Promotional thematic platbands on the windows. Wooden platbands on windows - carved patterns for windows

Finishing windows by platbands is an ancient practice. Wood carving - at one time, was one of the most sought-after professions, and now passed into the category of applied art.

Our ancestors believed that unclean power could penetrate the house through window and doorways. Therefore, the platband served not only by a decorative element, but also a faucet, and each applied ornament and pattern on a carved platband carried a certain message. Moreover, each region had its own traditions.

Carved wooden platbands on windows with their own hands

The value of carved elements on platbands is interesting

  • Wings emphasize power.
  • Bird is an element connecting all times.
  • The sun personifies life and energy (as a rule, is located on Kokoshnik).
  • Snake symbolizes wisdom and fertility.
  • The cross demonstrates the desire of the hosts to harmony between the material and spiritual.
  • Vegetation shows a sense of unity with nature.
  • Series testify to the hospitality of the hosts of the house.

Symbols on carved platbands for windows

Wooden platbands are rarely found in cities with multi-storey buildings. But in private construction, they are recently demanded today, making modern houses with more stylish and unique. He emphasize the desire of many to revive traditions in the decor.

Today, the window platbands perform a completely different function and are manufactured not only from wood. Combines made of metal, plastic (PVC), plywood, laminated MDF. As for the latter, platbands from MDF or plywood are not intended to external windows framing, only for internal design of door and window openings.

It should be noted that the correct name of the external decorative framework of windows is cash. The platband is installed indoors.

Carved elements of wooden platbands on the windows


  • decorating window openings. For example, a platband can visually pull out a low house, or expand narrow;
  • the ability to express your individuality or give home the style of a certain era or region;
  • emphasize the style of the house and allow you to combine all the buildings on the plot into a single architectural ensemble;
  • protection of the slots between the window and the wall from dust and moisture;
  • reducing the heat loss in the place of the junction of the window frame and the wall;
  • reduction of external noise;
  • sometimes they are the only possible option for design. For example, platbands on the windows of a wooden house or log cabin can only be wooden. Otherwise, the entire flavor of such a structure will be lost.


Wooden, especially carved platband has a number of minuses, or rather features:

  • dependence on atmospheric influences. Frequent temperature differences, moisture, ultraviolet, all these factors are damaged by platform;
  • dependence on high-quality processing. The right choice of rock, careful impregnation of wood, timely replacement of parts, and painting, all this is capable of extending the life of the product. Otherwise, a wooden platband will soon be unusable;
  • combination complexity with modern plastic windows. Wooden platbands on plastic windows are not always suitable.

Plastic windows with wooden platbandsQuite often there are plastic windows framed by wooden platbands, as shown in the photo above. Somewhat unsuccessful, controversial solution. In such cases, you need to either install wooden double-glazed windows (or windows laminated under the tree), or paint the platform in white.

More harmonious finish - in the photo below.

Plastic windows with wooden carved platbands

Types and types of platbands on the windows

The manufacture of platbands on the window depends on the type and method of installing the platband.

Mix simple plates on the windows are flat and standard. More beautiful, manufactured on special equipment. The most beautiful platbands on the windows are, of course, carved.

On the method of manufacturing and the cost of the platband affects the method of their installation:

  • telescopic. More will be changed in the frame of the doorways. Special M-shaped protrusions of such a platband come in the boxes of the box. Such a connection is more complicated, but beautiful;
  • overhead. Mixed to the window frame with nails or special glue.

It is worth noting that the platbands are distinguished by a wide variety and are often complemented by shutters.

Types of wooden carved platbands

How to make platbands on the windows - the choice of material

1. Breed of wood

For the manufacture of a platband, it is better to use such wood as beech, oak, birch, linden, alder, pine, nut or even fruit trees.

The impact on the choice of breed will have an estimated method of making a platband.

  • Cashbar made of hardening rocks (beech, oak, ash) are very reliable, but such material is very solid. To cut the pattern on them, you need to make a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.
  • Systems of soft breeds (linden, alder, aspen). Soft wood material, work with it is a pleasure. But they, if improper processing, absorb moisture and quickly come into disrepair.
  • The optimal version is wood deciduous (birch) or coniferous rocks (pine). Sufficiently solid to operate outside, they make it possible to perform neat cuts.
  • Cherry or apple tree is used to perform small jewelry, which are superimposed on the main pattern.

