It is possible to use tomatoes instead of tomato paste. Tomato Mashed

The question is how to replace the tomatoes, they are tomatoes, in cooking quite relevant. Because many do not eat tomatoes (still Ostap Bender did not recommend Milliona Koreiko to eat tomatoes in food, especially in the morning). One simply does not like their taste, other tomatoes cause allergies. Third eat tomatoes do not recommend doctors.

How to replace tomatoes and tomato paste when cooking hot and cold dishes? The choice is not big. Only red pepper.

But in what form to use the pepper instead of tomatoes - there are options.

First, the crude Bulgarian red pepper. It will replace tomatoes not only when cooking hot dishes, but also in salads. For example, take the Uzbek SocHuk Salad. No worse than tomato salad, and to taste, and for health benefits.

In second dishes and in soups, you can add not only raw red pepper, but also various pepped pastes. For example, Adzhika or Bulgarian perepnaya paste "Lyutenitsa".

Great to the Korean soybean red paste. It gives dishes intense red and very interesting acutely sweet taste. Moscow is sold in Korean shops Pepper Paste Gochu Jang Hot Pepper Paste.



Interesting about O. Bander. Need to refresh in memory)
As far as I know, the tomatoes are quite thickening blood (a large content of vitamin K, beta-carotene and licopean), although they write the opposite, so who has a predisposition, they are better not.

I will add the first answer - it is possible to give a red, "tomato" dish, and it is not possible with the help of fresh bell pepper or a paste on its basis, but by adding a dry powder-shaped hammer of red sweet pepper into a dish (paprika), especially if you are not interested in a change in taste or fragrance Dishes, but only giving a red dish.

Moreover, I recommend using a sweet ground pepper - it practically does not give acute, adding only color and sometimes pepper flavor. Unlike acute red peppers, sweet ground pepper (paprika) can be added to any dishes at your discretion and in any quantities. The dish color will be bright red, and the taste and flavor this spice almost does not affect.

Hungarian goulash can be given as an example - - most owners are confident that his red color gives him a tomato and / or tomato paste, and in fact, in the classic recipe for a goulash tomatoes and products of them are not used at all, and the red color attitude a significant amount Dried Ground Red Sweet Pepper

Visitiously use of ground red sweet pepper powder for coloring dishes in red shown on the attached video

Is it really strange questions?
But I have already been asked than replacing vinegar than replacing sugar, so questions about replacing eggplant on zucchini, and everything else can not surprise me on tomato paste.
I have not yet learned how in such cases respond. After all, no matter how to answer - the asking is offended, because the distance feels that I looked at his comment, as in fresh (censorship).
Okay, let those who wish are offended, and we need to prepare for the first May!
After all, there should be not only kebabs and boots on the table, right? A good table must be decorated - cheers! - Vegetable snacks, which I brought a lot from Morocco to you.

Look at the ingredients - everything is very simple and affordable, if not to othant about plastic and do not wait for the "own, with a bed, without fertilizers."
Here are such eggplant and tomato in any supermarket - yes they went!
In small saucers left row, top down: paprika, olive oil, sump hammer.
Right row: garlic paste in oil, parsley, charisma.

Garlic paste: cut the head of garlic on the equator, shake the halves of garlic cloves into a blender, add vegetable oil and crushed. Store in a closed jar in the refrigerator.
Harisa: If authentic, then rub the sharp pepper in the mortar, with the addition of garlic and oil, zira, and at the request of even lemon juice and mint. If quickly, then all the same, only in the blender, to the state of a homogeneous paste. If it is interesting, then first grind garlic with pepper and zila, and then pour hot olive oils, let it cool, then straighten the taste of lemon, zila, and then sugar with salt, achieving the perfect taste. Just need to understand that Harisa is not food, it is seasoning, exactly the same as, for example, mustard. It is added little to the finished meals or used as an ingredient when it is necessary to add a little spicy sharpness.

