Oil stoves with their own hands. Oven on liquid fuel or workout with your own hands

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Overlapping oven (spent engine oil) - the topic is actively discussed, but not new. Given heating in the Russian Federation and the CIS has a fairly long history. Now we are watching his second birth.

How was she born?

Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev, as well as the entire USSR, is very ambiguous, and not only in the geopolitical sense. With it, ordinary citizens may have become acquired by personal auto transport, garage cooperatives were created, cottage sites were heard. Intensively mechanized agriculture. And at the same time, in the 60s, the first sprouts of environmental thinking made themselves.

Garages and summer houses needed to dump. Fuel (in current - energy) was worth a penny - literally, liter of the 66th gasoline 2 kopecks, and 76th 7 kopecks. - But the penny had to save, the salaries were small. And for the draining of testing, it was penalized, and a lot, to a third of the salary at a time. And the coal to carry the cottage was considered, and the balloon gas was generally exotic. For the unauthorized rushes of the forest on firewood, it was possible to go to prison completely in Soviet - without unnecessary conversations and long proceedings. As a result, the oven appeared on the exhaust oil.

Above the principle of action, the people's craftsmen did not have to break the head - the most dachas and in private houses were Kerogaz then. The evaporated kerosene in it was waiting in a special chamber, unlike a premus or a soldering lamp, where already burning fuel pairs are burning. Therefore, Kerogaz was relatively safe in operation, and the violation of the combustion mode flashed behind themselves and So long before it was developing into an accident. The oven on the workout works on the same principle, it was necessary only to come up with how to burn strongly contaminated viscous fuel with simple downtime.

Kerogaz "Leningrad" with an external chamber

The second progenitors of the oil stove were gas-generated installations, widely used during the war, when high-quality fuel went to the front. Adults of the 60s were well acquainted, so that the overall work scheme of the stove loomed clearly:

  • The primary small supply of the energy of chemically lazy fuel to put on its own decomposition to the fractions is easier and more active as in the gas generator.
  • What happens is to burn in 2 or 3 stages, as in Kerogaz.

Endides of our days

Today's ovens do not repeat the designs of those days, except for which it will be discussed separately. And there is good reasons for this.

In the 60s, the combustion to carbon dioxide and water vapor was considered absolutely clean and safe. Nowadays, both, alas, greenhouse gases, the action of which is already quite tangible on its own skins in a literal sense. It is impossible to fit even deeper, but the economy of the furnace is becoming particularly important.

There were no synthetic motor oils, and ingenious additives to them. They allow twice and more shorten the liter fuel consumption of the FEA compared to the then, but with incomplete combustion give carcinogens, toxins, mutagens and god news what else. And then people were generally healthier and rustier. Again, nothing can be done - a little more than half a century, the population of the Earth increased 2.5 times and continues to grow. With regard to the stove - it is necessary to survive 100% and no less.

Finally, the then machine oil - natural oil rectifies from saturated hydrocarbons - could not develop a very high temperature during burning. Therefore, very harmful and dangerous nitrogen oxides in the then stoves were formed except with individual molecules. And the current simple stove on the workout can throw them into tangible amounts of quantities. So on nitrogen oxides it is worth stopping in more detail.

Nitrogen oxides

All nitrogen oxides are dangerous for a person. In medicine for anesthesia, the easiest of them is applied - nitrogen, funny gas, but strictly by dosage under the supervision of anesthesiologist. The more nitrogen is connected to oxygen, the more dangerous the result. Oxidative tanks of combat missiles are filled with nitrook nitrook N2O4 - a "sister" of fuel - heptila (asymmetrical dimethylhydrazine), which is oxidizing. The hellish filling of modern mass destruction cars is lighted not only in warheads.

How can oxidized oxidized? The fact is that nitrogen oxides - endothermic compounds, their education needs to be expensive; Nitrogen with oxygen "do not like" each other, the difference between their electrochemical potentials and the quantum properties of electronic shells do not allow them to get involved. When interacting with compounds with reducing properties (easily connecting with oxygen, halogens and their relatives on a table of Mendeleev) nitrogen oxides as easily give oxygen as oxidation with energy release, i.e. combustion. With regard to missiles - severe in the molecular weight fuel with a heavy oxidizing agent gives a large mass of exhaust and severe reactive traction.

As for the stoves, you need to know the following here:

  1. At a temperature of 900 degrees, nitrogen oxides are formed in noticeable quantities.
  2. If there is an excess oxygen in the gas-high mixture, then at high temperatures, it "intercepts" particles of fuel, and nitrogen oxides go further along the smoke path.
  3. With approximately 600 degrees, the oxidative activity of nitrogen oxides becomes higher than at oxygen, and they still have no burned fuel particles begin; As a result, it turns out completely harmless in all senses of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and pair of water.
  4. If the temperature fell below 400 degrees, nitrogen oxides fall into the second "stability pit" of its phase diagram; They can no longer oxidize heavy organic organics (oxygen - too) and leave with smoke gases.

Fuel price

The oil from the engine is not drained every day, and in the winter it is necessary to regularly. Donations of Dobrochotov regular can not be. If the fuel for the furnace will have to arrive, what will it cost?

Sales price of spent oil across the Russian Federation ranges from 5 to 14 rubles / l. Pickup, it's about 5 rubles / km on a car with a trailer. And it is not easy at all: the development is considered dangerous waste, we need a license for processing. Moreover, wholesale buyers are sold reluctantly and no burst-canister norms. They process oil into dark furnace fuel. Profitability is high, and who will give valuable raw material Zadeshevo?

But there is an interesting move. Fresh machine oil enterprises often buy in the total flow of fuel, because Strict accounting of its procurement is not required. It is necessary to take into account the development, but who will then find out how much it came out? There is a sense to go to such framing - less hassle with ecology, and income from the sale of testing across the production of mezera. Therefore, enterprises often give the waste machine oil to the task or for a penny, just to be derived. That is, you know how to negotiate - it will be drowning than.

Two principles in one principle

A homemade oven on the development of the form may not be much more complicated by the pan, but the processes occurring in it are very and very difficult. Otherwise, full combustion with high efficiency and harmless exhaust does not achieve. For their complete understanding and choosing a suitable design for execution, or prototype for your own, you must first remember the power of Coriolis.

Power Coriolis

Coriolisov force, as is known, arises due to the rotation of the Earth; This is a vivid example of how huge and slow manifests itself in small and quickly. Coriolis strength shifts water flowing from the bath. Since the water flow rate in the pipe is much less sound in it (the flue rate of flue gases in the chimney is also), Coriolisov is a spin - it occurs only in vertical areas of the pipe - it is transmitted back, and the formation of the vortex depends on the length of the vertical part of the tap tube.

Ensure that it's easy: we take the usual funnel, plug the wateringup with a finger, fill with water and your finger let go. Water flows smoothly. Now we wear a piece of hose from the meter on the watering site and more, we leave it hanging down and do the same. Water twisted.

The magnitude of the coriolism force depends on the relationship of the density of the medium to its viscosity, so the gas is harder to spin the "Coriolis". In addition, the gases are compressible, so the number of Reynolds and other factors show themselves. High tube boiler room can emit a smooth pair post.

But why spin flue gases? Without this, it is impossible to achieve high-quality, complete and safe, fuel combustion. In order for the heat from the initial combustion of light fractions to split the heavy, which will then give the main weight of the heat, the mixture must be mixed well. You can twist with different nozzles, upgrades, etc., but such structures (we will consider them too) to make an ordinary homemade manner. But the power of the Coriolis is easier to use; Next, see how.

Conclusion on the power of Coriolis: when repeating furnace structures, you need to accurately withstand the indicated dimensions and proportions. From non-compliance - Chad, voraciousness, Piva.

Chief Principle

Oil furnace is a heating device on a heavy, poorly burning and strongly contaminated fuel of a complex composition. So that it burns completely, its heavy components must be split into lighter; Oxidize everything that is in oil, oxygen is not in teeth. Calculate completely that already broken - the task is simpler.

The splitting process is called pyrolysis, or fiery splitting. Ultimately for pyrolysis used heat combustion of the fuel itself; This is a self-sustaining process and self-regulating, and it is very good. But for the start of pyrolysis, the fuel needs to evaporate, and the pairs are heated but some starting temperature (300-400 degrees), after which pyrolysis will go on the growing, and burns everything. You can achieve this at home in two ways.

