Wall hanger in the hallway: buy or make it yourself. Wall hanger with your own hands in the hallway: with shoes, with shelf, with hooks

There is a large number outdoor hangers for clothes. At home, this is very relevant and practical furniture that fits perfectly in any interior. Such hangers can easily move around the apartment and room. Things in this case thinks much less than in the closet. For it, a cover protecting against dust is necessary. This design can be made and with your own hands. Let us consider in more detail the process of manufacturing various models, which will also be presented in the article.


Stylishly fit into any interior and does not take up much space.

Good such thing is that hanging clothing It does not contact the wall, and this allows you to protect the wallpaper from damage. In this case, the device can be folded at any time, remove or rearranged, which is very important in small apartments.

If it is made with your own hands, the following advantages appear:

  • cost is significantly reduced;
  • is in the exclusive interior item;
  • no need to drill holes in the wall to hang it.

Necessary materials

Consumables can be absolutely any: from oak, to metal.

How to make a rack do it yourself? First you need to decide on the material. Plywood is suitable for work, these are the most practical materials with which you can easily work. When it is operating in the house, it is not exposed to moisture, which significantly increases its service life.

It is difficult to work at home with plastic or metal, so it is better to refuse them. It is necessary to take into account the moment that there is a large load, therefore, the materials are needed by appropriate strength that do not allow me to break.

By purchasing a fane or wood, you need to pay attention to their quality, as the appearance of the product will depend on it. Typically, the design of oak is covered only with varnish or verses.

From wood plywood

The process of creating a product, with its subsequent application for clothing storage.

Moose this product itself is easy and there will be no much for it. materials and tools. For this product requires two sheets of plywood with a size of 70x170 cm and a thickness of 18 mm. For work you will need:

  • lobzik;
  • glue;
  • sandpaper.

The manufacturing process itself does not take much time. First, on one sheet of plywood paint the contour of the future design. The main thing is to have a width of about 60 cm. It is necessary for sustainability, because if they are narrow, it will fall, if you hang heavy winter clothes on it.

In order to do not draw a picture on the second sheet of plywood, you need to make two sheets of plywood using clamps or screws, then the sheets are then shifted. To convert billets into the finished product, two slots make. On one billet, the slot makes top to the middle, and on the second bottom. These slot width must correspond to plywood thickness.

On the inside, both slots follow carefully treat glueAnd then one blank is put on another. As a result, it turns out a rather original thing, the photo of which can be found on the Internet. It remains only to polish and paint. It can be decorated in different ways or simply to cover with varnish, mourn or paint.

From the trunk of a tree

A very original solution is the interior items that look like a branch or trunk with bitch. Such things always harmoniously fit into any room.

Good designer solution - This is a rack from natural natural material, namely from the trunk. It is very simple and there is no need to acquire special tools.

How to make it with your own hands? To do this, you first need to find a high-quality blank made of dry logs, on which it will not rot. The breed does not matter, but it is better not to use coniferous rocks containing a large number of resins. The glue is able to stand out even from the dry barrel. It is advisable to use deciduous rocks that have a good branching, so there was more space for clothes.

His It is necessary to clean from the crust, the lower branches of cutting up to the height of one meter, and the upper shorten, leaving the bitch, to which you can later hang clothes. After that, the rack is completely grinding and purified from irregularities and contaminants. If the wood is damaged by the core, it does not hurt, because it creates a surprisingly beautiful pattern, perfectly inscribed in the design.

Then it is necessary to make a stand, because the trunk of the tree can not stand independently. The main thing is that the stand is massive, it makes the design more stable. The stand itself can be any shape: round, square, triangular.

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The foundation is attached to the stand in different ways. For example, if his lower part is rather thick, the board can be screwed to it using self-tapping screws, whose caps will be located down, so they will not be seen. If the bottom of the barrel is thin, then in the stand they make a hole, the size is not larger than the diameter of the barrel itself, after which the base is fixed on the stand using glue, since this method is the most reliable.

After it is made, it is necessary lacquerTo preserve the natural color. But if the light system does not fit under the design, you can use dark paint.

In the form of a staircase, do it yourself

Old and unnecessary stairs, also, you can use and give them a second life.

Highly look original - in the form of a staircase. To make it yourself, you will need two vehicles with a length of 170 - 180 cm and 5x5 cm thick. For the crossbar, three smaller bar will need, the length of which will be equal to the product width. All bars need to poll or treat the planer.

