How to check the testimony of a hygrometer. How to make a weather house hygrometer do it yourself

In order to control the level of temperature and humidity, a psychrometer is used. Of course, spending a certain amount of time, you can purchase it in the store. Then it is not at all difficult to make a psychrometer for the incubator with your own hands - the table to it is in this article.

What is a psychrometer?

This is the name of the special device, the purpose of which is to perform measurements of air parameters. Most often, this device is used to measure air humidity - the indicator is very important for the efficient operation of the incubator. The basis of the action of the device is the physical property of water to evaporation. As a result, the difference is the difference in temperature testimony on a dry thermometer and the volume that is immersed in the wet environment. Relative humidity is determined by the table - its value is at the intersection of the testimony of a pair of thermometers, or as they are also called - thermometers.

Making psychrometer yourself

It is not difficult to make this meter yourself at all.

Figure homemade device

Tools and materials

For the manufacture of the device used for the incubator, the following components will be needed:

  • two alcohol thermometers used to measure the ambient temperature;
  • several wooden rivers of different sizes;
  • small screws;
  • cutting of battered fabric;
  • small container for liquid;
  • antifreeze in the amount required to fill the container.

A set of tools used to perform this work is very small:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • passatia.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Let's start with the fact that from a wide rail, drunk a platform, the size of which should not exceed 50x120 mm. We use it as a stand for our instrument. In this case, the thickness of the stand is much significant, however? Do not make it from five million plywood.
  2. Now it is necessary to take a rail of 15x15 mm and cut it off the length of the existing thermometers. It will perform the role of a central device rack.
  3. This rack is attached at the right angle of traverse.
  4. With the help of small screws, fasten the thermometers to the traverse.
  5. The alcohol-containing end of one of them is the most tightly wrapped with a batter, so that the tissue strip remains quite long to perform the role of phytel. It will dive into the tank with antifreeze.
  6. The tripod, with the thermometers attached to it, is attached to the stand. To do this, the hole is made in its middle fully corresponding to the size of the central rack size. The compound is carried out using PVA glue.

List of relative humidity in the incubator

To determine the actual level of humidity in the incubator surrounding air, the use of a special graduation table is practiced.

Video "We make a psychrometer with your own hands"

The video contains a story about how to make a psychrometer for the incubator with your own hands.

Humidity is a vital parameter for normal development of embryos in the incubator. In the first week laying eggs, its value should be 60-70%, on the second - no more than 40-50%, on the third it should be significantly higher - at least 75%. You can measure this indicator with a special instrument - a hygrometer.

How hygrometer works

A hygrometer or moisture meter is a device that allows you to determine the level of air humidity inside the incubator. To determine this value, the device is lowered into the container through a special hole. Some time later, indicators appear on the sensor screen. With an accurate data incubator open, at least an hour should be waited.

Important!Falls, dirt and straight sunny rays adversely affect the work of the moisture maker. For the normal functioning of the device, it should be protected from the negative effect of the external environment.

Moisture meters can be different species. Depending on the principle of their work, each of them has its own characteristics, certain advantages and disadvantages.


The operation of this device is based on the system of tubes combined with each other. They are filled with a hygroscopic substance absorbing air. Calculate absolute humidity can be calculated due to the weight difference before and after passing a certain portion of air. This uses a special formula.

The minus of this device is obvious - the ordinary user is quite difficult to carry out the necessary mathematical calculations each time. The advantage of the weighty moisture maker is the high accuracy of its measurements.


This type of device is based on a hair properties to change the length with moisture changes. To determine this indicator, in the hair incubator container stretches on a special metal frame.

Did you know?Check the serviceability of the moisture meter when buying can be covered by holding the device in the palm of a few seconds. Under the influence of the heat of the human body, the sensor readings should change.

It captures changes using an arrow on a special scale. The main advantage of the method is simplicity. And the disadvantages are fragility and low measurement accuracy.


The principle of operation of this device is based on the properties of the organic film stretching with high humidity and shrink down when its level decreases. The film sensor works on the principle of the hair, only here the changes in the elasticity of the film under the action of cargo are fixed.

Data is displayed on a special scoreboard. Pros and disadvantages of this method are identical to the characteristics of the hair moisture maker.


The basis of the operation of this device is the dependence of the resistance of the ceramic part, which consists of clay, kaolin, silicon and oxides of some metals, from humidity.

Important!To increase moisture in the egg incubator spray with water. However, it should be done only with waterfowl eggs.

The advantages of this type of devices should include their ability to measure moisture in a wide range, to disadvantages - considerable cost.

How to choose a hygrometer for incubator

Getting Started, it is important to get as much information about the technical characteristics of the device. When buying a moisture maker, the size of the incubator is also important - than it is more, the power must be the device.

Choosing a device, it is important to take into account the following characteristics:

  • in models with a remote sensor, the integrity of the cable and the display should not be broken;
  • pressure parameter may be relative (Rh) and absolute (g / cubic meters);
  • if there is a need for a high-precision device, then the optical apparatus is ideal for this;
  • to accommodate the device outside the residential premises, it is best to purchase a hygrometer with a high degree of protection against external factors, this indicator is measured on the IP scale.

