Snake populated island. Kamead Grande: "Snake Island

Located off the coast of Brazil Island Keimad Grandi is a house for thousands and thousands of snakes. The island is included in the list of the most dangerous places of the Earth.

Only the most desperate, but what's there ... Stupid tourists will want to visit this ill-fated point on the world map.

1. One of the developers of the country has planned to plant bananas plantations. Did not come out.

2. The Navy Brazil banned anyone even one foot on this island, not to mention the classes of rural economy.

Restricted area. No entry. Photographing is prohibited.

3. On the island the world's largest concentration of various types of snakes.

4. Reptiles live due to migratory birds that use the island as a refuge during prolonged flights.

5. The island is known as the habitat of one of the most dangerous snakes of the world - Island Botrops.

His bite causes rapid leaning fabrics, acute renal failure, gastrointestinal bleeding, brain bleeding, death in 7% of cases. According to statistics in 90% of deaths among people in Brazil, Island Botrops is to blame.

6. For 1 sq.m. The island territory comes from the 1st to 5 snakes.

7. Island Botrops grows in length for good half meter.

8. Snake poison is very high-speed and smelled the skin around the bite.

9. One unenlightened fisherman landed on the island just to collect bananas. He was immediately biting, and later found in the boat in a huge puddle of blood.

10. The latter Lighthouse and his whole family, the wife and two children were bugged snakes that have been placed in the window.

When people tried to leave the island, the snakes pounced on them right from the trees and shrubs. Unfortunately, the family never managed to escape. Since then, the island has a lighthouse operating in automatic mode.

In Brazil there are many stunning places. Kamead Grandi Island, is approximately 90 miles from Sao Paulo's shores, it seems another one of these beautiful corners - at first glance. Almost every brazilian knows about the island, but most of them are not lit by the desire to visit it - here lives from 2000 up to 4,000 poisonous viper, one of the most deadly snakes on the entire planet.

Terrifying stories

The poison of these viper into power to deprive the life of a person in less than an hour, and numerous local legends talk about the terrible destinies who have met those who walked around the shores of the serpentine island. It is rumored that the fisherman moored to the island in search of bananas - only a few days later they were found in a boat, dead in a puddle of blood and with multiple bite snakes on his body.

From 1909 to 1920, several people lived on the island to manage the beacon. According to legend, the last keeper of the Mayak died with his family, when the snakes slipped into his house through the windows.

Appearance of Gadyuk

Some argue that pirates brought reptiles on the island with hope to protect their gold. In fact, the tight population of Island Botrops has developed for thousands of years without intervention of people. About 11 thousand years ago the height of the sea rose enough to extinguish Kamead Grande from Continental Brazil. As a result, the type of snakes living on the island, evolved on another path than their mainland brothers.

The Keyimad Grandi did not exist predators, which allowed Gadyuks to multiply rapidly. To find food, snakes rushed up, hunting on migratory birds. Often, the spearhead drive their sacrifice and after the bite will wait until the poison makes his job. But gold viper cannot track birds, so they developed an incredibly powerful and effective poison, which is three to five times stronger than any of the earthly snakes.

Ban for visiting the island of snakes

Due to the threat, Brazilian authorities strictly control the trips to Kamead Grandi. But even despite the prohibition of the government, the island will not become the main tourist destination: in some places the concentration of snakes from 1 to 5 per square meter. The bite of the goldenopegolove carries the seven-percent probability of death, and even when using the antidote, the victim still have three percent of the chances to die. The poison of the snake can provoke the renal failure, a derocation of muscle tissue, hemorrhage into the brain and bleeding from the intestine.

Brazilian authorities strongly ask doctors to attend any legitimate authorized visits. Brazil's fleet makes a year old stop on the island, in order to maintain a lighthouse, which has been translated into automatic mode since the 1920s. Kamead Grande is considered an important laboratory for biologists and scientists who provide a special tolerance for visiting the island to study the golden spearheads.

Black Market and illegal trade

Due to the demand in the black market from scientists and collectors of animals, smugglers, known as biopirats, visit Kamead Grande. They catch snakes and sell them through illegal channels - one Golden Gaduk can cost from 10 to 30 thousand dollars. According to some estimates, degradation of habitats and illness also damaged the population of the island, which decreased by almost 50 percent over the past 15 years. Currently, the snake is under threat of disappearance and entered into a red list of the International Nature Conservation Union.

Brazil is a welcome destination for tourists from around the world. In addition to colorful traditions, eternal summer, carnivals and football, the country is famous for a rather wild and unpredictable flora and fauna, which can carry a greater threat to life of unprepared people. It is this place that the serpentine island in Brazil, which is the official name of Kamead Grande.

Features of the island

This small piece of sushi covers the area of \u200b\u200bjust 430 m². However, it has a huge number of poisonous snakes, many species of which are found only in this place. Brazilians themselves quite rarely know the official name of the island. For them, he will forever remain the island of the prohibition and danger, or just a snake island.

Local legends say that one square meter of this island accounts for 5-6 snakes.

And those who at least once visited there, cannot disagree with it. At the moment there is not a single living permanently living human soul. All people have long ceased to consider this place the environment for habitat, and even for tourists from now on, the path is completely closed there. At the same time, the island continues to be a naturally closed zone due to the presence of rare and extinct site species on it. The state does everything so that the island continued to be in primitive state, without the unnecessary human factor intervention.

Survival strongest on the Snake Island

The only one who over the past few years has been able to open the secret over the island, has become the company Discovery Channel, which removed the documentary and showed really the awesome frames of this place. In addition, residents of neighboring islands can often observe huge snakeballs that are located on the rocks in warm and sunny places. To date, to penetrate the island only in some cases specially trained people and scientists for a more detailed study of certain types of dangerous snakes.

The most dangerous kind of snakes on the island is Botrops, whom the people are called Jauramak. Their poison is capable in a matter of minutes to cause full necrosis of human tissues and quick death. The poison is enough for the bite of the Jollarken in order to mortally hit the mouse in just a couple of seconds.

Snake kingdom on the island has long been living in its laws and rules. Many types of snakes continue to live throughout, contacting other species, and some prefer to retake and capture individual territories.

Entertainment not for nervous

At first view, the island resembles a secluded paradise, until you know about it in more detail or you will not see all your eyes. At the moment, local residents offer for desperate tourists walking by boats past the island and the rocks themselves with a poisonous danger. Many choose more extreme entertainment - diving or fishing nearby this place.

The only design for many centuries on the island was a lighthouse, which is simply necessary for security in this area. For many years, he was managed by experts, and in order not to expose their life at risk, the lighthouse made automatic over time.

There is a funny and interesting fact. Snake Island in Brazil is not alone! There is another island with a similar name not far from Rio de Janeiro. However, there is no kind of snakes. Before you go on a journey, carefully examine everything and disperse, on which of these islands you want to get away.

Keimad Grandi Island, which is located in the Atlantic Ocean near the Brazilian state of São Paulo, is also called the Snake Island. It would seem that this place is a real paradise corner, but this impression is deceptive. A visit to this island is akin to suicide!

The area of \u200b\u200bthe mysterious place is only 430 square kilometers. And the island is visited by only scientists, because he is sick of snakes. Biologists counted that there are about four thousand species, including the most dangerous Snake Botrops for the person. One bite of this crumb is able to lead to death in a matter of minutes. It feeds this part is usually rodents and birds.

It has a huge number of poisonous snakes, many species of which are found only in this place. Brazilians themselves quite rarely know the official name of the island. For them, he will forever remain the island of the prohibition and danger, or just a snake island.

Local legends say that one square meter of this island accounts for 5-6 snakes.

And those who at least once visited there, cannot disagree with it. At the moment there is not a single living permanently living human soul. All people have long ceased to consider this place the environment for habitat, and even for tourists from now on, the path is completely closed there. At the same time, the island continues to be a naturally closed zone due to the presence of rare and extinct site species on it. The state does everything so that the island continued to be in primitive state, without the unnecessary human factor intervention.

Survival strongest on the Snake Island

The only one who over the past few years has been able to open the secret over the island, has become the company Discovery Channel, which removed the documentary and showed really the awesome frames of this place.

In addition, residents of neighboring islands can often observe huge snakeballs that are located on the rocks in warm and sunny places. To date, to penetrate the island only in some cases specially trained people and scientists for a more detailed study of certain types of dangerous snakes.

The most dangerous kind of snakes on the island is Botrops, whom the people are called Jauramak. Their poison is capable in a matter of minutes to cause full necrosis of human tissues and quick death. The poison is enough for the bite of the Jollarken in order to mortally hit the mouse in just a couple of seconds.

Snake kingdom on the island has long been living in its laws and rules. Many types of snakes continue to live throughout, contacting other species, and some prefer to retake and capture individual territories.

Entertainment not for nervous?

At first view, the island resembles a secluded paradise, until you know about it in more detail or you will not see all your eyes. At the moment, local residents offer for desperate tourists walking by boats past the island and the rocks themselves with a poisonous danger. Many choose more extreme entertainment - diving or fishing nearby this place.

According to rumors, once on the island stood a lighthouse, however, after the snakes crawled there and killed all the employees, he had to be replaced by automatic.

Real story about the death of the family of the Lighthouse

They say that one night in the house, where the family of the caretaker was settled (the caretaker himself, his wife and three children), the snakes crawled through the windows and attacked sleeping people. Adults and children in a panic jumped out of a lonely lighthouse on Kamead Grandom and ran to the forest, where they were messed up with speckled, bunches hanging from trees. When the beacon stopped serving signals, a military vessel was sent to clarify the reasons for the island. Sailors discovered near the forest only the damaged bodies of family members, and the lighthouse was kishel thousands of snakes.

Since the island of Serpentaria does not risk living any person, there is a lighthouse operating in automatic mode.

However, research works are conducted on the island all year round, Serpentologists are constantly watching the life of reptiles in natural habitats and remove scientifically popular films.

History of Snake Islands

According to one of the theories of the island, 11 thousand years ago the sea level has significantly risen and separated the land plot from Brazil. Snakes remaining there, despite the favorable climatic conditions, found themselves in a very difficult (in terms of food), which, probably, affected the deadly and bloodthirsty of their future descendants.

The snakes abandoned in complete isolation continued their genus, and the migratory birds were powered by them, which were used by the island (Kamead Grande) as a transit point during their seasonal travel. Many snakes are perfectly nailed by trees, so they are not difficult to extract meal, hunting on the feathers. From time to time snakes and themselves become prey, mostly young individuals. Baklans, flying from the shores of Brazil, attack the serpentine young, avoiding adult individuals.

If you need to watch the island from the water, you can see whole balls of snakes that calmly bask in the sun on coastal rocks. With a great desire, it would be possible to try to evict these reptiles from the island.

But the fact is that many of them are on the verge of extinction, and Kamead Grande Island is the only place where they can be found, so all measures are being taken to protect and protect them, despite the fact that they are also able to stand for myself.

Action of the bite of island Botrops per person

Botrops is very rapid, strong and poisonous reptiles. His poison is dangerous not only for animals, but also for a person. The survivors after the bite tell the most terrible stories after meeting with the snake. The fact is that the branched places literally corps, and human flesh is falling off by whole pieces, and large blood luminosities occur, and the person is experiencing sharp pain. After several deaths, attempts to observe Kamead Grandi (the island of poisonous snakes) stopped.

Unsuccessful attempts to communicate Snake Island

At the end of the 19th century, several businessmen from the city of Sao Paulo tried to colonize the island. In the plans of entrepreneurs was to break extensive banana plantations in this territory, burn forest arrays and destroy the creeping reptiles. But the true owners of the island showed the colonialists who are here the owner. Once on the shore, hired workers immediately were attacked by snakes, from which even high rubber boots were not saved. This round ended in favor of reptiles.

After some time, the colonization continued a more prepared group. Workwear was made by special technology and protected well from snake bites. However, there was another unaccounted problem. Kamead Grandi (Snake Island), the photo of the inhabitants of which are horrified, is characterized by a very hot climate, and the workers had to do a cruel choice: to be bruoked or die from choking. In such a rubberized costume in the heat, people simply could not stand the heart.

The island even tried to burn, which prevented periodic precipitation. After the unprecedented success of attempts to win the island in the serpent, they returned to the state again. A beacon was built on a partially liberated territory, which, however, does not mean that it is possible to find a refuge here, and warns that it is not safe for human health to look here, which does not stop curious tourists who want to at least dismissed to look at sided with snakes Island.

How to earn at the tricks

Forbidden access to the most dangerous Island on the planet, the power of Brazil still earn on it. Keimad Grande is extremely popular with tourists. They are definitely not allowed to the island of them, but guides are brought by tourists by boats on a safe, as close as possible from the stony shore. Travelers with delight and horror contemplate balls of snakes, covering coastal stones, hoarse and warm in the sun.

Kamead Grandi is a real snake paradise, located near Brazil, São Paulo Region, in the Atlantic Ocean. This island, where to get out alive - only a stupid desire. You will not be alive by visiting this land. This is not a challenge at all, it's just a warning.

What does snake hell mean?

In the warm waters of the Atlantic there is a lonely green island. A person who does not know that is located on this plot of land is confident that this is a real paradise. On the serpentine land there are no shops, hotels, residential buildings, schools, kindergartens and other institutions. This is absolutely deserted land. Snakes in the literal sense captured the island and are its full owners. 1m 2 accounts for 1 to 5 reptiles. The territory literally tends them. Botrops are hundreds lying on the shores surrounding the green forest. In the trees and bushes you will see whole snake snakes if you swim by. Nearby, by the way, fishing and diving is allowed.

Island Botrops.

Island Botrops or Spear Snake. This is called a deadly predator that lives on the hidden land. It is small, its length basically reaches one meter. But poison in the snake for a whole company strong soldiers. Botrops prefers trees and shrubs, that is, places where he can quickly hide and where to attack. The snake is incredibly aggressive, and its poison causes instant leaning fabrics. A person in the literal sense begins to decompose when the poison in the body. Snake color is not causing, but its color is quite spectacular. This is usually brown brown, golden or yellow with dark triangles or stains along the entire length of the body.

Snake reproduces due to intersexuality. This means that men develop men's genitals. It happens in nature when the population of a certain area is limited. Just imagine how fast the reproduction goes. And one female gives life at once six (!) Baby. Agree, nature is insane!

There is a legend that snakes Botrops appeared on the island of Kamead Grandi thanks to pirates, for the protection of treasures.

What do the inhabitants of the island eat?

You are definitely surprised by the fact that the island is filled with snakes that only more. What is the islanders eat, since the entrance to their home is strictly prohibited? The answer is simple - fleeting birds. Winged, who are in search of food or a new residence, often stop on this land to gain strength and find food. Pernata do not expect this last stop in life. Stay in a bird on a second. Finally, seeing a dry slice of the earth, you sit on a tree twig. And at this moment thousands of hungry eyes are watching. Do not continue ... a terrible spectacle, right?

Death on Kamead Grande Island

If you think Kamead Grande is unwind from the time of education, you are mistaken. At the "Snake Earth" stands a lonely lighthouse - the only construction. In the last century, a man with a family consisting of his wife and three daughters lived on the island. He was a lighthouse caretaker. Yes, his family was informed about the fact that the walls of the building, but they were extremely careful. To a specific time. Once at night, the snakes of the river began to drive into the windows of the caretaker. The family tried to escape by running into the forest. But there the situation only worsened. Snakes hanging bunches from trees, attacked all five family members, who from the deadly poison just joined alive. Their bodies were found on the island a little later.

Have you heard a story about the fisherman? A man stopped in the "Snake Kingdom", in order to eat fruit. He was biting snakes at the same moment. Having managed to reach the boat, he died right in her.

Do not consider this land as a vacation option. There are no many snakes - one step from the boat to the island and you are not. You are attacked by a mig, and death will come for a few moments.

How to get to Kamead Grandi Island?

To visit the island is categorically not recommended, it is illegally and you are fingered. Not strange that in our time you can meet people who like so big risk! The entrance to the snakes is allowed to biologists and no more than once a month. These people risk their lives for us. So that we can read the exciting stories of the "Snake Island".