Principle First

In the first way, oil in the tank simply ignites. It warms up and begins to evaporate, and then everything happens in a simple vertical pipe with extensions and, possibly, with bends. The schematic diagram of the device of such an oven is shown in the figure.

The air in the reservoir with a burning oil enters through its neck with a throttle damper; With it, they regulate the power of combustion, i.e. The thermal power of the furnace without disturbing the combustion regimen. To make it possible, the gas-air mixture must continuously, along the pipe, mix. Here and comes to help the power of Coriolis, with properly selected, according to the properties of the fuel, the length of the vertical chimney and its diameter.

Also in the combustion chamber, which the reservoir goes, a practically free air flow is needed - the oven works normally during an excess of oxygen. Therefore, the combustion chamber is holey. The cap to the afterburning chamber (extension above the combustion chamber) does not necessarily have a cap, as in the diagram. This may be an incomplete partition when separating the output of the combustion chamber with chimney horizontally. But divide the oxygen afterburning zone and oxide-nitrogen, and it is absolutely necessary to organize the corresponding leap of temperatures between them, it is absolutely necessary, otherwise too hot oxygen takes "food" in nitrogen oxides, and in the meantime cooling to the pit on the phase diagram and go to the pipe in the entire His harmfulness.

The drawings of the furnace on the development of this type are shown on the big rice. Below, its appearance and assembly drawing - in fig. above. It is well known to homemade and perfectly proven design. They burn it with a small torch through a fully open throttle. The height of the chimney (straight!) - not less than 4 m.


Here in the picture is also very popular among the homemade mini-oven on the development and oilshlum. Material thickness, conventional structural steel, from 4 mm. The furnace weighs about 10 kg against 27-30 in the previous one, and its dimensions are defined by such a tank. The author of the design for it recommends Dysheko and the top of the standard gas cylinder. It is quite reasonable, it is available in stock - very firmly, and only one welded seam. But any other capacity of the specified size plus / minus 20 mm is suitable for the reservoir.

This stove has a number of features:

  • The stirring zone of the fuel mixture is the bottom funnel of the combustion chamber. Due to its expansion, the mixture is delayed here and rejected long.
  • The length of the vertical part of the chimney is limited to about 3.5 m. Otherwise, the traction will succify the mixture, before he time to burn.
  • The afterburning zone is not divided and is the top funnel of the combustion chamber. Before narrowing into the chimney, the flue gases are again delayed and thugs well, but again - with moderate traction.

As a result, the thermal power of the furnace is limited to 5-6 kW; "Discontine" this oven is simply dangerous. But the fuel consumption is about 0.5 l / h, and the furnace is relatively easily cleaned. The design of the collapsible, joints of the combustion chamber with the tank and chimney are tightened by clamps. In the disassembled form, this furnace can be carried with you in the trunk - to the cottage, in a hunting house, etc.


Suppose you are not too lazy to build an extension for a furnace and serve hot water from it. The first task that needs to be solved is the oven for at least the night. It is impossible to increase the tank: the oil does not warm up and the stove will not turn around as it should. But the decision has long been known: continuous refueling on the principle of reporting vessels.

Requirements for such a firmware are clear from the drawing; The throttle on the tank is not conditionally shown, but, of course, it is still necessary. From its functions, only the combustion adjustment remains, and this is a big plus for fire safety. Otherwise, it would have to pour fuel liquid into a fire or a split vessel, or wait until the furnace cools off. Insert wick into the fuel line, as in the soldering lamp, it is useless: it will immediately be clogged on the workout.


What about the oven on the workplace with the supervision? It is known that it increases the efficiency and thermal power of the furnaces. Yes, but in the stove on the fraud is just so you will not bother. Blow into the furnace, i.e. The reservoir is useless - we only unbalance the self-regulating combustion system. The oven will quickly defeat, and then, when the light fuel fractions burned, go out: the air flow will select the heat required for evaporation of heavy. Oil furnace parameters on a self-imagination in a firework, alas, do not improve.

But thinking (more precisely, blowing) can be used for another purpose. Artificially enhanced cravings, it is possible to make a chimney with fames: from the smoke (the neck of the combustion chamber) is long, in the whole wall, horizontal pipe, and then the vertical chimney. This will improve the heating of the room with minimal additional costs without disturbing the burning regimen in the furnace.

To enhance the thrust, you can use two ways to boost into the chimney: injection (pos. And in Fig.) And ejector, pos. B. The first is very simple and completely safe: when the superior is stopped, some traction is saved. The furnace will simply worse to warm and consume more fuel. But the source of compressed air is needed. And thin (1-3 mm lumen) tube, dupite hose and adjusting valve.

For ejector supervision, there is a sufficiently low-power fan: a computer by 12 in 120-150 mm with a diameter, kitchen exhaust, industrial VN-2 or a similar one. The required productivity is at least 1500 l / h, and the diameter of the ejector's inlet neck is 20-50% larger than the chimney diameter.

However, if the ejector subdivine stops, the flue gases will go to the room, so a flapper valve with a weak return (slamming) spring is needed between the fan and ejector. Considering that the fragments of the chimney with an ejector looks simply only in the diagram (like all the equipment at all), the design comes out quite complicated.

Video: oven on working with a superpower and refueling

Air heating

Oil furnace is a compact (concentrated) heat source, and the heating of the room from it will be uneven, especially if it is not insulated with thin walls. You can meet the recommendations to turn the first of the described furnaces into a more efficient air heater, welding on the afterburning chamber (abdam) Metal ribs. But the well from this will cool more permissible, and the furnace mode will violate.

Now remember: any greedy collects more than he needs. And the furnace on the oil is a margin of regime stability, expressed in quite specific kilowatts of heat. More precisely - 15-20% of thermal power, i.e. You can select up to 2-3 kW. Just take carefully and gradually evenly from everywhere, so that the Gardens do not spoil.

The simplest way for this is a regular indoor fan, an outdoor or desktop, blowing the oven from a distance of 1.5-2 m. The entire stove will cool down a little, but the temperature jump in the course of gases capable of bringing down the mode is not formed. And the flow of warm air quickly and evenly warms the room. - Optimal option.

Mini-water chaff

Now let's see how to organize a DHW or water heating from the furnace on a fragment. To pray for a watery tank to the well - it means again, to bring down the combustion regime. Therefore, now we will warm the heat where it is no longer necessary. How to do it - shown in the picture on the right. For the first of the furnaces described, the heat absorber will need to be built into the design when it is assembled, otherwise the shoe will prevent.

Instead of the serpent, you can cook a water shirt, then you do not need a heat-reflecting screen from galvanizing, tin or aluminum. But in any case, there should be a gap of at least 50-70 mm between the heat absorber and the outer wall of the combustion chamber for free air access, and at least 120-150 mm below, if there is a desire to make a shirt higher. But there is no sense of particular about it, about 75% of thermal radiation comes from the upper third of the combustion chamber and the adjacent area of \u200b\u200bthe well.

In total, such a heater is able to give up to a third of its thermal power, with the forced circulation of the coolant. Quite enough . For giving enough 20%, then the circulation in the system can be left the thermophone.

Note: The expansion tank in both cases is needed low and wide, not less than 50 liters, and necessarily atmospheric, non-membrane, and with emergency plums in case of boiling. Alternative is complex: automation, controlling choke temperature in the system. The second alternative is not easier, but even more expensive - refueling the system with high-boiling antifreeze. Need thorough sealing of joints about special drainage in the expansion tank, which will cost no cheaper automation.

Disadvantages of self-like

All furnaces on the login have both serious shortcomings. Firstly, these are an appliances with an overlooked flame and accessible to the touches of hot parts - the combustion zone "on the full gas" is hot. Therefore, it is unacceptable to put them in residential premises, and the use of as heating devices is 100% not an insured event. It is necessary to put in a separate non-governmental extension and arrange the selection and heat dissipation, at least as described above.

Secondly, it makes no sense to rely on the heat power of more than 15 kW. The oil evaporating intensity is not achieved for this; There will be only chad and soot.

Thirdly, it is possible to repay the flashing oven, perhaps a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. Powder - neither soak God, hitting the hot metal, the powder will immediately explode! With a completely buried throttle through the holes in the combustion chamber, there will be enough air so that the flame is grieving, like a candle in a glass. To arrange a view anywhere useless - instantly chad and avgar. If it is already rid of, then fuel must burn completely.

