What are the batteries of heating in size. Heating Radiators: Standard and non-standard sizes

Designing heating systems is a difficult occupation. We need to take into account the nuances: even choosing the size of the radiator requires certain knowledge.

What should be the sizes of radiators

The choice of overalls of heating devices is based far from the aesthetic considerations. The main role is played by the heat transfer. This is especially true if the model is selected for installation under the window. You need to choose a model so much to keep several requirements at once:

Only under such conditions the heat transfer to the heating device you choose will be normal: it will issue the amount of Watt declared by the manufacturer.


Often in descriptions and specifications there is a concept of "mid-scene distance". Sometimes there is a term "interlineare" and "intercentricular" or connecting dimensions. These are different names of one value. It is determined as the distance between the centers of the inlet openings of the section or radiator.

This parameter is important if the supply pipes are normal and there is no need to change them. In this case, in order not to digest the eyeliner, you can choose a model with the same inter-axis distance as old radiators.

The overall dimensions of the section or radiator itself are described by the following parameters:

  • mounting height;
  • depth;
  • width.

If the radiator has a sectional structure, the depth and width belong to the size of the section. Moreover, the depth of the radiator will be the same, and the width of the battery depends on the required number of sections (it is necessary to add another 1 cm on the gaskets that are stacked for the tightness of the compounds).

In the names of radiators are often present numbers: RAP-350, Magica 400, Rococo 790 or RAP-500. The numbers are the mid-scene distance specified in millimeters. It is easier to navigate, both the buyer and the seller. The fact is that with the same inter-axis distance, the assembly height can differ significantly. Therefore, the specification put the most accurate value.

An example of technical specifications. This is a REVOLUTION BIMETALL model

The radiator parameters that need to be considered include the volume of water in the section. For apartments connected to centralized heating, this characteristic does not affect anything, and for individual systems it is important: when it is required to calculate the volume of the system (to determine the performance of the boiler or pump characteristics).

And the most important, perhaps, the parameter is thermal power. It is worth noting that the greatest power is not always necessary. Increasingly in apartments and houses with good thermal insulation, heating devices of medium power are required, and not huge.

When selecting the thermal power of one section, it is necessary to remember that the radiator under the window must overlap at least 75% of the width of the window opening. Then the heat will be in the room, there will be no zones of cold and the glass "sweat" will not be. Therefore, it is better to take 10 less powerful sections than 6 pieces with a large thermal return.

Standard window width - 1100-1200 mm. Accordingly, 75% is 825-900 mm. Here is a length or more your battery should be. Run a little forward, let's say that the average width of one section is 80 mm, it means you will need 10-12 sections.

Standard height

Speaking of standard height, they mean the mid-scene distance of 500 mm. It was such a connecting dimensions that were from the well-known cast-iron "accordion" of Soviet times. And since they have a big service life, then so far these batteries stand in heating networks. Only now they are changed to new ones. Moreover, the system often does not want to redo, so they are looking for the heating devices of the same size. What is good: they are almost in any group.

Cast iron

From the cast iron today they make not only the "harmonic", although it is, and is a success. There is still with an inter-axis distance of 500 mm Radro-style radiators, made in a modern style:


Steel panel batteries in standard design go high up to 900 mm. But there are also special models that can reach two meters and above. For example, Kermi has two models of Verteo Plan and Verteo Profil - as much as possible they can be up to 2.2 m. There are giants and KOS V, Faros V, Tinos V, Narbonne V and VT, Paros V. They are characterized by the facial panel type (smooth or profiled) and depth. But all they have only the bottom connection.

Steel tubular radiators are up to 3000 mm high. And if necessary, some manufacturers can be made above. There are high models from any manufacturer: everyone who is present on the market is offered "under the order" such non-standard options. Here we will list only the most interesting from the point of view of design: Entreetherm, Planterm from the "Arbor", a series of dekor in Kermi, "Harmony" from the Russian KZTO.

There are no high radiators in other types of high radiators. Choosing and so, you need to say, considerable. Would not be lost.

All heating devices whose ranges are less than 400 mm can be considered low. And here they offer many different models.

In the fixed-line group, the minimum range of the Bolton 220 model with a mounting height of 330 m, just above the HELLAS 270 from ViaDrus: it has a mounting height of 340 mm. All other are higher - with an inter-axis distance of 300-350 mm or so.

Among the aluminum radiators are the smallest of their assembly height of 245 mm, and the inter-axis is 200 mm. This is Alux and Rovall models with a depth of 80 mm m 100 mm. Similar dimensions There are models from another well-known manufacturer (global) - the GL-200/80 / D model and the Russian is "Base 200" and "Forz 200".

Aluminum batteries are slightly larger (with an inter-axis 300 mm and more) have all manufacturers. The choice is wide.

Bimetallic has the same Rifar and Sira: height 245 mm and 264 mm, respectively. But most of all models with connected dimensions of 350 mm. They have any manufacturer. Such a distance also, in fact, can be attributed to the standard - it is all.

Even more choice in the group of steel radiators. The smallest panels released the company Purmo - Purmo Planora and Ramo Compact - their mid-scene distance is 150 mm, and the height is 200 mm.

All other manufacturers have a height starts from 300 mm. And the length can be up to 3 meters (the step of its change is 100 mm).

Radiators in the floor - the lowest of all possible

Tubular radiators are also very small: from 150 mm DELTA Laserline sizes (manufacturer Purmo). Arbonia has the height of all models of tubular radiators begins from 180 mm, from Zehnder from 190 mm (model Charleston), in the Russian SCTO from 300 mm.

There are low radiators. They are produced mainly small dimensions - they have a big power, and the price is also rather big. The lowest models are as follows: Ukrainian "Termia" - height from 200 m, Polish regulus-sistem - all models with a height of 215 mm; Russian "isotherm" - from 215 mm; Chinese Mars (sectional type) with a height of 385 mm.

And the lowest can be considered. They do not protrude at all over the floor level, but are put to heating continuous glazing, or embedded into the windowsill panoramic windows. They have different power and destination, can be used as an additional or main heating.

Flat radiators

In some cases, it plays a role not height, but the depth of radiators: you need flat batteries. Here the choice is not very big.

Male depth. Their models of RAP 500 and RAP 300 have a depth of 52 mm, the thermal power at the same time is decent - 161 W and 105 W.

A small depth can be in tubular steel radiators: two-pipes make a thickness of 50 mm, three-pipe from 100 mm to 110 mm, all other are already solid - from 135 mm and more.

Neither bimetal nor, especially cast iron, does not happen flat. But there is a very good and perfect flat type of heating - with such a system, the heating devices are located along the floor around the perimeter. Their sizes are about 30 mm depth and 100-120 mm height.


A variety of heating devices allows you to select an option for any conditions: There are not only standard sizes, but also low, high, flat. For every taste and color.

The heat source of any heating system - battery. It is from their quality that depends the effectiveness of the heating of the room. To enhance this indicator, it is necessary to choose the right to select the size of heating radiators. Some models even with small dimensions are able to provide good heat transfer, others - on the contrary. Before you choose heating devices, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the advantages of each material.

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    Common views

    Cast iron is considered the most common and old models. Today they are used less often, but there is a sufficient number of buildings that are heated with such batteries. Previously, the sizes of heating radiators from the cast iron were impressive, they looked uneatetic.

