Bed into the bedroom - how to choose a functional and stylish bed (136 photo ideas). Beds double wooden (50 photos): reliable luxury modern bedroom beds

In the bedroom, the main object of the furniture is the bed. If you have to buy a bed, you should decide on the design, color and other sleeping space characteristics.

In addition, it is necessary to choose correctly, where it will stand depending on the illumination and location of other interior items.

Modern bedroom beds differ not only by the variety of structures, finishes, but also at the price. Choosing a bedroom, you should be guided by your needs and purchase capabilities.

Beds from MDF, LDSP or array, what to choose?

For a long year, beautiful beds in the bedroom were made from a wood array. They were cumbersome, but served eternity.

Currently, natural species of trees in the manufacture of beds are rare, because the substitute for them became materials from MDF and LDSP. Undoubtedly, the tree wins in many parameters, especially:

  • Original design
  • Made from a natural tree
  • Durability

But the main disadvantage, of course, is the cost that is often very high.

Bed into the bedroom from MDF, LDSP will not last 100-200 years, but will be able to become an excellent substitute for a massive tree. Modern technologies allow you to make furniture of a variety of design and color.

Metal constructions

Previously, the beds with metal elements were handmade, so they were high in price and difficult to access the consumer.

Now you can find a bed design in the bedroom of manual or factory work, which often imitate the forging. This bed in the interior of the bedroom will become the main decoration of the room and will delight you every day.


  • High price
  • Big weight
  • Long production (performed by an individual project)

Bed base variety

A solid slab from MDF or boards is now made quite rarely. Orthopedic base, as on the next photo of the bed in the bedroom.

It consists of a durable frame made of metal structures with grooves for lamellae made of wood.

Orthopedic base bed can be 2 designs: with fixed and lifting mechanism

The second option facilitates the mechanism of lifting the base of the bedroom to lay things. This design is slightly higher in price, but convenient in everyday use.

Council. When choosing a base of construction, pay attention to the lifting mechanism.

Types of designs

Transformers are suitable for a small bedroom, where you need to compact furniture.

Wardrobe bed. The bottom of the bed is the wall of the cabinet, and the bed is built on from the other side and assembled from the gaze.

Sofa bed. As a collected form simulates the shelves of the cabinet and is a full-fledged sofa, and in the unfolded - a full-fledged bed.

Folding beds are an improved view of all familiar folding beds. Often, it is used as a temporary option when moving or to accommodate guests.

What place to choose for bed in the room

How to put a bed in the bedroom a fairly relevant question that comes to the hosts usually already when choosing a model. The place is selected depending on the functionality of the bed and the features of the room.

In the sun room, lay the bed headboard to the sunrise, so that at dawn the rays of the light did not interfere with sleeping.

Council. When choosing a place for the bed, take into account that drafts can be possible near the window.

For a double bed, take into account the distance to enter the bed on both sides and the presence of other furniture.

If the room has a battery, then consider that it should be in the legs. The headboard bed must be located away from the door so that the external noise is less audible.

Placing a bed in the bedroom on Feng Shui, consider that the headboard bed should not be located to the inlet and stand one line with the window.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui in the design of the bed in the bedroom above the headboard should exclude images of people. The final point in the design is the design for which the covers in bedroom corresponds to the bedroom. It must be combined with the interior or can become a bright accent.

What bed you will not choose, do not forget that the sleeping place should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable for sleep.

Stock Foto Beds in bedroom

In any bedroom, the bed is not only the main subject of furniture, but also the coordination center of space. It is around a sleeping place that the whole concept of the design of the room for sleep and recreation is being built. From how the bed will look like a considerable degree of the interior of the room, and from how it performs its functionality - our well-being, sleep quality, and therefore health condition is directly dependent. Healthy, strong sleep will help ensure and stop in the bedroom - a calm neutral palette, pleasant textiles, comfortable and high-quality furniture. It is this publication that this publication will be devoted to the acquisition of the central element of furniture for the bedroom.

Considering that we spend a third of your life in a dream, approach the choice of the main subject to ensure strong and deep sleep, it is necessary with all seriousness. You will be able to save on other furniture items, decor and even the finish of the room, but for a good rest you need a good bed. Let's talk more about what criteria for the choice of a bedroom.

Bed Design - Selection Features

Frame bed

If it is simplistic, the design of the bed consists of a frame and the base on which the mattress is installed. Conditionally, all existing frameworks can be divided into two types:

  1. The frame consists of two supporting backs and two Tsarg (panels)
  2. The framework of the carcass you can select four kings and hinged backs. Such backs may be two or only one (headboard)

If the bed is designed according to the second type of frame, then, as a rule, it is located on four legs (sometimes in their quality wheels, side walls, additional constructions of the type of podium or platform).

