How to drill a hole in the stone? What is better to drill a stone? The drilling of the holes in the stone is petone.

One important part of the laboratory is furniture. In each laboratory, which will be carried out by chemical, biological, medical research should be the corresponding furniture. Special tables, cabinets, cabinets, tables and cabinets are everything an integral part of the laboratory.

For a person who practically does not have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the process of working in the laboratory is absolutely not clear why the usual table or stool is not suitable for this. But in fact, the furniture plays a huge role in the laboratory, which is why household furniture can not be in the laboratory.

What basic rules are indicated for furniture in the laboratory?

The most basic rule for laboratory furniture is that it should be ergonomic and practical. The experiments and research of a different nature should be carried out in a convenient and well-melted environment. Different decor in such premises is categorically unacceptable.

The second rule suggests that the table or some wardrobe be retractable or not should be simple and multifunctional. For any case, there must be a definite furniture that will be responsible for this or that task. For example, the drying cabinet must only be used for drying.

The third rule sounds like this: laboratory furniture in Moscow It should be quite strong, as it has to withstand not simple loads. The strength of such furniture should be at the highest level, as a rule, laboratory furniture must be resistant to the appearance of cracks. Often, such furniture is made of durable material, such as plastic, metal or glass.

Where to buy laboratory furniture at affordable prices?

Innogen LLC is selling and producing laboratory furniture. To date, the production of this company is in high demand in all CIS countries. Production premises are located in the Russian Federation, namely in the city of Pskov.

For the production of laboratory furniture, only high-quality and durable metal processing equipment is used, as well as on its painting. It must be said that the laboratory furniture of the "Expert" brand received a quality mark, as well as fully certified for all the requirements of GOST in Russia.

All about the roof and roofs. Proven and latest materials, technologies, designer developments in the production and installation of roofs and roofs in house-building


Sverlit Kamen. As independently at home, drill a hole in any natural or artificial stone with your own hands. Techniques and technology drilling stones or how and how to drill stones

Today we will talk about how they own at home to drill a hole in any natural or artificial stone with their own hands. We also consider the techniques and technology of drilling stones or how and how to drill stones

How to drill a hole in the stone yourself and which tool is necessary for this?

The drills are now on sale - crowns with diamond spraying and they can be purchased in almost any large construction market. The price depends on the thickness of the spraying and time of the drill service.

And if you need to drill one hole and two, then almost anyone will suit. And if you are planning a frequent use of such a tool, it is best to purchase a crown, in which the diamond is not sprayed, and is pressed throughout the volume of the cutting edge.

The fastening of the crown is also different. You can use a drill or "Bulgarian". We use heavy cutting machine and device for drilling holes in stone products, they have the same fastening as on a small cutting machine.

And now you have become the owner of a drill with a diamond spraying, what to do next?.
How to drill a hole in the stone to be smooth and neat?

I think that 4 simple steps will guarantee you a long service of diamond crowns when drilling holes.

Step 1. Diamond drills When drilling holes in the stone use at low speeds (revs). Small drills with diamond spraying should be used approximately 1-2 speeds of your instrument - this is from about 700 to 1000 revolutions per minute.

Diamond drills should be used at variable speeds depending on their diameter.
6mm - 2000 rpm.
12mm - 950 rpm.
24 mm - 700 rpm.

Step 2.
Drill holes in stone and other materials needed with water. Water prevents overheating the cutting edge of the diamond drill, flushes sludge from his pores. This in turn will extend the service life of the drill, will fight it from the encoding, as well as the stone itself will not overheat and the edge will remain neat.

In production, when drilling holes in stone, water is supplied automatically into the inner part of the drill under pressure and the drill is constantly washed with water. At home, this is not always done.

To do this, you can make a "bath" around the drilled hole. You can cut out the middle part from the plastic bottle and glue it with a stoneware surface, fill it with water. With the drilling of the holes, lift the crown so that the water wet the cutting edge and got into the drilled hole.

Step 3.
If you have little experience before proceeding to drill holes in a stone, practice on any trimming.

Make marking. Apply a line on the stone. Often, a pencil polishing practically does not leave marks, so you can apply a greasy paper tape and make the necessary labels on it.

The first way, which is often recommended when drilling holes in stone.
First, start drilling the stone at a significant angle to drill a small groove, then gradually align the crown, to the vertical position, continuing to put it much. If you immediately press the diamond crown to the surface of the stone and start drilling, then the drill will not stand still and will "ride" over the surface and spoil polishing.

Not always the drills are well hotzed and if you have a poor experience in the drilling of holes in the stone, it is originally possible not to keep the tool and turn the polishing, break the edge of the resulting hole, and finally just inaccurate drill.

There is a fairly simple second way to accurately drill holes.
To do this, you can drill a hole in any trimming of the stone, you can say to stretch.

After the hole is drilled and fully prepared, it can be used as a template. Just it simply applied to the product in which you need to drill a hole and adast. Thus, the drill will move along the already drilled hole, it will not beat it and in your product will be neatly drilled hole. There you can also pour and water.

Step 4.
I already mentioned it, but still decided to allocate in a separate column.
Do not press the crown while drilling holes. Diamond spraying crowns are very sensitive to pressure and overheating. Periodically raise it so that it is wetted with water and cooled.

