Rolls with chips of tuna recipes. Roll Bonito - step-by-step photo Cooking recipe at home


Roll Bonito - This is a classic Japanese roll, decorated with rice outward and tried by a thin chips from the tuna, which can be purchased in any section of Japanese cuisine. It is very light, and therefore only 50 grams you will be enough for a long time.

The chips sometimes (but not in our case) goes into the filling of the roll, but outside it gives him an interesting "curly", thanks to which Bonito looks not like all rolls (more refined, or something). Perhaps because of this, it seems to many that it is difficult to cook at home. However, this is not that you will prove our today's step-by-step recipe with photos of its preparation.

In the filling of the roll, we put some rice, avocado, fresh cucumber and smoked salmon. In general, the chips are well combined with salmon fish, and therefore, if the need to replace, take the trout or salmon instead of salmon. Another fish for Rolla Bonito is hardly suitable. Otherwise, follow the recipe instructions - and is already very soon on your desk there will be wonderful bonito rolls, spectacular and very tasty.


  • (50 g)

  • (1/2 Sheet)

  • (24 g)

  • (10 g)

  • (10 g)

  • (2 g)

  • (10 g)

  • (2 g)

Steps of cooking

    Prepare products for Bonito roll. 50 grams of round rice cook until readiness, and then refuel the 10th grams of rice vinegar. Fish (24 g) cut thin layers, and avocado and cucumber (10 g each) - straw.

    Nori leaf half laid a bamboo mat on a wrapped food film and coated on top of a thin layer of boiled rice with vinegar, retreating from the edge of 3 cm.

    We carefully turn the nori and in the center longitudinally lay out two pieces of smoked salmon.

    On the one hand, we put a cucumber strip from the fish, and on the other - avocado.

    With the help of the mat neatly twist the roll.

    Then, as neatly deploy a bamboo rug.

    Generously pack Roll Bonito in the chips of the tuna.

    After that, re-twist and spin it, helping yourself with a mat.

    In the resulting curly "sausages" on both sides, cut off the ends and divide Bonito to an even number of pieces.

    Each piece we decorate the caviar of the Tobiko, alternating red and dark colorsas in chess.

    After that, the fully prepared Roll Bonito is applying to the table, as usual, accompanying the supply of a saw with soy sauce, as well as green Vasabi sauce and a pickled ginger root.

    Bon Appetit!

Bonito Rolls are rolls in a tuna chips. Bonito tuna chips are flakes of the cooked and dried tuna. This chips have a very strong aroma and an unusual taste. And rolls in the chips of the tuna look very appetizing and attractive!

For the filling, I took a red caviar of the fly fish to Tobiko so that our rolls looked bright, cucumber and stem. Yes, yes, you did not hear exactly the skin of salmon)) If you throw out the skin of the salmon, you do it in vain, since the fried skin of the salmon is perfectly combined with a chips of the tuna!

Of course, Bonito rolls are prepared not only with such a stuffing, it is only one of the options. Also for the filling in my opinion, the salmon, caviar Tobiko and cucumber, as well as instead of fish, you can take a smoked eel, it is very tasty!

So, proceed)

Step-by-step photo Recipe for cooking rolls with Bonito tuna chips

We need:

  • rice for sushi (Japanese, round) - 350 gr
  • water - 360 ml
  • ready seasoning for sushi (or cooked houses) -80-100 ml
  • dried algae nori.
  • bonito tuna chips
  • baister Fish Caviar Cobiko (Red)
  • summer skin
  • cucumber
  • bamboo Mat for Cooking Rolls (Makis)
  • food film

Preparation Rolls Bonito

So, we need to cook Fig. (Detailed Description: How to cook rice for sushi.

Now you have to prepare all the ingredients for sushi.

Tip: Since rice during the preparation of sushi should be warm and so that it does not cool until you prepare all the ingredients, I advise you to engage in all the ingredients while preparing fig.

Cucumber cut strips.

Stuffing in Rolls Bonito as I said, you can take any what you just like it).

Cut and fry salmon skin.

First clean the skin from scales.

Then make it on thin stripes.

And now we just have to fry it in a pan within a few minutes. Summer skin and so fat, so add oils a bit.

Prepare nori sheets.

Of course, they do not need to cook)) I meant the fact that for our rolls we need only half a whole sheet, well, or 2/3 sheets. Personally, I use half.

