Extracurricular activities for primary school. Events for schoolchildren

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Age:3-4 Class


  • IN gaming form summarize and systematize the knowledge of children in different fields;
  • Create an atmosphere of goodwill, ease, as well as conditions for the development of memory, logical thinking, creative imagination, oral speech students;
  • Promote the development of curiosity, creative activity;
  • Develop the ability to work together, coordinate your actions.


for lead:

  • computer development of the game;
  • numbering cards for drawing;
  • plates with command names;
  • estimated sheets;
  • prizes to participants and winners.

for participants:

  • individual handouts;
  • clean sheets of paper;
  • feltolsters, handles;

Baby wants to know a lot!
Why is the river running?
How do clouds fly?
What does a crocodile eat for dinner?
Why did the Bald of Rope Villa?
What holidays are now?
What do guests hide?
All living creatures on the native planet.
What are the flowers in the world?
All letters of the alphabet know,
To be able to seen words from them.
All that's more
A huge world will open for you!

Leading: I did not count these lines. Children, by their nature, are very curious. They know a lot, sometimes even what they do not need to know. The game that will start in a few minutes will provide you with the opportunity to shine with your knowledge in various fields.

This game is intellectual, intended for the development of erudition, mental abilities, workouts, attention. All these actions are extremely useful for a person.

It is known that the great Russian commander A.V. Suvorov loved to make riddles to their officers and remained satisfied when convinced of their intelligence. As far as the erudite and smart you, we now check. The game is similar to television and called the same "own game". (Slide number 1)

Host: Game Rules Simple and familiar to you. (Slide number 2)On the screen field with 4 different themes. Next to each theme window with numbers from 10 to 50. As you already guessed, these numbers determine the cost of the correct answer and the number of points you can put on the command game, correctly answering the question that is hidden from the reverse side.

Commands can choose any topic, any number of points. Answer twice the same question cannot be. After answering the question, the numbers change their color.

Since we have 4 teams. First, qualifying games will be held. Then two winner teams will meet in the final. The team defeats the larger number of points.

The draw and the choice of rivals teams.

Host: Choose yourself an opponent. I wish you success!

1 tour (qualifying) slides 2, 3

Shoot, guess, decide 10 20 30 40 50
Rebuses 10 20 30 40 50
Literary heroes 10 20 30 40 50
Anagram 10 20 30 40 50

Topic: Shoot, Gaday, decide

This competition speaks for himself.

10 points. On the table 4 apples. One of them was cut in half. How many apples on the table?

(4 apples)

20 points. The table is standing at a distance of 4 meters from the cabinet. How many meters will be between them if the table and the wardrobe move 2 meters to the right? (4 meters)

30 points. Halfone exhalation, Matroskin's cat woke up at 3 o'clock.

- Ball, I did not sleep? Is it time for us to go to the box for the cow?

Even early: it must be milked after 4 hours.

Poor Bourilli was released. When will we go?

We will come out of the house exactly an hour before the evening feather.

When will Matroskin and the ball come out of the house? (At 6:00)

40 points. Sergei in pocket 2 coins totaling 6 rubles. One of the coins is not a five-book. What are these coins? (1 and 5 rubles)

50 points. The cat has two, in dogs and cows - three. And how many do they have.

(One. This is a syllable in the word)

Topic: Rebuses

10 points. Boxes

20 points. LAWN

30 points. Sum

40 Pozhda points

50 points. Long

Topic: literary characters

Remember and name the names of some literary heroes.

10 points. What was the name of the son of King Saltan in Pushkin's fairy tale? (Gwidon)

20 points. What was the name of the peasant, who caught a bucket of the speaking fish? (Emel)

40 points. This fabulous hero was a friend of radishes and cherry. What's his name? (Chipollino)

50 points. Fabulous seawater fighting with cyclops. (Sindbad)

Subject: Anagramma

Make up new words using all the letters of the proposed words.

10 points. Yamk (LIGHTHOUSE)

20 points. SLEEPER (NOODLES)

30 points. MARCH (SCAR)

40 points. Variety (CABLE)

50 points. ARCH (Cara, Cancer)

2 Tour (qualifying) slides 4, 5

Workout with a clock 10 20 30 40 50
Overvents 10 20 30 40 50
Celebrities 10 20 30 40 50
Dog life 10 20 30 40 50

Subject: Workout with clock

10 points. The sum of the two number of worthwhile numbers on the clock dial is equal to 21.

What are these numbers? (10 and 11)

20 points. When is the day in short - in summer or in winter? (Identical. 24 hours)

30 points. How much time there will be no house of a person who came out of the house at noon, and

return at midnight? (12 hours)

40 points. Now exactly 8 hours. How much will it be time if you change the hour and minute

arrow places? (11 hours 40 minutes)

50 points. If a minute arrow out of 12 hours moved to a straight angle, how much time passed? (15 minutes, 45 minutes)

Topic: Shutters

Decry the phrases by replacing words in them opposite by meaning.

10 points. Filty as a hare. (Hungry as wolf)

20 points. Have one penny, and not have one enemy. (Do not have 100 rubles, and have 100 friends)

30 points. Many fighters in the forest. (There is safety in numbers)

40 points. The new enemy is worse than one old one. (An old friend is better than two new ones)

50 points. Region - uncle. (Hunger is not aunt)

Topic: Celebrities

Remember and name the names of the famous people.

10 points. Poets:Chukovsky ....... ( Roots)Barto ........ ( Agnia)Pushkin ..... ( Alexander)

20Balls. Literary heroes: Sawyer .......... (Tom),Cruise .. (Robinson),

Perestorkin ....... ( Victor)

30 points. People and singers: Pugacheva .... (Alla),Kirkorov ...(Philip), Queen ... (Natasha)

40 points. Writers: Assumption . .....(Edward),Zhitkov ......... (Boris), Noses ......... (Nikolay)

50 points. Composers: Bach ............ ( Johann Sebastian),Beethoven ............ ( Ludwig), Kabalevsky........... (Dmitry Borisovich).

Subject: Dog life

It will be about dogs and about everything that is connected with them.

10 points. What is the name of the dog's house? (Booth)

20 points. What was the name of the uncle Fedor's dog? (Ball)

30 points. What was the name of the dog of Malvina? (ARTEMEND)

40 points. What was the name of the dog that accompanied the Ellie in the Emerald City? (Totem)

50 points. Name 3 professions of dogs? (Guide, rescuer, shepherd, miner)

Final slides 6.7

Two teams of the winner are involved. Scores are recruited again. The goal is to give more correct answers and gain more points.

Subject: Yes - no

You need to answer yes, if you agree with this statement and no, if you do not agree with the statement.

10 points. Sheep meat called sheepskin. (No, lamb)

20 points. Striped fleas are found on zebras. (Not)

30 points. Crabs rise to the surface of water on dolphins.

(No, they rises with paws)

40 points. Small crocodiles can climb trees.

(Yes, young crocodiles are good for trees and often rest there.)

Subject: Birds

Strain your memory and remember what you know about the birds.