Granite is a material that is the hardest handle. It is very solid, but at the same time a rather fragile stone. Therefore, work related to drilling holes in granite should be carried out very carefully and neatly. In order for the granite stone during drilling to be split, it is very important to comply with a number of non-good rules.

Several mandatory recommendations on the drilling of granite.
The drilling of granite should be carried out on small turns (speeds) drills. Small drills covered with diamond spraying should be operated on the first, maximum - at the second speed. It is important to note the fact that the drills are used at variable speed depending on their diameter. So if the drill with a diameter of six millimeters is used, you need to work on two thousand revolutions if the drill diameter reaches 12 mm, then it is necessary to install on the instrument of nine hundred and fifty revolutions, and if you use a drill, the diameter of which is twenty-four millimeters, then you need to work at speed Seven hundred revolutions per minute.

It is necessary to drill granite with water, as it prevents overheating of the cutting edges of diamonds, and it will also wash the sludge from his pores. When drilling a granite with water, you, therefore, slightly extend the use of the drill and projected it from the jam. Also, granite when drilling will not be too hot and the edges of the opening will be clear and neat. Currently, in production during drilling holes in stones, water is fed under pressure automatically to constantly wash the drill.

If you previously never performed the drilling of granite, then before you begin, practice on some fragment or trimming. Because to start drilling granite, make a markup, applying a line to the surface. It is best to make it the best paper painter scotch, since a simple pencil does not often leave the slightest trail on polishing.

Currently, two methods of granite drilling are most common:

How to drill granite, the first method: start drilling granite at a small angle, so that a small groove first drilled. And then smoothly align the crown to the vertical position. If this is not done, then the drill will "ride on the surface."
Granite drilling, the second method: In practice, there are often cases that drills are bad or not enough for accurately centered. And if you have no drilling experience, you can not spoil the granite polishing, damage the edge of the hole or inaccurately drill it. Therefore, the second way is that you overcome first the same hole on a small trimming of granite. And if you have come successful, you can now apply it as a template. To do this, it is necessary to simply apply it to the desired area of \u200b\u200bgranite and adast. Now the drill will not ride on the surface. There will also need to serve water.

How to drill a hole in granite, step-by-step instructions.
To drill a hole in the granite you will need an electric drill in which you can adjust the number of revolutions. You will also need a diamond crown of the required diameter, a copper tube or a winner glass, water, a semi-circular form, and maybe you will need a diamond dust or wins.

Before proceeding with drilling, install the granite workpiece as convenient and fix it. Granite stone must completely lie on a flat and flat surface.
Scratch the metal drill center of the alleged hole. This is an important point that will not let the drill slide on the surface of the granite during operation.
Fix the crown of the desired diameter in the electric crown. It should be covered with diamond spraying. Otherwise, you will not be able to drill the hole.
Drill a hole in granite only on low revs and in no case turn the perforation mode. Failure to comply with this condition can provoke a split of granite or cracks.

During the entire process of drilling a granite into a hole that drill, regularly pour water. This can be done using a conventional plastic bottle, in which you first need to drill the hole. An ideal option when you attract a second person to blast the water so that you can fully focus only on the drilling of granite. It is very important that the drill "not swimming" in the liquid.

Why it is necessary to use water when drilling granite:

· You will not apply unnecessary efforts to drill;

· You will save the drill for subsequent work, extended its life

· You thus relieve granite from overheating.

How to drill granite if there is no diamond crown.

If you do not have a diamond crown, you can get out of the position like this: Make around the circumference of the alleged opening of the plane ring. Its height should be three or five millimeters. Its inside it must be filled with a small amount of corundum, diamond dust or wins. The drill need to fix a small tube of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, such as brass. After that, you can proceed to drilling on small revolutions and without perforation. Do not forget during operation to carry out water, which in this situation will cool the tube.

And if you have no diamond crown, and a non-ferrous metal tube, you can try to drill granite with a winning drill. But only in this situation the drilling must be carried out immediately on large circulation, constantly feeding water. As soon as you feel that the drilling does not happen, immediately take the drill and pumped it with a semicircular noodle.

Approves must be made with extreme caution so that the cutting teeth in no case are overheated. Otherwise, they will immediately become soft, and even more quick speed will be blown off. It is noted that during the drilling of the granite, the drill from winning the drainage must be made every 20-40 seconds of drilling.

As can be seen, the drilling of granite is not easy, as it requires certain skills, knowledge and skills. So, starting to work, be sure to practice trimming of granite, and only after that you will be able to go!

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Drill a hole in such a solid stone, which is granite, it is possible, but it is necessary to prepare to fulfill this difficult procedure. For drilling, it will take not only granite drill, but also a set of relevant tools and devices. It should also be properly prepared a workplace.

Features of the drilling of granite

What is needed to drill a stone (including granite)? Consider the stages of the procedure and prepare for it more.

Preparation of workplace

The working surface for which the stone element will be labeled for processing must be not only strong and reliable, but completely even, and its dimensions should not be less than the dimensions of the product being processed. It is very important that none of the parts of the latter remained on the weight.

Special tool with built-in coolant supply - Professional approach to the drilling of natural stone

Tools and consumables

For the successful drilling of granite, it is necessary to prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • electric drill;
  • drilling crown of the required diameter, on the work part of which diamond spraying is applied;
  • water.

