Workplace for repair of electrical equipment. Characteristics of the workplace of the electrician, working conditions

The correct organization of the workplace provides rational movements of the working and reduce to a minimum time spent on finding and using tools and materials.

Mobile table is used when disassembling, washing and assembling various electrical equipment. It also serves as a vehicle for shipping. The countertop is lined with paper-layered plastic with an edging from the steel corner. At the bottom of the table there is a metal shelf from a steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm, intended for the storage of technological equipment and auxiliary materials. The table is installed on the wheel (with rim from oil resistant rubber) with rolling bearings. It provides good maneuverability and does not require much effort on his movement.

The workbench consists of two Tumbes with five boxes, with lifes, in which plumbing and measuring instruments, appliances, spare parts, electrical equipment, fasteners and auxiliary materials; drawers on the framework of the central constipation; the top box of the couch and the middle box for the documentation closing on the upper lock; Countertops; the desktop switchboard with the residued variables 380 V with a removable voltage of 6, 12, 24, 36, 127, 220 V and two signaling consoles to call the electrical system with 30 jobs (30 points); desktop cabinet with spare parts and telephone for communication with plant subscribers.

The rack wardrobe is designed to store large devices and a spare tool used in the repair of electrical equipment. In the upper branches, various materials needed for repair are stored. Cabinet-rack frame painted with gray enamel.

Portable handbag The onsome electrician uses to carry tools and measuring equipment, devices, small parts for the repair of electrical equipment in the sections of the workshop.

The design of the stool-stool provides the most convenient working position: the seat is easy and quick to be raised or omitted.

In the workplace there should be technical and accounting documentation, job descriptions, as well as documentation on the security and organization of labor.

Technical documentation includes: electrical circuits of the most complex machines, lifting and transport equipment, power-efficiency, electrical circuit breaker, etc.

Accounting documentation reflects the equipment downtime and the operation of the electrician. One of the types of documentation is the operational (operational) magazine.

As a mandatory document in the workplace, an instruction on the safety of labor for the workshop electromonter serving electrical installation by voltage to and above 1000 V.

The documentation for the organization of labor includes a calendar schedule of planned inspections, a changeable-hour schedule and a card organization of the duty electrician.

The workplace must be issued in accordance with the requirements of technical aesthetics.

The work wear of the electrical atomers should be comfortable, not to shy movements when working and consist of a jacket, trousers and beret (takes a bright color - red, orange or brown). Material - costume fabric with piping fiber, smooth, blue. The electromonter is on the legs for a long time, its work is associated with an increased voltage of attention (during the change the electrical unit makes up to 740 different employment actions), so the rest time should be at least 5% of the spent time.


Manufacturing process

Types of production:

1. Individual

2. Serial

3. Mass

Electrician table

Electrician table

Materials and products

Cables and wires are used for the sewage (transmission and distribution) of electrical energy, as well as to connect various elements of electrical installations. Cables are separated into power and control.

Cable It consists of one or more isolated conductive livers enclosed in a hermetic (metal or non-metallic) shell, on top of which, depending on the laying and operation conditions, armor and protective covers can be.

The main elements of cables are conductive veins, insulation, shell, armor and outdoor coverings. Depending on the purpose and operating conditions of the cables, individual elements in their design may be missing. Conductive veins are made of aluminum and copper.

Conductive copper It is purified from different impurities a metal of reddish-orange color with a melting point of 1083 ° C and a temperature coefficient of linear extension, equal to 17-10 6 1 / ° C. Copper has good mechanical properties and plasticity, which allows to obtain a wire from it with a diameter of 0.03 ... 0.01 mm, as well as thin tapes. Explore copper is very resistant to atmospheric corrosion, which contributes to a thin layer of oxide, which it is covered in air and which prevents the further penetration of oxygen into it.

