When is potatoes after planting? How to germinate potatoes for landing - important advice through how much potatoes in the soil germinate.

Planting potatoes takes a lot of time and strength. Finally, the tubers are already in the ground, neat ridges are banging in beds, and it remains only to wait for germs, getting ready to reflect the onslaught of weeds, Colorado beetles and other pests. But what to do, if after three - four weeks from the moment of planting the potato did not go? First you need to figure out why it happened.

How much potato boils

Knowing how many days potato is boiling, you can calculate the time of the first shoots. In the moderate climate of the central regions, the sprouts appear in about 21 days after landing. In the south, this period may decrease to 14-15 days, in the north - to increase to 25-28.

If the tubers are planted as germinated, with shoots of 3-4 cm with shoots, then in warm weather, you should expect at least a week a week a week - about 14 days.

Groced potatoes boosts faster

Early potatoes, as a rule, are injured for 5 weeks, folding tubers on wet sawdust. By the time of landing, such potatoes will already be not only shoots, but also the root system. Tubers, germinated by this technique, give shoots a week after landing.

Despite the fact that potatoes are perfectly adapted to different climatic conditions and soil types, there are several reasons, because of which tubers planted in the land can not exist at all or give chilly, non-visual shoots.

Potatoes may not climb for the following reasons:

  • weather, soil condition, violations of landing rules;
  • poor quality of seed material;
  • pests and diseases.

The influence of the climate and landing time on the germination of tubers

Potato is not clutch for a long time if:

  • tubers are planted too deep;
  • potatoes are planted too early, in the cold, who did not have time to warm the soil;
  • the soil is too raw or, on the contrary, dry.

If the soil is on a sublined area, the optimal depth of planting potatoes is 7-8 cm. In the soup or peat ground, the wells can be slightly deeper - approximately 10-12 cm. It should be borne in mind that the larger layer of the Earth separates the tuber from the surface, the heavier sprouts break through outward Potatoes, placed in the holes in a depth of 20-25 cm, will take up no earlier than in a month, and only if the soil be as a fundamental.

Large importance are the dates of planting. The soil temperature must be at least + 8 ° C. In a colder soil, the potatoes loses his germination. If after planting, frost, tubers and barely crushed sprouts can climb. Therefore, in cold weather, when there is a threat of frosts, experienced gardens cover potato beds agropol.

One of the most reliable agricultural will accept: potatoes need to be planted when young leaflets birch will grow to the size of a shallow coin.

If there are tightening rains, because of what the soil is too raw, the access of oxygen to the tubers is hampered, they begin to choke and rot. But in too dry soil, the development of potato shoots is suspended. During the drought landing, you need to water at least once a week, supporting moderate humidity.

Check-quality control

The most serious disadvantages of seed material:

  • tubers do not have eyes;
  • potatoes are too small;
  • sprouts are very subtle, filamentous;
  • tubers for the winter spoiled or started to rot;
  • before planting, potatoes are treated too large dose of fungicide.

The shoots are formed out of the eyes, so if the potato does not have them, then the shoots will not give.

The larger the tuber, the more nutrients will be shooting. Too fine potatoes, if the sprouts give, are very weak. Therefore, there are no less than 40 grams on the seeds.

Seed material is better not to store in polyethylene packages so that the potatoes do not suffocate. In the extreme case, there are holes for ventilation in packages. The tubers on the seeds are carefully selected from the fall and store them separately from the rest of the potatoes. It is desirable before bookmarking the seed storage for some time to hold onto the light to make their skinkeeper.

In the spring, 20-30 days before the landing, seeds are once again moved, sprayed with a weak solution of copper mood (2 grams of 10 liters of water) and unfold for turbine in a dry cool room (at a temperature of 10-15 ° C). Seed processes should be fat and strong.

Tubers are chosen with chilly filamentous processes: such shoots will not have the strength through the thickness of the soil. In no case do not injure patients who have fallen potatoes: they will not only do not give healthy shoots, but also injure the neighboring tubers.

Sometimes the gardeners themselves are to blame for the fact that high-quality potato does not boil: trying to protect the tubers from diseases, they are treated with a large number of pesticides. This can not be done in any way. When using fungicides and other drugs, you should strictly follow the instructions and in no case exceed the dosage.

