What tile is better for the bathroom. How to choose a bathroom and toilet tile

Ceramic tile is the most popular material used in the finishing work in the process of repairing the bathroom. The range of modern construction stores includes products for every taste and wallet - from budgetary domestic to Italian suit. However, the tile carries not only a decorative function, but also a serious practical burden. To understand what tile is better to choose for the bathroom, and make the purchase optimal in all senses, it is advisable to get acquainted with the topic.

What tile is better to choose for the bathroom: basic principles

To answer this question, it is necessary to deal with several key moments.

  • The necessary performance characteristics of the material. It is determined by its functional purpose - for the floor or for walls. Each category is presented with quality criteria. So, if the wall covering is required to be primarily moisture-resistant, then the floor ceramics should have durability and resistance to abrasion. At the same time, the other must easily carry the temperature differences and the aggressive impact of household chemicals.
  • The second factor is the optimal size of the elements. It is recommended to repel from the bathroom dimensions. Small details are optically expanding the space, large grind. Accordingly, the larger the room, the larger the tile can be used without loss in the visual effect.
  • Color gamma is predominantly the question of personal preferences. However, you should not ignore and objective parameters - the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The classical rule "light increases, the dark reduces" applies to the selection of tiles for your bathroom.

Repair by bathroom panels PVC

from 16,300 rubles.

Repair baths PVC panels

from 21 300 rubles.

Toilet repair PVC panels

from 8 500 rubles.

Overhaul bathroom

from 52 100 rubles.

Overhaul of Sanuenus

from 69 700 rubles.

Overhaul of the toilet

from 23 500 rubles.

Technical characteristics of tiles and their marking

The most principal parameters of ceramic tiles are the following:

  • quality class. The generally accepted classification includes 4 levels - AA, A, B, C. Of them, the class AA is the highest. If it is possible, prefer precisely this material category, it is a guarantee of high waterproof due to the small amount of pores;
  • functional purpose. As mentioned above, the types of ceramics for flooring and walls are clearly separated by each other. Look at the label on the package - the image of the hand (for walls) or legs (for the floor) will indicate the type of one or another tile;
  • wear resistance. This indicator is key when solving the issue, how to choose the optimal floor tile for the floor. Its level is determined by the corresponding number - I (minimum), II, III, IV, V (maximum). For use in the home bathroom, the first two types are suitable;
  • infertility chemical exposure. Look for goods marked with a bright flask on a dark background;
  • thickness of elements. For walls, a range of 6-9 mm is optimal, for floors - a thickness of at least 9 mm.

Wealth range: what kind of tile is better to choose for the bathroom

By type of production, ceramics is divided into the following types:

  1. bikotture - enameled double firing ceramics. Beautiful and easy, it has doubtful moisture resistance;
  2. majolika - fruit-covered ceramics of extruded type. Its main property is high porosity and, as a result, moisture consumption;
  3. monocotture - a universal tile produced by a single firing. It is a good option for both wall cladding and floor;
  4. ceramic granite is a strongest material for floor covering. Perfect will be perfectly due to its hardness, non-slip surface and resistance to mechanical damage.

If you are striving for a long and impeccable service of your bathroom, you should give preference to paragraphs 3 and 4.

How to choose ceramic tiles: color, style, design

The bathroom is a place intended for physical and psychological relaxation. Choosing decorative elements, consider their influence on the mood.

  • Tile warm natural shades - always win-win. It creates a cozy atmosphere, and also perfectly combined with most plumbing styles.
  • Excess contrasts and too much shades in the finish can be quickly bored. In addition, the abundance of color visually reduces the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. In most cases, the best solution will be the use of 2-3 related tones.
  • Add individuality to the interior with the help of various panels and mosaics. The tile with a qualitatively applied artistic image will make a hint of sophistication. And mosaic overflows on the walls of the bathroom will create the illusion of a spacious room.

Grout for tiles: selection criteria

Solving what to choose a grout for tiles in the bathroom, give preference as close to the color of the ceramics. Thus, you will save the unity and holistic perception of the room. A courageous alternative will be grown a contrasting shade. With this option, you can experiment the owners of a spacious bathroom.

