Draft production of fire alarm work. Service of APS

· Checking equipment performance;

· Check and adjust system settings;

· Preventive cleaning of system units and nodes;

· Cleaning equipment from dust and dirt;

· Removing the current strength, voltage and resistance on the power blocks;

· Check and on the need to repair connectors and connections.

The results of the regulatory work are registered in the journal.

Before concluding a fire alarm service agreement, it is necessary to survey the object. This survey will determine the technical condition of the system. During the survey, all technical documentation is checked, operational documentation, compliance with the installation of fire alarm project and the requirements of regulatory documentation.

After the survey, the acts "Act of the primary survey of automatic installations of fire alarm and alerting system of people about fire and evacuation management" and "Act on the work performed on the primary survey of automatic installations of fire alarm and a warning system about fire and evacuation management" is drawn up. Also, if necessary, a "defective statement" is drawn up if the fire alarm system at the time of the start of service was in an inoperable condition.

Fire alarm maintenance work is carried out in a strictly agreed period and, according to the work schedule. All service work must strictly comply with regulatory documents.

The elimination of the effects of adverse climatic conditions, technological impact refers to non-planned maintenance.

In the process of verification, incorrectly working or completely failed device can be detected, with the help of which the fire personnel is notified, the management of fire systems is transmitted, indications of which way it is necessary to move for evacuation. In this case, urgent repairs are required.

In addition to checking and repairing, the obligations of the fire alarm service organization also includes the customer with information about the status of the system, on the possibilities of updating and improving the system that have emerged recently, recommendations for the proper operation of the system, as well as maintaining accounting log, Sowe.

When concluding a contract for servicing, the CTR and the Customer and the serving organization recommended:

Fill the passport of the fire automation installation passport,

Proceduce in 2 copies of the accounting magazine that and the PPR installations of the APS and SOUE,

Develop and coordinate the schedule of the PPR,

Fix the technical parameters of the operation of the fire automation installation.

Approximate example of accounting magazine CPA Installations of APS and SOUD:


Meeting maintenance and repair of fire alarm installations

Type of instalation ______________________________________________

Installation Mounting Date _____________________________________

Protectable Object ________________________________________


Type of maintenance, repair

Technical status of installation and its parts

Position, surname and signature conducted repair or maintenance

Signature of the responsible installation


The procedure for organizing and implementing the CPR on the facility

At the facility on which the fire alarm and alert is mounted, the following technical documentation should be:

State of casing seals, housing integrity and front panels of the receiving equipment;

The presence and integrity of parts, the correctness of their installation and the reliability of the attachment;

The presence of dust and foreign items on the equipment details;

The condition of the contact surfaces of the connectors, plugs, nests, the quality of the laces;

Checking the backlays, gaps, deflection, tensions, etc. of various elements;

When checking the electrical parameters of the hardware, you must measure:

values \u200b\u200bof supply voltages of receiving stations, hubs, rectifier blocks, detectors;

voltage and current values \u200b\u200bin signal lines;

electrical parameters of electrical circuits of receiving equipment and detectors at control points on passport data;

values \u200b\u200bof the insulation of power supply and installation circuits;

electrical strength of power and control circuits;

resistance values \u200b\u200bof radial lines.

3. When determining the performance of APS and SOUE should be checked:

The performance of the electrical circuit of the receiving stations and the consoles in the standby mode, imitation of signals "Damage", "Alarm" and "Fire". At the same time, in these modes a map of the distribution of potentials by main nodes and elements of the electrical circuit of the receiving equipment are drawn up.

Performance of each fire detector.

Correct operation of the remote alarm (at the block and the central control cabinets) in all modes of operation of LAS as well as during the transition from main power-backup and back.

The interaction elements enable warning systems and other fire-fighting systems with a fire alarm corresponding elements of the apparatus (in a case where the fire alarm system is a part thereof).

Working installation from the operator's workplace (duty).

When identifying a malfunction in the process of work on PP. 1-3 must be eliminated immediately. Troubleshooting is made by replacing and restoring individual component parts of the equipment (elements, nodes, blocks) without its complete disassembly, as well as performing adjustment.

These operations are carried out either on the test stand (test relays, separate boards, blocks, intermediate devices of certain types of detectors, and so on. D.) Or locally. In the latter case, the electrical chains of the verified hardware with other devices should be disassembled.

4. Repair of APS and Sowe

The repair and other components of the APS and Sowe, which have developed their resource, as well as those who have come to dissent. The need for repair is determined during the maintenance of APS and SOUE.

When repair, there is a challenged disassembly of the entire installation, replacing the exhaust elements, assembly and regulation.

