How to choose curtains for small windows. Rustic curtains - bright solutions in the interior (70 photos) Little curtains

Nowadays, the curtains are not only the subject of the interior that protects the room from penetrating solar rays and other people's eyes, but also a decorative detail, which gives the opportunity to emphasize the style of the situation or emphasize the attention on the window passage.

Modern apartments do not always make us big sizes. Tight premises with a low ceiling largely limit the design solutions of the curtain. But even for small window openings, it is possible to choose original curtains, allowing you to visually increase their area, and simultaneously performing their direct responsibilities.

Choose curtains in the kitchen

In the kitchen, people spend quite a long time, guests invite guests there, they are going to the whole family after a heavy working day. Therefore, this room is obliged to be comfortable and light. Many apartments do not boast spacious kitchens and wide kitchen windows.

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The choice of modern curtains on a small kitchen is usually complicated by the location of the window passage - most often it is located near the working area and the electric stoves, which makes the use of the curtain to the floor. The solution is blinds suspended under the ceiling and removed from the sides with the help of a row. The final stroke will be lambrequin asymmetric cut.

Light curtains in the Roman style on a small window will visually increase the space, and plant patterns that are supported by individual accessories will be introduced into the interior of harmony.

Selecting the kitchen curtains, it is necessary to give preference to tissues that are resistant to the occurrence of stains. The material impregnated with a special fire and repulsive mud composition will be the optimal choice.

Choose curtains for living room and bedroom

The living room is usually given the largest room in the apartment. Good light in the hall is only welcome. An erroneous selection of curtains can be ruined even the most fashionable setting.

Choosing the design of the curtains on a small window, the first thing you need to take into account the style of the room as a whole. For a classic style living room, it will be appropriate to pick up two-color curtains made in the English or French designer direction, while it is desirable that the eaves was wider than 0.3 m wide windows. Lambreks successfully completed the resulting picture.

Modern small curtains made of translucent organza with a hard garde of contrasting color will be wonderfully looked at the northern window. They will be added to the interior of light and air.

Select curtains for a small bedroom pretty easy. The fabric for such curtains should be dense. Wonderful if the curtains are on a lining of dense material. It will protect them from fading, and the room from the bright sun.

It looks quite well in the bedroom of the curtain in the Austrian stylist. In the daytime clock they can be raised, skipping the sun's rays into the room, and in the evening omit.

Single tonic curtains of a roll type are good for a bedroom, weathered in a minimalist direction. Beautifully look at the curtains of a gray palette in a black and white interior.

Self sewing small curtains

If you have experienced lessons in your school, you can easily wid a regular curtain. Instructions How to make small curtains with your own hands you can easily find on the Internet.

You will need to choose the material of your favorite color, make the pattern, notify and strain on the sewing machine.

If you have a table at the window work, then you should not hang curtains in the floor there. It is best to stay on the model in a half-window length and a rigid lambrene from a monophonic or colored material. This window will look very interesting and unusual.

In the photo of small curtains it is clear that their width should not be less than the width of the window turnout.

Methods of visually expanding a small window

This topic deserves a separate mention. The curtains on the small window are required to differ modesty and conciseness. They should not suppress a small way. The designers have several effective tricks to get a small window look great. Here is some of them:

Apply lightweed. You must abandon heavy materials that create the impression of luxury and causing all the eyes. For small windows, it is better to use curtains from lungs, air, transparent fabrics.

Such a gentle and elegant window frame will decorate even the closest room. The optimal option will be new curtains from organza and veil.

Only light coloring. Request will be pastel shades, for example, alabaster, sandy. Bright, rich tones only visually reduce the disc.

No ornament. On the small window it is better to hang curtains from a smooth, monochromatic material. Any varieties of ornament are extremely undesirable because they will shrink centimeters. Only a horizontal strip is allowed, because it visually increases the windows width.

The absence of any objects on the windows board. The windowsill should be empty. Houseplants, books, lamps here contribute to the fact that the window will seem smaller. They also prevent sunlight penetration.

Photo of small curtains

To even a modest room at 5-8 sq.m. It seemed quite spacious, it is important to abandon the bulky furniture, correctly arrange the walls and the floor, as well as take care of the selection of a suitable decor for transmitting daylight windows.

