Potion components. Vigory potions

Introduction to potion.§ 1. The first concepts about the potion.

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Perm State Technical University

* When solving tasks marked with an asterisk, see the condition of task 202.

* When solving the tasks of this section, see Table. four.

* General electronic formula, where N is the main quantum number.

Here you are a student or teachers - it does not matter, open a new book. Looking at the cover and reading the brief information, you strive will immerse yourself in learning. And here is this first, the most needed can be in the entire course of the paragraph. Here you will get acquainted with the concepts, views and many others that you need to postpone forever in mind if you have chosen the study of the subject.
So, pottery - The art of mixing certain ingredients to obtain the final result. Of course, this term does not give us extensive knowledge. You need to know the mandatory conditions of potions, knowing separate science - the classification of potions, which is very complex and immense. Neamers you have the right to say that, knowing the term you are already different from those who have not taught science ever before.
We will work with terms. I will write them down at the end of the paragraph and need to be remembered because they are included in the tasks of this tutorial.
So, we have already figured out what kind of potion, but this is not all.
Component ingredients - What the potion consists of directly. Components (or ingredients) are the most diverse: animal, vegetable, natural origin, etc. But the ingredients are also not all that includes any potion.
Base of potion -the initial substance in which the Copmons adds. The basis of potions in modern science in most of its own - water. However, the foundations may be very different. For example, a fat basis.
Potions are in different states liquid, thick and mashedral, powders, steam and others.
The main parameters for which we this year are classifying the potions are their use (combat, domestic, etc.) their strength (strong, weak, instantaneous, etc.) and their condition. And about the classification itself you will explore the last courses.
Now you learned the foundations without which anywhere in the potion is not to go. Of course, I did not have time to pay attention to a lot, but all the nuances, like the order, adding, temperature and others you will learn further or right in practice.

Think and answer:
1. Explain the terms of paragraph in your words.
2. How did you understand what the science studied by us is complex?
3. Give examples not specified in the paragraph by the parameters of the potions classification this year. (Example: Removing: Healing)

Waiting for you bring them. The player should examine the poison that follows from the Brither's weapon, but he corps any vessel. Honir took up the manufacture of a particularly solid vessel, but he needs some strengthening ingredients. Collect the fiery crystal, the horn of the Granker, a weak catalyst and take it to Honire. Result assignment:
Siegriter wants to make an antidote to prevent further transformation of people in the undead.

To do this, you need to explore the poison arising from the britra weapons. The problem was that it is so strong that he eats any vessel.

Alchemist Honir from Pandemonium took up the manufacture of a particularly durable vessel, and you agreed to help him get the materials.

Collecting the horn of the silver granker, the fiery crystal of fire elemental and a weak catalyst, you treated them to Honire. Now he can make a vessel.

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The multilateral problem with the undead must be solved comprehensively.

It is necessary to eliminate both the cause of the emergence of the living dead and the consequences.

And now it is very important to do so that the survivors did not have suffered the fate of the dead.

Isn't that domestic debt?
To make an antidote, you must first explore the poison, right?

But there is one problem.

We know that Briton's weapons make the dead get up from the graves. It exudes the poison that flows on the ground and accumulates on it, forming a muddy puddle.

It is not possible to collect it for research. It is possible - the fluid instantly corrupt any vessel.
However, one alchemist in Pandemonium argues that he will be able to make a special vessel suitable for storing this poison. Provided that he will have all the necessary ingredients.

To collect them, you have to get around the whole Beloselan and even go to Morham.

But we, without throat, are engaged in the extermination of undead. In Morham behind a fiery crystal, it is absolutely no one.

Player, if it is not difficult for you, could you help us?

You will have to assemble the strengthening components and take alchemist named Honir. It will not be easy, but think about how you will help unhappy refugees!
Thank you! Then I will explain what the Honire needs to create a vessel.

First, the fiery crystal. They can be extracted from bright fire elementals in the air church of Arkanis in Morham.

Secondly, Horn Granker. Silver grankers live in the lair of snow bears, this ingredient is extracted from them.

Third, weak catalyst. Alchemist named Graph in Pandemonium will sell it to you.

After receiving all this, Honir will create a particularly durable vessel for us.
Alchemy is rapidly developing lately.

Scientists have learned to make potions from ore, animal bones, elemental crystals.

The list of available ingredients is constantly growing, new compositions are created with amazing properties, and the properties of known compositions are enhanced repeatedly.

Hmm, it seems, I chat too much. How can I help?
Sigrites sent you?

Why did you come with empty hands?

I can make a durable vessel, but for this I need materials. I told her!

Bring me strengthening components.
Oh, you got the materials! I thought that SIGRITE would send me someone to help me.

I recently handed it a list of necessary ingredients.

You brought everything you need and I will try to make a durable vessel.

Normal award
806 224 XP.

