Can there be white mushrooms. White Mushroom: Use, Nutritional Value, Calorie, Application

Composition and calorie content of white mushroom. Useful properties, possible harm and contraindications to the product. In which dishes apply?

The content of the article:

White mushroom is a representative of the family of soothes, the kind of Borovik, hence another name - Borovik. He has yellow with various shades of a hat and a thick white leg. White mushroom can have very decent dimensions: cap - half meter with a diameter, foot - 30 cm. Mushroom skins find them throughout the European Forest territory. They grow in the taiga, and in the plague, and in the Caucasus. Prefer the birch, pine, spruce and oak forests. They are familiar to any soils. White mushroom has a "twin brother", the so-called gule mushroom or Gorchak. This "relative" is dangerous, with a bitter taste, which in heat treatment is only enhanced.

Composition and calorie content of white mushroom

White mushroom is rich in various vitamins and minerals, its composition includes acids that benefit human body.

Calorie of white raw mushroom - 22 kcal per 100 grams of product, of which:

  • Proteins - 3.1 g;
  • Fat - 0.3 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 3.3 g;
  • Food fibers - 1 g;
  • Water - 92.45 g;
  • Ash - 0.85
Vitamin composition of white mushroom per 100 g:
  • Vitamin B1, thiamine - 0.081 mg;
  • Vitamin B2, Riboflavin - 0.402 mg;
  • Vitamin B4, choline - 17.3 mg;
  • Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid - 1.497 mg;
  • Vitamin B6, pyridoxine - 0.104 mg;
  • Vitamin B9, folates - 17 μg;
  • Vitamin B12, Kobalamin - 0.04 μg;
  • Vitamin C, ascorbic acid - 2.1 mg;
  • Vitamin D, calciferol - 0.2 μg;
  • Vitamin D2, Ergocalciferol - 0.2 μg;
  • Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.01 mg;
  • Beta tocopherol - 0.01 mg;
  • Gamma tocopherol - 0.01 mg;
  • Delta Tokoporol - 0.01 mg;
  • Dihydrophilloxinone - 1 μg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 3.607 mg;
  • Betaine - 9.4 mg.
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium, k - 318 mg;
  • Calcium, CA - 3 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 9 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 5 mg;
  • Phosphorus, pH - 86 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron, FE - 0.5 mg;
  • Manganese, Mn - 0, 047 mg;
  • Copper, CU - 318 μg;
  • Selenium, SE - 9.3 μg;
  • Zinc, Zn - 0.52 mg.
Digested carbohydrates per 100 g:
  • Mono- and disaccharides (sugar) - 1.98 g;
  • Glucose (dextrose) - 1.48 g;
  • Fructose - 0.17
An indispensable amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.078 g;
  • Valin - 0.232 g;
  • GISTIDIN - 0.057 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.076 g;
  • Leucine - 0.12 g;
  • Lysine - 0.107 g;
  • Methionine - 0.031 g;
  • Threonine - 0.107 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.035 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.085
Replaceable amino acids per 100 g:
  • Alanine - 0.199 g;
  • Asparagic acid - 0.195 g;
  • Glycine - 0.092 g;
  • Glutamic acid - 0.343 g;
  • Proline - 0.076 g;
  • Serine - 0.094 g;
  • Tyrosine - 0.044 g;
  • Cysteine \u200b\u200b- 0,012
Of the sterols, as part of a white mushroom, 100 grams of the product contains only Campesterol in the amount of 2 g.

Fat, saturated fatty and polyunsaturated fatty acids per 100 g:

  • Omega-6 fatty acids - 0.16 g;
  • Stearinovaya - 0.01 g;
  • Palmitic - 0.04 g;
  • Linoleic - 0.16 g.

Useful properties of white mushroom

White mushroom is a pantry vitamins and minerals that help with various ailments.

What is the benefit of a white mushroom:

  1. Promotes hair growth, nails, skin improvement. Thanks to riboflavin present in white mushrooms, and this process takes place. In addition, this useful substance is also responsible for the growth of the whole human body.
  2. Normalizes all organs. Due to ascorbic acid in the White Mushroom, the entire human body will function well. This contributes to calcium and iron in the composition of this product.
  3. Maintains the thyroid gland. All the same riboflavin plays an important role in the normalization of the work of this body.
  4. Helps in the fight against oncological diseases. Sulfur and polysaccharides in white mushrooms provide assistance in the measures mentioned. In addition, selenium, which is part of their composition, is able to cure cancer in the early stages. And the use of dry borovikov is the prevention of oncological diseases.
  5. Useful in atherosclerosis and anemia. Ether Lecitin as part of these mushrooms does not allow the fats on the walls of the vessels, thereby providing assistance in these ailments.
  6. Helps under angina. Alkaloid Hercedin, present in Boroviki, is used in the treatment of this disease.
  7. Updates cells. The amino acid ergotioneine is involved in their recovery, i.e. Using white mushrooms, we have the benefit for such important human bodies, as eyes, kidneys, liver and bone marrow.
  8. Strengthens the immune system. The digestible carbohydrate in white mushrooms, being the strongest antioxidant, helps the body in the fight against viruses and bacteria.
  9. Helps with inflammatory processes. Phitogormons reduce the likelihood of states that are inflammatory.
  10. Soothes the nervous system. This is due to the vitamins of the group in the composition of the white mushroom. When using this product, a person feels calmly, the mood is improved, sleep and memory, as well as energy exchange.
  11. Helps with tuberculosis. White mushroom, which contains many vitamins and minerals, for this reason and are used as a drug for patients with this disease.
  12. Improves appetite. Using white mushrooms, human digestive juices are distinguished in humans and the desire to eat is increasing.

Harm and contraindications to the use of white mushroom

Despite the fact that the white mushroom is the most popular edible mushroom, and also has many minerals in its composition, not everyone can use it.
  • Pregnant women and children under 14. Hitin, which is contained in the shell of white mushrooms, is difficult to digested by a child organism, and is also not recommended for use for the same reason for pregnant women.
  • People with diseases of the kidneys and digestive system. If there are problems with these bodies, a sufficient number of enzymes are not produced to absorb chitin. Taking mushroom broth, an aggravation may also occur.
  • Suffering from allergies. Allergic reactions may occur on any product, white mushrooms are no exception. They can cause fungal disputes.
Well, it is not necessary to forget that our wonderful "king" mushrooms have a poisonous twin, which causes poisoning. Now people who are not very disassembled in mushrooms should not be collected by those that shine (in other words, change their flower gamut) during cut, and also have a bitter taste. Be careful and take care of your health and your life!

Recipes Dishes with White Mushrooms

White mushroom rightly is called the "king" of mushrooms, due to the excellent taste, which is not worse than meat dishes. But it is not necessary to forget that mushrooms are food, far from lightning for our body, especially if they fry them. Therefore, such fungal dishes are recommended to eat with vegetables. But dried mushrooms retain the largest amount of useful substances, and they taste great. In addition, they can be used without thermal processing.

But, collecting white mushrooms, it should be not forgotten that they are able to accumulate toxic heavy metals from the ground, so it is better to go to the mushroom hunting, located away from the road and industrial enterprises, as well as beyond the city or village.

Recipes dishes with white mushrooms:

