Determine the exact size of the footwear along the length of the foot. Leg size measurement rules for footwear selection

Anna Turkish

Reading time: 39 minutes


Currently, there are many models of shoes, both for men and for women. There are cases when people in measure cannot accurately decide on the choice, and eventually choose it not in size or leg shape. For example, the size is yours, and completeness - more than you need, or vice versa.

Often incorrectly selected shoe size leads to various diseases. To select suitable shoes, follow our recommendations.

How to determine the size of the shoes to an adult man - correctly select the size!

Each person under the size of the shoe implies the length of the foot, but not everyone guess that the size of the shoes is its length and width. Shoes must also be selected under your foot width.

For example, if a narrow leg who came to the store has a narrow foot, then the shoes need to be chosen on the size smaller, and if wide, then, on the contrary, the size is more.

There are several shoe size systems:

In order to determine the size of the shoes, do the following:

  • Take a blank sheet of paper and a good pencil.
  • Put the foot on paper and carefully circle it. It is recommended to do it in the evening, since in the evening the legs swell - especially if you have a movable lifestyle. If you wear future shoes with your sock - put on the sock.
  • Remove the leg from the sheet and read the long line with the ruler.
  • Measure both legs and choose the largest number.
  • At the end, it is necessary to round this figure to 5 millimeters and select Size table.

ISO (cm)

Russia Europe



Size Winter and Summer Shoes - one. But it should be remembered that when measuring winter shoes, it is better to give preference to size more. This is due to the fact that winter shoes can have an artificial or natural fur, because of which your foot will be closely. Also in the cold swell legs, and the shoes begin to squeeze them. Before measure, be sure to wear a thick sock.

When choosing summer shoes by one of the nuances is selection of sneakers . They also need to choose so that the shoes do not give to the sock and was free, otherwise you have the risk of getting injured joints.

Foot fullness for all the sizes of female and male shoes - as the completeness is measured, and why is it necessary?

Sometimes a person does not have the opportunity to measure the shoes that he plans to buy. To do this, you can measure the completeness of your foot at home to correctly determine the size of the shoes without fitting.

You can determine the completeness by the following formula: W \u003d 0.25V - 0.15С - A Where W is the fullness of the legs, in - the feet of the feet in millimeters, C - the length of the foot in millimeters, and is a permanent coefficient (for men - 17, for women - 16)

Let us give an example: Suppose you have a foot length of 26 mm., Cooking of the foot (in the widest place) - 24 mm. Consequently, 0.25 * 240 - 0.15 * 260 - 16 \u003d 2. We conclude that on the Russian system of completeness of your foot is 2.

You can learn the completeness of the table. First, measure the legs, which are above, using paper and pencil.

Then compare the value of the width of the foot and length.

Foot fullness is shown in the top cells of the table:

The size

Fullness (lifting) in cm










In most cases, the values \u200b\u200bshown in the table are mainly suitable for classic shoes, as it is more hard and has no properties to stretch. Soft material shoes with time can lose form when wearing and stretching.

Dimensional Mesh Women's Shoes - Shoe Sizes Conformity Table for Women

Before paying attention to the size of the shoe grids, you need to measure the length of the foot and match the measurement system you need.

for exampleIf your leg length is 24 cm., on the Russian measurement system, the size will be 37.5. If 23.3, then it is better to give preference to shoes with a size of 36.6.

Determine your size on the table below:

Shoe Sizes Table for Men - Dimensional Mesh Male Shoe

The size of male shoes can also be defined table:

Attention: On the Chinese system there is almost no large sizes of shoes for men.

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In connection with the emergence of various online stores, many are faced with a problem, how to accurately determine the size of the shoes. Knowing the length of the foot and taking advantage of the table for different countries, you can determine which shoes will suit you or your child. But you need to shoot the measurement as accurately as possible.

