How to make a warm floor yourself. Water warm floor do it yourself: device and installation of warm water floor, step-by-step instruction

How to make a warm floor? In our article, you will find the right step-by-step instructions for installing a warm floor with water heat carriers.

Also in the article will present the advice of specialists.

All your attention should be given to no less important nuances for the proper installation of this system.

Before starting the installation of the system

Calculation of the heating system

It is necessary to calculate the heating system itself and determine the diameter and long pipes, control and control elements, as well as a list of shut-off water reinforcement. In addition, it is necessary to choose one of the possible presented types of waterproofing and insulation. During the selection of these materials and the calculation of the technical indicators of the water heating system itself, the material of the floor coating itself should also be taken into account.

The thickness of thermal insulation, which will be made of polystyrene foam or polyfoam, should be about a hundred millimeters, for highly warm regions, as well as the second floors, you can reduce this parameter, and make from thirty to fifty percent.

Installation of a warm floor

On concrete floors

Let's look at the installation of a warm floor in concrete ceilings on the first floor: for waterproofing, a polyethylene film should be used, the thickness of which must vary from thirty to forty micrometers.

The upper screed must be covered with semi-dry concrete, and already shut-down floor covering is a ceramic tile. Pipes for the system itself are purchased by plastic, and a metal mesh is used to fix pipes and enhance the strength of the upper screed.

Preparation of the foundation

All its attention at this stage should be given to irregularities. Although polystyrene foam has enough good indicators of its physical strength, very large loads in certain places are caused by its deformation. That is, the pipeline system itself is deformed, the upper screed saves, and unnecessary additional efforts are manifested. In fact, these phenomena, these phenomena can achieve fairly critical values, as well as quite negatively affect the final coating of the floor itself. We advise you to prepare preparatory work as diligent.

There is also another point to which it should also be paid in the process of preparing the basis. We mean the place of fixation, the so-called damper tape on the wall. To avoid the manifestation of unnecessary (air) pockets in the place of adjustment of the tape itself, the wall itself should be aligned. You can apply in this case a spatula, but if you have a rather impressive experience of construction work, then you can make it a simple trowel, which will make it at least three times faster.

Laying waterproofing

You will take it a small part of the time, but it will give the opportunity to avoid different errors. In addition, during the process of compiling schemes of schemes, there is an opportunity to choose a fairly optimal placement of circuits with respect to geometry and, accordingly, their length.

Tip! There are correct advice in the world, namely, it is not to lay pipes under the places where there will be furniture, the system will simply be overheated and very quickly lose its attractiveness. We recommend that you act as thoughtful as possible.

The main question is who can give a general guarantee that in the very places where furniture is located, it will stand constantly, and you just don't want to make a complete redevelopment of the room or a simple permutation of furniture?

The length of each contour is obliged to take into account the power of your water pump, the characteristics themselves must be listed in the instructions for use, we recommend that they are very careful to study them before the start of installation.

Determination of water pump performance

Here you can say the table of determining the productivity of the water pump, which depends on the heated area.

Otherwise there are possible situations when the temperature of your gender in different zones of your room will be quite different, and it is very difficult to achieve the optimal temperature.

It is possible to mount pipes in two ways:

The durability and safety of the use of this heating system is rooted depending on how you will monitor the pipeline system.

Over time, under the significant impact of the material itself, it gives cracks and faults. Basically, the leakage occurs in places where the docking of the fitting with a nut. On the appearance of the crack can be invisible, and you dump it all on poor-quality gasket.

However, your attempts to tighten the nut is not crowned with success, and you just climb the threads of the fitting and leave it inside the nut. Take out the bummer is very difficult, often people just change a pair. The best option will be the material of the manufacture of fittings, that is, stainless steel, can also approach such material as bronze.

All other alloys that also have the color to buy no need. Also, it is not necessary to save on the fittings themselves, their special importance in the heating system itself is very difficult to overestimate.

There is also another nuance. Use for the most sealing compounds exclusively rubber gaskets, do not advise you to use a paronite, it must be incredibly delayed, so not all fittings are able to withstand it.

And the last important point. These are elements that work in a pair are obliged to be only from the same material. This is necessary in order to maximize the manifestation of various critical stresses due to the difference in thermal expansion.

Tip for connecting pipes with press fittings! Pipes must be connected to each other press fittings or crimping.

If necessary, connecting pipe segments in hard-to-reach places or under the tie of the warm floor, you must apply the press fitting. To use this press fitting, you need a special tool, namely the press clamp. The conditions of the process of installing press fittings allow a hidden gasket, or the fill in concrete, which significantly expands the possibilities in the process of designing thermal floors and engineering communications. Reliability increases, and the amount of reinforcement used in this case is reduced, respectively, the flow consumption decreases, which will strongly affect the price of the project.

Council of the phased connection of pipes (metallic) with crimping press fittings.

It is mainly allowed only to compress the coupling with a press tick. It is strictly forbidden to repeated coupling.

The fifth step will be checking the tightness of the compounds.

Without check, it is forbidden to hold a shrewing, it must be remembered by everyone and always.

Ways to check system

If the booming is very large, then you can detect it for rumor, however, if it is imperceptible, then you need to apply soap water. According to this method, you will find leakage in the water supply system, and also use this method in gas pipes.

Finishing tie

The sixth step will be a shook. There is a good advice from specialists to apply dry construction technologies.

Wet concrete has a peculiarity of leaking and freezes for a very long time, and also has a significant weight. All data three indicators for your heating system can be destructive or simply have negative consequences.

Scienting with the best way will be carried out from the so-called semi-dry mixture. For its manufacture, they take the usual proportions of cement and sand (three to one) and interfere very carefully. It is necessary to produce it with a concrete mixer, or you can do it manually. But the water must be added very carefully, while quite small proportions.

Check is ready if your solution is ready or there is no easy enough, you just need to squeeze the solution in your hand, but if your solution is kept together, and at the same time it will not pass water, then you have everything excellent, you can work with your mixture . After that, everything is held on the algorithm already known to you, work with a screed and installation of lighthouses.

Analysis of possible problems

There are several problems during work with the tie of the water pipeline itself.

The first problem is the installation of beacons

Modern products, or else it can be called a metal rail simply not suitable, so you should apply the old technology. Lighthouses are made from the mixture, the longitudinal lines are poured at a distance that should be slightly less than the length of the ironing. Using a level, you should catch horizontal.

To accelerate the time of setting the beacons, you can step a pair of sprinkle with a simple dry cement. If you do not have experience working with this rule, then it is necessary to put on the lighthouses wooden or metal strips, be sure to smooth. Such a plank will not allow violations of the position of the lighthouse surface, even with a very strong click on the rule.

The second problem is a problem during the work of work.

We advise you not to adapt to the place of fixation of pipes and connections, over time they will be loosened and can just slip out. It also applies to those in the most cases when the pipes are fixed with brackets to the insulating tiles themselves.

The dry screed has a strong strength for mounting absolutely all types of complete floor coatings, in the same number from heavy stone (natural). In addition, this method will provide an opportunity to rather reduce the consumption of building materials, and also significantly reduce the time of work. You can proceed to subsequent work with the floor you can already after passing twelve hours. For wet concrete, the lapse of the time is reduced twice and even more.

Tip! The temperature sensor must be installed in the middle between the tubes itself. This is done in order to be replaced, if necessary, of course. Mounted the sensor in the corrugated tube. One end of the pipe must be drowning.

Construction work is completed on this, you can connect heating to the control system and adjustment.

The heap system will become an excellent addition to the main heating system. Also, the warm floor can safely perform the functions of the main heating without the need to apply additional devices.

Often the owners decide to carry out the installation of a warm floor with their own forces. And if to connect the electrical system, it is necessary to own the skills of electrical work, the independent arrangement of the water warm floor can die for everyone. Check out the instructions and proceed to work.

