What is better to lay the insulation on the roof. Important nuances of roof insulation

How to insulate the roof with your own hands? First of all, let's talk about the roof parameters that are responsible for its thermal insulation qualities. One of the mains is the presence of insulating "cake" - a multilayer structure that does not allow heat to leave the structure.

What to pay attention to the selection of materials?

What to insulate the roof of a private house? What characteristics and dimensions of the insulation for the roof should be?

Thermal insulation materials are characterized by:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • density;
  • ability to absorb water;
  • combustion;
  • environmental safety.

These parameters must be focused when choosing insulating materials. Talk about them a little more.

The thermal conductivity coefficient (thermal conductivity) in the case of insulation should have the smallest of possible values \u200b\u200b- it is it that determines the insulating quality of the materials. The low value of this parameter indicates the material ability to restrain the heat.

The density of the insulating material, that is, its mass in the amount of 1 m 3 (I remember who forgot, the school course of physics) determines the weight load on the rapid support-rapid roof system, walls and, respectively, for the foundation of the structure.

The absorption coefficient of moisture in the insulation the roofs should also be minimally low. Since most of the heat insulating materials, in their injection, moisture lose their heat-insulating qualities, which reduces the effectiveness of all roof insulation works. Therefore, to waterproofing and vaporizolation of the insulation material, it is necessary to approach with full responsibility and seriousness. And the insulation material must have high moisture resistance - in other words, the low ability of moisture absorption.

Flaming - determines the tendency of material to light fire and maintain the combustion process. Naturally, it is necessary to use low flammability materials, in order to avoid the possibility of "one-time heating" from the roof of the building.

Today it is fashionable to talk about the environmental safety of the material. This applies to the insulation of the roofs. After all, even the minor allocations of the human health are "multiplied" for a considerable time of staying in the building can significantly reduce the time of staying this person in full health.

Let's summarize the results! So what kind of roof is better? We answer: the material must have low thermal conductivity at high moisture resistance, have sufficient mechanical strength, not to maintain burning and be safe for human health! Like this! All know? We go to the building supermarket!

What insulation to choose for the roof in the store?

Today's condition of the building materials market allows you to lose in it even by a specialist. The "counter" of insulating materials for the roof is more "narrow", but still for orientation in it you need to know at least the main types of insulation. This will help you easier to communicate, both and the seller-consultant, and with masters, if you decide to resort to their services on the organization of roofing work.

As part of the insulation of the roof, we will focus on:

  • minvat (Mineral Wat);
  • glassware;
  • foam (polystyrene foam);
  • and also talk about polystyrene fiber extrusion.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool (Minvata) is a fibrous material obtained by melt and spraying minerals of mountainous origin. Due to its fibrous structure, such mineral wool is an excellent thermal insulation material.

This material is supplied to the place of work or in the form of rolls, or in the form of plates. This material has a sufficiently high density, which in some samples reaches 200 kg / m 3.

With the financial condition, mineral wool can be called "budget insulation" - both the material itself and the prices for work on its installation are quite "democratic".


From the point of view of the operational functionality of the glass gamble is similar to mineral wool. Raw materials for its production are the waste of glass production. When it is selected, the indicators discussed above should be explored and choose the best option.

Attention! Be careful! Working with glass wool must be carried out in a protective suit with compliance with safety regulations when working with a glass gamble, which can harm health while performing work with it.

And in general, the use of glass gambles can qualitatively and for a long time to solve the roof insulation issue.


The use of foam plastic as a heater is determined by its cellular structure. This material formed by the foamed polymer material is frozen in such a state. The density of the foam is quite low, which is complete with high thermal insulating qualities, determines the popularity of the use of this material. Polyfoam also has good sound insulation parameters. Polyfoam is performed only in the form of plates of various thickness and different density. The price of this material is the lowest from the value of all listed materials.

Extrusion (extruded) polystyrene foam

Extruded expanded polystyrene has a "related" chemical composition, but incomparably higher performance characteristics in the field of thermal insulation.

This is due to the fundamentally different technological processes of their production. If the production of foam plastic is a multiple "steaming" by water vapor polystyrene granules placed in a block form. Granules are repeatedly increasing in the amount until they take the entire form, as a result of which they are "sintered". But with increasing the granules also increase the micropores on their surface.

This leads to a weakening of bonds between polyfoam granules over time, and especially under the influence of the environment. As a result, the material may crumble on the granules under the influence of the slightest mechanical effort. Weak bonds between the granules also explain the "fragility" of the material during deformation on the break.

Extruded expanded polystyrene is deprived of such flaws. In the process of manufacture in extruder, the entire amount of raw materials is first heated to the melting point, a homogeneous mass is formed, which is subjected to further transformation. The result of the process is a durable microporous structure of closed cells filled with gas, interconnected by molecular bonds. The "closeness" of cells determines the waterproof and the steam-resistant of such polystyrene at high thermal insulation parameters.

Thermal insulation materials - compare a little ...

