Step-by-step installation of plastic windows in a wooden house. How to install plastic windows in a wooden house

Reading time ≈ 12 minutes

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is currently very popular - it is available, it is well holding heat and does not lose geometric parameters. Against the background of the rise in price of energy carriers, such materials almost panacea, so the installation of a plastic window in a wooden house is interested in many people. In the article, in addition to the installation instructions, you will find photos and video materials that will help to cope with the task.

Log house with attic in the process of glazing PVC windows

Selection of windows from metal

In order to choose a good plastic window that is suitable in your case, you will have to pay attention to several parameters. Do not neglect these indicators so that during operation you have no complaints on the manufacturer or even force majeure.

Features of glass packs

Single-chamber (left) and three-dimensional (right) double glazing

The production of glass packages implies not only different manufacturing technologies, but also a different glass - this directly affects their operational characteristics. Below you will see what they happen:

  1. The usual option with float glass. Such glass has high light transparency and devoid of any flaws.
  2. Multifunction glass windows. There is protection against ultraviolet radiation (exposure to sunlight), has a low thermal hydropropusca. These features directly affect the maintenance of the microclimate in the room - the cold is not allowed in winter, and in the summer heat.
  3. Self-cleaning design. Such double-glazed windows help to significantly save time on cleaning, as the windows do not have to wash the outside. The special composition covered with glass, when exposed to ultraviolet (sun rays) destroys the dirt that the first rain will wash. Pots and divorces do not remain.
  4. Options with noise insulation. In this case, use thickened windows and a scientific approach to the distance between them. Thanks to the high-quality profile, the seal and the stroke vibration, as such, is completely excluded. Such windows are not absorbed, and reflect the air noise from which the denselyened and industrial areas suffer, as well as houses located near the railway and airfields.
  5. Reflex glass windows. They are also called mirror, as they shine and have a reflective ability with a reflection coefficient of about 4%. Such options are ideal for hot climatic conditions - they do not miss heat, they themselves do not heat, but at the same time photons are missing (light).
  6. Colored double glazing. Such windows soften the bright light and are poorly missed heat, although transparency does not suffer from it. Properties (latency of light and heat) change together with shades.
  7. Toned double-glazed windows. They possess the same characteristics as color, but at the same time any painting pigments are not used. The shade changes due to the gluing of a special film.
  8. Energy saving options with K-glass. This is the usual float glass, which in the process of its manufacture (in the hot condition), the pyrolysis method is applied by K-coating (thin metal film). This significantly reduces thermal conductivity and increases mechanical strength (glass is set from the outside).
  9. Energy saving options with i-glass. It has a reduced thermal conductivity inherent in K-glass. But the I-coating is a thin layer of silver and glass can easily be deformed, so it is installed inside the double glass package.
  10. Designs from Smart Glass. It's like "live" windows that change their parameters (transparency and thermal conductivity) when they change from the outside. This category includes energy-saving and self-cleaning windows.
  11. Triplex glass. It is a multilayer sheet, where a transparent polymer is in the layer. This factor does not lower the translucency, but the fire resistance and mechanical strength increase (on thermal conductivity and noise insulation it does not affect). If such a glass is broken, it will not split into small fragments, but will be kept on the polymer.

Note. Also, double-glazed windows are distinguished by the number of cameras. For regions with a temperate climate, single and two-chamber packages are popular, in cold zones - three-chamber.

Video: Formula of the glass package determines the choice

Profile of metalplast

Pleight Metal Plant Profile

The functionality of the PVC profile for windows can be determined by six parameters, including:

  • Number of cameras. According to the structure of the structure, 3-, 4 and 5-tick-class PVC profiles are produced. In this case, the thickness of the first first variants is 60 mm, and the third is 70 mm.
  • The width of the outer wall can be three classes:
  1. A - 3 mm ± 0.2 mm;
  2. In - 2.7 mm ± 0.2 mm;
  3. C - 2.5 mm ± 0.2 mm.
  • Reinforcing or guide profile. It determines the rigidity of the frame and its operational resource. When installing a plastic window in a wooden house, pay attention to its cross section - this should be a galvanized square with a wall of at least 1.2 mm. Mr. perforated or black metal, especially, less thickness, indicates low quality.
  • Rubber seals. High-quality seals are made of rubber and have a guarantee from the manufacturer for at least 10 years. But if at least once a year inserts to lubricate with special silicone, then the service life will double.
  • High-quality PVC profile does not fade into the sun, does not yellow and does not make a smell, but it depends on its composition:
  1. TiO2 - Titanium dioxide. Effective white dye, which is practically absent in budget profiles.
  2. Mel - its permissible norm in cheap profiles is limited to 6%, but unscrupulous manufacturers exceed this parameter by 2-3 times. From this plastic burns out, yellowing, and there is no perfect smooth surface.
  • The manufacturer largely determines the quality. So, Chinese windows are much cheaper, but they will last long. In the countries of the European Union and in Russia introduced a law on laser marker labels, which are applied 30-50 cm from the end side. The manufacturer's date of manufacture is displayed there. If such a marking is present, then as PVC, reinforcement and seals, you can not doubt - they will correspond to GOST and SNiP.

PVC Mounting Process

Below you will find step-by-step instructions for installing metal-plastic windows in a wooden house. It is easy, but will require the presence of certain carpentry tools - I will not write them separately and you will learn about them during the reading process.

Dismantling of old windows

Dismantling of old windows

I offer a special instruction for dismantling old windows from the goat, so as not to damage those elements that will remain in operation. But this applies only to old houses, where there are already window loans with an opponent and they correspond to your requests - this item is irrelevant in a new building.

First of all, it should be removed all the glasses - for this, the stroke and all the carnations that have not come out when the elimination of this profile is eliminated. Sometimes the carnations are invisible, so to make sure of their availability or absence, spend on the site of the installation of the stroke with a knife or scolding, slightly resting in the glass. If the fastening material remains there, then the blade will definitely turn around him, and then already, as they say, the case of technology.

