Sowing grass for lawn. How to make a lawn in the country with your own hands: Proper preparation and seeding of grass in spring and autumn

Lawn on the plot as a green island. Many of the home destroyers dream of having such, with even trimmed grass, fragrant fragrances. Currently, it does not represent the difficulties of sowing himself, determining the place. It is necessary, however, to be patient - you will get a full lawn of your dreams only after three or four years of proper care. And in this article we will tell you how to choose and put the grass with your own hands on your own dacha.

What is the benefit of the lawn may be on the site?

  1. Beauty and aesthetic appearance. The site is transformed and looks well maintained at the minimum cost of strength and time.
  2. Comfort to use. Unlike the open land when walking on herbal section, the dirt does not stick to the sole of the shoes and is not transferred to the house. Yes, and dust in this case rises much less.
  3. Benefit for health. It is no secret that the foot massage positively affects the work of the internal organs. The Bosika lawn walk will have a massage effect on the lower surface of the stop, which in turn normalizes the pressure, helps from insomnia and has a soothing effect on the nervous system as a whole.
  4. Caring for soil. Open land is vulnerable to exposure to external factors. The soil is weathered, washed off with rains. Under the cover of herbs, the useful properties of the soil are not lost. On the contrary, it guarantees the necessary work of worms and microorganisms for enrichment.
  5. Organization of playgrounds and other zones. The thick green carpet will be a sufficiently soft coating for children's games and picnics. The lawn is also drawn up areas of recreation, territory near pools and arbors, ornamental ponds.

When should I plant lawn grass: in spring or autumn?

Seeding is recommended to exercise in spring or in the first half of summer. For the warm months, lawn will have time to climb and sufficiently graze before wintering. If we land in August or September, then it will not be able to grow enough to be painlessly transfer the winter months.

Types of lawns for giving

There are various types of lawns for gardens and gardens. Each of them has soy of pros and cons in the content.

First of all, you need to decide for what purposes the lawn is needed. Depending on the destination, the choice falls on one or another view.

  1. Parterial. Perhaps the most spectacular view of existing ones. The view has a velvety surface and is distinguished by uniformity and dense of grass. It is usually placed near the front entrance. Also found in parisades and home rosas, filling the space between flower beds and trees. It consists mainly of cereals. Since cereal cultures germinate slowly, the landscaping of the territory of the lawn of this type can be delayed. Among other things, it needs a frequent haircut, about 2-3 times a week.
  2. Ordinary. Best of all this species is suitable for country sites. It is not demanding in care. It is recommended to take it once a week. Ideal for children's games and recreation in the company.
  3. Sports. Good use for landscaping sports grounds, golf courses, for the organization of tennis court. Such a grass is resistant to sweeping and withstands heavy loads.
  4. Mauritanian. This is a flowering type of lawn grass. It can only be cut in the season. It is not whimsical and does not require the investment of a large amount of strength and time to its content. The appearance of such a lawn is very noteworthy - among the green grass there are bright stains of the colors of a variety of colors.

Proper landing of the lawn

The primary task before sowing the lawn is the level of level alignment. With the help of pegs make marking around the perimeter, pulling the line between them.

Preparation of soil

Planned for landing the place is cleaned of weeds.

15-20 days after such treatment, the land on the plot is drunk on a half-flow shovel if the soil is soft enough. If stony rocks are present, then the upper part of the soil is removed and the fertile layer of the Earth is added to the vacant place. Thus, the exact layer remains at the bottom, which performs the role of drainage.

After the preparation, the plot must relax two or three weeks. It is even better if you carry out all the marked procedures under the winter. Pre-recommended to make a prepared fertilizer substrate. What kind of types of feeding to use depends on the initial composition of the soil.

Before the landing itself, the entire area planned under the sown lawn fertilize with a compost. Then the land is carefully compacted. For this purpose, you can use the garden roller or seal the ground with your feet.

Sowing seeds

Upon completion of all the preparatory procedures, there is a lighter, but no less important part - sowing lawn grass. First, it is necessary to choose the right planting material. To do this, consider the climatic conditions of your region, the density of the soil, its own gardening experience.

It should be borne in mind that the number of seeds should take with a margin. As a rule, part of the seed is washed off with water, weathering, destroyed by birds and insects.

In this regard, the number of seeds needed to sit down the square meter of the Earth, increase twice.

Seeds are recommended to hang out, pre-mixing them with wood sawdresses to simplify the process. After that, the seeds are stirred from the ground using a robber. Light movements make progressive movements back and forth. Then seal the planned area.