What is better to insulate the roof of the house? You decide…

Crescent materials, in contrast to foam and expanded polystyrene, also good sound insulators.

But, at the same time, mineral wool is strongly affected by moisture. If the insulation does absorb moisture up to 2% of their mass, it will lose up to 50% of its effectiveness. Therefore, such heat-insulating material requires increased attention in terms of organizing waterproofing and vaporizolation.

Attention! When buying, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging - you can buy already "moisturized" mineral wool.

It should also be understood that the wool's fibers themselves hydrophobic (repel the cotton), but being "in the body" of cotton material, they form a micropustrot, where and "absorb" very well moisture. Pay attention not to the hydrophobicity of the wool, but on this parameter, like moisture resistance.

The combustibility of the material also needs to be considered. It is desirable to use materials with a gramifications class G1. The materials of this group in the elimination of the source of ignition themselves will appear.

What insulation to choose for the roof? Suitable for you by budget, installation possibilities and the desired effect.

Warming roof mineral wool

Before heating the roof of the mineral wool, it is necessary to calculate the roof insulation and determine the method of its installation: from above (in the absence of roofing) or from the inside.

The first method, in our opinion, is preferable, as it provides the ability to more convenient access to the rafting roof construction.

Heaters made of mineral wool are quite elastic materials, which makes it possible to mount the "rotary" from easily, cutting off the width by 2-3 cm more than the distance between the rafters.

The design of the roofing "cake" is as follows:

Depending on the material used for waterproofing distinguish two options for its installation:

Consider the option of external installation of thermal insulation for the roof during its erection. As a waterproofer, the diffusion waterproofing membrane FAKRO EUROTOP N35 was used with an indicator of vapor permeability of 1300 g / m 2 per day. This material can be calmly placed on the surface of the insulation, which makes it easily mounting the insulation slabs.

Mineral wool manufactured by Technoniscol was used as thermal insulation material.

Sequence of work and how to properly insulate the roof of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Attention! This article discussed as an example high-altitude work on the warming of the roof. We recommend that you follow the safety equipment and use safety equipment!

1. We put one row of waterproofing membrane on the sink of the roof by fixing it with a stapler.

2. On top of the labeling film on the rafters, we break through the counterproof (25x40 mm) 66 cm long. Such a length of the counterrevaries will allow conveniently consolidating the first rows of the crate, being on the roof itself.

3. Focusing on the edges of the rafter, we screw the first label of the crate, which should be the thickness of all other (30x30 mm, 30x50 mm or 30x100 mm) in the thickness of 10-15 mm thick.

It is dictated by the fact that the edge of the sheet metal tile will not lie on the crest of the wave, and will fall on the plane. To compensate for the discrepancy of heights, the first rake and take thicker.

4. Each subsequent lamination timber must defend from the previous one by 350 mm (the wavelength of the metal tile).

5. Now that there are 3-4 rows of crates, and they can be used to move on the roof, go to the "internal" work. From the inside, we break through the water-insulating film of the membrane type with a stapler, and on top of it screw the inner crate, which will serve as a support for the heat-insulating material.

6. We put the layers of mineral wool from the outside of the roof. In this case, two layers of the insulation are used, so when it is laying it is necessary to use the displacement of the joints.

Well-calcined and high-quality mounted rafter system, durable, reliable, not flowing roofing - all this is wonderful. But it is impossible to forget about one thing - about the effective thermal insulation of its housing from the top direction, that is, from the side of the roof and the attic overlap. Insufficient or incorrectly executed insulation of these elements of the building becomes not only the cause of little comfortable living conditions in the house, but also, especially important, dramatically reduces the normal service life of many building materials and structures constructed.

Usually, the problems of thermal insulation of the roof are thought out at the stages of designing a rafter system or attic floors, and the insulation system itself is mounted in parallel with the maintenance of construction. But if suddenly, by virtue of certain circumstances, it turns out that the roof in the acquired, for example, the house is completely not insulated, or the effectiveness of thermal insulation is clearly insufficient, the owners will have to go close to this issue on their own. Then it is useful for how to insulate the roof of the house with your own hands, given in this publication.

What is needed to warm the roof?

First of all, you need to represent very accurately - how important the need for the roof insulation outside or inside.

  • The climatic conditions in most regions of Russia can not be called "soft" - even in the southern regions, very severe winters often fall. The cost of heating during the cold period of the year is usually becoming prevalent, and "eat" a considerable part of the family budget. But with poor-quality insulation, spending on energy transforms are literally in "Money on the air".

Look at the approximate scheme of heat losses not insulated or insufficiently insulated private house:

Having effective thermal insulation roof with a roof is simply "stealing" almost a third energy consumption spent on the heating of housing. Of course, no one can even go about any economy. But even with this, completely unjustified expenditure of funds, it will be almost impossible to create a truly comfortable microclimate in the house.

