Kitchen solutions in Khrushchev. Kitchen in Khrushchev - instructions How to make it comfortable and comfortable (80 photos)

Repair work in the house or apartment most often pass in all rooms of apartments and at home. It all depends on the state of one or another room and, of course, the financial position of the owners. But, where and what kind of repair would be, the manons want to get an excellent result and use every square meter with the mind.

There is no excess in the apartment - especially when it comes to Khrushchev. Today we will talk about one of the rooms in such an apartment - about the kitchen.

The essence of the problem of repair work in a small kitchen

The fact that apartments in the so-called "Khrushchev", panel or brick two-five-storey buildings are not only very small, but also with a very uncomfortable planning, it is not necessary to speak once again. Especially acute the problem of square meters touched the kitchens.

Even in the USSR, they brought a lot of inconveniences, and the situation after dozens of years is even more difficult: the presence of a large number of different kitchen equipment pounds many in a dead end, turning the problem of cuisines in 5-6 square meters to a real headache.

Is it possible to make a kitchen in a 5-square Khushchev. m and functional, and compact to have everything you need for full cooking? Place household appliances - for example, a refrigerator, a gas stove, a washing machine? Locate the dining table at least 2-4 people? How to properly organize the space of the kitchen to prepare and relax and relax?

There are many issues. We will try in virtue of our knowledge and opportunities to answer these questions.

Organization of space

Before proceeding with the topic of the interior design of the kitchen in Khrushchev, take note of the main rule of designing its design - this is a procedure in the full sense of the word.

Important! Claspness is the main enemy of your small cuisine. Therefore, starting to repair work, remove everything too much, and best - free the room completely.

Any kitchen can be made more functional: Believe me, right all the repair work and at the end of the repair work will receive an excellent result.

Rule number 1. Space - above all. Down with litterness - and there is the first and most important rule. Remember it always.

Let us give an example. If you follow the main essence of the application of the kitchen, namely cooking, the room can be released from the dining table. Thus, we get more space for movement in the kitchen and transfer the place of meals in a more spacious room.

Refrigerator will help save space. Of course, if you give preference to the horizontal option. They are not so often, but its surface can serve as a working part. It can be embedded in the cabinet / locker. As a result, you are guaranteed a cozy kitchen in Khrushchev 5 square meters. m with refrigerator.

More small kitchens in Khrushchev do not tolerate heavy curtains, huge carpets, many decorative plates, various photos within and paintings.

Furniture transformer is welcomed.

Rule number 2. Little Kitchen Interior Design: Select Colors and Visualizing. During the repair of small-sized premises, give preference only with cream or light beige tones, which, unlike the tones of dark color, make a room visually more. It becomes easy, bright and spacious.

Make your small kitchen visually will also help a big chandelier. Its pretty overall dimensions will allow to distract attention from the small size of the room, and the room will seem much spacious.

In addition, you can choose a chandelier with a strong design and its upper part of using a shelf, for example, for spices.

Prefer light tones and shades into the tone of the furniture. Of course, they can be a bit darker walls, but not too dark. Pick all according to the contrast rules. If the selection is not quite good, the room can turn into a solid light spot. Strong contrast is also not an option.

There is still everything here. Let's summarize a small result. A small kitchen welcomes space and visualization that makes it more.

We take into account this and look for several solutions of the quadrature problem.

Increase area

Observing the problems of repair work in a small kitchen and examined the main rules of repair, give several ways to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen room.

The first way is demolition partitions between the kitchen and adjacent room with it. An ideal option in this case will be the neighborhood of the kitchen with the living room. The septal demolition will not increase the area, but will increase the space. The dining table can be safely taken out of the kitchen in the living room. The refrigerator can also be transferred.

Another option - combine the kitchen with a balcony or loggia. Emboding options There are two: with a demolition of the partition or without demolition. The first option will increase the area, the second will add space.

As in the previous embodiment, everything that the equipment and furniture is "badly worth" in the kitchen, we have on the balcony or loggia.

And the last option - wall transfer. It is not used as often, as it rarely helps with the area of \u200b\u200bthe area.

Important! In any apartment there are bearing walls that cannot be transferred or transferred, but only to resolve special services.

Method number 2. We visualize, visualize and again visualize. If the first way to solve the problem with an area is not at all your option, then we use the art of visualization.
The use of various design techniques and ergonomics will help us visually increase the kitchen space.

Firstly, square meters do not litter.

Secondly, choose a kitchen set, which consists of a variety of lockers. With great elements, it will seem more of its real size. Mounted cabinets choose high. The perfect option is to the ceiling.

Thirdly, use mirrors. The presence of reflection will make it think more than it really is.

Fourthly we work with light and color. We have already mentioned about the bright color scheme. But here we emphasize your attention on the fact that in the design of the kitchen you can add several bright stains by selecting the functional zones. Then plie the light.

Ideally - if the entire ceiling and functional zones are highlighted.

The duet of light on the ceiling and highlighted functional zones in bright colors will visually increase the space.

Work zone

Learning the issue of the work area in the kitchen of 5 square meters. m, you need to make a loyal rate: choose not quantity, but quality and functionality. Washing, stove and refrigerator - without these "three whales" in any way. We install necessarily.

