When it is better to move to a new apartment. When you can move to the house

Such an event, as happens in the life of every person just a few times. Of course, there are a number of professions that suggest constant moving to different cities and even countries. At the same time, it is necessary to change not only a house and an apartment, but often a country of residence. Forced to be difficult to adjust under your plans. But if you have long thought to move to a new apartment or detail the house and are going to go for it, then you can plan the time at your discretion.

Favorable days for moving in 2018 on the lunar calendar

There are spontaneous solutions that are accepted "here and immediately", but even at such moments, moving is better to implement in a favorable day for this. Astrologers have long found that the best phase of the moon for the implementation of this idea is the third and fourth, that is, its growth. At this time, the processes responsible for success in new affairs are activated.

As for the position of the Moon in the sky, it also matters. The practical recommendations of astrologers are reduced to the fact that it is not necessary to move when the moon is in the constellation of Lion, Cancer, Scorpio, or Capricorn. But the Taurus and Aquarius, on the contrary, in favor of moving.

Calculate days on the lunar calendar - An occupation is painstaking and quite long. For those who are not inclined to understand astrology, but still wants to link their relocation with a favorable lunar influence, a special calendar has been compiled for 2018. It contains days when moving will be most appropriate. Everything will pass without a bitch without a zadyrinka, you will like the new accommodation, you will not regret your act.

The most favorable for moving days by months:

  • January 2018. This month, for moving a lot of good days, in the first decade - it is 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, in the middle of the month - 14 and 19, the third decade is favorable almost completely, with the exception of 27, 28, January 30 and 31.
  • February 2018. This month, the first decade accounts for five good days - 1, 5, 8, 9, February 10. The days from February 14 to February 18 are favorable, in the third decade there are only two successful days - 21 and 27 February.

  • March 2018. Moving can be planned on any half of the month, in the first decade approach 1, 2, 5, March 8, in the second - number from 11 to 14, in the third - from March 20 to March 22.
  • April 2018. At the beginning of the month of successful days, not so much, it is 2, 4, 8, April 8. Mid-April, from 12 to 14, most favorable for moving. Also pay attention to days from 19 to 21 and 28 April.
  • May 2018. It is recommended to move on March 3 and 6, in the period from 10 to 14 May, and then 19, 20, 21, 28 or 30 numbers.
  • June 2018. In the first decade, 3, March 6 and 9, the most successful time is the middle of the month, here the astrologers call the periods from 10 to 13 and from June 17 to June 31.
  • July 2018. Pay attention to 3, 7 July, then good days - from 10 to 13 July. In the last part of the month, 19, 21-22 and 26 numbers are successful.
  • August 2018. The most successfully relocation will be held in the third decade of the month. Any day has been successful here. In addition to the short period from August 26 to 29. You can also plan to move to 5, 9, 13 and 16 numbers.
  • September 2018. Not so many days are successful in September, in the first decade - it is 3, September 6 and 9. In the second - 13, 14, 17 and 18 of September. At the end of the month, the relocation is not planning, unless you do not meet on the same day on September 26.
  • October 2018. The most successful time is the middle of the month, from 12 to the 15th day. You can move 1, 5, October 9, and at the end of the month - from 21 to 23.
  • November 2018. Dates completely coincide with October. Only added on November 18 and 28.
  • December 2018. It is better to move in the middle of the month, there are two favorable periods - from 10 to 12 and from December 17 to 19. Also are also successful 6, 23, 24, 30 numbers.

Any change in the place of residence is an exciting event with which many folk adoptions and traditions are associated. Perhaps the most famous example of signs related to the new apartment is the first to let the cat in the house. Why did this honor fall out for this animal? In Russia, since ancient age, it was believed that the first one who in the dwelling would be settled, he must die soon. Therefore, in the families of our ancestors, the threshold or an old man, who still lives a little left, or a cat whose life is obviously shorter than human. Nowadays, this honorable right finally fixed the cat.

And not every animal is suitable for such a great mission. Cat can not be chosen from the street or take on the time of friends - it must be yours. It is believed that animals feel places with negative energy. Choosing a favorable place for a person "knows" a dog. If you instead of a cat let the first dog in the house, which is absolutely not rebeling, the place where she will go, will be the best for the bed. The cat, on the contrary, after by accepting it will choose one of the "bad" places and there will be long to sit or lie - do not put a bed there, otherwise the dream will be anxious and restless. It is believed that this place should be left free, for it should belong to the main "host" house - the houses.