Vigorous potions. Recipes and components of lovely potions
Vigory potions
Recipes and components of lovely potions

Almost all guidance potions are compiled on a growing moon. For the manufacture of alone drugs are needed only one day. For the complete excerpt of others, there are not enough decades. In any case, it must be remembered that the first time of charging and the transfer of the necessary influences to your magic medium should be the night of the "Light Moon". If you commit a ritual and action done at a time, then let them come on the third, eighth or ninth moon days or on the full moon itself. Traditional days of the week for this witchcraft - Monday and Friday, and the time of this magical action must match your desire and mood.

Protigative Potion number 1

The main efficiency of any kind of potion is not in its composition, but in the method of its preparation. You can use the most ordinary spring water, put on it all your passion and desire and have a bigger result than if you had applied a multi-component remedy, but would not back up it with your feeling. For your magic, you will need a "love triangle". Cut from dense white paper equilateral triangle. The length of his sides should be equal to 33 cm. Write your name on one side of the triangle, to another name of the person you have been involved, and on the third word "love." Cut the ritual on any day of the growing moon at any time, after sunset. Put a small table to the center of the room. Cover it with a red or black cloth and put a triangle on it. Light a candle. Pour into a crystal glass of ordinary water or any other drink that you decide to use as a guide potion. Place this glass in the center of the witch triangle. Take the candle to the right hand and keep it above the top corner of the triangle. Start moving with hand and candle from this angle to the lower right corner and call the witchcraft you need:


Continue along the horizontal side of the triangle on the right left and pronounce the spell:


Now from the left left corner, move up, closing the magic figure of the triangle:

During the movement of the candle, try not to look right on her flame, look at the center of the triangle, and notice the fire only the edge of the eye. By doing so, you will definitely see how the fire leaves an unpleasant trail, repeating the closed circuit of the triangle. Of course, this fiery contour should exist in your imagination, and it is through your imagination that all your dreams and vision should be part of the material world. Therefore, be sure to realize what you do for what. Be sure to imagine that all your feelings and aspirations as a result of your witchcraft are gaining increasing materiality and significance in the real world. Repeat all this move two more times, uttering all the same spells. At first your voice should sound not very loud, but with each new movement, give your words with all the biggest power and strength. Not necessarily to shout. Just gradually give them increasingly important and hardness. Insert more desire and passion in them. By making these actions, put the palm of the left hand right above the potion, and keep your hand with a candle right above the left palm. Say a new spell:

Adlava Saus, Corga Avdalo.
Pyro Tagul, Auchadol.
Wededer Nore Kofado, Ude Ode before.

Next, you must leave your hand with a candle where it was before it, and the palm of the left hand make circular movements clockwise. First do it silently, and then, when you yourself feel the need, start repeating the spell:

Ahalael Atabl.
El Lecamur, Azvach.
Oda Faul Lama, Oda Lah.

Do it until your inner excitement reaches its highest point. All this time, be sure to imagine the consequences that the potion prepared by you will have, that is, create mental images of a joint future with your favorite person. Imagine a passion and desire, love and tenderness that will show to you the one who will try your magic agent. At some point you will realize that all these ideas have already accomplished reality that all this is already happening. Then dramatically stop the movement and blend the candle. When the flame goes out and only the fading smoke will remain from it, try to grab this smoke left hand and clap it in the fist. Take the right hand with a rogue candle to the side. The sharp movement of the left hand down, with the disclosure of the fingers compressed in the fist, how to throw smoke into the potion. It doesn't matter whether you have time to capture the real smoke into a fist or not. This gesture is more symbolic than realistic. He expresses your will, not a deed. All that happened must be perfect quickly and poured in one breath. Your potion is ready. Your ritual is completed. You can serve your prepared drink.

Protransport Potion number 2

For three days insist 20 g of Basilica in the Roma halflitter. Then strain this infusion through ground coffee: pour coffee in the siter and leut into it infusion. Add 10 g of ginger to the grace with infusion of 10 g and render it over three days, after which again strain it through coffee. Next, insist the potion on the coriander, which take 5 g. The finished drug is very strong. Offer it to your chosen one at the end of the romantic dinner in order to have the result you need after a minute after it is applied.

Protransport Potion number 3

Speak the most ordinary water or any other drink:

You are with me, I'm with you.
I'm with you, you are with me.
Water do not break
We are going together.

Let's drink half of this conspiracy to your chosen one, and drink the other half themselves. When he will drink his share, mentally repeat the second spell offer. When you drink the water yourself, remember the first part of the cherished words.

Protransport Potion number 4

This potion can use a woman in love with her girlfriend. In the first Friday, after the new moon, fill two spoons of finely chopped Barwinka colors a quarter of a liter of vodka, into which add half of the almond walnut and three drops of their own blood. Insist this tool for a week and the next Friday boil it for half an hour on a weak heat. Add this potion three drops in your chosen one.