5. Security measures

Specialists who have practical skills in the maintenance and repair of equipment, who know the current safety regulations in the operation of electrical installations and qualify for installation, repair and maintenance of fire automation systems, are allowed to work on maintenance and repair.

Conducting maintenance work APS and SOUE should be made by a brigade consisting of at least two people.

Repair of devices and nodes should be made when the power supply is turned off.

Maintenance work should be performed only by a good tool. Workplaces should be well lit.

The equipment and devices of the APS and SOUE should be included in the network with a voltage corresponding to its passport data.

Approximate Regulations

Maintenance of automatic fire alarm installations and fire alert systems

List of works

Who is implementing

1. Visual inspection of the installation and its component parts (receiving stations, hubs, intermediate devices, detectors, signal lines, etc.) for mechanical damage, corrosion, dirt; fastening strengths, etc.


Operating organization

2. Monitoring the operating position of switches and switches, serviceability of light indication, presence of seals on receiving devices


Operating organization

3. Control of the main and backup power sources and checking automatic power supply from the worker to the backup


Operating organization

4. Checking the performance of components of the installation of receiving stations, remote controls, detectors, measuring signal lines parameters, etc.)


Serving organization

5. Check the electrical parameters of the equipment


Serving organization

6. Installation Performance Check


Serving organization

7. Metrological test of kip


Serving organization

8. Measurement of ground resistance


Serving organization

9. Measurement of electrical circuit insulation resistance

Once every three years

Serving organization

Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation and Management Tools

(Ministry of Enborbor)

Departmental construction norms

Development of projects
On the installation of automatic fire extinguishing installations
And installations of the security, fire and security and fire alarm

VNC 25-09.66-85

Made by the All-Union Industrial Association "SoyuzpenStomatika"

Instead of the Navy 58-77

These Rules are developed in addition to CH 47-74 and establish requirements for the composition, content, procedure for the development and approval of work projects (PPR) on the installation of automatic fire extinguishing installations (AUP) and installations of security, fire and fire and security alarms (OS, PS , OPS), performed by the organizations of VPO "SoyuzpenAtsTomatika".

PPR developed to determine the most effective methods of installation work to ensure the safety and high productivity that can help reduce their cost and labor, shorten the installation and improvement of their quality. Mounting work is not allowed without work projects.


1.1. When developing the PPR, the requirements should be performed:

a) state and sectoral standards;

b) heads of construction standards and rules and other regulatory documents for the production and acceptance, as well as the economy of construction and installation work approved by the USSR State Building;

c) departmental regulatory documents on the installation of work approved by the Ministry of Enclosure, the SoyuzSpenStomatoms VPO and these Rules;

d) orders and orders of the Ministry of Investigation, VPO "SoyuzpenAtsTomatika".

1.2. The PPR should be developed taking into account:

a) the characteristic features of a particular object and local installation conditions;

b) applying the most progressive forms of planning, organization and management of installation work;

c) the use of technological processes that ensure the required level of quality of work;

d) raising the level of industrialization of installation work;

e) reduction in labor intensity and reduced labor costs due to the transfer of a significant part of the volume from the mounting site to the installation and preparatory sections (MMU);

e) the wide use of unified and typed mounting assemblies, structures and products;

g) Complete supplies of technical means of the AUP, OS, PS, OPS and the container method of supply of products and materials.

1.3. To develop the PPR, it is necessary to proceed with:

a) approved design and estimate documentation or an act of examination;

b) contract for the production of installation work.

1.4. When developing the PPR on the installation of the AUP, OS, PS, the OPS must be guided by:

(a) Typical operating PPRs (if available in the assembly organization);

b) technological documentation for the production of installation work.

1.5. PPR on the installation of the AUP and installations of the OS, PS, OPS, as a rule, should be developed by the assembly organization. Allowed to develop BPD in the installation of APM and OS installations, PS, OPS large and unique objects of the project organization on condition that the customer limit for design and survey work, in this case, the installer must pass a developer PPR necessary input data (in accordance with these rules) and to provide Coordination and approval of the PPR.

1.6. Supervision of the implementation of technically complex installation works, in cases provided for by the technical task on the development of the PPR, should be carried out by the Organization that has developed the PPR.

1.7. The text part of the PPR should be performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.105-79, and the graphic part - in accordance with the requirement of GOST 2.104-68, the sheet format must comply with the requirements of GOST 2.301-68.

1.8. In the case of the development of BPD with the use of computers, should be guided by the technical documentation of the automated control system installation and commissioning of production (ACS BNP) and these rules.

The type and completeness of technical documentation ACS MPC must comply with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80.

2. Source data for the development of PPR

4.2. General information on the object should be issued in the form according to the mandatory installation of the installations of the OS, PS, OPS and in the form - Installations of the AUP.

