) tassel, something smooth and thin (for example: blade from the stationery knife or spatula) and gently tinkering, pressing the blade tightly along the border of two colors of the paints.

Video painting walls in two colors

Colors are divided into three groups - warm, cold and neutral. The first group includes yellow, red, orange, in the second - blue, blue, purple, green, on the third - black, white and gray.

Walls of rooms oriented to the north, it is better to paint in warm and light colors. Then they will reflect more light, creating a feeling of the presence of the sun. Cold gamma comes for southern rooms. For example, make a long narrow room visually wider.

To do this, you need to paint the end walls in the warm color, and the longitudinal - in the cold. Or push the borders of the close room, painting the wall in beige, white, light gray, yellow. It is also necessary to take into account the effect of color per person and choose it depending on the purpose of the room.

So, the white creates a feeling of space and "air", the red activates, lifts the mood, but with long-term exposure it annoys and reduces performance. Blue gives the impression of space and freshness, soothes, increases concentration. Green soothes, and orange warms, raises the mood.

Yellow tones, has a positive effect on the nervous system. Purple relaxes and removes tension.

That's all, paint your walls on your taste, but do not forget about the advice read above.

One of the common and popular, as well as economical ways to give freshness and renovation of the room is the coloring of the ceiling to any saturated and fresh color. In addition, due to the development of paints and varnishes, many use artistic painting technique on the ceiling.

  1. Preparation of the ceiling to painting
  2. Leveling the ceiling before painting
  3. Protecting the surface of the ceiling

Painting ceiling

Thus, you can be elegantly and beautifully decorate any room and add originities to your dwelling.

However, in order to make such an idea, you need to make considerable efforts. This article describes how to properly prepare the ceiling surface under painting, how to eliminate surface defects, as well as how to treat the surface of the primer.

Preparation of the ceiling to painting

Stage preparation of the ceiling surface under painting.

The first priority at this stage is the removal of all things from the room. This is necessary in order to have access to any corner of the ceiling. In addition, you need to cover the surface of the floor with some protective material.

How to paint the ceiling yourself?

As a rule, for this purpose, the floor is placed on the floor.

How do you paint the ceiling of plasterboard?

It is necessary so that in case of dripping paint from the ceiling on the floor, a chaotic stain was formed. Otherwise, you will need to repair more and outdoor coverage.

Red monkey ceiling

After completing the above works, you can proceed to clean the surface from dirt, dust, as well as an old finishing coating.

In the event that the paint was already applied earlier on the ceiling, it is eliminated by the construction dryer. If the ceiling was bitten, then to eliminate whitames need a bucket, rag and water.

Leveling the ceiling before painting

Stage elimination of defects and alignment of the ceiling.

After completing the preparatory work and removing the old finishing layer, it is necessary to proceed to eliminate the ceiling defects and its alignment.

With a spatula, you need to clean up all the convexities of the ceiling. After that, it is necessary to knead the portion of the shta and hide all chips and cracks on the ceiling surface.

Independent painting ceiling

In the event that the ceiling has a skew to one centimeter, then using the construction level, the layer of plaster across the ceiling area is applied.

Thus, the ceiling is aligned and put in order before painting. It should be paid to the fact that after applying the layer of plaster, she needs time for frozen. As a rule, two days for pouring is quite enough.

Painting of ceilings paint

Protecting the surface of the ceiling

Stage of applying a primer mixture.

After that time, the plaster was frozen, a layer of primer should be applied to the ceiling surface. The primer is necessary for a strongest hitch of paint materials with a surface, as well as to reduce the cost of paint.

To do this, with eggplants, the primer is poured into the prepared container and wet the roller or brush with a plurality of villi.

After that, the mixture with swallow movements is applied to the entire surface of the ceiling. It is strongly recommended to apply a mixture of three, or even four times.

Blue painted ceiling in the children's bedroom

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Plasterboard ceiling than to cover

What to paint the ceiling of plasterboard?

If the installation and preparatory work has already been completed, then the latter remains, no less important stage.