But what about the installation of other useful inventions in the area of \u200b\u200bkitchen appliances? Adhere to the following tips:

  • the stove is holy, but we can also save on it by installing a cooking surface;
  • mini-oven can replace the lack of plates;
  • if you choose the microwave, then only a mini-option;
  • remember, under the sink, you can install a small washing or dishwasher;
  • the question with the refrigerator can be solved by choosing one of the options above in the article;
  • table seload either a transformer or folding, like in a train. Another option - we take out of the kitchen room;
  • the windowsill can perform in the role of an additional working area. On the right and left of it can be placed several shelves. Just think so that the window opens. If it is large, then one of its parts can also be used for the shelves.

To some extent, dealing with the design of the interior of the kitchen, let's consider the two most popular variants of its arrangement. It will be about the kitchen with a gas column and an angular headset.

We offer to explore; You can also decide on the design option required by the number of lockers, shelves and other furniture using visual examples.

View photos with kitchen design options 5 meters with refrigerator.

The ideas of the design and layout of the bath in Khrushchev can be studied in the article at:

Corner kitchen

Yes, the kitchen is 5 square meters in Khrushchev. M is really a real "headache", but not so terrible, as it seemed. Let's see how you can make an angular option.

To repeat those tips about which we have already mentioned, we will not. Several kitchen options can be viewed in the photo and approximately pick up the design that you like.

But about the elements of the location of the furniture were not mentioned. They allocate three:

  • in the form of the letter r;
  • in the form of the letter P;
  • round.

The first option involves the use of two walls. This option of planning an angular kitchen is the most popular.

The second option involves the placement of the kitchen headset along the three walls, respectively, two angle are formed. But this option is much more space for the headset.

The third option guarantees good functionality and delights the eye in an unusual way. Widely this method is not used.

Important! For a kitchen in Khrushchev, the furniture is best made to order. As a result, you will receive exactly the one that is ideal for your kitchen. Under any of the options for location, you will make excellent furniture from MDF, chipboard, multiplex - these materials are more prioritized to use.

Gas column kitchen

Have a gas column - a very good option for any kitchen, although there is always a problem of the location of the aggregate itself. This everyday question can also be solved correctly by the place.

In addition, hide it very easily, as many hostesses do not quite sympathize with this "architectural ultrace." The suspension cabinet will correct the situation.

Read the main tips on how to hide the column in the suspension cabinet. In such a disguise there are their nuances:

  1. Starting work related to the installation of the gas column, consult from a fire safety specialist.
  2. Having learned all the nuances and details at a specialist, make a wide cabinet for a gas column in which there should be many ventilation holes.
  3. Qualitatively insulate the walls.
  4. Make holes for gas pipe and corrugations.

Instead of the result

How many square meters would not occupy your kitchen or another room, always remember: a bit of your fantasy, fiction, a couple of consultations from specialists - and your interior, even a kitchen in Khrushchev, will look like in the photo from fashion magazines!

We offer to watch a video that will demonstrate other kitchen options in Khrushchev:

Gallery photo

This photo selection of interiors of small-sized kitchens in Khrushchev - for your inspiration and birth of new designer ideas:

As exactly the people are noticed - the apartment is equal to one fire or ten moving. It would seem that finishing materials were bought, there are work hands and selected style, but the final result is not happy. As a rule, this is due to the incorrect and irrational use of free space. Editorial website offers an overview from which you will learn how to make a redesign in Khrushchev, and the photo of examples will be a good auxiliary means.

Read in the article

Features of the design of small-sized cuisine in "Khrushchev" with photo examples

"Khrushchevka" is a typical house with a height of 5 floors, which was erected from, w / w blocks or panels. The peak of construction fell on the 50-60 years of the last century. The technology of block or panel construction allowed at least somehow reduce the sharp lack of housing. Such a house could be built in almost 12 days. In "Khrushchev" there was no elevator, garbage disposal. Apartments in such houses were small, and the minimum kitchen area was 4.5 m². Although the construction of "Khrushchevok" has long ceased, nevertheless, in the residential foundation of each city of Russia and the CIS countries there are still many such buildings.


Designer Studio "Cozy House"

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"Since the kitchens in" Khrushchev "do not differ in large size, it is desirable to choose a wallpaper with a vertical pattern. So you visually lifting the ceilings.


Color solution for kitchen arrangement

Creating a small kitchen interior in "Khrushchev", you need to competently choose the color palette, because it largely depends on the final result. In our case, it is necessary to avoid using dark colors. For small kitchen, the following tones will be optimal:

  • white. It greatly reflects the light, makes the room more spacious and combined with any colors. Used to finish the walls, ceiling and manufacture. However, white, dairy, etc. It is not recommended to use for apron and countertops;
  • color of natural wood. Allows you to create an atmosphere of heat and coziness in the kitchen. The optimal option for premises with a disadvantage of natural lighting;
  • green. A good option for small rooms where it can be used as a primary color or accent. Well combined with orange, gray or pink tones;
  • red. Contributes to the appetite, but in a small kitchen it is better to use this color only to create an accent;
  • pastel. Allowed to achieve lightness, airiness and are ideal for small rooms. Bright accents will help to dilute one-window.