2. Patterns for platbands on the windows - drawings and patterns

If it is assumed to decorative decoration by carvings, you need to decide on the pattern. Depending on the skills, you can choose a lightweight or very complex ornament for platbands. Below are some drawings of carved platforms on the windows. Templates can be copied in whole or in part, introducing something from yourself to the pattern.

Pattern of carved concubineThis pattern is implemented on the window platband.

Patterns for platbands on the windowsPatterns for platbands on windows-2

Patterns of platbands on the windows

Patterns of platbands on the windowsTubes on windows - 2

Sketches with interesting ornaments and patterns are made on a separate page, going to which you can
download free templates of carved platbands on the windows.
It also describes how to make stencils for making templates with your own hands.

It is desirable that all the windows are decorated with the same platbands with the same thread. Therefore, choosing a pattern, keep in mind that it will need to repeat several times. He should not be too fried. Especially if you are a novice. It is better if your pattern will contain round holes (they can easily drill them) and large elements. It is worth noting that small elements are not only complex in the manufacture, but also faster than others come into disrepair. Therefore, they will require periodic replacement.

Another important point is the mandatory presence of a slope at the top of the platband. Otherwise, the snow will accumulate on the surface of the tree, which will inevitably lead to its destruction. A slope of several degrees to perform easily, it will divert water down.

3. Tool

  • hacksaw;
  • knives;
  • chisels of several species (priperase, corners, flat, curved, semicircular, caesaric);
  • grinding paper;
  • electrolovik;
  • drill;
  • milling machine (if available)

4. Patterns for platbands - stencils and sketches

Carved platbands - sketchesTo the pattern was the same on all windows, it is recommended to make a sketch or stencil.

Carved platbands - the location of the drawing on the workpiecePlace the drawing on the workpiece is needed correctly. Elements should be located along wood fibers. This will prevent the cracking of the thread.

Sections of the pattern, where you need to perform slots can be marked with color.

5. Production of carved platbands on the windows

There are two ways to make a wood thread:

  • short wood carving. The pattern is cut through the entire platband and it, like lace, beautifully and sacrificely framed the window opening.

Carved platbands - a rubber wood carving

  • overhead carving on wood. This method is much easier for the fact that a more subtle billet is used to work, work with which is easier. With an overhead method, separate elements of the thread are created, which are then folded together on a solid board. Thus, it is possible to reflect simple plates on the windows.

Carved platbands - Final carving

The beauty of the openwork platband on the window is to use contrast. More often occurs a lighter carved element on a dark background.

Wooden platbands on windows with their own hands - instructions

  • from the windows remove the measurements;
  • all works are performed on a dry lumber. The height and width of the board depends on your preferences, but the thickness must be at least 30 mm for the rubber thread and at least 10 mm for the invoice;
  • billets are cut;
  • with the inside of the platband, to a depth of 1-2 mm. Selects wood. Along the edges leave edges. Such an approach will provide a more dense fit of the platband to the frame;
  • cut the pattern applied by template. At the same time, the holes can be drilled by the drills of different diameters, and the slits to perform the jigsaw. Lobzik input location is denoted by a drilled hole. So cut will be more beautiful;
  • the slots and holes are processed by grinding paper. If there are no non-core holes in the pattern, then it is necessary to remove wood dust. This is done using a vacuum cleaner.

Master class on making carved platbands on the windows - templateMaster class on the manufacture of carved platbands on the windows - markupMaster class on the manufacture of carved platbands on the windows - cutting patternMaster Class on the manufacture of carved platbands on the windows - grinding

6. Fastening of carved elements

Details made by overhead carvings are attached to a wide base of the trunk on nails. It is desirable that the nails are without hats. A more reliable compound can be ensured if you apply glue to the pattern from the wrong side. Wizards advise not to use self-tapping screws to connect not to damage the connection location.

7. Installation of platbands on the windows

A little creating a beautiful product. You still need to know how to install platbands on the windows correctly.

The correct installation of plaque on the window is the key to their long-term operation and aesthetic appearance. For attachment, you can use the following ways:

  • deaf spike. Such spikes are installed in the platband, and the holes are drilled in the frame. A little glue is applied on the spike and start in the groove. This fastening is the most difficult, but protects the place of installation from moisture ingress and does not spoil the appearance of the product;
  • through spike. A simpler and less reliable way. This spike system and ensures the mount. But, the spike needs to be installed where it will be less noticeable and additionally defend from moisture.

Listed methods are used if the installation of platbands on wooden windows is made.

In the event that the installation of plastic windows is required, a special adhesive (liquid nails) is used. This method will allow not to disturb the integrity of the frame.

