Handmade cultivator is a device and principle of work, varieties and how to make it yourself. How to make a cultivator with your own hands: a few simple manufacturers homemade flat-colored bike

Summer is about to come, and most of our free time will be occupied by garden troubles. Surely the main of them consist in growing potatoes. After all, it was this culture that was hardly the main on our gods and tables. And therefore, you know how hardly dipping the rows of potatoes manually. There are a lot of devices designed to facilitate this work, and one of them is a skipper. It can be done independently from the old bike.

How is the rank used

Those who enjoy potatoes with their hands, know what pains in the back, shoulders and arms speak long standing in the bent position. Even if you use a relatively comfortable plane with a long handle, it is unlikely to save from discomfort. Therefore, it is very important to minimize the slopes with a long holding of such poses during the plunger. Whatever told about the need for exercise, but gymnastic exercises and work in the garden are very different things. Just a fire due to its height will help you spend work, without bending your back. There are many ways to make this device from the primary means (not to mention the ready-made factory model), but it would be nice to reduce costs and labor costs to a minimum. An old bike, no longer suitable for direct duties, is suitable for this, as it is impossible. He has an ideal height, a suitable form, the steering wheel at the right level, and it weighs a little.

Old broken bike is very easy to remake to a useful fitting for garden work.

Let's look at what principle a manual occupier works.

The main part of the device is a plow, which can be a conical shape or in the form of an arrow tip. It was he who plows the earth, deepening in her by 10-15 cm. The plow blades must be located at a certain angle, so that when promoting the soil in a heaters on the desired width and pour the potato row raised soil. The width of this part depends on the width of the series.

Plow suitable form - the main component of the rank

The plow is fixed on the cycling frame with the wheel. Through the steering wheel, you control the unit. And the promotion of the device in the garden is ensured by the wheel in front of the frame.

That is, simple words, the algorithm of actions when working with the occupier looks like this:

Potatoes will be boiled faster, and most importantly - it is easier than if you did it with a sap, treating each bush.

Note! This method of dipping with the help of the device under consideration is equally well suitable for the beds planted both ridges and in a row way.

Production of a bike

If you have long been friendly with the tool and wear a proud title "On All Master's Hands", then you will collect such a device for you no more than entertainment for a couple of hours. But the rank from the old bicycle is so simple that even a newcomer will not work to do it.

What will need materials and tools

Everything you need is probably in your garage. As a last resort, any component is easy to get anywhere - familiar, neighbors, in the store or on the trash.

Step-by-step process description

The manufacture of the occupier consists of several stages.

Note! Remember the safety technique during operation. If necessary, wear gloves or mittens, protect your eyes with glasses, and the respiratory tract is a respirator.

Preparatory stage

First you need to prepare a bike frame to further actions. Remove the steering wheel, saddle, rear wheel and pedals. Front wheel free from the tire and camera so that only the rim remains.

Disassemble the bike, removing all the extra details

Prepare the Plow (Cultivator) section to the attachment to the place where the rear wheel was. To do this, make the fastening to the section.

Stage manufacturing aggregate

Cut the mount for the rear wheel so that only the triangle frame remains. The section of the tractor cultivator is screwed into the cropped place, which is addicted to the site on which pedals were mounted. Tighten the nuts suitable with a span key diameter. Two such keys may be needed: one - to hold the bolt, the other is to spin the nut.

Use both cycling and wrench to be more convenient to delay the nuts.

Adjust the deposancy of the plow section so that during the dipping it is convenient for you to go at some distance from the aggregate. Instead of the saddle, set the steering wheel and tighten the connection location with a bicycle key. Adjust the height of the steering wheel under your height.

It will also be necessary to tighten the front fork as possible, and it is better to brew it tightly so that it does not turn during the injection process.

If you do not have a ready-made cultivator section, you can cook it yourself or order a welder specialist. At the same time you need to adhere to the rules:

  • the width of the occupier should be 2/3 of the width of the row;
  • the angle between the welded blades should be about 80-90 ° to make the item well grab the ground.

Remember the safety technique during welding! In violation, you can get mechanical injuries, thermal burns from drops of molten metal and slag or electric shield.