Creating a lighting system

Traditionally, one massive lamp with lamp with a lamp was used for lighting the kitchen or with 2-3 small plaffones. However, with the arrangement of a small room it is worth separating from such practices. Even in a small kitchen, you can make 3-level lighting:

Furniture and household appliances in small kitchen

In order not to overload a fairly limited space of the kitchen in Khrushchev, you need a minimum set of furniture, and only the most necessary. It is advisable to choose a compact and functional, especially since manufacturers offer a huge selection of such models.

Of course, the best option will be or lined with plastic. For spacious or combined with living room kitchen, you can choose the headsets of dark tones with matte surfaces, and for a small room - bright with a gloss. In the kitchen, you can install, which will perform the functions of the dining table and a kind of separator of different zones. In a small displacement for meals, it is recommended to install a small folding table, which will significantly save space. You can use wide as a table. It will also help to rationally organize storage systems. Use of high attached cabinets.

For small kitchens, the ideal option will be the use of built-in and represented in the minimum, only the most necessary quantity. You can make a built-in or buy a model that does not require connecting to the system. A good option may be cut into two burners - for a small kitchen of this enough. can be placed under. The originally will look at the penalty in which they are placed, microwave oven, etc.

Using textiles and decor

Due to the fact that the kitchens in "Khrushchev" are characterized by modest sizes, it is not recommended to overload the room with various elements of the decor. However, they are still needed to give the room by a lodged appearance and create maximum comfort and comfort in it. You can hang the original watches on one wall, and the other is an appetizing still life. It is also recommended to highlight for the arrangement of decorative bottles, dry spikelets, various souvenirs and facing.

- Not the best solution for small cuisine, as they reject the height of the ceilings in the room. The optimal choice will be using, or. It is beautiful, practical and modern. Traditionalists can choose short curtains made of light tulle without a pronounced drawing and textures. The textile line can be continued with napkins and towels, and you can refuse the tablecloth: instead it is desirable to use original decorative coats under the dishes.

Repair of the kitchen in "Khrushchevka": photo of interior options

We have already mentioned so many times in this review about the main disadvantage of the kitchen in Khrushchev - very modest dimensions. And it's very difficult on such a small space to do something decent, but we will try and show how you can provide functionality, comfort and comfort.

Kitchen design in "Khrushchevka" with a gas column

Almost all the kitchens in "Khrushchev" are equipped with a water heater -. Old models were bulky and inesthetical, not as an example of modern units - compact and more efficient. Some hide the gas column in the wall closet headset. However, before using this method of disguise, you need to consult with specialists.

Tip! The kitchen set is best ordered only after purchasing a "gas" column. So designers will be able to better adapt the furniture under the water heater.

Design of small cuisine in "Khrushchevka" with refrigerator

No kitchen will do without. In "Khrushchev" it is difficult to place this kind of household appliances without prejudice to the free space. Nevertheless, some still try to squeeze the fridge into a small kitchen, others set it in the corridor, and someone prefers to purchase a compact embedded model. It is no less important that the aggregate will fit into the interior to their appearance.

Kitchen design 5-6 m² in "Khrushchevka" with photos of examples of the location of the heads

For all the time of construction "Khrushchevok", several types of layouts were developed, which differed from each other with a slight difference in the area and minor elements. In general, they have a square shape and in the corner. The comfort of stay in such a kitchen largely depends on the location and functionality of the headset. It is also necessary to keep the "golden" or work triangle rule. Consider several basic options.

P-shaped and straight kitchen headsets

When choosing a P-shaped placement, the refrigerator is installed directly at the entrance, and on the windowsill is equipped with a full one. Such furniture accommodation is considered the most functional and optimal. Despite the fact that such a planning is more complicated, designers recommend using it.

Linear or direct location of kitchen furniture is the easiest solution for small or medium-sized kitchens. As can be seen from the name, the headsets are located along one of the walls. With this location of the furniture, free space is released to install other furniture. The dining table can be made from the windowsill, setting a wide worktop on it or using a folding option.

Design kitchen combined with living room in Khrushchevka

Many owners of "Khrushchevok" to expand the kitchen are resorted to redevelopment and combining it with the living room. In this case, you can resort to almost any option for the placement of the kitchen headset, and even to the island. By the way, if it is decided, it is necessary to worry about installing powerful so that the smells do not apply around the room.

Cuisine - Studio in Khrushchevka: Design Photo

Some are not limited to the association of the kitchen with the living room and demolish almost all partitions, except for the toilet. Thus get a studio apartment. The kitchen separation from the main premises is performed by various types of zoning: flooring, ceilings, couch, aquariums, and t ... d. We offer to familiarize yourself with the repair options in a small kitchen in Khrushchev with real photos.

Typical errors allowed when creating a kitchen interior in "Khrushchevka"

Many people independently making repairs, allow the same mistakes when creating a small kitchen interior. Consider the most basic so that you avoid them, drawing up this room at home.

Error What is lost or what will happen
Fear of high hinged cabinetsThe ability to get more free space by hiding on the upper shelves, the least used utensils used. Space is irrational. The ability to hide communications
Headsets too dark tonesVisually decreases the space. Impractical, like too bright and saturated and kitchen apron
Normal extract with a connection to the ventilation systemFree space is lost, so necessary in the small kitchen
Disappointment of electrical strokeOver time, there is a need to connect an increasing number of household appliances and additional lighting, and it will have to take boxes, hammering the walls and so on
Installation of the refrigerator next to the kitchen stoveLarge probability of damage to the aggregate
Large patterns on, curtains or tilesVisually reduces the space of the already small kitchen

If you are not sure about your abilities and do not want to spend money, then entrust a reliable construction company repairing a kitchen in the turnkey Khrushchev, the price will depend only on your wishes and used materials.

We offer to watch video with the analysis of typical errors committed when repairing a small kitchen in "Khrushchevka".

A few words in conclusion

"Khrushchevka", of course, is not the perfect type of housing, and it is difficult to implement something large-scale in a small square, but it is still possible. We told and showed how small kitchenette can be turned into a cozy and comfortable room where you can cook food or drink tea in a family circle. We hope our article will help you, and if there are comments or suggestions, contact our experts in the comments.

Read 10 min.

The kitchen is traditionally one of the key zones in any apartment. And if you live in Khrushchev, where she is allocated only 6 sq.m., it will have to think to think carefully how to organize such a small space. But do not rush to despair.

Designers offer a lot of interesting developments for the kitchen in Khrushchev: optimization of space, lighting and planning, the correct placement of furniture and other tricks. Make the most close kitchen multifunctional, comfortable and very comfortable quite real.

What form to choose a kitchen set

Because of the serious limitation of the area from luxury projects will have to abandon. At the head of the corner - compactness and rationalism. It is quite appropriate to be a linear planning headset, when the whole technique and lockers have the longest wall.

However, if there is a lot of home appliances in the kitchen, it will be problematic to build it in one row.

In this case, you need to choose:

M-shaped headsetdisposed along two adjacent walls. The angle is also involved - it usually equip the sink. And two work surfaces will not be superfluous.

P-shaped layout Not too successful solution for small cuisine. She will solve storage questions, but will take all three walls and will not leave the place at all even for a tiny dining table.

Coloring the headset, in principle, anyone is possible. But the most advantageous option will be furniture of bright shades using mirror and glossy elements.

What furniture to choose

Collect guests in the kitchen in Khrushchev you can hardly succeed. To do this, the living room will fit better. And the good dining table here exactly does not fit on the dimensions. Therefore, it will be necessary to stop on a small table and two chairs.

The model with a round or oval countertop is most suitable. Color It is advisable to choose bright, also justified the choice in favor of tempered glass. Many designers recommend a transformer table that quickly develops and occupies a minimum of space.

A good alternative is the bar counter. Under it easy to plug the chairs. The rack will be an additional storage location, and in combined rooms perfectly cope with the role of the partition.

The design can be a continuation of the windowsill, a working surface or touch with a free wall. It is made in the same color as the headset or countertop, sometimes pick up the contrast tone. The logical completion is high bar chairs, solid or soft, with a back or without it, but not bulky, lightweight.

What curtains pick up for a kitchen in Khrushchev

In order to create light airspace, you need to choose curtains from transparent fabrics that will skip light well. And since on a small kitchen, all work surfaces and appliances are located close to each other, the material should be resistant to pollution, moisture and not absorb odors. Curtain shades curtains visually remove the window and thus expand the borders of the room.

For a small kitchen, the blinds are suitable for various models and rolled curtains. They are charm in the ability to regulate the amount of incoming light, despite the fact that the lifting structures themselves do not occupy an excess place, do not overload the interior and perfectly get along with curtains, tulle or kise.

Often, designers prefer the Roman curtains that combine the convenience of blinds and the grace of the porter. Such design of windows is unpretentious in care, it looks always neat and makes the kitchen cozy and modern.

What floor and ceiling to do

The floor can be laid from any materials that have moisture resistance and impact resistance. The coating made in a light range or depicting symmetric diagonal strips will make the kitchen wider due to the stretched pattern and reflection of light.

It looks very interesting to the color of the tree, made by tiles or laminate. It is worth refraining from the selection of large patterns. In a limited area, they may not look aesthetically and visually reduce the kitchen. But the small ornament will revitalize the interior provided that the main surfaces will remain monophonic.

For the kitchen-living room competent solution will be zoning. The floor should differ in the texture, coloring or quality of the coating. Suppose directly in the kitchen zone - a tile, and in the recreation area - laminate or linoleum.

The ceiling is desirable to make a stretch, since this material optically increases the room volume and bribes absolute simplicity in care. The second acceptable option is the ceiling carefully aligned and painted in one tone.

More complex views - suspended, decorated, with photo printing, etc. - only reduce the height of the room. Multi-level structures should be avoided, which significantly grind space. And be sure to make the ceiling light.

Where to put a refrigerator and a washing machine on a small kitchen

There are two traditional decisions on the placement of the refrigerator on a small kitchen in Khrushchev. First, by the window. Next to the window, as a rule, there is an angle in which the large-sized unit fit quite well, without blocking all the ways of movement.

Secondly, you can put it at the door. So the headset and the refrigerator do not form one solid working surface, but it will not be very easy to interfere in the entrance.

More conceptual will be the location of the refrigerator under the tabletop. Of course, if the dimensions of such a camera can satisfy the needs of tenants. But the most optimal option is a built-in refrigerator.

Fast and unimpeded access to its contents remain. In this case, such a valuable space is not cluttered. You can even sew the doors with furniture facades, and then the refrigerator, in general, will not attract attention and dissolve the harmonious look of the kitchen.

When placing a washing machine, the choice is also not great. Most likely, it will take place one of the floor cabinets. To avoid problems with laying communications, and then with the location of additional hoses and pipes, it is advisable to put it near the wash. If there is no oven in the kitchen, and a compact cooking surface is installed, then the washing machine can be installed under it.

The original idea is to install this large household appliance in a niche under the window. Pipes of central heating and radiator are transferred to the side. The model of the washing machine should be a width of no more than 450 mm. Over it can make a dining table with a folding lid, which will be continuing the windowsill.

Where to hide the gas column

Transfer is a very troublesomeboard, burdened by the prescriptions of gas and housing services. It may be necessary to change the project and mount additional gas lines. Therefore, it is more profitable to leave the column where it is.

And when developing a kitchen headset design, it is possible to imitate the cabinet, which will hide the water heater and communicated to it. The cabinet should be without top, bottom and retain a certain distance between the door and the lid of the column.

Sometimes acceptable the installation of the column between the cabinets. Of course, if its design does not cause dissonance with furniture facades. To achieve harmony, you can decorate the column using interior stickers or painting in suitable color.

What to choose a color for the kitchen in Khrushchev

A real way to save a small kitchen from the association with a mouse mink - the predominance of light tones in furniture and decoration. Another of the designer tricks is a visual simplicity, unnecessary parts will not visually engage in space.

Ideally use white color. Snow-white furniture merges with the same walls, the boundaries are erased, the kitchen is perceived more spacious and easy even if in fact it is closed.

Instead of white, the pale gray, peach, cream, olive and other pastel colors are allowed. It is worth paying attention to the natural palette: chocolate, sand, celestial blue, all shades of natural wood.

Bright accents will help to make an interior. But more than two additional colors are better not to make, otherwise you risk breaking the perception of space and make the kitchen less than it is. You can use the most intense colors, but only on vertical surfaces and in modest quantities.


The most popular option is to combine the kitchen with the living room. Of course, additional meters will not arise from nowhere. However, it will be possible to make a dining group in the living room and free the place in the working area. Yes, and just visually the cuisine will seem much voluminous. However, there are also cons.

Due to the lack of partition, the scents of the kitchen will spread throughout the combined room and soak all textiles. The same applies to noise from the kitchen, say, from pouring water, hood, kettles, and so on.

If these shortcomings are essential for you, use the other maneuver - the septum transfer. The area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen will increase due to the adjacent room, storage room, corridor or bathroom. However, it will remain isolated.

Very successful for a specific kitchen in Khrushchev, the idea of \u200b\u200buniting it with a loggia is considered. A bright light coming from large windows is expanding the territory. On the former balcony you can arrange large household appliances, equip the place of storage or organize a cozy dining area.

Important! Do not forget to agree on your actions with government agencies, even if firmly confident that the wall is not carrier.

Functional cabinets

For a small kitchen, it is better to choose furniture to order. Thus it is possible to take into account all the features of the room and use each centimeter to the maximum.

The absence of mounted lockers is undoubtedly creating a feeling of lightness. But in the conditions of a shortage of useful area, such a solution is not appropriate: there will be no place to place all the utensils needed for the kitchen. It is reasonable, on the contrary, increase the height (and therefore the capacity) of the upper row of cabinets and use the space under the ceiling.

Save the place allows and rejection of swinging flaps. They can be replaced with folding, folding or lifting doors that are fixed at a level convenient for you. Inside the cabinets, make shelves different in height to avoid restrictions when placing cans, bottles, bulk boxes. A narrow impractical niche will fill the built-in pencil case with the retractable design.

Bottom cabinets are equipped with drawers. And in order to streamline their internal filling to consider the separator system.

Shelves on the walls

The corners remaining empty after installing the headset can be taken by rotating shelves, which provide a complete overview of the items and operational access to them, and at the same time, decorative functions are performed.

Another rational device is a variety of designs on the doors intended for storing small items: jars, tanks, covers, kitchen towels. Brushes, tacks, cutting boards can be hung on hooks. Knives and scissors are advisable to store on magnetic holders placed in a straight reach area.

Table window sill

This is essentially a tabletop that is located instead of the windowsill. You can cook on it and eat. In the first case, the windowsill are equipped as a continuation of the kitchen headset. The heating radiator at the bottom can be reedded with a furniture facade or organize another cabinet there. Reading on this table will be very comfortable because of the abundance of natural lighting.

Advanced window sill is able to replace the traditional dining group by placing up to 4 people. You can equip the table stationary, folding or stylish bar counter.

Retractable table

It hides under the guise of a box or a lower cabinet and put forward as needed on telescopic guides. Typically, the tabletop is just below the stands, but more modern systems allow it to raise it after nomination to form a single plane with a working surface. The inconvenience can cause what will have to remove such a table each time after use. And it is impossible to rearrange it.

Arch instead of doors

The original way to transform a small kitchen is the creation of the arch. Psychologists have proven that smooth lines in the interior create a pleasant relaxing atmosphere. The arch is not just an alternative to the door, but also a self-sufficient solution in terms of creating an exclusive design and expansion of visibility.

There is erasing the boundaries between the kitchen and the next room. Arched construction can be an inconspicuous transition element between rooms, and can perform the role of an emphasis. Thanks to a large number of intricate forms of the doorway, it can become a kind of chip of your home.


The lack of bulk cabinets and boxes can compensate for the Railing system. It almost does not occupy the place and, at the same time, it allows you to store everything that is often sought-after. Classic accommodation - above the tabletop under the upper cabinets.

If necessary, rails stretch over the entire length of the kitchen headset, but more often used in the form of individual sections at different points: over washing, above the stove, table, etc. You can fix several suspension at different heights, which is especially important for a small kitchen. If at the interface of the walls to install vertical raling - even angles acquire a functional load.

If you live in Khrushchev and your kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200babout 6 sq.m, then this is an article for you, in this article we will look at how correctly and rationally use the area on a small kitchen. We will tell you how to place on a small square everything is necessary for the hostess, and so that nothing has sacred, and was at hand. With the correct placement of kitchen furniture and household appliances, as well as competent lighting of kitchen zones, you can not only free up a little square, but also visually zoom in the area of \u200b\u200bsmall cuisine in Khrushchev.

Little Kitchen Design in Khrushchev with Refrigerator, Proper Refrigerator Placement

Refrigerators are cumbersome and occupy a small kitchen in Khrushchev 1/4 of the space, but there are several ways to place a refrigerator on a small Khrushchev kitchen.

The refrigerator is an important element for the kitchen, it stores everything you need and all the most delicious, it also needs to be placed on a small kitchen in Khrushchev

  • Choose a refrigerator not standard sizes. Nowadays, there is a huge selection of small refrigerator intended for small kitchen.
  • Buy a refrigerator with one compartment, the freezer can be purchased separately, place it in niche. You will win a huge number of square meters if you use this method;
  • Built-in refrigerator. You can in the presence of one compartment to embed your refrigerator, and it will look at the continuation of the kitchen headset.
  • Freezer on the balcony. If you have a kitchen with a balcony, then the perfect option will be transferred to the freezer on the balcony room, there you can easily use the freezer without any difficulty, and the kitchen will unload from extra furniture.

The main task of the mistress of a small kitchen in Khrushchev - to increase the area of \u200b\u200byour kitchen

Proper furniture alignment on a small kitchen in Khrushchev

Each hostess is comfortable in such a kitchen, where all the necessary things for cooking will be at hand, and nothing superfluous will interfere. In order to create an interesting interior and design in a small kitchen Khrushchev, you will need a lot of effort, and patience, but everything is possible, if you adhere to the rules for creating design in small kitchens Khrushchev. Kitchens are rectangular and square layout, very rarely encountered kitchens of non-standard form.

In order for the furniture not "eaten" square meters in the kitchen, you must remove all unnecessary items

In small kitchens, it is necessary to place the furniture correctly, namely:

  • choose a kitchen set by the letter "G" or "P", it is recommended to place all the necessary furniture and techniques in the kitchen;
  • furniture Choose compact, best suited for Khrushchev - built-in furniture, it will help save space;
  • you can remove the doors if you have an exhaust in your kitchen, thanks to which expand the opening.

Mr.-shaped furniture on a close kitchen in Khrushchev - the most suitable option

If the small kitchen has a square shape, then the P-shaped placement of the kitchen headset is suitable

Built-in Compact Furniture - The most suitable option for small-sized kitchen in the apartment Khrushchev

Combining the kitchen and balcony in Khrushchev

If the kitchen in Khrushchev has access to the balcony, then at the expense of the balcony area, you can increase the space in the kitchen, combining them, or use the balcony, for example, as a dining room. In addition, most of the household appliances can be transferred to the balcony, which can be used on the balcony. Due to this unification of two spaces, you visually increase your small kitchen.

When combining the balcony and kitchen, you will have to warm the balcony, put a warm floor, put plastic double-glazed windows so that there is always warm and cozy on the balcony. It is necessary to repair on the balcony and the kitchen at the same time, since the design of these rooms should be made in one style. Next in the photo Kitchen design options, combined with a balcony in a small apartment Khrushchev.

How to visually increase the area on a small kitchen

For a visual increase in space on a small-sized kitchen, it is better to place a kitchen set by the letter "G" or "P", the area is so significantly won. It is better to choose furniture with swing doors so that nothing bothered to open the desired department. No need to choose a large dining table with bulky chairs.

Aesthetically, a small or retractable table with light chairs will look at the kitchen in the Khrushchev. Chairs must choose light, or glass, such chairs will not seem too big and will not take a lot of space.

Choose furniture with retractable sections or departments, in such sections you will not only be able to store the necessary things, but also be able to use them as a working area

Lighting on a small kitchen in Khrushchev

To visually increase the close kitchen, you need to use as much light as possible.. If you have a kitchen with a balcony, then you, combining these two rooms, get two times more lighting.

Lyfhak for small cuisine in Khrushchev - Roll Curtains Delichen windows, they will save space

Choose small chandeliers of flat shapes in a small kitchen, and small scaves place over the dining table at a distance of 60 cm. For full lighting of working areas on small-sized kitchens around the perimeter of the room, there are small point lamps.

Remember the more light in the room, the visual room will look more

Video - Budget lighting on small-sized kitchen in Khrushchev

Wall design and floor on a small kitchen in Khrushchev

When choosing the design of walls and gender in a small kitchen room, you must follow the following principles:

  • choose a wallpapers for the kitchen in Khrushchev and a floor covering of light shades, which visually increases the space;
  • if your white wallpaper, the floor covering must be done on the tone with darker, for example, gray shade;
  • choose washable wallpapers, they look perfectly on a small kitchen, and the choice itself is more practical.

Below in the photo, see examples of the design of stele and floors in the kitchen with a small square in the apartment Khrushchev.

Video - Little Kitchen - Design Ideas for Khrushchev

If the ideas for the design of a small-sized kitchen design in Khrushchev have no longer, we suggest this video.

Decor in small-sized kitchen in the Khrushchevka

In a small kitchen, it is unwanted to use a large number of decor items, but if you like decorative decorations, then choose not too big:

  • place flowers on the windowsill in the kitchen, let it be several small blooming plants than one large;
  • apply the same principle for the placement of paintings and photos in the kitchen;
  • pictures must be placed at different heights, this designer trick visually makes the walls above;
  • curtains on a small kitchen should be light, not in the floor of lightweight fabric.

A small kitchen in Khrushchev, with the right choice of design and placement of furniture, turns into a very cozy and comfortable room. Adhere to our recommendations, then your small-sized kitchen will be visually increasing and will look stylish and interesting.

Video - how to accommodate everything in the kitchen in Khrushchev

We suggest to see you, as functional and convenient to accommodate absolutely everything - both the equipment and furniture, in a very small kitchen in Khrushchev.

Khrushchev is called 5-storey houses of Soviet buildings with small apartments and close rooms. The kitchen in such housing has extremely modest sizes - only 6 square meters. meters.

Establish such a room in such a way that it is not only comfortable, but also attractive outwardly, extremely difficult. However, there are some of the secrets of designers who will help to cope with this task.

Choosing the optimal planning for the kitchen in Khrushchev

Corner layout - This embodiment of the kitchen in Khrushchev is the most correct and convenient. It allows you to maximize the use of space, making it more functional and comfortable.

The headset mounted letter g is ideal for creating a proper working triangle, which consists of a refrigerator, washing and stove. All furniture at an angular layout is located in such a way that in the kitchen there is still a free space for movement.

There are rules to make Mr.-shaped kitchen in Khrushchev even more comfortable:

  • There should be a width of about 5 cm between the household appliances.
  • The headsets must be high, capacious, and at the same time compact.
  • Built-in household appliances will help to save space even more. It is recommended to choose the so-called "mini" devices.
  • Instead of a large bulky slab it is worth using a small woor surface. If the family is small, there will be a 2-comfortable device.
  • The sink should be transferred to the window to the window, then it will be possible to more harmoniously place the corner headset using all the indoor niches.

Linear layout - A good solution for arresting the kitchen interior in Khrushchev. With this layout, the headset is installed along one of the walls in a solid line. Thus, there is still enough space in the room for the arrangement of other furniture.

With a linear layout, you can equip a dining table using a wide windowsill - for this it is necessary to attach a folding countertop to it. All lockers in the headset, both attachments and floor, should be the most accommodated one. The higher the headset itself, the more useful space in it.

Tip! To ensure uniform lighting in such a kitchen, it is recommended to use the ceiling backlight, or install the required number of point lamps. Above the dining table can be placed a large chandelier.

Proper location of furniture in the kitchen in Khrushchev

Choosing furniture for such a kitchen, preference should be given a folding and sliding, and not swing doors. Even more free space will help the folding dining table and chairs.

It is also worth buying furniture that can be easily transformed - for example, with retractable sections adapted for storage, and suitable for the role of tabletops.

Oddly enough, large, and not small decor elements will be used to visually increase the space in a small kitchen. It is also worth using all sorts of glossy and mirror surfaces. It is recommended to avoid open shelves and give preference to closed cabinets.

Horizontal parts in the kitchen in Khrushchev should be as small as possible. Visually expand the space vertical lines - for example, narrow and high floor cabinets.

Bar stand - Great way of saving space in small kitchen. It can be used instead of the dining table, placing several high bar chairs nearby.

If the tabletop rack is wide enough, its base can be used for storage: for example, install a breadbox or microwave.

Kitchen table - Designers advise the use of a glass table of a rectangular shape, which can be leaning against the wall. It visually increases the space, besides, does not occupy a lot of space. Round table for small cuisine - far from the best option.

Chairs can also choose transparent, made of special durable plastic. Corner sofas occupy too much space, so they also refuse them. As a dining table, a wide window sill, complemented by a folding countertop, can play.

Refrigerator - It is difficult to submit the kitchen without this household device. The hostess actively uses them in the process of cooking, constantly opening and closing the door.

However, properly place the refrigerator in the kitchen in Khrushchev so that it does not interfere and did not occupy a lot of space, quite difficult. The optimal option is a small refrigerator built into the furniture, but such an idea is not suitable for a large family.

There are other options for placing the refrigerator:

  • establish it in a niche that is suitable in size;
  • built in the base of the table top, if the refrigerator is a single-chamber;
  • release the refrigerator outside the kitchen - for example, on the indoor balcony, or in the corridor;
  • install the refrigerator in the corner near the window, next to the cooking surface.

Gas column - Most often, this device in Khrushchev is carefully mastered, hiding it behind the facades of the hinged locker located above the working area.

It is impossible to place the gas column next to the gas stove, refrigerator and exhaust. As for the locker, behind which it is hidden - it is made of special refractory materials.

However, you can completely do without such a locker. It is enough to establish a column between two mounted lockers, then attach a fake facade closed on a magnet.

It is important to remember that the entrance door must be present in the kitchen with the gas column, it is impossible to replace its arch in any way (this requirement is dictated by the safety instructions).

Appliances - An ideal option should be called built-in household appliances integrated into the headset. It is better for it to have a compact size.

From some household appliances that are used extremely rare, it is worth completely refusing. The bulky slab is recommended to replace with a small cooking surface.

In one of the niches, the headset can be built in the oven compact size. Above the working surface is to arrange the hood (its design should also be small). Right next to the sink, in a special niche, you can install a washing machine.

How to combine living room and kitchen in Khrushchev

Before combining the kitchen in Khrushchev with a living room, you should remember the important technical points. The current legislation states that apartment owners cannot independently endure washing, stove and other kitchen appliances outside the apartment. When combining such a space kitchen, together with all communications, should remain in its place.

To equip her kitchen in a new way right above the residential room of the neighbors is prohibited from below. Self remove the carrying wall between the living room and the kitchen is also not allowed - this can be done only if there is a special permission.

We must not forget about a powerful hood, or the air conditioning system. In the living room from the kitchen should not freely penetrate outsiders. No less important is the kitchen-living room lighting system in Khrushchev.

So that the lights were enough in the working, and in the living area, there are many point lamps, adding their main chandelier over the dinner table. If necessary, you can also use wall sconces in the living room area.

Very seriously need to approach the zoning of the combined kitchen-living room.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. Peninsula - In his role, a table installed in the middle, or a countertop attached to the wall. It is important that these elements are harmonized with the kitchen area and with the dining area.
  2. Soft furniture - For example, installed in approximately the center of the room is a small sofa, as well as several comfortable chairs with a compact magazine table.
  3. Two-level ceiling - Stylish and concise way to divide the uniform room into separate zones so that they still look like a single integer.
  4. Two-tier floor - With it, you can lift the kitchen zone slightly, in addition, such a floor will reliably hide all kitchen communications from prying eyes.
  5. Sliding doors - Stylish and simple solution, allowing you to clearly define the boundaries of both zones. The main feature of this method of zoning the kitchen-living room can be called its ability at any time quickly extinguish the kitchen - for this you just need to push the doors.
  6. Installation of different lighting areas of the kitchen - One of the simplest and most popular ways to zoning premises.
  7. Shirma or curtains - A simple, cheap and efficient way to divide the living room and kitchen areas.
  8. Live plants - A great way to beautifully divide the room, and also significantly revive it.
  9. Bar stand - Her role can perform a part of the partition from the wall that sees the kitchen earlier and the living room. To finish the rack, you can use natural wood, ceramic tiles, mosaic or facing stone.
  10. Arch - This method of zoning is often used by the owners of small apartments. You can decorate the arch can be miniature lamps located directly on its design.
  11. Walls of different tones - Another very available way to zoning the kitchen-living room. Colors can be in one color scheme, or contrasting.
  12. Wood partition - Use such a method of zoning can be combined with a slight drop of the ceiling height.

How to combine the kitchen in Khrushchev with a balcony

Combining a kitchen with a balcony will help solve the problem of the arrangement of a small room. To organize the perfect kitchen zone with maximum functionality, you should not demolish completely all the wall - designers advise to leave her lower part along with the windowsill. This design is capable of becoming an original part of the interior, turning into a bar, or even a full dining table.

In addition, the balcony can be revealed with a kitchen. Thus, the room is immediately released and will become more spacious. To make this part of the kitchen look more attractive, on the site of the former wall can be equipped with an army, giving it an interesting form.

It is also necessary to take care of the good lighting of the newly acquired kitchen area, placing the required number of point luminaires in it. So that the room really looks in one way, the same materials should be used for its finish. Of course, both zones must be performed in a single style.

Kitchen layout in Khrushchev Video

A small kitchen in Khrushchev can be made with taste and make comfortable. Real example see this video.

Kitchen in Khrushchev Successful layout (real photos)