    Today, their manufacturers have improved them, and also an opportunity to hide the device under a special screen, the design of which is selected to taste the owner of the housing. The advantages of such radiators are unpretentious to the chemical composition of the coolant, corrosion resistance and high temperatures, durability, ease of operation, no need for permanent maintenance.

    But the batteries also have disadvantages. The most important of them is the instability to the sharp drops of temperatures, therefore, with systemic failures in centralized heating, cracks and the leakage of the coolant is possible. Installation is problematic, as the design has a lot of weight.

    Transportation of such radiators is also difficult, since defects that make an adaptation unsuitable for use appear in careful treatment. A substantial minus is the inability to proceed normally old models, as well as the need to regularly update the coating. Despite the disadvantages, devices are used in apartments and private homes, as they are considered reliable and durable.

    Aluminum heating radiator, how to add twist sections, increase and unscrew the battery

    Aluminum models

    Aluminum radiators over the past few years have become quite popular. They have advantages that make models most preferred for installation in a private house:

    But there are some drawbacks. The most important is the impossibility of installing such batteries in apartments, since devices have a low operating pressure. When interruptions in centralized heating are possible local leaks due to damage to the structure.

    Aluminum is a fragile metal that is easily damaged during transportation or installation. A feature is considered to be the ability to communicate with the chemical components of water in the system. As a result, areas of corrosion are formed on the inner surface, which gradually lead to the complete destruction of the metal. The service life of such models is slightly lower than that of cast-iron analogs, and is 5-15 years. Some manufacturers were able to achieve the extension of this period under 20 years.

    Bimetallic and steel

    Steel and bimetallic models are considered the most modern and reliable, their service life reaches 25-30 years. The first are the design of stainless steel, which is performed in different form.

    The most accessible option will be a panel steel battery made in a modern style and having a small size and an attractive design. Tubular models are durable and made in the form of tubes of a small diameter attached to each other. Their amount depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

    Sectional models are also very reliable and durable. They are a design of several sections interconnected by means of point welding. This method allows you to extend the life of the radiator and eliminate the likelihood of leakage.

    Bimetallic radiators are also available in several versions and are distinguished by reliability and long service life. Exterior battery frame made of special aluminum and silicon alloy, which is called silumin. Inside each section there is a steel pipe that excludes the silumin's contact with water. Due to this, the likelihood of the formation of corrosion sections is reduced.

    There are also options for bimetallic batteries with only steel core, and the contact of the aluminum alloy with water is not excluded here. They are not recommended to be installed in apartment buildings.

    Bimetallic and steel radiators are suitable for installation in a private house and an apartment with a centralized heating system. The devices withstand the operating pressure drops and high heat carrier temperatures are not corrosion. Significant plus is unpretentious to the chemical composition of the coolant.

    The disadvantage of models is considered to be a high cost, differing from the prices of aluminum analogues. It should also be borne in mind that these heating fixtures must be installed and connect to the system carefully, observing all instructions.

    How to choose a bimetallic radiator?

    Dimensions of radiators

    Bimetallic and other models have standard and non-standard dimensions, depending on the purpose, the intended mode of operation and the specific preferences of each person.

    Standard figures, taking into account the variety of radiator:

    The thickness of the heating radiator depends on the material from which it is made. Cast iron models on this criterion are leading. The most subtle are aluminum batteries.

    Heating radiators - what better?

    Calculation depending on the area

    Warming up a private house or apartment during the heating season largely depends on the correct calculation of the number of sections on the radiator in each room. If we are talking about an apartment building, the plan is made up by specialists at the calculation of the square of the room and existing standards.

    However, in a private house, the owner must independently fulfill these actions or contact people who perform such work. There are several ways to calculate:

    When calculating it is worth considering that almost all manufacturers during the preparation of the technical passport of the radiator always exaggerate the maximum heat transfer indicator of each section. Therefore, it is better to take the minimum value.

    The most accurate calculation can be made by specialists who use other formulas. They take into account the location of the building, the glazing coefficient, the number of outer walls, the average air temperature in the cold season. It is this indicator that is considered true.

    Types of heating radiators. The modern types of heating radiators

    Rules of choice and installation

    In order for the radiator to be combined with the interior, it is necessary to make the right choice. The width of the device should not be less than the windowsill, provided that the unit is located under the window. From the floor to the battery should be at least 60 mm, from the windowsill to the upper boundary - at least 100 mm.

    Do not mount the design very close to the walls, especially provided that they are covered by wallpaper. If the owner of the house assumes to close radiators with protective screens, it is necessary to recalculate power with this criterion. In a private house, it is allowed to install radiators independently, if a person has the appropriate skills. The apartment is better to entrust work to specialists.

    It is ultimately not recommended to choose aluminum radiators for the apartment. As a rule, utilities do not give permission to such changes. You should also not install batteries that have thermal power more than necessary for each room.

    The dimensions of the radiators are an important parameter of heating devices, which allows not only to choose a model suitable for the interior, but also calculate the number of sections needed for efficient heating of the room.

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Dimensions of heating radiators

The standard height of the most popular models of heating devices with an inter-axis flooring distance is 500 millimeters. It was such batteries in most cases that could be seen about two decades ago in urban apartments.

Cast iron radiators. A typical representative of these devices is a model MS-140-500-0.9.

In the specification, such overall dimensions of heating radiators from cast iron are indicated:

  • the length of one section is 93 millimeters;
  • depth - 140 millimeters;
  • height - 588 millimeters.

Calculate the dimensions of the radiator from several sections will not be difficult. When the battery consists of 7-10 sections, add 1 centimeter, given the thickness of the paronite gaskets. If a heating battery is installed in a niche, it is necessary to take into account the length of the washing crane, since the cast-iron radiators with side liner is always required. One section provides a heat flux of 160 watts with a temperature difference between the hot heat carrier and an air indoor equal to 70 degrees. The maximum working pressure is 9 atmospheres.

Aluminum radiators. At the heating devices from aluminum presented today in the market, with the same inter-axis interval, there is a significant variation in the parameters (more details: "The dimensions of aluminum radiators of heating, the volume of the section, preliminary calculations").

These are typical of aluminum heating radiators:

  • the length of one section is 80 millimeters;
  • depth 80-100 millimeters;
  • height - 575-585 millimeters.

The heat transfer of one section directly depends on the area of \u200b\u200bits fins and depth. It is usually located ranging from 180 to 200 watts. Working pressure for most aluminum battery models is 16 atmospheres. Heating devices are experiencing with a large one and a half times with pressure - it is 24 kgf / cm².

Aluminum radiators have the following feature: the volume of the coolant in them in 3, and sometimes 5 times less than in cast iron products. As a result, the high speed of the movement of hot water prevents the caution and formation of deposits. Bimetallic radiators. The steel core in such devices does not in any way affect their appearance and the size of heating radiators, but the maximum amount of working pressure increases significantly. Unfortunately, the growth of the strength of the bimetallic battery leads to a high cost. And the price of such a product and is so low available to a wide range of consumers.

Bimetallic heating radiators Section dimensions are as follows:

  • length 80-82 millimeters;
  • depth - from 75 to 100 millimeters;
  • height - minimum 550 and a maximum of 580 millimeters.

By heat transfer, one bimetallic section is inferior to an aluminum about 10-20 watts. The averaged the thermal flux value is 160-200 watts. Working pressure due to the presence of steel reaches 25-35 atmospheres, and during testing - 30-50 atmospheres.

