She is a lie who suits her. Which zodiac sign suits lion-woman

Woman lion always stands out from the crowd - she is bright, stateless, confident, always comes with proudly raised head. The queen of the beasts will be not to become any man - too simple it will be uninteresting, immersed in herself will not give her feelings of his own significance (and singing the diffilaments will have to be almost every day!), Radio-aggressive simply will not endure her lionic processions and speeches.

What sign of the zodiac is suitable for a lioness, which is a kind of interesting, but conflicting, and can not tolerate boredom? We will tell you about it further.

You have already understood that the lady born under the sign of the lion is not suitable for any cavalier.

If you believe astrologers, then the best relationships will be reacted with such signs:

  • Sagittarius - He is sincere, hot and passionate. Such a man, though it happens quite quick-tempered, but he is creative and will never give his partner to bored. And this lioness enchants stronger than luxurious appearance and loud deeds.
  • Scales - Life with such a man will be quite calm and filled with comfortable, warm, love. Best of all the lionesses with those male-scales that are firmly on their feet and can allow them to be financially financially. Additionally brings community of interests.
  • Aries - such relationships are usually called love at first sight. They will grow into marriage or not, it is difficult to say, since two fiery signs are not easy to get along. They will learn to achieve a mutual compromise - will be able to build a strong family, in which there will always be a passion and joy.

  • Gemini - a man born under this sign is an excellent viewer and a listener, that is, it has an invaluable lion for the woman with qualities. These partners say they are different, but perfectly complement each other.
  • Lion - Lions make up ideal pairs, but they will need to learn to hear a partner and take into account his interests. This is usually done pretty quickly - after all, representatives of this sign, to all of the time, are practical and perfectly see their benefits. And if there are benefits, why would it be somewhere not to make concessions?
  • Virgo - Men-Virgin admire their female lioness, although they often do not understand their irrepressible thrust to endless spending and causing behavior. But these are little things - otherwise they converge almost perfectly.

But with whom the Lionice is better not to have anything to do in order to avoid mutual disappointments, so it's with crayfish (they will not give the right attention), Capricorn (Capricorn - not a man of lioness, although they can be good partners), fish (I do not like the fish Such straightness, and the practicality to meet the endless needs of the lady-lion, they do not have enough), the calves (the calves also love to command), Aquarius (domineering sign, will strangle upon attention and control), and scorpions (Lioness - Queen of Beasts, and not a homely animal, But the scorpion is too jealous).

Lion sign zodiac woman

Date of birth: from July 22 to August 23, Planet: Sun, Element: Fire, Color: Golden, Red

Day: Sunday, Stone: Onyx, Motto: I will, Energy: Yang.

Zodiac lion woman This is energy and passion that manifests itself in every aspect of their lives, they are always in the center of attention in any society. Just as the lion is the king of animals, and the woman born under this sign of the zodiac has a set of qualities of the original royal personnel.

Astrologa Council: Consider what for detailed featuresIt is necessary to adjust the data taking into account the place of birth, date and time. Refined data will help you know more deeply or understand other people.

You will learn a woman lion in the crowd: Loud laughter, a bright smile, memorable appearance, confident movement. The sun is the ruler of this sign, and it is in the center of our solar system, Woman Lion also loves to be in the center of any campaign, loves the attention that it turns out. She is passionate, playing, and impulsive. Sometimes it happens, quick-tempered, and can show claws if you move the border with the resulting woman with a lion, so please contact her carefully! Element zodiac lion woman It is - fire, which also reflected in the character of a woman of a lion, she can quickly flare up and the best compliments and gifts extinguish. The lioness is a smart, witty and strong person, the creative potential is large enough, so it will not be easy for it to achieve success in the field of art and entertainment industry.

Astrologa Council: Dreams to achieve more than have to date, characteristic of all. But not everyone can combine dreams and needs. You will be able to overcome it - book -, and achieve the scheduled!

Watch video Zodiac Lion:

Lion sign zodiac woman She has a large circle of communication, numerous friends attracts its energy, cheerfulness and generosity. She loves that she would admire, swim in the rays of glory and the adoration of those surrounding an important need for her.

