The roots of the Hypericum. Grass St. John's wort - Medical properties and contraindications

St. John's wort, a hoodie. PERFORATUM HYPERICUM PERFORATUM plant, hare Blood, bloodflower, Soluyansky potion, healthy grass. | St. John's wort, the plant is solenits, Hypericum Quadrangulum. | Hyssopus Officinalis Issop | Menyanthes TRIFOLIATA, TRIFOL, TRINT, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Daly

Hunther - Digitable. St. John's wort, the genus of herbs and semi-walkers (family of hunting). Over 300 species, mainly in moderate and subtropical belts of both hemispheres, as well as in the mountains of the tropics. Grow in coniferous and mixed forests, in glazes and ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Hunter dictionary of Russian synonyms. St. John's wort, the number of synonyms: 16 vodka (162) Hyperikum ... Synonym dictionary

St. John's wort, the genus of herbs and semi-walkers (family of hunting). Over 300 species, mainly in moderate and subtropical belts of both hemispheres, as well as in the mountains of the tropics. We grow in coniferous and mixed forests, in glades and cutting. St. John's wort ... ... Modern encyclopedia

The genus of the grass and semi-walkers family of the family. St. 300 species, mainly in moderate and subtropical belts. St. John's wortred medicinal plant (binder and antimicrobial action). Many species are decorative. 2 types are guarded ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Hypericum), plant genus ses. Clinus (or hunting). Herbs or shrubs with leaves, usually equipped with point gigners. Flowers are single or in half bloods, assembled into shields or blurred inflorescences, b. h. Yellow, with five hundred ... ... Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary

hunther - St. Justice, I, m. The one who often holds with t. N. "Persons of South Nationality." From the beast; jelly Contamination with clothing. "Zvetle" (occasion. Effect of name. Roman F. Coper) ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

The genus of meadow and forest herbs or semi-staples, usually with yellow flowers. In the grass, the Hypericum is contained up to 0.5% of essential oil, vitamin C, carotene, etc. substances. Used as components in the addition of a bouquet of various spices, herbs, ... ... Culinary Dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

1. Zvemya1, Hypericum, husband. (Book. Standard.). Hunter on beasts. 2. Zvemya2, Hypericum, husband. (bot.). The name of the special kind of plants, meadow and forest perennial herbs. Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov


  • John's wort, Cooper James Fenimore. Roman "Zvethoba" -Prows the book of a series of a wonderful American writer Fenimor Cooper, dedicated to the adventures of the Hunter of Nathaniel Bampo on the nicknamed St. John's wort. Among the heroes of the novel Indian ...
  • John's wort, Cooper J.F. Roman "Zver worten" - the book of a series of a wonderful American writer Fenimor Cooper, dedicated to the adventures of the hunter of Nathaniel Bampo on nicknamed John's wort. Among the heroes of the novel Indian ...

St. John's wort is considered one of those plants that originated from the blood or pen of the Bird "Lightning", which brought heavenly fire to the ground and was injured at the same time. A later beast attributed the property to drive an unclean force, it defended from witches and ghosts, and purple juice, obtained by pressing flower kidney, was considered for a charming agent.

St. John's wort, St. John'sum pierced, or the trousers of an ordinary ( Hypericum Perforatum.) - a perennial herbaceous plant; View of the kind of St. John's wort ( Hypericum) family of huntiness ( Hypericaceae.). Previously, Zvevichi usually was considered as a family of clubs ( Clusiaceae.).

St. John's wortradly, or a trouser trouser is one of the most used medicinal plants.


People's names of the Zverboy: Dusty ordinary, Svobnik, St. John's wortful, St. John's wort, hare, blood, a tree, a bloody, a bloody, bloodflower, a red blade, a collar, a hunger of Criva (Ukraine), Gerabai (Kazakhstan), Dhaza (Azerbaijan), Krazana (Georgia), Arovkurik (Armenia).