Diseases and pests of potatoes

Even one tuber, patient with rhizocatorosis or black leg, is able to infect several neighboring beds. Danger rises in cool crude weather. In this case, the disputes of pathogenic microorganisms are spread together with rainwater and dew drops.

If the potatoes put in a row in a row on the same place, pathogenic bacteria and fungi winter in the soil, and in the spring literally pounce on the seeds. As a result, tubers are rotting in the ground, and not letting the shoots.

Fungicides are used to combat potatoes diseases. Also, the spread of infections can be prevented, if we sit aside rye, oats, legumes as sedients in front of potatoes.

In the soil, winter and insects, capable of damaging tubers and glue young shoots:

  • medveda;
  • larvae of the May beetle;
  • wire larvae.

Wire can destroy the tuber before germination

There are several simple people's ways to get rid of these pests. From the fall, it is necessary to switch the ground to a depth of 20-25 cm. Most of the insects who went to the wintering will be on the surface and will frozen.

The larvae of the May Beetle and the Wireman scares the smell of the onion husk. Its small amount can be thrown into each well when planting potatoes. And the handful of impetuous egg shell will not only save the tuber from the polar, but also serves fertilizer. Also, the larvae scare nitrogenous compounds contained in the nodules on the roots of pea, beans, clover and other legumes.

A week before landing, you can install traps on the polar. To do this, in several places in the ground, litter banks are buried, on the bottom of which beer or water with honey. Insects slide on the smell of food, fall into traps and can't get out of there.

What if the potato does not boost

If the potatoes did not go to the pre-calculated date, it is necessary to check the condition of tubers. Perhaps they were simply planted too deep, and the shoots will turn around 7-10 days later than at normal landing depth. If the weather is too dry, watering can accelerate the growth of potatoes.

Much worse if the tubers together with sprouts rotted in the ground or were damaged by pests. In this case, all rotten potatoes need to dig and burn, and the land is treated with fungicides.

The infected area is better to fall on beas, rye or oats, and for potato beds there will have to choose another place. If you plant the potatoes in early varieties, ripening for 70 days on new beds, then, despite the first failure, you can still collect a harvest.

To plant the main vegetable culture is half an end. But to achieve high yields of tubers, uniform shoots difficult. Although it is known, after how many days the potatoes are boiling after landing, but the days go, and on the field only a few stems. The reasons for the uneven appearance of shoots are different. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to observe the terms and rules for planting the plant, care for it.

The planting of vegetable culture is beginning when the air temperature warms up to 8-10 degrees of heat. In the warm soil appear rainworms. This is a signal to landing early potato varieties. Landing deadlines of late cultural types come when dandelions bloom.

Depending on the climate of the region, weather conditions determine the day to plant the field. Considate the councils of gilders who are focused on the lunar calendar.

Planting the tubers will germinate faster in a wet environment. But the diverse section under potatoes should not be saline. Nutritional substrates are introduced into the ground.

Better germinate in advance sprouted tubers. For the surgery, the landing material is placed in the boxes, leading them into a warm and bright room. To accelerate the germination between the tubers, wet sawdust, peat or humus are poured. Logged at a temperature of 14-18 degrees of heat for 10-15 days, the seed material will give an increase in the potato harvest half.

Vegetable sprouts appear after landing for 10-12 days. If the weather is cool, and at night there are still small freezes, then the waiting time will last up to twenty days.

Why not boost potatoes?

Potatoes is long, uneven for various reasons:

  1. With sharp differences of the temperature of the day compared to night, the Vegetable tubers will lie in the ground, not sparkling. As soon as warm, green sprouts of potatoes will begin to appear. To withstand minor decreases of a plant in the power. But the weather cataclysms in the form of strong frosts will destinate the seed material. Then instead of the sprouts, the potatoes are pledged by forming miniature fools.
  2. For the growing culture, the soil moisture is important. Necessary dry land does not give enough moisture and nutrition to the fool. They dry and not going around. Many moisture, stagnating it on the site will lead to the boost of the tuber.
  1. The depth on which the seeds plant depends on the composition of the soil. The tubers on 8-10 centimeters are plunged into heavy clay lands, and in the lungs of sandy - 12-15 centimeters. Then the potatoes are growing friendly and on time.
  1. Potatoes on the poor lands growing badly. Therefore, during the rescue, the plot is made by humus, superphosphate and potassium salt. You can put fertilizer to each well during the landing.
  2. It is necessary to harrow the plot under vegetable culture. Especially the procedure is important for virgin lands. Unwanted lumps of soil will not give to grow potatoes.
  3. One of the pests of the potato field - the Medveda does not give appear to shoot. Curb of lovers littered in the ground and rot.