Caring for planted grass on the plot

Lawn care includes the following steps.

  1. Weeding. After the emergence of the first germs, weed weeds from the seeded site. The most effective way is a weeding manual. At the end of the procedure, the soil should be sealing and pouring.
  2. A haircut. Depending on the chosen type of lawn, the haircut must be carried out from 3 times a week to 1 time per month. To do this, it is recommended to use a lawn mower to achieve uniformity and beauty of lawn.
  3. Podrel. So that the grass is bright and juicy, it is necessary to regularly make fertilizers. In the spring for growth and lungs of lawn grass, you can use nitrogen fertilizers. In the fall, preference is given to potashly-phosphate feeding to the plants to prepare for wintering. All fertilizers are entered into wet soil.
  4. Cleaning. To maintain an attractive decorative type of lawn, it is periodically brushing from moss, garbage, weeds and yellowed herbs. To do this, pass along the site, raking unnecessary litter with robbles.
  5. Watering. Watering is carried out necessarily in the following cases:
  • after landing;
  • in the period of active growth;
  • after weeding;
  • after a haircut.

Also water the lawn grass with a long arid period, heat. Watering should be abundant. So that the moisture is not stood on the surface, the land is pierced with forks in several places.

Soil preparation of the tip of the upper layer Preparation of seeds landing the grass with the help of a special sprayer watering a fresh lawn necessary watering of the lawn at least once a week the need to mowing herbs as needed

Basic mistakes when planting herbs with their own hands

Consider the most common bugs of summer houses when sowing:

  1. Wrong substrate. If the basis of the soil is the lungs and porous lands based on sand or peat, the grass will certainly dispel. Such a soil does not hold water. Therefore, before planting, bring the subliban components to the soil. If the problem persists not immediately, but on the second or third year after the landing, then the ground is falling asleep over the grass on top of the grass with a layer of 1-2 cm.
  2. Arrangement. In order to protect the existing plants from the overgrowth of the lawn grass, you need to put borders and other fences.
  3. Moss. The cause of this problem can be incorrect or insufficient care. Moss appears with not enough lighting, lack of fertilizer, rare haircut. Also, the cause of irrigation of watering and ideal conditions are created for MCH.
  4. Trees and other plantations. If lawn grass is planted around existing shrubs or trees, the latter turn out to be shredded to the ground. Subsequently, the problem of reloading a baking neck. To avoid this, when planting seedlings, it is worth considering this factor and plant trees on small elevations.
  5. Incorrect grasses for landing. In this case, the lawn may die completely or damage individual sections and unaesthetic propellas are formed. In the spring, other species suitable for your climatic conditions should be sown.

Smooth green lawn is not a dream at all, but reality. The main thing is to accommodate the selection of landing material and carefully carry out all the preparatory activities before landing. This is the key to the future well-being of your lawn. As you can see, growing grass is not difficult and die even a lazy gardener.

To create a beautiful lawn in front of the house, you need not only to plant grass, but also to properly prepare the soil. After that, it is necessary to care for the sprouted greens, otherwise she will quickly buys.

Lawn in the country with your own hands

Initially, you need to choose the type of cover that wants to get a gardener. It is not necessary to plant only green grass. There are the following types of lawns:

  • normal green carpet from field or mountain plants;
  • meadow or Moorish type with a flowering layer;
  • sports view that is well opposed to abrasion.

This choice depends on a lawn planting technology, watering, aeration, haircut and feeding.

Note! There is no general rules for breaking such a coating, but there are some principles of work when landing lawn.

People often are interested in when it is best to slow down the site purchased by seeds or sprouts. On average, these works occupy from 1 to 1.5 months. To start and finish to make a lawn at the cottage, it is better to choose time since the end of spring before the beginning of the autumn. Most often, gardeners begin to carry out such work since the end of May, and finish in early September. The main thing is that this period of time does not capture the winter.

Lawn grass

Seed seeds are better after the preparatory activities for breaking the lawn in the country. Most often, this is done in the summer, in mid-June, it can be transferred to this procedure and closer to autumn.

Soil preparation for seed landing

First spend marking of the future lawn. Clean it from weeds, garbage, align. The summer cottage is divided into squares, in one of which is planned to position a grassy carpet.

Note! It is necessary to carefully prepare for the specified work, as they subsequently eliminate the need for a weeding of embedded bushes and significantly simplify their haircut.

