How does air purifier work? What better to choose the air purifier room plants help clean the air.

An unfavorable ecological background and the irresponsible attitude of people to the environment deprives the ability to fill the premises in the process of venting into clean air.

Exhausts from motor vehicles, breeding fires for incineration of waste and improper disposal of objects containing toxic compounds are significantly contaminated by the atmosphere. This rescue was the development of air cleaners who help to create a comfortable microclimate in the home.

Air cleaner for the house: the principle of operation and function

The environmental factor and the effect of static electricity contribute to the accumulation of dust, the formation of a stuffiness, as a result of which a person feels drowsiness and decay of the forces. The best way, and the products of life is the installation of the air cleaner.

The equipment device is quite simple as the principle of operation. In the compact package, filters of varying degrees of cleaning and a fan that provides circulation of air masses is mounted.

Household models are equipped with anti-allergenic cleaners, which are able to capture up to 99% of carcinogenic particles and allergens. Such filtration makes breathing to asthmatics, prevents the infection of the whole family in respiratory disease of one of its members. Coal filters neutralize odors, coming from the kitchen and ventilation mines.

See also: Solar panels for home: Composite elements, principle of operation, types, advantages and disadvantages of use, installation

The ionization function ensures the production of ions, giving the air of freshness. No less useful is the moisture option, because the lack of moisture contributes to aging of the skin, provokes inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The latest models of air cleaners are equal to full-fledged climatic complexes performing three-step cleaning, flavoring and moisturizing.

Types of air cleaners

Air purification devices have a similar design. All models have a filter system and a fan. By type filtration, the equipment is divided into a dry run of the air masses and with moisture.

Models with dry filters are characterized by high power and high performance. The principle of equipment is similar to a domestic vacuum cleaner. Operational characteristics depend on the types of installed filter structures.

Installation of devices may include 2-3 types provided for dry cleaning:


From coconut bark;

Nera filter.

Express air purification;

Large selection of models with different features.


During the operation of the instruments, noise is issued due to the operation of powerful fans (with the exception of premium models);

Great electricity consumption.

Models with moisturizing function and washing air provide cleaning of air masses from harmful impurities. For people suffering from allergies, such devices become just salvation, because the stimpers may appear in the finest room along with clothing, on shoes or accessories.

See also: Electropad Olli. Advantages and principle of electrofastuha

Thanks to moisturizing, dust particles are binding to each other, we will be pulled out and settled on the floor. The upper level is cleared, and breathing becomes much easier. In addition to the fan and filters, the design includes: pallet with water and float package. The models of this species differ only in the power of the fan and additional functions.

Among the predominant qualities:

Economical electricity consumption (from 110 to 400 watts);

Low noise in operation;

It does not require complex maintenance (enough flushing filters).


There is no high-speed operation mode (effective for permanent operation);

Humidity and warm air can provoke the reproduction of bacteria (to warn it will help timely care for the device).

Air cleaners with the ionization function copble with dust particles of any size. The purified air is filled with ozone, which for the respiratory tract is an incredibly useful influence. Assessing the work of the device can asthmatics, allergies and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Criteria for selecting air cleaner

When choosing an air purifier, important factors should be taken into account:

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the installation of the device is planned;

If you wondered what kind of air purifier to choose? ", So you already really imagine all the troubles that crude air causes. It should be noted that the level of air pollution directly indoors is 3-10 times higher than on the street. Headaches, allergic reactions, weakened immunity - all these are signs that you need to buy air purifier.

  • Mechanical air cleaner

    Due to the simplicity of technology, the most common type of air cleaner, in which dirty air is passed through the combination of filters. Initially, the air passes through a coarse filter (preliminary), which delays the largest particles - large dust, hair, wool, topoly fluff. Usually, a thin foam or plastic mesh is used as a filter element. They are quite periodically (once every two weeks) rinse or spent to restore the effectiveness of their cleaning.

    After pre-cleaning, air is passed through a fine cleaning filter, which can capture the smallest dust particles, especially harmful to human health. For these purposes, several types of filters can be used:

    • The non-filter is capable of capturing the nano particles of dirt, as well as pathogens of allergies, bacteria and mushroom disputes. The use of a non-filter allows you to get a qualitatively purified air (absorption of 99.8% of pollutants), acceptable for asthmatics, allergies and small children
    • coal filter - It uses a special type of activated carbon, in which various contaminants are delayed (settled) in microscopic capillary channels located on the surface of coal. In addition, the carbon filter is able to effectively suppress unpleasant odors, absorbing volatile substances of chemicals or tobacco smoke.

    Tip! A high-quality preliminary filter for air purifier allows you to significantly increase the service life of fine cleaning filters.

    Electrostatic air cleaner

    The basis of its work is the law of the coulon - ionized air (oxygen molecule, connecting a free electron, becomes an ion, a negatively charged particle) moves and interacts with dust particles, transmitting part of the charge. Having obtained an electric charge, dust particles are attracted by plates having the opposite potential. The ionizer cleaner allows you to effectively clean air from tobacco smoke and soot, fine dust. Even in a small concentration of ozone, a bactericidal function is capable of performing, disinfecting air from bacteria, toxins and viruses. In addition, ozone oxidizes pesticides and phenolic resins. Air ionization reduces fatigue, increases immunity and performance, improves overall health.