10 points. This bird never builds nests for himself, the eggs leaves the eggs and does not remember his chicks. (Cuckoo)

20 points. He is in his forest ward wearing a pedestrian barbecue, he treats the trees, he knocks it easier. (Woodpecker)

30 points. And it does not sing singing, and fly does not fly. What then does his bird consider his bird? (Ostrich)

40 points. This bird is found to the current. She publishes various sicks. (Ceremonary)

Subject: History Wheel

It will be about historical personalities and about everything that is connected with them.

10 points. Name the name of the Moscow Prince, who wore a leather bag with money on the belt. (Ivan Kalita)

20 points. Name the name of the most unusual king, who knew 15 craft specialties (joiner, carpenter, etc.) (Peter 1)

30 points. Name the name of the French Emperor who has attacked Russia in 1812. (Napoleon Bonaparte)

40 points. Name the first Russian king. In folk memory, he will remain cruel, bloodthirsty, ruthless. For their affairs, he received the corresponding nickname.

(Ivan groznyj)

Summarizing. Award.

Educational event in elementary school: "Journey to the country of kindness"

Form of holding: travel game.

Purpose. Teach children to determine in what cases a person can be called good;

learning to analyze life situations and draw conclusions from them;

help the disciples to realize the value of good as a living choice;

forming moral principles: respectfulness, feeling of mercy;

teach children to correctly evaluate their actions and actions of their comrades, to promote the development of motivation to good actions.

Develop tactile - kinesthetic sensitivity; creativity, connected speech;

the ability to think, allocate true and false goals in life; Perceive people as they are.

Rail in positive traits, the desire to do good, attitude towards people with understanding, empathy. Raise humanitygoodwill, decency.

Equipment: Options for kindness, multimedia board, magnetic board, computer, disc with a record of the cartoon "just so", recording "Waltza" E. Doves, illustration of the wise owl, envelopes with a task to work in groups (proverbs, cut into parts by words ).

The course of the educational event in elementary school

1. Org. moment.

2. Minute psychological attitude.

Teacher. Children, create a circle. Close your eyes. Now grab your hands, carry yourself up for a while. Let everyone focus on how the palm of the neighbor on the right and the left you are touching. Try to determine which palm is warm, what's colder. From which you feel more pleasant? That's right, from the one from which heat goes.

3. Sugar conversation.

Teacher. It also happens when it says, "warm in the soul, good." And when is the soul well? (When a person hears a good word when a good cause is made for him when he does good to others.)

Indeed, children. There are things in human life that seems to have no importance, imperceptible and measure them is impossible. But without them, our life, gray and colorless weekdays becomes poorer. Among all human virtues of the kindness occupies a special place.

Think: what do we want, healthy?

Good afternoon, which means good.

What do you ask God to give someone?

Good, health.

How do we ask for help?

Kind people.

And what is good? (Children answer). Who in our class can be called good, kind? What do you think today we started talking about kindness?

Today, more than ever, we should not only talk about kindness, but also do good. There are many people who are called volunteers, they make a lot of good deeds for other people.

4. Creating an associative bush.

All what we talked about, I want to collect in one miraculous flower with you. And what is this flower, you will understand by listening to the story "If I had a carpet-plane." (Reads teacher)

Far and far beyond the sea, among high mountains, grows wonderful flower. He is blooming in early spring And it blooms all summer to late autumn. It has this flower an extraordinary property: it cleans the air. Who breathes the air from this flower, he never sick.

If I had a carpet-plane, would fly for the sea, sank in the mountains, I would find amazing flower. I would collect his seeds and brought home. I would distribute all people along the seed so that everyone grown a miraculous flower so that there was not a single sick person.

So I want to be this flower blooming. And this will happen when we play the game, which is called "I want."

The teacher explains the condition of the game.

I start this game. I want to be good on earth. (Draws petal to the flower on the multimedia board). Children come out in turn and draw on the petal, saying:

I want to be joy;

I want to be mercy;

I want to be happiness;

I want the world to be;

I want to be friendship;

I want humanity.

5. Setting the hour of communication.

Children, and I would like to live in a country where people would refrain from bad acts, evil intentions, and would be good, charitable.

And what is charity?


The word charity comes from a combination "to create good".

Good habit - take care of other people. People appreciate sympathy when it sincere. Alien grief should not leave us indifferent. There is even such a proverb: "There is no burning grief."

6. Message Topics Classes. Motivation.

Here we will go to the country of kindness today, in which you will learn to be good merciful, benevolent. But stopping in this country, on which we will stop, not easy, and with various tasks. To move on through the country, we must solve them. (On a magnetic board - a map of the country of kindness)

7. Journey to the country of good.

We will come to the stop "Vokzal". We transplant on the city bus and go further.

a) stop the "City of Good Deeds".

("Brainstorming": discussion of life situations).

How do you do if near ...

Someone crying.

Senior insults the younger.

Little kitten sits high on a tree and shouts.

The little brother is sad.

The flower in the pot lowered the leaves.

The sister had a favorite book.

Mom came tired of work.

b) Stop "Book".

Work in groups: reading and discussion of stories

c) Stop "Sports". (Fizkultminutka)

d) stop "illustrative".

The teacher shows the illustrations on which various situations are depicted. Children tell what bad deeds, and what good.

e) stop "Multikov Street".

View and discuss the cartoon "just so".

And in our class, in school there are such children who require remuneration for something?

e) Stop "Forest".

Acquaintance of students with the wise owl, which brought tasks for children: in envelopes-cut proverbs about kindness and they need to be addressed and read.

(Work in groups).

1 group

Good word / and frost will warm.

Everywalk, only a real man can do well.

Good word House builds, / and bad - destroys.

2 groups

We will not evaluate good, / until the good do not do.

From the good word / and ice melts.

The first step to good / do not make evil.

Good word to man / that rain in the drought.

(Children read educated proverbs.)

The teacher hangs on the magnetic board "Rules of Charity" and reads.

Rules of charity

The first step to good - do not make evil.

Whoever wishes a good man, he receives him himself.

Live, good commit, and the awards for this do not require.

Help weak, small, sick, old, those who got into trouble.

Sorry others, and not yourself.

The greatest joy for a person is to live for people.

Do not be greedy.

Goodbye errors to others.

8. Outcome classes.

So I approached the end of our journey in the country of good. But I know that some children prepared poems to our lesson.

Under the sounds of "Waltz" E.Dogi children read poems.

Teacher. According to the legend, when a person is born, God lights a new star in the sky and sends the guardian angel child. In a dream, an angel kisses a child three times:

In the forehead - so that it is smart;

In person - to be beautiful;

In the chest - so that health, love and good fit into his body, heart, soul.

Let Never go out your kindness asterisk. If we all do good, our planet will turn into a magical world. So let it be more on the ground of good, happiness and those who hurry to create it. (On a multimedia chalkboard - an angel image)

School - the second home ... How often we repeat these words that have long become familiar to our hearing. Really, educational institutionWhere a child comes from his home home, becomes a continuation of life in its entirety. For one period, it lasts exactly eleven years, for others - the school remains home throughout life. If a school manages to take such an important place in the fate of his pupil, it means that teachers managed to create for a student atmosphere of good, warmth, coziness, it means that everyone was well and comfortable in the walls of the temple of science.