As for the chemical compounds of the lull, they are two species - cement and epoxy. The first is cheaper and easier to work. The second most longer than and reliable, and besides the porosity, the main scourge of the cement paste. By virtue of this, epoxy variety is deservedly recognized as the best wipping option for the bathroom.

What tile is better to choose for a bathroom video

Other nuances

At the end of the conversation about what tile is better to choose for the bathroom, I want to pay attention to several small details. Their knowledge will save your time and money.

  • As practice shows, acquire the tile is appropriate with a small margin. It will come in handy in cases of marriage, fit fit under the individual features of the room and in a number of other circumstances. So that such situations find you surprise, it is quite enough to purchase material by 10% more from the fact that the walls of the walls and floors are directly demanding.
  • Carefully learn packaging labels. Modern manufacturers displays comprehensive product information in them. It is indicated in the form of the corresponding icons - a gear with a digit (degree of wear resistance), snowflake (frost resistance), a shoe on the inclined surface (anti-skid) and so on.
  • Be careful when purchasing products of different brands or purchases of tiles from different parties. The slightest discrepancies in shades, the size and thickness of the elements may pour into a serious problem.

When choosing and buying ceramics for the bathroom, you should not be kept on the loud names and promises of manufacturers. It is enough to take into account the technical properties of the material and guided by our own ideas about a beautiful house.

If you decide to update the interior in the bathroom, then to perform this task it will be necessary to comprehensively prepare. So, if you approached the issue of the restroom's arrangement, the first one is the most challenged question that appears in the mind - what tile to choose for the bathroom? Visiting a building supermarket, you can see a huge selection of ceramic tiles, ranging from cheap domestic options and ending with Venetian masterpieces that shook the imagination. Therefore, the tile salon needs to be directed with the already developed bath design concept. In this case, we recommend not to rush and read specialized directories, sites where you can admire in the photo and video of already ready-made design options.

Pick up the tile for the bathroom is not difficult if you approach this case with the mind. First of all, it is necessary to decide which tile will be used for walls. In such a room, it is best to use duplicating color solutions that do not cut eyes and do not cause emotional splashes. Water procedures should only bring pleasure and joy, as well as cause the relaxation of the whole body. Therefore, you should not choose a bathroom interior with sharp contrasts, for example, black with white, red with black, etc.

The selection of the tile for the bath should be thorough, so that there is no disappointment. Soft warm color options are considered favorable for the bathroom, which create a calm and cozy atmosphere in the bathroom.

What criteria need to consider when choosing a tile?

Going to the ceramic tile salon, you need to write three main factors in a notebook, which you need to consider when choosing a finishing material for the bathroom, namely:

  • Geometric characteristics of tiles (size and shape);
  • Color gamut and texture;
  • Operating parameters.

In order to choose the tile to the bathroom as correctly, let's thoroughly analyze each of these items.

Operational parameters

To date, it can be said that the production of tiles has reached such heights when a special type of such finishing material has been developed for each room. Therefore, the selection of tiles in the bathroom is an event that needs to be maximally responsibly. And for this you need to consult a specialist and carefully read the information that is presented on the price tags in the cabin or the product description in the online store.

Nevertheless, let's analyze in more detail, which tile to choose for the bathroom. There are several main criteria for this type of room, which must be fulfilled, namely:

  • The bathroom tile must be resistant to temperature drops;
  • The ceramic product should be moisture refractory;
  • The surface of ceramics should be resistant to various substances;
  • Tile coating should not be fading, cracking or peeling;
  • Flooring tiles should be durable and resistant to abrasion.