We supply a foot on the sheet of paper and measure the specified length

When ordering in an online store to choose from a lot of attractive models at a bargain price, but the main task is not to be mistaken with the parameters. Often the parcel goes from afar without courier. For these reasons, the return of unsuitable shoes is problematic and associated with additional spending. Adults were lucky more, because they can easily remove the measurement in several ways.

Method 1

It is necessary to put a foot on the blank sheet of paper and, placing a pencil at an angle of 90 ° to the plane, delineate the leg. The resulting trail to measure the centimeter ribbon from the middle of the heel to the end of the thumb. Next, to determine the size of the foot at its length will help the table. For the summer purchase, the leg should be bare, for winter - in the sock, with which the boot or shoes are wearing.

Data for men and women in the size of the foot in centimeters are the same. However, you need to discuss with the seller, which parameters have a specific product. You can inform him of your exact measured data and ask what is preferable to order. In addition to the size of the length, it is possible to find out whether the model is suitable in width, as this is often the problem.

Method 2

For a clearer result, it is desirable to determine the length of each foot. In adults, the feet normally differ slightly in length, about 5-7 mm. The choice should be made in the biggest. They advise to carry out measurements in the evening - at this time the stops will slightly swell and increase their length, so the purchased new thing will not harm.

Method 3.

Determine the size easily along the length of the insoles of the shoes that fits you well. To relate data from the information of the Seller from another country, it is enough to look at the scheme for the compliance of Russian models of foreign. Measurement systems in many states their own. This can be clearly represented using a table:

American and European shoes and their compliance with Russian

Listening to these practical advice, it is easy to identify your exact parameters, and buying will bring joy instead of disappointment.

How to find out the size of children's shoes

Parents often have to buy this item wardrobe to a child without fitting. The kid can not clearly say about his feelings. In addition, go to the store with children is a difficult task. Many quickly end patience. Solve the problem will help the original method, with which it is easy to determine the length and size of the child's shoes in advance:

  1. Take a conventional baby sock. For summer shoes, it will take thin, for demi-season, winter - warm.
  2. Wet your sock under the crane, squeeze well.
  3. Wear it to the baby.
  4. Put a sheet of white paper on the floor, put the kid with a leg into the center.
  5. Immediately try to circle a pencil, while the water did not have time to dry.
  6. With the help of the ruler to hold a line from the middle of the heel to the place where the thumb ends.
  7. How to measure the defined parameter, it is easy to understand: the data obtained in centimeters transfer to the matching table.

If the foot length has an intermediate value, for example, 10 cm, choose a greater indicator, since the leg in the child grows quickly. When buying in the online store for the upcoming season during the sale, it should be envisaged how roughly the parameters change:

  • A child under 3 years stops one item every 3 months.
  • Kids have 3-6 years old - after 4 months.
  • Junior schoolchildren and adolescents - at a semi-annual period.

If the order goes for a long time or the new thing will not be needed immediately, it is better to purchase a size with a margin.

How to choose the right shoes for a child

In order for the baby to be comfortable, and the growing stop was not subject to deformation due to poor-quality shoes, shoes or boots, a little correctly determine the size of children's shoes. Orthopedists advise parents to choose products that meet such requirements:

  • The product is made of genuine leather, suede, textiles. Then the sweat evaporates quickly, the foot does not exceed and is not rubbed.
  • Shoes, sandals and other items are equipped with a supinator that supports the arch of the foot.
  • Under the heel, a small heel required to prevent flat-refining formation. This also applies boys.
  • The ribbed sole with an anti-slip coating is made of an elastic, but plastic material.

It is also important to take into account the type of clasp: children should have a velcro, about 5-6 years old, they learn to tie the laces from 5-6 years. Thanks to the simple method for determining the parameters, you can go shopping and selling without a child, which takes such walks poorly.

Before buying shoes for an adult or baby, it is necessary to predetermine the parameters using simple manipulations. Then stays to see the matching table to determine the exact data. Then the new foundation of the wardrobe will fit, and you do not have to spend time on its exchange or refund.