4.3. The explanatory note to the PPR, as a rule, includes the following information:

a) brief description of the object (floors, type of structure, room height, type of heating, supply of electricity, the presence of a basement);

b) a description of the technology of production of individual types of work;

c) technological route card of rigging work, developed taking into account the requirements of the "rules of the device and the safe operation of load-lifting cranes", as well as information letters of the Gosgortkhnadzor of the USSR;

d) instructions on the organization of warehouse and instrumental economy (the order of providing the warehouse and special conditions for storing guns and equipment);

e) guidelines for testing and putting into operation of the facility (according to the "Rules of production and acceptance of the automatic fire extinguishing." and "Rules of production and acceptance of work settings security, fire and fire alarm systems.");

e) guidelines for monitoring and assess the quality of installation work;

g) the calculation of the coefficient of industrialization, determined in accordance with the "Guidelines for calculation of technical and economic parameters of mechanization installation work", approved by the VPO "Soyuzspetsavtomatika" of 17.11.1977

4.4. It is allowed not to give the information of the documents of the explanatory note, the work on which is not provided for by the project or act of the examination.

4.5. Statement of physical volume of work and effort according to the recommended dosage on the basis of design and estimate documentation, price lists, common norms and prices, departmental rules and prices and local regulations.

4.6. The components on the instruments and equipment of the supply of the general contractor (customer) should be drawn up in the form according to the mandatory.

4.7. Picking List for assembly materials should be drawn up in the form according to mandatory and supply of materials by the customer or general contractor in line with the respective organizations.

4.8. The components of the assembly products supplied by the "Wholespenatives" plants should be drawn up in the form according to the recommended.

4.9. The components of the product, enlarged nodes and blocks collected on MMU, according to the recommended, drawings and sketches are attached.

4.10. List of building structures for the installation of devices and equipment must be drawn up in the form according to the recommended time frames for which construction organizations must take these structures for mounting. The list must be agreed with the customer and the general contractor.

4.11. Technology Roadmap rigging is a diagram of major travel route nodes, units and other equipment weighing more than 60 kg of MOH or warehouse to the installation site, wherein at the premises route should be applied to the copy of the general layout where there should be mentioned:

a) the installation sites of autocrants or other lifting mechanisms;

b) the minimum allowable distances from the extreme overall points of mobile lifting mechanisms to buildings and structures, as well as stored materials, structures, etc.;

c) distances from the lifting mechanism to power lines, transport locations, pedestrians;

d) vehicles for cargo storage;

e) the fence of hazardous zones;

e) methods of lines of individual most complex nodes subject to lifting or displacement, etc.

If necessary, it is allowed to apply other data required to perform rigging work.

The map must contain mechanisms and devices necessary to perform rigging and transport works, as well as the sequence of transportation and movement of goods.

4.12. The list of necessary tools, devices and mechanisms (unaccounted in the approved set on the brigade) should be drawn up in the form according to the recommended.

4.13. The statement of the breakdown of an object on the mounting zones and the need for materials and equipment by zones should be drawn up in the form according to the recommended.

4.14. The special safety requirements, designed according to the form mandatory, should reflect the specific safety measures for installation work at the facility (working at heights, with electric tools, gas welding, in electrical installations, for moving the mounting elements in the mounting area, handling and etc.).

4.15. The calendar schedule for the production of installation work according to the mandatory must be drawn up in accordance with the stages of work, with a breakdown of certain types of work or technological operations. The volume of work is taken from the estimate to the project. The composition of the link, the labor intensity per unit of work is taken taking into account the achieved generation.

4.16. Map of operational control of the quality of installation work should be compiled according to the recommended.

5. Coordination and approval of the PPR

5.1 erector together with the developer agrees with the SPR contractor (customer) in the form of letters (protocol) or the signatures on the cover sheet, on tracing paper or copies of the relevant documents.

5.2. Coordination with the general contractor (customer) are subject to the following documents:

a) a calendar schedule for the production of installation works;

b) components for instruments, equipment, materials;

c) a list of building structures;

d) the statement of breaking the object on the mounting zones and the need for equipment and materials on zones.

5.3. The compiled PPR is approved by the chief engineer of the installation management (if necessary, it is previously considered at the Technical Council of Management) and the project is set to the production stamp.

5.4. Binding typical PPR and PPR reuse to specific conditions should be coordinated and approved in the same manner as the newly developed PPR.

5.5. The deadlines for the development and transmission of the PPR are established in the technical specifications for its development.