If you need to choose a tile in the bathroom, then it is necessary to form an idea of \u200b\u200bits views. So, there are several types of tiles on the market, each of which differs among themselves by the method of manufacture. Let's look more detailed every kind of separately to choose a ceramic tile for the bathroom correctly:

  • Clinker - this type of tile is the most durable. The secret is that in the process of producing such material, a special fir is made, due to which high-strength and lowforest material is obtained. If you decide to choose a bathroom tile in a sauna or public shower, then this is the best solution;

  • Bikotture is a tile that passes double firing. It comes out such ceramics from the conveyor glazed. Such a type of tile is ideal for wall decoration. It is worth noting that this type of tile is not suitable for laying on the floor due to its minor strength characteristics;

  • Porcelain stoneware is a specially designed floor tile, which has high strength characteristics, has protection from erasing and scratches;

  • Monocotture is a universal material that is produced by a single firing. This ceramics can be used for decoration, both walls and gender. There is a glazed variety of this tile on the market, which can be used solely for wall decoration.

If you still do not know which tile to pick up for the bathroom, it is worth paying attention to that not the whole world was wedged on ceramics. There are also non-trivial solutions on the market. As an example, you can cite a mirror or glass tile. However, such materials are less resistant to loads and can be easily deformed - consider this by selecting tiles for the bathroom.

Typically, ceramic characteristics are specified on the package in the form of pictograms. Selection of tiles in the bathroom must be performed with knowledge. Therefore, let's open the secrets of each icon.

So, to select a bathroom tile, it is necessary to look at the pictograms. Since it is likely that the product you like may not comply with the requirements.

Geometrical characteristics of tile

Standardly, most ceramics are produced in the form of a rectangle or square of various sizes. Here the selection of ceramic tiles for the bathroom must be tied to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room and aesthetic feasibility. Someone loves big sizes, and a mosaic will seem attractive for others. It all depends on flavors and preferences.

Rationally choose a large tile. This choice of bathroom tiles will significantly reduce the number of seams, in which the mold occurs and water penetrates. True, such a way can lead to an increase in the number of waste appearing as a result of undercrowding plates. In addition, the selection of the tile for the bathroom must still be performed taking into account the configuration of the room. If it is too complicated, then large monolithic plates are not the best solution in this case.

It will be more practical before performing the selection of the tile for the bathroom, make careful measurements of the entire room. Next, calculate all geometric parameters on paper, and then make the appropriate conclusions.

We recommend using alternation of shallow and large tiles to obtain a high-quality pattern. A collate to the bathroom should be carried out with the participation of professionals. To do this, it is better to seek advice from specialists - designers.

Color gamma and texture

This is another important factor, the correct account of which will make your bath attractive for many years, if not decades. Here, the selection of tiles in the bathroom needs to be performed taking into account your needs and expectations.

Choosing a tile for the bathroom, in this case, you need to be carried out with regard to the size of the restroom, as well as the overall style of its apartments. In this case, it is also necessary to take into account the level of lighting and type of lamps used. Let's look at the somewhat most common options:

  • Green color gamut. You can confidently say that this is a traditional style that raises the mood and makes water procedures more fun;
  • Shades of water. This style inspires solidity and makes such a room more majestic. However, do not forget that the smallest pollution will be noticeable on such a surface. In addition, the cold gamma may oppressly act on the psyche;

  • Red color gamut. Burgundy or coral color increases the overall tone and acts exciting;
  • Orange gamma. Such a decor causes a sunny mood and has a good start day;
  • Lilac coloring.Such gamma is ideal for the female interior;
  • Classic variations. This is a tandem of black and white, as well as their variations. Here we recommend using high-quality brand tiles, which will have a positive effect on the overall style and quality of performance.

If after reading the article still did not solve what tile to choose in the bathroom, we recommend consultation from a qualified specialist, since otherwise you can make nonsense and get an uninteresting and tasteless interior. We wish you a successful repair. Remember that choosing a bathroom tile is not a problem, the main thing is that you like the result.

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The decoration of the living space always starts with the bathrooms. This is laborious and marco, noisy and most expensive.

Having all the grounds for the start of repair with the bathroom, the user becomes a victim of the countless number of visits of fashion directories and visits to building markets, long rapidness, throwing and doubt. And considering the diversity offered by the modern finishing materials market, the search for the reference tile and equipment can take much more time than the initially laid.

In order to choose the appropriate color, texture, form and operational characteristics, you need to understand the basic principles of the influence of tiles on the appearance and functionality of the bathroom.