The houses do not see people, but they see pets. They noticed how the ball sometimes looks into the emptiness, not blinking, accurately follows someone? Or Murka, playing, as if chasing someone invisible, trying to catch? This is the house. And he needs it in the house! And the cleanliness is watching, and things will protect, and the dwelling is guarded from the fire, and the owners helps. And when moving to a new apartment, signs recommended their brownie to call with you, to host the dwelling with you in another. How to do it? Tell the houses about your intention to change the apartment and invite it to follow with you. After that, put an empty bag for him, and take with me on the day. Take a broom from the old apartment - perhaps your house will go on this vehicle. Or leave the stove old slippers with such words: "The house, here you have sleigh, we went with us," and then capture this improvised transport for a brownie.

Moving to a new apartment on the lunar calendar must be performed on certain days. It is best for this suitable 5, 8, 10, 21, 25 moon days. Then the process itself will be perfectly well, and life in a new place will be happy and successful. But on 4, 9, 15, 19, 23, 26 or 29 Lunar day This responsible event is better not to plan. The day of the week is chosen female, that is, Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. There is the best day for moving - this is September 14, Semyon Day, when Novoselov guard the highest strength and help them in every way. As for the most favorable time, it is advisable to move early in the morning - from 9 to 11 hours. Then you have time to do a little, and the housewarming is noted.

By the way, to protect the housewarming is relying twice. The first time - in the circle of the closest people, on the day of arrival. And the second time is already in a noisy, cheerful and large company, after a while after the settlement, when you already feel in the new walls in real owners.

Do not be afraid to move to a new apartment in a leap year. At least a leap year and enjoys a bad glory, but to change the place of residence (as well as marry, divorce, make repairs and look for another job) during this period many fear. In fact, anything terrible housewarming in a leap year is not promulit. So they even consider specialists in Feng Shui. This Chinese art is rapidly gaining popularity in our country and penetrates all spheres of life. It dictates their own rules and newly elevations.

Feng Shui moving to a new apartment recommends starting in advance - from thoughtful collection of things. Do not throw the property of feverishly in the boxes, and not in a hurry and gladly look out anything that take with you, indulge in pleasant memories. Then things are impregnated with positive energy and bring you a lot of joy and in a new place. Leaving the old apartment, leave her new tenants in perfect order, do not forget to repair the current cranes and make the last cleaning. Leave several coins in the old apartment - the sign says that it will bring wealth and you, and new owners. Leave the house in a good mood, remember the best days spent on its walls.

Before settling, Feng Shui specialists advise to make repairs (the same, however, requires a long-standing Russian tradition). If you immediately start the overhaul does not work, devote at least general cleaning. Wipe all surfaces in the house slightly salted water - it has magical properties and perfectly cleans the space. After moving to a new apartment, Feng Shui strongly recommends repaired all broken things: plumbing and wiring, doors and floors. As soon as you transport things to a new home, spend the night there. If for some reason it is impossible, leave the clothes that you put on the night - pajamas or a night shirt.

The change of housing takes all thoughts, does not give rest even at night. It is possible that in anticipation of this grand event, you dreamed of moving to a new apartment! Such a dream promises new classes, serious changes in life and large troubles (which, however, are satellites of all newcomers). Some dreams prophesy to transition to a new energy level. Much depends on the dwelling, where you moved in your dream. If a beautiful, new apartment dreamed, then luck awaits you. The close and untidy room promises problems.

However, moving to a new apartment Dream Muller interprets somewhat differently: if a young woman in a dream changed his place of residence, then she will soon marry. But to help with moving to someone in a dream - it is not very good: you can deliver a lot of trouble with your behavior of your behavior.

Let only good dreams accompany you before the awareness, and good signs will bring happiness and good luck to your home!

Moving to a new home is a very weighty event in a person's life. Each of us wants to live in a new place long and happily.

At the moments of joy, it is especially important not to forget the rules for moving to a new home.

What do folk signs say?

There is a large number of moving to a new home, which are known for many times. Which for example?