  • With the arrival of summer heat, the lack of thermal insulation also turns into a serious problem. A large roof area works as a kind of "solar collector", distinguished by the sun and transmitting this flow of thermal energy down, in the room at home. As a result - in the rooms of the years there is nothing to breathe, or the climate technique works with increased intensity, which, again, leads to completely unjustified costs.
  • The absence of thermal insulation is the most negative effect on the state of building structures. The usual human activity is always accompanied by the release of large volumes of water vapor, which on the border of heat and cold, in the so-called "dew point" condenses, turning into water. The oversaturation of the wooden parts design of the roof of moisture leads to the activation of rotting processes, to the destructiveness of wood due to the cycles of freezing and thawing with the adoption of deep cracks, to the appearance and development of the colonies of pathogenic microflora - mold and fungus, to the appearance of insect nests.

During the construction or repair of a private house, the roof improvement is one of the most important stages. If it is incorrectly designing, the precipitates will accumulate on it, which will be an excessive load and will contribute to damaging the roofing material. If it is incorrect to put the roof, then moisture will fall into the seams and over time it will go to the house, and if you do not insulate the roof from the inside, the cold air will quickly get into the room and will not give it to hardly warm it with any means, that is, live in such conditions The year will be impossible.

Physical factors: Impact

Any house that is used under housing must meet certain requirements in order to live in it, it was cozy and comfortable. It is important to properly lay the foundation so that the house does not give a shrinkage and did not crack, insulate it and build a roof. The selection of the coating is very important, since it depends on it, which applies to the house, time to perform work on overlapping and cost. Among all this, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of the inner side of the roof so that the construction of the house remains as reliable as possible, and the tenants felt comfortable at any time of the year.

In different climatic conditions, a variety of factors affect the construction.

For our latitudes will be characteristic:

  • rain precipitation;
  • snow, cereals and similar phenomena;
  • hail;
  • roof icing;
  • active sun;
  • strong wind.

To withstand all these negative factors, the roof must be covered with sufficiently dense materials, which will be able to securely protect the house for many years.

A private house is a design that consists of the main floor and the attic. If the roof is not insulated, then the ceiling takes up to 15% of the heat from the room in the cold time, which causes the need to raise the rooms. In addition, having a warmed attic, this space, if you wish, you can make a residential and use as a certain destination room. In a large family, this is the perfect option.

Processes inside

In order to properly warm the private house and make the roof with a full-fledged protective mechanism for both the main premises and for the attic, you need to be able to correctly choose a material for insulation. Typically, the selection occurs based on the physical processes occurring inside, under the roof.

Most important include several.

  • Heat exchangewhich occurs as a result of different temperatures in the house and beyond. If the roof is not insulated, then part of the heat leaves through the roof, and the insulation prevents this process and retains the optimal indices indoor indicators.
  • Moisture exchangewhich arises from the person himself, his breathing, evaporation from body temperature to cooking processes, when the pairs rise to the ceiling, carrying moisture particles that are derived through the roof. If the roof is insulated, the level of humidity remains optimal, and unnecessary smells can be removed using ventilation.

When the roof insulation can be removed from the temperature drops inside the room, because the insulation has its own temperature, which is often slightly higher than that on the street, and does not give the heat of the building to outward, which will relieve the need for additional heating, which requires reserve financial resources.

The insulating layer helps to avoid condensatewhich is formed when hot and cold air contacts, because styling it together with the insulation will help preserve its appearance and efficiency. Properly performed works increase the service life of the construction almost twice and minimize the need for repair work every year.

Necessity or whim?

A private house often has a scope roof that forms an attic space on top of the main residential floor. If there is no insulation, then living in such conditions will be very uncomfortable due to the lack of heat in the cold season. If the attic is made in the form of a residential floor - the same attic, then the process of insulation must be mandatory.

Any roofing material will not be able to protect the way the foam, mineral wool or other type of coatings. In addition to the insulation itself, it is important to use a vapor barrier film that can cope with all sorts of evaporation.

If you ignore the installation of the insulating coating, except the cold in the house, problems with a rapid roof system will very soon begin, which will vote and the risk of collapse. The same effect can be observed with incorrect installation technology or inaccurate selection of insulation. If it is incorrect to choose the thickness of the insulation, then instead of protection there will be an opposite effect. Under normal conditions, the temperature difference is carried out from condensate, heat output, which makes it possible to feel comfortable in any weather.

If the thickness is broken and the thin insulation is selected, then it will form an excessively large amount of condensate, which will contribute to rapid rafters and disruption of the microclimate of the room.

Failure to comply with the norms are dangerous and for health, and for safetySince the roof design can collapse. The choice of material that needs to be insulated depends on the most diverse factors that it is important to take into account in order to be able to independently install what you need. If difficulties arise with the choice of insulation or its installation, it is better to contact professionals and get comprehensive consultation and installation assistance.

"Pie" roof: what is he?

Properly designed roof involves a large number of layers of various materials, which are superimposed on each other, which resembles a pie - from here and such a name. The basis of the construction "cake" is rafters that are already laying all the other layers.