Astrologa Council: If you want to get to the essence and more correctly understand the nature and properties of the zodiac sign, it is advisable to know it from different sides and the category will help you in this. .

The lion of women are examples of elegance, thanks to their exquisite taste, it can balance various colors in clothes and the surrounding interior. It is always well maintained and perfectly dressed for anyone life situationsEven during sleep.

Lion sign zodiac woman The good and welcoming house is filled with warmth and comfort. She has a great deal of communication, but is controlled by her, she herself chooses his friends, taking into account their interests and life position. Woman Leo puts high goals and confidently goes on the planned path.

Zodiac lion woman Relationships and sex

The relationship with the woman Lv is always interesting, she does not love Routine and tries constantly, something to invent a new one to introduce a variety of family weekdays. With a woman lion, you will never bored, be sure - adrenaline you will get.

Astrologa Council: Description of the zodiac sign can be much more specific if you consider the year of birth and will help the heading chinese calendar. Go to the appropriate heading -.

Lion sign zodiac woman It is very true to his partner and accordingly expects the same from him. She likes smart, interesting, independent and strong personalities. In turn, she will be tender, loving, and passionate. Lions, fall in love relatively easily, and are given to their feelings completely and without remnants hard. But this does not mean that it is easy to conquer her, she opens his heart only when a man really will be worthy of that.

Sex is essential for a lion woman. It is very sexy and has a strong sexual attraction. She is an excellent partner in bed, initiative and inventive, deliver satisfaction even a refined lover. Very responsive to the leisure of the skin, fingers, buttocks and the bottom of the back. Lions love sexy underwear, and they like to take the initiative into their hands.

Zodiac lion woman Most compatible with zodiac signs: Gemini, Sagittarius, and scales.

Women lions are not able to be exchanged on trifles. They do not lead games that do not bring fruit. However, women born under the sign of the lion often face difficulty in relations with the opposite sex. Persistent and purposeful Woman Lion often faces the problem of relationship with men. It is difficult for her to find a partner whom she could listen to, and it is almost unrealistic to build fate with a person who will obey her in everything. So who fits a lion-woman on a horoscope?

Life and Love Lion Love

This woman just adores shine and chic. It is very important for her the status of the future chosen one, so it prefers strong and rich men. It must necessarily be completely delighted and absorbed by her greatness. If the man's weak and poor man come across on the path, then their joint lifeit is unlikely that will be prosperous.

The female lioness is very much, most likely, she will morally ask his chosen one, and their family life will not find proper happiness. That is why women born under the sign of the lion are very selective and do not seek to quickly create a family. They calculate a hundred steps forward each action or act. Even if the lioness is insanely in love, she will not jump to the meeting of the senses as if in the pool with his head.Around woman lion a lot of fans. She got used to constant attention and is not going to lose it. She is beautiful and graceful, she knows the price and does not enter into random ties. But the one who caused interest in a woman born under the sign of Leo can consider himself a real luckycloth, because, most likely, he became a finalist and bypassed many applicants. In order to better understand who approaches a lion-woman on a horoscope, you need to look at the characters of applicants. After all, the lioness just tolerate can not be indecisive, she always knows what he wants and easily achieves it. Despite the fact that there is passion around the lioness, she can stay wise and judicious in any situation.

Women's lion habits in love

For true lioness, the topic of close relationship is not the initial purpose. Therefore, the partner of this woman will not be able to wait for passion in flirting or in bed. But it is not necessary to think that the lioness is frigid, they are simply concentrated for more important purposes. Every decent partner woman born under the sign of Leo always considers as a future husband.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the lioness may not joking his partner excessive persistence. Woman lion literally created for life in the family. Representatives of this sign become wonderful wives and good mothers. Despite the fact that the woman-lion does not like to endure the subject of close relationship to the fore, the one who comes up on the horoscope should take it. After all, the Woman Lion does not endure betrayal and betrayal. She is

unlikely Forgive your chosen one such an oversight.

