How to make a fence from a tree. Photo of beautiful gate

The summer cottage without a fence looks defective, and even the thieves of the ramp. So the fence of its own land is the first priority. But to do it, for example, from the tree with their own hands is easy and inexpensive if there is a small experience in a carpentry.

Why exactly a tree?

The fences have long been constructed from a tree or stone, because there were no other materials. Today, thanks to new-fashioned solutions, there are many diverse designs from anything: metal, bottles, ondulin and so on. However, forest natural raw materials are still used in the arrangement of fences, because it has a number of advantages, namely:

  • unstroited boards, suitable for the fence, have a relatively low cost,
  • it is very easy to work with wood, it can be fixed with nails, with minimal consideration,
  • forest natural raw materials - environmentally friendly material,
  • there are many spaces for a variety of decorative processing,
  • the process of building the structure takes little time.

Construction of a fence from a tree - the simplest option for a beginner in construction

Disadvantages of wooden fence are as follows:

  • the boards quickly deteriorate due to constant atmospheric influences - they are enough for ten-twenty years,
  • tree - fire hazardous material
  • when contacting the lower edge with the earth, the boards are rotting,
  • the constructed structure is easy to break,
  • due to the simplicity of the design and the ability of the tree, the fence gradually becomes slim.

But the fencing of natural raw materials will last long, if you have several important rules when it is erected.

Types of fences: facade, decorative, simplest

Fences of any land plots are several types:

  • decorative
  • facade
  • simplest.

The first is decorative - they carry the function of the decorating element, they are usually very low and installed near the flower. They can also be divided into

  • lattice, from small boards, usually covered with lime,
  • figure, that is, from any elements, for example, from the underwear of standing tires.

The second - facade - are of practical importance: they close the territory from unnecessary views, penetration warn. Such fences in our case, also have several varieties:

  • the lattice with the vertical trim, or the so-called stakenik, can be deaf if the boards are nailed without gaps;
  • lattice with horizontal trim, or so-called ranch;
  • chess, whose boards are nourished in two rows with a displacement of the inner, alternating them in a checkerboard;
  • stair, when facing elements are fell apart, ladder or type of blinds;
  • palcol, cobbled from thin vertical logs, pointed at the ends;
  • braided, made, for example, weaving branches.

The last major type of fences are the simplest. They only designate the presence of a certain area and can consist of fastened fine tree trunks. At the same time, some brices are installed vertically, while others bind the first horizontally from above. Usually such types of fence do not put long.

Examples of wooden fences made by their own hands (photo)

Here is a fence covered with enamel and decorated with floral pots. Boards are original On this photo painted fencing with horizontal facing elements And this is a classic version with carved columns Here are brick columns and stones decoration. Wicker fence

Preparation: Drawing, Calculation

First you need to decide on the height of the fence. It all depends on the wishes of the owner. If it is important for him to hide from other people's views, the fence should reach the mark of two meters. If the main principle is saving material and funds, and the eyes of foreign people are not frightened, it is enough to achieve a height of about 1.2 meters.

The perimeter of the site is a long fence. Suppose we have a square land plot of 20 m at 20 m (we will use this example in the future). Then the fence stretches to the following value: L \u003d 20 m + 20 m + 20 m + 20 m \u003d 80 m. The area of \u200b\u200bsuch a fence at a height of 1.2 m will be S \u003d 80 m x 1.2 m \u003d 96 m 2.

It is necessary to draw at least a sketch before starting work. The step of vertical posts for fastening the fence is made standard 2 meters. (They should not be higher than the fence.) The step of facing boards is usually 10-15 cm. Two horizontal beams are attached to vertical racks, the bottom is optimally at an altitude of 20 cm from the ground, the upper one is 1 m.

What material to choose

Consider the classic option - a low lattice fence (stakenat) in a step of facing boards equal to their width. Such a wooden enclosing design will be attached to the bars columns. These vertical beams, however, as horizontal, can be taken with a 50 mm x 50 mm profile. They cost inexpensively and the thickness of them are enough to enter the good nail of medium length. In this case, the facial boards can either buy either discover from the darum trading pallets, if there are on hand.