Which option preferred is yours. In fact, the features of the design of the bed are not so important, how important the manufacturer, material and conscientiousness of manufacturing. If we talk about statistics, then the legs of the bed break more often than the backs, but it is not the absolute.

In addition to the design, the material from which the bed frame is made is of great importance. Sleeping places made of metal and wood array is the most reliable and durable option.

Less reliable show themselves beds from MDF and Fiberboard. The most common problems with similar designs are cracks in places of fasteners, due to which the furniture is loosened and starts to creak. If the berth frame is made of chipboard, then similar troubles during operation will arise even earlier. Beds from chipboard cheapest, but also serve such furniture items for a short time.

Bed base

The frame of the bed is responsible for the root of the supporting structure, but from choosing the base and the mattress will directly depend on the quality of your sleep. The base can be called a frame or grid, which is attached to the frame of the bed and is a support for the mattress (whose choice is a question for a separate publication). Bed frame can be made of metal, wood or chipboard. The lamellas are installed on the frame (sometimes they are called lats), which are performed from wood or plastic - these design elements must be bent. The lamellae should be as much as possible, the service life of the bed directly depends on their quantity. The distance between the slats should not exceed the widths of the slats themselves. For a double bed, the number of lamellas equal to 30 is considered normal (but better - more), for a single bed for sleep -, respectively, two times less.

Among the design features of beds should also be noted the existence of models with a lifting base (gas-elevator mechanism). Smoothly rising, the base provides access to a roomy storage system created by the bed frame. In a large drawer, you can store seasonal blankets or additional bed linen sets. But such mechanisms have disadvantages - the base of the bed in this case is not ventilated, and therefore the air is deprived of the lower part of the mattress.

Similar problems with ventilation occur in beds with drawers located at the bottom of the bed design. Select beds with lifting mechanisms or drawers makes sense only in case of actual lack of storage spaces. Otherwise, it is better to abandon additional storage systems in favor of a much longer service life of your mattress.

Backrest bed

The beds without a backrest are rarely found in modern interiors, because without this important attribute of space for sleep is quite inconvenient. An exception is the option when the bed is installed at the wall, which is decorated with soft textile panels.

The headboard opposes not only as supporting resting on the bed, but also serves to relaxation. This element of bed is needed for those who like to read before bedtime or watch TV. With glasses of vision of Feng Shui, the back-headed is necessary for a sense of security from those who lie in bed or midstage reads a book. This attribute of the central object of furniture of any bedroom gives a feeling of calm and reliability.

Forged and rush headings are not easy enough for those who like to read before bedtime, but an additional set of flat pillows will help solve this problem.

Choose a bed for the soul and to the interior of the room

Beds with soft upholstery

A modern trend in bed design suggests that it is not just a piece of furniture for sleeping and recreation, but also a beautiful, practical, and at the same time a safe object of your furniture. Beds with soft upholstery became popular due to the presence of all the above qualities.

Not only families with small children who resort to the parent bedroom, sneak all the corners, loved such furniture items. The bed with an upholstery around the perimeter looks presentable, she seems to invite the owner to plunge into the soft arms of sleep and rest.

For children's bedrooms and teen rooms. Soft beds can become not only a safe piece of furniture, but also to the interior decoration, a bright upholstery bed can become an emphasis in design, push this already important element of furniture to the fore.

As a rule, under the upholstery of the beds hides the filler PPU - it is harmless and hypoallergen. The lush upholstery of a double bed attached not only to the most luxurious look, but also transforms the entire design of the bedroom, makes it more impressive, respectable.

Wrought beds in the modern interior

It is already difficult to say exactly when the first forged products appeared exactly. Despite the abundance of materials for the manufacture of furniture, the beds made of metal are popular to this day. Having passed a long way in tens of centuries, the forging has become a multifaceted and skillful way to make not only a durable and durable piece of furniture, but also the present decoration of the modern interior.

Even such thorough and impressive furniture items like double beds may look like air, weightless, thanks to the skillful execution of wrought details. A variety of possibilities of such craft, like a forging, allows you to find a suitable model of bed for different styles of the interior - from the classics to modern stylistics.

The rural interior, or country style successfully transfers the integration of wrought-iron furniture. The bed of metal, painted in white will harmoniously watch both in the style of Provence and in the Shebbi-Chic-style room.

Classic bed of wood massif always in trend

How many times did not pass, whatever materials would appear for the manufacture of furniture, and the wood massif will remain popular, in demand and one of the most reliable materials. A bed made of array of wood, in itself is a decoration of the room, and if the entourage is suitable for her, the bedroom becomes a cult place in the house.