The domestic industry produces the conductive stranded of six brands with varying degrees of purity. Copper impurities are bismuth, antimony, iron, lead, tin, zinc, nickel, phosphorus, sulfur and oxygen. For the manufacture of conductor products (winding and mounting wires and cables), varieties of copper conductor with an impurity content of 0.05 ... 0.1% are used.

The wire from the copper of the small diameter has a large destructive tension in tension and high electrical resistance. For wires of very small diameter (0.01 mm), designed to work at elevated temperatures (above 300 ° C), a wire made from oxygen-free copper, characterized in the greatest purity. Temperature resistivity coefficient TC \u003d 0.0043 1 / ° C for all brands of copper.

Aluminum It is the second after copper conduit material due to its comparatively large conductivity and resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Aluminum air is very quickly covered with a thin oxide film, which reliably protects it from oxygen penetration. At the same time, this film has a significant electrical resistance, therefore, in poorly stripped places of compounds of aluminum wires, large transition resistance can be.

For electrical insulation housing The cable is used with impregnated cable paper, rubber, plastic (polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene, etc.).

Cable paper It is the main insulating material used in high voltage cables. After the winding on the cable it is impregnated with electrical insulating oil.

Cable paper is produced from sulphate cellulose predominantly fatty grinding in order to ensure high mechanical strength, as well as high density and low porosity. Liquid substance (oil or ocellied oil composition) is broken by paper when impregnated on thin films and channels, increasing its electrical strength. Cable paper is available for insulation live power cables designed for voltages 35, 110 and 220 kV.

The characteristic property of all rubber is their big elasticity, i.e. The ability to lengthen a lot when tensile!

Polyethylene - solid opaque material of white or light gray, somewhat fat to the touch. This is a thermoplastic material entering the plants in the form of granules. Polyethylene products are obtained by pressure casting methods.

The insulation of wires and cables from irradiated polyethylene is characterized by increased heating resistance (up to 100 ° C) and mechanical strength.

Polyvinyl chloride It is a white powder from which the mechanical durable products (boards, pipes, etc.) are obtained by hot pressing or hot squeezing, resistant to mineral oils, many solvents, alkalis and acids. The hot pressing of powdered polyvinyl chloride is obtained solid, hard material - a viniplast in the form of sheets, plates, pipes and rods with high mechanical strength and having good electrical insulating properties.

Cable shells can be lead, aluminum, rubber, plastic. They protect the insulation conductive lived from the effects of light, moisture, chemicals and other environmental factors, as well as mechanical damage.

The following notation is used in the brands of cables: the shell is C (lead), and (aluminum), H (non-combustible tires). In (polyvinyl chloride); Protective coating - b (armor from tapes).

Fig.3.1 Four cable

P (armor of flat wire); The absence of outdoor cover - g (naked), as well as in them there may be letters indicating the presence of other elements of the structures. For example, if the brand begins with the letter Oh, it indicates the presence in the cable separately zavidated lived. Cables with copper (aluminum) veins:

VVG (AVVG) - with polyvinyl chloride insulation and shell;

PVG (AGG) - with polyethylene insulation and polyvinyl chloride sheath;

VVB (AVBB) - with polyvinyl chloride insulation and shell, armored steel ribbons with outdoor cover:

PVB (APP) - with polyethylene insulation and polyvinyl chloride shell, armored steel ribbons with outdoor cover.

The wire It is one uninsulated core or one or more isolated lived, on top of which, depending on laying and operation conditions, there may be non-metallic shell and metal or non-metallic protective covers.

Wires are divided into isolated and uninsulated, protected and unprotected. Uninsulated (naked) wires used mainly for laying air lines can be aluminum, stale aluminum, copper, bronze and steel. Isolated wires can only have aluminum and copper conductive veins. As electrical insulation, the wires of the wires are used rubber and plastics.

To protect against mechanical effects, light and moisture, the wire is covered with rubber, plastics or metal ribbons with folded seam:

Cord It consists of two or more isolated flexible or particularly flexible livers, twisted or laid parallel, on top of which, depending on the operating conditions, there may be a non-metallic shell and protective covers. The cords differ from the wires of the flexibility of multi-way lived.

In the marking of wires and cords, the first letter A indicates the material of conductive veins - aluminum (the absence of the letter A means that the conductive lived from copper). The second letter n denotes the wire, and the third is the insulation material (P - rubber, B polyvinyl chloride, P - polyethylene). In the brands of wires and cords there may be other letters, for example: O - braid, x - gasket in pipes, P is a flat element with a separating base, F - metal folded shell, g - flexibility, etc.

Wires and cables are distinguished by the number and sections lived, as well as rated voltage. The number of lived may be from one to four (control cables have from four to thirty seven lived); A sections from 0.75 to 600 mm 2. Standard are the following sections lived: 0.5; 0.75; one; 1,5,2,5; four; 6; 10; sixteen; 25; 35; fifty; 70; 95; 120; 150; 185; 240; 300; 400; 500; 625 and 800 mm 3.

Wires are made on voltage 380, 660 and 3000 V AC, cables - on all standard voltages up to 110 kV.

Installation of the enet pipeline

Cable cable.

To correctly connect the contact cables of electrical machines and devices, they spend their transvelon. The simplest transversion is performed using lamps and batteries, i.e. The veins of one cable arbitrarily label and the first of them is connected to the wire from the battery, then the conductor is attached to the lamp and alternately concern live on the other end of the cable. If when touching the lamp lights up, then it lived to which the battery wire is attached. For labeling, heavy cables were used by segments of vinyl tubes, or special terminals on which insulible ink makes inscriptions

Cable Cable Cable Scheme: A, B - With Lamp; in - using handsecons; G - using a special transformer


Manufacturing process - This is a totality of actions aimed at the manufacture of finished products.

Types of production:

1. Individual - This production, where the production of finished products is made in units, specialists of the universal.

2. Serial - This is a production where the production of finished products is produced by a series and parties.

3. Mass - This is a production where the production of finished products is produced in large quantities.

Organization of the workplace of the electrical installation.

Electrical workplace - This is a plot of production area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop, a workshop attached to this student, intended to perform certain work and equipped in accordance with the nature of this work with equipment, tools and materials.

Rational organization of the workplace - This organization of the workplace, in which, with the smallest cost of strength and facilities, safe working conditions are ensured, the highest performance and high quality products are achieved.

The workplace is equipped with an electrical table, which lay the necessary tools, devices, materials necessary for operation.

Electrician table - It is the main type of equipment of the workplace of manual work and is a special table on which work is performed.

Electrician table

I. General labor protection requirements

1.1 to the performance of electrical work

the teacher, the masters are allowed by students who have been instructed on labor protection, honey, inspection and not having contraindications for health

1.2 Students must comply with the rule of behavior, established labor and recreation regimes.

1.3 When performing electrical installation works, it is possible to impact on working the following dangerous and harmful production factors

¾ electric shock when touched with bare wires and when working with devices under voltage;

¾ injury when using a faulty tool;

¾ Soldering parts, wires using tin - lead soldiers.

1.4 When performing electrical installation work, the following workwear should be used and individual protective equipment: cotton robe, takes, dielectric gloves, dielectric rug, voltage pointer and tool with insulated handles.

1.5 Indoor to perform electrical work should be a first-aid kit with a set of necessary medicines and dressings.

1.6 Students are obliged to comply with the rules of fire safety, know the location of the primary fire extinguishing facilities. In the room for performing electrical installations there should be a fire extinguisher and a box with sand.

1.7 In case of accident, the injured or an eye of an accident is obliged to immediately inform the teacher, the master who reports the college administration. If equipment malfunction, tool, stop working and report this to the teacher, master.

1.8 In the process of working on the rules of wearing workwear, the use of individual and collective means of protection, comply with the rules of hygiene, maintain a cleanliness of the workplace.

1.9. Students who allowed failure or violation of labor protection instructions are held accountable, and with all students there is an unscheduled intention on labor protection.

II. Requirements for labor protection before work.

2.1 Wear overalls, hair care thoroughly under beret.

2.2 Check the condition and serviceability of equipment and tools.

2.3 Prepare the necessary materials for work, fixtures and decompose into place, remove all unnecessary from the table.

2.4 Prepare to work the means of individual protection, make sure of their health.

2.5 When soldering parts and wires using tin - lead soldiers to enable exhaust ventilation.

III. Labor protection pay during work.

3.1 It is forbidden to submit students to the working tables a voltage above 42V of the variable and 110V of DC.

3.2 Collect electrical circuits, the switching is necessary only in the absence of voltage. Current source to connect last.

3.3 Electric circuits to collect so that the wires are not stopped, they were not stretched and not twisted with loops.

3.4 When soldering, only rosin, acid is prohibited only as a flux.

3.5 The collected electrical circuit is turned on by voltage only after checking it by the teacher, the master.

3.6 When working with electrical devices and machines, watch hands, clothes and hair failed to rotate parts and bare wires

3.7 Do not check the presence of touches with the touch of your fingers, use the voltage pointer for this.

3.8 Do not leave no electrical devices without supervision.

3.9 Strictly carry out instructions for labor protection during electrobia.

IV. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

4.1 When damaged electrical wiring, equipment malfunction, devices immediately disable power and report this to the teacher.

4.2 When sunbathing electrical equipment, immediately turn off the chopper and proceed to extinguishing the focus of the ignition with carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguisher or sand.

4.3 When obtaining injury to provide the first assistance to the victim, if necessary, send it to the nearest therapeutic institution and report this college administration.

V. Requirements for labor protection at the end of work.

5.1 Disconnect the electrical circuit of the current.

5.2 Put in order workplace, access equipment and tools to storage.

5.3 Conduct wet room cleaning and turn off exhaust ventilation. Remove workwear and thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

The correct organization of the workplace provides rational movements of the working and reduce to a minimum time spent on finding and using tools and materials.
Mobile table 1 is used when disassembling, washing and assembling various electrical equipment. It also serves as a vehicle for shipping. The countertop is lined with paper-layered plastic with an edging from the steel corner. At the bottom of the table there is a metal shelf from a steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm, intended for the storage of technological equipment and auxiliary materials. The table is mounted on the wheels (with rim from oil resistant rubber) with rolling bearings. It provides good maneuverability and does not require great effort on his movement.
Vistak 2 consists of two Tumbers with five boxes with lifes, in which plumbing and measuring instruments, devices, spare parts, electrical equipment, fasteners and auxiliary materials; drawers on the framework of the central constipation; the top box of the couch and the middle box for the documentation closing on the upper lock; Countertops; a desktop switchboard with an alternating voltage of 380 V, with a removed voltage of 6, 12, 24, 36, 127, 220 V and two alarm consoles for calling the electrical system with 30 jobs (30 points); desktop cabinet with spare parts and telephone for communication with plant subscribers.

Workplace of the duty electrician: 7 - Mobile table; 2-vestacle; 3 - Wardrobe Shell; 4- table-stool

Wardrobe Rack 3 is designed to store large devices and a spare tool used in the repair of electrical equipment. In the upper branches, various materials needed for repair are stored. The framework of the wiring rack is painted with gray enamel.
Portable handbag The onsome electrician uses to carry tools and measuring equipment, devices, small parts for the repair of electrical equipment in the sections of the workshop.
The design of the stool-stool 4 allows you to provide the most convenient working post: the seat is easily and quickly lifted or omitted.
The workplace should contain technical and accounting documentation, job descriptions, as well as documentation on the safety and organization of labor.
The technical documentation includes electrical circuits of the most complex machines, lifting and transport equipment, a fundamental electrical power circuit (section) of electricity, electrical circuit breaker, and so on.
Accounting documentation reflects the equipment downtime and the operation of the electrician. One of the types of such documentation is the operational (operational) magazine.
As a mandatory document in the workplace, an instruction on the safety of labor for the workshop electromonter serving electrical installation by voltage to and above 1000 V.
The documentation for the organization of labor includes a calendar schedule of planned inspections, a changeable-hour schedule and a card organization of the duty electrician.
The workplace must be issued in accordance with the requirements of technical aesthetics.
The work wear of the electrical atomers should be comfortable, not to shy movements when working and consist of a jacket, trousers and beret (takes a bright color - red, orange or brown). Material - costume fabric with piping fiber, smooth, blue. On the upper pocket of the jacket should be the emblem of the main energy service.
The electrician is on the legs for a long time, its work is associated with an increased voltage of attention (during the change, the electrician is on average up to 740 different employment actions), so the rest time should be at least 5% of the spent time.

Works on transformer substations and distribution points are elevated requirements for safety of labor. Even before appointing an independent work, the electromonter needs to be trained by safe working methods, introductory labor safety instructions, primary briefing in the workplace, primary testing of PTB knowledge, PTE, and instructions in the amount necessary for this profession, duplication for several shifts under the guidance of an experienced Mentor. And only after passing all the preparation steps, the electrician can begin independent work.

In the process of operation, the electrician for the maintenance of transformer substations and distribution points must be repeated instructions (at least 1 time per month), special training (at least 1 time per month), control counter-emergency training (no less often 1 time in 3 months), control fire Training (at least 1 time in half a year), periodic testing of the knowledge of PTB, PTE, fire safety and instructions (1 time per year), as well as a medical examination - 1 time in 2 years.

Great value attached to equipment. These are special clothing and shoes, protective helmet, gas mask, protective mask or glasses, and if necessary, a safety monterus belt. Special conversation about tools. They must be working and staying in their places.

The tool with insulating handles during operation is subjected to periodic electrical tests. Protective funds must be tested and have a stamp indicating the expiration date. The electrical system must be remembered that its life depends on the serviceability of instruments and tools, workwear and fixtures.

The plot workshop is a permanent workplace of the electrician. Here you need to abide by the order, everything should be your place. Before starting work, it is necessary to remove extra objects, adjust the local lighting so that the work area is quite lit, but, at the same time, the light did not blind eyes.

The main work that is carried out on the transformer substation is, periodic and extraordinary inspections. Most of the preventive maintenance and repair of transformer substations and distribution points are carried out with the disconnection of electrical equipment.

These works require carefully preparation of the workplace at which organizational and technical measures should be implemented, aimed at secure performance. For this, the master draws out the outfit with the appointment of responsible persons for the safe performance of work. Depending on, experience, the experience of electrical installation and complexity of the circuit, the electrical system can be assigned as an admitting, manufacturer of work or a member of the brigade.

An allowing or manufacturer of work received from the wizard of an outfit or oral order by the signs of a brigade with a content of work, depending on which the necessary overalls, protective equipment, tools, devices and materials are selected. Prepare all the necessary brigade goes to the place of work.

Upon arrival at the site, the brigade receives permission to prepare the workplace and on tolerance from the duty. In no case cannot give such permission in advance. Permission to prepare the workplace and on the tolerance is made in the outfit. Preparation of the workplace produces admitting work together with the manufacturer.

Remove and install fuses should be removed when the circumstances do not allow this, then it is necessary to use insulating ticks, a bar with gloves and protective glasses. After the switching equipment is disconnected, it is necessary to take measures to prevent it with spontaneous inclusion, i.e. load switches, manual drives in a disconnected state are locked on the lock.

So, the voltage is removed and can be started? Not. It is necessary to check the serviceability using special devices or current-carrying parts are obviously under the voltage, and then with the help of it again to make sure that there is no voltage.

In electrical installations, more than 1000 voltage in use the voltage pointer is necessary in dielectric gloves. In electrical installations, over 1000 in checking the absence of voltage is allowed to one employee from duty or operational-duty personnel with, and in electrical installations up to 1000 V with 3 groups. Here, a two-pole phase and linear voltage pointer can be used to check the absence of voltage.

The electrical installation is grounded by turning on the grounding knives or the installation of portable grounds. They first attach to the grounding device, and then, after checking the absence of voltage, set to the current-host parts.

In the electrical installations, over 1000, in grounding, two employees are installed - one with 4 electrical safety group from the number of operational personnel, to another with 3 electrical safety group. Application of dielectric gloves and an insulating rod necessarily! Portable grounding clamps should be fixed using a rod or directly by hand in dielectric gloves.

At the prepared jobs are postponed. The spectacles that remained under the voltage are protected and the posters "stand. Voltage" are hosted.

So, the preparation of the workplace is over. The primary admission of brigade by outfits and orders should be carried out directly here in the workplace. At the same time, the allowing must verify the correspondence of the team of the brigade specified in the Named Certifications, to prove the lack of voltage, grounding or testing the absence of voltage and the subsequent touch of hand to the current parts if the grounding is not visible from the workplace, to conduct a target instructor to the manufacturer of work observing and members Brigades providing for instructions on the safe performance of specific work.

The manufacturer of work for its part should also carry out target briefing members of the brigade. Without carrying out the target briefing and registering it in the outfit during the primary tolerance, the admission to work is prohibited. The tolerance is drawn up by the manufacturer of work in the dress with the date and time. After admission, the supervision of compliance with the brigade requirements of safety is assigned to the manufacturer of work. He must control the brigade, is, if possible, on the site of the workplace, where the most dangerous work is being conducted.

After a complete end of work, along, the manufacturer of the work should remove the brigade from the workplace, together with removing the installed fences, posters, grounding. The complete end of the work is drawn up in the dress. After that, it should be informed of the employee who issued permission to prepare a workplace and to admit the full end of work to be included in the electrical installation.

The inclusion of electrical installation produces a person from the number of operational and operational and repair personnel, which is included in Sosai Brigade. It may be allowing or manufacturer of work. After that, it is necessary to arrive in the dispatching and hand out the outfit, and at the end of the working day we put the workshop and workwear.

Work plan:

2. Profession Electric
3. Electrician workplace

5. Protection tools designed to provide electrical safety.
6. Posters and safety signs.
7. Basic regulatory acts that establish electrical safety requirements for operation in electrical installations.
8. Electrical electrical personnel electrical safety groups and assignment conditions.

9. The frequency and procedure for checking knowledge from electrical personnel.

1.Qual characteristics of the manufacturing industry.
Housing and communal services (housing and communal services) - the area of \u200b\u200bactivities aimed at servicing urban apartment buildings.
Housing and communal services implies:

    Water pipes and repair of water pipes, water intake cleaning and water delivery in apartment buildings and industrial facilities, incl. For subsequent heating for the needs of hot water supply and heating.
    Sewerage - Waste waters
    Heat supply - ensuring the supply of hot water and heat inhabitants, ensuring boiler houses andCHP . Violation of work can cause the fuel and energy crisis.
    Overhaul buildings
    Maintenance Internal general engineering communications and systems (buildings)
    Collection, export and disposalgarbage
    Current cleaning of public seats.
    The content of the house territories (improvement)
    Power supply.
The Housing Fund of the Russian Federation is more than 30% of the total reproducible real estate property of the country, which has 2.85 billion square meters. Meters of the total area, including: Municipal Housing Fund - 642.5 million square meters. m or 22.5%, state - 199.2 million square meters. m or 7.0%, private - 1980.0 million square meters. m or 69.4%, public - 1.5 million square meters. m or 0.1%, mixed form of ownership - 29.6 million square meters. m or 1.0%. The area of \u200b\u200bdilapidated and emergency housing in the country as a whole is 91 million square meters. M. To date, the depreciation of engineering networks in the housing and public utilities is 50%, and the sewage is 30%. At subsidies in the housing and communal services, the state spends 10% of GDP.
The number of housing and utilities enterprises - more than 52 thousand, the number of working in them - over 4.2 million people, the average annual volume of production of order is about 6% of GDP. The cost of fixed assets is 14% of the total value of fixed assets of the Russian Federation. The system of housing and communal services of Russia is under reform. The authorities allocate four directions for the implementation of the reform: the transfer of the communal industry to market relations; attracting private businesses (and private investment), stimulating competition, improving the quality of utilities; Modernization of the entire complex of housing and communal services. The cost of reform is estimated at 3 trillion rubles.
Benefits of the industry: Saving services, huge market volume.
Problems industry: Wear a communal infrastructure, lack of real competition, regulation by the state.

Main professions workers: carpenter, electrician, welder, plumbing, painter, cleaner (industrial premises, staircases, territory), etc.

I looked at the profession of electrician, workplace, admission requirements for work, the main harmful and dangerous factors affecting the electrician, the means of protection for work by profession according to GOST.
2. Profession Electric
An electrician - A specialist working in the field of electrical engineering engaged in the installation, operation or repair of electrical equipment. Be sure to special education. Activities are associated with constant risk, attentiveness and knowledge of ways to protect against electric shock, ways to first aid affected by electric current. Requires special education, periodic retraining and skills control to ensure safety during operation.
Electrician is a specialist who collects, sets up and repairing electrical equipment, power grids and systems. This is a requested technical profession. Position of the electrician exists in almost every company, factory, factory, because without electricity and electrical appliances can not do. Electrician can work like in
room and outdoors, at the height, as part of a brigade or alone, depending on the work performed.
Electrician duties:
- laying power cables, electrical wiring;
- connecting electrical equipment;
- calculation of the required cable size for equipment power supply;
- drawing up a plan for the placement of power supply and wiring;
- participation in the prophylactic and current repair of electrical equipment;
- the implementation of assembly and other works during the reconstruction and implementation of the newelectrical equipment;
- Mounting of secondary chains (control, protection,alarm, measurement);
- laying cables and wires in canals, boxes and trays;
- scrupping tips and welding them to cables and wires;
- Installation of connecting couplings, cables and networksgrounding;
- installation of insulators, installation locations and installation of protection and control devices;
- nickname of mounted schemes and measurement of insulation resistance;
- preparation of devices and devices to inclusion and commissioning;
- Repair and troubleshooting when the wiring is closed.
The main task of the electrician is an uninterrupted electricity supply organizationpomparents , streets, production processes. Electrician - Wide Specialist: He It can be engaged in electrical supply of objects, repair of household electrical appliances, industrial electrical equipment, replacement of electrical wiring, ensuring lighting on the streets.
Requirements for the profession: (general requirements, skills, personal and psychological qualities, qualifications), these are important aspects, because the specialty under consideration refers to particularly dangerous work in production.
Must know the foundations of electrical engineering, applied mechanics, the basics of electronics and automation.
Personal qualities
Electrician is a risky profession because it has to deal with high voltage. Therefore, the electrician profession requires the presence of such qualities as attentiveness, caution, vigilance, concentration, accuracy, responsibility.
The electrician must have a secondary special education, work skills with various types of special appliances and tools.
Medical restrictions
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. For individual specialties - heart disease, lungs, vessels, eyes, nervous system. In terms of the conditions and severity of labor on a number of specialties, training and work are allowed in the presence of some heart diseases (without circulatory disorder),hypertensive disease P yerva and a second degree, myopia of small and medium degree.

Qualification of electricians

The level of electrician qualifications is determined by the resulting formation, experience and expressed in the form of discharge and admission group. There are six discharges and five groups of electrical tolerance groups. The discharge reflects the degree of knowledge of the electrician, and the tolerance group determines the degree of complexity and danger of work, which can be trusted.
In addition to knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and electricians, electricians necessarily need to have the skills of providing first aid with electric shock. The basic formation of the electromonter gives the end of the corresponding specialty in professional collections. Further advanced training occurs during the operation of experience and passage of retraining courses.

Places of work
Position of the electrician is at any enterprise.
The wage level of the electrician depends on the place of work, its specialization. The electrician's profession has the ability to career growth to the position of the brigadier. The electrician can also organize their own business, to work in a private manner.

3. Electrician workplace
To perform electrical work, a special workplace and a set of electrical tools are needed.
Electrician workplace It should be equipped with a special table with a dielectric plastic coating, a dielectric (rubber) rug should be lying on the floor. In this workplace there is a special electrical outlet with a voltage of 42 V and a stand for
solder and tools on which the baths for solder and flux can be placed (Fig. 1). Different construction stands are possible.
In the set electrical instruments Included (Fig. 2): mounting knife or device for removing isolation; Pliers with narrow sponges or tweezers to hold the ends of the conductors in the desired position; tubes bags; Flat and cruciform screwdrivers; round-rolls; insulating tape; Fasteners (bolts, nuts, washers).
In addition, other tools and fixtures can be located at the workplace of the electrician: small pliers, hammer, kerner, set of small drills (diameter 1-4 mm), appliances, files, sandpaper, covotion or manual drill, electrical measuring devices , Device for mounting electrical circuits, Local light lamp, etc.

Fig. 1. Stand for the soldering iron and electrical instruments at the workplace of the electrician

Fig. 2. Electrical instruments: 1 - mounting knife; 2 is a device for removing isolation; 3 - pliers; 4 - tubes-booths; 5-year-rounds; 6 screwdrivers; 7-insulating tape; 8 - Fasteners

4. Hazardous and harmful production factors associated with the use of electrical energy.

The factors of dangerous and harmful effects on a person related to the use of electrical energy are:
the flow of electric current through the human body;
exposure to electrical arc;
The impact of the biologically active electric field;
The impact of a biologically active magnetic field;
The impact of the electrostatic field;
Effect of electromagnetic radiation (AM).
Electrical and magnetic fields are biologically active, the tension of which exceeds the maximum permissible levels (PD) - hygienic standards of working conditions.
Dangerous and harmful effects for a person from exposure to electric current, electric arc, electric and magnetic fields, electrostatic field and AM are manifested in the form of electrician, mechanical damage and occupational diseases. The degree of exposure depends on the exposure of the factor, including: the genus and the values \u200b\u200bof the voltage and current, the frequency of the electric current, the current path through the human body, the duration of the effect of electric current or electrical and magnetic fields onto the human body, the conditions of the external environment.
The exposure is the quantitative characteristic of the intensity and duration of the valve factor.
Electricalravum: local lesions of tissues (leather metallization, electrical signs and burns) and organs (sharp muscle contractions, heart fibrillation, electrohthartmia, blood electrolysis) are the result of exposure to electric current or electric arc per person.
According to the degree of impact on the human body, four stages differ:
I are weak, convulsive muscle contractions;
II - convulsive cuts of muscles, loss of consciousness;
Iii - loss of consciousness, violation of cardiac and respiratory activities;
IV - clinical death, i.e. Lack of breathing and blood circulation.
Mechanical damage resulting from the effect of harmful factors associated with the use of electrical energy (drop from height, bruises) can also be attributed to the electricians. In addition, the electric current causes an involuntary muscle contraction (convulsions), which makes it difficult for the liberation of a person from contact with current-time parts.
Professional diseases appear, as a rule, in violations of the functional state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In people working in the area of \u200b\u200bexposure to electrical and magnetic fields, an electrostatic field, electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies, irritability appear, headache, sleep impairment, decrease in appetite, violation of reproductive function, etc. The consequence of the impact of harmful factors may appear eye illness or leukemia (BELOKROY) .

5. Protection tools intended to provide electrical safety .