The quality of the seed material should be high, otherwise the sprouts will not go.

What kind of potatoes are needed for landing?

Speaking about the quality of planting material, pay attention to:

  • lack of pest lesions;
  • vegetable grade;
  • the presence of powerful sprouts on the tubers.

If the seed potatoes grown on the seed plot, it is impossible to plant it. It will spit slowly or rot in the ground. Saving tubers can be treated with potassium permanganate. Use for disinfection solution of boric acid, copper sulfate. After processing, the seed material is dried.

Without germinating tubers not to get a vegetable harvest. Prior to that sort the spoiled and sick nodules. Ideal for landing will be healthy tubers weighing 50-70 grams. Larger cut in half 2-3 weeks before landing. Spripped potatoes sit down.

Why does potatoes rise unevenly?

Compacts on a potato field are associated with the fact that part of the planted tubers did not sprout. It happens because:

  • poorly selected landing material;
  • part of the tubers before landing there were no sprouts;
  • damaged plant seeds pests;
  • potato lack nutritious elements;
  • on the field a lot of major lumps of land.

So that vegetable shoots were uniform, it is necessary to carefully select tubers for planting. They must be medium sized with thick strong sprouts. Long threads on seeds talk about cultural diseases, its inability to increase.

But from the green tuber there will be more proc. At the site, they are able to give a healthy harvest. Solan is accumulated in them, which will help the plant to withstand diseases and pests.

What to do, how to speed up the germination of potatoes?

When the potato did not fall on the field in twenty days, then it is necessary to open the wells and see the condition of tubers. If they do not even have spitches or seeds rotted, then the vegetable will not be a sense of such landings. So that the potatoes give the fruit, it is necessary:

  • cook tubers before landing, rejecting beaten, chopped, damaged;
  • carry out the germination of the seed material;
  • place the tubers in the boxes with peat, a humidum, a moistened solution of mineral salts: 30 grams of superphosphate, 20 - potash salt on the water bucket;
  • pick up the grade of vegetable corresponding to this area;
  • choose a day for landing taking into account weather and climate.

It is important to carry out the preparation of a plot for culture. Prepare a field in autumn after harvesting. Screw or pound soil, making humus. The harrowing of the site will break the dense layers of the Earth.

Given the rules of "three dozen" - landing depth of 10 centimeters, the temperature of the soil is 10 degrees - the first potatoes sprouts are obtained after 10 days.

Potato landing rules

Before the segments of the vegetable appear, the site is harrowing, blasting the ground to a depth of 4-5 centimeters. For the procedure, the solar dry day is chosen so that the weeds emerged.

The harrowing is necessary and when the sprouts will be processed, the second time, when the stems reach ten centimeters in height. The loose of the aisle is perpendicular to the depth of seven centimeters.

Feed the planting of vegetable culture depending on the composition of the soil. In wet rich soil add a solution of wood ash or superphosphate with potash salt. Poor soils are needed superphosphate with ammonium nitrate and potassium salts. In ten liters of water, 30-50 grams of superphosphate are dissolved, 10-15 ammonium nitrates and 15-20 grams of potash salt. From the organic children take a korovyan in proportion 1: 5 or a bird litter - 1:12. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic.

All types of care are aimed at providing plants in moisture, nutrition. The dipping will cause the formation of underground stalks, on which the second tier of tubers will be tuned.

With weak formation of the strings and a powerful stem, feeding the rod of the vegetable ash or fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium content.

Potatoes are growing quickly if preparing for landing, culture care is properly organized.