You can make it easier to easily work with a skipper if you work in a pair. Put on the front of the belt aggregate, for which the first participant will pull while the second manages the device. Also to the bottom of the occupus, you can attach the load so that the plow crashed into the soil.

How else can you use a bike for the manufacture of the rank

The method discussed above is not the only one. You can make a snake from the front bike wheel with a fork. You will need two more pieces of metal pipes, cooked under a stupid angle. A bicycle steering wheel is attached to the long tube from above. It is also better to privar for reliability. At the junction of two pipes, the cultivator joins below.

Make a skipper from the front wheel of the bike is even easier

You can also make a sake of a three-wheeled bike for children. For this, the seat is removed and the front wheel is unscrewed. But for this option, a ready-made cultivator from the tractor is not suitable. It will be better if you breed the blade at a certain angle from the inside of the frame next to the wheels. This design is provided for movement not by a broadcast, but for a row.

Video: how to make your own hands a sake-cultivator from an old bike

As you can see, garden concerns can be significantly reduced, and the skipper, which will become your assistant, you can easily make yourself. In addition, you also attach old, already unsuitable things by making them a useful device. And if you have time to make the appropriate replacement nozzles, then the occupier can be used as a cultivator, or pour and loosen the beds. Good luck!

Handmade cultivator is a tool for gardening and gardening and soil processing. We will tell about several variants of the design of this tool, starting with the simplest manual option and ending with an electric motor option.

Making a cultivator manual with your own hands

Simplest option - Tornado cultivator

The most simple on its device the cultivator "Tornado" is a bit like a corkscrew on a vertical cutting, ending the horizontal handle.

Tornado - Manual Cultivator for Egging Light Soil

He is made independently simply, from ordinary forks. Pre-buy in the Hozmaga nozzle from plastic for cutting shovels in the form of a handle - they are used on the willars, and on the shovels for the convenience of work. Since the handle from the original "Tornado" is a long horizontal tube, then our handle also needs to be modified.

To do this, we use a piece of plastic pipe with a length of about half a meter and a diameter of a little more thickness bought the nozzle to the shovel from plastic. The pipe is neatly cut along, then we will withdraw the edge of the cut to the side and put on the purchased nozzle. It is desirable to climb the pipe to the knob that it does not eat when working and did not move from the initial position. As a result, in both directions, our horizontal handle of the cultivator will perform for about 25 cm long.

Manufacturing handles for manual tornado cultivator

Now you can enjoy the most interesting and bend the teeth in the shape of a corkscrew. To do this, we use the usual hammer, from the blows of which metal teeth will be curved in any direction. It is necessary to check the result with a photo of the original model of such a cultivator and diligently repeat all the bends of the teeth on it

Bicycle Cultivator Option

Another manual cultivator offered to your attention has a more complex device and can even be said that it is partly mechanized. To manufacture it will be needed by frame and wheel from any old bike.

Cultivator manual from bicycle parts

To the bike frame, the cultivator head is found, which can be the finished head from a cultivator or made by the design of the pointed steel rods. In the presence of a cultivator as the head, you can apply a small plow.

A comfortable handle for reliable cultivator control is made of segments of steel pipes or aluminum. For cross, take a small cut pipe with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. The assembly of all parts of the cultivator is made between themselves with bolts, nuts on which are tightened as much as possible so that the whole design is tight.

Scheme Constructive cultivator manual from bicycle parts

The wheel of the middle diameter is attached to the frame on the bolts of special rods with lamb or conventional lock nuts.
This homemade cultivator can easily destroy weeds by saving space between the rows of plants.

How to make a handmade cultivator

The main part of this model of the homemade cultivator is five steel pancakes that are on the axis and can be turned on it. Three wheels made of five-holder sharp M-shaped teeth, which are working bodies for soil looser. At the end of the axis, the axes are installed with bearings to which steel staples connecting on a wooden handle are attached.

Scheme of gear plowing:

  • 1 - pancakes,
  • 2 - M-shaped teeth,
  • 3 - axis, 4 - pin,
  • 5 - steel bracket,
  • 6 - Handle

Disc-pancakes and axes are either pulled independently. Or an order is made on their manufacture on the lathe. In the outer surfaces and in the lateral edges of the three disks, five holes are drilled by fastening the teeth from the steel bar with a diameter of 10mm.