    The advantages of air purifiers - ionizers include the lack of consumables, low noise of operation and low (for more than 40 W) level of power consumption.

    Sink air

    Their work is based on the principle of hydrophiltration, in which the air is passed through the "water bath" or a veil of water vapor (dust). Interacting with water, dirt out of the air wet, heavy and lowers in the pallet, and it does not just enter the room, and also additionally moistened air, which positively affects the well-being and human health.

    Tip! Air washing is recommended to purchase furniture owners and wall panels from a tree array - maintaining optimal humidity will protect wood From drying and cracking.

    To date, the best air purifier, but at the same time he is the most expensive. Ultraviolet light falling on the surface of the catalyst (most often - titanium dioxide) causes the formation of powerful natural oxidizing agents. Interacting with pollutants in the air, they split them into safe simple substances - oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. This technology is simple, safe and effective, while the air cleaner itself does not require special care - it will be enough just to spend the filter once every six months. Consumables - lamp, however, change it every 1-3 years.

    If we talk about disadvantages, the main minus of photocatalytic air cleaners is the need to install additional filters to capture mechanical pollution (wool, hair, pollen), so they are often combined with coal or non-filters. In addition, compared to other air cleaners, they have a high (65-85 W) level of energy consumption.

    How to choose Air Purifier: Purpose and Functionality

    The main characteristic when choosing the air purifier is its performance, it must slightly exceed the size of the room. The second important point - what basic problems need to be solved:

    • fighting allergens - the optimal air purifier for Rallergists should include a non-filter that captures up to 99.98% of foreign inclusions contained in the air. Next, the effectiveness is followed by air washers (95%) and electrostatic (up to 90%) cleaners
    • tobacco smoke, dust fungi, mold - Best of all, the ionizers cleaners are cope with them, for them - photocatalytic
    • fighting smells - Gare, exhaust gases, smells of a kitchen are most effective neutralized catalytic cleaners, the carbon filter cleaners and electrostatic
    • There is a lot of air purification technologies, each of which solves some problems better, other worse

      An important parameter is the power of electricity consumption, especially if it is planned to use the air cleaner constantly, here is the undoubted leader - the ionizer cleaner.

      Next - simplicity of care. The least comfortable - air washing, they will require your attention daily (water replacement). Less demanding electrostatic (once a week must be cleaned of the plates). Filters Nehra will have to change every few months, but at the same time will have to spend significantly. The most comfortable looks like a photocatalytic air cleaner with a semi-annual service period.

      An important point is the functionality of the device, which besides purification of air, can conduct its ionization, moisturizing or flavoring. This can also add the presence of a remote control, built-in hours / sensors, etc. It should be noted that each additional function affects the increase in the cost of the device.

      • Daikin MC70L - multifunctional air purifier with a photocatalytic filter
      • AirComfort XJ-210 - Budget version of air purifier with a photocatalytic filter for small (15 m2) premises
      • Boneco P2261 - Powerful (for premises area of \u200b\u200b60 m2) Air cleaner with combined (nera, coal, photocatalytic) filtering
  • > Types (types) of air cleaners

    Types (types) of air cleaners

    Air cleaner is a device intended for air purification.
    The principle of operation of most air cleaners is to use the standard filtering mechanism (i.e., in precipitation of pollutants present in the air (particles) on special filters), part of the air cleaners (with a photocatalytic filter) can oxidize and split up pollutants to the molecular level to harmless components.

    The design solution of the air cleaner is determined by the nature of the contamination required by the purity of air, the area and largely depends on the type of filters used.

    A typical air cleaner consists of a fan and a set of filters (usually several types of filters are included in the air cleaner, due to which the higher degree of air purification is achieved) collected in a single case.

    Currently, the following types of filters are used in the autonomous air purifiers of household and office purposes:

    Schematically shows the filtering process (3 of the cleaning stages) in the air cleaner, with the most common set of filters: a preliminary (mechanical filter), a HEPA filter, a carbon filter:

    In addition to the main function - air purification, a number of air cleaners have other useful features, such as air moisturizing (used in climatic complexes), air ionization.