During the arrangement of the heating structure, it should be used pipes that are not inferior by the strength of radiators. Otherwise, the use of durable devices loses any meaning. For bimetallic radiators, only steel eyeliner is used.

Overview of the main features of radiators

In order for you to see all the information in the most visual form, you are represented by a table - a comparison of heating radiators is represented in it on a scale from one to four pluses, depending on how much such a feature is inherent in a specific option

Cast iron batteriesAluminum optionsBimetallic batteriesSteel panel productsSteel tubular elementsConvectors
Small mass+ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Resistance to corrosion+++ + +++ + ++ +++
Indicators of heat transfer+ +++ +++ +++ ++ ++++
Pressure resistance+++ ++ +++ + ++ +++
Attractive view+ +++ +++ ++ ++++ +++
Heavy inertia+++ + + + + +
Easy care++ ++ ++ +++ +++ +
Cost+++ ++ + ++++ + ++

Based on these data, you can see the strengths and weaknesses of a particular option, the table shows that there is no ideal option, each has its own strengths and weaknesses, so the choice depends on you.

If you have chosen a specific solution, it is important to purchase high-quality products, so choose brands products that have long been presented on the market and have proven themselves among buyers. .

It is important to choose the best solution from a particular group of radiators.

Dimensions of cast iron radiators

Standard Soviet batteries of this type had a height of 580 mm, the width of the rib - 94 mm and a thickness of 140 mm. Many owners of houses and apartments still consider such models the most reliable. Therefore, cast-iron radiators and today are in demand. The manufacturers, of course, noticed this and began to supply to the market including cast iron radiators in retro-style, characterized by a very attractive design. If you wish for a home, you can buy, of course, such batteries. Their sizes may be different. There are low, standard and high models of this type. The approximate dimensions of cast-iron heating radiators of different types can be viewed in the table below.

Dimensions of cast iron batteries

Very often, stylish cast iron retro radiators have small legs. In this case, the height is calculated, of course, with their accounting.

If you look for stylish batteries from the cast iron of the domestic manufacturer, then it is better to find Sti Nova. Their main parameters:

  • Radiator Cast iron Nova 500 withstands the pressure up to 18 atmospheres. Pressing pressure 16 The atmospheres allows you to worry the hydrowood of the centralized heating system.
  • The thermal capacity of the structure is 150 W, which is quite enough to provide a warm room with an area of \u200b\u200b15 m2.
  • Outward radiator Nova 500 heating (cast-iron) looks as stylish as aluminum analogs.

If you believe consumer reviews, this type of heating device is distinguished by quality, reliability and interesting design.

Pros and cons

All advantages of steel radiator:

  1. due to the design characteristics, the service life is eternal, possessing durable resistance to various injuries, size 2 cm;
  2. it is possible to build such heating equipment by manually, in this form of work does not require unique skills and skills, it is enough to simply install everything on the already existing template or on the manufacturer's website;
  3. possess a unique design, and will fit into various design interiors.

Original design with steel batteries

All shortcomings of steel radiators for the heating system at home and apartments:

  1. the main minus batteries from steel instability during a wet temperature, because in this case the system is spoiled and even in some cases is not refundable, and corrosion appears. Also, their some partial area in no way should be kept without water, because they will ruin;
  2. uniquely strong susceptibility to chemical impacts on mounted welding seams;
  3. the poor-quality paintwork leads to peeling and is lost the primordial type of batteries for 3 years.

Knowing about all the shortcomings of this steel equipment, it still becomes worthy of all heating devices. According to consumer reviews, the design has many excellent technical criteria and working moments.

Given the value factor, as well as the design and other positive features of the devices, besides, at the cost of highly cheap, then such heating may well become the main device for heating the entire premises.

Cast iron batteries konner

Another favorite of the public is Konner, who was able to find his place in the Russian market. A wide variety of models, their price and reliability sneezed to her.

Basic product parameters:

  • Thermal power ranges from 120 W to 180 W, depending on the size. For example, a pig-iron radiator 300 mm of this company issues 120-130 W heat.
  • Water heating +110 degrees.
  • Operating pressure is 12 atmospheres, with check pressure - 20 atmospheres.

Dimensions and stylish looks allow you to install the batteries of this type not only under the windows, if it requires the design of the room.

Today there are dozens of cast iron batteries. All of them correspond to the parameters of the domestic heating network, have an affordable price, reliable in operation and perfectly look in the interior.

Types and species

There are two types of steel radiators, the most common panel radiator. Less popular tubular radiator. The panel type radiator is panels mounted on a sex surface or wall. This type of steel radiator has a high level of aesthetics, also higher heat supply factors.

The production of panel radiators occurs according to a specific method: two plates welded together, and the heat flow is produced between them. The thickness reaches 2 cm, the point welding in this production is the main welding and production point. The advantage of the system in choosing a suitable size. Pros are also in the connection of radiators. This connection is different, the most famous only three: installation from the side, bottom, standard.

Panel steel radiator

What should be the sizes of radiators

The choice of overalls of heating devices is based far from the aesthetic considerations. The main role is played by the heat transfer. This is especially true if the model is selected for installation under the window. You need to choose a model so much to keep several requirements at once:

  • along the length of the radiator must overlap at least 70-75% of the width of the window opening;
  • the distance from the floor should be 80-120 mm;
  • from the windowsill 60-120 mm.

    Choosing the sizes of the radiator, you need to select them depending on how high the windowsill is located

Only under such conditions the heat transfer to the heating device you choose will be normal: it will issue the amount of Watt declared by the manufacturer.

Types of radiators

Heating radiators that you find in our catalog are high-quality domestic and foreign devices of various types. Depending on the preferred type of connection, you can select models with lower or side connectors for fastening pipes. We offer to purchase heating radiators, the price of which will allow you to save the family budget.

Steel radiators

  • Panel. Consist of two sheets of steel and differ compact. However, this type of product has certain vulnerabilities to be paid attention to. These radiators are sensitive to exposure to hydrowards. That is why panel heating batteries are recommended to be installed in those houses that are equipped with a closed individual heating system.
  • Tubular. Such radiators are manufactured without a housing. Their design is the pipes in which the coolant circulates. Color and shape can be different, which gives a wide space for creating designer solutions in any room.

Aluminum radiators

These are quite popular systems that are beneficial from steel analogues with their value. At the same time, aluminum is characterized by higher heat transfer. Products of two types are manufactured from this metal - extrusion and cast. The first sections consist of three elements connected to each other, while the second is separately manufactured sections that are considered more fragile. You can buy aluminum heating radiators for any types of rooms.

Bimetallic radiators

They combine the advantages of steel and aluminum products. Such batteries are highly resistant to corrosion, excellent heat transfer, small mass and exceptional structural strength. In addition, bimetallic products are well coped with hydroders, withstand pressure up to 40 atm and a temperature of 90 ° C.

Cast iron radiators

Despite the fact that in the modern market there is a large number of products from aluminum and steel, cast-iron batteries do not lose their relevance. However, now they have moved to another price category, becoming elite products, the sale of which is carried out to create a unique interior in the style of "retro" or "classic".

Purchase heating radiators in the online store "Guarantcomfort.ru" is very convenient - add the goods you like to the "basket" and place the order. Buying can be delivered in Moscow for one day.

Standard Dimensions of Heating Batteries

IN GOST 26645-85described tolerances at random intervals.

The radiator has threelinear dimensions responsible for the volume of the section.