Make a warm floor with your own hands

Preparatory work

First step

Remove the old screed to the very base. Control so that the surface drops are not exceeded 1 cm.

Remove the old tie

Second Step

Put the surface of the waterproofing material on the carefully cleaned surface.


Third Step

Secure the perimeter of the room to the damper ribbon. If your system consists of several contours, the tape also needs to be laid through the line between these circuits.

Secure on the perimeter of the room damper tape

Fourth Step

Warm base. The thermal insulation material is as well as the procedure for insulation, is selected individually in accordance with the terms of the specific situation.

So, if the system is used as a supplement to the main heating, it will be enough to lay foil polyethylene.

Warming with foil polyethylene

In most situations, foam or other suitable material is used as thermal insulation material.

Also available insulation, designed specifically for installation in a complex with warm floor pipes. The channels are already present in their structure under the laying of pipes.

Fifth Step

Squeeze the reinforcing grid over thermal insulation. It will contribute to an increase in the strength of the screed, which you will board the pipe.

Squeeze the reinforcing grid over thermal insulation

At the same time, the system pipes can be attached directly to the grid, eliminating the need to use special clips and strips. In this case, ordinary plastic ties can be used for attachment.

Fastening pipes to the grid with plastic screeds

Water Heat Installation Scheme

You need to do an individual calculation and determine the optimal parameters of pipe laying for each individual room.

The calculation is easiest to do with the help of a specialized program - it will give you the opportunity to save time and strength.

Calculate the required power for each individual circuit exclusively by the formulas is sufficiently difficult. This calculation requires accounting for a set of parameters. In this case, the slightest error can lead to extremely unfavorable consequences.

Calculation of the warm floor system

To calculate the system calculation you need to know the following parameters:

  • dimensions of the heated room;
  • material manufacture of overlaps, partitions and bearing walls;
  • features of the insulation under the system of heated floors;
  • the form of the finish coating of the floor;
  • the diameter of pipes used to arrange the heated floors system, as well as the material of their manufacture;
  • power of heating boiler. Engineering of a warm plant of a heat-mall pipe plant when installing

The listed parameters will allow you to calculate the optimal length of the stacked pipes, as well as a suitable step of their placement to ensure the necessary level of heat transfer.

You must also choose the appropriate pipe stacking route. Remember: when passing through pipes, water gradually loses heat. therefore the distribution of the elements of the system needs to be carried out taking into account a number of important nuances, namely:

  • pipes are recommended to start laying from less warm (outer) walls of the room;
  • if the pipe is entered into the room not from the outside of the outer wall, then the part of the pipe from the place of input to the wall should be insulated;
  • in order to gradually reduce the intensity of heating from the outer walls of the room to the internal, the option of laying "snake" is used;
  • in order to ensure uniform heating of space in rooms that do not have outer walls (wardings, bathrooms, etc.), you should use the installation method on the helix. At the same time, the spiral should develop from the edge of the room in its middle.

The most frequently used step of laying under-floor pipes is 300 mm. In places with increased heat loss, the pipe placement step can be reduced to 150 mm.

Location of pipes

It is desirable that the resistance of the pipes in the circuits connected to the general collector was the same. To do this, we need to share particularly large contours into several smaller contours. Equally large in this case includes contours, the length of the pipes of which exceeds 100 m.

Also, experts strongly do not recommend heating several rooms with one contour. Mansard floors, glazed verandas, balconies, etc. Rooms should be heated with a separate system outline. Otherwise, the effectiveness of heating will significantly decrease.

Installation Guide Heated Floor System

Start the installation of the system. Work is performed in several stages.

First stage - collector

Water Heat Connection Scheme

The collector installation is performed in a manifold box specifically designed for this. Typically, the thickness of this box is 120 mm. Dimensions pick up in accordance with the size of the collector rude and taking into account the size of various kinds of additions such as sensors of plots, pressure, etc.

Collector: appearance and work scheme

Take the collector group so that the gap remains sufficient for the trimming of the pipes.

Install the collector wardrobe. Make it so that the indicators of the length of the pipes from each heated room and the system circuit were approximately the same.

The main elements of the collector node

Most often collective cabinets simply mounted in the wall - 120 mm thickness allows you to do this. The collector box must be installed above the level of floor heating system.

It is important to remember: to create a different kind of niche in the bearing walls is categorically not recommended, and in most situations it is even strictly prohibited.

The collector cabinet assembly is performed in accordance with the attached instructions, so you will have no problems and difficulties at this stage.

An example of a warm floor collector

Second Stage - Heating Boiler

First of all, select the appropriate power boiler. Equipment should normally carry incoming loads and have a certain power supply. The calculation is extremely simple: you summarize the power of all heated floors and add a 15 percent stock.

Boiler equipment

Circulation of the coolant in the system under consideration is provided by the pump. The design of modern boilers includes a suitable pump in its composition initially. Usually its power is enough to ensure the normal functioning of the system in rooms with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 120-150 m2.

In case of room dimensions exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven, you will have to install an additional pump. In such situations, pumps are installed in remote collector cabinets.

Boiler equipment

Directly on the input and output places of the coolant from the boiler, the locking valves must be installed. With the help of these devices, you can turn off the heating equipment when such a need appears, for example, for repair or preventive maintenance.

Most often, homemade masters prefer electrical heating boilers - they are most simple in the installation and show themselves very well when working in a complex with a warm floor system. To install and connect equipment, it is fairly simply followed by the provisions of the manufacturer's instructions.

Third Stage - Pipes

Laying pipes is performed in accordance with the pre-prepared scheme. For fastening elements, profiles with holes are commonly used for the placement of screws.

You can also attach pipes to the grid with plastic screeds - this has already been mentioned earlier.

Panels can be connected, laying their brass, pressing to a row of protrusions

When fastening the pipes, make sure that they are not overlapping the too tight - better when the loop is free.

Bend, try to make the most neat as possible, observing, while recommendations on the minimum permissible radius. In the case of polyethylene pipes, this radius is usually 5 pipe diameters.

Connecting pipes

If you spend the polyethylene pipe too much, the brass shade strip is formed on its bending. This testifies to the emergence of a challenge. It is prohibited to use such pipes - a breakthrough will appear very quickly.

Connecting the system of the system to the collector, perform with the use of fitting or the eurocontic system.

After completing the installation of the system, be sure to check the warm floor. To check, fill the water, feed the pressure of about 5 bar and leave the warm floor in a similar state for a day. If 24 hours after 24 hours will not be marked by any noticeable extensions and leaks, you can proceed to the arrangement of the screed.

Fourth stage - screed

When pouring a concrete screed to the pipes should be submitted working pressure. After the fill, the screed must be left for a month. Only after a complete set of strength of the screed can be moved to the styling of the finish coating.

When forming a concrete screed, you need to consider a number of important features associated with the nature of the heat distribution in the thickness of the fill and the finishing coating applied.

If the tile is laid, the screed thickness should be about 30-50 mm. Or you can reduce the distance between the pipes up to 100-150 mm. Otherwise, heat will be distributed absolutely unevenly.

In the case of laying linoleum, laminate panels, etc. The thickness of the screed must be even less. To harden the fill in such a situation, it is necessary to use an additional strengthening grid stacked over the pipes.

Thus, laying the heated floor system without any problems is performed by their own forces. It is only necessary to follow the provisions of the instructions and responsibly approach all the activities.

Warm floor

Good job!

- make a warm floor with your own hands

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How to make a warm floor to do with your own hands - the best instruction!

The article will give a step-by-step instructional installation of a warm floor with water heat carrier and practical advice of professional specialists. The main attention will be paid to important nuances on the correct installation of the system.