  1. . What boring will fit for such thermal processing? Small and freshly cut mushrooms, without land or sand on legs. Components: 1 kg of mushrooms, 2 tbsp. Spoons of vinegar, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, as many lemon acid, 3 pieces of pepper, cloves and laurels and cinnamon (to taste). First prepared mushrooms cook 30 minutes, it is necessary to shoot a foam. Then constrain the liquid. After that, we prepare the marinade from 1 liter of water, adding all spices to it, except vinegar. It needs to be added at the end of cooking. When he is ready, put the mushrooms in it and cook for another 20 minutes. Now expand the boron in sterilized banks and cloculate. Wrap up to cooling. Without pickled mushrooms, it is difficult to imagine any feast.
  2. Salted white mushrooms with cold way. For processing of 3-3.5 kg of boron, it is necessary to take 0.5 cup of salt and 70-80 g of butter. First, we prepare the mushrooms: we rinse, cut into pieces, and we leave small. Then we weld them 2 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then we drag the liquid, and let the mushrooms be cooled. Further in the dishes laying white mushrooms with legs up, with each layer with the salt. Putting a blow to 5 days. Then put the product into banks, the lines of a little melted oil. We cloculate and in a cold place. Eat with an appetite!
  3. Salty White Mushrooms Hot Fashion. For this recipe with white mushrooms, take them 1 kg, will also need 1 cup of water and 2 tbsp. Salt spoons. Well, of course, we still need fragrant pepper, carnation, laurel leaves and dill branches to taste. All the necessary ingredients, except for mushrooms, suck in a saucepan and bring to a boil. We put on this broth prepared boron and cook for 25 minutes, while taking off the foam. Then we merge brine separately for cooling. Mushrooms lay out from the jar, pour brine and close the lids tightly. Keeping such a delicacy is needed in a cold place a month and a half.
  4. Simple Solyanka with White Mushrooms. Components: 2 kg of fresh mushrooms, as many red tomatoes, 1 kg of bow, as much cabbage, 0.5 kg of carrots. This is the number of mushrooms and vegetables, but what about the seasonings and spices? So, we need 0.5 liters of vegetable oil, 20 black pepper peas, 70 g 9% vinegar, 3 tbsp. Spoons of salt and sugar. First, we take for mushrooms: we rinse, cut into small pieces and drunk in water for 20 minutes, adding a little salt, while we definitely remove the foam. Then we rinse vegetables. After that, the cabbage and onions are shining, the carrot three is large, and we cut the tomatoes with small slices. Now we mix all the composite solankans, add spices and seasonings, except vinegar. It should be added at the end of cooking. And she is on her slow fire and a half hours. We declare into sterilized banks, we cloculate and wrap at 5 hours.
  5. White mushroom sauce with cream. For this recipe, frozen white mushrooms are suitable in the amount of 500 g, and 0.5 l of cream is needed, 1 onions, 1 tbsp. Spoon flour, salt, pepper and butter to taste. First you need to weld the washed mushrooms in a slightly strale water. Then we cut them onions with large slices and fry on oil. At the end of the roasting, add flour and cream, as well as salt and pepper. Cook to the delicate of sour cream. Such a sauce is perfect for macaronam, buckwheat and boiled rice. Drink on health!
  6. Dried White Mushrooms Soup. This dish is obtained so fragrant that it is prepare without seasonings and spices. Ingredients: dried white mushrooms - 100 g, bulb and carrot, potatoes -5 pieces, as well as flour - 1 tablespoon, vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, salt to taste. First of all, we take for the preparation of mushrooms. Since they are dry, they should be poured with water for 3 hours to swell. Then we rinse them, cut and cook about 40 minutes in 3 liters of water. Mushrooms lay down on the bottom of the dishes - they were already welded, i.e. ready. Now it came up to add potatoes, naturally, washed and sliced \u200b\u200bwith small pieces. And cook more our soup for about 15 minutes. At the same time, you need to prepare a stroke of a coat of carrot and a labeling bow. Vegetables, of course, take washed and squeezed from the peel. We add flour, mix and fry minutes 3. Then we put it in the soup, salt and cook it for another 10 minutes. This dish can be decorated with greens and serve with sour cream.
  7. Buckwheat porridge with white mushrooms. So, what do we need for this dish? Of course, 1.5 glasses of buckwheat and 4 pieces of dry white mushrooms. And we will take 2 bulbs, 2 eggs, 130 g of grained oil and salt to taste. First, switch the cereal and rinse it. Then poured it with water, approximately 3 glasses. Add crushed mushrooms and cook 10-15 minutes before evaporation of the fluid. Then we cover the porridge into something warm for 15 minutes. Now we are preparing a roaster: onions are finely cut and fry it, add finely chopped boiled eggs and salt. I put all this in porridge and mix well. From such a dish, you will not delay you for your ears.
  8. Cheese salad with white mushrooms and chicken. Components: 0.5 kg of pickled Borovikov, 1 chicken breast, 4 eggs, 200 g cheese, 3 potatoes, and what salad without salt, mayonnaise and greens. We will take them to taste. First of all, cook potatoes, eggs and breasts, and then need to be cleaned. Salad lay out layers into a wide plate: Hat potatoes, chopped mushrooms, powdered eggs, chicken meat and grated cheese. And, of course, I plunge the mayonnaise each layer. On top decorate greens. Insist 2 hours. Bon Appetit!
  9. Salad "Tenderness". We will need 300 g of pickled white mushrooms, 1 onions, 3 salty cucumbers, 5 boiled in mundair potatoes. Well, and we can not do without 200 g sour cream, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper and dill to taste. First, fry the sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms and onions in the oil until ready. Potatoes "undress" from uniforms and cut into cubes, also cut and cucumbers. All products are mixed in a bowl, add sour cream, whipped in foam, salt, pepper and dill. Such a gentle salad will decorate any feast.
  10. Spaghetti with white mushrooms and ham. Recipe products: Spaghetti - 250 g, White mushrooms - 200 g, Ham - 100 g. And we also need a creamy oil - 70 g, tomato paste - 4 tablespoons and salt to taste. First, I boil mushrooms and spaghetti, of course, in different saucers. Then we apply boring and frog in oil, adding a chopped ham and pasta to them. This mixture is added to spaghetti.
  11. White Mushroom Cutlets. First, 250 g of washed mushrooms are kept 3 minutes in boiling water. Then the water is executed. Now we skip the mushrooms, the bulb and the white bread, 3-4 pieces through the meat grinder or milk. Add egg, salt and mix. We form the cutlets and fry on vegetable oil.
  12. Stew with white mushrooms and vegetables. First we rinse and large cut 250 g of white mushrooms. Then there are 10 minutes on their oil. Solim and pour 2 tablespoons of tomato-puree, pre-diluating it in 0.5 glasses of boiling water. Now we clean 5 potatoes, cut into cubes and shops with products. After 5 minutes, add 3 tablespoons of rice and as much fresh peas and cook Raga for another 20 minutes, closing the dishes with a lid. At the end of cooking or saving salt, pepper and add greens. And finally, you can serve to the table.
And, of course, from white mushrooms, an excellent filling or filler is obtained for pies, dumplings, dumplings, zraza from potatoes. They can stuff a variety of wafer baskets or tubes, pancakes. And the mushroom cake is out of every competition!

Many people have a Russian folk proverb "White Mushroom - All Mushrooms Colonel". And, indeed, it is very famous not only in Russia, but also far beyond her cordons. In the ancient times, a white mushroom has rushed in Rome.

And in Italy and now this fragrant product is very like, although the collection of mushrooms and controls the forest police. It should be noted that the demand for these forest gifts is significantly higher than the actual harvest of mushrooms, so they are imported from abroad or organize tours and trips to Mushroom Finland.

The white mushroom was obtained by the white mushroom because of the white surface of the Hat, which remains the same even after drying. Mushroom hunting falls on June-August. The first boring appears with the first spikelets of rye, so they are also called "spikelings". With 1 hectare of land per season, you can collect 64-260 kg of white mushrooms.

They meet on all continents, except Australia. And in Russia they can be found in Kamchatka, and in Chukotka. In ancient times, the word "mushroom" was made all the mushrooms that could be fascinated, but more this word was exactly white.

And now about white mushrooms-record holders. In 1961, a forest giant Borovik was found in the Moscow region, which weighed 10 kg, and the diameter of the "Head Upory" reached 58 cm. Three years later, not far from Vladimir discovered a huge mushroom weighing 6 kg 750

Watch the video about white mushrooms:

White mushroom is a product that you can eat in the post. Having an unsurpassed fragrance and taste, it contains a lot of useful substances. Marinated mushrooms, salads with boring and other dishes - decoration of any feast. Of course, buy white mushrooms on the market or in the supermarket will not be difficult. But it is best to collect them better, and then prepare yourself, observing all caution measures.

The people have legends about the miraculous properties of many forest gifts. The benefits of white mushrooms according to scientists are very exaggerated, although they have a certain nutritional value. Mainly discusses the benefits and harm of the White Mushroom in the light of the latest reports of mutations among representatives of the forest underground kingdom of mushrooms. Now on the background of the weather of the weather, many wounds edible species are dangerous and poisonous. But still the benefits of white mushrooms for the human body exists, and it lies in the saturation of his pulp with a light and well-digestible vegetable protein. In addition, in the structure of Borovikov, containing vitamins, amino acids, minerals in large numbers. You can read the benefit and harm for white mushrooms for the body of a modern person on this page - in the material there are arguments for and against their use in large quantities.

Is there any benefit in white health mushrooms

Despite the fact that mushrooms make a variety in our menu, increasing the taste of other dishes, their nutritional value is small: they are poorly absorbed due to a large amount of fiber containing chitin, which himself is not digested, and makes it difficult to enzymes access to food substances concluded In the chitinous shell.