Note: the view between the tank and the combustion chamber is especially dangerous. Oil pairs are dense; Their pressure is high, and the boil will not instantly stop. Burning oil can spill out, and if the choke is closed, the furnace can explode.

Fourth, heat selection for heating or DHW, although it is possible, but difficult. Excessive cooling of the external surfaces disrupts the temperature regime inside the furnace, which leads to a deterioration in the efficiency and deposition of soot. Oil furnace - Stove-Zhardde. Just so she will not give their heat capital.

Fifth, while refueling a highly bypassed fuel, rapid instant boosts are possible at once all over the volume of the tank. Simply put - the explosion of the stove.

Finally, although the stove and is economical (no more than 1.5 l / hour of oil), the most severe fuel fractions to evaporate cannot be seen in the sludge in the tank. 5-6 furnaces, and need to strain, and it is not easy. The tank is definitely solid. Having collapsible to any thought homemade design will not hold the boiling oil. The consequences are obvious.

Principle of the second

Is it possible to make a furnace on spent oil free from these disadvantages? Such so that it could be put in the kitchen, and let them warm? Yes, perhaps, but you have to work more serious, and apply all your skills.

If you look closely, it is clear that the source of all the hazards of the furnaces on the fraud is a reservoir with a burning oil. To get rid of it, you need to evaporate and spray fuel in some other way. Pyrolysis, combustion and afterburning zones are best combined in a flame torch so that the selection of heat from flue gases has not broken the work of the furnace. And it is very desirable that the furnace can work on the flooded stuel. Talking technically, I need a burner.

In industrial environments, almost any fuel burned in the nozzles, the top post in Fig. So that complete combustion occurred in the torch, use two- and three-stage formation of the fuel and air mixture: the compressed air pulls the atmospheric, and the diaphragm shares and swirls the air flow. In the nozzle burns everything, up to the lunales of ships.

Note: llanal waters - gathering on the very hodgepiece of a huge cocktail from the leaks of intricate water, fuel, domestic wastewater, cargo. Going to the llanal highway. Sewer collector in a big city compared to llaural water - beach on Canar.

For normal operation of the nozzle, not only the high accuracy of manufacture and special materials is necessary. There is still a whole small fuel training shop: the homogenizer of the contents of fuel tanks, its dispersant in the pipelines, pumps, filters, the fuel heating system and the automation controlling all this.

But for working out and this is not enough. Similar to this - all the same heavy bituminous components. The nozzle for development has to supplement the heatpower and afterburning chamber with thermal insulation, the lower poses in Fig.

Nevertheless, the burner on the workout, available for self-making, exists. And even in several horses.

Flame Bowl

The principle of operation is simple - fuel drips into a hot bowl, exploding evaporates, flashes and burns (pos. And in fig). It comes here, with a superior from a low-power fan, atmospheric air; When using a centrifugal fan-snail it needs to be spinning, for which a fixed impeller can be installed at the mouth of the air duct.

For the initial heating of the bowl, the burner is needed, so in industrial environments, the flame bowl is rarely used, but it is successfully applied with success. The design provides almost complete combustion in the immediate vicinity of the bowl, so the boiler on working with a flame bowl is most relaxed, which is also noted in Fig. 3/4 The turnover of exhaust gases is indicated for clarity. In fact, it is necessary that the gas mixture scrolled inside the lucky, then the efficiency will be higher. But with a too strong twist, the combustion is incomplete. Designing the fiery bowl from scratch requires very serious knowledge and experience.

Pyrolysis in a flame bowl occurs peculiar: the decomposition of heavy fractions is ensured not only with high temperatures, but also complex physicochemical processes in an exploding drop, significantly different from those in a large array of matter. Actually, this is no longer quite pyrolysis, and the bowl in the hotstone is maintained not only by burning, but also frees with the decay of the energy molecules.

When used as a fuel, the exhaust oil is still required and after hurrying outside the bowl, for which holes and slits are made in the air duct. It turns out something like the combustion chamber of simple ovens on the workout, turned inside out. The drawing of the furnace of this type with a capacity of about 15 kW at a fuel consumption of 1-1.5 l / h, depending on its quality, is shown below.

Pos. B in fig. Above is a low-power (up to 5 kW) a bowl with a porous fire-resistant filler 2. It is put directly to the grate of 1 of any stove, although bourgearies. The fuel supply is regulated by the valve 3, and the air enters through the regular thoughtful 4. On this design, we will further talk in more detail.

On pos. In a highly efficient, but complex device for complete combustion of any kinds of liquid fuel - Babington burner, or BB burner, or just burner B. Its base is a hollow hot metal sphere 1 with holes with a diameter of 0.2-0.5 mm. On the tube 2 in the sphere is blown up air, and from the fuel line 6 fuel drips on it. The air leaves from the holes spray it, and it burns. Not burnt residues are collected in the collection 3, and the gear fuel pump 4 through the bypass valve 5 is applied again to the fuel line.

Note: to work out the pump, you need a gear. Another will soon be out of order from pollution.

Babington burner is not one highlight, as it is considered, and two. First, since the air blows out of the holes, the BB burner works steadily on the polluted stuel itself. Secondly, the fuel due to the surface tension is improving the sphere with a thin film, and the fizhemia in the films is completely different than in the aggregates of the substance. There are separate sciences - physics and chemistry of thin films. The science is complex, but the essence is simple: BB burner is completely smokeless, and its ecological purity practically does not depend on the composition of fuel, nor from the combustion regime. Therefore, the BB burner can be embedded in any furnace. For ignition, they use a small portion of the furnace fuel in the ringtone under the sphere.

Note: the fuel collection right under the burner is shown conditionally. In reality, for the sake of fire safety, the drops of inconsistencies fall into the funnel and in a narrow tube flow into the collection. While they will die, go out.

On water peasants

The water stove is not a stove at all with a water circuit. This is a stove on heavy fuel with nozzle, in the flame torch of which water drops. Instantly evaporating from the heat, they spray fuel, which burns.

The older generation people remember bituminous boilers with water nozzles that drove along the roads and builders. The fuel was the same bitumen, the pieces of which put into a melting chamber. Nowadays, water furnaces were almost separated, and in some countries and prohibited on environmental considerations. The exhaust they give a transparent, but very harmful. The reason is an education in a flame of free hydrogen, a strong reducing agent. It binds to atmospheric nitrogen, and together they are actively reacting with saturated hydrocarbons of fuel, giving harmful organic.

From the story along the way. The injection of water (later - the water-methanol mixture) was invented in BMW, then we produced aircraft for Luftwaffe, in 1937, for a short-term increase in engine power. At first, the innovation remained in the morning - an expensive engine in this mode produced a resource for 20 minutes. But in 1944, BF-109G3 with water injection appeared on the Eastern Front. Contrary to the common conviction, the combat qualities of "Messers" A short-term "swelling" from 1900 to 2300 hp I did not improve - the maneuverability of the car "on the visge" was completely lost, and it was possible to fly only in a straight line. But with a leaning 710 km / h. The fact is that experienced German pilots in the east by that time were almost knocked out, and it was impossible to flush from Yak-3, La 5/7 or "Aerocobra" without "squeezing".

On the Western Front "Messers" there was little, they were burned for the East. The basis of the park was heavy, but high-altitude FW-190. If the "messes" fell by the West, then the "screech" was already filmed by the sake of relief: maneuverable "dog dumps" above the trenches were less here, and "Spitfire" MKVIII and Mustang P-51D (both - with the English motor "Rolls" -Ruis Griffon XII "at 2200 hp regular) coped with reactive ME-262.

The story of one bourgear

The author's parents had a cottage with a burzhuyka, and on him ("You're already big, from the forest will not climb) a billet of fuel was placed. Since the country's partnership spread out on an area of \u200b\u200babout 400 hectares, during sections from 6 to 20 acres, the surroundings were forever, not the fact that before the chips - to dry blade, and often for lunch I had to chew Sukhomyatin, designed by the parent popresses.

And then the guy came across the reimond book was attracted by Antarctic Odyssey. The story is incredible - 6 people, the Northern Party of the expedition of Robert Scott, were abandoned in the Antarctic on the eve of the winter. Without warm clothes, without reliable shelter, almost without food and fuel.

From the cold and frantic Antarctic winds - the little days - they were saved, squeezing the cave in the snow. Satroski knives and ice guards managed to score seals enough to not die from hunger to spring. But in the cave, it was necessary to maintain the temperature just below zero, at -60 and below outside, otherwise it is not survived, even lying all the time in the sleeping bags. And the godniki at the breakage more accumulated than the heated and shining.