    When choosing an air cleaner, it is important to determine:

    1) Quality of air purification -how high-quality air purification is needed, it all depends on the seriousness of the air quality problem that you are trying to solve. One thing is cleaning from cigarette smoke in the office and completely different air purification from allergens, for people suffering from allergies or asthma.
    If we are talking about allergies, then the more seriously the problem, the cleaner there should be surrounding air. A person with a lighter allergy form can feel comfortable when using a cheaper air cleaner; While for another person suffering from stronger allergies, such an air purification system will seem completely ineffective (better and more expensive air cleaner will be required).
    The highest quality filtering produce air cleaners with a HEPA filter or a photocatalytic filter. Such air cleaners are recommended for the use of asthmatics and allergies.
    To assess the efficiency of air cleaners, there is such a concept as a clean air supply coefficient (Clean Air Delivery Rate - CADR) equal to the amount of air exchanges on the filter efficiency and indicating the amount of clean air supplied by the air cleaner into the room. The higher the CADR, the cleaner air produces an air cleaner, and the more effectively it works.
    Air cleaner having a degree of purification of 99.9%, but a small air flow rate (a small performance for some selected room), that is, a sufficient amount of air does not have time to "pump", it will not be effective. Similarly, an air purifier having a high air flow rate, but a bad degree of filtration, does not bring much benefit.

    2) Performance of the air cleaner -the size of the room is an important factor when choosing an air cleaner. It is recommended when selecting an air cleaner to calculate its performance (m3 / hour) in such a way that it can skip the entire amount of air in the room at maximum speed through itself in one hour - three times.

    3) Noise of work - Since the air cleaners must work all the time, while the person is indoors, especially at night, the noise of his work is not the last factor affecting the choice of model. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers in the technical characteristics of their devices indicate the noise level. So this comparison parameter is largely subjective. But, the greater the filter area, how shows experience, the noise of the device below. This is due to the fact that to pass the air through the hole of the large size, with the same performance, the air speed will be less. Many air cleaners have several speed modes. With that, the main and constant for them is always the lowest and, therefore, the most quiet. Increased modes are usually used with short-term strong dusting of the room (after cleaning, after the rapid games of children, etc.).
    The location of the air cleaner indoors does not greatly affect the quality of air purification. The best location is the center of the room, but if you place the cleaner in the corner, it will also effectively clean the air, the main thing is to ensure free access of air to its fence and outlet and preferably not to put the air cleaner on the floor, since large (heavy) dust particles , fur. The impurities can quickly "score" expensive fine cleaning filters.

    • on the express selection page, air cleaners are conditionally divided into several categories;
    • presented air purifiers in Russia with indication of distinctive features and specifications;
    • There is a calculator calculator for the necessary air cleaner performance.

    Returning home from vacation that you spent in close proximity to pine boron or highly mountainous arrays, you can come to the horror of the environmental situation that has already become familiar. Too big contrast! However, in our time, all problems can be solved, and even this. With a deficit of clean air enriched with useful oxygen, in a modern metropolis you can cope with the installation of the air purifier. Given the relevance of this household appliance and the diversity of positions on the market, to know how to choose the right air purifier, it is advisable.

    Principle of operation

    Human residence and place of its work is saturated with a variety of equipment and electronic technology. Such a neighborhood is considered extremely undesirable due to pathological radiation and air absorption equipment of useful human body anions - negative ions. Similar anion deficit provokes a sensation of a stuff in the building.

    If you add a bad environmental situation and the factor of statistical electricity accumulating in space, then it is easy to explain pathologically sleepy well-being. In this case, air purifiers come to the aid, which are able to effectively remove pathogenic bacteria from the living space, dust, livestock products dissolved in the air.

    The principle of operation of the air purifier is quite simple. Structurally, the device consists of a set of filters of varying degrees of cleaning and fan, which draws air, which is subjected to cleaning. Today, well-known manufacturers offer admirers of their equipment model with a multistage cleaning system.

    In the design of household air purifiers, there are anti-allergenic filters that are able to capture up to 99.9% of carcinogenic particles and allergens, which some people react sharply. Coal filters prevent habitat in the space of the apartment of evil odors and toxins. The air cleaner is equipped with an air ionizer that is able to produce ions that give air freshness.

    Functions of air cleaners

    An important possibility of a modern air purifier is an air humidification option. Perform the function of "cold self-regulating evaporation" built-in plastic discs. And replaceable filters for such moisturizing air are not required.

    The latest modifications of air purifiers rightly refer to the most best air purifiers, full-fledged climatic complexes, because they implement a three-stage cleaning system, humidification, as well as air flavors.

    The procedure for the preparation of air in a climatic complex begins with its transmission through an anti-allergenic filter, then through an evaporator, which in its composition has an antibacterial impregnation. The air flow in the next stage passes through the carbon filter and air flavoring systems with essential oil. Ready for perception and purified by 99.9% air passes through the ionizer to achieve a toning and prophylactic effect.

    Criteria selection criteria

    In the domestic market there is a large number of climatic equipment, so not every buyer can immediately understand which air purifier to choose for home. In order not to remain with the problem of choosing the device one on one, it is worth learn about all the advantages and inconveniences of using different devices.

    Room Square

    Each air purifier is designed for a specific room footage, so first it is necessary to determine the size of the room. Ask yourself a simple question: "Do you plan an air purifier to buy in each room or can you carry it over?".

    If you want to purchase a separate air purifier for each room, then you should select the device, guided by the following: The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is the air purifier maintenance area.

    If you are planning a device to transfer from one room to another, then you should navigate the area of \u200b\u200bthe largest room in the home or office. The best air purifier in this case should be calculated on a large area, otherwise its power will not be enough for high-quality air purification.