To put all the layers correctly, it is important to know their correct sequence that looks like this:

  • Roof.
  • The lamp on which the installation of finishing materials will be made. Locked may be skidding or with gaps.
  • Controlling in the form of bars, which serves to ventilate the space under the roof itself.
  • Film for waterproofing.
  • Materials for thermal insulation.
  • Layer of material for vapor barrier.
  • Creating a crate where insulating materials and internal lining are mounted.
  • Material for internal sheat.

If you put "pie" correctly, you can avoid the loss of heat from the residential premises in the cold season, and it will also help with overheating space in a strong heat. The waterproofing layer will contribute to the protection of the insulation from the moisture coming from the outside, and the vaporizolation layer will protect against various types of evaporation.

Scope roof - a fairly common typeTherefore, it will not be difficult for her to choose all the necessary materials. The positive point of high attics is the convenience of work on their insulation and the ability to equip a full living space.

Without additional work, it will be extremely unpleasant in it - in winter it is very cold, and in the summer too hot.

Requirements for materials and their functions

For quality work, it is necessary to choose the correct materials. It is from them that will depend on how accurately it will work out to make comfortable conditions for living and protect the roof support. The choice will depend on the region of the arrangement of the construction, its values, appointments, as well as funds that are on the purchase of materials.

There are four main methods of insulation.

  • Use of mineral woolWhat is the most frequently used material due to its properties. It is best to acquire a basalt variety. In the store it is advisable to get a quality certificate to know exactly what products are safe and meets all standards and standards. There are varieties having a lighter weight, they are suitable for working in the conditions of independent insulation of the room. The positive qualities of the wool can be considered a non-combustible composition and repulsion of moisture, which corresponds to the main task of this layer. In addition, it does not like rodents, and therefore it is possible to not worry that someone can get into the house, especially on the roof.

Of the minuses, it can be noted quite high cost, but it is completely compensated by positive parties.

  • Application glass gambles. Some time ago, this material was considered the main for the insulation of the roof, but because of some dangerous properties, she very soon found more secure analogs. The heat insulation is not bad glass gamble, and efficiency is very high. While working with such material it is very important to comply with all safety rules, namely to use a protective suit, gloves, glasses. It is important to close the nasopharynx and eyes so that they do not get pieces of glass dust.

People with allergies will not be able to live in such a house, so you need to be able to correctly choose the type of inner insulation.

  • Polymeric roof insulation- These are special tiles of foam and expanded polystyrene. They have both advantages and disadvantages. This is an inexpensive version, therefore, it can afford anyone, but if you understand in the minuses, it is worth thinking about the acquisition of such insulation. These materials are very easily ignited, and when burning, a large amount of smoke comes from them, which is very dangerous for a person.

Usually it is resorted to such a type in the case when other options cannot be used.

  • Warming with clay. This material is very often used for floor insulation and has good thermal insulation properties, but it is very difficult to apply it for the roof due to severe installation. Usually, only experienced workers can cope with it to make the inner warming of the ceiling in the house.

If we consider alternative options, they allocate polyurethane foam, which can be used in two states - in the form of plates and foam. Plates for the arrangement of the ceiling is preferably not taken, because it is inconvenient to work with them and they have a very high cost. At the same time, liquid or foamed polyurethane is easy to apply and has several advantages. With it, you can fill out the voids of any forms and dimensions, the slots and lines of the openings are very well clogged. If the rest of the materials need to cut and seek the maximum fit, then in this case the foam itself falls, the main thing is to distribute it correctly and smoothly.

Very convenient to use foam for roofing from slate or broken structuresWhen there are many different differences on the roof and the framework has significant differences. Another significant advantage can be considered autonomy from hydro and thermal insulation, which are not needed for polyurethane foam. In addition, the material has excellent performance in combating flammability, which ensures the safety of the house.

How to choose?

When choosing material for insulation, it is important to understand what exactly is worth paying attention to which indicators will play a decisive role in the selection of one or another type.

The main criteria are:

  • Material mass. The heavy insulation will serve as an additional mass on the house itself, which will affect both the roof rafters, and on the construction as a whole. If the house is built from high-quality brick or foam blocks, then enhanced insulation can be allowed, but in this case you need to make rafters more powerful so that they can withstand a lot of weight.
  • The thermal conductivity indicator. The lower the numbers, the better for the roofing material. If the indicator is approximately 0.04 W / m * C, it will be the best option.
  • An indicator of resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.
  • The density of the material that affects the heat transfer of the material. If the density is low, the insulation porosity increases, which reduces thermal conductivity and leads to an increase in thermal insulation properties.

  • Ability to absorb moisture. In order to push moisture, any insulation can be treated with a hydrophobic substance. Some materials are already sold with such impregnation.
  • Flavoring indicators, which is an essential factor for the arrangement of the roof.
  • The ability to oppose the low temperature level.
  • Resistance to the effects of chemical elements.
  • Ecology material.

Having considered all these indicators, the most optimal option will be the use of mineral and glass gamble. Sold glass and mineral wool in the form of rolls or plates. Minvata insulation is safer, because it is more resistant to ignition.