The right choice of coating for a plasterboard ceiling will not only provide the decorativeness and aesthetics of its appearance, but also protects the design, allowing the decor more than once again.

How to paint the ceiling of plasterboard?

Painting is considered an optimal option for the ratio of a spectacular appearance, effort and prices.

  • Oil.

    It is used in technical premises with good ventilation, since the waterproof film of this coating delays moisture, acid evaporation, etc.

  • Water dispersion. A variety of such paint is acrylic. Excellent retains the appearance for a long time and allows wet cleaning.
  • Silicate.

    Ideal for premises with high humidity. Does not require additives antiseptics.

  • Silicone. Prevents the development of fungus with high humidity.
  • Water-emulsion. Such paint is deservedly popular, as it is easy to "fall" to the surface and, thanks to a wide choice of color palette, does not require additional picking.
  • Latex. Ideally hides small cracks and other minor defects.

Do not forget that the use of several colors of paint contributes to focusing on the details of the interior or allows you to zonail the room with a large area.

How to cover plasterboard on the ceiling?

The options for coating ceiling from the GC is no less than the usual, and the ideality of the surface will allow to spend much less strength to trim.

It should be noted that the paint or wallpaper requires the full volume of preparatory work - putty, grinding and primer, while the salary of the synthetic tiles successfully hides small defects.

  • Painting.

    The structure of gypsum cabarton endowed it with such a property as hygroscopicity. Oil paint forms a dense film that does not allow drywall "breathe", which disrupts the microclimate in the room, and the surface of the ceiling will be at risk of fungus. The optimal option will be the coating of water - dispersion paint and water-emulsion.

    Also well showed themselves silicone and silicate compositions.

  • Stowing wallpaper. Wallpaper blending technology is identical to working with any other surface type. It should only take care of the choice of glue, depending on the material of the wallpaper.

    Flizilin can be both monophonic and contain elements of the ornament, and vinyl - also have a relief structure. If in the future it is planned to change the koller, then it is better to use the "Rogo".

  • Polystyrene or plug tiles.
  • Decorative stucco.

How to decorate plasterboard tiles made of polystyrene foam?

Polyenopolster is lightweight, moisture-proof material of synthetic nature.

Such a tile can be glued into the joint or have docking groove on the side.

Its advantages can be attributed to a sufficiently diverse palette of colors or the possibility of painting with water-emulsion paint. If you wish, you can buy a tile with decorative bas-relief on the front surface.

The advantage of the use of expanded polystyrene can be considered additional thermal insulation.

After after removing the measurement from the surface of the ceiling it is worth making calculation of the tile dimensions so that it lay down symmetrically. After removing the package, it is advisable to leave the material for 1-2 hours to avoid subsequent deformation.

Polymer glue is applied point around the edges and tile center.

If its side faces contain grooves, it is enough to wait sufficient to froze the glue on the first glued square.

The rest will be held until the docking grooves will be completely glued.

If they are not, then you will have to use the painting scotch.

In the room during operation there should be no draft. The docking seams can be masked using a putty. Pain in such a ceiling should only withstand the time required to dry the glue.

Extravagant shape and an interesting lighting solution is just one of the faces of creating an exclusive ceiling from the GC.

Another and very important side becomes the choice of coating harmonizing with the interior style.


Preparation options for plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling is one of the popular methods of finishing. Plasterboard as a finishing construction material is easy to use and inexpensive. The finishing of the finished ceiling coating is possible to do on its own, the main thing is to decide what to separate the ceiling from the plasterboard.

The finishing of the ceiling of plasterboard is the finishing stage, which this article will tell.

Installation of plasterboard

How to separate the ceiling of plasterboard with your own hands?

The first stage, the old coating must be plasterboard, the following tools and materials will be needed for this:

  • Hydraulic
  • Level
  • Missing cord
  • Screwdriver
  • Drill
  • Stationery knife
  • Spatula
  • Abrasive grid for grinding
  • Metal Pool
  • Suspension
  • Selfless
  • Shoulder Start and Finish
  • Primer

Using the hydroelectric system is measured and the folding cord is drawn around the perimeter of the marking room, the line with a profile is assembled from the metal profile.

