Landing Page trends. Modern Landing Page: History, Trends, Development Prospects

The main thing you should know about trends is that they are constantly changing. Trends in the field of site buildings are also very quickly replaced by one another, so the web designers sometimes happens very difficult to "keep up with the fashion".

According to statistics, 75% of users admitted that they determine the degree of reliability of the company, looking at how its site design is designed. It should be borne in mind that any change may affect the efficiency of the business as a whole.

This article selected 10 major trends in the website of the website design of the boarding pages for 2016. Following them, you will be able to improve the efficiency of your resource.

№1: Clear and personalized call for action

A single call to action that looks like a button and is always in plain by the user, will help you increase the number of leads. If the button with the target action will be placed in the header or basement of the lending, then take care that nothing distracts the attention of the user. So you can enlarge the conversion.

It is strongly recommended as an appeal to the action to use no more than 5 words. In addition, it is necessary that the button itself is highlighted on the general background of the page. To do this, it is better to pick up contrasting colors. This will help attract the attention of users.

# 2: Animated elements or built-in video in the background

It should be applied to the use of these elements. With proper use, they will help increase the recognition of your resource, as well as conquer visitors' trust. CSS or animated transitions will add elegance to your Landing. However, excessive use of video and animation is a potential risk in terms of attention. It is not necessary to abuse.

№3: Resident Design

To date, turned into a kind of standard. It has become so important because users often browse sites using various mobile devices, and not just on their computers and laptops.

The response design provides the correct display of lading on all types of devices, as shown in the image above.

№4: Simplified site navigation

If we speak generally, then users are more likely to make conversion if they can quickly and just find what they need. Clarity and simplicity are key components of successful lending.

Currently navigating on many sites is simplified: only the main options are displayed in the main menu. Designers seek to get rid of unnecessary elements that occupy a "precious" space on the page. To "superfluous", for example, the "Go to the home page" icon.

№5: Large images

Instead of posting on the site a lot of small pictures, use one large image (Hero Image). This will help improve user experience.

In addition, a decrease in the number of pictures will increase the download speed of the site. You can more effectively convey the necessary information to users.

№6: Attractive minimalism

As mentioned above, modern people are important to find the information they need as quickly as possible. In this regard, the design of sites is beginning to prevail a minimalist approach. Minimalism is also observed in the design of texts - the headset of fonts is constantly simplified.

№7: Elegant and exquisite appearance

Many designers are currently followed by this simple formula when creating lending. This trend is more than just minimalism. With this approach, the designer pays special attention to visual aesthetics.

№8: "Brickwork" and modular location of elements on a page

As for the location of the elements on the page, the most recent trends are:

  • Masonry - withdrawal of HTML blocks in the form of brick masonry;
  • Mosaic is a trend that determines the appearance of modern browsers. The page contains a menu, toolbar and search string;
  • The modular location of the elements, the basic principle of which can be briefly expressed as "from less to more."

№9: Dynamic Personalization

Dynamic personalization is one of the key components of a successful incoming marketing strategy. It takes into account the various segments of the audience and offers users content depending on their needs, as well as on what phase of buying they are located.

For example, you can direct all your potential customers on one boarding page, and partners are on the other. In this case, you can provide each of the segments of the target audience relevant content.

№10: "disappearing" content

With JavaScript or CSS, you can create content on the site, which will appear or disappear depending on the user needs.

Bonus: Design Optimization For Increased Site Download Speed

Slowly downloading sites annoy users. You have only 5 seconds to interest the visitor. Even 1 second delay can cost you conversion.

Use the latest techniques to your lending. It is so important because, according to statistics, the user leaves the site if its loading time exceeds 4 seconds. This study was conducted in 2014, and it can be assumed that this figure decreased even more since then.

As the "hamburger" will help to increase the conversion, why the subscription is better to confirm twice - and other trends of the coming year.

The new year has already entered into its rights and marketers have intensified in search of the means of generating leads and an increase in conversion. Let's try to predict some trends of the coming year.

Interesting download screens Landing Page

Perhaps consumers do not want to wait for a minute when clicking on the link redirecting to the target page. Instead, they need a website that will "pop up" practically immediately, not tiring the user for a long load, the site - which will be interesting and simple.

Consumers already know that they are waiting for an interactive screen during loading, and what if more often use this design element?

Hamburger menu Landing Page

According to the Digital Telepathy resource, many services prefer a hidden menu to save space and simplify the adaptation of sites to mobile devices.

Icons and options appear only when the reader leads the cursor to a specific area. Such a specific design helps to avoid cluttering information from your site.

As a result, users can focus on filling the contact form, without being distracted.

This trend allows you to fill the Landing Page with plenty of content, and provides consumers a small surprise when they are aware of their own opportunities for finding the site.

Mobile Optimization Landing Page

According to Google, in 10 countries, including the United States and Japan, users prefer to search through mobile devices.

As a result, the optimization of Landing Page under mobile devices remains an important trend of the coming year and is primarily manifested in design.

Developers need to create mobile-responsive sites that can adapt to any screen, whether it is a smartphone, a tablet or something else.

Landing Page and Double Subscription Confirmation

To cover more customers and collect the maximum amount of information, the creators of Landing Page are trying to avoid subscriptions with single confirmation.

Double confirmation is considered a more accurate way to collect important information.

If potential consumers randomly subscribe to the mailing list, they can update their preferences using this tool.

Many organizations create Landing Page to get important information about customers and their interests in a short time. Every year the sites appear new features that make this process facilitate.

In 2016, the content manager of Lander Yen Pablo Castro advises to focus on mobile optimization, use such an item in design sites as a hidden menu and offer its customers a double confirmation of the subscription.

All these tools will help attract the audience and establish more dense interaction with it.

In this article, we will consider 5 examples of the best lending taken with, recognized by the global designers of the most popular website for web design, foreign customers to search for developers and the best for inspiration and draw new ideas.

Below are the best Ledding Page, which passed the selection, directly, our web studio. We took top work on the site and chose Landing Page with the most efficient selling structures, because it is the selling structure that is the main advantage of Landing.

Ladies and Gentlemen! Meet the coolest and best selling lending 2019-2020 according to the also popular website

Examples of the best Ledding Page

To streamline examples of the best lending, we decided to split them into blocks characteristic of the selling page. We will look at the UTP, a description of the product, benefits and advantages, a block of confidence and one hundred on the examples of selected ledding. You can see options for design and structure, having drawn valuable information and new ideas for yourself.

Unique selling proposition

The first example of the UTP of the best lending of 2020 is the firm for the sale of chairs.

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is a photo of goods. A stylish chair really attracts attention that is incited by a unique trading offer. Note, ITP in this case is non-standard, there are no facts about the company or the benefits of purchase. But at the same time, powerful selling text and high-quality image make their business - increase the interest of the visitor, in which the principle of the selling structure is. It is worth saying right to say that the most advantage of the product is located on the second and third slide of the first screen.

Each slide contains photos of goods from different angles and a description of it. A very powerful move that motivates the reader to slip the page just below. See more examples of landing pages and draw new ideas for your project.

The following example of the best, in our opinion, Landing is a landing page of honey

Juicy, bright, interesting. Very cool design of the first screen. At the same time, a unique trading offer reveals the main advantage - the environmental friendliness of the product. The UTP is written in a soft form, but it causes confidence.

The following example of the best lending

The first screen combined the ITP, providing the value to a potential client, as well as a small list of short advantages. A photograph of the product is very interesting, which on the subconsciousness causes a desire to make an order. What, in general, and offers effective lunding on the first screen.

The first screen with the ITP contains text that is of interest, 3 advantages of the manufacturer, one with a button and video, allowing you to learn more about the company's information. The screen is decorated with a beautiful photo of the furnished interior, emphasizing the exclusivity of the product.

Another example of cool Landing Page

Immediately striking the absolute definition of text. Why did the developers issue text white on a white background remains a mystery. But, we repeat, the best candy is the one who has a clearly worked in the selling structure, and this example of work applies precisely to such. A stylish screen with a very effective barely viewed UTP. Unfortunately, the photo of the company's services does not give an idea of \u200b\u200bits activities - big promises of developers.

Want to know more about the street? Read the article with the recommendations on the creation of the MTP on the Impulse website design.

Product description

On the first example, the visitor is given the opportunity to view product variations and choose its appearance. The block is very convenient from the point of view of use. All photos from the directory are placed in the form of sliders, there are buttons for selecting the box of the box and are examples of finished work. The visitor visually understands what he is offered. If he decided to order a product, he will help him in this button "Order".

The following example of describing the products of the best selling Landing contains large and vivid photos and categories.

In addition, for the convenience of the visitor, a lid-generating button is provided. She "kills" two hares at once. The visitor receives the information you are interested in, and the customer company.

The selling structure of Landing Page should make a convenience for the user. Convenience in all: decision making and execution, viewing goods. In the case of the following example, the description of the goods, it is 100% revealed for use.

First, the types of products are presented, secondly, under each speciment there is a lidogenerating button. When you hover on the chair, the photo changes and the product is represented in another position, which helps the user understand the principle of operation of the product and its appearance.

The next selling cannon contains a full catalog of products provided by the company. Separate plus - beautiful design and matching of colors of the general subject of the site.

Laconicity is the best friend of Landing. And the following example of the best Landing confirms this.

Stylish and modestly, on a white background, an emphasis is focused on the photo and a small description of the Uluga with a lidogenerating button. The rest of the services are made in the form of active links, when clicking on which other photos are opening with descriptions that appropriate services.

Benefits and advantages on one-page

The benefits and advantages of the company for the client are effective motivation. As a rule, advantages are placed at the beginning of the site to incite the interest of the user, and the benefits are closer to the end, pushing the visitor to the target action. Both blocks must contain valuable information, respond to questions, suppress the fears of a potential client. Consider at the examples of steep Landing Page.


Both blocks reveal the values \u200b\u200bof the company and specific goods. The reader understands where the product can be used, its quality characteristics. As a supplement, the competitive advantages of the company itself are demonstrated.

The next lending combined the benefits and benefits. Reading and looking through content, the user is convinced in the professionalism of the manufacturer, which suppresses its main fear - get a low-quality product. This trigger demonstrates the best example of conversion lending.

In the same block, a chip enhancing the user's confidence in the company is introduced - a video, which will tell about the manufacturer.

Similar combination of benefits and advantages shows the next lending.

In this case, fears are eliminated. The potential buyer knows that natural honey - wilderness. In the case of a single-page, the naturalness of the product is confirmed by numbers. In addition, the user can get information about the product by clicking on the button and contacting representatives of the company.

Another block of advantages is made in a very stylish design and, in general, quite interesting. The professionalism of the designer is visible, which unequivocally attracts attention.

It would seem that the advantages can be described by 4 words "Delivery throughout Russia", but the graphics card adds uniqueness Landing. In addition, the card itself has the thematic focus, which makes Landing well, very cool.

Top best ledding contains interesting and effective solutions. The following Landing has a small block of advantages, which is located immediately under the block with the UTP. The benefits block is decorated separately and meets the client to the cost of value, and also strengthens the desire by discounts.

And one more selling Landing, which reveals the benefits of the company and benefit to the client. The advantage describes the principle of the company, which suppresses existing fears.

Increased desire thanks to a small benefit unit

At the same time, the company demonstrates benefits for the client not only to what uses high-quality products during the procedure, but also hints that cosmetics are on sale. What is the button with a hundred.

Block confidence on the landing page

The block of confidence is not a mandatory requirement for lending, in contrast, for example, from the Call-to-Action unit. However, it helps the user to decide on the target action. After all, Landing, based on its specificity, does not provide for a large number of information text about the company. Therefore, it is better if the confidence unit will be implemented in other ways. Let's see how top lendings coped with it.

Option 1. Reviews

A block of reviews on the site is very practical and convenient. Separate plus - photos of real people: not models, not pictures of people who are fully taken from the Internet.

Option 2. Video

Perhaps the video is one of the most effective ways to influence the person. The video message always increase confidence due to direct contact with users who have already become customers and transmit their emotions "live".

Option 3. Photos

Very often, photographs of real specialists who work in the company are placed as an increase in confidence. In our case, it is decided to place the real photos of the cabin. Looking at them, an elimination impression is created. And elite can not be low-quality. Consequently, confidence in the company is enhanced.

On sweet. Call for action (hundred)

The first lendos has a "juicy" one, decorated in a single style with the site. The desire to make the order is enhanced by a discount.

The only minus - the block is posted in the middle of the page. Ideally, it was necessary to place another call at the very end, the small buttons were added instead, which do not immediately rush into the eyes.

The following appeal to action contains not only the lid-generating button, but also additional benefits for the client. Very thoughtful appeal.

Ends our review another call for action, decorated in juicy colors that attract attention.

Let's summarize

As you can see, selling the structure of the selling page is the main and megazaga tool to increase the conversion of the site. It is impossible to say which of the structures given in the best lendings will be the most efficient. Let's just say one thing: each structure must maximize the needs of the target audience and maximize the advantage of the company / product / services. Add a stylish and bright design to this, and you will definitely get a stunning conversion of Landing. Well, and if you are not able to create your selling one-page, you can always order Landing Page from us.

That's all! Put like and subscribe to our blog so as not to miss the most interesting.

Another excellent example of gamefice is the site of Tinkoff Bank.

Here you can determine the deposits, calculate interest rates and, moving the slider, to toys, how much the soul.

So the calculator, all sorts of interaction scales and interactive graphics work on your hand.

4. The client wants to see more than reading

A good coach always alternates cardiography with power. This applies to the reading process. It is important to apply text in parts: correctly alternate it with images and video blocks. Do not let the visitor to be mastered, in attracting customers it is important to keep attention.

Often we are faced with the fact that customers want to put on Landing Page all that is possible: Cases, Benefits, Review. Do not do it this way. This only will scare the potential lead.

Make a sequential structure of blocks instead, avoid long offers and alternate text and visual elements.

3 more facts that should be taken into account


Well, if, but it happens differently. Often, the "lost souls" fall on the site, which see no reason here, as stated in targeted advertising. This happens if you did not think about the text in advance in the ad and on the site.

There is a chance that this was done intentionally, but in most cases such actions will not lead anything. Non-target traffic will quickly assist the handle and go to the sunset.

Imagine that a senior student did not pass the exam, he was transferred to the contract, there is no money. And then he sees your ad: "Change your life for the better!" "Why not, worse will not be worse!" - He thinks. How will he surprise when, by going to the page, he will see that to change life means to sign up for keratin hair straightening. Somehow uncomfortable even ...

So first of all think about the target traffic.


And again about psychology. The ability to manage the unconscious is the key to attracting customers. No, you do not need to lure the potential lead by illegal methods of type hypnosis. Just consider the needs of human nature when creating Landing Page.

We have several primary desires: self-preservation, recognition, sex, well-being.

If you create a dating site, it will not hurt to attract the attention of the target audience using the photo of the Victoria's Secret model. Here is an example of such a Landing Page.

It is important not to exaggerate here and not to overtake the stick. Do not focus exclusively on "bread and spectacles", withstand the proportion in the ingredients to get tasty and interesting.

Underestimation of the audience

Very simple rule, which is not all followed. Now everyone has the Internet, and therefore - the ability to view the work of other specialists. Every day, people are all better understood where good and where bad.

Never apply the Customer to the average work, because "there was no time", "the designer fell ill", "a copy of the Cat has disappeared." Remember that the result will be considered under the magnifying glass, compare with others and only then draw conclusions.

9 trends of modern lending

How to make Landing Page selling? Follow the simple rules.

Trend 1. Multiland and Geotargeting

This type of page contains information that adapts depending on the requests or location of the visitor (). For example, we drive into the search string "Buy iPhone Kiev", go to Landing, and the headline contains the same words.

This also applies to geotargeting. Somehow we designed a landing page for Polish courses in Krakow. This site changes the substrate depending on the country of residence of the visitor.

So if your business does not have borders - this rule should be followed.

Trend 2. SMS-informing

"Hello! You left a request on our website. Our operator will call you back soon! " Approximately such a message The client receives after filling out the shape on the lending. So you actually congratulate the visitor with the fact that he became a lid. We advise you to send notifications and your phone to make it easier to keep your hand on the pulse and track the conversion.

Trend 3. CRM system for working with lidami

The contract, the transaction with the client, saving the data on the Customer - actions requiring automation, especially for the B2B market, where each interaction with the lid needs to be documented.

There are a lot of programs that make accounting actions on the site. By and large, this is a matter of personal preferences.

Trend 4. Useful letters for customers

The client fills the application, becomes a lie, leaves the site, becomes part of the subscription base and receives letters from your mailing. Remember, you do not need to "ship" people with superfluous data and be too obsessive. Letters may contain useful content or to acquaint with new proposals. "Pursue" the Lida is needed with the mind.

Trend 5. Smart Reparketing

Probably, everyone has already encountered pursuing online advertising. Here you went to the site, perhaps even viewed it, closed the tab and forgot about this page. And you did not forget about you. Now, wherever you go - Facebook, YouTube - Landing banner appears next. Sounds like synopsis thriller, but in practice such ads "heated" the client.

Remarketing must be carried out with the mind. Invite the customer benefit. He is waiting for a commercially valuable offer. Then instead of irritation you call interest.

Do not invent complex shares. In this case, we use the ENG rule - "Always think your head." The offer first should be logical.

Trend 6. Patterns Z and F

If simply is a visual viewing model by the user. Landing read from left to right and vice versa. Therefore, for this type of sites, the Z pattern fits. From this model, it is necessary to repel in the stage and in further work.

Pattern F is suitable for online stores. We read such sites strictly left to right. Yes, at first it seems that the user scans all sites equally, but it is not. It all depends on the location of the elements of the page.

Trend 7. Interactive

In the previous part you have already read about gamefice. Now we give an example. Recently, we have created Ledding for a company that produces air conditioning systems. Everything was completed at the level, but something was lacking.

We realized that this "something" was interactive. Then it was decided to add a block where you can independently calculate the level of air pollution: Fill out data on the size of the room, the dwelling distance from the road, etc.

Such interaction with the client allows you to achieve loyalty and increases the number of leaders.

Trend 8. Synergy elements

It sounds like the head of the textbook on alchemy, but in fact, "Alchemich" you do not have to. The term "synergy" means the interaction of all elements (in our case we are talking about corporate style). Trust in the company increases, if she has a logo. Even better if you get all the elements of the company's corporate identity:

  • Tagline;
  • logo / trademark;
  • font;
  • color.

Suppose you are represented on five sites: you have a Landing page, VKontakte's profile, a group on Facebook, a channel on YouTube and a LinkedIn account. Brand all these sites - and the visitor learns your company from the first seconds.

Use the design so that it is immediately clear what this page is about. Spend an experiment. Show the site grandmother or child. If they understand for 5 seconds that you sell, we congratulate all the elements in place.

Trend 9. Company personification

When the company manager does not hide the face, it causes confidence. Even better, if he is so responsive, which personally goes to contact with the client. In UNI Consulting, such a function is performed by our CEO, Stanislav Tys. And in social networks you can find its training video, lectures, etc.

By the way, here is a webinar, where Stanislav just talks about trend solutions for Landing Page:

Now, when you know everything about selling Landing 2016, ask yourself a question: "What of these criteria is my site?" How many points would you put your page? Let's help you determine this with a few questions.

Trades selling Landing in 2016:

  1. Do you use modern tools (multilang and geotarting)?
  2. Have you tried to send SMS notifications to customers?
  3. Do you use the CRM system to work with lidami?
  4. Do you have a useful information for customers?
  5. Do you use remarketing?
  6. Which pattern is your site designed: z and f?
  7. Is there an interactive blocks on your page?
  8. Do you use corporate identity elements in the design of your sites?

Are you trying to get closer to the consumer with the help of company personification?

(Votes 3 , middle: 4,67 out of 5)

Selling sites. What it is? Every second will say: "Of course, it is a lending!". They are single-tunnors, they are Landing Paige, they selling pages.

I will not convince you in the opposite, because in these words a large share of truth. Therefore, in this article we will analyze what lendings can be called the best and why.

Once I began to look for the best selling sites where to see their examples, ratings and how to evaluate them in principle. After all, an initially single-page site was invented to increase the sales of the company.

Recently, a lot has changed a lot. We left, which were relevant earlier, sites began to make better, beautiful, with lots of animation, pictures and different licking chips.

Criteria for evaluation

According to what principle is to evaluate? What to take the basis? How to make a rating of top 10 sites? Where to take sites for the competition? All this complicates the situation in creating the present and honest rating of the best sites.

In addition, we do not know how many sales of the company are committing through such sites. They can not call and ask: "What about you?" Or "How much do you receive applications from?".

I am sure, no one will answer such a question, as either no one believes or says that this is confidential information.

Yeah, got married!

So I did easier. He began to look for and view the ratings and collections of the best ledding. And you know what?

Rating, of course, subjective, since we do not have indicators of all pages, and we physically cannot explore all the websites of the Internet. We rely on our experience and those sites that for 5 years we have met on the expanses of the World Wide Web.

We are already over 29,000 people.

Top 10 single-page sites

Do not perceive the numbering as the distribution of prizes. Since all the lendes are overcome different tasks, which means to compare them with each other not only not professionally, but also stupid. Therefore, just enjoy the work.

1. Residential complex "Flora Park"

The site causes the complete delight. It is immediately clear that a cool designer and top marketer put on it. Watch and want to come and see all myself.

Moreover, the site has a complete absence, there is no form for filling, only the phone. And this is correct in their case, although for many it may seem strange.

Residential complex "Park Flora"

The only minus put the cameracher for poorly optimized animation and.

The site is loaded for a long time, and this can be very strongly affected by the failure rate. People do not like to wait and will leave him faster than the offer will see.

2. Workshop "Dinero"

This is not a website, but a whole film about one "character" - a wooden wallet. If he cost 1,000- 2 000 r., Then the site would have failed, as there are no obvious: offer, descript, the shape of the capture, etc .. but in the Luxur segment everything works differently, and this single-page confirmation is confirmed.

The main minus of this site is an attempt as they say, to stream on two chairs, namely on one page to sell the goods and retail, and in the wholesale.

It is necessary to search for dealers on a separate site, since the retail and wholesale buyer has different selection criteria, which means they need to show different images and benefits in another sequence.

Workshop "dinero"

3. Jobs "Alpha Bank"

This red and white bank is our partner. We are the authors of their blog for the Club Club.

But their website is not here for "related links", they really made a good decision to find employees to their company. Moreover, they made it quite original.

Jobs "Alpha Bank"

The only thing about to say about them (and we will say) that you need not to pass the client from this site, and make all the interaction within it. Thus, a person willingly leave the application at the expense of the usual location of the elements and a logical chain of actions.

4. Sports corset "LONI-CORSET"

This site is designed by us, and somehow stupid to make a rating and not say that we consider our sites cool.

Moreover, all sites are on top of us, you can see this here -\u003e. But since most of the audience of this page of the man, we decided to show a website with girls 🙂

Sports corset "Loni-Corset"

The site worked at 4+. The only block that we failed to add is the social evidence of the existence of the sender's company.

The customer decided not to show this information. Therefore, we boldly say that the result could be higher if buyers saw the warehouse, team, office and others. But what is, that is.

5. Tolerance to the SRO "Licensing Core"

At first glance, this site should cause you bewilderment why it is in the top of the top. There is nothing special in it: simple design, ordinary blocks, typical texts.

BUT! Believe me when you will be their target client, then you will understand that this is a great site that is fully created for the client. And even simple made not just so common.

Tooling SRO "Country Licensing"

Of course, they have to grow. They float the layout in some blocks, and they, by the way, 15 pieces. Also, they are incorrectly costing words, and little highlighted the main elements.

But all these are little things, because everything is fully done correctly and written in terms of.

6. Project "Big Drying"

Most women (their target audience) heard about the project "Mad Drying". Their advertising for launching is fastened by the entire Internet. And it is not surprising when millions on traffic are invested.

But without a good site, you will not get tens of millions of revenues, so their website is also included in our top.

Project "Big Drying"

It can be seen that it was thoroughly suitable for the creation, which only some texts are worth. But here one big mistake, they still made it, did not make a call button at the very end. It really affects the outflow of visitors, as they do not see the logical closure of the whole story.


We ourselves use the Bitrix24 customer relationship system. But since we do not "", then the site of the megaplan system exceeded all expectations.

They brought all the main moments of their system through it, after which you realize is the best thing for business.

CRM "Megaplan"

From our wishes for improvement - add a video overview of the system, since all direct competitors it is. And also make more understandable appeals, namely, replace the headlines (not the buttons) on the "Start use for free" or something like that.

By the way! If you want to use as your CRM system, then I advise you not to forget the "Megastart" promotional code. So you will receive a discount on the first purchase of 10% and 14 days of free use.

8. Bank for entrepreneurs "Point"

This Landing from the Bank receives a prize for its originality. This page is sent to your friends as a referral link.

To enhance the effect, we would have added a few more blocks that are put on logic. Now the site is more directed to emotions, and in some cases it could be the right decision. But we still have a choice of a bank, and one emotions cannot do here.

Bank for entrepreneurs "Point"

9. Equipment of the gym "GoodFit"

An interesting transition site from black gamma in white with blue. But in addition to the original design solution, this lending uses a great game of headers. Here they are not eyeliner to the block, but by independent elements, reading which, you can already create a complete picture.

For full packaging, there is not enough video presentation on behalf of the Director-General. Surely he is in excellent physical form.

To this everything would be great to add numbers to Cases. That is, how much is the hall, which received the client. It is not critical, but just desirable, because the specifics adds conviction and is simply convenient for visitors.

Equipment of the gym "GoodFit"

10. Shopping center "Metropolis"

Of course, this is the coolest Ledding Page shopping center, which I have ever seen. Beautifully chosen colors, reported the main point, excellent usability is everything immediately visible when moving to this lending. Therefore, click and explore.

But, I still insert your 5 kopecks. Of course, I understand that people who are familiar with this center should come to this site. But besides them, those who sees it for the first time will fall on him.

Therefore, it was logical to make a small descriptation (description in a few words about the company) so that the visitor immediately knew where he was and that he was waiting there.

Shopping center "Metropolis"

Why only Runet sites

Yes, in his review, I mainly concentrated on the best single-page Runet sites, although there are a lot of decent options in the world.

Moreover, the most important thing (and it is the most amazing), Landing Page in the bourgeoiet uses not only small, but even large shed.

For example, one of the most famous taxi services in the world of Uber took the following option as the main site - a multifunctional Landing Page or, as it is still customary to speak, multiple lunding.

This is a site consisting of a variety of lending. Almost a multi-page site, but still Landing.

But their Landing Page I did not specifically laid out here because they are others. Let all say that we repeat everything behind the West, but in this case I consider otherwise.

We, Russians, others. We have another type of thinking, as we live in another country. For example, an American has almost no concerns in the head that the company will take money and dissolve. Since they are all protected by ten rows, that only one paypal is worth it.

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Briefly about the main thing

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