Parquet board: pros and cons, species, sizes, installation features and reviews. Parquet board video - what is better than laminate or parquet board

It's no secret that the parquet board introduces a unique charm in the interior design. At the same time, it also has good heat and sound insulation, as well as high ecological. Many want to decorate their home with this material. Given the current diversity of the parquet board in the flooring market, you need to pay attention to some points when choosing a floor.

And so, the differences of the parquet board - what's the difference? Modern production technology provides for the manufacture of a three-layer parquet board.

The top layer is a veneer of the tree of valuable rocks. It has a thickness of 0.5 to 6 mm. The layer located in the middle consists of wooden bars, but it happens from a conifer.

The base of the outdoor coating is usually from spruce plywood. Layers are perpendicular and firmly glued.

Main Characteristics Parquet Board

The first thing to pay attention to is from which wood is made upper layer, as well as on its thickness. From this, first of all, the degree of wear resistance depends.

Thus, the most durable will be the floors with the top layer of Eben and Yatoba, the average wear resistance - from oak, ash, Merbau, but the floors, the top layer of which is made of birch or cherries, should not be purchased to those who are looking for a durable floor covering.

In addition, the color of the floor depends on the type of wood. Beech, Maple, Ash, Birch, Grab, White Acacia - Light Material.

Pink shade from a floor of pear, cherry and alder. Brown tones are obtained from walnut, teak, Ipe-Lapacho. The floors of the red shade are from such breeds as the Meraba, Yatob, dossia.

In addition to the variety of materials, there is a parquet board today, which may differ in the number of bands on the top layer. For design, parquet boards can be divided into four types:

In addition to the above-described species, there is also a multi-band board, the feature of which is that the floorboard manufacturers have already caused decorative elements on it, which constitute the finished pattern.

Pros and Cons Parquet Board

Why prefer parquet board to other coatings?

Also, the negative sides of this material should be taken into account:

  • a parquet board can be harm to thermal, as well as chemical exposure
  • it should be protected from excessive moisture
  • the coating is relatively easily damaged in mechanical exposure, for example, sharp heels;
  • repair of a parquet board can be time consuming
  • in addition, a relatively high price of a parquet board for M2 can also be a negative point for some buyers.

Laying parquet board

The serious advantage of the coating is that you can carry out the laying of a parquet board with your own hands, since the products are already equipped with fasteners, and manufacturers apply detailed instructions to their products.

A parquet board of different manufacturers can have different systems of the castle connecting boards. For example, Barlinek's parquet board has a CLICK hitch, in which elements for fastening with each other first fit at an angle of 10-30 °, and then snapped with light pressed.

There is also a LOCK connection. It is also called "Ship-Paz". It implies docking boards in a horizontal plane and snapping the lock.

And the principle of the 5G system is that an additional insertion from dense PVC or aluminum, similar to the tongue, is built into the middle of the end lock.

Thanks to it, there is a more dense clutch of the canvas, the discrepancy of the planks from the temperature and humidity drops is prevented, the operation of the coating increases.

It should be noted that with LOCK and 5G connections work easier. They can be shown if necessary, both longitudinally and across.

The most common ways of laying parquet boards are floating and adhesive.

With any of these methods, you must first prepare the surface of the floor to laying. To begin with, it is required to align the surface.

The advantage of the floating method of laying is that when damaged or wear the boards, when it is necessary to replace them, you can easily disassemble the floor and its repair.

When mounting with adhesive method, parquet boards are glued to the floor. To do this, glue composition is applied to the prepared base and is distributed uniformly toothed spatula.

To date, this method of laying is rare enough.

Experts argue that before laying a parquet board, it should "acclimatize". Therefore, the packaged material must lie in the room where it will be laid, from 24 to 36 hours.

Parquet board and warm floors

Laying the warm floor under the parquet board today is quite possible. But, in this case, it implies compliance with certain rules:

Try the choice and installation of warm floors for a parquet board preferably experienced professionals.

What warm floor is still better to choose for a parquet board?

The best will be options with the use of electric or infrared warm floor, because in contrast to the water in the process of operation and during an emergency, they will not damage the board.

Features of the care and repair of parquet board

The fact that the parquet board is based on natural wood implies appropriate care. Indoor with such a coating, humidity should not exceed 45-60%, and the temperature of 23-24 degrees Celsius.

Required regular cleaning with a damp cloth, since dust and sand apply to a lacquer or oil covering of a parquet damage board. Such a floor can be removed and the vacuum cleaner, but not only deteriorating.

In order to avoid scratches from furniture, her legs need to plane protective overlaid from felt.

If the parquet floor still damaged it can be repaired.

When small scratches appear, they are removed by the retouching pencil or spit. After drying, such a plot is polished and processed by varnish.

If the parquet was deformed, for example, as a result of a liquid spilled on it, it can be rebuilt. This will not be a lot of work if the parquet was laid by the "floating" method.

There may also arise such a problem like a creak. To eliminate it, you can drill in the center of the scripting area. It usually helps. If the base of the floor is a rigid concrete, you can pour a special mixture of cement and water into the hole.

Also, in order to avoid the violep, parquet can be shifted on this site.

Due to the drops of moisture, the parquet can refuse, and the slots are formed between the boards. Such a problem can also be solved. If the gap is not very big, it is putty.

And in the event that the slot is already more than 5 mm, it must be deepened, clean up and drive into it an insert from a suitable tree. Then sand and cover with varnish.

A parquet board will serve as a decoration of any interior and will create an impeccable, noble style of your home.

It is only necessary to comply with the above uncomplicated rules during the operation of this wonderful coverage.

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If you started repair from scratch, it means that they did. And if you did it, everything else is also qualitatively, then any coverage that will be offered to you in the outlet, can decorate the interior of the future dwelling.

One of the most popular materials for the floor is laminate. And many choose these boards, absolutely not paying attention to what lies near the shelf, in the same store.

Parquet board (PD) is the name of this material.

In its appearance, the board mounted on the floor, very much reminds all the same, but in its composition the parquet board with it has nothing to do.

So what to choose? Laminate or parquet board?

Both materials have their pros and cons, but the PD consists only of natural components, so our choice stopped on it.

The material that will be discussed is a very complex structural structure.

It consists of several layers, reliably bonded with adhesive composition. Each layer is perpendicular to the previous one, which ensures the strength of the entire design, the resistance to the drops of humidity level and air temperature.

Top coat

The upper PD coating is made from valuable wood rocks, which in turn can be subjected to some processing methods:

  1. Braching.
  2. Planing.
  3. Heat treatment.
  4. Whitening.
  5. Slicing chamfer.
  6. Toning.

The upper layer is covered with varnish or oily - wax compositions, which is the finishing panel processing. The thickness of the upper coating varies from 0.5 to 6 mm.

middle part

This layer sandwiched is performed from pine or ate. If production is carried out in southern latitudes, it is allowed to replace on wood hardwood, in this case it is a poplar or some tropical varieties.

The thickness of this part of the panel is from 8, to 9 mm.

In this part of the panel, the connecting elements of the type of grooves type is cut.

There are two ways to connect:


At the same time, the connection is cut in the panel, on the other side of the spike, and from two - grooves.

The connection is carried out by gluing. Waterproof glue provides additional resistance to moisture, and gluing as a whole, prevents the appearance of creaks, from friction of wooden parts about each other.

A certain type of a tongue compound is the so-called "seeker".


A swirl - an angular castle since his appearance, seriously sweating the tongue compound and, probably, will soon completely outpace the building materials from the market. And there is a few positive qualities of this method of compound. The main one is the ability to do without glue in the process of laying and with the process of this quick and very convenient.

bottom layer

For the manufacture of this panel layer, wood is also used, spruce, poplar or other suitable for its qualities, wood. Material fibers are located perpendicular to the fibers of the middle layer wood. The thickness of the lower layer is usually 1.5 mm.

Characteristics of parquet board

Manufacturers offer material of various sizes and depends on the type of board, or rather, on the number of strips on the surface. The average value varies within:

  • pD length from 1800 to 2500 mm;
  • pD width from 140 to 200 mm;
  • parquet board thickness from 10 to 22 mm.

Types of parquet board

Parquet board is unlikely. Such a board also call the bar. Two-band, three-band and four-vicious.

In models, where the number of lanes of a more than two surface consists of several rows of parallel powder.

A parquet board is also available in a multi-band variant, the decorative layer of which is collected by hand from separate dies of a small area. The advantages of such a decor are an interesting appearance and imperceptibility of small damage that may occur during operation.

As we have already spoken, the top layer of the parquet board is performed from valuable wood wood, each of which has its own unique properties:


It is the most popular option for a parquet board. It has a high hardness and has a high degree of wear resistance. Practically does not change its size when the temperature and humidity differences are indoors. The minus is quite a high price.


As the oak is very durable and suitable for restoration, with a sufficient thickness of the board. The minus is low resistance to moisture differences in the room, however, it is corrected by a special heat treatment. The material is suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms.


Different with elasticity and increased strength.


A feature is that over time he changes its color from light on dark-honey. The disadvantage is weak resistance to the temperature and humidity regimens.


A classic parquet board of pine has a high breathability and thermal conductivity. Pine has a long service life due to the high resin content.


It has a rather dense structure and unpretentious in care. It has a clear pattern and is quite a bit inferior to the oak in strength.


This wood is saturated with oils, which provides high moisture resistance to the floor covering.


It has high strength. Such wood wear resistant and is saturated with essential oils, which ensures a long service life.

Special wood surface treatment

Braching is a method of processing the upper layer of the board with special brushes, giving parquet board a special relief. Most often, the oak board is exposed to the brash. Care for such a type of surface is quite simple. Dirt is not clogged into relief deposits, and a significant plus will be that small scratches and dents will not be noticeable on the surface.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the main types of parquet board
  • Which differences in the number of layers
  • What types of top layers can be distinguished
  • What are the types of parquet board, based on the wood breed
  • What types of the most optimal
  • How to lay a parquet board
  • What errors avoid in the process

When working with parquet board, you need to keep in mind that the laying system is very complicated. In many ways, it is like this due to the multi-layerness of this material: the first layer is usually made from plywood, the second - from natural wood of coniferous rocks, thanks to which the coating acquires special strength and wear resistance, and the third is also made of natural wood, but already valuable rocks. However, there are a variety of parquet floors, between which there are a number of differences. This article is dedicated to them.

Main types of parquet board

Swedish inventor Gustav Cher, who founded the company for the production of doors and floor coverings, developed and implemented the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a parquet board. Still began in 1941, when Black patented a new way to produce doors and floor coatings from several thin veneer plates. Thus, the task of increasing the strength of manufactured products was solved, and Chera steel began to pocket to the usual consumer.

Since 1958, a protective varnish coating has become for its products, it has increased its product life significantly increased, and their appearance has been improved. However, the process of optimization of production continued, and since 1984, parquet boards are already covered by a varnish that does not contain a solvent, which allowed Chera company to become an initiatory in the field of environmentally friendly production.

Today there are a large number of parquet boards, the main difference between which is the quality of the raw materials from which they are doing.

A parquet board is a modern floor covering, manufactured by high technologies and widely used for finishing. The scope of use of the parquet board, in addition to apartments and houses, includes office space, meeting rooms, offices, and even gyms, which indicates a high level of strength of this material.

A parquet board is also a full-fledged decor element that allows you to maintain the stylistic direction selected by the designer. Very often it is on the outdoor coverage of this material that makes an emphasis, thinking of interior details. This is due to the fact that parquet boards are distinguished by rich intense colors, and natural wood texture easily creates the atmosphere of heat and coziness.

Externally, parquet boards look like this: they are rectangular, in length no more than a meter, in the width of about 8-12 cm, the side slices can be straight or oblique (at an angle of 45 ° - if the boards are stacked diagonally).

Also, parquet boards differ in composition: there are whole and multi-layer options. The one-piece board is much simpler, and therefore prices for such products are less. However, there is a chance that a single-layer parquet board may not be sufficiently thermo- and moisture resistant, and therefore its service life will be shorter.

Ready planks, depending on the quality of the top layer, are carefully sorted in appearance. The selection is performed according to certain features (color, texture, presence and shape of bitch, etc.).

Typical types of selection described below are used. :

Select. This type of parquet board, the appearance of the first layer of which is carefully selected on the basis of homogeneity. Moreover, it is important that the color and texture coincide. From the technological side, the method of radial cutting is used to create a selector, thanks to which the blanks are harvested without damage and bitch. This type of parquet board having a monotonous color is very often used to create a classic style.

Natur. Parquet boards of this type of breeding are manufactured in the process of mixed cutting and can have bitch and small flaws on their surface.

Rustic. On parquet boards of the species of Rustic, there are color spots, in some cases - bitch and other effects. The best material of this type is suitable for creating simple interior stylistics (for example, country).

Why do you need a selection? It defines the final view of the parquet board and its cost. If the top layer color is smooth, then the price will be quite high.

To determine the selection, you should consider the interior of the room in which you intend to lay this floor covering.

Key features of the parquet board

The key characteristics of the parquet board are the following: length, width, thickness. From these indicators, the strength of the coating, the service life, the rules for the care and the possibility of repair in the event of defects. It is important that the actual values \u200b\u200bof these parameters be within the normal range.

Length - Not more than 2.5 m. The maximum long options for the boards are good for independent flooring. With deck laying, the number of cropping is reduced, but in the elongated premises this technique has an undesirable effect and visually narrows the space.

Width -no more than 20 cm. Efficiency is the same.

Thickness. Located in the range from 0.7 to 2.5 cm. If we are talking about multi-layered boards, the thickness of the upper layer plays a particular value. It is from this that the possibility of repairing a floor covering, if necessary, in particular, can be repeatedly carried out cyclishing and grinding.

Weight. On the weight of the board affect its parameters and used wood. Miscellaneous Parquet models have different impact on the base.

When choosing a parquet board, it is not necessary to chase over the maximum characteristics, it is more correct to be guided by the functional purpose of the room in which you are going to lay the floor covering, the degree of its passivity and lifestyle, if it is about a residential room.

Types of parquet boards by number of layers

A parquet board is different from the classic parquet from natural materials. First of all, we are talking about the structure, the parquet boards it is very complex and multilayer. For this parameter, several types of parquet boards are distinguished.

  • Two-layer parquet board.

This type of parquet board (another name is "engineering") consists of two layers, the lower one of which is usually represented by a multilayer plywood resistant to moisture. Traditionally, this layer is made of birch veneer. For the outer layer, the wood of valuable either exotic rocks is used. For connecting layers, special parquet glue is used, which is safe for use in residential areas.

Two-layer parquet boards have high strength, resistant to moisture and temperatures, mechanical damage. There are two types of this parquet board: lacquered and impregnated with oil.

  • Three-layer parquet board.

The most popular view of the parquet board in Moscow is three-layer. The lower layer is performed from multilayer plywood, the thickness of which is approximately 1.5-2 mm. The average layer is thicker - up to 1 cm - and can be made of wood of coniferous rocks. The plates of the middle layer are located at an angle of 90 ° to the base, which helps to increase resistance to external influences, moisture and temperature drops.

The top layer is made of wood or exotic wood. It can be of different thickness up to 0.6-0.7 cm, which is important for the possibility of conducting cyclishing subsequently. Among other things, it is the top layer in many respects determines the cost of the parquet board itself.

It is worth noting that, in addition to the structure, parquet boards may differ in the wood processing method. Variating technological methods, it can be achieved that the plates from the same rocks will look different: whitening will clarify the board, the excipation will ensure the saturation of the color, combing wood fibers will help create a textured surface with a clear wood pattern, antique technique will allow to separate the board By older, adding her elegance.

Types of parquet board depending on the top layer

Types of parquet board, based on the wood breed

Oak. Everyone knows that high strength and fortress are the distinguishing characteristics of this breed. Oak density is 700 kg / m³. It is also important to know about the high antibacterial properties of this tree breed and that it is practically not amenable to rotting.

Ash. Such wood has a wide color spectrum (from orange to violet). Processing this tree is quite difficult because it is characterized by increased hardness. Parquet density from this breed is 700 kg / m³. Parquet boards from ash are perfectly suitable for rooms with a high level of passability.

Beech. This tree breed reacts very quickly to the effects of temperatures and moisture. The density is slightly lower than the previous ones, 650 kg / m³. If you choose on an outdoor beech flooring, it is worth keeping in mind that in rooms with parquet, it is necessary to carefully carefully monitor the maintenance of the moisture balance and air, ideally establish a special split system for this. Also special attention will require compliance with the laying technology, so that the plank does not behave in the future.

Nut. Thanks to its aesthetic characteristics, parquet walnuts are particularly popular among consumers. Tint of wood indicates a tree growing area. Density - up to 650 kg / m³. Walnut parquet board is ideal for creating an artistic nature with drawings.

Maple. Due to the fact that the drawing of this breed is fuzzy, when laying, the flooring looks like a solid cloth. Maple parquet board, like nutty, suitable for creating art compositions. From where the tree has grown, wood strength is dependent: the northern rocks are stronger compared to European. Parquet density from this type of board - 530-650 kg / m³.

The above-mentioned species of trees are demanded more than others. Exotic varieties (Merbau, Kempas, Eben) are not as popular due to the high price. However, in terms of its qualities and main characteristics, parquet boards from these breeds are not inferior to the already listed. With their help, you can create an expensive and stylish interior.

Types of parquet board

Usually, to extend the service life of the parquet, it covers it varnish. Varnish can be two types: matte, capable of softening natural outlines, and glossy, with which it is possible to focus on the structure.

In addition to varnish, some other substances can be applied.

Butter. Oil-treated parquet board acquires a warmer tone, and also becomes more resistant to the effects of moisture (a thin protective film appears on the board). Unlike varnish, the oil retains the softness of wood, which is why it is used only for processing solid species.

Wax. Using the wax for rubbing the floor has a long history. This type of parquet board can not be subjected to a wet cleaning.

Often you can meet this method of wood processing, in which the wax and oil are combined, which gives the board additional protection and exquisite view.

Types of Locks Parquet Board

The first variety of locks for the parquet board were spike grooves, they needed to first cry and only then collect. The following model of locks is Quick Step (quickly snapped). Now manufacturers apply high strength (fifth generation) compounds. Such models of locks allow you to expand the area of \u200b\u200blaying the floor covering by the floating method. But it is important to keep in mind that in this case it is worth avoiding the level of humidity, because the plate can fake and the protrusion is formed in the center of the floor. It is worth mentioning and already released from the help of a scoring model of locks. These compounds are very short-lived: when the edges are disassembly, it is easily roamged.

The service life of the parquet board can be increased if you glue it to a wooden basis (for example, plywood). This will allow polishing the floor a much larger number of times, because the board will be securely fixed, and the grinding device will be able to work freely. From this point of view, the lock model is not important. Moreover, such a floor serves much longer than laid out with a deck. If you fix the board on the plywood basis, then you can not do the thresholds that are mandatory with deck laying. However, some difficulties are possible when installing glass, sliding or low doors.

What advantages and disadvantages have all kinds of parquet boards

Advantages of the parquet board:

  • Visually parquet board is very similar to a typical package, but it stacked easier and faster.
  • During the installation, the parquet board is not deformed, which can be attributed to its undoubted advantages.
  • A parquet board is enjoyable to the touch, thanks to what even children can be located on this floor.
  • It has noise absorbing properties.

Cons Parquet Board:

  • Parquet boards should not be exposed to heavy loads, dents and scratches are formed on them.
  • Also, the material is sensitive to the effects of moisture, temperature, chemical compositions, which can create some inconvenience.
  • Repairing the parquet board is pretty difficult: even with insignificant damage it is necessary to change the entire board.

How to choose one or another view of a floorboard for the floor

It is worth considering the rules that are guided by choosing a parquet board for their home. In particular, the factors described below should be considered.

Purpose of the room. Do not put parquet floors in toilets, bathrooms, kitchens and other rooms, where high humidity level. The maintenance of rooms is also important. For premises with high activity, more dense boards made of solid rocks should be purchased.

It is very important that behind the parquet flooring every day, and complete cleaning is required once a week. If there are children in the family, the optimal will be the optimal type of parquet boards treated with varnish, which by polymerization will add the hardness of the floor, keep moisture and dirt from penetration inside the plate.

Thickness board. In rooms with heavy furniture it is necessary to lay parquet boards with maximum dimensions. Thanks to this, the floor will be protected from dents and cracks. In other rooms, as well as carpets can be used boards with smaller parameters.

If it is necessary to repair or replacing the floor covering, it is worth it in mind that it is impossible to apply to the oil surface of the lacquer. In this case, it is necessary to carry out cyclishing. Sometimes it is impossible to remove the top layer due to its small thickness, in this situation the flooring should be changed or move to permanent oil processing.

Only those manufacturers who have long been present on the flooring market and won customer confidence, can guarantee the quality of purchased products.

Types of Parquet Board

Traditionally, laying parquet boards produce along or across the room with strict observance of the rule, according to which the plates should be plans along the spread line of natural lighting. Thanks to this technique, the connection site of floor panels will be invisible.

Very nice coverage, which consists of diagonally placed boards. With this laying, you can visually make the room more spacious. However, such a technique is very complex and suggests a significantly greater consumption of material.

There are four main ways to lay a parquet board:

  1. On wooden bars. Suitable for fixing short parquet boards. This technique is very laborious, takes a large amount of time and requires significant cash costs. Not all kinds of parquet boards withstand large bending loads due to their thickness.
  2. Laying on a draft floor. This method also does not apply to popular. The fact is that the boards are attached nails, and not everyone likes it. In addition, it is difficult to align the draft floor, not all the masters are able to properly produce such work. With such laying, the flooring has to spend twice as much effort and time.
  3. Fixing the details of the coating among themselves and the basis by glue. This method is widespread. The basis is usually served by plywood with a thickness of at least 1 cm.
  4. Floating method. With the help of modern high-quality connecting locks, it became possible to use this technique. Stacking in this way can be made pretty quickly. From a financial point of view, large costs are not required. Subsequently, the floor laid in this way can be easily removed and transferred to another room, and repeatedly (up to 5 times). You should not use floating laying in spacious premises, as well as where a high degree of load on the floor.

Methods of laying parquet boards depend only on the designer and his imagination. Most often, preference is given to geometric patterns, as they fit well into the interior of any stylistry, and their creation does not require the use of special efforts. Diagonal accommodation includes such popular designs.

As for the possibility of removing the floor covering, it is feasible for almost all methods of laying. The value of this function is difficult to overestimate, since it is often situations when it is necessary to make repairs in the room, update the interior or transfer the coating to another place. However, there are cases when it is impossible to avoid the deformation of individual plates.

The most popular ways of laying a parquet board are considered as follows:

  • Deck.

A similar pattern, despite its simplicity, very reliable: parquet boards are connected to each other from all sides with the help of fasteners.

The deck laying will allow you to visually change the parameters of the room: with perpendicular location of the boards relative to the wall with the entrance room will seem elongated, and parallel placement will reduce its length.

This technique has a series of varieties: straight, double, triple deck, with different displacement of plates, rotary. The usual straight deck looks appropriate in any interior. It is important that this method requires the smallest financial costs.

  • Diagonal deck.

With the help of a diagonal deck, you can divide the room into several zones, expand the narrow room, pull the square, and also focus on some important details in the setting. With this technique, the panel is placed at an angle of 45 degrees. However, it is worth it in mind that the consumption of materials increases (by about 10-15%), if compared with the usual deck laying.

  • "Fir-tree."

This method of laying the parquet board has become popular in the Soviet Union. Today it is still in demand, although many are trying to get away from widespread options.

Stacking "Christmas tree" can be carried out perpendicular or diagonally relative to the side walls. Also, the "Christmas tree" can be single or double. With such a technique, the lighting drops on the planks so that their texture seems inhomogeneous.

  • "Checkers".

With this method of laying, a drawing is created from squares that are deployed to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. Basic rule: the length of one board must be a multiple width of several plates, of which the square consists. For greater visual effects, boards of two breeds should be activated.

Figure laying is made in parallel or diagonally relative to the walls. In spacious rooms it is worth making a smaller pattern, if there is no purpose this space is narrowed.

  • Squares with displacement.

This method of laying is similar to the previous one, however, in this case, the squares are slightly displaced and other elements can be arranged between them. If we use wood of different breeds, the appearance will turn out to be more spectacular. With this laying, you can combine different zones of one space. Optimally use of radial cutting boards, which are not very expressly expressed texture. To focus on the floor, you can choose wood boards with bright and tight pattern.

  • Network.

This drawing is performed by interlacing pairs and clips of "checkers" of the parquet board. If it is possible to use several different wood breeds to implement this technique, you can get a large selection of color combinations. The length of one plate should be equal to the total width of all horizontal planks in one row. With this method of laying, you can balance the room, give it a mood, focus on the floor.

  • Rhombus.

This technique is very complex. The plates are stacked at an angle of 45 degrees, without using trim. The material is consumed in a much larger volume than other techniques. To visually make the floor more attractive, it is better to use the wood of several breeds. In this way, you can create a variety of effects, including 3D.

A similar pattern in our country is known as Sheremetyevsky, because it was often used when finishing noble palaces.

There are many other options for laying a parquet board, each of which can be finalized and get new original patterns. The complexity of laying directly affects the required volume of materials. To get a truly beautiful and unique flooring, you should listen to your imagination.

Typical Errors Selection and Stacking Parquet Board

In the process of choosing and laying a parquet board, you can make a number of errors that entail unpleasant consequences.

  1. It is very important to choose the proper substrate, since it is it delays moisture, which often accumulates when the draft floor is made of concrete. If the moisture reaches the board, it will swell. It is the substrate that will prevent it. The value of the lower layer increases if the parquet board is placed indoors located on the first floor.
  2. Due to the ability of the parquet board to change its parameters (shrink, expand) It is important to leave small gaps between the parquet and walls, otherwise cracks or bugs can begin to appear on the floor covering. In small rooms, such intervals are enough to leave one centimeter. If the room is spacious, then the size of the gaps can be increased.
  3. Pre-laying It is important to leave the coating for about a day in a warm, well heated room. Otherwise, the floor sweeps.
  4. If you break the equipment of the laying, you can trigger the displacement of the plates in different directions with the appearance of the visible gaps in which the garbage will accumulate. The same consequences are possible if the acquired material is defective castles.
  5. Also, you should not put the parquet board on the uneven floor, since due to this can significantly reduce the service life of the coating, damage, gaps between the plates, the coating can "wake".

It is possible to prevent the occurrence of such trouble if you buy a parquet board only from proven manufacturers, and to stack only to handle highly qualified masters.

Collaborate with the company "My Repair" is reliable and prestigious. Specialists working here are the highest level professionals. The company "My Repair" works throughout Moscow and the Moscow region.

Choosing an outdoor coating, it is necessary to compare the advantages and disadvantages of several materials. Parquet board, pros and cons. It has, like other types of coatings, is one of the materials in demand today.

These are multi-layered lamellae equipped with a lock compound, like a laminate, where the bottom layer is made of plywood, medium from the rivers, and the upper layer performs a decorative function. The final protective layer is an impregnation with protective compositions that emphasize the natural pattern of wood. This building of the parquet board provides its rigidity and reliability of the coating.

The popularity of the parquet board, at one time the piece parquet, due to its decorative properties, ecology and durability.

Pros and cons of the material

Of the positive qualities of the material note the following:

  1. Natural material manufacturing - wood coniferous breeds for inner layers and valuable breeds - for the outer layer.
  2. Lower cost, compared to a piece parquet.
  3. Simple and fast installation of the coating, due to the presence of a schip-groove type System, which provides a high-quality connection and dense adjacent lamellae.
  4. A wide range of external execution of the facial layer allows you to choose products for any interior.
  5. Additional processing with color, black or white compositions allows you to identify and emphasize the structure of the wood.
  6. You can lay a parquet board in several ways (along and across the room, diagonally and the "Christmas tree"). The original and fashionable trend of recent times is a parquet board on the wall and ceiling.
  7. A parquet board is suitable for laying in the system under certain conditions - the mandatory presence of a waterproofing layer between the water heat carrier and the board, and it is also important not to overheat the board - its temperature should not exceed 27 degrees.
  8. The multilayer structure ensures high material strength and resistance to bending loads.
  9. For the board it is easy to care for, if necessary, individual slats are subject to replacement. When laying a board without an adhesive layer, such a floor can be disassembled several times and collect. Also, some varieties are subject to cyclishing up to several times.

Of the minuses of the material, the following is noted:

  1. Like all the materials from natural wood, the parquet board is afraid of the impact of moisture. It will not lose its performance when changing humidity indoors, like a parquet, but with direct contact with water during a certain time it can be spoiled.
  2. Since the material is not solid, it is afraid of the effects of chemical reagents and overheating.
  3. If a small fragment is damaged, its complete replacement will be required.

How to choose a parquet board for an apartment? In order to make a decision consciously, it should be briefly familiarized with the criteria for estimating parquet boards, production technology and the influence of these factors on the characteristics.

Prices for parquet board Barlinek

Barlinek parquet board

Varieties of parquet boards

The decorative top layer differs in the number of slats laid in a row. The lamella can look like a one-piece board or as a few smaller dies laid nearby. In this regard, there is a classification of a parquet board for the following varieties:

The concept of "selection of slats"

Such selection is used to achieve homogeneity of wood products. To do this, resort to product sorting, given the method of sawing, the location of the fibers, the color, absence or availability, as well as the size of the bitch and other defects.

The method of cutting happens:

  1. Radial In which the plane of the product is located along the radius. With this cut, annual rings look like straight lines that are evenly located along the plank. Such a veneer is characterized by a homogeneous composition and a shade, excellent operational properties.
  2. Rustic. In this case, an arbitrary direction of cutting is selected. The drawing of the product in this case is absolutely not predictable.
  3. Tangential In which a clear drawing of annual rings is formed on the surface of the product.

Table 1. Veneer varieties depending on the method of cutting


Such a veneer is distinguished by a smooth texture of wood pattern. On the surface there are no shortcuts and other defects. A parquet board with such a pattern can be found not so often, as the drawing is quite laconic and is not suitable for all interiors.

The drawing of such a veneer is more expressive, characterized by a not large number of color variations. For its manufacture, apply a radial method of cutting. There are no swirls and vices on the surface of the finished product.

Such a veneer is distinguished by an expressive wood pattern and color variations of several tones, which will make the coating by some charm. For the manufacture of such a veneer use tangential or radial cut. On the surface of the finished product, it is permissible for the presence of bits up to 21 mm, core rays and streaks.

Such a veneer is very bright, it has an expressive pattern and a peculiar texture. The presence of large bitch, streak and rays create a unique appearance of the coating. Several motley, but the maximum colorful such floor is relevant for country styles.

We choose the wood of wood

If you compare the material with a laminate, where the decorative layer performs an extremely aesthetic function, the top layer of the parquet board affects the operating abilities of the coating, depending on the wood breed, which is used.

Table 2. Popular wood breeds that are used for the manufacture of a parquet board


Oak wood is the most solid, durable and wear-resistant. Oak lamellas do not dry and do not crack, and also behave stably when changing the level of humidity in the room.

Wood has a rich tint and elegant texture. The minuses include the relative softness of the material and vulnerability before mechanical effects. Possible minor changes in linear dimensions of lamellas during the operation of the floor covering.

Pretty solid and dense wood, characterized by an expressive pattern on a noble background. The coating is unpretentious in care and retains its parameter when moisture oscillations.

On operational characteristics, the material is similar to a parquet oak board, differs from it only a lighter shade.

The surface of the product has an unobtrusive pattern and a pleasant beige shade. For products from this breed, wood is characterized by high strength and invariance of linear dimensions on the entire operating date of the flooring.

This breed is not confused by any other thanks to the pinkish shade of wood.

Exotic wood, characterized by dark, almost black tint and expressive natural texture. Unique performance due to the resistance of the coating to high loads, the effects of mechanical nature, durability.

Pretty solid wood breed, which does not need antiseptic processing. It is characterized by a reddish brown tint with golden streants.

Unique wood strength and hardness with glossy smooth surface. Characterized by the absence of bitch.

Wood with a noble honey hint for which high density and hardness are characterized, excluding scratching on the surface of scratches and other mechanical damage. However, such a parquet board is vulnerable before changes in the humidity in the room.

Compare with laminate

At first glance, the coating floor of the laminate and the parquet board, it is hardly possible to say where the material was used - they are so similar. But, nevertheless, both of these material have significant differences. Comparing a parquet board with a laminate, one can more explicitly emphasize its advantages and note the cons.

Composition of material

The building of the parquet board was described above. It follows from the description that this is completely natural material, except for the presence of adhesive composition for fixing between each other of individual layers.

Laminate is also a multi-layered material, but it is less natural. Wood in its composition is, but in a recycled form. The product is made by pressing, and the decorative layer is created due to the image of the texture of a certain wood, fixed using an acrylic stable coating that provides wear resistance of the lamellas.

The only advantage of the laminate when using the pattern of wood texture applied to dense paper is that the laminate can imitate any wood breed, even very rare, while maintaining the available cost. And also it can imitate absolutely any surface - stone, tile, etc.

Practical material

Compared to the parquet board, the laminate is more resistant to various types of loads and mechanical stress. Some of its varieties, depending on the class, can be applied in rooms with a high level of passability. At the same time, the laminate is not so whimsical in care and some of its varieties are exposed to greater resistance to moisture. Waterproof laminate can be used in premises with high humidity and the likelihood of direct contact with water. Laminate is not afraid of temperature differences and protects its parameters.

In favor of the parquet board, it can be said that it is more pleasant and warm to the touch, and is also able to absorb the noise from the fall of items and walking in the shoes, while the laminate is quite a "ringing" material.


Parquet board is cheaper piece parquet, but more expensive laminate. The current prices for material themselves will say for themselves.

Table 3. Prices for materials

Name of productThe average cost as of July 2018, rubles












Lady of laminate less than the parquet board and depends on many nuances. The duration of operation of the flooring affects:

  1. The quality of the material.
  2. The quality of the preparation of the base is how smooth it.
  3. Compliance with floor covering technology.
  4. The intensity of floor operation.
  5. Laminate wear resistance.

In this regard, the manufacturers declare the service life of the material from 5 to 10 years, but these indicators can be both higher and below.

As for the parquet board, the manufacturers declare more serious time - from 10 to 35 years later, subject to the operating conditions. One of the advantages of this material is that some of its varieties can cycle up to five times, updating the coating. However, for quality work, you must have certain skills and special tools, or hire a master.

Important!In favor of both materials, it is still that individual damaged lamellas when floating floor laying can always be replaced with new ones. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire a material with some reserve.

Prices for parquet board "Tarkett"

parquet board Tarkett

Video - What is better than laminate or parquet board