If we consider modern insulation, the most progressive technology will be the cover of the roof by a fooflex. This is a durable and easy unit that can be easily installed on any surface, be it wall or ceiling. Cut the desired piece can be conventional knife.

In addition, the distinctive are the conditions for storing a foam, which can be on the street at any temperature, but it is better that it was packaging.

It is convenient to use polystyrene, which is also called penplex, in rooms with unfavorable conditions, because it is not afraid of them, it will also begin to develop a variety of microorganisms. A very important feature is the environmental friendliness of this insulation. It does not distinguish any harmful odors and evaporation and is completely harmless for both adults and children.


For insulation procedures, it is important to clearly understand what the roof will have to work. Correctly determining the order of work, you can quickly and efficient the roof warming. It is worth considering the materials that will be at hand while working. It is important to understand clearly for yourself what exactly to work and what to do.

If the process of insulation has become fully understood, it is possible to cope with absolutely with any roof, be something from a rural house or a large villa by the sea. In order to carry out insulating work, it is important to prepare the roof itself to this.

For this there is a certain procedure that includes:

  • inspection of the rafter system so that you can reveal the spoiled boards in time and replace them;
  • processing of wooden structures by antiseptic;
  • checking communications if they are located under the roof. It concerns the pipeline and wiring.

As soon as the roof is ready, you need to check the availability of all materials, with which insulation will be insulated, prepare tools, and only after that you can work. The workflow has its own rules and patterns that you need to know not to make mistakes and get a good and qualitative result.

Step-by-step process: how to make?

So that work passed quickly and efficiently, it is important to prepare well, read articles on the topic, watch videos to visually see what and why it is done in the process of work on the inner warming of the roof.

The work algorithm is reduced to four points.

  • Mounting the waterproofing layer. This task should be performed at the moment of coating with roofing material. Waterproofing is mounted on the rafters so that there is a small sagging. A slate house involves laying this material immediately to isolation. It is important to properly put waterproofing - its smooth side must be top. Strips of the material need to be sealed with the help of tape so that the slots are not formed over time. Only then after that, the castlers are stuffed to the rafters, which will be installed by the crate. On ready-made boards and need to lay roofing material.
  • Installation of thermal insulation. It is important to choose the heat insulating mat with the necessary thickness, and put it between the rafters. The material is placed in the strut or on the black binder, which is made of small widths, fishing line and ropes that are attached with nails to rafters. Thermal insulation mats occupy free space, and extra pieces are cut.

If you need to warm up the room as much as possible, the mats fit, shifting every side towards.

  • Placing a vapor insulating layer.This material consists of a smooth side, which is placed to the insulation, and more rough, which is directed to the building itself and performs the fence of steam discharge from the room. Laying such a film is an important point for its full-fledged work. The installation process occurs with a stapler. In this case, you can do without a counterclaim, but all the joints are important to cry with the help of a scotch.
  • The process of installing profiles and guide bars.These materials serve as the basis for mounting decorative elements and ventilation, which is necessary for proper insulation.

The technology of work will be similar, whether it is a cottage, where there is a flat overlap in the house, or a large country house, where the row roof is built. The right choice of materials and installation in the desired sequence will give the necessary result.

Cearsal overlaps

Choosing insulation for the attic overlap, it is necessary to take into account its heat shield, strength and sustainable qualities with respect to adverse events of the external environment. It is important to take into account the type of overlap, the material from which it is done. Concrete with wood has its own features.

The process of installing the insulation depends on the materialIf this is mineral wool, it is better to use thick layers (about 20 cm), but if there is a desire to create increased thermal insulation, you can increase the thickness of up to 30 cm. Wool laying occurs only after vaporizolation was placed. It is best to be flat under the overlap of the board or timber, so that they do not absorb moisture and not rot. If it was not possible to put a solid piece of vapor barrier, it should be glued to scotch.

After that, work begins with the insulation, which is placed in a wooden frame so as to fill all the free places. As soon as mineral wool was placed, the waterproofing is underway from above, which does not allow you to absorb extra cotton. It is especially important to do that if the next step is to fill concrete when 2 floor is planned in the construction. Instead of concrete, you can make flooring from OSB-plates. That is how the attic can be insulated and, if you wish to make it a residential room.


It is possible to insulate the skates in various ways, the choice of which depends on the construction of the rafter, their heights and the skills of the one who will work with the surface.

There are only three options as you can insulate a scope roof:

  • with thermal insulation, which is located between the rafters, the frame must be closed with insulation;
  • with thermal insulation between and above rafters, the framework wrap from all sides by insulation;
  • with thermal insulation between and under rafyles, the frame is not insulated.

The insulation of the pitched roof is best carried out with the help of matte from mineral wool or with the base of fiberglass. The roof mounting can be made both from the inside and outside. Only layers and their laying order will differ. In the internal works, the roof is insulated using the waterproofing layer, to which the insulation material itself is already stacked, and after that a vapor barrier tape is tensioned.