Consecration of the house. Be sure to invite the priest to consecrate the house before entering it. Let the candle pyrit in the house in the house. Read the prayer "Our Father". The sanctified house is considered a blessed God.

Icon and bread with salt. Never enter empty hands in a new home.

The right day of moving. Sunday, Thursday or Friday - the most favorable days for moving. You will smile good luck, love and prosperity in a new house. Also, moving should be carried out on a growing moon or in full moon. It will attract material well-being in your home.

Moving a kitten to a new home. Everyone knows that the first threshold of the house should cross the cat, preferably black, with a calm and affectionate temper. People believed that the cat would take all the negative energy on himself. The most important thing is not to register the cat forcibly. Everything should go at the request of the animal. After the cat goes, you can go the rest. Where the cat will fall for the first time, you need to put a bed. This place will be favorable for sleep.

If the cat still refuses to go to the house, you should seriously think about it. Perhaps this house is not your fortress.

Old broom - to a new home. With the help of an old broom, lure and take a house with you. It is believed that he must be in the house to take care and protect you from dangers. Upon arrival in the new home, treat the bribes. Put the old broom behind the entrance door handle down. He will protect you from unfriendly.

Metal Horseshoe, Which must be attached to the front door "Horn up" - for happiness and good luck. If you hang the horseshoe "horn down", then all well-being will leave.

Silver coins Abandoned on the floor in a new house, bring the wealth of his residents. They will not be superfluous and 3 coins under the rug at the house left there forever.

Neutralization of negative energy. This will help you cleaning at home. Surround the windows, gender and everything else glitter from purity. Get rid of dust and garbage.

Grass from unclean power. The protection will be a bunch of dry grass of the Hypericum, Celebre or Chertopoloha, placed in the corner of the house.

Housewarming. Of great importance is organized meal in honor of moving to a new home. Do not zaku, covering a festive table. Also, do not forget to invite relatives and neighbors.

Vintage customs. For or opp

Folk signs are, of course, well, but how to be to us, modern people who are always fussing, hurry somewhere? Sometimes, do not even remember the elder customers. So the question arises, whether to do them?

Undoubtedly, this is the case of everyone. Some people consider all the usual superstitions, close their eyes and go boldly in life, others - do everything to the smallest detail to be calm and not to distort themselves for irresponsibility the rest of life.

Of course, it is important to know which customs of moving to a new home exist, but there is no need to copy them to blindly. Much in our real world is already outdated and does not have such an important value as before. So follow your worldview, but the edge of the eye still look into the past.

Finally, remember, changing the house, we change our destiny. Know the customs of moving to a new home, but to keep them or not, to solve only you.

"Russian relocation is meaningless and merciless", "my girlfriend stated, trying to shove into one" Daewoo Matiz "three ficus, a semi-gun bed and a cage with a hamster. However, to turn the move from a natural disaster to the brilliant victory over Chaos is not so difficult.

It's good to be a cousy, well a dog ... a stray monk, a street musician, Gypsy Aza and someone else, as amazingly a dandy ... that is, free. Move away - I do not want!

There are no bales, a saucepan and antique dumplings, took the kitomka, was pregnant yes I went (Kisa and the dog in this regard in general raspberries).

Of course, even in a secular society, some people manage to flutter for removable apartments, not fareweighing unnecessary things, oversized household appliances, pets and flowers in the tub. But we, what should we do? Simple mortal on the influence of the consumption society? One thing remains: the system.

Preliminary assessment of property when moving

The very first - it is necessary to carefully examine and determine what and in what order you will prepare for moving. Namely:

thoroughly overseas all the cabinets, storage rooms and mezzanine and throw out all that you will not need for sure: cups with chips, scanvords, memorable abstracts that are dusting in the closet from the third course, semi-axis bedroom plants and broken gadgets - from the rubble it is necessary to get rid of Before moving, not in the process and certainly not after.

Make a list of things that you pack first: in summer it is warm clothes and shoes, as well as what you use extremely rarely.

In advance to take care of finding a cargo transportation-pro, relying on the fact that friends with things for two or three goals will handle friends on the sedan, standing with caution: these are the most two or three approximate city traffic easily for the whole day.

Light-sized things are not placed in the car, and volunteers are often summarized. Custom "Gazelle" will no longer be too expensive, but your nerves and time will save, and two or four loaders are usually attached to the car.