Is there any benefits in white mushrooms depends on what nitrogenous components are absorbed. The high content of extractive and aromatic substances in the mushrooms enhances the release of digestive juices, exciting the secretory function of the gastric glands, mushroom decoctions cause a large juice effect. That is why dishes from mushrooms in medical nutrition are not used. People suffering from sharp and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, including pancreas, ulcerative disease, gastritis, kidney disease, liver (cholecystitis, hepatitis, renal failure), metabolic disorders, mushrooms are contraindicated, they can not be.

It is not recommended to use mushroom broth to people suffering from hypertensive disease, due to the large number of extractive substances in it. But the fungal broths (without mushrooms) doctors are allowed for Achilles (the absence of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice), if there are no inflammatory phenomena in the stomach. You can eat mushrooms and mushroom soups with diabetes mellitus. Kushans from mushrooms (boiled and fried) should be used only in fresh form. Having stood about 1-2 days, they become tasteless and even harmful to health. Mushrooms - Food for healthy people. But it should be remembered that the excess amount of mushrooms eaten and in healthy can disrupt the activities of the stomach and intestines. And if the mushrooms were old or poorly processed, then, not even being poisonous, they often cause poisoning.

White mushrooms are the most useful. The benefits of white health mushrooms: there are more protein than in other forest mushrooms, but the content of vitamin RR is 2 times less than in low-headed, and vitamin B2 is less than in the boost.

Mushrooms are useful for the prevention of diabetes.

They have a very low glycemic index - 10. This means that mushrooms do not increase the blood glucose levels and do not overload the pancreas. Mushrooms help get rid of excess weight. Because they are low-calorie - 17-25 kcal per 100 g. And also mushrooms are digested for a long time, due to which a sense of satiety is created for a long time. Mushrooms do not have breakfast. Because it is pretty heavy food, they are difficult to digest. In addition, the mushrooms contain many tryptophan, which has a sleeping pills. Mushrooms are more useful to eat at lunch or for dinner. Mushrooms improve the work of the nervous system. Mushrooms contain group vitamins that are necessary for the normal nervous system. The consumption of mushrooms dilute blood, lowers cholesterol levels, activates lymphocytes, increases the production of the immune system of alpha interferon, tumor necrosis factor (FN) and interleukins-1 and interleukinov-2. These substances help the body to resist cancer tumors.

Dried white mushrooms: benefit and harm

The benefits and harm of dried white mushrooms are currently being actively discussed. There is an opinion that they allow the prevention of oncology. Eat mushrooms regularly with vegetables, and you will prevent cancer and strengthen the immune system. The only thing, just to eat a raw or even fried mushroom, is not enough - it is necessary to "extract" the substance necessary for the prevention or treatment of matter - mushroom polysaccharides. For this, it is necessary to cook soups from mushrooms and there are mushroom broths. In this case, polysaccharides from the mushroom wall - chitin - will be able to go into broth and work for our immunity.

Studies of Australian scientists have shown that the risk of breast cancer in women decreases by 64% for those who daily used 10 g of mushrooms.

No need to look for large overseas rarers, our white mushroom acts oppressingly on malignant tumors, especially firing. This has already been confirmed experimentally. The benefits of dried white mushrooms lies in the fact that the powder of them retains almost all its healing properties. Useful to take 1 tsp. Powder, drinking water, 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals. A tincture of fresh hats (full jar to pour toast vodka, insist 3 weeks) you can drink 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before eating courses for 3 weeks, breaking 7 days. Outwardly, you can treat skin cancer, frostbite, burns.

General Therapeutic properties of white mushrooms:

  • antitumor effect through the strengthening of the mechanism of antitumor resistance of the body;
  • directed activation of various immune executive elements;
  • increasing NK cell activity, increased formation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL), activation of macrophages; an increase in their life cycle;
  • the potentiation of various lymphokins (interleukin 1,2 and 6);
  • an increase in the synthesis of A-FNF (tumor necrosis factor);
  • an increase in the production of interferona and an improvement in the action of interferon-y 2-4 times;
  • an increase in the production of perforines and grazes;
  • restoration of reduced immunological reactivity, which is always observed during irradiation and chemotherapy;
  • opposition to the depressive impact of cytostatics on the amount of white and red blood cells;
  • during chemotherapy and irradiation, relief of such symptoms as weakness, anorexia, vomiting, dry mouth, spontaneous sweating and pain;
  • immunomodulation;
  • analgeal action;
  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • hepatoprotective effect is an improvement in the functional state of the liver, a decrease in enzymopathy.

The benefits and harm of the white mushroom- The question that exciting many people. This is a wonderful component of many dishes, which has a truly unusual taste and unique aroma. Unfortunately, not all people can rightly appreciate the taste of this remarkably mushroom, since it grows mainly in the middle lane of Russia and is practically not grown for production (like the same champignons, since their production costs themselves cheaper).

Immediately it is worth saying that white mushrooms are the perfect option for people who suffer over weight. Because of their low calories and special components, they can quickly cause a feeling of satiety, which will not give a person to overeat and receive unnecessary calories. Especially this product is appreciated among the chefs. After all, it can be prepared in such a way that it will create a truly unique atmosphere on the table. In addition, the aroma of the White Mushroom is able to attract the attention of guests.

Mushrooms are more than 90% consisting of water. So you can include them in your diet of healthy balanced nutrition. Of course, you can always eat cucumbers or celery, but they can over time to get bored. And the weight is permanently dumping, and not short intervals, so white mushroom usethis is a very significant question.

Unlike many other fungi, this kind is truly easily absorbed by our organism, so you can use it in large quantities and be sure that almost all useful substances have been absorbed and already distribute their useful properties.

Our body can assimilate about 80% of amino acids, which are part of this product. Also, a white mushroom includes 22 amino acids, of which our body can synthesize useful proteins. Agree that it is very and very cool, since proteins are pretty difficult. Especially well satisfy the need for protein young caps. Therefore, if you walk in the woods do not even throw away the smallest fungi.

Also as part of white mushrooms, you can find PP, C, B vitamins and many others. If you do not use for some reason bread, cereal or liver, then this product will be able to easily compensate for all flaws. By the way, the content of vitamin B1 white mushroom is a real record holder. There are very few plants that can take it to this indicator.

Due to the large content of vitamin PP (it is even more than in the liver), you can forever forget about problems with the disease of the internal organs. True, for this you need there are white mushrooms in very large quantities, which is not always useful. But you know which product will help you if you suddenly have a shortage of the lack of these elements.

Also white mushrooms are excellent sources of microelements such as copper, zinc and iodine. I think you should not explain how useful data components for our body are useful. So this product can easily replace many other goods that deliver our body the necessary iodine stock: seafood, sea fish and sea cabbage. They sometimes simply missing money, and it can buy white mushrooms, perhaps everyone.

TO useful properties of white mushrooms You can include their ability to restore the body after prolonged diseases. Components that are part of the composition help toning muscles, as well as increase their endurance. Therefore, this product will be incredibly useful for representatives of various sports specialties. Especially if you are actively engaged in running or swimming.

If you do not like to eat fried mushrooms, you can always cook broth. Yes, some of the beneficial properties will be irretrievably lost, but they will preserve a lot. So lovers of mushrooms will also be how to please their own organism. You can also add white mushrooms and other recipes. It will bring the dish unique flavor, taste and consistency. Do not be afraid to experiment.

Due to the rich composition of extractive substances, white mushrooms can increase the peristaltics and secretion. So if you have problems with this, you will always know which product you need to use.

It is worth noting that despite the high digestibility, it can still be improved. To do this, it is necessary to produce heat treatment. As a rule, white mushrooms prefer to fry. Perhaps this is due to the unique taste, which is obtained with such a processing method. You can also conquer them a little before burning, to even better reveal the taste and aroma.

In the classic cooking of mushrooms, almost all the same thing is that they are made with meat: the broths are boiling, they make sauces and podlivals, add to salads. Moreover, sometimes several components can use. For example, chop first mushrooms in a salad, and then add a little sauce to improve the taste. It all also: much depends on your imagination and individual preferences.

White mushroom usewhich is substantiated, can use losing weight in order to diversify their diet. Nutritionists recommend cooking soups from them, which in no case can meat, otherwise spoil the entire effect. But from popular stuffed mixtures using this product in this case it is better to refuse, because the final result is too calorie.