Signs that fit a woman-lion

In order to check out who fits a lion-woman on a horoscope, she is enough to know the date of birth of the alleged partner:

  • Women lions are well compatible with calves. They just perfectly fit each other. Easily find common interests and easily adjust each other in a serious relationship. The family of these two characters will be happy and harmonious.
  • Lion woman is well suited by a man born under the sign of the twins. He will persistently seek the location of his lioness and ultimately getsdesired. After the birth of the first child, problems may arise. But this couple will be able to go through a lot, thanks to its perseverance and joint efforts.
  • A wonderful passion for a female lion can be cancer. Thanks to its romantic inclinations and desire to conquer new horizons, it will easily conquer the selective heart of the lioness. Such relationships will be strong andhappy.
  • The man-lion and the lion woman have a huge chance to become the most perfect couple. Thanks to common interests and support, this union is able to go through all the adversity of life. They adore to have fun and spend money. The lioness in this union can have a truly revealed without fear.
  • If a man-scorpion man arose in the life of a lion, then these relationships will resemble a wild flame of fire. Everything will be there: and jealousy, and passion, and desire. In such a marriage, the likelihood is that both spouse will find happiness.

Woman lion born in the year of the snake

Lev-Snake - a woman who always seeks to create harmony in a relationship, and she succeeds. Usually a lion woman born under the sign of the snake always tries to be one step ahead of his partner.

Sometimes it is precisely this encourages the partner to constantly strive for the beloved, and sometimes it leads to parting and destroyed dreams. Despite this, such women may foresee how relations will develop, so they can do everything necessary for the conservation of marriages.

Woman Lion Born in Tiger Year

Woman Lev-Tiger is very attentive andsensible. She often feels his beloved, literally of the word. She is ready to change a little for her beloved, but she is not going to overcame his principles. This woman always wants to know the truth, even if it brings her a sea of \u200b\u200bexperiences. Despite the fact that the lioness calculates all the moves in his life, the Lev-Tiger woman is able to make decisions in the impulse of the feelings, without even thinking about the consequences. This often becomes the cause of undesirable situations in the life of a woman, about which she then regrets for a long time.

Therefore, asking: who comes up with a lion (woman) on a horoscope, you should take into account compatibility with all signs.

She is used to being always in the center of attention and swim in admiring views of others. And she does not need to make great efforts for this, because in its essence the woman lion is truly "Queen." It always looks great, radiates friendliness and light, has beautiful taste In clothing and follows trends. Communicating with her, any cavalier feels a real "hero" capable of much. This, of course, makes it very popular among men. Fans always surround her and try to bypass the opponent in the struggle for her attention. But the strong floor should not be seduced, since even the excellent compatibility of characters does not guarantee that it is possible to become her "king."

general characteristics

A woman born under the sign of Leo is simply created in order for her to admire. She is beautiful, elegant, graceful, proudly marching the life path and manitis with its charm. Coquetry and flirting are fascinated by men, and women consider it a standing standard and strive to imitate her. From the young age, the girl Lion gets used to swimming in compliments from others, taking them as proper, because she is great about his superiority.

Communication with her is also nice because the woman lion is an excellent interlocutor. Its wit and intelligence contribute to a living and interesting conversation practically on any topic. But the vulgarity and rudeness will be unpleasant.

Representatives of this sign love to attend events where a high society is going. A variety of techniques, hiking in theaters, on exhibitions for this secular lioness are a natural habitat. Therefore, men who look forward to compatibility with such a companion should also be part of such a society. It should be remembered that the lions are born for luxury and beautiful Life. Such women love to spend a lot (even a lot!) Money for themselves. Such expenses can be both visiting beauty salons and the purchase of a real house-palace.

Zodiac gave representatives of this sign by the duality of thoughts:

  • they love to be in the society of people, but at the same time egocentric;
  • they are born to command, but do it tactfully and with great dignity;
  • they are arrogant and have high self-conceit, but kindly.

Working with the employee, the lion is quite difficult. And although it is very talented, her impatience for any criticism is unlikely to make professional relationships comfortable. It is worth saying that any self-criticism and speech can not be about any self-criticism. If something went wrong somewhere, then anyone is to blame for this, but not she is.

