What steel doors to choose. How to choose an entrance door to an apartment and a private house - Professional Tips

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Firms manufacturing metal doors offer the widest choice of products and an unprepared consumer difficult to dwell on something one. What can not be doubtful, so that the doors of the economy segment will not have better quality. During the production of the door, funds are spent on the development of its design, in addition, the high-quality alloy of metal is also expensive. Therefore, it is very important to find out how to choose an inlet metal door to do not regret then. Professional advice in our article will help make the right choice.

Protective function of entrance doors

Of course, the main task of any entrance door is to be a reliable border on the verge of housing. There are many different types of designs on the market, but you should not put too heavy doors to the apartment: the high weight of the canvas adversely affects the loops and other elements of the fittings.

A wide offer on the doors market makes potential buyers think, and what to get up when choosing a door design? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the strength of the canvas and accessories, appearance, thermal and sound isolation. In order to stop the choice on the correct model, you need to consider the most important input door protection indicators.

Features of steel used

The steel used during the production of the door can be processed in two ways, while each of them affects the characteristics of the product obtained. If you explore the regulatory documents, you can find out that in accordance with GOST 199303 hot-rolled and susceptible to the negative effects of the environment can be used. Such material can rust.

GOST 19904 provides for the use of cold-rolled and more resistant steel sheets. Doors made from such steel are more expensive, but with the quality.

Metal thickness

An important indicator for the steel door is the thickness of the metal used in its production. It depends on the product reliability class directly affecting its safety and burglary.

The steel sheet used should have a thickness of at least two millimeters. If a thinner metal is used, then such a door cannot be installed as an input, but it can be used for technical, utility rooms, in which valuable items will not be stored. At the same time, it is not necessary to purchase the doors with a metal thickness of more than four millimeters, since such a design will be severe and not the most practical for use.

Door reliability classes

Entrance doors can be classified by reliability classes. Criteria are described in Guest R 51072-97. The document describes thirteen classes of input door structures. As an apartment and doors for a private house, classes are used from the first to the fourth, above - for special premises (for example, reverassment or weapons warehouses).

1-4 Class has the following characteristics:

  • 1 class. The canvas and the door box must withstand physical exposure without the use of the tool;
  • Grade 2. The door can withstand the use of simple tools, for example, screwdriver;
  • Grade 3. Resistance to the use of scrap;
  • 4th grade. The door withstands the hammer blow, the ax, drill.

Of course, the above-described concerns the door of the door and its canvas. Locks have their own classification of stability, which must be specified separately. Data this should be provided to buyers in the store. If there are no information, it is recommended to refuse to buy, since such products cannot guarantee reliable protection.

The number of rigidity ribs is an important indicator of the characteristics of the iron doors. These elements made of metal are inside the door design and are designed to gain it. The best models are those in which two and more vertical ribs of stiffness and one horizontal are installed.

However, if the gain elements are set a lot, then the weight of the door increases significantly. In modern models, the problem is solved by installing the ribs of a special form, allowing to reduce the total weight, while maintaining the reliability of the design.

Options for execution of the door frame are several. So, the frame can be made:

  • From a single bent in 4 places of pipe cooked with each other;
  • Of the four straight segments of the pipe, cooked with each other;
  • From cooked corners. This decision is the least reliable.

As it is clear from the text above, the most reliable solution is a frame that has the smallest number of welds. An increase in their amount may disrupt the design geometry and reduce its stability.

Door Licaping Material

The door canvas is made from the steel sheet, inside the design there are ribs and frame ribs. The inner part may have decorative design.

The whole metal door is rather suitable for public or industrial buildings, a private house. The web with a decorative leather cladding, a tree or MDF will be the best solution for the apartment, since the finish will not deterue due to the effects of temperature drops.


Choose the door follows and taking into account the useful fittings, in particular, loops. Among other things, they are an element that protect the doors from hacking. Used hidden and outer loops.

Hidden eliminate the likelihood of removal of the canvas and the invasion of the house. Outdoor hinges can be cut enough. To counteract this door is equipped with anti-blank pins or tongues. When buying should be paid attention to this.

When an ordinary door is installed with a weight of up to 70 kilograms, it will be enough to mount two loops. If the intensive use of the web or it has non-standard weight, it will be better to install three or four loops. An additional element will provide long-term and uninterrupted design.


What should pay attention to when choosing doors, if you take the castles equipped with them? The optimal is the system with two locks having a different design. One of them serves to close the door for a short period of time, the second has a more complex structure and is used in the case of a long lack of hosts of the house.

By type of design, the locks are:

  • Cylinder, having a mechanism from pins, while knocking out the core does not represent a special complexity;
  • Suwald, reliability is directly dependent on the number of Suwald;
  • Electronic. This is the most modern, but at the expensive subspecies.

In the input doors, as a rule, a cylinder and a suvalid castle is installed, or two cylinders. Also additionally an electronic shut-off device can be installed. When choosing, attention should be paid:

  • How many in the castle of riglels and pins. The bigger, the better;
  • For the Suwald Lock, the presence of a manganese insert, which is an additional element of protection;
  • If there are hidden type shut-off riggers, it is not possible to cut them off;
  • Available bronmark will not allow you to knock the castle's secret.

Heat-sound insulation

We do not extend when choosing the door will pay attention to the characteristics of thermal and sound insulation. Since bare metal doors are not capable of quality isolate the room from the cold, manufacturers are installed layer of thermal insulation and rubber seals. In the manufacture of the insulation laid inside the door. The sealer is mounted on the internal perimeter of the box and the door canvases on the places of their docking.

Be sure to specify when you buy the door, which insulation is installed in it. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the seals: the ribbon is considered more bad than tubular.

The eyes are installed in most of the doors sold. This element must have a wide viewing angle and give a clear, clear picture of what is happening outside. Recently, there are so-called videos, which allow display an image to a special device, computer or smartphone.