The most popular devices are considered to be the moisture meters "Tsak-Tsych" and "Max". Electronic devices for measuring moisture and temperature "TSP-TSP" determine the humidity of from 20 to 90%, with an error of no more than 5%. Compatible with all household incubators. Max moisture makers measure moisture in the range from 10 to 98%. Power - disposable batteries.

At home, this device does not make a special complexity. Difficulties occur when it is used - there are certain mathematical knowledge and attentiveness to avoid errors in the calculations.

Tools and materials

For the manufacture of moisture makers will be required:

  • two mercury thermometers;
  • the board to which these thermometers will be attached;
  • small flap fabric;
  • thread;
  • flask;
  • distilled water.

Manufacturing process

To make a hygrometer personally, it is necessary to carry out the following actions:

  1. Two degrees are attached to the board parallel to each other.
  2. Under one of them there is a flask with distilled water.
  3. A mercury ball of one of the thermometers carefully turns into a cloth, which is binding with the thread.
  4. The edge of the fabric falls into the water to a depth of 5-7 mm. So we get a "wet" thermometer.
  5. The readings of both thermometers must be compared and determine the humidity of the air using the temperature difference table.

This homemade device is a dubious alternative. First, the testimony obtained in this way has serious errors.

Secondly, it is necessary to constantly open the lid of the curing.

Which of the hygrometers will be selected, depends on the desire and capabilities of the poultry far. Today, they are offered a large selection of modern moisture resources: easy to use, with digital displays, measuring readings not only humidity, but also temperatures.

Did you know?Pine cones - natural hygrometer. They are revealed at low and compressed with high humidity.

The removal of chickens requires accuracy in instrument readings. The values \u200b\u200bof temperature and humidity are the most important in this matter as incubation. In order to qualitatively control the testimony, and you need a device as a psychrometer. It can be purchased in the store, but there is such a device far from every store, but you can make a psychrometer with your own hands. About what is a psychrometer, how to make a psychrometer for the incubator with your own hands, and will tell you in this article + themed video.

What is a psychrometer

The "duties" of the device includes the measurement of air parameters. Use the device in poultry farming to find out the value of humidity with the accuracy. If the humidity is insufficient, the chicks will not be able to hatch from the shell and at the last stage of incubation can lose all chickens.
The psychrometer is based on the physical ability of fluid to evaporate. It turns out the difference in the temperature value between the one that the thermometer is shown in dryness and the fact that it is immersed in the wet environment.
Then use the table to clarify the exact values.

Pyshrometre for the incubator: how to make yourself

To independently make a psychrometer for the incubator, you need to purchase such items as:

  • A pair of ordinary thermometers working on alcohol, which serve to determine the air temperature;
  • Small wooden slats;
  • Small selflessness;
  • Fragment of Loskutka Batista;
  • Liquid tank;
  • Antifreeze.

From the tools will be needed: screwdriver, passation and knife.

The production of a psychrometer for the incubator is proceeded in series, namely:

  • From thin plywood or rails cut a fragment 50 * 120 mm. It will be a stand for the device, so it's not necessary to do it too thick, it will not be comfortable;
  • We make a rack for a psychrometer, for this you need to cut a fragment with a size of about 15 * 15 mm;
  • At the right angle to the rack, the traverse is fixed, and the thermometers are fixed;
  • From the battered fabric you need to cut off the strip of a width of 5 - 10 cm and to slaughter one of the ends of the thermometer, leaving part of the loskutka free for immersion in antifreeze;
  • With the help of glue, and better - screws need to be consolidated with a bar with thermometers to the central rack.

In order to properly use the testimony of a psychrometer, you need a table that I led below.


The hygrometer is a moisture meter for an incubator, with which you can control the humidity of the air inside the case. But in different periods of incubation, humidity indicators should differ: in the first week - 65-75%, on the second - 40-50%, on the third - 75% (data is indicated for the withdrawal of chickens).

The devices that are used for household incubators are characterized by a low cost - from 500 to 1000 rubles per item.

Principle of operation

Electronic hygrometer

To measure the humidity, lower a hygrometer for the incubator inside the container through a special hole. It is fixed for 5-10 minutes in a suspended state.

After the specified time, indicators of humidity should appear on the display of the moisture meter. In the case of opening the incubator cover to lower the device, you need to wait an approximately hour to get the exact data.

For long and productive operation of the device, it is protected from drops and shocks, do not twitch for the wire to which the sensor is attached.

So that the device function normally, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime (from -40 to +70 degrees). Also should reduce the likelihood of dust, dirt and various liquids.

The humidity sensor for the incubator works on a specific algorithm:

  • If the level of humidity has changed inside the container, which was set by the poultry industry, the equipment works and signals the possible problems.
  • After that, the farmer should explore the humidity indicator, add or remove the amount of water in the incubator.
  • After a few hours, you must check the sensor readings again. It is necessary to watch him constantly so that in the chamber there was a stable level of humidity.

Types of hygrometers for incubator

There are different types of hygrometers who have their own characteristics, an individual type of work, advantages and disadvantages.