The curtains in the kitchen usually perform several functions at once: decorate the window ones, protect against excessive intensive sunlight and strangers, and in some cases, the visual perception of space is also corrected, making the ceilings above, and the room itself is spacious.

What curtains are not suitable for small cuisine?

Classic curtains "in the floor", fused volumetric parts, multilayer curtains and dark curtains with rich drapes are able to turn the already small kitchen room into a real chelter. The same effect will be given and bright canvas with a large pattern and catchy intricate ornament.

Lambonen on a small kitchen can look good, but only if we are talking about a small laconic design. The folds and cascades "steal" the useful area, and the curtains with a small dark print create a sense of dustiness.

Any complex designs and intricate forms, alas, inappropriate in a small room.

The perfect choice for compact cuisine is simple translucent materials.

How to better decorated small kitchen windows?

There are several demands at once to design a window loan:

  • Ability to skip light and ensure sufficient air circulation;
  • Spectacular design, harmonizing with other items in the room;
  • The practical material of the curtains that should be easy to wear, quickly dry and differ in durability.

The perfect fabrics for kitchen curtains are considered: translucent tulle, unpretentious sitherium, practical flax and luxurious silk, which is recommended to cover specially impregnated.

Light curtains

The ideal option, if the windows come to the server, the West or East, and the annoying neighbors and passers-by are not repulsed with high attention.

Light curtains with vegetable or fruit ornament, a simple geometric pattern - the most traditional solution for rooms decorated in country style or Provence.

Ohnostonic light curtains will be perfectly shown, which visually expand the kitchen room. Comfortable pickups will help to save such curtains from rapid burnout, and for additional protection of the room from the Sun, rolled structures are perfectly suitable or practical blinds.

Short curtains

If indoors are important with the use of each centimeter, the practical models of a slightly higher than the windowsill level will definitely become a good choice.

On the one hand, the curtains will allow to give the window turning effect to the completed appearance, and on the other, it will be possible to use the space of the window sill for household needs.

The original alternative to such curtains will be the curtain in the style of "Cafe", which are particularly appropriate look at small windows.

Small canvas are attached to about in the middle of the window sash, without taking a precious place, but reliably hiding the room from the views of passersby. At the same time, the open upper part of the winds is perfectly passed and fresh air, and a sufficient amount of light.


Invalid transparent tulle, spectacular veil and gentle lace are considered the most winning materials for window design in small rooms.

Tulle takes at least a place, it looks sophisticated, perfectly fits into any interior in any style and better than other materials skips sunlight.

If there is no need to close the room from prying views, in the window design, you can only be limited to the tulle to the floor, to the windowsill or until the middle of the wall under the window.

In other cases, compact Roman or rolled curtains will be an excellent addition to an elegant transparent curtain.


Curtains-threads can be a real find in the design of a small kitchen window. Long straight strips visually increase the space, no matter how "lifting" the ceiling, skip the light, are very easy to erase, give the room a special comfort and look really well.

You can arrange a painting in different ways, for example, using a spectacular grab to fix "noodles" in the center of the window or from one of the parties.

Additional features in the design gives a wide variety of color solutions: in addition to conventional one-photon options, there are spectacular combinations of shades with soft or very contrasting transitions.

Roman curtains

Roman curtains, perhaps the most practical solution for designing the kitchen window. Features of the design allow you to adjust the height of the tissue canvase, creating the required darkening.

The material of the product can be both absolutely dense, providing full blackout, and translucent, as if dissipating sunlight.

Roman curtains are harmoniously adjacent both with weightless tulle, and with solid porters from dense materials. And most importantly - in the assembled form, the design is compactly placed under the ceiling and absolutely does not occupy such a scarce area.

Models on lover

One of the most pressing designer decisions in the design of windows in houses and apartments is straight curtains, for the attachment of which reflectors located on the top edge are used on the top edge.

If the round cornice is attached directly under the ceiling, long fabric strips will help visually "lift" the ceiling. Literally in one movement, the fabric can be collected in compact folds around the window and it is also easy to turn it into reliable protection against excess lighting and curiosity passersby.

Tip! Material for designing a kitchen window You can choose any: to providing a complete darkening of the tissue to an unobtrusive seitts or a spectacular "header".