And then one of the members of the party, the simple sailor Harry Dickson, made the invention, saved all. In the pallet from a tin cracker, he poured a burst, sketched the same fragments of seal bones there, and set fire. Melted sealing fat, passing through the pores of the hot bone, evaporated and burned with a strong bright flame almost without smoke. The polar explorers could now not only be afraid to frozen, but also cook hot. And even fried on holidays Pingvininyatin.

By the spring, they resembled the heads with chatins on the head and barely kept on the legs. But after all, all the six were able to overcome several hundred kilometers on the ice and returned to the base, where they were already considered dead.

Returning, these people, all the further life of recognizing themselves with heroes, learned that a perfectly equipped main party headed by Captain Scott, reached the Southern Pole after Amundsen, and on the way back all died.

The idea was born right away - to translate the stove on the oil. On the tank farm, it was given to how much you want for nothing. And the experiments were carried out on the development of neighbors and motorists.

For the bowl, the country watchman sacrificed a stainless steel walker. His faithful cattlefish, the prosecutor recognized only a faience plate. Bone seals replaced broken brick; For a dropper there was a copper tube and a piece of rubber. The fuel tank went the unsuitable washbasin tank with the next bottom instead of the rod with a conventional tap. It was the most expensive and troublesome part of the work: a hole with a pipe carving cost to the Soviet Haltural Standard - a bubble. Yes, even the burner-mechanic did not agree to the "Moscow special" at 2.87, and demanded the "metropolitan" for 4.12. Not counting the explanations to parents, for which the 13-year-old boy needed a bottle of vodka.

Burzhuyka was burned on the workout simply - the oil was put in the bowl until it was shown above the brick. Then the crushed newspaper was seized in the furnace. A minute later, she apparently walked around, then he set up. After another 3-4 min. The flame has sharply intensified and lightly, as in the kerosene lamp; It was a sign that it's time to let droplets. The 5-liter washbasin of testing in the spring and autumn enough for the day of heating and cooking. Through 3-4, the furnaces had to knock out from the bowl with a sludge in a monolith brick crumb, but the exhaust was clean, even though sniff.

The stove worked regularly for 4 years, until the parents gathered to move to another city, and also in complete service was transferred to the new owner. What happened to her is still unknown.

Finished furnaces

Exhaust oil is a cheap and affordable type of fuel. And the chimney received from it also does not bite at a price. The stove on the workout is very economical and actually a universal heating device. And to make, and quite responsible structures, not everyone can. Are such furnaces are produced? And if so, how much is the factory oven on working out?

We are produced, and are in constant demand. World leaders of production - Turkey and Italy. Prices, given the demand of products, not small: the stove is only a bit more preview of the first of the described, costs about $ 1000, and working according to the principle: "Recorded, I pressed and forgot", with a water circuit - from $ 8,000.

There are also domestic domestic furnaces on heavy petroleum products and oil sludge - KChM, indigilian, Tunguska and others. But the greatest demand is used by the Gekon's gas-generating water boiler, the design of Kurlytkov, it is produced serial, and the spent machine oil is included in the list of fuels recommended by the manufacturer.

The device of the boiler "Gecko" is shown in the figure; The positions are as follows:

  1. Cover with explosive valve;
  2. Gas duct;
  3. Thermal insulation;
  4. Locking chamber;
  5. Coolant;
  6. Decorative panel;
  7. Air blower;
  8. Air receiver;
  9. Fuel line;
  10. Adjustable legs;
  11. Evaporator;
  12. Slag selection;
  13. Solnik;
  14. Swirlar gas-air flow;
  15. Pyrolysis chamber;
  16. Heat housing.

Kellykova boiler works on the principle of the fiery bowl with afterbilling in a tubular chamber. The ignition automation is not provided, but the height of the chimney is not regulated, and in "Geccon" really combines the most sustainable "sucks". "Gecko" are produced to power from 15 to 100 kW; The price of the manufacturer, respectively, from 44,000 to 116,000 rubles.

Note: keltkova boiler patented. Independent its production for sale will be a violation of copyright.


Take the work - generally speaking, Palliament. It is not necessary that there in this oil has accumulated during operation. But in general, the environmental incineration of waste motor oils is still preferable to process them, therefore, in developed countries, burning is from 4% to 12% of the development; In Russia - 5% taken into account.

The oven on working out makes sense to start more and because the technology of obtaining from the same work and oil and petroleum furnace fuel is improved and the price is slow, but it falls true. And if the furnace is eating throughout, then it is possible to rain her fuel without problems.

The development of autonomous heating is a serious direction in global environmental policy. In heat trains, up to 30% of heat is lost, and the total efficiency of the heat center rarely exceeds 60%, and the oven gives up to 80%. This is not to mention savings on pipes and earthmoving technique, and metallurgy is not from clean industries.

In recent years, spent machine oils and bright furnace fuel jumped in price, so it was not too profitable to buy it for heating. Nevertheless, many garage owners and workshops remain adherents of oil heating, because it is inexpensive fuel. And if you explore how to make the oven for working on your own hands, you can save even more, because factory heaters also cost money. We present 2 popular designs of liquid fuel bourgeoque that you can make yourself.

Varieties of oil furnaces

If you have already tried to figure out the homemade heaters on the spent oil and searched for drawings on the Internet, they probably got acquainted with the huge variety of products from home masters. In fact, all heating units are derived from two basic structures operating on the principle of pyrolysis combustion:

  1. Two-chamber miracle bake of direct burning with an open perforated pipe - a long-standing.
  2. The stove is a dropper with a closed-type wave, placed inside the fuel.

Two-chamber miracle stove

Reference. It is possible to effectively burn strongly contaminated liquid lubricants with burners. But they are quite complex in manufacturing, and apply burner devices better in boilers connected with water heating.

The principle of action of the wonder-stove shown in the photo is very simple. Since oil cutting independently does not flamm and does not burn, it must first be heated and evaporate. This happens in the primary chamber filled with fuel by about a third. The furnace works on such a scheme:

  1. It is necessary to ignite the workplace with the help of a flammable fuel, after which it begins to evaporate and burn. Air is fed through the damper in the lid of the fuel.
  2. Oil pairs and pyrolysis gases rush up the pipe where they mix with air from the holes. Due to this, their burning occurs.
  3. In the secondary chamber, gas afterburning continues. So that the heat released immediately does not fly into the chimney, the camera is divided into 2 compartments by a septal, delaying combustion products.

Garage crafts, most often using these furnaces on working out, contribute a set of changes - curved under 90 ° thinker, a secondary chamber in the form of a barrel or steel heat exchanger, a welded tank for automatic fuel replenishment and so on. This does not change the principle of operation of the unit and is done in one goal - to increase the efficiency of the heater and get more heat.

The drip oven is distinguished by the fact that the perforated pipe is installed inside the fuel chamber and serves to supply air to burning. The testing coming through the oil pipeline drips into a special bowl where it is safely burned, as shown in the diagram. For preheating, the fuel tube is laid inside the shocking agent. The unit can function as due to natural thrust in chimney, so with the superior air with a fan. The second option allows to increase the heat transfer of the furnace with the consistent consumption of fuel.

So that you can choose a suitable version of the oil heater for the garage, cottages or greenhouses, we offer to disassemble the pros and cons of both structures.

Advantages and disadvantages of wonder stoves

A two-chamber oven on spent oil has one essential dignity - simplicity and cheap manufacture. Make it is not a problem for any person who owns the skills of welding. The second plus is the ability to burn the most contaminated oils, as they are flooded directly into the chamber without any tubes that can clog.

Now about the disadvantages:

  • low efficiency, which indicates the high temperature of the exhaust gases (do not touch the chimney);
  • the average fuel consumption is 1.5 l. / hour, the maximum - up to 2 liters, which is very much;
  • the furnace smokes into the room during the ignition and smokes a little after heating;
  • high fire hazard.

Mini-oven scheme

Important moment. If in a homemade stove, pour out the work with an admixture of water or antifreeze, while it is evaporated in the chamber there are cotton with splashing of droplets of burning oil through the holes of the shocking agent. From here there is a danger of fire, which can not be extinguished with water.