White mushrooms themselves are not very calorie - about 290 kcal per 100 grams of product. Moreover, after thermal processing, this indicator may become even less. So that calorie of white mushroomsit remains quite small for dietary food.

The biggest harm is not the white mushroom itself, but other varieties that remind him. They can be very poisonous, so that the use is better to refrain until you consult a professional mushroom. It is worth noting a simple way to identify this mushroom - it never darkens on the cut. You can use it for the initial check.

  • Despite the rich composition of micro and macroelements, amino acids and vitamins, this gift of nature is coming far from all people. In case of intestinal diseases, kidneys and stomach, it is better to abandon this product completely. Also, in chronic diseases of the digestive system, it is necessary to exclude the use of broth, as it can cause exacerbations;
  • It is also worth noting that in white mushrooms in large quantities contains chitin and many other types of fiber. People with a weakened microflora will not be able to fully assimilate this product;
  • The use should be abstained by pregnant and lactating women;
  • Individual intolerance to certain components that are part of the composition may also be present;

This can complete an article about benefit and harm white mushrooms. This information is enough to draw conclusions about the harmful and beneficial properties of this product. If after reading you have left any questions - boldly ask them in the comments. There you can send your wishes and recommendations. We recommend that you read the article about the benefit and harm of the sucrap.

Since the nutritionists have been proven by the benefits of white mushrooms, this food product has ceased to be just one of the delicacies. Now it can be safely attributed to the ingredients capable of improving the state of health and lift the quality of life. Unfortunately, white mushrooms, like no less useful boosts, are practically not grown in artificial conditions.

As soon as possible, it is recommended to collect white mushrooms or purchased on the market and press. Best of all, if the stock is enough for a year, until the next season. Such a pre-treatment will be deprived of white mushrooms only moisture, and all components necessary for therapeutic effect will continue to be in virtually the full.

Useful substances as part of Borovikov

White mushroom (Borovik) consists of 90% of water, so it can be the basis of useful and balanced nutrition. There are many amino acids in it, 80% of which are perfectly absorbed by the body. This list includes 22 chemical compounds that act as the source product for protein synthesis. Nutritionists argue that in 1 kg of dried boroviks, the same protein is contained as in 1 kg of beef. At the same time, the vegetable protein is usually designed worse than the animal, however, in the case of white mushrooms, the difference is practically imperceptible.

Here are some more substances that make white mushrooms an indispensable and useful product:

  • Vitamins of group B. Their content in white mushrooms is such that, in fact, covers the daily need. If sub-products, grain and bread are excluded from the diet for any reason, white mushrooms completely compensate for the lack of group vitamins B, warning the scarce state.
  • Vitamin C. Ascorbic acid contributes to the careful cleaning of the body from all extra, including from the results of the decay of the fungi themselves.

People suffering from excess weight, you can turn on white mushrooms in your diet. They are distinguished by low calorieness, but quickly give a feeling of satiety. They can eat until full saturation, without fear of weight gain. True, this rule does not act in the case of sour cream based dishes, with the addition of potatoes or other calorie ingredients.

  • Vitamin RR. A universal substance, whose deficit negatively affects all internal organs. Name Boroviki is primarily prescribed to people with a lack of vitamin.
  • Copper, zinc and iodine. Minerals responsible for the quality work of the glands, including the thyroid and prostate in men.

The benefits and harm of white mushrooms depend on the method of their preparation. Favorite fried dishes are very tasty, but not so helpful. Better to boil mushrooms, use in casseroles, cook in pots. Many useful substances remain in the broth, welded on Boroviki. He may even replace the mushrooms themselves.

Use of white mushrooms

White mushrooms often compare the boomines. They are really similar in composition and taste characteristics. But Boroviki is absorbed by the human body much better and faster. Only they can be consumed in fairly large quantities and not fear that a feeling of gravity will appear.

White mushrooms have several more useful properties for health:

  1. They help the body faster to recover after the transferred operation, illness, exhaustion. Substances in the composition of Borovikov increase muscle tone and endurance, so they are recommended by athletes.
  2. The secretion of the stomach and intestinal peristalsis is improved. Against this, the body digest food faster and cleaned from all over.
  3. White mushrooms stimulate exchange processes, which allows you to quickly get rid of overweight, fight obesity. It is noteworthy that even the low calorie content of Borovikov decreases even more after heat treatment.
  4. The abundance of vitamins has a positive effect on the work of the brain. People engaged in intellectual labor with the help of white mushrooms can get rid of headaches, low concentration of attention.
  5. Amino acids and antioxidants launch the overall cleaning of tissues and organs, contributing to the removal of toxins. No need to forget that mushrooms are a product of plant origin, therefore they have many substances that stimulate metabolic processes.

All listed results can be calculated only in the case of using high-quality fungi. Although there is an opinion that Boroviki does not absorb radiation, toxic waste and various poisons, it is better to refrain from their collection in environmentally unfavorable areas. Buying products from hand, it is necessary to estimate its appearance, make sure that there are no dubious stains and divorces, damage on the hats and legs.


In some cases, the benefits of white mushrooms may cause damage to the body, although the most danger is not boring themselves, but their toxic counterparts. To protect yourself from collecting or buying dangerous mushrooms, you need to remember that the slice of a white mushroom does not darken.

There are several states that are contraindications to the use of white mushrooms in any form and quantity:

  • Acute and chronic bowel diseases, stomach and kidneys. In this case, it is necessary to refuse not only from the product itself, but also from broth or sauces based on it.
  • The abundance of chitin and fiber can adversely affect the state of people with an unstable intestinal microflora. The product will not be worse to digest, the cause of uncomfortable sensations.
  • Boroviki, like all other mushrooms, should not be used by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Individual intolerance to Borovikov happens rarely, but at the tendency to allergies to mushrooms, it is better not to risk.
  • For children under 5 years old dishes with mushrooms can be too heavy. It is better to wait and restrict ourselves to weak broths.
  • The organism of the elderly also does not always respond well to white mushrooms. The main thing is not to abuse them and quality processing.

Do not focus on the constant preparation of the same meals from white mushrooms. In combination with various additional ingredients, they show themselves in different ways. Mushrooms can be prepared for a pair with vegetables, use as a filling when driving meat and birds, stew in various sauces. Substances in the composition of Borovikov are able to activate the activity of chemical compounds in the composition of other components, which will manifest itself in an even more pronounced effect.

White mushrooms

Which belong to the family


Are a very valuable product. They grow both in America and in Europe. The benefits and harm of white mushrooms are discussed by many nutritionists and doctors.


White mushrooms are very helpful. They grow in birch, oak, spruce, pine forests. Even in Lebanon, Syria, China and Japan, Mongolia and Turkey are found. Some forests they face, for example, Olkhov and Aspen.

In spruce or pine forests, hats mushrooms are darker, and in birch - brighter.

The only country where they do not grow, is Australia. Very common in Russia, where they are found by groups near the cheese makers, chanterelles. The nutritional value is 3.7 g of proteins per 100 g of product.

Composition of white mushrooms

White mushrooms belong to the first category. The composition includes a lot of useful substances, for example, Riboflavin, which is responsible for the normal work of the thyroid gland, as well as for the overall health of the body, hair growth, nails. Here is the alkaloid Herchin. It is used in the process of treatment of angina. As part of white mushrooms, a lot of glycogen, which is also called "animal starch", as well as carbohydrates and proteins. The benefits of them much more than harm.

These fungi also includes phosphates and potash salts, minerals. About 90% of the entire mass falls on the water. The nutritional product is small, because the protein that it contains is quite difficult to digest with the body. As part of white mushrooms, there is also an alkaloid of the canpher, the benefit of which is that a person feels a tide of strength.

The nutritional value of a white mushroom: per 100 g of the product accounts for 3.7 g of fats.

Calorie of white mushrooms

The calorie content of white mushrooms is 34 kcal. Energy value is not too big, it does not exceed 100 kJ / 100g. The nutritional value is 1.1 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of delicacy. In the process of their processing, they do not become darker, so they are often added to the soup.

A similar broth has 7 times a large calorieness than meat.

The nutritional value

The nutritional value of the product in 100 grams is 1.7 g of fats and just over 1 g of carbohydrates. The protein content is just over 3.5 g. About 90 g is water. There are also disaccharides and saturated fatty acids.