Curtains with lambrenenom

Exquisite lambrequin is able to effectively harmonize with dense porters, and with weightless curtains, giving the window to the window completed and expensive.

Not always appropriate in a small room looks wide drapery and numerous lush folds. For the kitchen, lambrequined laconic shapes are more suitable, for example, one-photon rigid structures, the color is better to choose into the tone with the porters or furnished.

Austrian curtains

Austrian curtains with numerous fester folds on the window look especially effectively and exquisitely, so optimally suitable for the kitchen with a concise classic interior.

Additional advantages of this choice: Austrian curtains collected in the upper part occupy a minimum of space, and they can be sewed from any material: silk, organza, atlas or even inexpensive synthetics.

Rolled structures

The optimal choice for practical owners: a compact roller can be easily minted at the top of the window opening and it is also easy to deploy, completely or partially covering the window opening.

The design itself is simple, but you can make the window decor more spectacular, experimenting with flowers, pattern, materials.

The canvas curtains can be a monophonic or multi-colored, fabric or braid from straw or bamboo fibers. Most often, the rolled curtain variant in the kitchen is combined with transparent curtains or veil.


Oddly enough, strict vertical blinds on and at home may look more than appropriate, although this design is not too fitted in the interior in the style of Provence or Baroque.

Bamboo or wooden blinds will make the room comfortably and create a pleasant twilight even on a hot summer day.

Models made of fabric and multifactore materials will delight color solutions and design: blinds may have the shape of a lamp and on the contrary, length to the floor itself. Models with an unusual print or photo printing look especially impressive.

Color gamma and drawing

Designers argue that light green, lavender, purple or blue curtains will look at the most advantageous in the small kitchen.

It is these colors that simultaneously refresh the room and visually expand the space. Mute tones: lemon, pistachio, cream, pearl appropriate fit into absolutely any interior.

Dark colors in window design are appropriate only if we are talking about small lamps or compact Roman or rolled curtains. Dark gray or dark blue curtains in the floor can successfully look at the ultra-modern interior, but bright pastel curtains are more suitable for supporters of the classics and style of Provence, which can be successfully combined into a single ensemble of 2-3-colors.

The fabric with a print with the decoration of the windows is worth using particularly carefully: a large drawing will definitely become more accent in the interior and visually reduce the already small window.

However, a small imperceptible drawing creates a feeling of "dusting". The optimal solution is to select one-picture curtains or a model with a medium-sized print, stripes, small colors.

If you want to "revive" the mute canvas, you can pick up bright lamps, brushes, clots and fringe, as well as choose a fabric with a rich texture.

  • Wineware options in any kitchen - curtains of any pastel tones. If you want to choose a bright and original model, it is desirable that the tone and stylistic fabric corresponded to the design of furniture or wall color.
  • If the room windows come to the south, or you live on the first floor, the dense curtains on the windows are simply necessary. It can be both classic curtains and compact Roman or rolled curtains.
  • For the upper floors, there is often no need to carefully wrap the windows. In this case, an elegant veil, a luxurious organza or original tulle can be used in several layers to make a luxurious decorated window.
  • From the right choice of the cornice, the appearance of the room depends to a great extent. For a small kitchen with low ceiling, ceiling patterns of eaves are excellent, as well as light plastic structures or wrought metal eaves, securely, which is better as close as possible to the ceiling.

It suffices to follow these uncomplicated advice, and even the smallest kitchen thanks to a successful decor of the windows will create a feeling of comfort and relaxed elegance.

Often in the planning of the apartment you can find small windows. Most often they are in small rooms. And each owner of the housing wants the window not only looked beautiful, but also visually increased the size of the room. If you choose the right curtains, they will add a highlight to the interior.

Select the curtains need to be tone the color of the room. It is better not to use dark, dark tones, bright and saturated. It is also better to avoid drawings with small figures. There is a huge number of curtains for small windows.

Types of curtains on a small window in the living room

Classic little blinds

You can arrange design using lambrequin or curtains. This version of the curtain will help expand the window opening. You need to pick up the cornice that will be wider than the frame. Light fabric, such as tulle or chiffon hang on it. Topper hang heavy curtains with pickles and make lambrequin. For this option, you can choose a drawing, but only for one of the layers.