    If the room has very small sizes, you can choose a car air purifier. In this way, you can clean the air and in the car, and at home.

    Dust indoors

    Before buying the air purifier, it is worth determining which problems it is necessary to solve with it, since its price depends on it. If there is a lot of dust in the room, then prefer:

    1. Purifier with plasma filters. Such filters are capable of attracting dust with the help of an electric charge, as well as easily washed, so you should not constantly buy replaceable filters. But if too much dust, the device cannot cope with it, as electrostatic cleaners remove only 90% of dust.
    2. Cleaner with a HEPA filter. Such a filter in care is simple: it should be vacuumed once a month and change at least once a year, depending on the degree of air pollution. The unit is the most effective means of dust, because it forms a solid barrier on the path of moving air, and even microscopic bacterium or dusting can fly by and delaying in the pores of the filter. When you need a high level of dust cleaning, the device with a HEPA filter is considered the best air purifier for the house.
    3. Ionizer cleaner. This device is precipitated dust that flies in the room, on the horizontal surfaces, cleaning the air. Such devices are not assembled inside the dust inside the case, so it is not necessary to wash and change filters. The ionizers are suitable for those who want to avoid additional costs for the cleaner maintenance and is ready to clean the dust from the surfaces with a rag or vacuum cleaner.

    Allergic reactions

    The main problem lies in the fact that the smallest invisible to the Eye of the Dyllin is capable of allergic to cause sneezing attacks, allergic runny nose and redness of the eyes. The choice is to give in favor:

    1. Air cleaner with HEPA filters. This device removes the smallest dust from the air, and the cleaning efficiency is about 99.9%. For the prevention of allergies, the best funds did not come up with.
    2. Air cleaner with electrostatic filters. Such devices are less effective because the dust to the plates is attracted exclusively at the expense of electrical charges, and the plates are located at some distance among themselves, that is, some dust fluxes fly by. The purification efficiency is only 81-90%.
    3. Air washing. These devices run air through the sprayed suspension of water and purify it. Water blends the smallest particles of pollutants. The most effective are air sinks with a preliminary ionization procedure, as the charged dust is capable of attracting better to the plates of the drum. In this case, the cleaning efficiency rises to 95%.
    4. Humidifier cleaners. They moisturize air with the help of a evaporative filter in water, or water sprayed inside the device itself. Cleaning also occurs through water suspension. However, the quality of this cleaning is below 90%.

    Dust pliers and smoke

    Before choosing the air purifier, it is worth remembering that allergies provoke not only dust, but also fungus, mold and dust pliers, which are in it, as well as tobacco smoke. By destroying such small inhabitants, you can eliminate the cause of allergies. Ozonizers and photocatalytic air purifiers, whose functions are complemented by the presence of a filter that removes the dust itself will help to cope with mold and dust ticks.

    1. Ozonizer air cleaners. Ozone is able to decompose toxic substances and smoke on water and harmless carbon dioxide, killing microbes and microorganisms due to powerful oxidative properties. But remember that such devices can only be used when there are no people in the room.
    2. Photocatalytic air cleaners. The ionizers are capable of cleaning and disinfection of air due to the interaction of the catalyst and UV light, destroy the microbes, decompose the chemical compounds and toxic elements of smoke. It is better to purchase an ionizer with an electrostatic filter, because it is easier to wash off precipitated nicotine resins.

    Smells and disinfection

    Air purifiers are able to clean the air in the room from automotive and industrial emissions from the window, various kitchen smells, "flavors" rot, Gary, Organizing, finishing materials and domestic animals, as well as disinfect air, which is especially important during the epidemics of viral diseases.

    1. Photocatalytic air cleaners. They can decompose any smells in the presence of people, to disinfect and disinfect air with ultraviolet and photocatalysis, in which most viruses, microbes and bacteria die.
    2. Ozonizer air cleaners. These devices are responsible for oxidation and splitting of any chemical and organic components in the air, including odors. In standard mode, such devices can disinfect air with ionization. In addition, in small doses, ozone is very useful for health and acts as a natural immunostimulator.
    3. Air purified air purifiers. The smell molecules on the surface of the coal granules are adsorbed in the micropores, but the efficiency of the coal filter is several times lower than the photocatalytic.

    Frequency of use

    Optimally, the air purifier worked is always, and the air in the room was constantly clean and distinguished by high quality indicators necessary for the health of living. If it is planned to clean the air around the clock, and the issue of saving remains relevant for you, it is necessary to give your choice in favor of low power air consumption.

    If it is optimal for you, periodic use of the air cleaner, then humidifier cleaners and air sinks you are unlikely to suit, because they cannot be left for a long time in a non-working condition with flooded water, as it is capable of screeching. But if you are determined and ready every time every time you drain the water, disassemble it and dry items, then buying such devices to scare you.

    Care for cleaner

    Honestly answer, how much time do you plan to give your little helper to understand what air purifier to choose. The device cleans the air for you, but you must clean it regularly, otherwise the device will not be able to work and simply break.