Discs with teeth are put on the axis, then install the troughs with bearings and washers.
Katya in the soil, the discs of the cultivator with teeth are in the ground and loosen its top layer. Sharp teeth cut the roots of weeds, crushed the soil and contribute to her aerations.

Disk rotary cultivator

A homemade rotary cultivator can be harvested, breaking large pieces of land and spark the surface of the site. The diagram of this model is shown below in the figure and is called a disk cultivator.

Homemade disk cultivator:

  • 1 disk,
  • 2 - axis.
  • 3 - sleeve,
  • 4 - big bracket,
  • 5 - Small bracket,
  • 6 - rod,
  • 7 - Pipe,
  • 8 - handle

The working body of the disk cultivator is hemispherical convex discs welded to the bushings. Two hemispheric disks are put on two axes, the ends of which are fixed in globes.
Pipe 7 with a transverse crossbar, into which the handles 8 goes through a special ledge, welded to a large bracket 4. To the small bracket 5, the end of the rod with a length of 250mm and a diameter of 24x2mm with a deaf threaded hole in which the rod is screwed with a diameter of 16mm, the top end of which is screwed down. With lamb) protrudes over the transverse crossbar.
Steel discs are 1 delivering to a hemispherical shape, but to make them with such a form from ordinary steel plates with a thickness of 4mm not easy. It is necessary to strongly hit, "knock out" bowls from blanks.

The lambs on the end of the rod allow you to adjust the angular position of the hemispherical disks. When rotating the bars clockwise, the rod and rod move up, raising up the small bracket and the inner ends of the axes, as a result of which the angular position of the disks will change.

Handmade cultivator video selection

There are still many ways to make cultivators for loosening the Earth with their own hands, for example, the design of homemade cultivators from chainsaws are known.

It is only necessary to understand a little in the details of the machines and in electrical engineering, as well as a bit of imagination. Here is an interesting video, which shows how to make an electric cultivator with your own hands from the cycle frame, chains and asterisks, as well as the engine washing machine.

Related records:

    How to choose a cultivator for giving? Electric or gasoline?

    What should a cultivator for giving, and what to pay attention

    How to make a homemade electric cultivator, photo, video

    What is the mounted equipment for motor-cultivators

In the second issue of the magazine "Model-designer" for 1971, a description of the motorcycling proposed by an engineer V. Putov was published. Our readers have improved this motorcoat, made it more convenient in their work. Compare the design described in the "constructor model", with the one we give today, and try to find your own option. Perhaps your motorcoat will get even easier and more convenient?

Before you Motoroplug. It is very convenient in work. With its help on a school area with an area of \u200b\u200balmost 3 hectares, the guys conducted snowdown, then spring cultivation, plowing a variety, harrowing, dipping, loosening. That's how much this little motor bottle can do!

Pick a strong frame from the old bike (better from Moscow), the steering wheel of any design, the bicycle engine of type D-4, two leading stars from adult bikes and one led from the children's tricycle.

Frames do not need to change. The steering wheel is attached to the steel plate. It is necessary to increase the middle tube, inserting a suitable diameter tube into the seat hole.

The intermediate gear knot placed in the frame carriage. The axis for it will be out of steel on the shape of the axis of the carriage, but only with the elongated ends, on which you cut the thread of the Foreign Ministry.

Leading wheel Take from the old header-mower. Attach the spikes-soil and an asterisk to it. The axis of the drive wheel is 300 mm long out of steel. At the ends of the axis speaking to the sides, screw the cargo-counterweight for better clutch of the wheel with the soil.

In the motor you need to remake the clutch node. Remove the clutch box cover, then the lead gear, screw the transition tube with a thread, drill a hole in the lid to the axis diameter and arrive at the place. The clutch control lever is attached to the lid. Pusher output again - longer. Where the clutch lever used to be attached before, install the sleeve - the cable holder.

Motor arrive to the frame with reinforced homutics. To increase its power, remove the muffler. The first chain tension is regulated by the position of the motor. The tension is the second - the position of the wheel.