These disadvantages are verified in practice and is confirmed by numerous revocation of real users. In order for you, you have no doubt about this account, we suggest familiarizing with the video, where the work of the furnace on the oil is shown in the water:

Pros and Cough Drops

In contrast to the previous heater, the oven on the development of drip type is safe in operation, because fuel is supplied with small portions into the bowl, and the pipe with the holes is stubborn in the steel case. Strengths of the stove look like this:

  • economical fuel consumption - from 0.5 to 1.5 l / h;
  • the possibility of incineration of oils with an admixture of water or antifreeze;
  • effective fuel burning, which is confirmed by smokeless exhaust to the street;
  • the oven with a coercive superior air is undemanding to the height of the chimney;
  • the unit does not smoke in the room.

So there is a burning in the dropper

If desired, the dropper can be improved by providing automatic safety, or turning into a boiler by mounting a water shirt. For heat supply to 2-3 registers, it is enough to weld the furnace with a water circuit in the form of a coil installed in the upper part of the case.

Reference. Some craftsmen cut the door in advance in the door of the door stove. They serve not only for cleaning from soot, but also to load firewood, if there is a working out.

A negative point is clogged with oil pipelines during the heater operation. To avoid this, the spent lubricant has to be polled and defend. With the same purpose in a separate fuel tank, the oil pipe fitting is crashed by 5-10 cm above the bottom of the tank where the garbage is set.

We make a simple oven

If you do not scare the disadvantages of a two-chamber stove or you have throughout without impurities, then prepare the following materials for assembling the aggregate:

  • metal 4-5 mm thick or trimming thick-walled pipes of large diameter for the housing;
  • slices of metal rolling for legs;
  • pipe of 100 x 4 mm will go to the long gas yield and the yield of flue gases;
  • a piece of steel sheet with a thickness of up to 2 mm - on an air damper.

Note. The shape of the body does not matter much. From pieces of pipe, the stove will come out round, from sheet steel - square. From pipes with a diameter of 200-300 mm, you can make a mini-oven, although it will have to more often pour fuel.

Focusing on the size specified on the oil furnace drawing, cut the blanks and proceed to the assembly in accordance with the instructions:

  1. Weld up the bottom (primary) camera and make legs for it. Cut over a round hole on top and put an air damper on the rivet.
  2. Drill in a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm hole, as indicated in the drawing.
  3. We breed a ready-made fuelchoveller.
  4. Collect a secondary chamber with a partition and a chimney nozzle. Hold it with the top end of the perforated pipe. On this stove is ready.

A few words about how to make the furnace to be upgraded. If you manufacture 2 ships and increase the size of the secondary chamber, you can increase the power of the heating unit. A sample of such a product is shown in the photo, the fuel tank and the system of safe replenishment "on the go" also occasted to it.

An example of an original design with a bent shoorker, designed for a bath, you can see in the next video material:

How to make a drip stove from the cylinder

As a rule, a stove on working with drip oil supply to the bowl is made from a pipe with a diameter of 200 mm or an old gas cylinder from under propane. The latter is better to take a Soviet sample, where the wall thickness is up to 5 mm.

Council. Do not take an oxygen cylinder to assemble the heater. There are two reasons: too heavy weight and long-term heating from thick walls, as well as the danger of an explosion during metal cutting.

In the manufacture of a fuel tip from the pipe you will have to make and weld to it bottom with a lid. In this regard, the gas cylinder is more convenient: you need to unscrew the valve, fill it with water and cut off the top of the top. After that, act according to the instructions:

  1. Do the holes in the chimney housing and in the lid - under the installation of the shocking agent. In the lower part of the cylinder, you can cut the revision opening closed by a lid on the bolts, which is shown in the drawing.
  2. Make a pipe of the well, druming the hole according to the drawing. In the lower end, make a cutting circle of 9 grooves.
  3. Make a steel bowl, you can from the car brake disc, as shown in the photo. Install it on the bottom of the fuel, lifting it by 3-5 cm.
  4. Put the silent and put on the cylinder cover. Insert the oil pipe into the pipe so that its end is above the bowl.
  5. Make a fuel tank with a fitting (for example, from the expansion tank of heating) and hang it on the wall near the stove. It remains only to connect the chimney and you can proceed to ignition.

If you want to make a stove on working with a water contour, then place the coil from the thick-walled tube inside the fuel cell, it is better from a stainless steel. Place it in the upper zone, and the ends of the tubes output through the holes in the walls. Then they can be connected to the water heating batteries of the garage, as is done in the photo.

Details about the device of a drip oven on the spent oil made with their own hands from the gas cylinder, told in the following video:


Homemade stoves on working out can be very effective, especially when they are made through the mind and upgraded. In some cases, the oil heater can be heated with a private house, but then you need to cook a water shirt for the furnace and turn it into the boiler. The latter will have to be taken into a separate building, for example, a summer kitchen or a barn. Otherwise, the mud and the resistant smell of spent oil will appear in the boiler room.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

Related records:

Without the heating of the garage or another utility room, sometimes you can not do. But how to organize it - this question for most becomes unresolved. The installation of solid fuel furnaces is easy, however, they require the acquisition of firewood, coal, which is a problem in the regions where there are no forests. It is much more easier to agree with the car service, to acquire spent machine oil for a scentual or in a gift - after all, utilization is also worth the money. The masters will gladly agree to give this fuel, subject to self-delivery. Today we will talk about the stoves on working out with your own hands. Drawings, we will provide a video structure, and therefore the reader is easily able to understand everything.

Read in the article:

What is working out and how to use it in heating

Throughout the engine oil, which served its time in the car engine and is subject to replacement. It is merged by changing in fresh, and the old one is subject to disposal in specialized services - after all, it is impossible to pour it into the street.

Small reference! If you pour out the work or other fuel to the ground, all the grass dries at this place, and the "dead" black spot will "delight the eye" for another 5-10 years.

Exhaust machine oil is used in heating systems as a coolant, however, for utility rooms, there is a simpler option that does not require high maintenance costs and the installation of the boiler. We are talking about a self-made furnace on the workout, in which the oil is used as fuel. It may seem to make a similar unit difficult, however, is a delusion. The issue of modernization is being decided - mounted upstanding for stoves. This work can be even a master who has never come across similar designs. But first things first.

Principle of operation of the stove on the workout

It is clear that if you just light the oil, the room is instantly filled with caustic smoke, and it will not be possible in it. This question decides the upstand - perforated tube. Let's discern in the principle of operation of the aggregate.

Simple words, a second chamber is added to the combustion chamber of a conventional oven, which is connected to the first segment of the pipe. The oil, poured into the first chamber, flammifies, but at the same time the soot (in fact, unburned fuel, which gives the main heat) there is nowhere to go, and it rushes through the perforated pipe into the second chamber (wood-burning stove). Through the holes, the mixture is saturated with oxygen, which allows it to burn. As a result, intensive burning arises inside the pipe, turning into the second chamber, and the remaining soot removed to the street through the chimney.

But to understand the principle of work - still half. In order to understand how to make a stove on working out, you need to take into account the many nuances, know the scheme of the unit. In addition, the heating devices themselves can be different types. Let's try to deal with this question.

Varieties of stoves on spent machine oil

Among the total mass of such aggregates, 3 main types are distinguished:

  • open type stoves;
  • closed (drip) type;
  • advanced devices.

The main thing now that the reader understands which constructive features has each of these species, and what they have advantages and disadvantages. We analyze each of them in detail.

Open-type bubzhuyka: its features and disadvantages

We talked about the simplicity of the stove-bourgeitogon on oil-working out. The cost will also be quite low. Another advantage can be called autonomy - from the presence or absence of electricity does not depend on its work. But ... Probably, on this advantages of this species and end. But negative qualities there are much more. Among them:

  1. With the smallest deterioration in the chimney, the stove will begin to challenge the inside of the room, and the flame will fade.
  2. Any fluid that fell into the oil will cause splashing of burning fuel through the holes of the shocking agent. The result is predictable. For this reason, the work should be prepared before pouring into the container, filtering water or other liquids.
  3. Low efficiency with high fuel consumption.
  4. The unit of the unit is seriously cleaned by soot.

However, some drawbacks can be removed if you use some design tricks.

Furnaces on the workout of a closed drip type and their features

This species has cardinal structural differences from the previous one. The perforated thinker is not located outside, but inside the tank. It can be a container welded from a pipe, iron sheets or even a gas cylinder. It provides higher fire safety. There is a bowl, on the bottom of which drops of oil fall on the bottom. It provides small exhaust consumption and increase efficiency.