    If you are configured to approach the air purifier often, it is worth choosing a humidifier cleaner or a car wash - in them the water should be changed once every 3 days and pour it as needed.

    If for the buyer it is easy for its cleaner to care for once a week - then you will be perfect for an electrostatic air purifier. Approximately once a week, it is necessary to rinse electrostatic plates in it.

    If you want to clean up to spend a minimum effort and to clean the device, remember once a month, it is recommended to select a ionizer cleaner, ozonizer cleaner, a photocatalytic cleaner or a cleaner with replaceable HEPA filters. These devices are enough to vacuum one month once.

    Filters for cleaner

    Decide whether you are ready to spend money on servicing the selected model of the air cleaner, or want to spend a minimum of money to maintain air cleanliness in the room.

    If you are not afraid of additional costs, boldly buy air purifiers with filters, because they guarantee the highest air purification level, because several air purification steps in any case. If additional costs are burdensome for you, then you should choose Filter-Purchate Air Purifiers: Ionizer Cleaners, Ozonizers Cleaners, Plasma and Photocatalytic Models, as well as air washing.

    If you choose a cleaner with replaceable filters, be sure to check that it supports the ionization function. The air that is skipped through any filter, its natural charge loses, in such a space a person is unsafe, because inhalation of such air provokes various diseases.


    To determine which air purifier is better for you, decide where you post it in the house so that he fit into the interior better. There are models for sale that need to be added to a height of 1.8 meters from the floor level, there are outdoor options, wall-mounted devices or air purifiers with a fork in the housing that are inserted directly into the outlet. Many devices effectively purify air when mounting on a certain distance from the walls, usually need to withstand a distance of 10-50 centimeters.

    It is worth determining how much the fan speeds for you. Is the presence of intense or background air purification and noise reduction at night? Maybe you need your assistant to have as many options as possible - air pollution sensors, a timer for measuring the humidity level and for automatic cleaning in some modes, a hygrometer, a night light, the air disinfection option in the absence of people.

    All additional "beams" are certainly worth more money, so you need to solve in advance, you really need them, or you will use them only at first after the purchase, or in general in the large number of modes and buttons. Therefore, decide right away, so as not to regret lately about the rapid act.

    Think up, do you sleep hard at night, or you are constantly bothering foreign noises. If this question is not applicable to you, you can skip this item, if not, it is worth choosing an air cleaner that works at night with a reduced level of noise, or give preference to silent air purifiers - ionizer cleaners or photocatalytic air cleaners, devices without fan or models with The possibility of shutdown.


    Today, the market offers buyers a wide selection of air purifiers. To make a useful purchase by reading the functionality of the devices, it is worth paying attention to manufacturers of this technique. The most common was cleaned by the following companies: Daikin, Electrolux, Venta and Boneco. The cost of most models ranges from 60 to 250 dollars depending on productivity, service functions and degree of cleaning.

    To date, the devices of the Japanese company Daikin are considered the best of air purifiers. Their leadership among other products is determined by the fact that these devices are endowed with the properties of purifying air from any contamination. Moreover, such devices are manufactured according to special technologies and suitable people who have a very strong allergy. Daikin is known as the largest manufacturer of industrial and household air conditioners.

    Venta is a global manufacturer of household appliances for cleaning and humidifying air. For a short time, the patented venta air purification system was able to take leading shares in the list of the ten best-selling air cleaners. Air washing successfully sold in North, Western and Eastern Europe, as well as in China, Japan and Korea.

    Electrolux air washing in themselves combine soft humidification of air with a unique method of cleaning air from dust, pollen, malicious disputes and dust mites. These air purifiers provide for moistening procedure, which is as close as possible to the natural process, it is not only effective, but also useful. Electrolux air sinks there is an ionizing silver rod, disinfecting air and destroying more than 650 different bacteria and viruses.

    Boneco air cleaners are highly efficient and ergonomic apparatus with an anti-allergy HEPA filter, which delays up to 99.95% of polluting microparticles, which are up to 0.3 microns. The coal filter eliminates tobacco smoke, chemical compounds, formaldehyde and harmful gases, for example, carbon monoxide. Boneco air cleaners have a popular air ionization option.

    Now you know how to choose the air purifier for your home or workplace. Finding out for yourself all the important parameters of the air cleaner, and wrote them on paper, you can safely go to a specialized store and choose the optimal model that combines all your wishes. Successful purchase and clean air!

    Air cleaner (english Air Cleaner) - A device intended for air purification.

    Why is it necessary to clean the air indoors?