Width: Thin or Thick

This is the distance between the external walls of the battery. Pretty variable indicator.

Depth usually amounts 75-140 mm, depending on the material and manufacturer.

In rare cases there are larger products.


Visually - Length. This is the gap from the left to the right side wall. The indicator is taken equal 80 mm When creating order 95% instruments. In other cases, a little more, maximum - 88 mm. Any other radiators are made to order. It does not concern cast iron Devices: They are wider.

Minimum height

The most variable value that represents the vertical component of the section.

Usually it is 380-420 or 540-580 mm.

There are special types of batteries, the length of which is in the interval from two to three meters.

Such devices are placed in the bathrooms.

Important! Often mention axial distance. This is the gap between the dots of the connection and return pipes

Standard dimensions - 350 and 500 mm. But there are also other options, especially among aluminum products.

Low batteries

Radiators having a small mid-scene distance are featured by the following advantages:

  • they can be placed under the lowered windowsill;
  • they possess maximum heat transfer per unit area.

Cast iron radiatorsThe dimensions of the sections of the radiators of heating MS-140M-300-0.9 are:

  • length 93 millimeters;
  • depth - 140 millimeters;
  • height - 388 millimeters.

cast iron radiators heat transfer Heating The Pig-iron radiator section

Aluminum radiators
As for thermal power, it varies from the minimum 50 watt to the section to the maximum 160 watts. The defining factor is the area of \u200b\u200bfins of one section. At the same time, the change in dimensions affects the working pressure is not essential - low aluminum devices are designed for 16 atmospheres, and when testing on 24 atmospheric.

Bimetallic radiatorsBimetallic low radiators, such as in the photo, have two nuances:

  • among the heating devices there are batteries not with solid steel cores, but with steel tubes placed between aluminum collectors. Their working pressure specified by manufacturers is usually 12 or 16 atmospheres;
  • they often do not have vertically located channels and, in the case of lateral connection, can warm up from collectors due to the thermal conductivity of aluminum. The circulation of the coolant provides the last section, as it is a flow.

Choosing a manufacturer

The best steel heating radiators can be seen in almost various departments, not only in individual real estate, but also in shopping centers, because these goods can be purchased and installed at an optimal price with a unique design. If you need to make a choice in favor of any manufacturer of radiators, it is worth learn from what material the device was manufactured.

A specific equipment for creating equipment prefers a certain manufacture: painting, design, packaging and other material.

The price of steel radiators is formed on the basis of the technical characteristics, at the expense of the manufacturer itself, they may also differ in such criteria as a brand, size. Domestic steel battery systems will be cheaper than foreign, but the operating parameters are almost the same, so there is a meaning of overpayment.

To make the right choice in the acquisition of the heating radiator. It is necessary to see the following points:

  • uniformity of heating depends on the depth and height of the heating device; Equipped with a crane of Maevsky, which serves as the air ventilation system of heating. It will also help to prevent various dangerous situations, the accident at which this crane will be by the way. Also the need for hooking water descent;
  • if the installation under the windows, the size of the window opening is in the range of 70%;
  • if there is a desire in the practicality of the equipment you need to purchase a device with the temperature regulator option. This criterion is turned on either manually or automatically for the temperature of the radiator.

Sizes of steel radiators

General overview of the types of radiators and their dimensions

Several main groups of heating batteries can be distinguished, characterized by design features:

  1. Sectional.
  2. Panel from steel and bimetallic.
  3. Convectable.
  4. Author's modelsCustom, who have no similar forms, but perform their functions.

In the photo - the original heating device

The material used and the structural features of the heating devices are determined by:

  • resistance to hydrowards;
  • corrosion;
  • clogging and deposition of scale;
  • the intensity of heat transfer and other components of success.

As for the size, the height difference between the upper and the bottom collector (the inter-axis distance) affect the ability to install the heating device. Most often they are installed in niches under the windows, if the window opening is large enough, then the high battery simply does not fit.

The diagram shows the mid-scene distance

This parameter is especially important for systems with natural circulation. The fact is that the pressure in the system is created by the difference in the height between the water supply to the battery and the boiler than this value is greater, the greater the natural pressure in the pipes.

For example, an inter-axes of heating radiators 250 mm makes sense to choose only under very low window sills.
In this case, it will be possible to install the batteries even under the windowsill with a height of 50-60 cm.

Example Battery in Room with large windows

Panel heating devices are an all-welded construction with a coolant coolant between two ribbed panels with a gap between them up to 1 cm. This surface increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated surface and its heat transfer - radiation plus convection. Miserer capacity promotes rapid heat transfer - efficiency reaches 75%, but also cooled them quickly.

The lack of panel products is:

  • in their vulnerability to hydrowards, which makes them unsuitable for use in the central systems of heating;
  • corrosive from acidic water;
  • it is impossible to drain water for a long time due to the same corrosion, but already in contact with oxygen.

Sectional batteries are good for the possibility of their constructive change - an increase in / reducing the number of sections to change the power or repair. Bimetallic devices came to replace the traditional fragile, but durable cast iron with high inertia.

In the photo - the device of a bimetallic heater

In them, the coolant passes through steel tubes having aluminum fins with high thermal conductivity.

Bimetallic battery is the embodiment of two advantages in one product, namely:

  • steel withstands unstable pressure and aggressive environment;
  • aluminum lightning reacts to a change in temperature.

From the flaws, it is possible for the cost.
The price of a bimetallic radiator can be 2-3 times the analogue of cast iron or steel.

When choosing bimetallic batteries, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of vertical and horizontal channels, and not just the mid-scene distance. As for the dimensions, the most chassis can be considered the models with the difference between the nipple openings of 500 mm (while the total height of the heating device is 570 mm).

The photo shows the horizontal and vertical channel, with a bad quality of the coolant, they should not be too narrow

But in vacuum batteries, the concept of "mid-scene distance" simply does not exist. The fact is that they use only 1 flow tube through which the coolant circulates, and the uniform heating of the surface is achieved due to the evaporation of the low-boiling fluid.

Tubular batteries are registers, superior to sectional compactness and a variety of forms. The absence of leaks at the joints is provided by welding fragments, they withstand the working pressure up to 15 atm., But the thin walls are poorly kept by hydrate. Registers can be made with their own hands by choosing an arbitrary step between the pipes.

The popularity of devices

Most people are wondering about the installation as to how to choose the proper heating radiators. What is the main task when choosing them? In the modern world there is a wide range of such systems. This is fine, as it is present in the choice of diversity, however, such a diversity causes a sense of uncertainty from the buyer. After all, most of such products manufactures many manufacturers, differ in design, color scheme and other special categories.

Steel types of radiators are now recognized by the most popular view among heating structures,

Steel heating radiators are a device for insulation and warming apartments and houses, the equipment has a pair of stainless steel sheets, welded with a water area, or a place for water. Batteries from steel should not be installed in places with a wet temperature, in bath and bathrooms it is not possible to mount equipment, as it will deteriorate.