Protigative Potion number 5

In magical practice, many things from our everyday environment are considered symbolically and have a deep mystical meaning. For example, stupa and pestle, designed to grind various culinary components symbolize female and men's genitals. The chopping process itself is considered as a magical copulation, initiating a real action. Scroll seven coriander seeds in a porcelain mortar. Doing it, mentally repeat the name of your favorite person and imagine the paintings of your physical intimacy. Collect the entire powder formed into the copper bowl and fill it with key or distilled water. Put another empty bowl on the floor in front of yourself, and take a cup with a potion. Leite the potion from the height of one meter into an empty bowl. Do this operation exactly seven times, overflow the potion from the second bowl in the first, and then again from the first to the second. Imagine how with each of your new action the potion is becoming increasingly powerful and power over to whom it will be intended. Let's mix the resulting tool in drinking or food to whom you want to shock. Do it no later than a day after cooking the potion.

Protransport Potion number 6

Mix in the palm of your left hand pinch of the root of black licorice, two chips of flowers or leaves of passiflora, three chips of cumin or cardamom. Throw the mixture into a bottle filled with rum. Insist the potion one lunar quarter, then strain it. Ten drops of this probationary drug will be quite enough to cause love and desire.

Protigative Potion number 7

In 300 g of alcohol, it is necessary to insist five phenhel pinchs and five lime pinchs. After a week, add three chips of black pepper to them, one pinch of cinnamon and let it stand another week. After that, in the next Friday, observing all the conditions of witchcraft, burn the candle and go with her in a circle of the room in which you are going to make your magic. The result of this should be an insurmountable for the dark forces of the wall of light and fire. Pour all the infusion prepared by you in a shallow saucer or bowl. Fit it from the candle and enter into the blue flame of the burning alcohol of the palm of both hands. Keep your palms horizontally and make circular movements. The left hand should move clockwise, and the right - against this direction. Your palms must alternately enter and leave the fiery flame. All your movements must be fused and continuous. Hands move slowly and gently. With the help of these passes, you give part of our energy to the Cold pottery, fill it with a new magical meaning and content. To do this, say a special spell:

Kalkava, Oward, Mafara, Eger!
Fadofal Azanax,
Prier Arhaghel, Adon Perel.

Having finished this spell, continue to perform circular movements. After one or two minutes, repeat the spell and hold out a small pause again. Next, the spell is pronounced for the third time. When the last words are executed, stop the movement of the hands. Take a small teaspoon in my right hand, and a glass vessel cooked in advance in the left. Mind with a spoon a little fiery substance and move it very carefully into the vessel. Doing it, pronounce a short spell:

Markava Icons, Ace Gawa.

Stop the new part of the fiery substance again and also recover it into the vessel. Repeat the last spell. Do all this five or more times until you collect the necessary one, in your opinion, the amount of potion. But remember that the number of parts of the magic moisture given to the vessel should be odd. When you decide that the potions are enough for you, put a spoon to the side, close the neck of the vessel to your lips and say the carriage formula with the obligatory calculation so that the air, accompanying your words, gets inside the vessel:

Cadabur Ohaiyas Remo Spere.
Omur Afat. Nomina Gerro.

Saying this spell, immediately block the vessel with a cork so that the echoes of your last words become his eternal prisoner. The alcohol infusion remained in the cup must completely burn. When the herbs will begin to smoke in it, fan with this smoke with finished drug. Candle must also burn to the end. The disappearance of its flame is the signal to all those present forces to retire. This potion can be used for six years after its preparation. The time is able to even strengthen its informative properties, but only provided that the vessel will remain tightly closed.

Protigative Potion number 8

Scross the sharp knife "Blona" (fleshy on the forehead) at chicken or horse. Well, this thief drain, after which it is in powder. Keep this powder in a blocked glass vessel in a dry dark place for no more than a month. Giving a secret spell, plunge this tool in your chosen one:

Tairay Fat, Tairay Fat,
Tairay Fat, ATKUN Lyat, ATKUN FAG.

Do it necessarily on Wednesday or Friday and all the rest of this day mentally repeat the words you have already uttered.

Protransport Potion number 9

Put two teaspoons of the grass of the grass and herbs of the root in the bowl of the grass, pour them with a glass of weathered brandy or whiskey and boil this composition on a weak heat until it becomes a third less. The cooling potion is strain, reclix it into a vessel with a fitting plug and store before applying no more than one day. This potion should be added to food or drink no more than ten drops.

Protransport Potion number 10

Cut and tear the petals with one red and one white rose. Burn them over the flame of the pink candle and throw them ashes into a small amount of clean alcohol. Add three drops of blood, extracted from the middle finger of your left hand (a woman can use menstrual blood), three chips of ginger powder, two pinching of anise seeds and degilla root powder, one pinch of licorice, one pinch of cinema and coriander.

This potion is very strong. Only three of his drops will be enough for your chosen one to feel, in whom he really needs who he must worship, whose name must go to bed in the evening and wake up in the morning.