The suspension is cling to the existing overlap, and the profile is fixed on it.

The design of the frame is trimmed with plasterboard sheets with screws for metal 25 mm long. GLC is attached so that there is no gap between them.

After the covering of the GLC seams and the hats of the screws are embarrassed by putty.

After drying the surface, it is ground and shapped. When the surface dries, it is grinding and drunk. Ceiling from GLC is ready for finishing finish.

The covering of plasterboard - the work is simple, but requires knowledge.

Types of finish

After installing GLK, there is a question than to cover the plasterboard ceiling in the room so that it is beautiful and practical.

There are many clean finishing of the plasterboard surface, but more often others are used:

  • Painting
  • Fucking wallpaper
  • Decorative decorative decoration

Ways to decorate can be combined with each other in order to create the original room design.

Decorate the coating follows after careful preparation.

Between GKL should not be seamless, the surface must be smooth.


Painting the ceiling coverage is a popular finish look, it is used more often than others.

To start staining the plasterboard ceiling, it is prepared:

  1. Shit;
  2. Okrivate abrasive grid;
  3. Ground, and wait for drying.

To paint overlap from drywall, use water-free paint.

The tools will need rollers and tassels of various sizes and paint bath.

Before starting staining the entire ceiling area with the help of a brush paint the joints of the corners and walls with overlapping.

The water-free paint is poured into a special bath, dip the roller and on the sublime side of the container slightly pressing.

The ceiling surface is usually painted twice, but it is necessary to cover and five layers.

The amount depends on the coating under the paint.

The next layer of colorful material is applied only after drying the previous one.

Tip: To cover the paint surface, choose a woolen roller, it leaves a bubble mark when staining, which, hung, forms uniform coating and shade.

If the ceiling overlap is in a few shades, the border between them is good to use the greasy tape, which, after drying the colorful composition, is easy to remove.

Tip: In the case of painting, the surface is not white in the water-emulsion, can be added.

It is better to immediately dissolve the composition with a margin, because if the paints are not enough for the painted area, the second time will not work the same color.

Finishing with wallpaper

The second popular way to decorate the surface of the sheets of plasterboard - pasting wallpaper. It is suitable as ordinary paper and wallpapers.

It is necessary to purchase the selected type of wallpaper and special glue. From the tools to prepare a roller for applying glue to the surface of the ceiling and a rubber roller for smoothing the sheet of wallpaper on the ceiling.

One with this process can not cope, you need an assistant who would hold the wallpaper list while you stick it.

Decorative plaster

If the painting is already tired, the wallpaper seems to you last century, and the room needs to be updated, you can decorate the ceiling with decorative plaster finish.

Decorative plaster as the finishing of the ceiling of plasterboard is rarely used, many do not know that it can be covered not only the walls inside and outside the building.

Decorative decoration with decorative plaster - long work, it will not suit those who need to make repairs in compression.

To independently separate the ceiling coating with plaster, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • Roller
  • Tassel
  • Bucket for mixing a solution
  • Drill with a nozzle mixer
  • Spatula
  • Half-leather
  • Kelmu

A mixture of plaster with a spatula is applied to the ceiling and stretch over the surface.

The roller is immediately rolled in composition for moving. Leave to push for 24 hours.

After that make a grout using a half-leather, and soaked.

If the decorative putty is there is no color of the right color, then the finish stage will be painting.

The decoration process of decorative plaster ceiling coating is almost no different from applying on the walls.

Important: A mixture of plaster is used for finishing only when the coating of moisture-resistant drywall.

Methods of finishing the ceiling of plasterboard with their own hands are different, what to choose for the design of your room, each chooses personally.


How beautiful to separate the plasterboard ceiling?

All the beauty of the interior of the house or apartment can easily ruin uneven ceilings.

One of the easiest ways to prevent such a situation is the installation of suspended plasterboard ceilings.

