Chandelier do it yourself: the principles of manufacture with a photo. Plafones for chandeliers do it yourself: original ideas and master classes on the decor Original homemade chandeliers


The most suitable and affordable materials are paper and the cloth . They are easily transformation, with them well-known each of us and they can be found in each house . Wonderful lamps Get out of threads or yarn. Naturally, glass can be used for ceiling. At home, this is usual or unusual, with an interesting form, banks or bottles . Plastic containers, and packing from coffee, and plastic children's toys are selected in particularly bold projects.

In addition, you should not throw such options like rattan, bamboo and rubber. As the basis for the future, the product can serve as just raw materials and the finished product. For example, designers came out to create amazing lampshades from beads, globes, parts of sets, mirror fragments and even crumpled musical sheets! It is worth only to look at the subjects around you ...

Understanding how difficult it is to move from thought to action, the more seemingly see an exquisite accessory in the usual bank, we have prepared several master classes for you. Following step-by-step instructions, you can easily make a cute heart of man-made new clothes for any room in the house.

Ideas and their embodiment

Since we have already voiced materials suitable for the manufacture of plafoons and lamps, start with paper.

Plafond with butterflies

To work, we will need:

  • white thin cardboard
  • thin twine or fishing line
  • glue gun
  • wire for carcass
  • stationery knife or scissors
  • kruglogs.

Tip! Before proceeding with work, decide on the sizes of the ceiling in the finished form. In our example, the diameter is 30 cm, it means that we need a piece of cardboard with a length of 90 cm.

  1. Make a frame. Cut off the piece of wires with a length of 96-98 cm. We turn the wire into the circle with a diameter of 30 cm and fix the ends with the help of the circular mines.
  2. Cut from twine or fishing line 3 suspended elements. I dwell the length of pieces, based on what height you plan to hang the lamp. We bind them to the wire in three places, evenly distributing the load.
  3. Draw on cardboard butterflies of different sizes and cut them out.
  4. We turn the cardboard, we sink the butt with a strip of thick paper or flashing the stapler.
  5. The upper part is fixed on the wire. To do this, you can use glue, and thin wire.
  6. The locations of the joints and cuts can be reduced by the remaining after cutting with butterflies.
    Look at what elegant lamp we turned out. He will fit perfectly in the children's room and in the bedroom. You will see a special chic when you turn on the lamp and butterfly stop on the walls.

Tip! Instead of butterflies, you can cut snowflakes, asterisks or flowers. Decide yourself what you like more.

In the style of the 60s

If we develop our grandmothers, they will certainly recall lamps With lampshades in the form of an inverted bucket, pulled by colored threads. Exactly the same we can do with your own hands.

We need:

  • frame under the lampshade - 2 pcs.
  • decorative braid (3-colors, choose a combination to your taste)
  • scissors
  • knitted hook

Establish to manufacture.

  • Bind the first braid to the lower ring, leaving the tail of at least 5 cm.
  • We stretch it on the upper ring from the outside, throw it through it and stretch through the inner side of the lower ring. We alternate action before the next frame of the framework.
  • Fix the first braid and take into operation a braid of another color. Slip it to the next sector, not forgetting to leave the tail on the first node.
  • We do the same with the third sector, filling it with the remaining braid.
  • Tails stretch on the bottom of the lampshar using a knitting hook.

Here is our plander from distant 60s and ready, it remains only to insert the cartridge and collect a chandelier in any order.

Braid with fringe

Another original idea for the lampshar with their own hands is also associated with the braid, but not one-layer, but with fringe. What do we need for this?


  1. two metal hoops or take the hoops for embroidery
  2. braid with fringe
  3. leske
  4. acrylic paint, the same color with braid
  5. glue gun
  6. scissors

Tip! A fringe braid can be purchased in stores selling the décor for curtains and furniture.

  1. The hoops or hoops include acrylic paint. If they are already covered with varnish or other paint, it is better to open them and clean it.
  2. We are waiting for the paint completely dry, and make three marks on each rings of the lampshar, placing them at an equal distance from each other.
  3. Seals three identical slices of fishing line.
  4. We bring them to a smaller ring of lampshar, leaving the top ends with a margin to tie the lamp to the cord.
  5. We measure the length of the fringe, we take 2 cm from it, and the resulting length tie the line to the second ring. So we can get a cascade.
  6. Heat the glue gun and gently glue the bracket along the bottom ring.
  7. The same is done already with the top ring, pulling it out of the bottom.

Tip! Please note that the fishing line can melt under the influence of hot glue, so try not to apply it right on the line. Drip glue on paper, let it cool a little, and then apply on the line.

The chandelier indoors is not only a lighting device. Without exaggeration, it can be said that it is the main decoration of the room. Particularly valuable are things made by their own hands. This allows you to highlight the special taste of the hosts of the dwelling, as well as an outstanding and creative mind. Of course, this type of work is quite complicated and requires increased concentration. But at the same time, when creating decoration for your home, you can find in it many interesting and extraordinary solutions!