How to achieve this? No one will give a recipe, one hundred percently guaranteeing success. But among the recommendations and councils of teachers, the word "holiday" will surely hear.

It is believed that the child, with early age Immersed in the atmosphere of joy, grows more sustainable to many unexpected situations, it is less susceptible to stress and disappointment. Great value of positive emotions for a person. Doctors and teachers have long already put the sign of equality between fun, happy smile and physical human health. That's why children are so important holidays and entertainment. That is why adults, preparing for each school event, think about how skillfully, thoughtfully and carefully organize it, how to fill it necessary for the development of a child.

This manual contains scenarios of various festive events For students of junior classes, society-wide celebrations for elementary school. Gaming and competitive programs, theatrical submissions, literary and musical compositions, scenarios of speeches Agitbrigad and KVN teams, Health and Science teams - such is the assortment of the teacher of the educator and the class leader of the Marathon of ideas and suggestions.

A good, smart holiday is such an event in the life of a child, which should be remembered by its surprisality, unusual, to give joy, cause bright emotional experiences. Among the plains of school everydays, holidays should become glorifying vertices, mounted and at the same time requiring certain efforts to climb them. The scenarios proposed in the manual involve the joint participation of teachers and students in their implementation. This is very important moment Organization of leisure activities. Involving children in the preparation of the holiday, the teacher teaches them seriously refer to the events of collective class life, schools. Participation of teachers B. joint work With pupils allows the adult to be closer to the interests, preferences and desires of the child, take them into account when preparing and conducting a school holiday program.

Event data scenarios are tested in practice. However, every educational institution is unique, because it has special traditions, its own rules, in it the unique, inherent in this school, gymnasium, lyceum spirit. That is why the scenario of the holiday can hardly be created, which without amendments will enter the life of a particular team of students and teachers. Creative teachers engaged in the organization of children's leisure to know how great sometimes the role of one single idea or discovery. I want to believe that the real allowance will give the teacher the opportunity to make such a discovery.

Presented scenarios will certainly help those who want to decorate the life of the school harbor bright colors The festive marathon who wants every child and an adult who has acquired a shelter under the Senjoy School Brotherhood, make happy.

Successes in the implementation of your creative ideas!

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Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kgu "middle school them. N. Ostrovsky "

Collection of extracurricular activities

Prepared: Aliyeva N.V.

Borodulikha 2016

The house I live in

The purpose of the classroom : Expand the ideas of students about the value and significance of the native home, school, village, republic, the globe.


Reveal the meaning of the concepts of "native land", "Universe", "Malaya Motherland";

Raise a sense of patriotism;

Bring up a sense of responsibility;

The course of the event.

Host: Today, our conversation about an important word in the life of any person, this word is a house.

Conversation: When you hear this word, what are you remembering first or someone?

(Children's responses)

A small person is born and everyone has their own home. In his hometown, he is surrounded by caress and care, give limitless love. The house is the place where you want to go back again and again.

Imagine that the word house is not at all the word, but encrypted words.

How would you decipher this word?

For example: good very cute; Dear father Mom;

Poems about the house: How to twist when we

No fatigue knowing sadness sometimes

Neither rest - every hour, how much joy at mom

Our day and night are our. If someone praises us

Everything is worried about us. How many flour they were with us

We are baucly, fed, and the awards do not need her

The crib sang us, about one dreams mom

First they taught us. On the love of your children!

Good gentle words.

Reading a passage from the work of the "Young Guard" "Hands of Mother"

Thank you, relatives, for care,

For every sigh of the night from the head of the head and

And holy fill with love.

After all, because of us it happens

From the native cheek, a catchy furtive.

And how hard it happens to us

When longing scares black shadow

And God forbid you, living in the world longer!

Performed song "Parental House"


Host: Children rose and went to school. The house in which they have to go through day a day for 11 years. This is a very important stage in the life of any person. Guys, remember about the school and try to decipher the word house so that it immediately has attached to the school.

For example, a house: friends. Highly. Many doors are open to many

And now we will listen to the Song Song who will tell about her more than any words.

"In the very center of the village", "School years", "And notes with doves"

School poems:

Time flies quickly, everything changes

Everywhere colleges, lyceum appear

And among them our school is usual,

Our secondary school is excellent.

I will evaluate the school only then

When flashed as moments, years.

Often at night she will dream.

School years no one will forget!

Children grow, leave native home, school. But the city, the village in which he was born, never forget. Our village, we call our home.

Story about the history of the village

We decipher the word house: my dear depreciation is my

Fulfillment of the song "Borodulika Cute", "My Town"

(Hearing Proverbs C114)

I love you, my land is native! Under the blue dome of heaven

O. How are you roaring you, blooms familiar meadow

Oh. How do you dear you! Live carpet around

Your humble beauty. Any stream I know here

He is my old friend.

Full my dreams.

How not to call the hometown, the state that gives you the opportunity to live without war, learn, have friends. Of course I am talking about our Republic of Kazakhstan.

We decipher the word house: Power, open to the world

Let's spend the song "Oh yes in Kazakhstan"

(We read the poems about the Motherland 3 people)

"Native, native land" L. Leschenko.

Each person has his own home, will grow up and comes to school, where he appears classmates, the inhabitants of their village, he proudly calls fellow villagers, all the inhabitants of our republic with honor are the name - Kazakhstanis. And all people on a huge planet Earth boldly call themselves earthlings.

Here, guys, we approached today to the most important on our lesson:

A person takes care of his house, together we must take care of your house called - the school, proud to talk about your village, keep nature, cares about the purity of his village. The main thing is to grow a worthy citizen of your state: to honor the traditions of the people, respect the language. Do everything to ensure that our "house" like everyone!

We will reveal the concept of a house: friendly huge world - Planet Earth!

That's what we all have to think and do everything on us that is always so it was.

The most beautiful, native,

Multicolored, merry, live,

You are for us, like a mother, alone in the world

We are your caring children.

But sometimes under our hands

Your beauty disappears without a trace.

Chips from the ocean dirt,

Beasts, birds, herbs perish.

Wherever we live on the planet,

For fate we are all responsible.

We are your assistants, friends,

We, the Earth, with you one family.

Let's keep the planet,

There is no other such in the world.

Her life paints

Sunset facing dawn,

Forests, Plains, Great Mountains

And rivers transparent blue

Such rare wealth!

In the hands of people - his fate!

Performed song:

"I, you, he, she - together a whole country"

The result of the event:

Planet is a house in which we live,

And in it noisy forests, flow and splash rivers.

Under the sky blue, under the sun gold

We want in this house to live forever.

Planet is a house decorated with difficulty

You know, answer, such a house price?

What will happen if there is a roof under fire?

What will happen if walls break in it?

Planet is a house in which day by day,

Flowers and bread grow, children laugh.

And this house for all is one - one at all.