Spikes-soils, plow,

occupic and cultivators are made of 3-millimeter iron. The gasoline tank is attached to the upper frame of the frame. Under it you can install a tank for fertilizers, the tube from which descends under the plow or cultivator.

and. noslov


I - Finger Clutch Lever, 2 - Chain Presenter, 3 - Clutch Box Cover, 4 - Clutch Lever, 5 - Engine Spare Archor, 6 - Clutch Cable, 7 - Engine Valler Extension, 8 - Drive Motor Valley, 9 - Box Cover Clutch, 10 - Engine Case.

Summer is about to come, and most of our free time will be occupied by garden troubles. Surely the main of them consist in growing potatoes. After all, it was this culture that was hardly the main on our gods and tables. And therefore, you know how hardly dipping the rows of potatoes manually. There are a lot of devices designed to facilitate this work, and one of them is a skipper. It can be done independently from the old bike.

How is the rank used

Those who enjoy potatoes with their hands, know what pains in the back, shoulders and arms speak long standing in the bent position. Even if you use a relatively comfortable plane with a long handle, it is unlikely to save from discomfort. Therefore, it is very important to minimize the slopes with a long holding of such poses during the plunger. Whatever told about the need for exercise, but gymnastic exercises and work in the garden are very different things. Just a fire due to its height will help you spend work, without bending your back. There are many ways to make this device from the primary means (not to mention the ready-made factory model), but it would be nice to reduce costs and labor costs to a minimum. An old bike, no longer suitable for direct duties, is suitable for this, as it is impossible. He has an ideal height, a suitable form, the steering wheel at the right level, and it weighs a little.

Old broken bike is very easy to remake to a useful fitting for garden work.

Let's look at what principle a manual occupier works.

The main part of the device is a plow, which can be a conical shape or in the form of an arrow tip. It was he who plows the earth, deepening in her by 10-15 cm. The plow blades must be located at a certain angle, so that when promoting the soil in a heaters on the desired width and pour the potato row raised soil. The width of this part depends on the width of the series.

Plow suitable form - the main component of the rank

The plow is fixed on the cycling frame with the wheel. Through the steering wheel, you control the unit. And the promotion of the device in the garden is ensured by the wheel in front of the frame.

That is, simple words, the algorithm of actions when working with the occupier looks like this:

Deepen a plow to the ground;

Move it forward with the wheel;

Send the unit forward and, if necessary on the side of the steering wheel.

The dipping will be much easier with such a simple and convenient device.

Potatoes will be boiled faster, and most importantly - it is easier than if you did it with a sap, treating each bush.

Note! This method of dipping with the help of the device under consideration is equally well suitable for the beds planted both ridges and in a row way.

Production of a bike

If you have long been friendly with the tool and wear a proud title "On All Master's Hands", then you will collect such a device for you no more than entertainment for a couple of hours. But the rank from the old bicycle is so simple that even a newcomer will not work to do it.

What will need materials and tools

Everything you need is probably in your garage. As a last resort, any component is easy to get anywhere - familiar, neighbors, in the store or on the trash.

1. The cultivator part, that is, the very plow that plows the soil. If you are dealing with welding, you can cook it, placing the blades at a suitable angle. In the matter, it is easier to use the finished section of the cultivator from the tractor.

2. Old frame from the bike. Well, if she has a wheel and steering wheel. Well, or you will need to find them separately and connect all these details.

Cycling frame will become the case of the future occupy

1. Rubber from the wheel must be removed so that the rim remained naked. The metal is well cut into the ground, providing better stability, and it will be easier for you to control the device.

2. To work, you will need cycling and wrench.

Step-by-step process description

The manufacture of the occupier consists of several stages.

Note! Remember the safety technique during operation. If necessary, wear gloves or mittens, protect your eyes with glasses, and the respiratory tract is a respirator.

Preparatory stage

First you need to prepare a bike frame to further actions. Remove the steering wheel, saddle, rear wheel and pedals. Front wheel free from the tire and camera so that only the rim remains.

Disassemble the bike, removing all the extra details

Prepare the Plow (Cultivator) section to the attachment to the place where the rear wheel was. To do this, make the fastening to the section.