To the diamond drill, with which the hole will be formed in granite, it does not slip off with a smooth surface, at the processing place it is necessary to pre-deepen. For this purpose, you can use the usual metal drill.

What is water for what

By asking for drilled granite, it should be borne in mind that it is not easy to perform such a procedure without using water as a coolant. Cooling drill on granite in the process of work is required, it is for this that water must be supplied to the processing zone.

The simplest fixture for cooling the stone drill can be made of a plastic bottle, having done several small holes in its lid. You will get some kind of spray, which is very convenient to use in the processing process. It should be borne in mind that when drilling water should always be at hand, so that at any time it is possible to cool the heated drill.

By selecting the diameter of the diamond drill on the desired diameter, which is optimally suitable for the drilling of the stone (including such a solid, like granite), the tool must be fixed in the electric drill cartridge. After that, you can proceed to the formation of the opening in the product being processed.

An alternative to water cooling - a crown with a fat-shaped lubricant inside, resulting in heating into the drilling zone

How the drilling is performed

How to drill a stone so as not to split it, and to form a high-quality hole in it? Those who have never faced the fulfillment of the procedure and are going to implement it with their own hands. In such cases, it should always be remembered that the tool you cannot be installed in the perforator mode, since the impact load can cause a split of the product being processed.

Performing holes in the stone (including the drilling of marble) should be started on small turnover of the instrument, having it at a significant angle. After a small groove is formed on the surface being processed, the drill position can be gradually aligned.

Pressing a stone drill during the processing process should be small, and it is necessary to ensure that the cutting tool does not damage the polished surface of the product. You should not forget that in the drilled section of the hole in which the drill is continued, water must constantly serve. Very often, to perform such an important condition around the formed hole, a side of the middle part of the plastic bottle is created, which is attached to the granite with the help of ordinary tape. Water, the level and the presence of which is constantly monitored to the inside of such a side of such a side. It is possible to use it a simple device that prevents not only drill overheating, but also the formation of stone dust, it is possible only when processing horizontal surfaces.

How else can you form a hole in granite

The stone drill, with which the hole is formed in granite, can be made from a tube made of non-ferrous metal. This method compared with the option in which diamond drills are used is more complex in technical execution.

How to drill granite with a non-ferrous metal tube?

  • Around the center of the future hole on the surface of the granite, it is necessary to form a height of at least 5 mm height, for which it is possible to use conventional plasticine or the middle part of the plastic bottle.
  • In the inner part of the formed side, it is necessary to fall asleep diamond dust, corundum or winning powder.
  • Water filled with an abrasive powder formed by the side, water is poured. To constantly replenish the water level in such a bath, it is necessary to prepare a separate vessel in which it will be contained in sufficient quantities.

Brown granite on this technique alone is problematic, so you will need to help another person who will ensure that the bath formed around the opening performed has been constantly filled with water. Drilling when applying this technology is also performed on small revolutions.

Drilling artificial stone is best with the help of a bora, at the end of which there are attacks of solid alloy. In construction, such borants are used when drilling concrete. In order for the work to be more productive, drilling is performed. Drilling with a perforator occurs due to drill drill.

For drilling artificial stone, a perforator and small drills with diamond spraying are used.

The car is almost not heated, and the drilling of the holes is produced much faster.

Artificial stone can be drilled with a drill with diamond spraying. Here you can use a conventional electric drill. If you need to drill a thin hole, for example, in a small natural stone for decoration, an needle with a diamond tip is used. It is done on a boring machine.

If a large diameter hole is required, an artificial drill is drilled by a crown. Crown, like a bur, has a hard alloy attack. In construction, such a drilling is made in carrier concrete walls. This is done in the case when plumbing or ventilation pipes should be paved. Drill the material with a crown, which has a large diameter, it is necessary only on small revs. During drilling on carbide attacks, Cold water is necessarily supplied. It is necessary, in order for the attacks not overheat. Otherwise, they will fail before the deadline.

The main tool for drilling stone is:

  • drill with carbide attacks;
  • sERMO with diamond spraying;
  • crown with carbide attacks;
  • perforator;
  • needles with a diamond tip;
  • drill.

In the event that you need to drill a large diameter hole in stones, special equipment is applied. So, in order to drill them under communication pipes, such equipment is attached on a monolithic concrete wall. In order for the stone to be damaged by the working surface of the crown, cold water is supplied to it with hoses.

Technology drilling

The processing of solid materials is related to the use of a certain technology. The drilling of stones has its own specifics. For example, granite is very solid and at the same time a very fragile stone. When you select the rotation of the tool, you need to proceed from the diameter of the drilled hole. The larger diameter you need a hole, the smaller speed is required.

To open the hole in the right place, you need to make a small groove tilting the rotating drill to the side.

During drilling, water supply must be mandatory. Water, firstly, protects the cutting edges of the diamond drill from overheating, and, secondly, shears the sludge. Before the start of drilling, in order for the hole to work in the right place, it is necessary to tilt the rotating drill to make a small groove. After that, the drill is leveled, and even drilling begins in this place. It is necessary that at the very beginning the drill does not come from a given point.

In order to avoid damage to the edges of the hole, the drill must be well centered. The drilling object must be on a flat surface and be well fixed. Unlike concrete, drilling granite in perforation mode is undesirable. It is very fragile and in shock mode can split.