This article presents some ideas for the chandelier decor with their own hands, as well as instructions for them. Everything is written so simple and it is clear that anyone will be able to fulfill the conceived at home.

In order to make a chandelier, sometimes use the most unusual materials. For example, everyone already familiar glass or wood, plastic and so on. But sometimes, when you want something at all "unusual," and wooden spanks, and glass bottles from under wine, and banks, and all kinds of wood branches, and cardboard, and even straw are entering. You need to choose depending on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe creator and from the wishes of the owners of the apartment. You also need to take into account the overall interior of the room, where the prepared product is expected.

Interesting idea chandeliers from plastic spoons

Disposable plastic spoons are one of the simplest and easily accessible materials in order to create a chandelier in the room. Their benefits are located in a low price, a variety of color range and will serve such a material for quite a long time. To create such an extraordinary chandelier, you will need a minimum of investments, both physical and material.


  • an empty bottle of drinking water, a volume of 5 liters;
  • plastic spoons (their quantity depends on the size of the bottle);
  • plastic glue;
  • old chandelier (or rather - a cartridge from her);
  • acutely sharpened knife.

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare a plastic bottle for follow-up. Remove the label in advance, cut off the bottom, dry well.
  2. Then you need to get plastic spoons made of packaging and a knife carefully cut off unnecessary handles, leaving about 2-3 centimeters above the "scale" level.
  3. Print the blanks "draws" need to base the bottle. On the left "tail" to apply a large amount of glue and press it to the surface (convex side of the spoon outside). It is necessary to cover the entire bottle in a circle, until the entire perimeter is engaged in plastic "spoons". It is advisable to arrange them in a chess order and slightly move together. So there will be less "free spots".
  4. With an old unnecessary chandelier, you need to remove the cartridge, and then put it in the already attached and dried bottle and fix on the frame.
  5. The decorative bowl can also be made of plastic spoons: "draws" stick around the necklacca neck.
  6. Install and connect to the chandelier, check its work.

Note! A variant of decorative painting or painting spoons in absolutely any color is possible. So your product will look even more beautiful and more original!

Chandelier of plastic bottles in the form of leaves

Another unusual option in the interior will serve as a chandelier performed in the form of leaves. It creates from simple plastic bottles, the variety of colors of which allows you to work in the most unusual colors and embody the most courageous ideas.

Process of creation:

  1. Cut the plastic bottles on the workpiece, in shape resembling future leaves.
  2. Each billet is already finally fixed.
  3. A soldering iron with a thick stale and one-sided beep need to slightly rush the cuts from each leaflet in order to give the future product the greatest effect.
  4. In the same way, thanks to the paintwork you need to give the billets the structure of the sheet. It is necessary to act extremely gently and accurately, because it can be easily done in plastic. Such a leaf with outlined contours of resistance and slightly fused edges will look over.
  5. The hot needle of the "legs" of each leaf should be paid several holes in order to attach them.
  6. Due to the thin wire, form branches and fasten to the steel wire frame.

Also an excellent idea will be the manufacture of a new chandelier in the form of a plaffron for a lamp or a lamp on the table. Thus, it will be an excellent addition to the previous product!

Paper chandelier with paper butterflies

The most common product option is the chandelier with butterflies. And this is not good. Let's start with the fact that this option looks luxurious and expensive, and secondly, its manufacture does not require special physical costs. Thus, even a child can participate in the creation of a chandelier.

Process of creation:

  1. The basis is either an old chandelier or a similar framework. If there is no such, then you can take the simplest wooden or metal rim. If there is no such material, then as an option you can take a thick wire and make about 2-3 modes, so that a circle formed.
  2. Cut butterflies from paper by template. You need to take a butterfly pattern and adjust it for the desired size. It also looks very unusual when the chandelier is located on the chandelier of several sizes at once (again, depending on the desire). Transfer the outlines on paper and carefully cut out, preferably an overwritten stationery knife or small non-rigged scissors. The material for the templates themselves is better to use a dense, not strongly contaminated and not attracting dust. For example, very badly suitable for the product velvet paper, because in the future you will need quite often vacuuming chandelier.
  3. Take a thread from Capron or a transparent fishing line and consolidate butterflies on it. You can mount two types: either penetrate butterflies, or glue them to silicone glue.
  4. Next, attach the threads with butterflies to the base of the frame and decorate it.
  5. You can also try an interesting option if you make a wire ball! As a basis, it should be taken from the chandelier in it and arrange several butterflies templates on it using a glue gun.

Chandelier of fabric

This chandelier is also based on the frame. As in the last variant, it will be suitable for its manufacture or old metal frames or a dense wire.