In a personal life, a woman born under the sign of a lion, which is in the zodiac, loves drama and beautiful "special effects". If this is not, then such an actress will be able to create it independently. In most cases, it is to blame for the problems that are available in her life.

Love and Lev.

So that the woman lion takes care, a man will need to be very trying. She adores romantics and real knights. At the same time, all attention should be given only to her. Such a companion must be admired, constantly saying to her compliments and in no way pay attention to other women (if, of course, you want to continue the relationship).

Such a woman has high self-conceit, and therefore will only meet with the man who will consider worthy. Would spend time on those who do not fit her, she will not.

To his satellite, the girl lion presents sufficiently high demands. Among them:

  • generosity;
  • strength and beauty;
  • refined taste;
  • desire to please her;
  • the desire to give dear gifts and make compliments.

At the same time, such a charming should not be kept locked and constantly jealous, because she appreciates his freedom and will not tolerate her restrictions.

And even if you fulfill all her wishes and become "the mostst", do not expect that its feelings will be deep and permanent. Alas and ah, lions and routine is impossible compatibility. As soon as your relationship will stop satisfying it, she will go to search for another partner. By the way, for this she does not necessarily discern you. For such women typical there is a situation when it is a pin love trianglewhere her fans are located in the two remaining corners.

The lion is the second zodiac sign relating to the element of fire, and the patron is the Sun, due to this woman lion is bright, proud, gorgeous and strong representative of the beautiful floor, which is always in the center of attention, causing admiration and delight. It is always brilliant, endowed with impeccable manners, graceful and elegant, as a true queen. Next to her always her faithful retinue, consisting of admiring fans, which she perceives as something of granted, inherent to people of her status.

The psychological portrait of a lion woman reflects a skillful interlocutor who can support the conversation at any time, regardless of what topic it is being conducted. She is witty, erudited, so its stories always collect a lot of listeners, the only thing that does not allow themselves to be a representative of this sign to descend in conversation before the vulgarity and boulevard gossip.

The lion girl is always surrounded by men, she likes their society, while she not only listens from them enthusiastic speeches, but herself with pleasure. Women's society, she also welcomes, even though she is a strong rival, yet women trapped to her warmth and glad. She is always friendly, open, friend, no one ever calls her authority. She has many followers and imitators.

She does not tend to surround himself by people only a certain level, she prefers to communicate with people regardless of their status and position in society. It is so energetic and favorable that people stretch to her to get a portion of energy and heat from it. Sometimes it is considered in charge and talked, but the woman itself herself considers it a developed feeling own dignitywhich should be in every woman.

This woman cannot be subordinate or adjusted for some framework, it always goes ahead with a highly raised head, not paying attention to small failures. At the same time, it is very demanding and towards themselves to others regarding behavior and appearance. Its image is always stylish and elegant, without excesses, both in clothing and in make-up.

Horoscope Women Lion predicts her progress in the professional sphere, no matter what area it will choose. She is smart and talented, it turns out a great leader from it. True, if she does not occupy a governing post, it is quite difficult to work with the team because of its exorbitant ambitions. She does not like to do something herself, so he shifts her work very often on someone else. If she does not work quickly to the leading tip, then it can change the work in search of a better place.

That women lion love

Women born in the constellation Lion love to visit cultural events, be it theater, exhibition or secular reception. They are always doing everything in order to secure a gorgeous life surrounded by luxury and wealth. Without inflatable, they will give any means to create in their home the level of comfort they are worthy. The same applies to appearance.

Women Lions love society where they can show all their talents and skills in best light. They like to receive deserved compliments, listen to the words of admiration and delight. They love life in all its manifestations, but too negatively belong to any, even insignificant criticism. They consider themselves perfect and infallible, because of what any claims are considered unreasonable.

Women of this sign is not peculiar to patience, any situation in which they are forced to wait for something can easily withdraw them from equilibrium. They love various festivities and fun events, where she can spend time with interest and chat with friends.