The latter just have a standard length of 1 m 20 cm, which is suitable for low fence. At the same time, it is better to immediately select those pallets to work, in which the boards are clean and puffed weakly. Such details are easy to disconnect with a toporist. It happens that nails on the designated trading structures are bent on the reverse side. Similar material is better not to use - too time consuming.

To build fencing, several specific tree breeds are suitable - the choice depends on the tasks set. After all, there are some nuances. If the main desired quality of the fence is its wear resistance and low-cost, it is best for a spruce or pine. Cedar will cost much more expensive.

If the owner is important decorative properties, then it is worth applying deciduous woods: birch, beech or ash. A beautiful texture will be clearly visible on such a fence. However, wear resistance will be less than when using coniferous wood.

Photos of suitable types of wood


How many consumables are needed: a detailed calculation

We will make a fence with a height of 1 m 20 cm. The width of the boards both from pallets and purchased is approximately 15 cm. In addition, we will need vertical beams from a bar 50x50. At step 2 m per each side, 20 m / 2 m \u003d 10 pieces will be required. Total 40 pcs. The height of them, taking into account the entrance to the ground, is 1 m 20 cm + 30 cm \u003d 1.5 m (the sum of the height of the fence and the segment included in the ground).

It remains to find out what the size of the thickness of the boards. Since no special requirements are presented to the fear, you can take a material with a minimal suitable value at which it is easy to drive the nail without damage to the tree. This is 15-20 mm. It is such a thickness and at the pallets boards.

We will make a list of parts used.

  • Bar 50 x 50. The total length is equal to the perimeter of the site, multiplied by 2 (by the number of horizontals for fastening the boards). Plus, vertical columns. Total: L \u003d 80 m x 2 + 1.5 m x 40 \u003d 160 + 60 \u003d 220 m.
  • The boards are 15 cm wide and a length of 1 m 20 cm. Their number in step 15 cm (considering that every 30 cm in one thing) is equal to the side of the section 20 m / 0.3 m \u003d 66.66. We will take n \u003d 67 pieces. Total amount for four sides n \u003d 67 x 4 \u003d 268 pcs. Total length L \u003d 268 x 1.2 m \u003d 321.6 m.
  • Nails for cladding will suit 50 mm long, that is, no more than the thickness of the bar in which they are driven. Their number is equal to the number of boards, multiplied by two, because the fastener will be from below each time. Total n \u003d 268 x 2 \u003d 536 pcs.
  • Nails to feed horizontals to the columns is longer, because the bonded elements from the 50x50 bar. So, about 80 mm rod is sufficient. The amount of nails data is equal to the number of columns, multiplied by two, since again the attachment points from above and below. Total n \u003d 40 x 2 \u003d 80 pcs.
  • Rope, Better Kapronovaya, Large Motor 100 Meters with Flask.
  • Concrete (if necessary).


From the tools we will use only:

  • hacksaw,
  • ax,
  • a hammer,
  • roulette,
  • shovel,
  • reference from rope and cargo at its end.