There is no other house for another light.

The planet is a house, under the snow and rain,

In any frost, it is designed for glory.

Keep this house in which we live,

We all have the right to this peaceful house.

Performed song "Earth in the porthole is visible"

Mother's day


Formation spiritually - moral qualities.

March 8 - the beautiful and traditionally beloved holiday in our country. He is beautiful not only because this is the first spring holiday, when nature awakens and the time of love comes. Men bowl in front of a light woman - an excellent lady. Yes, and in our dynamic time time high technologies, Internet, mobile communications, computers and superconditions - the woman still should remain a woman. For only on her kindness, mercy, tenderness, mental subtlety and generosity, this world holds. When these qualities in a woman perished - the world will collapse. And this is not a metaphor, but truth. That is why it is important to dedicate to March 8, a woman, wife, beloved, sister, girlfriend, grandmother.


Today is March 8, a solemn day! Day of joy and beauty! On this day, men should bow the knees and give flowers to all women - the same beautiful, like women themselves!


Thank you very much for flowers, and for warm words, and for your attention. I think with me agree to all women sitting in the hall ...

What is there, all women of the world! Agree that most of all we are in the world, women, love warm words, attention men and flowers. If we have all this, we are ready for any feats!

Hello, dear friends!


Hello, cute women! We know this holiday as one of the most kind and beautiful. On this day, no woman should remain without a gift. Please accept our congratulations and let your face will have a smile that will not leave you for a long time.


By tradition, you came to congratulate you the smallest.

(Ucha grades read congratulations.)

    Still cold winter cold

Eighth only day spring

But here are goldes gold

All the streets are already full.

2. Discrete day not idle

Boys hundred workers

Spring first holiday

On the street goes.

3. In a fluffy yellow dress

He penetrated into each house.

Eight on asphalt

Displays a student.

4. In cloudless millet

The brave pilot washed.

Huge number eight

All the sky flashed.

5. And bagels in the showcase

Eight ruled!

Everywhere number eight

You just look.

6. Today is eight numbers

Love all others!

We will congratulate the holiday

All women are expensive!

(Performed song about mom, study 4 "a" class)

Congratulations to the study of the 4th grade.

    In the sky, the sun is beautiful,

Birds are fun singing

They wish you joy

And hello Spring Gate!

2. We are all smart today,

Flame shoes burn.

Congratulate you on the female holiday

Gathered as on the parade!

3. All shirts are rejuvenable,

All pants are alpopped.

We went around the puddles we.

And we did not fight.

4. Up the legs did not go,

Not lying on the floor.

We did not sit down on each other.

And not dirty in chalk.

5. We today, as if shoes,

Before you at the board,

But more beautiful than our girls

I still did not become.

6. You wish you only happiness.

And open you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

Throughout school simply not.

(Grade 4 students perform a congratulation song)


Spring, flowers, holiday. It's time to talk about what any woman dreams about. Really talk about the one that makes smiling, makes happy. About love!

Leading. Love is different: the first, beautiful, gentle and even funny. But in any case - pleasant!

We bring to your attention some life stories.

    5th grade student reads poem

"In our class student"

In our class student

I want to marry her.

Nadka at school are all afraid:

Great can fight.

I need such a thing

Raper satellite and wife.

On one of the changes

I'm going to N. N.

Giving up from afar:

Let's write off the task.

Give, probably tumak.

Do not wait for delivery.

Let at least apologize to.

No, sterrile, you can not rush.

Since you decided to marry.

Everything will have to go through

But it will teach to fight,

To school will accomplish.

Everyone will be afraid to be afraid

And for the courage to respect.

2. (Staging the poem "I remember youth of the year"

3. The poem "Everyone can guess"Leading.

O.Zhushchina, we are singing you shy,

And to the best of good, and not moderately evil

Sometimes faithful, and sometimes changeable,

Semi-wax and unceasing!


Spring - It's time for heat and light,

It's time to excitement in the blood.

And let the words of the lead

They sound recognition in love.

(Read the poem "Month March," Give women flowers ")

Month March, as if a schoolboy scrapping

We were rushed to us, such a naughty.

Deliver bouquets, boys,

Classmates Congratulate with the spring.

Where flowers, frost will retreat there,

So that the streams can face near schools.

Put not forget mimosa

Party to the teacher's table.

Exposed the trees of the macushki,

Forgetting your winter dreams.

They burned zadorly freckles

On the face of laughter - spring.

Bunny sunny jumps on the parties,

Bird twitter floats from height,

From smiling funny march

Flowers appear everywhere.

Telegrams, greeting cards

March bring his day to the eighth.

Do not forget, boys, bouquets,

Classmates congratulate with spring.

"Give women flowers."

Give women flowers

On the birthday of Lee, in spring,

One or more

Give women flowers.

Faceted flowers

Pleasing about anyone.

In the house coming, going out of the house,

Release the feeling of beauty.

Give me at dusk and day,

On the square and in the corridor.

Those with whom in love or in the separation,

Decorate with rainbow flames.

When a woman is longing,

She goes to his kingdom

And here the medicine helpless,

But the lily fate is close.

And you need to give flowers like that

This in them is to invest.

That gentle heartbeat

Transmitted their features.

Medium infinite fuss

I urge again: Stop!

Forgetting yourself, do not forget

Give women flowers.


Be happy!

Be loved!

Be lucky throughout

So that all sorrow - by,

To only joy in the house!

(Executables song)


We found out that a woman - love is synonyms!

But the main calling of women is to be a mother.

1.This word sounds equally

In various earthly languages.

Whispering - Mom! Baby-shaped

Her hands on her hands!

    First step and first fall

And through tears, my mother is calling.

Mom is a faithful salvation,

Only she saves pain.

    Steel adults became stubborn.

In bulktie events and days

We are keeping my mother's prayer,

But sometimes you forget about it.

    We chase for ghostly happiness

We all have no time, all underground.

But in a dream to the house native return

Touch the warmth of her hands.

    To bow down the head of the village

And to her lips to press her fingers.

Everything that understood everything undergoing

You forgive your children, mother.

(music number)

2nd readers.

On the life of my way to direct me

Move and keep a carefully mother.

And if stumbling, I suddenly on the go -

Then mom departs trouble.

I am happy - and moms shine eyes,

I am crying - the eye covers the tear.

And so that I do not disappear my mother,

I want to live this life worthily.

3rd readers

Palm at mom warm and gentle.

They warm like the sun of spring.

When you sickly sick, sick sometimes,

They will contact - no grandparents!

Clouds will hang, thunder thunder,

But the mom is sitting with you with you.

Palm will be easier for the forehead -

And the sun turns the rays again.

Do not blame the colors and sadness

When your mom is next to you.

4th readers.

Beautiful moms, in the light of you a lot,

In the eyes you look openly and straight.

What kind of distance would be the road,

We have beautiful moms.

We mother so rarely bring bouquets,

But everyone so often grieves her ...

And the good mother forgives all this -

Beautiful mother forgives all this.

Under the cargo caring without bending stubbornly,

She performs his duty patiently ...