The broken roof is a special design that you want to be able to warm correctly, especially if the whole procedure is performed with your own hands. Knowing the technology and the correct location of the layers, you can get a qualitatively performed roofing coating, which will protect the house from the loss of heat and penetration of moisture and will help create inside a comfortable microclimate.

Flat Roof: Work Features

If there is a need to warm the flat roof, then the installation of the appropriate materials is often produced after the roof is installed. Work is carried out inside the premises, and after their completion, the height of the ceilings is significantly reduced, which is a tangible disadvantage with all other advantages.

Before starting work, it is important to think about the attic room will be covered.

Warm flat roof by stinging bars over the entire length of the roomAfter which they need to be divided into squares, in which the heat-insulating material will be placed. It is possible to hold it in cells with a cord or gluing to the surface, which is less desirable. The cord can be removed when all the gaps are closed by foam, which will hold the insulation in place.

The first layer should always be the thermal insulation layer, and the last - vapor insulation, which in the amount will give the necessary result of the dry and warm roof. If you do not use protective layers, then the insulation is very soon to come into disrepair and stop performing its functions.

When work with insulation is over, you need to pay attention to the wiring. If it is present there, only after that, proceed to the installation of lamps and decorative decoration.

If the attic is represented as a large and cold room, you can use the insulation of various kinds, after which it will be possible to live in this room. You can lay thermal insulation material as during the construction of the roof and after that. If the roof is already covered with slate or other material, then work is made from the inside, which changes the location of the layers during laying insulation.

The built house should be not only beautiful, but also functional, reliable and with a long service life. But, for each person, the issue of heat in the house is important. Quite a lot of money leaves for insulation. And few people know that the house should not be missed, but to keep it warm. After all, a lot of heat loss occurs through the walls, windows and doors, as well as the roof. The largest amount of heat takes exactly through the roof. Therefore, the question of warming the roof is very acute.

And how to insulate the roof? What material is better to use? From this article, you will learn answers to these questions. In addition, we will provide additional videos that will facilitate the task.

Questions regarding types of roofing

If we talk about the principle of the insulation of the roof of buildings, then everything comes down to two issues:

  1. What to insulate the roof of the private house.
  2. How to insulate the roof of a private house.

It is worth starting with the fact that the roofs are different:

For each type of roof there is a method that is better to warm the house. The traditional form for our location is a single or duct roof. Sometimes you can find a flat surface. Standard roof is made in the form of an inaccessible triangle. Thus, build houses are much more convenient. In addition, the bartal roof has a lot of functional advantages:

  1. Excellent rigidity and resistance to different weather phenomena.
  2. In the harsh winter conditions, the snow does not grow, but rolls off the roof.
  3. Thanks to such a design, heat is preserved better.

Since most of the roofs of private houses are made this way, we will look at how to insulate them.

Materials for insulation

If earlier the choice was small, then today in stores there are full of different materials that can be insulated with a roof in a private house. All of them have their pros and cons. To select one of them, you need to find out the parameters that the insulation must match.

  1. Security and environmental cleanliness. Heating, the insulation should not be released toxic substances that are harmful to humans.
  2. Refractory is important. The perfect is the material that is not smoldering and not Corps.
  3. The material must be hygroscopic, not absorbed moisture. The roof can occur, so when wetting some materials lose their heat insulating properties. It is covered with mold and rot.
  4. If the attic will be used as a residential space (attic), then the indicator of noise insulation is important. Since during the rain stay in the attic will be uncomfortable. This is especially important if the roof is covered with metal tile, a professional flooring or another metal product. They are very noisy.
  5. Mass of insulating material. What it is lower, the better. The thing is that the material has a load on the entire design. And add a layer of snow in winter and wind strength. The roof may not withstand. Yes, and lifting heavy slabs is not entirely convenient.
  6. The most important is thermal insulation properties. The material should be well held heat, without releasing it. The conductivity of heat should be minimal.

The most common materials for the insulation of the roof, this is:

According to the criteria, the best can be called two material: mineral wool and PPU sheets with a thickness of 15-20 mm. Nevertheless, the solution than to insulate the roof in a private house from the inside, for you.

Tip! Mineral wool during wetting loses its properties. If you decide to use it, you need to take care of good hydro and vaporizolation.

Roof insulation rules

When you chose the material, you need to prepare it. It is important to put the material between the rafted so that it is tightly, and there is no cracks. To do this, markup is made, the material is rolled exactly. In addition, you need to perform vapor barrier. What the right roofing pie looks like, can be seen in the photo below.

While the work did not start, you need to carefully check the rafters. They should not be rotten, and the roof should not proceed. Since all work is performed at the height, do not neglect the safety rules. Carefully learn the instruction provided by the insulation manufacturer.

Technology insulation roofing

If you have a finished doom, then further work will be performed quickly and easily. The thing is that the insulation layer needs to be installed in the space between the rafters. For this, you need to measure its width. Cut the material according to the calculations. The insulation should be good in space without forming any cracks. The material even without additional attachment should be well fixed.