After you first prepare the basis, proceed to the abundance of the fabric, from which the lampshade will be made in the future. How long will the finished product be depends on your desire, but it is worth considering that the width of the tissue must necessarily be the same as the diameter of the frame! As soon as you finish the pattern, you need to make fitting.

Another nuance is that to sew the top of the fabric will need to be directly on the frame, and this means that it (frame) must be solid. In the other case, if it is possible to turn it directly into the fabric, then initially the upper edge of the pattern should be adjusted and smoothed, and then smooth the iron. Then we grasp the seam from the side of the product.

In order for the lampshade not lost the form, the material should be given due attention. If the fabric is too light, "air", then the bottom of the product should be dragged. To do this, you can use cardboard or fishing line.

It will also beautifully look neatly sewn of fringe, lace or braid. But not "overload" the product! The process of creating a chandelier of fabric is similar to the manufacture of a chandelier of lace. So you can safely experiment with materials that are located on the frame.

Claface made of thread and balloon


  • dense threads, such as woolen, cotton, or jut rope - at least 1 meter;
  • cartridge;
  • petrolatum;
  • pVA glue;
  • tassel, in order to apply glue and vaseline (it is desirable that the brush does not linen);
  • 1 or 2 pieces of balloons (the first in order to work with it, and the second to check the finished product, if desired);

Process of creation:

  1. Inflate the ball to certain sizes, secure. Remember that the work done will exactly repeat the outline of the ball! An marker draw a couple of circles at the top and below, in order to determine the borders of the winking of the thread.
  2. Using a brush to wash the ball around the perimeter by vaseline.
  3. PVA pour into plastic container and thoroughly process them threads (it is not desirable to apply glue immediately for the entire length of the threads! Proceed them as you wound on the ball!).
  4. Considering the borders that you put a marker, hide threads on the ball. Do not forget that depending on how much density you wise up, the future appearance of the product depends.
  5. After the winding, you need to leave the product for a day until it is completely dry; After complete diesel, you need to burst the ball and remove through the holes.
  6. In the top cut the place, and insert the cartridge.
  7. In order to be fully confident that the product turned out to be strong, you can insert a ball and inflate. Similarly, you can check the flexibility and reliability of the lampshar.

Alternatively, you can paint the design by a canister or acrylic paint, attach all sorts of decorative decorations on it, such as butterflies, artificial flowers or beads. Also, an excellent idea will be located a few balls in the form of a grape cluster and make them together.

Wine Chandelier

This version of the chandelier is a bit more complicated than the previous ones. Make a chandelier for this is quite difficult, the manufacturing process will require accuracy and attentiveness. However, you will like the result!


  • bottle of wine;
  • glass cutter;
  • sandpaper for grinding edges;
  • cartridge;
  • electrical wire;
  • metal or wooden frame, rim.

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to prepare the bottle itself for further manipulation with it. In the first step draw at the level of the perimeter to the level you need. This is required in order to cut off the bottom of the bottle using the glass cutter;
  2. In order not to cut down about the glass, you need to grip sharp edges with sandpaper;
  3. Stretch the wire through the throat of the bottle and then connect the cartridge;
  4. Attach the bottle on the frame.

You can also decorate the bottle with all sorts of decorative products, or leave it in its original form. In any case, it will look original and effectively.

The number of products on the frame depends on your desire. You can either leave one bottle, or fasten four or more bottles at once.

The idea of \u200b\u200bchandeliers from laser drives

This idea is great for those who have a large number of laser drives in the house, and the hand is not raised to throw them away. Immediately it is worth noting that the manufacturer's options and the result may be the most different. It all depends on your imagination and creativity!


  • two round wooden planks of different thickness, and which are slightly more diameter than wheels;
  • racks made of metal or wood;
  • fluorescent Lamp;
  • magnetic switch;
  • disks.

Process of creation:

  1. In the table with a greater thickness to make a hole and install a starter with a switch in it.
  2. Then connect all this to the lamp.
  3. On the lamp ride discs.
  4. Install racks around the discs and secure the top.

The finished product will delight your owners for a long time, and it does not require special care. Such a type of chandelier is not desirable to post in the children's room, so that the child cannot be harmful (only if the chandelier is hanging out of reach).

Chandelier in the style of "Shebbi-Shik"

To create spectacular lighting in the room, you can also make a chandelier of fabric or beads. As a result, a certain candelabre or a slaffon in the style of "Shebbi-Chic" will be obtained.


  • ready metallic or wooden frame (or it can be made of old fives, a garden basket, thick wire);
  • cartridge and lamp;
  • chains and threads for decorating;
  • all sorts of beads and beads.

Work on such a flappon is not difficult, but is a very painstaking occupation. Such chandeliers usually consist of two or three rings levels that are located on each other. It all depends on the size of the selected foundations. If you take the rings of one diameter, the finished product will be performed in the style of "Modern".

One of the important points is that before the start of design, the chandelier needs to be painted and wrapped with decorative materials!

Approximate consumption of beads is:

  • For the bottom of the lamp, 16 mm beads, about 15-17 pieces per thread;
  • For the top of the lamp, 12 mm beads, about 35 pieces per thread.

Naturally, when rolling the beads to the thread, you can increase or decrease their quantity or the degree of thread tension. But it is desirable still stock materials over the norm.

The essence of the work is to hang the threads with the "waterfall" or "cascade" beads so that they flow along the design down.

In order to make the effect of "muffling" of light, you can strip the frame with a dense cloth.

The chandelier made by his own hands will definitely contribute to the interior fresh notch, originality and beauty. You will immediately notice how the room will play with new colors, and your guests will sincerely admire your work, hardly worry and original taste!

90 photo ideas chandeliers made by their own hands

Dream to add brightness to nursery or refresh your workplace in the house? Or maybe you are a lover of the East, from where came to us fashion for these so gentle things? Then, you are undoubtedly worth reading how to make a paper lamp with your own hands - unusual original things in a moment will add a magic droplet in any corner of the house!

We guarantee - your guests will ask for a long time where you bought this design lamp, and learning that you made it yourself, will ask you to tell you how to make a chandelier of paper with your own hands and its step-by-step instructions.

In this master class, we will show the whole four ways, how to make a paper lamp, see and choose the option suitable for you.

To create this gentle lamp, prepare:

  • Colored paper of any color;
  • PVA glue or adhesive pencil;
  • Clips;
  • Compass;
  • Scissors;
  • Fishing line;
  • Colored yarn;
  • LED lamp ( );
  • Wire with switch.

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1

  • On a color sheet with a circulation, we draw a semi-rapid width of 1 cm wide.
  • With each line, we increase the diameter of the semicircle.
  • Note that the sheets will need quite a lot. After cut down the semicircular stripes and cut them into pieces of 2-5 cm.

Step 2.

  • Fold and glue the resulting stripes, making one side more than another - it will make it easy to glue them among themselves in a dome-shaped form. After that, you can connect them glue pieces of five.
  • Bear clusters with each other, strengthening them with clips until the glue dry. Cland until you get a circle, with a small hole under the lamp.

Of course, you can fantasize, and your lamp will be slightly different with us.

Step 3.

Now, while our glue finally dries, let's decorate and our wire. Take for this yarn of any liked colors and gently begin to rewind it with it. Try not to leave irregularities, winding yarn on the previous layer.

You can drop the drop of glue to the end of the yarn, in order to strengthen it.

Step 4.

Let's make a holder for the LED lamp. To do this, we will tying from three sides (it is desirable to evenly measure the distance) to our glued bands, while other ends - to a paper clip, which will pre-break to the type of triangle.

Everything! It remains only to put the lamp in the circle and fasten to the wire. You can hang such a lamp both separately and in compositions with, for example, .

Master Class No. 2: Chandelier of rice or parchment paper

We bring to your attention a new master class, in which you will teach you to make rice paper lamps. Nothing difficult, as it may seem at first glance, there is no in the manufacture, and you can connect to this exciting business of all households. The designer lamp is suitable for both children's and your bedroom.

Instead of rice paper, you can buy a roll of parchment paper for baking

So, to make the lamp you will need:

  • Unnecessary lampshade;
  • Thin wire;
  • Several rollers of rice paper;
  • Iron;
  • Paper cutter;
  • Sewing machine.

Independent manufacture

Step 1

Take an unnecessary lamp to you (you can buy inexpensive new) And remove everything from it, leaving only the base. If your lamp lamp is similar to ours - then add a wire in the middle, carefully fixing it.

Step 2.

  1. Prepare parchment paper, winding rolls and cutting on about the same rectangles.
  2. Follow the sheets of ironuntil they become absolutely smooth and smooth.
  3. Fold each leaf of the accordion, measuring equal distance of the stripes, and cut the paper cutter for the same smooth circles.
  4. Try to use the cutter carefully and don't leave a lot of paper - There will be many circles.

Step 3.

  1. Couple with each other, stitching in the middle, all circles. Make equal connected circles along the length and start strengthening them in a circle of the lamp.
  2. As soon as they go through the first round, go around the next, reducing the length every time.
  3. Carefully strengthen your lamp in the right place, straightening all the threads.

Do not forget to use only LED lamps, to avoid fire.

This beautiful chandelier is the result of painstaking work, after which you will admire your work and for a long time to be proud of yourself. On our site you will find many more ways to diversify your home lighting, for example:

  • can I. .
  • , For fans of modernity.
  • Or for eco-style lovers.

Also you can to discretion paint circles from rice paper in any shadeBased on the color gamut room. If you want to hang this lamp in the children's room, you can add, for example, glass angels on long golden threads - again, choose suitable accessories to different rooms, it will add heat and originality.

Attention: Do not forget that incandescent lamps are very heated by paper, which can lead to ignition. For paper lamps and lamps, use only LED lamps.

Master Class No. 3: Chandelier Origami Paper

This beautiful bright lamp and though reminds the ripened berry!

For its manufacture, take the following:

  • 2 paper bags so that when gluing a half-party bag (preferably with an interesting printer);
  • LED lamp (in no case of the incandescent lamp );
  • Wire with switch;

Once you decide that workouts are no longer needed, proceed to the preparation of a paper bag. Remove the handles and cut the bottom from the bags and glue them so that it turns out one big paper bag.

Fold the resulting bag in half, and after folding the halves of the harmonica so that it turns out 16 of the same bend strips. After folding the two outdoor bands diagonally.

Follow the uncomply schemes, and you will get beautiful lamps for home decoration. Perhaps you will have to practice a little to be perfectly to add origami, but you will not regret, after all, origami is a whole world of a variety of interesting things created by your own hands. And your children will simply be admired by your skillful handles!

Master Class number 4: Corrugated paper lamp

To make an unusual lamp you will need:

  • Paper corrugated 88 × 44cm;
  • Line;
  • Spoke;
  • Glue;
  • A thread;
  • Cable;
  • LED lamp ( in no case of the incandescent lamp ).

Step 1

  • Using the line, mark the paper sheet at equal intervals and Fold the harmonica by markup.
  • Helping yourself the needle, fold the folded sheet of paper diagonally first on the one hand, and then deploying, on the other side.
  • Expand the sheet - you should get locked Double Sheet.

Step 2.

  • Connect the marked lines according to the photo, it is desirable that the leaf is not strongly abandoned at this time - otherwise the appearance of the lamp will be touched.
  • It remains only to connect the tip of the lamp between themselves so that it does not fall apart, and fasten the cable with the LED lamp.

Follow the security - do not use conventional incandescent lamps, they heat the paper strongly and it can catch fire.

Paper chandeliers

The most popular chandelier is the chandelier with butterflies. And such a love for this product is not simple:

  • firstly It looks very elegant and expensive.
  • And secondly Making is very simple, you can even attract a child.

Such an elegant lamp will be well combined with any style of interior, as well as it is appropriate in the living room or dining room and even in the children's room.

Manufacturing technique:

  1. The old chandelier or frame from it is taken as the basis. If this is not, then you can take the usual metal or wooden rim. If there is no such thing - takes a thick wire and make 2-3 wowing yourself, so that it turns out a circle.
  2. Cut the butterfly by template (butterflies pattern below)
  3. We take a drop-down thread or a fishing line and kpripim on her butterflies. Fasteners can be two types: either permeate the butterflies or plant them on silicone glue. How comfortable one.

Butterfly pattern

In order to make a chandelier with butterflies, just take a pattern, scaling it to your size. It looks very nice if you make butterfly several sizes, for example, 3-4 diameters. With the help of a pencil, we apply a sketch on paper and cut out.

  • Cut the best stationeryknife or manicure straight scissors without roundings.
  • Better use paper more dense and which does not attract dust, for example, velvet structure. As you often need to vacuum such a chandelier

Also very beautiful the option is obtained if you make a ball from the wire, we take a barley suspension from the chandelier as a basis and placed with a glue gun of several butterflies with a glue gun.

Paper chandelier

As a basis for such chandeliers, a ready-made Chinese lamp ball from rice paper takes. Usually they cost very cheap to $ 1-2. But it is possible to decorate it as you can and paper tartolets, an unnecessary card, newspaper or sheets of old books. We publish several ideas on the chandelier decor paper.

Lamp for the new year of paper

Feed the idea for the new year - it is to use old lampshade and stripped on a thread of snowflakes of various shapes. Very spectacular and beautiful. Below are several photo ideas of such a decor to the new year.

To polish your skills, as well as replenish the collection of unusually beautiful lamps, look more ideas and. We are confident among them you will find a lot of those you will surely want to create!

2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The tendency of something craying, intensively gaining the pace, cannot bypass the part of the interior as the chandelier. It is not only a source of light, but also one of the main decorations of the room. Naturally, the views of the guests will be chained to individual creation and work will not be ignored. The abundance of girlfriend allows the use of a wide variety of materials. What can chandelier be created with their own hands?

Chandelier do it yourself from cardboard.

Cardboard is the most affordable material for the manufacture of various products.
Such chandelier will require cardboard of different colors, fabric or lace, PVA glue. And then it all depends on the fancy of the manufacturer.

1. Carrot cut on the circles of one diameter and fold into the hexagons.

2. Inside each hexagon, cut the round hole.

3. Cut the fabric with a diameter with a diameter than the holes in the cardboard.

4. With the help of glue, the cloth to the cardboard blanks so that it stretches well and closed the hole. We leave two non-stuck mug so that you can fix the cartridge with a light bulb, and there was an outlet for the heated air.

5. Finished hexagons glue with each other using bent edges. Unclosed blanks located from opposite sides.

Attention: The paper is very well lit! Put the bulbs with economy option, they are rigorously heated.

Chandelier do it yourself from pumpkin.

In this case, the flight of your fantasy is unlimited. Purified from the inside of the pumpkin itself is a ready-made lamp, it is necessary to cut the desired pattern on it and insert the cartridge under the light bulb.

In order for the drawing on the crust is symmetrical and beautiful, before cut, make a stencil from paper and apply it to the workpiece with a pencil or marker. Then you can easily correct the image. Very subtle lace pattern or running lows on a sunny-golden pumpkin background will delight eyes in the cold winter evenings. If such a lamp is competently dried, he will serve you for one year.

Many people prefer to make home interior items on their own. And this is good, because not only the original creative abilities of a person, but also a dwelling decorated with such objects, becomes unique and original, emphasizing the taste and ingenuity of its ingenuer.

Chandelier do it yourself from plastic bottles.

For the manufacture of a chandelier with their own hands from plastic bottles we will need:

  • Osters of an old chandelier. (Perhaps you have an old chandelier).
  • Many plastic bottles of different colors. (from white, dairy, to dark beer bottles, including green, blue and transparent).
  • Several steel rods that can be bought at any economic store.

Manufacturing technology.

  1. We cut the plastic bottles and cut the petals and flowers from them. You can also cut various figures or animals - it all depends on your imagination.
  2. For fastening the colors and other figures on the elder chandelier, we attach steel rods. Of the steel rods, 5-7 pieces do the hedgehog, connecting the rods with the middle of the wire. The top rod of hedgehog cut the pliers, there will be a light bulb.
  3. On the resulting design neatly fasten the carved figures and flowers.
  4. Insert our hedgehogs in the elder chandelier.

Chandelier do it yourself From plastic bottles is ready to work!

Chandelier with their own hands of laser drives.

In the era of computer technologies, almost everyone has accumulated a set of CD and DVDs. What application to find? - Chandelier do it yourself from laser drives! The chandelier design depends on the fantasy and the number of discs accumulated in your home. Print wires connect them into various designs, not forgetting to leave the hole for the cartridge. You can make a ball, bending cylinder, cone and much more. Its glitter and reflection of the light such a product will give an extraordinary charm of the room.

Chandelier do it yourself From wood.

To make a chandelier of wood with their own hands we need:

  • Planks from platband doors that are sold in housekeeping stores. 12 pieces about 30-45 centimeters.
  • 6 identical liter cans for ceiling.
  • Tone paint under the color of the tree (oak or larch).
  • Small wood screws.
  • Switching machine.
  • White paint.
  • Sandpaper.
  1. We processes the planks of sandpaper to be perfectly smooth on all sides.
  2. From the back of each plank, we make a shallow groove for laying the electric pipe.
  3. On three placters on both sides, drills the holes for fastening the ceiling.
  4. Strace the tone paint our planks under the color of oak or larch.
  5. With the help of self-sufficiency in pairwise fasten all the planks so that the correct hexagon turned out.
  6. In the center we make holes in metal covers of cans and fastened cartridges with light bulbs.
  7. We ride banks with a swap typewriter.
  8. Color the lid and tiny cans in the color of the tree, and the plafof in white or blue.
  9. Fresh wooden chandelier to the ceiling.

The chandelier do it yourself from the head of the head.

The old hat, who lost the form, burnt out and out of fashion can also be an excellent addition to your interior. Attach some creative efforts, and it will work out a wonderful chandelier with your hats crayfish. Designer thought, as well as lace, ribbons, chiffon or organza will turn the old embedded thing in a wonderful lampshade. For example, with the help of threads, attach lace as a veil to the hats fields, tie a beautiful bow and lamp to the top of the fields. The simplest and most original solution to the issue.

Chandelier do it yourself From yarn.

For the manufacture of chandeliers from yarn, we need it:

  • Plastic bowl for making lampshar.
  • Yarn. Multicolored threads.
  • Fastening paste.

Step-by-step chase of the chandelier.

  1. Prepare a paste to fix yarn on a plastic bowl. To do this, mix 0.5 cups of flour with 2 glasses of water, then adding 2 more glasses of hot water to the resulting mixture, bring a solution to a boil and add 3 more tablespoons of sugar. After that, we thoroughly mix and give paste to cool.
  2. In the cooled paste, we shook for several hours of yarn and woolen threads.
  3. The clumsy yarn is slightly pressed and tightly wrap on a plastic bowl. Here you can show creativity and designer thought. Especially to wind the yarn should be on the bottom of the bowl.
  4. After drying, about a day, carefully take out a bowl of the resulting lampsier from yarn.
  5. To the bottom of the lamp is fettered with a ceiling with electrical wire and hang to the chandelier.

Important! The chandelier is not designed for greater lighting power, so it is very important for fire safety purposes not to use incandescent bulbs in them with a capacity of more than 60 watts!

Are you tired of the funny view of the interior of your room or country house? So it has come time for amazing change. You can certainly buy a bunch of new things in the stores and replace them old, but we offer to plunge into the creative process with your head and make something unique with your own hands. Expand the designer and change the world around us, make it beautiful and unique.

Let's start with the replacement chandelier, this element of the interior will become an emphasis of your author's design interior. Original - It is possible. If you do not take into account the cost savings, you can confidently say that positive emotions that will certainly arise during the process will be remembered for life. In addition, you will become the owner of a unique and exclusive thing. Best patience, time and necessary materials.

Materials for the manufacture of the ceiling may be different. The most forgotten and thrust items will go into the course, everything will be used. Old kerosene lamps, openwork cells for canary, cups with saucers, burlap, grandmother lace, decorative feathers, beads and much more.

Inventuring a new chandelier, you need to decide in advance in what style the room will be decorated. The romantic style of the room will suit the young girl, Country or Provence style will create an unforgettable atmosphere in a country house, - choose you. It is also necessary to determine which lighting intensity you would like to achieve ultimately. After that, start selecting the necessary materials for the manufacture of the chandelier.

The chandelier do it yourself: the photoerok on the decor of the lampshar.

You will need:

  • cartridge of the required diameter;
  • electric cord;
  • future chandelier frame;
  • decor elements;
  • capron threads;
  • gun with hot glue;
  • light bulb.

The old lamp shade found in the attic, with the help of your fantasy will turn into an elegant and stylish thing. Many famous interior designers began their careers just like this, manufacturing amazing things and exposing them for sale. Who knows, maybe your success is not far off?

And so, measure the lampshade and make the pattern. Choosing a cloth, pay attention to its density. It can be organza, chiffon or a more dense burlap fabric, flax. Sustain the details and, stretching the resulting case on the frame, secure the cloth with threads. Now decorate lampshade lace, beads and artificial colors. At the finished lamp, attach the cartridge and connect the wire, it remains to screw the bulb and the chandelier with your own hands (as in the photo) is ready.

Your house has a subject of pride and admission. Now no one can keep you from creating new masterpieces!

Chandelier do it yourself from lines.

Children's rooms are the most sore question in terms of design. Children grow very rapidly, and chandeliers in the form of airplanes or other toys are quickly losing their relevance. That is why we turn on the fantasy and proceed to the creative process!

Make a chandelier with your own hands from Linek simply! It is necessary to decide on the form and select plastic or wood. The advantage of plastic is good flexibility of the material, but at the same time it melts well, making an unpleasant smell, so west chases are put on such chandeliers, the best LED lights. With the help of plastic lines, you can make round and semicircular lamps.

But it is best to take wooden, the same length of lyines, two small hoops and a wooden bar. With the help of self-tapping screws, the line is attached to an equal distance to hoops. The bar skip inside one of the circles to install on it a cartridge with a light bulb. The rules between the hoops can be fixed in parallel or in the form of a lattice. This chandelier will especially like schoolchildren and will suit any interior.

New Year chandelier with their own hands (photos are attached).

If the peak of your creative activity came to the eve of New Year holidays, you can surprise friends and close arts. New Year chandelier with their own hands (photos attached) made of bright Christmas balls can replace the Christmas tree and become a central decoration of the house.

You will need:

  • ordinary plywood or plexiglass;
  • rough flax rope;
  • blue, silver, green and golden balls;
  • stapler;
  • glass elements of an old chandelier.

From plywood or plexiglas, drink a square 50: 50 cm. Every 5 centimeters in chaotic order drill holes.

With the help of a wire bracket, a flax thread into one hole and output from the next hole. Two end dored at a length of 2 m. Fill all the holes in this way. Secure the square on the ceiling instead of the chandelier, and bring the balls at different parts from the floor, cutting off excessive length. Perform it in the central part of the composition. At the edges, squeal small parts made of glass on shorter threads, giving the entire composition with a pyramidal form.

Stylish chandelier with your own hands, ready!

To make the image of your room in unique, you can make many things with your own hands. Such subjects include chandeliers.

The most popular way of making a chandelier with their own hands is the winding of the threads. We take the usual balloon, inflate it. You also need a lot of PVA-glue and more than 100 meters of thread. The threads are desirable to use cotton, so the glue will not slip and fall uniformly. It is more convenient to pour glue into some kind of container, and the tassel applied glue to the threads. These cake threads are winding the ball, watch there are no big lumen. We are waiting until the glue dries. It is better to wait more than a day than then start again, but already with other materials. When glue reduced, we unleash the ball nodule and inflated it again. This is done so that the shape of the ball is not lost and our chandelier did not become oval. Now you need to burst the ball with a needle, and carefully remove it from the cocoon of the threads with something sharp. At the top of our cutting round hole and put a lamp in the ball, better with a matte coating. Secure the light bulb and the story chandelier. You can compare the result, seeing examples of the photo chandelier or video lesson.

In order for the chandelier with their own hands, it turns out more original and gentle, use thin lace instead of threads. Starch the lace and also take the ball. Such a lamp will perfectly fit into the kitchen, made in the country style.

To make a score with your own hands, apply the same way with pasting threads or lace. You can still use thin strips of fabric or tulle. Only instead of a round ball take a box from under the juice. Preferably from the half-liter - so the sconium will look more attractive. Before creating, look at the chandeliers of the photo to understand what the sconce is suitable for you.

Chandelier do it yourself from hangers.

Do not throw old things. Everything is used. You can even have a chandelier with your own hands from hangers for clothes. This is a very convenient material for creativity, and the hangers are usually very durable. Just cover them with each other with wire and give any shape, decorating with cloth, bows, paper or other gear material. You can install any, and several LED bulbs or LED tape. This type of chandelier characterizes the owner of the room, as an individual extraordinary and loving experiments.

There are more extravagant examples of making chandeliers with their own hands.

Well, here's another idea how to make a chandelier with your own hands from girlfriend.
For this model, the chandelier will need a large plastic bottle and many disposable spoons.

Check the photo chandeliers with your own hands and decide what you want to get. Excellent chandelier with their own hands with the help of an old lamp lamp. Need a metal ceiling base with a flappon. Clay the foil space around the light bulb (necessarily energy saving!). From the old lamp, remove the fabric and attach suitable paper to it. The bottom of the lamp comes into contact with the lamp, creek paper for baking, which will give our chandelier with their own hands. Soft yellow light. Ready. It seems that the chandelier hangs in itself without touching the ceiling.

If you have a few fives for embroidery, create a beautiful lamp with them. As the basis, take the hoops or wire to create the desired shape of the lamp. Frame Cut the cloth or view the chandeliers of the photo to put the base right. Attach the organza or transparent chiffon to the frame. For decoration, you can also be involved to let the christmas one-chip garland. Instead of fabric, you can apply suspension: to a strong fishing line, we have beads and attach the fishing line to the base. It turns out the original chandelier with your own hands. It looks interesting if there are several such lamps nearby.

The homemade chandelier made it unusual, made like this: sticks for kebabs gently glue each other in the shape of a square, as you will see a chandelier. If desired, the chandeliers at the edges of attaching pasta in the idea of \u200b\u200bbunches. As decoration between sticks, let the ribbon of bright fabric. In the same way, you can create a sconce.

It is intricate the lamp of disposable cups, bonded between themselves. How to do it right, show the chandeliers of the photo. And with the help of the fishing line, attach the chandelier to the ceiling.

What could be more interesting and the original multifaceted lamp, which will be done with your own hands?! By itself, the lamp is an indispensable attribute in every home, but it must be different something else, isn't it?!

The idea of \u200b\u200binspiration, in order to build such beauty, may appear the most different paths. The main desire.

So, in order to take directly, to work, you will need:
PVA glue
Corrugated cardboard
Simple pencil
Normal light bulb

Once you have acquired everything you need for the manufacture of a multifaceted lamp, you can proceed directly to the work itself

From the cardboard it is necessary to start cutting the strips of the thickness, which you want. But pre-draw sketches with a pencil and ruler so that there are enough flat stripes.

Stripeds should be a lot to have enough for the frame of the lamp

Now, you can proceed to sticking. It is necessary to do it very carefully, in order not to grind glue. Take one strip and create a square, gluing one after another. The shape of the lamp you can come up with yourself. Squares to fasten each other in different ways.

It is important to remember that one layer should be less than the other.

So, it should work both the frame itself and the walls of your lamp.

After the frame is assembled. We need to make a steady base of the lamp and spend the light in our lamp.

For the manufacture of the base of the lamp, you need to prepare 3-4 squares. To do this cut the required number of strips and glue them with each other.

The resulting squares also should be punctured all together - it will be the base of the lamp

After that, it is worth conducting light. We will conduct in the base of the lamp.

To do this, you need to take the cartridge and circle its contour on the bar, which is actually to keep it.

Cut a hole on the outlined lines

It is necessary to glue the cartridge holder into the lamp.

That's all, the lamp is practically ready. Print the light bulb inside the frame is completely optional, because it will stay quite tight. The frame of the lamp can be painted in the color that is suitable for your interior.