8. Protective processing of plates of wood

So that the carved platband pleased you as long as possible, you need to take care of its processing. For this, wood is soaked, covered with varnish or color.

Protective Treatment of Tree


The desire to follow the traditions of the ancestors is commended. The revival of carved art is not possible in the conditions of modern urbanization. A special color of Russian thread will not lose its relevance. Applying some efforts, you can make carved wooden platbands with your own hands. Yes, the work is complicated and painstaking, but it is worth it. Plus, you can save a decent amount, because if ordering the manufacture of a set of carved platforms on one window in the workshop, it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles.

Carved wooden platbands on the windows - photos with examples

Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 1Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 2Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 3Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 4Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 5Carved wooden platbands on the windows - 6

Tags: Window Tree Put

Wooden window platbands - the element of the decorative finish of the facade of private houses, which is more common in the countryside. They embody the traditions of the original Russian architecture and are real works of art.

Finding beautiful carved platbands are difficult for sale, as this type of facade finish gradually loses its popularity, and masters who know the subtleties of their creation, it remains less and less and their services are not suiced. But connoisseurs of traditional design of houses can decorate their dwelling on their own, making the platbands with their own hands. Of course, this work will require patience, training and preliminary study technology. Useful prompts for the manufacture and installation of wooden platbands can be found in this article.

Why do you need window platbands?

Tubes will decorate the facade and will keep warm in the house

Previously, people believed that certain patterns on the platbands are endowed with magical properties and are able to protect the inhabitants of the house from the evil eye. Now they are valued mainly for decorative qualities: the ability to emphasize the style of the house, give it a complete view and revive the facade. In the case of the houses from the cut, this type of window finishes is the only possible, since plastic in combination with the tree will look inappropriate, and the building will lose its flavor.

However, platbands have a functional purpose. This element of the window protects the room from heat leakage, drafts, dust and noise, closing the slots between the opening and the frame. The only lack of wooden platbands is the need for their proper processing and careful selection of wood.

Types of pallets from wood

The manufacture of platbands depends on their structural features and installation method. According to the design, they are shaped, flat, curly and openwork. Flat do not have threads and easy to manufacture, shaped and figures have a convex surface with a non-separated pattern applied to it and are made on the milling machine. But handmade products are appreciated above, since the equipment cannot create an end-to-end pattern.

Install wooden platbands in two ways:

  • Overhead - design is fastened with metal or liquid (adhesive) nails and screws.
  • Telescopic - the platband is kept on the protrusions, connecting with the grooves of the window box. This method is more complicated than the previous one, but the appearance of the product does not deteriorate from traces of fasteners.

Options for registration

Visual design varieties also exist a lot. Specific patterns and technology of their creation We will look at below.

Wood for making platbands

Material must prepare well

To make wooden platbands on the windows that will serve you for a long time, it is necessary to choose the way to choose a variety of wood for them. For this purpose, suitable: larch, linden, oak, pine, beech, nut and fruit trees (apple, cherry). Decide on the option suitable for you, you can assess the quality of these breeds:

  • Solid wood varieties, such as beech and oak last longer, but it is more difficult to process them. Cutting patterns from these materials will take a lot of time.
  • Soft varieties (alder, linden) are better to handle, but need mandatory impregnation with moisture-repellent compositions.
  • The larch is resistant to rotting, but very fragile.
  • Coniferous rocks (pine, spruce) are considered a "golden middle". They are durable and at the same time plastic.
  • Fruit varieties are suitable for making small pieces - lining.

Tip! In the area with significant temperature differences, high humidity or, on the contrary, excessive dry air, it is recommended to use platbands only of solid wood.

Tools required for work

The manufacture of carved platbands will require the use of tools intended for woodworking, namely:

  • chisels (semicircular, flat, curved at an angle);
  • knives with a waste and wedge-shaped blade;
  • electrolovka;
  • drill;
  • milling machine.

Do not do without a ruler, pencil or marker and patterns with a pattern. You still need a spike feeder. To make it yourself, you need to take 3 rails, place 2 blades of the hacksaw between them and fix the design. This tool simultaneously sucks the eyes and spikes of platbands.

Set of styers

The value and creation of patterns

From what pattern you choose, the appearance and the meaning load is depends on which this element of decor carries. When the art of creation of platforms was born, the patterns were created not only for beauty, but also endowed with meaning. Here are the interpretations of some of them:

  • the sun is associated with energy and life, it is placed on the Kokoshnik - the upper part of the platband;
  • snake - the embodiment of wisdom;
  • the cross is designed to create harmony between spiritual and material values;
  • bird - a symbol that combines different times;
  • wings indicate strength;
  • plants personify unity with nature;
  • earrings placed at the bottom of the design, talk about the hospitality of the hosts.

Deciding with the desired images, find the appropriate patterns on the Internet and print. On the diagram, make slots and transfer it from paper on the paneur or a dense cardboard, so you get the templates of carved platbands. Read more about the manufacture of templates (stencils) you can read in.

Templates of trunk

The main ways to create window jewelry are a slit and overhead thread. In the first case, using platband templates, the pattern is transferred to wood, and then separate the design details of the design. In the second case, we first produce a casing from a solid boards, then overhead patterns are cut on the patterns and fasten them with nails, creating a bulk pattern. The ornaments of all parts should be harmoniously combined.

The upper part of the design is performed in the form of a kokoshnik, the lower in the form of a towel, and between them two sidewalls are placed. Details are connected with spikes. The upper part needs to be 1 cm more lower and give it a bias to prevent moisture stagnation.

Kokoshnik, made of slit carvings

Drinking patterns, moves along wood fibers, otherwise the material quickly cracks. Round elements are more convenient to carry out the electric drill. The ornament is made up of repeating patterns, it is desirable that among them there were more rounded parts - to make them easier.

Fundamental rules

  • The design should not interfere with the opening window. To achieve this, the sizes of the internal frame of the platband make more window frames for a couple of centimeters.
  • It is necessary to eliminate the irregularities of the walls before installing the platbands. To do this, wooden rails, fitted with each other, are nailed around the perimeter of the window.
  • For work, only well-dried wood is used.
  • All windows are decorated in a single style.

Preparation for work

To make wooden platbands on the windows with their own hands, the first thing is measured by all sides of the windows and pick up durable boards of the desired size, a thickness of at least 3-4 cm. Such thickness ensures the strength of the structure, without preventing the opening of the window sash. The width is chosen depending on the pattern, it is standard from 15 to 30 cm in different parts of the platband.

It is better to make a pattern from large elements, since too small parts when viewing from afar lose, merging into a single whole. In addition, the creation of a small pattern is more time. Before drinking a "chistoral" option, it is worth testing the patterns of platbands on the windows on unnecessary slices of wood. This will allow you to "fill the hand" and check well the ornaments you choose on the material.

Repeat cut pattern on a small sample

Installing platbands on the windows

Cut design details are grinding sandpaper and combine. The mount is carried out by the "spike-groove" method, both parts before docking are riveted with synthetic glue.

The installation of platbands on the window has differences depending on the wooden or stone facade, the design is fastened. To work with the stone walls you will need:

  • syringe mounting;
  • liquid silicone to eliminate slots;
  • drill and drill with winning coating;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • wooden chips for screws;
  • brush and paint under the color of the platband for mailing fasteners caps.
Finished design before installation

Tubes on the windows of a wooden house require another set of tools and materials consisting of:

  • 5 cm long nails;
  • liquid silicone and syringe for applying it;
  • hammer;
  • suitable paint and brushes.

In addition to the listed, in both cases you will need a stepladder.

The finished design is mounted on the wall using self-tapping screws or nails, while it is necessary to close the edge slopes to the edges. All the formed gaps and loose joints are rushing with silicone, then hide fasteners hats, painting them with a thin brush. Wooden platbands made by their own hands are ready.

Finishing finish

Although, carved platbands themselves look original, correctly selected the decor will make them more attractive. In addition, wood processing is needed to increase its service life. The finished product is recommended to be soaked in moisture-repellent composition, cover with paint or varnish.

Painted pads

Among the ways to diversify the design allocate: painting, firing and painting in contrasting colors. The painting can repeat patterns and emphasize attention on individual details, and contrasting painting successfully looks at a combination of several thread species. No less beautiful platbands on the windows are obtained during the firing. Treatment of wood by a soldering lamp or a gas burner forms spectacular taps on its surface.

Contrast staining of elements

Whatever processing method you choose, remember that the design needs careful care and periodic minor repairs, then the platbands will decorate the facade of the building and please you for many years.

Installing the external frame of window openings is usually practiced in wooden houses, where you need to cover the slots between the frame and the wall. The question can be solved in different ways: to jog in the perimeter of the puzzle boards either first cut the platbands on the windows, and then then attach them to the walls with their own hands. There is a third option - put ready-made products purchased in the store. Our task is to explain how to make such a facing on your own.

Types of decorative nachchelnikov

For the exterior framework of windows and entrance doors, platbands are used made from such materials:

  • tree, thick plywood;
  • metal;
  • styrofoam;
  • polyurethane.

Wooden facing, decorating the logs of the centuries, remains popular and to this day. It is performed in two styles - Russian, where beautiful carving with a rich ornament is prevails, and Finnish is more laconic. The latter is distinguished by straight shapes of elements and a small attachment visor as shown in the photo:

Framing in Finnish (left) and Russian style (right)

Reference. The scope of naschelniks from wood is not limited to chopped houses. Now they can be found on country cottages built from a bar and brick, including with plastic windows. As the photo testifies, the openwork pattern looks great even on a stone wall.

The main advantage of wood is not the ease of processing, although it also matters. Another thing is important: carved platbands made by an individual sketch will give the facade an exclusive appearance that you will not see anywhere else. This is a good reason to take on an independent manufacture, because the order of such products from the master will cost SHAZHA. Equally, this also applies to metal nachchelniks - they can also be cut out if desired.

Window facing of foam and plastic - a more modern way to solve the issue. And although the polymer elements for windows do not differ in the transcendental price and are easy to install, they are completely deprived of individuality. The reason is understandable - the production of polyurethane decor mastered many enterprises.

Polyurethane facade decor

Cut the wooden platband without stencil

This method is suitable for those who want to decorate the door and window openings, but does not have wood thread experience. To begin with, it is necessary to pick up the material - the boards with a thickness of 2-4 cm, whose width is determined by the selected figure, and the length is the size of the window.

Council. Choose lumber from soft wood - linden, alder or aspen. Drinking the pattern in a solid beech or oak - the task is not easy. Spruce is too sunscheled, and pine is easily cracking along the fibers, so it is undesirable to use her newcomer.

The window coating consists of 4 main parts shown in the drawing: two sidewalls, frieze and submap board. The design can be complemented with decorative impurge (otherwise - Kokoshnik). The elements are suitable between themselves at an angle of 45 or 90 ° - at your discretion.

To make naschelniks with a simple pattern of colors, act in this order:

  1. Spend a line in the center of the board. Focusing on it, draw a pencil circles along the entire length (you can draw a round item of a suitable diameter). Using the carbon, spend through the centers of all circles of the line at an angle of 90 and 45 °.
  2. Take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the circle and two more - on each line. Arrows the petals of future colors around them.
  3. With the help of the electro-box, drink each petal and circle the outer contour of the product, as shown in the photo. Cut extra part and thoroughly clean the resulting ornament. In the same way, make all 4 parts.

Council. If you do not speak too well drawing, use ordinary patterns to draw lines curves.

After cutting, homemade platbands need to be carefully treated outside and inside the rashpil, and then - large sandpaper. The last stage is an antiseptic coating and staining (or applying a yacht waterproof varnish). To better figure out the process, browse the video where the little boy performs all the work:

Important moment. Nothing terrible will not happen if the board will crack on 2 parts during operation. They can be born with each other with steel plates screwed from the reverse side.

Production by template

This technology provides for the applied pattern on a wooden surface with a stencil, along which the platbands are cut out with their own hands. Some samples are available on sale are presented in the picture:

Note. An individual stencil can be made independently by drawing an ornament on a sheet of cardboard, thin plywood or plastic, and then cutting it with a jigsaw or scissors.

Drilling of the workpiece under the outside of the jigsaw

There are 2 ways to make wooden nicknames for windows:

  1. Take boards and perform a slotted pattern, as described in the previous section.
  2. Drinking complex elements separately, and then secure them to boards with glue, on self-drawing or spiked. So make patterns with protruding details.

Regardless of what method you choose, the cutting process looks equally. An ornament is applied through the stencil on the surface, after which the outer contour of the product is formed by the electroller. Where you need to cut the inner drawing, first drill holes for the release of the jigsaw web. For confident work with subtle curvilinear slots, the Pillet is better to take a small width.

Ready element, which is then attached to the frieze or lateral frame of the frame

Note. The same technology is used for the manufacture of platforms from thin metal or professional flooring. Just need to pick up another cutting tool.

We bring to your attention another video, where it tells how to make the window cladding on the template without the use of jigsaw, coping with only a drill with a crown drill:

Installation instructions

In order to install platbands with a slot pattern, there are no special wisdoms. The design can be collected on the table, and then put on the window entirely either fix in parts. In the chopped wooden house for mounting the facing, it is necessary to prepare sites around the perimeter of the opening, cutting the logs to the width of the board.

The element assembly on self-drawing is made in this order:

  1. All carved parts are treated with varnish and decompose on the places on the prepared board to form a drawing.
  2. If you need to make a large screw, then use several boards interconnected by corners as a base.
  3. Each elements are screwed to the base, screwing the screws on the back side of the board.
  4. Finished platband Install the flush with the window frame so that it closes the gap, and secure long screws. With sash opening out, make an indent 1-2 cm so that they sprinkle at 90 °.

Council. In order for the elements of the ornament did not move during the attachment, gently tighten them to the base of the clamps.

How to install carved nachets, is shown in the video:


Cute platbands with beautiful ornaments are wonderful on any windows of both wooden and plastic. It is impossible to say that they are complex in production, but will have to work. Success largely depends on the quality of wood and your qualifications. In order to prevent errors, it is recommended to select the drawing easier and "fill the hand" on the facades facing the backyard. Then the front side of the house you will place flawlessly.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

By installing plastic windows, many do not even suspect that they have special, simple and concise on appearance, platbands. And completely in vain - placing an order to install such window systems, it is quite possible to immediately agree on the installation of these elements.

However, this is not the only possible solution to the issue. Tubes on plastic windows can be quite also made of wood and decorated with artistic threads. If you use this option to design the front part of the house, the window openings will be framed as well as Russian masters of wooden architecture during the centuries.

No need to think that the platbands fulfill a solely decorative role. In fact, they are very functional, and are intended to close the gaps between the window frame and the wall, which in our time are most often closed by assembly foam. The platbands protect this filling from negative factors of external influence, such as ultraviolet rays, destructively acting on polyurethane foam foam, direct ingress of moisture, etc.

Platbands and their functions

Briefly, the installation process of the plastic window is as follows:

  • If old windows are installed in the openings, they are dismantled, and the released opening is cleaned from insulation materials and contaminants.
  • Then, a plastic frame is inserted into the opening, which is aligned in the construction level and is fixed on the walls in several places with special metal elements - anchors or plates (brought). Installed and fixed with special glazed strokes.
  • Next, all the gaps left, between the frame and the wall, are sealed - filled with mounting foam, close with special sealing and hydrophobic ribbons, etc.
  • After the foam is frozen, its excess is cut. Then, the top of the spit and the installation of slopes is made.
  • And finally, platbands are installed, which are closed with foam-filled gaps outside or inside.

Independent installation of plastic window - Non-easy task

When installing such a system, it is necessary to provide many nuances. In details, the process is set out in a special publication of our portal.

Standard complete set of metal-plastic windows with double-glazed windows, as a rule, does not include platbands, especially since these elements of the finish are not suitable in all cases. For example, if the windows are very deepened into the wall, then you need to choose very narrow platbands, or install them around the window opening. In this case, in the second version, they will serve exclusively as a decorative element, therefore are installed only at will.

However, it should be noted that the platbands have their own advantages, which attract quite a few owners of private houses:

  • Accuracy and aesthetics of the appearance of windows.
  • In its kind - a certain exclusivity of plastic standard windows, as the majority of owners do not use these elements of the facade finish.
  • And the functionality mentioned is already - protection of the sealed gap from the influence of the external environment.

It should be noted that there are plats designed to finish windows and from the inside. Such products are usually intended only for decorative design, so it is purchased mainly in cases where the interior of the room needs to be withstanding in a certain style. For example, such a design is suitable for the "rustic Russian" style or "Country" - both of these directions have recently been actively included.

Varieties of platbands in form and by manufacturing material

Plastic windows for plastic windows can be of various types and profiles, manufactured using a variety of materials:

  • Flat plates made of plastic, aluminum, polyurethane and wood.

The simplest - platbands in the form of flat plastic planks

Most often, flat on the form of plastic windows are used for the framing of plastic windows, as they are simply mounted, create a neat look, are easy to care and have the most affordable price of all existing configurations.

  • Carved platbands that are made of plastic or natural wood.

This version of the details are made mainly by individual order from the tree, so they are very expensive. The plastic variants of carved windows of windows is not easy to find in construction stores, since their serial production is organized far from everywhere and not largely large.

  • Types of shaped type can have a smooth semicircular form or almost flat, but with a relief pattern in the form of strips of different depths. This type of virtually from all listed materials is performed.

  • Profile platbands are made of plastic, wood, polyurethane or aluminum. They have a certain form in cross section, sometimes made in a sufficiently intricate configuration.

Feature of profile platbands - a complex shape in cross section

Choosing a platband for manufacturing material

It is important to choose the properly correctly, which would be suitable in its appearance not only to the window frame, but also to the material of the walls of the facade or its external finish.

  • Plastic options have the most affordable price and a very aesthetic appearance, however, do not differ too much service life.

Usually, all manufacturers have in their commodity assortment and platforms of the same color as the profile for Ram. Therefore, making an order, you can immediately ask which of the types of decorative platbands can be offered.

As a rule, plastic platbands are manufactured in different colors, but the most popular version is white. After him, "on the popularity staircase" is a brown-chocolate, and further follow other colors that are used much less frequently. Therefore, not all of the manufacturers of the windows you can find the profile of the desired rare shade.

Rama color is usually selected to the shades of walls or roofs of the house, and sometimes the design of the facade is carried out on contrast principles.

Plastic framework options are made in sets that are collected in a single platband in place, or in the finished, one-piece, according to the likeness of the frame that remains only to fix around the perimeter of the window opening.

There are special plastic profiles for platbands that are mounted on the wall and snapped with a special lock connection on slopes installed around the window. This option allows not only to create a neat frame, but also securely connect the slopes with a decorative framing of the opening, without any gaps.

  • Cashbar performed from polyurethane also deserve attention, as they are often used enough to design windows.

Profiles from this material may have a different embossed form, they are easy by weight and simply can be easily adjusted in size and mounted on the window opening or even directly on the window.

Polyurethane variants of the framing persistently carry the impact of moisture and sun rays, therefore they will serve a very long time.

This material can be coated, so if it is decided to change the facade design, problems with the color change of these elements will not occur. In painted form, polyurethane becomes even more resistant to external influences, acquires aesthetic appearance and is very easily cleaned from dust raids.

Cashbar and polystyrene polystyrene are manufactured, which usually have additional internal reinforcement. The quality is somewhat inferior to polyurethane foam, but also can also be used for external, and for the interior decoration of window openings with plastic windows.

  • Very durable and beautiful are breeding of natural wood, provided good processing with protective compositions. Such details, with high-quality execution, have a sufficiently high cost.

Wooden platbands are, of course, the "classic" of the facade finishes

Wooden framing for plastic windows are perfect for a house having wooden walls or a decomposed material that reliably imitates wood. As mentioned above, wooden curve plates are most often manufactured manually and ordered individually for each style of selected facade design.

Wooden options can be painted in various colors that are selected depending on other shades present in the overall ensemble, so as to reach harmony with the facade trim and the color background of the roof of the house.

The disadvantage of wooden platbands can be called that staining need to be carried out much more often than polyurethane - on wood paint is more susceptible to fading.

Installing platbands on the windows

Installation of platbands is made in different ways. It depends on the material of manufacturing, and from the installation site, as the window can be deepened into the wall or to be with it in one external plane.

  • If the window is deepened into the wall, then around it is first mounted, which will close unsightly sections of the wall around the frame, capable of spoiling a common aesthetic appearance.

To do this, a special plastic starting profile is fixed to the window frame, which will be inserted by the slope panel.

The figure is clearly visible the principle of setting down to the starting profile, and then and the plastic platband.

To dock platbands on the corners, their edges are cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Slices will be neat and accurate if you meet some recommendations:

- dipping should be carried out using a special template - stublog;

Smooth coal joints in the corners are provided by the application for their cutting special tool - Stusla

- if the stub is not used, and the platband is sprinkled in a horizontal position, then it should be written from the outside;

  • If the platbands have special grooves to fasten them with slopes, they are simply installed in spikes in them and snap.

Video: An example of mounting plastic platbands - Naschelniki on the PVC window

  • In the case of a separate attack on the surface of the walls, the prepared parts are approaching the window opening, and their location is noted on the wall plane. After that, the "Liquid nails" or "moment" are applied to the opposite side of the platbands, and the framing is glued on the markup. The joints on the corners are also glued together with glue.

Applying "liquid nails" on the back of the platband

Wooden platbands are fixed on the walls with dowels or screws. To do this, in wooden parts, through holes are first drilled, which are then slightly expanded from the front side so that the cap of the fastener element is hidden in the thickness of the wood. On the applied markup on the wall, the hole is made, where the dowel is installed, and then the screw is screwed into it through the platband. The remaining hole in the platband, which "hid" a self-pressing hat is closed with epoxy resin mixed with small sawdust. Such a putty will make the installation sites of fasteners practically imperceptible.

Manufacturing of minewar

Some masters prefer to make carved platbands themselves. They are cut on a predetermined pattern, through which the drawing is transferred to the perfectly processed high-quality board.

You can make and platbands in the form of smooth panels that will be done quite simply, but in this case, the board must be smooth and smooth. It is treated, and then water-repellent compositions. Sometimes wood is darkened by a verse, and on top covered with a yacht moisture resistant varnish.

Wood selection for platbands

Properly chosen wood will greatly alleviate and speed up the work on the platbands, so it is necessary to approach the choice of material.

It will be optimal to choose wood that is easy to handle. So, to cut out complex lace elements of the platband, Lipa, Alder and Aspen are well suited. Do not choose coniferous species of trees:

- For example, spruce has a large number of bitch, which can significantly spoil the drawing;

- Pine - an overly fragile material on which chips can appear during operation;

- Cedar and larch, in principle, are well suited for long-term operation of cascar in street conditions, however, have a very high structural density, so it is difficult to process.

Wood should be moderately dried, so that when drying, the finished parts, which will be spent a lot of effort, were not deformed and did not crack.

The thickness of the platband boards is selected depending on the height of the relief pattern, and may vary from 10 to 40 mm. Therefore, before buying material, you need to decide on the choice of ornament.

If small protruding elements are present in the relief, they are recommended to make and processed separately, and then incurd to the place provided for them.

If the platbands are not intended to be painted, then you need to choose boards with a beautiful textured pattern, without a large number of bitch having a smooth "healthy" structure of one shade, which will be perfectly harmonized with the design of the entire facade.

Dimensions of concubine

Calculations are made as follows:

  • The height and width of the window opening is measured - these will be the parameters of the internal perimeter of the platband.
  • Then, the width of the platband is measured from the opening line to determine how much it will close the wall. This is especially important when the window frame is in the same plane with the wall.
  • The height of the platband must be equal to the height of the window opening plus the two widths of the platband panel. Thus, the calculation is carried out if the horizontal upper and lower planks created the frame will have the same width as the vertical. If the horizontal panels are scheduled to be wider, then the vertical should have a height equal to the height of the window opening plus the width of the upper and bottom of the platband.
  • The size of the sides of the platband will also depend on which angular connection will be selected, so before you begin to cut the board, you need to carefully consider all the nuances.

Manufacturing and processing of a wooden platband

The selected drawing is applied to the prepared boards. As already mentioned, it is best to spend this process using a stench-cut in advance.

If there is no experience in writing drawings, it is better to choose not the most complex pattern.

When the drawing is completely translated into the board, you can proceed to it. Electric jigsik is used for work. In each closed plot of drawing, the drill is drilled through holes in which the vertical fuel carriage will be inserted, and it will be careful from this place, in slower, this fragment of the board will be cut off.

When cutting out the curly pattern, special accuracy and care is required - any awkward movement can spoil all the work.

In addition to the jigsaw, you can use a milling machine for work. It will help smooth sharp corners on a through drawing, and some elements of the relief is more convenient to cut this tool.

In order for the pattern on the platband to look aesthetically and professionally, it must be processed by emery paper, first with an average grain (140 ÷ 180), and then with small (220 ÷ 400). Processing is carried out manually, and that it is less time consuming, you need to first work for a mill.

If individual parts of the relief were manufactured separately, they are fixed with the help of joinery of the glue after processing all surfaces. When glue dries, the entire platband, including all elements of the relief, are impregnated with antiseptic compositions and also leave to dry.

The final stage of work is the coating of all surfaces with waterproof protective composition for wood. The best option for external parts will be the use of a yacht varnish. Naturally, if you wish or subject to a facade color solution, platbands can be covered with paint desired color.

Figure coats will help to "revive" the type of standard plastic windows

If you have a desire to try your hand in the manufacture of this facade decorative detail, it is best to start to begin on the cuts of the board, "fill the hand." Then, when it becomes possible, it will be possible to go directly to. Detailed instructions can be obtained in a special publication of the portal.

In conclusion, you can summarize that whatever type of platbands is chosen, they will make the appearance of the facade of the house more aesthetic and neat. In addition, these details will create additional protection for hermetically sealed gaps between the window frame and the wall.