When drilling a granite, proceed from the following parameters of the diameter of the hole and the speed of rotation of the drill. With the diameter of the hole - 6 mm, the speed of rotation should be - 2000 rpm. When the hole is 12 mm, the speed of rotation is 950 rpm. If the opening is 24mm, the rotational speed should not exceed 700 rpm. Such data is obtained by experienced and are the most optimal.

In some cases, granite must be reinforced. This necessity arises when a tabletop is made from a relatively thin sheet of granite. Large cargo on the surface of the table can break it. To increase the strength of the granite slab, it is enhanced by a steel rod.

On the inner surface of the plate with the help of a grinder and diamond circle, a smooth groove is made. Depth and width of the groove must be 1 mm more than steel rod. After removing the dust from the groove, the steel rod is placed in it. The rod laced in the groove is poured superclaim. After glue challenges, the strength of the granite reinforced plate will be increased several times. It is also established by experimentally.

Today we will talk about how they own at home to drill a hole in any natural or artificial stone with their own hands. We also consider the techniques and technology of drilling stones or how and how to drill stones

How to drill a hole in the stone yourself and which tool is necessary for this?

The drills are now on sale - crowns with diamond spraying and they can be purchased in almost any large construction market. The price depends on the thickness of the spraying and time of the drill service.

And if you need to drill one hole and two, then almost anyone will suit. And if you are planning a frequent use of such a tool, it is best to purchase a crown, in which the diamond is not sprayed, and is pressed throughout the volume of the cutting edge.

The fastening of the crown is also different. You can use a drill or "Bulgarian". We use heavy cutting machine and device for drilling holes in stone products, they have the same fastening as on a small cutting machine.

And now you have become the owner of a drill with a diamond spraying, what to do next?.
How to drill a hole in the stone to be smooth and neat?

I think that 4 simple steps will guarantee you a long service of diamond crowns when drilling holes.

Step 1. Diamond drills When drilling holes in the stone use at low speeds (revs). Small drills with diamond spraying should be used approximately 1-2 speeds of your instrument - this is from about 700 to 1000 revolutions per minute.

Diamond drills should be used at variable speeds depending on their diameter.
6mm - 2000 rpm.
12mm - 950 rpm.
24 mm - 700 rpm.

Step 2.
Drill holes in stone and other materials needed with water. Water prevents overheating the cutting edge of the diamond drill, flushes sludge from his pores. This in turn will extend the service life of the drill, will fight it from the encoding, as well as the stone itself will not overheat and the edge will remain neat.

In production, when drilling holes in stone, water is supplied automatically into the inner part of the drill under pressure and the drill is constantly washed with water. At home, this is not always done.

To do this, you can make a "bath" around the drilled hole. You can cut out the middle part from the plastic bottle and glue it with a stoneware surface, fill it with water. With the drilling of the holes, lift the crown so that the water wet the cutting edge and got into the drilled hole.

Step 3.
If you have little experience before proceeding to drill holes in a stone, practice on any trimming.

Make marking. Apply a line on the stone. Often, a pencil polishing practically does not leave marks, so you can apply a greasy paper tape and make the necessary labels on it.

The first way, which is often recommended when drilling holes in stone.
First, start drilling the stone at a significant angle to drill a small groove, then gradually align the crown, to the vertical position, continuing to put it much. If you immediately press the diamond crown to the surface of the stone and start drilling, then the drill will not stand still and will "ride" over the surface and spoil polishing.

Not always the drills are well hotzed and if you have a poor experience in the drilling of holes in the stone, it is originally possible not to keep the tool and turn the polishing, break the edge of the resulting hole, and finally just inaccurate drill.

There is a fairly simple second way to accurately drill holes.
To do this, you can drill a hole in any trimming of the stone, you can say to stretch.

After the hole is drilled and fully prepared, it can be used as a template. Just it simply applied to the product in which you need to drill a hole and adast. Thus, the drill will move along the already drilled hole, it will not beat it and in your product will be neatly drilled hole. There you can also pour and water.

Step 4.
I already mentioned it, but still decided to allocate in a separate column.
Do not press the crown while drilling holes. Diamond spraying crowns are very sensitive to pressure and overheating. Periodically raise it so that it is wetted with water and cooled.

Granite is a material that is the hardest handle. It is very solid, but at the same time a rather fragile stone. Therefore, work related to drilling holes in granite should be carried out very carefully and neatly. In order for the granite stone during drilling to be split, it is very important to comply with a number of non-good rules.

Several mandatory recommendations on the drilling of granite.
The drilling of granite should be carried out on small turns (speeds) drills. Small drills covered with diamond spraying should be operated on the first, maximum - at the second speed. It is important to note the fact that the drills are used at variable speed depending on their diameter. So if the drill with a diameter of six millimeters is used, you need to work on two thousand revolutions if the drill diameter reaches 12 mm, then it is necessary to install on the instrument of nine hundred and fifty revolutions, and if you use a drill, the diameter of which is twenty-four millimeters, then you need to work at speed Seven hundred revolutions per minute.

It is necessary to drill granite with water, as it prevents overheating of the cutting edges of diamonds, and it will also wash the sludge from his pores. When drilling a granite with water, you, therefore, slightly extend the use of the drill and projected it from the jam. Also, granite when drilling will not be too hot and the edges of the opening will be clear and neat. Currently, in production during drilling holes in stones, water is fed under pressure automatically to constantly wash the drill.