Pluses styling tiles in the bathroom

On each package of tiles, the manufacturer places pictograms, which according to the international system of standards are material marking. This designation will help choose the main characteristics, and the consumer should pay attention to:

  • tile size;
  • shape of the segment;
  • integrity (implies the absence of chips and cracks on the surface);
  • surface stability to abrasion;
  • thermal resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage: scratches and chips;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to the use of chemical reagents;
  • pigment resistance: no response to ultraviolet and color loss with time;
  • durability;
  • lack of risks associated with a slippery surface.

These parameters are alpha and omega for each consumer. And in order to check the quality of the tile clearly, it is necessary to select several samples from the box in any time and lean over the sideways to each other, alternately by changing the sides.

To select the optimal safety qualities, in particular, the lack of sliding on the floor, one simple method can be applied. Do not wait for laying tiles to the floor, right on the storefront you can drop some water to the surface. By the intensity of the slip of the finger, you can always determine how material behaves in living conditions.

Tile for facing the floor has a whole list of differences from other materials. With it, it is implemented not only the perfectly smooth surface, but also "cut out" at all angles and not symmetrical joints. To do this, it should be well prepared by processing and laying in places with architectural "features". An ideal water absorption indicator is considered to be 20%, and the enamel should cover the surface completely in order to prevent the destructive action of detergents and mechanical effects. In places where the wall contact with water is most close, it is recommended to lay the glazed large-size tile, so the number of seams - weak zones in a humid environment will be reduced. The optimal thickness of the tile 6-9 mm, this indicator corresponds to the generally accepted standard.

How to choose the color of the tile?

It is pleasant to spend time in the bathroom resting, so the "poisonous" colors and contrasting drawings are extremely not recommended for it. Successfully cope with the task of arranging a calm and attractive atmosphere. Paletters that we will offer you below are able to successfully.

White Color - Classic genre, capable of sharing furniture and interior items, serve as an excellent background for bright textiles and look hygienically. Even despite its ordinary, the white color is able to work the wonders of visual perception and expand the small-sized space. If you do not want your bathroom to be associated with hospitals, it is worth paying attention to the shades of white: ivory and condensed milk, creamy ice cream and shapman.

Green and blue tile color is most suitable, because it relates to the water palette and for the bath is very relevant. He charges cheerfulness and increases the mood.

And all the shades of coffee are able to give comfort and tranquility, entering the interior notes of unity with nature.

Bright mixtures are most often used to create visual accents. Red, turquoise, gold and burgundy, as a rule, is not used as the main background, since they can cause emotional stress. Black or dark gray, dark brown tile is able to reduce the space and act on the psyche oppressing.

Most often it uses for laying a 75-100 cm panel from the floor level. It should be remembered that any dirt and dried divorce from water droplets are visible on the dark tile.

Select the size of the tile

In order to select the optimal tile size for a specific object, it should be taken into account. The big bathroom does not limit the owner's fantasy - here it looks equally well as a fine mosaic and large plates. Any panel, a composition of the tiles of different shade and size here will look wonderful.

What you can not say about a small room, where small mosaic segments or a motley pattern are capable of narrowing the space. The same effect will be when laying a very large square or oblong tile, with the use of contrast grout for seams. Thus, the bathroom will share in some sections, which will not give her attractiveness at all.

So, for a small bath, a medium-sized tile is recommended: 20x20 cm - if you chose a square, and 20x30 cm for a rectangle. These are reference indicators that can visually increase even a very small space. Moreover, laying the oblong tiles along or across the walls, you can visually expand them or raise the ceiling level. The diagonal laying is also capable of visually adding square meters, especially if used on the floor.

Bathroom style selection

A very important aspect, without worrying which you can direct all the efforts of the Nammark is a stylistic key underlying the interior. And if the housing owner is not a designer himself, it is better to take advantage of the ready-made solutions that have repeatedly manifested himself in practice. Of course, nothing prevents you from thinking about your own option, but it is better to discuss his details with a specialist.

