Lee honey treats. Honey: Treatment with honey, composition, healing and valuable properties of honey, methods of huge, dosage and indications, how to recognize poor-quality honey

Composition of bee honey

Bee honey is one of the best sources of carbohydrates. Dextrose, lewleza, sucrose, maltose, fructose and glucose are present in honey in large quantities and are very easily absorbed by the body.

Honey contains some amount of vitamins; There is a direct dependence: the more pollen in the honey, the more vitamins, in particular, vitamin C, vitamins of the group B, folic acid. Moreover, honey has the ability to maintain vitamins for a long time - it takes particular importance in the winter-spring period.

Many in Mineral Money: salts of iron, copper, potassium, calcium, chlorine, silicon, phosphopa, sodium, magnesium, aluminum, etc. These mineral substances first fall into plants, in nectar, and then are then an integral part of the honey - and in the ratio that meets the needs of the Humanist . An important component parts of the honey include acids (ant, acetic, amber), pigments (carotene, xanthofill) and enzymes.

For treatment, the best natural bee honey is used, which one can be commercially available; this is

  • - white Honey (Mel Album);
  • - yellow honey (Mel Flavum);
  • - Medical Honey is a cleaned honey (Mel Depuratum); It resembles a thick syrup; Purified from all possible impurities (dissolving in water, effects by kaolin and subsequent evaporation), it retains its healing properties.

Valuable properties of Mida

Natural honey - the source of all the substances listed above - has the properties that make it a very valuable product. Namely:

  • - Honey is quickly absorbed in the body, therefore, the body quickly gets the necessary substances and a lot of energy;
  • - honey is easily absorbed in the body, which means that the body does not spend extra energy (so necessary during the disease) on its processing; Honey acts on the body soothingly;
  • - Honey slightly slack;
  • - Honey softens cough;
  • - Honey has some painkillers.

The healing properties of the honey are largely due to the fact that organic acids and sugars included in its composition are irritated by some tissues of the body and provoke one or another reflex reaction.

Adenoid strucks deliver to the child especially many problems when they are inflated and swell. Sometimes it is enough to remove inflammation of adenoid fabric, and adenoids, even enlarged, can no longer disturb. There are different ways of treating adenoiditis, and on the pages of this book we talked about them more than once; One of the ways - instillation into the nose, and most importantly - in the nasopharynk - the juice of red beets with honey. From fresh beets you need to squeeze juice (you can with the help of garlic, meat grinders, or crushing on a grater and squeeze) and mix with bee honey in proportions: 2-3 parts of beet juice and one part of the honey. Put in both nostrils on the full pipette of this mixture. The child must lie on his back, throwing the head, - so that juice with honey is sharpened in the nasopharynk. Before injection, it is necessary that the child is very thoroughly unimported (and it is better to wash his nose and a nose-headed with a rubber can. Installing in the nose and the nasopherler Beet's beet juice with honey you need 4-5 times a day.

Angina (tonsillit sharp)

Money solution for rinsing throats is prepared on the basis of infanthek daisy flowers. One tablespoon of dry flowers is placed in a warm dishes, pour into a glass of steep boiling water, insist under the lid of 20-25 minutes, strain. In the resulting infusion add one tablespoon of honey, thoroughly stirring and rinse with this agent.


Honey in a mixture with an agitator of the onions is taken in atherosclerosis. As a result of such treatment, harmful cholesterol is slowly discharged from the body, which is usually postponed in the form of fat plaques on the inner walls of the vessels. The same mixture can be taken to people who formed stones in liver ducts and in the bustling bubble, as well as in the kidneys.

The mixture is prepared as: grinding on a grater (or skip through a meat grinder) several bulbs - so as to fill the glass with a glass of onion; Mix with a glass of honey.

The cooked medicine can be stored on the bottom of the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day in an hour after eating.


Honey has a soft soothing and sleeping pills. With insomnia, it is enough to drink a warm solution of the honey (one tablespoon of honey on one glass of boiled water), and a strong dream will come. The sleeping recycled effect is still enhanced if taking honey on warm cow's milk, since milk also acts soothing.

Bronchitis sharp

Honey with bronchitis softens cough, acts as a good expectorant. With bronchitis and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the use of the following mixture is recommended: on a glass of warm milk - one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of cream oil and 1/4 tablespoon of food soda.

Bronchitis chronic, bronchiectatic disease

With these illnesses, the use of Money's solution based on the infusion of mother-and-welcoming leaves is as anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Preparation of this drug Simple: one tablespoon of dry crushed mother-and-stepmother leaves to mark into a warm thermos, pour in a glass of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours, strain, cool, add one tablespoon of honey and stirred thoroughly. Take in warm form 1/2 cup 3 times a day.


In the treatment of varicose veins, you can use a medicine made from honey with garlic. 250 g of purified garlic Skip through a meat grinder, mix with 350 g honey and insist in a cool place for at least a week. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals on one tablespoon. The duration of the course of treatment is about a month.


Sign of vitiligo - the appearance on the skin of depigmented (white) spots of different shapes and magnitude. Folk medicine recommends that there is a mixture of honey with a small powder with a small powder.

The rod will dry, crushed into the powder, mixed with bee honey in proportion 1: 1. From the resulting mixture form pills weighing about 2 g. Take one pill 3 times a day.

Hair loss

Honey can be used to strengthen and treat hair. It is necessary to dilute in 1 liter of boiled water 2 tablespoons of the honey and make the head with this solution, slightly massage the scalp. Do so 2 times a week. The temperature of the solution must be at least 40 ° C.


Anti-inflammatory treatment with hemorrhoids can be carried out using honey. A bit (no more thimble) impacked honey to enter once a day in the rectum. You can make candles from interior swine bass and honey (in a 2: 1 ratio). Salo melt, add honey (sugar), give cool and form candles.


At the same time, honey can be useful to serious liver disease. It is adopted in a mixture with black currant berries (in proportion 1: 1). Eat one teaspoon for 20 minutes before eating 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Hypertonic disease

Folk medicine recommends not only honey in pure form, but also honey in the following mixture: on one tablespoon of honey, beet juice, carrot juice, 1/2 cup of shrink juice, single lemon juice. Take a mixture on one tablespoon 2 times a day per hour before meals. Course treatment - up to one and a half months. Store the mixture at the bottom of the refrigerator.