The classic interior is difficult to imagine without a massive bed of wood, with carved legs and headboard, decorated with carvings. The central object of the bedroom furniture, made of wood massif, will not only be a harmonious and environmentally friendly decoration of your interior, but will be an excellent investment for many years.

The bed of natural wood can be the focal center of not only the classic bedroom. In modern interior, wooden products without an excess decor are integrated very successfully.

Usually, the bed of wood is not stained, but covered with protective varnishes to demonstrate the natural natural hint of the material. But there are also models of beds made of wood and painted in a bright color. Such colorful staining of the bedroom allows him to become a focal center of the bedroom, take possession of all the attention of any part of the room.

Bed with Baldakhin - Forgotten traditions in the modern interior

In ancient times, the cavalochin was invented as a means for maintaining heat - it was performed from dense tissue and in most cases had a thick lining. Baldahin was fastened on four rails, which could be wooden or metal. In our time, the Baldahin performs a greater degree of decorative role, performed from thin, air fabrics, as a rule, of tluel.

By the configuration of the bed with the possibility of using the canopy, there are racks that are attached to the frame of the bed and the one-piece design of the bedroom located on the platform or the foundation to which the railway bars support are mounted.

In the modern interior of the bedroom, the bed model can be harmoniously applied to the installation of the canchine in the absence of the latter. High columns designed to support textiles may simply be part of the bed decor, design features.

Suspended Beds - New Word in Bedroom Design

Fashion on pendant beds came to us from Asian island countries, where such furniture items are the usual entourage bungalow and villas on the ocean designed for rest. In warm countries, hanging beds can be installed on an outdoor terrace or under a canopy for relaxing outdoor activities. In fact, even the slightest movement of the bed leads to a dimensional lung swaying, which is able to put even people with insomnia.

Suspended beds are both double and single, rectangular and round, with sideboards and without. Most often there are rectangular massive bases with a fairly high mattress laid on it. Bed base is attached using four chains or thick jute ropes to the ceiling (using anchor mounts). The bed is installed, and more accurately hangs through the room center or closer to one of the walls, but not close (it is necessary to leave the reserve to the walls and other furnishing for swinging).

In some interiors, the imitation of the suspension bed is used. The product is actually standing on the legs that are hidden in the depths and therefore it seems that the bed is hanging. Some models are attached to one side to the wall, and the other of its edge is suspended to the ceiling. Installing any suspended bed model (except imitation) needs serious calculations - not every ceiling is able to withstand the weight of the bed along with people lying on it or one person.

Beds with a protrusion at the base

Such models are very convenient in terms of the proper operation of the bed. Enchanting on a solid protrusion of the foundation of your bed, you protect the mattress from constant local loads (which inevitably occur when landing on the mattress) and extend its service life. Considering that often orthopedic mattresses are more expensive than the bed itself, this aspect can become a key point when choosing a bed model.

Even if your bed is the easiest model, make the focus on the central and most important object of furniture in the room for sleep and rest you can with the help of a creative approach to the head of the head of the head. For example, with textiles, you can make many options for designing the head of the bed - from a soft wall to labrexes from the fabric, which was used for the decor of window openings.

The bedroom in the style of country or ethno-style will decorate the headboard, made of practically untreated wood. Shcherbaty boards or logs with wormworms will give the placement of brutality, even some primitive rusticity.

The painted wooden headboard, as if aged, also capable of bringing a bedroom to the interior not only an element of surprise, but also to make it more unique, personalized.

Colorful panel or colorful artwork is capable of not only to draw attention to the field of finding bed, but to diversify the color palette of the bedroom.

Tree branches, trunks, bark and much more goes into the course of modern designers for the incarnation of their thoughts and fantasies in the field of bed decoration. You do not have to doubt the originality of not only your bed, but also the entire interior, acquiring the designer model of the bedroom, decorated with a special, individual style.

In fact, for the decor's decor at the head of the bed, you can also use very practical decoration elements - open shelves, small racks and niches for storage, backlight and wall lights to use not only as part of the lighting system, and decor items or even art objects.

And finally, several practical tips on the choice of beds in accordance with its dimensions:

  • if you get a bed into the finished bedroom interior, then accurately measure the space of space, which is given to it;
  • if the bed package or price tag states that the size "standard" - specify the parameters from the consultant;
  • it is better to make sure to make sure about the size of the product, often in the price list only the size of the bedroom, not the bed itself, is indicated;
  • choose the greatest size that can accommodate your bedroom (the standard size of beds in double beds - 160, 180 and 200 cm);
  • considering the size of bed sizes, do not forget about the length - the perfect and sufficient is the value, 15 cm exceeding the growth of a person who will sleep on the bed;
  • the height of the bed above the floor is also of great importance, ideal if the mattress of the bed takes to the knee standing near a person (the latest trends in the beddings are inclined to low models, but they are not suitable for older people - the older man, the higher the bed must be a place).