    The main causes of air pollution in the room are:

    - Chemicals that have fallen into the room. The building itself and its environment allocate dangerous substances. More than 100 chemical compounds can simultaneously be present in the air of residential premises, offices. Including lead aerosols, cadmium, mercury, copper, zinc, phenol, formaldehyde, in concentrations, often exceeding MPC several times;

    - Poisonous evaporation and particles from detergents and cleaning products that are used in everyday life. And their concentration is 1000 times higher than in the open air;

    - bacteria, viruses, spores of fungi and mold;

    - Dust, particles of which less than 10 mkm, invisible for the eye, is practically not precipitated and constantly hanging in the air. Dust pliers and their products of their livelihoods, which are the strongest allergen;

    - human life products (150 types of chemicals), pets;

    - tobacco smoke and 3,600 chemicals from it;

    In the room in which the air is not cleared, in one liter of air contains up to 300 thousand diors with a size of 0.5 micron. Of these, only 75-80 thousand are returned to the environment with exhalation. And more than 200 thousand remain until time in the human body, or rather - in his bronchi and bronchiola! Considering that the volume of the breath is about 1.5-2 liters of air, it is easy to calculate that every time we do inhale, in our respiratory system there are about 400 thousand smallest particles of dust and aerosol. But every person daily through his lungs skipping about 7-9 thousand liters of air in calm state and 6-8 times more during active physical activity. Consequently, our respiratory system must somehow "recycle" more than 30 million dust particles and aerosol. Recall once again that the composition of polluted air includes soot and soot, pollen grains and spores of fungi, bacteria and microbes, including pathogens, a huge list of harmful chemicals and, finally, home dust. Each type of these dust particles and aerosol is able to act as an allergen. Even if these particles are inert, that is, they do not cause a toxic effect (the bronchus mucous membrane is irritated purely mechanical), they remain there for a long time. It is well known that miners, in the avid smokers are lightly intensely painted in black. But the black pigment in the lungs is enough for each city inhabitant, even if he never descended in the mine and never smoked.

    Is this what we want to breathe? But if we are accustomed to more carefully treat what we eat, the composition of the air environment is practically outside our control.

    We will not rely on statistics, it is very depressing: a rapid increase in the number of pulmonary diseases, allergies, a decrease in immunity, a rapid growth of deaths from lung cancer, chronic bronchitis, asthma.

    "The disease of our time can be called allergies. For the emergence and further development of allergies, as is well known, the unfavorable environment is of great importance. And if we cannot significantly affect the environment in the global sense, we can and should be monitored by the ecology by actively identifying provoking factors and eliminate them.

    First of all, it concerns home dust - the most common and empty allergen, causing the so-called respiratory (respiratory) allergies, which is characterized by sneezing, discharge from the nose (allergic rhus), cough, eye irritation and tearing (allergic conjunctivitis), choking. In the air that we breathe are microscopic dusty tick and its excrement. They are sources of strong allergic reactions. About 42 thousand dust mites live in 12 g of dust. There are about 15 varieties of these "monsters".

    By the conclusions of experts of the World Health Organization, air pollution in residential premises is a dangerous risk factor for human health. The air here is 4-6 times dirtier outdoor and 8-10 times toxic. The results are very sad.

    Therefore, it is better to protect yourself now, than suffering in the future from the consequences ...

    The principle of operation of the air cleaner

    The principle of operation of most air cleaners is to use the standard filtering mechanism (i.e., in precipitation of pollutants present in the air (particles) on special filters), part of the air cleaners (with a photocatalytic filter) can oxidize and split up pollutants to the molecular level to harmless components.

    The design solution of the air cleaner is determined by the nature of the contamination required by air purity, area and largely depends on the type of filters used.

    A typical air cleaner consists of a fan and a set of filters (usually several types of filters are included in the air cleaner, due to which the higher degree of air purification is achieved) collected in a single case.

    Types of air cleaners

    Currently, the following types of filters are used in the autonomous air purifiers of household and office purposes:

    • Pre-cleaning filters (mechanical filters)

    Pre-cleaning filters (mechanical filters) are the simplest filters used in air cleaners. They consist of conventional shallow mesh and are used as pre-cleaning filters. Designed to remove large dust particles, animal wool. Such filters are installed on almost all climatic equipment and protect against dust not only people, but also the insides of the instruments themselves. As a preliminary filter, protects subsequent filtering elements (coal, nera - filters) from premature wear.

    Most pre-cleaning filters eliminate particles of 5-10 microns. Despite the fact that the percentage ratio of particles of 5 microns with respect to the total mass of dust in the air is small, it plays a very important role, because if the system does not use the pre-cleaning filter, or it does not effectively remove the particles, it can lead To premature wear of the activated carbon or nera filter, the change of the latter is quite expensive.

    Preliminary mesh filters are reusable - for cleaning from dust they are enough to spend or rinse in warm water.

    • Electrostatic (ionizing) filters

    The principle of operation of electrostatic filters is based on attraction of electrical charges of different polarity. Polluted air passes through the ionization chamber, in which particles of pollution acquire a positive charge, after which they settled on negatively charged plates. To clean such a filter (plates), it is enough to rinse it with soapy water.

    Electrostatic filters are well cleaned air from dust and soot. At the same time, the method is possible to achieve filtering efficiency satisfying and even superior to the well-known HEPA standard. In addition, filters using this technology allow multiple cleaning of the filter, which, of course, has a positive effect on the cost of the instrument.

