Basic mudras. Mudras Favorable aspects of Venus and Mercury

Yoga for the fingers. Mudras of health, longevity and beauty Ekaterina A. Vinogradova

Mudra "Palace of Venus"

Mudra "Palace of Venus"

This position of the hands is dedicated to the highest hypostasis of the Divine Mother and is associated with the awakening of femininity. Ask yourself how important your self-esteem is to the intimate sphere. Harmonizing mudra will allow you to look at yourself in a new way.

Face east and interlace the fingers of both hands. Everything that is done is for the best. Such an attitude will help you not to drown in details or not succumb to depression, to balance emotions, that is, to connect the intuitive beginning. With the upper phalanx of the right thumb, periodically press into the area on the left hand - between the thumb and forefinger. Your flowing movements will, by themselves, be in time with the same flowing and natural breathing (Fig. 77).

On the subtle plane, the implementation of the mudra harmonizes the work of the Anahata chakra, on the physical plane it improves the blood circulation process, normalizes the heart rate; on the emotional - it removes the clamps and blocks to which the body is accustomed to in a state of constant stress, anxiety and physical inactivity.

Concentrated in intertwined hands, creative energy, creative power contains harmony. A symbol of calm and reliable strength, and in the spiritual sense - movement and growth.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Diseases and Medicines of the Venus Type Before we study diseases and medicines, we must find out the possibilities of modifying the type in accordance with the prevailing constitution - Carbonic, Phosphorous, Fluoric.

Transmutations of Venus Predisposition to disease Physical disorders The passivity of Venus is well known, doubled by incorrigible laziness, which does not contribute to the preservation of health. Frequent parties thrown in grand style with frothy sparkling wines

A hospital, a secular salon, a palace ... Since ancient times it was believed that water has a protective and healing power. The waters of many rivers were proclaimed sacred, and bathing in them was the expulsion of evil spirits from the sick. This treatment was associated with the belief of an ancient man in

Manduki mudra (frog mudra) Sit in bhadrasana and do nasikagra drishti. Inhale and exhale slowly through your nose, focusing on the smells. Benefits of Practice: This mudra is a powerful means of awakening the mooladhara chakra and perceiving psychic smells in deeper

Ashvini Mudra (horse mudra) Stage 1. Take any asana for meditation. Relax your whole body. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Squeeze the sphincter muscles of the anus, hold them tense for a few seconds, and then relax. Repeat this as much as possible

Yoga Mudra (Mudra of Spiritual Oneness) Sit in Padmasana. If this is not possible, then to vajrasana. Relax your body and close your eyes. Exhale slowly. Hold your breath as you exhale and focus on the mooladhara chakra, then inhale slowly, feeling at the same time how

Prana Mudra (or Shanti Mudra) Take any asana for meditation. Keep your back, head and neck straight. Close your eyes, put your hands on your knees. Stage 1. Inhale as deeply as possible and exhale, drawing in the stomach to remove all air from the lungs. Perform moola bandha,

Viparita-karani-mudra (mudra in an inverted position) Perform viparita-karani-mudra. Relax your whole body and close your eyes. Then do ujjayi pranayama and khechari mudra. Inhaling slowly, feel the breath and consciousness move from the man-nipura chakra to the visuddha chakra.

Maha Mudra (Big Mudra) Sit on the floor so that the right heel is under the anus, and the left leg is extended forward. Lean forward and grasp your left big toe with both hands. Relax your whole body. Take a deep breath. Perform moola bandha and shambhavi mudra.

Maha-bheda-mudra (mudra of great comprehension) Sit on the floor so that the left heel is under the anus and the right leg is extended forward. Lean forward and grasp the big toe of your right foot with both hands. Take a deep breath and then exhale slowly.

Yoni Mudra, or Shanmukhi Mudra (mudra of a spiritual source) Take any asana for meditation that is convenient for you, preferably padmasana or siddhasana. Inhale slowly and deeply. Hold your breath. Cover your ears with your thumbs, your eyes with your indexes, your nostrils.

Pasini Mudra (Folded Mudra) Simple Form Take Halasana. Spread your legs about half a meter apart. Bend your knees and bring your hips to your chest so that your knees touch the floor, ears and shoulders at the same time. Grasp your legs tightly with your hands (together with

The mudra of life (prana mudra) Prana mudra stimulates the root (Muladhara) chakra and both hemispheres of the brain, therefore it is called the mudra of Life. The purpose of using this mudra is to align the energy level throughout the body and increase its vitality.

Mudra- these are certain finger closures, translated from Sanskrit means - a seal, a symbol. The human hand has not only a functional, but also a magical purpose. Hands reflect the state of individual parts of the body or brain and the corresponding reflexes. Each area of ​​the hand also represents a different emotion or behavior. By flexing, crossing, stretching, and touching other fingers and parts of the hand, we can effectively speak to the body and mind. The hands become the keyboard for entering information into our mind / body computer. Each of the following wise is a way to send clear messages to the mind / body energy system. Mudras are often used in yoga in conjunction with asanas, which greatly enhances their effect. In ordinary life, you can use just one wise.

Basic mudras

Formed when the tips of the index finger and thumb are connected. It stimulates knowledge and ability. The energy of the index finger is often symbolized by Jupiter, the planet representing expansion. This mudra- one of the most widely used. It provides you with receptivity and peace of mind. In the practice of powerful pranayamas or exercises, the "active" form of this wise... In this variation, you bend your index finger more so that its nail is under the second joint of the thumb.

formed by connecting the tips of the middle and thumb. It is believed that this mudra gives patience and discernment, intuition. The middle finger is often symbolized by the planet Saturn. Saturn represents skill, the law of karma, acceptance of responsibility and courage in the performance of duty.

Surya or ravi mudra

is formed by placing the tip of the ring finger and the tip of the thumb. Her practice provides restoration of vitality, nervous strength and good health. The qualities of the ring finger are symbolized by the Sun and Uranus. The sun represents energy, health and sexuality, while Uranus represents nervous strength, intuition and change.

is formed by placing the tip of the little finger on the tip of the thumb. The practice of this wise unlocks the ability to interact clearly and intuitively. It also stimulates mental development. The little finger is symbolized by Mercury, which denotes the speed and mental forces of interaction.

Venus Castle

Venus Castle- this mudra often used in yoga. It got this name because it combines the positive and negative sides of the Venus hill of each hand with the thumbs. Thumbs represent our ego. Mount of Venus is a fleshy patch at the base of the thumb. He is symbolically represented by the planet Venus, which is associated with sensitivity and sexuality. This mudra directs sexual energy to the right channels and helps balance the endocrine system. It also provides the ability to easily focus your attention if you place your hands in the Venus lock near your groin in a meditative pose.
To form this mudra, first fold your palms together and interlace your fingers.
For men, the right thumb stays up and the left little finger stays down. Place the tip of your left thumb over the base of your right thumb, between your thumb and forefinger. The tip of the right thumb presses against the fleshy mound at the base of the left thumb.
For women, the position of the fingers is reversed - the left thumb is on top and the right little finger is on the bottom.
The figure shows castle of venus- male version.

- interlace all fingers in the Venus lock, except for the index fingers. The index fingers are straight and pointed straight up. This mudra used in Sat Kriya. Building it, we concentrate the energy of Jupiter (index fingers) to overcome obstacles and expand the boundaries of our consciousness.

The mudra of the praying or the mudra of prayer

The Wisdom of the Praying- the palms of both hands are folded together at the level of the chest (heart chakra). The positive side of the body (right, male) and negative (left, female) are neutralized. This mudra it is always used at the beginning when you are preparing to do the kriyas. It is very powerful mudra, it soothes thoughts and brings clarity. Good for meditation.

-Place your left hand at chest level, palm outward, thumb down. Place your right hand at the same level, but with the palm to your chest. Grasp the fingers of one hand with the fingers of the other hand, forming a single fist. This mudra is used to stimulate the heart and to increase concentration.

- Another common mudra used in meditation is formed by placing the left hand with the palm up in the groin, and the right hand also with the palm up on the left. At the same time, the thumbs are connected. For women, the position of the hands is reversed.

Fourth evening

Features of the worlds Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn

However, the dreams of the marquise were not very lucky, they persistently presented to her imagination things that were similar to what we see here on Earth. This gave me a reason to reproach the Marquis for what we are usually accused of when looking at our painting, some peoples who themselves know how to create only bizarre, grotesque drawings. "Well," they tell us, "it absolutely resembles humans, not a drop of imagination here." I had to resolutely abandon the intention to know the appearance of the inhabitants of all planets and be satisfied with possible guesses, and then continue the journey we had begun across the worlds. So, we were already on Venus.

It is well known, - I began, referring to the Marquis, - that Venus rotates on its axis. But it is not known at what time she makes a full turn, nor, of course, how long her day lasts. As for its years, they are equal to approximately eight months, for during this time Venus makes its revolution around the Sun. In terms of its size, Venus is equal to the Earth, and, probably, the Earth appears to Venus the same size as Venus is to us.

I am very pleased with that, ”said the marquise. - The Earth can be an evening star for Venus, a mother of love, as Venus is for us. All these names are suitable only for a small, beautiful planet, light, shining and having a courteous appearance.

I agree, - I answered. “But do you know what makes Venus so beautiful from afar? It is precisely that close up it is ugly. With the help of a telescope, we saw that Venus is a huge mountain range, and these mountains are even higher than ours. They have very sharp tops and appear to be very dry. It is this relief of the planet that is most conducive to reflecting light with maximum brilliance and brightness. Our earth, the surface of which, in comparison with the surface of Venus, is very flat and partially covered by seas, most likely from afar is not at all so pleasant to look at.

So much the worse, - said the marquise, - for it would, of course, be a great advantage and a pleasant duty for her - to direct the love affairs of the inhabitants of Venus: after all, they undoubtedly know a lot about the art of love.

Oh, no doubt about it, I replied. “The lower strata of the Venusian people are composed exclusively of Celadons and Silvandres, and their most ordinary conversations are no worse than the finest conversations of" Clelia. " Venus's climate is very favorable for love: Venus is closer than we are to the Sun and receives brighter light and more warmth from it. Venus is almost a third of the way closer to the Sun than Earth.

I now understand, - the marquis interrupted me, - how the inhabitants of Venus are arranged. They are like the Grenadian Moors - a small black people, burnt by the sun, full of fun and fire, always in love, composing poetry, loving music and every day inventing festivities, dances and tournaments.

Let me tell you, madam, ”I replied,“ that you have no idea of ​​the Venusians at all. Our Grenadian Moors are second only to the Paws and Greenlanders in coldness and stupidity.

But what about the inhabitants of Mercury? They are more than twice as close to the Sun as we are. They must be mad with the vitality that rages within them. I think they have no memory at all — no more than most blacks; that they never think about anything and act only on a whim and a sudden urge; finally, that it is on Mercury that the madhouses of the Universe are located.

They see the Sun nine times larger than we do; it sends them such a strong light that, if they were on Earth, they would mistake our clearest days as just a faint twilight and, perhaps, would not be able to distinguish objects during the day. The heat they are used to is so intense that the warmth of Central Africa would undoubtedly freeze them. Their iron, our silver, our gold would obviously melt, and all these metals could only be seen in a liquid state - as we usually see water, although at certain times of the year it is a very solid body. The inhabitants of Mercury would not even suspect that in another world these fluids, possibly forming rivers in them, turn out to be extremely solid bodies.

The year of Mercury lasts only three months. We do not know the length of a day on Mercury: Mercury is very small and very close to the Sun, it is almost always lost in the sun's rays and escapes the attention of astronomers: it has not yet been mastered enough to observe the rotation it makes around its axis. But its inhabitants, of course, need this rotation to be completed in some not very long time. For, obviously, burnt by the huge oven hanging over their heads, they can breathe freely only at night. At this time, Mercury is illuminated by Venus and the Earth, which seem very large to its inhabitants. As for other planets, since they are outside the Earth in the direction of the heavenly vault, the Mercurians see them much smaller than we do, and receive very little light from them.

I am not so much saddened by this loss of the inhabitants of Mercury, said the marquise, as by the troubles awaiting them because of the excess heat. I would like Us to make their life a little easier. Let's send long and heavy rains to Mercury, which will refresh it: they say that here, here, in hot countries, it rains for four full months, just in the warmest seasons.

Perhaps, ”I said,“ we can refresh Mercury in another way. There are areas in China that, according to their position, must be very hot and in which, at the same time, it is very cold in July and August, so that at this time the rivers even freeze. This happens because there is a lot of saltpeter in these parts, the vapors of which have a very low temperature, and the force of heat makes them abundantly separate from the Earth. Let Mercury be, if you will, a small planet, consisting entirely of saltpeter, and the Sun itself will seek a remedy against the evil inflicted on this planet. There is no doubt, however, that nature inhabits living creatures only those places where they can live, and habit, combined with ignorance of the best, serves the fact that they live there with pleasure. You can even get by on Mercury without saltpeter and without rain.

After Mercury, as you know, the Sun comes. But there is no means of placing any inhabitants on it. There is no question "why not?" We judge by the population of the Earth that other bodies of this kind should also be inhabited. But the Sun is a completely different body from the Earth and other planets. It is the source of all that light that the planets only borrow from it and then send to each other. The planets can, so to speak, exchange light, but they cannot produce it. Only the Sun can extract this precious substance from itself. It is a powerful source of this substance, sending it out in all directions; radiating from the Sun, it rests on everything solid on its way, and from one planet to another the rays of light spread far and wide, intersect, intersect, intertwine in a thousand different ways, forming a delightful fabric of the most expensive matter that exists in the world.

Thus, the Sun is located in the center, which is the most convenient place for the uniform distribution of this matter and in order to animate everything with its warmth. The sun is therefore a special body. But what is this body? It is very difficult to say that. It has long been believed that the Sun is a very pure fire. But at the beginning of our century, they were disappointed in this when they saw spots on its surface. Since not long before that, new planets were discovered, which I will tell you about, and the heads of all philosophers in the world were filled with only this, and new planets became a universal fashion, it was immediately decided that the "spots" are the planets, and since they revolve around the Sun, then they darken some of its parts, turning their dark half towards us. And now learned men offered these so-called planets to the services of the sovereigns of Europe. Some called them by the name of one ruler, others - another, and, probably, there could be a disagreement over who is the owner of these planets and is free to give them whatever name you want!

I find it dishonest, ”the Marquis interrupted me. - You told me one day that the names of scientists and astronomers were given to different parts of the Moon, and I was very pleased with this. Since the sovereigns own the Earth, it is fair that the heavens remain with the scientists and that they be masters there: they should not let anyone else go there at all.

Permit, at least, - I replied, - so that in case of need they could lay some star or, at worst, a part of the moon for the sovereign. As for sunspots, they will not be able to derive any benefit from them. It turned out that these are not planets at all, but clouds, vapors, scale rising above the Sun. Sometimes there are a lot of them, sometimes very few, sometimes they disappear altogether. From time to time they all come together, then they separate again. Sometimes they are lighter, sometimes darker. There are times when you can see a very large number of them; but there are also such periods - and quite long ones - when not a single spot is visible on the Sun. It was decided that the Sun is liquid matter, some even argued that it consists of molten gold, which boils continuously and releases various impurities thrown onto its surface by the force of its motion; there they turn to ash, and the Sun then produces others. Imagine what strange bodies they are: among them there are those that are seventeen hundred times larger than the Earth. Know that the Earth is more than a million times smaller than the sun globe. Judge how much of this molten gold should be, or, what is the same, the volume of this colossal sea of ​​iron and fire!

Others argue (and with apparent correctness) that these spots - at least the majority of them - do not represent new formations that eventually dissipate, but are huge dense masses of very irregular outlines that have always existed and continue to exist. These masses, in the opinion of these people, either float on the liquid surface of the Sun, then submerge in this liquid partially or completely and reveal their various places or bulges in front of our gaze (since they submerge either more or less), turning towards us with their various sides ... Perhaps they form part of some huge mass of solid matter that serves as food for the solar fire. In the end, no matter how things are with the Sun, it is clear that it is not at all adapted for life. This is a great pity - after all, it would have been a very beautiful home. Its inhabitants would be in the center of everything, they would see how all the planets revolve around it correctly - not the way we earthlings see it: after all, we see thousands of oddities in these rotations, and all because we are not in a place adapted for a correct judgment on this score, that is, in the center of the planetary motion. Isn't it annoying ?! There is only one place in the world where star exploration would be very easy, and this is where no one lives.

Do not grieve about it, - said the Marquise, - whoever was in the Sun would not see anything - neither planets, nor fixed stars. After all, the Sun eclipses everything! It is its inhabitants who would have every reason to believe that they are the only creatures in the Universe.

I admit, - I answered, - my mistake. I was referring only to the position occupied by the Sun, not the results from its light. But you, so carelessly and as if casually pointing out my mistake to me, are asking me to point you to yours: the inhabitants of the Sun would never have seen it by itself. Either they could not withstand the forces of its light, or they could not perceive it at all from a short distance. If you think about it properly, then the Sun can only be the abode of the blind. And once again: it was not created for settlement at all. But would you like us to continue our journey through the universe?

We arrived at the center, which is always the lowest point of all rounded bodies. And I will tell you, by the way: in order to get from here to there, we covered thirty-three million leagues; now it is necessary to go back and rest.

On this return journey, we will meet again Mercury, Venus and Earth - all the planets that we have visited. Next comes Mars. I cannot tell you anything interesting about Mars. His days are the most painful, his neck is half an hour longer than ours, and his years are equal to our two years without a month and a half. Mars is five times smaller than Earth, the Sun from it seems to be somewhat smaller and less bright than if you look at it from Earth. I will tell you that Mars is not very deserving to stay on it. But what's really wonderful is Jupiter with its four moons, or moons! These are four small planets that, while Jupiter orbits the Sun for twenty years, revolve around it in the same way as our Moon around us.

But, - the marquise interrupted me, - where do the planets orbiting other planets that are no better than the first come from? Seriously, it would seem to me more correct and whole if all the planets - large and small - had only one rotation - around the Sun.

A! Madame, I replied, if you knew something about Descartes's vortices - those vortices whose name is so terrible, but the essence is so pleasant - you would not say what has just escaped your lips.

I’m already dizzy, ”she said, laughing,“ and it’s very useful to know what whirlwinds are. Finish me, make me completely crazy - I no longer own myself. I no longer understand what abstinence is in philosophy: so let the light say anything about us, and we surrender to whirlwinds.

I did not suspect such impulses in you before, - I replied. - It's a shame that their object is just a whirlwind.

What is called a vortex is a mass of matter, the particles of which are separated from one another, and they all move in the same way; at the same time, they allow themselves to make some small partial movements, but only on the condition that the latter always follow the general movement. Thus, a wind whirlwind is nothing more than an infinite number of air particles that make a joint circular motion and carry away in this motion everything that meets them. You know that the planets rush in a celestial environment that is extremely thin and mobile. All this huge mass of celestial matter, stretching from the Sun to the fixed stars, makes a circular motion and, dragging the planets along with it, makes them rotate in the same way around the Sun, which is in the center, but with different speed of revolutions - more or less, depending on the degree of their distance from the Sun. And the Sun itself also rotates - around its axis, since it is located in the very center of this entire celestial environment. Note, however, that if the Earth were in the place of the Sun, it would also have to rotate only around its own axis.

This is the great whirlwind, of which the Sun is a kind of host. At the same time, the planets form around themselves small private vortices like the sun. Each of them, revolving around the Sun, at the same time certainly rotates around its own axis and makes a certain part of the mentioned celestial environment rotate around itself in exactly the same way, always ready to follow the movements given to it, unless they deflect it from its main motion ... This is a special planetary vortex, and the planet spreads it as far as the force of its movement can suffice. If it is necessary that some planet, which is smaller than the planet - the mistress of the vortex, gets into this small vortex, then the large planet carries it away and forcibly forces it to revolve around itself: thus, everything together - a large planet, a small one and a vortex that includes them - continues to no less revolve around the sun. Therefore, at the very beginning of the world, we forced the Moon to follow us - it was within our vortex and was completely at our service.

Jupiter, about which I began to tell you, was more fortunate or more powerful than us: he had four small planets in his neighborhood and took them all for himself. And we, one of the main planets, - where would we be, what do you think, if we were near it? He is a thousand times bigger than us; his whirlwind would swallow us without regret, and we would become nothing more than the moon depending on him, instead of having the moon subordinate to us ourselves. Therefore, it is very true that often someone's fate is determined only by a blind chance.

And who will prove to us, - asked the Marquis, - that we will forever remain where we are? I am beginning to fear that we will not do stupid things and come close to such an adventurous planet like Jupiter, or that he will not come for us and swallow us. After all, it seems to me that the great movement, in which, according to your words, celestial matter is constantly located, should affect the planets randomly - either bring them closer to each other, then move them away from each other.

In this case, we can win as much as we can lose, - I answered. - Perhaps in the future we will subordinate Mercury or Mars to our domination - the smallest planets that cannot withstand us, but we do not need to hope for anything, nor to be afraid of anything: the planets always remain in their place and new conquests forbidden for them, as it was once forbidden for the Chinese emperors. You know very well that when oil is mixed with water, the latter floats to the surface of the water. If you then put some very light body in these two mixed liquids, the oil will support it and it will not reach the water. When a heavier body with a certain weight is put there, it will penetrate the layer of oil, which will be too light to hold it, and will fall until it collides with a layer of water that can hold it. Thus, in this liquid, consisting of two liquid bodies unable to mix with each other, two bodies of different weights naturally fall into two different layers, and one of them will never rise, and the other will never descend. If you add other liquids here, which remain unmixed with the rest, and immerse other bodies here, the effect will be the same. Imagine that the celestial matter that creates this great vortex has different layers, enveloping each other, and their weight is also different, like the weight of water, oil and other liquids. The planets also have different weights, and each of them lingers precisely in the layer that is able to hold it and which brings it into a state of equilibrium: you understand that it is impossible to leave this layer for it.

I understand, - said the Marquise, - that these weights, of which you speak, keep the ranks very well. God would grant that we have something like this - something that helps to distribute people to places that are appropriate for them by nature! As for Jupiter, I feel completely safe now. I am very gratified to think that he is leaving us alone with our little whirlwind and our only Moon. By nature, I am easily limited to small and do not envy him in the least that he has four moons.

It would be ridiculous to be jealous of him in such a case, - I said. - He has exactly as many moons as he should be. After all, Jupiter is five times more than we are, at a distance from the Sun, in other words, it is at a distance of one hundred and sixty-five million leagues from the Sun, which is why its moons receive from the Sun and transmit very weak light to it. This is rewarded only by their number. Otherwise, since Jupiter makes a complete revolution on its axis in ten hours and its nights, lasting only five hours, are very short, four moons would not be so necessary. That of these moons, which is closest to Jupiter, makes its rotation around it in forty-two hours, the second in three and a half days, the third in seven days, the fourth in seventeen. Thanks to precisely this unevenness of their movement, they seemed to have conspired to cater to Jupiter the most magnificent spectacles in the Universe. Then they all four ascend together and almost immediately diverge in different directions; then they, in their midday time, all line up one above the other; then all four of them can be seen at the same distance in the sky; then, when two of them rise, the other two, on the contrary, roll up. I especially love to observe their constant game of eclipses: after all, not a day goes by when some of them do not overshadow others, or that they do not overshadow the Sun. Undoubtedly, since eclipses have become so common in that world, they are the subject of fun there, and not the horror that we have.

And you, ”said the marquise,“ of course, will take care of populating these four moons, although they are only small subordinate planets, designed only to illuminate the host planet at night?

Do not doubt it at all, - I answered. “These planets are no less worthy of being inhabited, although they have the misfortune of being servants revolving around another, more important planet.

I would very much like, - she remarked, - that the inhabitants of the four moons of Jupiter were, as it were, his colonies; that they, if possible, receive from him their laws and customs; in return, they must express their respect to him and treat the great planet with emphasized reverence.

Wouldn't it also, I said to her, that the four moons would occasionally equip embassies on Jupiter, swearing allegiance to him? As for me, I confess to you: our lack of superiority over the inhabitants of our moon makes me doubt that Jupiter has great superiority over the inhabitants of its moons, and I think that the greatest advantage he can reasonably count on will be won by him. instilling fear in them. For example, from the one of the moons that is closest to him, its inhabitants see him six hundred times larger than we are our Moon; what a monstrous planet hangs over them! Indeed, if the Gauls in ancient times feared that the sky would fall on their heads and crush them into a cake, then the inhabitants of this moon have much more reason to fear Jupiter falling on their heads!

Perhaps, she said, they are experiencing this fear instead of the unfamiliar, as you assured me, fear of eclipses. Obviously, it is necessary that one stupidity be compensated for by another.

This is absolutely inevitable, I replied. - The inventor of the third system, about which I spoke to you on our first evening, the famous Tycho Brahe, the greatest astronomer who ever existed, did not think to be afraid of eclipses as the common people fear them, and spent his life in complete harmony with them. But would you believe what he feared in return? If, upon leaving the house, he was the first to come across an old woman, or if a hare ran across his path, Tycho Brahe believed that this day would be unhappy, and returned home briskly, not daring to undertake any, even the most trifling, matter.

It would be unfair, ”she said,“ after such a person could not free himself from the fear of eclipses with impunity, so that the inhabitants of this Jupiter's moon, whom we spoke about, would get back on this fear in a cheaper way. We will not have mercy on them, they must obey the universal law. If they are free from one delusion, they must fall into another. But since I cannot boast that I guess what it might be, explain to me, please, another doubt that has been plaguing me for some time now: if the Earth is so small from the point of view of Jupiter, does he see us? I'm afraid we don't know him at all.

On my honor, I think this is the case, I replied. - After all, he must see the Earth a hundred times smaller than we see him. This is too little, and he most likely does not see her at all. The only way out for us is to think like this: there will be astronomers on Jupiter, who, having worked hard to create excellent telescopes and choosing the brightest nights for viewing, will finally find in the sky a tiny planet, until then they have not seen. This will be announced first by the "Journal des savants" of that country. The people of Jupiter, who do not understand colloquial speech at all, will only laugh at this. Philosophers whose minds are thrown into confusion will decide not to give it any credence. Only very reasonable people will doubt the correctness of this decision. Then they will begin to observe and re-examine the small planet: make sure it is not a mirage, even suspect that it revolves around the Sun; they learn, after a thousand repeated observations, that this rotation continues for a year; finally, thanks to the endless efforts of scientists on Jupiter, they will understand that our Earth really exists in the world. The curious will want to look at it through a telescope, although in this way it will hardly be visible to the eye.

If it was not so unpleasant - to find out that they cannot detect us from Jupiter except with the help of a telescope, - said the Marquise, - I would gladly imagine these telescopes of Jupiter pointing at us while our pipes are directed on them, and this is a mutual curiosity with which both planets look at each other and ask one about the other: “What kind of world is this? And what creatures inhabit it? "

It won't happen so soon - what you think, - I said. - When they see our Earth from Jupiter, when they get to know it there, all this will not mean that our Earth is us; no one on Jupiter even suspects that it can be inhabited. And if any of them try to imagine it, then God only knows how all Jupiter will laugh at him. It is even possible that for Jupiter we are the cause of the lawsuit of the philosophers who maintain there the belief that we exist. However, I would rather believe that the inhabitants of Jupiter are so busy making discoveries on their own planet that they have absolutely no time for us,

Jupiter is so big that if there is navigation there, no doubt their Christopher Columbus is not sitting idle. It must be that the Jupiterians do not even know by hearsay a hundredth of the other peoples of their planet. On the contrary, on Mercury, which is very small, all peoples are adjacent to each other; they live in close unity and travel around the world on their planet is considered just an easy walk. If they do not even see us from Jupiter, then you can easily judge that even less than that they see Venus, which is farther from them than we are, and even less - Mercury, which is even smaller and more distant. Instead, the Jupiterians see their four moons and Saturn with its moons, as well as Mars. This number of planets is quite enough to prepare all kinds of difficulties for those who among the Jupiterians are reputed to be astronomers: nature has shown them mercy by hiding the rest of the universe from them.

How! - exclaimed the Marquis. - Do you consider it a favor?

Undoubtedly, I replied. “Sixteen planets are included in this huge vortex. Nature, trying to save our energy spent on studying their movements, shows us only seven planets. Isn't this a great blessing? And we, not feeling gratitude for this gift, try to catch in our field of vision the other nine, hidden from us by it. For this we are punished by the expenditure of hard work that astronomy demands of us in our time.

From this number - "sixteen planets" - said the Marquise, - I conclude that Saturn must have five moons.

He has so many of them, - I answered, - and this is all the more true because, since it makes its revolution around the Sun in thirty years, there are countries on it where the night lasts fifteen years - for the same reason as the Earth that revolves around the Sun in a year has a six-month night at its poles.

As for Saturn, since it is twice as far from the Sun as we are from the Sun, does its very dim five moons give it enough light during its nights?

No, but he has a reserve tool, the only one in the entire known universe: it is a huge circle surrounding him, or a ring located high enough above him to be outside the shadow cast by the body of this planet, and sending sunlight to the places of Saturn, otherwise never illuminated, and it sends it from a closer distance and with greater force than all five moons, for this ring is less distant from Saturn than the closest of them.

Indeed, ”said the Marquise, with the air of a man regaining consciousness with amazement,“ all this reveals a great order. It is quite obvious that nature had in mind the needs of certain living beings and the distribution of the moons was not accidental. His subject was only the planets distant from the Sun - Earth, Jupiter, Saturn; indeed, it was not worth worrying about the moons for Venus and Mercury, which already receive too much light; they already have very short nights, and they consider these nights to be a greater boon of nature than even days. But wait, it seems to me that Mars, which is even farther from the Sun than Earth, does not have a Moon.

I cannot hide it from you, - I answered, - he really does not have any moons and, apparently, has lighting means for his nights that are unknown to us. Have you seen dry or liquid phosphorescent substances, which, perceiving sunlight, as it were, absorb it into themselves, penetrate it and then shine with a rather strong brilliance in the dark? Perhaps there are huge, high rocks on Mars, consisting of natural phosphorescent substances, gaining a supply of light during the day and giving it back at night. You cannot deny that this is a rather pleasant sight - all these rocks, which begin to sparkle with all their parts at the moment when the sun sets: without any interference of art, they create a magnificent illumination, convenient, moreover, because it does not radiate strong heat. You also know that in America there are birds that glow in the dark so much that you can use them as lamps when reading. We cannot know - perhaps there are a large number of such birds on Mars and they, as soon as night falls, scatter in different directions, spreading the daylight again.

I am not satisfied, ”she said,“ neither your rocks nor your birds. Of course, it cannot be denied that it is beautiful, but since nature has given so many moons to Saturn and Jupiter, this is a clear sign that moons are needed. I would be very pleased if all the worlds far from the Sun had them; but Mars can obviously be a sad exception.

Yes, indeed, ”I said,“ if you were to do more philosophy than you have hitherto, you would undoubtedly become accustomed to seeing exceptions in the most perfect systems. There is always something that fits the system perfectly, as well as something else that they try to adapt to it as much as possible, or they leave it alone if they see that there is no hope of reaching the goal. Let's do the same in the relationship of Mars, because here he is unlikely to bring us luck, and we will not talk about him anymore. As for Saturn, we will be surprised to find ourselves there when we see over our heads at night this huge ring extending in a semicircle from one end of the horizon to the other; it, transmitting sunlight to us, would appear to us as a constant moon.

And we will not allow any inhabitants on this big ring at all? she interrupted me, laughing with a question.

Although I am in a rather bold mood, - I replied, - and I am ready to settle living beings everywhere, I confess to you that I will not dare to place them there: this ring seems to me to be a very unstable abode. As for the five small moons, they will not do without residents. But it is very possible, as some suspect, that the entire Saturnian ring is nothing more than an arc consisting of moons closely following one another and having the same motion; the five moons known to us may have jumped out of this large ring: how many then there must be worlds in the vortex of Saturn! But be that as it may, the inhabitants of Saturn are rather unhappy if they use the help of the ring. It gives them light, but what kind of light it is with such a distance from the Sun! They see the Sun itself a hundred times smaller than we see it, and it seems to them only a small star, dim, emitting very pale light and faint heat. If you take the inhabitants of Saturn to our coldest countries - Greenland or Laponia, you will see large drops of sweat on their faces and hear them suffocate from the heat. Further, if there were water on Saturn, it would not be water for them, but only a smooth stone, marble; and alcohol, never freezing here, would be harder than diamond there.

You give me an idea of ​​Saturn that literally freezes me, "said the marquise," although I just got hot from your Mercury.

This is how it should be, - I objected, - so that the two worlds, located at the most extreme points of the great vortex, would be resolutely opposite to each other in everything.

So, - she said, - on Saturn everyone is very wise: after all, you told me that, on the contrary, everyone on Mercury is very stupid.

If the inhabitants of Saturn are not very wise, - I said, - then, at least, they, as it is obvious, are very phlegmatic. These creatures do not know what it means to laugh, they need a whole day to answer the most trivial question; They would have considered Cato Uticheskoe too cheeky and frivolous.

A thought came to my mind, ”she said. - All inhabitants of Mercury are mobile; on the contrary, all the inhabitants of Saturn are slow. Among us, some are mobile, others are clumsy. Is it because our Earth occupies a middle position between the worlds and we are involved in both extremes? People do not have permanent and definite characters at all: some of us are like Mercurians, others are like the inhabitants of Saturn. We are a mixture of all kinds that exist on other planets.

I really like this idea, - I said. “We are such a bizarre combination that one might think that we are a string from many different worlds. In this sense, it is very convenient to be in our world: here you can see all the other worlds as if in miniature.

At least, - answered the marquis, - the real convenience of our world, which it possesses due to its location, is that it is not too hot, like Mercury and Venus, and not too cold, like Jupiter and Saturn. In addition, you and I are in a place on Earth where we do not feel the extremes of heat and cold. Indeed, if a famous philosopher thanked nature for being a man, not a beast, and a Greek, not a barbarian, then I personally want to thank her for living on the most temperate planet in the Universe and in the most temperate place of this planets.

If you obey me, madam, - I answered, - you will give her gratitude for the fact that you are young and not old; young and beautiful, not old and ugly; young, beautiful and French, not young, beautiful and Italian. There are many other reasons for gratitude for you, better than those you derive from the location of your vortex or the climate of your country.

My God, ”she objected,“ let me be grateful for everything, right down to the whirlwind to which I belong. After all, the measure of happiness allotted to us is so small, we cannot lose anything from it. And it is good to have a taste for the most ordinary and insignificant things, this allows you to turn them to your advantage. If we seek only strong pleasures, then we will find few of them, we will wait for them for a long time and pay dearly for them.

But you promise me, ”I said,“ that if someone offers you these powerful pleasures, you will remember the whirlwinds and me and not leave us completely to the mercy of fate?

Our hands are much more than just a tool for performing actions, they are an energy map of our consciousness and state of health. Each area of ​​the hand is associated with a specific part of the body and is responsible for different emotions and behaviors. By bending, crossing, stretching our fingers, as well as touching certain areas on the palms, we can effectively communicate with our body and mind. The accepted position of the hands is called mudra. This is a specific technique for transmitting clear messages to the energy system of the body and mind.

Just as letters are folded in various combinations into words, so fingers can form various mudras. Below are the most popular mudras used in Kundalini Yoga by the Yogi Bhajan School.

Gyan Mudra (Seal of Knowledge)

To perform the Gyan Mudra, connect the tips of your thumb and forefinger. It stimulates knowledge, wisdom and the ability to calculate. The index finger energy is associated with Jupiter representing expansion. This is one of the most widely used mudras. It gives receptivity and calmness. Unless the need to use the "active" Gyan Mudra is indicated, we use its "passive" form. In the practice of powerful pranayama and exercise the "active" form of this mudra is often used. In this variation, you bend your index finger so that its nail is under the second joint of your thumb.

Shuni Mudra (Seal of Patience)

To perform Shuni Mudra, connect the tips of the middle and thumb. This mudra is believed to provide patience, discernment, and the ability to make commitments. The middle finger is associated with the planet Saturn, which represents the accomplishment of tasks, the law of karma, the acceptance of responsibility and courage in pursuing duty.

Surya Mudra, or Ravi Mudra (Seal of the Sun, Seal of Life)

This mudra is formed by placing the tip of the ring finger on the tip of the thumb. Her practice provides energy recovery, strengthening of the nervous system, good health and the strength to win. The ring finger qualities are associated with the Sun and Uranus. The sun represents energy, health and sexuality. Uranus is responsible for a strong nervous system, intuition and change.

Buddhi Mudra (Seal of Mental Clarity)

To perform Buddhi Mudra, place the tip of your little finger on the tip of your thumb. This opens up opportunities for clear and intuitive communication. This mudra also stimulates mental development. The little finger symbolizes Mercury, which is responsible for quick wits and mental strength in communication.

Prayer Mudra (Pranam Mudra)

In Prayer Wisdom, the palms of the hands are pressed together to neutralize the positive (right, masculine) and negative (left, feminine) sides of the body. This mudra is always used for centering and alignment along with the Adi Mantra in preparation for performing. kriyas.

There is a whole science of using Pranam Mudra (Prayer Mudra). There is a polarity in our body represented by the right side (pingala) and left side (Ida)... When you align your right and left hands, you neutralize the positive and negative polarities of the electromagnetic field. This mudra creates a neutral space in the electromagnetic field. The place in the chest that touches the joints of the thumbs is the reflex point of the vagus nerve, one of the main nerves that ascend to the pineal gland along the front of the body. Hand pressure immediately prompts the pituitary and pineal glands to secrete, causing resonance in the brain, which in turn shifts the brain from its normal rhythm to a meditative state. This allows prayer to come from the heart.

Venus Castle

This mudra is often used in exercises. It gets its name from the fact that it connects the positive and negative sides of the Mount of Venus - the soft tissue areas at the base of the thumb - with the thumbs of each hand. The thumbs represent the ego. The Mount of Venus is symbolically associated with the planet Venus and the energy of sensuality and sexuality. Mudra directs sexual energy and promotes endocrine balance. It also provides the ability to easily focus or concentrate by folding your arms in the Venus Castle in the groin area while sitting in a meditative position. To perform this mudra, place the palms of your hands opposite each other. Men interlace the fingers so that the left little finger is at the bottom. Place the tip of your left thumb over the base of your right thumb, between your thumb and forefinger. The tip of the right thumb presses against the tubercle at the base of the left thumb. For women the position of the intertwined fingers back.

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Venus - Earth's neighbor in the solar system. This sensual, passionate, capricious planet was named after the goddess of love, inspiration and beauty. As a dazzling queen, Venus shines in the firmament and is visible to the eye without a telescope. The passion of her character is expressed in the high temperature on the surface of the planet - she is the hottest in our system. Willfulness and unpredictability - in the direction of rotation, opposite to most other planets. And, finally, an opaque layer of acid clouds gives the mystery and mystery of Venus.

The ancient Roman goddess Venus is similar to the ancient Aphrodite. She patronizes love, romance, art, everything beautiful and sublime. In all aspects of Venus with other planets, these concepts run like a red thread.

Aspects of Venus and Mercury

Mercury - the closest to the Sun and the fastest, bears the name of the god of trade, travel and communication. This god in ancient Roman myths often served as a messenger, the first to learn important news from the supreme power. In addition, it was he who escorted the dead to the underworld. Mercury was always close to a certain mystery, possessed extraordinary mental abilities, perfectly established contacts and derived material benefits from everything.

The intelligence of Mercury, intertwining with the sensuality of Venus, creates a specific influence on people, their inclinations, the general atmosphere of the day.

Favorable aspects of Venus and Mercury

Mercury-Venus conjunction manifests in people a synthesis of intellectual abilities with excellent taste and a thirst for peace, love and harmony. Musical and writing talents, grace and charm are sharpened. Venus endows a person with coquettishness and a certain carelessness, and Mercury - with eloquence and a pinch of irrepressible passion.

Mercury-Venus Sextile - this is even more charm and charm. Patronizes successful communications, conferences and other similar events where people share knowledge. This is a sign of a productive partnership, successful trading operations, establishing new useful and pleasant acquaintances.

Trine Mercury-Venus pushes people to flirt and romantic adventures, noisy parties, a variety of pleasures and laziness. Enhances artistic talents such as public speaking and acting. Awakens the desire to make everything around beautiful, even if it is household trifles.

Unfavorable aspects of Venus and Mercury

Mercury-Venus square makes a person inconsistent and fickle. Under the influence of a spontaneous impulse, he can plunge headlong into a maelstrom of adventure, which he will later regret. Subjective, unhealthy reasoning, pouring from “empty to empty,” a perverted understanding of beauty.

Opposition Mercury-Venus shows in people excessive sensitivity, resentment, nervousness. Increases craving for eccentric antics, variety, risky and unconventional behavior.

Aspects of Venus and Mars

This belligerently red planet owes its name to the ancient god of war. Mars inherited the character of its patron, his tenacity, fearlessness, courage. Taking active steps to achieve goals, defending one's own interests and boundaries is a natural pastime for Mars. Well, when a decisive conqueror is in a bad mood, expect trouble and destruction.

Favorable aspects of Venus and Mars

Venus-Mars conjunction endows people with charm, sensitivity and exactingness towards loved ones. Passion, strong but short-lived emotions and feelings, hot temperament, high sexuality. Gift of a cupid, pimp. During the period of influence of this aspect, many romantic relationships and works of art are created.

Venus-Mars Sextile - a less frivolous aspect than the previous one. In this case, love is strong, loyal, long-lasting. Love for all living things, mercy, optimism. Lucky, energetic, successful in relationships with the opposite sex. Everything that you do not take, turns out by itself.

Trine Venus-Mars generously endows people with creative talents, amorousness, craving for pleasure and adventure. Getting money easily, but not saving it. Aggravation of self-confidence, popularity, fame, nationwide love.

Unfavorable aspects of Venus and Mars

Venus-Mars square capriciousness, extravagance, an idle lifestyle. Increased, uncontrolled sexuality that leads to promiscuous intercourse. Aspect activates base passions and instincts, encourages the use of alcohol, drugs, junk food.

Venus-Mars opposition - the aspect of losses and the sad consequences of indiscretion. Sexually transmitted diseases are possible, large losses due to rash spending. Conflicts and quarrels in any interpersonal relationship. Aggravation of jealousy, manifestations of aggression and violence.

Aspects of Venus and Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, named by astronomers in honor of the supreme ancient Roman god of thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms on Jupiter really do happen serious - remember the red spot on the side of this planet? This is nothing more than a storm discovered by scientists three centuries ago!

Like an almighty ruler, Jupiter in astrology is just, wise, magnanimous. He makes sure that everyone gets what they deserve: someone - thunder and lightning, someone - generous material and spiritual gifts.

Favorable aspects of Venus and Jupiter

Venus-Jupiter conjunction a very abundant aspect that promises all kinds of benefits. Prosperity, generosity, enjoyment and laziness. Popularity with the opposite sex, happy long-term relationships, marriage. Friendliness, hospitality, strong sense of style and artistic taste.

Venus-Jupiter Sextile promises gifts of fate, support of influential people, luxury entertainment. On days influenced by this aspect, it is easier to find a common language with anyone. Success will be with those whose goals are highly spiritual and directed towards the common good.

Trine Venus-Jupiter an aspect favorable for the induction of beauty of the body and home. A good period for fashion designers, stylists, designers. Promises material success, harmonious relationships with loved ones, helps to restore order in finances and business.

Unfavorable aspects of Venus and Jupiter

Venus-Jupiter square - a sign of financial losses, dangerous adventures, deception, infidelity. Health problems as a consequence of improper lifestyle. Vanity and excessive gullibility can play a cruel joke on you.

Venus-Jupiter opposition aggravates monetary problems with debts and loans, rash capital investments are possible. A tendency to lie and hypocrisy, problems and quarrels in relationships due to financial troubles. Boasting and displaying overconfidence is dangerous.

Aspects of Venus and Saturn

Saturn, the planet following Jupiter, is named after the god of time, deposed from the throne, strict and cruel. According to myths, he ate his own children, fearing a threat from them. Saturn in astrology is distrustful, cautious, loves solitude and hard work. This planet does not accept idleness, monkey labor, idleness and noisy parties. At the same time, it helps to concentrate, prioritize and create a competent action plan.

Favorable aspects of Venus and Saturn

Venus-Saturn conjunction promises reliability and loyalty in a relationship, but restrains a violent expression of feelings. It sharpens the sense of duty and ability to work, allows you to look at things soberly and reasonably. Justice will prevail.

Venus-Saturn Sextile a sign of success as a result of long and hard work. Shows a tendency to self-sacrifice for the benefit of others. Sharpens the ability to feel and understand others, helps to build relationships with children and parents. The desire to take care of someone, to create savings, to observe the measure in everything.

Trine Venus-Saturn the right time for charity, volunteer work, helping those in need. People under the influence of this aspect become noticeably more assiduous, concentrated, rational. A good period for creating a deposit or piggy bank, planning a family and work budget.

Unfavorable aspects of Venus and Saturn

Venus-Saturn square portends a period of communication problems, misunderstandings, conflicts. Life satisfaction tends to zero. The flowering of pessimism, the desire for solitude, asceticism. Frustration, indecision, shyness.

Venus-Saturn opposition increases internal anxiety, fears. A period of losses, relationships without love, apathy, dramatization of small everyday problems. The risk of assuming excessive responsibility.

Aspects of Venus and Uranus

Uranus, a planet with an eccentric blue color, is original and highly creative. A violent fantasy and a thirst to create accompanies every aspect of it. It is not for nothing that Uranus is named after an ancient god who had many different children: giants, cyclops, nymphs, goddesses of revenge ... This planet in a solarium is capable of revealing a genius in a person - or a madman.

Favorable aspects with Uranus

Venus-Uranus conjunction charges people with inspiration, many original ideas, awakens imagination and the desire for freedom. Human behavior under the influence of this aspect is unpredictable and spontaneous. The tendency to confuse any emotion with love feelings. Romance and drama.

Venus-Uranus Sextile promotes the establishment of romantic relationships, sudden marriage. Endows people with charm and attractiveness, the desire to create beauty, to shine in society. Good luck in love, skillful flirting, the ability to charge the space with your emotions.

Trine Venus-Uranus favorable for the sale of innovative ideas and inventions, management, intermediary activities. Patronizes writers, artists and musicians in their promotion and popularization. Optimism, interesting communication in an unusual company, spontaneous adventures are successful.

Unfavorable aspects with Uranus

Venus-Uranus Square exacerbates impulsiveness, infantilism and whims in people. A dramatic relationship full of twists and turns and passions. A hasty marriage and a quick divorce. There are many started and unfinished business.

Venus-Uranus opposition makes us dispensable, careless, fickle. Mood swings, feelings that come and go quickly. During the period of this aspect, it is better not to believe anything that is happening around, and not to make responsible decisions.

Aspects of Venus and Neptune

Neptune is similar to Uranus in a riot of fantasy, and both of these planets have a similar composition. However, if Uranus gravitates towards rebellion and eccentricity, the peculiarities of Neptune are in his ability to feel people and come into contact with subtle worlds invisible to the eye. This planet provokes a sharpening of intuition, shows a penchant for mysticism, increases sensitivity to energies. The name of Neptune belongs to the god of the seas and oceans, and he himself is receptive and spiritual, like water.

Favorable aspects with Neptune

Venus-Neptune conjunction enhances daydreaming, romance, detachment from reality. A good period for healing, carrying out various practices, preparing preparations. The aspect patronizes everything mystical, highly spiritual. People become easily suggestible and more vulnerable.

Venus-Neptune Sextile solving all problems with the help of intuition, prophetic dreams and premonitions. Success in the service sector, parenting, social projects. Perhaps the emergence of platonic love, the beginning of an unusual romance, strange and original relationships.

Trine Venus-Neptune the aspect of success in business, especially in the fields of education, art, organization of events. Lots of pleasant surprises, lucrative offers, successful deals. This is a good time to smooth out conflicts and resolve disputes.

Unfavorable aspects with Neptune

Venus-Neptune square promises an intense struggle between reason and feelings. Temptations, problems in sexual life, neurotic states. Under the influence of this aspect, it is easier to become addicted to alcohol, drugs, gambling.

Venus-Neptune Opposition increases distrust in relationships, a tendency to cheat. A love triangle is possible. Lack of discipline, the desire for quick easy money will leave you with nothing. Fanaticism, frustration, mental illness.

Aspects of Mercury and Pluto

Pluto is a dwarf planet in cold and dark, the smallest, but significant in astrology. Named in honor of the god of the kingdom of the dead, frightening the ancient Romans. Today, the planet Pluto frightens us no less, promising radical twists of fate to all who fall under its influence. Pluto's orbit has an unusual shape, thanks to which it is either closer to the sun than Neptune, then it runs to the very edge of the solar system. Extremes is the very word that perfectly conveys the character of this planet in astrology.

Favorable aspects with Pluto

Venus-Pluto conjunction means deep feelings, devotion, struggle for their own values. Increased sexual desire, vivid emotions. The desire to possess, insatiability, passion is sharpened. Successful financial transactions and creative implementation for those who manage to channel passion and enthusiasm into the working channel.

Venus-Pluto Sextile favors the leaders of large teams, politicians, teachers. Creation, not consumption. Ingenuity, manifestation of organizational skills, oratorical skills.

Trine Venus-Pluto helps people to control the subconscious, neutralize negative emotions and traits, get rid of unnecessary feelings and connections. Bright positive experiences, unusual pleasant adventures. Strong relationships, the power of love that can resurrect from the ashes.

Unfavorable aspects with Pluto

Venus-Pluto Square promises disregard for moral norms, lust, violence, jealousy. Lack of money, excuses, shifting responsibility onto other people's shoulders. Fatigue, exhaustion, illness on its background.

Venus-Pluto opposition contributes to problems in relationships due to the inability to contain aggression. Under the influence of this aspect, people cannot control their emotions, they dramatize the situation, and a tendency to suicide is manifested.