A classic style bathroom is a universal solution that does not lose its relevance over the years. As a rule, the bright and dark tile of the related palette is used to implement such projects, where the base is laid dark, and the top of the ceiling is light tiles. For distinction, a border is used, which usually contains a drawing from both colors used. The floor in this case is better to lay in the same tone as the panels - use a dark floor tile. However, the option with a bright floor will be quite interesting, visually deepening the room.

If the owner is the soul of natural motives, then with the help of green, blue, beige and brown tiles, you can create real oasis in the apartment. The tile of natural shades are used for full wall cladding, including ready-made panels or laying out drawings from borders or mosaic. Of course, the biggest rampant fantasy is available to the owners of large bathrooms, here you can implement a thematic beach or aquarium design, devote the design of a certain culture or transferring tropical notes. But for small rooms today is invented quite a few tricks: what is only worth 3d tiles, giving a deep and realistic feeling of lack of walls.

Bathroom in oriental style is a kind of hammam, which is always a bark and original. You can implement this style today using the collection of tile manufacturers using intricate motifs and ultra bright tones for design. And you can supplement it with a fine mosaic laid on the facades and side pieces of furniture and plumbing. This style is perfect for spacious premises, if your bathroom is modest - the solution should be signed in less saturated colors and using a medium-sized pattern. It looks good at a monophonic tile, decorated with a border in Turkish cucumbers or birds, hieroglyphs or an eastern mosaic. To embody this style, it is best to use red, yellow, gold, green, blue and turquoise colors.

The mirror is an excellent addition to any bathroom, and if you want to be extraordinary, you can use a mirror tile on the surface of the bathroom walls. It will make it simply limitless for your eyes, but also will add work to polish and eliminate dried droplets. Such a tile can be used as separate inclusions, and this is a successful solution to the problem of irregular shape or small square bathroom. If you put it on the ceiling, then you will feel incredible space even in a small room.

Matte, textured and glossy tile

On the showcase, all samples look well, but when touched we feel the difference between them. Matte, textured and glossy - three whales of the modern ceramic industry offer you choose the option for specific purposes. The most popular is a glossy tile: it is unpretentious in care and gives a charming shine of the surface. However, lovers of bright lighting notice too sharp glare, annoying their eyes during hygienic procedures.

Texture tile repeats the applied pattern: Czech and mosaic masonry, feathers and abstractions. Its surface is so close to the analogue that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish. However, it should be remembered that with excellent external qualities, such material needs complex care.

How to calculate how much tiles need?

When you already decided on the design, you need to know exactly how much the tiles of each type need.

Data that you need to calculate:

  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, eliminating the ceiling and doorway, hatches for accessing pipes, etc.;
  • tile size and number of pieces per square meter.

Knowing the area of \u200b\u200bits room and the size of the styling segment, with the help of simple calculations, you can determine how much material you need. Since the laying of the tile assumes the presence of cropping and combat when installing, then another 10-12% must be added to the amount of quantity. For the walls, we apply a smaller indicator for the floor - more. Purchasing material for repair should simultaneously, since there is no guarantee that during the next visit to the store, you buy the goods from the same party. And different parties can be somewhat different in a shade of color, which will negatively affect the finished "picture". Yes, and expect receipt of the new product sometimes have too long, and simple masters can noticeably hit the pocket.

Tile is not the material on which you get to save. If you choose a budget collection, then get ready for great rejection and gradual replacement of individual masonry segments. You should make a purchase only in the place where you will have all the accompanying documentation will give warranty obligations and serve decently. Such advantages have official shopping centers, which, besides, can offer competitive price tags, help delivery.

When choosing a tile, try to pay attention to all subtleties: tint and tactile perception, shape, size and style of its design. Remember that repairs in the bathroom will create your mood for many years, so do not in favor of fashionable trends, but based exclusively on your preferences.

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Today we will tell about how to choose a ceramic tile for the bathroom or toilet. After examining this information, you can prevent popular errors that lead to an ugly result, empty spending time and money. It will be about the bathroom with an optimal value for money.

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Come to any specialized store, you will see samples of tiles for the bathroom (collection) that hang on the stands. The collection is a set of tiles that are combined in size, form and color.