The minus of this design can be called the complexity of its assembly. The fact is that collecting such an aggregate on foreign drawings, observing the ideal proportions, it is unlikely to succeed. In any case, there will be some refinement during operation.

Supervision oven: manufacturing nuances

The principle of operation of the furnace on the exhaust oil with a superposure made by their own hands is not much different from the previous version. A feature is that the design includes a fan that provides forced air supply. Also, a check valve is also mounted, which eliminates the burning of burning products to the room in the event of a fan shutdown.

Good to know! Such an aggregate is characterized by less fuel consumption with greater heat transfer. The negative quality of the Calrifer on working with forced ventilation is energy dependence. When the fan is disconnected, the thrust is sharply reduced.

Materials manufacturing heaters on spent oil

The main material for making a furnace in the garage on the workout is metal, although some argue that as a perforated afterburner is convenient to use an asbotic tube. However, the practice shows that such material is short-lived, and therefore its use is unprofitable.

The most frequent option can be called an oil stove on working out from the gas cylinder, but it cannot be said that the design of the pipes of various diameters is complex. The main task here is the correct calculation of pipe cross sections for both a tank, perforated afterburning and pondered. With any discrepancy, the unit will work unstable. That is why experienced homemade masters say that such a heater on the spent oil will have to redo several times, bringing to perfection, even if it is performed on clear drawings.

Opinion expert

Engineer-designer Ovik (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) LLC "ASP North-West"

Ask a specialist

"The proper work of such aggregates affects not only clear calculation of proportions, but also humidity, and even the height of the location. This should be considered in the manufacture. "

Positive and negative qualities of various types of ovens

Regardless of the type of stove, they all have both positive and negative qualities. Consider them in more detail.

The advantages of such devices include:

  • not bad heating of closed spaces to which garages, greenhouses, household buildings can be attributed;
  • non-volatility (in the case of mounting the furnace without chance);
  • simple operation;
  • small dimensions that allow the transportation of the aggregate;
  • cheap fuel;
  • the possibility of cooking;
  • lack of open flame.

However, there are a lot of flaws in such tubes:

  • the need to filter the spent oil;
  • chimney, which requires frequent cleaning, must be at least 4 m;
  • rasculated surfaces are very dangerous;
  • specific smell of spent oil;
  • the inability to extinguish the flame, up to the full fuel burnout;
  • fire hazard when improper operation;
  • tangible hum in the process of work.

If, in the process of comparing the advantages and disadvantages, the first category is more significant, then such an aggregate exactly suitable for a home master.

How to make a stove on working out with your own hands: Some tips and step-by-step instructions

As already mentioned, the manufacture of such an aggregate is difficult to name, however, in any, even the most simple work there are nuances. Now let's try to disassemble the manufacture of the simplest drip stove from the gas cylinder. To do this, you will need:

  • directly itself gas cylinder;
  • pipe with a diameter of 100 mm (2 m);
  • corner 5 × 5 cm (about 1 m);
  • steel sheet, 4 mm thick (about 50 cm 2);
  • car brake disc;
  • hose from oil resistant rubber and clamps under it.

Prepare all the necessary details, you can start making.

Production of the stove on drip-type workout with your own hands: Step by step instructions

For the convenience of the reader, we will issue step-by-step instructions in tabular form.

IllustrationPerformed action

First of all, you need to drill a hole in the bottom of the cylinder to exit gas residues. To prevent sparks, the drill must be saved by oil. Drill turnover should be minimal.

Now with the help of a grinder, you can cut holes according to a predetermined drawing (some of them will be presented below).

From sheet steel cut out a bottom with a hole. It is not worth the carved middle part - it will come in handy later.

It is about this way to be located in our stove. We try on it and pull out again - there is still some job with him.

The next step is the preparation of the pipe. Arrow in it holes for air supply. This is necessary for normal operation of the unit.

This is thus welded a ready-made don with a perforated pipe. Welding seams must be high quality. If the home master has no work experience with the welding machine, it is better to apply for help to professionals.

But now it is useful to carved from the middle of the middle. It should be welded to the brake disc from the car.

In the end, it turns out that's what. Now, cutting a small hole and welding a piece of pipe, we get a full-fledged coupling.

You can start the assembly. Pay attention to the bottom of the right. It is on it that the worked oil will flow into the stove.

From the outside the crane and we attach the hose from the oil resistant rubber.

From above of the gas cylinder, we weld the rest of the pipe - this will be the discharge of the chimney.

It remains only to remove the chimney pipe outside of the room.

Raise chimney to the necessary height. It is usually 4 m. This is enough to ensure normal natural traction.

Handling stove with your own hands: drawings, video instructions and some tricks

Having understood in general terms, what is the algorithm for performing work, let's get to the drawings and video instructions. Let's start with the same gas cylinder furnace.

Overbilling oven: Production drawings

Consider the drawings of the oven on working out with their own hands.

Below can be found in the video structure of the manufacture of such an aggregate.

Video and drawings Furnaces on spent oil with water contour

Water contour heaters are a bit more complicated in manufacturing, however, this work is under the power to the home master. We offer to familiarize yourself with the drawings of such aggregates.

The video presented below will help more fully understand the work algorithm.

Handling boilers: Drawings and video equipment

Naturally, the water circuit implies the presence of a boiler. It is about him and will now be speech. Below are the drawings of this design.

And, of course, the video tutorial on the manufacture of the boiler.

As you can make sure, the drawings of the burner burners are simple, and therefore, if you have time, you can quite try to collect such an aggregate. Moreover, it will not require the cost of funds.

Rules of operation and maintenance of ovens on spent oil

In order for the operation of such aggregates to be safe, the site editorial board recommends complying with some rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to allow children to talk.
  2. You can not use to ignite flammable liquids, such as acetone or gasoline. As a result of the vapor flash, you can easily get burns.
  3. It is not necessary to use the work with water particles. This will lead to a fire.
  4. Adding workout to complete fuel burnout.
  5. Use the furnace indoors without the necessary ventilation.
  6. It is prohibited to use the furnace when it is wrong (the aggregate smoke or its burning is unstable).

The maintenance of such devices is reduced to periodic cleaning of the combustion chamber from non-combustible residues and clean the chimney from soot (at least once a month).

If for some reason the home master does not have the opportunity to independently make a similar unit, it is quite possible to purchase in specialized stores or on Internet resources.

At what price can you buy oven on working on the Russian market

Consider at what value such devices can be purchased. Prices are indicated as of March 2018.

brand, modelPower, kW / hFuel consumption, kg / hThe average price (as of March 2018), rub.

27 4 260 000

80 7,2 102 000

11,5 9 680 000

16−43 1,4−4 70 000
94 8,7 425 000

As you can make sure, the cost of factory production aggregates is quite high. So it is more profitable to spend some time and strength, making a similar device with your own hands.

Let's summarize

After reading today's article, someone will tell you that it is easier to buy a stove on the exhaust oil of factory production. However, the cost of such aggregates is not for everyone by pocket. Making the same costs practically does not require that is a huge plus. Of course, you will have to go through the method of trial and errors, but as a result, such a furnace will not only warm the air indoors. It will also be warm in the soul from the realization that all work was performed independently.

We hope that the information set out today was useful to our respected reader. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in discussions below. We will also be grateful if you share your experience - it will help novice home masters. And finally, we suggest to see a short but highly informative video on the topic that will help learn how to solve such aggregates.

With the benefit of applying cast materials is always nice. And if it concerns fuel and heating - it is also very profitable. A bright example is the heating furnaces on the exhaust oil. They can use any oil that can burn. Transmission, diesel, machine, confectionery, vegetable ... really any. There are no problems with fuel for such aggregates. What they found, they poured. Moreover, the oven on working with their own hands is made from the cast materials: an old gas or oxygen cylinder, segments of pipes of different diameters or metal pieces.

The principle of work of self-made furnaces

If any exhaust oil is simply settling, the game will be merciless and even more actively "smell". Therefore, direct burning is not used. First, the volatile substances evaporate, then they burn them. This is the basic principle of design development. Therefore, in some embodiments, the furnace has two combustion chambers connected to the tube in which the holes are made.

In the bottom chamber, the fuel is heated and its evaporation. Flashing couples climb up. Passing through a pipe with holes, they are mixed with oxygen dissolved in the air. Already in the upper part of this pipe, the mixture is flammored, and tramples in the second chamber. Moreover, the combustion of vapors occurs with the release of a much larger amount of heat and a smaller amount of smoke. With the right technology of smoke, almost no, like soot.