Well, that you know!
Want - on coals, right on the site of the picnic, if there is nothing more to do.
Want - houses, in advance.
Want brutality - right on the gas burner.
You want as it should be in the oven at 220 s, sometimes turning, until the skin of the skin starts, and the pulp inside does not turn into a soft mass of milk chocolate.
And then - you also know - it is necessary to clean.
You can wrap in a cellular package, if you are so tasty during a picnic. At the same time, make your contribution to Russian nature, as an excess bag with garbage.
If you are not so and never act as piglets, then after baking eggplants at home you can be put under the cover in a small pan. When cooled, will be cleaned once or twice.
If you have time to dissolve in cold water two or three spoons of salt, then lower the eggplant into the water and clean right in the water.
In general, the baked eggplant along the knife was cut, and the tablespoon was trembling. I do not know why people in the kitchen complicate even in cases where it does not lead to any changes in taste.

Here is an open, remove seeds and cut the tomato.
Can be knife. You can do the same thing on the grater. You can use a food processor that is still dust, but it is if you are not too lazy then wash it and put it again.
Okay, in general, tomatoes cube on a frying pan.

Following a bit of olive oil.

Then a little chassa. Just let's not extremes? Do not add at all, because, you see, you do not like sharp - wrong. Do not love? OK, let's better vinaigrette. But if you love, then to bloom there with spoons, so that it is not to feel the taste of other products, and that the next day your fingers even through paper is also wrong. All good measure!
But the sharp note should be present, otherwise all this idea does not make any sense.

Salt. If you worked in a restaurant, I would advise you to add salt a little more - so that the customers drank more. Bar and drinks bring good profits, and nothing needs to do. Throw my glasses!
If you were preparing for a charitable evening with an economical budget, I would advise you at all to slander to repel the guests appetite.
But if you cook for yourself and for your favorite people, then salt so that the food, getting into the tongue, immediately awakened the salivation!
(oh, see? And I'm talking about whiskers! With whom we will tell, as they say)

Hammer zira. There is a lot of kitchens in the world, where Zira is not used. But we gathered here to talk about the eastern cuisine, right? So - Zira! And a hand with a gun sharply, with a whistle, down. I said: Zira!

Paprika is quite different in sharpness. But I know that some people are panicly afraid of red. We don't even ask them.
To people are reasonable: here you have, on the one hand, there is a charisma, known to you, and on the other - paprika, also known acute. Do you want to keep balance? Parka is sharp - less Harissa, paprika is sweet - more Harissa. But the number of paprika is a constant, it is not only for taste, but also for color!

Parsley. Yes, Parsley in Morocco is fry and use it as a spice. Yes, it does not kill her taste, and reveals, keep in mind.

Look at the previous photo and on this. Do you see changes in color? The reason is not only in the paprika, the reason for the caramelization of the sugars, which are in tomatoes. Fry it must be stirring, before evaporation of a significant part of moisture. While water in a pan is much, evaporation occurs, therefore, the temperature cannot rise above 100 ° C and caramelization of sugars does not occur. But when there are few water, on the surface of the products the temperature is the same, 100c, but it may well be between the frying pan and tomatoes and all 130-150s, when and the magical change occurs in the taste of tomatoes from "Don't Eat for the night" before "give me more ! "
Bear, interfere and interfere again!

Now, ah, eggplant!
Eggplant is ready, it is only to marry him with tomatoes - mix, evenly distribute, make one whole!

And that this whole is delightful, adding, if you do not feel sorry, just a little parsley, eh?

Everything! Ready!
If my dear reader is a clever and calculating person, then he did all this in advance, maybe even in Kazan, because in these harvesters, they do not fight with frying grounds.
The glass can be sterilized in the microwave (in Google!) While the salad is still hot - on the banks of it, the lid on top, in a cold water, a jet of water through the basin, cooled in the refrigerator.
Use (what a good word!) All holidays, with a good mood!