They are environmentally friendly, fire-resistant, have excellent sound, thermal insulation properties and affordable price. Due to the fact that such a design has a perfectly smooth surface, there are many ways to separate it.

Installation of plasterboard ceiling

At the very beginning of work on the ceiling decoration, plasterboard makes marking in order to install the guides.

They will be installed in the upper perimeter of the wall, with some indentation from the main ceiling.

In this case, it is necessary to use a laser or construction level (the length should be 1.5-2 m).

A metallic profile (PN 28 * 27 mm) is used as guides.

The profile is fixed in the concrete wall on a dowel-nail, in a wooden - on a self-tapping screw. After that, make the installation of the ceiling profile PP 60 * 27 (along the axes step - 600 mm) so that the leaf seams are in the middle of the profile. Mounting with a self-tapping screw with a coffeeler press wool to a guide is made using a screwdriver.

For the convenience of the future design of the ceiling with plasterboard, the pencil is celebrated by mid profiles, as well as the location of the transverse profiles that will form cells (step - 500-600 mm).

Installation on the suspension of the P-shaped

To secure the ceiling profiles, you need to prepare a special suspension of the P-shaped (step - maximum 1 m).

In the cord, fixed on the extreme profiles, level others to obtain an ideal surface.

  1. The suspensions are attached with screws with washers to the profile. Unnecessary parts of the suspension bend in the other direction.
  2. In order to fix the transverse racks, the presence of a bracket or "crab".

    In the case of its absence, it is possible to use a piece of guide rack (size 100 mm), which will first be attached to the edges of the ceiling profile, and then the transverse rack is attached to it.

  3. "Crabs" are installed on the lines of marks and connect them with transverse profiles. Cells should be 600 * 600 mm. This ensures the rigidity of the frame.
  4. The frameworks of the frame are checked and the materials of the desired dimensions are preparing for trimming with plasterboard ceiling.
  5. Plasterboard sheet is installed on the ceiling with further fixing to the guides using self-tapping screws (step - up to 250 mm).

Installation of plasterboard plates is made with a slight offset.

This improves the rigidity of the structure. It is important to remember that the decoration of the room with plasterboard reduces the height of the room.

Ways finish

After the ceiling is installed, you need to separate it in the way that is most acceptable for one or another room. At the very beginning you need to sharpen all the seams.

To do this, use the starting and finish mixture, differing from each other with different diameters of grains.

After filling the seams, the starting mixture with a sickle or paper tape is reinforced.

After drying the solution, applying sandpaper on the grinder, make grinding.

At the end of the work, the starting putty is covered by the finish. The entire sheet is completely covered, and with a wide spatula, surface alignment is performed.


A better option for staining surfaces from plasterboard is water-based paints.

From widespread, you can select acrylic, which can be purchased at any construction store.

Matte paint is usually stained with such a ceiling that is not placed and not putty. At the same time, several layers are applied. Glossy paint is applied to the prepared, without visible ceiling defects. In any case, before painting, it is desirable to handle the surface of the primer.

Staining the ceiling, you need to monitor so that there are no drafts in the room.

You also need to avoid direct sunlight. After processing the seams for two days, the humidity and temperature in the room should remain constant.


This has long been familiar way, which is also quite successful can be used to arrange a ceiling of plasterboard.

To do this, you can choose paper wallpaper or under painting non-woven.

Be sure to be placed before performing the main works of plasterboard sheets. In this case, the wallpapers that are tired will be removed without much difficulty. If you ignore the plaster, then when removing the wallpaper, the cardboard will break up too, and this is fraught with the replacement of the ceiling.

Glue also need to choose exactly the one that corresponds to this type of material.

From the instructions you can learn about the correctness of its use. The work process itself is quite simple - to glue the wallpaper to the smooth surface.

Of course, it is more convenient to perform work with a partner. As for the tools, you need a roller to apply glue, rubber roller in order to smooth out the wallpaper, a container for glue and a stepladder.


There is another interesting option to finish the ceiling of plasterboard-decorative plaster.