In the work of work, you should not forget about safety technique: it is better to protect your hands with conventional gloves from the fabric.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. We start with the installation of columns. We find the corners of the site on the passport of the object. We drive up at these points the pointed axes from the bar of 50 mm x 50 mm. We are inserted into the ground with a hammer blow to a depth of about 30 cm. On the surface should remain 1.2 m. Observe verticality. To do this, we use the simplest plumbing from a thin durable rope with tied at the end of a heavy nut. If such a fixture hold in hand, it will hang strictly vertically earth, the rest is clear.
  2. We stretch the rope from the top of one corner pillar of the future fence to the same point of the next. And so around the perimeter. It is possible to fasten this harness with nails.
  3. We score the remaining pillars with a step of 2 meters, in the same way to a depth of 30 cm. Their tips should touch the strained rope. At the same time, each time it is better to dig a shovel that the stake is easier then entered the ground. All verticals, if desired, can be concreted at the base.
  4. You feed horizontal beams. The lower attach at the optimal height of 20 cm from the ground, the top is 1 meter. Dimensions with mere tape measure and make tags nail.
  5. To connect two horizontal beams in one line, we use lumber trimming. Just each time we stick to nails behind the beams connecting element from the unlicid cutting residues.
  6. The first cladding board is nail on a plunder at the same corner, closing the column. Then, putting the next board with an edge to the edge, make a nail on horizontals. So we postpone the distance of the void or step. You feed the next element on the markup. And so repeat the operation several times before filling the side of the site. The upper and lower nail must be included in the middle of the board, while it is advisable to get into the center of the strata of Bar. It is worth ensuring that the bottom point of each cladding part concerns the Earth.
  7. The fence is ready. It remains to go around and inspect the quality of work.

In order for the obtained fence to stoke as long as possible, it is desirable to cover the material protecting the tree from atmospheric precipitation. Similarly, a simple olifa will be used as such raw materials. You can take a special antiseptic, which is easy to find on the counters of construction hypermarkets.

Antiseptics are universal or aimed. For the coating of the fence, the latter is better suited, because the universal are not very reliable, but directed such that they indicate a specific action provided by this material on their label. Therefore, choose the one that protects the treated tree from atmospheric precipitation.

There is such an option: first soak the removal of the antiseptic, then paint acrylic or water paint for wood. On a jar with enamel, the material must be specified for which the coating is intended. Standard colors used in the coloration of fences: green, blue, gray, brown, white.

The main rule that must always be taken into account: the fence is painted or impregnated only after its facilities! Because until he accepted the corresponding appearance, it is meaningless to cover individual elements, because some of them may be rejected in the installation process. And then the paint consumption will be too large.

Decorated fences rarely. But if you want to give a fever, so to speak, additional chic, it is enough to attach cloves to the facade boards decor's elements to your taste. It is desirable that the elements are light, such as plastic leaves with stems or flowers that are sold in the garden-garden departments. More difficult elements, such as pots or vases with flowers, require additional materials to strengthen, and, accordingly, some constructive solutions so that such decorations do not shake the wooden fence.

The care for the fence is its annual inspection and small repair if necessary.

At all times, they were famous for their popularity. In many respects, this has become more caused by its relatively inexpensive price and simplicity in the installation. But today the situation has changed a bit, and now they create not just fences from the tree, but real masterpieces.

Consider everything in detail.

Creating a wooden fence on your own. Phased procedure

The construction of a wooden fence can be divided into several stages, namely:

  1. Installation of support pillars;
  2. Installation of cross;
  3. Crashing mounted frame.

Each stage in construction must be fulfilled in full.

Installation of support pillars

Installation of support pillars is carried out by the method of stout. The algorithm of action looks like this:

It's important to know! Sand with rubble will be dense in the event that the mixture is watering with water.

Montage of transverse lag.

Transverse lags that are made of wood will best be installed using brackets.

Installation algorithm is as follows:

It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that the distance between transverse lags can be reduced. However, in this case, the design can reduce its strength. The support itself must necessarily be higher than the covering of at least 10 centimeters, and the bottom should be at a distance from the soil at a distance of no more than 15 centimeters.

Cleaning installed carcass

Before starting the installation of directly the mounting boards itself, it is necessary to remember that there are several ways.

In one way, the stakenik is installed on lags before the latter will be mounted in support, namely:

If we talk about the second method of installation, then it means the immediate installation of each board separately. In this case, it is necessary to prepare for a long and time-consuming process. After each installed board it is necessary to measure the distance between them (if you need a lumen between the boards) and check the clear vertical.

It is worth noting that any of the ways is popular with owners of private and country houses, so to say which one is better not possible. Each chooses an option for yourself depending on the choice of wooden fence design.

What can handle and paint wooden fence

It is necessary to understand that the established wooden fence takes the variable climate at all times. For this reason, it is necessarily necessary.