St. John's wort - a grassy perennial rhizome plant with reprehensive dughed branchy stems. The leaves are opposite, odorous, oblong, oval, seating, 0.7-3 cm of length and 0.3-1.5 cm. Width, oval, stupid, with numerous translucent point glasses. Flowers are yellow, with a large number of stamens, thicken threads in three beam. Pestik with three columns and three-day top ulusions. The fruent manifold box is 6 mm long, 5 mm wide. Seeds are small, up to 1 mm, cylindrical, brown. Height 30 - 100 cm.

Flowering time. June July.

Spread. It is found in the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones of the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia and in the mountains of Central Asia.

Havory. Growing through forest glades, shrubs ,.sadam, dry meadows.

Used part. Grass (stems, leaves, flowers) and leaves.

Collection time. June July.

Chemical composition. The grass contains a painting matter of hypericin, flavonoids hyperoside, rutin, quercitrine and quercetin, nicotinic acid, cerilene alcohol, tannylins, minor quantity, carotene (up to 55 mg%), vitamins C and PP, traces of alkaloids and phytoncides. Zvemya with rubbing has a kind of pleasant smell and slightly binding bitter-resinous taste.

ATTENTION: Plant is poisonous!


Application for medical purposes

For medical purposes, plant grass is used. Collect floral tops together with leaves during flowering. Dried in dryers at a temperature of 35-40 ° C or in air under the canopy.

Ready for use, raw materials is a fruitful stem with flowers, buds and partly fruits and seeds; Matte-green raw material, with a weak fragrant smell, with bitter, slightly astringent taste. Moisture is allowed not more than 13%, extractive substances extracted with 70% alcohol, at least 25%.

Pharmacies are sold in packaging 100 g in boxes or packages.

It is believed that the name of the plant comes from the Kazakh "Gerabai", which means "Healer of the Russian Academy of Sciences". St. John's wort as a medicinal plant was known in ancient Greece. In Russia, it was used at the beginning of the XVII century. Russian traditional medicine considers St. John's furious "grass from ninety-nine diseases" and extensively uses, especially in the mixtures of medicinal herbs, for the treatment of many diseases. The plant is applied in the traditional medicine of many countries.

Useful properties of the Hypericum

St. John's wort has astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, painkillers, antiseptic, wound-healing, diuretic and choleretic effects. The plant excites appetite, stimulates the excretory activity of various glands, contributes to the regeneration (restoration) of tissues, acts soothing on the nervous system.

It is evidence that they also have a stimulating effect on regenerative processes, possess p-vitamin activity, reduce capillary permeability.

The infusion of grass is used for female diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially with colitis and various diarrhea), pain in the stomach and intestines, diseases of the liver, heart and bladder, in particular, with renal disease, cystitis and involuntary night urine in children. The grass is also used as a soothing, analgesic remedy for head and other nerve pains.

The infusion of grass is used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antihake age.

In German folk medicine, the infusion of plants is taken with various gastrointestinal diseases, water, liver and kidney diseases, rheumatism, hemorrhoids and are used as a soothing remedy for headaches, irritability, restless sleep and nerve cramps.

The alcohol tincture of the plant in the form of droplets is used inside with rheumatic diseases.

Ground fresh leaves attached to wounds contribute to their rapid healing. Crushed grass infused on vegetable oil and mixed with turbidar, trimmed with rheumatism joints.

A alcohol tincture, diluted with water, wipe the mouth to destroy the bad odor, lubricate the gums to strengthen them.

In dentistry, hunting oil is used to treat chronic and subacute gingivitis and stomatitis. In the preparations of the Hypericum, therapeutic properties with a unwitting bitter-astringent taste and a pleasant balsamic smell are combined. The presence of vitamins A and C complements the therapeutic effect.

The plant is part of various medicinal fees (diuretic, binders and antimorrheum).

St. John's wort is used in scientific medicine with colitis and renal disease. Clinical studies have shown the good effect of the ether-alcohol tincture of plants during acute and chronic colitis. A new preparation made from the Hypericum - Imanin for outdoor use in burns (there are no disfiguring scars) and skin diseases, fresh and infected wounds, ulcers, furunculaes, purulent inflammatory skin processes and with sharp rheores. A sharp runny nose after a few hours after the use of imanin.

The internal use of the Hypericum is a dended, as a poisonous plant, requires caution.


Methods for using the Hypericum

  1. 10 g. The dry grass of the Zvestica brew in 1 cup of boiling water, insist. Take 1 tablespoon 2 - 4 times a day after meals.
  2. 15 - 20 G. Dry herbs insist in 1/2 l. Alcohol or vodka. Take 30 drops with water 3 times a day after meals.
  3. Fresh leaves of the Hypericum and Wild Salfae (take equally) to be confused with fresh pork lard, squeeze through the gauze. Store in a closed bank. Use as ointment for wound healing and abrasion.
  4. 20 - 30 drops of alcohol tincture of grass Add to 1/2 cup of water. Use for rinsing in the evil smell of mouth.


The grass of the beast is weakly toxic. With long-term use in pure form, it may cause unpleasant sensations in the field of liver and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

With prolonged application, the rags and the Victims of the Hypericum can cause the narrowing of blood vessels and an increase in blood pressure. Persons suffering from hypertension, it is prescribed only in the collection of herbs and in small doses.

You should also be aware that the berships are able to reduce the content of such a sufficiently important medicine from AIDS as an Indinavir twice. If you are sick AIDS, in no case do not take St. John's wort, since this plant completely neutralizes the effective impact of drugs that can be appointed to combat data from data.

St. John's wort can also be applied along with anticoagulants and cardiac drugs. When interacting with these drugs, this plant weakens their action.

The same effect is also observed when using the Hypericum with such a drug as cyclosporine, which is used to prevent the organ rejection after transplantation.

Dear women, if you take any means of contraception and at the same time you need to receive a Hypericum, be sure to consult about this with a doctor. The fact is that some components included in this medicinal plant can reduce the contraceptive property of some contraceptive preparations.

With particular attention, St. John's wort should be taken and elderly people who use modern antidepressants. The simultaneous use of these drugs and the Hypericum can lead to frequent dizziness, confusion, anxiety, as well as migraines.

From using the Hypericum should be abandoned to those people who have suspicity to the sun. If you still accepted by St. John's wort, then try not to go out in the sun. Remember this, as it is very important.

Reception of antibiotics also provides for the refusal of the Hypericum.

Be especially attentive and when using Hyperica, along with anesthetics. If you are preparing to anesthesia, while you take St. John's wort, be sure to report it to your doctor. The fact is that this plant can cause strengthening or extending certain anesthetic drugs.

Most recently, it became known that the Zvetykhi had a negative effect on the eye nerve.


Used materials.

  • V.P. Makhlayuk. Medicinal plants in folk medicine.

The grass of St. John's wort is considered a very useful people, which treats a lot of different diseases.

For most people, it is displaced, and more precisely, its toxicity has a very weak negative effect, while y and birds cause serious poisoning, which can even lead to death and precisely because of this, the plant got its name - St. John's wort.

But there is also a version that Hyperica received its name because he gives a person so much forces that he will be able to overcome any beast. It is about the beasts that will be discussed in our article, then we will get acquainted with the description of various types of this flower and their photos.

His homeland is considered European countries of the Mediterranean and Turkey. In the height of St. John's wort, the Olympic reaches 35 cm, and the diameter of the bustle is about 25 cm. The rhizome is quite strong, but not deep.

The leaves have the form of an ellipse, greenish-gray. Flowers with large yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm, which are assembled into the tops. Flowering falls at the end of July or the beginning of August, in the oranges and the flower beds begins to bloom three years after landing.

High varieties are often sitting along with other perennials to create a living hedge. St. John's wort is common in the north of Africa, almost throughout Europe, in Turkey and the Caucasus.

Did you know? The extract from the Hypericum is used in the preparation of the popular drink "Baikal".

Quadband (quad)

St. John's wort is very similar to ordinary. From ordinary it can be distinguished in four longitudinal sharp ribs on the stem, while the conventional cylindrical stem with two grooves.

Chassels do not have the edges of yellowish cilias. On flower petals you can find black dots.

Distributed in Eastern Europe and Asia. It is not recommended to use it for medical purposes due to the large content of toxic substances.


This plant has straight, cylindrical stems, which have two, and sometimes more ribs. Height Koxy does not exceed half a meter. The glands are presented in the form of rare dark lines and points.

The leaves are tightly adjacent to the stalk and are opposite each other. The form they have oval or elliptical, the tips are blown off. Length from 2 cm to 4 cm, and width from 0.5 cm to 1 cm.

Pale yellow flowers, with a diameter of about 3 cm, are often small, but you can find large inflorescences in the form of blizzard up to 17 cm long, it is less likely to meet solitary flowers. Blossom begins in July, and ends in September.
In the wild, this plant can be found in the steppes, on the slopes of ravines, small mountains, on the banks of the rivers. Common in Mongolia, Korea.

St. John's wort is a perennial stretching plant that achieves height from 30 cm to 70 cm. It differs from the rest of the subspecies by the presence of wide cups and stem with four protruding ribs.

The colors of the Zvestica is most often drowned, sometimes reddish. Flowers are small, not more than 2 cm, golden color, located at the top of the plant and are collected in a rarefied inflorescence. In the process of ripening, a box with small seeds is formed.

This species is distributed throughout Europe, as well as in the southern regions of Siberia. Its most often can be found on dry high-tech meadows, along the shores of rivers and lakes, at the roasolines of roads. It has high healing properties and is used for medical purposes.

Important! Long use of drugs from the Hypericum in men can cause temporary impotence.


St. John's wort is a soil annual, the stems of which are branched and reach a length of more than 10 cm. But sometimes there are a reprehension, pretty branched bare plants forming dranks up to 15 cm high.

The leaves are small, elongated, with a small spike at the end. Flowers are also small, up to 1 cm with a diameter, single or collected into small loose inflorescences. Petals of yellow, with the presence of black point glands.

(Different) is therapeutic grass. It can be found in the glades, forest edges, in sparkling oak and birch groves, among shrubs, in the outskirts of fields, in the meadows and in forest belts.

From the numerous family of hunting (and there are more than 50 species) only by Zvemya, the ordinary is attributed to and used in official medicine.

Description of the Zverkoy ordinary

- a perennial grassy plant height up to one meter, It has one or more straight cylindrical stems with two longitudinal ribs branched at the top. Leaves are oblong or elliptical, up to three centimeters of length and one and a half centimeters width with translucent point glasses, scattered over the surface of the sheet. Flowers are golden yellow, diameter up to three centimeters, are collected in palate or extensive inflorescences on the tops of the stem and shoots. The flower has five petals.

The origin of the name of the Zverkoya

His "Hunting" name grass zHERBOYU. He got for the fact that in animals who eating her, on the ears, around the mouth and eye appear swelling, which often pass into painfully painful ulcers. Animals at the same time are applied to themselves deep, employed wounds - bite, blows about trees and land. The suffering of the animal sometimes end in fatal.

The healing properties of the Zverboy

The healing properties of the Zverboy Known from ancient times. In Russia, this plant was called grass from 99 diseases and used in treatment migraines, lungs, hypertensionfor diseases respiratory tract, internal organs, with mastitis, cough, hemorrhoids.

And at present, traditional medicine and homeopathy are widely used this unique. Scientific medicine did not care. Manufactured from Hyperician drugs are used as a height of burns, furunculese, carbuncoulesFor treatment yazvas a means that removes spasms blood vessels and improving blood supply of internal organs. Aquatic Victims of the Hypericum is used in veterinary practice in the treatment of some domestic diseases.

Grass from Zveroboy bottles during flowering from June to August, cutting up the tops of the stems, leaves, flowers, buds and unripe fruits.

Unfortunately, the massive collection of this healing grass can lead to its complete disappearance. Numerous amateur gardeners and property owners can help and enhance the reserves of the Zverboard. His growing is easy. For this, the dried seeds are sowing late in the fall without embelling in the previously reinforced and fertilized soil.

St. John's wad and other names. In the people, he is called youth blood, a red blasting, a bedrid and healthy grass. There is a fabulous legend on the occurrence of this plant, which tells about the fact that the Vulgarian rose from the blood of a magic bird. The battle occurred in the sky, and the bird was seriously injured by an evil monster. She went down to the ground, and from blood droplets and lost feathers grew by St. John's wort.

The Catholic Church attributes the appearance of the Bloom of John the Baptist. After the executioner cut off his head, the dropped blood drops gave rise to St. John's wort.


St. John's wort is a low long-term semi-staple. Refers to the family of hunting. The stem of the Hypericum has four faces. Leaves with short cutters are located opposite each other. You can notice small black shocks.

Yellow and rather large flowers having five cups and petals are collected in inflorescences and are located mainly at the top of the plant. The flower center is the abundance of the stamens. Flowers have no bright saturated yellow color, they are cast a brownish tint. The flowering period lasts from June to August.

The fruit of the Verboboy is a triangular box, which, after ripening, is revealed to the sockets. They can be from 3 to 5. From there, small seeds are poured on the form similar to the oval. Seeds ripen in the late summer of autumn.

Hypericum root branched.


There are approximately 110 species of this plant. The most common:

  • The stem of this type is dumarted. The name speaks for itself. Black grooms located on bright green leaves create a feeling that the sheet in holes.
  • Unlike the previous species, it has a sleek stem. Not in vain is called great, since the height of its more than a meter. Accordingly, the flowers are very large in size. They are collected in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The trunk is large to the decorative plant.
  • The height of this species reaches 50 cm. The leaves are also equipped with gigners. A lot of colors. They are whitish yellow. The period of flowering May-July.
  • The height of the hormour of the mountain range from 20 to 60 cm. In the section Stem cylindrical. The gigners are equipped with leaves that are located in the top of the plant.
  • It can be both 10 cm in height and 70. The stems are quite a lot and they are covered with oval leaves with a few gleents. Flowers form blurred inflorescence. The flowering period lasts until September.
  • The stem of this type of Zverkoy is painted in purple color. At the top of the stem gives a lot of branches. Flowers light yellow.
  • It is very similar to the squeezed, but its stem has 4 longitudinal faces, not two, like a crooked.
  • The height of this species reaches 40 cm. The stem has a brown or reddish color and covered with ferrous minced growths.

Where is growing?

When collecting and how dried

Collect St. John's wort during his flowering period, just cutting the stalks with flowers.The root is not used. Moreover, when collecting raw materials, watch the root remain in place. Then the next year the plant will again delight you with its colors and medicinal properties.

In the process of drying a hunter needed good ventilation of the room.St. John's wort should be decomposed into the shade on paper or on a wire grid. The layer of plants should not exceed 7 cm. Raw materials are necessarily stirred. You can dry by the shrimp in the beams, hiding them, for example, in the attic. If the Stems of the Jerotherap breaks down with a crunch, then the drying process is completed. Bags are suitable for storing finished dry raw materials. Useful properties are preserved 3 years.


All ground part of the plant, its stems, leaves and flowers are used.


Does not have any brightly pronounced smell. The taste is bitter, slightly knit.

Calorie and chemical composition

100 grams of dry Hypericum contains 10 kcal. Flavon compounds found in the Grass:

  • glycoside;
  • hyperozide;
  • rutin;
  • kvercrin;
  • isokvercitrin.

The Chemical Composition of the Hypericum also includes:

  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • anthocian;
  • saponins;
  • carotene;
  • acids (nicotine, ascorbic);
  • vitamin R;
  • cerilov alcohol;
  • choline;
  • microelements (MG, Zn).

You can carry more information about the beneficial properties of the Hypericum, you can from the following video:

Beneficial features

  • Shows antispasmodic properties.
  • Removes inflammation.
  • Stops bleeding.
  • Disinfect.
  • The beast is inherent in choleretic properties.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Improves the regenerating capacity of the body.
  • It is a sedative.


Despite the fact that St. John's wings brings a huge benefit to our body, do not forget about his name, which speaks for itself:

  • The use of this plant negatively affects the body of a pregnant woman, more precisely, on the fruit. The use of the Hypericum can provoke early childbirth, or cause mental backwardness in the baby born.
  • In a nursing woman, with the use of Hypericum, milk begins to be pattering.
  • St. John's wort increases blood pressure.
  • In the composition of the Hypericum there are poisonous substances, therefore, the abuse is fraught with consequences: allergies and poisoning.
  • Negatively affects male potency. When appropriate problems appear, men can immediately stop using the Hypericum.
  • Harbor body can be harmful with strong concentration preparations (infusions, decoctions).
  • Under the influence of the Hypericum, the body becomes extremely susceptible to ultraviolet. Therefore, after its use, it is worth limiting on sunny days.
  • St. Johscoy dismisses the effect of contraceptives, drugs treated with the disease of the cardiovascular system, and antibiotics.
  • Fully neutralizes the therapeutic effect of drugs treated with HIV.


  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Hypertension.
  • Hypersensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
  • HIV infection.
  • Children's age up to 12 years.


  • Recipe 1. To prepare hunting oil, you will need fresh crushed flowers and leaves of the plant (25 g), which need to be poured with vegetable oil (250 g). Olive, sunflower or flax oil is suitable. Oil is insisted in about 3 weeks in a warm place. Periodically, it must be shaken. After the allotted time, oil strain and pour into a bottle of dark glass in which it should be stored.
  • Recipe 2. It is necessary to take 0.5 kg of fresh raw materials and pour them with a liter of olive oil and a half liter of white wine. Mixed components are left for three days, and then everything is placed on fire to evaporate wine.

Hypericum oil is used in the treatment of various burns (solar including), dermatitis and eczema, wounds. It is used in compresses, for example, with lumbago. A warm, but not boiled, oil is applied on the dam. Next, your cotton should be imposed on a sore plot and carefully wrapped with a towel.


Especially useful hunting tea is obtained if it is for its preparation to take a glass or porcelain teapot. It should be rinsed with boiling water and only then proceed to the brewing process itself. 250 ml of boiling water will be required 1-2 hours. Spoons of herbal blends. After a 10-minute insistence, tea is ready for use.

St. Johscoy is well combined with various herbs. We give several recipes such mixtures:

  • Recipe 1. Two part of the souls are taken and one part of the Jerobic and Dry Berries of Rosehip. Such tea is 30 minutes. This time is necessary for a rosehip.
  • Recipe 2. In equal shares, mix the St. John's wort and a sheet of black currant. Brewed in the usual way. It turns out a very fragrant and useful drink.
  • Recipe 3. Cranberry and Hypericum tea. This is the necessary drink in the treatment of colds. It is noteworthy that cranberry and a beast beams are made separately from each other and then mix. It is recommended to brew them from the evening so that the infusion turned out to be especially useful. In the morning, the ragners are mixed and sweetened to taste sugar.

Jeverotic tea is recommended for meteo-sensitive people. It helps to cope with the organism with natural fluctuations. Mix of Melissa, Hawthorn and Hypericum is useful to people of old age. In the essence of a special taste and aroma in the Zvetyan tea, you do not feel what you can not say, of course, about his therapeutic manifestation.


  • Alcohol tincture on a beast is a means of taking inflammation.
  • She is treated with an angina.
  • Processing wounds and cuts.