Exterior finish

Facing the door is significantly different from what was used 20-30 years ago. You can choose both enough solid finish and elegant and light, while the door will remain all the same practical in use. The outer part is usually painted, but the internal can be decorated:

  • Skin;
  • Skin substitute;
  • Laminate;
  • Veneer;

A large number of finishing materials allows everyone to choose something to your taste. The use of doors in purely utilitarian purposes is rarely found and not for residential premises. In the house, the door can become a stylish design element, because the perception of the design of the room begins from the very entrance.

If it is supposed to install in a multi-storey house, it will be better to choose the color of the outer decoration like from other doors in the entrance to not attract unnecessary attention. In addition, it is necessary to apply anti-vandal spraying on the door, which will allow for a long time to preserve the impeccable appearance of the web.

Imported doors are the highest quality and reliable, but the price of them is considerable: the door of German, Italian, Polish manufacturer will cost at least 30 thousand rubles, the upper price limit is actually unlimited.

Rating manufacturers of entrance doors

Bars - The manufacturer's company occupies a leading position in the Russian market and is characterized by good quality, low prices. The product range allows you to satisfy the taste of even very attracted customers. In addition, there is a line of premium products.

Tapere The company from Saratov produces doors for more than 25 years, using its own patented operations. The production line has modern imported equipment purchased in Japan, Italy and Switzerland. Products have high reliability worthy of thermal and sound insulation indicators.

The Gardian company is a major enterprise that makes the door of steel, as well as accessories and castles. All products are manufactured on automated equipment and has all certificates of matching quality. Door structures hack resistant and have good heat-sound insulation features. There are refractory doors and thermal explosion.

"Elbor" produces hack resistant doors since 2007. The company is increasing the turnover every year and at the moment is a multidisciplinary holding. Door structures have several levels of safety through the use of armor and special protective plates for the lock.

Choose a high-quality door that faithfully will serve you for years - the task is not easy. It is required to explore the available information and the range of the nearest stores. However, a scrupulous approach is compensated by a convenient door to operate your home from unwanted guests.

A high-quality and reliable entrance door is not a fault, but a prerequisite for comfort and safety. It is she who protects the calm dream of the owners of the house, protects their lives and property, protects against cold and noise, it allows you to designate the zone of the personal space of the family. Her durability, hack resistance ability to directly affect the level of protection. At the same time, it is impossible not to note the importance of an attractive appearance, which indicates a good taste and consistency of the owner. Let's try to figure it out - how to choose an entrance door to an apartment among numerous proposals.

Requirements for the entrance door

The product must meet several basic requirements. In addition to the fact that it should be made of durable material resistant to mechanical effects, the door must be equipped with:

  • at least two reliable locking systems installed with a 30 cm interval;
  • eye guaranteeing panoramic overview;
  • additional longitudinal and transverse ribbies;
  • high degree of noise and thermal insulation;
  • reliable fastening in the form of captures of the P-shaped or anchor fastener.

No less important is the aesthetic component. Ideally, if the door finish harmonizes not only with the interior of the entrance, but also with interroom "colleagues."

Entrance groups of private houses or country cottages must be equipped with additional anti-burglar systems.

Types of entrance doors

For production use the following materials:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • glass.

Obviously, durable metal doors are best suited for country houses and apartments. They are set up by the vast majority of owners, as they want to be confident in their own security. The second on the rating is wooden doors. These products, as a rule, have additional protection in the form of an iron frame or a steel plate installed as the central layer of the door "cake". Products made of valuable breeds - oak array or ash, most often adorn the houses of wealthy people.

The remaining types of cloths are not able to provide decent protection. They are installed in rooms where there is no need to create an irresistible barrier or where protection functions are assigned to the alarm system and special companies.


Metal doors can be divided into aluminum and steel. The first does not have sufficient strength and are more often used in economic buildings - sheds or garages.
Steel canvases are reliable, durable and durable. They are equipped with noise and insulating layers, additional rigids. The door of steel can have different thickness and internal filling. From this depends on the degree of premises of the room from trying to hack, the penetration of cold and foreign sounds. Combining various materials improves the technical quality of the door and affects its appearance and wear resistance.

The use of special technologies allows metal doors to make metal doors with bulletproof, refractory, put them with the ability to absorb vibration fluctuations during an explosion.


Wooden doors have not lost their relevance due to their natural origin and environmental friendliness. Products made of massif are powerful and respectable, create an atmosphere of wealth and non-degradability of traditions.

The quality of the wooden door should allow it to be resistant to withstand the effects of atmospheric phenomena, block outsiders, provide a high-quality thermal survey.

The outer panel is made of wood coated with antibacterial and refractory compositions. Protective varnishes and paints can be used as the finish layer. Even if there are no higher requirements for its protective properties, it is better if it is reinforced, equipped with seals and a reliable locking device.

The density and weight of the finished canvase depends on the type of wood. The most severe and at the same time representative, expensive and reliable - doors from an array of oak or beech. More accessible options, for example, pine, birch is not so strong and require additional amplification. Such variations are suitable for installation in a bath or shed.

With mirror or glass insert

The canvas with decorative inserts made of glass or mirrors give the room lightness and elegacity. It may seem that transparent fragments are a "weak link" of the fundamental design and the reliability of such doors in the question. However, due to the use of special technologies, such options are not inferior by the strength of "deaf fellow".
The reliability of the glass insert depends on the characteristics of the material. In the production of entrance doors apply the following types of glass:

  • triplex - is a multi-layered material;
  • tempered - has an increased level of showlief;
  • poorenproof - resistance to firearms is ensured by applying a special film.

Door from glass package

Entrance groups from the glass was initially found their application in the construction of administrative buildings, shopping and entertainment centers, hospitals and sports complexes, small shops and services sector services. Nevertheless, practical and functional doors with an attractive and diverse design gradually conquer the sphere of private construction. Verified safety and durability of inlets from the glass package makes them increasingly popular.