Stage manufacturing aggregate

Cut the mount for the rear wheel so that only the triangle frame remains. The section of the tractor cultivator is screwed into the cropped place, which is addicted to the site on which pedals were mounted. Tighten the nuts suitable with a span key diameter. Two such keys may be needed: one - to hold the bolt, the other is to spin the nut.

Use both cycling and wrench to be more convenient to delay the nuts.

Adjust the deposancy of the plow section so that during the dipping it is convenient for you to go at some distance from the aggregate. Instead of the saddle, set the steering wheel and tighten the connection location with a bicycle key. Adjust the height of the steering wheel under your height.

It will also be necessary to tighten the front fork as possible, and it is better to brew it tightly so that it does not turn during the injection process.

If you do not have a ready-made cultivator section, you can cook it yourself or order a welder specialist. At the same time you need to adhere to the rules:

The width of the occupier should be 2/3 of the width of the row;

The angle between the welded blades should be about 80-90 ° to make the item well grab the ground.

Remember the safety technique during welding! In violation, you can get mechanical injuries, thermal burns from drops of molten metal and slag or electric shield.

You can make it easier to easily work with a skipper if you work in a pair. Put on the front of the belt aggregate, for which the first participant will pull while the second manages the device. Also to the bottom of the occupus, you can attach the load so that the plow crashed into the soil.

How else can you use a bike for the manufacture of the rank

The method discussed above is not the only one. You can make a snake from the front bike wheel with a fork. You will need two more pieces of metal pipes, cooked under a stupid angle. A bicycle steering wheel is attached to the long tube from above. It is also better to privar for reliability. At the junction of two pipes, the cultivator joins below.

Make a skipper from the front wheel of the bike is even easier

You can also make a sake of a three-wheeled bike for children. For this, the seat is removed and the front wheel is unscrewed. But for this option, a ready-made cultivator from the tractor is not suitable. It will be better if you breed the blade at a certain angle from the inside of the frame next to the wheels. This design is provided for movement not by a broadcast, but for a row.

As you can see, garden concerns can be significantly reduced, and the skipper, which will become your assistant, you can easily make yourself. In addition, you also attach old, already unsuitable things by making them a useful device. And if you have time to make the appropriate replacement nozzles, then the occupier can be used as a cultivator, or pour and loosen the beds. Good luck!

Earth processing requires a lot of physical effort. It is especially difficult to work with robbles and shovels when you have to handle a large plot of land. Created cultivators created by their own hands greatly facilitate human labor. The technique replaces many devices and is suitable for treating the garden, vineyard and garden plot.

Types and principles of cultivators

The principle of the cultivator is simple: an element that bursts the land, begins to work after the mechanical part of the device is started. Depending on the external size, engine capacity and performance, cultivators are divided into three types: light, middle and heavy equipment.

  • Little technique is used in small areas with soft soil (flower beds, greenhouses).
  • Middle severity is used on clay soils.
  • Heavy technique refers to universal equipment. It can be used for any soil.

Cultivators are different types: disk, rotary, paw and milling. For functioning, they can be: manual, with electric drive and gasoline operating on gasoline, as well as trailed, mounted, handle one or more rows.

When processing the land plot, each chooses the desired model. Manual cultivators are good in that they can be made independently with minimal cash costs..

Advantages and disadvantages

Each cultivator, regardless of whether it is manual or electric, has its pros and cons.

  • Handmade cultivator. Easy to use and much more convenient to the shovel, compact. Does not load lower back. Well frills the soil, does not disappear roots throughout the site. But this technique will not cope with nonpaucery earth, as it has low performance. It is better to use it in small areas, such as flower beds or greenhouses.
  • Electric cultivator. Easy and compact technique operating from the network. Easy to maintain. The disadvantage of technology is an electric cord. It can interfere with during operation, and due to its length, limitations appear in the area being processed. Has low power and small depth of soil processing. Not intended for hinged equipment.
  • Petrol cultivator. Thanks to the attachment, it has many functions. It does not connect to electricity, so it can move throughout the site. Suitable for handling small territories. Weighs much more electrical equipment. It is hard to care for it, and fuel is required for refueling.