Beds in the modern interior - many inspirational ideas

Today we will imagine a unique selection of magnificent embodiments of the bedrooms that will fill the furnishings of the apartments with incredible charm and comfort. Let's enjoy the fascinating interior photography and look at the exceptional solutions and ideas implemented by talented masters in the following creative projects.

1. This room was decorated with a stunning graphite record for records, giving the owners to leave creative notes, formulas and a list of important cases. Real dream mathematics!

2. The owners of this house wanted to re-recreate the room of their favorite One & Only Palmilla resort in Los Cabos. The bed was made to order, and the tissue upholstery is complemented by a tropical ornament.

3. Wood decorated this bed in a mountainous house in California.

4. Sentimental horse portrait is a central point of this creativity gallery in the New York Studio.

5. Expressive colors give this eclectic bedroom in Los Angeles incredible charm and expressiveness.

6. Vintage map of the United States of America in green and gold tones extremely harmoniously look in the Decor of Bouire.

7. The headboard is made with the use of textured wood plates of soft natural shades.

8. Specialist Caitlin Wilson (Caitlin Wilson) issued designer furniture using Chinese textiles of gentle pink color with a berry pattern. Supplement the headset numerous pins and bedside tables from IKEA, painted in gray tone, with a new acrylic golden handle.

9. White decor for bed is made of rattan. It vividly distinguishes against the background of the black wall surface. The interior of colorful pins pillows focus.

10. Mexican massive doors are remarkably harmonized with steel brackets in this cozy apartment in Manhattan.

11. The high back of the bed in the pastel column with a colored vegetable pattern is remarkably fits into a serene space.

12. Choose wood and concrete create a surprisingly calm background for the room in an industrial style.

13. Art photography and painted pillowcases create a dynamic combination in neutral design.

14. Imported carvings provide an excellent background for a rich mixture of textile in the bedroom, located in Portland in Oregon.

15. This bedroom in Hawaii remarkably combines the red wallpaper and a black tree from which the bed with a canopy.

16. This New York apartment perfectly combines a large number of artistic works with two suspended metal lamps.

17. Designer Kara Cox (Coke Cox) uses the palette of gentle colors and bold yellow accents in the home decor.

18. The world map drawn on the wall gives this studio in Vancouver brightness and expressiveness.

19. Antique headboard fills this studio in New York with incredible charm.

20. Designer Brooke Wagner (Brooke Wagner) used a variety of purple shades in the wallpaper, headboard and bedding.

21. Jino Design Studio Specialists took advantage of the gagging of the bed to decorate the London Apartment Collection of Patterns.

22. A pair of orange lanterns gives this room in Philadelphia dynamism and aesthetics.

23. Housing in Manhattan was decorated in the smoky tones. Two book racks from both sides from the headset is extremely interesting looking in elegant design.

24. Black Wall is a wonderful background for sleeping beds, lamps with red cords and accessories.

25. This bedroom in Boston with traditional interior design is accented with original herbal wallpaper and two Wine Bra.

26. Meliorized cedar, red oak and pine were applied when creating a bed headboard and bedside design.

27. This boudoir in the maritime theme was designed in a contrasting blue-white color scheme.

28. Blue walls and sapphire bed linen fill the space with charm and comfort.

29. Wooden bed with canopy, table lamps and festive wallpapers attract close attention to this decor.

30. This BooR is decorated with numerous paintings and other unusual decorations.

31. In a country house in Alabama Birmingham, a sleeping bed is decorated with massive beams.

32. The sophisticated and feminine bedroom in the town of Charlotte was created by the Lucy and Company project organization.

33. This exquisite interior in London was created by Compass and Rose. The space was sustained in natural colors and decorated with luxurious fabrics.

34. A plurality of tin sheets fills the situation with incredible charm and sophistication.

35. The combination of bright and colorful shades brings a cheerful mood to the atmosphere.

36. This traditional space is equipped with creative furniture and unusual turquoise jewelry.

37. This room was sustained in the industrial stylist.

38. The classic ornament of this snow-white bedroom gives an incredible charm and magnetism.

39. Dark-gray-green walls, wooden shelves with books and ancient photograph create an eclectic design in this New York apartment.

40. This elegant interior was accented by several abstract photos, bringing charm and sophistication to the decoration.

41. A collection of artistic canvases with inscriptions in the apartments in San Francisco is characteristic of tenderness and expressiveness.