The design of the door includes a frame from a plastic profile, double-glazed and plastic panels. Glazing can be made in full length of the canvas or take 2/3 of the total area. It can be solid or composed of fragments.

Antzlovna fittings can be attached to the door, which increases the resistance to the actions of intruders. Special loops are designed to withstand reinforced loads.

The multiple lock fixes the frame from three sides and makes the design more sealed. The plastic profile is reinforced around the perimeter, which increases its reliability.
By installing the armored anti-vandal glass, you protect yourself from the actions of hooligans and hackers. Multilayer cloths manufactured using triplex technology can be an alternative to the armored product. They are able to resist the impact of a stone or a bottle and do not even scatter when breaking, but they will simply cover cracks.

The door design with a double-glazed window can be made special with lamination, complication of layouts, tinting, applying a mirror or matte coating.

What to pay attention to when choosing a metal door

Choosing the door should be made in its resistance to power and intelligent hacking. The design should guarantee reliable protection of the property and life of people.

Another aspect that should also be assessed is the ability of the canvas to sound and thermal insulation. The door should block the flow of street noise, dust, drafts and extraneous smells.

No less important is the strength and quality of the execution of all design mechanisms - loops, pens, locking system. It should be verified in the correct work of all the elements to eliminate the unexpected jamming of locks and pumping the door.

Aesthetic attractiveness and compliance with the style and color solving of the interior is no less good argument during the arrangement of the input group.

Security class

Eliminate 13 levels of hacking doors. The class of security for household products is usually varied within the first four positions. Higher categories of protection are needed for equipment of banking enterprises and storage.

We will analyze the properties of the doors corresponding to the four first levels.

  1. First class - to open the door of sufficiently physical strength and ordinary hand tools.
  2. Second class - for hacking will need a special power tool.
  3. The third class is such an obstacle to overcome only electrical devices with a power exceeding 500 W.
  4. The fourth grade is bulletproof doors resistant to previous hacking methods.

Third thickness

The reliability of the design directly depends on the thickness of the steel, from which the canvas is made. Most often apply metal with a thickness of 1-2 mm. In better and expensive doors, the thickness of the steel plates can reach up to 6 mm.

It is not recommended to use steel thinner than 1 mm because it is unstable to random mechanical damage and attacks of vandals. The optimal material for the manufacture of the canvas for the entrance group in the apartment or private house is the steel plates with a thickness of 1.5 mm. They do not lose the door over the measure and at the same time guarantee her a high level of protection. For even greater reliability, manufacturers are enhanced by a canvas with an extra sheet of steel.

Number of rigid rigidity

The design of the metal entrance door is a multilayer pie. Steel plates are performed as the outer layers, which are reinforced from the inside using the rigidity ribs. In high-quality doors there should be at least three similar elements - one horizontal and a pair of vertical. But the more in the design of the ribs of stiffness, the more durable, heavy and reliable will be the door canvas.

Heat and sound insulation

The filling of the door "cake" consists of thermal insulation and sound insulation materials and differs depending on the price category of goods. Cheap samples are filled with corrugated cardboard or mineral wool in the form of pressed plates. More expensive models are insulated with polyurethane foam, which blocks noise and does not allow to freeze the room.

The thermal insulation characteristics of this material are very significant. No wonder he enjoys so big popularity. Judge for yourself - a sheet of polyurethane foam thickness of 10 mm has the same ability to thermal insulation as a brickwork with a thickness of 30 cm.

Number and types of loops

Since the loops are a weak place of any, even the most reliable door, it is better that they are hidden. Such accessories will not leave the chance even the most sophisticated attacker.

Manufacturers are constantly working to improve the stability and quality of these devices and offer unique patented developments of hidden loops.

The most reliable designs are obtained if the door instead of loops is equipped with special anti-blank pins. Thick rods of steel are installed on the end side of the web to the place where the loops are usually located. When closing the door, the pins are driven into holes formed in the door frame. The rods are blocked, so that the possibility of removing the web is completely excluded. Such details can be at least 2, however, for greater reliability and stability of the design, it is recommended to install at least 5 pieces.

External and interior decoration

Products are various variations of deaf cavities. They can be made with a decorative design in the form of imitation of the panel door, have a fragmentary glazing. The outer side is usually drawn up in dark restrained colors. It can be monophonic or imitate natural wood or stone texture. From the side of the residential premises, the product decorate MDF sheets, is separated by natural veneer, laminated or plastic lamellas.

Features of the choice of the castle

The degree of reliability of the door depends not only on the thickness of the steel and hidden suspended fittings. A cheap simple castle can reset the advantages of any high-quality design. The specialist will open such a castle in a couple of seconds. It is desirable to equip the product not one, but by several differentty devices. At a minimum, there must be two. The main castle provides locking the doors in several directions using rheaglels. Additional fixation devices may be simpler. The main thing is that they are not cheap - such locks often arrive, break, they are easy to operate.

In order to increase reliability on the lock, you can install special armored pavillas.
The most reliable is the "brainchild" of innovative technologies - a biometric castle. To authenticate such a device, you only need to consider information from the finger pads or the iris. Such devices are capable of memorizing up to 99 different prints. They successfully apply in the "smart home" systems and negotiate the efforts of intellectual hacking masters. The owner of the house can manage them at wishes - to open or restrict access to other persons. In case of an emergency, a similar gate can be opened with a special cylindrical key.

Additional protection systems

Devices that impede access to the locking mechanism provide additional protection of the door. Among them can be allocated:

Armoflastic - protect the area of \u200b\u200bthe pocket to mount the lock. They do not allow drilling at the dots of fastener of the keytone and the shank. The armorphestine is made of steel 3 mm thick and boils into the door at the production stage. In the amount of the thickness of the outer sheet of the steel sheet steel, the mounting pocket and the protective lining is as much as 7 mm, which makes it possible to talk about a high degree of safety of the locking mechanism.