How to make a water warm floor with your own hands

Warm floor installation instructions

Before starting work, it is necessary to make the calculation of the heating system, to determine the length and diameter of pipes, elements of control and control, a list of shut-off plumbing reinforcement.

In addition, one of several possible types of insulation and waterproofing should be selected.

During the choice of materials and the calculation of technical indicators of the water heating system, the material of sexual overlap is taken into account.

Warm floor circuit

The thickness of thermal insulation from foam or polystyrene is approximately 100 mm, for warm regions or the second floors, this parameter can be reduced by 30-50%.

Heater for warm water floors

Heat insulating plates

Consider the installation option of the warm floor along concrete ceilings on the first floor, for waterproofing, we use a cheap polyethylene film with a thickness of ≈ 30-40 μm, the top screed of semi-like concrete, the finish flooring is a ceramic tile. Pipes for the system We buy plastic, to enhance the strength of the top screed and fixing pipes, a metal mesh is used.

Warm floor laying scheme under tile

Water Heavy Floors - Scheme

Step 1. Preparation of the foundation. The main attention should be paid to irregularities. Although the polystyrene foam has good indicators of physical strength, long-term loads in separate places cause its deformation.

Accordingly, the system of pipelines is deformed, the upper screed "saves", additional and unnecessary efforts appear on the break. In the most unpleasant cases, these phenomena can reach critical values \u200b\u200band negatively affect the finishing flooring.

As a result - you have to make a difficult repair.

Alignment of concrete floor

There is another nuance to pay attention during the preparation of the foundation. This refers to the place of fixation of the damper tape to the wall.

In order to avoid the appearance of unnecessary air "pockets" in the place of adjustment of the tape, the wall must be aligned.

You can use a spatula, but if you have sufficient construction experience, then you will make it perfectly and crawl, it will turn out much faster.

Alignment of walls

Step 2.. Laying waterproofing and insulation. We advise you to use cheap polyethylene film, the material perfectly performs its tasks, it is stretching if necessary, which minimizes the risks of the appearance of breaks.

Waterproofing floor film

Reinforced waterproofing film for floor

Plates of extruded polystyrene

Thick plates can be used for the insulation of the walls, in this position they do not act on them at all.

The laws of physics speak, then two thin plates have a greater margin of bending until cracks appear than one thick. It is understood that the total thickness in both cases is the same.

Such features will allow insulation to compensate for possible flaws of the preparation of the foundation. The insulation must be put up with such a calculation so that the joints be overlapped.

Packing polystyrene foam

If the plates failed to cut exactly and noticeable gaps appeared in the joints, then they must be attached to the mounting foam.

Many builders advise to fix the damper tape over insulation directly under the cement screed, this option has the right to be.

We do not welcome this decision, after all, much more efficiently and more reliable to fix it before insulation, it will help to perfectly close the gaps around the perimeter of the room without using the mounting foam.

Floor insulation, laying plates

Laying extruded polystyrene foam

Practical advice. It is not necessary to wait until the foam dry completely and then trim the surplus. As soon as the first series of insulation was renovated, immediately put on it the second. Fresh foam is excellent glue for all foam materials, it will reliably connect two layers of the insulation, due to this, the strength of the lower layer will increase.

Laying plates in two layers

Step 3. Installation of reflective film. Purchase the one that has a markup in the form of squares of 5 mm, this will help accurately monitor the process of laying the system pipelines.

Most of the "advisers" tell how this film needs to be sealed to skotch in the joints and around the perimeter, which huge heat savings resulting in this.

All this is not true, in this way it is necessary to seal vapor and waterproofing, the film does not save any heat. If you properly laid thermal insulation stoves, then there is no need to lose time on the cloak of the film.

Hired brigades are engaged in such a matter for only one reason: it is very easy works, and the customer will pay good money for their execution. Claper seams only if there are no waterproofs from a plastic film on a concrete base.

Film and reinforcement grid are laid on top polystyrene

Although, as the practice of accidents with thermal floors shows, any hydraulic protection in these cases has a zero effect. Water will raise its level until it finds a gap for leakage. And she will find it necessarily, be sure. If you made the perfect multi-layer waterproofing and it will not leave down anywhere, it will appear at the top.

What is the difference that you have to repair, - the ceiling of the lower floor or the floor of the upper? The earlier the leakage will be discovered, the less harm to all designs. If water is for a long time to put together the walls, then the fungus will necessarily appear and so on.

During the installation of a warm floor with water heating, the main attention must be paid to the tightness of the system, and not the cloak of the seams of the tape film.

Thermogram revealed a leakage place in a heap system

Step 4. Laying pipes of the heating system. We strongly recommend to draw several scheme options before laying. This takes away very little time and allows you to avoid annoying mistakes. In addition, during the compilation of the schemes, it is possible to choose the optimal location of the contours, taking into account their length and geometry.

Warm Pipes

Practical advice. There are the right recommendations not to lay pipes under the installation places of furniture, it will overheat and quickly lose their attractiveness. We advise you to act very thoughtfully. Who can give a guarantee that in these places the furniture will stand all the time that it does not want to make it a permutation or complete redevelopment of the premises?

The length of each contour should take into account the power of the water pump, the data is indicated in the instruction manual, carefully examine it before installation.

Table definition of pump performance depending on the heated area

Otherwise, situations are possible when the floor temperature in various areas of the room will be significantly different, and it will be difficult to achieve comfortable heating values.

Pipes can be mounted in two ways:

  • special brackets immediately on the reflective film, a grid applied to it. The system is fixed with special brackets. The method is not bad, work is done quickly and efficiently; Filtamass stuffing material phyxation of the pipes of the henching bracket (clips for a warm floor) Folgited with marking for a warm floor
  • to a metal reinforcing grid. It falls on the heat-power film, the pipes are fixed by plastic clamps. We believe that this method has no advantage before first. But there is a shortcoming: an additional increase in the cost of mounting and the danger of mechanical damage to pipes. As a reinforcing element in this position, the grid does not play any role. According to the construction rules, it must be filled with concrete to a thickness of at least five centimeters, only in this position the grid works in the bundle and increases the physical indicators of the strength of the screed. Clamps fastening pipes to the grid and lenteprocessing pipe fastening of the pipe photo are fixed with plastic ties

Very important. The safety and durability of the heating system depends on how you connect the system of pipelines.

Never buy low-quality fittings and shock fittings from fragile alloys. The fact is that with time under the influence of phenomena of material fatigue give cracks. As a rule, leaks are formed in places of dusting nuts and fitting. Visually, the crack is not visible, it seems that the reason is in a poorly tightened gasket.

Attempts to pull up the nut always end sad - the threaded part of the fitting and remains in the nut. To remove it from there it is very difficult, most often you have to change a couple. The ideal version of the manufacturer of fittings - stainless steel, and the bronze is suitable. All other color alloys should not buy.

No need to save on fittings, their importance in the heating system is difficult to overestimate.

How to choose fittings

Another nuance. Use only rubber gaskets to seal the compounds, you should not use the paronite, it is necessary to delay it strongly, not all fittings will withstand such efforts. And last. Elements working in a pair must be from one metal. It is necessary in order to eliminate the appearance of critical stresses due to the difference in thermal extensions.

Connection of pipes with press fittings

The sequence of compounding metal-plastic pipes with crimping press fittings

Step 5.. Check the tightness of the compounds. Without check, it is strictly forbidden to do the finish tie, it should always be remembered. How to check the system?

  1. Disconnect the input and output of the contour. Exit to drown out, put a tee on the entrance. To connect the exact pressure gauge and the valve.
  2. Connect the compressor to the valve, create an air pressure in the circuit not below 2 atm. The exact value needs to be determined taking into account the operating pressure of the coolant. During testing, air pressure should exceed it in approximately two or three times. After the air is injected into the pipeline, close the valve and leave in this position for about twelve hours.
  3. After time, check the indicators of the pressure gauge. Any pressure drop testifies to leakage, you need to find a problem place and eliminate the cause.