Shoes are a very important accessory in the wardrobe of any man. She can tell for a man more than he himself. That is why, a strong half of humanity carefully selects every couple.

However, define the model and color is not enough. It is important to correctly determine the size of male shoes. Make it in offline store is quite easy. There you can try out several pairs, or in extreme cases ask to choose the amount of the consultant. If you are going to order the footwear on the Internet, there is a problem with the choice of the designations of popular brands.

How to determine the size of male shoes?

As a rule, the designation of male shoes is determined using the "Stop Length" parameter. Some brands additionally indicate the "foot width" parameter, which allows you to more accurately select a model.

The length of the foot is determined on the basis of 4 numbering systems.:

  • INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3355-77. Satisfied with a simple system that is used in Russia and Ukraine. The size of the shoes in it is determined by the length of the foot. Length is indicated in millimeters, but usually it is transferred to centimeters. The resulting value is rounded to 0.5.
  • European system. In this system, the length of the insoles is measured, instead of the length of the foot. Measure the insole in the hides (6.7 mm). The insole is always greater than the foot, so the designations will be more than 1-2. For example, 39 Russian designation will correspond to 40 European.
  • American system. Determined by insole in inches. Step in the table - 8.5 mm or 1/3 inches.
  • English system. Almost similar to the previous one. It differs only in the original size, which is 0.5 more than in the American system. For more information, see the matching table.

Measure length helps a centimeter tape or a ruler:

Important! If you are going to buy winter boots, wear a sock with which you will wear it. Measure the length of the foot is recommended in the evening when the foot is molded and extends.
Men's Sizes Calculator

Men's shoe size table

Measuring the length of the foot, translate the value to millimeters. Round it up to an integer and find the appropriate designation in the matching table. The resulting designation can be used to order male boots in the online store. With the help of the table, you can also translate the male size of the US shoes into Russian, European and English.

The size of male shoesStop Length (mm)RussiaEuropeEnglandUSA
35 225 35 36 2,5 4
36 230 36 37 3 4,5
36,5 235 36,5 37,5 3,5 5
37 240 37 38 4 5,5
37,5 245 37,5 38,5 4,5 6
38 250 38 39 5 6,5
38,5 255 38,5 39,5 5,5 7
39 260 39 40 6 7,5
40 265 40 41 6,5 8
41 270 41 42 7 8,5
42 275 42 43 7,5 9
43 280 43 44 8 9,5
44 285 44 45 8,5 10
45 290 45 46 9 10,5
46 295 46 47 9,5 11
47 30 47 48 10 11,5

Important! Choosing winter boots, order 1 size more. It is usually sewn with a dense filler (the fur layer steals several millimeters), so the standard size will be crushed. Summer and sports shoes Order the right, as it has a property stretch.

Fullness and width of the foot

Manufacturers rarely use this value to designate sizes. Modern shoes are enough elastic to adapt under the width of the legs. Exceptions are classic models. They are sewed from solid materials, so it will be useful for you to know the "foot width" parameter.

The formula will help to determine this parameter:

W \u003d 0.25V - 0.15С - a,

where W is the width of the foot, B - the worship of the foot, C - the length of the foot, and the coefficient.

For women and men, the coefficient will be different. If you measure men's shoes, the coefficient will be equal to 17, for women's shoes - 16. All values \u200b\u200bin the formula must be translated into millimeters.

All measurements are quite simple. Having a ruler or a centimeter tape at hand, you can easily determine the desired parameter. However, it is always better to try on a thing in the store before buying.

More or less figured out, then how to determine the full feetand whether it is necessary to take into account this indicator at all - Few. Meanwhile, this is also an extremely important characteristic, the ignoring of which can lead to very serious consequences, both in children and in adults. The overwhelming majority of people fullness of the foot are standard, medium, but also by them when choosing shoes, it is necessary to check this parameter, so that not to buy random size on a narrow or wide foot. By the way, if the fullness of the shoes is not specified in the product description, it is standard.