So that the design looks neatly and beautiful, all parts are interconnected with spikes. After that, the product is covered with varnish and mourn. Comfortable and comfortable rack for clothes with your own hands is ready. It can be installed both in the bedroom and in the summer house.

In rustic style

Such a design will fit well into the corridor or the hallway, and under it you can put shoes. This model is not easy to make himself. First, in the intersecting round racks make the holes of a large diameter. The household tool drill holes in round parts is very difficult. To get around such an unpleasant nuance, you need to take square racks and with the help of drill to make the holes of the desired diameter in them. The crossbar is best taken metallic, as it will be fed. This model can be disassembled. For this, the holes are removed from the holes, and the parts of which the hanger consists are compactly folded.

On wheels

The wheels are very comfortable and make a thing very mobile.

Such a design from above has ordinary shoulders, which is very convenient for the placement of blouses, shirts and jacket. Pants are more convenient to hang on the crossbar. Thanks to the wheels, it is easy to move to another place.

To make it with your own hands, special fasteners will be needed. Vertical racks are attached to the base using metal screws. The only complexity is to drill holes under the screws in vertical racks. The rest of the assembly is quite simple. The disadvantage of such a design is the need for its disassembly during transportation. To do this, you need to unscrew the long bolts from the vertical racks.

Thus, there are many ways to make such a hanger for clothes with their own hands, the photo of which was presented in the article. This is a very simple element of the interior, for the manufacture of which will require an affordable imaginary material. Typically, special tools are not required for work, and as a result, it turns out a unique and exclusive thing.

With hangers, as is well known, not only the theater begins, but also a visit to other less pretentious institutions. Each hostess, of course, wants her house to be remembered by guests not just abundant treats, but unique furniture.

Not just a decor element

Make the subject of the interior at the same time beautiful and multifunctional is not easy. But for clothes hangers, these two points are fundamental, because a limited number of square meters in the hallway obliges to save not only free, but also "working" space.

For small rooms, only outdoor embodiments of the hangers should be considered. Why?

First, things that should be in the hallway belong to the demi-season period or to the cold season of the year. Jackets, fur coats, down jackets weigh a lot, which is why ordinary shoulders are infrequent withstanding their weight. And when there are not only the coats of parents, but also the jackets of children, the cloaks, the umbrellas of grandmothers are hanging, and the most persistent "fighters" are not maintained. "Right" floor hanger allows you to place all the necessary things, and maybe easily withstand their weight!

Secondly, winter and demi-season coats are often radically different in weight. It is not known to be released on the ring of fighters of a different weight category. The same case: if the September sewer will hang on the weight of the weights, and the fox fur coat will be angry - the mechanism will give a crack. With wonderful fur coats, they will have to wash the stains from dirt flots, and the unstable hanger will need to be repaired.

Thirdly, things are needed by space and air - they are sore without it. The absence of the required distance between several warm things generates an unpleasant odor, infection. That is why it is important to leave some space between the fur of the fur coats and, for example, Dublin. Outdoor with a strong barbell allow you to properly place almost all warm things by category without the risk of mold, unpleasant tax or suffocating smell.

Here it is, my only ...

Unfortunately, often ready-made options for outdoor hangers are designed for large-sized apartments or private houses, and the inhabitants of modest "odnuncia" or "doubles" allow you to be content with only wall fragile mechanisms: compact, but absolutely impractical.

In this case, the design can be developed independently or entrust such a task to a professional designer. He will take into account your wishes, the number of free meters in the hallway, color gamut and the amount of warm clothing.

What options to choose?


High ceilings of the hallway (in this part of the ceiling apartment can reach a height of 3-3.5 meters) allow you to make a closet that gets up to the ceiling itself. This allows, besides directly hangers, fill the space inside the cabinet with different useful insides:

  • shelves open / closed;
  • nominating boxes / just drawers;
  • boxes / hooks.

Your hanger turns from a regular bar into a multifunctional cabinet, in which you can hide everything: ranging from shoes and umbrellas, and ending with a church for fishing or rods.

Mirror corner

One of the varieties of the corner, the appearance of which brings it as close as possible to the wardrobe (including in the issue of multifunctionality). A large number of mirrors make sense to mow into the closet only if the lighting in your hallway is supplied correctly. If desired, it is possible to add wall lamps or mini-lamps, but it is necessary to take into account that such a source of light is still not enough if you want, for example, apply makeup, or try on a new skirt.