Allocate the following varieties:

  1. Weight hygrometer for incubator. It is a slightly combined tubes inside which the hygroscopic substance absorbs moisture. With this system, a little air is stretched and its humidity is determined.
  2. Hair moisture meter. It is known that the hair is changing the length when the air humidity changes are changed. Due to this, you can measure relative humidity - from 30% to 100%. The hair is stretched on the metal frame, and if the humidity indicator changes, the data is transmitted by the arrow that moves on the scale.
  3. Film air humidity sensor for incubator. Equipped with a special element made of organic film. With increasing moisture, it is stretched, and during its reduction, it is compressed.
  4. Ceramic. Its work is based on the dependence of the resistance of the ceramic part from air humidity.

How to choose a hygrometer to pay attention to

To select a good hygrometer for the incubator, you need to explore its technical data. First, pay attention to the pressure parameter, which is relative (RH) or absolute (g / m3).

The choice of equipment depends on the size of incubators. If the container is small, on 40-50 eggs, you can take the easiest device. But for incubators on 100 and more eggs it is recommended to buy more powerful hygrometers.

Usually, the testimony of hygrometers is erroneous by about 5%. If you need a more accurate device, then you should give preference to optical species. In order for the equipment for more than a year, buying it, you need to look at the level of protection.

Measured on the IP scale. The higher its value, the more stable the device to the effects of dust, dirt and water.

Models of hygrometers

Title of the device Price Benefits disadvantages
Max-min. 600 rubles Equipped with a thermometer and a clock with alarm clock. An additional sensor can be connected. There are no shortcomings.
Digital moisture meter with a remote sensor. 250 rubles Humidity measures from 10 to 99%. The kit includes the LR44 battery. Using the device you can work remotely. Too high measurement error - 7-8%. Moreover, the device quickly fails.
Stanley 0-77-030 6000 rubles It has a shockproof case, the LCD display, has a small size. High price.
HP-2GD. 600-700 rubles Convenient interface, simple use. Just press the button and select the desired option. Low quality body material.
RYOBI PHONEWORKS RPW-3000 2200 rubles Combined with the work of the smartphone, the data can be obtained directly to the phone screen. There are no shortcomings.
DC-206. 300 rubles The model has a compact size, you can use in small incubators. The housing is easily deformed in mechanical effects.
HTC-2 600 rubles It has a built-in thermometer and clock. Not.
TA308. 700 rubles 3 in one: humidity sensor, clock and thermometer. High error of indicators: above 5%.

If it is interesting, what better from all options, then this title occupies the MAX-MIN device (3 in one). This is not only a humidity sensor. In the plastic case there is a thermometer for an incubator, which shows the maximum temperature values. And the device is equipped with a clock clock.

In addition, an additional MAX-MIN TH218A humidity sensor can be connected to it. After placing it directly inside the case, you can not be afraid of the violation of the internal microclimate in the incubator.

The sensor readings are as accurate as possible with an accuracy of 1%. If the level of humidity changes, sound alarm will work, which will allow the poultry to learn about violations quickly.

The thermometer allows you to find out whether the temperature sensor works correctly. After all, if the deviations from the norm are too large and quite frequent, then the likelihood of the presence of problems in its functioning is large. It needs to be either replaced or configured correctly.

Clock with alarm clock is also an important and indispensable tool. In particular, if you have to work with a manual incubator when the eggs must be turned over independently. Configuring it to work in every 4-5 hours, you will never forget that you need to perform manipulation with masonry.

The screen has a large equipment, divided into three segments (for humidity, temperature and clock). All indicators are visible from afar, highlighted in bright color. Therefore, it is not necessary to approach the incubator every time, because the data on its work can be considered from the distance. Especially pleased the cost of the device - only 600 rubles.

How to make a hygrometer do it yourself

And although the hygrometer for the incubator is inexpensive, it can be made independently. The designed moisture meter for the incubator gives more accurate indicators than its analogues purchased in the store.

To make a self-made device, you need:

  • Take two mercury thermometers to measure air temperature, water. You also need to take the board on which both thermometers will fit.
  • Both thermometers must be attached to the board parallel to each other. A vessel with distilled water is installed under one of them.
  • Mercury ball of one thermometer must be carefully wrapped with a cloth without contacting it. The cloth should be tied up the thread, not too tight. This thermometer is called wet, and the second is dry.
  • The edge of the fabric should be lowered into water by 5-7 mm.
  • The indicators of both thermometers are compared with each other and with the help of the table recognize the relative humidity of the air in the incubator.

Sometimes you have to spray eggs with water to increase moisture in the chamber. But it should be resorted to such a reception only in the case of eggs of waterfowl. The rest of the embryos are enough humidity of 50-60%. You can calculate the humidity indicator using the table below.

Durable degree data The difference of thermometers in degrees
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Relative humidity in percent
15 100 92 80 71 61 52 44 36 27 20
16 100 90 81 71 62 54 45 37 30 22
17 100 92 81 72 64 55 47 39 32 24
18 100 91 82 73 65 56 49 41 34 27
19 100 91 82 74 65 58 50 43 35 29
20 100 91 83 74 66 59 51 44 37 30
21 100 91 83 75 67 60 52 46 39 32
22 100 92 83 76 68 61 54 47 40 34
23 100 92 84 76 69 61 55 48 42 36
24 100 92 84 77 69 62 56 49 43 37
25 100 92 84 77 70 63 57 50 44 38
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Bird growing is a painstaking business and complex. In order to make a chick from the egg, several weeks to create special conditions for the development of the embryo. A psychrometer for the incubator is a device that will help keep track of the most important parameters. No owner will not be able to do without it.