Protigative Potion number 11

On Monday evening, go to a little place, to the high pine you need. Capture a robust red thread with you. Refine it around the tree trunk and say:

Lada Iga Vada Khora, idea chaos Nome Fora.

After three days, on Thursday in the evening, go back to this pine and, breaking the thread, remove it from the tree to say the thread at the time of breaking:

Lada Iga Chaos Das.

Having come home, place the thread in a small bubble and pour it with alcohol. This guide potion can be added to drink or food only on Monday and only on the growing moon.

Protigatory Potion number 12

Pour into a bottle of dark glass 100 g of Roma and 100 g cognac, add half a teaspoon of the cassium root tower to them and the same number of dried flowers of this plant. Insist the contents of one moon quarter, then strain it. To cause an instant passion and long-lasting love in the soul and in the body of your chosen one, let him eat one glass of your potion.

Protransport Potion number 13

For the manufacture of the next guideline, you will need a porcelain bowl (blade) with special properties. If, on the edge of such a bowl, drive your finger, then a monotonous sound occurs. It should be noted that each porcelain bowl is capable of playing similar sounds, but you must choose the one that it turns out louder and better. Usually, such bowls have medium or large sizes and thin walls.

The composition of the potion itself can be completely any, in particular, it may be a potion cooked from the grass of nine, which you have constantly worn with you to do this for three days, and then echoed and flooded with spring water.

Pour this potion at the very bottom of the bowl. Drive on its edge to the index finger and achieve a smooth monotonous sound. Not interrupting this movement and sound, say:

Lol Dufar Giba Saidas.
Gias Motabas Likabar, Oma Igo Laba.
Okayalla Sagrab, Dumma Hill.

Repeat this spell several times. Feel how your words merged and resonated with the sound of a porcelain, like their energy, was repeatedly enhanced, moved to the potion and they were perceived. Stop the movement of the finger. And although the external sound of the porcelain will stop, the inner sound of the potion will not disappear.

Pour this drug into a specially prepared vessel and close it. Add a potion in drinking your chosen one. Hear the unlocked sound of your witchcraft influence, which passed on the entire volume of drinking or dish.

When this magic music will be transferred to the person in which you need it will be in your power. All the words you say will become sweet music for him, and all your actions and deeds will cause him only admiration and worship.

Protigatory Potion number 14

Mix three chips of ground coffee, three chopping chopped in the root powder, one pinch of the root of iris, one pinch of sesame seed and one pinch of a dried flower magnolia. Fill the resulting mixture of 150 g of Roma or brandy and insist the potion two moon fourths in warmth and darkness. When it takes a time limit, strain the infusion and let him eat it to your beloved person.

Protigatory Potion number 15

Cut the legs with a thick skin or corn. It is good to dry and erase it into powder. Throw this powder in drink and say three times:

How my legs are tight and tight to the earth
So it would have (name) to me to access.
How my body is loved by yourself
So I would be a mile and loved (name).

This potion will immediately affect the fact that it is applied to Wednesday on the growing moon.

Protransport Potion number 16

Get a strong brandy or whiskey - what is able to burn. Insist on it a week of white rose petals, crawling, verbena and leaves of Barwinka. (If you fail to find all these plants, use only pink petals.) After the desired time, resolve infusion.

Then pursue the infusion prepared by you in the big bowl and burn it. Mind by tea or tablespoon burning potion. Raise the spoon over the bowl and slowly leave the fire back into the bowl. Pronounce during this action:

Nauda Hedsa for, Ahan Valet.

Repeat all this several times, until you yourself feel that it will be enough, and then break a few spoons of flaming potion into the vessel prepared for him by pronouncing the following witch formula:

Gibara Satur. Igama Headlight Booth.
Adeke Hamur, ESCA-LUT.

Close the vessel cork. And the rest of the potion will hinder. Use for immediate attitude the potion you are collected in the vessel, and what remains in the bowl, save for the future.

Protransport Potion number 17

In order to destroy the wall of indifference, coldness and misunderstanding, put the icicle on a small plate or a cube of ice, follow his melting, presenting that barriers and barriers that shared you with a loved one are melted and disappeared. When the ice is completely melting, collect all the melting water and secretly add it to drink your chosen one.

Protigative Potion number 18

Prepare in advance alcohol infusion from the root of the dyagil or the petals of red roses. Add some water to it (the proportion of water and alcohol is one to five). When the first day of the moon comes, take two needles in both hands and, holding their cross-crosswise (metal comes) right in front of yourself, say:

Adhadebas Ima Debo, Ave Daal Hal Vio.

Put the needles on the table crosswise and tight them in the middle of the red thread. Tie to both holes needles another red thread. Its length should be 5-7 cm. To its middle, tie another thread of the same color, its size is 15-20 cm. Pour the early prepared infusion into the bowl or to the plate and burn it. Take the end of the thread with the needles in the right hand and place them above the bowl, so that the flames of the flame are licked metal, but they did not overlay the thread connecting needles. Through thread thread with needles and repeat the spell until all the alcohol evaporates, and the flame will not go out:

Galleb Barda, IBA VEKO.
Naga Hamal Iga Demo.
Omas Lapikatature, Hymus Najab Faraf.
Sato Namem, Arcade Itaus Narcal.