Device of steel radiator

Types of aluminum-steel radiators

Manufacturers, going on consumers, try to reduce the production of bimetallic structures without changing their devices in general. Now in the market you can meet several types of batteries of this type:

  • The device of the "classic" radiator is such that the basis for which the coolant flows is a steel collector, "packed" into an aluminum casing. This is done so that the entire load on contact with water has taken over the steel, and aluminum, having the highest level of heat transfer, heating from it, passed the heat of the room. The simplified models that appear are, regardless of what the size of the section of the bimetallic radiator is equipped with steel vertical channels, while horizontal collectors remain aluminum. It really significantly reduced their cost and increased the degree of heat transfer, but also made vulnerable to the quality of the coolant and the level of pressure in the network.
  • The second type is a typical expensive "classic", which can be installed in heating systems with the most unstable pressure.

If the installation of radiators is supposed to be indoors with an autonomous heating system, it makes no sense to invest big money in expensive models. In this case, it suffices to make power calculation and determine the optimal dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators (10 sections are a standard type, although you can choose another type of device).


Robert Zender became a developer of this heating system, this device was originally prepared as a cooling base for motor components of motorcycles, but with the development of technologies and the flow of time, this equipment was heating. After decades, these products have become applied in industry and in this field of human activity.

It is necessary to identify certain unique criteria and specifications of steel heating batteries.

  • to produce such heating, high-quality metal, and solid metals are used, which can be resistant to different shocks and loads. Such equipment is most successful for private construction plans, the service life in this case increases, since in individual buildings, smaller stops and loads rather than in multi-storey buildings;
  • simple technologies and techniques are used, due to this, the price of such products is optimal, which allows you to purchase any view at your discretion, which is suitable for a variety of types of buildings;
  • the possession of stability to various attacks, because welding occurs openly, without various chemicals, so hydraulic loads are not terrible; The outer shell is the main distinguishing feature of such batteries, as iron can be painted in a different color gamut, which is sold in stores, can be sealed by sections, thanks to steel may heat the building of various scales;
  • the universal remedy can be mounted on any mounts, but they are present in the kit, so this equipment can be independently quick and clearly mounted.

Steel panel radiators Types and power determination

Steel panel radiators are a competitor of the usual heating devices of a sectional type. They are attractive in that compared with all sectional models with smaller dimensions have a higher heat transfer coefficient. Consist of panels in which the coolant is moving on the formed movement. Panels may be several: one, two or three. The second component is the plates of corrugated metal, which are called fins. This is due to these plates and is achieved a high level of heat transfer of these devices.

Steel panel radiators have different sizes and power

To obtain different thermal power, the panel and fins are combined in several versions. Each option has different power. To properly select size and power you need to know that each of them represents. In structure, steel panel batteries are the following types:

  • Type 33 - Three-page. The most powerful class, but also the overall one. It has three panels to which three plates of fins are connected (because it is indicated 33).
  • Type 22 - bipapile with two plates of fins.
  • Type 21. Two panels and between them one plate with corrugated metal. These heating devices with equal sizes have less power compared to type 22.
  • Type 11. Single-pointed steel radiators with one plate of fins. There are even less thermal power, but also less weight and dimensions.
  • Type 10. In this type there is only one panel with a coolant. These are the smallest and lightweight models.

All these types may have different heights and length. It is obvious that the power of panel radiators depends both from type and from the dimensions. Since it is impossible to calculate this parameter, then each manufacturer makes up the tables in which the test results. On these tables and radiators are selected for each room.

Types of steel panel radiators

High and narrow

High radiators even look unusual in normal performance. And if it is still painted in a non-standard color, to give an unusual shape, to compose with a mirror or shelf, it turns out at all, more like a designer thing than on a banal heating device.

Immediately grieved cast iron lovers: the highest cast iron radiator is in the meter area. Above did not meet. The same can be said about bimetallic - they are not there above the meter. And in general, everything that is in Bimetal is 760-860 mm or so.

Steel panel batteries in standard design go high up to 900 mm. But there are also special models that can reach two meters and above. For example, Kermi has two models of Verteo Plan and Verteo Profil - as much as possible they can be up to 2.2 m. There are giants and Purmo: KOS V, Faros V, Tinos V, Narbonne V and VT, Paros V. They are characterized by the facial type panel (smooth or profiled) and depth. But all they have only the bottom connection.

Steel tubular radiators are up to 3000 mm high. And if necessary, some manufacturers can be made above. There are high models from any manufacturer: everyone who is present on the market is offered "under the order" such non-standard options. Here we will list only the most interesting from the point of view of design: Entreetherm, Planterm at the Arboron, DEKOR series at Kermi, "Harmony" from the Russian KZTO, Charleston from "Zender".

There are no high radiators in other types of high radiators. Choosing and so, you need to say, considerable. Would not be lost.

Deviation of the temperature of the gearbox body from 20 s

ΔT 2 º
= 20 –20 = 0.

side gap in transmission

j n min
\u003d 0.06 + 112 · 11,5 · 10-6 · 15
- 10,5 · 10-6 · 0) · 2 · SIN20
\u003d 0.073 mm.

We define the view
pairing software. For
gear wheel with m≥1
mm, a. W.
\u003d 112 mm and j n min
\u003d 0.073 mm (73 μm) - type of pairing S.

Choose an indicator
providing guaranteed side
Clearance for - F Ar
(Deviation of the mid-scene distance).

By type of conjugation
Determine the limit deviations
inter-axes ± f a

\u003d 112 ± F a
\u003d (112 ± 0.045) mm.

4. Measurement schemes
All assigned parameters.

4.1. Local
Kinematic eye error
wheels can be monitored
on the instruments for measuring kinematic
accuracy, in particular by defining
its harmonious component is the greatest
differences between local neighboring
maximum and minimum values
kinematic error toothed
Wheels in one turn. Kinematic
The error of gears 1 and 6 (one
from the wheels exemplary, and another verifiable)
Control on devices with glass
Limbami 2 and 5 having radial strokes
With the price of division 2 '. Traveling strokes
Causes current pulses in photodiodes.
Shift phases pulses caused
kinematic error in the gear
pair and inconsistency of rotation
gear wheels are determined by phaseomer
3 and recording recorder 4.

4.2. Accumulated
Step error can be monitored
on the device, the scheme of which is given
below in which in continuous rotation
gear wheel 5 to electronic unit
2 arrive pulses from circular
Photoelectric converter
4 installed on one axis with
measuring wheel issuing
Command Impulse at a specified position
Tooth. When the command impulse appears
Scrap certificate 3 fixes the order of the error
Step wheel.

4.3. Measure
Tooth direction errors
wheels are carried out on the instruments,
which there is a carriage with accurate
longitudinal guides and measuring
The tip moves along the axis
Measured wheels.

1 - table with longitudinal
moving together with verifiable
wheel; 2 - transverse carriage; 3.
- spindle; 4 - the checked wheel;
5 - measuring node; 6 -
microscope; 7 - a ruler that can
To install exactly at the specified angle.

4.4. Measure
oscillations of the middle-sighted distance for
One turnover in two-dollar engagement
can be performed on the MC-400 device for
Measurement of the mid-scene distance. On the
Mandrels 4 and 5 are planted controlled
6 and exemplary 3 gear wheels. Mandrel
5 is located on a fixed carriage
7, the position of which can change
only when setting up to the desired
Intercentrose distance. Mandrel 4.
Located on a fixed carriage 2,
which is pressed the spring so that
Camper 3-6 is always in
dense contact on both
Parties of teeth profiles. When rotating
toothed pair due to inaccuracies
her manufacturer measuring inter-axes
The distance is measured, which is fixed
Core or registering device

5. Perform a worker
Drawing of the gear wheel. rules
performing cylindrical drawings
gear wheels according to GOST 2.403-75 (design
and the shape of the wheel must match


The dimensions of bimetallic radiators of heating, as well as cast iron or aluminum, thus, should be selected as closely as possible. Whatever dimensions, however, have a battery, install it, of course, need correctly. The heating radiators are usually attached to the brackets. Before installing them, markup is mandatory. Mount radiators or strictly horizontally, or with a slight bias in the direction of the coolant current. In the latter case, the sections easier to remove air traffic jams. Connect to battery highways can three ways: from the bottom, diagonally and side. In any case, an individual valve should be put on each radiator. This allows you to repair the battery without the need to turn off the entire heating system as a whole. Also for each radiator, Maevsky's crane (or some modern analogue) is installed.