If the roof is old, it is important to ensure its waterproofing. There are special membrane fabrics that are fixed on top to the crate with a construction stapler. Plates are bought over top.

Now you need to fix the insulation. This can be done in two ways: an additional crate or stretched wire. If this is a attic, then everything is squeezed by OSB plates.

Tip! Do not forget after the insulation layer to make a vapor insulating layer. This film is attached to the rafters just like waterproofing. It needs to be attached to the flashes about 10 cm.

Only after that the roof can be seen by plasterboard or OSB plates. In the theory, everything is simple, but in practice will have to work hard.

Warming with rolled materials

It is important to understand that there are different materials. For example, glass gamble or mineral wool can be sold in rolls. In this case, the principle of insulation is the same, but is slightly different.

We offer you to watch the video, how to insulate the roof of mineral or glass.

Warming with plates

As for tile materials, there's nothing complicated here too. You will not need special equipment to work. The process is fast and easy.

How exactly can be insulated the roof of the foam, or the foamed PPU can be seen from the video.

Warming by spraying

In addition, there are sprayed materials. This is where the process of insulation is a bit more complicated. The whole thing is that for its embodiment, a special unit, spraying foamizol or PPU on the surface, will be required.

But but, this method is the best in the sense that the monolithic layer is created, which does not miss the cold. In this way, the house will be very warm. Yes, and the PPU opposes moisture well, not missing it and without losing their properties. To see how you can perform the insulation of the roof of the house with your own hands by this method, look this video.

To understand how to insulate the roof of the house, you need to know how it is arranged, the features of its design and operation. Only for a flat roof, the domestic company TECHNONIKOL offers almost forty schemes for technical solutions. For the scope roofing such solutions less, but there are different options here. And if you consider that this company is not the only one who makes roofing materials, and each other has its own accumulated schemes, then the unprofessional can be confused. But regardless of the technical nuances and features of the materials, the principles of the insulation of the roof of the general.

Source Postroikado.ru.

Principles of insulation

There are two large roof design classes: flat and scope (or attic). And if we talk about functions, they are also two: protection against atmospheric phenomena and thermal insulation.

In the flat roof, both functions are combined in one "pie", which has the following location of the layers: overlapping, thermal insulation, roofing coating.

The insulation of the pitched roof can have three fundamentally different options:

    cold attic with insulated overlap;

    exploited Or a residential attic with insulated roof:

    combined Roof with a warm outlined attic of the mansard.

But independently of the design and location of thermal insulation, all circuits have a common fundamental rule how to properly insulate the roof of the house - from the heat of the warm room, the insulation must be closed with a solid and inseparable layer of vapor barrier materials. And the design itself should provide weathelation from the insulation of moisture.

There are two main reasons for the protection of the insulation from wetting - the loss of thermal insulation properties and an increase in the weight of the roofing cake. And if the loss of thermal insulation properties, in addition to discomfort, does not face anything serious, the excessive increase in the load on the carrying structure of the roof can lead to its collapse. In addition, vapor barrier in the pitched roof protects the wooden structural elements from rotting and loss of carrier properties.

Source introi.com.ua

Flat roof insulation

Flat roof insulation technology depends on overlapping materials and features of operation.

Flat wooden roof insulation

Usually flat wooden roofs are considered as a "sign" of a frame house. It is this scope of application that even in the "branded" description of roofing systems of thermal and waterproofing materials of TechnoNIKol. But in brick houses, a wooden flat roof is not uncommon, since with a relatively small weight of the structure you can provide sufficient rigidity and strength of the roof of a low-rise structure.

Source NewsPasky.ru.

The insulation scheme looks like this:

    Base. Moisture-resistant OSB plate (class 3 or 4).

    Parosolation film. Ensure with overlap the bands by 15-20 cm along the long side and in short (when building length). On the perimeter, vaporizolation should rise to parapet and adjacent surfaces on the same 15-20 cm. Polymer-bitumen vapor insulation films to the base are fixed with glue or telescopic fasteners (together with thermal insulation). Polypropylene or polyethylene film can be arranged without mounting to the base, fixing it around the perimeter to the walls of the adjacent surfaces using a self-adhesive ribbon tape.

    Insulation on the roof of the house. Three types of materials can be used for thermal insulation of a flat roof: stone wool mats, extruded expanded polystyrene foam, strict plates of polysocyanurate.


Perhaps the most common example of a flat warmed roof on wooden overlap can be called a terrace with exit from the second floor. But in this case, the design of the roofing pie on its device is closer to the insulated overlapping of a cold attic.

Source plotnikov-pub.ru.
On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

As a roofing coating of flat roofs, rolled waterproofing materials are used, which allow you to perform a solid and non-dissolving top layer. But, as in the insulation of the pitched roof, the waterproofing layer must be "breathing." There are two main variants of the device breathable flat roof:

    application polymer membranes with high mechanical strength and resistance to direct exposure to ultraviolet;

    two-layer bituminous coating - Top of the pressing rolled insulation, bottom of the substrate with ventilated channels (for example, VENT uniflex).