Why define the complete foot

In simple language, the fullness of the shoes (it is the width) - this is a parameter that determines how comfortable the selected steam on your feet. Will there be shoes, shoes, crosses to crush. Or, on the contrary, they will not hang out to such an extent that you have to hold your shoes literally with your fingers.

Neither one nor another option can be attributed to healthy (about discomfort, corns and pain when walking, we will not even remember). Especially when it comes to children's shoes. Ignoring fullness can lead to disorders of the foot development, which in turn will form an incorrect gait and affect the physical development of the child.

In the case of adults, the completeness of the foot - the parameter is no less important. A wide leg shoes standard fullness will be transferred, and this worsens blood circulation, makes it faster to get tired, promotes the development of convulsions and vascular disorders.

Often, knowing that the shoes of the "its" size gives, people buy a pair of size, or even two more. And this is again bad: such shoes rubbed, the cause of corns is caused, and then they deform the foot, with time, leading to the formation of discovering stones.

About the fact that in too narrow or excessively wide shoes can be tritely falling, to turn or even break the leg - probably not worth it, it is also clear. What months in the gypsum and crutches are probably better not to know, those who have not come across.

As you can see, with any variants, the outcome of ignoring the width is crying. Therefore, it is better to be renewed and clearly understand which particular shoes are suitable for you. Moreover, there is absolutely no difficulty in this. It is enough to measure the foot, check the results obtained and take them, as they say, "in armament."

How to measure the complete foot

Foot fullness - This is a fence girth in its widest part. As a rule, wider than the entire feet near the sock, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seeds near the thumb and the Misina.

If there is no special device at hand, it does not matter - to determine the complete foot, you will need a centimeter (flexible tailoring tape) and a calculator. To not be mistaken in measurements, consider the following recommendations.

  1. It is necessary to measure the completeness of the foot in the evening - during the active day of the feet "spread".
  2. You need to measure both legs. As a rule, the feet are asymmetrical, and a large one of the two obtained numbers is taken as a result.
  3. If you buy shoes that you need to wear on the sock or tights, measure directly in them.

Now proceed directly to measurements.

Stand up (and then the second) on a sheet of paper, transfer the weight to the foot. Long and measure two parameters using tailoring tape:

  • the width of the feet in its widest place;
  • foot foot.

As mentioned above, we take into account the largest figures from the two legs obtained when measuring.

These measurements are only an intermediate stage. Shoe manufacturers depending on the location region designate the complete foot of their own rules. So, in Russia, in accordance with GOST 3927-88, the width of the shoes is marked with numbers from 1 to 12 with an interval of 4 mm. In Europe, similar labeling - but with an interval of 5 mm. In the UK and the United States adopted alphabetic designations - a, b, c, d, e, f every 5 mm. In addition, doubling and tripling ( AA, AAA, FF., FFF.) Letters that inform about a somewhat enlarged value of completeness compared to standard values.

The complete foot in the Russian system is calculated according to the following formula:

W. \u003d 0.25 * b - 0.15 * C - A, where:

W. - fullness of the foot (our desired parameter);

IN - clamp of the foot, measured by tailoring ribbon, mm;

FROM - foot length, mm;

BUT - A permanent coefficient, which is 16 for men and 17 for women.

We give a simple example of calculation.

Suppose you are a man and measured that: your feet pickup (B) - 23 cm, and the length (C) is 25 cm.

In this case: W. = 0.25*230 - 0.15*250 - 16 = 4

Thus, fullness of the foot in the Russian coordinate system - 4 .

For information: the completeness of 6 is considered a normal full-time stop. Indicators 2-5 characterize the stops of the average. 7 and above - wider average, wide, full, very broad.

To be easier determine the full footWe have prepared a table for you.

The size Fullness (lifting), mm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 197 202 207 212 217 222 227 232 237
36 201 206 211 216 221 226 231 236 241
37 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245
38 209 214 219 224 229 234 239 244 249
39 213 218 223 228 233 238 243 248 253
40 217 222 227 232 237 242 247 252 257
41 221 226 231 236 241 246 251 256 261
42 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265
43 229 234 239 244 249 254 259 264 269
44 233 238 243 248 253 258 263 268 273
45 237 242 247 252 257 262 267 272 277
46 241 246 251 256 261 266 271 276 281
47 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285
48 249 254 259 264 269 274 279 284 289

Well, in order to translate the resulting feet to another measurement system - European or American - use this table matching the completeness of the shoes.

Concerning children's shoesThe completeness of the foot of the child in European and American online stores is often indicated as follows:

1 = Narrow (narrow) \u003d N.

2 = Medium. (average) \u003d M.

3 = Wide (Wide) \u003d W.

4 = X-WIDE (very wide) \u003d Xw.

5 = XX-WIDE (very, very wide) \u003d Xxw.

How to measure the complete foot, you can clearly see here on this video.

How to determine the size of the leg if you suddenly got a pair of boots that you have long dreamed of buying daughters, at an incredibly favorable price? Or if you want to make a surprise and present fashionable shoes to your beloved girl on the "hairpin", but do not know exactly what size is it - 37 or 38? Perhaps you often make purchases for your relatives and friends in a foreign business trip in the United States or Europe - this case also does not prevent the table for which you can quickly and accurately find the number of shoes if you have only the length of the legs in centimeters.

What are the tables?

Tables of shoe marking exist on all occasions: men's, female, children's, Russian, European and American. If you did not know, female 42 size is less than the corresponding male. And Chinese production boots will be less than shoes with the same dimensional marking from the manufacturer of Russia or the United States. Therefore, all the data must be carefully compared to the upgrade pleased, and not grieved, and did not appear on the mezzanine in the box used only a couple of times. The table for convenience can be printed on a small sheet, which is invested in a notepad, wallet or handbag so that, if necessary, always have it at hand.

Sitting size definition

If you want to know exactly what size you, 42 or 43, for example, or your child, is easier and more reliable to do so:

  • take a landscape sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • drive the foot - it is necessary to stand, leaning on the leg with all weight and straightening the fingers;
  • measure the length centimeter or tape measure.

Faster, of course, simply measure the stack from the heel to the tip of the thumb. But in this case, inaccuracies can be allowed, since the role is played every half astimeter.

Below are tables of measurement ratios in centimeters and standard shoe sizes for our country.

For men's shoes

The size
40 26
41 26,5
42 27
43 27,5
44 28
45 29
46 29,5

For women's footwear

The size
35 22,5
36 23
37 23,5
38 24
39 24,5
40 25
41 25,5
42 26
43 26,5

Table for children's shoes in Russia

Children's shoes are produced in the Russian Federation to 35 sizes, then the child passes no longer adult models.

Remember that one Russian size of shoes is just half a hundred. It is very easy to make mistake when buying, and change the pair of sandals or boots is not always possible.

Comparison of Russian and American sizes

In America, the length of the shoes is measured in inches. To not be mistaken when buying things in English-speaking sites or in a tour, you should use a special table. To transfer the American marking to Russian, use the following scheme:

  1. first, move the size of the insole in inches into centimeters;
  2. then check the table, without forgetting to leave a small margin on the insole.

If you are making an order in the United States through online stores, then they usually provide tables that help to quickly nominate in an unfamiliar numbering system.

European dimensions

In Europe, labeling shoes is also not like that. In France, the system of calm is used. What is Cy and how many centimeters in it? The length of the insoles is measured in the valley, one unit is 2/3 cm. Here is a matching table with Russian standards.