42. The bedroom in this Australian beach house is decorated with marine photographs and unmatched bed linen.

43. The original combination of red, beige and turquoise shades looks just great!

44. The horsepower on wallpaper and decorative pillows is extremely aesthetic looks in this interior.

45. The illuminated screen from the intertwined rings is used in the room to create a stunning effect.

46. \u200b\u200bThis minimalist boudoir in London was decorated with expressive textured pine wood.

47. Housing in Hawaii is kept in a tropical stylist with an antique carved headboard and a snow-white curtain that creates a feeling of comfort and heat.

48. The structural wall fits perfectly into the minimalist design of this Moscow apartment.

49. The decoration in Salt Lake City was focused by designer wallpaper and decorative pillows.

50. Graphic bedding form a bold and cheerful atmosphere in the apartment in Melbourne.

We submitted to your attention a creative selection of magnificent options for Bouire, which will allow you to fill apartments with charm and uniqueness. Did you like these decor ideas? Demonstrate your creative masterpieces in the comments below ...

Places:. . . . . .

Stylish and cozy bedroom furnishings - the task is not simple. It is good that today there are countless different models of beds, among which you can choose exactly the one that will create your perfect interior. We picked up for you 20 photos of modern bedroom beds, among which you can find your inspiration.

DS 1164 DE SEDE Model

This impressive model rushes not only with its unusual shape and elegant black leather trim. A special system allows you to move the headboard on any side depending on your needs. Beauty and modern technology in your bedroom.

Laconic model from Zeitraum

This modern bedroom bed is called Simple - "Simple". The model is offered in two versions. The first is a bed with a maximum laconic design that perfectly fit into a minimalist interior. If you want something more, designers offer a model equipped with not only a soft headboard, but also a bedside table.

Various options for one bed

As a material for this bed, oak, birch, maple, American cherry and American walnut are used. Regardless of what wood you choose, an array of each of the listed trees will superbly emphasize the geometric design of the bed.

Wing System from Presotto

This futuristic model is attached to the wall, so it creates the impression that the bed is soaring in the air. This impression is supported also with backlight under the bed. The idea seems to you excessive? The same model is also produced in the traditional form with a support for the floor.

Wing System in brown

The model described above is produced in an attractive brown. The braided pattern on the leather headboard will be perfectly rhymed with a knitted bedspread.

Moon from My Home

Magnificent mix materials. The skin and textiles of the noble light gray shade take care of the complete comfort. Birch lattice lattice Birch lattice ensures stability, and the lacquered steel legs give the models even more modern appearance.

Yang from Minotti.

Everything is thought out in this bed. Its an important feature is excellent air circulation. It is provided not only through the use of breathable textiles, which, if necessary, you can remove and wash, but also thanks to the perforated sheet of plywood under the grill for the mattress.

1017 from Zanotta.

The design of this modern bedroom bed is designed by a Swedish designer Anna von Cheven. Minimalistic style is manifested in many trifles - both in the metal base of the bed, and in a large soft headboard. Scandinavian character in combination with the Mediterranean walls of the sea wave color make the bed even more attractive.

LOV from Désirée.

Already the very name of the model sets us on the appropriate way: a bed for romantic natures, on which you want to dream. A pretty textile case is easily removed and washed.

Vera from riva

An array of wood always gives the interior of significance. The headboard and squirrel are decorated with carved lines that give the personality of each cotton bed. You define your bed size yourself, because this model is made only under the order.

Tufty-Bed from B &B Italia.

A distinctive feature of this bed is the original upholstery. Completed from leather or textile, the surface is divided into squares, thanks to which the model acquires a modern and elegant look.

DS 1165 from De Sede

The design of this bed is similar to the first model we considered. The same black leather and the movable headboard, which allows you to change the bedroom atmosphere at your request.


With all its apparent simplicity, this bed will always rush into the eyes. Laconic, but bright design was developed by Adrian and Beata Schnidrig.

Yin-Yang from Andreas Janson

Let's continue with conciseness? In general, this model is a large lattice for the mattress, the distance between the lamellaes in which you determine. There is not enough ideal double mattress!

Cuddle from alivar

Here it is an example of a comfortable modern bedroom bed. In the headboard there are soft pillows stuffed with full comfort. You can hide the bed both textiles and leather gentle light shades.

Moon from Bolzan Letti

This model is made in three sizes, so you can find the bed suitable for your bedroom. The peculiarity of this bed is to be covered with leather, artificial leather or textiles "plump" base. By the way, the manufacturer even gives its customers the opportunity to provide exactly the material to which they wish to hide the bed.

Soft Wood from Riva

The catchy design of this modern bed is part of the Soft Wood collection, which also includes a sofa, chair, chest of drawers and bedside tables. The headboard is made in the form of a lattice. The collection is designed by Carlo Colombo specifically for Riva.