Classic curtains - sliding curtains collected by pickups and decorated with lambrene or other elements.


Suitable for most small windows. Simplicity Crow allows you to elegantly decorate the window. Material with antistatic properties is well suited for residential premises. So that they do not attract attention, cholect the color to the tone of the lighter wall. To hang the Roman curtains, you need to buy a special cornice for them.

When the curtains raise up, folds are formed. Due to the weighting agent, the lower edge remains tough.

On loop

The curtains on the loop will perfectly decorate the interior of a small room in the house.

The loops are made from the fabric and hang on the cornice.


Mixed on the lifting mechanism. The whole canvas is collected in the folds. They can be located in a vertical and horizontal position. Vertical folds are called festers. Raising the curtains up, you will see how the canvas gathered with lush waves above. Great suitable for the living room.

Such curtains can be lifted, and you can omit, but the appearance will always be elegant.


If the curtains are omitted, then they have several folds below. These folds are decorated with ruffles, beautiful ribbons. These curtains are similar to the Romanesque view. They are assembled on top, so the fabric falls up with draped folds. At the bottom of the folds remain wave-like. Raise is carried out with the help of cords that are trained through the eaves.

They are straight canvases, which when picked up the waves form.


Divided as if 2 parts. They are flat on top, and below the middle are deeply folds. Running, they open their hidden drawing. Just like other flat curtains are adjustable with cords.

London curtains from fabric striped are very impressive.


Very similar to straight. But the difference is that they are draped with folds from the inside vertical and pass through the rings. Where the curtains converge, they are decorated with bows, ribbons. This species is suitable for high but small windows.

Crossed curtains are attached to the eaves from two sides of the crosswise.

Babushkina curtains

They are also called in the style of "Cafe". On the windows of 60 cm high, such curtains will be excellent. Their length is 30-60 cm, you can hang on the middle of the window to the attached beam. They can be combined with other long curtains. Another important plus is a small tissue consumption.

It turns out that half the windows will be visible, and the half will be closed by the web.

Curtain screens are curtains-scenes, stretched on string cornice. They are mounted at 2-5 cm from the edge of the window.


Very interesting option for small windows. The leaf is stretched from both sides. In the middle collectably and bind to cloth, ribbon, bows.

This species can be used for a veranda or even for a locker sash.


If on the wallpaper in the bedroom there is a drawing, then the design does not need to overload the pattern and on the curtains. It is enough just to choose tulle and more dense fabric.

Usually 2 sets of curtains are used for the bedroom, but it may seem to you that for the small window it is a bad option. And the colors should be blond. Classic curtains are a good example.

Curtains can be hung not only on the window, but also on the wall. The impression will be created that in the room a large window. Lush curtains, excess drapets - all this is not suitable for the bedroom. You can select only one element, for example, lambrene. This option is suitable if the room also has a low ceiling.

Design for small kitchen window

If there is one small window in the kitchen, Roman and rolled curtains will come to the rescue. Very simple. Then the room and the window itself will be decorated in the style of minimalism. The window will look from the side quite neat. Another option is the correct selection of the eaves in combination with long curtains, which will visually increase the room and window. Of course, if the stove is nearby, then long curtains can interfere. But if you make a loop for them and attach to the wall, then the window will increase in size, and the interior design will look different. The canvas do not need to pull, it should hang freely with small waves. The curtains on the chapels will also be suitable for the kitchen. Watch photo of short curtains in the kitchen.

Roman curtains on a small window in the kitchen is a modern solution. The window will look carefully.

If there are several windows in the room, you can use long curtains collected on the sides. This method will allow to expand the room, the room will be bright and bright. Rolled curtains are not very suitable, as they will give the room do not comfort, but the official. For round-windows, Roman curtains can be a good option, creating a cabin atmosphere. Round eaves can be used with short curtains on the chamoirs.

In rustic style

Rustic style is differently called country style. You don't need to stick to the rustic style.

In this style, focus on textiles and decor.