Bar alphabet - protect cylinder locks. There are various options for such lining:

  • the invoices consist of two elements and are installed on both sides of the door web, after which they are connected by pins;
  • curlons - mounted on the cylinder crashing through a metal trim and mounting pocket;
  • magnetic - among them you can distinguish with sliding and swivels. Shifts overlap the keyhole. You can remove them only by attaching a special magnetic key. Rotary - almost the same principle, only the protective cover does not shift, but turns;
  • code - Metal curtain closes access to the locking mechanism. During the first stage, access to the key in the lock, the next step is to open the locking mechanism.


Good fittings are very important for high-quality protection. And it is not only a loop, castle and a variety of overlays. The modern door must be equipped with a panoramic eye with a wide angle of view. The device can be periscopic. In such a product, the eyepiece and lens are located at different levels. There are bulletproof eyes that will protect against an armed robber attack. The most convenient electronic systems, which are similar to the video intercom have a display and have the ability to record sound and image.

To install a reliable door canvase, a durable hacking box is required. This is a special design, which is not so simple as it seems. Manufacturers are constantly developing new options for boxes, which allows you to make an entrance to the home more and more impregnable. There are double adjustable structures that allow the door in a closed state to virtually "merge" with the wall, to be with it in the same position. This technology requires the use of special hinges "invisible". Hidden Mechanisms have a built-in retainer, which limits the opening angle. This device works automatically. Also regulated by the mechanism of the River. It independently determines the desired degree of pressing the door to the box. This ensures optimal adjoining and efficient blocking of noise, dust, odors, cold, and drafts.

Dimensions doors depend on the size of the opening, the door frame, the number of sash and the established state standards.

The dimensions of structures differ depending on the number of sash. There are single, double-minded options, as well as firmuga supplemented.

Single door is a single canvas mounted in the box. It is not recommended to install the door width more than 110 cm. Make an unpretentious version of stylish and modern will help the original design and correction of the opening within the GOST.

Bivalve composition is a popular door option in a private house. The opening for it should twice the standard dimensions. The height remains standard. It looks very respectable, but requires much more space. As a compromise option, you can choose one-hour doors with different-caliber sash. A narrow part most of the time remains still and opens only if necessary.

The door with Framuga is useful in case the height of the opening is increased. This technique allows you to use the standard height web, and close the upper part with a special insert.
GOST defines standard door dimensions, regardless of their design features.

The main parameters indicated by GOST:

  • The height of the standard doorway may vary in the range of 2070 -2370 mm. The exact value of this indicator depends on the altitude ratio to the distance from the floor to the ceiling, and the width of the door.
  • The minimum width of the door lumen for the input group is 900-910 mm. The maximum value for single doors can be 1010 mm. The same indicator for the one-hour doors is installed in three sizes - 1310, 1510 and 1550 mm. The recommended width of bivalve structures is 1910 or 1950 mm.

There are no specific instructions to the thickness of the door products. It depends on the manufacturing materials, the design features of the door, its internal filling. In addition, the wall thickness and the depth of the box are taken into account.

Standard solutions are good in typical apartments. Today, designers are the case inherent in unknown stylish decisions. With private construction, GOST recommendations are not always relevant. That is why the entrance door in the country house can be any, most incredible sizes. The dimensions of the future canvase are determined in place by measurements. Nevertheless, excessive expansion of parameters is not practical and appropriate. Therefore, the doors width more than two meters and a height of more than 2400 mm in a private dwelling are not recommended.

An exception can be done for a building that is used as a public institution or significantly exceeds the standard buildings.

Color and style

The main thing is that you need to take into account going after the new door is the style of your interior and architectural features of the construction. It is difficult to present in the classic mansion the entrance door in the style of high-tech. Or in the Scandinavian interior design in the style of Baroque.

External appearance is one of the most important criteria that we are guided by choosing one or another model. The product must correspond to the selected direction of design, combine the color with the exterior of the house, wall decoration, floor and ceiling, harmonize with window frames, plinths, interior doors, furniture.

Options with imitation of wood pattern can be called universal, as they are appropriate in almost any style. Finishing, made in bright colors, is suitable for modern classics, minimalism, country, sea, scandinavian, eco-style. The dark tree of noble shades perfectly fit into the interiors of the Baroque or Rococo era. The effect of the composition of the wood will emphasize the atmosphere of Provence.

Wood textures will not fit out in High-tech. Painted products with glass and chrome inserts will be appropriate here. High-tech doors can be white, black, blue, red, glossy or with a metallic tint.

In order for the doors perfect to the interior, it is enough for them to match the color with plinths, platbands or a staircase. Combine canvas with cabinets of another shade will help platbands, made in one color with a furniture design.

Where the entrance door should open

  • In Russia, the doors more often open out, as it helps to free the space inside the tambura and use it more productively. But this is not fundamentally and canvas, it may well break into the premises, depending on the prescriptions of SNiP. The way to open the door should not be the reason for the evacuation of people from the building to the street in an emergency situation, so:
  • the open door does not block the inputs into the rooms and neighboring apartments;
  • the passage with a fully swollen sash should not be 1 m;
  • the doors, located opposite each other in a narrow corridor, should open inward so as not to interfere with each other function simultaneously.

If these rules are observed, the opening method does not have a fundamental value and its change does not require official approval. But if the door was previously opened in the other side, it is worth warning about changes in neighbors and utilities.