Bird breeding in incubation conditions is very popular, both in the sub-economy and in mass production. Each owner knows that chicken can only get out of the eggs only if all parameters are met.

Scheme of homemade psychrometer

The main points in this case become:

  • temperature;
  • air humidity.

If these indicators are lower or higher than the standard, even the most modern technologies will not be able to turn an egg to the bird. Therefore, it is very important to monitor moisture and warmth in the middle of the incubator. It is here that the psychrometer will need.

This device is used in the economy for measuring air parameters. In most cases, its purpose is to determine the percentage of air humidity.

But, with a complicated design, it is possible to establish additionally and the temperature in the middle of the incubator.

The device works on the basis of a physical property - evaporation of fluid. Having two thermometers, one of which is immersed in water, and the second remains in dryness, two indicators are determined.

According to the special table, compiled by experts, the humidity of the air in the incubator itself is disposed of. That is, a psychrometer is a special device that can calculate air humidity by using the difference in two thermometers.

In practice, use this device is very easy and convenient. Psychrometer for the incubator can be purchased in specialized stores. Also, there is a variant of self-making device.

The most popular models of the device and their characteristics


The devices provided in the modern market can be divided into three groups using the criterion of their principle of operation:

  • aspiration;
  • stationary;
  • remote.

Aspiration psychrometer for the incubator is characterized by the presence of two thermometers, which are located in a special rim. This contributes to the fact that the device is less subjected to negative impact and damage.

The thermometers themselves constantly and with the same power blowing air from the incubator using a special fan. As a result, the temperature is determined on the degrees. From the advantages you can select the accuracy of the data, and the main minus is a large price.

Stationary devices are located in the meteorological booth. She, in turn, is attached to the Incubator with a tripod. The calculation of indicators occurs due to the circulation of the air flow through the booth.

The disadvantage of the device is that the moistened thermometer can change the data depending on the strength of the air flow, which is not in the previous version, because it is permanent. Of the advantages - it is very simple to use, easily repaired.

Remote technologies suggest use:

  • resistance thermometers;
  • thermistors.

The main characteristic of the devices is that the derivation of the results takes place on the part of the device outside the incubator. At the same time, in the middle there is a special sensor, which constantly measures the indicators.

The main advantage is the accuracy of the indicators. Data errors are minimal, and the results are displayed to hundredths. Of the minuses, you can highlight the high cost and complexity of repair during breakage.

Popular models

The most popular models among buyers from above considered species today:

As you can see, the cheapest option is a stationary device, and the most expensive is aspiration. But, the big value is justified by the high accuracy of the results.

The hygrometer is a tool used to measure humidity in the atmosphere, indoors or in another closed space. How to use a hygrometer? It is usually measured not the humidity itself, but determines the indirect changes in the properties of the substance at the absorption of moisture, on the basis of which, by calculations, the humidity indicator is determined.

Modern electronic devices use condensation temperature (dew point). The usual use of a hygrometer is to monitor weather conditions and receiving information to prepare weather forecast. In combination with temperature data, barometric pressure and wind speed, humidity speaks a lot about the upcoming weather. For example, low atmospheric pressure associated with low temperatures and high humidity levels, says that the shower will soon go. Man Such data is needed so that it can comfortably organize his affairs.

Humidity is harder to measure than the temperature, and therefore the first hygrometers were not entirely accurate. Leonardo da Vinci invented the first version of the hygrometer at the end of 1400. Guide Amononts invented a hygrometer, which was similar to a three-sided barometer, in 1687. In 1781, Horace Benedict de Sosurur (1740-1799) discovered that human hair shows well the humidity. A major breakthrough in the hygrometry was made in 1802 by the British researcher John Dalton (1766-1844). It showed that the number of water vapors required for saturation is highly dependent on temperature. This led to an understanding of relative humidity and how to use hygrometer psychrometric.

The indications of the moisture makers are interchangeable, by simple calculations they are converted from one species to another - relative humidity helps to determine the dew point or absolute humidity.

In order to learn how to use a hygrometer to consider the main types of instruments for measuring humidity. The psychrometer consists of two separate thermometers fixed on one case. One is dry, and the other is wet (wet). The lower end of the wet thermometer is covered with a special cloth performing the role of wick. It is constantly in water, cooling and wetting the wet thermometer. At temperatures (T) above the water freezing point, the phytile reduces the temperature of the wet thermometer, it is usually below the dry. However, when the air drops below zero, the wet thermometer is covered with a thin layer of ice, and it can be the warmer of a dry thermometer.

Relative humidity is calculated on the basis of the ambient temperatures, the dry thermometer and the temperature difference, between the indicators of dry and wet thermometers. Relative humidity is determined by a psychrometric card. When two temperatures are equal - the air is completely saturated, and the more their difference, the land. According to special tables, knowing the air and the psychrometric difference (T - T M), the remaining air parameters determine. Psychrometers are usually used in meteorology, as well as in heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems of residential and public buildings.