Attachment 1






(name of company






Chief Engineer



(Installation name



(signature, surname, initials)



(the form)

on the development of PPR on installation _______________________

(Name of AUP

or installing OS, PS, OPS)

1. __

(Object name)

2. Customer PPR _____________________________________________________________

(name I.


address organization)

3. Developer of the PPR ____________________________________________________________________________________

(name I.


address organization)

4. Work of work:

Start ____________________ 19 _____

Ending ____________________ 19 _____

5. Object Customer ___________________________________________________________

(name I.


address organization)

6. General Contractor ________________________________________________________

(name I.


address organization)

7. Data on the breakdown of an object to the installation steps in accordance with the Treaty




8. Data on assembly tools, mechanisms, lifting equipment and transport available at the assembly organization

Name (brand) of instrument, mechanism, equipment, transport

Execution, modification, characteristics

Number, pcs.



9. Other requirements, including special installation conditions, the need for author's supervision ____________________________________________________________________________



10. List of source technical documentation attached to the technical assignment

Title of the document

Document designation

Developer of document


Appendix 2.


Ministry of Instrument Making, Automation and Management Tools

VPO "SoyuzpenAtsTomatika"

Production Association ____________________________________________________

See _____________________________________________________________________


Chief Engineer




(Signature, I.O. Surname)

«____" ____________ 19 ___






(Object name)

Appendix 3.





(Organization name - developer of the PPR)


Chief Engineer



BY __________________


________ (I.O. Surname)


"____" _________ 19 ___ g.


on the installation of systems ____________________________________________________________





(Object name)





(name of company -

general Contractor (Customer)

_____________ (I.O.Familia)


"_____" _____________ 19 ___.




(name of company -

developer of PPR)

_______________ (I.O.Familia)


"____" _____________ 19 ___ g.

Labor protection engineer

_______________ (I.O. Surname)


"_____" ______________ 19 ____ g.

Appendix 4.


General Object (the form)

1. Name of the object, code __________________________________________________

2. Project organization: _________________________________________________________

3. Customer: _________________________________________________________________

4. General contractor: _________________________________________________________________

5. Contract No. ___________ from "_____" _____________ 19 ____

6. General estimated cost ____________________________ руб.

7. Cost of installation work __________________________ rubles.

8. The cost of commissioning work _________________________ rub.

9. The deadline for entering the object _____________________________________________________________

10. Duration of the work of work ___________________________________________

11. laboriousness of installation work ______________________ people / hour.

12. The complexity of the setup works ______________________ people / hour.

13. Middle Development _________________________________ rub.

14. The number of workers in the specialties:

a) ____________________________ people. d) _____________________________

b) ____________________________ people. e) _____________________________

c) ____________________________ people. e) _____________________________

Appendix 5.


General Object (the form)

1. Name of the object, code _______________________________________________

2. Project organization __________________________________________________

3. Customer ____________________________ R / account No. ______________________________

4. General contractor _______________________ Р / count № ______________________________

5. Treaty No. _________________ From "_____" ________________ 19 ___

6. Total estimated cost ______________________________ rubles.

7. Cost of installation work ____________________________ rub.

Including the cost:

a) technological part _________________________________ rub.

b) electrical part ___________________________________ rub.

8. The cost of commissioning ____________________________ rub.

9. Protected area __________________________________ m 2

10. Number of sections ___________________________________

11. The deadline for entering the object ________________________________________________________

12. Duration of work performance _________________________________________

13. laboriousness of installation work ________________________ people / hour.

including labor intensity:

a) technological part _________________________________ people / hour.

b) electrical part ___________________________________ people / hour.

14. The complexity of the commissioning work ________________________ people / hour.

15. Middle Development ____________________________________ руб.

16. Number of workers in the specialties:

a) ____________________ people. d) ____________________ people.

b) ____________________ people. e) ____________________ people.

c) ____________________ people. e) ____________________ people.

17. Data and timing of construction and technological readiness of the object for the production of works (according to the acts of inspection readiness of the object №№ ___________ from "______" __________________________________________):

a) the readiness of the premises to be fire protection _______________________

b) availability of premises for pumping ___________________________________________

c) the presence of plumbing inputs ____________________________________________

d) the presence of an introductory workshop, warehouse ________________________________________

e) availability of household and utility rooms _______________________________________

e) security materials and equipment ____________________________________

g) availability of power supply ______________________________________________

h) availability of mortgage parts ____________________________________________________

18. Decisions on the transfer of the start of installation work and the input period according to the act No. _______

from "_____" _____________ 19 _____ g.

(In cases of violation of the terms of construction readiness and its configuration with equipment and materials)



Appendix 6.

physical volume of work and labor
(the form)

Name of works

units. change

Number of s

Per unit measure

For all work

by project

by PPR



time rate, people / hour.


string of installation work (rub.)

time rate, people / hour.

salary (rub.)

string of installation work (rub.)

time rate, people / hour.

salary (rub.)