In some cases, to maximize the windows and get rid of drafts, the glass is glued to the frame with silicone or silicone sealant. In such situations, all attempts to pick up the glass with a knife to tear it off the frame, doomed to failure. Here, only one way out is to smash the glass, but it can burst and impass you. To avoid it, the glass is glued to the wet newspaper and break it - all the fragments fall near and do not scatter.

The frame holds on the nails, stretch which is also very difficult - the vertical frame profiles vertical frame profiles are much easier, as shown on the top photo. After that, pick up the nail part of the cut vertical and tear it off. Do the same operation from the opposite side, and then tear off the diameter with the nail. The opening is ready and you can insert a plastic window.

Owlock windows in a wooden house

So make grooves for spikes of the placade in the mortgage bar

First of all, it is necessary to cut windows and there are two options here. If plastic windows are ready, it will certainly be necessary to focus on their size, but it is rather an exception than the rule. Usually, first of all, window (door) are cuttings and only after that remove the size of the windows or invite a representative of the company where the windows will be made (this is a free service).

Planning in a mortgage bar (left) and a deck (right)

To begin with, let's understand the features of the installation (s). The placade into a deck unequivocally implies a spike cutting of the vertical of the outline, and in the box make the groove under this spike, as shown in the image above the right. But we will focus on the soup with the mortgage bar - it is more popular.

With the mortgage bar more options. The groove is cut into the opening of the bar (usually 50 × 50 mm) and drive the bar there, without nulling it, and at the top leave the distance 3 cm on the shrinkage at home. But sometimes they make the so-called spike monolith, it's when the spike is one integer with the vertical of the casing. In both cases, a bricting or a bar during shrinkage walls will simply slide over the spike, without deforming the window frame.

On two sides of the inserted bar, the stapler nourish the jute or felt ribbon - it is necessary for sealing and. Now you can fasten the draft box to the bar, which is most often collected from a pine board 50 × 100 mm. In this case, it is best to use a 75 mm long tape for a tree - they will not be guaranteed through the bar and will not get to the verge of the day. If this happens, a log or bar may hang on the screw, which will result in the formation of the slot between the logs.

Now insert the upper and lower crossbars, but if it is put at the bottom of it between the vertical boards, then the above is put on them. The left gap should be 3 cm, it means that the distance from the end of the vertical to the top of the carriage is 8 cm, that is, a jumper, having a 5-teanthimetimeter thickness, after installation will leave 3 cm of free space. Blackboard boards between themselves better fasten with metal corners. Now we are talking about the installation of a plastic window in a wooden house with your own hands, so below you can watch the video about how the opposite is done.

Important! The use of mounting foam in this case is unacceptable! Foam glues the box with the discovery, which will prevent the free slip in the bar on the bruk during the shrinkage.

Videos: Okosyachka or Plotock Plot - Protection from Building Shrinkage

Installation of PVC windowsill

Sills from PVC

After installing the draft frame (clusadium), you can start the mounting of the window sill - this first step to build the window within the passage. The fact is that the windowsill does not adjoin the transverse profile on the side, but the frame is put on top - there is a special deepening. But for strength on the sides of the box, you should make a clipping of 5-8 mm and insert the windowsill there - so it will hold much better. To align the horizontal level, plastic plates are used as supports (refer to them when ordering the window if you are inserting it yourself).

Self-tapping screw

The bottomroom element must be attached to the lower part of the window cap by self-draws, retreating from the edge of the plastic panel 20-25 mm, and later the head will block the frame profile. So that the head of the screw does not produce plastic, you need an option with a press washer without rubber pads, like on the top photo.

Installation of a plastic window in a wooden house

PVC frames are always sealed with a protective film, but using the installation technology it is removed only when the window is finally inserted - it protects plastic from scratches and pollution. In order for the sash to be opened (it interferes during installation) screw the window handles and put them in the "closed" position (vertically down).

On vertical and horizontal window profiles, the holes are drilled on the fiber setting line with a diameter of 1 mm larger than the diameter of the fastener self-press. Most often with a screw 5 mm, and the hole makes 6 mm. Hats must be recessed in plastic, so the 10-millimeter drill is made by a depth to metal products. On the sides you need three holes, and at the top and at the bottom two with an indent from an angle of 50-60 mm.

Below the frame is put directly on the windowsill, but at the top and on the sides there should be a gap of about 10 mm or a little less. Therefore, to fasten the frame exactly, use wooden gaskets (they are easy to do it). When all are screwed, check the level of the vertical and horizontal, as well as the function of opening-closing the sash so that there is no skew.

If the sash closes normally (there is no friction anywhere, and there is a dense adjoining), then close the window and insert the windows. A stroke to press his hands is unlikely to succeed, therefore, in order for this profile to take tightly into the landing groove, it is finished with a rubber hammer. Now it remains to blew the gap between the frame and the black box of the mounting foam, and it will be possible to open the sash the next day (precaution with the profile pumping). It remains to make slopes inside and outside, as well as install the platbands, but it is already after the final shrinkage of the house.


In fact, the installation of a plastic window in a wooden house, if not counting the devices and the installation of the placade is made in the same way as in a brick, block or monolithic building. But care is needed anyway, so try to remember all your actions and read the article again if necessary. You can also print the installation process on the printer and store in your pocket while working as needed.

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How to fix the window: Overview of fixing hardware and photo report on the installed

Hello. In this article, I will talk about how to mount plastic windows in a residential building with your own hands using an affordable tool. I hope that this topic will be interesting to you, as the mounting skills allow you to save money.

Despite the fact that many manufacturers have the price of windows, there is a lot of companies, there are many companies where the double-glazed glass will be cheaper than self-editing. Saving money is obvious!

Basic installation of windows

Installation of glazing in the opening differs depending on the type of profile used and depending on the type of walls. For example, mounting into a stone, concrete or brick wall is carried out directly without any structures compensating for the mechanical load on the window.

At the same time, the installation in a wooden house is performed with a mandatory casing device, which compensates for the load due to shrinkage processes.

Two basic requirements are presented to the installation of plastic glass windows:

  • Strength and reliability of installed glazing;
  • The correct location in terms of the vertical and horizontal plane;
  • Properly performed sealed gaps around the perimeter of the opening to ensure the optimal energy efficiency of glazing.