About manufacturers of entrance doors - advantages and disadvantages

Previously, there was no special choice - provided by citizens preferred to products of European manufacturers mainly by Italian or Germanic, and more leaning raised the available Chinese options. Today, Russian companies took this niche. The lion's share of steel doors in the domestic market is produced in Russia - 90% of the total range of the range. In production, the latest European components and technologies are applied. Among the domestic representatives of this region, such large enterprises as asta, Gardian, Bastion, Tapere, became leading among the domestic representatives of this area. In addition, there are many small businesses offering decent quality products. True, their collections are not so diverse.

10% of the market share major Chinese manufacturers, as well as companies from Italy, England, Poland, Israel and Germany.

How to make the door to the store in the store

When ordering doors, you need to focus on the size of the input opening. The box should easily accommodate in it. It is better if a bit of space remains, which will allow you to set the design strictly in a vertical position and secure the mounting foam.

Warranty service

It is necessary to make sure the presence of warranties. It makes it possible to require free elimination of defects detected during unpacking, acceptance and product installation.

The duration of the warranty on the door leaf, the lock and accessories can be different. Find out this moment in advance so that there are no surprises.

Warranty obligations remain in force if you comply with the rules of exploitation:

  • lubricated at least once every six months of hinge special composition - can be used solidol;
  • inserted the key into the hole to the end and gently rotated it;
  • removed the key from the locking mechanism only after full rotation of 360 degrees;
  • did not apply feeding and abrasive substances;
  • provided the protection of the door block from moisture and direct sunlight;
  • did not repair the door independently and did not contribute to the design of the changes, which influenced the characteristics of the product;
  • Conclusion

    Entrance doors have always been face at home. They provided the protection of its owners, allowed to create comfortable living conditions. Today, the main functions remain the same, but the use of modern technologies allows you to give the input structures with new features.

Quality iron doors are the best option for both apartments and a private house. They are durable, at the expense of different ways to finish attractive. Here are just a lot of manufacturers, which complicates customers a choice. Before the acquisition, it is worth familiar with the ranking of the best manufacturers of iron doors, learn their strengths and weaknesses. We bring to your attention the top best steel doors in the Russian market.

Entrance doors of different brands are distinguished by applying materials, manufacturing technology, features of fittings and price. The reliability of the structure directly depends on the cost. The iron doors are made to divide on products of the average price segment, premium class, as well as budget. The most affordable designs are infrequently acquired. Since it is too thin metal for their production, then such an entrance door cannot be reliable.

To compile the rating of the input metal doors 2018, the opinions of specialists, consumer reviews are taken into account. Masters experience and company popularity, the width of the model range of products. In the middle price segment, the best is considered the outpost, Neman, became Bravo. The premium segment rating the best iron doors includes brands Gardian, Torex, Elbor. These are Russian doors manufacturers whose quality is not inferior to imported products.


Heads Ranking Steel Doors 2018 Processing Products. The first products were issued by this company in 1998. Starting in 2009, production was transferred to China to reduce the cost of manufacture. This allowed to produce annually 500 thousand units of goods. Unfortunately, low-quality fakes have appeared since that time. Therefore, when buying an input system, you should always ask the certificate, check for the warranty, buy iron doors only through official representatives.

In the review, metal doors of the outpost are included due to such advantages:

  • low price (even on the most elite models);
  • a wide range, products can be chosen for a private house and apartments with different interiors;
  • a sufficient number of service centers, so if necessary, you can seek advice, call the masters to the house.

Iron doors outpost have its drawbacks. First of all, it applies to the accessories that is manufactured at the same factory. It is difficult to replace with other analogues. Noise isolation is present only in some models. You should also not forget that there are fakes.


This is one of the bravo brands, a well-known iron door manufacturing firm. It is she who continues the rating of metal doors for an apartment 2018. At the products of Groff, the main advantage - the use of significant thickness has become. In addition, the design is enhanced with the hardness ribs. The insulation is a non-combustible mineral wool.

The manufacturer pays attention to the aesthetic indicators of its products. Due to the combination of appearance and strength, Groff is considered one of the best input metal doors. A warranty is provided for all products under 10 years, during which the service must be serviced by the design installed in the house, apartment.


BRAVO is considered one of the leaders of the Russian market of iron entrance systems. Input metal doors are included in the top of the best, according to consumers. The company is ready to provide customers more than 350 different models, including those manufactured by unique 3D technology.

The main advantages of the input structures of this brand:

  • there are available models with veneer finish;
  • reliable and high-quality steel doors;
  • excellent protection against drafts at the expense of high quality seals and insulating materials.

At the same time, in the most budget versions, noise insulation of the average level.


The rating of metal entrance doors continues the brand Neman. This is a company that makes truly reliable and safe products. The brand has a wide selection of models. Products are distinguished by acceptable prices. At the same time, the manufacturer pays great attention to the external characteristics of the goods. Entrance systems of Neman are beneficial to their decorative characteristics from competitors.

For the production of the best steel doors, alloy steel is used for a significant thickness. All models are equipped with two locks, if necessary, their number can be increased. Therefore, no questions arise to the safety of the goods.

In addition to good value for money, as well as interesting design solutions, the Neman's top metal doors are included because of compliance with all security requirements. This is confirmed by certificates.

Of the minuses it is worth mentioning only the lack of strength of the most budget products from this manufacturer.


The ranking of steel doors also did not cost without a brand. Products from this manufacturer are characterized by good reliability, sufficient levels of resistance to hacking. For these parameters, he resembles Elbor. However, in contrast to this brand, the manufacturer has become a very expensive product. Due to this, the company's products are popular, received many positive feedback from consumers.

Professionals also praise this trademark, although there are not the most successful models in its ruler. But in the price segment it is worthy of attention to the manufacturer, who is rightly incorporated into the rating of the input metal doors in the apartment.

The main advantages of products became:

  • wide model range;
  • many options using various finishing materials;
  • good service level.

The main disadvantage is the presence of unsuccessful models, which requires careful choice from the consumer. Before buying, it is worth asking managers about all specifications.