Varieties of cultivators


Tornado is the simplest version of the cultivator that can be made with your own hands.. Externally, it looks like a corkscrew, which is fixed on the vertical tripod. From above, the design is equipped with a horizontal handle. For its manufacture, use simple forks and a nozzle for a cutlery. Nozzle can be bought in a shopping store. It has a shape of a handle and is used to work with forks and shovels.

Cultivator of bike

The design of this hand cultivator is more complicated. It is made of bicycle parts: frames and wheels.

The cultivator is designed to remove weeds. Good handles aisle.

Disk rotary equipment

The disc rotary cultivator is designed for harrowing, and leveling the surface of the Earth. They are well broken by large soil pieces. Assembling equipment:

The angle of installation of the disks can be adjusted using a lamb nut, which is installed on the crossbar. Turning the nut, the rod will rise up and a large bracket will be downloaded by changing the direction of the disks.

Cultivator from meat grinder

In addition to the manufacture of manual devices, you can collect an independently electrical model. The design of the cultivator assembled from the meat grinder is very simple.

  • For the manufacture of handles to the gearbox, two corners are screwed down, and two pipes weld to them.
  • For the convenience, the ends of the pipes are bent, and between them weld the suitable cut of the pipe, which will create an additional strength handle.
  • The axis for wheels welded to the corners. The wheel size is selected medium.
  • The nozzle from the meat grinder is beaten by a sledgehammer until the sleeve becomes cast iron.
  • From the simple scrap, the shaft is pulled out and install it in the nozzle. This is welded screw-soilsaper.
  • To make the cultivator, it is convenient to turn on and off, the engine switch is installed on the handle.

If it is necessary to make neat loosening of the Earth, the cultivator moves slowly. Rough plowing is obtained with a rapid movement of technology, while the earth is puzzled by large whips.

From chainsaws

The design of the design is the engine from chainsaws. Additional details that need to be purchased: metal corner, tube and fuel tank, wheels, moped sprocket and star with 41 teeth.

  • From metal corners, we make a frame with a size of 32 × 32 cm. On the form of the frame should resemble a cube. The engine is installed on transverse corners, and the fuel tank is at the bottom of the brackets. The intermediate shaft is mounted on vertical angular racks. Bearings are attached to the longitudinal corners. They are designed for the heading shaft. Motoblock with center of gravity on the wheel is ready.
  • From the pipe with a diameter of about 30 mm, handles are made.

The asterisks for the intermediate and undercarriage shaft, as well as the remaining parts are collected in a single mechanism. Garden cultivator is ready.

How to make a handmade cultivator for processing

To handle narrow places between the rows, first of all the cultivator must be compact. For such work, a manual device called "Hedgehog" is well suitable. Having all the necessary details, it is easy to make it yourself. To assemble the "hedgehog" you will need: bracket of P-form with holes, shaft, stalks and wheels with spikes from metal.

  • So that the motoblock is easily moved along the site, you need good wheels. For this take steel pancakes of medium size and welded metal spikes. The spikes make it easy, you need to sharpen the reinforcement in the form of a cone.
  • Finished cutters are put on the axis.
  • The axis is inserted into the bracket and fix on both sides.
  • To the end of the brackets weld the fastening and insert the cuttings.

The technique is collected and ready for cultivation and weeding between rows.

From Trimmer

Treat quickly and easily small territory will help the cultivator from the trimmer will help with his own hands. It is possible to collect it from the girlfriend: working gasoline trimmer, grinder or welding, garden fork, steel tubes.

  • For the manufacture of cutters use the tooths from the forms that are flexing in the desired shape. Typically, the soil is loosened to a depth of 10 to 15 cm, so the length of the teeth should be no more than 15 cm.
  • Next, we make the work part. Teeth of the forks are flattened to a width of about 1 cm.
  • The cutters are sharpened by the emery and fix on the Round Pyatak.
  • Pyatint with a diameter of 10 cm should be perfectly smooth shape. The cutters in the number of three pieces are uniformly on the patch. If you put more than three pieces, the device will be strongly overloaded.
  • The final part is the compound of the base with cutters and trimmer. Well, if the tip of the shaft has a thread. Then the trimmer is simply screwed to it.

The technique is designed for soil loosening at a small depth.