Silk, batter, cotton, sitherium, flax suitable as material. Such a fabric on a small window will be organically looked. You can use more modern fabrics, but they must be unintegrated and durable. For rustic style, the presence of flowers on fabric. Green grass, cornflowers, turquoise and brown shades well fit into the country style. Characteristic are such elements such as a cell, polka dot and small flowers. The main thing to keep one style and not mix colors and pictures.

White canvas usually decorate Ryusha. You can also encourage curtains with ribbons. Having made a lambrequen, you will give pomp interior. For a cuisine, the curtain cafe in a rustic style is suitable as it is impossible.

It is important to know that even if the room is small windows, then you do not need to be upset. After all, such a room can be issued so that it will be light and cozy. For a room decorated in a rustic style suitable.


This video will tell you about what curtains are suitable for a small window.

Curtains - a special element of the interior. For someone, just a small detail, and for someone, the method of precipitation of accents. Moreover, not only curtains in the floor can be bright, but also small curtains. Textiles today in a special honor, different curtain options can be seen in the catalogs photos from the most famous brands. Often on the background of furniture of a quiet color scheme and forms, bright, interesting textiles are distinguished - the same curtains.

This is a real fashionable squeak - stylish curtains with their own hands. It may be a cafe curtains, a cornice or a plank for their support begins just below the middle of the window. It turns out that they do not completely close the window opening. Cafe cozy curtains, miniature, neat.

Small window decorate easier, and a lot of decor options:

  • Sitse curtains. Rustic style has already become a classic. Such curtains were decorated not only by the window opening, went up with their own hands and decorated with their own hands. For a small window, such homemade curtains are an excellent option.
  • Japanese curtains. Decorate a small window opening, this decor is performed in the style of minimalism, and is suitable for those who do not accept anything superfluous in design.
  • Rolled curtains. Completed option. These curtains do not even reach the windowsill, but serve as a good decoration in the window of a small opening. Go to a solid cloth that is easy to regulate.
  • Roman curtains. Going to "accordion", look fresh and smart. You can sew them with your own hands by choosing a fabric that will fit into the interior of the room.
  • Jalousie. Different types of lolan curtains continue to be one of the most sought-after. And on narrow, and on a small-sized window you can find your modern version.

You can, of course, and the little window decorate the tulle into the floor. Choose transparent matter, air, with an interesting pattern.

Curtains on windows (video)

Curtains for small windows with their own hands

If you have never sewed curtains before, then the first undertaking can be curtains for a small window. The main thing is that you have to do is to correctly carry out measurements. Do not make the first thing to do too complicated, for example, use three layers, or sew curtains in the floor. It will be enough for classic curtains on a standard window opening.

And if there are patterns ready, the sketch can also be found on the Internet, then how to be with a decor that can benefit even the most modest curtains.

Decor do it yourself for curtains:

  • Holders. This is just an accessory, not at all mandatory, but adding the cuteness of any curtain. The most cute holders are like animals - a clotched cat with long handles or a funny snowman that holds the scope with a paw knobs.
  • Decor can be thematic. For example, during the holidays, you can decorate the chart with beautiful garlands that literally rest in the floor. This is a louvre garland from snowballs, christmas trees, deer, flowers, stars, hearts.
  • Inside the window, in the opening itself you can hang the module. On the hard hoop, decorated with lace, on the threads can "sit" paper butterflies. Instead of butterflies there may be the same snowflakes, hearts, snowballs.

It is best to have replaceable sets of holders, this process carries, and on one accessory, craftsmen usually do not stop.

Ideas for making a small window (video)

Curtains for two windows

And if there are two windows inside the same room? Should the curtains be the same in this case? Logical answer - yes. But recently, such banal decisions designers avoid. Let the curtains be from one fabric, one style, but with some visible differences that will be interested in beaten.

You can propose three options for such accents:

  • Oblique. Diagonal thin ribbons with suspension can go from one corner of the window to another. For example, one end of the tape is fixed in the upper right corner, it goes to the other side, and fixes 20 cm below the upper left corner. Kind ribbons is a raisin for curtains in the floor. It turns out that on one window, the tape comes from the left edge, and on the other - from the right.
  • Different holders. For example, one opening decorates a white textile cat with girth legs, and the other is a black cat. Together it turns out a gorgeous composition made by hand.
  • Flew butterflies. To sit on the butterfly, one design, only different colors. Usually such butterflies are fixed on the pin. And for short curtains, and for curtains in the floor is a good decor.