Imagine how your attractive energy flows on the threads under the action of your threads, how your love witchcraft turns into a metal, crosses, woven into the spiral and is transmitted to flaming potion. When the fire goes out, collect the remaining moisture after it and use it for the attitude of your chosen one.

Protigative Potion number 19

Make a white lily alcohol infusion. When the full moon and the moon appears, it will be clearly visible, pour this infusion into a small bowl. Look at the moon reflected in it and pronounce a conspiracy:

Satello Gibo, Okhad Hamus.
Ibul Gabul Faro, Oodabas Ipak Debo.
Tal Hargabl Oomiatox, Hadas Rado himself.

This potion should be saved in a vessel with dark walls. Add it to any drink or food no more than five drops at a time. You can use it not only for the charm of men, but also to initiate lesbian communication.

Protransport Potion number 20

Put a small round mirror on the bottom of the porcelain or copper bowl. Pour clean spring water into this bowl. Looking through the water to its reflection in the mirror, say:

Immago Libam, from Capo, Ohhi FEPS.
Sana with wines Gomus Patu and, Es Wa.
Kada Elus Fal, Ame Kon.
Debus Lama Khadal, Ame Hibe.

Use this water to prepare evokes and drinks that will offer your chosen one. This magic is most effective during the growth period of the Moon.

Protigative Potion number 21

Take the grass of the lubricants of a teaspoon floor, a fenugreek of a full full spoon, and a chastard and a half spoons. Mix herbs together and fill them 250 g of alcohol. Insist herbs week, then strain the infusion through ground coffee. Keep ready-made guidance in a secret place in a dark glass vessel, on the bottom of which throw a robust red thread. Imagining a convenient moment, add twelve drops of this potion in drinking your chosen one. After the potion is perficing, remove the thread from the vessel and make a knot on it, imagining that this action you forever communicate the souls and hearts - their own and your beloved. The last action (knotting) is not necessary to make immediately after the use of potion, but it must be fulfilled until the end of the current and starting day.

If this potion is drawn up in order to acquire more attention and understanding of the person with whom you live together for more than one year, then wrap the thread soaked in the potion around the middle phalange of the index finger your left hand and wear it so for a while.

Protransport Potion number 22

On Wednesday afternoon, mix the five parts of dry juniper berries with two parts of Anisa, with two parts of the hawthorn flowers and one part of the yarrow grass. Throw ten pinch of this herbal mixture into a small glass bubble, which in front of it pour the clean alcohol. Having done all this, go to the very following forests, suspend a bubble with a potion on a robust red thread on a young mighty dub and say a plot:

How this oak is hard, not bend,
does not break, not bend,
so would (the name of your chosen one) would stand
on me x ... and at night, and in the evening,
And in the morning, and in the afternoon, did not happen, did not break,
Neither who, besides me, did not strive.

Go back after that home. On Friday morning, go to the same forest again, remove the bubble from the tree and carry it home. Use the resulting means to revive the former love passion from your husband or lover. Add just one drop of this potion into any drink it. Do it every day (or at each of your meetings) on the growing moon.

Protransport Potion number 23

Insist for two weeks finely chopped green rosemary shoots, jasmine flowers and lemon zest in white wine. Then the wine strain. Let me take the potion to your beloved every Friday for three weeks. Before this, keep a bed with wine in your right hand for some time, covering it from top with left palm, imagining that your feelings and aspirations are transmitted potions.

Protransport Potion number 24

Prepare three alcohol infusions. Infusion of love-current cook on Friday, infusion of cannabis grass on Monday, and the infusion of the root of Dyagil on Thursday. To withstand these infusions one moon quarter, then strain them. When the time comes to apply a guide potion, mix 15 drops of the first infusion with 10 drops of the second and say:

Malchitab Lama Mountains.

Connect 15 drops of second infusion with 10 drops of the third and mark this action with a new spell:

Hat Neru Ain Cor.

Mix 10 drops of the first infusion with 15 drops of the third. In this case, your words should be:

Zun Tau Liar.

Connect the first mixture from the second, pronouncing:

Alaibiz Hadma Orra, Abelar Atlard.

Add to them the third composition and continue the spell:

Dancarion Oman Hub Ob Raon.

The resulting agent should be added in a drink with three drops.
Use the residue of info for the preparation of new potions.

Protigative Potion number 25

At the time of the brightest manifestation of love and passion, you invitely collect a few drops of his sweat, saliva or other secretions. Place them in a small glass bubble and pour alcohol. Keep this guidance potion throughout your life together and when your passion starts fading, use three drops to restore the former heat of feelings and deposits.