Quickly cope with the influenza virus and avoid complications helps the next infusion: take on one tablespoon of honey, crushed rosehip fruits, raspberries, currants, pour 100 ml of steep boiling water, to push up to 30 minutes under the lid, shook the dishes with a towel. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals. Rosehip and currant fruits are excellent vitaminonos; They are richer with vitamin C, which, like all antioxidants, destroys infection in the body. Rasp fruits contain so-called natural aspirin, and the properties of aspirin are known: it reduces the temperature, reduces pain, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Effective anti-inflammatory remedy for skin diseases Aloe juice mixture with honey. Giving medication to take 5 parts of the freshly fastened juice aloe tree and one part of the honey, mix thoroughly. Use in the form of applications to inflamed skin sections 1-2 times a day.


To help the prescribed physician drugs can be taken in dysentery honey. Number of honey: adults - up to 100 g, children - up to 50-60 g.


For a long time, honey was used as a soft laxative. To achieve a laxative effect, it is enough to take immediately from 50 to 100 g of pure honey.

You can simply eat honey and wash it with water, and you can pre-dissolve honey in a glass of water. The organic acids contained in the honey are irritated by the intestinal mucous membrane, and the latter corresponds to reinforced liquid release, which causes the laxative effect.


Calitis honey is prescribed inside in an amount up to 100 g per day. Take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, having previously stirred in cold water or in apple juice. The duration of the course of treatment is up to one and a half months. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a two-week break.

From time to time - do medicinal enema with a solution of honey, prepared on the basis of infanthea chamomile flowers: one tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers to pour one glass of steep boiling water, insist for 15-20 minutes, strain, add one tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughly. After the introduction of the solution (200 ml) into the rectum to try this solution to keep in itself.


Two or three times a day in the eye (in the inland angle), a weak solution of honey is buried. Prepare the solution must certainly be prepared on boiled water (one teaspoon of honey on one glass of warm water). As a basis for a solution, you can also use the infusion of daisy flowers pharmacy.


In addition to other means used in the treatment of laryngitis, honey can be used in the form of steam inhalations. On the bottom of the pan water is poured and brought to a boil; Honey is added to the boiling water and is stirred. Being bending over the pan, inhale couples through the mouth. You can make 2-3 such inhalations per day, combining them with other drugs. Lisha golden

This deprived manifests itself in the form of golden crusts that are localized near the lips and exit from the nose. Relief from the golden delay will help regular lubricants of crusts by the bee honey with the addition of salt. Sometimes just just a few such lubricants.


In case of meteorism, a solution of honey, prepared on the basis of the infanthek daisy flowers. 3 tablespoons of dry flowers need to be placed in a thermos, pour with one glass of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours, strain, cool, add one tablespoon of honey and mix thoroughly. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals.


The most vivid signs of neurasthenia are fatigue complaints, dissatisfaction with life, and irritability, quick temper, incontinence, increased excitability, inadequately strong reaction to stimuli. From increased irritability, honey will help to get rid of the patient. It is necessary to dilute one tablespoon of honey in warm boiled water and drink this solution. Also should come in general whenever you have to experience stress.

Systematic treatment of neurasthenia honey: Take 100 g of Money per day - this is the amount of honey is divided into 3 portions, which are accepted during the day in dissolved in water. Course treatment - up to 2 months.


Thermal burns under the influence of the aqueous solution of the honey are heated quickly. The places of burns can be washed with a solution of honey (one tablespoon on one glass of boiled water) or apply napkins to them, rich in breatisy by this solution. It is recommended to combine hints with other means of treating burns.

Not only with mental, but also with physical overwork, honey helps perfectly, since it contains easily driving sugars delivering to the body energy. It is worth eating 40-50 g honey, and fatigue quickly comes off. As a toning can be used alcohol tincture of fruits and seeds of the chinese lemongrass.

The remedy is preparing: in one glass of warm water add 15-20 drops of alcohol tincture and 2 tablespoons of honey. Carefully stir and drink.


To help other means used in inflammation of the lungs, a decoction of aloe leaves with honey can be used. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 300 g of Money, 100 g of aloe (aloe leaves finely cut or skip through a meat grinder) and 100 ml of water. All this is mixed in enameled dishes and boil on low heat 1.5-2 hours. Keep the cooked medicine should be in a closed dish in a cool place. Take one tablespoon 3 times a day.

In the root of radish, the bitter need to cut a small cavity (5-6 ml capacity), which is filled with honey. Give honey 4-5 h; Radish will let juice, this juice is mixed with honey. The resulting mixture need to rub painful joints, after which itching the joints with a warm scarf, a towel, etc. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Also, in this case, local baths with a 30% honey solution can be used. Honey dissolves in warm (can - body temperature) distilled water and poured into a suitable vessel, in which it is convenient to take a local bath. Part of the body (one or another joint), the most suffering from the disease, is immersed in the solution for a while up to 30 minutes. After the bath, this part of the body should be warmly wounded.


With colds, especially accompanied by an increase in body temperature, it is recommended to use the following effective means of a solution of honey prepared on the basis of linden flowers. 2-3 tablespoons of the lime color (assembled in early July) put the thermos in heated, pour boiling water with one glass, insist for several hours, strain. To the cooked infusion add one tablespoon of honey and stir. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day as an antipyretic and cooker.


Psoriasis, which is still the name of the scaly deprived, is cured faster if applied ointment cooked from the honey and becks (1: 1 ratio). The decoction should be taking. The focus of the affected skin is recommended to lubricate 1-2 times a day. The duration of the course is up to 20 days.


In the root of radish, cut the cavity with a capacity of 5-6 ml, fill it with honey, to withstand several hours. The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred and rub the painful places 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days.


Infected purulent wounds begin to be cleaned and wrap faster if after washing with solutions of antiseptics to lubricate their edges with honey and cover with a sterile napkin. Do so once a day.

It is also possible to accelerate the growth of the wounds by regular irrigation by their honey solution prepared on the basis of the branch of the eucalyptus leaves: one tablespoon of dry crushed leaves of the eucalyptus to pour one glass of water, boil on low heat 12-15 minutes, cool, strain, add one tablespoon of honey and carefully Stir. This solution has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.