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How to choose the size of the radiator sections

Definition of dimensions of sections and their number - the most important step In creating a classic heating system.

With standard location

The power of batteries and material depends on the power they can develop.

Length is almost always the same and makes up 80 mm.First determine the height. To do this, select the installation location, on which the available space depends.

And also a big role is played design. According to these parameters, the vertical component is determined. Usually solve between 350 and 500 millimeters.

Depending on the features of the room, you can purchase devices from 200 mm.If the radiator is acquired for a bathroom or bathroom, recommend a narrow model capable of completely closing the space between the floor and the ceiling. High-rise devices have different variations from one and a half to three meters.

Defined Two linear characteristics Both the material go to the calculations of the depth and number of sections. The number of the latter is usually taken equal 10 But there are other. Thicks are found from the volume. The cubic value is divided into length and height. Power definition is also closely related to these indicators: Knowing the necessary, you can find the number of sections.

With the original interior

To create design, manufacturers often donate technical characteristics.

First of all This applies to cast iron products. Domestic radiators look seriously, while just covered paint.

European elegant, but weaker in heating. In any case, you need to learn from the power documentation that they are able to develop, because you need to select devices on heat transfer.

Reference! There are batteries in the style of "retro". They possess a pleasant appearance, but the roads.

Aluminumhave the same form, except for custom, but differ in variety of colors. In addition, a wide range of dimensions helps to enter them practically in any section of the room.

Bimetallicradiators, in contrast to the analogs, are performed not only direct, but also curved. Thanks to this, they look good in places with smooth angles.

Regardless of the selected material, before purchase, you should familiarize yourself with the technical documentation and learn the dimensions of the inner parts of sections accompanying the coolant.

This will help determine the batteries not only by external signs, but also by the ability to heated.

Follow remember the possibility of combinations. So, if a specific device is suitable for design, but its power is not enough, you can install additional heating by hiding it for the sidebar. Or combine radiator heating with warm floors.

Good option for guest rooms will be installation of the fireplace. Although the latter more often performs a decorative role, it is also capable of reduce the amount or size of sections installed indoors. Sometimes it is better to sacrifice beauty than to freeze every winter.

If desire arose create a special design, You should contact the battery manufacturers. They will help execute calculations. Thanks to this, the finished product will look beautiful and exercise its own direct function.

How to choose a heating radiator

The selection of the battery is per magnitude as follows. After making sure the products of the manufacturer suggesting you are suitable in height and depth, you need to find out the number of sections for each room. To do this, we calculate the thermal power of the heating devices, using the algorithm:

  • in the room with one outer wall and 1 window takes 100 W heat per 1 m2 of its area;
  • if there are two walls, then you need to take 120 W per 1 m2 of premises;
  • when there are 2 walls and 2 windows, then 130 W / m2.

Note. The algorithm will give a faithful result for rooms with a height of up to 2.5-2.7 m. If the ceilings are higher, it is recommended to take 40 W heat per 1 m3 of the size of the room.

Alternating these numbers on the square area, we obtain the required thermal power at which we determine the size of the battery, taking the heat transfer of 1 section as the basis. Below, as an example, there are tables where all sizes, inter-axes and heat transfer of aluminum and bimetallic radiators Global are presented:

As a rule, the values \u200b\u200bof thermal power of sections are indicated taking into account that the difference between the average temperature of the coolant and air of the room is 70 ° C (in the passport they write: with dt \u003d 70). This means that at +22 ° C in the room the water temperature should be about 100 ° C, while in a private house there is a rarely 70 ˚С.

And at such a temperature, the battery section will give 30% heat less, which should be considered.

Council. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary from the power specified in the passport on the product, take 30%, and better - 50.

By defining the real power of 1 section, it becomes clear how to find their quantity: to divide the previously found heat consumption for this value. But after that you may encounter a situation where the heater assembly is not included in the sub-niche niche or vice versa, it looks too unprepaid in it, as shown in the photo:

How to choose batteries size in such cases? If it does not fit under the window, the output is simple: you need the number of sections to divide into 2 parts, instead of one device will come out two. The length of the first will be 75% of the window opening, and the second - everything will remain. This part can be put near the side wall, bringing pipelines to it. When inverse situation (as in the photo) you need to take sections with a smaller inter-axis distance and high. Their heathots are smaller, which means that the total length of the heater will increase after the recalculation, and as a result it will look great.

Types of radiator connection

If the main method of connecting the radiator is connected. It will be equipped with a special body for thermostat, which will immediately provide a certain temperature necessary.

In the lateral connection of the steel radiator, a standard heat circulation circuit is used in the room, and such a connection is cheap and not noticeable, not noticeable.

Making several panels will lead to greater heat supply. You can also build a variety of metal alloys, as a result, the basis of the base increases, which gives the return of heat.

Types of battery connection

However, these heating systems have distinctive features, for example, weight. According to this criterion, they can reach the weight level of cast-iron plants, quite heavy. There will also be a minus the volume of water, it means that the thermorerature regulation will be lower and accordingly the heat transfer too. The radiator thickness can reach 160 mm, it exceeds the thickness of the cast iron. In addition, the inner shell of such batteries is difficult to clean up pollution.

Products from pipes help recall the times of pig-iron batteries. They are similar in external parameters. In most cases, the installation of cast-iron batteries is made in managerial buildings and residential buildings of the Stalinist period. Resistant to strong atmospheric pressure reaching up to 10, in length can be achieved more than a hundred cm, the maximum width 2 cm. Also can also be sectional and non-interconnection.

General indicators of cast iron radiators

In truth, it is from this metal that the heating devices are most adapted to "survival" and long-term operation in central heating. Starting from 1857, when cast-iron radiators were invented, they carried heat in the houses of residents of different countries. Currently, Western countries have ceased to use this metal for heating housing, but in the CIS, most of the houses of the 60-70s buildings are still heated with their help.

The parameters of modern cast iron batteries are coincided by some indicators, although they have, and old samples have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • The level of heat transfer and power is the first moments that consumers pay attention to, choosing heating devices for their housing. In many respects, these indicators affect the size of cast-iron heating radiators, but the average power of one section is 140-160 W.
  • Low inertness ensures uniform radiation of heat and a long cooling of the structure when it is disconnected.
  • The size of the selection of the cast-iron radiator affects its weight. There are elements that weigh 3 kg, and there are also such that 7 kg.
  • Medium dimensions of cast iron heating devices have become a classic standard. So the width of the selection of the cast-iron radiator is 80-100 mm, height from 370 mm to 570 mm, and the depth of 70 mm to 120 mm.
  • The volume of old types of radiators is 1.5 liters, in domestic models of the new generation 0.7-0.8 l, and in foreign analogues - 0.4-0.6 liters.
  • Working pressure is another important factor that should be taken into account when installing radiators. So in the Soviet samples, it was 6-9 atmospheres, and the wall thickness and the size of the cast-iron battery of the new type allow you to withstand the load up to 12 atmospheres. Some producers are fading when they indicate that their cast iron products have a working pressure of 15-18 atmospheres. In fact, this is the crimping pressure to which each battery at the factory is subjected to test the strength in the hydrodar.
  • The declared warranty period in cast iron radiators is 20-35 years, although there are firms that give their products 50 years of operation, and this is not surprising. Such a continuous active "life" of these devices is due to the presence of a wide channel, according to which the coolant passes without difficulty, not leaving at the bottom of the garbage, and on the walls of corrosion scale.