These are just three advice, they certainly more. For example, it can be a mirror design of two curtains.

Stylish floral pickups: how to decorate the curtains (video)

Curtains on windows with your own hands: Style Provence

Provence style curtains are tenderness and naturalness itself. And the big, and the miniature window can be decorated with such curtains. In our olive style, the curtains are obtained on the attic windows.

What do you need to sew such curtains:

  • Fabric of natural natural colors, ideally - with a small floral print;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Roulette;
  • Braid or lace tape.

Hand writing Provence can be monitored in textile design of any modification: it can be both strict Roman curtains and curtains of country

The pattern can be found ready, inside old cuts and sewing logs, you can find the models of the curtains that are returned to the fashion today. Fason olive curtains is very simple, and the decor is not complicated.

Provence style curtain features:

  • All sorts of ruffles, but in small quantities;
  • Lambreken, which adorns the opening from above;
  • Curtains in the floor are usually sewn from light light fabrics;
  • Popular curtains on loops and strings;
  • Of great importance is the coincidence with other textiles in the room (tablecloth, bedspread, napkins).

Curtains on the windows: textile interior design (video)

Curtains are what makes the house cozy. Therefore, it is believed that the curtains should not be saved on the choice, it is textiles today helps the modest interior look more interesting, as well as the old renovation visually to update.

Curtain design on the windows (photo)

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Curtain selection: romanticism and fabulous flavor

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The bedroom is a favorite place to relax and sleep, so comfort and comfort in it is a guarantee of a great pastime. Curtains should be comfortably located all over the perimeter of the bedroom to make the "weather in the house." The culture of sleep and bedding always passes the "red thread" through the popular memory and is reflected in the depths of his essence and soul. Comfort and comfort bedrooms particularly interested in lovers of a unique style in design, its functionality and plasticity. And the curtains attached to these premises the halo of mysteriousness, fabulous silence, saturated beauty and mystery in their face and design. No wonder the role of interior design was so high, and they always showed increased interest.

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Guided by the following advice, you can choose excellent curtains into a small bedroom in size:

  1. If the windows come out on the northern direction of the world, you can "add" heat and comfort using light colorful curtains: with a pattern or monophonic. Particularly suitable for such windows will be rainbow and chamomile colors, pedestrous shades, bright abstractions and other stylistic elements.
  2. If the windows of the room overlook the western or south side, the curtains are better to select dark tones and shades to visually slightly "reduce" the temperature in the room.
  3. Wallpaper should be with drawings, and curtains without it, or vice versa. Otherwise, the interior design will not be stylistically justified.
  4. Harmony between flowers should be moderate and combined in the "Golden middle" with details in the overall interior.
  5. If desired, the setting of a small bedroom can be corrected using photo shutters. They can be depicted both popular rock stars and pop singers and natural nostalgic landscapes.
  6. Curtains with lambrequin will be added to the interior of the notch of the holiday.
  7. If the ceiling in the room "omitted", suspended eaves can be equipped directly in the niche-deepening between the ceiling "cape" and the initial ceiling line.
  8. For a wide, low and narrow room, curtains are suitable for horizontal strip.

Curtain design in bedroom interior

Curtains for a small bedroom source: //

The design of the curtain in the interior of a small bedroom can be issued in different styles, depending on the taste preferences of aesthetic nature. One like the classic version of the design with lush curtains, carved cornices and massive on the dimensions of the curtains. And others are more likely to taste the original design in the style of High-tech. The real "gourmets" in the interior also love to pamper themselves with the style of "Provence" in the interior and plunge into the purple-blue lavender fairy tale due to decoupage elements on furniture and successfully selected prints on the curtains. The style of curtains High-tech, on the contrary, does not replete accumulation of various parts, and keeps strict outlines of lines without unnecessary elements and structural features. But all these decor options are more suitable for a large bedroom area and do not "fit out at the interior of a small room. Composite features of a small room should not clutch the abundance of paints, tonalities and shades, so it is better to choose a minimalism style in this case.