If you previously never performed the drilling of granite, then before you begin, practice on some fragment or trimming. Because to start drilling granite, make a markup, applying a line to the surface. It is best to make it the best paper painter scotch, since a simple pencil does not often leave the slightest trail on polishing.

Currently, two methods of granite drilling are most common:

How to drill granite, the first method: start drilling granite at a small angle, so that a small groove first drilled. And then smoothly align the crown to the vertical position. If this is not done, then the drill will "ride on the surface."
Granite drilling, the second method: In practice, there are often cases that drills are bad or not enough for accurately centered. And if you have no drilling experience, you can not spoil the granite polishing, damage the edge of the hole or inaccurately drill it. Therefore, the second way is that you overcome first the same hole on a small trimming of granite. And if you have come successful, you can now apply it as a template. To do this, it is necessary to simply apply it to the desired area of \u200b\u200bgranite and adast. Now the drill will not ride on the surface. There will also need to serve water.

How to drill a hole in granite, step-by-step instructions.
To drill a hole in the granite you will need an electric drill in which you can adjust the number of revolutions. You will also need a diamond crown of the required diameter, a copper tube or a winner glass, water, a semi-circular form, and maybe you will need a diamond dust or wins.

Before proceeding with drilling, install the granite workpiece as convenient and fix it. Granite stone must completely lie on a flat and flat surface.
Scratch the metal drill center of the alleged hole. This is an important point that will not let the drill slide on the surface of the granite during operation.
Fix the crown of the desired diameter in the electric crown. It should be covered with diamond spraying. Otherwise, you will not be able to drill the hole.
Drill a hole in granite only on low revs and in no case turn the perforation mode. Failure to comply with this condition can provoke a split of granite or cracks.

During the entire process of drilling a granite into a hole that drill, regularly pour water. This can be done using a conventional plastic bottle, in which you first need to drill the hole. An ideal option when you attract a second person to blast the water so that you can fully focus only on the drilling of granite. It is very important that the drill "not swimming" in the liquid.

Why it is necessary to use water when drilling granite:

· You will not apply unnecessary efforts to drill;

· You will save the drill for subsequent work, extended its life

· You thus relieve granite from overheating.

How to drill granite if there is no diamond crown.

If you do not have a diamond crown, you can get out of the position like this: Make around the circumference of the alleged opening of the plane ring. Its height should be three or five millimeters. Its inside it must be filled with a small amount of corundum, diamond dust or wins. The drill need to fix a small tube of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, such as brass. After that, you can proceed to drilling on small revolutions and without perforation. Do not forget during operation to carry out water, which in this situation will cool the tube.

And if you have no diamond crown, and a non-ferrous metal tube, you can try to drill granite with a winning drill. But only in this situation the drilling must be carried out immediately on large circulation, constantly feeding water. As soon as you feel that the drilling does not happen, immediately take the drill and pumped it with a semicircular noodle.

Approves must be made with extreme caution so that the cutting teeth in no case are overheated. Otherwise, they will immediately become soft, and even more quick speed will be blown off. It is noted that during the drilling of the granite, the drill from winning the drainage must be made every 20-40 seconds of drilling.

As can be seen, the drilling of granite is not easy, as it requires certain skills, knowledge and skills. So, starting to work, be sure to practice trimming of granite, and only after that you will be able to go!

In this article we will look at the drills that are designed to work with ceramics, brick and stone. We will analyze the features of working with these materials, modes of operation and the main differences between these drills.

Drill on ceramics

Ceramics, in itself, the material is capricious. Basically, diamond drills are used for processing. Diamond drill can be manufactured in three different ways. Now we will understand a little in these ways.

The first method - using a galvanic method, you can make a thin element. The main difference of this method from others is low cost.

The second method is using powder metallurgy to create stronger tools. These tools will be stable in work and durable. But the cost will be higher.

The third method - using the vacuum method to make a tool that will be characterized by greater strength and have increased abrasiveness. The cost of drill will be inexpensive, and it will work, by the way, will be easy.

To determine the quality of the drill, it is enough to visually inspect the drill and find out if there is any information about the alloy, diameter, length. This information characterizes mostly expensive products. On cheap drills, such information may not indicate

To drill ceramics, you need to resort to the use of rotation, without vibration.

Before drilling, it is necessary to mark the place where the hole will be drilled. This mark is made using a diamond kerner. Scratching the label occurs as a result of the rotation of Kerner until the hole is obtained, the diameter of which is greater than the diameter of the centering drill rod. Next, using a thin contene drill, you need to make a hole that will be a centering. Next, you need to drill the well of the required diameter. Turns - maximum, without using strong push. The workplace must be constantly cooling with water.

Approximate cost from 200 rubles for drill and higher.

Brick drill

Thanks to a special carbide drill, you can get a hole in the brick. Now let's talk in detail about this drill.

This drill is usually made of solid steel, respectively. Namely - VK8, simply speaking, use "Win". Such a drill should still have sharpening for a shock drill, the shape of the shank must be cylindrical. As it has already become clear, drill use a drill with a hit function.

Drills may have dimensions from 4 to 12 millimeters. May have a maximum length of 400 millimeters. A larger diameter to drill a drill is not capable, as it has a non-alert. The cost of drill is different, from 50 rubles and higher.