For independent holding of preparatory activities, it will be necessary from 7 to 30 days. If the farmer lives in the southern regions or middle lane of Russia, then you can begin work in the recent days of May. For residents of Siberia, this term shifts 1 month closer to autumn. The land must be well a fundamental, otherwise seedlings may die.

  1. When laying a plot under the lawn you need Immediately lay the flower beds, paths or tracks. This uses a simple technology using the twine and pegs. It is not necessary to strive to give the lawn strict geometric forms, since the inhabited territories will harmoniously look in the absence of clear boundaries.
  2. After that is carried out alignment of the site, eradicating pnenets (if any), removal of garbage and stones. If the soil is poor on minerals, nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers contribute to it.
  3. The right approach to K. the destruction of weeds and harmful insects It consists in the processing of the placeable place to the herbicides and drugs that kill pests. For these purposes, geotextiles are often used. It provides uniform coverage of the place selected under the lawn.


After preliminary work, you can proceed to the creation of a herbal composition.

Step-by-step instructions for sowing lawn seeds

Before sowing the grass, you need to check the type of soil in the country. Well, when it fertures, can pass the air, to hold water. If this is not, then the soil is drunk, and then the superphosphate contributes to it.

In the country, these works will take from 3 to 7 days. We must pay attention to the following points:

  1. with an increased acidity of the Earth - this parameter is due to the addition of chalk in the soil or hated lime;
  2. when sowing in the spring - the main emphasis is done on nitrogen fertilizers, and if the grass sowing is moved closer to autumn, the superphosphate is used;
  3. after that, the land is bass and watered;
  4. rolled the entire area with a special roller, the mass of which can fluctuate in the range of 50-100 kg.

When these works are completed, they are waiting for another 4-5 days, and then the weeds appear.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands:

  1. Initially, they divide the entire territory of the future lawn on equal sidelines. Then the purchased seeds are distributed to the marked areas.
  2. Before sowing the grass, it is necessary to spray water to the ground using a special nozzle on the hose. The soil should become slightly wet and sufficiently loose.
  3. When sowing lawn grass, the dacket itself determines. Experts recommend to do this operation in a sunny, a windless day. The selected seeds are manually scattered on the ground at first along the territory, and then across.
  4. The gardeners often have questions about what to do if summer rainy, how to sow lawn grass. It is recommended to transfer this process closer to autumn.
  5. After the selected plot was found, it is treated with French robbles. At the same time, the seeds fall asleep with soil, and then all rolled the roller for the soil seal. Then water all the water from the hose with the nozzle.

After the grass sowed to the lawn appeared, you need to follow its development. For this, emerging weeds are regularly removed, the earth is moisturized, they cut the young grass:

  1. The first shoots appear after 14 days. When they grow up to 10 cm, they must be taken carefully.
  2. The irrigation of the site is carried out with a sprayer. The land must be soaked in moisture by 5 cm. It is necessary to strengthen the roots of the sown grass.

Important! The lawn care must be regular, otherwise the plants will die quickly.

What to choose: Seeds or Rolled Lawn

It is necessary to consider that the seeds are cheaper than rolls. In the first case, you will have to independently sow a plot, and when using the finished lawn, it includes its installation. For independent work, it is best to choose the seeds of the field, ricon, oatmeal and mint.

Seeds of Polevitsy

When selecting herbs, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • germination;
  • resistance to external mechanical loads;
  • the presence of immunity to various infections;
  • frost resistance and ability to carry heat.

By purchasing rolls need to know their advantages and disadvantages.


  • unpretentiousness and ease of operation;
  • ready carpets are well suited to arrange uneven areas.

The disadvantage of rolls is considered only their high price.

To get the desired area decoration in the form of a green lawn, you need:

  • initially, choose the right place for sowing grass in the country;
  • then pick up suitable seeds;
  • after that, carefully prepare a place to process;
  • it is not humanity to water the soil before seeding seeds, otherwise they will stick together;
  • a new lawn once in 20 days to cut and irrigate by means of a sprayer;
  • do not wait for results throughout the year, since the normal lawn is obtained only 24 months after sowing.

Any novice farmer must decide for itself, use seeds or purchase a finished coating. If the first option is preferable, then you need to carefully fulfill all the instructions of the specialists, otherwise all work will go to the pump.

At its garden plot, you can proceed with the direct creation of the selected grass mixture. But even the best landing material does not show good results without the proper preparation of the area for the lawn.