Electronic mirror hydrometer dew point

The dew point is a temperature at which a sample of wet air (or any other water vapor) at constant pressure reaches the saturation of water vapor. At this saturation temperature, further cooling leads to water condensation. How to use an electronic hygrometer? Electronic mirrored dew point hydrometers are today one of the most accurate instruments. They use chilled mirror and optoelectronic mechanism to detect microcondensation on the surface of the mirror.

The mirror temperature is controlled by electronic feedback to maintain a dynamic equilibrium between evaporation and condensation, thereby thoroughly measuring the temperature of the dew point. These devices need frequent cleaning, a qualified operator and periodic calibration to achieve a high level of accuracy. Most recently, spectroscopic chilled mirrors were introduced. In them, the dew point is determined using spectroscopic analysis, specifying the nature of condensation. Their main advantage is that they work at T to -70 ° C.

Room hygrometer: Types and device functions

The psychrometric method is used when changing air humidity in premises of residential, public and industrial buildings. How to use hygrometer psychrometric? The device consists of two thermometers. The end of one of the thermometers, in a psychrometric building on the right, is wounded by the end of a small fabric - the phytyl (medical band) in several layers, and the second is descended into the container with clean water. The glass is closed by a special lid, which has a wick hole. A wet thermometer begins to fall the temperature with heat absorption, the equilibrium point between evaporation and a decrease in the temperature of the wet thermometer occurs by about 30 minutes.

A dry thermometer determines the temperature of the indoor indoor, and the wet is a wet thermometer. A psychometric hygrometer is described in detail in the instructions that are included in the instrument. The panel contains psychrometric tables to determine air humidity. Removal is carried out by an employee without delay, since long-ending near the instrument can change the indicators and distort the result of measuring humidity. For the maximum accurate result, the device must be installed so that the operator's eyes are located at the level of the thermometers.

The most common psychrometers for premises are the thermometer-hygrometer WIT-1 and WIT-2. Structurally, they are very similar, but have significant differences in the application, so VIT-1 is used when the air temperatures in the room from 0 ° C to + 25 ° C, and WIT-2 - from + 15 ° C to + 40 ° C.

An example of determining air humidity by a psychrometer:

  • Dry thermometer temperature: + 23.0 ° C;
  • wet: + 20,5 ° C;
  • difference temperature: + 2.5 ° C;
  • according to the psychrometric table in the panel, we define the relative humidity: 77%.

This indicator of relative humidity is unacceptable, since GOST 30494-96 "Parameters of the indoor microclimate" sets are set by the following humidity standards:

  • Winter / Autumn - 30-45%;
  • spring / summer - 30-60%.

Ways to lower moisture in the room:

  1. In winter. To ventilate the apartment. It is better if it is possible through the air ventilation with warm air.
  2. Use air dryer.
  3. Find possible leaks in water supply networks.
  4. Use air conditioning in heating mode.
  5. Turn on the kitchen hood.

Hygrometer WIT-1

WIT-1 measures humidity in rooms where the air condition is strictly conducted: on poultry farms, in libraries, in educational and therapeutic institutions, if T internal air does not exceed + 25 ° C. How to use a hygrometer? WIT-1 is used with humidity from 20 to 90%, t from 5 ° C to + 25 ° C. The wet thermometer WIT-1 is filled with toluene, and the wick is wetted with clean or rain water. Dimensions of the device 290 mm x 120 mm x 50 mm. The device is checked by government agencies every two years.

Hygrometer WIT-2

The design of WIT-2 is practically no different from WIT-1. The plastic case has thermometers, feeder and table for calculations. How to use a hygrometer WIT 2? The principle of operation is not different from WIT-1, but they have different psychrometric tables, therefore, the calculations on humidity will also differ.

At first, the T is determined, then T is wet, on the delta T at the point of intersection of the "dry" thermometer in a psychrometric table set the desired indicator. The air velocity should be no more than 2 m / s, so as not to distort the measurements.

KTJ-TA218A moisture meter is suitable for measuring the level of humidity and temperature in the rooms. How to use a hygrometer ta218a? The thermohygrometer or digital thermohygrometer is an electronic device that measures and displays the temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH). Apply: ventilation and air conditioning, climate control, hospitals, food enterprises, saunas, gyms, offices, conference rooms, museums, libraries, archives, computer rooms, printing, warehouse or home automation.

Device characteristic:

  • Measurement range of the external temperature: 0 ° C - 50 ° C.
  • Display Indication: C / F.
  • Humidity Measurement Range: 10-95% RH.
  • Accuracy of temperature measurement: +/- 1 ° C.
  • Humidity measurement accuracy: +/- 5%.
  • cable length: ~ 2 m.
  • power supply voltage: 1.5 V DC AAA.
  • Display: 3.8 inches.

Moisture meter Model C-02

The device measures CO2, t and humidity, with a triple liquid crystal display. How to use a hygrometer? Model C-02 T wet thermometer and dew point function. Dual-band infrared CO2 sensor.