If you still decided to install the mirror, then you need to choose the most convenient option for you: external or internal. The external mirror will have to wash more often, but there will be no problems with the light (if other luminaires are present). The inner will be in a constant twilight, but the surface will always remain clean. The choice is yours.


The design of the old Soviet times, the design of the hook hanger is now significantly improved. We are all accustomed to the fact that the hooks are usually located on the crossbar, which is attached directly to the wall. This makes the design entirely dependent on the strength of the wall and strength of the material from which it is made. Typically, hangers of such a design leave for a bathroom or storage room: these rooms do not require large physical effort from furniture.

Meanwhile, the correct design of the floor hanger having a small amount of crochet allows you to increase the functionality, will solve some problems associated with the lowest growth of the inhabitants of the apartment. Outdoor usually imply the presence of the upper shelf, which is put on:

  • hats;
  • scarves;
  • gloves;
  • umbrellas and other necessary trifles.

This is not always the right solution for families in which there are children or for adults whose growth is 170 cm: If you came to visit, for example, a person who cannot reach the cherished feature, it can put you in an awkward position.

The solution to lay things on the bottom shelves also causes some difficulties, because pets live in many apartments: you can not adopted you.

In this case, the only correct solution will be either a closed wardrobe, or special hooks for trivia. Of course, the whole hanger from such hooks can not consist. But they will become an excellent addition to those elements that already exist in the lice design.

Actually, the wardrobe

The wardrobe is now one of the most common, most expensive and most, unfortunately, impractical options. What is the snag here?

  • Standard wardrobe occupies too much space. It is an excellent option for the bedroom or hall, but too much free space remains in the hallway. Most wardrobes are designed according to a single principle: two doors + several shelves + several penalches + a few hooks. Any additions are considered unnecessary because this model has been fire and water.
  • The assembly of the wardrobes makes them very fragile for such a conflict zone as an entrance hall. Agree, on this small area of \u200b\u200bspace, anything can happen: a soccer ball will break the outside glass of the cabinet, the cat jumps into the bottom penalty, and the door will slam the neighbor, the neighbor behind the salt will accidentally pursue the door with his shoulder, and it will throw out the rut. Moving structures are always not the best solution for rooms in which an active movement occurs.

Open hanger-shop

This is one of the most conservative and most acceptable solutions for small apartments. Hanger-shop, as a rule, consists of the following modules:

  • several top penalties (options with open shelves or antlesole models);
  • several lower shoe penalties (open shelves or extending shelf boxes are also possible;
  • the basis with the attached various models of hooks and a crossbar (sometimes a mirror is added);
  • shop.

These are rarely metallic or plastic. The design of this is a somewhat old-fashioned, but very practical aggregate are engaged exclusively to people who know a lot in the organization of space. Products, as a rule, made of wood, hooks, base and crossbars in this case should be metal or wooden.

In addition to the strength, it is good for apartments where older people or disabled live. A stool next to a wardrobe occupies a multibuably many space. Hanger-shop is more compact. The option, about which, between us, you can think ...


"Minimalism is our everything," the phrase has become almost the motto of postmodern interior design. Small-sized apartment with small-sized rooms and small-sized furniture needs a small-sized hanger.

On the hanger, the crossbar may fit all that the pair is needed, which is assigned a cozy "odnushka":

  • several warm coats;
  • several down jackets;
  • demi-season sequins;
  • sport jacket;
  • vest;
  • scarf;
  • multiple hats.

On the stand below, there are several (6-8) pairs of shoes (for one season). True, the shoes will have to remove from time to time (alternation of the summer and winter seasons), but the same problem appears in the case of a wardrobe.

Remember the simple truth: the more spaces appear for things, the more things try to fill this space.


When buying a crossbar, pay attention to the material from which the crossbar is made, holders and on the attachments themselves. Rod dollars withstand the weight of the coat and jackets, and still all the trempel shoulder, which you will cling to this crossbar.

At the bottom there may be an extra shelf for shoes made of material that will not be too marked (pay attention to the color).

Chose the type, but still confused about the material from which it will be done? The material depends on both the appearance and its strength.

What to choose from?