    Air cleaners equipped with similar electrostatic filters are often completed in combination with HEPA, coal filters.

    • Water filters

    Water filters are usually used in climatic complexes, "air sinks".

    The principle of operation is pretty simple and at the same time is very effective: the air is closed by a fan - dust particles receive a certain charge (the technique used in electrostatic filters) and are fed to moisturizing discs that have the opposite charge, the dust is attracted to moistened disks, it sends to them and washed off in pallet.

    The main advantage of such filters is not required by replaceable filters that need to be cleaned, and as we use and replace. Accordingly, there are no additional operating costs.

    For greater cleaning efficiency in some air purifiers, additional HEPA filter is used in combination with a water filter.

    • Coal (adsorption) filters

    The main purpose of coal filters is to physically absorb the gas molecules on its pores. Activated coal filters are better eliminating the volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds with a rather large molecular weight. The amount of coal filter filter material is one of the important efficiency determining it. Obviously, the more micropores are contained in the corner, the more gas and smells can be eliminated, and the longer the filter operation time, before its pores overflow, and the filter will need to be replaced. It is also important that in addition to coal filters, air cleaners are equipped with mechanical filters (pre-purification - dust-believers). If the pre-cleaning filter does not effectively detain the macroks, they will accumulate in the coal filter micropores. Consequently, this will lead to premature saturation of activated carbon and filter wear.

    The filter form is also an important factor determining the efficiency of the air flow. A coal filter with finely dispersed activated carbon is the cause of large air flow resistance. If the filter consists of larger granules, it will facilitate air movement through the filter.

    With a corrugated form of the filter, the filtering surface of the coal increases, which in turn increases the efficiency of eliminating gases (the greater the surface, the greater the absorption efficiency).

    However, these filters are not very effective when used in a high humidity environment. Also activated carbon is not effective to remove gases with a lower molecular weight, such as formaldehyde, sulfuric anhydride and nitrogen dioxide. To eliminate them, it is necessary to use additives made from hemosorbents that are capable of chemically eliminating these gases.

    Hemosorbent reacted with a water molecule in the air, and a gas molecule is chemically decomposed on harmless substances, such as carbon dioxide. This process is called chemical absorption. Typical hemosorbents include aluminum oxide, aluminum silicate and potassium permanganate.

    Thus, air purifiers in which only coal filters are used are not so effective for cleaning the air of urban premises. Therefore, in the air cleaners, they are used in combination with other filters (HEPA, electrostatic, photocatalytic filters).

    Attention should be paid to the fact that it is necessary to change the carbon filter once every 4-6 months, since as the toxins and dust accumulates and the filter itself can become a source of pollution (at some point to "throw away" a part of the accumulated over several months) . This can occur when the filter is untimely change.

    • Bath filters (fine mechanical cleaning filters)

    Air Cleaning Filters - HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Arresting - High Efficiency Particle Delay) is a dust air filter of high efficiency.

    HEPA filters in many air cleaners are the main filtering element.

    The principle of operation of the HEPA filters is simple enough: the air fan is driven through the filter and thereby free from dust particles. The HEPA filter delays more than 99% of all particles with dimensions from 0.3 μm and more. Most allergens (pollen, spores of mushrooms, wool and dandruff animals, allergens of ticks of home dust, etc.) have dimensions more than 1 microns, so the HEPA filters are used in vacuum cleaners or air purifiers, which are recommended to use allergic patients with the proven role of respiratory allergy during Diseases.

    Saying Peter M. Rotman, Doctor of Medicine, Fort Wayne - Regarding the purification of non-Filters: "Portable air purifiers based on HEPA filters are undoubtedly a necessary means to combat all types of dust mites, mold and animal wool disputes. HEPA filters work well in closed rooms in which they can repeatedly process and clean the air from allergens. "

    According to the adopted international classification, there are 5 HEPA filter classes: H10, H11, H12, H13 and H14. The higher the class, the better the quality of air filtration - so, the HEPA H13 filters (or True HEPA according to the classification of the American company Honeywell, USA) are able to delay particles up to 0.3 microns with efficiency up to 99.975%.

    The greater the square feet takes the filtering material of the filter in your air cleaner, the more particles it can delay before you overflow. Also, the greater the size of the filter, the greater the number of particles detained each time the filter passes. The type of material used and the design is important as defining the quality of the filter. The root filter corrugation should be solid to provide the same filtering efficiency. If the folds fit too tight to each other, it limits the movement of air and leads to a decrease in air force. In some, the filters instead of paper use synthetic materials. However, thin paper is the best material that effectively delays a large number of microscopic particles and does not strongly limit the air flow. Since the top quality filters are extremely fragile and easy to damage them, leading company manufacturers of air cleaners install filters in such a way as to protect the material from the filters. In addition, the filter surface represents a very convenient "bridgehead" for microorganisms, so manufacturers additionally impregnate them with a special chemical composition inhibiting the vital activity of bacteria (be sure to ask if such an impregnation in the filter selected) is provided.