Source ziko55.ru.

It can be attributed to the dignity of a wooden flat roof that a small bias is satisfied with the position of the ceiling beams. And it needs even a flat roof for removing precipitation in the drain.

Flat roof insulation on concrete overlap

This type of insulated flat roof accounts for most of the options for roofing cake.

Start with the fact that there are non-exploit and exploited flat roofs. Moreover, "Operation" can wear a completely different character - from the terrace as a recreation area to the arrangement of the so-called "green roof".

Source Mountainscholar.org.

If you do not take into account different options for roofing, then on the concrete overlap, the same sequence of layers is used as on a wooden one, except for one nuance - an elongation organization for precipitation to the external or internal waterproof system. And here can be used by several solutions:

    device overlapping a screed with a slope;

    a device for a concrete base of a bulk incinerating layer of a clay, separated from the warmed roofing pie with a reinforced tie;

    a device of a bulk incinerating layer of clay on a layer of extruded polystyrene foam or mineral wool, followed by styling a screed and roofing;

    the device of the bias-forming layer from special plates or mattes of thermal insulation, in which one surface is located relative to the other with a slope.

Source Membrano.ru.

Hearth overlapping a pitched roof with a cold attic

The insulation of the pitched roof with a cold attic occurs on the overlap. And depending on the material overlap, the scheme is slightly different.

Warming on concrete overlap attic

The layout layout scheme partially resembles the insulation of the floor of the first floor:

    The overlap displaced the layer of vapor barrier (bands of the mustache, with the sizing joints and the adjoints to the enclosing surfaces).

    Install the lags (crate) for laying the heat insulating layer.

    Place heat insulation. Typically, non-combustible materials are used as thermal insulation for the roof of the house - stone wool mats or bulk clay.

    Layer waterproofing layer with high vapor permeability. According to the standard, laying a strip 1 m wide from the overlap crossing line with outer walls. With the insulation of the overlap of the attic of a private house come easier - laid the waterproofing membrane throughout the area.

    The lags fasten the remote bar (needed for ventilated gap).

    Mount the floor of the attic.

Source domir.com.ua

Wooden Warming Cold Attic

Wooden overlapping insulation diagram is fundamentally different in the location of vapor barrier. The playproof film is fixed not on the beams of overlapping from above, but beaten below.

Video Description

How to properly make hydro and vaporizoation of the insulation of the overlapping of a cold attic, see the following video:

If you do vice versa, then the pairs of water of warm air will penetrate into the pores of the wood, and they will not be able to weathelate - the steamproof barrier is worth it. This will lead to the wetting of the wooden elements of the supporting design and no processing of antiseptics will save wood from overcoating and rotting.

Wooden overlap of a cold attic insulation scheme looks like this:

    From the side of the room - vaporizolation, on top of which a lamp is naked for decorative ceiling decoration. Steamer can be several species: simple film, with an anti-condensate surface, with reflective (reflex) surface. In addition to the protection of thermal insulation from wetting, it protects the room from inside the particles of the insulation.

    Heat insulation between beams - stone wool mats or clayzit.

    Layer of waterproofing superdiffusion membrane.

    Remote plank.

    Outdoor coverage of the attic.


Insulation of pitched roofing

This kind of roof insulation of the house is used to arrange an attic or if engineering equipment is installed in the attic (for example, a hydroaccumulator, an expansion tank, fan coil or ventilation system recuperator).

Standard roof insulation technology has such a scheme:

    On the rafting legs are puffed up upwards with a waterproofing superdiffusion membrane. Vertical joints when building a membrane in length should be with the allen and fall on the rafter. Subsequently, the lower edge of the waterproofing is glued to the drip (for the condensate in the gutter).

    On top of the waterproofing to the rafters, the interface is nailed, which provides ventilation gap between the membrane and roofing coating. For the tightness of the fastener line, between the rail and waterproofing, you can lay an elastic tape.

    Between the rafter, Mineral wool mats are laid.

    On the inside of the rafter feet is fixed with a continuous layer of vapor insulation. If it has an anti-condensate or reflective surface, then it is drawn towards the attic.

Source de .DecorexPro.com.

    Pock over vapor barrier remote rail. It is necessary for the "correct" functioning of an anti-condensate or reflective layer. The second appointment of the rail is a doomle for the inner cover of the attic room.

The combined insulation scheme is used in the allocation of the "warm contour" of the attic. The principle of such a scheme lies in the insulation of vertical fences inside the attic and only that part of the roof that adjoins the attic.

Video Description

The next video is a demonstration of the insulation of the roof of the attic two layers of stone wool:


The insulation of the roof is perhaps the most complex view among all thermal insulation works on enclosing surfaces. In the manifold of circuits for different types of structures and materials, only a professional can be understood. And the selection of the insulation, and the calculation of the thickness of the heat insulating layer depends on the scheme. In addition, it is necessary to foresee and arrange the ventilation of the roof and the attic, without which the insulation wureswards and lose its properties, and the wooden elements of the design will begin to rot.