Interesting plastic model

Plastic furniture offers the abyss of designer solutions:

  • mixing colors;
  • the opportunity to melt and create original forms;
  • madness and gloss.

This is especially true for manufacturers of cabinets - the compartment: the more beautiful the furniture, the faster the owner there is. Meanwhile, after a few months, the same owner is forced to get a warranty card out of the box, because a wardrobe or shelf of plastic will show their real person in a few weeks of operation: will fly away the shiny surface, but even worse: the door will fall off ...

Sad perspective, isn't it?


Good strength, but not too high degree of practicality - all about metal cabinets. Metal designs can withstand the upper clothes of a giant, and a dozen of the hardest ducks, and many pairs of boots ... However, the obsessive shine and too sharp response to temperature changes may not be too much like an outdoor coating and lining of the walls.

Often because of the too sharp drop of temperatures (condensate formed on the hanger) an excess of moisture begins to decompose the walls of the wall near the hangers: wallpapers, "flows" plaster, appear unpleasant tracks on the paint. Sometimes parquet or linoleum can be deformed. Moreover, the deformation is caused not so much by condensate as the large weight of the hangers: metal structures weigh to several tens of kilograms.

External strength is very attractive for outdoor hanger. But is this characteristic of the cosmetic repair of the hallway?

It is necessary to store clothes so that it does not lose its attractiveness, and find the right outfit always easily. But what it will be - several nails driven into the wall, or stylish and elegant outdoor hanger? The floor hanger for clothing can be not only a functional subject, but also a significant element of the interior, making notes of a certain style and charm.

Pros and cons of outdoor hangers

The main disadvantage of the outdoor design is its dubious stability, especially for low-cost products. But if you think about it in advance, for which items there will be a future hanger, you can choose a high-quality, fairly stable and secure model.

Advantages of outdoor hangers:

  • Mobility. This item is easy to transfer to another place. If you have made a permutation, repairs, added a new element of the interior to the room or vice versa - they freed the space from unnecessary things, perhaps now the hanger will look more harmoniously look elsewhere.
  • Lack of installation work.When installing wall-mounted hangers, it often requires holes in the wall that damage the decorative coating. When dismantling the holes will be visible, and the wall fragment will have to be repaired. If the floor's floor holder is no longer needed, just hide it into the utility room in a matter of minutes.
  • Wide range. You can choose an outdoor hanger under any style of the interior, for any type of clothing, accessories, and even shoes. They differ in size, manufacturing material, external design.

Clothes rack outdoor wooden

Wood hanger - the most popular option. The tree is strong and durable, therefore, such a hanger will be stable and reliable. There are lacquered and painted products, carved models, as well as the most laconic, which, by the way, can be made independently. Wooden stand for clothes will be appropriate in many style directions - from traditional classics to fashionable loft. It will decorate such a hanger and a room in the style of country, as well as the room in modern ecostel.

Metal floor hanger

Such a hanger has an impressive weight, so in its stability you can not doubt. Most often, metal hangers are made of chromed aluminum, which can be painted in a variety of colors. Separately, it is worth saying forged outdoor hangers. These are products that are not inferior on the practical qualities of the usual metallic, but have increased aesthetic properties. Worn hanger is a unique and elegant decoration of your hallway or verandas.

Clothes rack Outdoor IKEA

Holders from a variety of materials can be found in IKEA. IKEA rack can be a combination of materials. For example, plastic hangers by virtue of their small weight is unstable, so manufacturers use a plastic hybrid with a metal. Also, metal and wooden hangers are supplied with rubber or plastic hook tips (in order not to spoil the clothes) and legs (to protect the floor covering).

As you know, the theater begins with hangers. The hallway also begins in the hanger. The hanger is an important element of the interior that can be decorated and supplemented, as well as streamline the situation. It should look attractive and not to take a lot of space. Today, the furniture industry produces a wide range of all sorts of designs of various designs, but many are interested in how to make a hanger for clothes with their own hands. It is such products that transform the situation, make rooms with unusual, original and with a "highlight".

Make a hanger yourself quite simple. This will require a fantasy, as well as the desire to make something extraordinary, something that cannot be bought in the store. A homemade hanger, no doubt, will decorate any room and attract enthusiastic views of the guests. For its manufacture, you can use any blowing materials - empty bottles, beads, wire and all sorts of little things that will probably have home. For this purpose, the gifts of nature are perfectly suitable, for example, the bizarre branch form, as well as the remnants of building materials after repair.