Protigative Potion number 26

Make a herbal mixture, taking all the components in equal parts: the grass of the reales, basil, dyagil, Verbena flowers. Fill three spoons of this mixture of 250 g of alcohol and add three chopping on the lotus seeds in the powder. Insist such a composition of three days in a dark place, then strain it. Add three drops of the received infusion to any drink. Before suggesting his beloved person, draw the cushion of the middle finger right hand three crosses on the surface of the liquid. First spend the vertical line and mentally say the name of the one who is intended to be your efforts, then horizontal, mentioning at this moment your name. By blessing, in this way, a leading potion, align the Love Drug Droplet, which remained on the tip of the middle finger and imagine your happy collaborative future with your chosen one.

Protigative Potion number 27

To compile the next guidance potion, make "ink desire". To a small number of the most ordinary inks, add your own blood drip, three of your hair and your three breaths. Using these inks, write your name on the small mirror. When the ink is completely dried, place the mirror in the bowl with melt water or alcohol. Throw in this water three chips of dry grass nine or powder cooked from dry rose petals, and say:

Expensive name, loved body and face.

Repeat these simple words as long as the inscription made on the mirror is completely dissolved in the water, then break the potion in a small vessel with a dense lid. When a convenient moment is presented, add a few drops of this drug in drinking your chosen one. The mirror, which took part in the preparation of a guide potion, is always with you. From time to time, look at him, presenting in it the one for whom your witchcraft was intended.

Protigative Potion number 29

On the night of the full moon mix in the desired proportion the following dried herbs and plants: Vasilisnika Paul teaspoon, Flowers Primulus a third teaspoon, three chips of cinnamon, a third of a teaspoon of hibiscus flowers and the same number of leaves of this plant. Fill the resulting herbal mix of brandy glass and insist the potion until the next full moon in complete darkness and integrity. After one lunar month, move the potion and let it drink to your beloved in minimal quantity. Such a guidance potion is very effective for conquering a female heart and almost inactually in order to cause love aspirations in the soul of men.

Protigative Potion number 30

Here is a simple recipe of a guide potion. Teathers in an empty glass:

How can a live man
live without drinking no day
so would be the slave (name) could not
live without me a day.

After that, pour wine or water into a conspired glass and let it drink to your chosen one.

Protransport Potion number 31

Before you cook some drink or a dish, for which sugar is needed, make the following: Install a short pink candle into a wide cup. Pour sugar to the edges to the same cup. The top of the candle should be on two or three centimeters above the sugar level. Light a candle. Watch it with the flame and think that both the borders and light fire, as bright and brighter your love. Allow the candle to burn to the end. Collect all the sugar that was melted with fire, but not spoiled with wax, and use it for making a love drink.

Protransport Potion number 33

In the morning, on a clear dawn, connect the three parts of the grass nineteen with two parts of the radiant root and one part of the yarrow grass. Put this mixture into a small canvas bag and wear it tied to the armpit left hand. In the evening, after sunset, remove the bag and, without removing her herbs, fill it with boiling water. When water cools, break the infusion. Let's give it to his chosen three drops by adding them to any drink.

Protigative Potion number 34

In the evening, before going to bed, pour clean spring water into the glass. Put on top of this glass photo of your chosen one. Lower the pinch of salt on the lips in this photo and say:

How can this man can live without water,
So he will not live without my love.
Here is your water, here is your reflection and peace.

Put a glass with a photo under your bed and go to bed. Go so a few evenings in a row, every time pouring fresh water into a glass. When your favorite comes to your house, let him drink the water that was used for the last time, and your chosen one will never leave you. This witchcraft "causes thirst" and can return to you who left you for the sake of another, or to attract anyone who has never been next to you.

Protigatory Potion number 35

Add three chips of the Basilica grass to the glass with spring water, the pinch of dry rose petals, the pinch of the apple peel and the chipping of the sea salt. Holding this potion between your palms, charge it with the energy of your love. Im influence that crash soft waves come out of your hands, that they are transmitted to the magic composition and turn it into the source of your sensuality. Use this potion when cooking or drinking for your chosen one.

Protigative Potion number 34

Lower to the Cup with wine Sapphire ring and pronounce a spell:

Margabadon Una Efor Iso Iruz Canor,
Gain Apulent Dar, East Bar A act of Paran.
Vellora Ash Bayunab Oma Ira Akvaronon,
Sat Gebus Laiter, East Naist Barabon.

Have this remnant on your left hand when you feed your chosen one.

Protigatory Potion number 35

Cut in half a big red apple. Collect all its bones and place them in a bubble with alcohol. Put into the bubble each bone separately, repeating each time the same spell:

Hiba Rama, Wada NPP. Note Daho Ibaka.

Looking at the potion, eat the apple itself, presenting the image of your favorite person. After that, use nine drops of this drug to fulfill your desires regarding the one you presented in your thoughts.

Protransport potion number 36.

Giving a conspiracy, tie your own and his hair to the triple knot:

How our hair is touched firmly
Our souls and hearts will also be connected firmly.