Drill on stone

So, for drilling a stone, you can use drills with crowns that have a diamond spraying. The cost of such a drill will be different - the role of sputtering and drill service will play role.

If you need to drill just a couple of holes, then the drill can be used any. But if, all the same, it is planned to constantly use the drill, it is better to buy this tool with a crown, where the entire cutting edge has a pressed diamond.

The crown can be attached differently. Usually use drill or grinder.

To obtain a smooth and neat hole, you must follow several simple rules. Namely:

First. Diamond drill assumes drilling at low speeds when drilling holes in stone. This is usually from 700 to 1000 rpm.

Here are some dependences of diameters and drilling speeds:

6mm - 2000 revolutions per minute;

12 mm - 950 revolutions per minute;

24 mm - 700 revolutions per minute.

Second. When drilling in stone you need to use water. It is necessary to prevent overheating of the cutting edge of the tool. This, by the way, serves to extend the service life of the drill.

Third. If you do not have enough work experience with a stone, it is recommended before proceeding to drowning holes in the stone, stretch on any trimming.

Fourth. No need to put pressure on the crown during drilling. Crowns having diamond spraying are very sensitive to overheating and pressure.

As we have verified, special requirements are put forward for drilling listed materials, special drills are used. And therefore, working with similar materials, it is necessary to follow the rules for processing the material.

How to make a hole in stone

Over the past six months, the question of how to do in the stones of the hole, I once again answered with a dozen times. I decided to systematize a little and once again, in general, to tell - now without any individualism.

There is a very simple way - ultrasound, but there is not all the device, the ringing from it stands, radiates, harmful and pleasure does not deliver - the truth, quickly and in skillful hands create miracles. But we will not even think about him, we are in the old way :)

In relatively soft and non-fragile stones - such as malachite, serpentine, Lazurita - you can make a hole just a good drill on the metal - pushing the drill to the bormer, put the pebbles into the water - if possible, fasten it - and forward. You can simply wet the sponge near the hole - the main thing is that it does not overheat.

If the hole is through, be sure to put it on another stone, it is better to even stick to it with wax or paraffin, and even a bilateral scotch. Otherwise, it will be at the output.

With stones more hard history is more difficult. Here it will already be tubular, with diamond spraying drill. They are sold in special stores, like "Sapphire" and in ordinary good economic entries come across, and heavily cheaper. They have diameters from 1-1.5 millimeters, up to 12-15, more is already quite rare and quite specific. I have the most running 2-2.5 mm.

I will immediately cut such a cut - cut a little shank - then the cut deeper is clamped and does not hurt, and this is very important.

We take a stone, come up with, why do we need it, choose a place, put the label, we put it with the bottom of the plaster and omit in a bowl with water. Waters are enough two-three millimeters over a stone. The patch will help the stone not to slide in the bowl and even slightly slides from the chip at the outlet of the drill.

And starting on small speeds, slowly, but confidently, press the drill in the right place. It is very important not to pour it. Every 15-20 seconds the drill should be lifted - sludge is removed from the hole. After a few minutes, the groove is formed - and the drill is already getting a direction.

The drill is fascinated pretty quickly, and not even stupid - "sues", but it is very simply solved - it is enough to put a piece of ordinary emery next to the stone and from time to time the drill to him to touch him.

When the drill deeperates a few millimeters to the stone, it is desirable a core column, which was formed, be melted with a pin, cheerbroke, iron and shaken - from the drill it then to beat a little more complicated, although not a problem.

When the hole is committed to exit, you can start drilling on the other hand, but it is only when an increased requirements are placed to the quality of the hole.

Even a little bit and the drill will go easily - it turned out, it means to the surface that we need.

So, by and large, and that's it.

In this case, the Kabochon 4 millimeters was drilled somewhere for a quarter of an hour, but this drill had already made no one dozen holes in agats and flints, the new works faster.

Here on paper (on the screen) everything is quick and easy, in reality a little more difficult, and it is not even more difficult - you need to be ready for what it starts to get normal somewhere on the fifth, sixth.

I will pay attention yet at what moments - the drill is quite soft, it is thin, it is thin, clamping it into the cartridge it is necessary extremely gently. When we postpone the tip with a clipped drill so that it does not cling to anything, it snars instantly and practically it is not straightened to a normal state. After work, it is necessary to immediately clean it from the inside, otherwise the sludge will dry and there will be problems in the future. Soft stones are also better drilled by such coarse and dignity. You can drill and an ordinary drill - it is better to put it on the side, and the pebbles constantly fooling to substitute under the drill. And remember about the rules for working with electrical appliances!

It seems possible on this and complete about the holes :)

And about this agate the other day I will try to continue.

Original roofing and designer roofs

Today we will talk about how they own at home to drill a hole in any natural or artificial stone with their own hands. We also consider techniques and technology drilling stones or how and how to drill stones yourself how to drill a hole in the stone yourself and which tool is necessary for this?

The drills are now on sale - crowns with diamond spraying and they can be purchased in almost any large construction market. The price depends on the thickness of the spraying and time of the drill service.