Take a whole sheet of Nori.

And cut it in half.

From one of these halves of Nori, we will prepare our rolls Bonito.

Wire a Makis bamboo mat into the food film. You can buy one single bamboo mat for making Makis rolls and just before each use to wrap it into the usual food film and use it as much as you like and it will always be clean. And after use, it will not even need to wash, but simply remove the film and everything !!! I wrapping the mat into the film once 5 so that it does not turn exactly))

Previously, I did not know this and used a mat without a film, after use I was thoroughly soaps, but still there were particles of rice, caviar, sesame and I had to buy a new one. But now I always use food film and advise you too !!!

So, all the ingredients are prepared and here they should look with us)

We will proceed to the preparation of rolls with a chip "Bonito" tuna.

Take a bamboo mat "Makisu", put on it to half a sheet of Nori with a smooth side down, to the neighboring part of the mat.

For the Roll of Uramaki (roll rice outside), if you find it difficult to twist roll, you can also take a little more than 2/3 of the Nori sheet.

Now we need rice for sushi and boiled water, it is advisable to put in it several lemones in it.

Laying out the rice on the Nori sheet with a thin layer (it is necessary before taking some rice, each time you need to make your fingers in water, otherwise the rice will stick to the fingers) by moving from ourselves 1-1.5 cm (it is necessary for the finished roll There was a snail on a cut). That is, the nori edge to you is not to lay out to your neighbor (it remains free), and lay out the rest of the nori and put 1-1.5 cm on the mat without Nori. Figure only lay out, not fingers.

If we are preparing for example, rolls with caviar of flying fish or rolls with sesame, then at this stage we can up on the rice to lay out caviar or siny, and in our case, only ready rolls can be sprinkled with chips.

Now we need to turn the sheet of Nori.

(Only on this photo I did another roll and I show it for an example, how exactly it is necessary to turn the Nori leaf with rice and this roll you turn the same way as on this photo)

To do this, cover the nori with rice of the second half mat.

Turn the mat along with the nori and rice, slightly pressing the palm.

Expand the mat.

Rice should be at the bottom, and Nori from above.

Then put on the middle of the Nori filling, I have a caviar fish (red), cucumber and skin salmon (you can take any) in this role.

Now we need to twist a roll, tight enough, so that when you cut, he has not lost his form.

To do this, lift the edge of the mat and at the same time with one hand hold the stuffing on yourself, and turn the roll with the other hand, so that the empty edges of the Nori joined each other, and the stuffing remained inside.

Here is such a roll of Uramaki (roll rice out) we have turned out)

In the same way, we turn the rolls "with batfish caviar", rolls with sesame, etc., that is, rolls rice outwards.

Now we need to sprinkle our roll shavings tuna.

To do this, take a handful of chips and sprinkle roll. You do not need to press the chips, it will well hold on to rice without additional effort on your side and looks like a volume and fluffy.

You can also sprinkle rolls already sliced, it will be more convenient for you. Personally, I tried and the other way to sprinkle roll and it seems to me that more conveniently chopped rolls to dip in the chips. Because when the whole roll is sprinkled, and then when you start to cut it, then the chips are not completely, but it is overwhelmed and then again it has to sprinkle chips a little)

Then you need to cut our roll on 8 parts. To do this, our knife should be very sharp, otherwise when cutting roll will fall apart and lose its beautiful view. Preferably before cutting the knife.

And so that the roll does not fall apart. Before each cutting, we make a knife in cold water and remove the rice particles from the knife !!!

To do this, first cut the roll exactly in half, then cut every half into 4 parts. You will have 8 rolls.

Well, everything, finally, our rolls with a chips of a tuna "Bonito" are ready and that's what they did them!)

For one roll "Bonito":

Rice ready for sushi - 1 handful;
Salmon C / C - 20-30 grams;
Avocado - 1 piece;
Cheese cottage cheese - 2-2.5 art. spoons;
Nori - 0.5 sheets;
Tuna chips - about 1 tbsp. spoons.


Roll "Bonito" is a roll rice outward, which is covered with a chips of the tuna. Tuna chips are sold in specialized departments or in product stores for Japanese cuisine. She is very light, I bought 50 grams and it's a lot, but a good such package.

The salmon fish is well combined with a chips of the tuna, I propose to use the weakly salted salmon, trout or salmon. It is still recommended to prepare bonito rolls with a fried skin of these fish, I have not tried, but I plan ...

The site has recipes for cooking and C / s fish, and rice for sushi, and still step-by-step recipes with nuances for different rolls.

Prepare ingredients:

For the preparation of roll Rice, there is enough half a sheet of nori. It should be put on Makis (mat, bamboo mat) shiny side down. Moisten the hands in the acidic water and take a portion of rice - a handful. Distribute the nori thin layer of rice so that on one side it remains about 1 cm Nori, and on the other hand, the rice also spoke about 1 cm.

Cover rice with Nori's free side of Makis.

and turn over. Open Makis and it turns out that rice is downstairs, and the Nori surface is upstairs.

Place the whole filling: pieces of avocado, slices of salmon and curd cheese.

Roll a roll move from yourself.

Roll Rice is ready.

Roll "Bonito" is a roll rice outward, which is covered with a chips of the tuna. Tuna chips are sold in specialized departments or in product stores for Japanese cuisine. She is very light, I bought 50 grams and it's a lot, but a good such package.

The salmon fish is well combined with a chips of the tuna, I propose to use the weakly salted salmon, trout or salmon. It is still recommended to prepare bonito rolls with a fried skin of these fish, I have not tried, but I plan ...

The site has recipes for cooking and C / s fish, and rice for sushi, and still step-by-step recipes with nuances for different rolls.

Prepare ingredients:

For the preparation of roll Rice, there is enough half a sheet of nori. It should be put on Makis (mat, bamboo mat) shiny side down. Moisten the hands in the acidic water and take a portion of rice - a handful. Distribute the nori thin layer of rice so that on one side it remains about 1 cm Nori, and on the other hand, the rice also spoke about 1 cm.

Cover rice with Nori's free side of Makis.

and turn over. Open Makis and it turns out that rice is downstairs, and the Nori surface is upstairs.

Place the whole filling: pieces of avocado, slices of salmon and curd cheese.

Roll a roll move from yourself.

Roll Rice is ready.

Next, it needs to sprinkle or cut into the tuna chips, it sticks well to the rice.
Slip rolls with a slight-gone movement with a sharp, moistened in the water with a knife.

Roll "Bonito" is ready. Serve it with soy sauce and pickled ginger.

Bon Appetit!

What is Bonito and with what they eat?

The term "Bonito" exists in Asian cuisine conditionally. Under it understands the popular role-in-world roll with the same name. Most often, under the word Bonito, in view of the roll, containing two types of fish, one of which acts as one of the main ingredients, and the second plays the role of the decor element and at the same time enhances the taste of fish notch.

Bonito rolls at home. Why not?

Bonito is not just a roll, he has an original unforgettable taste. Visitors of Japanese restaurants, trying it at least once, ordered the presented dish again and again. This is not surprising, because the tunting chips makes a special taste accent, which is not peculiar to other similar varieties of sushi.
Not everyone has the opportunity to regularly attend establishments in which sushi is served. At the same time, we want to be more familiar daily. How to be? Having under hand the desired ingredients and small skills twist rolls, you prepare Roll Bonito right in your kitchen. Before you begin cooking, check out the recipe and stock all necessary.
Bonito Roll has the following
structure : Fresh salmon and tuna in the form of fine dry chips.

Secrets of cooking roll Bonito

Bonito-roll includes such ingredients:

· ;

· ;

· ;

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· ;

· ;

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· Avocado.

Cooking process

You will need half a nori leaf, as the roll will be twisted with rice up.

1. Put it with a brilliant side on a rug or mat. In the acidified rice vinegar water, moisten the hands, and then take a handful of boiled rice and evenly distribute it on a rough surface of the sheet. Make sure that with one of the sides of the Nori, an empty place remained about 1 cm wide. On the other hand, the rice should perform 1 cm.

3. On the Nori lay out the carved on long strips of avocado, salmon and creamy cheese. Movements directed from ourselves, accurately roll roll.

4. Obravel the finished role in the tuntz chips and sharp, moistened with a knife in cold water to 6-8 pieces.

5. Serve rolls with Vasabi, ginger and soy sauce to taste.

Rolls have excellent nutritional abilities, while they can eat even those people who are followed by their figure.
In this case, Bonito calorie is only 148 kcal per 100 g of the product.