These are the main indicators that are inherent in many models, but as producers of different countries are present on the market today, the size of the pig-iron radiator section may differ, and its weight, and other parameters.

4 Pre-main wheel sizes.

- divisory

- Width of the wheel:

where but - wheel width coefficient, but =0,4.

we accept standard
value b. 2 = 56mM..

3.5 Transmission Module

Transmission module:

where the coefficient
K m take for chevron wheels: k m \u003d 5.2.

T Fe \u003d to FD T 2 - equivalent
Moment on the wheel,


- the durability coefficient. Here
N fg \u003d 4106-
Base number of cycles. With N108, K FD \u003d 1.0.

So equivalent
Moment on the wheel T Fe \u003d T 2 \u003d 238.3

Module accepts

Accept the module
transmissions equal to M \u003d 1 mm.

3.6 Total number
Teeth and angle of inclination.

Minimum corner
tilt of the teeth of the chevron wheels  MIN \u003d 25;

Total number

z  \u003d 2
a w cos min / m.

z  \u003d 2140cos
25 / 1 \u003d 253

The actual value of the corner

 =
Arccos. (z  M.
/ 2a w).

 =
ArcCOS (2531 / 2140)
\u003d 25,4.

3.7 Number of gear teeth
and wheels.

Number of teeth

z 1 \u003d z  / (U ± L) z 1min.

For chevron
wheels z 1min \u003d 17cos3 \u003d 13;

z 1.
\u003d 253 / (6.3 + L)
\u003d 35\u003e z 1min.

Number of teeth
Wheels: z 2 \u003d z  - z 1 \u003d 253 - 35 \u003d 218.

3.8 Actual

The gear ratio U F \u003d Z 2 / Z 1
= 218 / 35 = 6,23.

Deviation OT
specified gear ratio not
exceeds permissible 4%.

3.9 Wheel diameters.

Diameters, D:

gears D 1 \u003d z 1 m / cos \u003d 351
/ cos 25,4  \u003d 38.1 mm;

wheels d 2 \u003d 2a w - d 1 \u003d 2140
- 38.1 \u003d 241.9 mm.;

Diameters of circles
Vertex D A and Vpadin D F Teeth:

d A1 \u003d D 1
+2 (1 + x 1 -
y) m \u003d 38,1 + 211
\u003d 40.1 mm;

d F1 \u003d D 1
- 2 (1.25 - x 1) M \u003d
38,1 — 21,251
\u003d 35.6 mm;

d A2 \u003d D 2
+2 (1 + x 2
- y) m \u003d 241,9 + 211
\u003d 243.9 mm;

d F2 \u003d D 2
- 2 (1.25 - x 2) m \u003d
241,9 — 21,251
\u003d 239.4 mm;

3.10 Dimensions of blanks

To obtain
with thermal processing adopted for
Calculation Mechanical characteristics
Wheel material required to
The size of the wheel blanks did not exceed
extremely permissible values: D knoc d pre ( With zap, s zap s prev;

Values \u200b\u200bd Zag. , S zag, with zag (mm) calculate
By formulas:

for cylindrical
gears d zag \u003d d a +6 mm \u003d 40,1 + 6
\u003d 46.1 mm80 mm;

For Wheel S.
shacks take less from
values \u200b\u200bd zag \u003d 0,5b 2 \u003d 0.556 \u003d 28 mm.125 mm; and s zag \u003d 8m \u003d 8mm 80mm.

3.11 Increased Forces

    district f t \u003d 2t 2 / d 2 \u003d 2238.3 / 0,2419 \u003d 1970.2 N;

    F R \u003d F T TG / COS \u003d 1970.20,364 / COS 25,4  \u003d 793.9 N.

(For standard
angle  \u003d 20 ° Tg \u003d 0.364);

    axial f a \u003d
    F t tg \u003d 1970,2tg
    25,4  \u003d 935.5 N.

3.12 Check of teeth
Wheels on bending stresses.

Estimated tension
Bending in teeth wheels:

 F2 \u003d K Fa k f  k fv y  y f2 f TE / (B 2 m)
 [] F2

For wheels with \u003e 0 °
Accept for 9th degree of accuracy
K Fa \u003d 1.

Degree of accuracy
transmission accepted depending on
District wheel speed (m / s)
Chain precision

Concentration of load K F ,
Take for processing wheels
with variable load k f  \u003d k0 f  (1-x) + x,
where the initial concentration coefficient
Loads k0 f  \u003d 1,635.
So K f  \u003d 1.3175.

Dynamic load accept
According to the district speed to FV \u003d

The y coefficient y  is calculated by the formula y  \u003d 1- ° / 140 \u003d 0.965.

Form coefficient
The teeth y f2 \u003d 3.6, y f1 \u003d 3.7.

F TE \u003d K FD F T
equivalent district force.
Durability coefficient K FD \u003d
1. Those. F TE \u003d 1970.2 N.

As a result, I have it:

 F2 \u003d 11,31751,070,9653,61970,2 / (0.0560.001)
\u003d 172.3 MPa< 256

condition is performed

Estimated tension
In the gear teeth:

 F1 \u003d  F2 Y F1 /
Y F2  [] F1,

 F1 \u003d 172,33.7
/ 3,6 = 177,1<294МПа.

condition is performed

Calculation of heating radiators

In conclusion, it is necessary to focus on how to calculate the number of radiators of heating on the room or other premises. . The required number of sections can be defined in several ways:

The required number of sections can be defined in several ways:

  1. Based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. This method is suitable for premises with low ceilings (within 3 m). To do this, it is necessary for the number of square meters of the room area to multiply to the required amount of heat per meter, to lower it is 100 watts. For example, 20 square meters will need 20x100 \u003d 2000 watts. Then the required amount of heat is divided into the heat transfer of the radiator specified in the technical passport. The resulting number of sections of the heating device is rounded up to the whole number.
  2. Stripping from the volume of the room. This method is relevant when calculating radiators for rooms with high ceilings or staircases and in addition more precisely the above method. According to regulatory documents for heating 1 cu. Air indoor air is required 41 W thermal power. Accordingly, multiplying the volume of the room on 41 is obtained by the required amount of heat, which is then divided into the power of the heat transfer of the same section and round the resulting value to an integer. For buildings equipped with modern double-glazed windows, less heating capacity is required - 34 W / cubic meters.. It should be borne in mind that often manufacturers are fading and indicate the heat transfer indicators at the maximum coolant temperature, therefore, when calculating, it is necessary to repel from the minimum parameters of the heating device.
  3. More accurate calculation for only specialists, as it takes into account many parameters, coefficients and table values \u200b\u200bindicated in the regulatory documentation. These include: the amount of heat for the room depending on its location and value, area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the glazing coefficients and thermal insulation of the enclosing structures, the coefficients that take into account the number of outer walls, the height of the ceilings, the type of above- and the following premises, the outdoor temperature in the coldest week and five days and much more. Therefore, to obtain such an accurate heat engineering calculation, it is necessary to apply to the organization specializing in these services.