The optimal option for moving around Moscow with an average thing of things, as practice shows, is one cargo car plus one is the eastern one, in which you can put all the most valuable. The most important thing is.

How to pack things correctly

We fold what remained after the general stripping. Did you use the airport packaging service in a polyethylene film that protects bags and suitcases? This film is sold in constructionarkets and is inexpensive. Several meters - and the transportation of a double mattress is no longer a terrible dream.

It is difficult to believe in it, but the "poultry" cellophane was invented not to burst on it bubbles, and for cases when you need to protect the household equipment and rigid furniture. It is useful for the packaging of dishes (if it is too lazy to pack each plate, fold them in the stacks and turn it with polyethylene).

Soft things (clothes, bags, blankets) Sea up in vacuum bags. Option - ordinary garbage bags: pack, release air and thoroughly wrap each package of scotch.

Flowers in pots transport in cardboard boxes. You can buy them, but you can get free of charge in a stall at the house: for your favorite clients, helpful sellers will not regret. We continue to explore science, how to move to a new apartment correctly.
Small boxes with the same type, for example, with shoes, it is more convenient to immerse, packed in one large box. And in large boxes, you can immerse individual packages with clothing, towels and blankets.

Disassembled furniture, speakers of screws and tongues in a handbag (or cosmetic bag). It is better to sort the screws - separate from the bed, separate from the computer table. Handbag take in the "manual sting" - then in a new place you quickly collect furniture again. To accidentally do not put a refrigerator on top of the fragile Chinese service, the box must be signed.

In what order to ship things

Usually experienced movers know, in what order to ship things when moving and put in the car, but the control does not hurt. The first thing is shipping overall things. When transporting you should get a seeming pyramid, at the base of which the hardest and stable, and on top of light little things.

Do not transport in the truck of plants and fragile things, better boxes and packs with them to immerse in the passenger car. Leave the empty bag on the day of the day (sports). It will pack in her first need: cosmetics, hairdryer, bath accessories and home clothing.

Choosing a firm

Interviews are familiar: everything is moving, which means someone can be a reliable company phone. Well, if they work collectors and furniture packers in their state, and there is a clear price for each service. Be sure to learn how the payment is made, whether the company gives checks if the contract concludes. Do not be lazy to "break" on forums and blogs reviews about the activities of the company.

Passing household chemicals leave new owners or neighbors. A half-empty bottle can flow and spoil things. Cheerful things and furniture - if the owners are not against. Perhaps the new tenants are all useful. Food from the refrigerator is also - even if you have 20 kg of dumplings and a soda box. The dumplings are spoiled, and the soda can explode from pitching. Invite before moving friends: they will help to postpay reserves.


House after the export of things - as chumazay of the orphan. Take care of it - good tone and good sign. And therefore: Collect the trimming of packaging, paper and bubbles from valerian; Come with the vacuum cleaner in the apartment (do not pack it first!); Wipe with a damp rag plate, window sills and tables; Broke water in pipes and gas.

Leave the owners of the apartment receipt for payment of services, documents for the technique, which remained, the keys and something from themselves, such as a box of sweets if your communication was enjoyable.

Video materials on the topic of the article

Tips how to organize moving:

How to better transport large household appliances:

Tips from the creators of this video will necessarily use you:

An important adoption when moving, especially if you enter the apartment after old owners, is the disposal of the negative energy accumulated there. To do this, it is very important immediately after moving to make general cleaning, thoroughly wash the floors, wiped dust in all places.

From our grandmothers, we know that in a new house over the entrance door you can hang horseshoe, it is followed by horn down. This sign is associated with the new apartment or house happiness and well-being.

But from evil forces and uncleans to ancient in the houses, the beams of the Hypericum were hung - this is the so-called charm.

Specifications, according to which when moving should be the first to run to the cat's house, will help your new dwelling become welcoming. Therefore, they say that the cat should go to himself, just put it at the door. With a cat, it is completely connected very much and even superstitions. Some look at her behavior in a new place, remember the places she chose. For example, in the place where the cat fell asleep for the first time, put the bed. But it is not always correct, because the bed is located both on the principles of a hairdry shui bedroom, and in other signs. Well, what if the cat fell asleep in the kitchen or in the bathroom? Of course, there you will not sleep!