If the blending is large, it is possible to find it "for rumor", if small, you will have to use soapy water. In this way, the leakage of gas pipes is detected.

Pressing Water Heat

Semi-dry tie

Semi-dry screed and warm floor

Wet concrete can flow, it cools for a long time and has a lot of weight. All three factors for the heating system can have negative consequences.

The tie is better to do from a semi-dry mixture. For its manufacture, the usual proportions of sand and cement are taken (one to three) and are thoroughly mixed. You can do this manually or with a concrete mixer.

But the water should be added carefully and small portions. The readiness of the solution is checked simply: Squeeze it in a fist. If the mixture is holding together and at the same time, the water does not protrude through the fingers - everything is fine, you can work with it.

Preparation of a mixture of semi-dry tie

There are several nuances during work with a screed along the loop of the water pipeline.

  1. First. There are problems with the installation of beacons. Modern metal rails are not suitable, you need to use the old technology. Lights make out of the mixture, pour out longitudinal lines from it at a distance slightly less than the length of the ironing. With the help of the level of catching horizontality. In order to accelerate the time of setting the beacons, you can sprinkle them several times with a dry cement. If the experience with the rule is not enough, then you need to put on the beacons smooth metal or wooden planks. They will not allow violations of the position of the upper surface of the beacons when the rule is too strong.
  2. Second. During the work of the work, try not to adopt the places of connection and fixing pipes, they may disturb or completely slip away. This applies to those cases when pipes are fixed directly to insulating plates.

Semi-dry screed with fibrovolok. Stacking process

Dry screed has sufficient strength for mounting all types of finishing floor coatings, including from heavy natural stone. In addition, this method makes it possible to significantly reduce consumption of building materials and reduce work time. You can start further work with the floor after 12 hours. For wet concrete, time increases at least twice.

Semi-dry bandsci ready

Practical advice. The temperature sensor is set in the middle between pipes. In order to be able to replace it if necessary, mount the sensor in the corrugated pipe. One end of the pipe drown.

This construction work is completed, you can connect heating to the adjustment and control system.

- Installation of a warm floor in a two-story house

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Many modern apartments have heating systems other than traditional. Currently, warm floors are currently acquired, by the way, we have recently wrote, how to make a warm floor from heating.

They can have different designs and well-deserved respect are warm floors with a coolant in the form of water. The warm floor will create a truly cozy atmosphere in your apartment.

Its use not only make an apartment or private house comfortable, software and allows you to significantly save on heating accounts, since the warm water floor can only be used in the necessary situations and in important areas.

We do water warm floor in the apartment

When creating water heating of the floor, the energy flow goes in the bottom upward, along the natural trajectory, evenly heating the entire volume of the room, creating comfortable conditions at the bottom of the room, that is, in the area where the main activity occurs. Near the floor, the temperature rises for several degrees compared to ceiling areas, which has a beneficial effect on the human body.

The organization of warm water floors in your apartment will allow you to abandon the installation of heating radiators and will provide an opportunity to apply non-standard design solutions, such as set large panoramic windows.

Water Heat Connection

What is the water half better electric?

The electrical floor heating system may initially seem more economical than the use of water heat carrier.

However, with long-term operation, warm floors with water used as a coolant look more preferably from an economic point of view. In a long term, water heating costs look more preferably than electric heating.

An important factor affecting the selection of liquid heating floors is also the fact that electrical heating can create adverse electromagnetic fields.

First of all, such an approach is prohibited at the legislative level (with the exception of the construction of new buildings, where heat heated floors are included in the project). Also, the power of heated floors from the DHW causes significant cooling of the coolant, that is, water, which is unlikely to like your neighbors.

General device of warm water floor in the apartment

So, the system of warm floors with heat carrier in the first approximation looks like plumbing pipes laid between the base of the screed and the final floor coating. As a coolant, hot water can be used from conventional heating or special liquid (ethylene glycols or antifreeze) heated in the system.

The main elements of the heated floors with liquid coolant are pipes, thermal insulation, fasteners, control system and reinforcement devices controlling the coolant flow.

- Water warm floor in the apartment, laying pipes

Warm floor calculation

In order to make the calculation of the materials necessary for the organization of warm water floors, first of all, it is necessary to answer the question: in what capacity will this system be constructed? There are two main options for using warm water floors: as the main type of heating that excludes other types and as an additional intended for creating a local comfort environment.

In addition, for calculating the required materials, it is necessary to estimate the following factors: the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated room, its characteristic (for example, the material of the walls and the design of the windows supported by the temperature), the type of finishing floor coating. For example, the organization of a floor finish coating from a solid board requires a higher heating, since the tree is characterized by excellent thermal insulating properties.

The characteristics of the heated room significantly affect the required power of water warm floor.

So, if the room literally "sits on the slits", and its heat loss exceeds 100 watts per square meter - it is advisable to first engage in the insulation of the room, and only then organize the construction of warm floors.

Even the presence of double-glazed windows does not guarantee the sealing of the room. With poor thermal insulation of the walls, your room will lose up to 80 watts per square meter. You will literally doll the street and "throw money into the pipe."

Used pipes

In addition, for calculations when building a warm flooring system with a liquid coolant, the characteristics of the pipes used for the coolant turnover should be considered. Currently, the following types of pipes are used in the water floors:

  • - Penopal. This material is characterized by low cost and the same low heat conductivity.
  • -Maliplastic. Currently, they demonstrate the perfect value for money.
  • - Ssed polyethylene or pex pipes. Not bad choice.
  • -Copper. Perfect heat transfer, but high cost.
  • -Rezer-corrugated. Freshly treated in the market of warm liquid floors, characterized by excellent heat transfer.

After selecting the type of pipes to arrange the heated floor, it is necessary to determine the length of the communications. The required length of the stuffed pipes depends on the method of laying.

Methods of laying pipes

Before you begin laying pipes, read the article - water warm floor without a screed.


There are two main ways to install the heated floor pipes with water coolant, conditionally referred to as "snake" and "snail-Rcushka".

Laying pipes using snake and snail

Interestingly, the method of laying pipes of warm water floor has a geographical binding: "Snake" pipes are placed mainly in Western Europe, but "snail" is mainly in Europe East.

Laying "Snake" has one tangible drawback: when using it, the temperature of the floor in different parts of the room can differ significantly.

So in the place where the inlet of the pipe system is the temperature of the coolant (and, therefore, the flooring temperature) will be slightly higher than on the portion of the output pipeline.

In addition to uncomfortable relations, this approach can also lead to partial destruction of the medium in which the heated gear pipes from the temperature difference are located.

Pipe laying schemes for water warm floor

To prevent the temperature level drop in the system, a special restriction on the difference in the temperature of the heat carrier in various areas of the room is introduced, and the snake laying system itself is better to use in rooms with high thermal insulation.

A more complex, but more efficient system laying pipes in the design and creation of warm water floors is the "snail" laying.

In this case, the heat, brought by the working fluid, is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the room. Pipes with partially hot and relatively cold coolant in such a system are sequentially alternate.

The disadvantage of this approach is the increased complexity of the design and installation of the system.

Water warm flooring pipe laying scheme in the bathroom

When laying a "snail" "hot" and "cold" pipe, it is in parallel to each other from the input of the coolant to the center of the room, and then return to the output section.

Calculation of pipe length

A very important characteristic used in the calculation of the warm floor with heat transfer with liquid is a pitch pitch, that is, the distance between the pipes left when they are installed.

From the gaps between the pipes with the coolant, the required length of pipes and the uniform distribution of the progressable heat are depends on. With increasing the size of the gaps between the pipes, it is recommended to increase the temperature of the coolant.