If you familiarize yourself with the subtleties of this work and do everything correctly, the interior of the room will be significantly transformed. The cost of such plaster is low, so it is possible to save on materials.

This method is very good to apply when there are visible defects of sheets of drywall - dents or the curvature of the surface. But if the surface is curved strongly, then decorative plaster is unable to correct such a flaw.

Moreover, high weight will provoke additional deformation.

There are three main rules of work:

  • decorative plaster should be used exclusively by moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets;
  • the use of primer to the use of material is required;
  • plastering should be made by subtle layers several times.

How and how to paint the ceiling of plasterboard

Suspended ceilings made of plasterboard came to replace ceilings covered with whitelock or paint.

By itself, the material is not different anything special. It attracts in it that it allows you to create a variety of designs on the ceiling space. They are distinguished by light weight, simplicity of installation, attract the availability of materials and is relatively cheap.

Moreover, additionally plasterboard can be decorated, embodying any designer fantasy.

And during the installation process, you can do without the use of expensive equipment and attracting workers by the parties. In this case, plasterboard - safe, environmentally friendly material. The easiest way to finish the ceiling of plasterboard sheets is overwhelming. But, much more interesting is the option when the suspension ceiling is painted with multi-colored paints.

What paints are better to paint drywall

Almost all paint materials that exist today in the construction market are suitable for painting drywall.

The only exception is oil paints. They form an airtight film on the painted surface, which does not allow drywall "breathe". After 5 years after operation, the oil coating may begin to be pulled out, the ceiling will be covered with cracks.

The optimal option will be water-emulsion, water dispersive or acrylic paints. They attract environmentally friendly, smooth coating, wear resistance. The basis of such paints is an aqueous emulsion into which acrylates, silicone, latex and color pigment are added.

Paints are diluted with water or special water-based solutions. It distinguishes them from oil paints, which are bred by solvents and oils.

The paint dries quickly, even in winter, without highlighting the unpleasant, malicious smell in the process. Often oil paints that used earlier caused poisoning. Poison components stand out in the process of drying the painted surface.

Water-emulsion, acrylic or water dispersive paints are completely dry when ventilating for several hours.

Coatings are enjoyable to the touch surface, beautiful glossy shine.

The suspended ceiling, covered with paint, visually increases the room and the height of the ceiling, hides small defects.

Preparation of plasterboard to painting

It's not terrible wet cleaning and dry abrasion.

A more rich gloss acquires a ceiling of plasterboard covered with enamels. Disadvantages of the coating - toxicity and high price in comparison with other paints.

Preliminary preparation of the ceiling to paint requires care and attention. If plasterboard sheets are irregular and not to fix them at the preparatory stage, then the final finish enamel will emphasize defects.

Technology Coloring Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling

You can apply paint on the ceiling of drywall using a paint roller with a long pile or spray gun. Everyone chooses what is more convenient. It is unacceptable to use foam rollers. With the contact of the drywall with the foam rubber, the smallest bubbles are formed, which will provide the surface with an uneven "bubble" coating.

The roller from the velor is also not suitable, it can leave non-cross-stained places on drywall and stains, which is unacceptable.

The staining process starts from the angle located near the window. Paint the ceiling with strips with a width of 0.7-1.0 m, moving from the window towards the opposite wall. The next band is imposed on the previous one. The width of the adolescence is 7-10 cm. Continue the process to the complete color of the ceiling. Corners to cry separately, catching paint with a wide brush.

The fineness of staining ceiling of plasterboard

In the process of staining of the plasterboard ceiling, the wizard advise adhere to the following rules:

  • In order for paint to lay a smooth layer, the roller needs to be good to soak paint.

    To do this, at the very beginning it is necessary to plunge into a container with paint, then ride on an unnecessary piece of drywall several times. So the roller will fully fill the paint and will allow quality to cover the surface of the ceiling.

  • In the process of coloring, it is necessary to periodically look at the ceiling at a good light at different angles.

    This will avoid the irregularities of the coating and the "spotty" ceiling.