Poisonous twin

Many people like to collect white mushrooms in the forests. However, be careful: they are very similar to poisonous bile mushrooms. The main difference is a layer under a hat, which has a dirty pink color. They are bitter flesh, and the drawing on the leg is dark mesh.

White mushroom use

The benefits of this product are known to each cook. He is unpretentious, absolutely safe for every person. From it you can prepare delicious salads, very nutritious soups, as well as delicious sauces. The caloric content of such dishes will be not too big, so they can be used and during a diet. The product is only 34 kcal.

Their main value is excellent flavoring properties. They are very useful for those who have problems with the stomach.

The benefits of mushrooms are explained not only by nutritional qualities.

This product is applied in pharmaceutical. White mushrooms are very useful for those who suffer from mastopathy, they are used to cure oncological diseases. They have pronounced antitumor properties. Use is useful in that they are treated with angina and serious frostbite. Also, the mushroom is used to treat patients affected by Koha's wand.

White mushroom has a number of medical properties. In dried form, it is an excellent cancer prevention. It is necessary to extort the product to the powder state, and then every day there are 1 spoon - excellent treatment of cancer. It is also recommended to use cores.

White mushrooms are actively helping when frostbite. First, they need to be in air, then make an aqueous hood, then lubricate the skin sections that were amazed. Medical properties will quickly eliminate the effects of frostbite.

Harm of white mushrooms for the human body

The damage of white mushrooms is admissible only because of human activity. They are able to absorb both heavy metals and toxic substances whose sources are industrial enterprises. If they are incorrectly stored, then they are able to harm the body, causing a violation of the digestive process.

White mushrooms can easily poison children. The product contains chitin, which is quite difficult to digebly with the growing organism. It turns out that this representative of the fungal kingdom can easily become the cause of the stomach disorder.

Stomach upset

White mushrooms can cause a stomach disorder in children

If the poisoning of these mushrooms occurred, then rinse the stomach. If complications arise, then it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. White mushrooms are very useful, but absorbed very hard. The damage of the mushroom is minimal with proper use and poisoning occurs this species is quite rare.

White mushrooms

White mushroom - mushroom genus Borovik. In the people, it is customary called Borovik, although he has another 19 titles.

Borovik is considered to be king of mushrooms, since it is beneficial for its quality from other "relatives". White mushrooms can reach 30 cm in height, and in such giants the diameter of the caps can be up to 50 cm. The largest found white mushroom was a mushroom, weighing over 10 kg and having a hat 58 cm in diameter.

This mushroom grows in many forests except Olkhov and Osinov. It is distributed practically throughout Eurasia, and often it can be found in North America. Find Borovik, but less often, you can in Lebanon and Syria. In the forests of Russia, the Borovik is very simple, especially if the forest is young (up to 50 years).

Properties of white mushrooms

"Tsar of Mushrooms" received his rank of profit. It is considered the most nutrient, has an attractive and appetizing aroma, as well as an excellent taste. Due to this, it is very appreciated in cooking.

The color of the Hats can be different: light yellow or dark brown. It depends on the location of the fungus and from its age. For example, in a pine forest, a white mushroom has a dark hat.

Not entirely experienced mushrooms can sometimes confuse Borovik with various inedible mushrooms, for example, with a bull mushroom. They differ in the lower surface of the Hats. At Borovka, it can be a green or yellow shade, and at the bile - dirty shade. Also, the pulp of the inedible mushroom has a pinkish color, and she herself is bitter. Borovik also has a white flesh and does not grit. And the bile mushroom has a characteristic grid on the leg, and the Borovka does not have it.

The white mushroom is 90% consists of water, due to which it is small, only 34 kcal per 100 grams.

Use of white mushrooms

Borovik is a natural and affordable storehouse of vitamins and useful properties. To stimulate digestion and improve the work of the biliary juices, you can use broth from Borovik. In this regard, it is considered even better than traditional meat broth.

The number of vitamins in white mushrooms is rather big. In addition to B1, C and D, there are also carotene, and riboflavin. The latter, by the way, is very useful for the proper operation of the thyroid gland, as well as for the beauty and health of the nails, leather, hair.

Borovic has such important properties as tonic, antibacterial, antitumor and wound-healing. With oncological diseases help to fight the part of polysaccharide and sulfur.

Among the useful components, lecithin can be noted, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of the vessels, which is very important in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Amino acids help the cells to be updated, activating the corresponding processes.

It is very useful and an antioxidant, which is very much in Borovik. It prevents viruses, bacteria and other harmful substances into the body.

It is used even in medicine. It is particularly effective with tuberculosis, reduced metabolism, body exhaustion, and a special aqueous extract is useful in such problems as an ulcer or frostbite.

Application of white mushrooms

Boroviki to use freshly prepared is not entirely correct, because in the body, along with useful proteins, chitin comes, which just prevents them with assimilation. In connection with this mushrooms, it is recommended to dry first. As a result, the chitin is partially evaporated, and proteins are losing only 1/5 of a part of the total. At the same time, other useful qualities are preserved. Dry mushrooms can be even as crackers.

Despite the many useful substances, small calorieness, boring, especially fried, are considered severe food. In order for the body to be easier to absorb them, it is recommended to combine them with fresh or boiled vegetables. You can also add them to vegetable soup in small quantities. This will give the necessary portion of vitamins, but will not overload the stomach.

In general, they are preparing like the rest of the mushrooms. They can be boiled, dried, fry, freeze and marry. Frequent dish is the potatoes with mushrooms.

Harm of white mushrooms

As mentioned, Borovik has a property of giving a load on the stomach, liver and kidney. Therefore, in the presence of problems related to these bodies, it is better to refuse from white mushrooms. It is also known that Boroviki has a "absorbing" quality of various toxins, such as lead or mercury. Therefore, it is very important to collect mushrooms in an exceptionally clean area, far from the industry and the tracks.

It is advisable not to give meals with white mushrooms to children under 14, since their digestive system is extremely difficult to cope with chitin.

White mushroom is considered to be a king among other mushrooms, called the "noble" mushroom. Its beautiful taste, many useful properties and a beautiful appearance and do not leave indifferent almost anyone.

White mushroom contains a lot of substances beneficial substances to the end not yet studied by science. It has long been considered a valuable food product, and not only for high taste, but also for the ability to raise immunity, providing the body with complete complexes of the necessary trace elements.

The substances included in the composition of white mushrooms prevent cholesterol sediments on the walls of the vessels, contribute to the splitting of fiber, fats and glycogen, which makes it useful in atherosclerosis. Also in white mushrooms contain many antioxidants, providing a strongest impact on the immune system, creating protection against viruses, bacteria, fungi and carcinogens.

White mushrooms are an excellent source of proteins, their composition includes a number of enzymes needed. White mushroom is used as auxiliary tool when decaying forces, tuberculosis, to improve metabolism. In addition, in white mushrooms, more than in others, contains riboflavin - substances that meet the function of the thyroid gland.

White mushrooms have wound healing, anti-infectious, toning abilities. They are recommended for diseases of the eyes, skin and nails, as Ergotioneine contained in mushrooms supports cell regeneration processes.

Most of these beneficial properties of a white mushroom are preserved during drying. Dried mushrooms add soups, stew, meat dishes. They can be boiled and stew, dried white mushrooms in their tassels are not inferior to fresh.

How to collect white mushrooms

White mushroom reminds those mushrooms that everyone paints in early childhood. White mushroom has a large fleshy brownish hat and thick white leg. The color of the hats depends on the age and the place where the mushroom grows, they are yellowish, light brown and dark brown. Dimensions are different, usually height 10-15 cm, but sometimes the mushroom can achieve sufficiently impressive sizes: in a height of 30 cm, and a hat is up to 40 cm in diameter. No wonder the white mushroom is called the "king of fungi"!

The bottom surface of the hat is yellowish or greenish, and the leg is white. It is sometimes confused with a bull mushroom. The form of them is similar, but the bile mushroom has a dirty lower surface of the hat and on the leg - a dark pattern. The main difference is the pulp of the gall mushroom on the breakfast of light pink and bitter.

White mushrooms grow in different places, in deciduous and coniferous forests, in forest paths. It is impossible to collect mushrooms nearby lively trails or industrial areas. It is known that all mushrooms, and not just white, are strong natural sorbents. They absorb toxic substances, among which cadmium, mercury and lead. Therefore, mushrooms collected in environmentally disadvantaged areas will bring not benefit, and harm to health.

How to clean white mushrooms?