Jacqueline from Poliform

The decoration of this model is the deliberate seams. A kind of design allows beds to fit into almost any interior.

Gió from Morelato.

Straight lines give this model retro charm. Through the use of a large number of wooden elements, a feeling of naturalness, naturalness is created. Practical stands are built in the headboard.

According to research, about half of their life, a person spends in a dream, and in order for this dream to be comfortable, it is necessary to choose a sleeping place properly. It is not always easy to choose a bed for one person, and when it will be destroyed for two, there are even more difficulties and stumbling blocks.


The bed is one of the simplest furniture items, but at the same time, for a comfortable sleep, it is indispensable. You can choose any stylish and modern models, but nevertheless the furniture will still consist of basic standard elements. So, any bed, whether it is single, double or any other size, includes: frame or base, lattice (it can be both metal and wooden) and mattress.

For a bed having a unknown name "Double Sleep", it is characterized by installing a strengthened lattice made of wooden lamellas and the presence of orthopedic mattresses with a spring unit, in addition, modern models can be made in completely different styles, can include beautiful elements of decor on headboards and legs.

Varieties of models

Despite the standard package of any bed, the varieties of models on sale there are a great set. The first thing to pay attention to when choosing is a complete set, After all, modern models can be sold complete with a mattress, and may consist of one frame only, and then the mattress will have to be selected separately. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the exact dimensions of the frame in order not to guess with the further choice of a suitable mattress. Its correct choice will also determine, soft will be a bed or a tough with additional support for the spine. It should be remembered that the ideal option for a couple will be a dear and high-quality orthopedic mattress:it will save health and will give comfortable sleep.

When choosing a bed in a small room, you should pay attention to models with built-in storage systems. For example, exist beds with drawers for linenwhich are located in a niche under the mattress. There are models with a mattress-rising on gas lifts, it rises and also exposes a niche for storage at the base. In high models there are options with bedside tables that are built into the head of the head and are attached from two sides of the bed, these cabinets also represent an excellent storage space. There are also models with side backThe various shelves and boxes are often built into it, and if the bed does not put on the wall - this is also a wonderful option of an additional storage location.

For a small room there are unusual models. For example, a folding or foldable bed, this option is spreads at the time of sleep, and when it is no longer needed - it turns onto the wall and is visually turning, for example, in a closet or sofa. The folding model is most often performed without a headboard, and its functions perform the back wall of the cabinet, in which the bed is retracted. For a family with a child living in a small apartment, there is a great option: two-storey double bed. Usually, one floor is just a double place, and the second is a full-fledged bed, so there is enough places and parents and a child.

The simplest double bed can be a real work of art and fit perfectly, for example, in a children's room or a baroque interior, for this it is necessary to choose a model with a canchine suitable and form. Do not write off with bills and inflatable mattresses, they are very convenient, in cases where you often receive guests or at the time of choosing a new full bed when moving or in the country, however, their service life is very limited.


For comfortable accommodation, the pair on the bed must be carefully referring to the choice of the size of the sleeping bed. In addition, the mattress should be at a convenient height. So, the optimal height of the bed must be slightly above the kneading cup. Too low or high models can provoke inconvenience when using a sleeping place. As for the sizes, the bed should be large enough so that two people can safely accommodate it. Length is usually measured on the basis of the growth of the highest person in a pair. So, the optimal length of the bed location is an increase of + 10 centimeters.The width is selected in such a way that both partner be comfortable to lie on the back, exposing elbows during bent hands.

The standard double bed is manufactured in the following sizes: width usually ranges from 150 to 200 cm, and length from 190 to 220 cm.Beds of such dimensions are the optimal choice for the premises of almost any size, however, if you want something unusual, and the size of the room allows you to stop the choice on the Beds "Royal Size". The width of such options is more than 200 cm.


An equally important factor in choosing a double bed will be the material from which the framework is made, because it will depend on this that the strength of the furniture and its service life will depend. Of course, the metal frame is the strongest and durable of all offered today on the furniture market, however, it should be borne in mind that the designs on such a frame are usually quite bulky and heavy, which makes it difficult to rearrange the furniture in the room. In addition, such a variety of beds can not fit into every interior.

It will also live for a long time and the base of solid wood, for example, from pine is a hypoallergenic material, which also has a very beautiful tree texture. Color You can choose any, today each manufacturer provides a minimum range of colors of wooden panels, of which will be furnished. These include: oak, alder, nut, cherry, chestnut, wenge. In addition, the shades of these basic colors can be presented, so finding the desired color will not be much labor.