Russia France
34 35
35 36
36 37
37 38
38 39
39 40
40 41
41 42
42 43
43 44
44 45
45 46

That is, if you do not want to be confused with calm, just add to the usual number 1, for example, for children's shoes 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 or 28 in France, buy boots or shoes with marking 23, 24, 25 , 26, 27, 28, or 29, and for men's moccasin 43 size - with marking, respectively, 44.

But in the UK adopted an inch system. One inch is 2.54 cm. 4 inches is zero size, that is, the leg of a newborn baby. Next, the marking goes with a 1/3 inches increment, the maximum size is 13 inches. In America, the measurement system is the same. Here is an accurate matching table.

Russia England
34 2,5
35 3,5
36 4
37 5
38 6-6,5
39 7
40 7,5
41 8
42 9
43 9,5
44 10
45 11

For the United States, a similar system acts, but men's and women's dimension line are excellent.

Russia USA

Men's women

34 3 4
35 4 5
36 4,5 5,5
37 5,5 6,5
38 6 7
39 7 8
40 7,5 8,5
41 8,5 9,5
42 9,5 10,5
43 10 11
Foot length in cm Europe USA
8,3 16 0,5
8,9 16 1
9,2 17 1,5
9,5 17 2
10,2 18 2,5
10,5 18 3
10,8 19 3,5
11,4 19 4
11,7 20 4,5
12,1 20 5
12,7 21 5,5
13 22 6
13, 3 22 6,5
14 23 7
14,3 23 7,5
14,6 24 8
15,2 25 8,5
15,6 25 9
15,9 26 9,5
16,5 27 10
16,8 27 10,5
17,1 28 11
17,8 28 11,5
18,1 29 12
18,4 30 12,5
19,1 31 13
19,4 31 13,5
19,7 32 14
20,3 33 14,5
20,6 33 15
21 34 15,5
21,6 34 16
21,9 35 16,5
22,2 36 17
22,9 36 17,5

Girth and fullness

Previously, the standards always indicated also the fullness of shoes. For this, the feet of the feet in the widest place was measured and such a magnitude as half fee was calculated. If in the Russian Federation is the maximum fullness 12, then in Europe and America there are 17 different sizes. In addition, an important index is added, starting with "A".

Why is it important? Because people with full foot or with a high feet climb to the usual 37, 38 or 39 size, you need to add one more step or one and a half if they buy shoes with a small semisper. And on the other hand, a man and 42 sizes are suitable for a man with a narrow level of 43 sizes with a large half-form.

What else do you need to know when buying shoes?

It is not always possible to accurately rely on the data of the table - the fullness of the legs in all people is different. It is especially important to take into account the feet of the feet when the closed shoes are purchased on the "zipper" - if the scores or velcro can adjust the volume of the boot or boot, then in this case it will not work.

Always buy shoes with a small stock. Although doctors and do not recommend taking the boots "on the grow out", put the insole in slightly grated sneakers or pry the sock is easier than stretching small and close. In addition, narrow uncomfortable shoes deforms the feet and contributes to the formation of cones and corns in the footsteps.

The right and left feet are usually different lengths. Buy shoes need, focusing on the dimensions of the greater feet. If you do not have tables with you and in the store or on the market it is not offered, it is possible to determine the size for Russia in a simple formula.

  1. Measure the length of the foot in centimeters and divide into the input - for example, if the length is 26 or 24 cm, it means half of the way 13 or 12 cm accordingly.
  2. Now to the length of the feet in centimeters, you need to add the amount obtained: 26 + 13 \u003d 39 or 24 + 12 \u003d 36-37.

How much did it - this is your shoe size. But this method is suitable only for extreme cases, as it can give an error by 05-1.5 rooms.

Baby boots for the winter should always be bought with a margin of 1.5 cm, so that the sock climbs and the child's leg was not transmitted. For summer shoes, there is a sufficient reserve of 0.5-1 cm.