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Curtains play a significant, special role in the design of interior parts, so they are necessary with extreme caution. Each of their element can or correct or, on the contrary, spoil the entire composite entourage of the room. The bedroom can be visually expanded by area or narrowed thanks to variation of shades, textures, textures, cutting and presence or lack of prints on the curtains. Each element in them is responsible for the saturation of the bedroom with vital energy. The curtains should look cute and unassigned to serve as a dofment of the overall picture of the interior.

How to get a blind curtain?

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You can choose the original curtains in the bedroom on small windows using an interior design specialist or independently. Decorating the room with curtains must be responsible and carefully, so as not to spoil the unique style of the spoolroom. It is logically rationally and it is clear that for a small room will correctly select the curtains that will visually expand its boundaries. To do this, it will be necessary first of all to ensure that the density and texture of the curtains is high, it will give a comfort in the recreation and sleep area and apparently envelops warm and comfort. You can choose conventional stem or curtains from flax, viscose, cotton and other environmentally friendly, natural materials.

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Visually to expand the bedroom area will help the lack of patterns and prints on the curtains on the small window in the bedroom. The fact is that excess lines and multi-colored staining of the curtains will seem not to moderately in the invoice and outlines, which will add bulky flavor in a small bedroom. Therefore, during the selection of the curtains, it is better to be guided by the "golden rule" of harmony and buy one-photon curtains. In color, they can be diverse, however, if the window goes to the "Sunny" side, you can choose curtains darling, and if north, then later. Classic beige and light brown shades will be as impossible for cozy small rooms. For the decor of the children's bedroom, you can take a pink or sky and light blue shades, but at the same time consider the wishes of the child himself.

Curtains on a small window in the bedroom photo Source: //

When the curtain selection is better to avoid dark colors, tones and shades, because they are able to significantly narrow the boundaries of the already limited space. The task of the curtains is to attract aesthetic balance and a feeling of harmony with the surrounding reality. Well, if the bedroom window goes into the garden where you can go in search of night and day adventure and even before bedtime to enjoy the spring blossom of cherry and acacia. In this case, the curtains can play a weighty role not so much barrier as the edge between sleep, dream and reality. This is especially true to create a calm and cozy atmosphere in a country house. So, for example, in the culinary show, Julia Vysotsky very often show organic flavor of stylisticly correctly decorated curtains in the kitchen and in the recreation area, so that they are wonderfully complemented by spicy aromas kitchen zone. On the contrary, in the bedroom it is better to use pastel tones that will successfully harmonize with the overall design of furniture in the room. And whatever the minimal interior design, saving on space - always a winning option, especially if it concerns the size of the bed, bedside tables, countertops and other objects located around the perimeter of the bedroom. Minimalism is good in choosing bed linen, rigor lines of a wardrobe and a table. For the minimum bedroom size in 10-12 squares, each decor element is an extra spending of space that must be used strictly by purpose.

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No less important curtains to complete the compositional characteristics in the design of the bedroom. It should serve as a spatial sea for recreation and creativity, so the curtains are always necessary to impart a cozy atmosphere. They should be so organically combined with a common placing flavor, so that all the design elements on the background of the curtains looked colorfully and saturated. To create a steaming, flying effect of surrealism in space, you can use the minimum combined elements: birds, sea shells, fish on the waves, simple wildflowers, snowflakes, palm with monkeys. Especially such decorative elements will be the future for the children's bedroom, if the effects and intensity of colors are not so contrast, but it is chosen correctly and harmoniously.

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Curtains are one of the very first attracting elements. When making a small room, it is better not to use massive curtains of saturated colors, especially bright red, scarlet and burgundy. Also, you should not use combinations of black and saturated snow-white colors. You should not allow contrast linear models from a combination of blue-white and saturated dark green and brown flowers, especially if the small bedroom leaves the window on the north side. If the window is most of the luminous day in the shade, it is better to choose light lilac or light beige color combinations. The intensity of the shade and the presence of a patterned composition on the curtains plays a significant role in the interior design. For example, the style of "Provence" will give even the smallest and dark bedroom comfort and wet spicy breath of lavender fields in the south of France. Each touch of such design will be harmoniously filling the bedroom with breathing freshness and a southern trust taste of lavender tea with fresh bread with a crispy crust baked on coals.