Beautiful each mother,

Love with his maternal beautiful.


5th readers.

We thank relatives, for care,

For every sigh above your head

For the fact that our souls are willing

And holy fill with love.

Forgive us for every wrinkle

After all, because of us there is a disadvantage ...

Forgive us for each tear,

With his native cheek, lingering furtively.

And how hard it happens to us in life,

When longing scares the black shadow,

From all sorts of mischievous protected us

Favorite mothers blessing.

Yes, you will not touch your days.

And God forbid you a little longer live in the world!

Today you love, health, happiness

Your children want from all the soul!

Matinee "Around the World with Santa Claus"

Objective: The formation of aesthetic taste and the development of cognitive qualities.

1. Chets.

What kind of guest came to us?

How is the hardest and slight,

Upstairs a star is burning

And on the branches snow glitters,

And to the ear

All in toys and clappers.

Reader 2.

Brighter, brighter let it sparkle

Christmas tree with gold fires

Happy New Year Congratulations

Dear your guests!

Reader 3.

Here it is, our Christmas tree,

In the brilliance of radiant lights.

It seems that all it is more beautiful,

All green and lush.

Reader 4.

New Year's Christmas tree

Green needles.

And bottom to the top

Beautiful toys.

Reader 5.

Hang on the branches of the balls,

Magic lanterns

And beads, and snowflakes,

And blue ice glands!

Reader 6.

We will dance fun,

We will plan songs,

To the Christmas tree wanted

To visit us come again.

Reader 7.

Everyone today has fun

And laugh without lazy

Holiday fun to meet

No seconds to miss.

Reader 8.

Today is a simple law here:

"Sing and dance, dance and sing"

Forgive all the mistakes today

But not the lack of smile

Reader 9.

Hello, New Year's holiday

Holiday tree and winter

All friends of their today

Invited to visit us!

Reader 10.

New Year's dance

Waiting for children all year round.

Pope, Moms, Kids

We are glad to the tree from the soul.


Words of congratulations, remember who at the New Year holiday is the most important guest. We are convinced that there are many such guests, but first of all we appeal to the Christmas tree.

I am the queen tree.

I invite everyone to the palace!

My needle glitters.

There will be music to play!

We will sing and have fun!

Play, laugh, dance!

And never lose heart!

Dialogue with Christmas tree.


    Do you like our holiday?

    And our kids like?

    And what children, do you like most?

    Good? Naughty? Merry? Mischievous?

Lazy? Caprizul? Educated?

Output: The Christmas tree will follow the children. At the end of the holiday, gifts will receive only those who have fun, played and not saturated!

(I perform a song "Christmas tree was born in the forest")

And now the queue for Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Call them, friends! Santa Claus! AU!

Santa Claus.

Hello children! Very hurry to you. My magic boots rush me quickly and be sure to come to you. Just need to be patient and wait a bit. You are ready?


I can not come to you now, because I'm in India. Yes, do not be surprised. After all New Year Celebrate all over the world. But the traditions are all different. During my trip, I will keep the connection with you, send you emails in which I will talk about the tradition of meeting the holiday in different countries. Agreed?


So here is the country of India! It is very hot here, no snow. But there is a new year. New Year's Eve In India, they are not met at midnight, but with the sunrise. On this day, it is forbidden to quarrel, angry. The most fashionable and main thing is considered

rite launch into the sky bright air serpent.

I wish you a pleasant stay and to emergency on the air!

Concert Number: "Gypsy" (pre-from the hall 4 people are selected - support group + parents by number cell phone)

(Props: 6 scarves)

Santa Claus.

Friends, I'm in Japan. In the country of the rising sun.

New Year in Japan is not just a holiday, but as if a common birthday. On New Year's Eve, Japanese children are engaged in drawing. Here lives a legend that if you put the drawing under the pillow with the image of what you dream about, then any desire will be fulfilled. And I myself am a favorite game of the Japanese "Dancing Tiger" Play, to the instant on the air.

Concert Room "Chocolate Hare"

(Support group - 4 people.)

Game "Dancing Tiger" (2 bedspreads)

Guys, I am in a mysterious country - Tibet.

There is a pretty New Year's custom in Tibet: the hostess bake pies and give all familiar and unfamiliar. If you are obedient I will bring you as a gift Tibetan sweets. Agreed? Until!

Music number "Eastern fairy tales", "Black eyes"

(Support Group-8)

(Requisites - scarves, beads)

Santa Claus.

(Hears the ringing of broken dishes, crackling, grinding, roar)

Host: What is happening? Earthquake?

D.M. Do not worry! Nothing wrong. This Italians celebrate New Year. After all, I'm already in Italy. On New Year's Eve, Italians throw out old furniture, dishes from the apartments. It is considered that if you throw the old one, you will buy in the new year new thing. Very hurry to you, your Santa Claus.

Music number: Modern Toking Group

(Determine 2 parents + 4 children)

Game: "Crossing the line" (4 ribbons)

Santa Claus

Hey! I'm already in sunny Ukraine.

Conducting the old year, the lights are quenched in the houses. When the clock beat midnight, everyone is immersed in darkness. In these seconds, many are trying to find in the darkness of Santa Claus and kiss him in hand. Since comic belief is foreshadowed.

Play, I will very soon!

Game (4 scarf, Santa Claus costume)

Musical numbers:

S. Rotaru, A. Lorrerech, N. Coralova.

Santa Claus

And here is Moscow. I am in Russia, on new Year's tree At the same guys in the Moscow school. So I see Kolya Baskov, he learns in grade 1, Ellochka Pugacheva - she is in the 4th grade, Yura Shatunov - also here, and Valery, and Las, and Zare.

I declare a song marathon. Until!

Well, what did you go well? For while you danced, I arrived in Astana, guys congratulate! Astana guys give you Hi and wish a lot of happiness in the new year!

Host: Rite "Shishu"

Musical numbers:

Song in the Kazakh language, "Hello, Capital"

Santa Claus

Guys, I'm seven in the city.

And in a few minutes you will have. You are not tired of waiting for Santa Claus? Then meet!


As long as grandfather gets. I want to ask you one question:

Which of the cartoons did you like the most last year?

In the outgoing year?

And on the stage, the most Masha with the song "About the traces"

I hear the bell chime!

Santa Claus

Yes, you are not mistaken. This is me and my granddaughter Snow Maiden. Now I know for sure that you love me, we are always looking forward and for this I bring you gifts.

1 festive pie from Tibetan owners.

2 gifts for each class.

Ends holiday by the performance of the song

"White snow sparkles brightly."

"White snow sparkles brightly."

White snow sparkles bright and gifts everywhere waiting.

Because without gifts is not a new year.

We look forward to the holiday, to get a gift.

But more pleasant to give it to himself

We are waiting for guests from different places to our festive Christmas tree.

All do not bargain anything - no one will eat anyone.

Even the snow runs scraping, and not just goes

Opens as a book - our funny new year.

Everything is in good customer - and spiny hid the Yozh

And on the Total Birthday - this wonderful day looks like.