As can be seen from the materials of this article, the choice of radiators of the required size and thermal power is an important event to ensure comfortable stay in the house. If you do not pay due attention to this procedure, then you can subsequently forget about the comfort.

The heating radiator is the heating device, the familiar "battery" is popular. The heating devices are transmitted to the pipes delivered to them heat into rooms that need heating. Heating radiators are made from various materials, as a result of which they have different thermal conductivity and the ability to withstand internal pressure.

Types of heating radiators depending on the manufacturing material.

Aluminum radiatorsdifferent with good thermal conductivity and heat transfer. Pleasant appearance, ease, ability to withstand high working pressure - these are the pros. Minus: Aluminum, entering into a reaction with water, highlights hydrogen, which accumulates in the radiator. At first, the accumulated gas is needed daily from coolants, otherwise the heating system will not function.

Aluminum radiator

Bimetallic radiator is a modification of an aluminum radiator. They are as beautiful and ergonomic as aluminum. Different with the presence of internal steel elements. Capable to withstand pressure up to forty atmospheres, have a greater margin of safety. Unpretentious to the environment.

Cast iron heating radiatorsthe old sample is absolutely not aesthetic. It is uncomfortable to paint them, but you can hide under special protective screens. Now there are more modern models of cast-iron radiators of an improved species. The undoubted plus of cast-iron radiators in their unpretentiousness. They are able to serve up to 50 years without replacement, they are not terrible or rusty water nor the presence of pollution. The minus the cast-iron radiator is low thermal conductivity compared to radiators made of modern materials.

Cast iron radiator

Steel heating radiators are produced two types: panel, sectional and tubular. Panel radiators are inexpensive, unpretentious, the design of their proa hundred. Tubular radiators have very high heat transfer and long service life (up to 25 years). Designers work on their creation, which makes it possible to attribute this type of steel radiators to the premium class. Sectional They are a design of several sections of interconnected with spot welding. This significantly increases the service life and allows you to withstand pressure drops.

Steel panel radiator

Trying to buy a water heater, but can not choose a brand? Read in our article, what

Read an interesting article how to connect aluminum heating radiators

What you need to know about the size of heating batteries?

Heating radiators produce a different size, which allows you to choose an optimal place in the room to install them.

The error in choosing the size of heating radiators will lead to excessively low, or, on the contrary, high temperature in the heated room.

Knowing the sizes of heating radiators, their power and room area where they are going to install them, it is easy to calculate the optimal amount of the necessary heating devices. The selection of height of the heating radiator depends on the intended installation site. Often, the heating batteries are installed under the window, so to calculate the height of the heating radiator, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the windowsill. Also, all heating devices must be on the same level. In height, heating radiators are divided into three types:

  • Standard height.
  • Low heating radiators.
  • High heating radiators.

The radiator length depends on the number of sections.

Dimensions of cast iron heating radiators

  • Standard sizes of cast iron heating radiators: Section length 93 mm, depth - 140 mm, height 588 mm.
  • Low heating radiators Sizes: Height 388 mm, the remaining parameters are the same.
  • High cast iron heating batteries: height from 661 to 954 mm, sections length 76 mm, depth - 203 mm.

Cast iron heating radiators are able to serve up to 50 years without replacement

Sizes of aluminum heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of aluminum heating radiators: Height 575-585 mm, section length - 80 mm, depth - 80-100 mm.
  • Low: height from 200 to 400 mm, section length from 40 mm, depth up to 180 mm.
  • High: height 590 mm, depth 95 mm, length of section 80 mm.

Aluminum radiators are characterized by good heat transfer

Sizes of bimetallic heating radiators

  • Standard sizes of bimetallic heating radiators: height 550 - 580 mm, section length 80-82 mm, depth 75-100 mm.
  • Low: height 30 -500 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.
  • High: Height 880 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.

Bimetallic radiators collected all the best quality steel and aluminum radiators.

Sizes of steel heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of sectional tubular radiators: height 600 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm.
  • Low: height 400-500 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm
  • High: height 700- 900 mm, the length is the same.

Steel radiators are most often used in individual heating systems.

Power and size

It depends on the size of the heating device. The average heating power of the chungy radiator section of the standard height is 160 Wwhereas the power of the section of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators is 200 W. Therefore, for high-quality heating of the room, the size of the acquired pig-iron radiator should be greater than the size of the corresponding radiators from aluminum and bimetallic. Calculate the power of the heating radiator for your room as follows. First you need to find out the size of the room. For this, the width is multiplied by length and height. Length - 5m, width - 3 m, height -2.5. 5 * 3 * 2.5 \u003d 37.5 cubic meters for heating 1 cubic meters. In the standard building, 41 W thermal power is consumed. For the heating of the room with a volume of 37.5 cubic meters. 37.5 * 41 \u003d 1537.5 W, i.e. Approximately 1600 watts. In case of extreme cold weather, when calculating the resulting power is better increased by 15-20%. 1600 + 20% \u003d 1920W \u003d 1.92 kW knowing the power of the heating device, we calculate the number of sections of standard size radiators. The power of the selection of the cast-iron radiator is 160 W. 1920: 160 \u003d 11.25 i.e. 12 sections. Power section of the aluminum radiator 180W 1920: 180 \u003d 10,6 i.e. 11 sections. Power section of the bimetallic radiator 200 W 1920: 200 \u003d 9,6 i.e. 10 sections. Power section of the steel radiator 140 W 1800: 140 \u003d 13.7 Ie Approximately 14 sections.

Rain power always follows to the biggest, it is impossible to undertake it!

This is approximate data, much depends on the radiator model, its height, heat transfer. In principle, each self-respecting manufacturer on the package indicates what the power of one section of the radiator is. Knowing it, you can calculate the exact number of sections needed for the heating of your room.

Selection of dimensions of heating batteries

The dimensions of heating radiators are chosen based on the heat generated by them. If the heating radiators are placed, as recommended, under the windows, the following features should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the window sill to the top of the radiator should not be less than 100 mm;
  • the distance from the floor to the radiator is not less than 60 mm.

How to save on heating will tell the article "Heating on solar panels: price, convenience, installation." Ready

All about the water heaters of storage electrical horizontal flat learn by reference:


Choosing the size of the radiators for the house, remember that the calculation of thermal power should be made on the basis of the volume of the room as a whole, and considering the volume of each room separately. So, if you have several rooms, calculate the volume of them of them, and calculate how many radiators are required for heating the bedroom, how much - for the kitchen, how much - for the hall, for the bathroom, separately sharpening attention to the size of heating radiators. It should be borne in mind that when using the screen for a radiator or a decorative lattice, the reservoir of the radiator power should be produced in a large side.
It is allowed to install additional radiators along the deaf walls in the angular rooms, What prevents the freezing of the walls and protects against dampness.

When buying heating radiators, do not rely in everything on sellers.

Make preliminary power calculations, assemble the necessary sizes of heating devices. In this case, you will not only acquire those heating devices that most meet your requests, but you can save considerable money.

Presented video will help you when choosing a heating radiator