In addition, the head-conducting step may vary and depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room - somewhere required to make the surface temperature more, and somewhere smaller.

Water warm floor in the apartment do it yourself

Approximately you can estimate that in order to achieve a thermal return of 50 watts per square meter, a pipe with a coolant can be 30 centimeters.

With increasing heat transfer to 80 watts, the distance between the pipes should be reduced to 20 centimeters, and in areas for which a very uniform temperature distribution of the pitch should not exceed 15 centimeters.

We give an approximate calculation: the room in 30 square meters is required to ensure the heating of approximately 25-26 square meters of the floor. In case of a pipe with a heat carrier in 15 centimeters, the cleaner length of the pipe will be about 160 meters.

The outdoor heating system is the most comfortable and economical option of the private house. The reverse side of the medal is the decent price of components and installation relatively with the cost of the radiator scheme. We offer to save significantly - purchase materials, mount the water warm floor with your own hands and pour cement screed. We provide a step-by-step instructions on the device of heating contours with the least financial costs.

Stages of work

The warm-alone device in the apartment or a private house is a set of activities that are strict:

  1. Design - the calculation of the necessary heat transfer, laying step and pipe length, breakdown on the contours. Depending on the type of base (overlap), the composition of the "cake" of the warm floor is selected.
  2. The choice of components and building materials - insulation, pipes, manifold with a mixing unit and other auxiliary elements.
  3. Preparation of the foundation.
  4. Mounting work - layout of insulation and pipelines, installation and connecting combustion comb.
  5. Filling the system with heat carrier, hydraulic tests - crimping.
  6. Pouring a monolithic screed on cement-sandy solution, primary start and heating.

Recommendation. Perform the installation of TP in the building of the building, immediately after the construction of partitions between the rooms. This will provide for the necessary height of the thresholds and freely fit the "pie" under the floor covering. If doorways with low thresholds have already been formed in residential premises, try to get out of the situation.

Let us turn to the detailed consideration of each stage of arranging heating floors.

Calculation and development of outdoor heating scheme

To properly mounted a warm floor under the coupling with your own hands, consider a number of important points and requirements:

  • the maximum temperature of the finishing coating is 26 degrees, a hotter surface often causes discomfort and sensation of stuffing;
  • accordingly, water in the germ pipes is heated to a maximum of 55 ° C, so that directly to central heating of the apartment cannot be connected;
  • under stationary furniture, for example, a headcard in the kitchen, floor heating is not done;
  • the length of the pipe of one contour does not exceed 100 meters (optimally 80 m), otherwise you will get an uneven heat distribution, excessive cooling of water and costs for a more powerful circulation pump;
  • to comply with the previous rule, the rooms of the large area are divided into 2-3 heating plates, between which the deformation seam is suitable, as shown in the figure.

In this case, the overall length of the heating thread was 110 m, so the screed is divided into 2 plates with a deformation joint in the middle

First we will offer more correct, albeit a complex design option. Instructions, calculate the heating power by any of the 3 methods - in terms of volume, area or heat loss of the room. Then determine the laying scheme, diameter and distance between adjacent pipes, given the thermal resistance of the coating, - laminate, linoleum or tile.

Note. The method of calculating the styling of pipes under the tile and other types of coatings is explained by the manual.

Let us present a simplified version of the development of a scheme, practiced by many builders:

  1. If you live in the regions with a cold climate, lay the pipe with an interval of 10 cm. For the middle strip and the south, the step is taken equal to 15 cm, in the bathroom under the tile is enough 200 mm.
  2. We consider the length of the pipeline to 1 room. When the distance between the threads is 100 mm per square meter, 10 m of the pipe will fall, at a step of 15 cm - 6.5 m. P. If the total length exceeds 100 m, we divide the area into 2 equal parts - two separate heating monoliths.
  3. Among the existing laying schemes - "snail" and "snake" - newcomer it is better to choose the last one - it is easier to mount it.
  4. We determine the number of heating contours and select a collector with an appropriate number of conclusions. The cheaper option is independently.
  5. We place the collector at a convenient home of the dwelling (for example, a corridor). It is recommended to withstand the same distance to all rooms, look at the drawing of a one-story house.
  6. Pipes in the corridor will certainly lie too close - they need to be insulated with plastic sleeves.
  7. We definitely provide in the floor two-pipe layout from the boiler to heating radiators.

An important nuance. Having calculated the length of the branches of the warm floor, do not forget to add the distance from the room to the point of mounting the comb with the pump mixing unit. In order not to make a mistake with loop lengths, view the learning video:

Let us explain why mount the wiring for the batteries. Setting the pipe loop without calculation, you do not know in advance whether the power of TP is enough in the coldest winter days. If the problem arises, heated the warm floors above 55 ° C should not be more correct to include a high-temperature radiator network.

The composition of the "cake" of warm floors on the ground

The Internet published many schemes based on the composition. The confusion usually causes the use of film vapor and waterproofing between different layers of "cake". Explain each element of the classic warm water floor scheme, suitable on the ground (the listing of the layers is from the bottom up):

Important moment. The described scheme is correct when using polymer insulators that do not transmit moisture - extruded polystyrene foam, foam and polyurethane foam. If the fire safety rules require putting basalt wool, an additional layer of film that protects the insulation from overlooking above is required to put basalt wool.

The masters often simplify the design of the warm floors - put insulation directly on the sand pillow, without pouring a rough submersible. The solution is permissible under one condition - the sand needs to be thoroughly dissolved and compressed with a mechanized method - vibratory.

The upper film does not allow to penetrate moisture from the screed inside Minvata, from there it is nowhere to go

When installing the wooden floor on the lags from the screed, it is better to refuse. Use the "dry" method of the TP device - a shotboard from boards or chipboard and metal scattering plates. Thermal insulation material - mineral wool.

Scheme TP on concrete overlap

This method of heating the floors is advisable to use indoors over cold basements or on insulated balconies (loggias). Making water TPs above the residential rooms of apartment buildings is unacceptable, although some owners prohibit ignore.

Council. In multi-storey houses or at dachas with periodic heating, it is easier and cheaper to put electric warm floors - cable or infrared from heating carbon film.

"Pie" TP, suitable over the cold room, is made similarly to heating on the ground, but without a sand pillow and a rough screed. If the surface is too uneven, the thermal insulation plates are placed on a dry mixture of cement with sand (ratio of 1: 8) with a height of 1-5 cm. Heating circuits over heated rooms can be laid without waterproofing.

We give a list of equipment and building materials, which will be on the installation of water underwear:

Why the heat insulation of the floors should not take mineral wool. First, they will need expensive high-density plates of 135 kg / m³, secondly, porous basalt fiber will have to be protected from above the additional layer of film. And last: it's inconvenient to securely mount pipelines - you will have to put the metal grid.

Explanation about the use of a masonry welded grid from Ø4-5 mm wire. Remember: Building material does not reinforce the screed, but acts as a substrate for reliable fastening of pipes with plastic homutics, when "harpuna" is poorly held in the insulation.

Options for fastening pipelines on a grid of smooth steel wire

The thickness of thermal insulation is taken depending on the location of the warm floors and climate at the place of residence:

  1. Overlapping over heated rooms - 30 ... 50 mm.
  2. On the ground either over the basement, the southern regions - 50 ... 80 mm.
  3. The same, in the middle lane - 10 cm, in the north - 15 ... 20 cm.

In the warm floors, 3 types of pipes with a diameter of 16 and 20 mm (DU10, DU15) are used:

  • from metal plastic;
  • from stitched polyethylene;
  • metal - copper or corrugated stainless steel.

Polypropylene pipelines cannot be used in TP. The thick-walled polymer is poorly transmitted and significantly lengthened from heating. Soldering joints that will necessarily be inside the monolitha will not hold out the emerging stresses, deform and give to flow.

Usually under the tie labeled metalplastic (left) or polyethylene tubes with an oxygen barrier (right)

Newcomers for self-contained warm floors We recommend using metal-plastic pipes. The reasons:

  1. The material is easily beaten with the help of a restrictive spring, after bending a pipe "remembers" a new form. Stitched polyethylene seeks to return to the initial radius of the bay, so it is more difficult to mount it.
  2. Metalplastic cheaper polyethylene pipelines (with equal quality of products).
  3. Copper - the material is expensive, combined with a soldering with a heating of a joint burner. Qualitative performance requires considerable experience.
  4. Stainless steel corrugation is mounted without problems, but has increased hydraulic resistance.

For successful selection and assembly of the collector unit, we suggest to explore a separate manual. In what snag: the price of the comb depends on the method of adjusting the temperature and the mixing valve used - the three-way or two-way. The cheapest option is the RTL thermal heads operating without a submersion and a separate pump. After reading the publication, you will definitely make the right choice of the warmary control unit.

Homemade distribution unit with RTL thermal heads, regulating flow rate of reverse flow

Prepare the foundation

The purpose of the preliminary work is to align the surface of the base, lay the pillow and make a rough screed. The preparation of the primer base is made like this:

  1. Cover the land throughout the floor plane and measure the height from the bottom of the pit to the top of the threshold. In the deepening, a layer of sand is 10 cm, a sweeping of 4-5 cm, thermal insulation 80 ... 200 mm (depending on the climate) and a full-fledged screed 8 ... 10 cm, at least 60 mm. So, the smallest depth of the pit will be 10 + 4 + 8 + 6 \u003d 28 cm, optimal - 32 cm.
  2. Drop the pit for the desired depth and endure the ground. Slide on the walls of the label of heights and pour 100 mm sand, you can need a mixture with gravel. Seal the pillow.
  3. Prepare the M100 concrete, mixing 4.5 pieces of sand with one part of the M400 cement and adding 7 parts of the rubble.
  4. By installing the beacons, fill the rough base of 4-5 cm and allow the concrete to frozen within 4-7 days depending on the ambient temperature.

Council. If the height of the thresholds is not enough, sacrifice the rough floor of 40 mm and reduce the thickness of the screed to 6 cm. As a last resort, pour 6-7 cm of sand instead of ten, the pillow compute the vibropilet. The thermal insulation layer cannot be reduced.

Preparation of concrete overlap is to clean the dust and sealing the slots between the plates. If there is a clear height difference on the plane, prepare the galts - the alignment dry mixture of a portland cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 8. How to put the insulation to the galts, watch the video:

Installation of heating contours - step-by-step instruction

The first thing the base is covered with a waterproofing film with 15 ... 25 cm on the walls (the thickness of the thermal insulation + screed). The overheet of neighboring canvases is at least 10 cm, the joints are sampled by scotch. The insulation is then firmly stacked, the seams are filled with polyurethane foam.

  1. Puck the wall by a damper strip to the height of the monolith. Putting waterproofing out over the compensation tape.
  2. Mount the distribution cabinet with the pump and the collector inside.
  3. Spread the contours pipes according to the scheme using the measuring instrument and observing the laying interval. The ends of the loops are immediately constructed and connect to the comb.
  4. Attach the pipe to the heat insulation, inserting plastic "harpunas" with a step of 50 cm. If the structure of the insulation does not hold the locks, to put the metal grid before rolling the pipelines and bind it to the clamps.
  5. Install the compensation tape on deformation seams, as done in the photo. The latter are arranged on the borders of concrete monoliths, between the individual heating circuits and in the doorways.
  6. Route highways to radiators, wrapped pipes with thermal insulation sleeves. The eyeliner to the comb is also worth insulation - in this place the loops are located too close, heating the floors in the corridor completely there is no need.

    On the photo on the left hinges are stored correctly - tightened into thermal insulation covers. The right side of the future overheating is shown - not insulated pipes lie closely

  7. Connect the collector to the heating network of the private house, in the closet, carry out electricity for the circulation pump and other automation (if available).

Council. In the process of heating, the monoliths will become expanding and move relative to each other. Therefore, pipes crossing the borders of the plates, it is better to pack in special protective covers or put the sleeve of thermal insulation.

A node of passage through a deformation joint - pipes are better to close the covers or wrap insulation

It will also not hurt to start the boiler, warm the warm floors without a screed and visually make sure that the system is properly operational. How the installation of outdoor water heating is carried out, shown in the video:

Filling tie and collector configuration

For the device of heating monoliths of warm floors, the grade 200 cement-sandy solution is made with the obligatory addition of plasticizing composition. Component proportions: Cement M400 / Sand - 1: 3, the amount of liquid plasticizer is indicated in the instructions on the package.

Procedure for conducting work:

  1. Purchase beacons - metal perforated rails, prepare 2-3 buckets of a thick solution without plasticizer. Doing restrictive planks from wood is not recommended.
  2. Taking advantage of the workshop and the construction level, set the beacons at the required height, as depicted in the photo.
  3. Mix the portion of the main solution, pour out in the far corner over "pie" and stretch along the lighthouses by rule. If puddles are formed with puddles, add a solution, and at the next stuff, reduce the volume of the positive water.
  4. Repeat the knees until they board the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Walking on monolith and maintain further work is allowed when set 50% of strength, and start the heating at 75%. Below is a table of a set of hardness with concrete, depending on the time and temperature of the air.

    Redshed minimum strength values, green - optimal for continuing work

After hardening up to 75% of the strength, you can run the boiler and start slowing to warm the warm floors at the minimum temperature. Flowmeters or valves on the collector open 100%. The full heating of the screed will take 8-12 hours in the summer, in the fall - to the day.

It is more convenient to balance the loops by calculation. If you know the required amount of heat to the room, determine the flow of water in the circuit and set this value on the rotameter. The calculated formula is simple:

  • G - the amount of the coolant flowing through the loop, l / h;
  • Δt is the temperature difference between the reverse and feed, take 10 ° C;
  • Q is the thermal power of the contour, W.

Note. The scale of flow meters is marked in liters per minute, so before setting the resulting digit should be divided by 60 minutes.

The final adjustment is made in fact when the finish coating is ready - epoxy bulk floor, laminate, tile, and so on. If you do not want to communicate with the calculations, balancing the contours of the warm floor will have to method "Scientific Tyk". Methods for adjusting the collector, including using the Valtec program, are described in the last video:


The device of water warm floors in a small single-storey building - the task is completely solved. Work is better to maintain at the beginning of the warm period to place the time for the elimination of possible errors. If you want to facilitate work and speed up the installation, buy special mats with bugs for TP, allowing you to quickly mount pipes without additional fixation with brackets and clamps. Wire mesh, too, will not need.

How to mount a warm floor with your own hands? All parts of the installation of basic varieties of warm floors: capillary, liquid, electric, etc.

If you like comfort and warmly, the undisputed advantage of your home will be a warm floor, which is an excellent heating element. There are rooms in the house in which the carpet is uncomfortable. For example, an indispensable heat in the bedroom, in the kitchen or in the corridor.

What is a warm floor? It is a heating system, independent or additional. Unlike many other systems, the heating elements of this mounted under the floor, and not in sight. Thanks to this installation, warm air rises up throughout the floor area, evenly warming up the room. The large heating area, which is subject to warm floors, is undoubtedly an advantage, especially in the case when the warm floor is installed in the cottage.

Looking at prices for the installation of such a convenience, many think about how to make a warm floor. Mounted with your own hands, warm floor is very economical and practical.

This article will tell you how to make warm floors. It addresses all the types of such sex, their features and installation.

To make a warm floor with your own hands, you must first know which heat floors are, choose the appropriate, draw up a list of what you need and take into account all the details of the room and the peculiarities of the warm floor.