The second way of separating the "heavy" fuel (oil of any origin) to "LEGORALLY" components are more efficient, but also more difficult in implementation. For effective evaporation in the bottom chamber, a metal bowl is installed. She is repelled, dropping drops on it instantly turns into volatile combustible couples. In this case, the glow is obtained (with the right mode) white-blue, as when burning plasma. From here it went another name for this design - with a plasma bowl.

In order to achieve the greatest efficiency of fuel combustion, the exhaust oil should be filled with very small portions to the lower chamber. In some embodiments, drops, sometimes - thin trickle. Therefore, they call this technology drip feed.

These are the basic principles of "action" of homemade heating units. There is a very large number of combinations and variations. Several of them are described below.

An example of the burning of testing in a plasma bowl you can see in the video below. This is the oven on the workout "Gecko", it has a built-in water heater and can work as a heating boiler.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main and main plus is that used fuel and oils are used, which otherwise were subject to disposal. In compliance with technology, the combustion is so complete that there are practically no harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The rest of the advantages are no less weighty:

  • simple design;
  • high efficiency;
  • low cost of equipment and fuel;
  • works on any oils, organic, synthetic, vegetable origin;
  • allowed to 10% of pollutants.

Disadvantages are also serious. And the main thing is that when non-compliance with technology, the combustion of fuel is incomplete. And the couples fall into the room, and this is very dangerous. Therefore, the main and main requirement: furnaces working in exhaust oil are established exclusively into rooms with ventilation system.

There are more minuses:

  • to ensure good thrust, the chimney must be direct and high - at least 5 meters;
  • requires regular cleaning of the bowl and chimney - daily;
  • problem Rizhag: You need to split the bowl first, then apply fuel;
  • water-heating options are possible, but their independent design is a difficult task - it is impossible to strongly lower the temperature in the burning zone, otherwise the whole process will fall apart (as an option - install a water shirt to chimney, here it definitely does not prevent the decay of the fuel).

Because of such features for the heating of residential buildings, such aggregates are rarely used. If they put them, then in separate rooms and in the final form.

Application area

In the basic performance, the homemade stove on the exhaust oil warms the air. They are also called thermal guns, heat generators or carriers. For the heating of residential premises, it is rarely used: the air is cut, oxygen from hot metal walls is burned. But to maintain normal temperatures in production or technical premises such aggregates are very effective: quickly raise the temperature. They can be seen on a hundred, car wash, in garages, production workshops, where there are no combustible materials, in warehouses, in greenhouses, etc.

Ovens on working out with their own hands - for the garage is the best option

Many options can be finalized: they can install a coil to heating water or make a water shirt. Such equipment is already referred to the category of hot water and can be put in the water heating system. Without automation oven on working with water circuit requires constant control, but for cottages, host buildings with liverity, etc. This is an excellent option.

How to make the oven on the spent oil

Today there are no one dozen different designs. They use different methods for extracting thermal energy, have a different structure.

Furnaces for burning tube

The furnace is easier if the hull is ready. As such, a gas or oxygen cylinder can be used, a thick-walled barrel or pipe. Below, the diagram explains how to make the stove on the spent oil from the pipe.

The work of this unit is based on evaporation in a plasma bowl. It can give up to 15 kW of heat (on average, it can heat up 150 squares of the area). Large heat transfer due to any changes (samples of a furnace or an increase in air supply) is impossible: the heat mode will break and instead of a larger amount of heat, a larger amount of chad is obtained, and this is unsafe.

The order of assembly is:

After installing the oil-tank, you can begin testing. At first, some paper is placed in the bowl, fuel fluid poured, everything is set on fire. After the paper almost burned, the oil supply opens.

This drawing of the furnace on the exhaust oil is not for nothing in vain with such an exact indication of the materials. It is necessary to use that such spare parts. As a result of the work of the self-made furnace, at a cost of 1-1.5 liters of fuel per hour, you can drop the room to 150 "squares".

Furnace drawing from a pipe or balloon in video format

The oven on spent oil from a cylinder (oxygen or gas) is represented by the author in video. The design is similar to the above described, but with original modifications (and it is a little simpler)

Mini oven on working out with your own hands

This homemade stove with small size and weight (10 kg), the fuel consumption of about 0.5 lira per hour gives 5-6 kW of heat. It is possible to melt it stronger, but it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bit can explode. The design is loved by car enthusiasts: the garage is even in strong cold heats up quickly, oil spends economically, and even compact. Therefore, it can be called "garage".

The fuel tank of this small air cannon is assembled from the bottom and the tops of the standard 50-liter gas cylinder. It turns out a very reliable design (save at least one circular seam from the cylinder - there is a sealing ring, which will give greater strength. Make a reservoir from any other capacity of such dimensions: with a diameter of 200-400 mm and a height of about 350 mm.

In addition to the fuel tank, you need to make a pipe in which the fuel and air mixture is mixed. Wall thickness here at least 4 mm. You can use the tube of a suitable diameter. The cone is boiled from the structural steel not thinner than 4 mm.

The dimensions indicated in the drawing in the exhaust oil can be adjusted to a large or smaller side, but only 20 mm - no more. Especially carefully need to steer the seams in the places of funnels: here the fuel and air mixture is delayed for a long time, which is why the temperature is considerable.

The length of the chimney pipe is not more than 3.5 meters. Otherwise, because of too good thrust, fuel will pull into the pipe, which will significantly increase the flow rate and reduce the heat transfer.

The figure right shows the water-ham version of the self-made furnace. A few turns of the steel tube are made around the top of the Zone, which passes water. In order for the gases to not much fall, the coil closes the heat-refining casing of steel. Cold water is reduced from below, passing along the helix, heats up and goes into the system.

Miracle oven on working out

This option is very popular with summer houses and in garages. Comfortable small stove, which is done with round or square burning zones. The design is so successful that there are even industrial options. For example, one of the enterprises sells it entitled "Rice". The diagram is given all the necessary dimensions.

The scheme of the oven on the exhaust oil with dimensions - everything you need in order to make it yourself

Video report on how to collect this furnace will help navigate in the order of work.

The video below shows the option with square tanks, its refueling and sizes.

Factory options

Furnaces working in exhaust oil make not only the handicraft method, they are manufactured and industry. And there is both imported and Russian. But the type of construction is different.

European or American boilers on the workshop belong to the category of furnaces on liquid fuel. They use the principle of boost: oil is sprayed into small droplets, connects with air flow. And already the fuel and air mixture is set on fire. Importable factory ovens use the same principle, only a special burner is put, in which the fuel is heated before spraying.

To estimate the difference in technology and build, see the following video. The device is completely different.

In most Russian-made furnaces, the first principle is used - there is a hot (plasma) bowl in which liquid fuel is interrupted into gaseous, mixed with air and burned. This principle built the following aggregates:

Drawings and schemes

Models of furnaces that use spent oil created quite a few. And below are several schemes that can push you on the idea, and the oven on working out with their own hands will be effective, economical and safe.

Oxygen cylinder oven

Scheme of the furnace "Gecko"

Stop on spent oil "Typhoon"

The furnace that functions on the spent oil will reduce the amount of waste that contaminates the external environment. The design of the mechanism is pretty simple, so each welder can make such a device. In this article, we will consider the features of the assembly of the furnace on the spent oil with their own hands with the recommendations of specialists.

Principle of work stove

The oven on the spent oil will save the waste for the heating of small industrial premises, workshops of greenhouses and the like. There are different variants of the furnace device, for example, pyrolysis, drip, made of cylinder or assembled from metal sheets. To properly build a furnace to familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions and take into account the advice of specialists in the arrangement of the heating stove.

The furnace operating on the spent oil is similar to the pyrolysis structure. The combustion process is carried out in two stages, where the pairs from the spent oil are initially distinguished, and after these gases are expelled at too high temperatures in this device. The process of combustion of oil and vapor allows you to equip a stove that does not emit toxic or harmful substances, while the efficiency of such a device increases several times.

In order for spending oil completely burned, you must adhere to the installation assembly tips. Such a furnace consists of several important parts that define the installation principle:

1. The chamber in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe oven with low temperature indicators, which is connected to the tank and forms a small opening for oxygen supply. This part is designed to prolonged the development and fuel ignition.