White mushrooms are practically not needed. Pretty well wash. To do this, put in cold water and hold there for some time (half an hour or hour). During this time, part of the sand and plant residues will be mocking themselves. Then cut dark places and clean from the remaining garbage. With the legs of the old mushrooms, it is recommended to remove the skin completely (it is tough), with young trim only dark places.

Mushrooms are cut in half or for more parts to make sure that they are not damaged inside. Purified mushrooms lay out in a bowl. White mushrooms are ready for cooking.

How much do you need to cook white mushrooms before frying?

Usually white mushrooms in front of the roasting are boiled in salted water. Cooking time - 20 minutes after boiling.

How much to fry white mushrooms after cooking?

Boiled white mushrooms are laying out in a colander so that the glass is completely glass. The skillet warms and roasted mushrooms for 15-20 minutes.

How much can dried white mushrooms?

Dried white mushrooms cook not much more than fresh, but it is important before you soak them for 2-3 hours in cold water. Then put on fire and cook 30-40 minutes.

How to store white mushrooms?

In order to please yourself with delicious mushroom dishes in winter, they are usually marinate, frozen in the freezer or dried. Marinated mushrooms have excellent taste and ready to use immediately after opening the bank.

The most accessible and simple methods of processing mushrooms is drying. Dried white mushrooms appear new aromatic and taste properties, as well as they are better absorbed compared to fried fresh or pickled mushrooms.

White mushrooms - use

The rich taste and beneficial properties of the White Mushroom at all times could not leave anyone indifferent to themselves, so it was always called "king of fungi" in Russia.

Healing properties of white mushrooms

White mushroom belongs to the genus of Borovikov and is considered one of the most popular and delicious mushrooms. It grows on all the continents with the exception of Australia and Antarctica, and is the most tailed mushroom for residents of Asia and Eastern Europe. But contrary to such popularity, white mushrooms are not cultivated due to the unprofitability of their cultivation.

White mushrooms are used both in fresh (fried, stewed, boiled, and occasionally and in raw form) and in pickled and cheese. Dried mushrooms are crushed to powder condition and are used as a spice for various dishes. Also from mushrooms are preparing all sorts of refills, sauces and various soups.

White mushrooms with mint

Use of white mushrooms. How are white mushrooms useful?

The white mushroom contains tocopherol, ascorbic acid, niacin, folic acid, thiamine and riboflavin.

White mushroom is able to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, surpassing even meat broths in it. In addition, in white mushrooms, large quantities contain sulfur and polysaccharides, which provide substantial assistance in the fight against onco-scab. Also, white mushrooms have tonic, antitumor, wound-healing and anti-infectious properties.

The lecithin is part of the White Mushroom, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the vessels and is very useful for anemia and atherosclerosis. And Ergotioneen stimulates cell renewal and is especially useful for bone marrow, liver, kidneys and eyes.

Also in white mushrooms contain a large number? - glucan - non-digestible carbohydrate, which is a strong antioxidant and providing a powerful impact on immune protection, helping the body to fight carcinogens, fungi, bacteria and viruses. At the same time, the composition of the white mushrooms is replete with enzymes that contribute to the splitting of glycogen and fats.

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White mushroom (Boletus edulis). Description, distribution, types and beneficial properties of white mushrooms

  • What to do with white mushrooms?

Good day, dear visitors of the project "Good Have!", Section "Floristics"!

From this article, I will begin to publish information about mushrooms on the site, and I will begin, perhaps, from one of the most famous edible mushrooms - white mushroom!

White mushroom (lat. Boletus Edulis.) , or borovik - Tubular edible mushroom genus Borovik (Lat. Boletus), Family Holetacea (lat. Boletaceae).


White mushroom is widespread in the forest area around the world, except Australia, preferably grown in birchings, pinemas, dumbers and spruce.

The main areas of the spread of white mushrooms: Almost all Europe, and North and Central America, North and South Africa, in Asia is known in Turkey, Transcaucasia, Northern Mongolia, China, Japan, in all areas of Siberia and the Far East, sometimes it can be found in Syria and Lebanon on old oak stumps . To South America (Uruguay) is listed with the plantings of mycorrhis-forming trees. Growing out in Iceland and on the British Islands.

White mushroom is one of the species that are most disturbing in the Arctic zone, on only some subberezoviki. Russia meets from the Kola Peninsula to the Caucasus and from Western borders to Chukotka, but unevenly distributed. In Tundra, it is very rare, it is known only in the mountain tundra of the hibin, Kamchatka and Chukotka, in the forest tundra also rare, but in the northern taiga, directly adjacent to the forest tundra can occur very abundantly. The abundance of a white mushroom decreases in the direction from the west to the east of the European part of Russia to East Siberia, in the Far East can occur abundantly. In the forest-steppe an abundance of it decreases sharply, but the mushroom completely disappears only when switching to the steppe zone. In mountain forests occurs less frequently and is usually less abundant than in the plains.

White mushroom is considered a light-loving view, but in some forests it can be found in highly shaded places, under dense crowns. It has been established that in the yields, the amount of mushrooms does not depend on the illumination, and under adverse conditions (sampling of the soil, low daily temperature) mushrooms appear mainly on open, well-warmed areas.

The optimal fruiting temperature in July and August 15-18 ° C, in September 8-10 ° C. Large differences and night temperature drops and a large amount of precipitation prevent the development of fruit bodies. The optimal meteorological conditions of the mass appearance of a white mushroom are short-term thunderstorms and warm nights with fog.

White mushroom is well adapted to any types of soils, except for swamp and peat, grown alone, or group. It is best grows on well-drained, but not overwhelmed soils.

Description of white mushroom

A mature white mushroom hat reaches a size of 7-30 cm diameter (sometimes up to 50 cm), convex, the old mushrooms are flat-convex, rarely spread. The surface is smooth or wrinkled, in dry weather it can crack, naked, can be thinner (especially at the edge), rarely fibrous scaly. In wet weather, the surface is slightly mucous, in a dry matte or brilliant.

The color of the skin - from red-brown to almost white, with age darkens, can also be lemon-yellow, orange, purple tones, often the color is uneven, with light edges, sometimes with a narrow pure-white or yellowish rim. The skin is increasing, not separated from the pulp.

The flesh is strong, juicy, the old copies of the fibrous, whites in a young mushroom, yellowing with age, does not change the color after cutting (it is extremely rarely a weak color of the color to pink or blue), under the dark-painted skin there may be a layer of brown or red-brown shade. The taste is soft, weakly expressed, the smell of raw pulp is weakly distinguish, a strong pleasant mushroom smell appears during cooking and especially when drying.

The leg is 8-25 cm high (usually up to 12) and up to 7 cm thick (rare 10 and more), massive, barrel or male-shaped, stretched with age and can become cylindrical, extended or narrowed in the middle, the base often remains thickened. The surface is whitish, brownish, sometimes reddish, can have the same shade as a hat, but lighter. Covered with a grid of white or brighter residences. The mesh is usually in the upper part of the leg, but it can be descended to the base, it is much less common or poorly expressed.

The tubular layer with a deep excavation near the leg is easily separated from the pulp the cap, light, young mushrooms are white, later turns yellow, then it becomes olive-green color, very rarely happens with a pinkish-red tint. Tubes 1-4 cm long, pores are small, rounded.

The remains of the bedspread are missing.

Spore powder olive-brown. Spores belt-shaped, average size - 15.5? 5.5 μm, dimensions can rather vary even in the same sample (11-17? 4-5.5 μm), occasionally occur strongly elongated, up to 22 microns, but their width does not exceed the usual one.

Custides are found in large quantities in young mushrooms, mainly on the surface of the hymenophore (heylocystides), terrible, form a fooling layer, which causes white color of a young porous surface. After opening, cystides are focused on the edges of the tubes. There are also cystides on the threads of the net drawing of the leg (caulcisis) and on the surface of the caps (pylebocistics).

Useful properties of white mushroom

White mushroom - edible mushroom, and in the countries of Eastern Europe, he is considered one of the best fungi for taste, but there are some kinds of mushrooms, outwardly somewhat similar to white, but in fact, they are not only inedible, but also dangerous mushrooms, For example - Satanian mushroom.

In the people, the white mushroom is counted to the so-called "noble mushrooms", and refer to the "king of mushrooms".

White mushrooms found in fir-birch forests are considered the most delicious. White mushrooms collected in pine men, do not have a strong aroma and are distinguished by a more loose pulp.