The standard collection consists of 5 elements:

  • Light background,
  • dark background
  • border (frieze),
  • decor
  • floor tiles.

One collection of bathroom tiles can have several color options. In practice, in the same room it will be enough to combine one bright and dark background, take one kind of decors and floor tiles.

There are some collections that have good background tiles, but disgusting decors, or vice versa.

Most collections have the same size backgrounds and decor. The border in length is the same, but in height is much smaller. The floor tile has a square shape, with the sides greater than the height of the main elements, but less than their length. Sometimes the square length is equal to the length of the main tile.

Important moment: borders can be cut off only in length, and the decor can not cut off at all. This is due to the fact that many decors have embossed elements that can disappear during cutting. The second reason for this rule is a violation of the harmonicity of the drawing. Imagine how the sliced \u200b\u200bembossed curb will look like a pattern in the corner, glued next to its trimming after 3 mm layer of grout. So that the angle was beautiful, it needs to be shown two identical tiles.

Manufacturers and prices

The very first thing that is worth paying attention is the country of manufacturer. Tile in the bathroom can be made in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal or Russia. If you do not want to have problems when laying because of the large differences in the size and shape of the tile in the package, then it is better to immediately refuse Russian tiles.

In some stores, the tile on the stands specially subscribe so that at first glance it seemed smooth.

Each country has several manufacturers. But you should not focus on the name of the company, since each of them has good and unsuccessful tile collections for the bathroom.

A good tile for the bath is now from 900 to 1700 rubles per square meter. For this price, you will receive a high-quality and beautiful tile, but do not overpaid for the brand. If you are doing the repair for a long time for yourself, then you can buy more options, but it is not cheaper.


As a rule, floor tiles in the bath matte, and the wall is glossy. The glossy coating looks brighter and juicy, it is easier to wash. But if you are damaged by the floor with glossy material, it will be slippery and over time the layer of paint will be wound, they will appear propelly.

The texture of the tile under the mosaic is most practical when its parts are located unevenly, and under a slight inclination of relatively adjacent elements and have a slightly different shade. Externally, it looks like pixels.

It allows you to solve 3 main problems:
  • Bright drops from detergents;
  • Dark drops from dirty water;
  • Drops of toothpaste.

At the same time, the dirt on it is invisible, easily washed and all this is not to the detriment of the beauty of the coating. But if the size of the squares is too large, to such a relief surface will be ugly to impose angular elements and plumbing.


As for the choice of optimal size, the more facing tile for the bathroom, the better, but it should be within reasonable limits. Imagine how the 90-centimeter tile for a small bathroom will look like a 160 cm wide. In addition, you can not make the hidden hatch due to the fact that it should be installed under full tile, it will be necessary to somehow fix this Through and open it.

Optimal sizes for most bathrooms:

  • 60*20,
  • 50*20,
  • 50*25,
  • 60*30,
  • 45*20.

Large-format seamless porcelain stoneware for the bathroom and seamless tile is not suitable for several reasons. First, it has very large sizes for most bathrooms. Secondly, it is impossible to fix it on hidden hatches.

Why not use borders

Ceramic borders are now almost never used when laying.

Initially, they were used to get rid of narrow trimming due to a fixed height of the ceiling. But now you can install a suspended or stretch ceiling with any retreat from the main one, and this problem will disappear by itself.

Also, the border was often used to separate the light and dark background. But after the furnishings of the room, this belt turns out with a ribbon, and the beautiful effect is lost.

In addition, it is very difficult to correctly correct the height of the installation of a relief curb on the wall so that it does not block the seats of the fit of the suspension plumbing, visually did not attach attention to himself and did not create a narrow trimming over the bathroom.

We select color

Let's start with the fact that the floor should always be dark color. It will be practical and durable.

The light tile in the bathroom will always be dirty, and since it is matte - dirt will be eaten over time. If on a dark background, the dirt will not be so rushed into the eyes, and she will be able to serve you more than a decade, then the light tile will want to replace after 1-2 years.