Fasteners for installing double-glazed windows in PVC profile

Universally used fasteners for plastic windows: a - frame dowel with a metal seal; B - frame dowel with a plastic seal; B is a plastic dubel universal; G - Screw (Selfness); d - anchor plate

Before moving to the installation description, I propose to find out what fasteners for PVC windows can be purchased in construction stores. Much fasteners and such a variety is not accidental, since each type is intended for a particular type of walls.

Window fasteners in accordance with the type of walls are divided into the following categories:

  • for concrete walls;
  • for mounting brick walls;
  • for mounting in a wall of aerated concrete;
  • for fastening to wood.

By the way, the protective grid can be installed using the fastener listed fastener.

Fasteners for installation in concrete pasumes

Plastic double-glazed windows in concrete openings are installed by anchors or as they are also called frame dowels.

For reliable fixation of a heavy window in a concrete opening, it is customary to use an anchor with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm and from 72 to 202 mm long. The length and diameter of hardware are selected taking into account the density of the wall - the porous concrete, the longer the thicker of the anchor.

Regardless of how long and thick anchor, the strength of the finished result will depend on how neatly the hole will be drilled. If the walls of the hole as a result of non-professional drilling are divided, even the most reliable fasteners of hardware will not provide the necessary installation strength.

Installation by anchors is performed in two ways:

  1. The hole in the profile is drilled and the anchor profile is included in the concrete;
  2. Anchor plate is attached to the profile and the window design to the impell is fixed through the plate.

The first way is relevant in the event that the technological gap between the profile and the gap is small. If the distance between the profile and the opening is greater than 1 cm, the anchor plate can be used, since the fasteners can be covered with the finishing finish if plastic slopes are used.

Anchor plates are metal strips of a simple or complex configuration. Simple plates are the usual stripes with perforation. Along with such devices, there are "crabs" - plates that are crashed into the profile at the expense of something simplifies the finish of the slopes.

Fastener for installation in brick walls

The fastening of plastic windows in a brick loop is approximately as well as in. But there is one problem: if for mounting into a concrete, the holes for the anchor in the profile can be chopped in advance, then in the case of brick walls, the holes are drilled at the place, as you need to get into the center of the brick, and not in the seam laying.

For mounting in the brick, the same frame dowel is used as for concrete walls, but with a length of at least 10 cm. The length of 10 cm is the minimum approach to the brick at which you can confident that the mount does not break and will not weaken when operation.

If you are sure that the brick is not hollow, and today this is used extremely rare, you can use a dowel 6-8 cm long.

Fasteners for installation in wooden openings

The optimal option for mounting windows in a wooden opening without a casing is a self-tapping screw in combination with anchor plates. This type of fastening is equally good for log, bars and frame buildings.

If a casing is installed in the opening, the installation can be screwed directly through the profile. To set the glazing into a wooden opening, I recommend using a self-tapping screw with a length of at least 10 cm with a diameter of 8 mm. Self-tapping screws in 30 cm increments.

Fixing for installation in the openings from aerated concrete

The fetal blocks are distinguished by low density, and therefore for the installation they choose special dowels and perform installation with a small step between screws.

Installation of glazing in aerated concrete walls requires detailed consideration, since an increasing number of houses are built using such blocks. That is why it is offering a small photo report on the installation work to familiarize yourself with the installation technology.

Installation of a plastic window into a wall of aerated concrete blocks

To perform mounting work, you will need:

  • Perforated anchor plates (160 × 40 mm and 2 mm thick);
  • Plastic dowels (50 × 10 mm) for fastening in aerated concrete;
  • Metallic universal screws (60 × 6 mm);
  • Electric drill and drills in accordance with the diameter of the dowel;
  • Screwdriver with a bit of bit;
  • Water level;
  • Roulette and pencil.

Instructions for fixing work: Next:

  • If the perforation in the anchor plates does not correspond to the diameter of the dowels, drill holes if the diameter initially corresponds, we skip this stage and go to the next one;

  • On the perimeter of the profile on the self-tapping screws, we screw the anchor plates with the calculation so that the holes replete under the dowel are located outside;

In order for the frame in the opening to be securely, the anchor plates mounted on 2 screws, which will exclude their turning. In addition, the installation step should not exceed 30-40 cm.

  • We set the frame in the opening on plastic liners and position in terms of the horizontal and vertical plane;

  • After the design is aligned in the opening, drill holes in aerated concrete blocks in accordance with the perforation in the anchor plates;

For drilling of aerated concrete blocks, it is not necessary to apply the car with a winwood surfacing. Since the aerated concrete is soft, it is quite possible to use the drill that was previously used for the resulting anchor plates. By the way, when drilling, we try not to pull the drill from the side to the side, as it is easier to break the hole in aerated concrete, and as a result of the dowel will not hold onto the wall.

  • In the drilled holes, screw the dowels;

  • In screwed dowels screw the screws;

At the end of the installation work, we do not remove inserts from under the windows, as they will provide additional stability of the design.

  • From the pulverizer, we abundantly moisturize the technological gap between the opening and the profile;
  • Fill out the technological gap throughout the perimeter of the mounting foam, with the calculation so that the exterior of the applied foam came out from the outside and the slot was completely filled;
  • After drying the foam, the excess is trimmed with a mounting knife on both sides of the profile.

By the way, how to attach a thermometer on the window and at the same time not to breathe a profile?

It turns out that there is nothing complicated, it is enough to buy a special thermometer with velcro on the glass. Thermometers with ears and mounting holes need to be attached not to plastic, but on wooden frames. But if there is a thermometer with screw holes in the premises, secure this device on a profile short self-drawing - there will be no harm to the profile.

In conclusion, I note that if you do not know how to fix the handle on the profile, you can also use small screws that will be held through PVC and will be held in a metal.


Now you know how to install the PVC window block in the opening of different walls. I hope that the proposed instructions were helpful to you. If questions remained, as usual, ask them in the comments text. Also, do not forget to watch the video in this article.