However, model beds made of solid wood with all its advantages have a sufficiently high cost, so manufacturers began to use in production MDF and DPP. These materials are cheaper, it looks quite aesthetically look, especially if leather upholstery or veneer finish are present on the headboards and backs. However, the service life of the furniture from such material is significantly reduced, after a while there may also be an unpleasant creaking.

Actual form

It is also important to determine the form of a double bed. Today on the market you can find almost any form suitable for any design room. In the shape of a shell for a room in the marine design, a flower in the nursery, in the form of cartoon characters, anime and even in the form of a bird nest. Frequently common oval beds. If you correctly choose their size, they can become a very successful choice that it will be quite interesting to look indoors.

But, nevertheless, the most relevant forms remain 3 more or less standard forms:

  • The most common - rectangular shape. In this embodiment, the width is already the length of the bed, which is quite convenient for accommodation in any room, as well as for use. On this bed, it is convenient to sleep, as well as simply pick up accessories and textiles. For example, the selection of a rectangular plaid of the desired form, color and design will not cause difficulties.
  • Square shape Suitable for interiors with clear, strict lines, it is also necessary to take into account that the square bed takes more space, rather than rectangular, and therefore its installation is possible only in a spacious room, which penetrates a lot of light, so that the room does not seem severe and overloaded.
  • Quite interesting in the interior of the bedroom looks round bedb The diameter of such a bed is usually at least 200 cm, however, for two people a person, it is not very comfortable, moreover, it takes quite a lot of space. Selection of bed linen and accessories in shape can also cause complexity.

Color solutions

Since the double bed will be the central element of the bedroom, the choice of color is one of the most important criteria. If the room is still completely empty and its finish is only to be, it is better to repel when the wallpaper is selected, flooring and ceiling precisely from the color and style of the bed you like. If the room decoration is made in some particular style, then it is certainly more appropriate to select the color of the bed to the fine of the interior.

The easiest way to choose color is "game on contrast". In this case, the color of the walls and frames will be contrasting each other. For example, a dark chocolate bed can serve as an excellent option in combination with lactic color with wallpaper. In addition, the furniture can become a bright emphasis in the interior, for example, a red or purple headboard will be a great way to create a bright nuance, and if adding curtains or carpet in color, the bedroom will look even more effectively.

This is quite common today option for monophonic design. In this case, the color of the bed is selected in the color of the walls. This technique helps to visually lengthen the space and will become the perfect option for a small room. For example, white walls and a white bed will help to significantly increase the space, as well as add the place of light. However, it is worth remembering that even with such a decision you need to start a couple of contrast elements, in this option they must be small, the lamps or bedside tables are completely suitable.

Selecting the colors of the furniture, you can also focus on the color of the floor, if the color of the floor cover will coincide with the color with the color of the head of the head, it will create a very interesting effect that will help smooth out overly sharp bed corners. The same effect will allow to achieve the choice of color located in the same color scheme. For example, if the floor has a reddish shade, then the bed may have redhead.

Rating manufacturers

A good bed must provide its owner a comfortable sleep and a long service time, so when buying it is better to give preference to the proven, already proven to manufacturers in the market:

  • In Russia the leader in the production of beds and mattresses to them is the company Askona. The company is a compound link of the Swedish company - the leader of production in Asia and some European countries. Today, the company can offer many different models of beds including with storage systems, different costs, so that a person with any sufficiency can choose a suitable model and purchase it. In addition, the company produces mattresses for their beds, which will make it easy to choose the model of the desired size and functional.

  • High-quality goods on the Russian market can also be purchased from sellers offering beds and mattresses from Ormamek. The optimal combination of price and quality with a large variety of models in addition, allowed the company, firmly entrenched on the top lines of ratings of Russian furniture manufacturers and accessories for comfortable sleep.
  • Cheap high-quality goods offer Belarusian furniture factories: Laguna and Pinskdrev. Here you can find models for every taste - a huge selection of both beds from an array of wood, and with decorated leather armrests of various colors and styles.

  • Italyit is famous for factories producing expensive beds, characterized by pomp with a high-quality array of wood and an interesting concise design. The oldest Italian manufactices, such as Feretti & Feretti. For a long time turned into large industrial conglomerates supplying their products around the world.

  • Chinese beds, contrary to popular belief, they also deserve attention.Among the huge range presented today on the market, you can find models of completely different quality and prices. It can be a luxury bed from a solid massif of birch, beech, pine, with a metal wrought headboard, soft leather backrests, or a very simple model from MDF without special delights in design that will cost quite inexpensively. In general, among the beds of Chinese producers, everyone can find the necessary furniture for their bedroom.