Important to remember! Before mounting, all metal components of the fence must be treated with primer and paint.

Do not forget that ultraviolet solar radiation harm to a wooden fence for the reason that, as a result of their exposure to wood, the inner moisture is lost, thereby losing its carrying ability and the appearance itself.

Such impregnation needs to be processed several times on primer with the possibility of deep penetration. After that, you can use moisture-resistant paint and varnish to apply the wooden feast of an attractive look.

Pleasure price

If we talk about the cost of the required building material, the average price is indicated in the table:

Name of building material Volume Cost price
Board 1 m 3. About 3 thousand rubles
Cement 1 kg About 10 rubles
Antiseptic 10 liters About 2 thousand rubles
selfless 500 pcs. 300 - 400 rubles
paint 3 l. About 400 rubles
Metallic profile 1 meter About 130 rubles
Grinding circle 1 PC. About 50 rubles
Edged board 1 m 3. About 4 thousand rubles

Options for designer decisions

To date, there is still no such material in addition to the wood, which was read by the same militant for the implementation of various design solutions (while the tree is very available at the price category).

And so this fence has an inner view. Nobody will say that the species has become worse.

In this embodiment, the design decision was paid to every little things, you can see how much the contours themselves are worked out, and the corners are struggled in full. In the photo you can see a rollback gate from the same courtyard.

Agree, few of us know what techniques is this or that designer to implement your fantasies. But they use: firing, create an antique effect, successfully combine a tree with various metal forged elements, and even tritely grind the tree and expose it painting in various shades.

And how do you feel about brutal style? Agree, the view is simply impressive.

To implement such a designer solution to implement such a designer solution, you only need a jigsaw, grinding machine and woodwork skills. In the presence of tools and desire, you can achieve the effect of embossed wood.

And who is how to treat puzzles? If desired, you can initially draw the drawing on the board, and after cut by the template. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this work is considered jewelry, since each board has its own clear size and bend.

At the same time, its installation is considered the most complex process when erecting such a wooden fence (not everyone to make such a layout).

For the construction, first of all, it is necessary to carefully treat the selection of the board. In no case cannot be allowed that in any place the board there was a different thickness or width. In this option, a distinctive feature is its affordable price, but this is compensated by tremendous labor, which is necessary to create such creation.

Despite the fact that the board with a thickness of up to 1.5 centimeters is not very suitable for fences, with its help you can create an excellent fence in the form of a lattice. Agree, the form is not worse than previous options. And if it is also decorated with greens, which will be swept away - the view will be chic.

Over the past few years, the non-edged board has increased in price by more than 15-20%, but it does not prevent it from keeping in a low price range. In this case, it is often used when erecting a wooden fence in such a style.

As you can see, this example clearly shows one of the options for designer solutions when working with a non-edged board. If you wish, you can achieve any exclusive solution.

And how do you like the design solution in the style of blinds? Agree, the look is just a bomb.

Selection of wooden fences

Beautiful tree fences

Possessing small skills of working with a tree you can create a beautiful fence in a short time.

This version of execution is popular with many owners of private houses, since its creation does not take much time and effort. Agree that the form is very attractive.

Standard fence that is suitable for both private houses and country sites. Does not require any special skills and skills, but at the same time has a beautiful view.

Carved fences

To create carved fences with their own hands, you must have wood thread skills.

To create such a fence can be less than 3 months, because each little thing plays a big role. But it's worth it. Such a type of fence is suitable for any interior.

What about this option cutting? Surely many dream of such a fence, because it can not only emphasize the individual style, but also to create an illusion of antiquity.

Decorative fences

Decorative fences are often used when creating mountaineering or simply in landscape design.

Small fences made of wood, will be able to emphasize the feature of a plant, supplement the interior of the household site.

If you wish, you can create any decorative fence of one or another color. This does not require any skills and skills.

Wooden fences near antiquity

Many dreams of creating a small fairy tale from their plot and fully immerse yourself in the old days.