Woman Lev in Love

Woman Leo wants to see a real man, strong and volitional, able to bear responsible for himself and for his beloved person. In search of such a partner often takes a lot of time, while it will never sort out all the options to compare it later. She will wait for her ideal without expanding on short-term novels with the first counter. She does not tend to lose his head after the first date. She squeezed from nature, so it is unlikely to pay attention to an unclear or unclean man.

A slightly accurate man or a podkinnik will never be interested in her, but at the same time she will not like it if the partner becomes too pressing on it, trying to subjugate and force to play on his rules. The best way For her, when she is next to a strong, courageous and clever man who does not try to break her will in order to flicker a pride, but perceives it as equal and refers to it accordingly. Between them should be complete harmony so that the woman lion felt happy and pleased.

A man who decided to link his life with a woman of this sign should be ready for the fact that this woman is used to always be in the spotlight, so remembering how demanding it, he will have to be always attentive to her, give a lot of luxurious gifts and handle She, like a true queen. The discrepancy of its ideas about the perfect man will lead to the fact that it will break the relationship and go in search of a new, more decent satellite. But if the behavior of a man satisfies all its demands, he can be sure that the woman of this sign will never change him and will not betray. Light flirting present in her behavior should be regarded only as part of her peculiar game with their fans.

IN family life Woman Leo appreciates, first of all, reliability. Most representatives of this sign of the monoralomba, but even they have fleet novels caused by natural instincts, and not the desire to somehow diversify their lives or take revenge on the partner. The lion is a zodiac sign that is characteristic of remembering all the insults, so the surrounding should be more attentive, so as not to grief the enemy in the person of representatives of this sign.

Despite her hectic temper, the spouse of the lioness will experience a lot of unpleasant moments, but in general, there will be much more positive and good in relationships. She is chic, proud and always confident in herself, she always has impeccable appearance. In society, this is a pleasant and interesting interlocutor with an excellent sense of humor, which demonstrates only his top Qualities. And thanks to her rich inner world and charming around her, society is always going to society, no less worthy and curious interlocutors.

Woman lion attentive and caring mom who does not regret anything for his children. And since she herself got used to living surrounded by expensive and luxury things, then she instills her love for luxury since childhood, believing that they should also have only the best. Sometimes it cut or too emotionally, can break on a cry, it happens when children behave not as she wanted, but in general, she is kind, caring and loving mother. He spends a lot of time in the nursery, coming up with a variety of games and entertainment, and in case of danger, she will throw a child as a true lioness.

Sexy Life Women - Lion

A partner of a woman born in the constellation of a lion should be ready for the fact that she is so confident in herself and its abilities that it is unlikely that it is unlikely to bother with any actions aimed at his seduction. Light flirting, a thin game, hints here and the entire arsenal of the lioness on the conquest of the representative of the opposite sex. She does not tend to demonstrate his sexuality, as she is enough to realize that it is attractive and welcome.

The woman lion is lazy to show his feelings, at the level of the instincts she understands that those surrounding men are too strongly reacting to her appearance, so it does not see the meaning in the additional attraction of attention to his person. She is only enough to throw a playful look, like any man will be at her feet.

In bed, the representative of this sign is unlikely to hit the partner with the originality and originality, he must be glad that it is at least capable. She likes traditional way Expressions of their feelings and emotions. To what is all unnecessary, if you can simply, without any difficulties, deliver the partner's pleasure.

In sex, it is intended to dominate, although in a marital life she is enough to be with a partner on equal. She prefers tenderness and leisureness in her caress, she likes when a partner caresses her body, says out loud about its charms. The most important thing for it is when a man during proximity, without ceasing, enthusiasm with his partner.

She calmly and confidently comes to sex, which is why she is all and always turns out on summit. Yes, and men always remain satisfied with the result. There are often cases when a woman born in the constellation of a lion is fond of young men. It is not surprisingly because she has a very strong need to lead and command, and young young men, like no other capable of performing all its whims and execute all the wishes. From her in response, they get tremendous experience in the sexual sphere, and therefore, with age, become magnificent lovers.

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