For the preparation of alcohol hunting tincture, dry crushed raw materials and vodka are taken at the rate of 1: 5. For insteading, a dark place is suitable. A week later, the medicine is ready. It is consumed three times a day. One-time dose - 40 drops.


Hunting decoction, like many other herbal decoctions, is preparing on a water bath. To do this, 100 ml of water is poured into the pan and 10 g of dry raw materials are poured. This mixture is placed in another container with a small amount of water. The decoction must be warm on a water bath half an hour. It is impossible for him to boil. After that, everything should be removed from the fire, cool and strain. The resulting liquid is topped with boiled water so that it turned out 200 ml.

Before taking the resulting medicine, it must be shaken.


  • Hypericum extract is primarily an antidepressant with soothing properties.
  • Favorable for the nervous system.
  • Eliminates anxiety during sleep.
  • It has a positive effect on the health of the body.
  • Recommended with pain caused by burns, injuries.

In the process of applying the drug, we should exclude driving by the vehicle, as well as actions that require increased concentration of attention. Hypericum extract is a substance that can be both in a dry and oily form. Oil extract is colored red and has a pleasant aroma. It has knitting properties, and also removes inflammation, pain caused by spasms; Heals wounds, cuts and ulcers, having a healing effect. Hypericum extract is widely used in the cosmetic industry. It is added to toothpastes, shampoos and soaps, various lotions and tonic, etc.


In cooking

Culinary dishes St. John's wort reports a tart note with a shade of bitterness. Usually, the shrimp is used in a dry form.

  • Ideal the combination of the Hypericum and fish dishes.
  • Vice is added to vegetables and meat dishes.
  • It is a component of various tinctures and healing balms.

In medicine

  • One of the most important applications is the treatment of depressive states.
  • It is used to improve the flooding process.
  • It is a means of a general affecting effect.
  • Hyftains are treated with tuberculosis and diseases of the respiratory, stomach, gallbladder.
  • With the help of Hypericum get rid of helminths.
  • Recommended for gout, arthritis, rheumatism of joints.
  • Fights with liver diseases, eliminates meteorism.
  • Infusions and decoctions are used in the treatment of inflammatory processes that flow in the oral cavity.
  • The infancy of the Verkoya is treated with urine incontinence. It is prepared as follows: For 2 hours, insist the grass with boiling water (3 tbsp. Spoons of raw materials on a glass of water). To achieve the maximum effect, the dishes with the insistency are caulated with a towel. Infusion is taken inward (100 ml) before meals.
  • It is used in complex therapy in the treatment of alcoholism.

In cosmetology

  • Zvemya tones and rejuvenates our skin. At home, it is easy to prepare a lotion that will become an indispensable tool to maintain youth and beauty. A glass of water and 1 tbsp put on the fire. A spoon of dry crushed hunter. This infusion is boiled 10 minutes. After cooling, it is filled and boiled water is added to get a glass of finished liquid. Pour into it 1 hour. Spoon of vodka (work out and cologne). Such lotion can be wiped the face of the face before bedtime.
  • St. John's wort helps to normalize fatty skin. Just use the decoction as a wash tool. To cook it, you need to take 20 g of dry raw materials on a glass of water. The decoction is boiled 10 minutes. Next, it needs to be broken for half an hour. Only then the decoction can be strain and use for its intended purpose.
  • For oily leather, a hunting mask is recommended. Grinding dry raw materials mixed with water to a cascidular state. Then heats up on fire up to + 70 °. Warm weight apply for 15 minutes and wash off water room temperature. In order for the effect to be felt, about 20 such procedures will need.
  • Many women suffer from cracks arising on the heels. It is painful and unpleasant. Hyperic baths will help to eliminate this problem. The decoction is prepared from liter boiling water and 2 tbsp. Spoons of dry Hypericum. The bath is done hot. After the procedure, the planned legs wipe dry and smeared with cream.
  • St. John's wort smoothes small wrinkles, preventing premature aging. A very good effect turns out if you freeze the decoction from the Hypericum and then wipe the face and neck with frozen cubes.
  • Taking a bath, add a little tincture, bravery or just throw a few twigs of the Vilver. This will help to relax and remove the nervous tension.
  • Steam bath with a drill will save from acne rash, excessive oily skin.
  • Thanks to the antiseptic properties, destroys the angry rash.
  • It is a wonderful means that strengthens hair and delivering from dandruff. We blame the hair with a decoction, which is cooked from the floor of the water and 5 tbsp. Spoons of dry grass.
  • Fresh juice of the Zverboard process warts.