The device performs:

  • Automatic measurement logging with data transfer to PC. Data Holding: Freeze Display Indications.
  • Low battery charge indication.
  • Working T: from 5 ° C to 50 ° C.
  • Working humidity: from -10 to 90% humidity.
  • Humidity during storage: from 10 to 90% of relative humidity.
  • Accuracy: CO2: ± 3% or ± 50ppm,
  • Humidity: ± 5% RH,
  • Temperature: ± 1 C, ± 1.8 F.
  • Automatic memory capacity: 20,000 measurements.
  • Serial RS-232 interface.

Gaotek MINI temperature and humidity hydrometer

The Gaotek MINI hygrometer is designed with an integrated measurement function in the temperature range of a wet thermometer from 0 ° C to 80 ° C. Hygrometer how to use? Integrated measuring function is the environment, humidity, dew points and a wet thermometer. This is a digital meter t with high accuracy and low power consumed. It is equipped with humidity sensors and a digital industrial display. It is suitable for measuring T and humidity in any industry, in workshops, in factory warehouses, in libraries, in offices, in laboratories, etc.

Features of the model:

  • high performance and accuracy;
  • fast reaction time;
  • control of dry and wet thermometers;
  • microprocessor design;
  • sleep mode;
  • holding screen;
  • illumination function;
  • low power consumption;
  • digital screen;
  • dew point temperature;
  • temperatures range from -30 ° C to + 100 ° C;
  • humidity range is 0% to 100% RH;
  • dew point temperature from -30 ° C to + 100 ° C;
  • the temperature of the wet thermometer from 0 ° C to 80 ° C;
  • humidity accuracy of 2% Rh (from 20% to 80% at + 25 ° C);
  • response time 10 seconds (90% t + 25 ° C).

Hydrometer Testo 645.

Two-channel dimension T and humidity. Very precise measurement of humidity up to ± 1% RF with internal measurement memory. How to use a hygrometer? Testo 645 With one touch of the button displays the indicators: Humidity, dew point, enthalpy and temperature. A convenient estimate of the measurement data with the transmission to the PC and indicating the measurement location. Maximum humidity is 100%. Minimum humidity 0%. Temperature from -50 ° C to + 150 ° C.

5 reasons why you need to regularly measure moisture indoors

It is necessary to learn how to properly use hygrometr psychrometric to regularly measure moisture in the environment, since it seriously affects human vital activity.

  1. Comfort in the house. People are much longer spending at home than on the street, so measure the readings of the house humidity is very important to create a comfortable atmosphere for living. After all, only determining the moisture content in the air, it is possible to decide whether to include a heating or ventilation system. Humidity directly affects comfort in the apartment, and it is recommended to maintain its value ranging from 25 to 55% or even better, from 40 to 50%. You can use humidifiers and dryers so that the tenants of the houses always feel fine, no matter what the weather is on the street.
  2. Health protection. Inadequate moisture levels represent potential health risks. If the humidity in the house is too high, the risk of reproduction of mold and bacteria appears, some species of which are extremely dangerous, especially when children live in the house. Excessively dry air is another problem factor, it can cause the itchy of the skin, cough, as well as other painful symptoms. Dry air is a nutrient medium for allergens. Measuring moisture, you can achieve optimal air parameters to ensure a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Preservation of property. Too much moisture in the air - the house will be filled with fungus and mold. Warm and wet air is the perfect recipe for mold, which will grow everywhere: in the shower, kitchen, products, furniture and books. Having determined that the humidity is high, it will be necessary to thoroughly ventilate the house and dry the air with air conditioning or desiccant. The tool for determining moisture can help control the humidity. Dry air may damage musical instruments or furniture, as the tree can crack and deform. You can save considerable money on an expensive repair or replacement of furniture, if you control the humidity in time.
  4. Animal protection. Humidity to apply destructive harm to pets, sometimes even more than a person, you need to carefully control the humidity so that the animals feel comfortable.
  5. Harvest preservation. Without a reliable hygrometer, it is impossible to raise a crop in a greenhouse or a greenhouse in which it is necessary to maintain specific parameters for plants. Too much moisture and have to deal with root rot, mushrooms and many other problems that are best avoided by keeping the humidity at the required level.

Last winter I understood with air humidity and humidifiers. By the spring, the captain still managed to convey to me the need to measure humidity, if I was going to regulate it. One hygrometer, I, however, was long before that. There was no understanding whether he shows the humidity in the house or at the top of Kilimanjaro. I chose and ordered two more two more. Choose with different sensors. Semi-annual general positive experience - under the cut.

My first hygrometer is a DHT11 sensor attached to WiFi Itead Sonoff Th. His, today we are talking about others. The DHT11 sensor does not use the fame of accurate. But, looking at the moisture numbers in winter in the area of \u200b\u200b18%, I still wondered - well, can not be so much! I decided to choose a pair of hygrometers with different sensors and compare. The idea with a psychrometer from dry and wet thermometers left for an extreme case as too gimorous.