    Hepa. - filters were initially developed for equipment of ventilation systems in medical facilities and premises with increased air purity requirements; The technology is widespread in the West, used in industrial and domestic air cleaners.

    Nera filters are used in the following areas:

    - in houses, hotels, offices, where clean air is especially necessary to ensure human health;

    - in health care for creating a sterile environment;

    - in the microbiological and pharmaceutical industry to create sterile zones on the production of drugs and products;

    - in the electronics industry to create pure industrial premises of high (1.10 and 100 USD for the USA F 209D) of the purity class;

    - in accurate engineering and aerospace industry;

    - in the chemical industry to obtain a dedicated atmosphere at the production of film and photographic materials;

    - in the nuclear industry for cleaning air from radioactive aerosols;

    - in the food industry at enterprises for the production of meat and dairy products for baby food.

    Even more perfect compared to the nera, are filters UPLA (ULTRA LOW PENETRATING AIR) capable of catching up to 99.999% of particles with a diameter of more than 0.1 μm. Such filters on the principle of action do not differ from the HEPA models. In the Ukrainian and Russian market there are rarely found.

    • Photocatalytic filters

    This type of filters are a novelty in air purification and are one of the best today.

    The essence of the air purification method consists in decomposition and oxidation of toxic impurities on the surface of the photocatalyst under the action of ultraviolet radiation. The reactions flow at room temperature, while organic impurities do not accumulate, but are destroyed to harmless components (water and carbon dioxide), and photocatalytic oxidation is equally efficiently effective with respect to toxins, viruses or bacteria - the result is the same. Most odors are caused by organic compounds, which are also completely decomposed by the cleaner and therefore disappear.

    Currently, this type of cleaners are not very widely represented. From the most popular, consumers are offered photocatalytic air purifiers of the Japanese concern Daikin (models: Siesta Acef3AV1, MC401VE, MC704AVM, Daikin MC 707VM NEW) and a photocatalytic air purifier with AirComfort 3SK-AC0304 humidification function.

    Due to the powerful oxidation of the Daikin used in photocatalytic filters - the effectiveness of purification to remove bacteria, viruses and microparticles has a very high figure: 99.99%.
    Air deodolation (elimination of odors) is also at a very high level - after one minute of the filter, 85% of cigarette smoke, ammonia, acetaldehyde, and other toxic gases are removed.
    All this is due to the ability of titanium dioxide (photocatalyst) under the action of ultraviolet light split at the molecular level of unpleasant odors to harmless components.

    Selection of air cleaner

    When choosing an air cleaner, it is important to determine:

    1) quality cleaning air cleaner - How high-quality air purification is needed, it all depends on the seriousness of the air quality problem that you are trying to solve. One thing is cleaning from cigarette smoke in the office and completely different air purification from allergens, for people suffering from allergies or asthma.

    If we are talking about allergies, then the more seriously the problem, the cleaner there should be surrounding air. A person with a lighter allergy form can feel comfortable when using a cheaper air cleaner; While for another person suffering from stronger allergies, such an air purification system will seem completely ineffective (better and more expensive air cleaner will be required).

    The highest quality filtering produce air cleaners with a HEPA filter or a photocatalytic filter. Such air cleaners are recommended for the use of asthmatics and allergies.

    To assess the efficiency of air cleaners, there is such a concept as a clean air supply coefficient (Clean Air Delivery Rate - CADR) equal to the amount of air exchanges on the filter efficiency and indicating the amount of clean air supplied by the air cleaner into the room. The higher the CADR, the cleaner air produces an air cleaner, and the more effectively it works.

    Air cleaner having a purification degree of 99.9%, but a small air flow rate (a small performance for some selected room), that is, not a time to "pump" through itself a sufficient amount of air will not be effective. Similarly, an air purifier having a high air flow rate, but a bad degree of filtration, does not bring much benefit.

    2) air cleaner performance - The size of the room is an important factor when choosing an air cleaner. It is recommended when selecting an air cleaner to calculate its performance (m 3 / hour) in such a way that it can skip the entire amount of air in the room at maximum speed through itself in one hour - three times.

    3) noise - Since the air cleaners must work all the time, while the person is indoors, especially at night, the noise of his work is not the last factor affecting the choice of model. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers in the technical characteristics of their devices indicate the noise level. So this comparison parameter is largely subjective. But, the greater the filter area, how shows experience, the noise of the device below. This is due to the fact that to pass the air through the hole of the large size, with the same performance, the air speed will be less. Many air cleaners have several speed modes. With that, the main and constant for them is always the lowest and, therefore, the most quiet. Increased modes are usually used with short-term strong dusting of the room (after cleaning, after the rapid games of children, etc.).

    The location of the air cleaner indoors does not greatly affect the quality of air purification. The best location is the center of the room, but if you place the cleaner in the corner, it will also effectively clean the air, the main thing is to ensure free access of air to its fence and outlet and preferably not to put the air cleaner on the floor, since large (heavy) dust particles , fur. The impurities can quickly "score" expensive filters of fine cleaning.