  • Separately, it is worth noting furniture of Malaysian production.So, Malaysia offers inexpensive options for quite high quality. Bed frames are created from a high-quality beech massif, so it turns strong and durable.

You only need to pick up a high-quality mattress and the bed will be happy to please our owners.


The cost of the double bed will be folded from the following elements:

  • frame material;
  • headper material;
  • functionality (storage systems, built-in stands, etc.);
  • mattress.

So, if you need to get the option of a double bed of economy class, then you can safely choose a frame from MDF or a chipboard with a cloth or veneer.

You can always pick up the furniture design suitable under the interior style. For example, such large companies like "many furniture" and IKEA offer their customers the framework of beds worth from 2 thousand rubles.

The mattress can be selected without a spring block with a soft filler from PPU or latex, however, it should be noted that if a cheap frame, despite its cost, will last sufficient time, the cheap mattress will not be able to answer the same. Therefore, when choosing a mattress, it is better not to save, because it is it, and not the frame will give a comfortable strong sleep for every day. In addition, the double bed suggests a dream of two people, and this twice the load on the bed, and hence the cheap version of the mattress will be unusually twice as fast. It is better to concentrate your attention on mattresses with a spring block and an additional material regulating the rigidity. Rigid models include layers of coconut fiber, and Latex uses for softness. Optimally choosing the mattress costs are not cheaper than 20-25 thousand rubles, in order for it to serve for a long time, was high quality and answered all the requirements for it to it.

Elite bed models typically have a wooden frame of an array, carving on headings, as well as cavalry and various accessories in the kit. The tree of expensive breeds, such as oak, beech, ash are the most solid, and therefore strong materials in the manufacture of furniture. The cost of beds of this category can reach several hundred thousand rubles. Choosing such models must be taken into account that they can truly reveal only in a fairly large room and with the right selection of interior design, as well as surrounding accessories.

How to choose?

When choosing a double bed, it is necessary to take into account not only its quality and cost, but also it is important that it fit both spouses, it will help not only get enough sleep, but also support a pleasant psychological atmosphere in the family. The most important selection criterion is a mattress. It must be high-quality, materials from which it will be manufactured must meet the requirements of environmentality and hypoality. Choosing a mattress, you need to take into account its density. So, the ideal option is the mattress of medium hardness, the degree of necessary elasticity will be determined by the weight of partners. The appropriate mattress can be on the spring block or consist of other high-quality fillers, however, it must be remembered that the spring mattress promises a longer service life.

It is important to take into account the parameters of the double bed, because it is from its width that the convenience of its users will depend on its width. Too close sleeping place can lead to a constant inclusion or insomnia.

Today the range of furniture is so wide that you can pick up a bed that fully meets anyone, even the most demanding buyer. Various accessories, built-in shelves, carved headproof, soft backs can be chosen for installation in any interior. However, it must be remembered that the design should not stand in the first place when choosing, after all, the aesthetic sensations are quickly smoothed quite quickly, but convenience remains for years.

In addition, when choosing, you need to pay attention to the bed frame, more precisely, on its basis. A high-quality comfortable sleeping bed must be supplied with a large number of rails - lamellae and the closer they will be located, the more strong there will be a bed. In addition, the mattress on a more dense base will be much smaller. These railings have the ability to regulate rigidity, their movement will help create an additional focus on a particular bed segment, for example, under the lower back or head.

Various non-standard solutions presented today by manufacturers also open a huge field for selection and experiments. Oval, round, square beds or interesting models of very non-standard forms can also be an excellent choice for the room.

Of these non-standard options, the best variants of bright accents are usually obtained.

How to collect yourself?

So, the choice is made, the model is bought and brought in a disassembled form home. Can I collect it yourself? Sure. The building assembly is extremely simple, moreover, the manufacturer usually makes the assembly instructions to the furniture, following which the assembly does not require effort and high time costs. Usually the standard design of the base of the double bed consists of three long boards and two shorter, they are located on the bed headboards:

  • First the frame is going:four strips are connected to a smooth rectangle, and the remaining long bar, if it is present in this configuration, it is screwed with screws to the center of the structure, it will serve as a central strengthening axis.

  • Next, you should fasten the legs on the bottom of the finished wooden design.They, depending on the design, may be any form and material, the method of their attachment will depend on these factors. They can be glued or mounted on screws. In constructions involving the presence of a back, decorative headproof or built-in storage systems, you should collect on this stage and install all these items into place, also following the instructions offered by the seller.
  • After that, it is necessary to start fastening the lamellas on the base of the bed:they are installed at an equal distance from each other, and pass from the lateral long rack of the base to the central axis. When all the slats are successfully installed, the bed is ready for use. It will only be left to put the mattress on it and to store the bed with fresh linen.