Skiing is, get up on skis - Spectacle, fly, download!

So that white, black, redhead, got a gift.

Class hour "My team"

( According to the course of the course self-knowledge )

purpose : deepen students' presentings about relationships in the Big Team.


Disclose the importance of the concepts of "school team", "class team", "joint creative activity";

Develop the ability to appreciate friendship, mutual understanding and mutual respect in relations between classmates;

Rail attentive, caring attitude towards your classmates.

Resources: Video recording, classroom photos, use in the work of an interactive board.

1. Circle of joy.

Guys, I want to start our lesson from the words of Alexandra Duma

"One for all and all for one" .

These words from his famous work about musketeers, which differed by special courage and were strong in their friendship.

They will serve us with the epigraph to the lesson. Because ... .., and in other words, a little later. I propose to say hello an unusual way:

We go out one by one, form a common handshake, as Musketeers did. And loudly utter the epigraph of our lesson.


2. Favorite conversation.

Guys, before revealing you theme lesson, tell about the goals and tasks I would like you to listen to one amazing legend.

I suggest you very carefully listen about she? Or rather, to say about whom she?

Every year, people bring people into the same street and give in the good hands of the gardener, the most expensive: gentle, fragile sprout. With what hope they look into the eyes, trusting our treasure to him. And then on the shoulders of the real gardener there is a heavy burden of responsibility. Many questions arise simultaneously. How to care for small shoots, how and when to water and fertilize on time? How to save from bad weather, finally, so that real flowers have grown and they would not have been launched among the huge magnificence - thistle, barb, dope. He thinks and dreams the gardener about the people to admire his flowerumba, gladly, looking at her, saw in her only a good start. And only then the joy of the gardener will be limitless.


Guys, what do you think about whom is it about this legend? Who acts as a gardener? And fragile sprout and future flower?

So, guys, unfortunately, to work with you left together for six months and after this time I will give your "flower bed" to other gardeners. And how I want to be distinguished by my flowers with a special beauty - spiritual!

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson:

Today, we once again have been talking about friendship, about understanding, about the word - team.

In the lesson we have a lot of guests who throughout the lesson will observe our work, will appreciate my "flower garden"

(Sound signal hears)

An email came to us. Hero, friendozhelikin sent us questions and asks to answer them.

1 Question: What is a cool team?

2 Question: Is your class be called a class team? Why? And family?

3 Question: Do you like, do you want to come to school every day? Why?

Situations are offered:

    How in one second to collect the scattered sticks?

    Inflate the 20 balls at once and give them to guests.

    How to simultaneously eat 20 candies?

Visuality demonstrating the concept of team:

(Large Mandarin, pencil box, examples of children.)

Travel into the past.

Children, I suggest us to remember how it all started. Three years ago we spent a cool hour, and it was called the "Huge Children's Heart" and speech in this lesson about good, about how important it is to be a good friend, love your classmates.

Let's see what you talked then? Whether we managed to do?

(View video)

And we also talked about it in the third grade. We'll see.

(View video phrases)

3. Disposal over the situation.


1. Only a lesson began, the student dropped the portfolio from which the contents were poured. How do you behave in this situation?

Thread all class to help.

We will laugh loudly, it's funny.

Another variant.

2. For a change, two girlfriends swear loudly, quarreling. Your actions:

Go past, it does not concern me.

Can I make from this circus spectacle? I love to watch the quarrels and a fight.

Pass by, this is their problem.

Teach the teacher, let them punish them.

Another answer.

3. The teacher calls the student to the board, who does not know the topic, but trying to answer something, turning to the team for help to the team. How to do it?

Can be suggested.

Loud class laugh at him, so that he was ashamed.

Starting for him, and ask the teachers to ask him tomorrow, promising to help him deal with the theme.

4. Song marathon.

(Use karaoke) how many songs about friendship are folded, I suggest everyone to remember the most popular and together with guests to fulfill them.

Together fun to walk ...

Friendship strong ...

5. Enter the proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Friendship like glass, break - do not fold

An old friend is better than two new ones.

Tell me who is your friend and I will say who you are.

Friend is known in trouble.

There is no friend - look for, and you will find - take care.

Together closely, and apart boring.

Where needle, there and thread.

Not in service, but in friendship.

I do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Not nice light when there is no friend.

Good friend - Otrada for the soul.

Remember friendship, and forget the malice.

Do not love the pan of the pan, Love the middleman.

Be with a friend and in Mount and in joy.

Help a friend in trouble.

Many buddies, but no friend.

No friends - orphan.

6.Egorical activities

Class is a big team of like-minded people. If the team is friendly, then learning fun, easy and exciting.

Without exaggeration, I can say that we are the most famous class in elementary school. Because we have the highest speed of moving on school corridors, the highest jumper on stairs, conquering the top of the school debay this feat. And about what voices of my guys know not only in school - in the whole village.

This is certainly a joke we have a lot and good deeds. Last year we were parties to the "Ainalayn" contest, three diplomas won immediately. I easily spend school activities, because I have a real children's, friendly team. We love hiking, excursions, celebrating together our birthdays - we live like a big friendly family.

Today we will show and reveal our children's talents in front of you.

(The pre-class was divided into four groups)

The guys got a task to fulfill four musical numbers.

1 Number - one simple fairy tale.

2 Number - How do we not have fun ...

3 Room - Chastushki

4 Number - Here lives in high school our class.

7. Generalization.

We guys should try to be benevolent and always respect those who are near.

Remember that friendship in class is strong in confidence and mutual understanding.


eight . Homework.

Write an essay about our school family. Is it good with us, can something worries you?

9. Krug "from heart to heart"

What good children grew up!

You have amazingly clear faces

Let them make it easier for you in the world!

I wish you a lot in life to achieve.

Perhaps today you are through

All deeper programs

Hard items.

Yet children grew up good!

And how many rear in the guys are my!

And in other words, judging by many signs,

We ourselves were the same

And we are not humility taken into people.

Finishing our lesson - we want everyone to wish good luck, health patience!


Class hour "Expensive Good"

Goals and objectives:

1) to bring up in children a sense of friendship and partnership;

2) give knowledge about the moral standards of behavior

3) encourage children to self-education of moral qualities;

Event flow:

1) Class leader's opening word:

Today we will talk on the topic very important for all people on the planet - this

D o b r o "

2) In search of good we will go on the way on the way of good!

(The image of the desert appears)

Children! So the world will look without kindness, love! We must turn this desert in blooming garden - Full joy, peace!

Is everything ready to go with me on the road? Answer children

So, on the road!

What does the word friendship mean? Answers children






(Templates for making crafts are harvested in advance on the tables of children)

Friendship is the basis of good on Earth! (Take a circle from the template that personifies the deserted land)


1) a true friend everywhere 2) and in everything without long-distance words

He is ready to help you!

faithful in happiness and trouble

Your sadness worries him

You are not sleeping - he will not be able to sleep!

3) what to swear and tease

Better to put up with you

We will smile together,

Sing songs and dance

4) in the summer in the lake swim

And strawberries to collect

Ice skating ride

Bab sculpt, in snowball play.