The rating of metal doors for the apartment would be not full without brand Gardian. At the factory, iron structures began to be produced back in 1994. Guardian's entrance designs are popular with buyers who appreciate beauty. Therefore, they will use those who are looking for something original wants to harmonize everything in the house or apartment. By security parameters to the product of this brand, there are also no complaints. Fire safety indicators, resistance to hacking, noise insulation, life - all these characteristics are confirmed by international level certificates.

Among the advantages that have allowed to include the input systems of this brand in the ranking of steel doors in Quality 2018, also worth noting:

  • the perfect combination of the canvas and the door box, the gaps between them are minimal, which guarantees the tight fit of the sash;
  • in any price segment there are many models to satisfy the demanding consumer;
  • products complies with Russian and international requirements;
  • as a canvas filler, a plate of mineral wool is used - non-combustible material with high insulating properties.

All is well in reliable metal doors Gardian. The only thing that buyers are not satisfied is the service. If there are not even the most complex breakdowns, it will not be possible to quickly eliminate them. The service service is not different.


Overview of steel doors for the apartment would be incomplete without a Torex brand. This is another popular Russian manufacturer, whose production is located in Saratov. The first products were released on him since the Soviet Union in 1989. The plant is constantly evolving, so the input systems have become popular not only in the CIS countries. The company has 8 warehouses.

  • good service;
  • high quality products;
  • compliance with all safety standards, including heat resistance in some models up to 5-6 hours;
  • wide assortment series, attractive product design.

The main minus of products is their considerable cost.


The iron door manufacturer Elbor is also included in the ranking of the best metal entrance doors. The company has an excellent reputation over which he worked back since the foundation of the plant - 1976. At first, the company produced various goods for military purposes, then retrained to protect private property. Because of this specific production, all the products of Elbor are characterized by the highest resistance to hacking.

The company does not manufacture budget models. All products are made according to special technology to increase their reliability. Coatings are applied refractory, and the filler inside the sash is non-combustible minvat. At the same time, the products have an attractive design. Overview of steel entrance metal doors and high test indicators, also allow you to include products of this brand in the rating of the best.

Import products Fortus and Dierre

In addition to Russian-made products, popular brands from Germany and Italy are included in the steel doors rating. Fortus is fundamentally different from most manufacturers by specializing in the production of doors under the order. Minimum of finished products and maximum opportunities to collect systems at their discretion. The buyer can choose the number of sash, locks other accessories, a cloth finish and so on. Due to this, more than 1000 options for combinations are available to the consumer. This approach allows you to choose the best input metal doors for your apartment or country house. Any of them will have high strength, noise insulation, will be preserved property and heat.

Dierre is a firm from Italy, which specializes in the release of high-quality inlet metal doors with a special design. The manufacturer monitors all new ones on the market, introduces the most progressive technologies. Even "smart doors" are present in their ruler, their control occurs due to remote control.

High-quality metal doors from Italy differ in high aesthetics, the decoration of the canvas is supplemented with an exquisite accessory. The cost of such an input design is available not to everyone, but the Dierre system will become a highlight of any room.

What to take into account when choosing?

The brand is not the only parameter to which the consumer should navigate. The choice of steel doors should be based on other parameters.

Taking into account its financial capabilities, it is necessary to pay attention to such specifications:

  1. Locking mechanisms. One castle is good, but good steel doors in the apartment must have two such mechanisms. Moreover, both are required to have a high class of resistance to hacking (3 or 4), and their mechanisms should be different. Such an approach greatly complicates the work of hackers.
  2. Additional protection. Such simple elements as a chain or night valve should also be neglected. They enhance the protective functions of the structure.
  3. Door hinges. By defining what is the better input metal doors an apartment, you need to pay special attention to this parameter. Hidden loops are good in that they are not visible and cut when hacking is impossible. However, this design significantly increases the cost of the product.
  4. Insulating materials. Without filler, even steel doors of good quality will skip noise and cold. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify what the sash inside is filled. The optimal option is a mineral wool capable of absorbing noise and cold. Even for residential premises, it is good because it does not burn.

Finishing material is important not only purely from aesthetic point of view. It must protect the surface of the metal, to be resistant to external factors, especially for private houses. After all, even the best steel entrance doors will be exposed to sunlight, frost and precipitation. For the apartment it is important that the coating is resistant to minor shocks and scratches.

Buying an iron door for your home - responsible step. The product costs a lot, must last for a long time. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the rating of iron doors to the apartment, all the parameters of the model you like, trust only known brands, which are present for many years on the market, are ready to provide a long warranty on their products.

Metal doors are used to equip apartments, houses. Such products have high strength, wear resistance, do not affect moisture and keep warmly.

When selecting models, pay attention to the security system and technical reliability.

How to choose a metal door

  • The base of the metal door is made of aluminum or steel. Steel structures are stronger, provide high-quality noise and thermal insulation.

Aluminum sheets are light, so they are simply mounted. This material allows you to implement many finishing options.

  • Pay attention to the way to open the door. It is better to choose the designs that open with the left and on the right side. External or internal doors to choose - depends on taste preferences.
  • Consider the technical characteristics of the model, because it will be constantly under mechanical and temperature effects. In order for the product to last your appearance, choose a powder coating or an oak panel trim.
  • The level of noise and thermal insulation is important criteria. As a rule, the metal door is insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam, corrugated cardboard.

For internal filling, the product is best suited for mineral wool, it is environmentally material with high thermal insulation properties. Other materials are cheaper, but can quickly sprinkle.

  • The door must have a reliable system of protection against extraneous penetration. In metal structures, which are used for household purposes, locks 1-4 of classes of burglary are embedded.

By type, the locks are divided into suvalid with increased secrecy and cylinder, which are subject to transcoding in case of loss of keys. As a rule, modern models are equipped with these two locks.