Preparation of the site

From the place under the lawn it is necessary to remove the construction and household garbage, to harde the stumps of trees and rhizomes of bushes. Wood residues left in Earth can cause the appearance on your future lawn.

Dern from the site is cleaned, using a shovel or a special machine for cutting a turf layer. ON THE PICTURE: The easiest way to remove the turf from the old lawn is to cut it with a shovel. But it requires good physical preparation and certain efforts.

ON THE PICTURE: But the cutting of the turf with a special typewriter will greatly facilitate labor and will reduce the time of preparation of the area under the lawn.

The area overgrown with weeding grass is treated with a roundap type herbicide, after which the dead plants are removed.

ON THE PICTURE: Dandelions and clover creeping on large squares makes sense to remove with herbicides. With manual weeding, the roots and rhizomes of weeds often remain in the ground and give new "tops".

Aligning the surface of the site

Before sowing the lawn, the site must be aligned so flawless as possible. The wizards of English lawns are used on this and at the stage of the rambling the construction level, and this is quite justified if you want to get a perfectly smooth green carpet. The layout of the relief is carried out in clear weather, when the soil is dry and bulk. Optionally, at the same time remove the slope if it is. On the contrary, it will provide the flow of rainwater, which is especially relevant in the last summer seasons rich in abundant precipitation. However, this slope must be aligned.

Pits and lowlands on the site align in one of two ways: remove the ground with elevations (bumps) and move into pits, or fill low places with fertile soil from other garden sections. If a plot of fresh and fertile layer is not yet on it, it is replaced by a purchased neat-breast. Heavy clay soil is mixed with sand to give it greater permeability for air and water.

ON THE PICTURE: For the holes on the site it is better to use the purchase of a peat-based soil.

Ideal soil for lawn:

  • pH: 5.5-6.5;
  • gumus: from 2.5 to 3.5 percent;
  • nitrogen and its compounds: 10 mg. at 100 g. Soil;
  • phosphorus: 15-25 mg. at 100 g. Soil;
  • potassium: 20-30 mg. at 100 g. Soil;
  • microelements: control of copper and zinc content.

Drainage (if necessary)

Any guide on how to plant lawn grass correctly includes instructions on the drainage device. If the site is in a good location, it is not amplified by rains and rising spring water, it is enough to simply switch, lime and easily. In other cases, it will take the creation of a drainage system, which is produced in conjunction with relief leveling.

ON THE PICTURE: If the area is observed in the area of \u200b\u200brainwater, then drainage is simply necessary.

For this, the fertile reservoir filmed during the alignment is laid on top of two layers of drainage, the bottom of which includes the gravel of a large fraction or broken brick, and the upper consists of small stones or sand. Thus, a three-layer base is formed on the plot:

  • from above 15-20 cm. fertile layer;
  • below 10-15 cm. Sand (small gravel fraction);
  • based on 10-15 cm. Large stones.

Each layer is thoroughly trambed as styling.

ON THE PICTURE: General view of the site immediately after laying drainage under the lawn and garden path.

What kind of drainage type to choose for the lawn depends on the size of the area, intimacy of groundwater, already laid communications and the masses of other factors that we will definitely touch in our separate article on the drainage.

ON THE PICTURE: In some cases, in particular in close proximity to the foundation, the french drainage under the lawn is possible. This drainage can be easily made independently, especially if the plot is small.

Soil Processing, Grinding and Final Cleaning

On the plot of a small size, in the country or in the garden, treatment can be made using forks or shovels. Pumping depth - 20-25 cm. or less (with a thin layer of humus). At the same time, organic fertilizers and sand close in the soil, as they plant the lawn to the exhausted primer - an unpromising lesson.

If before planting the lawn in the country or in the garden, do not break off the earthen lumps, then a flat and smooth surface, as in the photo below, not to get, because the earth will fall unevenly.

  • From Komites, it is easy to get rid of your own hands, breaking them with heavy rakes or forks, along the course of this work out of the ground, stones, rhizoma of weeds, trash are cleaned.
  • Large plots are more convenient to process the motor-cultivator.
  • If spring sowing is planned, and the area is prepared from autumn, then the closes remaining on it can be left to the sowing period (for better drainage of the site) and to dissolve immediately before sowing the lawn grass in the spring.
  • Before the rambling (the next stage), pegs are driven around the perimeter of the site and stretch through them the rope. Turning from one corner of the plot to another, you need to pegs and tighten the rope before the formation of perfectly straight line, that is, 180 °. It is desirable to achieve this result have a construction level.

ON THE PICTURE: Motoroblock, forks, rakes and trolley for garbage collection (rhizomes, etc.) - a set of minimum for processing a site before landing the lawn.


  • The tilver of the soil pursues one important goal: it removes the emptiness of the soil of the soil so that he subsequently did not occur at the already grown lawn.
  • Tambruska produce legs and garden rink. Any heavy, rounded (but even even over the entire surface), for example, log with a radius of at least 20 cm, for example, a large metal or concrete pipe with the soil is covered in a dry day.
  • Footage of the shoes after the end of the work is spilling with robbles.
  • Periodically, from different angles, it is necessary to look at the level of driven wedges with a rope. If it seems that somewhere the angle distorted, the elevation or the opposite of the emptiness was formed, then it is better to go through this part with a rink, shine soil or remove unnecessary.

ON THE PICTURE: Guests from Central Asia are pointed together under the lawn on someone else's cottage. Note, do it right.

Parking site

This stage is often skipped, because It requires extra time and effort. Nevertheless, he has obvious advantages:

  • The meaning of the watering (exposure under the ferry) is to save a plot from the seeds of weeding herbs and the root of diper.
  • If the lawn is seen by seeds, this stage is better not to skip. If the turf (rolled lawn) is laid, then it is not necessary to withstand the land under the ferry.
  • Washer term - one year and a half. The method is to regularly remove germinating weeds and treatment with herbicides immediately before the final phase of preparation.

In recent years, instead of putting the site under the ferry, it is successfully seized with its sitting herbs: the donel, white mustard, vika and the like. They are seeded in 1.5 months before the creation of the lawn, and before laying the turf or planting lawn seeds, the green mass is smeared (pumps the ground directly with plants). This improves the structure of the soil and enriches it with nitrogen and other substances in a more convenient for assimilation.

Prepaiming training

  • 7-10 days before the sowing of the lawn on the surface of the site it is necessary scatter mineral feeding: for 40-60 g. per square meter.
  • These fertilizers are closed in ground robble in depth up to 5 cm.
  • The final loosurement is performed, after which komki should not exceed the size of wheat grain.

The Council for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to plant lawn grass with their own hands: before planting the lawn on the site, it is better to withstand the prepared soil for a three-month period for its shrinkage. This is a classic method of work that are used by professionals from the world around the world. Of course, due to the short growing season in our country, this method is relevant only for the southern regions.

Immediately before sowing lawn grass, pick up the most suitable day. Choose a dry, clear day when the upper layer of the soil is already missing, and the lower remains wet. It is also necessary to pay attention to features of sowing in autumn, spring and summer:

  • When and how to sow lawn grass in autumn? The prepared seed seeds are sized in time from mid-August to mid-September. This period is favorable in the middle lane of Russia, in other regions it is somewhat shifted.
  • Spring sowing can be produced at the end of April - early June.
  • The lawn sown in the summer months requires irrigation, which is not so easy to implement: the young grass is susceptible to dry and blur. Surrounding the largest area is not recommended due to the complexity of care activities.

Many cannot decide when it is best to sow lawn grass so that the extended works do not disappear. In principle, it is possible to do this from early spring to late autumn. The main thing is that the grass can germinate to the arrival of frosts.

How to sow lawn?

Now directly about , how to sow lawn grass with your own hands. Imagine that you already have a package with a suitable software. Establish:

  • the surface of the Earth is shry by fan robbles so that small grooves remain on it. Seeds in the package thoroughly mix - if the packaging is large, then drink the sleeve and hand from the bottom of the bag to the surface move the seeds several times. When crops, consider that on each side, the edge of the lawn should go about 8 cm. That is, seeds will need a little more than planned to the site itself;
  • if there is no instruction on the package, calculate that for a square meter of soil, it is necessary to sow 30-60 g. Seeds. If we sow less frequently, weeds are trying through the lawn herbs and ugly oscillations will be visible;
  • all the prepared volume of seeds will divide into 4 parts and find each of them the fourth part of the area. If there is a seeder, half of the seed seit along the grooves, half - across. On top of the landing material, we make fan robbles, not advancing sowing.

ON THE PICTURE: Fan rake is one of the required tools for the preparation of the lawn to the crop.

First watering lawn grass

The appearance of shoots is observed on average after 7-21 days. Water in this period of lawn every few days, subject to the absence of rains. It is necessary to produce watering carefully - watering can be suitable with a small sprayer or a spraying installation, spraying thin jets of water. When a young grass reaches a height of 8-10 cm. It is time for the first haircut.

Attention: Avoid a strong water pressure during watering - strong jets can wash the seeds to the surface.

Knowing how to sow lawn grass (video with the main stages of the process, see below), you can create an impeccable lawn on a plot that will delight the whole season without requiring special care.

To turn your site into a neat green cleaner, you need to spend quite a lot of time and effort. In addition, you need to know exactly when to sow lawn grass (autumn or spring), as you need to care for it and how many times you should pay attention to.

Lawn Grass: Features

Selection of plants that can be used as lawn grass has been carried out over several generations. Preference was given to cultures with the following characteristics:

Especially important is the last quality, since in the absence of it is impossible to create a full-fledged lawn. To the height of plants, Florists are not so picky, but the low-speed lawn grass requires much smaller care (it does not need to cut and align it weekly). Also more far from the perennial culture will be chosen: they are not required every year to plant anew, and the activity of growth in such varieties is noticeably lower.

Interesting! There are lawn herbs that help get rid of weeds. They are a mixture of plants, which necessarily includes a wilderness to the elevation. True, this culture requires a lot of moisture for normal growth and development.

Thanks to good watering and feeding, you can get uniform green shoots after 1.5-2 weeks after landing. In the future, they can be admired during each spring-summer period for several years. However, in order to avoid the development of diseases capable of destroying most of the plants on the site, experienced gardeners every 2-3 years get rid of the former lawn grass and grown on the chosen territory of the culture of other varieties.

When it is better to plant lawn grass - in spring or autumn

From the point of view of many languages, the arrangement of lawn can be carried out throughout the period of vegetation. However, each season has its advantages and disadvantages.

In autumn

Sowing lawn grass in autumn is most preferable for several reasons:

  • the lack of drying heat and sharp thermal oscillations within the day (such conditions favor seed germination);
  • the optimal, almost non-changing level of humidity and soil (the liquid necessary for growth is accumulated due to abundant dew and long rain);
  • the growth intensity of weed herbs is noticeably reduced.

This option has both negative sides. For example, night frosts can destroy what the climbed sowed. And the probability of this is relatively high.

Attention! The minimum temperature at which one can expect the appearance of friendly autumn shoots is + 6 ... + 8 ° C.

Timely preparation of a plot under the lawn begins in 4-6 weeks before the climbers will plant grass. First of all, the selected place will need to be cleaned:

  • garbage (for example, construction);
  • cobblestones;
  • branches;
  • stumpy;
  • unnecessary trees and shrubs;
  • weed herbs (if there are too many too, then it is possible for 3-4 weeks before sowing to process the soil with herbicides).

If the soil is clay, heavy, then it will need to break and mix with sand or fine-cell (0-4 mm) gravel. This will improve aeration. The sandy soil is recommended to enrich the nutrients by adding humus or compost to it.

The optimal level of acidity for the lawn is 5.5-7 pp. If the soil is overestimated by the soil, then it can be adjusted by the limestone by dolomite flour.

Lawn grass

Plots with excessively wet soil necessarily drain. For this you need:

  1. Remove the fertile part of the soil.
  2. Pour pebbles, broken brick and stones with a layer of 15-20 cm.
  3. Raise the reached level for another 8-10 cm, pouring sand.
  4. Align the surface, rolling it with a thick log.
  5. Return the humus back.

After 10-15 days (after the sediment of the soil), the territory will need to be aligned, slugging the land into the pits and removes it from the bumps. After that, you can easily feather the soil with potash-phosphorus or special lawn compositions, distributing them with robbles.

The final barcode is the mumbling of the soil with a garden rink or a log. In order to additionally stabilize the soil, you can make a rich watering of the site.

Autumn sowing lawn can be:

  1. Moisten the soil in a couple of days before the alleged day of sowing.
  2. Mix sand seeds in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Equally scatter the resulting mixture on the site (first go along, after - across, crossing the ranks).
  4. Raise the surface of the earth by robbles, along the way, close the seeds at a depth of 1-2 cm.
  5. Turn the soil with a rink and pour a peat layer with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm.
  6. Carefully pour the land using a fine sprinkler.

In the fall of 1 square meter of the area, about 60-70 g of seed material is consumed.

Attention! In order not to damage the raw root system, in the first months after the appearance of germs, it should not be walking on the lawn.


Spring option is good because during this period, the germination of seeds is improving for natural reasons - the light day is lengthened, becomes warmer. It is better if the lawn is sown in April, because during this period moisture is still stored in the soil. Later - from the end of April to July, it is possible to sow lawn grass, only if they are guaranteed regular and quite abundant irrigation (from a small spray watering can).

The soil under the spring landing is prepared as well as the same time as under the autumn. The feeding and intense watering at the spring landing begins in March. This allows not only to make the soil as suitable for lawn, but also to germinate all the weed seeds since last year, and after timely remove unnecessary grass from the territory.

Note! During sowing on the site you should move on a wide skiing or boards. This will not allow not to leave extra tracks.

1 m² will take 30-50 g of seeds. It is also recommended to leave part of the seed material about the supply in case the need for additional subsidia. After the completion of the procedure, the Earth must be inspired by peat, humus and sand.

The first mowing is produced when the lawn grass reaches a height of 6-10 cm.

In summer

Landing lawn grass in July or early August is quite admissible. However, the consumption of seeds will be somewhat larger than in the spring, because some of the burns (accordingly, another part will have to leave properms for sowing, which may appear later). It will also require more intense watering, since in July - August soil dries especially quickly.

The rest of the summer landing leaves positive impressions:

  • with proper care, searches appear already a week later;
  • there is an opportunity to see the snow to see which places on the site remained empty and falling on them before the authentic period ends;
  • the lawn will be greasy most of the autumn (before the onset of frosts).

It is preferable to land a lawn at the end of summer, when the Earth is still a fundamental, and the humidity of the air and the soil is already beginning to gradually increase.

Lawn grass

Survey care

The main part of lawn care actions implies implementation:

  • glaze;
  • cleaning;
  • feeding;
  • trim.

All these procedures are easy to execute, but they must be repeated regularly, otherwise the appearance of the lawn will be spoiled noticeably.

  • walk on the lawn if the thickness of the snow cover is less than 20 cm;
  • arrange a rink on the lawn;
  • float the lawn with snow;

Spring is also required to perform the following actions:

  • purify the territory from garbage, stones and leaves;
  • to deduct the lawn by fan grabs;
  • aerate and fertilize the soil;
  • treat plants from fungal diseases by their spraying of fungicides;
  • we will specify those sites that remain bare;
  • cut the lawn.

In the summer, the list is reduced to irrigation (produced every two days), feeding fertilizers and haircuts. With the onset of autumn, it will be necessary to put the barbed sites, fertilize the soil and produce its aeration.

Rolled lawns

Tools required for landing and care

To prepare the soil, and after planting a lawn and caring for it, the following tools are required:

  • metal and wooden rake;
  • wooden rails 1 m in length (several pieces for leveling the territory);
  • mosquito net (used to protect seeds from exposure to sunlight);
  • fertilizer (special lawn or complex): 50 g per square meter;
  • like with small spraying;
  • libra.

Of course, it will take a high-quality seed material (it is desirable that it be vaccinated) or several rolled lawn strips.

Often, oats, rye and other cereals are used for sowing. The best grass for lawns in the south:

  • mattik meadow;
  • oatmeal meadow;
  • riped.

If desired, lawn cultures can be independently combined in suitable proportions, checking the desiccity of the selected combination on the plot next to the cottage.

Thus, there is no definition of lawn planning. Seed seeds can be sung at any time of the year, except for winter. When choosing a time to land, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each season of the year.

For those who wish to have a beautiful and well-groomed territory near the country house, the useful will be information on how to sow lawn grass with their own hands. A competently planted and beautiful lawn will be a great place to relax the whole family and an integral detail of the landscape.

Selection of seeds

How to grow a beautiful green lawn? First you need to choose a suitable sowing material. Manufacturers offer a wide range of ready-made compositions for sowing lawns. For example, it may be a lawn sports or for family holidays.

Deciding, how to plant a lawn with your own hands, it is important to pay attention to the composition of the lawn mixture. Seeds should be adapted for the local climate, otherwise you can expect an unpleasant surprise in the form of a pennate after winter. It is wiser to select frost-resistant graces of herbs, which differ not only in durability, but also the thickness of the cover. Such herbs include the hairdryer Red and Mattik meadow. The optimal version of the lawn mixture is an association in an equal proportion of 2 of these types of herbs.

An important criterion for getting a thick landing is an accurate measure of seeds to evry. After the choice is made, you should adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations on the consumption of material.

Another criterion is the choice of suitable time for landing. In any season, it is necessary to clearly comply with the recommendations on the number of seeds for planting lawn grass. If sowing is carried out in summer or in spring, it is worth adding half of the norm to the specified parameter. This is due to the fact that spring floods and autumn rains take part of seeds with water flow.

In the summer, for the landing, the grass also take a few more seeds than is indicated by the manufacturer. The hot sun is detrimental for young shoots, so it is desirable to increase the number of shoots so that some of them are guaranteed to grow further.

The most tight in the thickness of the lawn in the country will grow on a flat land. Lawnies that go under the slope or are irregularity, it is worth falling by seeds more tightly than the manufacturer requires.


After the landing time is defined, the perfect seed grade is selected, you can begin sowing lawn grass. Lawn planting technology is as follows:

  1. The removal of weeds on the household plot is carried out. Those who want to know how to plant lawn grass correctly, it should be remembered that the site should be thoroughly cleaned from weeds. To achieve the goal, you can use all known methods: cultivation, mulching, watering the stretch by herbicides, manual canopy. Most effective can be considered irrigated by herbicides. These solutions remove the smallest weeds of any kind. Two weeks after processing, there is a complete destruction of all weeds.
  2. It is necessary to damage the soil so that the lawn landing is more successful. Before falling down the lawn, the land must open, remove the stones and dried roots. Large earth kids should be broken by a shovel. Prepared soil should be homogeneous, sufficiently loose and saturated oxygen. At the same time, the land plot also align. The pits are plundered by the earth, and the soil is crushed from the bugs.
  3. Without fertilizers, a thick lawn will not grow. If the type of soil is alkaline, then it is fertile to peat, and if sour - lime. Before planting lawn grass on the plot, the soil must be fertilized by mineral or organic additives. The optimal option will be compost or biohumus. If the soil is very poor, it will help to improve its composition to replace the upper layer of soil. For this, the area where the landing of lawn grass is planned, is drunk, the top layer of the soil is removed with a depth of up to 40 cm. Exhausted ground is taken out, and fertile soil is laid in its place.
  4. Alignment and sealing plot is a responsible stage of work. Before sowing the lawn grass with your own hands, the soil must be aligned with robbles and compact. High-quality seal is carried out using a garden rink or a small barrel with water. The plot prepared for landing should be compacted to such an extent that the person passing on it is not drowning in the ground.
  5. How to sneeze the lawn grass on the plot? To begin with, you will have to make shallow grooves on the rammed surface of the earth. The depth of the seeding site should not exceed 1 cm, otherwise small seeds will not go. Lawn landing lines first make horizontally, and then the vertical site. It is necessary to remember the seed flow rate recommended by the manufacturer. After the seeds are planted, all the grooves must be carefully filled with the ground and roll with a roller or barrel.

Caring for lawn

It is not enough to know how to sing a lawn with your own hands, - you need to understand how to care for it after disembarking. For friendly shoots, it is important to organize the correct first watering. The optimal option is to use special sprayers with the function of small irrigation, then puddles will not be formed on the surface, and the seeds will not pop up. If the seeds are planted on rainy days, then the first watering can not be done.

How to care for sowing? If everyone is competent, then the first sprouts can be seen two weeks after disembarking. The grass rides and develops unevenly, so it is not necessary to panic, if at first the lawn looks somewhat bald. The real picture of the future lawn can be seen only four weeks after planting lawn grass.

In the hot season, the lawn should water every day.

Massacing the collapsing blades are necessary if their length reached 10 cm. Haircut is needed for aestheticism, and to stimulate the growth of new grass.

  1. The soil must have a prepared minimum of 10-14 days before the seeds fall into the ground. During this time, the soil can settle down.
  2. In the spring, the grass is boiled for 20 days, and in the summer this period is reduced to 7 days.
  3. To minimize the number of weeds that spare together with the grass, it is better to carry out the fall.
  4. Fertile land is not worth digging deep, so you can avoid excessive shrinkage of the site.
  5. In order for the site to be even uniform, it is distributed in advance to squares.
  6. The first 7 days after seva watered a lawn with watering can or autonomous spray. So you can save the access of the air to the eldest ends yet through the thickness of the earth.
  7. Purchase seed material with a reserve, because with a weak germination will have to fill empty places.
  8. If there is very hot weather on the street (over + 30 ° C), it is not recommended to fertilize, otherwise the root system will burn.

Only when complying with all the rules, it turns out to grow a beautiful lawn without weeds and properins.

Photo Gallery

Here you can see in the photo, how can you decorate the landscaped design of any site using the lawn.