The design and form of the future product depends on the wishes of the owner. You can search for inspiration on the Internet, see photos of the original hangers or download the scheme of the ideas you like. In any case, you first need to decide on the type of hanger and material for its manufacture.

What are wearing hangers

There are two types of hangers that can be made independently - wall and outdoor.

Wall hanger is the easiest solution. It is usually a horizontal crossbar to which hooks in one or more rows are attached, the top shelf for hats or a special transverse beam for "shoulders" can be provided to it. The form of the horizontal base of the base is usually rectangular or with rounded corners, but if you wish, it can be made absolutely any. For example, in the form of a heart or wood leaflet.

Typically, a wall hanger in the hallway is made of wood. The fact is that wood is an excellent natural material that can be easily treated at home: cut the desired shape of the canvas and cover any paint.

The floor hanger is a design consisting of a vertical support based on. Hooks for clothing are attached top to the support. It is important that the hanger is not only decorative, but also practical. Special attention should be paid to the ground. It should be very stable so that the design can withstand the weight of the clothes and did not fall. There are many design options for such hangers, but they differ not only in shape and size, but also by manufacturing material.

Outdoor hangers

First, you need to decide on the material. Outdoor hangers are:

  • Metal.
  • Worn.
  • Wooden.
  • Plastic.

Metal products are very durable and durable, have a lot of weight, therefore are considered to be the most stable. Metal hangers with elements of art forging are real works of art that will bring the grace into any entrance hall. However, not everyone can make it possible to make this kind of product at home, because it takes a complex tool and work skills to work.

The easiest option of manufacturing outdoor metal hangers at home is the re-equipment of the old floor lamp. He has a support and lampshade, which can be consolidated with thick wire hooks. By the way, you can weave the original patterns from it and use them as hooks for clothes. The base can also be decorate with decorative elements.

Wood hanger - a wonderful budget option for the hallway. Wood products do not leave fashion. They fascinate with their natural beauty, they can be used for any style and directions in the interior.

For the manufacture of wooden hangers, a sheet of plywood or boards can be used, but if there is a desire to do something really unique, it is better to turn to the gifts of nature. So, a small dry tree can be the basis of the future hanger.

It should be cleaned from the bark and bitch, carefully treat sandpaper and fasten on the basis. In this case, it is better to provide a support on three legs, it is considered the most stable. Then you need to make up the top of the hanger. It can be performed like a tree crown. As a hooked, you can use a beautiful shape of the branch, which should be pre-cleaned and polished.

The final stage is the coverage of the entire design of varnish or paint. You can use balls or large beads as decoration, which are fixed with glue to the base of the hanger or on hooks.



This roller shows the process of making wall hanger.

And here are some more ideas for inspiration.

Racks for casual wear have become very popular. It is not surprising, because first of all such hangers are comfortable. First, the clothes rack perfectly temporarily replaces the closet, if the circumstances have been so far and you remained without it. Secondly, on the rack you can store domestic and casual clothes, planning your wardrobe in advance the next day. Depending on the design, it can be placed in it for sorting dirty clothes, shelves for shoes and many other utilities.

Of course, such a wardrobe is not suitable for everyone, because the clothes will be covered with dust, and if there are pets in the house, and wool. Therefore, we suggest to consider options like a dressing room from racks-hangers for clothes and racks for storing clothes for the day.

The first option is very simple - threw hangers on the cornice and everything is ready. But it is worth considering one nuance - on the sunny side, this number will not roll, because The risk of spoil clothes.

Or here is a more complex version of the rack, in this case the suspension. It is convenient that such a hanger can be made exactly the size you need.

Hanger with hooks for clothes - a win-win version, but only for things that will not be pulled out in such a position. Although, you can use the shoulders.

You can make such an outdoor wardrobe for clothes and shoes from the old bullfirera. You can make a rack yourself, and then it is artificially creating.

Wardrobe and rack for clothing at the same time. Intrun the curtain with a small space, the owner of the housing and the place for storing clothes and a corner where you can change clothes.

And such a hanger for ties, baseball caps and other little things can be made with your own hands. Stylish and convenient - everything is in one place!

Unpainted clothes hanger from undergraduate metabies, in this case from the branch:

Original solution - Rack for clothes from pipes. In this photo of the pipe copper, it gives special aestheticism of the design: