Pepper California Miracle: Excellent harvest in open soil. Landing and growing sweet pepper California miracle Preparation of seeds for landing

Sweet pepper, despite the thermal lofty, is an extremely popular plant and is widely cultivated in the soil-climatic conditions of the middle strip of Russia. Pepper "California Miracle" is one of the most beloved and common varieties of Bulgarian pepper varieties from American selection.

A description of this very productive middle-timed variety of Bulgarian pepper is known to the majority of the gardens of our country. The variety is perfect for both fresh use and for use in home blanks, What is due to high taste and good commodity view.

Fruits of a cubic form, with a juicy and sweet pulp. The variety deservedly refers to the category of thick-walled sweet peppers, and the thickness of the pulp reaches 8 mm. The average weight of the commercial fetus is 120-150 g. The bushes are powerful, not more than 75-95 cm high. The Californian Miracle variety is perfect for cultivation both on the ridges of open soil and in greenhouses or greenhouses. Indicators of general yields under the observance of agrotechnics vary in the range of 1.9-3 kg from each square meter of landing area.

Vegetable culture is characterized by a sufficiently long vegetation period. The root system of sweet Bulgarian pepper with a reckless method of growing rod and branching, can penetrate into the ground to a depth of 70 cm and more. Plants grown by a seaside, possess the urine root system located at a depth of about 30-40 cm.

Advantages and disadvantages

The varietal characteristics of one of the best representatives of sweet Bulgarian pepper allows you to get a vegetable plant, possessing the following positive qualities and advantages:

  • aligned, commodity appearance fruits;
  • excellent taste;
  • juicy and fleshy flesh without bitterness;
  • the possibility of obtaining high yields not only in greenhouse conditions, but also on the ridges of open soil;
  • unpretentiousness in the care and cultivation of pepper;
  • the plant does not need to be launched and conducting steaming;
  • aging in the average time;
  • the possibility of the universal use of the harvest assembled;
  • designed for sufficiently long storage.

It should be remembered That the lack of lighting is often caused by the massive of buds and barriers, and also causes the yellowing and shower of the leaves.

Pepper "California Miracle": Growing (video)

Equipment landing

Depending on the soil and climatic conditions in the Cultivation region, the sweet Bulgarian pepper can be grown as a seedliness and direct sowing of seeds in the soil greenhouse, which is more relevant for the southern regions of our country. When boarding the Bulgarian pepper, attention should be paid to the following features and nuances:

  • vegetable culture is very demanding of heat and lighting, so it is recommended to conduct sowing germinated and processed seeds;
  • the timing of seeds is determined by the possibility of disembodies the confined material for a permanent place;
  • obtaining a high pepper harvest is possible only when growing a given garden culture on fertile, deeply sanguited, with sufficient humidity level;
  • the best pepper predecessors are onions, carrots, as well as legumes;

  • it is not recommended to carry out the cultivation of pepper on the ridges after tomatoes, potatoes, or after harvesting eggplants;
  • the seedlings should be highlighted as high as possible and protected from the cold northern wind.
  • it is best to form ridges on loamy soils with the addition of one bucket of overworked wood sawdust at the stage of deep steaming, as much overwhelming manure and two buckets of peat;
  • fresh, non-dried manure for arranging a variety for sweet Bulgarian pepper is not used;
  • the standard height of the ridge for growing vegetable culture should be about 25 cm with a width of no more than one meter.
Plants are plunged into the soil to real leaves. The optimal temperature regime for the best survival of pepper seedlings in a permanent location is the indicators at 22-26 ° C. A sharp decrease in temperature contributes to the delay in the growth and development of garden culture.

Features of cultivation

A variety of overseas selection entitled "California Miracle" forms a powerful Habitus and refers to the number of very crop varieties, which requires high-quality and competent vegetable culture care. Of course, care in the greenhouse and the cultivation activities in the conditions of open soil will have some differences, but the main rules for the technology of cultivation of sweet Bulgarian pepper are as follows:

  • optimal temperature indicators for full development and normal pepper growth should be 20-25 ° C;
  • in the presence of the spots of a lilac shade on the fruits, we can talk about a critical temperature reduction, so it is necessary to use a shelter by film or nonwoven garden material;
  • for watering of peppers, a defined or rainwater is used, heated by the sun to a temperature of 24-26 ° C;
  • it cannot be allowed both to cut the soil on the ridges and the convergence, which causes a number of diseases of vegetable culture;
  • before flowering, peppers need to wip 1-2 times a week, spending about one water bucket for each square meter;
  • at the stage of flowering and mass fruiting, watering should be made more frequent, and it is also recommended to increase water consumption by 10%;
  • the first feeding is carried out after the appearance of two real leaves by means of a solution of superphosphate, potash fertilizer and ammonium nitrate.

For full development, peppers need regular, but shallow jams that prevent the formation of soil crust and improve the air intake to the root system. The ridge must be kept clean and conduct regular removal of weed vegetation. Moreover, It is necessary to carry out regular landings inspections, And if necessary, process plants by folk remedies or chemical drugs against diseases and defeat the most common pests.

Sweet pepper is often grown on the gardens in connection with its high cost and nutritional value. Pepper California Miracle is one of the most popular landing varieties. It adapts well to any cultivation conditions, climate, gives large, fleshy fruits and high yields. It is about this form that will be discussed below in the article.

California Miracle - Mid-Lariest Sort. From planting plants until the fruit ripening takes place on average 120-130 days. A bush grows low - 60-70 cm.

Under good conditions from a square meter, you can collect up to 10 kg of harvest. Each fruit has a mass of 80-160 grams - the weight of the vegetable largely depends on the plant's care. Pepper cubic shape, with clear edges. Skin glossy, dense, thanks to which a vegetable is easy to transport for considerable distances. Initially, there is a green color, but a rich red color becomes completely ripening.

Wall thickness - 8 mm or a little less. The flesh is fleshy, elastic, not loose, a weak crunch can be heard when biteling. The taste is pleasant, juicy, a little sweet. Suitable for fresh use or processing for the winter, sales, preparation of all kinds of dishes, including stuffed pepper.

When and how to grow seedlings?

Check out these articles

Seeds right into open ground is not practiced to plant. Usually preparing seedlings. It simplifies the cultivation. Seedlings are made since February, and landed in the ground in approximately June, that is, in "greenhouse" conditions, young sprouts are grown for 3 months.

Pepper seeds California miracle before landing are carefully prepared to quickly appear shoots. For this, their 2 hours are kept in warm water (+50 degrees), then wrapped in cotton fabric (gauze, paper napkin) and leave for 1-2 days in the warm place. You can put them at the battery, but in this case every 3 hours it is necessary to check the humidity of the fabric if it dries, it is sprayed with water.

Since the seedlings can damage the sprouts, the seeds are immediately sown in peat or any other cups, with a prepared soil mixture (earth, sand, humus in a 1: 1: 2 ratio). In order to reduce the risk of contamination of seeds with disease, you can add some wood ash to the ground or simply pour the weak solution of mangalls.

Pepper seeds close to the ground to a depth of 1.5 cm and water water. Now the cups remained to cover with a film, you can thin glass, and put into the darkened, warm place. It is important to note that at temperatures up to 18 degrees heat, shoots may not appear!

After the appearance of sprouts, the glass is removed, and crops are exposed to the windowsill, a balcony (desirable south side) and maintain a temperature of 23-26 degrees of heat in the room. Approximately 2-3 weeks before the transplant of Rostov, the permanent place is hardened. In the afternoon for a few hours (2-3 it will be enough) they are put on the street or simply open the window on the balcony. And on the night you need to leave a slightly open window. But it is necessary to do this if there are no strong frosts on the street, otherwise seedlings can freeze.

How and when to plant seedlings in open ground?

Landing into an open ground is carried out in May-June - when there will be stable warm weather on the street without night frosts and significant temperature fluctuations.

Pepper Californian miracle is growing on any type of soil, but best of all, of course, light soil. From autumn or 2 weeks before transplanting, it is prepared, fertilize, dripped. Approximately 1 week before the landing, you can make a copper sulfate to disinfect the land, disintegrate it.

Snakes under the bushes are made according to the 40x40 cm scheme - economically, but convenient for the plant. The same scheme is used for landing in the greenhouse. Nothing is added to the wells if the earth was fertilized in advance. The depth of the sealing of sprouts should be the same as in the pots of which they are pulled out. In this case, it is very convenient to use peat pots, they simply lay them together with the plant - the roots are not damaged.

What is further care?

Now a little about the care of the pepper California miracle, it directly reflects on the yield of each sprout.

What diseases and pests fear?

Diseases and pests significantly reduce the yield of pepper variety California miracle. They carry out prophylactic treatment in the spring, in the middle of the summer, folk remedies or specialized substances, but only when the problem has already manifested itself.

Phytofluorosis, black leg, macrosporiosis, white and vertex rot, septoriasis - those diseases with which every garden growing Bulgarian pepper. It is also worth being prepared for "attacks" of slugs, whiteflies, aphids, a colorado beetle and a bear.

From the Medveda, you can get rid of the bay of the well to the seedlings at the time of water. But it is not always effective - the pest may return. Spraying by any folk remedy (ash, soap solution, in the infusion of serum) can be repeated throughout the season 2-3 times. After spraying, before it or simply from time to time, it is worth "swimming" plants and earth wood ash - this is an excellent disinfectant.

How to collect and keep a crop?

The harvest is collected, consumed and processed as ripening. Some gardeners are collected from the fruits of seeds for landing for the next year. It is quite realistic to implement, but it is worth resorting to tricks to get a varietal culture, and not a mixture.

With the development of the pepper, the Californian miracle is often replicated with other varieties, changing the quality of the fruit obtained, but this can be avoided. Selected busting is usually breached for collecting seeds. With the advent of buds, it is worth covering it with a small greenhouse so that it does not cross with the "neighbors". After the appearance of the barriers, the shelter is removed. Fruits from this bush and can be used to collect seeds, they will fully match the variety.

Pepper California Miracle reviews, photos, yield, characteristics and description of the variety which are presented in this article, suitable for growing not only experienced, but also novice gardens.

California Miracle Pepper Grade It is very popular not only in Russia, but also all over the world. It combines the advantages of many varieties of sweet Bulgarian peppers, and there are practically no disadvantages. In this article, you will learn the characteristic of the variety and fruits, all its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the peculiarities of growing.

Description and variety characteristics

California miracle is a variety, and not a modern hybrid. He was brought about 100 years ago in South America, from where it was called (in English "California Wonder"). In Russia, this grade of peppers appeared in the middle of the 20th century, thanks to one of the gardeners, which brought him from abroad. The variety of pepper California miracle quickly spread through the territory of the Russian Federation, as it gives excellent crops under local climatic conditions. The variety was introduced to the Russian State Registry in 1999.

  • The height of the bush is medium, grows up to 60-75 cm.
  • Seeds have a good germination, thanks to which they are suitable for growing in an open and closed soil.
  • Middle maturation. The first ripe vegetables can be separated from the bushes 115-120 days after seed germination. By this point, the fruits are green, but already quite edible and very tasty. After another 15-25 days, peppers will become red, yellow or orange. Then you can talk about the full biological maturity of the vegetable.

Tip!To get the maximum harvest, peppers need to be separated at the technical stage of maturation. In this case, additional ovary will be formed.

  • The stem is pretty thick with elastic shoots and glossy leaves of bright green color. The stem can withstand without support up to 10-12 large vegetables. However, if the harvest is more abundant, it is recommended to install backups.
  • The variety is resistant to adverse weather conditions. It grows well even with a lack of sun and lighting, with a decrease in air temperature and other weather drops. In this case, the fruits always remain accurate and sweet, and a sufficient amount of uncess is formed.
  • It has good immunity to most of the diseases of peppers, among which the verticile wadding and the tobacco mosaic virus.

Description of fruits

Initially, the fruit varieties of California miracle in the stage of biological ripening were painted in red. However, the varieties of the California miracle appeared later, the fruits of which were painted in yellow, orange, golden and even black. They preserved all the positive characteristics of this variety, they differ from each other only by color.

  • Fruits of a cubic form with clearly pronounced four faces.
  • Skin smooth, shiny.
  • The wall thickness depends on the degree of fruit maturity. During technical maturity, it reaches 5-6 mm, but after complete ripening of fruit, it can reach 10-12 mm.
  • The average mass of one pepper is 90-140.
  • excellent taste.
  • The flesh is sweet, juicy even stage of technical maturity.
  • Fruits are well stored.
  • Sustainable transportation.

In the vegetables of this variety, it contains an increased amount of vitamins of the group B, A, C, E, H, RR, K. Also in them there are many macro and microelements, organic acids, essential oils and enzymes.


Below are presented photo of Peppers of California Miracle.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the positive qualities of this variety can be noted:

  • Suitable for growing in open ground and greenhouse.
  • Gives a good harvest.
  • Responsive to feeding.
  • Resistant to diseases.
  • The taste of large fruit.
  • Universality application.
  • You can collect seeds for subsequent growing peppers.

Despite all the advantages of the variety, he also has its drawbacks. Among them can be allocated as:

  • In the poor and exhausted soil they grow poorly and give a weak harvest.
  • In the regions with a harsh climate can be grown only in the greenhouse.
  • Required feeding.
  • Not suitable for stuffing and canning as a whole.

Features of cultivation

Pepper seeds California miracle germinate even without processing growth stimulant. Fresh seeds give 96-98% germination. However, it is worth remembering that the seeds of this grade for sowing on seedlings should choose the most recently. The longer they were kept, the smaller their germination.

It is necessary to collect seeds yourself with completely matured peppers. To do this, it is recommended to carry seed seeds to seed out no later than February. They are sowing into common containers or individual pots, you can also use peat pills.

Pepper does not tolerate picking and transplant. Therefore, it is recommended to sow seeds at a great distance from each other, so that the seedlock can be pulled out with a lore earth. Thus, the root plant system will not be damaged and this process can be carried out without prejudice to seedlings.

Important! Watch that when transshipment, the bushes did not plunge into the ground, their root cerv should be at the level with the soil.

The first month of development of seedlings is necessary to water it very carefully, especially if the room is relatively cool. But on providing good coverage to seedlings. Light day should last at least 12 hours, so it is necessary to organize additional highlighting fluorescent lamps. The first feeder is carried out when 2-4 real leaves appear in the seedlings.

10-14 days before the seedlings for a permanent place, they need to fill. To do this, seed out to the street or on the balcony in warm days, gradually increasing the time of staying from 30 minutes to the whole day.

Seedlings are planted according to the 40x40 cm scheme. Since young plants need uniform and regular irrigation, it is recommended to equip the drip irrigation system. This is especially very important on hot days.

Californian miracle variety can be fertilized by organic or mineral fantasics. It speaks equally well to any of them. During the season it will be necessary to make fertilizer 3 times.

Observing the rules of agrotechnology, to process seedlings additionally from pests and diseases.


The fruits of the California miracle have a list of aroma and freshness, so suitable for consumption in fresh form. You can also add them to finished dishes and make blanks for the winter.

Watch the video! Pepper California miracle

Pretty little dacnisters engaged in planting sweet peppers. One of the most common varieties is the Pepper California Miracle. His main distinguishing feature is taste quality, as it is several times the sweeter of the rest.

The characteristic includes a description of the fruits and features of the plant. California miracle refers to mediterranean. To achieve technical maturity, it is enough about 115-125 days. The plant is a bush with elastic spreading branches and a stem with a height of about 75 cm. Seeds are distinguished by a good germination, thanks to which peppers can be planted into an open and closed soil.

Fruits of plants are quite large and sweet. They are painted in bright yellow and have a cuboid form. Their surface is covered with shiny and smooth skin. The weight of mature fruits can reach 165 grams.

The plant is heat-loving, but it is not enough to achieve good yields. On average, you can collect 5-10 fruits from one bush.

Planting seedlings

Before growing pepper, the Californian miracle should be seated with seedlings. It is done in mid-February, since young bushes need to transplant in open ground 100 days after landing. If you do it later or earlier, a vegetation may slow down due to adverse climatic conditions.

Landing seedlings consists of several stages.


Disinfection is carried out to protect future shoots from bacterial and fungal diseases. Seeds can be disinfected with a dry and wet way. The most common dry method is to maintain seeds in the sun for one week.

Numerous reviews indicate that 1% solution of manganese is the best means for wet disinfection. For this, the seeds are placed in a heated liquid for 25-35 minutes. You can also use a 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide. Before adding seeds, it is preheated to 35 o C.

It is possible to protect the plant from bacterial diseases with aloe juice. For this, the seeds are kept in liquid for several days.


In order for the pepper to have a good yield, its seeds need to be mashed within 4-6 hours in warm water. After that, they are put into the wet gauze for punishing. Store seeds follows the polyethylene pack so that they do not dry quickly. It will be possible to plant them in the ground in 2-3 days after soaking.

Capacity selection

Do not buy large containers for landing. Pepper California Miracle develops quite slowly and its roots occupy little space. Planting seeds is better in small pots or special cassettes with cells.

Preparation of soil

In the land for seedlings there may be pathogens of different diseases. For their destruction, it is necessary to disinfect the soil. It is possible to make it a heating of the soil in the oven at +125 o C. The second way to disinfect the Earth is much easier. It is enough to pour soil with boiled water.


Californian pepper seeds must be sowed to a wet soil. The earth will need to pour another time immediately after sowing. Before the appearance of the first seedlings, seedlings are covered with a film and stored in a room with a temperature of about 20 o C.

Care for seedy

After the first sheets appear, the pots with sweet pepper need to be moved to the room with additional lighting. It should also be removed the polyethylene film so that the plant is gradually accustomed to new conditions. The optimal daytime temperature for growing is 25 o C, and the evening is not lower than 10-15 ° C.

Water seedlings need two or three times a week. To do this, it is recommended to use warm water with a temperature of about 35 o C. If you water it with cold liquid, then the bushes of yellow peppers can get sick and eventually die.

Soil can be treated several times a month with mineral fertilizers. However, if all the conditions of growing pepper are observed, then you can do without it.

Landing in sad

Doing the landing of bushes in open soil you need at the beginning of summer. If the plant is grown in the greenhouse, then it is possible to transplant it in mid-May.

Preparation of seedlings

Before planting peppers in the ground, the seedlings must be hardening. This is done to improve the yield and survival rate of the plant. The gradual hardening helps California pepper to get used to the sunshine.

First, seedlings are set for several hours near the open window. After warming, it can be moved to the street or balcony. It is impossible to change the temperature conditions too dramatically, as this may affect the health of the plant.

Preparation of soil

To start the Earth you need to disinfect. It is done a few months before the landing of the California miracle. The soil is treated with special chemical solutions and fertilizes. For this, potash, nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers are used.

Suglinic soil can be fertilized with a mixture of peat, manure and sawdust. In clay soil is added large sand with peat and humus.

2-3 days before landing the beds are processed by a cow. The square meter of the site is consumed by five liters of liquid. After that, the soil is drunk and can be processed by the seedlings.

Planting seedlings

When planting a sweet pepper, the Californian miracle applies a square-nest method. The distance between the beds and bushes should be at least 35 cm. The depth of the hole is made the same as the height of the seedling containers. Fill the plant soil is needed very carefully to accidentally not close the root neck.

Pepper care

Yellow California Miracle is an unpretentious plant, but this does not mean that it is not necessary to care for him.


If there is an insufficient moisture in the soil, then the growth of the plant will slow down. It is necessary to water it regularly and under the root. To do this, use well-heated water. When growing bushes in the greenhouse, not only the land, but also aisle with the tracks. This will help maintain the necessary level of humidity and increase yield.

Soil care

Several times a month you need to loosen the soil. It is done very carefully to accidentally damage the roots of the plant. In order not to do it often, the soil must be mulched. For this, the earth is covered with a layer of straw, sawdust, humoring or beveled grass.


Feed the sweet Bulgarian pepper follows several times per season. The first feeder is carried out immediately after the first leaflets appeared on the bushes. The next need to be carried out only in 2-3 weeks. It should be very careful to use nitrogen fertilizers, since due to them the number of uncens can decrease.

Fighting diseases and pests

There are several of the most common pests and diseases of the Bulgarian pepper.


Deals great harm to the plant, as it is powered by juice. To get rid of the Tly, the bushes should be treated with insecticides. For this, one spoon of the drug is mixed with ten liters of water. During the fruiting, the plant cannot be sprayed.

Cobed tick

This pest is powered by juice from plant leaves. You can get rid of it with the help of a special solution. For its preparation, a glass of ground garlic is mixed with liquid soap, dandelion leaves and 5-8 liters of water. The fluid is applied to the leaves of the plant.


Very dangerous pests that feed on fruits and leaves of Californian. So that the slugs do not appear on the bushes, you need to regularly loose soil and pollinate the plant with dry mustard.


California pepper is a rather unpretentious variety that even people without experience can grow. To do this, it is enough to explore the description of the variety and the peculiarities of its cultivation.

Sweet Bulgarian pepper - Write vegetable on any garden. In Europe, enjoy this vitamin giant from the 15th century. The pepper fell to us relatively recently and went well, although it prefers warmer countries.

His bright color decorates any dish, and so much vegetable boasts such a number of vitamins. Pepper, description and care for which will be presented below is the most popular among the gardeners and the most vivid representative of vegetables.

Sweet pepper varieties

The variety of varieties on store shelves is confusing not only beginners, but also experienced gardens. Grown peppers in the greenhouse, open soil or greenhouse can be of different color and various shapes.

All varieties depending on maturation dates are divided into:

Ultragrades that reach the degree of technical maturity in less than 100 days;

Early, require from 100 to 120 days before maturation;

Medium, mature an average of 130 days;

Late, demand at least 140-150 days;

Very late - more than 150 days.

The height of the bush allows you to highlight the following varieties:

Shorty (height up to half a meter);

Average (up to 1 meter);

Tall (1.5 meters or more).

On the garden without a greenhouse and the greenhouses grow well "Sweat", "Sazachka", "Hercules". Resistance to temperature drops showed "Dawn", "Hedgehog", "Violet", "Accord", "Freckles", "Dolphin".

For cultivation in the greenhouse, low-spirited grained varieties or hybrids like "Bianks", "Eroshki", "Jung", "Turquoise", "Victoria", "Hercules", "Flamingo" and some others who will not only grow up, but also mature . Moreover, these varieties of sick-resistant, well tolerate temperatures.

Tall thick-walled large-scale varieties of late ripening time and, in general, any other peppers in the greenhouse can be raised if it is glazed, polycarbonate, with warm or heated beds.

Pepper "California Miracle": Description

Growing this variety of pepper is one pleasure. Today it is one of the most sought-after varieties.

The variety of Peppers "California Miracle" is the secondary, which is required from 100 to 130 days to achieve technical ripeness. The size of the bush is middle. The height is 0.7 meters. One bush can give an average of 7-10 fruits. "California Miracle" - Pepper, reviews about which among gardeners are extremely positive, has fruits of a cubic form, they are smooth, glossy, bright red. The aroma is pronounced, with unobtrusive peel and wall thickness of 8 mm. The fruit can leave the fetus indifferent. Seeds of this variety have a good germination both in the open and closed soil. Strong spreading bushes with strong elastic branches are characteristic of the Californian Miracle variety. Pepper (reviews testify) sometimes has bitterness. This may be a consequence of not very suitable conditions for growing. In most cases, pepper sweet, it can be used as in the fresh, so in pickled or recycled form.

Sweet at seedlings

Sweet bell pepper - vegetable thermal-loving. There will be no exception and pepper "California Miracle." Growing begins with the preparation of seeds and their sowing to obtain seedlings. Transplanting a vegetable tolerates badly, so it is better to choose peat pots with a diameter of 10 cm in a diameter of 10 cm. In the plant develops slowly, it means that large pots use it is impractical for such a vegetable as sweet pepper.

When to sow? This is the main question with which you should decide. Seeds are sized usually in February, in order for the age of transplanting them for 60-70 days.

Pepper seeds "Californian miracle" require preset processing. It is advisable to soak them in any stimulating solution. Previously, they can be disinfected. To do this, you can use a 1% warranny solution, after which the seeds are washed. Then they are left for skewing on wet fabric for several days. As soon as they proceed, they should be immediately soaked in well-moistened soil not deeper than 1 cm.

Pods with seeds should be covered with film, polyethylene bags or glass. The variety of pepper "California Miracle" is boiling after 5-7 days, and even earlier. The temperature in the room should not be below 20 ° C, optimally 25 ° C, the illumination of any.

Sweet Pepper Care

When the first sediments appear, the capacity should be rearranged or to provide seedlings with additional lighting. Polyethylene or what the containers were hidden, gradually removed, the plants get used to the new conditions for them. It is not worth over to water the seedlings, but also to disperse the substrate should not. The water should not be cold, at least 30 ° C, otherwise the plant can become sick, get sick, and then die. Air indoors where seedlings are located, should not be dry. There must be regular ventilation, but without draft. Pepper reacts well to spraying.

The feeding during this period is optional, especially if the conditions correspond to the required.

Preparation of soil

It is possible to plant the seedlings into the soil unheated greenhouse from mid-May. If it is open soil, it is better to wait until the end of May - mid-June. In any case, the landing requires preliminary soil preparation.

It will be useful to disinfect the soil in the greenhouse. It is necessary to do this at the beginning of spring. For these purposes, you can use special chemical compositions or simply thoroughly wash everything in a greenhouse with a soap solution. For transplanting pepper it is necessary to:

Soil in the greenhouse was free to + 18 ° C;

The land was fertilized by phosphate and potash (40 g per m²), nitrogen fertilizers (30 g per m²);

Suglinic soil can be mixed with recovered sawdust, manure, peat;

In clay soil you need to make semi-proximal sawdust, large sand;

In the sandy soil you should add peat, humid, overwhelmed manure;

For a week or a few days before landland, it is possible to pour a hot aqueous solution of a cow (5 liters of solution for each square meter of soil).

After making fertilizers, the soil is defined.

How to prepare seedlings to transplant

Seedlings before landing in the ground must be hardening. To do this, the pepper must first be briefly, and then all the day put on the fresh air and the sun, and on the night to bring back.

A week before landing in a greenhouse, pepper seedlings can be seeded with a solution of potash fertilizers and spray a burglar fluid solution, which will prevent the occurrence of various fungal diseases.

Pepper landing scheme

Sweet pepper landing scheme directly depends on the size of the bush of the selected variety. Pepper "California Miracle", the cultivation of which occurs in a greenhouse, is planting according to the 40 to 40 scheme. And on average 4-6 bushes per 1 m².

Placing seedlings for a permanent place, you should not shut down seedlings, it will not be side roots. Otherwise, the plant can be started and perishing.

Carefully treat the root system whose damage can lead to the fact that the pepper will be recovered for a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to reset together with an earthen room in which the seedlings grew.

Further care

Sweet pepper snatched well in the average latitudes of Russia, believing a relatively unpretentious plant. But care still has some features, which makes it possible to get a good harvest from the California Miracle variety.

Pepper, reviews about which testify to the variety yield, loves water. The lack of moisture leads to the braking of the development process and discharge the barrier. The overwhelming can lead to illness. It is necessary to water regularly, only under the root, and the water should be estimated and warm.

Not only soil should be moisturized, but also the air in the greenhouse. In order for the level of humidity to be normal, you can water the tracks in aisle or glass greenhouse.

If the weather is hot and wet, then the lower side shoots must be deleted. If the weather is hot and dry, then the plant is not worth paesing, as the foliage protects the soil from the drain.

The root Sweet pepper system requires constant air access. The seal of the upper layer leads to a decrease in the crop. To loosen the soil under the plant must be carefully, since the roots it has superficial, it is easy to damage. To avoid weeding the soil under the plant, it is necessary to be processed. For this, sawdust, beveled grass, humid, straw, which has already renounced. The mulch layer should be at least 4 cm.

Pepper is a fragile plant and requires garter, since the stem and branches under the weight of the fruits may be damaged. And it is done not only with tall, but also with low grades.

Facing planted seedlings

For the season, the sweet Bulgarian pepper requires several feeding. The first fertilizer can be carried out when several real leaves appear. The second feeding will be held in a few weeks after the first. Careful should be with a feeding "Californian miracle". From such a feeding, the plant will become powerful, but the number of umbrants at the same time will sharply decrease.

Collect the seeds of sweet bell pepper

In fairness it should be noted that the seeds of sweet Bulgarian pepper have the maximum germination only in the first year after assembly, and will not be the exception of the "California Miracle" (Pepper). Reviews confirm the popularity of the variety and suggest that the seeds collected independently are not inferior to purchased. But some rules should be followed.

So that the seeds of the pepper seeds were purebred and not worried with neighboring landings, it is necessary in advance, even before flowering, choose a bush to stronger. And how the first buds will appear, it will have to be covered with a small greenhouse. After tying the first strings that are best suited for the collection of seeds, the shelter is removed, the wrenches are marked with threads, so that in the future it is not confused with fruits from other recoverable bushes.

and pests

The following diseases are dangerous for pepper:


White rot;


Vertex rot;



Peppers love slugs, butterfly whitefly, scoop, wave, and medical. To protect the plant from the bear, an hour before the landing, the wells prepared for seedlings are filled with water. After landing with a sprayer, the plantation sprinkles. The spraying procedure for the season can be carried out 2-3 times. Wood ash is suitable as a means, which fights well with various pests.

Wheel is best struggling with brew whey. It will take a half liter on the water bucket. After processing the plant, serum is preferably sprinkled by pepper wood ash.

Pepper "California Miracle", description and methods of cultivation of which were presented above, is truly a unique vegetable. Arriving to us from a distant warm mexico, he was able to perfectly adapt to these conditions and did not lose the drop of its utility, taste and fragrance.