This embodiment of the antique effect is great for sites on which wooden houses are located. In combination with the same m, you can create a real fairy tale for yourself.

And if you add a little decor in the form of a thick rope? The view is simply impressive. Surely the neighbors will come to the owner of such a fence with admirations.

Fences made of straws under the tree

In the event that for any reason no desire to work with a tree, you can install a fence from the professional flooring. Thus, it is possible not only to increase the service life, but also create the illusion of a wooden fence.

If you wish, you can use professional dusty tones under a tree, which is perfect for any interior. The life of such a fence over 25 years.

Another option is to use a professional flooring of darker tones, which allows you to create the illusion of a tree covered with varnish. Great for wooden houses, or the buildings of plastic covered with plastic.

For a private house

Depending on the wishes of the owner of the private house, the fence itself can be performed in any style.

High fences have always been popular with private house owners. Thanks to them, you can hide everything that happens on the site of the site from an extraneous gaze, make a fence beautiful and exclusive.

Another option is to install a fence with small slots. This variety of fences is perfect for any private house, regardless of its size and style.

From the proflist under the tree

As a rule, the installation of this type of fence is available to any resident of our country at its price. Such fences are perfectly suitable for installation anywhere, regardless of the cottage it is either your private house.

In this photo, you can see that the professionalist can combine the combination of decorative stone and the tree itself. It looks great and has a long service life.

Those who love minimalism are perfect for the option of creating a fence from the proflist under the tree. Such a kind refers to the classic style and is perfect for both the direct responsibility - protection of the site and as a good decor.

Brick and wood

When creating a fence brick and the tree combines simply great. They are often trying to combine designers when creating interiors in the indoor indoors and beyond.

The fence is made in a classic style using conventional bricks and boards. Thanks to a successfully selected combination of color palette, such a fence looks not only richly, but also very attractive.

In this composition combined curly elements of a wooden fence with brick. Successfully selected color palette allows you to use it in any mete.

From stone and wood

Such a combination of building materials in most cases is used in country houses and dachas.

Its forces to recreate such a fence will be very difficult, and not only be able to treat this material, but also to know the subtleties of kneading a special solution. But agree, such fences are able to surprise their beauty even the most picky critic.

Wooden fences in combination with decorative stone create the illusion of an old fortress. Frequently used for installation in country cottages or on the territory of private firms.

Patterns on a tree on the fence

Now in the world of wooden fences, a tendency to use additional patterns began to manifest. They allow from simple fence to create something special and unique in its kind.

As can be seen, this pattern is very difficult to make it yourself, if only a person does not have enough skills to work with a wood carving.

You can order a wood-style carving specialists, as shown in the photo. This option is considered fairly common in our country.

Original wood fences

Surely every owner of your site would like to establish an original fence. But what are they?

Such an original design of wooden fences in our country is found not often. In many ways, this is due to the non-cheap pleasure (the initial cost can be from 40-50 thousand rubles).

Such a designer solution allows not only forcing his neighbors to look at the fence with envy, but also makes a plot very rich and individual.

Wood Fences Horizontal

Many of our compatriots when installing fences are often wondering - what is better or horizontal? In fact, the difference is only in taste.

Speaking about such a vertical fence, it is safe to say that anyone who wants to do it on its own, while having spent a small period of time and money. Classic style is suitable for the fence of any territory.

The photo shows that the vertical fence is made using a complex constructive feature. Make this at home is very difficult, and if you wish, you will have to seek help from specialists. But it is worth it.

Forging with a tree in the fence

At all times, the relics and attractive fences were attached. However, because of its considerable price is not very popular.

Wooden fence using wrought metal spokes in the photo makes it original in its kind. Gives a plot of style and beauty. Moreover, wrought elements make the design of the fence is extremely tough, which significantly increases the service life.

Such a variant of the combination of wood, bricks and actually, forged elements, makes a fence almost life. It is not difficult climatic conditions, it is difficult to damage, and most importantly - it is beautiful and stylish.