White mushroom is used in fresh (boiled and fried), dried and marinated species. When drying mushrooms do not darken and acquire a special smell. In the form of a mushroom powder (dried and ground) is used to refuel different dishes. Italy is used in raw form in salads, refilled by oil, spices, lemon juice with the addition of parmesan cheese. White mushroom sauces are well suited to rice and meat dishes.

In addition to taste, the nutritional value of the fungus is explained by its ability to stimulate the secretion of digestive juices. There were studies of the socognistic properties of various mushrooms (white, boletus, podbotzovka, Dubovik, chanterelles), which showed that it was white mushroom that is the best digestive stimulator, superior to even meat broth.

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, studies were conducted, which showed that the protein of freshly prepared edible mushrooms is very difficult to digest, as it is concluded in the chitin walls that digestive enzymes do not affect. Later it was found that after drying the protein becomes available for the digestive system, up to 80% of protein of dried white mushrooms are absorbed.

Types of white mushroom

White Breath Mushroom (Boletus Form Betulicolus)or Boletus Edulis Form Betulicola. It features a bright, to almost white coloring cap and growing under the birch.

White Spruce Mushroom (Boletus Edulis Form Edulis). The edge of the huts leather, sharp. A hat from above convex, brown. Tubular surface light yellow or olive yellow. In the length of the tube - 1-4 cm. The leg is dense, pin-shaped, in the lower part has a mesh pattern. The flesh is dense, white, when cutting without changing color, has a pleasant smell.

White Pine Mushroom (Boletus Form Pinophilus), or variety borovaya (Boletus Edulis Form Pinicola). This form has a large dark hat, sometimes with a purple tint. The flesh under the skin brownish-red.

White Mushroom Dark Bronze, or grab (Boletus Aereus or Boletus Edulis Form Aereus). Very dark mushroom, to almost black, grows in beech and oak forests. It is found in Europe, in more western and southern regions (from Spain to Western Ukraine) and in the United States.

White Mushroom Mesh (Boletus Reticulatus) or Boletus Edulis Form Reticulatus. This form has a light-colored browing or ohloous hat and a short cylindrical leg, it resembles a mokhovik. Grows with beech and hub in Europe, Transcaucasia, North America and North Africa. It is found in June - September, not often and not plentiful.

White oak mushroom (Boletus Edulis Form Quercicola). The oak form of a white mushroom is a warmer lubble, massively occurs in summer in wide, oak forests. The color of the hat is grayish-brown with whiten stains, the leg is quite long, thickened to the base, one color with a hat with a weak grid along the entire length of the leg. In oak forests, a bronze form with a small bronze bronze-brown-brown hat with a darker vertex, with a gray-pallet leg and a small-straampling pattern, almost all over the entire non-thick leg is made.

Record sizes

In 1961, a white mushroom was found weighing more than 10 kg with a diameter of a hat 58 cm, which reported Moscow Radio on September 20, 1961

In 1964, a white mushroom was found under Vladimir weighing 6 kg 750 g (message "Soviet Russia" on July 28, 1964)

White mushroom, or Borovik, is considered an elite tubular mushroom. On the cut, it has a snow-white flesh, which possesses a characteristic feature - it does not darken after heat treatment. This property made it possible to call it white. Borovik is also famous for its taste: it has a rich mushroom taste and a thin fragrance with nuts.

The appearance of the mushroom does not correspond to his name: its hat is never white, and can have a shade from the milk to brown. The younger mushroom, the lime of his hat. The legs of these mushrooms have a mesh surface of milk, beige or gray. They are of different sizes: from small to 7-10 cm in diameter to giant - more than 30 cm in diameter. It is believed that the biggest white mushroom had a diameter of a hat about 60 cm, and it weighed to 11 kg. About such a find in 1961 reported "Moscow Radio".

What looks like

White mushroom has a convex cap with a velvety or smooth surface and a skin, not separated from the pulp. The leg of the cylindrical shape and has thickening at the base, a thin mesh pattern of light color is determined on its surface. Borovik has a pleasant mushroom fragrance.

Boroviki grow in forests almost everywhere: in Europe, Asia, North and South America, in the north of Africa. They prefer coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests with sandy, samp and thin soils. Depending on whether Borovik grows next to what trees, its appearance changes. Accordingly, agriculture is distinguished by many varieties of these forest gifts. Most often there are such varieties of Borovik:

Birch (spikel)

He has a beige hat, grows in birch forests. It is often found in the forests in Russia.


It has a booze or orange hat and a short cylindrical leg. It grows in beech, oak, robust forests of Europe, in the north of Africa.

Bronze (copper, grab)

It has a dark brown haired and the same dark leg, but at the same time white flesh. It grows in the deciduous forests of North America, in the south and west of Europe.


He has a dark hat, often purple, color. The color of the pulp of this Borovka is a boring red. It is found in the pine forests of the North of Europe.


He has a gray-brown hat with light spots. Grows everywhere in oak forests.


It has a long mace-shaped leg and a chestnut hue hat. Growing in fir and fir forests.

The duration of the vegetative period of Borovik depends on the latitude: in the northern latitudes - from June to September, in moderate latitudes - from May to November. Most often they grow by families, and maturity reaches a week after the appearance that for fungi is a long cycle.

The mushrooms before the collection must be carefully learned to study the peculiarities of the color and the appearance of the species of Borovikov, which usually grow in the zone of the alleged collection.

How to distinguish a real white mushroom

Regardless of the variety of white fungus there are several features that allow it to allocate Borovik among the inedible bile and satanic fungi:

  1. The tubular layer in Borovka is only white, dairy or light yellow. The dark color of the tubular layer is a sign of failure.
  2. The mesh on the leg of the present Borovka is never dark.
  3. The flesh of the edible product of light shades, does not darken on a break or cut, when pressed and after heat treatment does not change the color.
  4. If the tubular layer is painted in a dirty white or pinkish color, a mesh on the leg is dark brown, and the hat has a brown or brown color, then it is probably a bile mushroom (Gorchak). When flew, the pulp often darkens (but not always).
  5. Satanic mushroom has a bright (orange or red) tubular layer and a barrel-shaped leg with a bright red mesh in its middle part. On the cut, the pulp changes the color from white or yellowish on a purple or blue. The smell of such a mushroom reminds onion.
  6. When collecting Borovikov, it is impossible to rely on their worm as a sign of edible!

The main rule of each mushroom s) is not sure - do not take!

How to Collect

To assemble real edible white mushrooms, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. The best time for their collection: warm and wet weather without sharp temperature fluctuations.
  2. It is better to collect Boroviki in the early morning, then juicy wet mushrooms are kept longer.
  3. It is impossible to go to the collection of mushrooms into arid weather. The dry air "pulls out" moisture from the pulp and leads to an increase in the concentration of harmful substances in it.
  4. It is necessary to collect mushrooms only in environmentally friendly areas: away from industrial zones, automotive tracks, railways, landfills, cleaning structures, fields, pastures and livestock farms.
  5. No need to take the worm mushrooms. Vital products left by worms in the pulp is almost impossible to wash or clean it, so they can be poisoned.
  6. Do not collect big-size boring. Large size is a sign of maturity: the older than the mushroom, the more toxic substances accumulate in it.

In addition to their own security, it is necessary to collect mushrooms so as not to harm nature:

  • in order not to damage the fungouncing, the find from the mushroom should be turned out or cut off;
  • if the mushroom turned out to be worm or overripe, it is not worth throwing it to the ground. It will be better to hang it on a small bitter a tubular layer down. So the dispute will be hung out on the soil, and its dried pulp in the cold season can be combined with forest animals in food;
  • poisonous mushrooms cannot be destroyed, because they are the necessary link of the forest ecosystem.

It is necessary to take care of the surrounding nature in the forest in the forest: the forest is home to a large number of living beings.

How to harvest and store

It is believed that the useful properties of cut borodies are preserved for 8-10 hours after harvesting. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the harvest as soon as possible and engage in its workpiece. Mushroom cleaning technique depends on the method of their workpiece.

To properly prepare Boroviki to the workpiece you need:

  1. Immediately after collecting the lower part of the leg during its strong contamination, it is necessary to trim, and the remaining part of the leg and the hat is cleaned with a toothbrush from sand and soil. It must be done before the product turns out to be in Lukoshka.
  2. If a worm mushroom caught, then he should not take it. One worm can spoil the whole lukshko forest products. If there are only single worms in the tubular part of Boroviki, they must be cleaned. To do this, it is better to cut the mushroom in the cravicultural site.
  3. Boroviki before drying can not be washed, because during the drying process they easily mold.
  4. Highly contaminated mushrooms, designed for other methods of workpiece, except for drying, it is necessary to soak in salty for 10-15 minutes.