With a strong cold, it is recommended to bury in the nose (lying on the back) Warm aqueous solution of honey: one tablespoon of honey on one glass of water. However, the best results can be achieved by regular rinsing of the nose and nasopharynx by this solution. Washers are made using a rubber cylinder. 2 rinsing per day is enough. Folk medicine also recommends when driving 2-3 times a day to chew honey cells. The doctor may appoint electrophoresis with honey.

With sinuita, as with ritin, good results give injection into the nose and washing of the nose and the nasopharynx with a warm aqueous solution of honey; However, it should be noted that the washing should not be too active - that the solution used does not get inside the apparent sinuses; Safely in this regard is the drawing of an aqueous solution of honey nose with palm.

With inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nose you need to take honey - up to 100 g per day. Very promotes healing and frequent chewing of honey cells. On a small piece of cells, you should chew every hour.

It is recommended to pay attention to breathing through the nose - the air containing the honey pairs should go through the nasal moves. Motioning with Sinuita should be combined with other methods of treatment, in particular, with physiotherapy methods.

Spasms of intestines

Acting as a good antispasmodic Money solution, prepared on the basis of infantry chamomile flowers. Take the medicine you need 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Cooking the solution, see meteorism.


Honeymoon rinsing at stomatitis is prepared on the basis of the infanthea chamomile: one tablespoon of dry chamomile flowers to pour with one glass of steep boiling water, insist under the lid of 15-20 minutes, strain, add one tablespoon of honey, mix thoroughly. Rinse with this medicine (warm) mouth 5-6 times a day. After each rinse, it is not and not to drink 20-30 minutes. You can combine with other rinsing tools. Course of treatment - 7-14 days. You can prepare a similar solution based on the infusion of calendula flowers.

Tonnsillitis chronic

The regular rinse of the mouth with an aqueous honey solution (the solution is prepared immediately before the procedure: one tablespoon of honey needs to be divorced in one glass of warm boiled water) is an excellent preventive and therapeutic procedure in chronic tonsillitis. With such a caucasium, pathogenic microorganisms are removed from the surface of the almonds, from the mucous membrane of the rear wall of the rotogling mechanically; In addition, the anti-inflammatory effect of honey affects. 5-6 rinsing days per day; You can combine with rinsing other means. After rinsing, nothing is not drinking for 30 minutes. Course treatment - 10-14 days. With a prophylactic goal, you can conduct 3-4 such courses per year.


When trachekit it is recommended to make a honey solution based on the infusion of Mathi-stepmother's leaves 1/2 cup 3 times a day. Cooking this means, see bronchitis chronic, bronchiectatic disease. Steam honey inhalations contribute to the fast cure from the tracheite. In a wide pot, you need to pour some water, boil, dissolve one tablespoon of honey in it. Breathe ferry, bending over the pan. The duration of the procedure is 8-10 minutes.

Cracks on nails

Get rid of cracks on the nails will help the use of a mixture of honey and a bow cashis in a ratio of 1: 1. This ointment should be applied to the nails with a thin layer 1-2 times a day.

In the neck, honey can be used on the face in a mixture with fresh carrot juice in the proportion of 1: 1. Make such cosmetic masks once a day for 15-20 minutes (in the evening). The mask is washed off by cold water.


Honey is an excellent source of energy for the body. When decaying the forces of mental and physical, it should be taken on one tablespoon 3 times a day (but not more than 100 g per day). The effectiveness of the effect of the honey can be increased if you drink it with decoction of roots or rosehip fruits.

Pharyngita sharp

From this common disease, some people suffer from 2, and 3 times a year. The treatment of acute pharyngitis by honey is already through the Sugki-Two begins to bring positive results. As with the chronic tonsillitis, the threatment with pharyngitis is frequent (5-7 times a day) rinsing the throat with a warm aqueous solution of honey. After each rinse, it is impossible to drink and eat for about 30 minutes honey, present in a small amount in the oral cavity, at this time continues to operate. The duration of the course is 1-2 weeks.


Faster to get rid of the furuncle, compresses with a solution of honey will help: one part of the honey dissolves in 3 parts of warm boiled water. In this solution, you need to moisten a gauze napkin, folded in several layers, and applied to the furuncle area, coat with cellophane or wax paper, then cotton and fix the compress with several bandage turns (or large handkerchief, scarf, towel). Put a compress once a day for a few hours.

In addition, a honey cake can be applied to the fuunkula site, which is formed from a mixture of honey with rye flour in a 1: 1 ratio. The pellet is covered with cellophane or oilcloth and is fixed by some warm tissue. It is possible to apply such a honey cake to the furuncle surface once a day for several hours.

Enumert night

Night incontinence of urine usually suffer from children, and more often boys than girls. One way to get rid of the innova night is the use of honey. The child must drink 2 times a day before eating 1/2 of a glass of warm water solution Honey: 1/2 cup of warm boiled water add one teaspoon of honey. The duration of the course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. After a ten-day break, the course can be repeated. It is important to limit the amount of liquid into the evening.

Ulcery disease of the stomach and the 12thist

A good anti-inflammatory and ulcerning action is a solution of honey, prepared on the basis of the Herbal Grass Herbs: 3 tablespoons of dry grass need to be placed in a gram, pour into a single glass of boiling water, insist 2-3 hours, strain, cool, add one tablespoon of honey and stir thoroughly . Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day after meals. The duration of the course is about a month.

Aphthose ulcers

Folk medicine recommends the disease to use honey in the mixture with the root of the photograph of the dosage: fresh root need to finely cut into a knife, then it is trampled into the mortar to the consistency of the cassea, mix with honey in proportion 2: 1. Take one teaspoon 3 times a day, drinking water. Course treatment -8-10 days.

Application of honey for cosmetic purposes

Honey cleans the skin pores from microorganisms, makes the skin more elastic, elastic. It is used as part of a fund that can be easily prepared on the following formulation: mix one teaspoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of flour and one (pre-whipped) eggs. It turns out very gentle dough, and it is applied to the skin of the face in the evening for 10-15 minutes.

With dry skin, the face helps the mask: mix 100 g honey and juice of one lemon and apply a thin layer on the skin. Keep up to 10 minutes, wash off with cold water. Such a mask rejuvenates the skin.

Attention! The information on the site is not a medical diagnosis, or leadership to action and It is intended only for familiarization.

Hi friends!

On the weekend, friends invited us to the cottage to celebrate their ten-year anniversary of living together.

Gifts, they say, they do not need, most importantly our presence.

Well, I could not go with empty hands. We decided with the wife that honey scrubs for the bath were an excellent gift.

And budget and useful.

Friends just lovers of the bathhouses, so the present very much came to them. And what benefits makes honey, and not only with outdoor use, I will tell you further.

Honey - Useful properties

Honey is an antibacterial, antifungal and anti-virus agent.

Before discovering insulin, homeopaths used honey in diabetes treatment and recommended the patients with honey instead of sugar. The Indians of Northern Mexico has frequent cases of diabetes when they stopped there with honey, replacing him with sugar. The tests of the tribe noticed the relationship between these two events and began to sing patients with natural honey dissolved in tea with manzanilla (sherry view). As a result, the signs of diabetes in patients significantly decreased.


Diabetics and people suffering from hypoglycemia (low blood sugar content should be consulted with a professional doctor before using honey for medicinal purposes.

  1. A teaspoon of natural honey, given to a child before bedtime, acts as a sedative, will help you quickly fall asleep and avoid enurraw.
  2. Honey increases the energy level, the human life tone and gives strength. Not a gift during the ancient Olympic Games, the athletes observed a diet, which included a large number of natural honey.
  3. Cough is well treating honey. With a cold, drink a glass of hot milk with a teaspoon of honey.
  4. Honey does not cause fermentation in the stomach, therefore it can be used in order to suppress the acid disorder of the stomach.
  5. Honey, mixed with ginger, lemon juice and warm water, reduces feeling of nausea and gives strength.
  6. The use of natural honey helps to reduce muscular cramps. They occur due to low level of calcium and high level of phosphorus in the blood. Honey leads these levels to a balanced state.
  7. Honey is used in the treatment of anemia, as it contains many beneficial substances, especially iron and copper, and the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood depends on the amount of these elements in the body.
  8. Honey is used for all types of intestinal disorders, as it is an excellent antibacterial agent.
  9. With a decrease in blood sugar in the blood, a person feels fatigue and rapid heartbeat. Honey eliminates these adverse sensations. In India, there is even such a saying - "Honey will strengthen the weak heart, a weak brain and a weak belly."
  10. Honey contains many enzymes needed for normal food digestion.
  11. Honey is a great remedy for different wounds. After all, it has antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties that destroy microbial infections and contribute to the rapid wound healing.
  12. The use of natural honey helps reduce the level of triglycerides in the body. Their enhanced content can lead to cardiovascular and other diseases. Artificial honey, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the number of triglycerides.

Honey is often used in cosmetology purposes. To improve the color of the face, mix 1 tablespoon of honey with 1-2 tablespoons of almond or olive oil (you can use jojoba oil), apply to the skin of the face and neck. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water.


Another option of the nutritious honey mask: Mix green or white clay with natural honey. Apply on your face, wait 20 minutes and smash. After such procedures, your skin will be smooth and beautiful.

  • Honey, combined with grape juice, is an excellent healing agent from gout, arthritis and joint pain.
  • Honey use helps to lose weight. Honey has the opposite structure with a fat structure, so it helps split fat. If you are in the process of weight loss, then drink an empty stomach glass of mineral or ordinary water with a teaspoon of honey dissolved in it. If you wish, you can squeeze several drops of lemon juice there.

Thus, even by consuming sweet, you can strengthen health. Just remember that exclusively natural honey has useful properties that have not passed any thermal treatments, as they destroy its drug properties.

Honey is pretty caloriene, it is sweeter than sugar and 100 grams of honey contains about 300 kilocalories.

Due to the presence of potassium, honey has a property to destroy bacteria. It forms a medium in which bacteria simply cannot live. Bacteria exist in a wet environment, they are more actively developing, and the potassium deprives them of this moisture, which leads to their early destruction.

In the fact that honey is able to destroy bacteria for a long time no one believed. But the doctor who works in Colorado and working in the local agricultural college - a bacteriologist explored this useful properties of honey. He spent a lot of tests during which bacteria was placed in honey.

The results of the study turned out to be positive. Honey really killed microbes. Weathequent microbes, such as typhoid microbes and those like it, have not kept the day. Stronger - causative agents of abdominal typhoid, held two days.

Those microbes that were in the water and in the intestines died in five hours, and those who caused chronic bronchopneumonia disappeared on the fourth day.

Microbes, which cause diseases such as: pleurisy, purulent abscess and peritonitis die after ten hours, as well as dysenteric microbes. Subsequently, the experiments that were conducted by scientists were re-conducted by others, but the results were consistently remained the same.

Honey contains the following utility substances: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, chlorine, calcium. These are all - natural elements, because they originate from the soil, then fall into plants, of which the bees produce nectar. Accordingly, the richer than the soil with these minerals, the more they are contained in the composition of honey.


The dark honey contains more copper, iron and manganese than in light. Therefore, the use of dark honey is more preferable. It is the content of iron that makes honey most useful, since iron is inextricably linked with hemoglobin and its blood content. Iron supports and stimulates the ability of hemoglobin to hold oxygen.

In addition to him, Honey contains a lot of manganese, which also needs to be included in your daily diet. The manganese also contributes to the restoration of the level of hemoglobin in the blood, thereby being an auxiliary for iron component, as well as affects growth and useful for the function of the sex glands.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), which is part of the composition of honey, we need to regulate reproductive functions and growth, it has the beneficial properties for the thyroid gland, nails and skin.

Money contains useful nicotine acid, which takes a significant role in the processes of the body, contributes to the removal of cholesterol, expands the vessels.

Honey, the beneficial properties of which are extensive and multifaceted, has the following advantages over other sugars:

  • the body is very quick and easily absorbs honey
  • it is a light laxative
  • does not have an irritable effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract
  • it is a sedative preparation. Soothes and relaxes
  • unlike sugars, it is easier and easier to skip the kidney
  • it has therapeutic properties

Many people, especially in our time, are experiencing a lot of stress and suffer from nervous disorders. As a result, the pharmacies are purchased by the mass of sedatives, most of which, in addition to directly soothing action, have many side effects, as they contain substances harmful to human health. Is it possible to compare with these drugs honey? After all, this is a natural and incredibly useful product, which is also capable of calming and relax.

Source: www.ayzdorov.ru.

Look at the videos of therapeutic properties of honey:

Types of Mid.

It is known that the taste, smell, color and density of honey directly depend on the nectar, which is collected by bees. The nectar in turn is collected from various plants. Nectar, which bees is collected with floral fields, where any one type of plant dominates, is called monoflash, and the one that is assembled with the blooming dispersion - polyflene.

Useful bee products

For example, propolis. A resinous dark substance, which is obtained as a result of the vital activity of bees and use them for isolation of the hive.

The beneficial properties of propolis are that it kills bacteria, thereby being good prevention from many diseases, such as angina, flu, and even skin disease. In addition, propolis has a positive effect on gums and oral cavity, so it is part of a plurality of toothpaste.

From propolis make a special oil, which is used to eliminate the corners, besides, it has a softening and skinning with an irritation, which makes it an excellent tool that helps the cough.

Another product of the bees is a royal milk. Most often it is combined with other drugs and compositions. In the royal milk, Solonisho - sour taste and yellow-white color. Its useful properties include the normalization of metabolic metabolism and it is considered an anem with an antibiotic effect.

It is actively used in cosmetology, as it relieves inflammation well, expands the vessels, tones and has a rejuvenating property.

Honey is a unique product of the life of bees, which is not easy to delicacy, but also natural medicine from many diseases. His healing properties were known to the ancient lacarons that successfully used honey For the prevention and therapy of colds, nervous, light, eye, cardiovascular pathologies. The product contributes to the speedy restoration of the body after suffering heavy diseases or surgery.

Many recipes using honey are known to traditional medicine: ranging from lifting immunity and ending gastritis treatment or bronchitis.

Money composition

Honey contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, useful substances for the human body. Among basic componentsin the product it is necessary to highlight the following:

  • Glucose (31%);
  • fructose (38%);
  • sucrose (1%);
  • other sugar (maltose, melicitosis, etc.);
  • ash (0.17%);
  • water (13-20%).

The following vitamins were found in the bee product:

  • B2 (Riboflavin);
  • B3 (niacin);
  • B5 (pantothenic acid);
  • B6 (pyridoxine);
  • B9 (Flavin);
  • C (ascorbic acid).

Of the macro and trace elements in the honey are the following:

  • Iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

Bee product practically no fatsAnd the proportion of proteins in it is very small.

Healing properties of Mida

Due to the large number of various active substances, honey is considered healing product Beekeeping, which has the following actions:

  • Antimicrobial;
  • tonic;
  • strengthening;
  • wound-healing;
  • cleansing;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The beekeeping product contributes to an increase or reducing the secretion of the stomach, improving the work of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), as well as the acceleration of the process of regeneration of the tissues of the mucous membrane.

With regular use, this delicacy helps to increase blood hemoglobin and improving its composition. And due to the high concentration of vitamins and minerals, vision is improved, memory, the concentration of attention is improved. Honey has long been applied in the field of cosmetology. Some masks prepared independently at home using this bee product have a stunning rejuvenating effect. They tone I. moisturize the skin of the faceDelivered from peeling and dry skin.

Honey refers to the group of overlapping and obsching products. And as is known, the human body is very needy and acidification, since the probability increases with their lack of acidoza development.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that honey has unique beneficial properties and is used for therapy for most of the known diseases, caution should still be taken, since there are contraindications. For example, honey treatment is strictly contraindicated to people suffering allergies On the product as a whole or components included in its composition. And an allergic reaction may occur only to certain varieties of the pchelfrodukt. In this case, it is not necessary to completely refuse to eat honey, you only need to choose safe varieties.

There are several simple truths that need to know every lover of honey:

  • It is impossible to treat these sweet delicacy of young children (up to 1 year).
  • For adults, the rate of the beeproof is no more than three hours per day.
  • Honey, heated to 40 degrees, completely loses all its properties and becomes useless. It applies to those people who prefer to put product in tea instead of sugar.
  • As a prophylactic means, the honey should be used at least two months in a row, there will be no effect in otherwise there will be no effect.
  • The temperature heated to the temperature is more than 60 degrees becomes dangerous because oxymethylfurfurol is released, which is capable of applying a serious organism.

Application Money

The bee product is used in many spheres of human life. This is a cooking (preparation of cakes, cakes, first and second dishes, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages), cosmetology (rejuvenating creams, hair masks, etc.) and, of course, medicine (production of medicines, infusions, tinctures, bravery ).

Among the unconventional ways to apply honey, you can note the preparation of bait and feeding for fishing.

How to treat honey?

Honey is used as the main or auxiliary means for therapy of many pathologies. Studies have shown that sweet delicacy contributes to the relief of inflammation, energy and strength, increased immunity, etc. To the main diseases that can be treated with honey include the following:

  • Anemia;
  • skin diseases;
  • ulcerative pathology and disorders of the GCT;
  • nervous system disorders;
  • liver diseases;
  • acute and chronic pathology of the respiratory system;
  • dental defaults;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • diseases in the field of urology and gynecology;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • epilepsy.

Since a natural bee product is a high-calorie power source, it is widely used in pathologies, accompanied by a significant decrease in body weight and appetite loss, this applies to children.

Due to its antiseptic properties, honey easily copes with flexible and long non-healing wounds. It is used as an antimicrobial and antibacterial agent with eczema, burns, boils, ulcers, carbuncoules, etc.

However, for therapy of various diseases it is recommended to use the bees of different varieties. Suppose, with pathologies, provoked by staphylococci or streptococci, it is desirable to use heath, lime, sage or.

So how to understand what kind of honey you need? In fact, everything is quite simple. People's Lekari have long been learning the peculiarities of one or another variety and found the appropriate use of each of them. That is, it is simply necessary to read recipes carefully, and ideally, to contact a professional, who can individually pick you up the sort of honey, will determine the form of use (internal use, appliqués, baths, etc.), dosage and multiplicity of reception.

In addition, the apithetpet knows better with what products in one way or another is worth taking therapeutic delicacy. Before starting treatment with honey, you must consult with the doctor.

Recipes for treating Mid.

Diseases of the respiratory system

The pchelfrodukt is a fairly effective natural to therapy for therapy of various pathologies of the respiratory system. First of all, you can easily and quickly get rid of sputum. It must be used with fats, aloe, milk. Such treatment gives a good effect at the following ailments:

  • Pleurisy;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • weakness and general exhaustion of the body.

The following recipes are applied to the treatment of respiratory organs:

  • Take 100 grams. Pork (goose) fat, butter and natural product, add aloe juice (15 gr) and cocoa (100 gr), mix. The mixture is warm up (not boiling!) And take 2 times / day of 1 tbsp. l. with a glass of hot milk.
  • Prepare a mixture of fresh aloe juice (150 g), honey (250 gr) and Kagora (350 gr). Insist in heat for four to five days at a temperature of from 4 to 8 degrees. Use 3 times / day half an hour before receiving food 1 tbsp. l.
  • Countercake leaflets to withstand in a dark place 12-14 days at a temperature of from 4 to 8 degrees. After that, rinse in running water, grind and pour water (boiled) in proportion 1: 3. Insist 1.5 hours, strain. Then aloe juice (100 gr) mix with walnuts (500 gr) and Monda delicacy (300 g). Take 30 minutes before receiving 3 times / day for 1 tbsp. l.


  • Sweet tea. Take 2 parts of the leaflets of coltsfoot and raspberry berries, the grass of the souls (1 part), brew, add a honey 1 tbsp. l. In boiling water (1st art.) Raw flowers and fighter leaves (1 Art. L.), Cool and filter. Add 1 tbsp. l. Pchelfrodukt. Take 2-3 times / day under Art. spoon.
  • Fresh or dried raspberry berries (100 gr) boiled boiling water, cool and add st. Spoon of the beebroduct. Take over night in warm form.
  • Dried daisy flowers brew water (1 tbsp.), Strain, add honey (1 tsp.). Use as a rinsing agent with an angina.
  • In case of influenza states, it is recommended to eat in the form of cashem before the departure of 1 tbsp. l.
  • A fairly effective means of coughing cold is honey syrup. For its preparation, the juice of one lemon is taken, squeezed into the glass is added, glycerin is added (2 art. L.). Everything is poured by honey with such a calculation so that the glass is full. With a strong cough, it is necessary to consume several times a day at Art. spoon. If the cough appears only at night, the mixture should be used only for the night. The medicine can also be given to children, only in smaller doses (1 tsp).


A mixture of honey and onions easily cope with this disease. Take both ingredients of 1 tbsp., Mix and warm it up. Take 1 hour before meals 3 times / day of 1 tbsp. l.

It has been established that the simple reception of the pure bees of 1-2 tbsp. l. Daily for 1-1.5 months contributes to improving memory.

For migraine prevention, you must eat 2 liters. Detacms with each meal. Therapeutic delicacy applied to the whole organism and gives a good effect with headaches.


1 tbsp. Khrena juice, carrot and beet juice, lemon juice and art. Spoon of honey delicacy mix. Consume 1 spoon an hour before meals in the morning and in the evening.

Radiculitis and rheumatism

Cut the core into radish and pour honey there, insist 4 hours. Use for rubbing.

Hemorrhage, bruises, thrombophlebitis

Prepare a compress from the beeoproduct (1 tbsp. L.), Egg protein and household soap, pre-crushed on the grater (1st art.). All components are confused in the mortar to the state of the emulsion. The resulting means to apply to a piece of fabric, attach to a damaged area, cover with compressor paper (not cellophane) and stalled or tie with a handkerchief. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. Flush with a swipon moistened in warm water.


Since the liver loves everything sweetly, you can cook a peculiar jam. To do this, it is necessary to mix 1 kg of honey and black currant. Eat the teaspoon 60 minutes before meals. With pain in the liver area, a glass of apple juice and art is mixed. A spoonful of the beebroduct, take daily in the morning and in the evening.

Restoration of the body after diseases and operations

The natural product effectively helps with weakness, ailments, fatigue, and also contributes to the restoration of forces after surgery. You can dissolve the delicacy (1 tbsp. L.) In cranberry or pumpkin juice (1 tbsp.), Consume 2 times / day or simply have a product in the same quantity.

Insomnia, gastritis, neurasthenia

Honey water copes with such ailments. Take 1 h. Product, stir in warm water (1 Art.). You need to drink such water in the morning.

Universal recipe

It is necessary to prepare the composition of the dry grass of wormwood, plantain, yarrow, May pine kidneys (all of 100 gr.), Aloe juice (200 ml), sugar (1 kg), Bifungin (100 gr.), Cognac (500 ml) and natural BeeProduct (1 kg.)

Collect dry herbs to pour water (3 l.), In slow fire, bring to a boil, insist one night. After that, strain and squeeze, add aloe juice and sugar. Blend to boil, insist 6 hours. Then add brandy, bifungin and honey, mix, put in the jar and wrap in dark fabric. Insist in the dark five days. Store in a cold place (refrigerator). Use 1 spoon for 1/4 hours before receiving food 3 times / day.

Honey therapy is popular at all times. However, it is not necessary to independently make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment, since the drugs based on honey, like most other funds, have their own contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before proceeding with therapy, you must consult with a specialist.

ATTENTION, only today!

As you know, honey contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals. That is why the treatment of medical examinations with a variety of diseases. It is used as a drug not only for internal use, but also can be applied to the skin, including as a cosmetic tool that moisturizes the skin and makes it softer.

Honey in medicine is a wonderful drug, since due to its unique composition it has a nutritious, preserving, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effect. In addition, how medicine honey is often used with a cold and flu.

The human body quickly and without unnecessary problems absorbs the beefroduct, which helps restore energy and strength, strengthen the human immune system. It is used for neurosis and with epilepsy. Often medicinal sweets are used as prevention. This is due to the fact that honey is able to improve the mood, relieve emotional stress and stress, get rid of insomnia. It is for this reason that most people are used as a medicine. It strengthens the body's immune system, improves blood, adds strength and energy.

Due to the fact that therapeutic beeoproduct contains a huge amount of useful vitamins and minerals, it can be used in the field of cosmetology. Some masks that can easily be prepared at home have a rejuvenating effect. They moisturize and tone the skin of the face, remove dryness, get rid of peeling.

Honey refers to the list of leaning and scoring products. Obusing and squeezing is necessary for the human body, as a shortage, acidosis can develop. The components contained in the Dancture Product can give a person all the necessary useful vitamins in order to avoid this acidosis.

The benefits of the product on the body can be said infinitely, because it is used in almost any situations, and with any diseases. There is even a special book about its use, called "honey and gem". The author of this book is the stallmir infants.

Application of the product

How to treat honey? It is used with traditional treatment. Its use is recommended to discuss with the attending physician. But even physicians expert advise the use of honey and gem in almost all possible diseases.

According to numerous observations and research, it is the treatment with honey allows you to relieve inflammatory processes, regenerate the process of activating valuable trace elements to restore energy and strength. For this reason, it is impossible to definitely say that honey treats.

It is worth lifying just a small list of what diseases treats honey. This includes the treatment of the following diseases:

  • Violation of the stomach, peptic diseases.
  • Disease cookies and biliary tract.
  • With anemia.
  • If the nervous disorder occurs.
  • In the occurrence of skin disease.
  • With acute or chronic diseases of the respiratory organs.
  • With eye diseases.
  • With gynecological problems.
  • In case of urology.
  • For dental disease.
  • With toxicosis in a pregnant woman.
  • Used in cosmetology for the treatment of skin defects, gives a rejuvenating effect.
  • With epilepsy.

For example, with neurosis, a natural product is an indispensable tool. It takes 150 g per day for one to two months. You need to take in the morning and before bedtime to 40 g, and at lunch - 70 g. For half an hour before sleep, the beefroduct must be dissolved in a glass with warm water.

It should be aware that it is a rather calorie product, which is why its use is recommended to people who have a loss of appetite, a significant weight loss, including young children.

It is known that most people use this product in case of any character. But this product can be applied in preventive purposes in order to simply maintain a healthy condition of the body. Since this sweet delicacy is a natural antiseptic agent, it can be used for wound healing, especially strongly fastened.

Despite all the beneficial properties, for the treatment of various pathological diseases, it is best to use a bee product of a variety of varieties. But there is a question about how to choose and decide which of the varieties will be a good benefit for a person. To do this, you can contact a specialist in the field of beekeeping, such a person can choose an accurate dose of therapeutic sweetness, grade and reception time.

Folk recipes

Honey for illness is a good medicinal product for the treatment of many pathologies. The bee product can be in cells, solid and liquid, as well as in the form of pollen. Some recipes for treating honey in folk medicine should be disassembled.

The traditional method for the treatment of cold and influenza is a lemon with honey. You can use such a medicine several times a day, it is advisable not to overdo it, otherwise allergic reactions can be manifested. Eating tea with honey and lemon is an effective means of colds.

Honey as a means of treating infants

It's no secret that the main source of nutrition nutrition (in addition to Mom's milk) is diluted milk to sweeten. The most good sweetener is precisely honey, since almost all the breast children can carry this product calmly. The beeoproduct contains a huge amount of nutrients and minerals that are so necessary to the baby. In addition, such a delicacy has a soothing effect, the baby will not cry.

With all this, milk with honey will have a pleasant smell. Breast children who give such milk do not suffer from intestinal colic and other pain in the abdomen.

Contraindications and side effects

Of course, it becomes clear that the beehroducts contribute to the treatment of many different diseases. But there are those who can not eat honey, as it is not safe. It is for this reason that before using honey in a pure form, medicinal infusions on the basis of honey, it should be primarily advised to the specialist Tom.

It is not recommended to eat honey products in the event that a person has benign e or malignant education, heart failure, sclerosis. The most important is that honey is prohibited by people who have individual intolerance to beekeeping products. An allergic reaction may occur in the form of redness or rash, if it is manifest, you must immediately contact the doctor.

Perfect Product for Treatment of Diseases

So, at this time, honey treatment is used widely. Such sweetness has a huge amount of useful minerals, vitamins and nutrients, which give the human body the necessary forces, energy and protection from the surrounding harmful factors. The beeoproduct is ideal for the treatment of the entire body and the body as a whole, ranging from the treatment of the liver, stomach, heart, nervous, and ending with for cosmetic purposes. There are many recipes that are not at all difficult to prepare at home.

Only one important point should be taken into account. Before drinking beekeeping products to food or apply to skin cover, you need to consult with a specialist doctor in order to avoid an allergic reaction. Of course, like any drugs, honey medicines have their own contraindications and side effects. You should not use honey to people with individual intolerance to beekeeping products. Pchelfrodukiya is used even for feeding ingredients, enriching them with all useful minerals and vitamins.

The use of honey in itself is useful for health. This product may be called a universal medicine. But the combination with other products enhances the positive effect for health. If you use the product correctly, it will undoubtedly bring huge benefit to the human body.

Treatment and prevention of prostatitis with honey

What kind of disease does honey helps, the table of comparisons of its types gives a complete view. Each type of this delicacy has unique properties. Some varieties need to be used for diseases of the stomach, others - hearts, third - endocrine system. It is important to know that this means is prohibited when allergic or intolerance is available on it. In other cases, finding the right grade is quite simple.

Properties of this nectar are very diverse. Scientists who have studied its composition say that he must enter the daily diet of healthy people. In one or another grade there is a mass of important trace elements, which are indispensable in the treatment of many ailments and are able to significantly affect the process of recovery.

How to use this product of beekeeping?

Before you understand, what kind of honey to do it is one or another alert, it is important to understand how to make this delicacy. With any disease, use it better than an empty stomach, and there is a couple of hours later.

Proper use does not imply instant swallowing. Honey is worth keeping at least 25 minutes. After it dissolves, it is possible to swallow, but during this time the bulk of the product has already stroke into the throat.

The ability to keep medicine in his mouth, albeit sweet, you need to learn. Not everyone will immediately have to withstand such a time. You need to start with 3 minutes and gradually bring this time to 20-25.

It is impossible to heat up above 40 ° C or add to boiling water. With any thermal processing, the product loses its healing properties. Microelements and vitamins are destroyed, there is nothing useful. If this is a means to eat for the sake of prevention, it is important to do it in principle or not to drink neither milk or water or tea. The table gives a complete picture of the types of honey and those ailments, from which it will help get rid of.

Temperature, gr. C.-20 -15 -10 -5 -1 1
Storage time, months24 12 9 6 2 7 days

It is worth trying a buckwheat

This variety is considered very valuable. Honey eliminates anemia, because a lot of iron helps in a treat with diseases of the gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases. This is an excellent antiseptic drug that is used not only inside, but also externally. Bucky nectar is to apply to the rays and scars, trophic ulcers, ulcers (including furunculam). If you can consume it regularly, you can significantly strengthen the immunity and the heart muscle, the brain vessels. Improves this variety blood circulation leads to optimal blood composition indicators.

To taste, it is a little tart, in the smell - very fragrant, in color - the darkest. If you ask the question of which honey is the most budget, buckwheat in the first line of the rating will not fall. It is quite high for the price.

As for the composition, he is the richest. It is most of all microelements and vitamins, it is saturated with the most rare components. Much depends on the locality in which the bees were working when collecting nectar. But in most cases, its value is confirmed in practice constantly.

The most common way of use is with linden tea, wine. And best of all there is honey to work with warm milk.

Lime, but real

This is the most expensive honey. It is quite bright and very fragrant. The taste depends on the territory of collecting the healing nectar bees. The brightest and unique give components collected in the fields of Bashkiria, Siberia, the middle strip of Russia, the Far East. Depending on the terrain, it can have a very gentle taste or possess a rather sharp aroma.

Lime honey is good in getting rid of angina and colds. It helps in the exacerbation of asthma and bronchitis. This agent treats from:

  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheite;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • burn;
  • kidney disease;
  • cystitis.

Honey also helps for diseases of the cardiovascular system, perfectly acts in gynecological ailments, especially if applying it as a mission. It is good in the treatment of stomatitis and inflammatory oral cavity processes. Such honey can be added to the grasses ragners, pre-cooling them.

Healing properties of acacia

The nectar of this plant is a source of an equally well-known variety of delicacy. Such honey is practically no color, only crystallization gives it a whitish shade. It has a lot of fructose and almost as much glucose. It is assembled with white flowers, so nectar turns into a bright elixir.

Akaciah delicacy is an excellent tool for maintaining immunity, it treats inconsistent with the gastrointestinal tract, perfectly helps with kidney diseases, liver and even nervous system, since it is an excellent sedative and elixir from insomnia.

Liquid view honey retains for quite a long time. When it is very fragrant, with time it can shine a little. He is not afraid of allergies, but if there is no intolerance, it is not worth it.

Excellent proven to be such a grade with a stomach and duodenal ulcer. A spoonful of this honey must be dissolved in 200-250 ml of warm water and drink on an empty stomach. After an hour and a half you can have breakfast. If you can have the opportunity, it is worth a drink this tool per hour before lunch and one and a half hours to dinner. If you take a drink based on acacia honey in combination with a tincture of propolis, an ulcer is like a hand.

When mucous eye hurt and inflamed, this honey is an excellent assistant. A few drops of the means must be dissolved in 100 ml of warm water or milk and bury in the morning in the morning and before bedtime.

Parehoma collected from the heather varieties of plants

This type of honey has a bitter taste and an excellent fragrance. He is pretty tart. Depending on where the bees collected nectar, it has a color from saturated yellow to brown, with a reddish tint. Heath honey is very damaging and practically not crystallized, something mean between sugar and liquid. There is a lot of air in it to remove it, it is worth a delicacy periodically mix.

It helps to adjust the appetite, this is the best means for hypertension and vascular diseases. Soothes the nervous system. Used as an antiseptic agent. This is a diuretic, and protection against Asthma manifestations. If applying with stones in the bladder, you can delete them for half a year. Great rheumatism.

To get rid of sand in the kidneys, honey of heather varieties are mixed with a diuretic harvest or wash them a spoonful of delicacy, an empty stomach.

Chestnut Honey - from intestinal diseases

Chestnut honey slowly crystallizes, has antibacterial properties, increases immunity and helps perfectly in the treatment of kidney and liver diseases.

The main suppliers of this variety are the beekeeping farms of Kuban, Adygea, Don Region, Crimea.

Such honey is treated with an angina, all kinds of digestive disorders. It cleans blood, helps to restore the metabolic processes. This is an anti-ethoxide that acts over several days after one-time application. He gently displays bile, stimulates appetite.

It is recommended to apply in varicose veins, colds and even prostatitis. He treats bronchitis and trachea. At the same time, with Honey Chestnut, it is worth a mix of radish juice and take on a teaspoon from the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon, before lunch and in the evening, on the eve of sleep.

If a person suffers from angina, this type of honey can be used for rinsing. There is enough 1 small spoon on 100 ml of warm boiled water. You can rinse the throat with this composition 3-5 times a day. It is advisable not to neglect the rule to keep a little honey in the mouth until complete resorption.

In the treatment of ulcers or colitis, chestnut honey is better mixed with a small amount of fish fat. Take inside. When you need to heal the skin damage, this type of honey is no less useful. For ulcers, scars, gauze bandages with this means are applied to them.

If I defeated Otitis, a drop of chestnut honey is to dissolve in a pair of milliliters of water and twice a day to bury such a drug in the ears. This is a wonderful agent also with a cold.

Esparce honey for fans diets

This type of bee delicacy is transparent and has no dark shade. He is light, with an amber tide. The smell of this honey is very pleasant and not sharp, and the taste is not very sweet, which is quite attracting lovers of diets and diabetics.

With a very slow crystallization, this type of honey will gradually acquire whelles, almost white shade. It has a lot of vitamins and trace elements. There are components that replace synthetic ascorbic acid and even some enzymes. Therefore, Esparcet Honey is indispensable with the illegacles of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and vascular systems.

It is used as a lining agent, diuretic, well acts on the vessels, strengthening their walls. Excellent proven itself in gynecological diseases.

To increase immunity, with the esparcet type of honey it is better to interfere with fresh carrot juice and use an empty stomach in the morning along a large spoon. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this grade of honey is rather calorie: in 100 g more than 300 kcal.

It is also called the color. Depending on what area the bees has worked, it has different color. In some regions, honey has even a bit greenish tint. He has a shared taste. It combines thin notes of vanilla and fragrances of the dispersion, in which the Donnik prevails.

This variety of honey is an excellent means when dealing with constipation. Helps for diseases of vessels, veins, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. He is setting up and metabolism. Patients suffering from insomnia will help such honey. It acts as a sedative. It is recommended to use it and externally for wound healing, rubbing into bruises.

So, various varieties of honey are favorably acting on those or other systems. Some are good in the treatment of gastrointestants, others - hearts. Applying honey recommended only to those patients who have no allergies to this product.