Fences from stakenika

Most of our citizens make fences from the stakeholder. From this material you can make a very good fence. Just just look at these photos.

Of course, if this fence is painted, and after it is covered with varnish and get very good, but it's quite attractive. What is characteristic - it can be done in the shortest possible time (the period of its construction is no more than 1-2 days).

If there is a stormy fantasy and the vast desire for the owner of the site, you can pay such a magnificent designer fence that will never stop pleaseing the eyes of everyone around.

Wood fence Lestenka

The fence of the Lestenka is not rare in everyday life among owners of private houses. Firstly, this type allows you to save on the board, as small gaps allow you to reduce the volume of material, and secondly, it is ultimately very good.

The photo shows the fence of the Lenka, which from the inside will still be caught in a professional flooring. Thanks to this, it is very impressive outside, while the fence looks very carefully inside the site.

Such a kind of ladder in most cases is installed in country private houses. Small gaps between the boards allow you to see the wonderful green plantings that can be planted behind the fence.

How to make a fence cheap

On the video below it is described how to make a cheap fence from the tree.

The fence from the board has always been considered an excellent option for fence due to the simplicity of installation, environmental friendliness, availability of materials. Anyone can make such a design, but to listen to a simple boarding fence, if it is properly installed and processing, maybe several decades. In the article, we will look at how to properly prepare material for installation, make calculation, build a reliable and beautiful wooden fencing from the edged or unedged board.

What are the fences from the board

Consider the most popular versions of boardy fences and the features of their device:

1. Stakenik.

Wooden Stakenice Fence

This is the simplest form of the fence, which is nailed to lags separate planks of the edged board. Between the planks there are lumens of various widths. From the unedged board, the stakenik does not make it, as its appearance, in this case, will not be presentable.

2.. This option is attractive in that the planks close the visibility of the site from the street, but allow the area to be frozen by the wind. Distinguish two types of chess:

  • Vertical chess. Installation of planks is carried out vertically with such a calculation so that each installed bar on the third part overlap the previous bar. Such a stake attached to horizontal alms.

Wooden chess fence with vertical arrangement of boards
  • Horizontal chess. It is installed like the previous option, but the planks are attached horizontally. For this, additional vertical racks are installed in flights between supports. They can be made from the usual unedged board.

Feling chess with horizontal arrangement of boards

3. Lestenka. This is a fence with an inclined board. Neighboring strips are installed with a slight tilt, overlapping each other. Such a fence has a very attractive appearance.

Wooden fence "Lestenka"

4. Classic solid fence. In this design, the plank is closely adjacent to each other. It turns out a solid wooden wall. Make such a fence without clearance is quite difficult. Especially if it is made of unedged board. Before installing it is processed on the machine.

Complete fence from boards

five. . In this embodiment, Staketins are mounted to the lags horizontally, braziness on each other. It is also a fence with an inclined board, as each planed board is installed with a small lumen relative to the neighboring bar. This is achieved by installing calibrated inserts.

Tools required for work

Before starting work, you should take care of the presence of the necessary tools. You will need:

  • Saw.
  • Grinding tools.
  • Marking tool.
  • Roulette.
  • Plane.
  • Cord.
  • Construction level.
  • A hammer.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Galvanized nails or screws.
  • Materials for installing pillars (sand, crushed stone, cement, broken brick).
  • Bur for drilling wells under the poles.

What boards are used for the installation of fence

To build a boardwalk, it is necessary to prepare the necessary building materials. This applies primarily to the tree. These varieties are used:

  • Unedged board. It is applied relatively rarely due to an unsightly appearance. Unedged Board has an obvious advantage: it has a low cost, and it can be used almost everywhere. From the unedged board make fencing under the antique, in the style of "Country".
  • Edged board. This is the most popular material for the construction of a wooden fence. From the edged board build any kinds of fences.
  • Lining. These are made on the strap machine with a special form, the ends of which have connecting recesses and protrusions. The fence from the lining is a solid barrier that does not have lumen. The planks have a small thickness, so they must be treated very high quality with protective materials. Properly made fence made of lining, if a durable tree is applied, it is able to stop for about two decades.
  • Decorative strips. Each of these slats has an unusual shape, thread, beautifully decorated ends. Often used in the form of a stakenist.
  • Aped board. Artificially achieve in order to distinguish the structure of the wood. Raw materials for the production of aged material are billets from the unedged board.
  • Terraced board. It is manufactured from wood flour, polymers and modifiers. The fence from the terrace board is distinguished by durability and unique appearance.

Stages of independent erection of the fence from the board

We proceed to the independent erection of a wooden fence. The work consists of several stages.

Preparation of material

All lags and planks must be prepared for installation. If the construction will be carried out from the unedged board, then it still needs to be cleaned from the bark residues, and then clean the sandpaper or process on the machine. Then the stakes are cut on a certain size. The upper part of each plank is spilled at an angle for a better moisture. The last step is the coating of wood by an antiseptic, and then applying two layers of varnish on it.

Marking site

At first, on the line of the future fence, angular pegs are driven, between which the cord is stretched. For this cord, through the same distance, additional pegs are driven, which means the location of the column. It is believed that the distance between the columns should be no more than 3 meters. If a solid stakenik is installed, the distance between the supports can be reduced to 2 meters. It helps to avoid the impact of sailing on the fence.

Installing columns

In the marked places, the reference pillars are installed. For this, pits are pre-digging, or the wells of the desired depth are drilled. Depending on the column material, use the way they are fixed in the soil:

  • Wooden supports are cooked in the lower third of the liquid bitumen, are wrapped up with rubberoid, after which they are installed in the pit. Voids fall asleep with rubble or broken bricks. Pits are trambed and spilled by water.
  • Metal pipes or metal profile. They can be concreted in the pits or drive into the ground with a sledgehammer.
  • Concrete poles can be simply discharges into the ground. Pits are laid by stones or construction garbage.

Installation of lag on poles

Lags are wooden bars or boards, which will later be attached to the bar of the fence. They can be made of their edged or unedged board. Lags made of planed wood is preferable, as they look more presentable, and require less care.

If the mounting of the columns was carried out by the method of concreting, it is necessary to wait until the supports are finally sacrificed. In other cases, lagows can be installed immediately after installing the columns. Lags are attached horizontally to supports. To do this, on the pillars it is necessary to install plates of fasteners. Lags must be located strictly horizontally, so that the stakenik attached to them has the same height.

The number of lag is determined based on the height of the stakenice. If it is supposed to make a 2 meter high height, it will be enough to be 2 lag. If you need to make the height of the fence of more than 2.5 meters, then do not do without 3 stable. If the horizontal installation of the planks is carried out, then 1-2 vertical lags are installed.

Fastening board

The prepared stakes are nailed to attach or screwed up. It does not matter whether the fence with an inclined board is made or an ordinary stakenatter made of edged board is mounted, the planks are attached to lags at least in two places. Self-tapping screws or galvanized nails are used for attachment. The planks are nourished close to each other, or between them leaves some kind of equal distance.

Between the bottom of the stakenice and the soil should remain a gap of at least 5 cm. It will protect the fence from moisture exposure.

We disassembled how to make a fence from the boards with their own hands. To do this, you can use any wood materials that are in sufficient quantities. If you have a lot of edged board, then the fence made from it will delight you and your close appearance and your reliability.

Increasingly instead of massive and monumental brick and stone fences Pointers choose wooden fences And fences for the house: Photo of successful examples allow you to make sure the exceptional attractiveness of a similar solution. It is a tree is considered to be the material that is capable not only to guarantee protection against encroachment, but also looks not too frightening.

Wooden fence: Practical decoration for site

Fences and fences from wood can be considered a traditional option for our society. The abundance of wood and its low cost allow you to use this material not even too wealthy people. But in Western countries, wood, on the contrary, is considered a sign of the vastity and success of the owners of the house or site. Such a fence today is not only status, but also elegance, environmental friendliness and modernity of the overall style decision.