I am pleased to be useful to you, my friends!

After examining its windows in a wooden house, it came to the conclusion that it is time to replace them. With such a process, I have not come across such a process, so the lack of practical experience replenished with the help of other people's knowledge: "wearing a bunch of forums and sites, I found people who have already made such a job through friends. After the conclusions made a number of conclusions and determined the algorithm of its actions when reinstalling windows. Next, I will describe everything consistently.

First of all, the windows were measured and ordered new, informing the exact dimensions. So far, the order was performed, took up the dismantling of old frames, and then cleaning openings from the accumulated garbage. Upon receipt of windows, the windowsill mounted and prepared double-glazed windows to the installation. Put the designs for permanent places and secured. Of course, in fact, the process was not so measured and easy, but there is nothing wrong in it - I coped and you will succeed.

Plastic window mounting technology in the opening of a wooden house

When installing a plastic glass package in the house of the house from a tree without a level and a plumb can not do - if you want the window's sash to have a smooth move, did not open under our own weight or hone. Then never fix the window, without making sure it is not on the eye, but in terms of the level that it costs exactly.

In order for the work in the insertion of the window in the opening and the alignment, do not go to the step, the design is required to fix the mounting fasteners.

The most optimal option is 6 pieces per window. They can be ordered in the same place where we give an application for the manufacture of double-glazed windows.

Under these mounts on each side of the window there are technical salazzas, therefore, with the correct placement of the plates of difficulties will not be. Each plate contains holes for the self-tapping screw. Is it possible to do without plates? Yes, if you want to drill it when fixing the frame, it is the reason for the depressurization of cameras in the profile. Personally, I am against such barbarism - I need windows not only for beauty, but also for reliable protection from cold and moisture. And installers, if you don't put themselves, also tell me to install windows by the rules. Only in this case, waiting from plastic glass windows in a wooden house will be fully justified.

I am very advised to remove the window sash with a frame before it is installed in the opening. It will not take much time, but will save the lot of forces: without them it will become easier at times and send it to the right place will be easier.

Fiberglass installation algorithm in the opening of a wooden house:

  • inserting the design into the scene, under the bottom frame, to dry the chips with a thickness of centimeter in 2;
  • using a water level, determine the installation quality;
  • the desired indicator to seek the rest of the additional chips;
  • the same rods to equalize the frame on the vertical level;
  • having determined the most optimal position, consolidate the frame on the sample by self-drawing, introducing them into the holes on the mounting plates.

Screwing each self-tapping screw, do not fall into the crest of the log, in which the opposite is resting. To avoid breaking the self-pressing, screwed it slightly at an angle.

After fixing the frame, gate it along the contour only after hanging the sash - they will prevent its deflection under pressure of the frozen mounting foam. If the sash does not put before that, later there will be problems with the course of the vents even in the ideally installed frame.

At the end of the alignment of the frame horizontally and vertical, on each side of the whole design there should be a slot 2 cm thick - for foam foam. The height of the distance between the top panel of the souls and to the first log is at least 5 and no more than 15 cm - the gap will prevent the wood pressure on the window after shrinkage of the cut.

Before filling the foam, you need a control check for the installation of the entire design. Focus on the "behavior" of the open sash: it should not independently go further than they were opened, or try to return back, obeying their weight, not you.

Such a brief turned out to be a leacure on the installation of a plastic glass flooring in a wooden house. Hope my tips will help you in your noble and exciting business.

Independent installation

I wanted to put plastic windows in my country wooden house. All that will be described below is a verbal presentation of my experience in the independent installation of double-glazed windows in a bar.

Why did I decide to independently make windows installation?

There are several reasons:

  • the installation will have to lay out up to 50% of the amount of the value of the window itself (you can buy a third one on your own independently);
  • almost all firms that provide windows installation service in wooden houses do not give any guarantees for their work;
  • no need to pay for the service that any owner is able to have an hour for 2 hours.

In order for the result of the installation to please many years, you need to adhere to the above-step action algorithm recommended below.

Dismantling of old windows

No matter who will put new glass windows in a wooden building - you or invited workers - installation of new designs is permissible only on a rigid base. I was lucky: in our house the window boxes changed a couple of years ago, so the wood turned out to be flawless. That is, no wormochin, rot, cracks, baths and chips, I did not find it. Therefore, when ordering double-glazed windows, I indicated the size of new windows, taking into account the fact that the box will remain. If in your case the state of the frame will not be very, but the economic activity will not allow them to throw them, then the dismantled can be used as a basis in a mini-greenhouse.

Do not know how good and bad boxes are under your windows? All the same do not let yourself nor the employees, to break them out "with meat". You always have time for firewood. Also applies to the windows: there is no certainty that it is not cracked when dismantling, it means that you first remove - they also have the use. I was again lucky: the frames were still durable, so the designs were reversed, without removing the glass.

How to prepare a place

Go through the entire perimeter of the frame with a dry brush or pure rag, to keep everything that remains after dismantling.

Installation of the window sill

The first permanent place is determined by plastic windowsillwhich "impresses" to serve as the basis of the rest of the design. From here and "the legs grow" the requirements to install it perfectly and horizontally. Determine how correctly it is installed in a vertical and horizontal position will help the usual building level. To adjust its location, taking into account the level readings, use the chopped plastic strips or pinch (the latter only in case the antiseptic processing has been treated). For the stability of the window sill, do on the wrist on each side of the box, delving into the wood of millimeters by 8.

Fix the window sill with self-drawing, screwing it to the bottom of the window box. The fasteners are put with a two-chamber indent from the outer end of the windowsill and with a mandatory substrate for each washer. She will not give up a selflessness to break through the cloth, if you move when tightening fasteners. Do not worry that the fasteners will spoil the overall impression - they will simply be seen.

How to prepare glass windows

I recommend to put the handle before the start of installation work. But the film can be removed and then it is so less chance to leave unauthorized stripes on the surface of plastic. You need to tear the adhesive strip only at the place of installation of the handle. Holding the lever on the sash, hold it with a long part parallel to the windowsill.

After mounting the window, this position of the handle will correspond to the opening mode of the entire sash. When the handle is turned down, the sash will be locked, up - from the frame panel is completely able to move away only the narrow top of the window.

Pluging the handle on the pair of bolts, you need to deploy it with the end down. On the side racks, perform marking under the mounting holes by which the window will be held within the frame boundaries.

Mounting window

The assembled design put in the opening, watching the intermediate distance from the frame to the sides of the glass unit to be the same (about a centimeter) from both vertical edges. At the same time, remember that the horizontal direction defines the windowsill previously fortified in the correct position. If the level is uncomfortable due to the availability of decor on the outside of the wall, then apply a plumb.

As long as the person helps you will hold the frame, you must embed between the box and the window frame along the spacer vehicle of centimeter width. Their presence is necessary for the stability of the fixed structure at the time of the connection with the glass unit with the frame. If you are lazy or forget about the bars, you can trigger the departure of the window to the side in the consolidation process. As a result, the sash will be difficult to open-close.

After inclining the bars and placement of the glass package strictly in level indicators, secure the inserted design in the box with screws, not forgetting them to screw them into each of the four sides.

With the introduction of self-pressing, it is necessary to ensure that its location takes place in the free space between the window and the box itself.

Then during the periods when the house "walks" under the influence of climatic influences and seasonal movements, the windows in it will not bother.

Installation of the window in a wooden house using self-seeping tape in video:

How to make in a wooden building installation of double-glazed windows?

First include the preservation of drain holes - install adjustment plates between them that will not be accumulated by condensate from the window. Then insert the glass in the opening of the box so that there is free space around the perimeter between the two structures. It is necessary to maintain the integrity of the glasses in the frame when the box will be in spring or winter following the house.

In case of tight fit of the glass package to the box (minimum gap from 5 mm), make claims to the manufacturer of the structure. The decent contractor in response must offer the appropriate version of the problem.

By inserting the glass in the box and aligning the first on four sides relative to the latter, secure its location by plastic staps with profile spikes. These "prickly" strips are very easy to install: it is enough to promote them with small tapping inside the openings. When the strap spins reach the grooves, you will hear a characteristic click.

Having achieved a fixed and proper placement of the glass package in the box, pour emptiness between these two construction foam designs, processing the gaps from the inner and the outside.

All the frozen surplus remove the cropping knife.

Making sure that the work was carried out correctly: the grooves are closed, the flaps are moving only under the pressure of your hands, you can start installing additional fittings, platbands and drainage.

Rules of reliable installation

All difficulties with the installation of windows in wooden houses have one root: the instability of wooden structures throughout the entire operational period. Not taking into account this factor in the process of installing plastic structures, at least windows, even doors, it is quite realistic to be in a situation where the new "carpentry" fails without working and the year.

What do wooden houses differ from others? Wood loses a lot of moisture for the first time after the construction of a church. Years, as some say, there is not enough for the final sink. In the best case, the walls of the house will take the final size for the sixth year after their construction. But in some regions, the process of "walking" of houses never ends.

On average, the height of the wall can decrease by 4-5 cm. And what will be with a glass package, which was installed in the box in such a way that there were only 2-2.5 cm between the parties to these structures? Does the owners of wooden houses need to forget about the dreams of plastic windows? Of course not. You just need to comply with a number of technical recommendations.

The first: do not neglect the casing. She is also called the sophisticated. Thanks to her, any windows receive independence from exposure, in the reasonable limits of the bearing walls of the building. Whether they will give a shrinkage or find some curvature, for the purposes and functionality of the window it will not affect.

General technical characteristics of the cluster:

  • protect logs from vertical leaving in the window opening area;
  • does not resist the vertical shrinkage of the wall;
  • all loads takes on themselves;
  • promotes the wall strength in the window opening area.

What is the placade? The most common option is to do it in the end logs of square vertical grooves with a side of 5 cm and the subsequent sealing by the bars of the same size. But such a treatment of walls around the opening is suitable only to prepare space for wooden windows. To prepare the opening under plastic double-glazed windows on the ends of the logs, you need to make a comb, and then install the window flaws with a groove on it. The presence of a crest and groove will provide a sliding log without harming the window frame.

What is window fafts? These are vertical bars with 15x10 cm parameters, with recesses at the edges. The depth of the propulsion 5x5 cm, they are made to insert the jumpers crowned at the ends in the ends of 15x5 cm.

The collected club is below the window opening for centimeters 7-8. Such a gap leaves due to a possible shrinkage of the wall. When the championship is collected in the opening, then it is closed with a roll packle, and the wafes are stuffed. After such a procedure, no screensing from shrinkage, nor drafts from under the windows are not scary.

Then you need to make the bottom jumper and also fill the booster on the comb with pacles. Top jumper Get on the hole from above, and then lower in the groove. Then strengthen the design by self-drawing tracking so that they do not hurt the comb - it is important for the conservation of the resulting relative freedom. Later all the discovered slots between the scene and the walls need to score pacles.

In such a design, metal-plastic glass windows can be inserted, without fearing that with the shrinkage of their houses, they are embarrassed. When installing, do not forget that about noise, heat, and vaporizolation too need to take care.

The gap between the log cabin and the male card must be scored with thin straps with wounded fibers of the packley.

When the house starts to give a tangible shrink, the planks will choose to replace new ones. To facilitate this process, I strongly recommend securing the upper platband only to the bulk. It will be needed - it will take it carefully, change the filling, secure in place.

When I led the seminars, I often came across a bewilderment about the need to understand the approval-tinker the technology of building wooden buildings. And what about this strange? Without this, the installer will not be able to put the window so that it serves without complaints. Without a cluster in other cases, it is not necessary.

If you hire you to install a plastic glass package in a wooden house, find out the presence of the cluster. If it is not, and instead of the stacks there will be a box of an old window, tell the owner that he has two ways. Either he agrees to modernize the window opening under a cluster and windows size, less than planned, or a person will receive windows in old frames without a cluster, but without your warranty for a qualitative result. Since even old wooden houses always "walk" and resist this, or rather consider this factor when installing windows you always need. And do not forget to indicate in the contract that you are removing all the responsibility for the further life of the windows.

We put plastic double-glazed windows in a private house

Remember: All wooden buildings give shrinkage. And this fact must always be taken into account when installing plastic glass windows in a log house.

The strongest shrinkage processes of wood go in the first two years after the end of the construction of a church. Each masonry meter is sneaking by 1.5 cm. And this is a very large value to ignore it when equipping a wooden house with plastic windows.

What makes a cock?

From how professionally a tap will be conducted, the durability of the plastic window and the level of comfort during use will be depeted. It provides the window safe position during the period when the house is once again slightly deformed due to oscillations under the influence of moisture drops or temperatures.

What is a cover? This is a box, shot down from thick boards. It is inserted into the window opening, secured according to a certain technology, but only then they are engaged in the installation of PVC glass. The box itself keeps inside the opening with the help of side grooves.

In the process, it is impossible to hope for the technical quality of mounting foam, other fasteners.

Between the design and the upper case of the window opening, it is necessary to leave the gap, the value of which should be greater than the estimated shrinkage of the wooden wall.

How can I make a championship:

  • the tab of wooden bars in specially made grooves (in the bars then screws will be screwed);
  • binding of spikes on the edges of the logs in the window opening and the formation of grooves in the side of the box (specialists call this reception "in a deck");
  • the spikes make in the sides of the design, the heads of the window opening ends are equipped with grooves.

Nuances of preparation open windows

Do not be afraid of the installation of plastic glass package in a wooden building. When complying with the correct algorithm, you can insert a modern window into the loghouse of any age.

First of all, determine the distance to the floor window. The most convenient option, if the windowsill will be slightly higher than the horizontal plane of your written table. If there is no nearby, you are guided by the distance in 80-90 cm.

The bottom, the upper border of the window opening, determine using a water level. The upper line should take 13 +1.5 cm above the upper boundary of the glass package, the sides difference should be 12-14 +1.5 cm. Pour a centimeter of the allowance for sealing crevices of construction foam.

Deciding with the size of the opening, make measurements for the future window. Observe the limit accuracy both when installing the cluster and when removing the parameters for the design of the glass itself. High-quality measurement is one of the most important nuances affecting the quality of all subsequent works on the decoration of the glass in the window opening.

After bringing the opening to the desired condition, take care of the hijacking of the ends of the logs going towards the window. A draft window is separated by jute from the sides and the bottom. Cook only from well-dried wood, dried on bars. Connections Perform self-tapping, and places of convergence cover the sealant on the joints. Clamps in the scene score packles.

On the placade and the sophisticated when installing PVC windows in a wooden house, see the video:

Nuances of Montaja

The finished metal-plastic design is placed after perfectly pulling out in the foreground or deepening into the wall. Fasten the main product with self-drawing, screwing them into specially harvested grooves.

In the usual wooden, but not from the bar, the house is permissible to install the metal-plastic window of any configuration, if you know how to make a shock, remove the measurements and select the appropriate accessories.

Selecting the tools and other material, do not take the screws longer than 12 cm. Such "stoke" will definitely go over the opponent and draw in the main building, which is unacceptable, taking into account the mobility of the wooden house.

For waterproofing of an external seam, an acrylic sealant can be used without additional components in the composition, a sealing tape, self-disstaining after placement in place, or a regular vapor-permeable. Such protection will extend the suitability of the mounting foam and will prevent the formation of drafts.

By the inner seam, a vapor barrier tape is placed by fixing it with a special glue. And then they carry out the processing of seam by mounting foam.

The window opening in a wooden house has always been one of the most complex construction nodes. With the appearance of PVC windows to problems caused by shrinkage processes, an extensive list of new restrictions and requirements associated with the universal design of metal-plastic profiles were added. In this connection, the installation of plastic windows in a wooden house should be made only after a thorough study of all the features of this technology.

Immediately emphasize that the principle of fastening PVC windows in principle differs from the methodology for the installation of classic wooden frames, therefore, even experienced masters who did not have practices in this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction work, it is desirable to explore the relevant documentation and technological advice from windows manufacturers.

You will find general information about the technology of installing plastic windows in our article, and today we will give step-by-step instructions for self-installation.

When preparing for self-installing plastic window, special attention should be paid to the preparation of instruments and materials. Given that in most cases the installation of windows in wooden houses is made in the exit mode (cottage, country house, etc.), the absence of one specific key or device can create considerable problems.

Consider the main groups of tools that are needed to correctly install the window design.


From a mechanical point of view, windows made of plastic have a not standard design, so the usual set of a home master will be clearly not enough.

Below is a list of mechanical tools required for efficient operation with PVC profile:

  • the hammer is iron and rubber (elastic combed applied to position the frame);
  • universal screwdriver;
  • set of hex keys;
  • handle for disassembling pins (with hex tip);
  • electric drill;
  • rolled along concrete and metal (diameters from 3 to 10 mm);
  • installation wedges and gaskets;
  • universal adjustment key;
  • measuring kit (roulette, square, construction level, plumb);
  • device for capturing double-glazed windows ("glass containers").

Please note that for cutting expansion profiles of ordinary hacksaws may not be enough, since some types of good products can be reinforced with metal. Cut this profile by a hand saw, of course, it is possible, but for each item will have to spend much more time.

Considering the above, the above list is not suitable to supplement the mechanized version of the saw (electrolovka or circular), as well as fixture devices (clamps).

Clampsin is desirable to take with wide capture, because they may need not only for fixing materials during cutting, but also to attach expansion profiles.


An integral part of the method of assembling metal-plastic windows is sealing using sealing tapes and polymerized substances.

When installing PVC profiles, you can use sprayers supplied with cylinders with mounting foam, but it is desirable to purchase a separate adaptation for professional work, which will significantly reduce the cost of consumables.

Separately, we emphasize that in addition to the installation of foam, silicone is often used when installing windows from polyvinyl chloride, to squeeze which of the tube without a special "gun" is extremely difficult.


Any polymeric sealant - and polyurethane foam is no exception - in the case of constant contact with the outer air and moisture, it is quite quickly destroyed. To slow down this process, the internal and outer surfaces of the installation gaps must be protected by waterproofing (installed on the inner surfaces, such protection is called "vaporizolation").

This can be done both with the help of specially tape and through the applying of special pastes (putty).

Depending on how the type of waterproofing is preferred, the basic list of tools must be added with scissors or a set of spatulas.

Preparation for installation

After the PVC window is bought and delivered, it is necessary to check the completeness and compliance of the real size of the parameters that were specified in the order.

Before starting a technical description of the works on self-installing windows, we list the main terms used to designate the elements of their design:

  • frame (power base window);
  • sash (moving part of the window);
  • double-glazed windows (1-2-3 chamber set of braids combined into a single block);
  • impost (internal partitions frame);
  • strapboard (snatching strips necessary for fixing double-glazed frames in frame or sash);
  • accessories (control and regulating window elements);
  • sun (decorative panel, closing cutler or inner plane of the cluster);
  • windowsill;
  • good (expanding profile used to adjust the geometric sizes of the window).


As practice shows, window handles and other auxiliary fittings are often lost during transportation.

If a mosquito net was present in the order - it is necessary to check the availability of fasteners for its installation.

In addition to completeness, the check of the window size and cliffs are inspected. The main verification criterion is simple - the installation gap should be no more than 2 cm (but not less than 5 mm!). It must be borne in mind that when the linear dimensions are compared with the above, the tolerances are multiplied by two. That is, if the internal width of the placade, for example, 200 cm, then the overall width of the frame should be no more than 200-2 * 2 \u003d 196 cm.

In cases where the window was bought with the calculation of the extension of good, measurements are made taking into account the mutual overlap of locks.

Next, it is necessary to pick up the fasteners brazen, the length of which should be such that with the complete screwing, they did not pierce the clution.

This requirement is relevant only for those cases when the installation of the window is performed with a profile drilling. However, it should be remembered that this method of installation is a spare and applies only in cases where the window is mounted in the opposite, consisting only from the mortgage bar.

The main way to fix PVC windows in the opening is the installation on the anchor plates, the purchase of which should also be included in the list of preparatory work.

Disassembly and preparation for installation

The next stage of preparation for installation is the disassembly of the factory supplied set. Despite the fact that the installation of the window can be made without dismantling the glass, we recommend using the option with a complete disassembly, since it is much easier to put and clarify the light frame than a massive and inconvenient to manipulation window block.

Below is a step-by-step instruction of the disassembly process and preparation:

  • remove the packaging and protective tape (from the inner surfaces of the tape can not be removed, but if you leave it from the outside, then after 1-2 months it will "prevent" to the frame);
  • extract double-glazed windows. To do this, it is necessary to extract from the strokes of the chap. Start from the bottom;
  • dismantle the frames, for which you will need to remove blocking pins (for this operation, a special key mentioned in the previous section) is designed;
  • remove the auxiliary accessories, otherwise, during the installation, it can be lost or damaged (plugs on drainage holes, covers on the loop, etc.).
  • if the window is installed in a reverse quarter - paste to the outer perimeter of the frame sealing psyl tape;
  • drill holes under bent or mount anchor plates (depending on the installation method).

Separately emphasize the following nuances:

  • when removing double-glazed windows, it should be noted the initial position of the left and right staps;
  • the lower edge of the glass packs must be installed on special gaskets - it is necessary to note their position;
  • capture glass panels is best done using a special device (it is also specified in the list of tools listed above);
  • handicapped with seized double-glazed windows should be extremely careful not to damage the edges (as well as avoid vertical storage).

Installation methods

There are two ways to install PVC windows with their own hands: with disassembling the window block and without that.

This difference is due to two factors: the window of fastening the window and the mass of the structure.

The first option is more versatile and allows the window mounting in any way.

The second method is used only in cases where the fixation of the window block in the opening is carried out using anchor plates. It is used for mounting deaf windows, or to massively install the window format in the T-shaped cluscle.

Obviously, the installation of the window without disassembly occurs an order of magnitude faster than with disassembly. However, in view of the fact that most of the metal-plastic window blocks assembled are considerable weight, only the first option is recommended for self-installation.

Installation of plastic windows

To correctly put the window itself, you should clearly understand the main rule of the installation operations of this type: the efficiency of the window depends not only on the quality of the glass unit, but also from the correct assembly of the entire design of the window block, which includes several auxiliary subsystems.

Under the "auxiliary subsystems" in this case are understood:

  • waterproofing;
  • additional seals;
  • sucks;
  • films;
  • platbands.

Special attention should be paid to the provision and protection of sealants. The figure of the right shows the basic placement scheme for the addition of additional seals.

Please note that the seal on the external perimeter of the window is installed only when mounting in a reverse quarter. If the window is mounted in a conventional T-shaped selection (which is the most common case), the role of such a sealer performs slopes.

Now consider step by step, how to install PVC windows in wooden houses.

Removing old windows

When disassembling windows in the houses from a bar and logs, special attention should be paid to the safety of the souls, as the manufacture of the new will cost NEW.

In cases where the previous installation was performed correctly, and the fastening of the frame was made using self-tapping screws, the dismantling sequence consists of all of the three operations: removal of fasteners, removal of the window block and sweeping the cluster from the remnants of the mounting foam.

Some problems may arise if the old window was britched by nails, for the extraction of which an additional tool is needed - nail-tooth.

It is important to take into account that, before putting a new window, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the casing. Namely: it is necessary to check the presence of cracks, chips, as well as the absence of signs of rotting or defeat by the wood. If any of the listed factors is detected, the opponent should be replaced with a new one.

It should be noted that about the replacement of the chains in the network you can find a lot of contradictory recommendations, among which there are those in which it is argued that when repairing old houses, the windows with a metal-plastic frame can be placed without sinks. We consider this approach incorrect, because even the old log house in seasonal moisture changes can create a displacement sufficient for jamming or even the destruction of the window.

Of all the types of wooden buildings, only in a frame house can not put a moving clutch, but even in this case, the installation of the window is made in the finished wooden frame.

Unlike stone houses, in wooden buildings, it is rarely a need for a "snap" repair space for installation, since the placade almost always provides a flat rectangular discount under fixing the new window.

The only exception may be the situation when it is necessary to insert a window, the dimensions of which are less than the previous one (the need for such a replacement often occurs when repairing the bath). In this case, the preparation of the internal loan is to build up the thickness of the plane plank.

Fitting frame

The most common mistake made when installing eurobas with their own hands is the wrong initial size.

Therefore, before starting to fix the window, you must make sure that it really corresponds to the installation work.

The frame fitting is performed simply - the supports of 1.5-2 cm with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. Rama is installed on them, after which the visual assessment of the rest of the gaps is performed.

If in any part of the window they exceed 2.5 cm - it is necessary to think about the correction of the geometric dimensions of the frame using a problem.

Separately, we note one nuance - if the size of the gap between the frame and the casing is greater than 2 cm, but less than the minimum thickness of the extender of the extender, then the temptation arises to blew its foam without any sizes correction. Many do it, after which they can not understand why from the expensive window from the polyvirihloride so blows the cold.

It is important to remember: the mounting foam is not a full heat insulator, and in no case cannot perform a replacement window of the window profile.

Installing the window frame

After the compliance of the size of the frame and the loop is established, you can start main operations.

We will list them in stages:

  1. Initial positioning. It is performed in the same way as the fitting: the frame is installed on the centerpiece pegs, after which it is necessary to achieve a uniform thickness of the installation gap throughout the perimeter of the frame.
  2. Alignment of spatial position. For positioning in the vertical plane it is better to use a plumb, in a horizontal - construction level. Working fixation is performed using side and upper trim.
  3. After the accuracy of the installation is confirmed, fix the vertical points first, and only after the additional check - the side. As mentioned above, long screws or anchor plates may be fasteners.
  4. Immediately after completion of the fasteners, we recommend installing the removal, since after assembling the window, access to the corresponding mounting positions will be difficult (the present point is especially relevant for windows located on the second floor).
  5. Installing windows in workplaces.
  6. Installing double-glazed windows. Please note that the glass panel cannot be installed directly on the plastic of the sash (special gaskets must be saved when dismantle).
  7. Fixation of glass strokes (in reverse sequence).
  8. We close the sash and check the positioning again.
  9. We perform installation of fittings.

Recall once again to what you need to pay special attention at the stage of installation of the frame:

  • the position of the transverse line of the window - for wooden houses, it should pass exactly in the center of the cut;
  • the length of the fasteners (if the cross-cutting method is used) should not exceed the total thickness of the frame and plaque boards;
  • to secure external "tails" of anchor plates, use fasteners, the length of which is less than the thickness of the casing boards.

Swimming window

The next step is to fill the installation gap by mounting foam. Despite the seeming simplicity, this stage has several technical features at once:

  1. Mounting foam during polymerization is expanding and the effort created at the same time can deform the metal-plastic profile. Therefore, the bunting should be performed only on a fully assembled and closed window.
  2. If it is intended to use a belt version of waterproofing, it is much more convenient to immediately bind the zazon zone from the outside of the frame.
  3. To simplify the installation of vaporizolation, we recommend cutting the tape and fix it on the window frame.

Joining is made from the inside, after which the seam is immediately stuck in the steam barrier tape installed in advance.

Possible problems with improper installation of windows

Avoiding long arguments on the topic "What better to put the windows to ensure that the savings were truly economical," we formulate a simple rule: anyone, even the most expensive window, will not provide declared characteristics if it is incorrectly established.

Therefore, in addition to the exact following the recommendations specified above, you must avoid the following errors:

  • incorrect location of the window thickness. Consequence of error - freezing and condensate. For classic houses made of wood, the windows are installed in the midline. In cases where the house is covered with brick or lined with thermal insulation, it is recommended to pay for specialists to calculate the position of the window;
  • lack of seasonal adjustment. Consequence of error - violation of air exchange standards. In those windows where it is possible, the adjustment is performed using the slots supplied to the desired position.

Plastic windows are used everywhere. They displacing wooden structures due to a number of advantages, the main of which are reliable thermal insulation and the lack of blowing by the wind. Installing the window in a wooden house has a feature that is that the structure is not tough. Therefore, it is made for it a special fastening of the frame that protects it from loads from the walls.

How to install a plastic window in a wooden house? To do this, it is necessary to remove the size of the opening, dismantle the old design, make and assemble a new box if the existing one is suitable. After that, insert new frames with double-glazed windows and a windowsill, and then set the slopes on the plastic windows.

Determination of the size of the opening

For measurements, platbands are first removed. Plastic frame must enter the opening inside the box. Between them, leaving a 2 cm gap over the entire perimeter so that in the future it could be filled with the mounting foam. In addition, from above above the box, you should leave the opening of 8 cm to the top log, which is necessary for shrinkage of the walls.

Tools and materials

Installation of slopes

When you install the plastic window yourself, there is nothing easier to separate the slopes of a wooden house. To do this, you can use the lining or block house, which are well suited to the rest of the room. They are nailed across the scene, and the corners are stuck in the corner. From the frame side, guides are installed for them. Window openings can be fermented with wooden panels that are glued to the mounting foam.

So that the foam does not pushed the slope, it is attached to the wall by mounting ribbon (painting scotch). After gluing the mount is removed, the protrusions are framed by the profile. Small mounting defects are eliminated using silicone sealant.


The outer tide from the fastener is installed with a slope to remove precipitation. Under it is made and the slopes are set. Length is selected with a reserve of 3 cm on each side. When installing the edge, bend up. It is advisable to make the sump from the bottom so that it does not rattle from the wind and rain. Under it can also be placed an elastic substrate.


By performing all the rules and tips on how to install a plastic window in a wooden house, you can create comfortable conditions in it for many years.

The heat-shield properties of the glass package are selected by the table of the coefficients of the resistance of heat transfer.

Before installing a plastic window, it is necessary to ensure its independence from the displacement of the walls when they are drying. This applies the stack with the possibility of slipping on the logs.