5) for two divide candy,

All problems and secrets

Very bored in a quarrel to live

Because come to be friends!

4. We continue to grow the garden. What you need to sow in the ground. To see the result? (Sadim Seedly)

5 grant, what is responsiveness?

The word of the teacher.

It is good to refer to your comrades, be able to be friends. To come to the rescue always and everywhere.

Be mercy, show grace.

Guys, I want to know whether you are good to distinguish from evil, good from bad.

(Use the signal cards-red and green)

Viewing cartoons, analyze, make conclusions.

"Cat Leopold and Mice", Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena ", IT.d.

Which of the heroes would like to be like children, and who would not want to be for? Why?

The word of the teacher is returning to the colors of our garden. Guys, why does not make seeds?

The answer of children is necessary for life water.

(Glit water droplet)

Poems: 1) good and evil to create,

In the power of all people.

But evil is happening without difficulty

Good to work hard.

2) gives rise to the beast beast.

Gives birds. Bird

From good good.

From evil evil is going on.

B - benefit.

What is the benefit? Questions: - Can the children do good? Are you not small children, for good deeds? good actions?

(Recording of children's answers, video)


1) Be merciful man

All people have one planet.

And there is no wind, but there are no borders for the flight of wild birds.

2) we are destined to breathe with all air united

Let us be united forever!

3) Let's keep our souls,

Then we are on earth and keep themselves!

5) (come back to our flower model)

Children, what else is needed for normal plant growth?

The answer of children: - light and warmth.

Joy works good.

Questions for conversation: who are more pleasant to look at the man of sullen, capricious or smiling? What is more pleasant to be friends? Why?

Teacher's word: We are visiting the "wise owl". Owl will ask us a few tasks and check their decision. (3 teams participate. 3 situations are offered, children are offered to evaluate

Situations, give an answer and solve the problem.)

Situation №1

Based on a wand, the old man goes. It stops to relax. And again wanders. The boys who watched him began to imitate his gait, burned down, ate moved the legs guys laughing fun.

Situation number 2.

Aigul's little girl first entered the school. The girl was scared, in front of the tears. This noticed the eldest guys. Ran up to the girl and began to tease her. The girl was crying, and the guys laughed cheerfully.

Situation number 3.

In the bus closely, everyone goes from work. Katyusha occupies a vacant place and with a smile, having fun look at those who stand.

(Possible incessation, analysis of the answers)

Poems: Rejoice in Light,

Rejoice in the sky

Rejoice to a friend

Rejoice to everyone.

2) It will be easier to live, life will be better

Everything will become more beautiful around.

Teacher's word: completed work, help, will dismiss our flower.

In the heart of each flower your names.

And now turn the desert in the flowering garden.

In the word "good", the vowel is not yet revealedABOUT.

- Only brave people will be able to pass the life path "Expensive good »

Only brave people, but what people can call themselves brave?


    Oh, how good things are needed

More than once we were convinced of this

Or maybe not words, things are important?

Words in words, and things business.

The result of the event: strong weapons - kindness!

(The desert is filled with flowers)

Methodical technique: "Plot of Good",

Let's spend the song "Expensive Good"


Do not forget to give a good neighbor,

Relative, friend

It is like true magic

Return to you in a circle.

Graduation party dedicated to goodbye with elementary school.

    (All guys behind the scene)

The lead of the lead: executes a song on the motive (KVN)

Again in our class

In our class there is no empty place.

This means - a holiday,

Long-awaited holiday, but what?

The lead comes on the scene:

If it is again

From smiles and from songs closely,

This means - a holiday,

In our class holiday graduation.


Prom, what does this mean?

Where is released? And where?


We produce us, Sasha, from elementary school in the middle, from one teacher to many teachers.

Oh, how cool!


Oh, how bad, Sasha!

(Sit on the bench, 2 children appear on the stage. Performed song on the motive

"Merry neighbor")

How do we not worry:

Day is not easy today.

How many days we waited, brothers,

This holiday graduation.

But a little disturbing

How will we meet the fifth grade,

How to learn everyone can

What happens to us.

(Everything will run out)

How do we not have fun

Everything will turn out from us.

And girls and boys -

Inseparable friends!

For each other we are mountain

Together we are one family!

3.Bested on stage.

School. This word has become native and relatives for us. And where does it start - from the portfolio? From the first call?

With a piece of white chalk?

From the first letter? From the first assessment?

From the first school change?

Or maybe from the first album sheet?

From the paints and a new diary?

From boards and parties?

From the tank.

Why - I do not know for sure, and I know only when: in early September, always!

4. (sit in place)

One simple fairy tale

Maybe not a fairy tale

And maybe not a simple -

We want to tell you.

When we were seven years old

And maybe eight,

And maybe six years,

Let's not specify.

In one simple school

Or maybe not to school,

Or maybe not a simple -

Moms have led us.

Standing day autumn,

Or maybe not autumn,

And maybe he did not stand

We still led.

What is something suddenly aunt

Maybe not aunt

Or maybe not some -

The director it was.

Congratulated parents

Congratulated teachers

Congratulated the whole district

Not forget about us.

We were half an hour,

Or maybe not stood

With briefcases, with flowers,

Under the sun, not in the shade.

But to school where our class was,

And maybe not our class.

Maybe not to school

We still started.

Behind the door mom with grandfather,

Behind the door dad with grandmother,

Or maybe aunt with uncle

Stayed to wait.

And in the class, together with us,

Or maybe not with us

Only a teacher remained -

And began to train us

Leading. (Pasha) Today we worry about a little - four years, we raised step by step at the most difficult steps of the knowledge stairs. And today our holiday, as a few years ago, opens our director of Skoda Zoya Nikolaevna.

(Speaker of the director, handing literacy)

Four years, we raised step by step through the hardest steps, thousands of lessons we studied with you since then. Dozens of rules learned, hundreds of tasks and thousands of examples have been resolved, many scientific facts settled in your heads, and some still do not fit there. Thousands of hours per desk, and this is not counting the time spent on homework. During the studies at school, you have to write a whole book, and in four years we have gained material on a good magazine title "Primary School".

Let's overflow the pages of our memoirs magazine. And if anyone has a desire to add something on pages, then -paluist.

So 4 years ago we met.

(Song fragment "beat the clock on the old tower")

There is a fragment of a photo. On the background of the melody guys read poems.

    We were all funny kids,

When first in this class entered.

And, having received a notebook with pencils,

The desk sat down for the first time.

    We remember that the bell is cheerful,

What the first time ranked for us.

When they entered with flowers to school,

In your best first class.

    How did the teacher met at the door

Our faithful friend for many days

And the faithful family is big

Girlfriends new and friends.

4. Look, learning we go to the first class

All new, all new, all new we have.

New handle in a new portfolio,

New books, wands for account,

New notebooks, new worries.

Everyone is more difficult first class,

Because for the first time!

5. Carefully sitting at the desk,

So that school units do not grab

We revealed their alphabets,

Opened a clean notebook.