Select the color of the grout

Grouting to the tile is selected under the tone of the brightest elements, or a little lighter.

Imagine what will happen to a light grout in six months? It will become black. Of course, if you use a two-component epoxy grout for 2700 rubles per 2 kg and buy a means for washing for 800 rubles to it, it will remain white, but it is not worth it.

But it is impossible to use a dark grout, because in the eyes will be rich in the excessive contrast of each element.


The most beautiful baths are obtained if they are painted with horizontal rings, the integrity of which will only violate the doorway.

Optimal option:

  • Dark floor;
  • Dark stroke from below 0.5-1 row above the bathroom;
  • Light background in the center with properly located decors;
  • Dark stroke top with a height of 1 row.

In the toilet, the height of the lower row is usually combined with the drain button on the installation, that is, the border passed somewhere in the middle between them. If you fear that this area will be over dark, it is allowed to dilute with light rows.

  • First, on the dark stroke, almost there will be almost no traces of drops.
  • Secondly, it will be harmonized with dark outdoor tiles.
  • Thirdly, the dark color of the floor will be reflected in the White Glossy ceiling, and the stroke from above will only emphasize it, and it will automatically fit into your design.

Often the tile for bathrooms after laying does not look like you have seen it in the store. This is due to different color lighting temperatures and its quality in the store and you. It is better to abandon point halogen luminaires with low power, and use one powerful light source.

To properly arrange the decor, inside the central light strip, retreat on one row from above and below, and then replace all the whole tiles with decor. At the same time, it is not necessary to decorate the wall with the doorway, the maximum is to arrange in it instead of decor the background tile according to the scheme described.

In small baths, do not join the outer corners of the tile by roaming them under 45 degrees. Perhaps this dock will look more beautiful, but it will be hurt. In such places, the corners should be done with the help of plastic layouts.


Do not buy remnants of collections that have ceased to produce. They can be sold with a big discount, but, as a rule, there will be no elements in the collection. If you do not have enough 1-2 tiles, you can no longer buy it later.

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The bathroom becomes not only a functional, but also a beautiful, trendy room of a modern apartment. This is the place of relax and rest after a busy working day. That is why the design of the bathroom should be unobtrusive, harmonious, cozy. As a rule, a tile or porcelain tile is used for finishing a modern bathroom. And from the selection of this finishing material depends, what will ultimately be your bathroom.

If you do not know what style to make your bathroom, what tile to do this for this, how to think about the combination of colors, then read this article. In it we will look at the latest tendencies of bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom Decor Tile: Latest Trends and New Design 2017 - 2018

Recently, the popularity of minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design is rapidly gaining popularity. These two directions in the interior design conquered the hearts of many owners of modern dwellings. Loft gradually moves out of the interiors of a cafe to our homes, and a discreet Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs, more and more often choose designers for the design of modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, it is better to resort to its design in a bright Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either a white tile or very light. Paul can be arranged in a black and white color scheme. To do this, choose a mosaic, hexagonal tile or a beautiful tile with an interesting black and white ornament. Often, a rectangular white tile, imitating brick masonry, is used in the design of the bathroom in Scandinavian style, and, and it is not put on the wall in dry zones, and finish on the middle of the wall, decoring the face with a beautiful curb. The remaining wall can be painted light blue, purple, gray, turquoise or other color that you like.

If you have a large bathroom room, then you can make it in the urban style. As a rule, the creation of such an interior requires walls that imitate the "naked" concrete, but you can perform finishing and textured tiles of dark shades, and it is better to use a natural stone or a plate of porcelain stoneware. Recently, the popularity of the matte tile is quite large with the texture of natural stone or wood. Examples, photo of the bathroom with tiles of dark shades are presented below.

Current shapes and design of ceramic tiles

Favorite among the materials for trimming the bathroom still is the tile. Only shape, color, ornaments and tile textures are changing. Recently, the bathroom finishes use a rectangular tile of size 60 x 30 cm. In fashion, it is also a natural stone and a porcelain stoneware, which has a different form, but the plate itself is sufficiently large. Such materials are good for clearance of large and spacious premises. The last trend in the design of bathrooms is the use of marble slabs, see examples of similar interiors.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to a bright or white tile of a small size or generally use fine mosaic to finish. Now fashionable has become a small tile, imitating brick. Also in the trend glass mosaic, it is used to design the zone near the washing or wall of the shower cabin. If you make up, in a Scandinavian style or with the motifs of the art deco, then the floor can be put on a stylish pixel tile with a geometric black and white ornament. At first glance, she reminds something mosaic, but this design of the tile looks much more interesting. Pixel tile you can find in the catalogs of online stores that implement Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with a combination of colors and textures, but also in constant search for new ideas and forms. Therefore, now, developing, increasingly use the tile of non-standard shapes and colors. Also experiment and with the options for calculating ceramic tiles. It is laying out a Christmas tree, narrow rectangular plates, combine in one interior different forms of tiles and mosaics. The tile in the shape of hexagons is returned again.

Photo interior bathroom with tiles: new look at classic hexagonal tile

Wet Wet Welding Zones Mosaic

Fashionable tel shades for bathroom

In 2017 - 2018, designs will be popular with the application for naturalness and naturalness. The fashion will be "natural" finishing materials, such as tree, stone, clay, etc. Therefore, for the design of modern bathrooms, matte tile beige, brown, gray shade with texture of a tree or stone will be used. If the tools allow, you can finish with a bathroom with a natural stone, while laying down the floor and walls with plates in one color scheme. Monophonic design is now very popular.

No less stylish bathrooms decorated in black and white colors. For large baths, the use of tiles of various shapes and different colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry zone in the bathroom.

In the catalogs with the Italian tiles, there are increasingly falling apartments with ornaments in Scandinavian style. Choosing such a color tile can be very easy to create interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Just divide the space on the zone, one part of the wall lay out the color tile with the ornament, and the remaining wall is a classic white tile. An example of such a tile design in the bathroom. Watch in the photo.

What bathroom tile to choose?

As already labeled above, when choosing a tile and generally finishing materials should be repeated primarily on the size of the room. The walls are easier to be tinted with a small tile, and the decoration of the large size will be less laborious if you stop your choice on a large rectangular or square tile.

The color of the tile will depend on the overall concept, which will be used when designing and decoring the room. If we talk about the combination of the color of furniture and tint tile, it is better to choose either very similar tones, or vice versa is very contrasting.

The most fashionable color this season, no doubt, will be gray. But do not think that the interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using a rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create in the gray bathroom atmosphere of luxury and relaxation. Given the tendency to use natural materials, the stone tile will be very relevant this year. Here is an example of the photo of the tile design in the bathroom, on which you can see how the nobility of the stone in combination with minimalism and other natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere for finishing, choose ceramic tiles duplicate texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. If furniture has glossy facades, then the tile should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture from a natural tree, then the tile must repeat its texture.

Lifehak: how to put a tile yourself?

If you have decided to make repairs and develop a bathroom design yourself, then you can help video - lessons that are dedicated to the bathroom styling and small bathroom design tricks.

Educational Video: Bathroom Facing Cafe

Educational video: how to make a hole in the tile

Beautiful tile for the bathroom: photo with design ideas

Create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which it is carefully all planned, it is possible and independently. Inspire a collection of photos with an interesting design tile in the bathroom and invent your interior solutions. After all, it is stylish and beautiful, you can make an absolutely any bathroom, it doesn't matter in Khrushchev, in a panel house or cottage.

Stylish tile tile

Bathroom interior solutions

Non-standard methods for laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hex tile for bathroom

Magnificent interiors with mosaic

Diverse bathroom facing solutions

In fashion, restraint and minimalism

Bathroom interior with hex tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with fashionable hex tiles

Color design options Tile

Orange tile in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Tile for Bathroom Alcor, Interior Design Photo

Bathroom tile Kerama Marazzi, interior design

Tile for bathroom Europa Ceramica, interior design

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Ceradim, interior design photo

Prices for ceramic tiles you can learn on the official sites of manufacturers. If you want to save, you can do with a pattern imitating tile.