Here ... You know, and lemons do not just lie here.
At the stage of readiness, the parsley has not added to the second time, try salad, eh? And if he does not admire you, I have the advice for you.
Lemons cut into cubes, spend sugar. It is an hour, let's get juice. Take a clean hand and press so that the crystals of sugar scratch the lemon zest, knocking the smallest droplets of essential oils directly in already sweet juice.
Here this juice is also standing in the refrigerator, and make a lemonade for children from lemon cakes and mint.
This juice is an awesome component for salad dressing and the secret ingredient in many, very many dishes.
Once again: this is a salad of eggplant and tomatoes. Good tomatoes what are there? Sweet Sweet! So add this sour-sweet equalizer into the sound of this salad, but only in moderation and only if something does not suit it.
Although, sometimes it may not be arranged due to the fact that the oils regretted the oil was low at the very beginning. Well? Take and add more that now with you to do? Although, of course, not supposed.

OK, bye!
Take care of yourself, do not eat one meat, do not drink too much vodka, combine meat with vegetables, know the measure, love women, fruit and multiply all who read the place to this! Amen.

This question often arises when we read the recipes of different kitchens, where ingredients unfamiliar to us are used. Many of them are already in our supermarkets - but not all and not everywhere.

Taking advantage of the experience of cooks and inventive owners who are used to trying to try everything, we have collected a list of the most common issues about the replacement of some products and answers to them.

In addition, on those names and terms that can be unfamiliar to someone, we give links - just read descriptions.

So, what to replace the following products.

Peanut butter: Fits olive oil or other vegetable, refined.

bitter chocolate (100 g) - 3 tbsp. Spoons of cocoa powder mix with 1 tbsp. a spoon of cream oil, 1 tbsp. spoon sugar and 1 tbsp. spoonful water.

Patched bulb - 1 tbsp. Spoon onion powder.

Falograd - Liquid honey, 2nd option - cook sugar syrup.

Sour cream - Disable natural yogurt.

Chili-paste - Easy to prepare from burning pepper. There are chili pastes.

Egg - 15 grams of egg powder or 45 g - melange.

Japanese rice sushi - Completely suitable round rice, especially Krasnodar.

We understand that this is not a complete list, and will gradually replenish it. If you have your own replacement options while we have products - write to us or add a comment.

I will sigh on this, having an extensive experience of cooking on both sides of the pond. Terminology really confuses when it comes to tomato products. Under tomato sauce, they do not mean canned tomato sauce, as you fall into the states, they actually mean ketchup! As for mashed potatoes, there are two types: one is what he means, the rubbed tomatoes in the bank, and the other superconuctrated, like the fact that in the US called tomato paste and enters the tube.

Considering that this recipe requires 250 ml puree, they must mean canned food, since the addition of a large concentrate would be disgusting. To reproduce the uk / au tomato mashed potatoes, I would use a tomato sauce jar with a half mini-cans of tomato paste to slightly thicken it. It still seems too liquid for my taste.

Alternatively, you can use the technique of my mom and add the jar of concentrated tomato soup into a mix, it makes a big meat bread!

I think about tomato sauce, as a simple material in jars, and Marinara, as the seasoned red sauce, is served on many Italian pasta dishes. But many people use the terms interchangeably, it seems, and even many authentic Italian restaurants list the tomato sauce on their menu, where it is actually a delicious seasoned material.

I assume that the Wikipedia article, referring to the sauce as having another taste than mashed potatoes and the paste, uses tomato sauce in the seasoned sense, like marinar, and not in the sense of a simple material. If it makes sense ...

As for tomato paste against mashed potatoes, the paste will be thicker and more concentrated in the aroma and texture / composition. If you are looking for a closest consistency and a scent of a puree to duplicate the recipe, you can start with about 2/1 as a puree / paste ratio and set up from there. If I just prepared on the fly, as usual, I would use the paste straight (but seasoned with fresh herbs) for a more intense taste and folded it, as if necessary.