Put these connected hair into a vessel with spring water or vodka alcohol. A day later, add this potion in a drink in the amount of one drop. This potion will be especially effective if you take his hair from the head, and your own from the pubis.

Protigative Potion number 37

Will erase rose petal powder and put them in red wine. This potion must be used with a growing moon in order to excite new love.

Will erase in the powder of marigold flowers and add this powder into pink wine. This potion will help you restore former feelings if it is used for the full moon.

Erase in powder Mimosa flowers and add them to white wine. If during the period of decreasing moon you will give this potion to the one who has become unful you, then he will quickly cool to you.

Protransport Potion number 38

Knowing that soon you will communicate with your chosen one, put your small photo on the table. Put the glass glass on top of it with a smooth unscrewed bottom, in which pour sweet apple juice or the most common water. Cover the glass with a small round mirror so that your photographic image reflects. When a person's beloved will come, hide the mirror and photo and under any pretext make it drink all the juice.

Protransport Potion number 39

On Friday evening, we will converge with red roses all the petals, designating this action by a secret plot:

Fold Akwie Cor, Itus Marvilak.
Site dates Tatus Gafarga, Abikalam Macco.
One Ita Kalor, Oeja Vilor,
AC Quino, Ase Maikaba.

Fill these petals with alcohol and keep three moon nights so infusted. Add this potion to drink your chosen one's one on Monday. Put his two drops in any of his drink on Tuesday. On Wednesday, give him a drink with three droplets of potions, and on Thursday with four. On Friday, the potions in drink should be exactly five drops, six drops on Saturday, and on Sunday seven. All these numbers and dates should coincide with the last week of the growing moon, so that the last day of receiving the love drug coincided with the full moon. For greater efficiency of this witchcraft, take this potion along with your chosen one. In this case, use "reverse" doses, that is, on Monday, seven drops, on Tuesday six and so on. This witchcraft must be carried out only once when you need to join the souls and hearts forever.

Distribution potions number 40

Giving cherished words, add a little apple syrup to wine alcohol:

Abundance Kai Na, Udby Arom, AT Bir.

Selecting a convenient moment, add 10 drops of this potion into a drink that will drink your favorite person. After the love drug will be applied, you need to pour the whole balance of potions on a small black plate, set fire to it and repeat it several times:

Marchetabas ZiFo Okali Kalaz,
Drown Abraz OES left.
Katun Chabo Idkoba Atva Zalace,
Orm Fado Ollhaz.
East Verga, East Gadva, East Vargabas!

Do all this no later than six hours after the potion is perficing. Making this witchcraft, you can also pronounce another plot. Pronounce at the moment when connecting alcohol and syrup:

How wanders the bodied wine,
So the soul and body will be loved by a love longing.
And when you burn the residue of the potion,
That indicate this action with the words:
I'm not burning, I'm missing.
I am not Flames Polax, I'll break the passion.
From me to the guilt, from the fire to him.
Sign his heart!
Flaw his soul
From this minute to the last day!

Pronounce these words, create a mental image of your favorite person. Imagine that at the moment the events described in the conspiracy occur.

Protigative Potion number 41

Erased into powder and slightly satched fire of the root of Sarspare Take a third of a teaspoon, leaves Lovely Paul Tea Spoon, Coriander Three chopping, thyme one shrink, brandy one glass. Mix together all the ingredients, add strand of hair cut over your left temple, nail with a nameless finger your right hand and fill everything with brandy. Insist the potion one lunar quarter. Add six drops of your affiliate to food or drink someone you want to see permanently next to you.

Protigative Potion number 42

You need to make two closed gold rings. If there is no possibility to have such rings, then you just associate the red thread two wedding rings. Put these rings into the water and say:

Albs Fabus, Alla Abi Tag.
Once connected
There will be no open in the eyelids!
Alba Fabus, Al Abi Tag.

This potion should be used when a wife or husband leaves the family or strive for termination of marriage.

Protransport Potion number 43

This is a traditional lesbian guidance potion, which lovers can prepare and drink together. Fill 10 g dry leaves Damiana a quarter of a liter of anise vodka or a bright rum. Hold this composition for one week in a dark place, then pick up the infusion through coffee. At the same time, insist the same amount of Damian in the same amount of pure spring water, and after the desired term and this infusion is resolved. Before using the magic drug, he heat a slightly aqueous tincture, dissolve honey in it, then pour the alcohol substance into it. The resulting agent is drunk on one glass of each participant of a love action so that in an hour and a half to feel the warmth and the strongest attraction to each other.

Protigative Potion number 44

Site with a seizure of lomies or dill:

From the ground to the grass, from the grass to me.

When the plant matures, put it on Friday, uttering:

How this bouquet does not grow, do not grow up,
So and (name) to me with soul and body forever increments.

Use these spices in those kushans that will offer your chosen one.