Conclusions after half a year of operation

1) All three sensors give very consistent humidity readings - the difference is usually not more than one sign, very rarely - two. With the fact that the passport accuracy of + -5 percentage points.
2) In winter, without a humidifier, I really have a really 18%: ((in the warm season - 30-50%, in a protracted rain outside the window to 60%. Moscow, concrete house, double-glazed windows.
3) Air humidity is a very inert thing. If in the winter for the first time to turn on the moisturizer, then a couple of days, no matter what happens. It seems that the water is absorbed into the walls and furniture. And only after a few days it grows significantly.
4) With the daily inclusion, one air humidifier at 250 g / h in a closed bedroom cattures overnight up to 60%, which is on the upper limit. With an open door, it lacks him from the word at all. Two moisturizers at 600 in the amount of somehow cope. (When you go, the humidifiers are definitely turned off. And not only them.)
5) In different parts of the room, humidity may easily differ by 5%. In a meter from a working humidifier - and by 20%. Therefore, by the way, I consider a humidifier with a built-in hygrometer bad idea.
6) Inertia in the sensors are high enough, about an hour to obsteen. Although the readings begin to change when transferring to another place almost immediately. An option with an external sensor is slightly less inert.

Delivery and packaging

Both orders were March 05, 2017, delivered in disagreement for 4-5 weeks, there were no tracks. I do not remember packaging, it was quite sufficient.
At the time of purchases, both were with free shipping, now both paid. But options for Ali Sea.


The main body itself in hygrometers coincides. It assumes the insertion into a flat surface. But I never decided whether it was necessary.
Food 2 pcs LR44 batteries. I walked red without batteries in the kit. White - with batteries. Now it could have changed something. For six months, the batteries did not change, both continuously work.

UPD 100% humidity

Camrads in the comments expressed legal doubts. Answer

Less than my 30% for me to make gimorno, but in the spring and 18% it was. Today in the meter from the humidifier was 47%
So it works exactly.


White, according to the seller
Humidity measurements: 10% RH-99% RH
Humidity accuracy: ± 5%
Humidity Display Resolution: 1% RH
Temperature measurement range: -50celsius ~ 70 Celsius
Temperature Accuracy: ± 1 Celsius
Temperature Display Resolution: 0.1 Celsius
Power Power: 2x1.5 in LR44 Button Battery (Included)
Sizes: Approx. 4.8x2.8x1.5 cm / 1.89x1.10x0.59 ""
LCD Display Sizes: Approx. 3.6x1.7 cm / 1.42x0.67 ""
Cable length: approx. 1.5 m / 59.06 ""
Probe Length: Approx. 6 cm / 2.36 ""

Red, according to the seller
Measurement range: Temperature-50C- + 70C (-58F- + 158F) Humidity 10% -99% relative humidity
Measurement accuracy: temperature ± 1C (± 2F) humidity ± 5% relative humidity
Display Resolution: Temperature 0.1C (0.2F) Humidity 1% relative humidity
Operating voltage: 1.5 V, two buttons Size LR44 cell (not included)
Dimensions (d * sh * d): 6 x 4.8 x 1.5 cm / 2.36 "x1. 89" x 0.59 "(approximately)
LCD size: 3.5 x 1.6 cm / 1.38 "x 0.63" (approximately)

According to my measurements
In both, planting size 45 x 25
Dimensions, white without taking into account wires 48 x 29 x 17
Dimensions, red 61 x 57 x 17

White, sensor
The length of the actual wire, without taking into account the sensor - 150 cm
landing diameter of the sensor ⌀ 9.2 mm,
Length of the planting cylinder 36 mm
Dimensions ⌀14 x 61


Although the sensors also have a passport accuracy plus-minus Paul Lapta (5 PP), but provide a very good mixing compliance, at the level of 1 PP. Any of them is ready to recommend. Or rather, as in times of great geographical discoveries, when there were three chronometers on the ship. So that if one breaks, it was clear what. That is, the hygrometer is worth having three if possible, all the more so that there are pennies, and in different places the apartment can differ much. I plan to buy +9. Add to favourites I liked the review +27 +39

Hygrometer This device for measuring humidity is known to everyone. Also, everyone is well known that lately it has become permanent, and for many necessary (it does not just play the role of the decoration) the attribute of most saunas and baths.

Experienced family lovers argue: "The best hygrometer is the ears!", True, usually add: "... and experience." Of course, experience is a great thing, but a beautiful and reliable device on the wall of modern steam rooms (saunas) never hurts.

Most of numerous modern hygrometers can be divided into three main groups.

1. Electronic hygrometers.

Very often, these devices are embedded in the steam generator and humidifier control panels. The reliability and accuracy of such products depends largely on the circuit solution and the quality of component components.

2. Psychricheetric hygrometers.

The principle of operation of this type of instrument is based on changing the difference in the readings of the wet and dry thermometer, which depend on the humidity of the air indoors on them directly and measure humidity using special psychrometric tables. The temperature is measured based on the testimony of a dry thermometer.

In saunas baths, such hygrometers are rarely used.

3. Mechanical hygrometers.

The principle of operation of such devices is based on the property of a skim hair to change its length when the ambient humidity changes. When the hair length changes, the mechanically associated pulley is rotated, and the end of the arrow moves along the scale (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The diagram of the device of the hairless hygrometer.

