Optimal temperature for plastering walls. Application of decorative plaster Coroed frost-resistant plastering mixture, its advantages and specificity

The name of this stucco is somewhat frightening, but its appearance is very imposed. It enjoys high demand from the owners of the country places.

The wet facade with the plaster Coroede is a surface that it seems to be elegant the wood beetle. This decorative finish is performed from acrylic and gypsum materials. On sale are presented ready-made solutions based on acrylic and dry mixes based on plaster.

Plaster Coroede is a composite building material containing small granules, marble crumb or pebbles. The type of filler and its dimensions depend on the unique recipe for the manufacturer.

The main differences of the kororad from other decorative plasters

Plaster Coroede is designed primarily for facade works. From conveyors manufacturers, the material is white, so it is applied to the walls. The design tint material acquires either when coloring the solution, or with the finish coating of the facade of acrylic or silicate paint.

Each manufacturer offers its own palette. So, Ceresit developed 165 shades for wet facades of the plaster Coroed, and in the NSC company you can choose one of the 350 colors.

Benefits of the plaster koroed

  • This type of plaster is environmentally friendly material, resistant to ignition.
  • It perfectly go to bed, practically, on all types of surfaces and can be used without pre-primer.
  • Coroede is characterized by a wide range of operating temperatures: from - 55 to +60 degrees.
  • This plaster does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and does not secrete toxic substances when heated.
  • Material is resistant to moisture and various biological factors.
  • The coated walls are easily clean with a conventional soap solution.
  • If you decorated to decorate the wet facade of the core, the price does not greatly agitate the family budget.
  • Coroede racks to mechanical impacts, you can take care of it with the help of a vacuum cleaner and sponge, it also withstands no strong blows.
  • Instead of sand in the plaster, not sand is added, but a mineral filler, which makes the material sufficiently light, so it does not heat the walls.
  • A wide color gamma will allow each country estate owner to decorate its home with a unique tint.

Disadvantages of plaster koroed

  • Plaster Coroede has seasonal restrictions on the work: positive temperatures, low humidity, lack of direct sunlight, precipitation and strong wind.
  • It should be understood that if you have chosen the decoration of the wet facade of the core, this technology is only available to qualified plasters.
  • If the cored coating array occurred chip or the crack appeared as a result of a serious mechanical impact, eliminate the defect is quite difficult.

Procedure for work

If you have chosen a wet facade of the coroede for your country owner, you probably are interested, at what temperature you can do other weather conditions.

On a note

Apply the decorative layer is possible only at the plus temperatures, up to +50 degrees. Works should be carried out in dry weather. Koroed must also dry without impact. A straight sun rays should not fall on the surface, and that the pattern is preserved as it was applied to the surface, the strong wind is not desirable.

When buying a material, follow the date of expiration, since the overdue material will not provide due quality.

  1. Preparatory work. To work, you will need: bucket, construction mixer, plaster, spatulas and grater.
  2. Preparation of the surface. The wall surface must be cleaned of fat, mold, concrete, dust and dirt. Cracks and chips need to sharpen, the material must dry completely. Next is applied primer, the brand corresponds to your plaster, you can see the instructions of the manufacturers. The soil must dry.

  1. Preparation of the solution. General rules are as follows. You need to pour plaster into water, and in no case vice versa. The fluid temperature should be in the range between +15 and +20 degrees. Preparation is performed using a mixer. When the solution becomes homogeneous when stirring, it needs to be laid and then stir again. The accurate formulation is indicated on packaging bags.
  2. Application on the surface. The technology of applying to the wet facade of the plaster Coroede at first glance is easy. The work is performed with a grater located at an angle of 60 degrees to the wall surface. The solution is smeared along the plane. The thickness of the coating directly depends on the grain of the material.
  3. After the solution ceases to stick to the tool, the pattern can be applied. It is also done with a grater, but special.

  1. Drying the decorative layer. It takes 2-3 days to dry out the decorative layer. After this time, the surface should be examined. It should not be cracks, glossy spots, joints, spots and other defects.

If you know how to not only keep a spatula and trowel in your hands, you can try to perform work yourself, but preferably and reliable to trust their professionals. Otherwise, you will have to re-acquire the material across the season and still choose professional services. It is not worthwhile to spend money on the arrangement of the wet facade of the coroede, the cost of work per M2 is quite accessible to the widest range of consumers.

Material consumption and work cost

If you chose this method of finishing at home, the material must be purchased immediately, it is favorable to reflect on the unity of the color solution, the integrity of the coating and the cost of the material. Consumption of the coastal coast on the wet facade is calculated in accordance with the size of the filler. For example, with a diameter of the granules in 1.5 mm, 2 kg per 1 m2 will be required, with a diameter of 2.5 mm - 3 kg. However, it is better to be guided by the recommendations of manufacturers.

For those of us who independently engaged in the construction of their own home, one of the main problems - winter work. At what temperature can be plastering on the street? We will find the answer to this question.

The main requirements for plastering works are prescribed in SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings" and SP 82-101-98 "Preparation and use of construction solutions", where it is stipulated, what permissible temperature for plaster.

The air temperature is below + 5 ° C makes it possible to use solutions only with antiorrosal additives - chemical hardeners, giving the opportunity to recruit design strength in minus. As such additives, chlorine water, potash and ammonia water are recommended.

Chlorine water

The solution nodded with chlorine water can be used to -25 ° C. Prepare the additive as follows: a chlorine lime is made in the proportion of 15 kg / 100, heated to 35 ° C / 100. Lime are stirred up to final dissolution. The composition is defended 1-1.5 hours, poured into the closing capacity, use as needed. In chlorine water, cement and complex plaster solutions are prepared, plastering brick, concrete, wood.

Important: Working with chlorine components is necessary in the respirator and complete overalls, including rubberized warmed gloves and boots.


The potash solution is used for cement, cement - clay and cement-lime solutions. The volume of the modifier in the solution is calculated by the temperature of the air environment: 1% of the volume in dry form is added above -5 ° C; at -5 - 15 ° C required 1.5%; If the temperature below is added 2% of the modifier.

A mixture of cement, powder clay and sand is prepared in a ratio of from 1: 0.2: 4 to 1: 0.5: 6. The finished composition is embeded with a water solution of potash.

The proportion for the composition of cement and lime - 4: 1 by weight.

Cement mortar is prepared in a 1: 3 ratio. The mixture is carried out on an aqueous solution of potash salt at a temperature of ≥ + 5 ° C.

Important: The solution is used within an hour, stored in a warmed container. Work in the respirator and complete set of overalls!

Ammonia water

The additive is produced industrially, in the structural conditions it is diluted with water to the desired concentration, at a water temperature and modifier not higher than + 5 ° C to prevent the ammonia evaporation. The finished solution should have a concentration of 6%, for this, a liter of the factory 25% of the composition is added 3, 16 liters of water, 15% is diluted with 1.5 liters of water.

Ammonium water is used as a modifier with cement and cement-limestone plaster.

Important: It is forbidden to use ammonia water as a modifier for compositions with plaster content, clay and purely lime.

When working on concrete, they take a cement mixture of 1: 2 - 1: 4; Brick, slagobetone and wood work cement - lime-sandy mixture 1: 1: 6 - 1: 1: 9.

To dissolve the lime, the temperature of ammonia water should not be lower than + 5 ° C. Depending on the temperature of the medium, the temperature of the solution is changed: at -15 ° C - the solution is +2 - + 3 ° C; at -25 ° C solution ≥ + 5 ° C. To plaster with the compositions modified with ammonia water, it is possible to temperature -30 ° C.

In addition to these three modifiers for winter work, potassium chloride and sodium chloride are also used, but their use can lead to a split after defrosting. The above methods of cooking winter plaster are tested by time, but it is difficult to apply them for small areas of an individual house: the process is intensive, it is difficult to observe the required proportions of solutions.

Modern materials

Agree, with modern technologies, we often use ready-made building mixes: it's easier, faster, more economical. The construction industry is needed by the extension of finishing work for the winter period.

Ready dry building mixes for minus temperatures - response to this request. Foreign and domestic companies produce many plaster compositions for the winter, and the list is regularly replenished. Henkel, Vetonit, Bergauf, Trat, Remix in the product line have mixes for the production of work at temperatures up to -10 ° C. These frost-resistant plaster with different composition combines several positive characteristics:

  1. Durability (manufacturer's warranty for 10 years).
  2. Waterproof.
  3. Temperature mode of use in the range from -50 to + 70 ° C.
  4. High ripening speed.
  5. Elasticity.
  6. Lack of heights.

Negative qualities include the severity of the finishing layer (above the standard), complexity in operation; Small number of surface designs: As a rule, it is a "coroede", "fur coat" and two types of pebble plaster with a grain of small and medium sized. Questions: Is it possible to plaster in winter, at what temperature on the street you can plaster, - not worth it with new products.

Preparation of the Wall

What depends on the durability of winter plaster? When the facade is plastered in winter, high-quality facade wall preparation plays a huge role. The base must be carefully cleansed from the nondes, the residues of the masonry solution and heights, degrease and dry.

It is impossible to use water for cleaning - it will freeze on the cold and turn outwardly. When installing masonry with filling of seams with a solution (not "Punish") on the facade it is necessary to make notches. The prepared surface is ground to increase adhesion, with some of the primer compositions do not require what is the mark in the material passport.

Plastering in winter

Temperature range of water for the location of the plastering mixture from +20 to + 35 ° C. It is forbidden to prepare a solution at temperatures above +15 and below 0. Before preparing the plaster, the mixture is heated to a temperature above zero.

The solutions are quickly collapsing, so the plastering composition of ready-made mixtures is prepared as needed, not allowing cooling below +5. The rules of the mixture and work with plastering compositions may vary in accordance with the manufacturer's technology. The rules prescribed in the instructions for the material should be followed strictly if you want to get high-quality coverage.


To the question: can it be plastering the walls in winter with confidence is responsible - you can. But work in winter requires additional effort and financial costs. If we are talking about the construction industry - yes, work with winter mixtures extends the construction season, especially profitable in the northern regions with a short period of positive temperatures.

If we are talking about the individual developer in the middle lane of Russia - yes, it is easier to find builders brigade to perform a turnkey finish, the cost of work will be somewhat lower. But, if you do not have the skills of the builder, and you want to fulfill the plaster in the winter yourself, think, can better wait for spring or entrust work to professionals?

Attractive appearance, the relative cheapness and the lack of difficulties when applied, make the textured plaster "Coroed" in demand when finishing both internal premises and facades of buildings. Its name is explained by the similarity of a plastered surface with a cutting of a tree, damaged by the elderbird beetles.

The plaster of the core must be applied, stretching it to the layer of granules that are in the composition.

This coating is resistant to external factors, and the possibility of adding dyes into a mixture or coloring allows you to achieve and decoratively plastered the "cored" surfaces. The finished dry mixture for the preparation of the cored plaster requires only the addition of water in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Application does not require special training and complex equipment, so it can be performed independently.

What needs to be done before work?

Most of the types of mixtures are used to apply to internal or exterior walls, for finishing the ceiling should be selected specifically for this brand "Coroed". The most appropriate basis for textural plaster is placed on beacons and ochpaklyanny walls from any material. On plasterboard or putty brand "Old" before finishing the "Coroned", it is desirable to apply a layer of putty brands "Shetners" or similar in composition.

Aligned oxpacked surfaces are ground with crumbling acrylic primitive mixtures of type "Cerezite St17" or similar to it. If the finish is applied to the walls with an old plaster, then all cracks and damage on it must be sacrificed and fill the plaster powder. After drying, the wall is covered with waterproofing primer in 2 layers.

To fulfill the trim, the following materials and tools should be prepared by the method of "Coroed":

  • steel spatulas 300 mm and 100 mm;
  • kelma or grater plastic;
  • capacity with warm water and rag;
  • dry mix "Coroed" or finished plaster;
  • drill with a nozzle mixer.

Ready liquid plaster mixture is recommended before use thoroughly mix the drill with the nozzle. To ensure the homogeneity of the coating after using approximately half the mixture of an open container, it is necessary to add a mixture from the next bucket or the can, each time stirring the plaster.

How to apply decorative coverage on the walls?

Starting to develop a corefish application technology is best on small planes that you can have time to stack alone in a short period of time (up to 30 minutes). During this time, the sections previously covered with a mixture will begin to push and will be ready for the formation of texture.

Decorative structural plaster enjoys not less popular than hinged ventilated facades. It allows you to give homes an individual appearance and for many years not to return to the problem of repair and reconstruction of external walls. And most often developers and owners of private houses are interested in the answer to the question, how to make the plaster of the core.

Why exactly a coroede? Because this is the easiest and most affordable coating for self-performance. Today it falls today, and the services of professional finishing stands are quite expensive.

- This is a plastic grainy mass based on polymer or mineral binders with various insoluble fillers. They are responsible for the future texture of the finished coverage. As a filler, the sand, stone crumb or granules are most often used.

If you think about how to make the cooked plaster, you should know that it varies in the size of the grains of the filler.

  • Grain grain 0.3-0.5 mm will give a texture imitating sandstone;
  • Larger grain diameter up to 1.5 mm will make the coating similar to the untreated stone;
  • And only granules in size 2-3 mm Let you achieve the effect of the surface made by the bug-cored beam, since only enough large grains in the grip process will leave the grooves in the layer of plaster.

Note. The greater the diameter of the grain, the more pronounced the texture. But the granules are larger than 3 mm already give imitation of coarse wood bark, and the invoices you do not need.

Also, the thickness of the layer depends on the graininess and the amount of solution required for the decoration of each square square meter. Before making plaster Coroed, you will have to calculate how many bags or kilograms of the material to buy, and this parameter is one of the main.

But the drawing on the surface is determined by the finishing itself, the direction that it specifies the granules when grouting the fresh plaster layer.

Coroed can be produced in the form of a dry mixture or a ready-made solution. The price of the latter is higher, but relieves you from the need to knead and select the optimal consistency, saves time.

Process description

How to prepare the foundation

The first thing you need to know is: Decorative plaster is applied with a layer, the thickness of which should not exceed one and a half diameter of the grain, otherwise the granules will simply be drowned in the solution, and the texture will be fuzzy. And such a thin layer will not hide large surface defects.

It means that it must be flat enough:

  • Alignment, if necessary, is most often performed by cement-sand plaster or putty.
  • Quite often before the cored plaster is done, the outer walls are insulated with foam (see). If the installation of the insulation is performed qualitatively, the leveling plaster will not be required, it is enough just to sweep the seams between the plates.

For reference. The technology of plaster on foam assumes the use of a reinforcing mesh, which is fixed with a special adhesive solution. In our case, you can do without it, as the coroede has good adhesion and is usually perfectly kept and without reinforcement. But the grid will save the coating from the possible appearance of cracks.

  • The next step is the primer surface (see). It is applied to the dry base, purified from dust and dirt. It is very desirable to use the leveling mixture and a soil of one manufacturer. If this for some reason is impossible, then do not save on the primer and purchase a quality composition, which will penetrate deeply at the base and strengthen it, and on the surface will create a grungy layer for better adhesion with decorative coating.

  • Grounding the walls are recommended shortly before making a core plaster so that dust did not have time for them. In warm and dry weather, it will dry quickly, after half an hour you can already begin the finish.

Council. If you are using color plaster or are going to paint the walls after completing the finish, the primer can be smoked in the desired tone, since the base in the furrodes can be shifted.

How to knead the solution

If you bought a ready-made mixture, you will only have to open a bucket and well stir its contents. With dry plasters, everything is not so simple, although with special difficulties you are unlikely to come across if you have a drill and nozzle-mixer to it.

Just carefully read the instructions on the package, so as not to be mistaken with the proportions of dry mass and water, and act according to the description. The scheme is standard: the water temperature is poured into the clean bucket, then the plasters are falling asleep, waiting for it slightly, and stirred by a mixer on small turns before receiving a homogeneous mass without lumps.

You can begin to work in 5-10 minutes after another mixing.

It is important! The finished solution quickly loses the viability, which is not restored during the re-adding water and stirring. Therefore, the portions should be such that you have time to work out during the time-specified time producer.

Cooling mineral plaster can be, but undesirable. If you still decide to do this, then use mixtures based on white cement and make sure that the volume fraction of pigments does not exceed 5%.

How to apply plaster

If the base is smooth and well-projected, the plaster is performed easily even beginners. The solution is applied to the wall with a wide spatula or grater and "smeared" with a smooth layer. Remains are collected smaller with a spatula and again transferred to the working tool.

There are several mandatory rules, how is the plaster Coroed:

  • The layer of plaster must correspond to the grain diameter. Do not rub the solution too diligently, otherwise the protective properties of the finish will deteriorate, but do not make a thick layer - it will suffer its decorativeness;
  • The wall from the angle to the angle is desirable to be covered in one reception, not giving the already applied band dry, since the border between different invipres will be noticeable;
  • If you do not have an assistant preparing a new portion of plasters, stick the painting tape on the wall and plastered with stripes at it. And before finishing the next band, remove the tape along with the mixture on it.

How to give the desired texture

Drawing on the surface you create your own hands. It will depend on the direction of movement of the grater, under the action of which the crook of the filler will move in the thickness of the solution, leaving the characteristic traces.

  • If we rub the plaster up and down or diagonally, we obtain the drawing "rain";

Council. In order for the oblique "rain" carefully, you need to constantly observe one corner of the rubbing. The painting ribbon pasted at a given angle will help not get away from the course.

  • If you alternate the movement up-down and right left or diagonally in mutually perpendicular directions, a cross-shaped "carpet" pattern will be obtained;

  • Circular and spiral movements give the texture resembling sheep fleece - "lamb" (see).

You can come up with your drawing options, having learned on an invisible section of the wall. It is possible to start a grout after 15-20 minutes after applying the solution when the plaster will dry and stop sticking to the tool.


If you carefully watched the video in this article, you probably noticed that the work is performed quite quickly, since all the operations described must be finished until the final grasp of plaster. Make it alone under the power not to all professionals, so you will need an assistant, a mixing solution and carrying out the grouting "hottime".

Coroed plaster. Technology of its application.

Coroed - such a name has received a special texture plaster for the walls. She has nothing to do with the insect Koroist, who eats your floors.

The scope of such decorative core plaster - facades of buildings, but sometimes it is used inside.

Before applying such a composition on the walls, you need to know all the rules of application. There is nothing difficult, the technology for applying the decorative plaster Coroed is very simple. There are some nuances that you need to know and take into account during work.

Getting started with plaster

  1. surface preparation;
  2. prepared surface;
  3. applying a core on the surface;
  4. coroadock.

Any construction work of plaster core begins with surface preparation. If there are significant cracks on the surface - they need to be embossed; If the surface was previously painted - the paint layer is desirable to remove. If the wall itself is not flat, you need.

If you are not a specialist in the construction area, then work is better to start with the back wall of the building. There will be your training and, already on the facial wall of the building you will work as a specialist.

Working with a decorative plaster core is better to spend in spring or autumn. You can do in the summer, but you, as a newcomer, will not have enough efficiency - the solution will fall asleep.

Required tool

To work, you need special tools with which the corrothed plaster "herself" will properly lie down on the walls.

Tools include:

  1. bath for primer;
  2. roller, with which the primer must be applied to the surface;
  3. bucket;
  4. a spatula and a shovel that plaster is applied;
  5. water sprayer (spray);
  6. plastic grater.

Selection of primer before starting work

A pre-prepared surface of the wall must be primed. Consultants in building supermarkets will help correctly pick up the primer. It is better to use a special white paint soil. It will high quality paints the walls, even through the grooves will not be shuning the black color of the walls. The conversation is about the road of paint-soil, which can be only walking along the wall, and all thanks to its thick and high-quality consistency. If the soil is cheap, then in its consistency it will be more liquid, and this means that it is necessary to apply it on the surface several times. It is not very economical. It turns out to achieve a homogeneous white color, you will need to spend three times more cheap primer than expensive. In addition, in time it will be much longer.

If you have applied to the primer, you must definitely wait for it to complete drying, and only after that proceed to the next stage of work.

Application technology

The next step will be the technology of applying plastering of the decorative cores. First of all, it is necessary to make a solution of plaster in the correct proportion as it is indicated on the bag. You should not knead too much solution, since you, like a newcomer, do not have time to work out, and she just dries off. For applying a corel solution, use a spatula from a stainless steel. The applied layer of the solution should be uniform, to do everything neatly. You will come in handy: Coroed plaster must be applied with vertical or horizontal rows. When applying plaster on one row, you must capture the entire width or height of the wall. Only so the plaster will be laid with a neat and uniform layer.

If the size of the wall is very large and in height, and in width, then the solution must be applied with separate intended squares. It is necessary to divide the wall in advance to the sections, using greater tape. On the first day, make one plot, on the second day, thoring the greasy tape, make the second segment of the wall.

After the technology of applying decorative plaster, the croroede on the surface, you need to wait 15-20 minutes until it grab. This time depends entirely on weather conditions, it may be greater if there is raw on the street, and less - if the sun has a strong bake on the street. Check the availability of plaster can be pre-cooked plastic grater. If, when rubbing, the solution does not stick to it, then you can safely switch to the next step of work - to the grout of the cored.

Figures Coroede Plaster

Using a plastic grater, a shutdown of a core. Decide in advance which coroede drawing of the plaster you want to see. If it is "rain", the surface of the surface is performed vertically, up-down. If you want to portray "lames", then you need to make circular movements with a spatula.

If you have turned out the first row, you need to immediately start applying the second row. Do not forget, while sprinkling the water joints between the rows. This will make an imperceptible transition from one row to another.

If you suddenly distracted you, or you, for some reason, did not have time to be lost, and the plaster Coroed dried, do not worry. Using the spray, apply water to the dried plot. Using a nail, apply the missing pattern to the surface.

If you decide to paint a cored, then the roller or brush for a furrow is suitable for this. Painting is better to do in two layers.

Video how to apply corrothed plaster

If you are looking for an original, practical and high-quality material for finishing the walls of your home or apartment, then decorative plaster Coroed - a choice for you. This option is becoming increasingly popular. You could see it in private houses, administrative and public, because this finish is suitable for outdoor processing of facades, and for inland walls. Her name speaks for himself. The finished coating resembles the wood treated by the bug with a core. It is after this insect that such a drawing remains.

Besides the fact that the coroede looks good, it has wonderful properties and characteristics. Decorative coastal plaster has increased resistance to atmospheric precipitation and temperature drops. Plus, color stucco will not burn under the influence of ultraviolet. All this makes the crorot ideal for work both outside and from the inside. Let's analyze in detail what it is for the material, what are its pros and cons, and how to apply the decorative plaster with their own hands. Also in the article will be auxiliary video.

Coroed - what it is and with what it is eaten

Coroede is a type of decorative plaster, which refers to the structural type. There are two types of cores: acrylic and plaster-based. Acrylic plaster You can purchase it ready for applying. Gypsum mixtures are sold in a dry form, with the possibility of kneading in place. If you describe the coroede, it is similar to the usual composite plaster, only with the inclusions of small chames-granules. It is during the grout with their own hands give the effect of a tree bark.

Each manufacturer has its own mixing recipe. However, most often in such plaster granules are marble or mineral crumb. Its size varies from 0.1 to 3.5 mm. The greater the baby, the higher the crop grain, and vice versa. The thickness of the layer also depends on the magnitude of the granules. Why did such plaster become very popular? Thanks to its characteristics.

Characteristics of Coroeda

It is the properties of the material contributed to the fact that he is so popular. The advantages of the finish mass, and we will try to tell about all.

  1. Mineral filler and polymer components that are used instead of sand give the core of ease. No unnecessary loads on the structural elements of the building.
  2. Coroede is an environmentally friendly material, without inclusion of toxic and harmful substances.
  3. Plaster can withstand the effect of both negative temperatures (-55 ˚C) and positive (+60 ˚C). It has refractory and does not release malicious substances under the influence of sunlight.
  4. Durability. It is not terrible external factors, mold and weak chemicals. If necessary, it can be washed with water, clean the vacuum cleaner or wipe with a sponge, which is quite practical.
  5. It has resistance to mechanical damage, can withstand medium strikes.
  6. Its base color is white, but using dyes can be obtained any other by adding them to the mixture. In addition, acrylic blends can be bought already painted. The third option is to do everything with your own hands: after drying the decorative plaster to paint it.
  7. The ability to apply plaster on any surface: concrete, brick, cement, plaster, polystyrene, plywood, chipboard, OSB.
  8. Democratic price and availability.

It is impossible not to mention the excellent appearance of the treated surface. Patterns created on the surface will delight you and your guests. Deciding with the characteristics, you can proceed to the technology of applying plaster with your own hands.

Stage 1 - Preparation of Material and Tools

First you need to buy a coroede. Decide which plaster you will take, ready or dry mix. Now it is important to determine how long it is to buy bags. Coroed consumption is as follows: 1 m 2 will require 2.5-4 kg. It all depends on the thickness of the fractions and layer of plaster. Calculate the total square of the surface and buy the desired amount of material.

But, one material you can not do. You need tools. List small:

  • set of spatulas;
  • plastic and stainless grated;
  • bucket and mixer.

Now you are ready to apply a cored plaster.

Stage 2 - Preparatory Work

So that the coroede served for a long time and disappear, the wall is required to be prepared. This includes a certain complex of work:

  1. Purification from dirt, fat, mold, dust, etc.
  2. Filling into putty of all irregularities, holes and cracks.
  3. As a result, you should get a perfectly smooth surface.
  4. At the end - primer, to enhance adhesive properties.

If you are working with an acrylic mixture, you can proceed to applying it. And when the dry gypsum mixture is used, it is required to prepare on the basis of the instructions and proportions from the manufacturer. Take a bucket, pour water there. Its recommended temperature - 15-20 ˚C. Add a dry mixture.

Note! Perform the kneading precisely in this order. The core must be added to the water, but not the opposite.

Mix the contents of a drill with a mixing nozzle to the consistency of sour cream. Watch. So that no lumps are formed. When everything is ready, the core must stand 10 minutes. For ripening. Before working again, mix the plaster.

Tip! Each stucco has its own expiration date in the ready state.

It is indicated on the packaging. Extend it, just adding water, will not come out. For the purpose of saving, prepare as much material as you can use during the shelf life.

Stage 3 - Application of the Decorative Layer

Decorative Coroed Stucco - It's simple. At first glance, everything may seem difficult, but it does not seem like. The technology is quite simple and reminds the usual plaster walls.

With the help of a small spatula, impose a core on a stainless steel grater. Movement from the bottom-up transfer the mixture from the grater to the surface with one uniform layer. Try to do everything for 1 races, and the remains on the grater are reset back to the bucket. Why? There are already very few pebbles, which form a drawing. Applying such a "milk" on the wall, the plot will be different. Therefore, the process is: they put on the surface, removed the remains of the grater, dropped them into the bucket and put a new portion. How to apply decorative plaster Coroed you can learn from the video.

Having finished a small area, not more than 1-1.5 m 2, the same grated, remove the excess of the core on the wall. Just spend it on the surface at a slight angle. Remains can be sent to another bucket, because there will be no baby in excess. Give the solution to stand 10-15 minutes and you can proceed to the formation of the pattern. For this purpose you will need a plastic grater.

The drawing can be different. It depends on the movements that you will rub the croroede. This can be done:

  1. Horizontally.
  2. Vertically.
  3. Circular movements.
  4. Diagonally.
  5. Crosswise.

Losts surface, you can proceed to the processing of another site. It remains to wait for the drying of plaster and everything is ready. If desired, the surface can be painted, to give sophistication. Watch the video how it can be done easily and quickly.

Some subtleties and nuances for the application of a core

As you can see, the work is not complicated, but requiring attention. Nevertheless, I would like to note a few moments that you should consider when working.

That's all you need to know. Check out the video how to make a decorative plaster with your own hands.

Plaster Coroede is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to give facades an elegant look. For its application it is important to follow technology. Then the finish of the house will have a respectable and concise appearance.

Tools and materials

The decorative plaster of the coroede, in addition to the standard, requires the use of several specific finishing tools. The list of necessary materials is short enough.

List of tools:

  • roller;
  • brush;
  • cuvette;
  • drill with a mixer;
  • master OK;
  • wide and narrow Kelma;
  • polyurethane grater.

List of materials:

  • primer;
  • ready or dry cooler plaster.

Preparatory operations and applying mixtures

Decorative plaster Coroed requires an aligned basis. Before applying the texture, the wall should be laid in a flat plane using traditional methods: solid alignment, grinding. The smooth surface is thoroughly ground. Application of decorative corewood plaster can be performed after complete drying of the primer, which may be required from a few hours before one day.

In the technology of applying cores, the accuracy of the mixture has important importance. Instructions for use on the package indicates the necessary proportion of dilution of dry powder with water. She needs to be accurately followed. Thus, the decorative plaster Coroede Cresit CT-35 for the chuck 1 bag of 25 kg requires 5.5-6 l of water. Mix you need to immediately all bag. Determine the ratio for partial batch is difficult. Facade plaster Coroed is offered and in the finished form. So it costs more, but it will be guaranteed to have a right consistency.

Decorative plaster Coroede is not superimposed by a spatula. To do this, use wide cells. Stretching a good portion of the mixture from the tank and place it on the brake working surface. Apply the decorative core plaster need vertical movements from bottom to top. The mixture of strips is distributed over the wall surface.

The layer is set by the size of aggregate grains. The thickness of the application should approximately correspond. You can navigate by the nature of the distribution over the surface. If transverse waves are formed, the layer is insufficient. When the solution begins to stretch after the tool, it speaks of excessive thickness. It can be adjusted to the angle of inclination of the cell to the wall. A sharp angle allows you to apply more solution. With an increase in the angle, the layer decreases.

The consumption of plaster directly depends on the thickness of the layer. Choosing a mixture with 3,5 mm grains, consider it more than for composition with a comprehensive amount of 2.5 mm. So, for the mixture, Ceresite CT-35 consumption of plaster will be, respectively, 4.9 and 3.5 kg / m².

Formation of texture

Applying decorative plaster Coroed should take no more than half an hour. Then the solution begins to capture. After this time, you need to start creating texture. Facades Coroede can have 2 types of drawing:

  • vertical ("rain");
  • circular.

Take a polyurethane grater, you have its plastics on the wall and vertical or circular movements rolling the grains in the mass of the coating. You need to go from the edge from which you started applying. Behind the grains are traces, which are perceived as a drawing. Surplus the solution is removed from the grater with a narrow cell. Do not reset it into a container with a fresh portion of the mixture. It accelerates the grasp of a new batch.

The finishing of the whole facade of the house of the house is desirable to perform at once, the transitions according to this type of coverage are too noticeable.

If you decide that the plaster of the cored with your own hands are able to you, do not forget to still find yourself an assistant. For a beginner master it is worth choosing the "rain" option. It is done easier and faster.

The main mistakes of lovers when applying decorative coverage is:

  • poor preparation of the base and application of an uneven surface;
  • use of an incorrect tool;
  • errors when mixing the mixture;
  • instability or incorrect selection of layer thickness;
  • breaks in work within the same wall;
  • lack of speed and drying of the mixture (work under the sun or in windy weather accelerates grasp).

The list is impressive, but not everything is so scary. The task is quite fulfilled and with a lack of experience.

Conclusion on the topic

After applying plaster, cored work is not finished. The finish of the facade of the house requires more surface coloring. It is also used to finish the facade of the core, coated in advance. But with this approach, you need to be ready for one nuance: grains, rolling, expose the color of the mains.

Applying the texture plaster of the coroede, it is possible on a dark saturated color obtained after the first color, to additionally undergo a semi-dry roller with a golden or silver caller. For resistance, the coating on it is applied fixing varnish. This finish gives beautiful transitions and luxury flair. With her, you can proudly upload photos of my house on thematic forums - success is provided!

Decorative cooked plaster is a building material designed for the outer and interior decoration of the walls of the walls. This plaster is owned by its aesthetic qualities and practicality.

This material received its name thanks to the appearance: the surface decorated with them has specific furrows, similar to the traces that the pest insect leaves.

Properties of "Coroed"

"Coroed" does not require additional processing after applying. The wide palette of colors and shades makes it easy to choose the most suitable option for any interior or exterior of the building. The texture plaster "Coroed" is resistant to negative atmospheric influences, has mechanical strength and is not afraid of moisture. The surface covered with such a plaster can be washed.

The temperature differences of this material are also not terrible: it can withstand from - 55 to + 60 ° C. The coating does not change the color when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.
"Coroed" is absolutely not dangerous for a person: it does not emit harmful substances, does not contain plasticizers and solvents, has a pleasant smell. It is resistant to acids, alkali and is not afraid of the effects of industrial gases contained in the atmosphere. The plaster is well soluble in water and dries quickly after applying.
This material includes titanium dioxide, marble crumb of fine fraction, copolymer acrylic dispersions (synthetic). The plaster with full-dial paints.

Preparation of mixes

To prepare a plaster mixture, water is necessary with a temperature of 15-20 ° C. In a special container with water, a dry mixture is added in small portions, thoroughly mixing in order to avoid the appearance of lumps. For mixing, use a special nozzle inserted into the cartridge of the electric crust. Stirring should be twice, with a break in five minutes. The resulting mixture must be spent within an hour.

When selection of consistency, the table should be used to be on the package: the ratio of the amount of water and the dry mixture. In a ready-made mixture (in the process), it is impossible to add water. In order not to thicken the solution, it needs to be mixed from time to time.

Application of cooked mix

Plaster "Coroed" can be used as a finishing material for walls and internal partitions made of concrete, bricks, drywall, from chipboard and sandwich panels.

Before applying plaster, the surface of the concrete must be prepared: clean from dust, oil spots and other contaminants. Using putty, it is necessary to align the basis, eliminate slots and cracks. Old paint need to be removed. After preparatory work, the wall is processed by primer. After complete drying of the wall (after 6 hours) you can apply "Coroed".

Facade plaster "Coroed" can be applied to the unprocessed primer surface. Before starting plastering (in 1 hour), the wall is abundantly wetted with water.

Coroed is applied using a stainless steel grater. The tool is oriented at an acute angle (approximately 60 °) to the surface of the wall. The thickness of the plaster layer is selected depending on the fraction of the mineral aggregate. Finally, the wall surface is formed by a plastic or wooden grater. The direction of decorative furrow may be different: it depends on the amplitude and trajectory of the movements performed when applied by plaster. Excessive pressure is not allowed.

In the process of applying plaster breaks in the work are extremely undesirable: if it still needed to pause - it is necessary to stick a painting tape. Frozen plaster, if necessary, is removed by a scraper or spatula.

You can carry out such work only in the warm season. The air temperature should be within 5-30 ° above zero, humidity - up to 80%. The lower limit of temperature for the apparatus plaster is slightly higher: + 9 ° C. In such conditions, the "Coroed" does not occur. To begin work, it is advisable to wait for windless and not rainy weather, the bright sunlight is also not desirable.

The molded material must be from one batch, and the water for the preparation of the mixture should be taken from one source. The surface of the wall is subsequently painted, but only after complete drying of the wall.

Safety Safety when working with "Coroned"

Working with decorative plaster follows in working gloves: it will protect the skin of the hands from the negative impact of the alkali resulting from the cement reaction (included in the mixture) with water. If "Coroed" gets into the eyes, they must immediately rinse with clean water and consult a doctor.

When the budget and not particularly difficult way to finish at home, recall the decorative plaster. There are a variety of types of this material - with mineral additives performed on special technology, or plastic, amenable to the modeling of any texture that can be painted after frozen.

Application of decorative plaster can be transformed into real art if the master is suitable creatively for work or just skillfully performs the technique developed by the manufacturer.

When the facade is cleaned, it is worth paying particular attention to the characteristics of the plastering mixture to know how it behaves when applying and operating. The technology of applying decorative plaster will also differ depending on the composition of the finish. Therefore, first of all, you need to get acquainted with all possible mixtures:


It is created on the basis of cement-sand mix. The familiar and inexpensive composition for finishing works makes it very popular. In addition, this plaster mix is \u200b\u200bconvenient in operation. The convenience of applying decorative plaster with their own hands allows you to be allowed to plaster an inexperienced wizard.

Mineral plaster - mosaic.

Thanks to excellent vapor permeability, it is advised to use when the facades of the "wet" technology are insulated. Little nuance - it does not thank it, but staining after drying. You can choose any color of the paint, but the coloring material should be on a silicate basis.

Then color can be done after two days after applying decorative plaster. Silicate coating will strengthen the finish and will not clog the facade: silicate paints are also vapor permeable. An explicit disadvantage can be attributed to the possibility of cracks in an inelastic plastering layer due to shrinkage.


The decorative pasty mixture, which is made of acrylic resins, which gives it high plasticity. It is not deformed during shrinkage, resistant to atmospheric influence, so it can serve until 25 years. Easily thanks can be sold in ready-made color options. According to the technology, apply decorative plaster on the walls is worth a thin layer.

This criterion can be considered a plus for the budget, since the cost of such plaster is higher than mineral. The disadvantage is low vapor permeability, which does not allow it to be used when insulating mineral wool slabs. With strict contraindications there are no.


Pretty durable composition of plastering from "liquid" glass and mineral additives makes it a good option for finishing. Silicate plastering mixture of vapor permeable and elastic, applied with a thin layer. It is advisable for the insulation of basalt cotton houses.

But the technique of applying decorative plaster provides for the honed speed of movements of the wizard, which means a considerable plaster it is not on the teeth. And also requires the use of additional primer, which increases the cost of work. But it is easier to clean such a finish than an acrylic.


Dear mixture, but possessing all the necessary qualities: resistance to any effects, hydrophobicity, elasticity, good vapor permeability (although slightly lower than mineral), self-cleaning effect. Not acquired widespread only because of the price.

It should be noted that there is no plaster decorative plaster in this list. The technology of its use does not allow using such a composition for the facade. Even inside the building, it is not used in all rooms, because it does not tolerate moisture and temperature differences.

Decorative facade plasters

With the help of facade plaster mixtures, various decorative effects can be achieved. Most Popular:

  • The effect of "Coroed" is achieved by adding to the composition of various fractions and the correct execution of the application of application. The layer thickness is chosen according to the size of the fraction: it should be less than the diameter of the marble crumb. Methods for applying decorative plaster Coroed can be different: vertical, horizontal, slightly chaotic, perpendicular. Kelma remove excess. The drawing itself is created by a polyurethane grater.

  • - Another popular variety of facade finishes. With it, it creates the effect of the fur surface. Such an invoice can be achieved by choosing the application of decorative plaster with roller or. The paintopult can also be replaced with a manual scrambler-scarmer.

  • Mosaic consists mainly of marble and granite crumbs, which are bonded between themselves acrylic binder. It is applied in the same way as the usual - with the help of a celma and spatula. That's just the effort requires much more.

The textured mixture does not necessarily have a unique composition. To create any embossed finish, you can apply plaster that was used for "fur coats". The main criteria are elasticity when working and the strength of the layer during drying.

In essence, this is the material for the manifestation of your personal fantasy. Methods for applying decorative plaster can be different - with the help of differentifactore rollers, primary tools, pre-prepared stencils and writing. In such a way, you can create your own unique pattern on the facade - from the effect of stone or brick laying to bizarre ornaments.

Work features with plaster

  • Must fully overlap the material of the walls of the facade.
  • Types of decorative plastering can be combined: for example, a fur coat or a core on the main surface, and the mosaic - on the protruding elements and the base. The main thing is to pick up the color of the finish painting to the mosaic crumb.
  • Apply plastering continuously in one direction. How to apply decorative plaster should not be on all sides to the center.
  • For work, clean tools are needed, so after the completion of the next step of plastering, they need to be washed. Otherwise, frozen pieces of the mixture, which are hard to be able to pull out normally, can spoil the drawing.
  • It is best to have a partner for work: one inflicts plaster, and the other creates a drawing, removing at the same time.
  • Some mixtures will dry about 8 hours, so planning in advance which area you can perform during this time.

Preparation before plastering

  1. First, it is written an old finish if there is such, and proceed to the removal of mud and fatty spots.
  2. If the fungus is present on the walls, then it is removed by a special substance.
  3. Any noticeable excavations and cracks on the facade close with putty.
  4. It is not necessary to fully align the walls, because the factory plastering layer will hide all irregularities.
  5. Before applying the mixture, the facade should be projected for better adhesion. Some plaster mixes are not at all used without special primers.

Facade finish

Facade plastering is made at a temperature of +5 to + 28 degrees. A set of tools for work varies, depending on what kind of plastering was chosen for finishing.

If you do not know how to apply decorative plaster with your own hands, then first see the video structure and practice. If the plaster mix is \u200b\u200bused expensive, then it is better to immediately call the wizard for finishing works.

How to apply a coroede look on video

And in this video you will see how to apply a facade in the facade