And if you need to drill one hole and two, then almost anyone will suit. And if you plan to frequent use of such a tool, it is best to purchase a crown, in which the diamond is not sprayed, and is clicked throughout the volume of the cutting edge. The crown is also different. You can use a drill or "Bulgarian". We use heavy cutting machine and device for drilling holes in stone products, they have the same mount as on a small cutting machine. And here you have become the owner of a drill with a diamond spraying, what to do next?. How to drill a hole in the stone so that It was smooth and neat? I think that 4 simple steps will guarantee you a long service of diamond crowns when drilling holes.

Step 1. Diamond drills When drilling holes in the stone use at low speeds (revs). Small drills with diamond spraying should be used approximately 1-2 speeds of your instrument - this is from about 700 to 1000 revolutions per minute.

Diamond drills should be used at variable speeds depending on their diameter.6mm - 2000 rpm / min.12mm - 950 rpm. water. Water prevents overheating the cutting edge of the diamond drill, flushes sludge from his pores. This in turn will extend the service life of the drill, will fight it from the encoding, as well as the stone itself will not overheat and the edge will remain neat.

In production, when drilling holes in stone, water is supplied automatically into the inner part of the drill under pressure and the drill is constantly washed with water. At home, this is not always done.

To do this, you can make a "bath" around the drilled hole. You can cut out the middle part from the plastic bottle and glue it with a stoneware surface, fill it with water. With the drilling of the holes, lift the crown so that the water wet the cutting edge and got into the drilled hole. Step 3. If you have little experience before you start driving the holes in the stone, practice on any trim .Deate the markup. Apply a line on the stone. Often, the pencil polishing practically does not leave the traces, so you can apply a greasy paper tape and make the necessary labels on it. The first method that is often recommended when drilling holes in stone.

First, start drilling the stone at a significant angle to drill a small groove, then gradually align the crown, to the vertical position, continuing to put it much. If you immediately press the diamond crown to the surface of the stone and start drilling, then the drill will not stand still and will "ride" over the surface and spoil polishing.

Not always the drills are well hotzed and if you have a poor experience in the drilling of holes in the stone, it is originally possible not to keep the tool and turn the polishing, break the edge of the hole drilled, and, finally, simply inaccurately drill. There is a fairly simple second way to accurately drill holes . For this, you can drill a hole in any cutting stone, you can say to practice. After the hole is drilled and completely ready, you can use it as a template. Just it simply applied to the product in which you need to drill a hole and adast. Thus, the drill will move along the already drilled hole, it will not beat it and in your product will be neatly drilled hole. There you can also pour and water. Hasha 4. I have already mentioned it, but still decided to allocate in a separate column. Do not give a strongly on the crown while drilling holes. Diamond spraying crowns are very sensitive to pressure and overheating. Periodically raise it so that it is wetted with water and cooled.

Granite is a material that is the hardest handle. It is very solid, but at the same time a rather fragile stone. Therefore, work related to drilling holes in granite should be carried out very carefully and neatly. In order for the granite stone during drilling to be split, it is very important to comply with a number of non-good rules.

Several mandatory recommendations on the drilling of granite. The drilling of granite should be carried out on small turns (speeds) drills. Small drills covered with diamond spraying should be operated on the first, maximum - at the second speed. It is important to note the fact that the drills are used at variable speed depending on their diameter. So if the drill with a diameter of six millimeters is used, you need to work on two thousand revolutions if the drill diameter reaches 12 mm, then it is necessary to install on the instrument of nine hundred and fifty revolutions, and if you use a drill, the diameter of which is twenty-four millimeters, then you need to work at speed Seven hundred revolutions per minute. It is necessary to drill granite with water, as it prevents overheating of the cutting edges of diamonds, and it will also wash the sludge from his pores. When drilling a granite with water, you, therefore, slightly extend the use of the drill and projected it from the jam. Also, granite when drilling will not be too hot and the edges of the opening will be clear and neat. Currently, in production during drilling holes in stones, water is fed under pressure automatically to constantly wash the drill.

If you previously never performed the drilling of granite, then before you begin, practice on some fragment or trimming. Because to start drilling granite, make a markup, applying a line to the surface. It is best to make it the best paper painter scotch, since a simple pencil does not often leave the slightest trail on polishing.

Currently, two methods of granite drilling methods are most often used: how to drill granite, the first method: start drilling granite at a small angle, so that a small groove first drilled. And then smoothly align the crown to the vertical position. If this is not done, then the drill will "ride on the surface." Granite drilling, the second method: In practice, there are often cases that drills are bad or not enough for accurately centered. And if you have no drilling experience, you can not spoil the granite polishing, damage the edge of the hole or inaccurately drill it. Therefore, the second way is that you overcome first the same hole on a small trimming of granite. And if you have come successful, you can now apply it as a template. To do this, it is necessary to simply apply it to the desired area of \u200b\u200bgranite and adast. Now the drill will not ride on the surface. There will also need to serve water. How to drill a hole in granite, step-by-step instructions.

To drill a hole in the granite you will need an electric drill in which you can adjust the number of revolutions. You will also need a diamond crown of the required diameter, a copper tube or a winner glass, water, a semi-circular form, and maybe you will need a diamond dust or wins.

Before proceeding with drilling, install the granite workpiece as convenient and fix it. Granite stone must completely lie on a flat and flat surface. Scratch the metal drill center of the alleged hole. This is an important point that will not let the drill slide on the surface of the granite during operation. Fix the crown of the desired diameter in the electric crown. It should be covered with diamond spraying. Otherwise, you will not be able to drill the hole. Drill a hole in granite only on low revs and in no case turn the perforation mode. Failure to comply with this condition can provoke a split of granite or cracks. During the entire process of drilling a granite into a hole that drill, regularly pour water. This can be done using a conventional plastic bottle, in which you first need to drill the hole. An ideal option when you attract a second person to blast the water so that you can fully focus only on the drilling of granite. It is very important that the drill "not swimming" in the liquid. Why it is necessary to use water when drilling granite: · You will not apply unnecessary efforts for drilling; · You will save the drill for subsequent work, extending its operation · You thus relieve granite from overheating. How to drill granite if there is no diamond crown. If you do not have a diamond crown, you can get out of the position like this: Make around the circumference of the alleged opening of the plane ring. Its height should be three or five millimeters. Its inside it must be filled with a small amount of corundum, diamond dust or wins. The drill need to fix a small tube of copper or any other non-ferrous metal, such as brass. After that, you can proceed to drilling on small revolutions and without perforation. Do not forget during operation to carry out water, which in this situation will cool the tube. And if you have no diamond crown, and a non-ferrous metal tube, you can try to drill granite with a winning drill. But only in this situation the drilling must be carried out immediately on large circulation, constantly feeding water. As soon as you feel that the drilling does not happen, immediately take the drill and pumped it with a semicircular noodle. Approves must be made with extreme caution so that the cutting teeth in no case are overheated. Otherwise, they will immediately become soft, and even more quick speed will be blown off. It is noted that during the drilling of the granite, the drill from winning the drainage must be made every 20-40 seconds of drilling.

As can be seen, the drilling of granite is not easy, as it requires certain skills, knowledge and skills. So, starting to work, be sure to practice trimming of granite, and only after that you will be able to go!

Drilling artificial stone is best with the help of a bora, at the end of which there are attacks of solid alloy. In construction, such borants are used when drilling concrete. In order for the work to be more productive, drilling is performed. Drilling with a perforator occurs due to drill drill.

For drilling artificial stone, a perforator and small drills with diamond spraying are used.

The car is almost not heated, and the drilling of the holes is produced much faster.

Artificial stone can be drilled with a drill with diamond spraying. Here you can use a conventional electric drill. If you need to drill a thin hole, for example, in a small natural stone for decoration, an needle with a diamond tip is used. It is done on a boring machine.

If a large diameter hole is required, an artificial drill is drilled by a crown. Crown, like a bur, has a hard alloy attack. In construction, such a drilling is made in carrier concrete walls. This is done in the case when plumbing or ventilation pipes should be paved. Drill the material with a crown, which has a large diameter, it is necessary only on small revs. During drilling on carbide attacks, Cold water is necessarily supplied. It is necessary, in order for the attacks not overheat. Otherwise, they will fail before the deadline.

The main tool for drilling stone is:

Drilling tools: Drill with carbide attacks, drill with diamond spraying, crown with carbide attacks, perforator, needles with a diamond tip, drill.

  • drill with carbide attacks;
  • sERMO with diamond spraying;
  • crown with carbide attacks;
  • perforator;
  • needles with a diamond tip;
  • drill.

In the event that you need to drill a large diameter hole in stones, special equipment is applied. So, in order to drill them under communication pipes, such equipment is attached on a monolithic concrete wall. In order for the stone to be damaged by the working surface of the crown, cold water is supplied to it with hoses.

Technology drilling

The processing of solid materials is related to the use of a certain technology. The drilling of stones has its own specifics. For example, granite is very solid and at the same time a very fragile stone. When you select the rotation of the tool, you need to proceed from the diameter of the drilled hole. The larger diameter you need a hole, the smaller speed is required.

To open the hole in the right place, you need to make a small groove tilting the rotating drill to the side.

During drilling, water supply must be mandatory. Water, firstly, protects the cutting edges of the diamond drill from overheating, and, secondly, shears the sludge. Before the start of drilling, in order for the hole to work in the right place, it is necessary to tilt the rotating drill to make a small groove. After that, the drill is leveled, and even drilling begins in this place. It is necessary that at the very beginning the drill does not come from a given point.

In order to avoid damage to the edges of the hole, the drill must be well centered. The drilling object must be on a flat surface and be well fixed. Unlike concrete, drilling granite in perforation mode is undesirable. It is very fragile and in shock mode can split.

When drilling a granite, proceed from the following parameters of the diameter of the hole and the speed of rotation of the drill. With the diameter of the hole - 6 mm, the speed of rotation should be - 2000 rpm. When the hole is 12 mm, the speed of rotation is 950 rpm. If the opening is 24mm, the rotational speed should not exceed 700 rpm. Such data is obtained by experienced and are the most optimal.

In some cases, granite must be reinforced. This necessity arises when a tabletop is made from a relatively thin sheet of granite. Large cargo on the surface of the table can break it. To increase the strength of the granite slab, it is enhanced by a steel rod.

On the inner surface of the plate with the help of a grinder and diamond circle, a smooth groove is made. Depth and width of the groove must be 1 mm more than steel rod. After removing the dust from the groove, the steel rod is placed in it. The rod laced in the groove is poured superclaim. After glue challenges, the strength of the granite reinforced plate will be increased several times. It is also established by experimentally.