The choice in favor of fence from wood is often based on one of the factors:

  • Ecology. In the modern age of technologies, artificial materials and polluted environment, each person seeks to surround himself as safe as possible. Wood becomes an optimal solution for those who care about the health of their family members.
  • Convenience in care. Wooden fence is the part of the household, which not only will not require special attention, but will allow you to feel the Creator in the process of care. Joinery skills will help replace the ski tokens if necessary, and the ability to keep the brush in your hands will refresh the color of the fence and make it more elegant.
  • Beautiful wooden fences for the house are also practical. Employed with reliable protection and non-beetles, and from prying eyes, such fences with proper care will serve not more than one year. The tree is thereby versatile material that is capable of being useful in any situation: for example, as a fence for the yard, as the border between the country's dachas, in the form of a garden separator for zones.

FACT! In order for the fence to serve as much as possible, you should choose the most durable and reliable wood species: for example, oak, ash, larch. It is also important to take into account the characteristics of the humidity and composition of the soil.

  • Harmony is the main thing that distinguishes a wooden fence from metallic or stone. Live and pleasant material perfectly fits into the environment, and if there is a skill, the fence from it can be turned into a work of art.

No less important factors that should also be considered are its relatively low cost (for example, in comparison with a similar metal or brick product) and simplicity of installation. You can protect the site with such a fence in a short time, even without using experienced masters.

Types and features of wooden fences

Choosing a wooden fence for a private house, each responsible owner is a whole picture for himself: what kind of fences are made to build, which of them are most reliable, what is the cost of the construction of one or another type of fence. Specialists distinguish the following types of wooden fences suitable for use as a fence:

  • The classic fence is a solid cloth consisting of tightly fitted boards, which can be located both vertically and horizontally. The classic option of the fence can be strengthened by the foundation of bricks and stone, as well as to use columns from wood, metal or stone as its base.
  • Palcol consists of vertically installed and tightly fitted to each other logs. To ensure maximum strength and increase the life of the log, it is recommended to be installed on the foundation, and not in the soil. This type of fence looks quite aggressively and is suitable for active protection of property from encroachment, which is particularly promoted by sharply sharpened tops.

Tip! The stakenik can be extremely original and attractive fence, since it allows you to choose the optimal pattern, the distance between the planks and the form of the upper edge.

  • Christmas tree or ladder. Fencing boards are mounted on each other horizontally, and the use of special gaskets provides excellent ventilation at full interpretation of the web.
  • The lattice is considered the most decorative type of fence. Located crosswise, at an angle of 45 degrees, or interwoven planks in the classic frame for the braid look almost a work of art. This type of fence is often used as a support for fusing and curly plants.

Tip! To give such a fear of a more expressive appearance, designers recommend using a combination of several options for layouts in one canvase.

  • A wooden fence in the style of a cowboy ranch is a fairly specific type of fence, which is more suitable for distinguishing the territory or control over access to a certain part of the site or animals. Located horizontally bars look exotic and suitable for use on large areas.

Installation and care of the fence of the tree: the subtleties of the process

Among the orders there is an opinion on the complexity of the construction in the section of the fence from the tree. That is why often the owners do not think about how to make them hands, but prefer to refer to specialists. However, with a competent approach to the choice of technology and compliance with all the rules of construction, the construction of the fence on its site is not such a complex process.

In the process of care for the wooden fence, the most important stage is pre-processing of wood. To preserve the natural natural color of the tree, it must be covered with varnish: in this case, the board will not darken from moisture. Special impregnations guarantee the protection of the fence from pests and rains, since their composition usually includes insecticides and antifungal agents.

Special impregnations for wood will not let her lose color, as well as protect against mold, pests and weather conditions

The fence made of wood for the country site should be considered not only the way to protect the territory, but also a stylish decorative part. The natural beauty of the material underlined by the stylish form will make the site even more spectacular, will allow you to more rationally approach the solution of landscaped tasks and rationally organize space.