Materials for a warm floor depends on the characteristics of your desires for installation, but such basic groups can be distinguished:

  • The thermal insulation depends on the characteristics of the place, heat loss. For example, on balconies, lower floors, etc. need to use a larger layer.
  • Heating element. This, depending on the type variety, electric cable, infrared thermal film.
  • Protective covering. For example, screed, wooden rails, polyethylene film, plywood.
  • Top coating. It may be all that you wish you - tile, linoleum, carpet, laminate, tile, etc.

To know what warm floors are, it is necessary to remember their main varieties: water, electric (here includes infrared) and mixed capillary. The upper coating can be combined with different types.

How to make water warm floor?

The role of the coolant in such floors is performed by liquid. Circulating under the floor with pipes, heating the room from water heating. This type of sex allows you to use almost any kind of boilers.

  • installation of group collectors;

  • installing a mortise cabinet designed to install collectors;
  • summing up pipes that serve and disassemble water. Each pipe must be equipped with shut-off valves;
  • the collector must be connected to the locking valve. On the one side of the valve, you must install the removal of air, and with the opposite - drain crane.

Preparatory work

  • Calculation of the power of the heating system for your room, taking into account the heat loss and characteristics.
  • Preparation of the base and alignment of the surface.
  • Choosing a suitable scheme for which pipes will be laid.

When the floor is already in the process of laying, the question arises - how to make the most suitable laying of pipes. There are three most popular schemes that ensure uniform heating of the floors:

  • "Snail". Spiral in two rows with alternating hot and cooled pipes. The scheme is practical in rooms with a large area;

  • "Snake." It is better to start from the outer wall. The farther from the start of the pipe, the colder. Suitable for small rooms;

  • "Meandr" or, as elsewhere called, "double snake". The direct and reverse line of pipes go parallel to the snake throughout the floor.

How to make water heated floor: laying varieties

To prevent errors in the process of laying a warm water floor, you need to immediately decide on the laying method.

Concrete laying system

Laying thermal insulation, which will have such parameters: a layer thickness from 30 mm with a density coefficient from 35 kg / m3. It is recommended to use polystyrene or fastening isolation.

A good alternative can be:

  • attaching the damper tape throughout the perimeter of the wall. This is done in order to compensate for the expansion of the screed;
  • laying in thick plastic film;
  • mesh made of wire that will serve as the basis for fastening the pipe;
  • hydraulic tests. Pipes are checked on tightness and strength. Performed for 24 hours at a pressure of 3-4 bar;
  • laying a concrete mixture for a screed. The screed itself is set at a level of not lower than 3 and no higher than 15 cm above the pipes. There is already a ready-made specialized mixture for a tie;
  • drying screed lasts at least 28 days, during which the floor cannot be turned on;
  • the selected coating tab.

Polystyrene system

A feature of this system is the smaller thickness of the floor, which is achieved by the absence of a concrete screed. On top of the system layer layer of gypsum-fibrous sheet (GWL), in the case of laminate or ceramic tiles - two layers of GVL:

  • laying polystyrene slabs as planned in drawings;
  • good and high-quality aluminum plates that provide uniform heating and should cover at least 80% of the area, and pipes;
  • installation of gypsum fibrous sheets for the strength of the structure;
  • installation of coating.

If the heating is carried out from the heating radiator system, then the warm floor can be paved from the system.

How to make a warm floor from heating?

Installing a warm floor without changing the boiler becomes even faster. Therefore, now you will receive hints, how easier to make a warm floor from heating.

There must be a circulation pump. In the case when a single-tube system, the pipeline pipe is connected to the pump connection. The second pipe must be connected after the pump.

Floor preparation, screed and laying the circuit is made according to previous instructions. Pay attention to the difference between the compositions, as the mixture for the screed affects the proper functioning of the floor.

At the same time, it is very important to take into account all the features of the heated room, possible heat loss and to know exactly how to make a water warm floor.

How to make warm electric floors?

Electric warm floor warms the room using non-water with heat source, but an electrical cable with multi-layer insulation. Heating occurs due to the passage of electric current.

Special cables are used by three types:

  • Resistive single-core. The cheapest and simple. You need to connect both end to the power grid. Creates an electromagnetic field that can affect the health of people;
  • Resistive twise. It has heating and conductive veins. Connected by one end;
  • Self-regulating cable. Special clutches are heated. Do not overheat. The most convenient and most expensive.

How to install a warm electric floor?

  • Removing the previous coating, leveling of the surface, using a cement-sand screed;

The thermostat must be at a low at a distance of at least 30 cm from the floor, and in rooms with a high level of humidity - to be carried out beyond their limits.

  • Marking room. Warm floor in no case cannot be installed if the furniture without legs or a plumbing will be standing on top. It is also important to take into account when calculating the distance of the retirement from the walls and heating elements;

  • Laying thermal insulation. The insulating material can be a foam, in cases where warm floor is an additional heating system. If the apartment is heated from below, you can use polystyrene foam from 20 to 50 cm thick. If the floor is installed on the loggia or veranda, it is better to use mineral wool as thermal insulation;
  • Placing an electrocable snake.

Cable mount can be done in different ways:

  • on the reinforcing grid;
  • on the thin layer of the screed, in which the plasticizer and microfiber added;
  • use heating mats (a mesh of fiberglass, which is already attached an electrocabel with a certain step) to get thin warm floors.

  • Installation of the temperature sensor. The corrugated tube is paired from the mounting box to the heating zone by 40 cm. The tube must go smoothly between the cable, in the center. The end of the tube is closed by a plug.

  • Putting the placement of the main elements in the laying scheme.

Do not forget about the outlet. It must be installed at a short distance from the floor.

  • Trial start system. Checking the cable resistance and verification of values \u200b\u200bwith passport data.

Rooms with a high humidity factor involve grounding of the reinforcing grid and grounding to the regulator.

  • A mixture for a warm floor is poured with a small layer: the solution is needed cement-sand, with the addition of plasticizers. Or a specialized mixture for high-heater screed.

The first launch of the system is possible only in a month, since the concrete screed will not dry before and can deform with early inclusion.

  • Laying outdoor coating.

To set different temperature parameters for each room, you need to install separate heating systems.

How to mount the floor of infrared thermal blind?

Such a warm floor is put under the tile, as it is very thin. The easiest way to make a warm floor with your own hands, considering the simplicity of the installation of thermal film:

  • calculation of an area of \u200b\u200binfrared thermal blinds, taking into account the placement of furniture in the room (you can not put the film under the furniture without legs);
  • cleaning the surface of the base floor;
  • the coating of the heat reflective substrate, the reflective plane should be on top;
  • the thermal strip of the thermoplane is rolled down. Fixed with a construction scotch. It is important that the bands do not lay;
  • installation of the ripples required for connecting wires. In those places where the connection will be, it is recommended to apply either bitumen or insulating tape;
  • copper floor exit sites are stuck insulating, bituminous and again insulating tape;
  • connection of wires insulating tape;
  • connecting the temperature sensor on the black strip;
  • cutouts under the thermal sensor and under the wires inside under the floor. This is necessary for maximum leveling of the working surface. The wires in the deepening are rushed with scotch;
  • mounting the thermostat;
  • connect the thermostat to the power grid;
  • performance testing;
  • laying coating for protection. Such a coating can serve as a polyethylene film or the laminate sole;
  • finish coating. Immediately on top of the thermal blind laminate. If another decorative coating is used instead, the film should be installed on the protective coating and attach to the primary floor as much as much as possible.

It is better not to use tapes more than 7 meters. In no case cannot damage the graphite plates, attaching the strips by self-draws or brackets, otherwise they can disrupt the process of thermal support.

Do ? That is the question. Various species that have their advantages and their drawbacks. Now the market has appeared on the market, which combines in one warm floor electric and water and is a thin warm floor.

Reading the beginning of the article on how to make a warm floor, you probably thought about what is a capillary floor.

It is an autonomous closed system of the tubes, along which a low pressure circulates a liquid and an electrical block that heats the coolant. Since this is an ultra-thin warm floor, then it should be carefully pouring a mixture for a tie of a warm floor so as not to overdo the thickness. The main parameter is designed to heat the air in the rooms of a small area.

For heating large rooms you need several contours

The installation begins as in the electric - from the mounting of the control unit. The further capillary tubes are installed in the same way as when mounting water floors in the screed.

Liquid electric floor

These are the systems with a static coolant and a special cable for the entire length of the pipe, which warms a special antifreeze in the circuit. It is a very thin warm floor, so you need to be extremely gently tie.

The process of installing such a floor is carried out in the same way as the water in the screed only with the difference that the ends of the pipe are displayed to the mounting box.

Install the warm floor under furniture on the foregoing instructions is easy, and the installation with your own hands will be much economted. Now you can make a warm floor in the bedroom, children's, kitchen and other rooms, without fearing something to mount wrong.

You can also use any kind to install a warm floor in the kitchen under the tile. Knowing what a warm floor is, you can easily choose suitable options, as well as tell others about the floors, how to make light and independent installation.

If you make a warm floor with your own hands, be sure to stick the rules for installation and operation written by the manufacturer.

Pubication date: Edited 21 Sep 2015 Rating:

  • Comparison of electrical and water heating systems
  • Installation of water floor
  • Warm floor calculations
  • Components
  • How to make a warm floor
  • Preparatory stage
  • Floor insulation and pipes
  • Snake, spiral or snail
  • Collector unit and its arrangement
  • Warm floor and methods of its installation
  • Concrete floor
  • Chernovaya Pol
  • Finishing floor

Surprise with warm floors no one is not possible. New homes or those that only survived overhaul, for the most part have a water heating system hidden under flooring. Here, the temperature of the energy carrier does not exceed 60 0. Despite the laboriousness of the process and the high cost of all components of the water warm floor do with their own hands, do not be so difficult. How to carry out installation, choose components and why it is better to make such a heating this article.

Comparison of electrical and water heating systems

Heating, the temperature of which is low (electrical or water floors), subject to the compliance with the installation technology, is capable of faithfully to serve not one decade. The electrical system can be mounted in 1-2 days ("Pie" here to make it easier), which you can not say about water.

Plus, towards the electric flooring device is that they can be used in any home, private or multi-storey. At the same time, they can be laid even on an old coating.

But the installation of water floors is a big "cake", a clear scheme, painstaking styling and high screed. The collection of construction takes more than a month. But the result on the use of the heating system should level all disadvantages associated with the complexity and the high-cost installation process. This means that it is more profitable to use water floors. So, the table shows the comparative characteristic of water and electric floor.

At the same time, the heating of large areas with warm water floors is more than justified. The desired temperature in the contours is "recruited" for a long time, but "pie", the installation of which is performed flawlessly, can work on a smaller heating mode than at the beginning.

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Installation of water floor

Deciding to make a warm "pie", you need to decide on some aspects. For example, in the house there will be

  1. heated battery heating or only low-temperature;
  2. low-temperature circuit for which a separate mode is selected. It is necessary to take into account that one contour is the heating of the area is not more than 20 m 2;
  3. the boiler that can serve heat in contours, batteries, and will also provide a house with hot water.

How to make a water warm floor with your own hands relatively fast? Installation should be started with the purchase of all the necessary structural elements.

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Warm floor calculations

With clarification of the characteristics of the object, all calculations should begin. It is necessary to decide "pie" of a warm floor - the main heating or only heating. The scheme can skip the place where the furniture will be standing, which no one plans to move over the ages of decades.

So, for the calculations you will need the following knowledge:

  • the length of one contour must be within 100 meters;

Attention! If the length of the pipes exceeds 100 meters, in the circuit, more turns, it means that hydraulic resistance increases, water is worse circulates in the system and as a result, the temperature in the contour is uneven.

  • when the contours is the only source of heating, the step between the turns should not exceed 20 centimeters. If the water floor is an additional method of heating, it is enough to the step to be within 30 centimeters;
  • when laying an outline from the walls, it is necessary to retreat at least 10 centimeters.

Suppose that we have on the ground floor of a private house in a temperate climatic zone of 5 rooms and 1 corridor (its length of 10 meters) is also a boiler room. It will be logical to install a separate circuit in each room. Then through the corridor to the boiler room you need to carry out pipes for connecting to the collector. Thus, make a separate laying of pipes in the corridors there is no need, but to the length of each contour you need to add the distance from the room to the collector.

In our house, heating is only low temperature (step 20 cm). This means that the length of the pipes can be calculated by such a formula:

- This is the square of the room, we have 15 meters;

- the distance between the vita (0.2 meters);

- Standard coefficient, it is needed to take into account the pipe for bend.

Meter pipe.

This is the furthest room, it means that the water will go from 15 with a small meter from the collector to her. Thus, the length of the first circuit, taking into account the distance to the boiler room, is 98 meters.

So you need to calculate each contour. And as a result, to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow many meters of pipes in our private house is necessary for warm water floors.

Correctly calculating the number of meters, the pipes can be purchased in bulk

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To create the system, it will take not only a pipe, but also

  1. boiler. It is best to acquire the one that can work even in the summer for DHW, without heating the house. The power of the device primarily depends on the square of the house.
  2. mixing knot. It consists of several elements. Among them is a collector (it should have so many conclusions as there are warm-alone contours), valves, air vent. As well as fittings and circular pump.

A collector is installed on the wall above the floor next to the boiler, the temperature is set for each contour separately. All this can be mounted primarily, and then directly engage in the installation of a warm floor.

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How to make a warm floor

A warm flooring device in a private house must observe the order of laying each layer. The correctly assembled design will ensure the normal operation of the entire system, and, it means that there will be a comfortable temperature in a private house. The general installation of water warm floor takes no less than a month (so much time is given to drying the screed in winter, summer time is reduced to 2-3 weeks).

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Preparatory stage

In a private house, you need to prepare the basis for laying all the cake layers. The greater it will be, the better. It is necessary to smear the cracks and, if there is a need to fill the base with a screed. Next, the floor device assumes the presence of a waterproofing layer. It is put on the jack, sizing the connection of the construction tape. Dampfer ribbon need to make a break on the walls.

When expanding concrete, the tape is narrowed, clearly determining its borders, thereby improving the quality of the fill

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Floor insulation and pipes

We start collecting "Pie". In the queue laying insulation. There should be no intervals between sheets. Connection locations must be punctured.

It is much easier to work with insulation that has special grooves for pipes.

But on the usual insulation you need to put a foil substrate. Given that the temperature at the outlet of the system should not exceed 60 0, the use of such a substrate will help to use heat energy as efficiently and direct it exclusively for heating the room.

It is easier to put pipes on the insulation when "pie" gets a reinforced layer. It can be a grid or a special track. The main thing is that it can be easily attached to the pipes.

For large rooms, it is better to choose a wide grid that almost do not have to cut. Using the mesh will simplify the laying of water pipes for a warm floor

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Snake, spiral or snail

At step in 20 centimeters, 1 m 2 accounts for at least 5 pipe meters of the pipe. This edge of installation is quite complicated. Laying pipes occurs by different methods, for example, as follows:

  • snake. This method involves the direct location of the feed branch from the collector to the end of the room with further styling of the pipe in the form of a snake;
  • snail or spiral. Staying begins with the center of the room. Here the pipe is folded in half and make double turns around the center.

When laying pipes, you need to comply with the following requirement: the return and feed must be connected to the collector. Washing contours, their pouring concrete is made after the final assembly of the entire system.