Today, instead of an old good hair, a specially processed synthetic thread is usually used as a sensitive element. Mechanical hygrometers work quite reliably in a wide range of temperatures at least from + y ° C to + 120 ° C), it is quite commonly measuring moisture in the range from 30% to 100%. Such mechanisms are now installed in the overwhelming majority of relatively inexpensive bath hygrometers and combined hygrometer thermometers. Most often bath hair hygrometers and bimetallic hygrometer thermometers work stably and provide sufficiently reliable readings at quite acceptable - from a practical point of view - accuracy.

However, as any mechanical device, the hairless hygrometer does not like rough circulation, especially strong shaking or sharp blows. Sometimes such an appliance can begin to highly overestoint or underestimated readings even after a long stay on a strong frost.

If it is possible to compare the testimony of the hair hygrometer with the readings of the reference device, then in the presence of serious discrepancies, the testimony of the mechanical hygrometer is easy to adjust. You can do this with a screwdriver through a hole on the back cover. You should enter a screwdriver into the slot of the adjusting screw on the support of the measuring mechanism and, gently turning it, move the arrow to the desired readings on the instrument scale. This is usually enough to restore the health of the hygrometer.

If it is not possible to compare the testimony of the hair hygrometer and a knowingly good accurate device, then you can try to adjust to another method available at home. It should be borne in mind that checking the operation of the thermometer-hygrometer is best at temperatures as close as possible to the one that will usually be in the steam room.

To check and adjust, you will need: kettle, transparent plastic bag, stand for a tested device to place it at the kettle's spout (for example, a small pan). Next, we act as follows. We place the device in the package and make a small hole in the package to exit steam (photo 1). Connect the package to the kettle's spout and fix this connection with threads or rubber band (photo 2). We put it all on the stove and light the fire (photo 3).

After some time, the water in the kettle will boil, the scale of spending, the temperature will begin to rise, and the arrow of the thermometer will be installed in the area of \u200b\u200b95-100 ° C, the arrow of the hygrometer will also begin to deviate and reaches its maximum (photo 4).

If within 3-5 minutes the arrow of the hygrometer does not change its highest position, we can assume that the maximum point is achieved. The arrow of the thermometer should show 95-100ss, that is, the temperature close to the water boiling point. If the value is another, for example, 80 ° C, it is necessary to correct the thermometer readings using a screwdriver through the hole on the back cover. Run it can be directly through the package. The most important thing is not to scream!

If necessary, the position of the hygrometer arrow is also adjusted, setting it to a value close to the maximum - 95-100%.

Now you can carefully remove the device from the package, dry it and ... to work. In the photo at the beginning of the article, the readings of a household electronic thermometer-hygrometer and tested with a teapot hair-bath thermometer-hygrometer are visible. The picture is made the next day after checking, adjusting and drying the device for 24 hours - the readings of both devices almost completely coincide. Thus, this method allows you to accurately adjust the hygrometer at temperatures close to workers.

But the main thing is not to forget that whatever accurate device is used, your well-being is the most important criterion. Bath must bring health and joy!

Mechanical (psychoometric) hygrometer - very sensitive to shaking, sharp temperature differences and vibration instrument. Under the action of these factors, the accuracy of its testimony can significantly decrease. Even if the device initially showed the correct level of humidity, during the transportation or movement of the hygrometer to the room with other conditions, as well as before buying in the store, Excee CJSC recommends that the device is re-tested. Checking the device on the correctness of the readings is called calibration.

In order to correct the instrument readings, in the case of most models there is a special mechanism in the form of a screw. When it rotates the position of the arrow will change. If there is no such mechanism (which is often in cheap models), the device must be fully disassembled.

H2: Calibration Methods

In order to achieve accuracy of indications, it is necessary to place the device on Wednesday with a pre-known air humidity. If the hygrometer will correctly display the microclumatic conditions, it is not necessary to calibrate it. There are three methods that are used most often:

  • Record with a customized device. If you have another, already calibrated humidity measurement device, install a new hygrometer next to it. When the readings become stable, adjust the arrow of the tested apparatus to the same value in which the first arrow is located. This is the fastest way, but it is effective only when you fully trust the correctness of the measurements of the old hygrometer.
  • Calibration in an absolutely wet environment. This method is to indoors a hygrometer in a closed environment, the humidity of which is known in advance. To do this, wrap the device into a wet fabric and put in a plastic bag. According to the laws of physics, in the closed moisture space will evaporate until the maximum humidity is achieved. In this case, it is about 96%. Retrieve the device in the package for one hour, then get and set the arrow to this value. For this method, the adjustment speed is very important - as soon as the device is extracted from a wet environment, it will quickly start changing the readings, adjusting to the conditions of your room. This is usually happening for one minute. If you do not have time to calibrate the device during this time, the procedure will have to begin again.
  • Using a salt salt. This method compared to the previous one is more accurate. It is known that the closed space in which the saturated salt solution is located, has a humidity of 75%. To calibrate a hygrometer, this method should perform a number of actions: Take a sealed container, place a small container, filled with cooking salt, add water to make it completely absorbed, and place the test device. After eight hours, install the arrow of the hygrometer by 75%.

It is worth noting that the actions described are carried out only with mechanical measuring devices. Electronic hygrometers are not required to calibrate, since their accuracy does not change over time.