When weight loss

When slimming, St. John's wort is applied as part of a variety of herbs, which usually pursue the main goal - to reduce weight. St. John's wort contributes to the metabolism and withdrawal of fluid from the body. Thanks to this, the person is losing weight. If you use only St. John's wort and hope that extra kilograms will come in vain. The decisive factor is still a skillful chosen diet.

Very effective as an accompanying element, is hunting tea with lemon. The combination of these two components converts fat deposits into energy. In the complex with a properly selected nutrition, this will allow you to reset extra pounds. To prepare, such an effective drink will need 1 t. A spoon of dry Hypericum, which poured 300 ml of boiling water. After the infusion temperature reaches + 50 °, the lemon was added. Tea is ready to eat.

Do not forget that St. John's wort refers to weakly toxic plants and the use of it for more than a month is dangerous to health.

In hiking conditions

When leaving for picnics or in tourist campaigns, none of us is insured against bruises, cuts and various troubles that lurk on the way.

  • If there is a bruise, then remove the painful syndrome will help a mixture of Hormour's herbs, plantain, burdock, wormwood, dandelion. Herbs should be finely cut, remember and attach to a patient. Change as drying.
  • With cuts and wounds, it is possible to apply either the leaves of the Hypericum, or a plant is fluttering into Cashitz.
  • Sometimes it happens that the wound began to be fed. It is useful to eat raccara from the Hypericum inside.
  • If there is a pain in the chest, it is recommended to brew a hunter and drink a decoction.
  • If someone has died in a hike, hunting hormones will help.

For women

  • St. John's wort is a plant that is useful for a female body. During the climax, women are recommended soothing tea that can cook any woman. The following components are taken: three parts of the Hypericum and leisse leaves, two parts of hop cones and cuff grass. Two h. Spoons of this crushed raw materials pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 20 minutes. The tea is accepted three times a day at 0.5 glasses.
  • The drill is treated with sexual diseases, various inflammatory processes (uterus, appendages, ovaries). Sterile tampons, moistened in the Jerobic oil, should be introduced into the vagina.
  • Helps lead the menstrual cycle to normal. Three times a day 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink hiceted infusion.
  • In premenstrual syndromes, tea from the Hypericum is very useful. It will help the feminine body to cope with the increased nervousness and excitability, will have a sedative effect.


At home, it does not represent a special complexity in your homeland. You can use seeds, and you can also finished seedlings. Seeds are driving into the ground in the autumn or early spring. + 6 ° C is enough for seeds sprouted. No special actions during the cultivation of you are not required. Like any other plant, St. John's wad needs a bright sun, in the soil without weeds, in watering, etc.

Please note that the plant of the first year of life does not give flowers and is generally growing very slowly. Remove the weed plants, for they impede the normal growth and development of the Hypericum. For one season, you can collect two harvest with a difference in one month between them. In one place, St. John's wort can exist about 5 years.

In the times of paganism, the atrochet was protected from unclean strength, witches. The juice of this plant was attributed to magical properties. And the sprigs of the plant placed in the headdress or in the shoes were removed from a bad eye.

In Russia, the plant was not accidentally named "Zvertoy". People noticed that many pets died after they eaten these bushes. What is interesting, herbivores with bright wool color and usually on a sunny day were poisoned. In the future, scientists revealed the cause of the phenomenon. A substances that make the body are excessively susceptible to ultraviolet rays are present in the Grass Herbus.