  • Pay attention to the quality of the accessories. It includes door loops, handles, chains, eyes, other decorating elements. The aesthetics and beauty of these details also testifies to the reliability of accessories.

  • Pay attention to the door loops. Do not buy products that are equipped with less than three loops. Consider the design angle of the design: 90, 120, 180 degrees. The higher this indicator, the better.
  • It is better if the model is made of an allotted profile.
  • When choosing a door, specify the thickness of the door canvase. The minimum indicator is 40 mm, but the design will not be protected.

The thickness of the canvas, the more reliable protection and above thermal insulation characteristics. In conditions of harsh winters and constant frosts, the optimal option will be the thickness of 80-90 mm.

  • Pay attention to the sheet thickness, the optimal indicator is 2-3 mm. Do not purchase products with thickness of steel less than 0.5 mm, such structures are subject to the occurrence of dents, have a low operational period.

The thickness of the door box should be twice as much to withstand the fittings.

  • The most vulnerable areas of the door leaf must be sealed with rigidity ribs. This allows you to increase the performance characteristics of the product, reduces the risk of deformation.
  • Please note whether the product is equipped with a bron alphabet, this is a mandatory component of the kit.
  • Choose models with ball loops and antisillars that are attached from the looped.
  • The tightness of the design provides a two-round seal that protects against third-party stencils, drafts and well kept warm.
  • The diameter of locking riggers should be at least 16-18 mm.

    • The design and design of the door depends on your preferences. A popular finish option is plastic panels that are distinguished by wear resistance and impact resistance.

With the help of polymer painting, the design acquires a new color and protective characteristics. Pasta varnish is a type of coating with a high level of stability. The trim tree is the most environmentally friendly and efficient way of decor.

  • When choosing a color, follow your taste, but keep in mind that the dark canvases will continue to maintain a commodity look.
  • It is desirable that all the details of the accessories are made by one manufacturer.
  • The presence of a manganese plate will warn the door drilling.

Best metal door with thermal survey

NORTH Used in conditions of harsh winters, withstands the temperature to -39 degrees, the vulnerabilities are securely sealed with contours. The thickness of the canvas is 80 mm. The design is reliable, since it is equipped with 10 locking points.

Weight model average - 100 kg. Stylish design and beautiful appearance provides polymer-powder coloring model. The door is mounted simply, easily serviced, wear-resistant and durable with proper operation.


  • weight - 100 kg;
  • dimensions - 860 at 2050 (960 to 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuit;
  • 10 locking points;
  • the thickness of the canvas is 80 mm;
  • polymer-powder coloring.


  • the design does not freeze, no land;
  • reliable protective system from penetration;
  • multilayer insulation system;
  • functionality;
  • thermal resistance;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • average weight, transportability;
  • high-quality fittings, reliable fasteners;
  • convenient installation and care of the door.


  • high price.

Best Metal Door with Tolstone

Blights Trio Metal, insulated with mineral wool, thickness - 80 mm. The model is sealed with three contours in places that are rapidly wear out. The loops on the bearings provide opening the door to 180 degrees, the eyes are responsible for a wide review.

Complete to the design go 2 locks and night valve. For interior decoration, a moisture-resistant PVC coating of the color of the white oak is used. Product with reliable protection against hacking, high heat and sound insulation.


  • the thickness of the canvas is 80 mm;
  • dimensions - 2050 at 880 (980) mm;
  • the molecule is filled with mineral wool;
  • three sealing circuit;
  • finishing MDF panel;
  • door with special powder coating;
  • fittings (2 locks, night valve, loop, eye, handle).


  • resistance to mechanical damage and atmospheric influences;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • comfortable equipment, reliable fittings;
  • stylish and high-quality interior and exterior finish.


  • hoofer and large-sized product.

Best Metal Door of Belarusian

Design Veldoors Chocolate Released in two sizes. The door opens on both sides. Beautiful design and high-quality finish with PVC. Easy geometric shapes and dark chocolate color give design elegance and special charm.


  • dimensions - 860 at 2060 (960 at 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuit;
  • filler - Mineral Wool Isover;
  • the coating is a structured MDF panel;
  • accessories (2 loops with bearings, 2 locks, night valve, anti-blank pins).


  • the possibility of opening with the right and left side;
  • environmentally friendly insulation;
  • external and interior of MDF;
  • sealing of vulnerable sections of the metal sheet;
  • the main castle is protected by armored layout;
  • stylish design;
  • high-quality headset.


  • complexity in care;
  • accumulation of dust.

Best Metal Soundproofing Door

Design Leganza Forte. Ideally combines aesthetic appearance and high quality: noise insulation, insulation. Adjustable loops prevent the door canvase seed. A product with reliable protection against hacking, outer finish with powder coating.


  • modular layout;
  • the thickness of the canvas is 60 mm;
  • 5 rigid ribs;
  • double-foc
  • weight - 85-115 kg;
  • the maximum size of the opening is 1020 per 2300 mm;
  • fittings (loops, locks).


  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • castles with transcoding;
  • built-in protection against the most popular methods of hacking;
  • high sound and thermal insulation;
  • equipped with adjustable loops that prevent the sedimentation of the canvas;
  • comfortable and practical design.


  • large door;
  • low transportability.

Best apartment metal door

Design Acron 1. Reliable, wear-resistant, durable. The doors are made of a metal sheet with a thickness of 65 mm, provide good sound insulation. In vulnerable places are compacted by special contours.

Reliable protection provides accessories: loops, locks, anti-removable pins. The door has the main castle of Gardian 10.11 with the second class of burglary.

Mineral wool is used as a filler, the material is environmentally friendly, safe for health.


  • the thickness of the canvas is 65 mm;
  • filler - mineral wool;
  • 2 seal contour;
  • strengthening the canvas in unreliable places;
  • fittings (locks, anticipation pins, loops).