2. The middle part of the installation is a gas combustion chamber together with oxygen. It is made in the shape of a pipe with openings, through which air is constantly entering in the required quantity for the effective work of the stove.

3. The top area of \u200b\u200bthe stove consists of a chamber that the remaining gases are burned, which form the smoke. This part joins the pipe for the chimney, which dismisses unnecessary pairs.

Chimney, which is intended for the design of the furnace on the exhaust oil, must have at least 4 meters in length. Its installation should occur only in vertical accommodation. In the process of combustion, the spent fuels forms a significant amount of nagar, which remains in the pipe, and with a horizontal position, the chimney will rather be clogged. In a similar case, the combustion substances are indoors, which can cause spot gas poisoning. In the building, it is allowed to carry out pipes at an angles of 90 or 45 degrees, however, when the chimney is out of the building, the pipe should be located in a strictly vertical position. The upper area is closed with a headband so that the precipitate does not fall into the stove.

When assembling a furnace on spent oil with water circuit, it is recommended to use high quality steel with heat-resistant properties, the thickness of which should be about 4 mm. The largest temperature load falls on the upper chamber, about 750 degrees. This part of the design is recommended to do from dense metal sheets.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling furnaces on spent oil with their own hands from metal sheets and pipes

The design can be developed from iron sheets or pipes of various diameters, which is determined by the type of device. Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary devices and materials, such as:

  • bulgarian with circles for segments and grinding;
  • metal sheets and pipes;
  • welding device and electrodes;
  • metal corners;
  • metal paint, which is heated to high temperatures.

During the work, it is advised to use the drawings of the furnace in the exhaust oil so that the erected design is correctly functioning. The furnace assembly technology has such a sequence:

1. First of all, it is necessary to build the lower part of the chamber, which is connected to the fuel tank. It has the shape of a straight or rounded tank with a lid, in which there are two pipes. The first is intended for oil supply, and the second to attach the pipe, which leads to the middle part of the installation. It is necessary to cut the element for the tank, the edges of which must be cleaned with the help of a grinder and weld all parts.

2. To the walls of the tank, you need to fight the bottom, as well as attach metal, corners that will be legs.

3. To form a cover, a metal sheet is used in which the holes are cut. The first must be in the center and have 100 mm in diameter, and the second is located closer to the edge, with a hole of 60 mm. The lid can be made removable, which will facilitate the process of cleaning the design, as well as moving the stove.

4. To supply oxygen, you need to prepare pipes with a total length of 370 millimeters, which diameter is 100 mm. They drill holes through which oxygen will be given in, they must be 1/10 part of the total diameter of the product and are equally located along the entire length.

5. The pipe is important to weld to the bottom area of \u200b\u200bthe device, perpendicular to the lid. It is necessary to make an air damper on it, which will be attached with the promotion of bolts or rivets. The hole under the damper should have 6 cm, through which the oil is leaving and the fuel is burned.

6. The design of the top tank corresponds to the assembly of the lower domain. The walls of the device are advised to make 350 millimeters from the pipe.

7. In the metal sheet, which forms the bottom to form a 10 cm diameter with a diameter, which will be located closer to the edge. To the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe opening, it is necessary to prevail a minor part of the pipe, which diameter has 11 cm. It is necessary to attach the product to the combustion chamber of gases.

8. The cover of the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe drip furnace on the spent oil can be exposed to the temperature of 600-800 degrees, in contrast, from other parts of the device. Therefore, for work it is necessary to use metal sheets with a thickness of 6 mm. In the lid, it is important to make an opening for a chimney pipe, which should coincide with the place of opening at the bottom of the camera. Between these parts, it is necessary to make a partition from a dense piece of metal, which should be placed closer to the smoke hole.

9. To the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe cover is attached to the pipe, which after they attach to the chimney. In order for the design to be stable and rigid, it is necessary between the chambers to weld the metal strut in the form of a pipe, the diameter of which should have 20-30 cm.

10. The last stage of the work is the painting of the furnace with special means of processing metal with heat-resistant properties.

Barber oven on spent oil: step-by-step instruction

The mechanism of the ovens on the development must be primitive and affordable as a result of operation. Another embodiment of the stove is the use and re-equipment of old items. In the case provided, we describe the features of the assembly of the stove from the old cylinder. For work, it is necessary to purchase a pipe with a diameter of 8 to 10 cm, the length of which should be 4 meters.

To the question: how to make a stove on spent oil from a cylinder, we offer the following step-by-step instructions for performing work. All work can be done on a small area, most importantly, have the necessary materials and devices. The installation process has such a sequence:

1. For the manufacture of legs, you need to use a metal corner, the length of which should be 20 cm for each part. The product is needed using electrical welding to the cylinder body.

2. Next, we put the design in a vertical position and in the upper domain form a hole, which corresponds to the diameter of the pipe used for the exhaust part of the device. Cutout It is recommended to do with the use of the welding machine, we attach the pipe in the same way.

3. In the pipe you need to make holes that will pass air, the diameter of which should be 10 cm. All work is carried out using a grinder. Holes need to be made to a height of 1.5 meters, having skipped at first 10 cm.

4. At an altitude of 1 meter, it is necessary to make another hole, which is intended for a different radiator. The pipe must be attached parallel to the floor, perpendicular to the wall of the device.

5. In the top chamber, the stove needs to make a small hole intended for the supply of recycled oil.

In general, there are many schemes of a self-made furnace on spent oil. The device from the cylinder is the most compact and practical in use. It has high performance of the efficiency, while its manufacture does not require large waste.

Features of the installation and operation of the furnace

The location intended for installation of the furnace should be smooth. The floor in the garage or workshop for the device can be concreted, otherwise, you need to make a masonry of bricks. The distance between the wall and the furnace should be at least one meter, if the surface is covered with combustible means. An oil hole is easy to arrange for further use.

In various resources you can see the photo of the furnace on the exhaust oil, which indicate different technology assembly technologies. In the device, you need to correctly mount the chimney part, for example, the length of the pipe should be at least 4 meters to form a good traction. From the outside, the pipe must be inspired to avoid the appearance of condensate acids that will destroy the mechanism. The stove on working out from the balloon is very practical, especially when cleaning.

The heating device can function on mineral or synthetic oil. Filling the fuel is needed by half to leave the free area for the formation of vapors. After filling the oil, it is important to leave the flap slightly open so that the oil is saturated with oxygen for efficient burning. Locked the furnace is recommended with promotion of matches, which are lowered to the surface of the oil. After the oil starts to burn, it is necessary to cover the damper slightly, and then, with its help we set the oxygen supply to the chamber.

It's important to know! In the water furnace on the used oil or in a different design, it is not recommended to fill gasoline, kerosene or other substances that are easily ignited.

How to improve the efficiency of the furnace?

The stoves on the workshop are perfect for the heating of a garage or a small workshop. However, in the building with the constant movement of people, it is not recommended to equip such design. The warm-up surface of the stove absorbs oxygen, which is harmful to the respiratory tract of man. If you plan to equip such a device for a residential building, then it must be placed in a separate room. And the heating technology should be water to avoid the allocation of harmful vapors.

Watering method of improving efficiency is to form a sealed tank with a liquid, which is located above the upper chamber. This Baku attaches the fitting for feeding and removing water. They are located at different levels to make the heating of the room of different areas.

Another embodiment of the furnace performance is a certain air convection. It can be equipped with a fan, which is located closer to the top chamber. It cools the camera and at the same time heats the building, taking warm air from the stove. This will extend the service life of the stove on the workout.

Device operation safety

The design of the furnace on the exhaust oil is a system of heating that is fire hazardous. During the operation of the device, you need to know and adhere to certain rules:

1. Before installing the Beggar, it is necessary to check it on working capacity, to remove all combustible substances and materials.

2. In the process of operation of the furnace, oil is not advised.

4. Near the stove cannot be left materials, funds and other items that can easily ignite.

5. Exclude the probability of falling materials to the stove.

If you fulfill all instructions and prescriptions, then you will ensure the safety of the device. Such a furnace is best to collect for small rooms, where there are large stocks of spent oil, for example, in auto repair shop. This option is very economical, because it allows you to use free resources for the heating of the building. Additionally, you can equip a metal sheet on which it will easily heat the water or food.

Device assembly technology We advise you to watch the video about the oven on the spent oil. During the work, you need to adhere to a certain sequence in compliance with safety. This will create a cost-effective and practical oven during operation.