6. Leading

1st. Yes, it was difficult to start, but now everything is behind and any task on the shoulder.

2nd. All this is good, and what is interesting we can tell about our class?

3rd. We finished the fourth and switched to the fifth. How many contests and victories in these years classroom watches and open events on "Hurray!" , participation in the Olympiads and medals.

1st all this because we all did together, together.

2nd. In my opinion we have the highest class! And what do we differ from others.

3rd. High speed movement on school corridors, and special noise.

2nd. Oh, yes.


I suggest to look at our lessons.

(Staging a lesson of mathematics.

Teacher. Let's start with an oral account. Rustam, if you have 100 rubles and you will ask your brother another 100 rubles. How much money do you have?

Student. As before 100 rubles.

Teacher. Yes, you just do not know mathematics!

Student. No, you just don't know my brother.

Teacher. -Sasha, if you found 5 rubles in one pocket, and in another 10 rubles ....

Student. So I put on other people's pants.

Teacher. Now we will solve the problem. Dima, please tell me, the formula of finding the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle.

Student. I am very sorry, but I also do not remember her too.

Russian language lesson.


Nail, admit to honestly, who wrote to you homework.

Student. Honest word, I do not know, I go to bed early. (Julia, Nail)

Teacher So, let's start the lesson of the Russian language. I checked your notebooks. Sultan, I asked you to write leaking.

Student. Yes, maybe you ask me to write without mistakes.?

Teacher. Today we will write dictation. Olya, I am confident that I will not see you writing off.

Student. And I really hope for it.

The lesson of knowledge of the world.

Teacher. Where is the water in nature, faith?

Student. You yourself said in nature.

Teacher. Lyuba, call six animals who live in the Arctic?

Student.Two seals and four polar bear.

Teacher. What teeth grow the last, Pasha.?

Student. Golden.

Teacher. Aida, you interfere with, read about yourself.

Student. But here nothing is written about me

6. The song "Wizard - Defending")

Loading more than us for today

We teacher sets us the task with ICS

Candidate of science and one task crying.

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning,

It's only the beginning

Oh oh oh!

And we have grown trouble: writing again.

Lion Tolstoy in my years did not write this.

I do not go anywhere, I do not breathe ozone,

I am engaged in the work of synchrophasotron.

Loading more than us more than why.

Today at school first class like the Institute.

I go to sleep twelve.

There is no strength to undress ...

That's right to become an adult - run away from childhood!

(Song fragment "beat the clock on the old tower")

The second village is dedicated to those who helped class teacher Create from us a real team, having spent not enough effort on it.

Dear Saul Isupovna, Aigerim Kabdullayevna, Galina Ivanovna, Vladimir Yakovlevich, Svetlana Valerievna, Baziza Kashkenovna. We want to express our appreciation and respect. Say thanks for your hard work, ask for forgiveness for our terrible behavior and wish you further patience in your work. (Adel )with us. And special words of gratitude address the musical leader Sergei Vladimirovich. Thanks for the help, thanks for your work.

You were very strict

When you taught us.

And a lot in these years

you did for us.

You learned us to think.

The world of creativity was discovered

How cool that with joy

We studied with you.

We tried to write off

Often were mistaken.

But we believe that the star hour for us will come.

Perhaps our children and grandchildren will also say:

How great that we have studied at school.

Thank you for good attention.

And for care every day and hour,

For warmth, love and understanding,

For everything you taught us.

We began to see deeper, think wider,

We became older, better and wise.

And understood that they are so appreciated in the world

Beautiful and big teachers.

(Performed song "Once to grow teachers")

"How do we not have fun"

Third page.

Dedicated to those who in our climb accompanied us. These are our faithful friends and assistants parents. The good advice, the wise word and the fence sent us. How the eyes were sad when sometimes we brought a bad mark in the diary! What sparks were lit in them when everything turned out! What happiness that we have such wonderful parents.

    About the faith of our mothers,

Not knowing

Holy, trembling faith,

In us - the younger children.

    Her, like light in the birch,

Nothing will not work out in the world:

Neither "units" in the diary,

No evil neighbors complaints.

    Mother of such people

Sigh, we are a long look with a long look:

"Let it be moved. Will! " -

And they believe again, believe, believe.

    So believe mother alone

collectively and patiently.

And not crying they

Do not read this dam.

    And just a year

Their faith is trembling and tender.

But we are not always

We justify their hopes.

6. Miley moms, cute dads!

How good that you are near now.

In this solemn joyful hour,

Joy we divide your

In life for us you are compass Earth.

After all, for parents, the main thing is!

We are grateful to you all the soul!

6. Thank you together by now.

"Thank you" -3 r. For patience, love, kindness

The fourth page about what we have become in four years, and what to expect from us to teachers who are looking forward to us in the fifth grade. Yaroslav.

    We graduated from the initial school,

They sang her farewell song to her.

After all, with childhood it falls

And we don't want to grow up to us.

    We and the teacher will be the first to break up

In the office, you can only go to visit

And in the classes seven years we will have to wander,

In a hard training road to go.

(G.A. takes an oath)

"When entering into a number of students in the middle stage of the school, in the face of their comrades, in the face of parents - martyrs, in the face of teachers, workers solemnly swear:

    At the board stand, as the best goalkeeper, not missing the ears of any question, even the most difficult and tricky.

    Do not bring teachers to boiling point -100 with

    Being fast and rapid, but not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving on school corridors!

    Stretching from teachers does not housing, squeeze no juices, but durable and accurate knowledge and skills.

    Swim only on "good" and "excellent" in the sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge, diving to the very depths.

    Be a worthy of your teachers! Want! Want!

Class collective transfer.

(Performed song on the motive "Moscow windows")

Now heaven darkens,

So the windows in the area were lit,

Evening, graduation evening -

Sad holiday, and with longing

With primary school, we say goodbye to your native.

Build, glue, think and dream.

Let's just say, not melting:

We are now one family,

And it is impossible to part.

We will dream of you at night

We wish you a lot of happiness to you,

We know you for many years

You have no kind in the world!

You proved that

Learning light.

It's time to say goodbye to us.

"Goodbye!" -What are we to you.

We will return in September,

Meet autumn in the yard

And go to the journey on the school ship.

(Performed song "How we don't have fun")

The final word of the teacher.

No in the light of the honorable labor,

What the teacher is restless.

We will never forget you

And your love will be worthy!

Last quarter, Spring Quarter ...

Thank you teacher, you

For entering the school class at dawn,

You stayed in my heart forever.

In the corridors it gets quieter,

Even even heartbeat hears,

Goodbye, elementary school,

Skump our farewell hello!

We sad, we sing, parting,

Recalling happy days

How did we come here kids

And what we left from you.

Friends break up

Tenderness remains in the heart

We will be friendship

Goodbye to new meetings.

In this class, you dreamed of

And expensive knowledge led.

Here friends we met our own,

Here we did the discovery.

Do not be sad, our teacher is beloved,

We are committed to you and more than once.

Let them replace others

We only have such one.