What Mwe know about potatoes(Interesting Facts) How many varieties of potatoes are known in the world? (More than 3400.) What should be the average mass of seed tubers? (50-80) At what temperature of the soil you can't plant potatoes? (Below + 7 ... + 8 ° C.) At what negative air temperature begins to black with a top of the top? (From -1 to -1.5 ° C.). What depth you need to plant tubers? (For clay soils - 6-8 cm, for the studs 10-12 cm.) How many days do the tubers teleal before landing? (30-35.) At what temperature is the best to germinate the tubers? (8-14 ° C.) After how many days after the landing, the shoots of potatoes usually appear? (After 20-30) after how many days after the appearance of shoots begins bloom? (30-40.) After how many days after the landing, the harvest of early grades get? (After 55-65.) After how many days after landing, the crop of late varieties get? (More than 110.) What is the average yield of potatoes in Russia? (250-300 c / ha.) From how many stems usually consists of a potato bush (from 4-5, less often 6-8.) For how many days before harvesting, it is recommended to remove the tops? (For 10-14.) What is the optimal distance between rows and between tubers when landing manually? (70 cm and 30-40 cm.) If landing has to be carried out by the parts of the tuber, what minimal mass should they have? (30 g) How many peasons should be on the cut part of the seed tuber? (1-2.) How many on average potato buckets are necessary for landing on one hundred? (3.) At what temperature is the best to store potatoes? (+ 5-7 ° C.) At what temperature do the tuber have a sweet taste? (+ 1-2 ° C.) After what time after the appearance of sections, the first diplock is carried out? After what time after the first dipping spend the second?

(Some trotato growing tricks) Potatoes, which are growing all rural residents and very many townspeople. It is believed to grow easily and everyone knows how to do it.

In practice, really potatoes are growing almost everywhere, it is not so good as other types of root and care and care is not very difficult. This is the case, but what will grow potato, what will be the crop and why it is often not taken into account, and in vain, its work should be appreciated and also depends on the profitability of your farm and a very pleasant feeling of satisfaction with the results of their efforts.

Everyone got used to the fact that planted potatoes will take up on the 21st day, grow to autumn, cleaning in September. It is traditionally, with everyone together and, of course, no implementation (there is a massive cleaning), there is no normal price, income either meger or zero.

But if it is thoughtful and diligently, you can have a completely different result. Although growing a great harvest, clean the cleaning in June, to implement at a good price and make a profit? I see. Then take patience and read this page to the end.

How to grow early potatoes.The site is selected on the hill, drying in the spring before others. The composition is better by loam.

In the spring to make potassium and phosphorus.

    Early and medium grades are taken.

    Greate at a temperature of 12-15 degrees for 30-35 days.

    It is possible to germinate into the light or in the basement during electrical disarming, while the tubers are laid out in 2-3 layers.

    Each week to spray with copper vitrios, boric acid or manganese (M.Koros-2g. On 10 liters of water, B.Kislota-50g. On 10 l. Water, mangartee-10g. For 10l. Waters).

    Tubers with short thick sprouts are ready for landing.

    If germination has not been carried out, then you can withstand potatoes in a bright room at a temperature of 15 degrees for warming up.

    It is better to plant whole tubers - 70-80gr. (Chicken egg), but you can cut and cut, leaving at each part 2-3 sprout. Cut for 2-3 days before landing. Knives for cutting disinfect (mangartee) or rolling on fire 10sek.

    Landing at the end of April - early May at a soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm. Equal 8 degrees of heat.

    If there is a threat to frosts, plunge (you can dump completely, breaks).

    With increasing 10-12 cm. It is necessary to carry out the injection and loosening of rods.

    A month after the landing, fade by ammonium sulfate (25g. Per square meter. M.) Or urea (12g per square meter. M.).

    At the beginning of the bootonization, the second feeding (potassium 30-50g. On 10l. Water).

Cleaning can be started at the end of June. Finally remove until August 1.After cleaning for 10-15 days, green potatoes, which will go to the seeds. Food is categorically impossible.

If you do everything, as it is written - you will be in the mountain. Act with God! After planting potatoes, there is nothing to worry the first time, we all know that the potatoes ride for a long time, and just need to wait.

But when there are no germs and no, they are involuntarily starting to worry: is everything in order? Our relatives had a real case when potatoes did not rush at all! So, when you wait for the appearance of potatoes, why they are not friendly and why the potatoes did not rose from our relatives ...

The dependence of the appearance of potatoes from the temperature of the soil or when to plant potatoes?

The most important factor in the successful appearance of potato shoots - the temperature of the soil. If the soil warmed at a depth of 10-12 cm to 7..8 degrees (during the time the average temperature, as a rule, +8 gars) - you can start planting potatoes. Then the case, not All gardeners check the temperature of the soil with the thermometer in the hands. You can trust folk signs, or rather, natural conditional signs.

For example, the time of blooming and dissolving perennial plants. When to plant potatoes? According to folk signs, it is proceeding as soon as the leaflets on the birch will become in the size of a cheap coin. Signs of soil warming and natural pointers to the beginning of the sowing work - in this article

When will the shoots of potatoes appear?

When heating the soil to +10 degrees, the shooters of potatoes appear after 23-25 \u200b\u200bdays. In the temperature of the soil 18-20 degrees - shoots will appear after 10-20 days. Gestroined potatoes takes 6-10 days earlier. If the landing occurs in the early time - the blunt tubers should not be "sitting", the upper layers warm up faster, with small landing the potatoes will be faster. The soil moisture is more than 75% of the potatoes landing is not desirable , in such conditions, the likelihood of blossoming diseases is high.

Why are uneven shoots?

The reasons for the emergence of uneven shoots are several:

  • Different landing depth. The soil warms unevenly - and those tubers who are closer to the surface, spare earlier, those that lie deeper - waiting for warmer weather.
  • Various fitting pads.
  • Unevenly germinated tubers, or not all germinated.
  • A mixture of varieties of different ripening time, with various rest periods. Surely you noticed that every grade behaves during storage in different ways. Much depends on the rest period. Those varieties in which it is short - not intended for long-term storage, only for processing (for example - for chips). But there are well-stored varieties - their rest period is long enough. If you have a range - it is quite possible that the shoots will appear at different times.

Can potatoes do not climb at all?

Completely, our relatives had such a sad experience. And it was all the case in the improper storage of landing material. The planting potatoes were stored in the cellar, as always, but ... not poured out of white synthetic bags.

So stood until spring in them. On the view everything seemed to be fine, the potatoes landed - but did not wait for germs. Such a negligence cost many of the means and nerves, I had to look for new potatoes at the beginning of the summer and to plant a newly. But we all now, we try not even for a short time in white bags, potatoes do not leave and always remember this case. Potato care after landing: detailed instructions here

How many days should the shoots of potatoes appear?

poligrafovna 2 years ago Krusu 2 years ago

I noticed that if I put in a warm wet land, then the weeks after a half potatoes normally boils. But at the same time, the landing material itself should be normal, if you tempt potatoes before planting at least two weeks, it will grow much better and it will be less.

It all depends on the soil, the depth of the tuber, humidity, ambient temperature, from the seeds themselves (varieties), the length of the sprouted eyes. In general, there are quite a lot of factors, on average, it will germinate after one or two weeks and it is uneven, somewhere will go, somewhere later, then it is necessary to harrow, it is not possible to harm the beetles with her.

And without manure, peas will grow up, and not potatoes. And if you pour chemical fertilizers from the store, it will grow large, but with nitrates.

commentArca more than a month ago

We have potatoes in late April - early May. And it happens that potatoes planted in April longer "sits" in the ground than the one is planted in May.

Factors are triggered here: heating soil and air, humidity and variety. If the land is wellhed and moistened, and the turarization of potatoes is carried out correctly, then wait for potatoes through days 10.If you sacked "like everyone else", then through 2-3 weeks Shoots should appear.


Potatoes, proper landing of tubers, care after landing

When putting out potatoes

Landing tubers are held when the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm will reach 7-8 degrees. Usually in the suburbs it happens in early May. Potato landing loss of crop loss by 30%.

Good germinated tubers To obtain an early potato, it is possible to plant a little earlier - at a soil temperature of 5-6 degrees. Experience shows that such an early landing in not breathing sufficient soil gives a greater harvest than belated into the heated.

Potatoes are planted On a flat surface, and on the soils of the moistened and heavy - in the ridges. With such a landing, the land better warms up and more air goes to the tubers.

Distance between rows of potatoes when landing

Before landingTo evenly place plants on the square, the site should be placed. To do this, with the help of a marker make shallow grooves, according to which the landing is carried out. For the first passage of the marker, the cord is tightened by which its extreme cloth leads.

You can plant tubers directly under the cord, but it is less convenient, and the time is required more. To increase yield after landing, the soil can to mediate (Plush the peat layer in 2-3 cm).

The optimal distance between the rows of potatoes for early varieties is 70-75 cm, for late-leather - 80-90 cm. Landing depends on the size of potato tubers. Small plants after 18-20 cm, medium and large after 26-28 cm.

Planting with heavy soils on the depth 6-8 cm, on the lungs - 8-10 cm, counting the distance from the soil surface to the tuber. With such a planting, approximately 350 large tubers, 450 medium, 500 and smaller.

Potato care after landing

Caring for potatoes Basically, it comes down to maintaining the soil in the loose state and the destruction of weeds.

Harrow potato. The first harrowing is carried out 4-5 days after landing. Then two or three to seedlings and one or two after the appearance of plants on the surface. Usually from landing to shoots takes 16-28 days. Ruffle and emphasising potatoes.

After the rows and plants have become well, they sprout so that it is impossible to harrow, proceed to the loosening of rods. The first time the soil loose deeply - by 12-14 cm, and the second and the third smaller - by 6-8 cm.

When the plants reach a height of 12-15 cm, the first glue is carried out, with a ridge height 15-20 cm. The second time the potatoes are plunged before closing the tops. Fucking potatoes after landing.

Spring planting behind, you can relax a bit. How many days is potatoes? What needs to be done to speed up the process?

Old-timers say that potatoes "pops up" in 21 days. In fact, it turns out not always.

Landing Rules: Terms and Conditions. In each region, landing time varies. Influence climate features. In the central and northern regions until the middle of May, frosts are possible, and even a slight fallout of snow. Mostly landing are engaged from the last week of April and until mid-May. It is best to plant potatoes when the temperature is installed on the street + 7-10 degrees. The Earth should warm up to + 8 degrees. The first leaves can be observed in 25 days. When heating the soil to +20, the sediment period will be reduced by 7-10 days. The potato is boiling, also affects:

  • the quality of the seed material. The seeds should be germinated at a temperature level of 10-12 degrees for 14-20 days. Direct sunlight contacts should be excluded. Sprouts should be dense, swollen, small. Under these preliminary extension conditions, the potatoes will go up a week earlier.
  • depth of planting. It is important to remember when landing and about the depths of the well. It must be no more than 10 cm. Highly buried potatoes will be "sitting" in the ground.
  • the percentage of soil moisture. Maximum indicator 75%. Otherwise, the formation of fungus on the tubers will not only increase the timing, but can completely destroy the entire harvest.
  • sort of vegetable culture. Faster "pops up."

"Tricks" to accelerate the process. If you need to get an ultra-abnormal harvest by the end of July, then potassium and phosphorus should be added to the soil. A month before the landing, the seeds need to be germinated. For an early harvest, it is better to take early and middle-friendly varieties. Every 7 days, be sure to spray the seeds with copper vigor (2 grams per 10 liters of water) or boric acid (50 grams per water bucket). With their absence, you can process by manganese (10 grams per 10 liters). The seed material is planted in the soil on April 25-28. There are several small potatoes in the well. You can cut large tubers, be sure to leaving 2-3 "eyes". Knives for cutting must be treated by manganese.

To prevent possible freezing, the land plot is insulated. Under the straw, layer of sawdust, humoring airy "pillow" is created. It not only saves the temperature drop, but also speeds up the growth process of the plant. Some gardeners for these purposes use ready-mixed material.

The easiest way to speed up the germination of seeds is considered a strong watering of a warm water site every evening. When freezing, the water highlights heat, it is precisely the beneficial effect on the growth of potatoes.

Elementary sprinkling of the first sedresses of the layer of land (3-4 cm) will also help. In the future, these "horms" do not need to ram.

A month after landing, young plants needed to feed ammonium sulfate (25 grams per 1 square meter) or urea (12 grams per 1 sq. Meter).

The second feeding of potassium (50 grams per 10 liters of water) must be carried out during the bootonization period.

Why are the shoots are uneven? At the "friendly" appearance of the first sprouts affect some aspects:

  • landing depth level. The upper layers of the earth are stronger than the deeper the "sits" of the seed material, the more time he needs to break into the surface.
  • size of tubers when landing. The larger the seating material, the longer the time for the germination.
  • mixing varieties. Each variety has its own characteristics. Early "make your way" faster, but very susceptible. If during winter storage, the temperature regime was disturbed, perhaps long and poor-quality maturation.

You can assemble a great potato harvest in the fall without much effort. It is necessary to competently and methodically treat the preparatory process and follow recommendations when landing. Grow potatoes on health!