After cleaning, the process of the workpiece itself occurs. Methods of workpiece are considered the most popular:

  • drying;
  • freezing;
  • canning;
  • pickling;
  • soldering.

The choice of method of workpiece depends on the taste of mushroom pickers. It is believed that when drying Boroviki is best preserved their taste and aroma, so this method is currently the most common. They dry them in the shade outdoors, in attics, in the furnaces, ovens, microwave ovens and special dryers. It is possible to store dried white mushrooms for 1 year in dry rooms at air temperature + 18 ° C +/- 2 ° C.

Useful and therapeutic properties

White mushrooms are valued for their high taste. They contain few substances indispensable for the human body, so they cannot be attributed to products that must be present in any diet. However, for vegetarians who do not use animal proteins, dried borodies can become a good alternative.

White mushrooms contain:

  • vitamins (,);
  • minerals (,,);
  • polysaccharides (, beta-glucan);
  • alkaloids (Hercess and Cepense);
  • and, including ergotioneine;
  • , including lecithin;

White mushrooms have a number of useful and therapeutic properties, which can be attributed to:

  • dietary - low energy value (in 100 g of fresh white mushrooms contains 34 kcal);
  • the ability to stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands;
  • toning properties;
  • immunomodulatory action;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • hypocholesterolemic properties (due to lecithine);
  • regenerating properties (due to ergotionen);
  • antioxidant effect (due to beta glucan);
  • wound-healing effect (external).

In medicine, white mushrooms are rarely used as a medicament. The main testimony for treatment is:

  • prevention of cancer. According to statistics, women who use borustics in food regularly are less sick of breast cancer. This fact suggests that they have an anti-cancer property, probably due to the high content of sulfur in them associated with polysaccharides;
  • diet and therapy with tuberculosis. Immunomodulating, antimicrobial and toning properties of Borovikov strengthen the weakened immune system of patients;
  • atherosclerosis. Lecithin contained in Borovka reduces blood levels;
  • frostbite. The aqueous extract from dried boroviks during external use helps to restore the skin after frostbite.

Before applying Boroviki for medical purposes, it is necessary to visit a competent doctor. Mushrooms cannot replace basic disease therapy: they can only be auxiliary means in their complex treatment.

Hazardous properties

Fresh Boroviki contain a difficult digestible substance - chitin, so they relate to severe food, the digestion of which requires the strengthened work of all digestive glands. In dried white mushrooms, chitin is missing, therefore the benefit from the protein is thus thus harvested products are much higher than when consumed in fresh or thermally treated form.

Mushroom sauce

The handful of dried gifts of the forest is poured with water by 1.5 hours, which is drained later, and the product is thoroughly carried. After that, it is poured 1 l of fresh water and boiled for about an hour. The frying pan is roasted to the golden color onions, boiled borodies are added, fry under the lid for about 15 minutes. Stirring the wedge, introduce 3 tbsp. Spoons of flour, then diluted with mushroom broth to the desired consistency. Add sour cream, greens and spices to taste. Such a sauce is well suited to the pilaf, pasta dishes, buckwheat caress, meat.

Recipes of dishes from Boroviki in different form There are a large set - these are soups, and pilaf, and roast, and pies, and sauces. All these recipes combine unique aroma with nuts and a memorable saturated mushroom taste.


Borovik - a unique forest product, source of protein. Their high tasteful value at low allows you to widely use these forest gifts in cooking, and the presence of extractive substances, sulfur, beta-glucan, ergotioneen, lecithin, vitamins and minerals - to apply in the complex treatment of severe diseases (oncology, tuberculosis, atherosclerosis).

The presence in the shells of Boroviki large quantity causes the difficulty of digesting their proteins. Therefore, there are a number of contraindications for the use of these products. Partially the problem of difficult digestibility solves drying mushrooms, which facilitates the bioavailability of mushroom proteins.

To enjoy delicious forest white products, you need to be able to collect them correctly, harvest and store. Before sharing in the forest for mushrooms, you need to replenish your knowledge of knowledge with valuable information about the rules of their collection, so that the delicious food is not dangerous. Buying Boroviki in finished form (dried, salty, canned), preference should be given to products of industrial manufacturers, and not random handicrafts.

White mushroom, wearing another name Borovik, is one of the most famous mushrooms. It has been used for many centuries in food using for the preparation of various dishes. But at the same time few people know that the white mushroom has even rich medical properties that are effectively used to treat many diseases. Boroviki is distributed throughout the middle lane in Russia, so their use is actually unlimited. Therefore, let's talk about the healing properties of white mushrooms more.
Composition, benefit

White mushroom is unique in the content of vitamins and minerals. It has all the necessary elements, and some at all in record quantities. So it presents a large amount of vitamin A and E, and they are necessary for the prevention of cancer.
Useful substances obtained by our organism from mushrooms are much more useful than tableted drugs, thanks to its natural origin.

Borovik contains a lot of vitamin D, which is important for normal bones, prevention of rickets, osteoporosis, diffuse goiter, diseases of the joints and bones, as well as hormonal disorders. In white mushrooms, this element is closely related to the protein, which ensures its fast suction from the digestive tract, and, as a result, rapidly absorbing the body.

Many lovers call Borovik a kind of table of Mendeleev, because in his pulp the many microelements and minerals. Among them, far from the last place is selenium, allowing to prevent the development of cancer ailments and help in their treatment.
Also, the white mushroom contains potassium, providing normal nutrition for the heart muscle. It has iron and calcium, which is important for the health of the joints and bones, as well as to maintain hemoglobin at a normal level.
So with a small-class can be added to food Grinding white mushrooms. This will help not only normalize hemoglobin, but also intensify the work of the immune system and prevent the development of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis.
There are many phytogormones in Borovics. One of them is called Gibbellin and is a growth hormone. It was open not so long ago, but already might and main used in breeding, veterinary medicine and pharmaceutical.
The avid mushrooms always paid attention to the fact that Boroviki often grows under huge trees. In fact, the plants are obliged by this hormone, which in addition to protects them from various infections.
Currently, this is a truly unique property of mushrooms is actively used in cosmetology for the preparation of funds that helps get rid of alopecia and baldness, as well as stimulating eyelashes and hair growth and restoring their structure.

White mushrooms include polysaccharides capable of slowing down and even suppress the growth of various tumors. They can also serve as a means of preventing neoplasms. Polysaccharides are able to stop the growth and reproduction of various bacteria and microbes. They normalize the balance of blood by changing its formula.

Also, these mushrooms include eight amino acids, which are indispensable, and their admission allows you to increase immunity and improve the overall state.

Borovikov contains such a substance as melanin. It is quickly adjusted to the structure of the cells and speeds up their further division and regeneration of tissues. If you attach fresh mushrooms to some kind of wound, it will heal faster. You can also use dried mushrooms, splas to the state of the powder and sprinkling wounds or ulcers.
Recipes for application

For the treatment of burns, frostbumps, non-healing and lay, prepare the following means: Fill fine-chopped boiling water mushrooms, observing the 1:10 ratio and insist in a thermos one hour.

Cashitz from the white mushroom pulp can be used as a face mask. This will help to rejuvenate and restore the skin, as well as add it elasticity and improve color.
Such cashem can be used to combat scars and stretch marks, it will help make them less noticeable and align the skin.

White mushrooms in food are an excellent means to combat atherosclerosis, they successfully derive "bad" cholesterol and help the resorption of plaques in the blood vessels.

Borovikov contains a lot of riboflavin. This element helps to normalize the functional activity of the thyroid gland and maintain it at the proper level. In addition, it helps skin regeneration processes and promotes hair growth and nails.

Recipes of traditional medicine argue that regular consumption of white mushrooms allows you to cope with obesity, decline and even tuberculosis.

Boroviki is unique in that it is allowed to receive food without heat treatment. They are eating dry, like crackers, and add like seasoning to finished dishes.

White mushrooms can be boiled, dried, maril. When dried in them, all the beneficial properties of fresh product are preserved. Dry mushrooms can be used as medicinal nutrition, and you can twist and prepare a filling for pies or soup.

Where to find mushrooms?

For marination, mushrooms need to be washed and cut. The finished product should not cover with metal covers, prefer polyethylene. Jars at the same time need to be stored in the refrigerator.