  • burglar resistance;
  • the dense canvas provides excellent noise insulation;
  • reliable fittings;
  • durability and wear resistance;
  • durability subject to the rules of operation;
  • high sound insulation.


  • heavy transported.

Best Metal Door With MDF Finishing

Design Phideo MD10. Webly and large sizes are suitable for registration of entrance and front door of the apartment. Thanks to the built-in stiffeners, the elastic metal sheet becomes reliability and durability.

The door is equipped with a reliable protection system, there are lower and top locks, eyes. Noise and thermal insulation model at the highest level, such a design will bring comfort and comfort to the house. MDF finishing is used to create a natural effect.


  • dimensions - 200 per 80 cm;
  • weight - 70 kg;
  • 2 pyramidal ribs;
  • finishing MDF;
  • amplification of the profile pipe;
  • shippoclezolation of the door rope;
  • accessories (two castle, eye).


  • the design is protected from extraneous penetration;
  • high-quality insulation model;
  • high sound insulation;
  • stiffness ribs provide wear resistance and reliability of the design;
  • MDF finishing brings the model to natural design.


  • weight construction.

Best Metal Door for Private House

Wear-resistant Arma Standard-1 Dense design with two seal contours. For the manufacture of the door, a bent metal profile with rigidity ribs is used. The product is equipped with a cylinder and suvalden castle, eye, chrome color fittings.

Reliable protection against hacking is provided by anti-blank pins. The metal door is painted with powder, counteracts corrosion and mechanical damage. Although the design is heavy, it opens easily and without unnecessary sound effects.


  • the size of the canvas is 880 x 2050 mm;
  • thickness - 80 mm;
  • filler - Mineral Blizzard "URSA GEO";
  • finishing MDF;
  • external powder copper coating;
  • fittings (Sealing contours, loops, pins, night valve).


  • large metal sheet thickness;
  • high noise insulation;
  • high-quality filler, high-quality insulation;
  • reliable protection against hacking;
  • the possibility of opening on both sides;
  • beautiful exterior design, stylish design;
  • comfortable equipment.


  • heavy design.

Best metal door for technical premises

2DP-1C. Installed in buildings and public use places are created from high-quality and wear-resistant materials.

The door is designed to take into account the newest technologies, equipped with reliable protection against hacking and fire resistance. Two types of seals were applied. Stylish design and beautiful finishing powder-polymer coating.


  • dimensions - 1400 per 1000 (2350 per 1750) mm;
  • outer finish by powder-polymer coating;
  • two contours of the rubber seal, thermorable seal;
  • execution of the box (with a threshold and without a threshold, in the lining or in the opening);
  • equipping fire mechanisms;
  • fittings (Rigels, Castles).


  • high technical safety;
  • several design options;
  • high-quality exterior decoration, beautiful design;
  • reliable insulation;
  • supply of fire safety system.


  • pretty heavy design;
  • difficulties in transportation.

Best bivalve metal door

DZ-98. Designed for wide doorways. It is approximately equally distributed to the severity on both parts of the door leaf, so the load on the loop is significantly reduced.

Design durable, wear-resistant and durable. Among the accessories are two castles, eyes with an overview of 180 degrees.


  • type - Parade two-dimensional;
  • dimensions - 2000 per 800 mm;
  • finishing (powder spraying);
  • equipped with top and bottom lock;
  • number of loops (2);
  • insulated mineral wool;
  • equipped with an eye overview 180 degrees.


  • uniform load distribution;
  • reliable penetration protection;
  • wear resistance, durability;
  • stylish design and good finish;
  • the design is insulated;
  • comfortable equipment.


  • suitable only for large opening.

Best metal door with internal opening

DS-7. Designed for installation in office and residential premises. The design is made of an allotted door leaf (two metal sheets, 4 stiffeners). The product is equipped with locks 3 and 4 class of burglar resistance.

Wear-resistant design with two seal contours, warmed by environmentally friendly mineral wool. Stylish design, wide selection for decorative trim. High-quality accessories will give reliable protection, comfort and comfort.


  • 4 stiffeners;
  • dimensions - 2000 at 880 (2100-980) mm;
  • two contours of the seal;
  • the design is insulated with mineral wool;
  • furnitures (loops, eyes, lining, handle).


  • a wide range of decorative finish;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high-quality fittings;
  • insulation of mineral wool;
  • 5 dimensions;
  • design wear-resistant and durable;
  • protection against hacking (3 and 4th grade);
  • durability and reliability.


  • no anti-blank clamps.

Which metal door is better to buy

Compare the basic specifications of the models to find out which of them are suitable for equipping an apartment or home best.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet should be at least 2-3 mm, presented in this ranking of the design correspond to the indicator.
  • We will pay attention to the thickness of the web, there are models with high (80-90 mm) and medium (60-70 mm) parameters. To support the form of a metal sheet, sealing contours and ribs are used.

Among the best doors - North, Trio Metal.

  • An important criterion is the level of heat and noise insulation, which depends on the thickness of the door of the door and the insulation used. All structures from the rating are insulated with an environmentally friendly mineral wool.

Excellent noise insulation has an anti-corrosion model of Leganza Forte.

  • We draw attention to the quality of the fittings: locks, loops, door handles. Buy models Acron 1, Arma Standard-1, they are equipped with the necessary accessories.
  • The security system depends on how much the design is protected from hacking. Products with high-quality protection - Leganza Forte, North, professional-MD10.
  • The finishing of products is diverse, shows the models with powder coating (Leganza Forte) and MDF (TRIo Metal).

All models are distinguished by a stylish design, the most original is the Veldoors chocolate.

So, among the best models - North, Trio Metal, Veldoors Chocolate, Leganza Forte. These are products with high wear resistance of a metal sheet, a good seal and insulation, a reliable protection system and a good exterior.