Protigative Potion number 45

Put as many silver coins into a glass with water, how many years you have already lived with your husband and so much gold, how many years they intend to live with him. Say over the surface of the water:

Gold and silver,
Past and Future
I spell you, the power of water,
keep and multiply
save and argue
peace and consent
Clean and loyalty
From this day and forever and centuries.

Let's drink this water to your spouse and drink it yourself.

Protigative Potion number 46

Make a mixture: 30 g of ginger, 20 g cinnamon, pinch vanilla. Fill it with a bottle of dry white wine. Insist for three days, then strain. At the same time, prepare the other composition: take a 50 g of sugar syrup with two quail eggs and a glass of brandy in a mixer. Mix these two compositions and add a quarter of a teaspoon of an extruded almond nut. Having become treated by this potion of your chosen one at the beginning of your dating for his successful ending.

A unique role-playing game with a huge world and many interesting and unpredictable quests has already managed to conquer the hearts of many gamers around the world. During the gameplay, the player will be able not only to fulfill many interesting tasks, but also to develop a lot of useful skills from the character. In Skyrim, it is possible even at the initial level to learn the professions that will certainly need it for the further passage of the game, as well as to prepare before the battle with particularly strong rivals.

One of the most necessary professions is alchemy - an ancient craft of manufacturing different potions and poisons.

Components for the creation of "magic solutions" can be found across the glorification world. In order to cook a magic potion or poison, the character needs to get into the alchemical laboratory and simply mix ingredients together. After you welded the necessary elixir, it needs to drink.

Almost all drugs in the game have useful properties, both the weakest and more potent. Effects that can be obtained when using potions will significantly improve the characteristics of your character. The game presents many recipes for elixirs and poisons that help replenish the reserves, magical abilities and of course the health of your character.

Skyrim engine potion where to find

Players can use alchemy in the game only in specially designed laboratories. To create magic drugs, the character will need to combine several components that have the same magic impact. Any of the components of the potions has several useful effects (usually they are not more than four).

You can conduct experiences with various types of elixirs if all the rules were met during their creation.

The character will be able to prepare different types of potions for special recipes that it will find during the game. These drugs are boiled from plants and herbs that can be found by traveling through a huge game universe. Sometimes for potions, even you can even catch insects that eat color nectar. To make it easier for the player to distribute the desired components, there are prompts in the game that will help to understand, these ingredients are combined or not.

The higher the price of the potion-made player, the more he will receive experience points after its manufacture. The most popular drugs are used to increase the skill level in a particular profession. In Skyrim, the enchantment potion is used to improve the hero's armor items.

When using this magic elixir, all the items of the character's equipment that he was able to enchant will have more powerful armor. But unfortunately, this magic effect lasts a long time (no more than one minute). The greater the level of alchemy, the stronger the characteristics of the welded drug will be.

To cook this potion, the player will need to find or buy the following ingredients from merchants:

  • Claw Glad.
  • Blue butterfly wings.
  • Snow berries.
  • Zhivitsa Spriggan.

So ... Today, we talked enough for you to already understand that the science of potion requires absolute care and returns. To begin with, I will give a simple classification of ingredients of potions. By the way, " ingredients"(In order to study in the lessons of potion) - this is the same as" components "is all that which can be part of the potion, simply put. Scientific formulations about the substance I do not demand from you, so remember that ingredients (components) of potions - This is all that directly part of the potion or may be included in it.

So, the ingredients of potions can be classified as follows (incomplete list of categories ingredients):
1. Vegetable components.
2. Animal components.
3. Stamps.
4. Elemental components.
5. Individual components.
6. Other natural components.
7. Other.

Let's talk about every detail for you to know what is included in each of the categories of ingredients.

1. Vegetable components.

Look, it is a fresh leg of a toast, dried eucalyptus leaf and semi-creek green pine needles. What unites it all? Yes, that it all belongs to the plant world. All this is plants. By the way, here we will attract mushrooms, although they do not belong to the kingdom of plants. Thus, we are in this category ingredients all what grows out of the ground and on Earth. Many plants are used in the potion - you can make sure of it, opening any book with potions recipes. And it is necessary to understand well in the properties so that the incidents occurred ..
Now I will not give you a table of conformity types of potions and suitable plants, just remember that if it seems to you that some of the vegetable potentials of potions clearly should not be used in such a potion, you can question the author of the author or publishing house and consult with someone from teachers. Of course, if you have a reasonable doubt, not "I don't want so much."

2. Animal components.

Now, on the table, the paws of tarantula, dried dragon leather and worsted eyes of Triton appeared. As you understand, it's all - parts of animals, and both magical and not. In our school, you can explore the dragonology, the magic of animals, parallel worlds and other items - in general, classes are enough to apply the knowledge gained in purposes of animals .. For potion, various parts of the body of animals are used: Magic - to give potions of special magic properties, non-magic - To give potions of certain properties and often - to commit certain reactions to the potion. So, again, I will not give the table of conformity now, just remember that animal components should be used in potions, especially considering their magic properties, value and accessibility.