Amounted to: __________________ _________________ _____________________


"_____" _______________19 _____

Appendix 7.


Packing statement

on the instruments and equipment of the general contractor (customer) (the form)


Type, Mark.

unit of measurement


Delivery time on the object



Appendix 8.


Packing statement

mounting materials (the form)


(name of company)

Name of materials (brand, size, GOST)

unit of measurement

Total amount



directly to the mounting area

in recycling (on MMU)


delivery time


delivery time


Appendix 9.

Packing statement
Mounting products supplied by WATERS SPECIETSATIATICS
(the form)

Name of mounting products

Number of normal or drawing

Marking products

unit of measurement


Delivery time on the object



Amounted to: ___________________________________



(signature) (surname, initials)

"_____" ______________ 19 _____

Appendix 10.

Packing statement
on products, enlarged nodes and blocks collected on MMU
(the form)

Node name or block

Number of normal or drawing


Sign No

Delivery time on the object



Amounted to: ________________________________________



(signature) (surname, initials)

"_____" _______________ 19 _____

Appendix 11.

Construction facilities
(the form)

Name of facilities

No. Working drawings

Duty of readiness



Appendix 12.

Required tools, fixtures and mechanisms

(the form)

Name of tools, fixtures and mechanisms

Type, Mark.

unit of measurement




Appendix 13.

Fragment of the object on the mounting zones
and the needs of equipment and materials on zones
(the form)

Name of mounting zone

Name of equipment and materials on the installation zones

Unit of measurement


Delivery time



Appendix 14.


Special security requirements

(the form)

Technological operation

Place of work with increased danger

Additional labor safety measures


Appendix 15.


Calendar schedule of installation work on the object

(the form)

Name of works

Scope of work

The composition of the link

Laboriousness, person / h.

Work time (in days from the date of start of work)

units. change




Appendix 16.

Quality Operational Map

(the form)

Basic processes and operations to be controlled

Control composition (what is verified)

Technical equipment for control (what is checked)

Type of control (mode and frequency)

Direct control (who controls)

Places of registration of control results (executive documentation)

Fire and alarm alarm, these are technically complex systems, the operational functioning of which can disrupt many extraneous factors. Starting from banal dust, which stuck inside the detectors, ending with an intentional damage of the property. The loss of the performance of individual elements significantly reduces the functionality of the entire system as a whole.

Maintenance of fire alarm provides the correct, smooth operation of all elements of the system, guarantees correct, timely triggering in the event of an emergency.

In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation "On Fire Safety" and to fulfill the requirements of regulatory documents, in particular RD-009-01-96 "Installation of fire automation. The rules of technical content ", the responsibility for the head of the object of protection, and in its absence - on the head of the organization.

Fire alarm systems can be divided into several categories:

  1. Immediately at the end of the installation, the company's specialists made by the installation should conduct training of personnel and persons responsible for fire safety in the enterprise. This will ensure the competent operation of the complex system and will prevent damage and failure of its elements due to negligence.
  2. Troubleshooting and conducting emergency, current and preventive repair can be carried out under the warranty service contract.
  3. The scheduled maintenance of the fire alarm is usually produced by the same organization that performed the installation work and commissioning of the system. For this, the company is a contract "On the maintenance of the fire alarm system".

The contract can be concluded only with the organization that has a license issued by the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the activities of this kind.

For public, commercial, medical, shopping and entertainment organizations, as well as for non-commercial premises, which have significant human trading, the conclusion of such a contract is obligatory, it controls the GPN (State Fire Supervision). The need to conclude an agreement and maintenance is enshrined by the legislative decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390 dated 25.04.2012 "On fire-fighting mode".

Mandatory documentation

At the object where the following documents are mounted:

  • Design and estimate documentation for the fire alarm system, which is installed on the facility;
  • Act of commissioning of equipment;
  • Act of acceptance of work performed;
  • Technical support for all installed equipment;
  • Statement of mounted devices;
  • With the dates of the last and charging;
  • Instructions for working with automation of detectors and controllers;
  • Maintenance schedule and planning and pre-repair (CPR);
  • Magazine with marks conducted by the PPR;
  • Schedule of personnel duty;
  • Personnel output magazine on duty;
  • Magazine for fault marks;
  • Job descriptions of workers and external employees;
  • Treaty with a licensed company for the implementation of the PPR.

The owner of the premises has the right to independently choose the time and periodicity of the inspection and then, it is advisable to listen to the opinion of specialists who take into account all the technical features and the state of the object.

List and frequency of maintenance work

The rules of work on that and the PPR are provided for by the regulatory documentation of the RD-009-01-96, the Model Regulation No. 3. Maintenance of automatic fire alarm is made according to the following list of works:

  1. These works are manufactured by the organization's responsible persons daily.
    • Inspection and verification of system elements: controller, detectors, firing and connection loops. Identification of traces of corrosion, leakage, dirt, external damage to the body and strength of fixing devices;
    • Checking the presence of a seal on the main control instrument. Checking the health of the light, sound indication. Check, are the mode switches and the machine switch in the operating position.
  2. Performed by the employee of the company weekly. All of the above works are manufactured by the representative of the company producing service monthly.
    • Monitoring the serviceability of the connection to the main power source (power grid), determination of the presence of a backup power (rechargeable battery). Test transition from the main source to the backup;
    • Checking the performance of all elements of the system: detectors, firing, main controller, device connection loops;
    • Overall verification of system performance, test activation;
    • Preventive work on replacing worn elements.
  3. Works are produced once a year
    • Full checking and diagnostics of the control and receiving device;
    • Measurement of grounding on each device separately and the entire network (on the plume) as a whole.
  4. Works are held every 3 years.
    • Check the integrity and resistance of the insulating material of all electrical chains of the organization.

After completing the full work cycle, the company's representative of the company is drawn up and the act of maintenance of fire alarm system is compiled.

Formation of the cost of CPR

The price of the service of fire safety systems and their components each company has the right to establish itself. However, there is a tariff mesh and a number of coefficients that change the total value most frequently used by various organizations.

The cost of maintenance depends on the total area of \u200b\u200ball rooms in which the fire alarm system is installed. The smaller the area, the greater the price for 1M 2. The resulting cost is multiplied by various coefficients:

  • Depending on the deadline for commissioning the equipment, the coefficient is:
    • Up to 5 years - 1.0;
    • From 5 to 10 years - 1.3;
    • More than 10 years - 1.5.
  • By type and complexity of the alert system:
    • Sound or light - 1.0;
    • – 1,2;
    • – 1,35;
    • Speech alert with address zonal division of loops - 1.5.

Payment for automatic extinguishing is made for each water rod and module of powder and gas directed fire extinguishing.

Many companies practiced the conclusion of an agreement on comprehensive service of fire-fighting systems in conjunction with the alarm systems, video surveillance and access control systems (SUCD). In this case, the cost of servicing is somewhat reduced by each of the listed systems.

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Automatic fire alarm system

Explanatory note, equipment specification and drawings

1. General part

1. General part

This project of the automatic fire alarm system is designed in accordance with the regulatory and regulatory and technical documents:

- GOST 27990-88 Fire, fire and fire alarm systems. General technical requirements;

- SNiP 11-01-95 instructions on the procedure for developing, coordination, approval and composition of project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures;

- Snip 2.01.02-85 fireproof norms;

- Snip 21-01-97 Fire safety of buildings and structures;

- SanPine 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 Sanitary rules and norms;

- RD 78.145-93 Systems and Complexes of the Security and Security and Fire Alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of work;

- RD 78.36.004-2005 Instructions on the technical supervision over the implementation of design and installation work on the equipment of objects by means of security alarm;

NPB 88-2001 Fire extinguishing and alarm installations. Standards and design rules;

- NPB 110-03 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing installations and automatic fire alarms;

- p 78.36.004-2002 List of technical means allowed for use in private security;

- Pue-98 rules of the device of electrical installations.

The working draft of the automatic fire alarm system is designed in accordance with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire-fighting and other rules operating in the Russian Federation and providing people to operate the integrated system safe for the life and health, subject to the activities provided for by working documents.

Fire safety declaration (fire declaration)

For the objects of protection operated on the day of entry into force of the Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", a fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is presented in the EMERCOM of Russia no later than May 01, 2010.

The fire declaration provides:

1) Fire Audit (Fire Risk Assessment) *;
* The declaration of fire safety (fire declaration) attached calculations on the evaluation of fire risk (conclusion of an expert organization);

2) an assessment of possible damage to the property of third parties from fire *;
* It is drawn up independently, based on its own assessment of possible damage to the property of third parties from the fire, or a copy of the insurance policy is attached.

3) The list of federal laws on technical regulations and regulatory documents on fire safety, the execution of which is ensured on the object of protection, indicating the list of executed requirements.

The calculation of fire risk is required for production facilities, as well as for objects on which the requirements for fire safety regulatory documents are not fully implemented.

In the case of an audit of fire safety, the state fire supervision authorities are removed from control (supervision) an object of protection for the entire time of concluding on an independent evaluation of fire risk (fire safety audit).

An assessment of the compliance of objects of protection of fire safety requirements of technical regulations, regulatory documents on fire safety or terms of contracts is carried out in forms: an independent risk assessment in the field of fire safety (fire audit); Fire safety declaration.

Evaluation of the fire risk (fire audit) is an integral part of the fire safety declaration or industrial safety declaration (at objects for which they should be developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

Form of fire safety declaration. The fire safety declaration (fire declaration) can be drawn up both in general the object of protection and on the individual buildings, structures, structures and premises, to which the fire safety requirements are installed.

The procedure for registering a fire safety declaration. The fire safety declaration (fire declaration) is developed and is represented by the owner of an object of protection or a person who owns them on the right of life inherited ownership, economic management, operational management or on other legal grounds (hereinafter - the Declarant). The fire safety declaration (fire declaration) on a projected defense object is drawn up by a developer or a person who prepares project documentation.

Fire alarm

Fire alarm system is used to determine the fire at the initial stage and the timely alerts of interested persons. The need to install such systems in many cases is due not only to the care of the owner of the object on its own safety and safety of property, but also by regulatory acts.

Fire alarm installations can be used to form a command impulse to launch automatic fire extinguishing installations, smoke and alerts for fire, integrate with access control systems for unlocking the doors of evacuation outlets during a fire, as well as technological, electrical and other equipment.

The need to install in buildings and fire alarm systems or fire extinguishing is determined by the following regulatory documents:

Fire safety standards (NPB) 110-03;

NPB 105-03 "Definition of categories of premises, buildings and external installations in the explosion and fire hazard";

Code of Fire Safety Rules SP 5.13130.2009 (for newly under construction and reconstructed objects).

As a result of our cooperation, you receive a document confirming the calculations of the category of your premises, with the accompanying MES license to implement this type of activity.

Select a fire alarm system

Categories of warehouse or industrial premises, buildings on fire (explosion and explosion) hazards are determined in accordance with the NPB 105-03 for the most unfavorable in relation to the explosion or fire of the period and depend on a number of factors and conditions.

In order to determine the category of fire danger of your object, it is enough to call us and briefly describe the production process or the composition of the materials stored in the warehouse. Based on this data, we will estimate the scope of work and determine their cost.

The main elements of the fire alarm:

Fire alarm sensors. This is the basis of the system - it is they who detect the fire and its hearth. The principle of operation of the fire alarm sensors is based on the detection of combustion products: certain gases, smoke, increasing temperature, etc.

Fire alarm control panel. Technical node collecting data from all system sensors. Here is the analysis of the obtained indicators and the launch of the corresponding automatic processes. This node also monitors the performance of fire alarm sensors and connections lines.

Fire alarm control panel. Automatic workplace equipped based on a computer that serves to display information on the computer monitor.

The autonomous power supply of the fire alarm system ensures the continuity of the fire alarm system in the absence of electricity on the network.

Automatic fire alarm

Automated fire alarms are a set of equipment that includes devices for detection and fire alerts. The type of alert system is determined by the "Code of Fire Safety Rules" and must comply with the NPB 104-03 for newly under construction and reconstructed objects.

Fire alarm can be combined with fire extinguishing systems, smoke damages, etc. The effectiveness of such systems is due to the fact that measures to eliminate the fire are made instantly. In most cases, they make it possible to cope with the fire before the relevant services come.

Fire alarm systems

By the method of determining the focus of ignition, the fire alarm system is divided into two main types:

Analog fire alarms. The fire location is determined by the loop number (wire) to which the sensor is connected. It is recommended for objects with small rooms, since several sensors can be connected to one loop, which makes it difficult to search for a focus in large rooms. Attractive with their cheap and simplicity in commissioning and operation.

Addressable fire alarms. Exactly fix the place of fire, each sensor has its own address. Recommended for large objects. Collecting information is carried out consistently from all the sensors located in the form of a star, the center of which is the fire alarm control panel.

Selecting a security alarm system

The type, as well as the fire alarm scheme for each specific object, is selected based on the conditions and requirements for organizing fire safety.

Our company performs design and installation of a fire alarm, taking into account the requirements for the design of your premises and the wishes of the customer. At the request of the customer, the work performed is coordinated in the Mrs..

Specialists of the company will hold the customer's training personnel for free to work with systems. Fire alarm installation work can be performed promptly, literally within a few days after your appeal.

Design of object complexes of security, fire and security and fire alarm

The composition of design and estimate documentation

Work on the installation of technical means of alarm system should be carried out according to the approved design and estimate documentation or an act of a survey in accordance with model project decisions, working documentation (project manufacturing, technical documentation of manufacturers, technological maps) and the rules of production and acceptance of works for systems and complexes Security, fire and alarm alarm.

At objects protected or subject to transferred units of private security, it is allowed to carry out installation work on survey acts, with the exception of new construction sites, objects under the supervision of state control bodies for the use of historical and cultural monuments, as well as objects having explosive zones. For these objects, design and estimate documentation is necessarily compiled.

On the development of design and estimate documentation for the equipment equipment, the Customer must comprise a technical task that is considered within no more than 10 days and is consistent with the security unit. Within the framework of technical supervision, the technical task may be subject to expertise in the security division.

The main policy makers, the requirements of which are subject to unconditional implementation in the production of electrical work, are the current rules of the device of electrical installations (PUE) and construction standards and rules (SNiP).

Protection and Materials Protection Suppliers represent the Customer's factory instructions with which electrical installation performers must be guided.

The design of OPS systems is carried out by project organizations on customer applications. Work can be carried out in one stage (development of a working project with a consolidated estimated cost calculation) or in two stages: first the development of a project with a consolidated estimated cost calculation, and then - working documentation with estimates. At the same time, survey acts are used by the Customer to prepare the technical task for the design of the fire alarm.

The working documentation includes: plan blocking objects; Functional signaling schemes; fundamental electrical circuits; Connection schemes and connecting external wiring; General types of power plants of the OPS; Connection tables and connecting electrical and pipe wiring in shields; General types of non-type drawings on the installation of instruments and means of alarm; Hardware Specification; specification of shields and remotes; The statement of nodes and structures, the statement of typical drawings; local estimate for the acquisition and installation of technical means of alarm; Explanatory note.

According to objects protected or subject to adherent, private security, design and estimate documentation should be agreed by the customer with private security, and reasonable deviations from design and estimate documentation - with the GPS bodies prior to the transfer of its installation organization. The term of consideration and coordination of documentation is 1 month. The coordination of design and estimate documentation is carried out by WSV and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republics as part of the Russian Federation in the Department of Internal Affairs of the regional, regional administrations. If these units delegate their powers to lower organizations, the coordination is carried out by the subordinate divisions. The term of the approval is 2 years.

The customer must coordinate design and estimate documentation with an installation and commissioning organization. The installation and commissioning organization considers design and estimate documentation and presents to the customer reasonable comments.

Design and estimate documentation is approved by the Customer. At the same time, it should have a stamp "allowed to produce" and the signature of the responsible representative of the customer, certified by the seal. Approved project documentation is transmitted in two copies of the installation and commissioning organization prior to the start of installation work. Estimated documentation is transmitted in one instance. Each copy of the working documentation should have marks about the adoption of work. If the Customer makes changes to the transmitted design and estimate documentation, it should be no later than 15 days before the work began to additionally convey the installation organization 2 copies of the changed documentation and the list of canceled drawings and documents. All costs and losses incurred by the assembly organization due to changes in the documentation should be reimbursed by the Customer.

If the need to retreat from the project documentation originated when installing the complex of the OPS, then coordination with the developer of project documentation is necessary.

Design and estimate documentation of the equipment of the security alarm system stops the action when the object's profile changes and is subject to relegation when changing the customer.

Retreats from project documentation or acts of examination in the process of installing technical alarms are not allowed without coordination with the customer, a project organization - a project developer, GPS and security departments.

If, according to the design and estimate documentation since the statement and after 2 years, installation work has not begun, it must be re-examined by the project organization -Rouvelopment of the project, agreed and approved in the prescribed manner.

2. List and characteristics of protected objects

The protection of the automatic fire alarm system is subject to all building rooms regardless of their functional purpose, with the exception of rooms associated with wet processes.

The walls of the building brick, plasterboard and glass partitions, reinforced concrete floors.

The height of the ceiling in rooms is not more than 3 meters.

The main view of the fire load in the protected areas is the insulation of electrical cables, non-aggravated materials in the combustable packaging, furniture.

3. Basic technical solutions adopted in the project

To build an automatic fire alarm system, a receiving-control security and fire (PPKOP) "Accord-512" is applied.

Information on the status of protected areas is derived to the control panel of the central.

The system includes:

- Central block (BC)

- Central control panel (PUC);

- two block expander of fire cable (BRP) on 8 loops (for connecting fire alarm loops);

PUC is installed in the placement of protection.

BC (N 1) is installed on the first floor in low-current riser.

Two BRPs (N 2, 3) are installed in low-current riser on the 3rd and 5th floors.

Installing an automatic fire alarm provides:

Testing the health of fire detectors in the loop;

The alarm is submitted when the fire detectors are triggered;

Disabling secrend \u200b\u200bventilation when the fire alarm is triggered;

Automatic switching on fire alert system Posonno;

Displays information and sound signal when the "Fire" signal, "short circuit" and "opening".
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