  • The coloring process is not stretched for a long time. Water-emulsion, acrylic and water dispersive formulations "set" after 20 minutes, so the process does not tolerate delay. The coating is usually applied in 2-3 layers. This will provide him with long-term operation and guarantees high quality of staining.

Completed installation of plasterboard ceiling and putty work. Walls brought to ideal. It remains to choose paint, tool and proceed with painting work. How to paint the ceiling of drywall so that it looks perfectly and without divorces will discuss in this article.

Before starting painting work in the work, the premises are perfect order. The construction trash is removed, dirt and dust is washed. If you ignore this procedure, the construction dust will undoubtedly fall into the working surface.

Working with the paint chosen by you, you should follow accurate instructions for its use. Even the most expensive paint, with its improper use will not save from divorces and not even layers.

The manufacturers of paints offer the consumer a huge range of their products, but for painting of drywall is most often used water-emulsion paints. Buying paint, do not save, since cheap paints have to be applied not in two layers, as usual, and in three or even four. More expensive paints are not so quickly erased and can be washing than cheap boast.

Cheap paints fall on an uneven layer and will quickly dry, that when the layer is repeated, the layer leads to the appearance of spans. High-quality paint behaves differently. The applied first layer of paint on plasterboard dries not so fast. The second layer is perfectly mixed with not fully dried first, forming a homogeneous mass, without divorce and flows.

Some masters prefer to use modern types of limes that are sold already imposed in jars and are ready to use. This material is very convenient to use and is more natural, which allows you to breathe a ceiling or walls. But in addition to the pros, there are also minuses of this mixture - it does not wash and at subsequent repairs to the color of these surfaces will have to use a similar mixture.

The use of washing water-emulsion paint is rationally not in all rooms. For example, for coloring the ceiling of plasterboard in the kitchen, such a paint is an excellent option. For molar works in the bedroom - in vain spent means.

Choose a working tool

As a tool when applied to paint on the ceiling of plasterboard, a roller is used or a spray gun. With the competent use of the second option, painting it turns out better, but requires experience. If you do not have the last or a little - get a paint roller.

By purchasing a roller, pay attention to his pile. What he is longer, the brighter the structure of the color is expressed. If you wish to achieve a smooth painted surface, use a short pile roller.

Non bad manifest itself in the work of rollers with a natural pile. Unlike synthetic, they absorb the paint well, do not leave the flops and traces. Naturally, the price of rollers with a natural pile will be higher than synthetic, but overpaying is worth it.

Preparation of plasterboard ceiling to painting

In the dirt and dust removed, drafts are eliminated and all heating systems are turned off, contributing to rapid paint drying. The paint should dry as slower as possible. Quickly drying has the property to leave the rolls that are difficult to eliminate. Next, the ceiling is ground. If possible, choose the primer and paint of one manufacturer.

Application of primer - a mandatory stage of the color of the ceiling of plasterboard and a guarantee of a good result.

In order to avoid the ranks, according to the instructions, the paint is bred by water. If it is hot in the work room, it will not hurt to add water a little more than usual, which will contribute to the slow dying of the paint.

The roller dip in a special bath with paint, with the help of a ribbed surface from the roller, remove all the extensive paint.
Coloring the ceiling of plasterboard (walls, covered with plasterboard) strips across the room. In this case, the visibility of the joints is less noticeable. Application of the subsequent layers are made after drying the previous ones. The second paint layer is applied from the end of the first way in such a way that the joints of the first paint coincide with the joints of the second. The last layer of paint should be perpendicular to the rays of light falling out of the window.

It is better to use several thin layers than one thick.

If on the roller, in the bath with paint or the surface of the ceiling, got a small garbage - immediately remove it from the working area. If the garbage dust dried on the wall, then before applying the subsequent layer, paint should be cleaned this place of a shallow emery grid used for grouting surfaces when plasterboard spacing.

In the corners, the paint is applied by an angular (or neatly flat) brush. Working with it is intermittent movements. With this method, the brush does not leave the strip.

A visual idea of \u200b\u200bhow to paint the plasterboard ceiling can be obtained by watching video: