Magic way to take a harvest. Folk wisdom for harvest

It is perfectly known that people have different people, and often because of their envy, they can harm. That is why, in order to protect yourself, your home, bird and cattle, you need to use prayers to your garden always please you with a good harvest, do not neglect the prayers. The time of the century, the peasants used the Word of God in the hope of getting a good harvest, and the Lord always rewarded them generously. The owners of extensive land, cattle and birds, and any other homework, well know that their unfortunate labor, constant care and careful management of the farm behave is not always sufficient. That is why they seek help to the magical word, which will protect from the evil eye, and it will save from the damage, and the cattle will put on their feet, and the chickens will make a good ride.

Prayer about the fertility of the Earth - before sowing

This prayer facing the Virgin in front of her icon "Bribers".

Oh, the Most Holy Devot of the Mother of God, premium-free Vladychitsa, Queen Heaven and Earth, all the house and family of Christianskago landscaping, who are engaged in the blessing, needing is inexhaustible wealth, sirah and widows, and all people feeder! Our feeder, having talked the feeder universe, and the sporian of our breads, you, Vladychitsa, lowlasties your little boy blessing to our country, villages and the funds and the Komujdo House, on the hope of Imperative. Towels with a reverent thrill and crushed with heart humbly molima: Budi and us, sinning and unworthy of your slave, wise house-building, Life Our good, arranged. Any community, every house and family in piety and orthodoxy, misfortune, obedience and contentment. Nitcheny and the poor are impregnated, old age will support, infants themselves, all the visually acquainted to the Lord: "Bread our urgent gaze to us." Save, Major Mati, people of yours from all kinds of need, diseases, glads, debris, hail, fire, from all the zlago circumstances and all slands. The abode of our, houses and families and every soul of Christian and the whole country's work is the work of peace and knowledge of the mercy, and we are planted by the premium nutrient and the feeder to our. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer when planting cucumbers - so that the harvest was

Oh, the great waters, Holy Righteous Isidore! Pomping me, sinful, always passion to the sinful to winning, you boat the concept and the intercession and the fast assistant in my grief and the diligent petition of my salvation. You faithfully and the difficulty of your eternal glory and the kingdoms of the heaven has encountered anyone and now the throne of the lord of all, the king of Christ, our God, prestigious. The same prayer, the righteous passionerpiece: the obstacles of me, the appeal, in the Tine of sinful breathing, already bo, I can't build my eyes to Horny Zion, it is connected by the Networks of Divolish and care of everyday life. Having rides your prayers from all the evil corners of the enemy and from all slander, and I will put healing from the sinful ulcers, from the Snake of the Snake imposed to me. All the lives of my olyuned Az in the Slob's Slob's Slob, and not Imam Assistant, and do not look, to whom to resort, and give a help to help. Something for you to resort and Sita prayer: Oh, Holy Righteous Isidore! Fuessing aid on the day of the judgment of the court, it would take the Son of Human Justice of everyone, then the mind of that terrible and unlimited judgment, and I will not condemn my lawlessly, but yes will give my own mercy for his mercy. Praying, Vladyza, Christ, and in the current century, it will be merciful to us, sinful and unworthy servants, and this will approve the thought of our, hedgehog to dismiss us from all the evil and observe the salaries of his commandments, and the time of the life of our prike in repentance and observance The God's commandments, and, reached the heavenly abode, incessantly softening the One-triipostasic God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer when planting cabbage

This prayer is addressed to Martyr Irina.

Your Agnica, Jesus, Irino, calls Velive Glass: You, the faint of mine, Loving and you seek, suffer, and I'm smashing, and I will do the baptism of your baptism, and for you for the sake of you, I will kill in you and dying for you, and I live with To you, but the sacrifice of the victim is impregnable with love, with love with the love of you: To the prayers, Jaco mercifully, save our soul. The viruses are checked, the devo, the sufferment was the most beautiful, Irino, the blood of your existed, the charm, who lowered the wormlessness, this is for the sake of the Higher of the Creator of Your Creator.

Prayers for the rescue of the harvest from hail and theft

Stand in the middle of the garden, cross and read all the prayers below three times. Then take an open Gospel from John and turn with him to all four sides of the world, as if showing it a book. At the same time, superimpose the cross sign and repeat such words three times: "The word flesh is" and "For the word of the Gospel, everyone must retreat."

Prayer for the Blessed Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, nice us; Lord, to clean our sins; Vladyko, forgive our lawlessness; Holy, visit and healed our gentlemen, the name of yours for the sake.

Prayer Father Our Prayer

Other than the Heaven! Yes, your name will hurt, and your kingdom will take away, and will be your will, IKo in the sky and on the earth. Bread our urgent grandfather to us; And we leave us our debts, and we leave our debtor to our; And do not enter us in temptation, but you save us from Lucavago.

Virodok Delo, rejoice

Fertile Marie, Lord with you. You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls.

Prayer for beekeepers

To you, Yako, the victim and selected salvation of our love, God-in-law, the weapon of the cross of the enemies to the victorious, the Great Martyr Nikito, and we are resorting to: do not turn away from our poverty, our moles hurt and from the misfortunes of this. Prostivate your hand, quick help feeds, we will manage our mind from the female rasters, and our hearts are defiled cleaning, consecrated and grief have an approve. From the enemy visible and invisible we save, yes above passions, the winners will appear, the shrine is creative in the Strass of the Lord, and all the uglings are remembered, please be happy about the Lord; And the taco of your petitions, in the humility and simplicity of the heart, will take advantage of the last bulk of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit of Heat and your commercial feats and miracles to glorify the centuries. Amen.

Prayer for the patronage of shepherds

Especially and confused by the priestly wagon, the wondrous sufferers and the concept of our warm, at the expense of your perpetual calling the Holy Name of Communicate, and in all sorts of pasts heard of life promotional! CE nowada to you, the desires of God, and I am praying for the trueness of the salvation, try and humbly pray: I will appear to help, the sins of the sins, begone on the premiest of your prayers and pray for our sinners: you are unworthy We wish you from all sins to get you freedom. About Saint God Vseiya! In the crushing and humbleness of the heart of our before you, we fall and pray: Axish us, overshadowed by the enemy, with the light of grace over, yes in it is walking, we will not share our legs. You, Yako Vessel in honor of the elected and fulfilled grace of God, Molim: who are sinful from the execution of your desired pleasant, and heal our spiritual and bodily ulcers, sin our forgiveness and spiritual and physical health, and the salvation is useful for the Lord as soon as possible, yes Always glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit and your graciousness about souls and the television store. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

To help baubers

There is a special prayer for those who are engaged in beekeeping. Bee for many centuries "became friends" with a person became susceptible to our bioenergy radiation. Real beekeepers know that the bees have its own character, habits, attitude to the owner. Someone they stuff, and someone - no.

Pray every day, contact the saint with the soul. Pray when the swarm is in a new hive and when collecting a honey bribe. New hives well spray with holy water. And in the days when the hives are put up for an apiary (usually it happens on April 30) and are hidden for the winter (October 10), be sure to read such a prayer:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I ask and pray, the Mother of the Most of the Virgin Mary, Saints Reverend Zosima and Savvatiy, keep this home domain (hive) as a Zenitsa of Oka from Mora, from the cheese, from all sorts! We call on the saints of the reverend, the pray of the Lord of the Ptashek God from all sorts of trouble and save. Amen.

Prayer to rain duties

Oblastko Lord God, obedient by Elijah Fightyanna of Jealousy for you, and in time the lands sent rain to keep the commandment, the same Paka prayer his rain is a gift to her: Himself, Vladyko everyone, from your landslotus, Ummary, Rain Wait Lady Heritage Your Heritage, and Sushent us The desig, the rains of your lowers on demanding and asking for the place: built the face of the Earth, the sake of your people, and babies, and cattle, and other things, in touch with you, eat dates for them in good time. You bless our God, God is Milzati and Siasati, and you are asked to you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and are dreaming, and forever. Amen.

Prayer so that the rains stopped

Oblastko Lord God, the arms of the jequinist Elijah, the Prophet of yours, Moluba obedient, and hedgehogs for taking the rain to hold the famous: and now a human-loving workman, and the merciful Lord, the proud and on us, the humble and unworthy of your slaves, the humble pleas, and Yako generous Our forelegations, and was silent from your people's humanity, feeding your favor's to the wealth, and the sun enlighten on demanding and seeking mercy from you: I built the face of the Earth of the Beggars for the sake of your people, the baby, the same cattle and other animals, I am satisfied with your favor, and Giveshi food for good time. She, Lord God, not, don't rich our faithful Molub, below our desperations of our despair, but we will celebrate us for the grace of yours, and you are a generous to you, you disappear by the stomach in our abdomen. Don't panube , imaging indignation and rage Your attractment: But it is coordinating with us on the quietness of yours, and in a variety of mercy. Behold the soul to the soul, and the Spirit of humble before you fall, and IKOKLY ROWN UNFEASE, PAZY THE BALIPIA AVAILABLE WITHOUT DESIGN IN REMAINING DESIGNING TO YOU ARE YOURSELF: THE SIGHTING AND ISSOCALLY AND INDEGREMENT IN ALL, AND COMMUNICATIONS OF YOUR PRESENT , True and the court argued: But I do not finish the drain, the stuff and the storm will fall down, below and the storm will drink us: but in the anger of the gravity of the obstacle, and your tuna is generous for the sake of you so much, and your creation and the work of your hands And from all slander soon to get rid. Your bole is too pretty and rescue us, our God, and you are ashamed to you, the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and now and are also confessed and forever. Amen.

Prayer from thunder and lightning

Again from you, gentlemen of the languor of the Lord, learning, again the praying of slaves of unworthy, who know that no matter how big (it was) is a lot of sins, but (as much) them exceeds the unpaid-alone your charity! Therefore, I am praying for you: turn away from us a strong Gaev Your in order not to be angry with you on us, but by the grace of yours to revive us with a generous one. My God God, sending thunder and stopping a zipper and all making it to the preservation of your creations! Watch in your humans and get rid of us from every grief, anger and needs, and a real intimidation, because you looked around, Lord, with the sky and lightning multiplied, and frightened us. Merositive Lord! You are resorting to you, stop the gays of yours and lowered the rich grace of yours on us and nice slaves of yours, like good and philanthropic, and you will not hit us the fire of your wrath of yours and do not ruin us the power of the lightning and thunder of yours, but according to the mercy of Gaev's graciousness In the air, the silence of the waterway and the drumpors of the sunny rays around the darkness and calmly make the clouds. For you are a gracious, generous and human-loving and spirituality to you, we bring to your father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer to wind verse or storm

Vladyko Lord God God! Ipostasny and Eternal Word, you all created from nothing that existing ones: put sand with the border of the sea, put in the order of the mountain and the valley, measured the melanchief of the sky, I made the earth to the measure, gave everything visible and invisible and sensual creation to the measure and Order, borders and connections and device. You are in the marvel with your own unhappyly determine the change of the times, the circles of the sun and the mixing of the elements, all the guide to the spiritual and unshakable. Himself, all-selling king, peculiar to you and ordinary person, and goodness to us attached, to visit your hands and do not delete your mercies from us and your whistles and, who created us inhaver it in the image, do not delete your covenant. You gave your only soccer son to save our and lowered the spirit on the unfounded unity of your Divine Being, forgive, pray for you, a lot of sins on the superior set of your generosity. You wash the cross and blood of the son of your sin of our sin, return to the usual condition and see your creation, which has come down to unnatural humiliation, due to the unnatural recklessness and the disgrace of our soldering and evil life. Show us the usual silence of this Great Sea and the current storm and the excitement of the air of the Ution; led winds to blow in a timely manner and calmly; Sleep excitement of the sea and unnatural movement of winds, and the stormy wind will stop and everything will come to silence, so that you have seen your cases and wonders again. Udischi sea, auditing Vladyko, in your opinion unprecedented person. In your field, the only Son Son and the Lord Our Jesus Christ fagged to be a man to heave in swimming with the saints to his students and the apostles, wound the rustling wind and maritime excitement. Myself, Lord, and now wasting every nasty wind, soothing the excitement, stop the storm and again went the necessary and useful winds and times, the ruler and the assistant everywhere of your servants, guiding them to the saving pier, for they know your only name and do not know except You always resort to your help to your help, on prayers and prayers of the predicted the Mother of God, god-like angels and all the saints, and the grave and grace of your only beggar son, with whom you are blessed and with the Most Holy and Goods and Life-giving Spirit, now and are also confessed and forever centuries. Amen.

Prayer for a well-trapped Kopania Well

God's God, the Almightyer and All-Fivy, CREATING ALL AND TO PREVIOUS, TOO HERE WANTED: II IN INTRODUCT PASSION COMMUNICATION, INCONTRATEY AND INTRODUCTURE WISLOSTING: II From Sukhago Former Water-in-law Floodstorms, and thirsty people are satisfied: all, and now, Vladyko We hear the prayer of us, unworthy of your slaves, and give us water in a sem in the sweet and tasty, quite a care for the needs, extrabity to the present: Iko and in Sez, the Most Holy and the magnificent name is yours, the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, now And confessed and forever. Amen.

Prayer Prejusting Trees

Lord God, at the beginning, created the sky and the earth, and the sky decorated with great luminaires for the lighting of the Earth and Majestication, the land that gave the beneficiation of cereals and herbs and various seeds, sowed (each) on their own, and planting their blooming trees, and blessing them ! I myself and now, Vladyko, the proud of your own hindrance to the garden of this possession and on the trees and the blessings of them and the blessings of them and save them in complete intactness from all kind of charging, tricks, the maliciousness of evil people and all the evil and give him a safeguard fruit; From him by the power of the blessing of your brief, reptile, worms, flies, Tlya, locust, droughts, burning and unscrewd winds that cause harm. For you are one of the God of mercy and generotes and to you, we bring to your father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and confessed and forever. Amen.

Prayer when landing seeds

God's God, from the prechistan and settered dance, preserving, preserving, the seed of Semyon is ahead of the brunch, Vladyko, and this will be presented to you pray: the sky laugh in the soulless lands to conclude this, whether you do not hesitate to the command of your Majesty, who commands to give birth and stagnation of land, And the date of seed seeds and bread in sledge. And now pray to you, our God, you hear, praying to you, and the treasure of your great, and good, and heavenly, and flowing your blessing, the bone interests satisfied with your promise, and the discharge from us all the fucking fruit is our earthly, and Every punishment is righteous, the sin for our own: and the rich of your generotes lowered all the people of your son, the grace and humans of the unifunction of your son, with Hymself blessed, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-friendly Spirit, now and are also confeded and forever . Amen.

Prayer for the garden (field)

Almighty and eternal God, created from nothing peace, (silence) holding it in space and commanding the land for the existence of a kind of human manchikago! Diligently resort to mercy of yours: Bless with gracious Ok, all are sown and planted in the fields of this summer (vineyards) Healthy seeds; Darue the calm of the air and the seeds are prolific, having lost them from the overgrown with thorns and wolfges (wild herbs) and give them to the full strength to come to the appointed time so that we, the slaves of yours, satisfying your mature fruits, you can always bring you a worthy glorification, now Connected and forever. Amen.

Prayer so that the worms and birds crotted do not spoil

You, Vladyko, pray: Hear our prayers, and yes, by the grace of yours, you will get rid of the glory for your name, now the sins of our destroyed and present disaster to the birds, worms, mice, mobts and other animals, from all of them, and Far away from this place you will not be harmful to anyone, - the fields of these and water and gardens will be in full, so that all the growing and born to serve the fame of your and our needs, for all the angels will give you all the angels and we The glory we bring to the father and son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and forever. Amen.

Prayer before boarding the bee swarm into the new hive

God almighty and eternal, all creation containing in his desk, possessing heaven and earth and all that on them, and generously feeding his useful all to him!

You, all our common, diligently pray: as once you favored to give the Earth to the Israelis rich with honey and milk, and fiery in the desert wild honey John the Baptist Your

So and now the merciful approach of your bless the pensioner this and his hives in the food of life, multiply the bees in it and, keeping them with mercy, give us an abundance of honey, and there will be a pensioner, this is deprived of the creations of your bees, but always filled with honey honey, and The premature grace of your and insurmountable power will not be overcome by many of the victims and is shaken by sinful conspiractions, but the fencing of breath is all the fortress and the army (Angelic) surrounded by the sorcement preserved from all the magic and always unscathed in yours, Christ, the authorities. For you are typical of you and save us, Christ is God, and you bring the sovereign with your father and the Holy Spirit, forever. Amen.

Prayer so that the bees a lot matured

God, you assist with the works of human through animals intenseless and taught our inevitable mercy for our needs to use the fruits and affairs of the bees, molims humbly all of you: blessing the bees and smarter them for the benefit of people, while keeping them and eating, yes, each, with Hopefully relieves your greatness and unfortunately gravity of animals to the greatness of your greatness (creatures) of animals, will receive the abundant fruits of the works of their own and fulfill the heaven of blessings through Christ Jesus our Lord, who belongs to the honor and glory forever. Amen.

Prayer for ridge honey

Unnecessary in mercy and incomplete in generous Lord Jesus, wondering in glorious affairs (their own) and only creative wonders! You have once been to Israel blessed through the saint spirit and sat down from the stone. And now I will pride over the creation of your Sieu and bless your heaven and consecrate the Siemi Honeycomb and honey of them and give him all superior graceful grace, and everyone who falls from him will receive full health, and there will be a good health and all soves of food. For you only give all sorts of good and you bring to you with the Eternal Father and the Most Holy, Goods and the life of your spirit, now and are also confused and forever. Amen.

Apple Harvest Prayer

Go around fruit trees, talking at the same time: the paradise bush bloomed the forest, brightly, light, warm and full. So in my garden, as in God's paradise, everything bloomed, grew, grow up and poured. My word is hard, the case is tenacious. Amen.

Prayer when landing onion

I'm not sazing, but God helps, my bed blesses my bed. Grow, my bow, crush, one by a ten breeding. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

Prayer when planting beets and carrots

Verbs - tops, roots - nizami. Lit, grow up, the Mother of the Earth is gaining the key, castle, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Prayer when planting tomatoes

As an ancient forest is high and dense, so let it be full and my tomatory bush. Key, lock, tongue.

Religious reading: Prayer for protection in the garden to help our readers.

Gardeners and gardeners start their battle for the harvest every year. The abundance of vegetables and fruits is not only compotes and other billets for the winter, fresh vitamins with beds, but also an additional source of income. You can read a plot for a good harvest.

Rules that will help provide a crop

Conspiracy and prayers are effective assistance. But before they pronounce them, it is desirable not to violate the rules obligatory for each agriculture.

  • To the ground you need to treat with respect and respectfully. Previously, she was called the "cormal", considered a living being. It feeds and gives good harvest only when it is good attitude towards it.
  • Buying seeds. In our age of the Internet and large supermarkets problems with the acquisition of seeds should not be: they are sold literally at every step. But the signs advised to take seeds from ordinary people in the market. But you need to choose a person of a good, generous, responsive, with good energy. Then the crop will be rich. It is necessary to give up the purchase if you got a smoke and evil person, even if the prices are acceptable. Then the harvest you will not wait.
  • When you are engaged in planting seeds, seedlings, you can not give something in debt.
  • Sing and planting in the garden is better alone, and not under the supervision of a neighbor.
  • The first cucumber or tomato or another fruit ripening on the garden is better not, but leave for seeds.
  • Pay attention to the moon.

Now many gardeners and gardeners know that it is better to plant, focusing on the Phase of the Moon.

  • When the moon changes its phase, it is impossible to plant something (seeds, seedlings), and otherwise the plants will be weak, they will often be sick.
  • The energy of the decreasing moon is directed towards the center of the Earth, so at this time it is better to plant roots, i.e. Those plants that are growing underground: potatoes, radishes, carrots, beets, etc. can be used to get rid of pests.
  • The growing moon helps to grow stems and greens, because at this time there are shrubs and fruit trees, as well as cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
  • In the new moon, it is customary to plant potatoes, peas, carrots, fruits of red and other warm colors. You can crop trees.
  • Before the full moon, it is good to remove the harvest, transplant trees and houseplants.
  • Round vegetables can be planted in the full moon: cabbage, pumpkin, etc. But from your garden, nothing can be given to anyone.

When landing, pay attention to the moon

Conspiracies increasing the crop

There are conspiracy and prayers that will help increase the harvest on your site. Siberian healers of Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova are particularly popular. Millions of people prefer to follow her advice, since she collected these conspiracies from all over Russia. Stepanova's books are very popular not only in our country, but also beyond. These conspiracies of the Siberian healers will be presented first.

Conspiracies before planting seeds

We need to prepare a cosser in advance during the church holiday. It is advisable to take a catering from the Annunciation, which is celebrated on April 7. It must be reckoned and mixed with seeds, saying:

"Where to plant, there and sit, the winds do not sweep, do not wash the rains, but do not spoil enemies. Mother of Cheese Earth, mother of the Most Holy Church. Amen. Amen. Amen".

These words need to pronounce in the garden:

"I go to the gates of Paradise, the diva is a decree. Lord worship. Gave you, the Lord, and I do the same that you have in the Garden. So everything bloomed and grew, it was growing and poured. Angels for lunizing, people surprisingly. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Before boarding the seeds, it is necessary to germinate: put on a wet fabric and keep in a warm place, taking water from time to time. Wetting the water fabric, you need to say:

"You grow, propose, and we harvest to collect."

Before planting seeds into the soil, you need to hold them in the palms. At this time, the prayer "Father our" is read. Then you need to pour seeds in front of yourself, cover with your hand and say:

"A sprinkle, grew up.

Throwing seeds to the ground, you can say:

Conspiracies above the Earth for Good Crop

The prayers of the Siberian healers will help to make land with a yard. This prayer needs to be read before the icon of the Virgin "Bribers". More Ambrose Optin said that she always helps those who are trying to get the urgent bread for themselves.

The icon of the Virgin "Sporian of Blees".

"Oh, the Most Holy Devot of the Mother of God, premium-lords, Tsarice Heaven and Earth, all the house and family of Christianskago landscaping, who are communicated by the blessing, needing is inexhaustible wealth, siery and widows and all people with a cord! Our feeder, having talked in the universe, and the sporiners of our breads, you, Vladychitsa, our disgusts of your mother's blessing to our country, villages and the Nivam and Cochojo House, at the Hope of His hope. Towels with a reverent thrill and crushed with heart humbly molima: Budi and us, sinning and unworthy of your slave, wise house-building, Life Our good, arranged. Any community, every house and family in piety and orthodoxy, misfortune, obedience and contentment. Nitcheny and the poor are impregnated, old age will support, infants themselves, all the visually acquainted to the Lord: "Bread our urgent gaze to us." Save, Major Mati, people of yours from all kinds of need, diseases, glads, debris, hail, fire, from all the zlago circumstances and all slands. The abode of our, houses and families and every soul of Christian and the whole country are our Ovetention of Miri Veliya Mercy, and I Slavima, a premium nutrient and the feeder to our. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

This is an appeal to Ioacima and Anna. She usually read those who want to pour children from God. But it helps and grow a rich harvest in the garden. She is read before the start of Sev.

Prayer will help grow a rich harvest in the garden

"On the Soviet of Righteousness, Bogottsy Joachim and Ano! The pray for the Milosity of the Lord, Jaco, will turn his anger from us, according to our righteous of us, the driven, and the Disclaimed forelegations of our despay, turn us, the slave of God (names), on the path of repentance, and on the path of the commandments of their own, will approve us. In the way, our life with your life in the world. Save our life, and in all our good good harees ask, all the gods usually required to us from God, from all sorts of misfortunes and troubles and sudden death with our victims of us delivering and from all the enemy visible and invisible protecting and Tako in the world Temporary Siesta gradually, eternal reached peace, the ideal of the kingdom of Christ of our God, Jesh, with the Father and the Most Holy Spirit, is the idea of \u200b\u200byour holy bencest. Amen".

Pronounce in the garden when we use the seeds:

"Give, Lord, to scatter a handful, help, Lord, to collect a flood. There is easy to carry, and back to drag hard. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Put the land, you need to talk words of conspiracy on the crop:

Conspiracy on the crop

"Dai, God, all of course. I put my hands, I carry the cores, and who wants my good to smooth out, the salt in the tongue, the hole on the teeth, lips, key, castle, language. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You need to take an Easter egg, seized for the rite, to peel it in the garden and say:

"Mother-Earth, accept my affection. I give you the Red Easter, and you give me the richest harvest for it. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspuses for good rising cucumbers

One of the most popular crops are cucumbers that can be grown not only in the greenhouse, but also open soil. They are very demanding, especially to the temperature, so they will grow well only in heat (24-27 degrees during the day and 15-17 - at night) and with high humidity (about 90%). Conspiracies for good rising cucumbers will help provide this vegetable and your family, and relatives, and neighbors.

This effective conspiracy of the Siberian healer needs to be read before planting cucumbers. Before reading it, you need to take a little lean oil (half a compartment) and put the seeds of cucumbers in it. With this glass, you need to survive the entire service, after which it is not to remove them for three more days. Saw, talk.

Cucumbers love to grow many gardeners

"In Yurusalim, hail, in the nonsense rain, in nonsense trouble, and in my garden there are ridges. Both oil is fat and rich my ridges and my desk. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is from the emptywoods of cucumbers. You need to take three flower-puffy and throw them to the intersection, saying:

"We will pass and pass, and from my coar a lot of empties will leave. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Souring the first cucumber, you need to bury into the ground, saying: "Accept, mother earth, the first fruit, in return, give delicious, sweet fruits apparently invisible."

You need to catch a spider and put in match boxes, wrap it in the package and bury in bed with vegetables. After that, I say 7 times:

"Oh, yes sit, guard, without a rifle, yes without a knife. Emeralds Collect, take care, guard. There will be a crop of royal, and you - freedom. Amen!".

When the cucumbers grow, you need to get the boxes and burn.

Conspiracies for the growth of tomatoes

Seedlings of tomatoes also require careful care: it is impossible to run thickens on the beds, and otherwise the seedlings will stretch and give a crop. We must not forget about ventilation, since tomatoes love fresh air and do not tolerate the stools and heat. Saw tomatoes (first bush) in the garden, you need to pronounce.

Conspiracy for tomatoes

"Like a forest is a dense and my bush. St. Peter, St. Ilya, my tomatoes and me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is necessary to get up to the sunrise, three times to cross, and, looking at the seedlings, pronounce:

"There is no number and account of the believer, shocks of the bell of church, ants in the forest, so it would not be a bill of tomato profits on my ridges. Amen".

"As an ancient forest is high and dense, so let him be full and my tomatory bush. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Each bush of tomatoes to tie with a red wool thread and pronounce a plot:

"Vienna Alya, the blood is red, growing a berry juicy beautiful. Drink from the sun, squeeze from the moon. Amen!"

Potato Growth Conspiracies

Potatoes begin to plant at that moment when leaflets began to bloom on the birch. It is advisable for landing to use tubers from those bushes that last year gave a good harvest.

Potatoes Home Culture on the garden

"Mother of the Holy Moon, you are high and strong. You are high, you are far away. Your light is shining wide. So my crop is crushed. Dai forces. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Before boarding the potato, you need to release a cat in a bed and say: "Where the cat will redeems - the Perva Cartafelina will fall there." Where the cat runs, there and you need to start to plant potatoes.

Very often, the owners are stealing the entire crop of potatoes. This plot will not give someone else's right to go to the garden. It is necessary to get an Osin Pake, stick it in the middle of the field, and, turning to the south, north and east, spelling loud words of conspiracy. At the same time, it is necessary to draw crosses in the air using for this nameless and middle fingers of the right hand, which must be tied to each other.

"The name Adona! This state is not mine, but God, not a thief, and God of Father. The name Adona! Let the fruit do not throw the thief, but the one who this count in the earth is stuck! Amen. Ulcery, blood, death, morrow, thief. Amen. Amen. Amen. Who is my charm overpay, the water is not covered, the piece of bread does not squeeze. Strong death is lunged. Amen".

Conspiracies for carrots

For carrots fits loose land (driving soils, peatlands), and in clay and wet soil it grows badly. You can put it already at the end of April, because it is well tolerating freezing, but you can wait until May or even June.

Morovok love everything

Saw carrot, say:

"The root to the root, and the top to the vertex. Let this root of the fasteners be. Amen".

"The tops are tops, roots - nizami. Set, grow up, in the Mother of the Earth, gain strength. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

It is desirable that in your garden carrots grown large, juicy and sweet. You can achieve this with a conspiracy. You need to cook in advance and pour seeds into it and put a coin. Leave it all overnight. Say Carrots, you need to say:

"I buy a rich in the residents of the kingdom of underground harvest! Amen!".

The coin must be buried at the edge of the garden.

Capuls for cabbage

Cabbage is a cold-resistant plant. It will grow only if it gets enough water. The strong heat is an enemy of cabbage, if there is more than 25 degrees on the street, it is hard to grow, and at temperatures above 30 degrees, it does not form a Kochan.

These prayers of the Siberian healers need to read by planting cabbage on the garden. This is an appeal to Martyr Irina.

"Your Agnica, Jesus, Irino, calls Velive Glass: You, the faint of mine, love and you seeking sufferment, and I am fighting, and I will do the baptism of your baptism, and the hell for you for the sake of you, I will kill in you, and I dying for you, and I live With you, but the sacrifice of the victim is impregnable to you, with the love of you who served you: To the Prayers, Izo, gracious, save our soul. "

"The Norms of Compacts are advocated, the devo, the sufferment was the most beautiful, Irino, the blood of your existed Obagrena, the charm of the same job of the worn, this for the sake of the sake of honor to honor the Higle of your creator."

These words can not be pronounced by a woman who exactly at this time began critical days. And so - at the time of landing you need to say:

"Cabbage, do not be empty, and be a thick."

"Bear a bush, kundaed by a sheet."

Conspiracies for Luka.

Onions need to be planted in an open place, which is well blown away by the winds. Do not plant onions before May 9th. When foliage increases at Luka, it should be watered. But watering should be stopped as soon as the ripening of the bulb begin. After cleaning the bulbs you need to dry thoroughly.

To the meadow does not rot, planting, saying:

"I will go to the meadow, where the bow, I will take his power to my ridges. I think to my word, and my bows do not rot. "

You need to pour seeds to the polol, talk a conspiracy and go to bed:

"Go, onions, from my hemp to a garden, grow, onions, for my sleep. Rain wash up, wipe the wind, in height and the width of growing up. Business, word, hill, conspiracy on the hoop. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Saw onions, say:

"I'm not squeezing, but God helps, my garden blesses. Grow, my bow, grow up, one by a ten breeding. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Drug protection from the evil

Sometimes it is impossible to wait for the harvest in the garden because of the evil eye. Someone praised your crop or sprawl seedlings of tomatoes, and because of the evil eye you lost all the crop. Sometimes it was enough for the evil eye and an envious neighbor look. To protect the garden from the evil eye, you need magical intervention.

How to protect the garden from the evil eye

Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer from the evil eye

These plots of the Siberian healers will protect your garden from the evil eye:

"God help me. Be a fence for my garden, for my land. Wubble fence, help me. Neither the hell, nor the devil, nor the evil witchcraft will not go, does not spoil my garden. Amen".

On Thursday from the evil eye you need to knock the peg at the gate with the words:

"I bow to Christ, the Heavenly King. Lord, save, save my land from any evil word, every evil look. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy, walked from the evil eye, is read in New Moon, early in the morning, only in spring, before you seize something in the garden. If on the same day, a little later, it will rain, the rite must be repeated again, another morning. And otherwise it will not help:

Vintage - for me and not for an evil sordlenda. Amen".

Rite of church earth

This rite to remove the evil eye should be carried out in the fall, when the entire harvest is assembled, and in early spring, while there are no works on the garden. It is necessary to approach the church fence and take the handful of land. Her houses need to be pouring into a glass, stick into the ground church candle.

"Saint Earth will rent a dark one, black damage. The Lord, bless my land, let the fruit thoughts, so that I could feed. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Visitor reviews

One comment

In brief and everything that can be told about the easiest way to grow cucumbers to those who have the ability to care for them are limited. We add, justice for that the cultivation of this culture under the temporary film shelter in the spring - at the beginning of the summer, not much will add trouble, but the crop will allow you to get many times more.

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Alers for the neck

Since ancient times, people have used charms to protect the crop

In ancient times, when work on Earth was one of the main activities of people, people did everything to protect their harvest. After all, it depended on it, they will survive the next winter or not.

People were desperately prayed and worshiped the gods to protect their harvest. Used for this and charms. Today, if you want to protect your crop, too, you can use these ancient ways. Charm for the garden, what can he be?

How to save the harvest from damage?

Broken glass protects from damage

Save the garden not only from natural forces, but also from a human eye. There will always be envious neighbors who wish in thoughts, unkind your crop. The next ritual will help protect your corner of nature. For the ritual, you will need the following items:

In addition, in the corners of your site, you need to insert four metal pipes, inside they should be hollow. After you need to wait for the moment when the moon is descending. You will come out in the evening at your garden and capture all the objects described above. Come in one pipe and throw a new coil of threads in it, while saying these words:

"The thread goes down, wriggles, and after her, all the gossip are going, all overlaps, everything collects in themselves. Neither comes to my garden, to my crop not one bad sense, do not spoil, do not twit. And all the bad thread to the offender itself and will come back. "

Then go to the next metal pipe and throw a piece of bricks into it, while telling the following words:

"As a brick falls loudly, the sound is deaf from him, and my harvest is deaf to bad words and thoughts. Does not hear, does not perceive, neither the berry, nor the flower, in itself blooms, it grows, rumors and conversations do not spoil it. Deaf, like a brick sound, happy, like a fool, just so, in no way it does not work. "

Go to the third tube, throw some of the broken glass into it and say such words:

"The glass is broken, the glass is broken, happiness does not see the one who is on my garden to raise. He is suitable for him, and his glass is colitis with his corners, he lies in the soul. Not a single bad man near my garden will not be, everything is ourselves, as a glass broken, in the whole body. "

On the fourth tube, lose the remaining bricks and broken glass and tell me:

"Deaf and happy, like a brick, caustic yes sharp, like glass, a thread from under the earth protects. Such protection for the entire harvest. So to be in any way not to see. Who will come to get, only good and will perceive. "

From above in every pipe you can pour over the horses of the earth, so that, if a curious person looked, did not guessed that you did the facing for the garden. Thus, it is possible to reliably protect your garden from a bad evil eye, damage, curses, in general, from the impact of bad people.

How to put a rich harvest?

Rich harvest can be found

If you want the forces of nature to be favorable to you and you got a rich harvest, you can make the next facing in your garden.

00:18 - Those who go to plant in the garden; 00:59 - What to say �

Guys, answer questions. What is soyogrod? As becoming

To carry out the ritual, you will need two sharp kitchen knives.

Stand very early, preferably before sunrise. Go to the garden and capture with you two knives. They need to stick along two sides of the garden. It is necessary to get out of the middle of the garden and say such words:

"God Yarilo did not stand up, and I on my feet, I Yarilo Please protect my corner. You, Yarilo, their power to these handles to run Yes, my harvest from the attacks of the remuneration. The blades are sharp in the ground, your handles with the light are poured, I do not see any harvest without you. And with you a rich harvest will be. As ordered, it will be said, so will come. "

Let them remain in the ground for a whole day, in the evening you will get them and you can use as usual.

Seed seedlings, sense whisper

Seedlings need to be improved

So that there was a rich harvest it is important to properly plant seedlings, in the right time. But help harvest can be rich and magical way.

For example, lowering seeds in beds, senten the following words:

"You grow, not blistering, there will be a glorious harvest."

If you see that seedlings do not want to sit down, and the seeds do not want to germinate, then you need to do the following. Wait for the time of decreasing moon. Wait for the sun when the sun goes. At such a time you need to go to the garden and read over it three times the prayer, and then pour the beds with water.

Birch as a guard to the garden

Birch will protect your garden from all bad

Aspen and birch from the most pressing times were considered trees that are able to protect against all the bad. These trees can protect both your garden.

The simplest thing that can be done is to simply plant one of these trees on its plot. SAZHAY, you can also sentence:

"I'm not a birch of Salu, I rub the maiden with the eyes of the distances. It sees everyone from afar, who has a bad eye, and in the forehead. The girl is sitting, grows to herself, my garden protects. Thank you, you are cute, with me generous watering, yes there is no one from the cold. "

In the spring and in the fall, it is possible to burn a bonfire from birch or oxine bonfire, while saying such a plot:

"My spirit on the garden remains. Everyone sees everyone, everyone hears. As he sees or hear bad in the side of the garden, so his spirit is bad and burns, and even better the offender returns. As stated, and done. "

Rules facing garden

Scarecrow will be an excellent security guard

In addition, there are minor rules, subject to which your garden will be protected:

  1. Try to sow seeds and seedlings, when there are no neighbors near, so that they do not smooth your future harvest.
  2. It is better to dry out seeds and plant seedlings in female days. It is Saturday, Wednesday and Friday. In these days, a lot of maternal energy, which will help to climb the fruits.
  3. While sowing work, try not to take anyone in debt, it will account for the negative energy.
  4. If you sat down root, then it is better to choose a period of decreasing moon for this period. And if you try the tops, then select the period of the growing moon.
  5. Do not distribute the seeds until you in the site will not be planted as much as you need. Only when everything is planted on your site, you can share the remnants.
  6. After you gave the neighbors or familiar seedlings or seeds, be sure to wash your hands.
  7. Do not herole seeds on your site.
  8. Singing beds, try to keep the direction from the north to south. This will also contribute to a rich crop.
  9. Verbnoe week, spread the sacred guidelines on your garden. Her energy will also strengthen the sunrise seed and the growth of seedlings.
  10. If you have a well, then before sowing you can throw copper coins into it, just do it until no one sees. It will also save the harvest from human damage.
  11. Scarecrow, placed on the garden, may not only be whaling from birds, but also from people, for this, when installing frightened, whisper such words to him: neither the birds nor people are scary, all the tops are saved. "

Spring - time for gardeners and gardens is very responsible. We will work well - you will be in autumn with vegetables and fruits. And the negligent yes lazy to count on a rich harvest is not necessary.

It has long been so that in the garden is all bloomed and fruit, the farmers used special whispers. They reached the present day.

Garden fertility conspiracy

To make a lot of fruits and berries on the trees, in the spring, to flowering in the garden and every tree hit the twist 12 times, saying:

"The tree, wake up, awaken to life, show the color of fruit." .

When all trees bloom, put on a white shirt and go out into your garden. Stroll on it, saying:

"Paradise of the Lord , church garden, and what was in it, there will be , then in my garden to be. Amen!"

Separate when you work in the garden:

"I've come to the ne there, paradise, there is a decay, the Lord worship. Gave Would you and you, God , what you have in the Paradise Garden. So everything bloom and grew , grow up And poured. Angels for lunizing, people surprisingly. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

To protect your land, every time you go to the site, spitting three times in front of yourself, tell me once:

"Ugh, ugh, ugh three times! No infection is never three times ! Amen, Amen, Amen

Stay and turn around three times.

Protection of the garden from damage and evil

For the new moon in the early morning, go to the land plot and, turning to the rising sun, say 1 time:

"Morning Zagyushka, take away from my vegetable grower of Gorushko! Let my cucumbers grow like well done, cabbage, like a barrel, carrot-maid rustle! Be, my words, strong and modeling From now on and dried. Amen!"

When you jump up the land, repeat yourself:

"Help, Earth, Mother-Kormilitsa, good harvest to gather! So that all green and grew up and I brought the great GOY! May it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

When you plant potatoes, tell another plot:

"We are born, potatoes, Bela, sweet yes crumbly. Dig you, do not step, carry you, do not flip! "

Watering cabbage seedlings, say seven times:

"Not so much saved how much I collect. Not three, but they are not tent, but twenty. Zamuka His lands on holy locks, saved keys. In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit . Amine! Amen! Amen!"

And when you plant cabbage seedlings in the ground, then mentally say:

"Do not be cabbage, goal, and be, cabbage, pusast. Do not be cabbage, empty, and be like a ball, tight! Do not be like a girl Krasnova, and be like youth, tasty. Amen!"

In this world, everything interrelated and depends on the rhythms of the universe, and first of all from our nearest neighbor - the Moon.

For the gardener, it is important to adhere to natural rhythms. When with a decreasing moon, the earth makes "inhale", it pulls all the juices from the above ground of the plant and at that moment they go to the roots.

Therefore, plant and sow plants, such as beets, potatoes, carrots, better at a decreasing moon, because their fruits are located in the ground.

With a growing moon, the Earth "exhales", the juices go along the stalk up, falling into the barrel, leaves, flowers and fruits. It means that plants like tomatoes, cabbage, strawberries, cucumbers, better planting with a growing moon: they have fruits are above the ground.

Lunno-Sowing Calendar 2018 (Table)

Video: Conspiracies for a good harvest

To get a good yield of tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, onions and other vegetables and fruits, you need to work hard. Great assistance in the difficult business of the garden-gardener will have folk conspiracies and prayers for a crop. There are a huge set of them, for every cultivated culture there is its own prayer or plot. People since ancient times prayed to the gods in the hope of a good harvest, and the highest forces were not turned away from them.

Every gardener has its tricks of growing healthy vegetables, fruits and berries. This is the right time to landing seeds, and feeding with mineral fertilizers, and processing crops from pests and diseases. Gardeners are resorted to and to the power of magic. Even the most incomparable skeptic is not-no, and it will take advantage of old conspiracies to increase his crop. Magic conspiracies help not only grow up and increase, but also protect landings from bad weather, drought, insect invasions and.

What you need to know about the rituals for the yield of the bed

A day when you gathered to plant seedlings or seedlings of trees, sow seeds into a soil or to a greenhouse, in no case should you give money to debt! It is better to provide monetary assistance on another day. In order for the harvest of grew up, as on the yeast, and pleased you abundance, go after planting to church and make a small donation.

Plants are best alone or with the participants of your family members. On this day, do not invite friends to yourself, do not let the neighbors or other unauthorized people go to your garden. These precautions will help avoid damage from evil eyes.

Carefully and respective the soil on the garden, remember is the Earth-Kormilitsa. Water and cultivate landings in a timely manner, frit, fertilize the ground, protect it from pests.

Experienced gardeners know that the best days for sowing and planting seedlings are female. Squeeze vegetables on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The rest of the days are not as successful for gloomy. Women should not engage in earthworks during critical days.

Do not buy seeds and seedlings in the greedy seller. If you sell the goods a good, generous person, then the crop will be charged with its energy, and will be abundant.

Much attention has lunar cycles. Examine the lunar calendar before starting to landings. It is best to land the landing of root plates - carrots, potatoes, beets and other "underground" vegetables. Full moon is good to plant round fruits - pumpkin, melons, watermelons. The period is suitable for planting and transplanting fruit trees and berry shrubs.

When preparing the soil to sow or landing, seedlings should pronounce - " Give me, God, vegetables (say the name of the plant's plant). Amen" Then it is necessary to bow on all sides of the world, except for the Northern, thank the Earth for the help of crop growing.

Prayer before planting the garden

Our ancestors before embarking on sowing or disembarking of the garden, performed such a simple ritual. The farmers' peasants became in the doorway on the porch of their house, the right foot fell on the left, and this text uttered:

They went in a good mood, with whom did not fit into disputes and did not lent at this time anyone of money or products. In the evening they raised the praise to the Lord God, read "", went to bed early.

To get a rich harvest, you need to pray the following holy:

  • God's Mother in front of the icon "Bride Sporizer"
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Apostle Luke;
  • Saint king Konstantin;
  • Efima Great;
  • St. Boris and St. Gleb;
  • St. Joachim and St. Anna.

If you come to church to pray for the future harvest, the father will tell you, the icons of which of the saints and martyrs are best asked to help. For this you should leave a small donation in the church.

Prayer for Abundant Vintage Tomato

To get a lot of tomatoes from a bed, you need to pay in prior to landing seedlings to go to the ground with the words:

Then proceed to disembarking plants in the prepared beds. With each sprout, please contact your child, say when landing a conspiracy on a rich yield of tomatoes:

It is best to plant seedlings in the evening when the sun was already out of Zenith and could not harm with gentle plants. Understand the tomatoes from the indentioned water temperature, suck the mulch from the roots and sprinkle with the leaves with a hunger water taken on the eve of the church. Read three times "Our Father", then ask the prayer to the Lord:

Prayer for crop cucumbers

There is a good prayer for harvest, read it to get a lot of cucumbers. The ritual is carried out before planting seedlings or before sowing seeds into the ground. Seeds are preliminarily recommended for 10-15 hours in holy water taken from the temple. Before laying them into the soil, it is necessary to cross the container with seeds or a box sediment and say a conspiracy to a good crop of cucumbers:

Previously cross beds, on which it is expected to plant a cucumber seedlings with the words:

Conspiracy on the crop of potatoes

Potatoes - the basis of Slavic cuisine, so planting potatoes is given great importance. It is necessary to choose the right time bookmarking of tubers in the soil, the earth should not be too cold. Before planting potatoes in the field, our ancestors managed the land plot crosswise and pronounced a conspiracy on the potato harvest:

Sometimes it happens that your neighbor was in potatoes last year, and for some reason it is not. Look good luck to your garden, urged potatoes from a neighboring bed. Put the borrowed tuber in a bag with potato seedlings for three nights. After that, go to your garden and read a plot of stolen potatoes for a crop. It is necessary to do this in a period of decreasing moon. The text of the conspiracy is:

Conspiracy on the harvest of strawberries

In order to enjoy a strawberry to eat, you need to go around strawberry beds with words:

Pour the bushes of strawberries with a sacred water, pray for yourself, you can read our Father, and then raise a prayer to any holy or the greatest.


Salting in the spring onions on the garden, it is necessary to dip each sighter into a container with spring water and talk:

Reading conspiracies for a good harvest of vegetables, do not forget to produce elementary care of seedlings. Water onions in time, wean the beds, loose and pollinate as pests and diseases, cut the arrows. And you get a rich harvest in the garden!

Prayers for the preservation of harvest from bad weather

If planted seedlings, seedlings, seeds or seedlings are threatened by bad weather, rodents, insect pests or other factors, then read after landing:

Often the garden can smooth out a neighbor or someone else's person, having envying your successes. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect their landings from a bad eye, except to build a high wall around the perimeter of the site. If it is unattainable, the ritual from the evil eye will help from evil and envious people.

At the corners of the site, four small mirrors should be burned in the ground anyway, to which depth. Installing them, pronounce:

This conspiracy helps to protect the harvest from the enviousness and worships. For the preservation of fruits on the plants, the red woolen thread is told, it gives reliable protection against the evil eye. When tying, the threads perform three nodules, each time despite the plant or wood, fertility and health.

Mages and psychics are confident that conspiracies help get a rich harvest. And they advise accompany the work in the country of miraculous words!

Everyone knows that the sowing work begins long before visiting the cottage. In February - March begin seeding seeds at home. From that and begin.

* In early March, drink tall tomatoes on seedlings, if you did not do it at the end of February, then peppers and eggplants. Tell me:

"Sprockets - break through the fruits in the summer - to flood! So!"

* When the first looping seedlings appear seedlings on the window. The temperature there should be no higher than 16-18 °, and at night - about 12-14 °. After a week, the temperature should be enhanced by 4-6 ° at night. With these procedures, read this plot:

"It will not be cold for you, it will not be hot to you - I'm waiting for rich gifts from you! True! "

* Shoots need good lighting. Daylight lamps are located at an altitude of 5-7 cm above the plants, turn on the day for 7-8 hours for peppers and by 11-12 hours for eggplants and tomatoes. Including, say:

"Under the sun, my seedlings, sunbathing, so that under the real was a rich harvest! To be! "

* At the end of March, prepare for planting potatoes. Put them in one layer in small boxes. That part of the tuber, where more eyes, should look up. It is necessary to germinate potatoes with good lighting and temperatures from 20 to 30 °. Help helps:

"From the eye will be a sprout, from each sprout - 3 bag potatoes! True! "

In the old days, before the start of the sowing work, they went to church, stood prayer and only then went out in the field, to the garden.

Entering for the first time on Earth, prayed on the three sides of the world (except Northern), threw in each direction three handstry of rye or wheat, lowly bowing. And only then proceeded to disembarking.

* During the preparation of the soil to the sowing, according to the experts of the occult sciences, it is necessary to say loud three times out loud:

"Give God, I just came to me. I cultivate the earth with my hands to thank me with luxurious fruits! Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracies when planting seedlings of vegetables

* When you sew or sit in the ground, magicians recommend reading this plot:

"Go, (vegetable), from my hem to bed, grow, (vegetable), for my wealth. Rain wash up, wipe the wind, in height and the width of growing up. Business, word, hill, conspiracy on the hoop. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

With such a plot, you can plant any vegetables, changing the names.

"Like a forest is a dense and my bush. Saint Peter, Holy Ilya, my tomatoes and me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

3 . In order for tomatoes with strong and healthy, looking at the grown bushes, tell 3 times these words:

"There is no number and account to the believer of people, shocks of the bell of church, ants in the forest, there would be no account of tomatoes on my beds. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

Immediately after tomatoes are planted. Before the start of work, the beds are watered with water, in advance from the last spring snow, and when planting pepper, they say a plot:

"Drink, peppers, large and great, for old and small, baptized on the whole world.

Soon the time of the first litter of cucumbers occurs. The plant is picky, does not tolerate frosts, requires the sun, a lot of moisture and sometimes can "offend" the owner by the fact that it does not give the wound, almost or not fertile. In order to avoid such trouble, it is necessary to land the cucumbers so that no one has seen this, try to hide from outsiders and the location of the first bed, and the first grown cucumber.

1 As soon as you dispel it right away to the ground, saying:

"Accept, mother earth, the first fruit, in return, give delicious, sweet fruits apparently invisible."

2 The second plot of cucumbers:

"In Yurusalim, hail, in the nonsense rain, in nonsense trouble, and in my garden there are ridges. Both oil is fat and rich my ridge of cucumbers, and my desk. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

* Before boarding a bow on the head, become in the middle of the garden on the spot intended for landing onions, turn around three times, read the conspiracy and proceed to work:

"I worship the Lord, the Lord will pray. Give, Lord, the harvest is big, so that the onions grow, the largest largest and good was everyone in surprise. "

* And when you sow carrots, say so:

"The root to the root, and the top to the vertex. Let this root of the fasteners be. Amen".

Observing the old commandments, carefully saved and reached to this day, you will always have a rich harvest.

Warre on a rich harvest

We live in a village all our lives, we used to treat with respect to Earth, to the works in the garden and in the garden. For example, I know for sure that it is necessary to plant seedlings on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday - the so-called "female" days. If its seeds are not enough, and we want to buy a little more, - choose good, good, not a greedy person for this purpose, he certainly charged the future harvest subconsciously. On the day, when we plant a garden with the whole family, I try to keep the gate on constipation and no extraneous into the courtyard to do not hesitate to have seedlings. Before entering the garden, I will definitely say:

"I am a landfit of the land, and she will give me a storm. There will be no interference or enemies in the crop. Amen".

And once, I remember, I was still very young, it came to us a neighbor just when we landed tomatoes, and asked money to debt. Grandma apologized and refused, asking to come to another day. Neighbor was offended. But the next day, when it was finished with the landings, my grandmother myself went to her with me and gave money, saying: "Do not be offended, Dasha, don't you know that you can't give money to debt when the fate of the crop is being solved! Here today - please. " At the same time, we went to the temple and left there some money for donation to the poor.

And since then I remembered a conspiracy that the grandmother uttered in a whisper, working on landings in the garden:

"Give me, God, cucumbers (potatoes, eggplants ...) of the future. Amen".

Each time after this short prayer, the grandmother diligently bowed to the south, east and west, whispering the words of gratitude for their help with harvest. And over each seed sentenced:

"Grow, not bad, bring a big harvest!"

So that no one brought damage to the harvest, always say such words:

"Dai, God, all of course. I put my hands, but I will be offended by the war. If anyone wants my harvest to smooth out, the salt into the tongue and hole on the fang. Lips, teeth, key, castle, language. Amen".

And after all, grandmother's conspiracies and signs! Even in a arid year, everything grows me and fruits.