1. Try to enter the full moon. If it succeed, let the first cat in the house (if any) and tell us three times: "As a month full, so that life in the house was complete."

2. If you all were fine in the old apartment, then they say three times in the old place and three times on the new: "Grandfather-neighbor, let's go with us on the apartment. Caring, settle down, lay down, drink, eat, go home."

3. If you have already entered, but did not take the old houses in a new home: in any three days (in a row) new moon, when you can see a young month you need to open the window and scroll (it is very desirable to scroll): "Grandpa-house, come home. Go We live to us, we will love you. "

4. The first hunk of bread, sliced \u200b\u200bbehind the first dinner in a new home (for residents of apartments it is not suitable) you need to burrow to the ground, in the right corner at home, saying: "Rooter, feeder, come to a new bread house here to eat and young owners listen. "

5. If you have a pelvis, a basket, etc. Where you lay underwear to washing and you have for this purpose for this purpose for at least 3 months, then you can say it to the house three times: "As (pelvis, kozina or ...) Many linen collects, so let my home collects wealth. "

How to pick up your brownie from the old apartment

It is unlikely that today many pay attention to this particular thing, but in the old days without a house one, the dwelling did not move at all - it was necessary to lure with him any ways.

In general, the house is your friend and buddy, who not only protects the house from trouble, but also takes care of households. And when you are friendly with him, I probably noticed that you live well. Therefore, it is important when moving to pick up your friend - the house, in your new apartment. The easiest way to do is after collecting things to put the box at the entrance door, in which soft things will be folded, and then leave it, at least for 10-15 minutes. Your house will surely take this box and go with you. And some of the beliefs convince us that to move along with her houses, it is enough to grab a broom with the old apartment.

Anyway, but after arrival it is necessary to let the houses. Put the same box on the input and open it. Then pour milk in the saucer and put on the floor. The house must certainly go to eat out of your caring hands, especially since he could and get drunk on the road.

There are, of course, whole rites that can be carried out, but to use them to use them in more serious cases. For example, if you had an unhappy life in an old place, or you entered a bad place, etc. Or you have problems with regard to generic links, etc. There are different situations, everything is determined by a consumer case.
And do not forget when selling any real estate, be it home, apartment, shopping point, shop, etc. Take a house one with me if there have been doing well there. And also treat your domain. Leave milk, gingerbread, candy. It is best to highlight the place at the slab if there is no such possibility, then put higher, but in the kitchen. In the event that the treats begins to eat the animal - do not interfere, let him eat.

Folk signs are a great help for those who want to create a relaxed atmosphere in a new home. Any ritual is a game: it is important to comply with certain rules here, but improvisation is not rebiring!

First guests

The safety of the housing "checked" animals. "Patterns" were not cats, but roosters. They were let down into the courtyard to scare away bad forces. The cat went to the second - she was launched into a house for coziness and warm winters. The dog was trusted to find places with positive energy - where she lay down, put a bed. And only after these rituals in the house came people.

Tangle of happiness

Another ritual demanded dexterity from Novoselov. Opening the door to the new home, it was necessary to throw a nice ball in the hallway, holding the tip. "Traveling thread", as in fairy tales and epics, helped to master the new space, make it safe and predictable. This helped objects from the old house - a handful of garbage, fire, a hunk of bread.

House and home suit

To call the brownie from the old housing to a new one - one of the favorite rituals of our great-grandmothers. To do this, they took the old lap and on the night before the newsnel left the treats in it. At the same time, women asked for a house where they do not leave them, take care of housing, cattle and owners themselves.

The next morning was loudly invited to a new home. From the old housing, an old broom or broom was brought - it was believed that good spirits live under them. In the evening in the new house, a feast was arranged - for the bromide, his friends and households.

Sheet calendar

For our great-grandmothers, the success of moving was determined by many details. The new house was moved on a certain day - certainly before the full moon. The full moon was considered a symbol of fertility and promised a "full bowl".

Shield and sword

Sometimes the dwelling had to be cleaned of someone else's negative energy. To do this, they took the candle consecrated in the church or the twig of the Hypericum. The ritual started from the entrance door - the newcomers moved in a circle, imagining a happy life in the house.

Passing the circle, turned face to the entrance door and represented a strong shield. It was believed that now he will defend the house from misfortunes.

Later, the shield began "painting" in different colors. White or silver attracted to the house of good helpers and good people. The golden shield brought wealth. Red or pink shield promised love and largeness. Blue color chose those who wanted good luck in trade. The green shield meant the health of all households.

Two houselors

One housewarming for all happiness will not bring, - counted ancestors. And they arranged two holidays. The first, modest - for family members. The second, swallowing, for friends, relatives and neighbors. Every guest carried a treat - so that the table in the new house would always break from food, and the owners lived for a long time and fun.

Birth and weddings

Magic purity

Disorder is not the best satellite for natives. The old house was cleaned and soap in front of departure - it defended the owners from damage and the evil eye. In the first year of life, in a new place, broken dishes were thrown without hesitation. It was believed that she "does not let" happiness in the house.

More amulets

To lure luck, over the threshold was knocked up with an erased horseshoe "horns" up - so positive energy was accumulated and remained in the house. In the corners hung the beams of the Hypericum, and under the porch put an endless knife - to scare the evil forces.

Money issue

Speed \u200b\u200bresettlement? Do not forget about cash rituals! When entering the apartment, throw on a few coins. If you find silver, gold or collectible - excellent! Put a few billing on the bowl on the bowl. And on the old apartment you can leave a few small coins - "thank" for happy times and draw money out of money, which loves generous.

How to move to a new apartment?

How to move to a new apartment: Preparation and organization

At first it may seem that moving is simple. But if you do not approach this process with the mind, a joyful event can turn into solid problems. To avoid trouble, to moving to a new place, get ready in advance.

The organization of the move consists of several points:

  • review all available things;
  • get rid of what is not useful in the new life (unsuitable clothing, old furniture, utensils with cracks, etc.);
  • make a package plan of things;
  • find transport and movers;
  • prepare packing material.

Inhabit the new accommodation in advance, make sure you work locks, plumbing and so on.

Start packaging things better with the least used. For example, if the move is carried out in the summer, first assemble winter clothes and shoes, sledges, Christmas decorations. Gradually proceed to things that are used in everyday life. And to facilitate the unpacking in a new place, sign the boxes and packages. Packaging materials can be purchased in building stores.

The search for transport and movers is also an important process. Moving will pass faster and easier if you hire special services that provide a cargo car and labor. You can do with passenger transport and help of friends. It will be cheaper, but longer.

When it is better to move to a new apartment

Time to move can be selected by several factors:

  • season and weather conditions;
  • moon calendar;
  • folk signs;
  • feng Shui.

There are cases when moving should be urgently. But if you have the opportunity to choose time, it is better to take advantage of all the advice.

It is easier and easier to move in the summer. In winter, warm clothing interferes to carry heavy things and furniture, they can not be put on the snow, it's hard to go out, entering the new home. But if you do not exit, choose a period with warm weather and without precipitation.

Favorable days for moving can be viewed in the lunar calendar or in Feng Shui rules. A lot of recommendations have folk signs. So, it is believed that it is best to change the place of residence on Tuesday or Saturday. Neutral days are Thursday and Sunday. But Monday, Wednesday and Friday - inappropriate time to move.

Worth the question of how to move to a new apartment correctly, do not forget about personal circumstances and internal setting. If you feel that it is in this weekend that the move will be successful, act!

Signs and superstitions have deep roots, so it is almost impossible to trace the beginning of their appearance. Some signs reached us unchanged, some transformed with modern realities.

Believe in them or not to solve you, we just collected the most common customs and signs related to moves that may be useful to you.

When moving to a new apartment you need to take into account all right before accepting and rituals.

When is it better to move?

It is unlikely to prove or explain that there are favorable and unfavorable days. Each in his life came across that in some days everything is going as not better, whereas in other, without visible reasons, everything falls out of the hands. Since the exact explanation is not found, it is believed that the Phases of the Moon have a great influence on people.

Move through the lunar calendar

Each moon phase affects not only the well-being of a person, but also on the nature of the development of various life situations. To minimize the negative impacts of the moon phases on the planned crossing, check with the lunar calendar, and choose successful days to move.

The moon phases can affect moving differently.

Best days for moving through the lunar calendar in 2017

2017 Favorable days for moving Unfavorable days to move
1, 2, 7, 8, 29 3, 4, 11-14, 20-22, 30, 31
February 3, 4 7-11, 16-18, 26, 27
March 2-4, 30, 31 7-10, 16, 17, 26, 27
April 27 3-6, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
May - 1-4, 9-11, 19-21, 28-31
June - 6, 7, 16, 17, 24-27
July - 3, 4, 13, 14, 21-25, 30, 31
August - 1, 9, 10, 18-21, 26-28
September 3, 4, 30 5-7, 14-17, 23, 24
October 1, 2, 28, 29 3, 4, 11-15, 20-22, 30, 31
November 24, 25 8-11, 16-18, 26-28
December 1, 2, 21-23, 28, 29 5-8, 14, 15, 24, 25

If successful days presented in the table do not match your plans, then simply select the best day of the week for the new school. And remember that any recommendations of astrologers without personal data are only common. If you truly attach great importance to astrological forecasts and numerology, then to accurately calculate the most favorable days for moving, ask for advice to the relevant specialists.

Choosing a favorable day of the week to move

  • Monday patronizes the moon. It aggravates all feelings, so special attention should be paid to the control over emotions.
  • Tuesday complies with Planet Mars, which helps to seek his own.
  • Medium patronize Mercury. Any your undertakings on this day will be accompanied by luck.
  • Thursday is managed by Jupiter. All important decisions you postponed to fulfill on this day.
  • Friday to the power of Venus. Ded to your relatives and loved ones.
  • Saturday patronizes Saturn. Good day to implement your plans.
  • Sunday manages the sun. A favorable day to start new things.

Choose the best day of the week to move so that it brings good luck in a new place.

Day of the week The influence of the selected day of moving to your future life in a new place
Moving on this day will favorably affect the state of your health.
Tuesday Moving will contribute to the growth of your intellectual potential.
Wednesday Moving on this day of the week will give your life more passion.
Thursday It is believed that moving on this day contributes to the growth of welfare.
Friday Moving on the last working day of the week will provide you with success not only in affairs, but also in love.
Saturday It is considered favorable to move, since in the future it promises achieving success on a business field.
Sunday Good day to move, also promises success in affairs.

If snow will be snowing on the day of the move, then new money will have a lot of money in a new place. And if rain goes during the move, the relocation will be accompanied by strong emotions.

How to carry a house?

If you believe in the existence of the house, but do not know how to transport it to a new apartment correctly, then the advice of our ancestors will help you. They believed that there was a house in every home and fed him to reliably defend the dwelling. It was obligatory to treat January 28 and February 10, since these days were considered important for the house. He is a vegetarian and a big sweet tooth, loves milk and porridge.

House and cat - inseparable friends.

In Starina, believed that the house was moving to a new house on the old broom or on the cat. Also, the advice was often met, in which they were offered to carry a brownie in a basket with soft things. The main thing was not to forget to call him a residence on a new place, but he himself decided on what to rebuild him.

The first to the new house was allowed cat. Following him, a man was supposed to enter, or a woman's eldest in the family necessarily with the right leg. To the place where the cat was sacked put a saucer with milk, cookies, sweets - a treat for the house.

The first new buildings are launched into the cat's house.

Rituals for moving

Additional assistance in such a difficult matter as moving is never superfluous. If the following rituals reached our days, they may have really facilitated the life to those who used them:

  1. For welfare in the family, at the entrance to a new apartment, the floor sprinkled with silver coins.
  2. In a new place, they necessarily performed general cleaning. To purify the room from negative energy into water, a salt was added.
  3. The housewarmingly copied twice. On the day of settlement in a close family circle and the second time already after having worked in a large company with friends and relatives.
  4. Leaving from the old place was removed by all the garbage and left a few coins so that the newcomers lived in welfare. The boomeranga principle was worked, which wish, then you will get.

In any case, in addition to accepting and rituals, a positive attitude and a responsible performer is important to rely on. If you rephrase the known saying, then you can say so: "We hope for signs, and not a bad thing." Come responsible for the selection of the company that will be transported.

The apartment movement with the staff of Profovevozka.

Profitperevozka is respected by the wishes of customers associated with respect to rituals and customs during the move. We are convinced that everything works for what you sincerely believe. And for our part, we will do our best to move to pass for you as comfortable as possible. We guarantee that your life in a new place will start with pleasant and joyful moments.